The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, November 06, 1879, Image 2

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77 riiURSOAT.
- The publ&here af WgwNdaTii
'wlt ara bappy to aooou nee' that, on b,87fl,-ibs
first chapter af Un, A. 8. Dunlway'a
ntw aerial. MM,ra.Hardlne'e Will." will
appear la Ibis Journal. HeretofoffTttfe
author bw M forced la wrtto ber
OOtlBIMd Btorlaa frUBB Week U Wk,
, . while traveling fremalaoe to place oolng
tbe flld worhs ry te properly
keea a reform touraal before tbe people;
jjxM i. I.
log for aeveral mootue, pa, uuawweet
i7 Barrstive, a good porlioa oj which la fla-
lut.TI WMIMM a MT IS im eoeeiraction
--aok'acwa la ber prevlou euocceaful af-
' ''torta.' we refer car reader to lb no-
,ppuaViaul Innur pd0f, oq inane
, . for aa euCllDS af tbe ueryiv .Near la
sxseUsat time to eeud In Booty and
' ' ' samee, to vold the trouble of ordering
'9 beck Bamberg '
7; ,;, EK?EllI0i: UZT-SQ0I2. ;
Iomveralof ibfcseUraBtaio;fftrta
are beiag aaede to eaoourage temper
aace by tbs lalBoduetlou la the bile
aebocd of text-booka which will towb
ibo wbeleeocn principles (or which tbe
aoble advocates of tbo causa have ao
. . , long and earnestly labors. Realising
. a thai ibo oadoavof which have booa
L-put forth a tbo pact bar oot beea pro-
.i, dactlve of result oommoaeurate with
I,. !. tbo ofloru aaede, tbo advocate of ibo
-refers are andea raring to put la prae-
tie tbo adaga tbat "as annas af pro-
. ., veaU vs la bailor tbaa a soaad af euro.'
: Tbo CDOTora la tbo. Dew at to of work
ra. prtaelpaJly om- fraqaMtly
, , aioaabarf of VTomoa'a ChrUUaa A
olatloD. Efory oao wbo vlaboa to pro-
: vaottba apraad of louaiporaooo naat
', - applaud tbam for bavlog dovlaad tbla
. - aaoaoa af raaablag ladlraetly what eao-
4 aoi at praoaaii ba.ailaotaalljr foagbt oo
- . Wo booor tbo,, ,aanatoa of ibo, i
. dlaa, aud roeogoiso tbat aoaaldarabla
' good ata faaalt; baino auch affaota
will ba raacbod aa tbcy abtlolpata.- Tbo
jtlaa, bowTrt vlllbo aaora aaoeoaaful
tbaa tbat of tbo araaadra of a few yaara
alooo. Tba aan are - ommeoo-
v- log at tba beat poaaibJo plaoe ao long aa
, ,tbyare without, political power bat,
while tb aUuosa floarlaboaall aldea,
. atapj a ablld loatruoUd lo prlaolplea af
total abailpoaoa wl gradually bo drawn
r.. lata tba wortef of laiaajporaaoo. Tboro
'-, ,t Ja but opa way to prevent "drinking,"
. ,, and, thai la to plaoe liquor under euob
', r Utotlona thai It eannot pooalbly be
, 'obtained.., Of aooree, tbla la Impoaalbla,
but aa "apfJroilmate . rceult aa be
' i ,. reaebed. prohibitory lava aa roetrlet
- - Ita ae ee tbat draakeaaoaa will be rare.
Mee oanaot bo rolled, apoa to plaoe tbe
7 fieeewry bad apoa lu aaaoufaoturo aad
aalai WoeaoaaJoooaao do It, aod It will
laiie done unUI tbey are reeled with
. I'," full pyllUeaJ power.
,.i t, Itladlffloolttoareato auebanabbor-
renajf liquor tbat U will oot be aaed.
...eocnlaant, ot iha" faoulu. whlah . Will
1, auraiy follow tba epnUnaed Isdulgoca
l.lB.nlffflT-llrf -trp n
nr- eari0 anqjra )u nere ieaa iooe-liPi-ae)ribabla
attribnu or quality U man
which allow aad rather leada tbent.V
" tamper with dangarou artielea. - Jt&tj
, 'aaaa wbo drlnka Intoxicating beverage
doeaao with a full baow ledge of bfaol
VI,,'- tbat ba a polUog la bla maolb, aeaiar
j wiWnf aaetaat AwaAJbloa,,,y
i , aaaa wUlibaa knowingly do vloleoo to
thomaalvM aad to bumaalty, argumoQla
, :,io4 prayer la favor of tamperano
u, n avail aothlng.- Proper ilaatractloa la
'.r: abUdbood, uob aa caeutloeed a tbe
. ., eo m me nee meat o( f be atlcle, will re.
.;, .,, atrala tba few from falling by tba way
, .elde; but the auprama IndlOeranoeof a
. aoany iWlll aauae tbam, wbaa approach
lng manhood' yaara, to gradually work
. ',. lata tba rat af dlerHpaUoa, If, however,
womea had the. ballot, aad, la addition
( ,: to loouleatlng..irBoi prlaolplea 1 1
t ablldhanaVawaail put tba datrayav. bat
manhocdrttj) ,arlmo af jdrankaaaee
.-avaajd, aa-reduoad ia tba mini nana,, ,
ia,,?ba. eaa-aaabneaawltb; aj,hlah womea
MT'4raa.adaAdadveealad ta am
, .,,ptranoad other rafcyma, I eonaloalv
. ,( avldeaea that, wbaa eafraacbleed, bay
will aaa tbelr bailota to pramott the
. welfare of tba people. JCIa.Ula. aad
; j DoaaenalcaJ to assert thai womoa, after
-y-mfter bating axhlblltfd aueh airoagth of
wliiJKrdabaraeUrjlaitbo. proaaeatwa pj
- u tba araapafsaasiaiarlr, will be eaaUy
i,tAaejeed.! JLn faoW aboiu.hava abowa
,.TdlapnaJilaa eaUia4,by tbotr eonvlotlooa
V.moaUiJnot!, to 'tubjamaaaai
htrMUb abia,erdU la aa wonder tbat
. ebn(iWB4 jUbaaMwrTeoflti u
Is-i.aWTaataV'llkitraBglhadAlJy.od, thai
U charily , jteexawraaaa ,iand fraado m , at
T ii voaae4 JprUl aompaalea ,
a JWrniag .uabaj i tOBpeaeoM a of woawao'a
aqaallijrvJM wbJ'4at7,aaiara anqt
wsaaoailrtlvyaoM moat bitter. Thai
fear worst .r'm-nre balfotf af
and tooaeqaeulty make, th greateat ary
4i 1 Wbaa Udoaa aoaa e a vote, aJUiaagh
.' Baa fer aba wlkkyiram. thWrrtwiU
flntf bit'lh -wowed- bajva1 fu' af
tbelr owa aad Wl tola lnal uiivyi
Uoaa.. If the
. - weani aoatrai too aataa of-woaaia. tbey
ltd eoatrel tba awiaa of
'J'wu;Tffhl!Taw'mW;,epcalUow la
, V'A,M,.ADf to .Beveoaaat
wUl ot aoeomaJUb what ta baped for
v n.'yvt wwar glad tbat It to attempted.
' t will coattooa tba few advocates af
.1- vfOjperaBoo, whBrpeee, Womaa .Baf.1
frag that thaiaaOTta UaaaabaUtbt
' evil will aewrfco crowned with auocvta
1 w--'m
v i
'J U y Voaiin fbbed wUjlaaant lata, tba baada c ha, wba at-'
,.i!oaJ powerv ' '.ii.ilaJ.WMlt JWf.n),,, ...u..,
CAn irroaP TO must.-
Tltt Nit York- Graphic reeeotly
treated Ita readers to a breety little anl
cleJa regnrd to tbe Incapacity of wires,
and bewailed tbe afJeged ncttbat many
good mea are Baying, "Caa't afford to
marry V ..It give a tbe reeeoa fur this
tba"expenaeof auppnjrting a wife. It
Inquires la Alarm If wlvee cannot "be
made aelf-aupporttngrwr"
panty an."
We positively answer tbat wlvee cannot
only be made "eel f-eupportlug, or partly
so," but bat tbey do tbelr chare la tbe
marriage oo partnership lo a majority f
eases mora faithfully than men. Tbe
Orapktf writer mast remember that tba
affected women wbo are blr aaaoelaiva
a Xew York form a remarkably aaaall
pereeataga of the ladle of iba aounuy,
i U asks In agoelaed Imn 1 there leo't
L.,,,. Vroog I. making -ibrU
May dependent oa a nan'e ability1 bo
pay all bla wlie'a 'apeniaa,'l M awab
were tbe eaae, tba aiaraa would areaee
aaaa to throw off tbo yoke of iyraady
wbleh tba women bavo laid on tbotr
poor Doeka. But apmchow naott aaaa
are poeaaeaad of enough falrooaa to know
that. If their wlvee perforni the dutlea
of bouaekeeplng, tbey eannot well bo
expected to follow other avoeatleoe.
Moat woman tblnk tbat houeework la
todlooa and Qneongenlaf and tbat. If
they perform it faithfully, tbey are
earning their owa aoppori. However,
If aaaa bavo allowed women to put them
noder the yoke of oppreaelon, we doo't
pity them much. With their political
aad financial advantagea, tbey ought to
bo able to keep women from being
pendtbrlfta ; but, attba&rapMeclalme
tbat aaaa furnUb and earn tbo aaeaba
wherewith womea make their dlaplaya,
we eaa't eee tbailt will make maeb
difference whether It la a' botbaod or a
father ibat auppllee tbo land. "Wealthy
falbera have no baelaeee to furnlab tbelr
daoghtera with extravagant amount of
pocket money. Tbe girl, no having
earned It, eaa know noiblng of Ita value,
and of oourae dlaburae It freely. Tbe
parent are more to blame tbaa the
children.' Tba preeent la an opportune
time for tbe oewapapera to barp oa
womaa'a axtravagauoa. Buch subject
go the round Ilka epidemic, and the
topic will be dropped before long.-In
tba meantime, It I well enough toateie
that, although a very email pen a lag
af women are subject to each eritlelame
aa w have botleed, yet moat mea Id
eitle waat more money In Immoral
and. degrading way a than would bo re
quired la keeping wlvee. The truth la
the matter la, that mea la the Empire
and other oltle are hot ao much worried
about euDDortloa- -wlvee aa they are
atop maay vloee Hitat appear-pieaaurea.
Tbe following extract, written la the
dtoal Orapkie atyla, oarrlee Ita own ref
aUtlon, for women know too weir that,
wbllelt may oeeaalonafly bit aome ana,
tbereat mflnrltyean oooaelooily amll
Oar beet men are "i6 marryttig , aeeaaae e
sjaar or oar girts era savlag. "Ton ateat take
at Beuer, tot vmmvs, to aa . W alotli
SM,1e Immss sse, lo warm toe, lo keea-aseelad
la tbs iwhtoa.lo alvs sse a botne proK1iov
U lo mr stle, M ksef tn1B pfn tnear; aaa
I will soaa ma J la WecwUB yua.tma lake
searmoaeiraa! ae aoiUia teeara awrs.aod
to UntMM lr Ihlna gu wroac, taa aid net
tarry belur,aa4 jroa must iard It as a great
atvor oa mr pan." Tkl man wants yea
preuy badlv, but It's oo heavj . ooaUa.
TMaas saaat be artaaasil se tba r" aa aarrj
atora of goar sad at Uts, Imb j, ,
If ma aaa to aaraeet la their deatre to
got bolpmeeta, tbey eaa easily be foil
Tba iroable with tba Knlakarboekera le
thai tbajt Uka to apart tbo floe goods,
but -do not wish .to ataad tba espeoee.
Man af. tba aama ahaua wbn cry oat
against tba Beery af womea would not
marry plaJa, eommoe aoaaegirla, Tbey
damaud of ,wma tbat ibey appear lu
uaelea finery, aad tbaa condemn them
ton It, -
.Tb way Brother Bock, af tba Qrogoa
City Enterpri, arraigned tba Almighty
soma twa weeks age for having made
woaaao, mast baveeetlilm to tbiaklng,
'Alliailow- pated.aanaeleaavVtlotle, brain
less ,fooM,". 'Va vasty oej tba, bwmaa
poo1a,M:r ''utterly wortblaa - umaa
frailty." ale. etc, what could tba
Paity av, beea thlaklag off What
wroth af highly waaught rhetoric baa
on.weaaa brought dowa apoa the
ejeada of all woaaanklad' by fixing an
ermrio tties urotner imcb, ana men
anawerlng with a, moyiWWs iwa
letters la plaoe of three when eoexlngly
asked to iaka aa aqaal abars la life
EnterprU with blm ? -, Hla gwacalt
about tba de lr nf iba pornjlao to know
f'wba ba msaot,M related la bla next
leans, pleaeee blm aad' karma, aad de-
Pal ?narha(etoa In a
ioaal..broUstp m iasblb4tto sf.tush
ghastly relics h aria aawaaaa maeb
too .aafertaaato asaaor iberecaV sad
sbos Wbe dlwirseaiy hid Jen. m
,.i, bbiu iu ",ii;uau a u i'i ;,.
,tiThiftaaatiieonsrprisaof i tbaviSaa
rraaoaaxt CaywaielK .aai abowa Jn tHa
Bta .goaailonr tender Vf tbrat-iras requestaad
Orant, aba alaatrtoilo laf tbo Awtkia'
Osralval ni Boa .Fraaalaaa, aad oume
oaa at he mattave,, piaoea It aa (tha bead
af toaeallasrB the snsi. r ifCbarls
da Yea oaj will aeAlaao-io. fanlah taob
ojoaaaaj It as. tot aa,k.tbti the
Kailoah aaatM Will e cunpaoa, fan tne
Paanaaoa iiaaatialordi it .leas U
aWUty-l Ua baa beea to ih nevraaaper
aaafaaaaanioadhai iastlt-wbai tbo 4deV
iMttaMMaw?iawaww Yorh Jaroiar waa
tonWAUaaita alopa. .: ,
4 i-
ama Wuaved-jaraawrViiacr af Vaablngtoa Territory,
giving wtvoa leaaal rigbaaiaMior ue-
hftada, waa eMaaUad la iba Legislators
aad ft repeal attempted. It yet remalae
I ni act, a moaaasaat to tbo. 1 nielli gene
af the people af Waaalog-
toa Territory.. u i i ' -
Tbe BUto aleoUoas.bald aa Taaaday
araolaiaa: lav steatoriaa dooea thai., the
will not asrraadot tba Oovara-
Tbe Legislative Assembly of Wash
ington Territory, by a vote of 24 to ft,
passed tbe Packard" bill, for tba better
protection and relief of the JnBBe f
the Territory. It waa Introduced by1
W, II. White, who etistflood It, with
great aarneatnesa. ; The Assembly per.
milled Mrs. Packard to make an ergu-
I mcnl In favor of tbobilL Tbla lady.
wb au (Tared Imprlsoameai la eeo of
the insane asyluma of Illinois at tbe
aoonivanoa of bar husband, la antlrlng
In bar efforts to, better ibo eooditloq of
tbe Inmate of tbeae Institutions. If It
bad not beeu" for. tbe censorship axsr-
atssd over her eorreapondenoe by the
HuBorlntehdeot of tbo aevtum. who waa
j-la- league with her basbahd, aba1 aouM
have aommaalaatad' with bar friend
)d beea I el eased ImmedtaUly. ' Aa M
w,-a4evwa' kept fa aohfloement Hi
tbeeeyeara. Having h'aWraottaf knowl
edge af tbe-workloga of Inaane asylums,
and knowing bow power lees inmates
are, ehe baa labored faltbfally to secure
tbe passage of Mil giving lamatee of
of esylwme aa five aae of our postal
ayttem aa persons who- are not under
tbe ban of laaanlty. If aa Inmate of an
asylum le Insane, the letters will chow
It, and no barm eaa be done; If a pereoa
I wrongfully or maliciously Imprisoned,
letters are an'exeellent nJtansofdls
provlng Insanity. '
The Mil Introdnced Into tbe Wash
Ingtoa Territory Loglelature provides
tbat letter-box aball be kept In each
asylum. Into which Inmates personally
drop tbelr letters, and no one bat an
authorised poetoffloe agent can collect
them. Also, all letters to Inmates an net
be delivered without being read by tbe
Superintendent, aofee with 'the per
mission of the writer or'Jhe Inmate,
It alee' provided that a eronera luqueat
abalt ba bald la ease of a eudden death
la aa. aaylam, and that tba restlmooy
of Inmates aball be competent, the
court and Jury to be tbe cole j edges of
tbs credibility -of eoch testimony.
Panaklea are provided fo Infringement
of tbeae provisions," kod th act la to
take effect Immediately upon It ap
proval. '
Lat.( When the bill went to tbe
Council, Mrs. Packard repeated her
argument lo favor Trf the' measure, but
without the effect that It produced Id
tbe Assembly. Although tbo bill paseed,
It waa. only after several Important
ameudmeuta had been made, one nf
wblob allowa the Buperlutendent to ex
amine tba letters Intended for Inmates,
although the latter 'may write what
Tbs - receoi remarkable artlale ' by
Franola Parkmaa la th Sttrth AtneH-
oam-JiftUw-la opposition to Woman
Buff age, wblob we noticed two weekc
iocs, will be productive of much good
ta the aauae, and chow tbe author tbat
he tc a much better aueeeea. In chron-
falling history than la predicting and
helping make It. However, Mr.
map deserves tb tbanka of the advo
cate of the wholesome reform for giv
ing Ibeoa aa opportunity to show Iba
aballowoaea of tbo objection urged by
blm egainet tbo movementr Aa agita
tion, dlscosslon, careful etudy and cal
reflection on tbe aubject are what la
wanted by iboae wbo clamor tor tbe re-
term, Mr. Parkman'a Article, through
tbe criticism It la bringing oat, and tbe
study It will eauee, aUI asTva iaxoatrhpealea 6f Uicec aocJeat foreeU be cannot
leat purpose of eon verting people to toe
movsmeiiV-lnaUad'Vf' taming them
again t IV T1e treeae'tbat tbe artlale
raised, and the. result tbat will follow
are tbue aotlooil hy the San Joae Jlfrvv
IteubtlMa rroffcasa, Park aaa paw wishes
hs had beea more decreet, and let Iba Womaa
Baflrage qseaikm slooa. ' tie la aasweres la
tbe eartlwemlng fNorsaiberl Bomber or the
Worth Amsrlaa'lteylew by Waaiell Pbll-
Itaa, Cblooal HIcIbm, Jnlla Ward Hove,
Cllsabeth Cady ntaaloa, aad Laer atons, ave
of th ablest advoratea T the asovemeat that
eaa be roend larthe world. By the time thev
have Sntthad with hi argameat. there will
aofbe twma MX er It to maka him a rsspeov
ableeplUph. "'
-,, Was. J. Bowditcb, la eommeullag an
Uaaaw allowing woesea' to vote for
members af aohool 1 committees , la
MassaqbuaatjUv clearly reason that. It
being proper or, women to vote at ana
aleotloa. It la right far then vote at all
wtber'thwrf6menT maybe m ro
1 W ooiltoe, ana nader
law can vote far other people to be
members. " Why "ought tbey aot to
have tbe right, 'aleo, to vote oa tbe
question of school appropriation f and.
af aa oaa tew a appreprtatloa, why, aotj
ow aur wny voi, tncn, vote ror on town
oflJet ,'MaebacbuaatU,' thank tfod, fa a
tborefor takaa tba. flrafatep toward
giving Juaims to warn in I , Lot us aever
take ana step backward,' bat rather
press right oo ward, nor Vile k jo i
heart orbop,tlU tb people sbsjf really
Bl I Biiuijiips-mBVm-rf oiJ m
pa iLuoa fat, paupnj ,wpcnnavq, if (iy
beeau BWMtsL-,.iitweaori
eedered thai vierveJtor all eppHeebtoae
for aotttaautlotas or pardaaf 'ntaat ba
In wrUlog,.od tbat notloe of the la
taailoa to prssiat. tbe, same lasi be
as4rabd la an ma awweaapor af general
afrwafbtlda. ;Ta4 flrat Meaday la aaea
month la act apait for 1 earing apptlmv
tloaa.Aiianmmanlsatlona lareereaee
to pardowa mast ba la wriUng, had aa
peraobal aoildUtloa will bo permitted.
These galea deiaot BppJy to eonylota
wba have aarved aai iba greater por
Uowa af ibatfl teraaa, aad a vwmlaseaei af,
fba rsmaJI.DdcrW aome porilod tVereo(
la asked pa acoeast of, j,ood bahavWari
other apeeial eaaea. ' A
H . Ill II L L HI I el , ; j
A' dUnatch from Ksv Weai. Florida.
aa Ua fcb, stated thai t&a tirlilsh brig
Ooergo ibV.t Barry, Captola Uaward,
loaded With- vaarber, from Pen as rata ta
Montevideo, bad arrived, with' the rem;:
la toutfay. 'Tba captala waa badly cat
and Injur!1 Jtflt life waa saved had
tbe mailny qvaad, Jb, MteUiobtfr, ;0J
Paaa KsAMasavTasKsw Woa-rBwawri
Tbe more tbe observing tourist eees of
tbla msgnlDceot "upper Northwest,"
the mors be eees tbat si cites hl adml
railes and aatonlabmeBt Tbat portion
of tbe ountry lying east f lb Caaoada
Mouataloa, aad wltbla the boundaries
of Eastern Oregon alone'. Islargsr than
the annreomalaor ('ranee, Oermaoy
and Hpala aad that dl vlaioaaowa aa
Waeoo county ie larger than England,
Scotland, Ireland aad Welee. Every
where, as In. Eastora Waahlngtaa Ter
ritory, you are astonished, as you pro-
eeed. af Iba jnagnllade and dlveralty of
tbe eeenery, the fertility of the noil, aad
the preeeut aad future praepecta tbat
abeaod apoa every baed. 1 '
Oa the morning af tbe 2Mh alt, after
a comfortable aigbt la Tbe Dalles at tbe
elegant bow Umatilla House, af which
weil giro a foil description when time
and opportunity aball offer, behold the
uoderslgned, seated apoa a back board,
arrayed In every old wrap tbat we bad
been able "to" unearth before leaving
borne, beside ua E. B. Ramaby, tbe gu
tiemanly driver, hofureue a pair of well
kept horses, ao4 babied, on tbe afore
said buck-board, a ducking apron, under
which mall bags, gunny sacks, colic of
rope, aitd our owa ubiquitous traveling
baakat popularly 1c noea a Tb Pit
grim"" ourdoatinaUoo.PrloovHle. Tbo
clear morning air was cold and Inspirit
ing, tba boreee were restless and eager
to ' go, -and tba ladeued buck-board
proved a far more comfortable vehicle
tbaa appearances Indicated. Our road
lad aver tba hills beyond Tbo Dalles,
aad out through upland, plain and gorge
aad as Boa, peat the famous vaaohee of
aeveral woll-knowa faacy atock-ralsere,
and at noon to tbe exeelleut-atoek'and
grain farm of our good frleuda, lite Do-
fur broibera, where a toe dinner, good
Bra and cheerful cbatt prepared aa for
tba afteraoou'a steady ride of thirty
ml lea, through a eoaatant auccssslopof J
abrupt mountains, rolling and rocky
bill, level vale and bllUwy bench
graaa uplaada. Hare and there, through
out tbe day, we paseed excellent farme,
abounding la evidence of constantly
locreaalag prosperity. The Improve
ment aow eel eg made are of a "substan
tial - abareetT,ho w I n g tba t the oceu
paota nave aome lo elay. ' Tbe face of
the country le well calculated to Inspire
tba beholder with tba deepest wonder,
Causes for reflection abound everywhere.
There are losaone of times primordial In
tba testimony of the allent rocks thai
rear their hoary baada la tbe primeval
aalUudea ; lessons that apeak In Irrefuta
ble proof of tbe mighty ago of thl
yodhrearth, whioh fof aaknown eona,
after. He owa begloolog, lay en wrapt In
tba gloomy mystery of preparation for
tba final advent of the he mao race.
Tba bow, (be why," th when and tbe
wherefore of tbla atrange beginning,
wbo ahall solve f . Shall Bulla maa undo
thamyeteryf Tbe Infinite echo of tbe
universe can only answer, No.
Yoodcr, upon either baud, are "lofty
Park-Tslopea7upoo which Innumerable hillocks
diversify the otberwlacavea sbrface." I
Profeaaor Coudoa, no tbe driver telle us,
believce that tbeae formatlona, which
can be aptly compared to tbe blister
raised by beat upon a painted, aurface,
are ladioatiooa of tbe primeval forest
which at ana time clothed three now
denuded alopee with a coat of brlatling
emerald akin to tbat on ibo hilla tbat
border Pitgst Sounds 'Of. tbo JlatZof
eveaeeqjenajrav ...
rpaU iBounalna arc visible all along
our rvnie, the. snowy .peaks ar .Jtooo,
lelen and Adaaia often showing them
es! vee all at ooco, looking like night
domes above the mighty eooliuuoaa
creoceBt af distant, timber-clad leaser
beigbla tbat form tba Cascade range,
. Jt la qut .dark wbaa wa reach, tbe
way etauoo at ma loot or a spur Known
a the "Mutton Mountain," aver which
our road, goes la a winding tangle as
crooked aa raveled crochet loo pa. . Sup
per aad change of boreee, and oa we go,
tb full round picoa following tb re
tired god of day with bar lambent radl -
ance, and rioouiog the rroat-aparkiiag
earth, wlib'tiBnumbered aclatillaUone
that radlato'ajllefrom rockaand Jetf-
lets, aa though, a very point was ablase
with diamond. AH aigbt long w
Journeyed oa and, pa through thantooux
ita I nv gorges, enooaaterinrand emertag
oo broad alluvlalUblelapiJLjftLjaaBy
mile la area, upon wbleh there la aa
human habitation, , Oa tbla one plateau
tbors la ample room for a hundred ,0r
claea farma. ,. Ita apnea ranca , la., lb
moonllaht waa lDdesc.ribsJt.lj beaatifok
BancB-graaa, aa rleb aad nutritious ae
clover, grew a thick as b waoipa ,
welt-fad CoUwold abaapuBlper troae
dot tba laadaoap every where, and toaai
Ilka, ecallertag orchard traaa, Buttberad
la pa visible water npoa tbla, plaln,.aad
aebody baa yt attempted to-disoover It
..ff'ftUat.-: A,1raill,bt waallgrd
Jwrougbl roar (tug Caaeadp range to lrrJ
gato hu anuracnrraaa, ir trrigauaa
were, aaeded j but we., tblnk tfefjnvsU
and . wlad-anllla would aae war every
baLarvpea of, aaaa aad beeai, yegatatloa
evldac4yrneed no waUr save tba aaoaJ
rain and eaowfali. joe. pJeia la aor
roaeded by a wall of rlBa-rock, feranlna;
a aaiuralauter fence fad, la,autofda
lon, next. If not equal, to the valley af
tba KitUlaa to-Waahlagtoa Territory,
tbla spot la I acorn parable aa a site fur a
large Immlgraltea ef aetllera. , . ;
At two a. M. we reaebed tba Warm
Spring, , River, t : tba, Iudlea Beesr-
vaUoa,. which we croeeed, at Brat
aa atogplar aajop, made by aa lntrad- j
fug Ballof pcrpeadleular, poroua rack,
wbleh bv the light of tba moon reeem-
bled medimval caetla, guarded by aa-
dent ct-rsa. , A )HUc further, ao4 aux
forded tba mala atmam. which. Is quite
a aorwldorabla rlvax, wUh xpld ear-.
rent aad a rocky, bed. . Being, chilled
tbroagb. by tbe, aigbt air, we alighted
far, a. IlUle,eede(:exerclssw an4 th
dlvrr, weal ta, with, iba, team, leaving,
aa alone with the river, the aaoouligbt
aad the roc ka. How wa enjoyed the
YV Ur af lto-.tra xaHtods.I
Bot we bad to run to get warm, and,
after a while, wa came to the famous
springs from which the fiver derive ile
name, though "Warm' doesn't express
It, ' They are hot, hotter, hottest, as ay
one would fl-od who would attempt to
bathe la tbam. .The water la aald to ba
bot enough to nook aa rgg la three nalo-
l ao rgg ton
There ie an omiaoue email of sulphur la
the air, and It lakee but little stretch of
fancy to Imagine that tbe genius of the
loferno presidee aver tba plaoe aud
makes hie borne lo the ceaUllated rocks
adjacent Wa cease to wonder at the
anparetHioaa of a crude and selfish plr
ttaai, eniiwbtenment' aar ve gaae and
paedec , .fiat yonder, ahead of aa, In the
gray of tba ancettala light, la the ae
Uaat driver tod the waiting team, "aad
we must not Impose apoa tbo good aai'
tare of tbe former by detaining him
longer. In a little while we oveiuhe
blm, aad tbea harry an. How we wish
we might view tbe enchanting scene by
dsyllgbtl - ' " !'. j'Uv-,
Jr'our a. at., and the Werm'RprJuga
Aa:aaaypeae upon our lo'oging eight.
This Is lbs boms of Captala John Smith,
wbo baa proved tbat aae man, at least,
can be aa Indian Agent and ba honest,
whatever may be aald ofolbere. "
AH were asleep at tbe elaliop, and we
were baif froBcn. Burtha driver struck
a light, built a Bra, and went oot to at
tend to tbe tired loam, while we dis
posed of our chilled and weary body
upon a loonge before tba cheery blaae,
and fell at once into a dreamleea sleep,
from which wo were awakened two
boura later by a summons to breakfaatJ
M acb to out surprise aad gratification
wa bare met Mr. C It Walker, wbo for
tba past two yaara bad beea gone from
the gase .af. the Willamette folk, and
who la aow a general teacher and uni
versal factotum among the Indiana.
Mr. John Smith, graodeoa of tbe Bupar
iatendent, keeps the etage atatlooT'eod
la aa good a ooek as say womaa an
other proof that "sphere" Ja a matter of
education and clreumataucee.
r Seven A. K., and off agalo, tbla ti
with a hot rock In a bog at oar feat; and
a sew aapply of blaabeta. Our stay
waa eo abort at tba Agency tbat we
were obliged to postpone further Invest!
gallaua till tba retern trip, wbaa we
hope to have a aeaaon of daylight for
obeervatlooa. : A eleedy ride darlog tbe
long forenoon, through a country af
which we ahall apeak more particularly
la. our next, aud at twelve o'clock -we
reaebed" the Baldwin ranch, an alluvial
valley farm, wall clocked and Well lot
proved, where, upon entering tbo bouse,
to meet our bright young friend, Una
Beam that waa, aow Mrs. Van Houten,
who presides over the deal! n lee of tbla
well-kept heme with a grace and dig
nity that ta only enhanced, In our Judg
ment, at least, by tba fact that as a pro
feasor of penmanship ehe baa few aupe-
Dr. and Mra, Bald wlil, who have lived
brTor eeveral yaara, and awa an ex
tenslvs herd of cheep, dealga Boon to re
tire frtfoa business, and leave the entire
possession lo charge of Mr. aud Mra.
Van Houten, tbue placing them on lb
blgt road to fortune-! "
Thirty miles further, anf Prinavlll.
LThie Jotter is already, toa long for further
particular of our Journey through . the
country. Next week'e description Will
do aa well Suffice U lo say that Prioo-
villa la a pretty and proaperoua IlUlaf
towa on tbe bank , of the Ocbooo River,
where we have found refuge In a flrai
clam pionoer hotel, (tept by our A,lbaay
frlenda, Oliver Jack so n aifd wife, wbom
we are pleased to aaa" ao prosrouk and
bappy. 'Here aleo are our frlenda, tbe
Summervlllea, Breymaos, Culver,, and
many others of wbom we have not time
to make mention, aa this must go In tbe
mall at once.' To-nlgbt our lectures are
to begin, and to-morrow we ahall have
time to look about ua. : , A. 8. D.
' Prlnevllle, November 11879.
Q ad n't Ladt, Booh lot November
,,'f"u Mereet f. th home circle,
where It la aa ever welcome goeai. Tbe
ate plato 4e ana af Darley'e best eoeaea,
"Shooting for tba Thankeglwlag Tur
key." Ladiss must feel satisfied with
be great variety of faahlop matter from
which to select toilets for the Autumn,
for there- arr-patterna girso'for pvery
garmeot Jhe, wardroJUevW a
iaJ v of last. .Tb "GUI la theBoew-
bud Oardso" are taken awajr from tk.
pretty bom femllUrto Jb rtadere tJ
thjs.cbarmlog aerial arjj Ah.e'aulbor frl
vltss thent to frofiba, oco to meft
emc of ber!hero4oav,l7,herJaehar
Ing ,tbaokglvlDg 8tory,"JijUe Sid
IUdlpg-Hood,'; and ' ia-moet Tgqnl(ts
poem, 'The tegeru, pf , the U ly,V, wlib
other stories aad .poems of gxeni merlT.
a tba work departmsot, tos.pagea de
voted to, ttle people, 'iba queakeeplng
column, tne arcbiteolurai Dictura.. tb
oma iMlorpme-rlndeedopevery page
Obis aver popular flaagailna WiU be
found, the most, Mtraalive-readlag and
useful blaUv,.San4.twaa,tx seaM ka tb
ppjdiahera .a.tay-fj jjuly'jjook.
rniiadaiptMa, ya.for.p eempi aopy,
.!. ' 111 - n ti i' . a nil
i Tba.togM aoadiMeav of women wba
have tb -aalafdrtaaafi to have Jeaetlc
bsbaoda,baa. been illuat rated by cue
or. two easea which, bavc lately beea
reported la lb Joodoa riasc.-A fa1
moolba aluaa, there waa a Uial ia wblah
tbe, validity af iba will ar Mrs. Clsgett,
a married lady, waa aaeeesafoily-dla-pwted,
oa tba ground thl bar asbead
waa a lanaila, aad tberefora oouldiaot
give blaeoaeept to hi sraV aaaklag a
111 ai aJL,. Tba, Mpreeeatotlvee af, tea
haabaod rurtbar aJeaded thai avaa f be
Wee of, ud aaipd aad aapable -af air.
knea valid aoaaaat pi tb tlaa bia wife
made bag will. I bat be bad alac aeaeme
iatbwalla apd toaapabie of eoatlaalag
hi.oaanU - Tbf -will, wbiaa from
what apsiaaradai tha time waa a rear
aoaabl a,nd prapar.aoa la regard to bag
ralallona,- waa ao those grounds adjudged
to be vqld, aad the perapaa to ba bfa-
m.iWW,. !, ,f i tBta m buaaAd. I.iadj, ,:, 0 . , j:
Abbott, the author, la deed.
New Jerasy'B Leglslatur'e la BepublU
eaa In both bruaobee -
, Mary lan went Democrat nji"
major)yo Tuesday, -
Nebraska was carried largely by tbe
Beaubltcana last Taeedsy.
-x. v.. .i.ii-iiihumU
- u.hout Iowa. .
A woman In Marylan.1 a few darsag
killed her husband and then herself.
Illinois shows large Republican gains.
Chicago Blooe giving a.OUO majority.
The Kepubllcaneeeu'leu reansyivania
oa Tuesday by a tremendous majority.
Connect tear waa erried by the tto-
fiublicaiia ou Tucada by a heavy ma-
Rev. A. T. Btarkey has been eitoeea
Epleoopal Bishop of the Northern New
Jersey District. . . . o .
Aa explosion of are damp, la a anaj
Ins at Mill creek, feua., oa me xi,
killed five minora. - kl , , ... 1
General Great arrived at Oalena
yesterday, and waa welcomed In a moat
eutnueiaaiic manner. . , ,
A email veto Waa east In Mississippi
on Tuesday. Tbe Democrats carry tbe
Bute. . i aaoo waa lsmoo ratio.
Prealdent Uayaa atrongly aondemna
the attempt now being caada by Vir
ginia lo repudiate the Htale drbL
Business baa revived at Memphis, tba
rdtveteianc arreelor that reorui eoia
Hslwd swept away all germs of disease,
TeeTormaaai empnia oa.tne au, ana
fully bOO Ulegrama were cent by physi
cian," edvUiug Ibat ( all, could safely
return. . ,,,,,
Klv counterfeiters," wbo had been
aantotteed to llio Albany. N. Y.. petit
tentlary, escaped at New York ou the
2d tueunt. ;
Freeman, tbe Advenliet of Messerbu
setta wbo murdered hie child, baa beau
Indicted by Ihe Grand Jury of Barn
atable eouwty. -
J. M. Cavaoaurb. flrat member of
Couareae from Miuueeota after Ita ad
miasloa to tbe L'uloo, died at Leadvllla,
Col., laat wee.
. A man and bla .wife-, named Gravea,
dverc burned to death In Han Kranclsoo
oo tbo Sd, not beiug able te eetape from
a burolng boose.
Tbe Republicans have carried M
cmisoiu. LMMig neaia ttutier u,uw to
20.(KH) votea. though the latter carried
Boaton by n large majority.
- TbeTNeveda Bauk of "California baa
reduced llaeapttal slock from $10,000,000
lo e-l.uuu uua to escape uxatioa ansa
the Now CousUtulioa goes Into effect.
TJacobaon;a Bailor,' whaiurdered
Brooke, mate of the Sea King, at aaa,
lias been eeutenced at Philadelphia to
be hanged Co tbe 4th of January neat.
The Work Inr men' candidates of Ban
FranctaCo- wbo requested reeouota of
aleotioo returns, have grown weary of
paying tba coals, pud the recount baa
been etepped.
A true bill nf aasault with lulent to
ra enter baa beea found bv tbe Grand
Jura aaalastitlharlea, da' Vwawav
Sou Franoieeo C'Artmtcfe, aaaed-oa bla
assault upon ttallocQ, . , ,
i Tba IndloatJona are that tbe reputlln-
ui hi, ni,w ucui I u iriiui, wv.w
defeated oo Tuesday, though the Whiff.'
organ or.ttae "reailiueUra," alalmutbat
I tbe debt-payerc were beaten, j t.
uunwu . oiootea uorimw oi .iiv
York. Kelly received teee votee lo New
York City tbaa Itobioaon. The other
rtlale officers are lemncrala ' Tbe lte-
pubileaue aacured 'iA of Si Senators.
The laat daya of Oolobor witnessed
tu severest gala ojt tue-ftewrounuianu
coast ever known. Tbe Bella of vessels
were torn to ehrsds by the cyclone, and
tba veeeete all preaeot a bailered ap-
pearaneo. . .x '-
Wmw Young, of Kalwka. M..-al
though the Jury rendered a verdict of
"not guilty" of the charge of murdering
Ioole Hpenecr ao J Tour children, wss
taken from hie bouse and hung aa the
Minneeoia want.RepuLliean In Teee.
day'a election. , There was tradiag
oelween Ins Deaaooratie ranauiale tur
Governor and the Jlepublleeu anmlnee
for Ueutenaat-4 eeveraor, ana It la reared
Pilieaary m defeaird. br Ik.
Wisconsin gave tbe RpaMrcanraw
Immeaea majority oa Tuesday. Mil
waukia passed out of Demoeratle ooo
trnl, giving the Republican eetdidatea
2,000 majority. Large galua by-tbe
came party tbroagbout toe Btator
Canada 'recently prohibited the Im
aorutioa oi t aatlle I rem tba Ualtod
B tatee on account of ipprebenalona of
pieuro-poeamouia, ana toe uabiuel at
biuglon City will adopt the aame
precautions agatnat caoadian aatlle.
A paaaenger trala Of tha New. York
abd Greeawood 1-ake Railroad ran Into
the Hackeoaack Itlver nn Tuesday, the
drew-bridge being open. Tbe engineer
waa tilled ana aeveral persons oaiHy
wounded. Seme af ihe laUer avlll die.
It le eatd that Stephen A.. Douglas,
oo of the lata Beaetot, la aoaaaqaenae
of petty perseoution praoticed by the
Democraia. toward Raoi4ieaoa.-riaa
decided ' td ICave North Carplltta,
Mttvaattaavf-aad Ukg bp bla reeidence I
iin lilinaia. , r"
W Msjor-Geaeral Joeepb Hooker died at
Maruen City, lMg island, aa the Bid
Ultimo. An immense concourse vsa-edy-foMeweW
the' body from New
York to Om train waiting to convey it
tol'Jonlanatt, Mlaate gun wera- fired.
aod belle tolled during tbe fuberal.
Csntalo . Kada U entitled to
$100,000 a year for mainlalnlug the
channel of tba' Mlaalaslppi River at the
ruantred deptoj hot Bba laat qaarter'r
pay meat lo art ua bald for tba reasoa that
iba atipulatad 41aieuaJooe were -sot
malmaloed for come twenty daya fa
tba law quarter.
'"'An TnWad came ta Oenerat Hfcrrltra
eadip M Colorado-da the altsaso to
have a peaea italfcj.. Hai waa laformed
thai Meriitt bad ao autborliy to make
pear. Ha then gravely told the, Gen
eral that If be would givo bp bla arms,
all amnaunnioaVborasc tad snafea) be
weukl be allowed to leave with bla mea.
Panama advices state bet Para, tb
leemargnrine fined, waa. wont . from
Baa Kranclsoo to Haoliago and organised
mtolng fraexla there, has been sentenced
to five years' exile fa -Valadla under
guard. Wof ks raoauog bmadrada at
ihaueande wf tlellare wera creeled 'ai
SaBtlago for the reduelloa of ores accord
ing to ParafTs method, which remain to
thie day aee atoauaseul ar bis fraada,
" Zachariah Chandle, tenalor from
Michigan, died at the ' Grand 'Pacta
Heset, Cliksag. a Ha tar Jay miming.
Ha bad beea ia hie aeaai Aaaiua,aa4
Uie night befere, BlMOrmlck' HU,
made lbs grandest Speech of , bis llfa.
He left 1 erders ta ba balled at aevea
oeiCBh Sa lord ay usemlng J bat, Ba be
aid nat reepead ai eaai tteor, iba atoora
werstforewd, and be, waa found dead
With a Placid etlweaatoB on bla faea.
Tbe htxff waa hardly eold, chew log
Ibo' kd bad. beaa Bead saewi tore
bowra..,. . i -i o
tadv -boo,."' wlfaaf'hir' 'Frebrl
Goach, well Kaowa Id oaaertloX,wlth
awaatoadlM taoalm df' a aamraaaa aklha
T "' " eraTU aan vaaarroaia. '
There are five caw mills running near
Bouairae, I. T. .i
Fertv thousand buahela of wheat ar .
la atora at tola. ' ' f
Apptes are Belling at tea coot par
bushel at CaJIpoola. "
Astoria and Forest Grove are about
Ofay-five miles a pert.
The ariat mill aj Spoken Falla, W. T .
la kept going night andlay.
A larre arreaae of Fall wheal la twin -
soen'lii Tturiou'UUiy,'V. T. .
Fian Harlaai, well knnwa ta South- '
rru Oregon, d.ed at Roe burg laet Week.
At Independence, on Friday bight,
reboera got away with $100 from Pop- .
pleien's store. '
Camp Wlnfield Scott, In the Kittitas ;
Valley, Yakima county, , W. T., has
beea broken up.
, Several new ledges, all rich, have
recently been eteuck au Grauil Creek,
East era Oregon.
Tba louring ml Ile at Dayton, Yamhill
county, wore destroy ad by Ore aa laat
Saturday aaormug. , - - - rtt "
Joaepb II. Brown, of Palous City,
tried for cutting timber from public
lands, waa acquitted.
A equare-toed Democratic sheet la to
ba aaarted at Lake view by Fraok Kellon
au4Charia Cogswell, , ,:..,M ,
Tbe Walla Walla afaaa I says '
there are 15.000 toua of wheat, at tbat
city awaiting sblpmeat.
i a swan, measuring seven iret rrom
Hp to tip, waa Billed near Puena Yiata,
Pulkeeuuty, last week. :
-A 'good many mines of silver and
galena have been discovered on the eaat
fork of lite Sal mo'u River.
I Another pioneer, Mr. - Christopher
Shuck, of Washington county, died laet I
week, aged W years and 6 month. - 4
t lleppoer is improving rapidly. Much
WBildiag ta going on, aad tranalera of
property are recorded almost daily. "
, Many Improvemeete are going on at
IndapcjuUiire; Tjs si raw lu partlctr--
lar are being repaired aud new aide- '
walks raid.' 1
Tbe taxable property f Umatilla
county la $1,& Tax rate 21 ;
mills ; T fur tbe Stale, t for schools, aud "
It for tba county.-- ; -
An old man, named Sleltibach, a
member of the Aurora colooy, dled:
reoently, aged 91 years. He waa In the
War with Russia under Napoleon.
- The soda springe, located eaat of Ash-
laud, have changed bauda, Mra. Court- .
nay bavlog leased the aame to Matt.
Sliaouon ol Jacksonville for five yeara.
The groea'value of property I o Wash
Ingtoa county as reportot by County
Asseeanr Toaler, M X.O70,8J0; Bet las
able property, $2,009,171); tog rata, 1
mllla. ..-,
Both tbs Ashland mill and the F.agle '
mill were entirely cleaned out of flour . ,
one day laat week by the great number
of team from t California and Lake
eaunty. : .
T T JUaaUk
liAn.lMtn. hrntiaa miMlnl. aarardaci bins
at tba Fair of tbe Oregon Stats Agrleol-.
teral Society, for an exhibit el tbe
China toa plant of tbla year'a growths
Alary eummoned by the Justice of
ihe Peace of Sublimity preeieet, Marion -county,
found that Sam Sbiug, tha
Chinamen recently murdered there,
mat hie death at tba baada af Chung
Sin, another beaahen. i v
The take of salmon at Goes Bay .last
week was extraerdinerily largo. One
flshermanwllb hi assistant averaged '
eight hundred B day, and their boat bad -her
bottom damaged hf 'the. heavy
freight b waa compelled ia bear,,
- Tbuu-AleBaade i Da no a la . still
aground on tba beaeli at IVmc Ray, a .
Irw Iret ' from the mouth of Rogue
River. She I aald oot to be damaged,
aud will be got off lo a week or two.
A aohooner I also agroaud at Cooa Ray,
and will prove a total lose. -
Tbe .wheal crop a Oragoo. saya tba.
reudleluu inaftenaenl, uotwrtbstantl
Ing tbe rust, le lb largest that hat ever
beea produced to the State, Bed, at the
remunerative priaee paid, wilt bring to
the people of the Htale npwarda , of
M,000000, or over t2H0 for each man,
woman and child of tbo entire popula
tion. What Slate la tha Ualoo eaa
asake such a "showing af a elogla pro- .
duelf .. , , . ,
The following good advice, front, the
Yaqulna Bay eorreepondaut of the
Corvallls Uazeit to the people of
Benton county, applies eqaaiiy, well to
every other county lathe Stole i.,VJow
capital le seeking ua, com lag . without
spvclal aolleltotlnn. lat us receive It
aa become a people fully understanding
tbe benefits esrtoia to lot last, j Rapair
your ruala, fix, up your feoeea, paint
your boosts, wraf a o II of auntent
mailt, p'sk coitildentJy and soooursg
Inglyof the future, aiid every stranger
weatlnu a hbmata Oriii will burehaae
Llu- iieulou oouuty, . pi.'ilalq aseaue
wealth, - and - wealth--'toeane several
degrees Of haliplbea abi
Oodltloo." '
bov our preaeut
About S.100 French aoniii.opfa
fal nave
bean ananeatlad. n 1
A etornt la NoVa fteutla 1 Week did
great damage. t. i i
- Small elreama of lava flawed 'real ML
Veeuvlus last SatuiUy u ,
' The price of tin In Core walLglaod.
Mrkloab eipvci .GeneraL Gravt
lll ht country this Winter. , '
Tii Liberal msds fs'rgc galq la
England ta tbe-reeetrt elections. '
'An afleaelv 'mtt& defewalea a til ance
haebeea eeuaiudodbetweea Hervla'aud
Iularla-i rjn , tua !. u ,
, - AbollUoaUtola Itoaia Pto rtraaaaaaiy
enileavorlbg'to have tbe alavea, to (Lube :
mknclpated. " " " "' 5T.
Clark Brown, fo the muf.ier nf hla
father aad aleter, tiaa ' been banged at
Cara.wali, Ootet-- r v j I
The SpaOtsh Osrta waa re-epeoed oa
Iba XJ, aud a message aaaoaoateg the
approaching marriage a( the King .was
read. " :
' At KUff. Roesla, aa the STib altfmo,'
aae maa waa aeuieneed to ha banged.
aad about teot to varioaa terat of
Impriawomcul, for poUUeaJ uffeoaav 3
- Spanish offVeer aad . aoa-aoaamla-looed
officer onlrIbal eoe day'a pay
to tha relief, of, sufferer by flnode la
Morale. Privates eeatrlbet a real each.
Tha welle waed by a German colony
la Bessarabia ware pnlaeued wUliaranbV
laat Week, and a number of peraouadied.
No floe has beea fotiud to the perpHra
fersBf thearima.' . : . -4
1 The" araln marks! fa P.nrlaiAMa1 AmS
anrrbed as fluataatlagi net -aliey."
There, la anm asaeh gMd crstts oCersd
for aale. Tba dama aad foul toodnlua
of tht ground rrevsi.u both barvotlng
Bad plowing. i
Ot b er ' eerioo ' ffooda. la addition1 la
tboas )h.iaslst 'week, are report ad
from Spain,. Tha iatsat ataraia, issv
Mea Ibroughoal th entire country,., At AluiarlalVoOOmeu weretbrewa
oat af, wort by tlie averfloWlag af iba
eatrnav ? aaataar af 'vajraaa B)ra
drwnaji;i4 axuabaraavrdaajt, -
. ,
i .