L , iivELINOR .NORTON; i I' t,t kNK Ml I II. j, . 1 r iini ii vviivii '. 1 ! Ni I fi.le nt-iitf u jfle "I at Ihe rnsdii-a! rot'egr, i (a t. 'ill. under wm a psiu'ul mrtt.ni, lM " 4bmiil himself bltltr'y at 1 1 - for Ms shsre inputting lier br she Would ' bomr 'prepared to l more IndepeiMl ant of Mm than aba bad svsr liwu U fr. Bit this feel lug wss only Ismpo . rary, J Is u aooa ashamed of U. 8 Uog as aba- woo owly o etudeot, bo could , Utr It better thso bs did aftsrward, wbHi alta hecems a practicing pbyel ' clan. Jimlng tbs former lima, bla brief ncrsalsoat visits were Dot Interfered with nor Interrupted any more Ibso Ibey V would have beeo bad aha been attend Inf any other aebnol ; but, after Ilia reg ular duties of her profession vera sn tared upon, Ibe youug lawyer fouod .' Dial b was ttot aura of a single see lug with tho wooioo who waa Mill ' dearer to film than alt the world beside. Bitter aa thla life of Isolation waa, how ever, he lesroed to endure It far better than be ever espectej lu, for ha would - - - . not permit himself to.jleld to gloomy deepoodeoey when a rail waa i, cheerfully enduring, hardships greater than hlaowu. 1 Btlmnlafed by ' bar' ei ample and - brave, hopeful -word of encourage- rrnentrlr'"fcht applied blmeelf to ble own profession wilh such diligence;. that be waa Boon recognised aa one 61 ' tba moat promising young men' in tba State. By" the time 11 nor entered upon , ber work, ha bad made himself an on- viable place, and waa known aa an able - and- upright lawyer, honorable lu' the higbeet aeuea of that mucli-abueed word, No aeodndrel striving to evade Justin aver weut to him" 'a' aewtid time for help to aouoeal villainy but, on the other hand, he waa the eotitlant friend and defwlerofjnMpIiaJlellmi tTTjTinuy.abd -fraud ao often met wllb In a!L greet cltle. When n ilialreeeaJ aud dvfeiiVeleaa woman waa bla ollent, be ae'emed ever to boor io hie oitud the temembranee of the mlaerable ' time when tbl WQmao be loved had auffered ao ernelly, aud bla whole aoul waa pourd Into tbe rflort be put forth to -oueonr or M aave.- Hboy m home waa preetrved to Ita bereaved Inmate-, and many w eoheme of legal rohtxry waa foiled by hlv-uutlrlng eiertiotia and lea ietunaa aloqtenoe. ,. Btrunie o-U aaay eoem, however, " Frank 'atwye etrove to kfp from hi mother all k uowledga of theee eharlla ' ble labor, fur alio rrgar led them with . ' exitriDft aud veiatloik ...i . . . i . W by ebould you aeud youTTTHte on well wretcttfd" tiegfa'far'alfe aald to ; him one day when aha flrot Inelileo 'talfy lerue4 of hie generooe eSurU In behalf poor, eu Bering aewlog" womkn, who nought lila bM to aomel the pay meut of wagea Jually due, but withheld on eoaie fllmey preleit, merely beeauae : It waa auppnaod abe waa unable to even make an effort ioeruurejuetlee, - Ml am aura you bave buelneea e)ough wllltnut aylng ay otteollon to aueh oaea aa that," abe ooatluued, peevlahly, for ber health and temper both grew wnrea aa yvare draggetl alowly em. " Tboro la oo money lu Ibem, aud there I certainly no reputation to be gained by meddling with the pottytrlfllng affair of washerwomen or eeeuiatreeaee. l'ray do not tower youraelf lu aueh an nnecwary way." '' ' The young lawyer,' brow darkened, bet he remembered aometblng- wbie pored by a loved vote long ago, and It aaved him, aa It often did, from haaty ' word ba would have repeated of hal the found otteraoee.. ' ' ' ., , rM iai d iaTiTritrftnOTrpBTTf rr omaff anre herjuat du'ea. Yen would no have mm treaSTl t"ba."at(T,""lraa enily, In a mild but firm tone, look lug bla mother full 4u- tbe ey a he apnke. ; " I cannot .umleratand why you are al way ao aailoUa to pleaae any one and .'- over v ooa befwvo me yea. tuaieod of - me, even f aald abe, with an Injured ' took, aa alia dropped ber eye before the boneeU atealy taae of her eon and turned away, appearing to be deeply ' offended. " l- ' ' "I-am eery aorry mother that yna feel aa rou do, but I must do-whet aeema to ma le be .fight, ud can only . hope that you will approve of my oa duet eeme day, wa though you eaonot now," aald tbe young mau quietly, but with look of pain la bla floe eyee a they followed the lately flgure, while It wpt trnm the rnono with getur of aenruful dladatn. '. t With a deep ib be Ivaal hie bead -Upon bla band, aud remalAetf ff few minute In tleulretroepeetion. .Hieing - . preeently, bla faoo grave and troubled, . be weal oat ta go to bla office. ' At tbe , ry Leornr where be had met Jack . Iwtoo year before, he waa rudely joe tied by a aeedyleoklag Waa, with . air of faed, worn-out gentility about bh clothe arutlMlaful look of walch fuluem la hi bleared aiid,too4Uet yea. Tbo aaaa bowched hie hat with batoral nolHeneea, and began a haaty apology for bra eanlenea ; but a hi aye met FreubX be loj-pd abort an turned aa If to flea, while a look of alter eontarnatlon elaudwt-hie rooe. - Bet Kraak eaufhl" hi baud la aurnrlerd reeognlUoa aud aald heartily: k..w yo.i,ait.'t.loiiHrwliiyokoow of fluMie Jon .MeriuH-hue on r..in otVvl'hfV.' Havoyon forgntfenjjir old " lu,.N'f Y'irli. . . .lleB day. oetl.-rt J-k "' . J-. L",f " ' ml-ri le alevj ,1.0. b.n.l. witb ao much' cor IUItljM !,' K ""r 1,H J k '.i. liu.i., .,f uialiavi. mUjuiI Imtia"). II, bw-kwl . - ' .t. ..i i II nf ,rti vl.-Ml'of. Mnoiph' r.llH mlly, In llw frli-iuttv lnaiie, "'f Millet ' la I It you, RimMardT" M he, hi-al- tatinirly. o"Yu're tlte laat fellow I waa thinking of, and you took e by aor- I mint have cliangxl, If you tllou'l reongnltr me," aald ' Frank, aMlng. " Yoo are changed, ton,Jeek very m ncili, ainea 1 lost SB w you." ' "And oof. for the bolter, either, yoe sro IblnMng," laugneil jaeu, wuu a fruitless attempt a old-time galely. ." "No, Jack, yoa are wot looking aa well aa I ahoMld like to aro yoa; I fear all my preaching,' aa yon need to call it,' wee tleee," aald oar friend, adding, kingly, aa be noticed Ins lowering orow oi ni old eb am, Never mind, old fellow; aa with- me to my office, and we'll baee a good long talk oeer old times Where havo you beeo all Ibeee yeare lncc Mast saw you Oh, I've been roaming about. In Eu. rope moatly. You know I alwaya had a J faney tot I raveling; but It'a dooe me no good, of eouree. I've gone to the bod, I eoppoeo, aa yon eon aee," aald the poor fellow, with a abort, unpleeeant laugh, aa he jerked bla bat dura over ble eyva vleloualy, aud atrode along eullenly. : 'A painful alienee waabmbett at length by Prank, who atked after bla family. Oh, I don't know. Haven't aeon or beard of any of them eineo my mother died, and dolTTelr to," aald J.ek, wllb ptelooa nnatoadlnera In bla. voire, eontluutng, after a brtef peu "Hhe waa the only friend I had. I euppoae you know that my rather ronieife me lb bouae fter that iMlle eerepe I got lot-hero la New Yrk. Do you re- wben I came ao n ar gelling you droufc f 'r 411 aomething of ttio old mlrtbfulneea at I be thought of wbat haTamiiaed lilm ao greatly at' the time; but the look waa only a momentary one, aod bla ton re turned Ita bltlerueee aa be went on. without waiting for Frank' anawer I Well, be helped me out of that, and then coolly Informed me that he waa done with ma uoleaa I reformed and be came a model young gentleman, like yon,- for tnetnnoe. - fit one roe, I didn't reform. I Jual wont down hill a little fester than ever, and wellll'a uo one J I'm a gone ease. - Trier' a no help for me, and that' all there le of It." No, K le not all there le of It," eald our friend, eomeatly, looking hie em iiaulon full I tjeJajrtL -Ufo matter! wbat you bave done or teftjindooo, you caivluru right bout if ynu "d from thla hour lead au upright, honora ble and useful llle." 1 tell you It le too late ( I can't do It Yoa aoa't know anything about It. I eao'f make up my mlrnl to be different. I een't be anything but Jest what I ".buret la poor Jack, Impatiently, pulling and gnawing his moustache as savagely aa If It were repoiiilile for all bla abortromloga. - ' ' '' "Hob hero, Jsek," aald Frank, ear- Bcetly, don't want"yon to feel that ay, for I am ready to help you In any tble way." - "61opf You don't know what you era eeylng," tnierrurne itwion, ai- aaoat fleraely, hi breath coming hard, while a look of mingled terror aud Irrea olulloo overspread hla face. ' Well, Jack, 11 la quite oerlala that I don't anderatand wbat gou are aaylag," aald Frank, stopping abort and Teeing hi companion, surprised aud putiled. -' Il no matter, neyhew," eald IJlw ntMeolUtjivvj.U)a pavement, a oil aiacaening ni pane as it reluctant to proceed tHeeuavara. , CroaJnJacknd we'll baeo n ajulet talk," eald Frauk, klfdly.- aa they halted before a I flue bulldlcg devoted mainly to thedlaclplao of Blsckstpoe. , v- v - Lswton glanced up gt-1-, boeUly, looked about aa If seeking some mean of escape, and then began, hesitatingly: -Tu.It'fjio usc.iUoiJdard.: Talking wont mend matter. I'm, too far gone to be helped by anybody. I. can't go your way any mora than yoa eaa mJae," be went on rapidly, "and all the talk la the world want do aoy good. I don't feel like talking, aoy bow, o you must cue mo thte'time, and I'll try and come round aomu other, time. l'v ot to mart a fellow down towa la. half hour, any way," ha added, luraiog away without meeting Frank' bwk of grieved urnrlaa. aud affecting not to oca bis outstretched band. ','"-.- -'Oood-bya, Jock. I ahall alway be glad to see you," eald Frank, la aueh a tone that Jack turned and glanced lata his yes, aod then, with strange eg Ha lloa in face sad voice, mattered la a ww tone, and with averted eyee: "6ood-bja, Stoddard. I wlab I sou Id be what you would like; but I eee't. aud IC no use trying.' Before Frank coo Id speak again, bs was gone loet In the) surging human tide that flawed past Mks a 0mL Net more tbaa a week after thte lueldeat. Frank was summoned la basts by rough-looking man, who aald that Jack .Udjy tte.ru iJ waalsJ tAwtoa was aee him. ' ' Following bis guide hastily, he aooo . Ui ea i lie im, j (ra-o'. a.H o wot fail tiv : . .f tV; .. I jl j.ni.J i.lar.ir Vea,' J k. Uf Wt fel-.w. hat ihiee thle mean eeld hi oi l frlfiut, eooting to iila al la and taking bla haml. . "Ob, tt'a no matter about me," aald Jack, hurriedly.. "I got bnt, bat I de errvrd It, aod now I've got to go J but I Lmuat tell you eeroetrriiig nrt, mi. lilard.. i IjSt oae gel J o iiwvir nr., eald he, alerting eft ' . ' ' "No, no; come-back. The dor'a been here, and It'a no uoe; llitrVe no ebanea f.ir.me.' Tliat'a why I cent fr you," eald jack. I " Frank came close up-to him again, aod bo eald, lu a quick, eherp way, a though It waa bard to apeak I ; '. It waa I, Htoddard, that Came ao near killing yw; but I didn't know It waa you till after I bad truek you, I awear . , . . . . mxi T l II I didn't! It waa that oureed Talbot! I bad been drunkjfor a week, and waa in a tight plane, and be know It, - He aahl he'd make my fortune If I'd help Mm, but he'd aeud me to the Rtate prlsn 1 I didn't ; and he treated me till I was ready for anything, aud you know Iba rest. I Balled for China lie it day." . I auptoad It waa Talbot who cauaed it,1 aald Krank, aa anuu a he awuUI re eoveK hlmeeir, fori be waa greatly shocked ; "butj I never dreamed of this, Jack. But you ve had Ih. worst of II, ao don't think About It any mure, hut let me do aomethlog for you." , "Yeu cau'l do anything, 8todilard. I don't want anything' but your fo;glve- ne,'' aald poor JacV feebly, aa lie looked up gratefully. i?You kuow yuu have that alrraily, Jack i and -yob were not half eo much to blame,-anjMeayT aa- tbo-vvilaiw that temptel you. He will have a long ao- oa-wUb-IfeaUtliJa Ctll.JtlJ"l fiauh, granlyr more to himself tban to hi friend, who, however,- noticed It, aud aald, 'wllb kindling eye aud a faint flualt In. the pale ehcc'ka t'; ' ' . , ' v "I gurea ll'a Utlll alreaily. I saw thj fellow that killed him, anyhow. Berred ,blm ri,ht, too.'. It was a maa he bad wronged foully wheu he wa la U Augostlne that Winter, aud the man alwaya awore.he would, kill him if be ever got a ehaitee, and he dlf!" There waa a long alienee, for our friend felt o triumph ever lite death of hi aiiemy-ouly pn.fuund eadoca that human life ahoutd be ao wasted,1 eo perverted ao full of evil aud harm Jo IU fellowa. tf allunt now, o-eit4tta; easier! for the coiifeesloo liajiad madellLrtiiU of hi Increasing Vliylcalsutferlng. , - JlfUr a lima Frauk oeked blm If be should pot aend fiir aotneol htarelaUvc. but be only shook bla beal, aud aald, wearily:.'. , , ' No, 8tdilard, it'a no ue. I'd rather tSey wouldn't knew auythlng about It. I doo't want anything, only to bave you stay with rue S little while.".. , I'll -stay aa long as you wsct ms, Jack," ld his frlaud. "But it aecm very baril lo do nothing !r you." , . .. And 1e aal quietly by tbe dying mau, lading and longing to say aometblng to point blm upward, but feellug unable lo utter a word And ao the poor, erring, -wauilerlng soul paaasj away, Tea vTng his friend profoundly grieved al Ms untimely end. lTo be eontlnuixl.l MoHi-niiKO Worth Kmowimo Eery little while we read in the (er f some one wna lias siues a rusiy usu In his foot, or knee, or harm, or some other portion r bts body. and. that 1 a'"teaulted therefrom, -of whlern -trie palleut Uieu. ir every - oieofi . waa aware of a per foot remsely fur all suck woonde, and would apply It, I ben ail 4w-a.sooru must cesM. liii t, although w can give tus reuiniy, we cannot en i rorcs Its applies ilea, rj m win nut employ II Because they think It too aianplet others will bave no faith In II when they read It; while others think sunk a wound of small account, and not worth fuming over, until It la too tale to do any guoa. 1st ail sue. wounos a ba healed without the fetal conse quences which follow them. Toe rem- ly le simpis, ainioet ai waye on oewu, aud can be applied by auynoe, aud bat la better, It Is loralllble. It la simply to smoke tbo wound, or aoy Bruise or wee ml that la loflamel, wllb burning wool, or woolen cloth. Twenty minutes la the emoke of wool will take tbe pain nut of the worst wound; re peated two ar three time". It will allay tba worst eases of tnflammstlon arising tmn a wound. People may sneer at "lbs old ansa's remedy" as moh they p'osee, bat when they are sffl cted last let tbem trv Ik It baa aaved many lives Bawl wioeb pm'S. SB is worthy of being prtBted eo teleseaof gold sad put la avery homo. There Is a aurtows whim Jut now1 In Lwudoa to carry flowers -la smell fsury bosket Instead of In tbe hand a bou aueta. Ladiee take them to dances and naiicerta In this faobtaav-At - weddiuge Hi in flower boekete are aow asoet fasei roaable I twelve artdsemalde at a wei Sine roessHlr oaeh aarrtad erne,' aod bile wailing for tba bride tbe boskete eesre placed em the Door of iim eheren la front of the bridesntaide, and aa forssed two floral lluea, betweesi wbtch tbe brtdu passed on ber way to tba altar, la trout of which tbera waa a vary largo orange tree, and the boa wtie avte lained It waa wreeAbed with foliage and ry5'1. V " n-. LY1 k .ku uJu, Ik. seau la Ireland without sdaa radaalac Iba loadiorUa. - LETTB TEOM IEW .TORI. t riuai ot-vjtit',!. t ran w is pkst! ' S'rw YoKK.O.-t.-er l'f, lh79. " Toviia niroBiirTiis-Naw XoMHwini Tlie flrot tun aonounrlnr thi. liCKln Hloe; oe-'ar.t tloiee"wa fired yJay t'.Mikr A IS.,She fjiiaewltf ar'"l"be Northern P't-ifla KallnoMl. -Ti'e' Ist.ol eiiupniM-enieiit aa to the work uu Ibis rowl, wliiuli will no doubt, give treat eoeofort to Ite many bondholder, I that the track et tension a forty ml le out from' Blemarrk; atid I oheerye lu the stock and bond lists, pul.llshe.1 In the New York paper durln gibe pMl wrk4r aJn-llb- -.- . - . ... w.-1 ,it.. 1..-. li.. that the bonds or tbe lortnern recine have beerr hovering around the flguree rrpreseutlng fifty cents on the dollar. These facta ' running along together ,vluc s healthy tone In the aflalra ttt that great railroad eritr.riee. There are good reasons for believing that the company's horn! will atlll further ap precftaTheeonceru haa recovered from the terrible shock It system re ceived In Its Infantile stage, amounting almost to the collapsed condition, dur ing the late finniielal panic, and Is now attaining robust haallb. There Is noth ing wanting to Oaeure thla atatu per manently save an ejoltalile, statesman like, manly action An the part f t"oo gresa. The company la before that hotly In the form of a supi'illcarjl f r an etlen Slon of time to 'enable ll to complete Jt roaTRsijriieir-prayer. I oftVred I o-good faith, acitoiniianled- by oiiclulv evi dence of the tiecelly for an4 public polfcy in grautlug the same. No one seriously object lo the legislation asked (the Committees in Congress are unan imously In favor of the measure), aud yet such baa been the timidity of Sena tor and 'Rprcsentiitlves, even where there was but the aeohlau-e or shadow of govern men t subsidy Involved, that they heltate about cllng iheltjrotea I In tbe direction which their best judg ment polnteout, supported by their sosc(Teutlous sonvlctlons of right. We jhsjLiJN&JWetfJ tlneatal railroad route In the wonder fully Uc.eafut Uuiu and Central Pa elfle roads. Wo -need aa Imperatively ths northern mil suuthem transcootl neolat railway, from whleh w know the largest be ue fit a to our oouutry must flow, commercially,' politically aod so cially. '. Tlie latter two road are not Baking, new u bald le from the Onvernr men I. but only seek to make perfect that which C oigrea In good faith gave to them year ago. Ict I he in bave this, and with that act of grace lrop the rallroa.1 sumi hnlnea,frthat h ths Intelligent demaiul of the jople. Ths tea trade lu Montreal, Canada, Is In an eiclled slate, aud prices are 1 1 1 1 advanct ngJalejaJierB-ay4ho ad vaiioa there Is In reality no greater than tiere"anJ lo Londoo" for tlie past two montha.' The merchants are of, tba npluion that the advauceln Canada anil Kugland la almply -owing to the In eressetl value of lesv In New York I I dus to causes Similar lo I hose causing an advance In flour, grain, Iron, and ail other commodities of general consump tion. It Is thought that the recent Im position by the Canadian Parliament of ten per cent, duty ou tea, together wllb the high prices prevailing1 here, will compel, ths Canadian houses to import direct from China. This week 15,000 half chests of Congou tea wereehlpicd to IoJon. Heretofore It wes custom aryfor some boiiae to Import from Itudon, but the 'sending of tea from ber ' to .miilon s r.m.rkahls nasi a Bud very rare. Ths amount of I reiiCa aud very tss In tltiouotry at thla date laat year it )2,(s.0l)0 ponuda, anal nil" J.jOO.OOP Muud thl year.- . . ' . - r .. , The streets of New York and Brook. lyn are auolean lu compa.rls-injwiib- Osrhf Wer cities atls L'uloriiTtis swseplng machine oro unknown here) at leoat, I bae' never seen wis. There Is much, oomplalut. hers of malaria -a C'.'UllJ.'sInt -never heard In' former days. Dirty atncu are prubaTjTy The eewee la the lower section, and ths elosiog up ol the old water work la Ih upper. Yoa mev drive out lis tare by force, but elm ill rums bock agalo. , How true this la In many other mailers beahle the one referred to; for nature will not be vio lated wllb Impunity, even by a New York capitalist. - The etnenaesnf living lu New York having been reduced ta their standard bef rs jJiO-war, a-iarga aot-esalnn of populallon I predtoled from lbs rural district. ' Ttioueaud who have been living for tbe laat fifteen year In .Weatcbeater, on lng lalaiMl, or Ja New -Jersey, Irom economy, are now returning to the city. Tbe million la 18T0 will proo ly bo increased to a million aud a quarter lu 1S0. To as enmmnriale these uew-oomera, many vst apartment houses era la coarse of erectloa aa . Heveath, IvigbUta Fourth and Madison aveouoe, and other street la lhsvlculty of the park. These atrueturea are generally sevea starWs high -assay 4 tbeas hue a frontage of MJ feelr-BBd not a few have one aver a ml I lion, Joel ol log tbo ground. Too larger bars fifteen suits of eight room eactw -.The roama are generally assail, or about tbe ease of those In ths oaruer ou imaaVra boueea Bf Waablngtoa. of eighteen fee, f root. Besklee tbe aperv oeat boueee, there tiara a vsry hvrga aambeff of alagle hnusaa going up all j of superior class, af least to tba eye aa I hot the building trade la very active. aod lbs oompsalat af "ao work" fat tba armial anbsard. Arjaorr, LETTEB TBOM WASBIBOTOI Ir-ttOW orK RKOt'l,AH tXRRKBPO!PBiT J " WASIIt!OT!.l: C.Oi't 'lljtn. T tub KI.IT..B or vna Mw NoBTMSraj.Tr Till I one of the wkrineet FH eea- sons the rapital city has eiierieiieed for everal yera?r?ftvrlheleai, it ta very ileaaaut-The eOotelilng aun of July and August bad put the paika Into a premature aere and yellow lesr; nut ths milder weatneV of rteptember, ec"ompa aied aa ll has been by plenty of moist ure, baa rejuvenated the faro of nature, and uow4be ptrke, auare and lawns lhebeiily of June. It ta lust the time to aee the city lo Ha beet, aud fresh faoee meet us In all tbe places of public interest. Baeides these, we encounter many familiar faces which belong to the retemlng Hummer absen tees and remlud ua bew rapidly the session of C'jngreee approaches. Tbe visitor who, come to ue now. It I safe lu say, are eot ptilltloiaa ; tbey are people who soma here ta eee what man ner f. city Waahlngtoa I wreathe law -give re are awsy. The' first plsce tbey make .for la the Capitol itself. Hers they And lbs legislative chaw here and tbe various other public rooms ta a rare slate of disorder. There ore si way certain -repairs aud alurallone to be made, not t to mention the necessary changing at the close of the session, aod thla year tbo work waa delayed by tbe sslm meeting of Congress, which Issted until July . . r-""-" -. TtiSsta.borately oroameiitej grounds about the Capitol are very lovely now, contrasting strongly with Ilia disorder lu and around the building. New walka are being finished and old ouee re-laid ; an Imroeuas new safe haa been put lu lor the House of Represeutalivee ; soms new statuary has been Introduced, and many cbsqgos made lu the roama. The ventilating of the Representatives' chamber Is being greatly Improved. A lobby bss been mads by tearing out the partition between the leporier, the 8orgaol-at ArmsTntrpeaJrsT TSouis, wllb windows, opening to tbe out-door world.' - Tus Kieakr'e room baa lieeo transferred lo what was the folding room. - An opea fire-pi see hail been built back of lbs Speaker's desk, aud various oilier decided Improvement Inaugurated. . new electric llgBlliig apparmto for the1 dome haa been com pleted and tested. .It la a dynamo electric machine, with. an Illuminating power equal to 75 0(10 csY4jr ami la similar to' smaller one with the inten sity nf 10.000 candle recent ty purchaaeil for lighting the hall and chambers of ths Capitol. The latter cost SOOO each, and were purchased out of an appmpria lion of 12, t. for the purpose,' and lb frm'alnilerisji,ltJahthiir)ayJor theTsrger, one." Ths apparatus will oocupy tits went part of the dome, and will command Pennsylvania avenue for o rong-nltsncs.Il IS etpectsd that, lib electricity Instead of gas, the dorns, the rotunda and tbe hall will be better lighted tban aver before, and thai the coat of theaams will be lessened. Hpeak- Ing nf the domS of ths Cspltol, ths old Italian arllst, Rtgnor Bramidl, ' who painted ths allegorical flgnree-ln the apes, and who has been at work here for the laat twenty-alg years, 1 atlll en gaged on tbe flguree In the rotunda. His work Is dons nn a platform sus pended slity feet from Ibe floor. He le old end feeble, and sits In a chair while at work. Boms tlms since hs had a very narrow eecsps from a sudlen and trrribls death. Ills pisiform consisted of two stage". the communication be tween IhemTirctng by ladder. ' On this occasion he Waa sealed In his chair on the upper stage, and, In leaning nver to give the fiulitilflg tnoeVto a figure al most out nf his reach, bis chair slipped sod twraedflVer, srrttis nflly ssvsd hfm- self from dropping down below by ea tott ing oa a round of the laddsr, to which bo slungltllkhsfp cams. lis Is quits aid and feeble, and lately told a gentle aaaa who called ao Ma that hs did not leseeet4o4le-taJJnlh ' Ihs great work on whlob bs bos been so long sngsgsd. I Military audUoeerament cl rules Are s good deal BgUated.aver Iba difficulties with Ihe Indlsns si Whits Riser, Colo rsibt. "The murder of Major Thoraburg, Agent Meskernnd all the whites at the agitncy, la another or tnooa caia-Mooaea atrocities likely 10 occur at aujr tima, so long OS our foolish Indian policy and system of management remain wbat It now la. The t-'tea bars heretofore beeo regarded aa friendly, nud lbs principal erilef ars still so. He ven of.ihe ahlefa were hers la Wsshiagtou lees I haa a year ago, remaining two Weeks at tbe Tremont House, where I met aod ana voiced wWthsvn' Tbey were feted had fa sated, nud gtveo receprtmm wit boat number. : Tbey Steo attended church Bod mode spseches lo the Huodsy school children, and before leaving for Imms the Interior Depart meet gave Ibem cosh u trunk, ss overcoat, and ana hundred dollars la silver. One of this ssms partyi " (fJuwraila.-Coler, Is" now ths leexler af tba warlike, band on Whits River. ' The olbera, aeoong whom are chiefs ttamw ' ond-'-Bitly,' remain fresudly. Beth of tbo last-named out rnuk fjotorsd la ths da sou Belts. 1 Tba principal chief, "Osrsy," to oat a Mary ebleftala, but behM thai pool t lea by roasoa of bis great ability. II sa persede.1 Coorsd a few years ago; tbs latter hoe aloce been ealteu, reck less sod vlotootty oupJ to too sivlllsatroa of his Ulba. I aaw b groat masy of Ibeee Indians wbils to' Culorodo, nod Uaroed much of tbelr habile and aoadttlou. Tbey occupy a reservation comprising millhm of. acres of tbo beet lauda la Coloteilo, but are generally oppnoed to cultivating the euil aud vere Jealoue of the encMNM-lieienlBol while proopectors and selth-ri. , .iM.li Ptlm. Worn aa Safirags ia Wyoming. irorreaBoBdeaea ottbe Detroit Trs I'imss. lUn I.l!s. W. T., Kpte nher S A geoersl election was held for membeie of tbe Territorial iisaiaiaturo Ibrough out Wyoming Jo-day, and I closely watched tbe poll to unto the jnodiU OfMtrouiii of female eotlog. Kvory leader of tbrrc-iVese la, perhaps, aware that women e)oy all the rights of euffrage In this Territory, aod that they almost universally avail tbeao set eee of thla privilege to-day'e election futiy verifies, and tbe purifying influ ence which the presence f the lair ones sheds about tbe poljg elands s pre- 00 1 uent feature of the custom. At an early hour this morning, car. riagas of every eoaoelvahle shspe were drill- tbrougn tbe etreeu, gsliy deoo rale.1 wllb Hag. These were tbe vehi cle la which the ladies were to lie con veyed ta tbe polls, fir the universal custom hero is lu rVKMsH CARRIAGES OfcV T"k WOMKJt Tne carriages, were, of course, divided, soms being Republican, some Demo crat la The drivers were all leading local pollllclana,. who poaeeseed pliable louguee aud uuueuai powers of eeduellvs elouenco. The polls opened al v A- M., and almoat Immediately the voting be et n. Everything stout lbs polls waa quiet and orderly, aud aa the carriages of womeu vflter success! vsly arrived, THE CROWD POLITELY MADE ROOM VOR , . Til EM, - . . And tree Isd ths lad lee with as great a degree of gallautry aa If they, met In n parlor Instead of at a voting window. The carriages drove up close lu tbo poll lug window and at socb arrival some gentleman would tep forward, politely receive lbs ballot and hand ll to the Judge of election Ineide, who would con sign It to the bog. Then, with a polite "Tbauk you'.' from tlie ladies, ths carriages would wbirl awsy and reliiru Ibe voters to -their homes, triumphant In the thought that Ibsy bad ei are teed liailslisd w-nstotleqvA One who has noted I le tons of the Kasleru preae upon thla subject csnnot but bave oheerved thai a general hpluloo pravalla outside nf -the Territory' that married ladtes vote J Set a directed .by their husband. Nothing rau ba turlber from the truth. True, many of Ibem vote aa their husband d , but it la be csuss tbey think the beet men oro upon that ticket, and. not simply because their husbauds do so. Candidates wba srs addicted to the use of IntotlcBling liquor, or sre poasrased f any Immoral proclivities, srw nnlveaally nwKiM) by Tiin rraiiwixE klrctoku, No matter" what political party may shelter litem beneath lie wings. ' As ihs dsy advanced the uumtur of carriages increased, and I waa some- s i aurnriawl to ohserva a number or women drivers whirling about, seeking I out voters who felt a IjejUincy as lo a-o-1 Id's to the polls lu company witla mals driver. Theee ladies were tbo LEAlKMeKO.TMB gRMALR PoUTICAL i rAtTIOSa, ... . . -t-- And..Wprke4!wHh au sarnestnees which evinced that the Causa In which they labored was one very dear lo them. I particularly ooiiceiUtiie absence or druukenoisu, and tbs rows aa univer sally oharacieriatls of slsctlous where lallesr srs ssnluded from lbs polls. Keervthlne waS-Oulet. not Onlv at the polllna place,. but throughout the town. LMid and ofJeoelve language during the heat uf polities! diaouseiou was conspic uous by Its alieeuc. FORT FREp. STEELE, Fifteen miles essl of this point. Is a military reservation, and, of gourse, oo soil aa peso! net can lie established there. The voters from ths post ars Included In this precinct A special train was. as sured from Hie union I'aoino niiria i Company, and, with a boo re or mors of party "ruggers'1 na hoard It sped away for the fort with your correspoaitvat as a pasaeag.r. .illiS run wee meue al a high rate ofepowd, ths post being reached In twentv minutes. As soon aa ths danklnc wbeeleroaaed their mm l-m toe ruouere" ruebed hlllor and ihllBorl through the barracks, vfflosra' quarters, end clliBr'ioT'"d'welilngs, In quest nf votere who hsd not .Intended Is go to Ibe polls. A usm ber of ladies, soms of loss . t- WIVES OF OFFICERS AXI BO LI UK HA, . Were found aulettv Snloylng the Becla- elon af home, but n few words of poliil sal sbesueaco from tbo 'rooaers," and aa stqt Viho lsea-tosi'mlt thotr rights, sua ins lair ooea wouiu ruao ir hale andshawla aud ei press their read- oes to board tbo train, oro isrs and soldier are a4 entitled lo a vot urnter our laws, but their ladles are. a ad t was pleased to note that ear country's dsfeoders .'.'-.; . WARMLY APPROVED OF THEIR WIVES' Eierelelng thla privilege and used every endeavor to induce (hem to cst their vote. About thirty voters wsreeeeursd here, and wo wars soon flying oeer-the ground on the return trip. While en route I wltnsesed some energetic elea Honeering there telng several eaadl Sales opoo the Ira I a. Eaeb tuaoer and oandldata waa well eapplied with tickets, and It wss realty amusing to listen to the nmouotof eloquence show ered noon tbs Isdleo. fvoaes of the fslrf ones appeared ta wavor, woosoiaio which ticket to accept, bat tba majority look one of ooch, borrowed oeoclls and ' KRASEU I'JtAPPRDVED JtAMCk, - ' Aupplsatlng them hy others which they regarded aa mora worthy of their support; sud whea tba ewralch waa ones made ou porouaatog eoani I ad sea tbees i,. .t,A lUf silMiW -.T -. ' :t- A pleoalng iocidoot la reUted of ana lady, for. whom O Carriage Called this otorulng. When the e) riser mode known bin errand, the rsleed ber bead with so air of tmssrtwue dignity aod repUed : "Na, sir. I will not rids ; . I raoFosa to walk to thr foua As tba men voters do, soil with orsi ItsBd mss la mv lie k si r and aba did an, amid ihe applause of Ihe crowd at the palls, . 1 " r""" .Tbo aaeaem of too Worn so BafTrag veotura ta Wyemliif has long beeo a flied fact. and. however doubtful I may have boon heretofore, I stood to-olgbt It peMiOes tbo almosphrrs of alnth'ns aud prevents many meu from getting Into nflW who are unfit to occupy public positions, Aslilu frsMsi voting, tlio Indies are eel dom called upon to e err la the rleht of euffrage, but odtgn rleeled to 'fni-i or placwl Ufion Jurhs their every set la asM-h as lo niert with the hearty ap peoyal of even tlie few npiioneote nf the eyalem. laWlntelilgere and all Ihe . necessary qualirjpatloue which go la makenjood clttseha. the ladlee of Wyo ming will sum pa re favorably with their eiatera In tbe H tales, ootwitbetanding Ibe slur east toward them by narrow- minded Individuate In Ibe Kaei., Thsy have demooatratetl, beyond tbs xisnl blllty of a doubt, that tbs rights granted them are aafe in their beads, aod that te bold them as a sacred trust wbteb II were bsse aud ignoble to betray.. HI.EEMMOIO DRACuHTO -Mr. ICwlc W. tieeds, lbs dletlugulsbed writer ou ventilation, offers, in ibm Sanitarian, views which will be regarded as novel nn Ibe subject of sleeping In dmeghte. He tielleves in ft, aod aays: "I have nt the'slighleat doubt that If every In dividual lu Ihe city of New York were to sleep on tbe house-top Inst sad nf In UtdireUflmg rooms, ths rate of mortality would bo reduced twonty-flvs per cent lu three moolba; and If tbsy sou Id hsvs blankets enough to keep, warm and ba merely screened front the fain at night, without obstructing the current of air i or, In other wocHa. l sleep directly la all the draughia they sxmiM get the mortality would be reduced" cue-half In one year." He holds that It Is warmth alono that determines the amount of fresh air one eaa afford at olsrbt. "Where ths body I kept worm, .nod pure air oulyi Inhalol, there la not one lioepUg JlraeUy- batweea tww open wlndowsall tbg year round, than tbera porucie more annger ot tasiog noia in Is ni taking cold in aa opea slslgb when thoroughly warmed by wrappings of fur ami roues, ana euen n thing as taking old aader such aoudltlous never occurs, providing always ths. .thorough warm Ing of ths feet and back, which ore often neglected. ' . : 'Bomb I'nErtx Data. Tbo AorfA--pcvrcm Lumberman Is authority for tbs following data I ; : "One thntiaand laths will cover Sev enty yards of surface, ami eleven pnuuds al iiails put Ibem on. Ktght bushels of gwnd Mnic,"lirtott bUts1s of soud and ouo bushel bslr makes enough good mortar to plaster one hundred square yards. A cord of stons, three bushels of Iioms aud a Subto yard of saod, will lay one hundred cub's feet of wall. Una IhoueSDuLshlugloa, laid four Incbsa lo lbs wealnerwlll cover one hundred equare feet of surf see, aod flee pound nf nails fasten tbem on. One-II fib mere siding and flooring ia Banded than tbs number of equsrs feet of surface, because of tbs tap In lbs siding and ths match ing of tbo floor. Flvs courses of brick will lay one fool io height on aehlmney; sit bricks in a course will tusks a flue font Inches wlda aud twelve Ions? : rand sight . bricks lo a eouree 'mats - a Hue eight Inches wide and slsteeu lushes loug. . Amexdeo TEXT. r.vldenlly Rlcuari Uraot White was pot Ibe first bring forward smsndsltous nf ths Hhaktpeareao tet,00d hsnos Ihs blind- -ness of as any pasesgso Iberola most oat be wholly ascribed to bla Instrumental ity. Take, for lostance. Ibis: "Hen: outour banners aa tbs outward wall;., tbs cry Is, still tbsy soma." Now, It would bs simply puerile to prsaama that Macbeth should order tbs banners sus pended from tbs outward wall, where tbe Insolent foe, who wars still tomlng, could so easily capture Ibem. Mow, supposing, a quite natural Inference I list the women of those dsys banged their balr, wbat more sensible pn Mo tion from onenf Mscuotb's temperament than to "Hang all tbs bangers an tho outward wail; tbo cry ta atlll they -oomb I" Accept thai eolation, and tba -' passags beoouies radiaut with light. lift ot Traneeript. i, Heelng a servant rash out of a Lnndoa -bouee for medical obi, a raacal aald, l am a doctor," and obtained bbbis to tba rwom-of a elck child. Ha fetgaed to minister lo him for hours, read prayer by hla "bedelde, and tbaa, rtsscsnalug Into thedlolng-room and taking advan tage of the aareisaanaso wrought by Iba approach, of death, took a good nseai. ud decamped with all tua Dortabaa. property be con Id lay liaods on. A lady- with a rt og an a train from Nswimrtto Fell Ulver, Ma.rrersatly was so sollellous for tba watfaro of her pet tbst she treated It to lee-water from a Iwmblsr, and refueed to receive Ibe first water haadad ta her by tlie train- boy beaauso tbara was a spook lo Is. now It PAg Otrt. There Is sbly nothing to this transitory world that will yield larger and quicker rw torus on thsomouol Invested lhao pok ing a wasp wllb year finger to sea H ho fool welt. It msy be of In ureal to know that a doss. Itridgeport toeU l A UUIs girl, wbils out or ber oflao nooa walk, aaw a pompous-looking men strutting down ths street Wllb child like simplicity, tba Itltle tblog rao up lo him, touched blm slightly oa tba arm, and said, "Eieuse ma, sir, bat am yoa anybody in particular t" A Mito. (lira ad, of Mams 1 1 lea, mals s remarkable present to M. Ooova Bona ao embroidered portrait of bis snothsr. ' It Is stscuted on crimson vsl- Vst, OsmI tho olaoucaa of Ihs ambroid cry la silk la sold to bo o asarvet of akllt aodpatlenco. ,. , - ii.' a : -- fpright leglalator-MWhal, airt Too rake ass for one who ooa bs brtbod f Yon loon It my seas of baoor I Bat. tar aasa I really was sash a man, bow mush would yoa givsf" T - tl- - A wag who bad lent a .mla1srer"if horse that had ran asrerf gad thro wo tho otsrrf men, slslssed credit fur spreading tbs Uosel. v c .-. ... i.i '4 Tho pebbles lo oar path wssry aa, aod maks s fodsors mora than tba roaka, v whlob require a sly or bold affort ia sur- It Is a good thing to Issro caution by, tbs mlsfortaaes of others. '..,. ; - f 1 - ; ? ' " " , ' . , Leve for tho dead should not arsmo avar duly to ths U viag. . Why, Jaok, bow are yoaf I dUu'l waad hlasaelf la a wretched room la .--.'