THURSDAY A.UGDST 23, 16V9. &13 HCSEA' AMI WIVES. BY MBS. JACOB XARTUi. "Wbatfs Tours is mine, laPanilriiUi-ow raj" And his poor wile thinks of her hopeless lite, A no mis on repentance's siooi. lie says "my money, xr bouse, MX fim." As II she bad not a claim; And accords ber nothing, from year to year. But toil, leproaches and blame. From "eight to ten hoars Men labor, Wlcs ofiener work sixteen; Men stuff their pay In their pocket. While oars are empty and lean. Though the work we do could net be hired Forless than a thousand a year. W- smv. when our shoes are given out. "i'li use give (? me some money, dear?4 We attend the rows and poultry. Ami make the tailler, too; We garden, and wash and iron the clothe. And scrub and base and stew; We tenderly nurse the siting, - And patiently teach the strong; We sweep and dust ami knit and sew We're busy the whole day long. And men could never Imagine Mow many bourn we; ve .spent In Mni telr ofcVcfiaMfivrr. ,, . And darning each frightful rent; Jn patting In bran new pockets. And sewing new buttons on ; For auch are the thing We're doing When all our work fa deae. And when they sit down of an evening To take their usual smoke. And growl over the dally paper. Or laugh at its latest Joke, We gather the children around us. And when their good nights are said. We lovingly ,ksa fmcdntllBca And tuck them away In bed. When the night's advanced and we retire. There's often no sleep or rest; For baby's feverish little Hps Hold on to the soothing breast. And we're up and down with the children Throughout the livelong night. Till, tired and sleepless and weary. We sue the morning light. And rMne, we hope In the futnre Hoobands and wives can see How joy and rare and honor and wealth Julfideil with each should be. Hint to those who are truly wedded, In spirit and In heart. There can be no real Interest toeparsls and apart. BEAunrnL thoughts.ho. i. BY XOKXAX HAMILTON. Thoughts are the essence of intelli gence, "ami the intelligence of the peo ple is the security of the nation." When people arouse themselves and exercise the exalted faculty of reason, they be come noble beings, fit to accomplish the purpose?, for which they were-created. Thoughts are great within themselves; " they are mightier than armies." When they expand in the right direc tion ami become strong, luey "go booming through the world louder than cannon." Combined with principles, they "achieve more -victories than horsemen 'or chariots." Oh ! that people would think, arouse their minds to action and lay hold on the plentiful food for thought that Jiea hidden iu every particle of matter. Oh ! that they would draw out their thoughts like golden threads, and weave them ! into noble purposes or aims iu life, that would call' out the higher and - finer qualities of every nature. Tlie Itev. C. H. Spurgeqn once said : "Oh ! that we could wake men up to exercise the faculty of thinking, aud then to direct, to regulate and control their thoughts." But thinking is an occupation that a great many people altogether dislike. They are frivolous. We cannot get them to think about anything. Many minds never get en the wingatall. ot a few men work so hard with their hands and stiller such fatigue from bod ily labor that they are scarcely able to think mueb; while there are others who dlseipete their time and consume their lives In fdleriew, till they are utterly disqualified for any vigorous thought. They are lazy and sluggish; they have the dry rot in their souls; their brains do not work; tiiey live in one everlast ing lethargy and day dream. Oh ! that people weie wise that they were thoughtful ! Thought enables man to unfold the mysteries of nature's imper ishable laws and uncover the sublime truths of science ami art that shed forth resplendent light, giving him tlie power to comprehend the creation, that he may direct the forces of all his faculties toward some .noble aim or object, thereby securing the enjoyment and welfare of some of his fellow-beings, and perpetuating his own happiness. He who lengthens, widens and contin ues to expand thought and its range, must have something, to aspire to, something In view to reach, If he would have peace or satisfaction. The Itev. Spurgeon again said: "Ac cost any man whom you meet with, 'Sir, what are you liviug for?' He would perhaps teli you what his trade or what his profession might be; but if you pressed him with the question, What Is the main object of life?' he would BOt like to say that be was only living to eirjoy himself seeking bis own pleasure nor would he hardly like to say that he was living to grasp and grab a fortune. He would hardly know how to answer you. Many young peo ple are in this condition; they have not a definite object" nothing to compel them to think. Xow, all those who are in this condi tion ought to pause and think for a lit tle while about this sentence: "A'lfttie while ago we were not In this world; a little while heoee we shall be here uo longer." Perhaps it would arouse the latent tire of their souls and cause them to tbluk beautiful thoughts; to live and work for some worthy motive; to bring out objects that are beautiful in the eight of the Trevor, an.l striTe wUh a,j the will and iorce of their natures to gain them; and show themselves to be in truth, the crowuiug work of creation! If they will not be aroused, then let them open their eyes and see. IKk below the surface, aud not one person with common sense can refrain from thinking a little; then they will think a little more every time they look, un tit tliey are on the high road to the ri ch est noughts. There are many, yes, thousands, of things, .worth living for. If people would only wake, compel themselves to think and brighten the powers of their minds, and " Act, act In the Irvine present, II' art within and God oierhead," They would breathe a higher and purer atraoapuweof rwresitjoyrnont. If girls ami women would stimulate tbeirmlmls to think, ami inscribe on their banners, "Luck is a fool ; pluck is a hero," and gird on their armors for a definite pur pose, there wouW be thousands of hap pier homes, igu jrance would toon hide in the depths of the earth, or be plunged into outer darkness, and more homes would be sanctified by the sunshine of iteaee, ttweeteoed by fof, nod made bright by the entrance and abiding nf the Christian graces. The Reasons Why. rVmiebo'ly a erttstv nhl liMRliulnr. of ooll rnH lUHHifeH why, tflfeu Eve was nmrm'netured of a spare rib, a servant wasn't made ai tlip same time to wait on ber? Kmie body elne a woman, we '"'""'.'.'iT replies in tlie follow liMf -train : "H caiite Adam never came wl.ii.i , Eve with n rftejee.! stock lug to t-edankPl, collar string to lie eewed n, or a glove to mend 'fight away quick now. lie eause be never read the iiewiper until the sun got dowu behlad the palm tree, and stretelilng out, yawned nut, 'Isn't supper twht ready, my lear7 Not lie. He made the fire and hung the kettle over it binifelf, we'll vtjluie; and (Milled the radishes, peeled the po tatoes, and did evertliing else he ought to do He milked the cmvs, fed the chickens, aud looked after the pigs himself, and lie never brought home imlfn dozen frteods to dinner wlieu Eve hadn't any fresh pomegranates. He never stayed out till 11 o'clock to a political meeting, hurrahing foran out-and-out candidate, and then scolding because poor Eve was silting up and crying inside the gates. He never played billiards, rolled ten-plus, aud drove fast horses, nor oiioketl Eve with elgar smoke. He never loafed around corner groceries while Eve was rocking little Chin's cradle at home. In short, be didn't think she was especially cre ated for tlie purpose of waiting on him, ana wasn't under tne impression mat it disgraced a man to lighten a wife's teares a little. That's tne reason J'-ve did not need a hired girl, and with it was the reason that ber fair descendants did." D. M. Besnktt's Cask We presume from what we slated last week, that, as Mr. Bennett was to be transferred from the Ludlow-slreet jail iu New York to tlie Albany penitentiary, lie is now au inmate of that institution. He is con fined there because, as is alleged, he sent an olxscene pamphlet through the mulls, we are uo menu oi onsoeuiiy. but it is by uo means dear that the pamphlet either in language or Inten tion it obscene. It may have been in judicious to write such a book, consid ering the bigotry aud persecution that yet prevail: but, then, all new ideas are always unpopular aud must ruu the gauutlet of prejudice, hatred, and per secution. Dr. Charles ivuowiton, a very worthy man aud skilful physician. wrote a physiological work forty years ago ami was put in jail lor it: nr. urn bum, for lecturing ml tlie wtnie subject, was mobbed; Mr. E. It Heywood, for writing a similar work, wa seut to prison; and riow Mr. Beunelt, for cireu lallng Mr ll.'s booK, ts In the peutlen- tiary. These thing show a spirit of persecution for opinions, uud it is a bad sign or tue limes to see tuom in exist ence, for It was hoped that we had out grown them. Investigator. Tlie text of the will of Mrs. Saruli A, Dorsey, who loft her entire property to jenersou uavia, tins otuy just ueeii printed. It is quite brief, nitd its essen tial portions are as follows: "Iliweuo obligation of any 4rt to any relative of my own; I have done all fcould for them during my whole life. I therefore give and bequeath all my property real, personal aud mixed, wherever lo cated aud sltuateil, wholly ana entirely, without hltiderauee or tiiwitialitlcution to my most honored uud esteemed friend, Jellerson Davis, ex-I'resideut of tlie Confederate Mates, for his sole use awl benefit, in fee simple, forever; and 1 Hereby constitute mm my sole Heir, executor anil administrator. If Jeller sou Davis should not survive me, I give all that I have bequeathed him to his youngest daughter, varina. 1 do not intend to share in the iugratitudeof my country toward tne man who is, tu my eyes, tne utgiiesl ana nouiest in exist euce." Tlie property is very valuable, and is situated in me stales oi xauls lana, Mississippi and Arkansas. The will will be contested. "Didn't you know you were lying when you said your mistress was out?" asked tne judge of a .Now York oourt "Yes, I did," was the reply, "but It Is the custom with ladies; they are always out with some people." It would have been most unfair had the servant been held in auy way responsible. It was not her lie at alt, aud it is doubtful if the lie is auy body's. Being "out' means often simply etigaged. It is neeeesury equivocation. Without it we would be "at sixes aud sevens" all the while. Refuse to see a visitor aud you make her your enemy, bay you are out. and she Is not offended. She may suspect the ruse, for she practices it liersaif, but she cannot kuow it. The uneeitaiuty savee her feelings aud keeps her friendship. Fwrnetft Prog rett. No matter how indulgent a mau may be, uo matter how sweet a disposition he may have, he will feel considerably put out, if not totally wild, when he discovers lutil ins wile nus ueen driving nails Iu tlie wall with tils razor-strep, Mrs. Plummer Benjamin, of Mont nelier, who has been dumb for about two years, coughed up sooielhtiitf like gristle tlie other day, aud can talk a? ever now. Miller & tux. of California, own SO. 600 bead of oatlle, and 700,090 acres o land. AtSKNTS ruit T1IK .K'XOItTIIWIST, The following persons sre duly authorised to act as Agents for the Nkw Noerra wrarr : D. D. Gray Mrs. J. A. Johns-.-. Mrs. tottle Ream Mrs. I. R. l'roebstel -Albany saiem Kugeoe City ... -LaGraude Hill shorn U U Williams.- Mrs. Laara lr"orc Gordon California Ashbv Pearae Benloncoantv M. 1. owen ooquei. uaiirornia w. W. Reach Colnut.W "Woman's Joo ma!" Boston, Massachusetts D. r. Porter Hfcedd-s, unwm J. Casto New Era Mrs. C. M. Kolti Haa Jose. Cal Mrs. M. A. Warner noosan rails, w. Miss Mary Bishop Brownsville ir. k. ,. .n icnots Dallas "trs. H. A. tsmghary Amity U. T. Koblson Forest Grove Mrs. k. c. Kullsou. Willamette Slough Mrs. M. Kelty . Lafayette Mrs. J. DeVore Johnson Oregon City Mrs-DonneU The Dalles 7: - Corvall f!- 5-A. vawten Walla Walla " h.soP Pendleton Mrs. M. F.Cook. Mrs J. 1L Foster J. T. Scott, Esq Mrs. A- K- Corwln... Kalem Larayette -Albany Forest Orove AstnriA U 1'. nsber.. aonii vamhltl maaw iwiies uesinng to act at Agents will pteawwrwaru meir names. We want Agents ai every ponemce mreugboul Oregon and LISTED!-. ROST, OFFICES. OKEMOJT. RAKER OOC.VTV. Auburn. Augusta, Baker CMy. CrtMrtJle, Kxpress Ranch. KIloriu,Oem. Humboldt Jto sln" Jordan Valley. .,,VS ftstif' Htoao. Ohi hot Oreefc. North llowi -Hon re, Terrysville. HfLVTON. Alse Valley. OorraUls. Ctolllns, rUng., Valley, Liberty, Uttle Klk, Newjwrt, Newton. OnealtA. ltlllomath, Starr's Point, Summit, Toledo, Yaouina. Monroe. Tidewater. CLAt'K A M AS. twri-r Butte Creek, tisnby, Clackamas, Clear Creek. Cuttiugsvllle. iMmascus Kagle Oswego, Harlow, Phujiuf CLATSOP. Astoria Clifton, Jewell, Knnppa, X liaiem. klpunon. Se:tslde House. w.--lporl. IaIIiiuu. uej . nunimer mmw, r.ri nu-.j,, . -.1.,- waxe. i COOS. ('.. -i!v. '.willle. Dora. Empire City. Kn chanted I'rain. Fairs lew, Hrrmaiut'llk. Heu- ville. Marshnelrt. Mnt Heii.l. utt, kui- dolph. Hllktn, rtilkum, Uuer diy, Raodon. ffln " Xorwiy, ' mnef, IrttBsbiii'. OOLOKHIA. Columbia City. Claiekaale. Marshland. IC- nler. Riverside. KL Helen. Hauvle's Isluud. Scapiioose, Clear ' reek tnlnn, Vern-,nia. cemtr. Chetcoc, Klleusburg, lort Urlord. 1MJCOLAS. Camas Valley. Cleveland. Colu's Vullev. traiu. Jflkton. UaJeavUtj.Sanlner. KcaluanW i aa 1 ,im vtj VI lie, uaRland, rase Creek, Koseburf, Scot la burg. Ten Mlle.tTtnpQ.aa CUT, Wilbur. Voncalla. Oak Creek, Day's Creek, Klk Creek, Klk Head, fair vaas, itnuud I'rairie, buipuur xpriugs. GKANT. Alvord. Canyon City. Camp Watson. Dav- ville, John Hay City, Prairie City. Parker. ville. rrttcliard's, humier, camp itarney. uranlte, Mouument, ML Vernon, lenola. JACKHOX. Aimlesrate. AahlatMl. Hrowiisoorosum. Cen tral ml l'olut, Eagle Point, Oram's pass. Hot! Springs, JoeksouvUle. Laker-orl. 1'bosaU, nocK romi, sam-s alley, l sole noca, vv il- !uwspnngrfjarrou, tag HuvuswuiMuns- treor Fool's Creek, Dardanelles, Iloneer, Woodviila. JtfcHU'IIIKK. , ' I , -I..-.. CI a . W , I 1 . ,1.1 lucay .ueen, jiunX. LAKK. Antler, llonansa. Dairy. Chewaucau. Drews' Valley. Goose lake. Lake View. Iaincell Val- r, IJnkvllle, Mergausen, .New line Creek, Tule Ijke, Whitehill, WhIUIe's Ferry, Yalnax, l ICTUS. IBr Prairie. Cottage Grove Creswell Camp Creek, Cartwrhjut's. . Dexter, Kugcne City, Franklin, Junction. Long Tom, Mo- tawt. l'loaaani uiil MMav. oenaar ureek. Spniifflleld, Trent, Willamette Forks, Chesher, neicuap apnugs, ouue uuapnfHnimunuwrow, Bast Fort. Gate Creek. Goshen. Ida. trvinz. Isabella, Leaburg, Liverpool, Mabel, McXeuaie linage, ustnani, waiierviue. ,umiiii-i IM- . 1 ir. IMUniin, i. if. 1.1 . n a 1 1 . M 1 1 1 I . fordsvlffe. Diamond Hill, Fox Val.y, Grass Kldge, Ilarrtsourg. Harris lunch. Halsey, oraan, ijenanon, jiiiier.Muuay, i-iessani. X evu, . 1 un, . lUp r Hmu , rywm '-,! i n i. n rw davtiie.sweet Home, uak vine, xangeut.water- roo. VAKIOK. Aurora. Anmsvllle, BuUeville. Brooks, Fal Held. Gervals. Hubbard. Jefferson, Marion Monitor, Newellsvi I te, rtalem', SI I vertou , stay ton, St. Paul. Turner, Wood burn. Aider, How ell I'rairie, Menauem, sunitmity. XD1.TNOMAU. ii , . i v, uwiu . xi, well , uiry, be Johns, Wlllameue Plough, Albina, Rooster mock, sauvies. roLC Dethel.Huena Vista. Dallas. Ela.Elk Horn. Grand Konde, Independence, Lincoln, Luckia- mnte, Ijewlsville, Jioumuutn, i-erryuaie, tuc reall, Ballsvllle, Zena. TILLAMOOK. GarlbalJI Kllches. Netarts. Ncalocktou, Til lamook, Trask, Nchalem. UMATILLA. Batter Creek. Hepwner, Lenoe, Marshall, Meadowvllle, Milton. I Hot Rock, Pendleion, Umatilla. Weston, I'ettysvlllu, uverton, Ceu trevllle, Midway, Willows, n.vtos. Cove. Island City, La Grande, North INwder, Smnnitrvllle, Union, Wallowa, Indian, Flat, I'rairie Creek, Hparta. WASOU. Antelone. Bridge Creek. Hood River. Mitch ell, Mt. Hood, Friuevllle. Kockvll le, shellrock. SSniSn IIOIIVW, 1 1IC lMIIW, ItMBI !,1TIUI. aseo. WllkMigbby, Fossil, Fine Creek, Ine Kock. Bake Oven, Crown Rock, Camp l'olk. Headlines. Ikifnr. Howant. Kincsley. Alex. Spring Valley, Tyak Valley, Upper Ocli.ico, Cascaues locks, n aiiuii,a. WASHINGTON. n . a , i i .i i u I en e i tiiii , vy ahiiv.iii.iiu.. " J , "i elGrove.GIencoe,Green ville Jilllsboro, Mid dleton. Mountain Dale, l'eake, Hholl's Ferry, aylors Ferry, Tualatin, Wapato, Centerville, Gale's Creek, Gaston, Joppa, Keedvllle, West Union. TAN HILL. eUe. McMlnuvllle, North Yamhill, tsherldan, St. Joe, West Chehalem, Tieatland, New berg. WASH I..T' THIIRITOK Y. Clallam oontrr, Keah Ray. New DungeDes. Port ADgeles, FyshL CLAMKB.' Battle Ground, Brush Prairie, Fourth Plain. Martin's IHutr, Iloneer, StonghUHi, Union Ridge, Vaneoaver. Wasboagal, Fern Prairie, Iji Center, Hayes, Yalcoila. CHBHALIS. nedat vllle. Chehalls Point. Klma. Hoaulam. Moiitesino, OakvHIe, Satsop, Wiarop , Humnill. COLUMBIA. Alnowla. Rurksville. Dayton. I'omeroy.Tuk- anon, Ajinetta, Central Ferry, Mareugo. COWLITZ. Gaatle Rock. Freenort. Kalama. Twer Cow- lita. MonUeello. ML Coffln. Uak I'olnt. Pekin. silver Lake, Coweeman, Oleqda. XHLA.ND. Coanevllle. COveland. Dugally. UtsaUdy. Oak Ilsrbor. jarrxasov. - Port lHscovery, Port Ludlow, ISul Townsend. KIMO. Black River. Dwamlsh, Fall City, Seattle. Hlaughter. anoaualmy, Squaek, wwte River. Cberry Valley Novelty ,MIIlou,Osceola,llenton. KtTMAf. Port Rlakely. IVrt Gamble. l"ort Madison. Pun Orchard, seabeefc, Teckllt. KLICKITAT. lHoek House. Columbus. Gohl-ndale. Klicki tat, White Salmon, Rlakely, Fulda, Klickitat Lauding. LBWtS. Algernon. Botslort. Cbehalis, Ctaquato. Cow- HU, Olea Kden, Utile Falls, Meadow Hnmk, ossy Rock, Napa vine, Newaakum.skookum lnck. Silver Creek, Wlnlock, Nasello. MASON. A reads, Llgbtvllle, Oakland, Skokomian. i-Acinc RrnessMt.Bniokfleld.KnaDDton.Ovsterville, KtversMe. South Rend," Unity, Woodward's Landing, Ray Center, Lake View, South Bend, Ilwaco. riratcts. ln.. I'll T V M fSuMUM Puyallup, StellacobM City, Taeoma. Alder town, Carbon, Acton, Summer, Muck, Wilke- son, Artonaaie. A JUA.ii son Juan, Lopaz. OroM, Bast Sound, Friday Harbor. SNOHOMISH. lntervme. uiwnij .iH.ninii ouvwwws Tulalip, Hark Place, Stam wood. SKAMANIA. Cascades, Collins' Imdlng. STBVRNS. CMt, Oeek. Fonr Ixkes. Fort Colvlll. Han ioaas Creek, line Grove, Rock Creek, Rosalie, Spokane Bridge, Spokane Falls, Union Ridge, Walkers l'raine. THCawroK. Com llsjlk, Beaver, Mhwt Prairie. Olympia. TanalqtMM. TenlBO, Tnm water, Yelm, Inde- pendenee. Key. WAHKIAKTM. rjnthlamel. Eagle Clirr, Skamoka way. Wafer- ford. WALLA WALLA. rataha Prairie, WattobarK, Walla Walla Whitman, Waliuia. WHATCOM. Cedar Grove, Goemas, La Conner, Lehmhl, tjimmi. r.vmleri. Noolsaehk. lVtat William. samlsh, Seahome, Seiahmoo, ship Harbor, Ship Island, S taglt, 1 ruu er, v naicom , riaaigo. wurrxAN. Cellar Creek, Colfax, EwHrtsvHIe.Owenshurg! Palnona. Ktentoe. Union Flat. Walton. Clinton, Lei (eh ville. ranawana. Pine Creek, Rosalia. Anatone, Lincoln, l'alaha city, Uuiotitowu YAKIMA. AUannm.Kllensbunr. Fort Rlmcoe. Kittitas, Konnowock, Nun u in. Pleasant Urove, Selah, Yakima. 'Money Order 0 Dices. MISOBIlLAXKOUS: OREGON &uCAL!0RKI2RAILR0AD CO. rl,(J!lA,5If.BPFISCT ausiuY, skit. X lS7i. at 11 it. - Iwi'r (Rn oday Slosi-lcl) ofellow: I'OltTLAND AND BOBEXUKO t:i,.Ulrw,unr: . I.KAY It AKK1VFL H.1-. bllrg TUB r.w lortland.. 135 r. M- rortl.m.l T:'ia. M I Hurtburg iuu A. x." ....... i. a. fllrrJ TK.I.1, ij t 11 ........... lHklly leiorpl Sun.l.ij.i, . PuUAtna. LKAVK 10111 an J 4 r. ji. Albuny-I'ortlaiHl- Albany San a.m. . 1MSA.I( FUKIUHT TKA-INH, i.Kfc5v" UJl.'.w -hi. Daily (exc. 8umla') as follows: 1-kAVK. AUaiVK. INirtlattil :iri a. m . .rnnti.., - u JuneUon a. . I l"ortiaud7'7.-aaa e a The OregoH and California Railroad fern take connection with all Regular Trains, t 'lose connections are made mt Hnphm. vn i. UieHtages ot Um Ca4irHMta atari Ihsa.n hijl.. Company atr iKKeis tor sale to Ml the prlneliial point la CHllfoniluawl lheBMt,alComnany'sotBee, lor. V and rrent 8t&,'al Ferry tsodicj, I'orllathl. OS" Storage will be ChuniMl mi Irxlaht m. mailt I ni; In WaielMnsea over 31 hotirs. Frehht will not he receives! for shlnment 0 UCIUCA 1. JI. J. BRANDT, Jr., V I IfYl I IK1 ., . . .. . . n. t . 1 II " 1 1 . Ix IKU, OflU Gen. Freight aud Passenger Agent. ZUCCATO'S PAPYMQ8APH Is a new Invention for the rapid pro duction of facsim ile copies ot any writ I ng, d rawi ng, or other Mora which can be done with peu and luk Autogn)iH I Alters, Circulars, Music, etc., are first written tition a sheet of pa per, Q the ujji! way, and from this wrllteu sliet !. soo coi'ir.s l-r.ii iiorit My lie printed upon any kind of dry paper.or otht r malt-rial. In acommoti copying preHsi. This is the MOST KIMI'I.K, lLM'ID, and E UXOMH' L PJIOCK-SS yet discovered. Ttiou-utnds are already in suc-essful use In Government Oltloe, Colleges, AcuJeliiKw, lub- r lie ami Private tvhoon, lcalltray nnn insur ance Ohlces. AIm) by business men, lawyers, clergymen, Sunday Meheol suienulendents, missionaries, and others. The Simmons Hardware Co., of St. Iwla, says of It: "tmr Papyrograph, purchased some time since, gives entire suttMaetfoiL Would not be without It for JIjMJU a year." For specimens of work, price list, etc, ad dress, with stamp, TUT. 1'Al'YItOGK.Vl'II CO.. It and 45 Shetueket street, Norwich, Conn. Ber LOCAL AGRNTS WANTBD. 8-18 DR. A. B. SPINKEY, No. 11 EEAItJJV ST REST, Trent nil t'liroulc null Speclnl DNenses. , YOUNG MEN Atrrio IAY BE SUFFERING FROM 'tll urlscui of youthful folltas or Indlscrethmt will do well to avail themselves of this, the greatest boon ever laid at the altar of suffering humanl'y. DR. Sl'INNKY will guarantee to forfeit S&m lor every case of seminal weakness or private disease of any kind or cbaracta wnirn ne unuertaKes anu nuts to cure. M1DDLE-ACED MEN. There are many at the age of thirty to sixty who are troubled witli too frequent evacuation of the bladder, often accompanied by a slight smarting or ourniug sensation, anu a weaKen Ing of the system In a manner the patient can not account for. On examining the urinary deposits, a ropy sediment will often be found, and sometimes small particles of albumen will appear, or the color will be or a thin mllklsn hue, acatn chancing to a -lurk and. loroid aniiearanae. "There are iiKiDKiaen who die of this difficulty ignorant or the cause, which Is the second stage of seminal weakness. 4-r. S. will guarantee a perfect dire In all such cases, and a healthy restoration of the genilo urinary organs. Office hours letot. and to 8. Sunduyafmm 10 to 11 a.m. Consultation free. Thorough el amlnatlon and advice, 16. Call on or address, DILSPINNFYACO.. 7-32 No. 11 Kearny SL, San Francisco. NO PATENT NO PAY I PATENTS Obtained for Inventors In the United States, Canada, and EiimM. at reduced mires. With our prlncll ohice located In Washington, di rectly opposite tne tniietl r-iiates i-aieuiumce, we are able to attend to arl Patent Baslness with greater liromptnessand dtspatcli and less cotthau other tiatent attomeys, whonreala distance from Washington, anu who iww. therefore, to employ "asMKiate attorneys.1 lake' preliminary examinations and fur opinions as th lUleulabUlty, free of e.and all who are Interested in new In- We mate nlsh rhare. venoons anu istients are tnviteo to senu tor a coiiy or our "liulde for Obtaining l -stent, " which is sent free to any aildress, and contains complete Instructions how to obtain patents, and other valuable mailer. We refer to tlie GennanAmeilcan National Hank, Washing- Ion. D. C.; the Itoyal Swedish, Norwegian, anu Danish legations, at Washington; Hon. Jos. Casey, late Chief Jnstlee U. S. Court of Claims: to the Officials or the U.S. Patent Office, and to Senators and Members or Congress from every State. ... . .... Address: LOUIS UIUUKII x mj., solicitors of lMents and Attorueys-at-Law, Le Iholt tmlldlng, asblniion, i. u. a-rz I.ADIUS 1'UIICIIASING OOHS33T ! should examine Madame F"iVs IMPItoVKI) COItSRT SKIRT HUIl"OIlTER. For Health. Comfort, and Kle-gMtir- of Form It has no ri val, and Is really tlie moat perfect SKIRT-MUrFORT-1SU CORSET made. For sale by all leading dealers. Manufactured by ' ' rY A- 1IAK3IO.V, Xrtv Haven. Cum. JOUX A. BECK, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELERV It Front street, Portland, Oregon. Fine Assortment of CIQCSS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, AMD SPECTAC At I)W FHICKS. I am selling American Watches at KAHTKItN I'KIX with Wells Fargo charges added. NO HUMBUG! Seth Thomas' Clocks at Old Kates. REPAIRING a Specialty. In Prices I XMy Colli peUUon. BARBER &. HICKLIN, ! DCNTISTN, . fjj (Suceessors to J. II. HWcli.) " No. 109 First street, Portfirfd, OretfOU. l.TvTsVf7 r" NDTicn. rpHE UNDBRSIGNKD, IN TAKING LKAVr I' of IVkrtland. returns his sincere thanks fot the liberal pulronasre that has been DCKtowed, and wouhl besieAk for his sueeesaors a contin uance oi tue same, mm ur. ifcarner .v .rcs lln are eentlemen In everv war worthy of any eonfklenee that may be placed In them, ami as sued i can conscientiously recoramenu'tnem to my lonncr menus anu patrons. 6-T4 J. If. HATCH. DK. J. G. GLKN'N, X), Southwest comer First and Yamhilla . , POKTLAND, OREQ0N. cr , a "HULMBOLD'S COLUMN. H. T. .HELMBOLD'S 'COMrOUND FLUID EXTJlACT PHARMACEUTICAL. SPiltrltmtDir FOR Alt DISEASES OF TUf ..r,'' BUD BER AHS SWEETS. I IJOU DRIltlilTY. IaW3 OF MKMOIIY, IN ; dlspiHlMnn to BxerWon or llosltiees. Shorts Bess of Ihealh, Troubled with TlHHHtbts of Disease, Dlnintns of Vision, ialn In the ltsek, Chestnixt Head, Hush of IhWl to the Head, l'ale Counteuanee ursl Dry Skin. If these symptoms are allowed to go on, very resonant ly Kpileiitie Fits and OonsuinpOon niltow. when the eonstltutloB beoomea affected. It re quires tlie ah! of an hivhtomrHig-wdlelno to stnBgttHin and tone up thesystsm, wltteh HELM30L0'S SuCHU IX HVJillY CflSK. ,.' ai HELMB OLD'S BTJCHTJ IS UNEQUALED By any remedy known. It la pr ascribed hi the most eminent ptayslclarei alt over the world In UhcuDialUm, Spcrniatorrliicn, Xcuraljiia, Xcrvousnoss, Djsprpsla, Indigestion, Constipation, Aches and Pains, Lumbago, Xcrrous Dcbillly, Head Troubles, Catarrh, General Debility, Dis3is ' of tho' Sidneys, Liver Complaint, Epilepsy, raralysis, General III Health, " Spinal Diseases, Sciatica, Deafness, Decline, Ncrvout Complaints" ' Fcmalo Complaints, Etc. Ileai Y.l SIH'IO 1-aliilnthe Coogfc, tirSstHrteL; ,i ... IalidtNHn ff the Ileatt, . IVrinlatbeltQgtoBorUieKltlHflys, Atal a IkottMtHd other painful syu4onM,are the hpriMfti of IfspeiHia. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU 1NVIGOH.VTRB TUB STOMACH And stimulates the torpid Liver. Bowels, and Kidney m HtstHhy eleamdnc the blood of all ha parities, soil Iwiiartini: new life and vhr le lne wtsnle system. A single trial will be auK t MIHeieu l to con vince lNe most Hcstutung oi n vaiuavie reme dial rptallMe-i. I'ltltlll, 1 I'lllt IttHTI.U Or 8lz Bottles for Ja. Hallrwssl ta tmr niMrai free from observn ttoa.lJsshasAg Hiay-sniaiitlt )v eU r, rveai vltg I he iifSSmSita9ia by calling-, OhmpeteBt l'hyatstaagaUaiia to correspondents'. Alt let ters shssud beaddresMsl io rn;T.iiEK?iuii.D, Iruggist and Chemist, Philadelphia, Pa. GA UTIQX! See Hint the I'rivnle Proprietary Slnmp - 1 is on cncli Hot tie. SSld EVERYWUEUE I -3S MrSCBiTJAJTHOTJS l la. JUST PUELISEED, HEW ILLUSTRATED ? 'In with jcu, man ." pelttah .al You'd better try to earn your bread Than like the birds to bill and coo ! Twill do for them to sigh and woo, For they have nothing else to do." DAVID AND ANNA MATSOS. By Mrs. -A.iirttil Scott IHuiwy, Editor "Xvk Xarlkwect," ?ortiaal, Oregtm, WITH BEAUTTFUL ILLUSTRATIONS, AND KLEGANTLY BOOXF A new epic, from a visocous ami skillful pen, on asot,Je which occupies a large place la lb social discussions of the day. The subject ia taken from Mr. WhIUIera short aarratrveof "Da vid Mataan," with which the reader is probably familiar. David Matson.a Merrimae sailor wag captured by the Algerinea (daring one of his voyages) and sold into slavery. Alter many years he obtained release and was on his way to the home of his boyhood, when he fell in with his oM employer, who informed hint that his wife, believing him dead, had remarried, and, stunned by his trouble, he surrendered all claim as husband and father to the asaa" who had stepped Into his place, and departed. Mrs. Dunlway baa found a theme In this story with which her heart beats In warmest sympathy, and her lines flow on in thw iBiuetli cadenca in dicative of the fulleu accord. jjhe pictures the gentle, tender, trustful Anna and the wily, eov etoas Pelatlab la vivid colors; and how years of poverty and longlag, ajsd tit eriea eg tlrr aus gry boye,eompelled fkoorAaaa to yield to Pelatlah'a Importanlry, 'j ! "Kiee, rejoice, My poor, an mated dove," said he. " And look henceforth lor love to me." .,( . A little further on he says: ... " Become my with and yon shall be Mad happy through prosperity,' White, If she persists In declining his advances, wolf-like, be threatens to abandon bar to sta -vatkm aad cold. And this Felatlah waa a "deacon, ' " Ia exhortations deep acd load." The wanderings of David, his captivity, release, hapless interview with Pelatlab, discovery of " Anna's second wifehood, and his sad going back to Algeria, are all told so patbetiesdly that oar ' teellngs at e deeply enlisted. No one, with any true sentiment, can read the poem sjllhant be ing thoroughly stirred. The Illustrations are In admirable keeping with the passagsSthsy are designed to portray, and a fine engraving or the author Is a Siting frohtispieee. The ahajeet spirit, ftae and passion of the poem should give It an extensive reading, aside from the Interest which the literary reputation of the author most awaken In It. Aa a specimen of biiui snaking tin volume Is certainly beautiful, and would adorn any center-table. We know of no work so well adapted as a present. It Is printed on heavy Unfed paper aad most beautifully bound, pi Ice, t2 U0 ; full gilt extra, (2 30. For sale by book-sellers, or by mall, poat-paid, by S. H, WELLS & Co., Publishers, 787 Broadway, New Yet. GLEXX'X SULPHUR SOAP, TiioaoooHLT Crnrs DisEJiggs or thbSkin, JiKAUTIKirS THE LOMPUtXHW, I'KETCtTS AND Kbmeimcs Kiikckatim as Goot, IIk.m Sohes and Abrastoxs or thb CUTtCLg ANtl CtKUt rURACTS CO.NTJICIOK. This Stanilard Exlprnal Remedr for Erun. tfon-i. Sores anl In furies of tlie Skin, not only HKitOVEX FROM THB COMPLKSKfi ALL iiLKMisHifs arwing hom locpl imparities of the blond ami obstruction of the nores. hut abn those produced by tlie son aad wind, such as tan anil ft-ecUcs. It r- riders the cu- TICLK KAKTEI.U0LT C1.E.IB. SMOOTH and Jruurr, and bem a wnoLKaouB bkacti- kirk is far preier.iuie to any cosmetic iLL TBS BEXEDf XL AOVSTTTABES OF St7L- raDM Baths an- inured bt the use or Glenn's Snlitliw Sttti, which in ad dition to its lairifying effects, remedies and lUKVKHTS KnitUMATLSK and Goct. 1 1 also DDUXPSCTs CLOTnctG and Lnncr and PRa VESTS DlaEtagH COMLMCATBD BT COX- rACT with the person. It msmltk BjDurF, prevents bald ness, and retards graynew of the hair. Physicians speak of it in high terms. Prkes, S9 aad 90 Gsats jts OaV. Far Bsx, (3 0&xm,) 60 sat gLSO. N.'B. The SS cesteskss ste trials teesh of Ihsssst " IlIH's lUlrsaJ IfhUsvr Drr." Ms k er Brown. SOr. o. x. cfiinmtx, Prf v. 7 sok at. n. T-sn CORBKTT'.S LIVERY, HACK AND FEED STABLES. Cor. Second nml Tnjlor it root. Iteasnaahle Charges for Hire and Boardinc Hack orders promptly attended. Day or Night. WOUDW.VItD A-, Prop's. QImOH 110 A YE Alt, or 16 to per V myu nay iu your own locality. -o nsx. women do as welt as men. lany make more than the amonnt stated above. No one can fail to make money fast. Anyone can do the work. Ton can make from H cants lo It an hour by devoting your evenings and spare time to the baslness. Nothing like It for money-making ever offered before. Business pleasant and strictly honorable. Reader, If you want to know all about the im I-paying business before the public. send as your ad dress and we will send yon full pajtioMlum and private terms free; samples worth W also free; yon can then make up your mind for yourself. Address GEORGE STINBON .t CO., Portland, Maine. 8-17 W. J. QOINN, MERCHANT TAILOR Shark street, between First aad Second, PORTLAND, OREGON. SVITS MAIn T.O.OUDKK in the Latest Style, and guaiafitecd to give sausiaeuun. ADVfiRTISEMEKTB, til- i ESTABLISHED lata. R. S. &. A. r. tv.GST, SSt !e enth street, Waahlagtasi. D.C I iHVeHtWVH. We proi-ure patenls In all countries. Kb AT ' t iknky ymn is AhVASca. No charge unless t.n- pti-ut is granted. No fees fbr maktas pre liminary examinations. No additional fees tor obtaining and conducting a rehearing, spucial attention given lo Interference Cases lie (ore tlie Patent office. Extensions before I Congress, Infringement Holts in different Mates, and all litigation pertaining to Inven tions or Patents. Keud stamp lor pamphlet I giving full instructions. ITtiiied Stnte-s CottrtH HHtl fiepartmeHtN. Claims prosecuted in the Supreme Court ot the United States. Court of Claims, Oourt o' Commissioners or Alabama Claims, Boolhern Claims Commission, and ail classes of war claims before the Executive Departments. Aireftw or Pay nut! lloiiiity. OfBcera, Soldiers, and Sailors of the late war, or their heirs, are io many cases entitled lo money from the Government, of which they have no knowledge. Write full history of ser vice, and state amount of pay and bounty re ceived. Enclose stamn. and a full reulv.afte I examination, will be given yon without charge 1'euMou. All OaVers, Soldiers, and Sailors wounded captured, or Injured in the late wai, however slight, are entitled to, and can obtain a pen stun. Culled Stole Genera! Lnitt! OHiev. Contested Land Cases, Private Land Claims Mining, pre-emption, and Homestead Casts prosecuted before the General Land Office an iwpani partmunt of the Interior. liaud WnrrAHtH. We pay cash for Bounty Land Warrants, and ' we invite correspondence with all parties huv I Ing any lor sale, and give full aud explicit In j struct Ion where assignments are I m perfect. 1 We conduct our business in mum. Rb. ... having therein the clerical aestatanee of able and experienced lawyers, and give oar closest personal supervision to every Important paper prepared In each ease. Prompt attention thus secured to all business entrusted to na. Ad dress M. J.. A A. I. JLACbTY. A Mwrii.-.. WASHINGTON, D. C. Any person desiring Information as io the standing a-ad responsibility of the firm will.ou request, be furnished with a satiiactory refer ence in hut vicinity or Congressional district. 6-17 . A WEEK In your own town, aad no J capital risk' d. You can give the baal- ness a trial Without expense. The best oppor tunity ever offered for those willing to work. Yon should try nothing else until yoa see for yourself what you can do at the baslness we offer. No awn to explain bees. Ton eaa de vote all your time or only yours pure time to tlie business, and make great pay lor every hour that you work. Women make as aaeh as men. r-end for special private terms aasf par ticulars, which we mail free, $5 oalflt free. Don't complain oi hard times while yoa have such a chance. Address II. HALLETT Jb CO.. Portland, Maine. s-cr CATARRH POSITIVELY CURED! DR. JAMES KECK, THE CELEBRATED Catarrh Doctor, of Chicago, formerly of Aurora, Illinois, Is now located In Portland. Oregon, where he gives (at his ofBee) a FKKK SURE CURE FOR CATARRH. The Doctor treats successfully all Chronic Diseases and Female Weaknesses; ears Can cer wit boot pain ; has a never-failing ease fbr FEVER, and AGUE. Medicines sent to all parts of the country, and all proper questions answered through the mails promptly by en closing two stamps. Office Con saltation FKKK. rue, or can ana see tne uocuir It yoa are needing medical aid. ofllc) Mrow bridge's Bui Id Ing, corner 1st aad Alder streets, north of Town Clock, rooms No.'s IS and 11, second floor. OfBee hours From A. M. to IS ,and from 1 toi, and B to H p. m. Kuodays, 1 tot r. M. Post Otnce Itox jUS. a-j CHEMEKE7A HOTEL, SAIJBM, OREGON. S. F. MATTUKWS Proprietor No pains or expcne will b-l ipSISd a heap lht cui-in. unci ii-ry ilepartinitplersmac- nidcent Hotel up to the mark a ; 6 THKBBOT HOTEL LN OREGON.