THURSDAY. JULY 17, 1S79. "BEMEMBEK VS." BY I CABSKSOK. O, lonely women! You who stand In shadow, clasping In your hand Nothing of all love blessed gift. I-wbose two arms can barely lift My bounty of what women prtie I veil my joy before your eye And pray for you, the penal re band. O, anxious women! You who toll rneompensned, with the moll Upon you of that weary aulle Which yields yon bat your barren life; 1 who have comfort, safety, rest. Love, home, con lent around me pressed I pray for you In labor's coll. O, loveless women ! You who wait In darkness, warring with your Me, Strlot of your bitter eoul'a desire. And scorched with some rebellious Are, Or left In sln-slek doubt to grope. Defying love and faith and hope I pray for yon, the desolate. O, happy women ! Each who ran Her course beneath the dally sans Of pure affection and delight Forget not those who live In night; lie thankful tor each shining day And bird and flower bat pray! oh, pray With me for all forsaken ones! The Engineer' Story. "Let me put my name down first can't stay lone 1" It was a red ribbon meeting, and the man was a leoomoti ve engineer, uronzeu ami strong, awl having eyes full ofAleep determination, llo signed ins name i a bokl. nlain band, tied a red ribbon I hifl buttou-hole, and as he left the hall he said : "As the Lord looks down upon me. I'll never touch liquor agaiu." "Have you beeu a hard drinker?' queried a man who walked beside the engineer. "No. Fact is. I was never drunk i my life. I've swallowed considerable whisk v. but I never wont far enough to get drunk. I shouldn't miss It, or be the worse on for an hour, if all the in toxioatlng drink in tue world was drained into the ocean." "But you seemed eager to sign the pledge." "So I was, and I'll keep it through thick and thin, and I'll talk temperano to every man on tue roau." "You must have strong reasons." "Well. If you will walk down to th depot. I'll tell you a story on the way, It has not been in the papers, and only a few of us know the facts. You know that I run tbe night express on the B road. We have always at least two sleepers and a coach, and sometimes we have as many as two hundred pas fencers. It is a good road, level as i lloor, and pretty straight, though there is a bad spot or two. The night express has the right o' way, and wo must make fast time. It is no rare thing for us skim along at the rate of fifty miles an Hour for tntrty or lorty miles, and w rarely go below thirty. One night pulled out of Detroit with two sleepers two coaches, and tbe baggage and mail oars. Nearly all the berths in both sleepers were full, and most of the seats In the coaches were occupied. It was a dark night, threatening all tbe time to rain, and a lonesome wind whistled around the cab as we left the oity be hind. We were seventeen minutes late, ami that meant fast time all tbe way through. "Well," he CDntinued, after a moment, "everything ran along all right up to midnight. The track was kept clear for us, the engine was in good spirits, and we ran Into D as smooth as you please. The express coming east would meet us fifteen miles west of D ; but tbe operator at tbe station had failed to receive bis usual report from below. That was strange, and yet it was not, and after a little consultation tbe con ductor sent me ahead. We were to keep tbe main track, while tbe other train would run in on the side track. Kight after night our time had been eo close that we did not keep them waiting more than two minutes, and we were generally in sight when they switched in. "When we left D , we went ahead at a rattling speed, fully believing that the other train would be on time. XI ne miles irom D is the little village of Parte. There is a telegraph station there, "hut the operator had no night work. He cloed his office ami went home about uine o'clock, and any mes- j sages on the wires for him were held above or below until morning. When I sighted the station, I saw a red lautern swinging between the rails. Greatly astonished, I pulled up the heavy train, and got a bit of news that nearly lifted me out of my boots. It was the operator who was swinging the lantern, lie had been roused from sleep by the whistle of a locomotive when there wasn't one within ten miles of him. He had heard the toot! toot! toot! while he was dressing, and all the way as he ran to the station, thinking he'd been signaled. Lo ! there was no train there. Every thing was as quiet as the grave. The man heard his instrument clicking away, and, leaning his ear against the window, he caught theee words as they went through to D : " 'For God's sake swltoh the eastern express oil quick ! Engineer on the western express crazy drunk, and run ning a mile a minute.' "The operator signaled us at once. We had left D nine miles away, and the message could not have caught us anywhere except at Parlo. Six miles further down was tbe lone switch. It was time we were there, lacking one minute. We lost two or three minutes in understanding the situation and in consulting, and just got ready to switch in where we were, when the head-light of tbe other train oame into view. Great heavens ! but how, oh ! how that train was Hying! Tbe bell was ringing, sparks flying, and the whistle scream ing, and not a man of us could raise a hand. I stood there on tbe track, spell bound as it were. There wouldn't have been time, anyhow, either to have switched in or to have got the passen gers out. It wasn't over sixty seconds before that train was upon us. I prayed to God for a breath or two, and then "but my eyeg nrui called for deotu for 1 lSw th.e "JB1" t Get off the cab. ell. sir, God's mercy was revealed again. orty rod. v,ve us that loco motive jumped the track, and was piled into the ditch In an awful mesa. Some of the coaches were considerably smashed, and some of the nenni k..h:. bruised, but no one was killed, and of course our train escaped entirelv. must have cared for Big Tom, the other I engineer. He didn't get a bruise, but ! was up and across tbe fields like a deer, screaming and shrieking liko a tiger. It took five men to bind him after he was run down, and to-day he is the worst lunatic in tbe Slate. "Tom was a good fellow," continued the engineer, after a pause, "and he used to take his glass pretty recularlv. I never saw him drunk, but liquor kept working away on bis senses until at last the tremens caught him when he bad a hundred and fifty lives behind his en gine. He broke out all of a sudden. The fireman was thrown oil tbe engine, ll steam turned on. and then Tom danced and screamed and carried on like a fiend. He would have made awful work, sir, but lor God's mercv. I'm ireruouuK yet over trie wav lie came down for us, and 111 never think of it I lluout my heart iuninlnrr for mv throat. JSobody asked me to sign the nieuge, out i wanted mv name there. uue such uigbt on the road has turned me against lntozlcatinc linuors. and now that I've cot this red ribbon on. I can tain to tue boys with better face. Tom is raving, as I told you, and the doctors say ne'll never get his reason again, uoou-nignt, sir; my train goes in ten minutes." Detroit Free rreu. A Stranok Memoki al of Borrow. A striking instance of the arbitrary state In which Scotland was held in former times, both in public and private uf- fairs, Is oxhibiled in tbe sad fate of the wife of a .Lord of Session, whose title was Lord Grange. It was suspeoteu that the lady, by some means or other, had got at the knowledge or some btale papers of infinite cousequenee, and as poor women are sol down iu tue minus of all arbitrary men to be incapable of keeping a secret, U range and Ills son de termined to secure the ono contained in the paper iu question by putting It out of tbe lady's (tower to divulge anything she knew of the matter. To accomplish their design, tue Husband and sou prl vately conveyed Her to tne Islaiul or be. Kilda, there put her on shore, and left her to shift for herself, and sailed back again, without a living being having missed luem or suspected what they had executed; uorcould the lady's place of concealment be discovered by her friends, although they made every -ef fort iu their power to find out whither they had conveyed her, but to no pur pose, ilie island or ivildu aUorded no implements for writing, and the lady's History would never nave been known bad she not worked it on her muslin apron with her hair. lltr family, by some means or other, after her death (which happened at St. Kilda nearly tnirty years after her banishment) got possession or this curious piece or work. and preserved it with great care as a memorial or nor suilenngs and or tue tyranny of tbe times in which she lived Everlasting Perdition. Canon Farrar. of the English Episcopal Church, in a recent sermon lu West minster Abbey, made the following bold declaration : "I know ol notbiug so calculated to make the soul revolt with loathing from every doctrine of rellglou as tbe easy complacency with which some cheerfully accept the belief that they are liviug in the midst of millions doomed irrevocably to everlastlug per dition. II thisawiul doctrine bad to be decided by texts, then the original lan' guage must be applied to, and inter preted in its proper and historical sig nificance. Where would be the popular teachings about bell if we calmly and deliberately erased from our J-.ugliah Bibles the three words, Damnation, llell, and KverJastlng? let I say, un hesitatingly, claiming the fullest right to speak with the authority of knowl edge, I say it with the calmest and most unflinching sense or responsibility 1 say. standing here iu the sight of God and my Savior, and, it may be, of the angels and spirits ot the dead that ho one of thete word ought lo staiul anji longer in our UnglUh lliblet, anil that being, in our present acceptance of them, simply mtitrantlationt, they most unquestionably will not stand lu tbe re vised version of tbe liible if the revisers have understood their duty." Miss Frances I. Petting)!!, of Augusta, Maine, distinguished herself by securing one of tbe four class honors of the Na tional School of Elocution and Oratory in Philadelphia. Her selection, "Old Itobiu," by Trowbridge, was rendered with such a dignity of diction aud calm uese of carriage as to secure for her not only the unbounded applause of the audience, but also, what was more im portant, the decision of tbe judges In her favor. Mrs. Lizzie W. Champney, who has been so successful in writing books for young people, bas compiled a volume entitled "Entertainments'," comprising directions for holiday merry-makings, new programmes for amateur perform ances, aud novel exercises for Sunday schools and Sunday evening meetiugs. Mrs. Hill, sister of the venerable W. W. Coreoran, Esq., fouuder of tbe Cor coran gallery of art, died a short time I ago. Mr. Corcoran is left alone by this ueam, tue last 01 tits race. Ills wile and only daughter died wo me years since, the latter leaving no cuildreu. When you see a youug man with a wild, haggard look negotiating for a rocKing-ciiatr and a soap-dish, you can know that his landlady insists on his replacing the furniture he threw out of ins window at tne cats the previous nignt. notion rott. Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson Is circulat ing a tract which shows that the people 01 tue united states pay over 7(X), 000,000 a year for spirituous and fer mented liquors, and only $95,500,000 for education and 48,uuu,uuu lor religion. Rev. Edward Eggleeton is of the opin ion that sermon-stealing is quite com mon iu this country, but less so than in England, where clergymen think more or their ease than with us. Copper is coined for exoluslrelv relig ious purposes. It enables a man to feel he has contributed to the spread of the gospel wituout drawing too largely on us income. In answer to Shaksmwrn's ennnn. drum, "What's in a name?" the Svra. cuse Time says that If it Is a Russian uenerars name, tbe entire alphabet is iu iu Miss Louisa Rymer lias carried oil a chess prize of the Rirkbeok Literary and Scientific Institution, Loudon, from many masculine competitors. v AGENTS FOK THE NEW NORTHWEST. The following persons are dnly authorized to act as Agents for the Nsw NoaTHwawr D. D. Gray- Albany Mrs. J. A. Johns Mrs. Louie Ream.--Mrs. L. R. Proebstel.. nielli Eugene City I.(iratHle L. L. Williams.- lllllsluun Mrs. Laura DePoree Gordon California Ashby I'earce Benton county M. P. Owen foqnel, California W. W. Beach CoIHucAV. T -woman's journal". D. P. Porter -Boston, Massaehnsetts sneatti, Oregon J. Casto. New Era Mrs. C. M. Kolts Mrs. M. A. Warner..- IIks Mary Bishop VI r . A. Nichols San Jose. Cal -Spokan Palls, W. T Brownsville Dallas Mr. 11. a. Iacbary K.T. Roblson . . Amity Forest Drove Jr. K. c twiteon Mrs. M. Kelty Mrs. J. DeVore Johnson... .Willamette mooch Lafayette Oregon City The Dalles - Corvallls i it. i,nueii . Dr. Bayley """ Mrs. n. a. vawters Mrs. B. B. Bishop. Mrs. J. "W. Jackson.... A. W.Stanard " C. A. Reed.- .. Mrs. M. F. Cook Mrs J. IL Foster J.T.SeoU. Esq Mrs. A. E.Corwln L. P. Fisher Walla Walla Pendleton Eugene City Brownsville Salem Lafayette AlMn. .Forest Grove .Aslnvitt Other parties desiring to act a Asents will please forward their names. We want Agents at every postofflee ttaroashoul Oregon and Wasuiogion lerntory. POST OFFICES. UREUUX. BAKER COUNTY. Auburn. AnguXn, Ilaker City. Clarksrllre, Express Kaueh,KldonHlo,;eui.llu8iboldl lkt hIii. Jordan Valley, Itye Valley. Wlngvllle, stone, Connor Creek, North l'owder, Malheur, uoure, terry vi lie. JIRNTON. Alsea Valler. Corvallis. Collins. Kline's Val ley. Liberty, XJltle Klk, Newport, Newton, Oneattn. Philomath, Starr's Point, Summit, Toledo, Yaoulna, Monroe, Tidewater. CLACKAMAS. Heaver. Itutle Creek. Canbv. Clackamas. Clear Creek, CutUngsvllle, Damascus, Eagle wsukfe. Needy, Norton, Oregon City. Oswego, Sandy, Sprlngwater, Zlon, New Kra, Harlow, anna, t'nion 31111s, tioone-s rerry, nnmni Home, Klngo Point, Stafford, Viola. CLATsol'. Astoria. Clifton. Jewell. Knanna. Ns aiem. Skipauon, Seaside Hoote. Weatnort, Isthmus. Olney, Summer 1 loose. Port Clatsop, Mlsha- wise. coos. rvuu tiw. r 111 ti t? ri,w Vn. chanted Prairie. Palrvlew, Heraiansvlll, Hen ryvllle, Mnrshaeld. North Bend, OU. Ran dolph. Silkln. Sttkum, Utter City, Handon. Coaledo, Uravel Ford, Iowa Slough, Freedom, Jiynie rotm, Norway, bnmner, mntersuurx. COLUMBIA. Columbia City. Clatskanie. Marshland. Ita- nler. Itlverslde. HL Helen. Hauvle's Island. bcappouoe. Clear Creek, O.HHIH, Yernonia. CUHKY. Cheteoe, Kllensburg, Port Orford. Camas Valler. Cleveland. Cole's Valler. Drain, Elkton, UalesvlUe, Gardner, Kellogg ijuokiusss. jivrue ureeK - imn uanvon vllle, Oakland Pass Creek, Hoseburr0, Scotts- borg.Ten Mlle.tJmnona Cltv. Wilbur. Yoncalla. Oat Creek, Day's Creek, Elk Creek, Elk Head, r sir uass, Konna i-raine, suipnur springs. GRANT. . I I .. ...... T vllle, John Day City, Prairie City, Parkersvllle, l'nirnanrs, .-Slimier, camp narney, Granite, jinuunieni, ill. vernon, remits. JACKSON. Applegate. Ashlaud. Urownsbomugh. On Iral I-imiiL Kagle Pulnt. Cram's l"ass. Hot Springs, Jacksonville. Lakepoit, l'hamix, noes: ivnii, Maui's vauey, iauie mock, wii lowSnrlmcs.llamHi.IUc Uutte.Willtams'Creek Foot's Creek, Dardanelles, Pioneer, Woodvllle. JOSKi'HISE. Klrby. Iceland. Slate Creek.Waldo, Althonse. Lucky o.oeeu, jiurpny. LAKE. Antler. Bonanta. Dairy. Chewaurnn. Irew8' Valley. Uoote Lake. Lake iew. Lancet! Val ley. Linkvllle. Mercausen. New line Creek. Silver Ike, Sprague ltlver. Summer Lake, Tule Lake, Whiten til, Whittle's Ferry, Yalnax, Plevna. LANE. IMg Prairie, Cottage Grove, Creswell, Camp Creek, Cartwrlght's, Dexter, Eugene City, Franklin, Junction. Long Tom, .Mo- spnncneld, Trent. WlllameUe Forks, Cbesher, oiuiimiU . ivm. iiinjiivHV i wi .. i.uciii i . Belknap Springs, Butte Disappointment, Crow, East Fork, Gate Creek, Goshen. Ida, Irving, Isabella, Lea bo re, Liverpool, Mabel, McKenzle Bridge, Latham, Wallervllle. Albany. Big Prairie, Brownsville, Craw fordsvUle, Diamond Hill, Fox Vl.-y, Grass Ridge, Harrlsbnrg. Harris Ranch, Halt)-, Jordan, Lebanon, Miller, Muddy, ML Pleasant, Peoria, Pine, fclo, gliedd's, Kuda Springs So da vllle.Sweet Home, Oak viile. Tangent, Water loo. MARION. Aurora, AumsvUle, Bulteville. Brooks, Fair field, Gervais, Hubbard, JenVrson, Marlon, Monitor, Newells vllle. Salem, Ml I ve rton , Slay ton, St. Paul. Turner, Woodburn, Aider, How ell i'rmlrle, Mehabem, sublimity. MULTNOMAH. East Portland, Portland. Powell's Valley, su Johns, Willamette Slough, Albina, Rooster Rock, Kauvles. roi-K. Bethel. Buena Vista, Dallas. Eola, Elk Horn, nnnii Rnnd. ludeftendence. Lincoln. LncKla- inale, Lewlsville, Monmouth, Perrydale, Itle- reall, Ballsvllle, 7-ena. TILLAMOOK. nsrihaldl. Kllches. NeUrts. Nestockton.TU' lamook, Trask, Nebalem. UMATILLA. Butter Creek, Heppner, Lenoe, Marshall, Meadowville, Milton, Illot Ruck, Pendleton, Umatilla. Weston, PeUysvllle, overtou, cen trevllle, Midway, Willows. tnnoN. Cove. Island City, I Grande. North Powder, Hummervine. unwu-, n iuuw, muuu, Flat, Prairie Creek, riparta. WASCO. ADWIOP, IWIUS View. t - ' I mM.u- ell, ML Hood.PrTnevllle.Rockville, Hbellrock, . . tiij ri . IT n,H vri,!.. apanisn iioiiow, 1 or usueir, ui -,priiw WSMO, WllSMfDor, rwuil, IIBB vict, iMmv Itnek. Hake Oven. Crown Rork. Camp Polk. Deschutes, Dnfur, Howard, Klngsley, Alex, Spring Valley. Tyak Valley, Upper uclioro, Cascades Locks, Waplnltla. WAgHINOTOK. tteavenon.ueaar stui. wri.r. '7 -j . est Grove. Gleneoe. Greenvllle.llii Isboro, M Id dlelon. Mountain IMle, Feake, Wholfs Ferry, aytor-s Ferry. Tualatin. VafMUCentervllle. Gale's Creek. Oaston, Joppa, Reedvllle, West Union. TA3inil.L. Aralty, Bellevee, Carleton, Dayton, LsJkr- ette. MeMlnnvtlle, Nonn lamnui, mnrnau, St. Joe, West Cliehftlem, Wheatland, Nswberc. tV.VSIXTOX TERRITORY. CLALLAM COUNTY. Neah Bar. New Dungeness, Port Angeles, Pyshk CLAKCE. Battle Ground, Brush Prairie, Fourth Plain, Martin's til air, ltoneer, Htoogbtou, UnHin Ridge, VaneouverWashougal, Fern Prairie, CHKHAL1S. UeaaiVllie, toensiw i-umi, cinii, jiwuiitiii, Mouteslno, Oatvllle, SaUop, Sharon , summit. COLUMBIA. Alnowla.Burksvllle, Dayton. I-omeroy.Tuk son, Annette, Central Ferry. Marengo. COWLITZ. nulla Rnek. Fieeitort. Kalama. Lower Cow' lit. Montleello. ML Coffin. Oak Point. Pekln. Stiver Laae, laiwecinati, victfua. MUXll. Oounevllle. Cove land, Pu rally, Utaalaily, Oak Harbor. JKPPBBaON". l"ort Inaoovary, IVtrt I Aid low, IVit Townsend. Kixo. lUnek River. Dwamlsli. Fall City. Seattle. . 11. . 1 ... U k. M'l. 1 . !l.a. rtlMUIlin, C-WNNHnv, .-mjwm;. i mi" - ' . Ck erry Valley .Novelty.MIUou.OHceois.nen ton KITSAP. Port lUakelv. Port Gamble. Port Madison, Port Orchard, Sea beck. TeekliL KLICKITAT. iunir iinua. nnlumbns. Ooldendale. Kllekl tai. White Salmon. Blakely. Fulda, Kllekilat Laouing. LEWIS. 1 nnn iiniinrf. rUtehalla. rnaflnato. Cow- llll, Olen Kden, Little Falls, Meadow Brook, Moisyltoek.Napavlne.NewaukHm.Skookum- euiiWiCiiiviui1-! C j r U1.MIW MASON. Areada, Llghtville, Oakland, Skokomlsli. l'ACIPIC. timaVAaM fvnsnnfon.OrstervUIe, IHSWTOUM.-.- 1 1 T T I.. '"VOfSlu. TTlVri",--, Item!. Imlinc, uy ve""", ' -""' Ilwaoo. T7nviin Tke View. New Tacomn, Pnyaliup Stellaeoom Cltr. Tacoma Alder town. Carbon, Acton, Summer, Muck.Wllke- son, Artondale. . .. San Joan. Loraw.Oreas, East Sound, Friday Harbor. SNOHOMISH. n.,HiL. towbII. Mnkllteo. Snohomish Tnlallp, Park Place, Stamwoou. SKAMANIA. Cascades, Collins' Landing. STEVENS. r. 1. rl. nu,rTbM-Fnri Pol vllle. Ilanc rwuv'iMM ri mv. Itnek Creek. Ito-atlle, Spokane Bridge, Spokane Falls, Union Ridge, walkers rraine. THURSTON. Ooai Bank. Beaver, Miami Prairie, Olymnta. TanalqnolU Teoino, Tnmwater, elni, lnue- lenuence, Key. WAIIKIAKOM. Catfalamet. Eagle CHIT. Skaraokaway, AValer- loru. WALIJt WALLA. iwwin iraiiiT. ' ,,. t Whitman, Wallula. WHATCOM. rvdar Gmve. Dnemas. Iti Conner. Lebmhl T.iimml. I.vmlen. Noolsaehk. Point William Samlsli, Seaboine, Setahmoo, Ship Hnrbor, Ship IlaLHl,Skagll,TnMter,vnaom,tToaiKo. WHITMAN. rilarCiwk,(Wlhx,Bwsrtsvllle,OwensbnrK, Thtu. ststvine. Union Flat-Walton. Cllnlon Leltehvllle, I'anawana. line treea, itosaua, Anatoli e, Lincoln, l-aiana wnj, unioutown TAKIMA. Attannm.EIIensburg, Fort Hlmeoe, Kittitas, Konnowock, Nanum, iieasant Grove, cciau laaima. Money Order Office. tIST OF MISCELIiANEOUS. OREGON & CALIFORNIA RAILROAD CO. fPO TAKK KFFKCT SUNDAY, SBIT. X 1678, at 13 m. DaPy (Sunday excepted) as follows: PORTLAND AND ROSBntJItO as rouows: Luvr. ARM VR. Portland 7S) a.m. I Rnsehanc 7S P.M Itelmr&S!jo a. x. I Portland H i'. x ALBANY KXPRRSS TR4 IN, Dally (except Sumlays), as follows: LBAVE Portland Albany ARKIVB .- p. M. I Albany 8SB p. M SSHa.. I lvmlaml ltA,a KltKIOUT TRAINS. Dally (exesit snwlay) as follows: j.kave. akbivk. Portland :IS A. a. I Jnnrtloii CM r. M JunctioiiS: a. M. I IVHtland 63S f. x. Ute Oregon and QtUforam Ilallroatl Ferry mskoneoHiieetton with all Regular Trains. Rlose connection are mails at Itoseburg with tbe Stage of tbe California and Oregon Stage Company Ozf Tickets for sale to All the nrindnal 1 (flint In California and the East,utCoiu panys othce, Tor. P and Front at Frrrj tandlni.I'ortland. 5T" Storage will be Chargeil on Freight re maliiine In U'aiehoiihesover II iMHirs. tie- Frelslitwlll nut be receive! for lilpinent niwr o O'CIOCK r. M. J. BRANDT. Jr., R. P. I 00 Kits, (fen. HupL Gen. freight and Passenger Asent. 2-1 Sir ZUCCATQ'S PAPYROGRAPH Is a new Invention for the rapid pro duction of rac-sim He conies ol any writing, drawing, or other worn wnicn ran be done with ien and Ink. Autograph Letters, Circular, Musle, etc, are first written upon a sheet of pa per, in U10 usual way, and irom this written Meet 300 COPIES IT.It HO fit Mav benrinled unon anv kind of dry pa per. or oilier material, in a common copyins it 1. This is trie jiibi imjii-ij-., it.wii", Him Ei GNOMICAL I'ROCEHS yet discovered. TluuiHml, ora already In SUCfreMUUl USC 111 Government Offlees.Gdleges, Academies, Pub- lle and l'rlvnte scnoois, iiaiiway sun ie nM, HML A Ml 11V IMIHIIHIM IIIVH. UWTli clergymen, Sunday tchool sujierinlendenu, iulnn.rtM.nnil f.lllwrft. 71ie Simmons Hardware CO., 01 imi, says of It: "Our lapyrograph, purchased some lime since, gives enure sausmcutm viv nil l wiihmit it tar 1 JBO a vear. I'or sneclmens of wors. price list, etc, ao dress, with stamp. THE I'Al'YROGRAI'II ft.. -8 and 15 Shetueket street, Norwich, Conn. OS- LOCAL AGEN TS WANTED. H-W DR. A. B. SPINNEY, No. 11 KEARNY STREET, Trent nil t'liroiilcniul Special DWensco, YOUNC MEN riI0 MAY BE SUFFERING FROM THE effects of Toullilul follies or Indiscretions will do well lo avail themselves of this, the crealeet boon ever laid at tne altar or sunenng liumsnl'y. DK. SPINNEY will guarantee to forfeit XM lor every- case of seminal weakness or private disease 01 any Kinu or coaraeie which he undertakes and tails 10 cure. MIDDLE-AGED MEN. There are many at the age of thirty to sixty who are troubled with too freauenl evacuation of the bladder, often accompanied by a slight smarting or ourning wdshshi, ana a weaaen Ins? or the system in a manner tne naiient can not account for. On examining the urinary deposits, a ropy sediment will often he found. anu sometimes siiihii miuci 01 aiuuaien will appear, or the color will be of a thin mllkhih hne, again changing to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many men who die or this (llrneuity Ignorant 01 tne cause, which Is the second stage of seminal weakness. Dr. H. will guarantee a perfect cure In all sucn cases, and a neaitiiy restoration 01 ine genito nntiarr nrsans. Office honrs-dOlof.andgtog. Sundays from 10 to 11 a. M. Consultation tree, rnorongu ex am I nation and advice, Jo. Call on or address, DR. SP1NNFY CO.. 7-32 No. 11 Kearny SU, San Francisco. NO PATENT, NO PAY! NTS PATE nhtalnnl for Inventors in the United states, Canada, and Europe, al reduced price.. With ,u,r nrineiiial nntce located In Wasblne-ton. dl- u-a bm. nLie to Attend to all Patent Business FM-f I V fllHUMIU- 111 . "W. I MCUIUIUWi with greater promptness and dispatch and less cost than other twlent attorneys, who are at a distance from Washington, and who have, therefore, lo employ "associate attorneys." We muse preliminary vaamiimiiutiH auu fur nish opinions as to patentability, free of charge, and all who are Interested In new in ventions and patents are invited to send for a copy of our "Guide for Obtaining Patents," which Is sent free to any address, and contains complete Instructions how to obtain patents, and other valuable matter. We refer to the German-American National Bank, Washing ton, D. C; the lloyai sweuisu, Norwegian, ami ini.i, tjumilons. at Washington: Hon. Jos. Cnsay. late Chief Justice U. H. Court of Claims: to the Officials of the U. S. Patent Office, and to Senators anu jiemoers ot longreas irom Ai?drwSf:e"l)UIS BAGGER A CO., Solicitors of l"alenl and AtlonieyHl-Law, Le Droit Building, wasuiniion.u. LADIES PURCHASING OOBSE-S Should examine Madame Foy's IMPROVED CORSET SKIRT SUPPORTER. For Health. Comfort, and Ele gance of Form It has no ri val, and Is really the most perfect SKIRT-SUPPORTING CORSKT made. For sale by all leading dealers. Manuiaclured by l'OY .t HARMON. New Ilnven, Conn. 8-30 DR. WM. KOEHLER, DEUTSCHER ZAHNARZT, (Established ll np iT.nnilMS- First si reel, between Mor rison and Yamhill, iionnasies- diuc. land, Oregon. CHEMEKETA HOTEL, SALEM, ORBGON. s. r. MATTiinirs . Proprietor No pains or oxpenf will be rud kfP tllO COISII1V w J '- nldcent Hotel up to the mark as 6 TUB BEST IIOTRL IN ORSGON. as DOCTOIt CIIAl'JIAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, onicc, for. .tlnillsoii null I'lrst .Streets, Oral residence, cor. Market and Front. Calls left at I RLUMAUKR'S Drug Store 8 promptly attended to. -J DENTIST HEIiMBOLD'S COLUMN-. H. T. HELMBOLD'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT B IT C II U ! rilARMACEUTtCAL. SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES OF THE BLADDER AND KIONEYS. IJOR DRniLITY, LOSS OP MEMORY", IN ; dlpostltH to Kxertmn or ltaslHeMi, short ness ot ureaili, Trouojeu wun iwHigius 01 IMMstse, Dimness of Vision, Ialn In the Ksek, Cliestanil Head, Ihish of Blood to the Head, Iale Onumenanee and Dry Skin. If these symptoms are alkiwe.1 to go on, very frequent ly Kptleptle Kit and consumputm 101 low. iteii imoiiiHiiuiiuii usuiii", nuwtcu, . in quires ilie aid of an Invigorating medicine to btrengtnen ana tone up tne system, wnreu KELMBQLD'S BUCKU JlOliS IK- JiVJiUY GASH. HELTtlB OLD'S BTJCHTJ IS UNEQUALED By any remsdy known. It is pnsseribed by lfl moss ewmsH iyois,i mi overUtewmMIn Khcumatlsm, Spermatorrlura, Xcuralgla, Xcrvousnc5s, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, Aches anil Fains, Lumbago, Xcrvous Debility, Head Troubles, Catarrh, General Debility Diseases of the Kidney, Liver Complaint, Epilepsy, Paralysis, General 111 Ilcalth, Spinal Diseases, Sciatica, Deafness, Decline, Nervous Complaints, Female- Complaints, Etc, Ileadnehe, Pain In lb ShMMtso, Cough, DtsslMM, Sowr Stoma eh, KraptlOBs, IkHl Taste In the Moutli, PMlprtaUon of the Heart, Pain In llieResloii of Ilie Kidneys, And a tlHHaml other painful symptoms, are tue ontpriHgs 01 iiyspepuH. HELMBQLD'S BUCHU INVICO RATES TUB STOMACH Ami simulates tbo torpM IJvr, Dowels, and Rklneys to llenMlty Aetfon, In cleansing the blond of all Impurities, nU Imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. A single trial will be qalta sometent to con vince the most Itesitatlng or Its valuable reme dial qualities. pit h i:, si i'i:it iitTTi,n. Or Six Bodies for &. Dellvere.1 tnanraddresg free from oberra' Uon. Patients mar eonsnlt by letter, reeelvlBfC tbe same attention as byealllne. Oompetent I'liysieiuns atiemt to corresponuents. All let lers sliould be addressed to ii. T.iii:i.Miior.D, Druggist and Chemist, Philadelphia, Ia. OtlUTJOX! See that the l'rhnlc Proprietary .Slnmp In mi encli Rot lie. SOLD EVERYWHERE! 8-35 JirSCBLIiAXEOUS JTJST PUBLISHED, A NEW ILLUSTRATED POEM! "In wb ina, m in ." r-;'tnh . -i. "VouM betlt-r try lo earn your bn-u'l Than like the birds to 1,111 and coo Twill do for them to Igh and woo, For they have nothing else to do." DAVIJD AND ANNA MATS ON By 3lXx'S. .A-lMfyail Scott Xuxii"way, Editor "New 3fortwet," Portland, Oregom, WITH HF.AUTIFUI, ILLUSTRATIONS, AND ELEGANTLY BOTJNP A new epic, from a vlgo is and sklllml pen, on a subject which occupies a large place In th nets! discuss tons of the day. The subject Is taken from Mr. Wn litters snort narrative or Ds vtd Mataon," with which the reader Is probably html liar. Da via statson.s Hem mac sailor wss eantnred by the Algerines (during one of his voyages) and sold into slavery. After nan) yanrs he obtained release and was on his way to Ms old employer, who Informed htm that his stunned by his trouble, be surrendered all dalm stepped Into his place, and departed. Mrs. which her heart beau in warmest sympathy, dicative of the fullest accord. She pictures tbe gentle, tender, tmstni Ansa ana we wily, eov ewxis I-elaUah In vivid colors; and how years of poverty and longing, and th cries of the hun gry boys, compelled poor Anna to yield to Pelatlah's Importunity, "Rise, rejoice, Xy poor, unmated dove," aaht he, " And look henceforth for love to me." A little farther on be says: " Become my wife and yon shall be Made happy through prosperity.'' White, Ushe persists In declining his advances, ration and cold. And this Pelatlah was a "deacon," M In exhortations deep and loud." The wanderings of David, his capti vtty, release, hapless Interview with Pelatlah, discovery ot AMaafs second wifehood, and his sad going back elinsaie deeply enlisted. No one, with any true sentiment, can read the poem without be tas; thoroughly stirred. The illustrations are In admirable keening with the pssssges they are ilsslgnsil to portray, and a flue engraving of the author Is a fitting frontispiece. Tbe subject spirit, are and passion of the poem should give it an extensive reading, aside from the interest which the literary reputation of the author most awaken In it. As a specimen of book-making the volume Is certainly beautiful, and would" adorn any center-table. We know of no work so well adapted as a present. It is printed on heavy tinted paper and rmt beautifully bound, piice, S2 00; tall gilt extra, S2 50. For sale by book-sellers, or by mall, post-paid, by S. E. "WELLS & Co., Publishers, 737 Broadway, New York. A NSW STEM WIITDEi-! PRICE 8S.00. Pore Abyssinian Gold- Snt Recently the Eipress Company on rece pt rf rf-"-' . : Einress Company on receipt nf package "" I S tilf tunrn ?1 . I.. nnrv bv To.t Um.e MOlieyuro". . -. . .- - --. ViC .!! , c,l 1 watch bv mail without registering, as it costs but any cents ro register K. an this insures its safe " --- r . . - .... nil floods or mono; Address, THE HTVSNTORS AGEKCY, i: 116 E. Washington Street, Chicago, Hi. SVLPHUR SOAP, TnOROTOHLT CCBF.S DlSEAFSS OF TUK SKTX, JlHAUTiriKH TIIK V OXI'I JCIION, 1'BJtTKjj j AND ReMEDIRA KlIECMATiaU ASD GOCT, IIBAL8 Sokes and Abrasions of the CUTICLK AND COCST8RACT8 COXTAOIDK. Tlib Staudard External Remedy for Erop troos. Sores and Injuries of the Skin, not only hrmovks prom tub Compuhion ALL l!r.inHEs aristrtK from looal imporities of the blood and obstrucli-m of the pore, but ako those produced by the son nnd wind, sucli A3 tan and Ireckk'g. It rendera the cu ticle MAUVKLLousvr rLEAK, 81100TR and I'Liaxr, nnd bcinc a whoi.e&omr beacti FlBit is fer preierable to any eometic. Alt, the remedial advantages or Sn phcr liATTis are injured by the cbb op Glenn's Sulphur Sotip, which in ad dition to its purifying effects, remedies and PHBYBNTS Rheumatism and Goer. ItaksoDisrspECTS clothing ami linen and Pr.KYBNTa DISEASES COMMUNICATED BY CON TACT with the person. It dissolves Dandruff, prevents bald aess, and retards grayneeg of tiieliair. riiygicians speak of it in high terms. Prfeei, 26 anil 50 OeU per G-ts, Fer Er, (3 COcaf,) 60 tad $1.30. N. B. Tbe Si ceat sates art triple thesis f these at xmsu. " Hill's lltlr tni Whisker Vjt," Blsek or Brown. tOe. ,0. N. ORinESTOS, Pnp'r. 1 5b At. NT. 7-50 ADVBRTISBMBKTS. the home of his boyhood, when he fell In with wire, believing nimaeau, nan remamea,anat as hnsband and father to the map who had iwniway nas mono a inns in wis story whs and her lines now on m tne -mm ranice in wolf-like, he threatens to abaado- her to star- to Algeria, are all told so pathetically that oar Discovered, and the "best lmltatram With the New Year come new styles and Imren tions. Prntmnent among these ranks our new 8tem Winding Watch, named "Old 1878." Although here tofore we have always handled th best watch of each kind that it was possible to get, yet it has beea eet 1 low-tinced wstch. witn tne st attachment, that couid be relied upon for time, and have a finished appcarence. This seems lo Have been accomplished by tne inventor 01 --uw 1878." We need only refer you to the cut given in connection with this, which is aa exact i nation of it. and say that it is perfect in every way. The works are covered with a heavy plate glass cap, then this is covered with a hunting case. Tbe front or face is a plate glass cap or crystal M of an inch thick, set in a heavy run one-half an men in width, making it almost impossible to injure the watch It 13 fitted especially for Railroad. Jinn sad shop uses, where dust and dirt are liable to get in on open ing. As the cases fit very closely, and being a stem-winder and open dial, it need never be opeaeo. If you need a watch, try this, it is entirely acw ana ooel. You can rely on it for time. Yoa will be l the only one in your neighborhood ha ag sach a watch. It looks eaacdy like gold and will save as 1 cost in a few yeais. by saving what von woaldne to pay for repairs on an ordinary witch. Romombcr tbo urico is only 3S.00 hr Express, or 3S.50 by Moil Begis tsred. We also furnish with the watch, when desired, a chain of the same material. (Pure Abyssinian Gold) heavy long links and elegant seal charm attached, for fa. 50 each, or watch rand chain jio.00 byEnprcss. can be said I 9m,R mM K C.murH t-n or Draft on P"" Li r rw(, V v . - , , r ESTABLISHED. 1888. R. S. & A. P. LACSY, Attorncys-at-Law 52!) Seventh street, Washington, I). C. Inventors. We prot-are patents in all countries. No at torn ky feks is advamck. No charge nnleaa the patent Is granted. No fees for making pre liminary examinations. No additional fans lor obtaining and conducting a rehearing. Special attention given to Interference Cases before the Patent Office, Extensions before Congress, Infringement Salts in different States, and all litigation pertaining to In n- tlons or Paients. Send stamp tor pamphlet giving full instruct ions. Uuitetl State Cotirtn nmt lleimrtiiionfs. Claims nrosecnted in the SoDreme Oonrt ot the United States. Conrt of Claims, Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims, Southern Claims Commission, and all classes of war claims before tbe Executive Departments. Arrears of l'ny nnd Ttotiuty. Officers, Soldiers, and Sailors of the late war, or their heirs, are In many cases entitled lo money from tbe Government, of which they have no knowledge. Write full history of ser vice, and state amonnt of pay and bounty re ceived. Enclose stamp, and a full reply, arte examination, will be given you without charge 1'OIIHiOll. All Officers, Soldiers, and Sailors wounded captured, or injored In tbe late war, howet er slight, are entitled to, and can obtain a pen ston. United States Uencrnl I.mikI Oil ire. Contested Land Cases, Private Land Claims Mining, pre-emption, and Homestead Cax-s prosecuted before tbe General Land Office am' Department ol the Interior. Jjtml M'nrmnls. V pay cash for Bounty Land Warrants, and we Invite correspondence with all parties hav ing any lor sale, and give lull and explicit In structions where assignments are Imperfect. We conduct our business In separate Bureaus having therein the clerical assistance of able and experienced lawyers, and give our closest personal supervision to every Important paper nrepared in each case. Prompt attention thus ieenred to all business entrusted to us. Ad SiSasIt. N. A- A. I. UCBY.AIIonifys, dress WASHINGTON, JX C Any person desiring information as to th standing aad responsibility of the Ann will, on reouest, be furnished with a satisfactory refer ence In his vicinity or Congressional district. 617 WASTED. 1 WOMAN WHO WAS ORGANIST IN A JX. Church in sn Jose nve years, desires a, 1 ilka posJlkm here. Address S.A.D., Portland, v-,