0A THUBSDAY.. .JULY 3, 1879. rptor the New Northwest DOOMED. BY THE HBOENT VISIT OF MOSES AND MIS CHIRPS TO WHrTLAXB. Flr WWlarBte! I know theo well; My boyhood days I've spent upon tby banks and breast. Thet fellow c&MlalM bow were playmate then. And oft som thy water mnc out merry Jeet Tvrn tboa that gave us bounteous store of gtlti4rfnh; And where yon spire whleb rears 1U head twaid heaven And meets th' etliereal bine now stands, Oar wigwam was; ear Tillage stood Beneatit the lolly pines, mWst foliage or am brageous hue. O, chiefs! the axe of hardy pioneer. Hwang by strong arm, bas dose Its work, and done It well ; The hUts lurew baek tba echo of their sturdy blows, And forests' monarebs, trembling, tott'ring, orafclng,fell; And In their plaoe a queen-like city stands, Hears ber proud lread.andgreetatberistngMin; Her thousands throng her streets luxurious people, bred To wealth, to ease, and all the world can give. My heart grows sick; my raee U doomed Is deadl l-ortland. June, 1ST". G. II. It. Agfiw, the Indian Girl. BY 1IKLBN PORRBST QltAVES. "Ad Indian Rirl !" said Helena Dick eon. with a little scream. "Dear rue ! I never expected to see aoj'tuing like tuls, even in the Far West," It was a siacioU3. roomy kitchen, fur- uUiied with an odd Intermingling of luxury, nrivation and make-shift. At one end a large lire of walnut and pine logo roared up tbe great, cavernous chimney; at tbe other, two or tbreo girls eat round a table, working worst eds by the light of a solar lamp, while Ralph Davennnt, tbe farmer, lay fast asleep on tbe chintz-cushioned lounge, lulled by tbe continuous rushing sound of tbe great western river that bounded one extremity of bis domains. Guy Davenant sat near tbe girls a tall, splendidly molded young Apollo of tbe forest, with shady bazel eyes, and bair curling in black, silky rings all over bis bead. He looked up quickly aa 31183 jJicKson spoKe. "Agnes Oscawanda!" be exclaimed "In tbe outer kitchen ? Why don't tbe women tell tier to come in 7" "Guy!" reproved bis sister. "An In dian interpreter's daughter!" "Helena ought to see her," urged Guy. "Slio's as beautiful as a statue." "But she is old Oscawanda's (laugh ter, and she lives down by tbe falls." "What then? She is as intelligent and cultivated as nine out of ten of tbe girls around bere. Call tier iu, I say, or I'll go out thero myself." Julia Davenant rose with a curl to her Hp, and, opening tbe kitchen door, beokoued haughtily to a tall, slight figure standing by tbe flro beyond. "Come In, Agnes," cheerfully called out uuy, aa li to alone for Ills slsten evident lack of courtesy, and Acnes Os cawanda entered, moving with tbe slow, willowy grace of a bending reed. Bbo was dark, but not darker than many a brunette of unblemished Saxon lineage, with liquid, velvety, soft eyes, raven black hair looped In heavy braids at tbe back of her bead, and a delicate, oval face, with features straight and pure as tue outlines or a urecK model. Her dress was of some dark worsted stuff, with a scarlet shawl folded across her shoulders, and a silk scarf twisted about her bair. She bung her bead with evident embarrassment at Helena DIokson's bold stare. "I only came to bring Mr. Davenant tne baskets no ordered or my father," she said, In a low voice. "But sit down and rest a few min utes," said Guy. "You have walked long distance." Agnes Oscawanda hesitated. Had Guy Davenant's sisters confirmed the request, she would have gladly rested a little, iiut Julia and Clara sewod on without looking up, and Helena's super cilious glanee called the red blood to ber dark cheek. "No," she 6ald quietly. "I must go." "Then I will walk a part of tbe way with you," said Guy, Jumping up for liis lint. "I don't tbink Agnes has accustomed herself to an escort through the woods," said Julia, rudely. "Indeed I am not afraid," said the In ternreter's daughter. "Afraid ! It isn't a question of fear," said Guy. "It's a lovely starlight uigni, ana l would HKe tne walk." Tbe three girls eyed each other as the dbor closed behind tbe Indian girl und ber companion. "Very polite to rush off and leave Helena in that sort of way," said Clara, "lli tirst nlglil or ber visit here." "Oh, I don't care," said Helena, gig gling. "Amerematteroftaste.I'msure." "It's lust like Guy," said Julia. "Agues Oscawanda is well enough, I dare say; but sho is only an Indian girl, ami It is foolish to get ber into the no tion of expecting tbe same attentions that we receive." Meanwhile Mr. Guy was walking aiong tue ureary lorest pains witu tne beauuiui young uaugnter oi the Indian interpreter. "Not that I care for Agnes, tbouch tihe is pretty enough to turn any man's head," thought the willful young man ; "but I'll teach those girls to treat her a little more civilly. What right have they to bully and Insult ber? I won't have it." And so. although Miss Dickson had been invited to make a visit to tbe "Western wildernesses, specially to carry nut a darling design of Clara and Julia uaveuant, that "a maicu" snouia ne struck up or, perhaps, "Ignited" would be tbe proper term between ber and their brotberGuy, tbe young gentleman persisted in treating ber with nothing more than regulation civility. "It's too mean," said Clara, pouting. "When Helena has such a nice little property of ber own, too," added Julia. And Helena herself, who was getting into the sere and yellow leaf of maiden hood, curled her hair, and anointed her cheeks with "Rose-bloom" more vigor ously than ever, f. (,,,, Davenant was a husband well worth tbe angling for. "But you'll ask Agnes Oscawanda'to your picnic party, girls?" "Indeed we shall not!" Julia Dave nant answered, with a toss of bur Jiaughty head. "An Indian girl ! What would people say ?" "Then shan't come to it!" said Guy Independently. Julia burst into tears. "Guy. you are too hateful for antr. thing. And Helena tbiuka so much of the picnic" Voi enougn, it seems, to treat a harmless, pretty girl with ordinary de cency." said Guy, angrily. "She passed Agnes yesterday in the road without even speaking to ner.- "Do you expect us to receive ber on un equality with ourselves?" "I do not know why you should not," was tbe brusque reply. "I bellevo Agnes Oscawanda has b. wltched you with some of her father's outlandish Indian charms," flashed out Julia. "Perhaps she has." said Gov. lont.li. ing; "her father's or ber own." "uuy, it Is no jesting matter." "Did I Say It Was. Miss Rnltflrn? Tin leave me In peace a Httln "uuixieiena wants you to pro with ber w -. . iu valuer uowerB ana autumn leaves." "I shall do nothint nf thn sort." said Guy; and he adhered resolutely to bis resolution. The day of the much-anticipated pic nlc came; but Guy, instead of escorting .suss uicKSun down to me siope ui v-.- vt rrmcM Ktinilmi f,i dtmprb forest trees, which had been selected as llio site of the merry-makiug, look uis guu aim "I won't be deafened uy me cuumu ui theso girls," quotli lie to uirason. "Dead ! Ob, father, father, he Is not dead !" , , Old Oscawanda. the swart-browed In- linn interpreter, listened with bis car against tbe stalwart chest of the fallen burner, wuo lay among mo yeiiow au tumn leaves, where Agnes bad found him. bathed in his own blood. There had been some imperfection lu the lock of tbe new rifle what or where nobody ever knew; but It was blown In pieces, and Guy Davenant lay like a dead mau beside It. Thev carried him to the little cabin beside tho rushing falls of the Matar- casca an J laid hint on tbe rude couch of the old Indian, and then he struggled his way back again to life. "Who bound up theso wounds?" be asked, with a slight shudder, as be glanced downward at bandages and wrappings, and began to compreheud tbe full extent of the peril from which ue uau so miraculously escaped. "i uiu," Agnes uscawanda answered "You?" His eyes rosted admiringly on ber calm, beautiful face. "There Isn't one woman In a thousand who would have had such nluck as that. should like to have Helena Dickson see blood without fainting away, and as for uiara ana juua pooh !" J ust tueir maneuvering I" said Julia, when she bad sobbed and shrieked away ber first terror at the frightful news of the accident that bad happened to her orotuer. "ui course Agnes ana ner scheming old father expect to make a profitable speculation out of it. Why couldn't they just as well havo brought you nome i" "They might have done so." said Guv, calmly, "but a corpse would have beon all that was borne across the threshold. Oscawanda and his daughter havesaved my life, aud I shall never cease to be grateful to tbem for what they have done." "But," lisped Helena, "mayn't we come down and nurse you, dear Mr, Guy? I am sure it would be a pleasure, and theso good people, although well meaning, I dare say, cannot understand tue reunemouts an Invalid so much need." "Your kindness Isquite unnecessary,' said Guy, coldly. "I have every caro and attention hero." "Tbe bold, sly thing!" said Clara biting ber lip as tbe three girls walked homeward again. "I saw her eyes flash triumph when bo spoke." Helena Dickson, however, resolved not to give up the battle at this early stage or auairs. bhe determined to prolong her visit into the Winter months. "Perhaps Guy will go homo with me. when he recovers sufficiently," she thought; "and in that coso I can easily bring him to tbe mark." For Helena bad unbounded confidence In her own charms and powers of per suasion. It was a bright, frosty afternoon in late November when Guy Davenant walked uptotbe doorof tbe farm-bouse. leaning on tbe Indian girl's arm. Julia rose to welcome bim home. "I will help him into the bouse now.1 she said, coldly staring the beautiful young girl in tbe face. "You need not trouble yourself any further, Agnes Oi cawanda." "Stop!" said Guy sternly, as his Bister would have motioned bis supporter away. "She has tbe best and only right to do at my side now." "Guy, what do you mean ?" gasped juua, scarcely understanding wuatslg nlncauco bis words were Intended to convey. "I married ber this ovenlng," he said witu quiet exulting pride. "As my wife, she is your equal iu all else In finitely your superior. Agues, my pearl of tho forest, welcome a thousand times to your new home." And with a sinking heart Helena Dickson saw Agnes Oscawanda, the In dian interpreter's daughter, elevated to tbe position she had so valuly tried to occupy, Somebody, writingof Woman Suffrage in Kansas.perpetrates tbe following base slander: "Tho womeu ot Jvansas vote at school elections. At a recent election in Osage City one woman went un to vote, but before she got through telling the judge what a time ber Willie bad with tbe scarlet fever when he was only two years old, It was time to close the polls, and she had forgotten to deposit her ballot." Never accent anything, if It is in the Bible, as true, which you cannot see to be true, and never accept anything In tbe Bible as good when it seems to be in contradiction to your moral sense: and so using tho Bible it will help you a thousand times more tuan u you make It master and your mind Its slave. Dr. . F. Clarke A bright Iittlo boy of four, tho son of a former pastor of a flourishing church, who attends tue iniaut class in bunday school, received a card on which wete the words, "Pray without ceasing." After bis mother bad explained the text, be said, "I guess I won't show this to tbe minister; bo prays long enough now." AGEXTS FOK THE NEIV XOKTIMVE.NT. The following persons are duly authorized to act as Agents for the New Noktuwhst : D. D. Gray Albany Mrs. J. A. Johns Salom Mrs. Lottie Ream Eugene City Mrs. I. It- Proebstel LnGrande r. r Williams Hlllsboro Mrs. Laura DeForoe (Jordan- California Ashby pearee uenwneouniy SI. V. Owen soquei. California w. W. Iteneh Colfax.W. T "Woman's Journal" .lloston, Massachusetts D. i'. i 'oner aneuu-s, uregon Casto new am Mrs. C. M. Eolti San Jose. Cat Mrs. M. A. Warner. Spoken Palls, W.T miss jiary uiMiop iirownsviiio Mr-. . A. Nichols Dallas Mrn. II. ALonghary -Amity X. T. Koblson Forest drovo Mrs. R. a Rullson '. Mrs. M. Kelly ..Willamette Slough Lafayette Oregon City ii i: v.orB Johnson Mrs. Dunn ell -ine uanes MrsTlL XI VawuMi" .V.?0?1.1.1 Mn n lirJL" Walla Walla Mrs. J. W. JakSon" -.Pendleton A.W.K4anir,i BngeneClly C A. Heed Z llrownsvllle Mrs. M. F. Cook satem Mrs J. IL KoRtr Z. -Lafayette J. T.BeoU, Esq .Albany -ir. a. K.l3nrwn. 1 vjruvtj L P. FtoW --Astoria Other parties desiring toZl!!?' Please rorward their nameaVuT 'ZTZ, P0tUfflc0 throughout Oregon and Washington Territory. POST OFFICES, onto ox. baker county. . l-M. ma.lr.vlllA AUDern", Augusta, ; Express Itanali, BMorado.Oem. Humboldt 11a sln. Jordnn Valley, Kye Valley. Wlngylllo, Stone, Connor Creek, North I-owder, Malheur, llonre, ierrysviiie. BENTON. Valley. Liberty. Little Klk, Newport, Newton, Oneatta, Philomath, Starr's Point, buminlt, Toledo, Yanulna, Monroe, Tidewater. CLACKAXAS. Itaaver. Jlullo Creek. Canby. Clackamas. Clear Creek. Cnltlngsville. IJamateu, Knxle i. i .. i rr it.. . in.i.i.n,i ,..,ala ,it. tmfciUHW JIUIUS, lllllliami! rf,u,n,,o, I'll, waukle. Needy. Norton. Oreeun City. Oswego. Handy, Hprlngwator, Zkin, New Era, Harlow, anna, union 31IHH, iMMiiie-s rirry. l leasuut Home, Klugo 1'olnt, Stafford, loin. CLATHOl. Aslrrla,Cllflnn, Jewell, Knappa, Nehalem, Kipanon,easrue imue. wenpon, istniiiiis, Iney. Summer House. Fort Clatsop. Sllsha wake. coo. CooiOllv.Connllle. Ihtm. Empire city. Kn elin tiled Prairie. FUlrvlew, llerniansvlllb. Hen ryvllle, Marslitlekl, North lk-nd, ou, lUn Olll... IT,f miw llau. Irtn Coaledo, Urarel Kurd, Iowa Slmirti, Freedom, Myrtle Point, Norway, fso inner, i-arKersuurg. COL0HIIIA. VUlUUlOin lliy, IsUtUiMtliiv, jiribuiniiu, iut nler. Riverside, St. Helens, Sanvle's Island, seoppoose, Clear creeK.iuinn, vemoaiu. crniKV. Cbeteoe, Ellensburg, l'ort Orlord. vouoiis. Camas Vallpr. Cleveland. Cole's Valley. Drain, Elkton, Cnlesyllle.Uardner, KeHoggs, Ioklngglass( Myrtle Creek North Canyon- vlllc.OaklRn mi raxs i Creek, Roscburg, Seolts- bum. Ten Mlle.tlinmua Cltv. Wilbur. Yonealla, Ok Creek, Day's Creek, Elk Creek, Elk Head, nur uaKS, itounu l'raine, auipour springs. anxyr. Alvord. Canron City. Camp Watson. Day, vllle.John Day City, 1'ralrte City, Parkersvllle, in tenant's, sumter, uamp iiarney, uruuiie. tonumeni, jiu veroon, x-enoio. JACKSOX. Annlecale. Ashland. Ilrownsboroueh. Cen trnt Point. Eacle 1'olnt. Oram's ta. Hot Springs, Jaekkonvllle, Lakeport, l'hcenlx, iiock l'oint, sam's vaiiey, miHe itooK, wii lowSprlngs. Uarron,Dlgltutte,Wllllams'Creek Fool's Creek, Dardanelles, Pioneer, Wood vllle. JOSEI'IIIKE. Klrby. Leland. Slate Creek.Watdo. Althouse. Luexy uueeu, Murpny. LAKE. Antler, Bonanza, Dairy, Chewaacan, Drews' Valley, Goose Lake, Lake View, Laugell Val ley. LinKViue, Mergausen. .ew l'lne creek Stiver Lake, Sprogue lttver, summer Lake, rule lge, wniieiitit, wuiuie's rerry, lainax, X'tevna. LANE. Big Pralrte. Collage drove. Creswell Camp Creek, Cartwrlght's, Dexter, Kuzene city, i-rauKiiu, junetion, ing join, mo- hawk. Pleasant Hill. Mulslaw. Soencer Creek, HpnngOetd, Trent, Willamette Forks, Cbesher, lieixnap epnngs, uuue uisappoinimeni.urow, Hast Fork. Gate Creek. Gmhen. Ida. Irving, Isabella, Leaburg, IJvorpool, Mabel, McKenzle unuge, Latham, wauervtlle. LINK. Albany. Big Tralrle. Brownsville. Craw, fordsvllle. Diamond Hill, Fox VaLey, Onus ludre. jlarrisbure. Harris Itanch. Halsev, Jordan, Lebanon, Miller, Muddy, ML Pleasant, Peoria, l'lne, Sclo, Sbedd's. 8oda Hptiugs rio davllle.Uwect Home, Oakvlile, Tan gent, Water loo. MAntoy. Anrora, Aumsvllle. Bultevllle, Brooks, Fair- neiu, uervais, liuuoaru, jenenon, -narion Monitor, Newellsvllle,Salem,Sllverlon, Stay ion,. -it. l-aui, i-urner, woouuors, Aiuer, now en rnune, Menanem, suoumiiy, JtDLTNOJIAH. East Portland. Portland. Powell's Valley, Bt. Johns, Willamette Slough, Alblna, Rooster rock, sauvies. roLK. Bethel. Buena Vista. Dallas. Kola. Klk Horn Grand llonde. Independence, Lincoln, Luckla raute, Lewlsvllle, Monmouth, I'errydale, RIc- reait, uausviiie, ienm TTLL.AHOOK. Garibaldi. KUches, Netarts, Neetoeklon.Tll amooE.xrask, Nenatem. TJMATILLA. Butter Creek. Ileppner, Lenoe, Marshall Meadowvtlle, Milton. Pilot Rnek, PenUIMon Umatilla. Weston, 1'eUysvllle, Overton, Cen trevllie, it hi way, niowti. osios. Cove, Inland City, La Orande,North Powder, Summerville, Union, Wallowa, Indian, Elk Flat, Prairie creeK, spana. WASOO. Antelope, Bridge Creek, Hood River, Mitch' ell. ML Hnod.l'nnevllle. Rock vllle. Hbellroek Hnanlsh Hollow. The Dalles. Warm Snrincs WascOtWIIloughby, Fossil, Pine Creek, Ixno rock, iMKe uven, urown hock, vamp j oin Deebuies. Dufur. Howard. Kinnley. Alex SprliiK Valley, Tyak Valley, Upper Ochoco, uascauea ixkss, vt apiniua. WASIimOTON. Beaverton, Cedar Mill, Cornelius, Dllley, For est Grove, Glen coe.Greenvllle.Hlllsboro, Mid dleton, Mountain Dale, I'eake, Slioll's Ferry, aylors Ferry, Tualatin, Wapaio, Centervllle, Gale's Creek, Gaston, Joppa, Reed vllle, West union. YAVUILL. Amlty, Bellevue, Carleton, Dayton, Iifay- eite, 310-Minnvnie, rionii lamuni, nenuan, BU Joe, West Chehalem, Wheatland, New berg. WAS1IIXGTOX TEUKITOItY. CLALLAX OOtTXTT. Neali Bay, New Dungeness, Port Angeles, rysiiu CLAKKK. Battle Ground, Krush Tralrle, Fourth Plain, Martin's BluO", Pioneer, Stoagblon, Union Ridge, Vaneouver. WMhoogal, Fern Prairie, LA twflier, linyvs, iuiouiih. CHEltAMS. Cedai vllle, Chehnlls Point. Kims, Hoqulam, jionivaiiio, u&vai,oioit ooaron, nummic COLUMBIA. Alpowia, BurksTille, Dayton, Pomemy.Tuk anon, Annetta, Central Ferry, Marengo. COWLITZ. OasUe Iloek. Free port, Kalama, Lower Cow litz, Montleello, MU Comn, Oak l'oint, Pekln, ISLAND. Connerllla, CO re land, Dngally, Utaalady, yjm. jiai ixii. JEPPKKSON. Port Discovery, Port Ludlow, Poll Townsend. KINO. Ulaek River. Dwamtsh. natl Cliv. Rmllln. Hlaugbter, SnV)ualmy, Snnaek, White River, KITSAP. Port Blakely, Port Gamble, Port Madison, l'ort Orchard, beabeek, TeekllL KLICKITAT. Block House, Columbus. Goldendale, Klicki tat, White Balraon, Blakely, Fulda, Klickitat Landing. L.EWIH. Algernon, Rolsfort, Cbelialls, Olanuato, Cow litz, Glen Eden. Little Falls, Meadow Brook, Mossy RockaNapavlne,Newankum,8kookum cuuek, tUlver Creek, Wllikwk, Nasello. IIASOX. .Vreada, Ugbtvllle, Oakland, Skokomlsh. PACiria Bruce port.Brooiflsld.Knappton.OystervllIe, Riverside. South Bend, Unity, Woodward's Landing. Bay Center, Lake View, South Bend, Ilwaeo. riEKCE. Klhl. Franklin. Lake View. New Taeoma. Puyallup, Stellacoom City, Taeoma. Alder town, Carbon, Acton, Summer, Muck, Wllke son, Artandale. BAA J UATt. Ran Juan, Lopaz, Oreas, Bast Sound, Friday Harbor. SNOHOMISH. Cfintervllle. IiOwell. Mnkllteo, Snohomish Tuiallp', Park riace, Stamwood. SKAMANIA. Caseailes, Collins' Landing. STEVENS. rvh f fw.tr. Four Lakes. Fort Col vllle. Hane- ninnti rvplr. l'lne Grove. Rock Creek. Rosalie. Spokane Bridge, Spokane Falls, Union Ridge, TUUESTOX. rvn Rinlr. Beaver. Miami Prairie. Olvmnla. Tanaljuolt, Tenlno, Turn water, lelm, Inde- penueuro, WAIIKIAkux. Cathlamet, Eagle Cliff, Skamokaway, Water- ford. WALLA WALLA. Whitman, Wallula. wnATCOic. Cedar Grove. Guemas. La Conner. Lehmhl. T.nmml. Lrnden. Nooumebk. Point Wlllam. Hamlsh, Seaborne, Selahraoo, Ship -Harbor, Ship isianu, SKOgtt, iTuoer.n naieom.riuaigo. WIIITMAX. I'ntuT Creek. Col fax. GwarMvllIe. Owensbnrc. Palouse, Steptoe, Union Flat, Walton, Clinton, Leltcnvuie, l anawana, i irw tiosaua, Anatone, Lincoln, Pataba City, Unlontown YAKIMA. Attanum. Ellensburg, Fort Slmcoc, Klttlta', Ronnovoek. annm. Pleasant Grove. Selah. Yakima. Money Order Offlcea. LIST OF JLISGEIZLuVXEOUS. OREGON Su CALIFORNIA RAILROAD CO. 1 JCAKE BWKOT SUNDAY, SE1T. IS, L lK8,at 12m. DalJy (Sunday excepted) as follows: PORTLAND AXD ROSEBURG as follows: LEAVE. ARMIVK. rorlland 7SM A.st. I Itoseburg 76 p.m Roselrtint kill a.m. I l'orilaotl tdS v.u. ALBANY KXI'RKSS TRIN, Dally (except Sundnj-s), ah i-ollowm: 1.e.vvk aiuivs 1'nrtla.til . .. .. . .,, . ... 1 i i . m. AtarHfV - nun Albany fcA.M. PifHIaml IMDa. u FREIGHT TRAINS. Dally (except Sunday) AS follows: LEAVE. AIIKIVF- rortlnilll A:l A V I TntvAlttn ,. u Junetion 8:14 a. m. 1'ortlund SsH h'm. Tlte Oretron nut! rnrnmin Trail makes connection with all RegulnrTralns. Close conneetlons nre made at IUMeburgwIlh tlieHtneeS Of the CalirnnilA nml nrwrontiiuf. Company B' Tickets for sale In nil thn nrfnMnal nnlnl. In California and the East, at Comiany's office. Cor. K and Front Sts.,at t'rrry UndlDg.Parllaiid. eiTStoraze will be Cliarced on Freleht re. malulngln Warehouses over 21 lionnt. ia- Freight will not bo received for shipment J. BRANDT. Jr., Gen. Freight and Passenger AgenL 3-1 (ill ZUCCATO'S PAPYROGRAPH Is a new Invention for the rapid pro duction of facsim ile copies ot any writing, drawing, or other work which can be done with pen and Ink. Autograph Letters. Circulars. Musle. etc, are first written upon a sheet of pa per, in the usual way, ana irum inis wnuen bUCCl 300 COPIES I'EU HOUR May be printed upon any kind of dry paper.or oilier material, iu a common copying press. This is the M08T HlMl'LE, RAPID, and ECONOMICAL PROCESS yet discovered. Thousands are already in sutKensful use In Government Offices, Colleges, Academies, Pub lic and Private Schools, Rallwuy and Insur ance unices. Also by business men. lawyers, clergymen, Sunday school superintendents. missionaries, anu outers. The Simmons Hardware Co.. or St. Louis says of It: "Our Papyrograpb, pureliased some time since, gives entire satisfaction. Would not bo without It for SlJOO a year." For specimens of work, price Hat, etc., ad' dress, with stamp, THE l'AI'YnuilllAl'H CO., n and U Sbetucket street, Norwich, Conn. car LOCAL AGENTS WANTED. 8-18 DR. A. B. SPINNEY, No. 11 EEA1TNV STREET, Trent all Chronic nml Npcclnl DNraacH. YOUNC MEN -riIO MAY BE SUFFERING FROM THE 1 1 effects of youthlul rollles or Indiscretions will do well to avail themselves of this, the greatest boon ever laid at the altar of sutTerlng humanity. DR. SPINNEY will guarantee to forfeit $SuO lor every case of seminal weakness or pnvaie unease oi any Klliu or cnaracte which he undertakes and falls to cure. MIDDLE-ACED MEN. There are many at the age of thirty to sixty who are troubled with too frenuent evacuation of the bladder, often accompanied by a slight MunritiiK or ourouig seoaiion, ana a weaaen1 Ing of tbe system In a manner the natlent can. not account for. On examining the urinary deposits, a ropy sediment will often be fbumi, and sometimes small particles of albumen will appear, or the color will be or a thin mllktsh hue, again changing to a dark ami lorpiu appearance, mere are many men who die or this difficulty Ignorant or tbe cause, wiikmi is lueseounu siageoi seminal weaanees. ur. n. win guarantee a perfect cure In all sucn cases, anu a neaituy restoration or the genilo urinary organs. Office hours 10 to i, and 8 to S. Sundays from 10 to II a. m. Consultation free. Thorough ex amlnatlon and advice, x. Call on or address, Da SPINNEY A CO., 7-a2 No. 11 Kearny 8L, Sin Francisco. NO PATENT, NO PAY! PATENTS Obtained for Inventors In the United States, Canada, and Europe, at reduced prices. With our principal office located In Washington, di rectly opposite the United States Patent Office, we are able to attend to all Patent Business with greater promptness and dispatch and less cosi man otuer patent attorneys, wno are at a distance from Washington, and who have, therefore, lo emnlov "Associate attorner." We make preliminary examinations and fur nish opinions as to patentability, free of cunrge, anu an wno are luieresieu in new in ventions and patents are Invited to send for a copy of our "Guide for Obtaining Patent," which Is sent free to any nddress.and contains complete Instructions how to obtain patents, and other valuolje matter. We refer lo the German-Ameilcan National Bank, Washing ton, D. C-; the Royal Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish Legations, at Washington: Hon. Jos. Casey, late Chief Justice U, S. Court of Claims; to the Officials or the U. a Patent Office, and to Senators and Members or Congreas from every State. Address: LOUIS B VGGER A CO., Solicitors nf Patents and Attorneys-at-Law, Le Droit Building, Washington, D. C K-1I LADIES PURCHASING CORSETS Should examine Madame Foy's IMPROVED OOP-SET SKIRT SUPPORTER- For Health. Comfort, and Ele gance of Form It bos no ri val, and Is really the most perlect SKIRT-SUPPORTING CORSET made. For sale by nil leading dealers. Manufactured by I'OY A: HARMON, Xeiv llnvrit, Conn. 8-3) DR. WM. KOEHLER, DENTIST DEUTSCHER ZAHNARZT, (Established DENTAL ROOMS First street. between Mor rison and Yamhill, Monuastes' Block Port land, Oregon. 6-09 CHEMEKETA HOTEL, SALEM, OREGON. K. T. JIATTHEWH Proprietor No pains or expense will be spared to keep tho cutlne and every department or this mag nificent Hotel up to tbe mark as 6 THE BEST HOTEL IN OREGON. 38 DOCTOR CHAPMAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, Cor. Madison aud First Street, Or at residence, cor. Market and Front, Calls left at L. BLUMAUER-S Drug Store 8 promptly attended to. S3 HBIiMBOIiD'S COLUMN. H. T. HELMBQLD'S- COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT b tr c U ! PHARMACEUTICAL. A SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR .All DISEASES OF THE BLADDER AND KIDNEYS. POR DEBILITY, LOSS OP MEMORY, IN- uess of ItrwUh, Troubled with ThouchU of XL r on, rain in tile liacK, Chest and Head, Rush or Blood to the Head, Pale Countenance and Dry Skin. If these symptoms are allowed to go on, very frenuent Epileptic Flu and Consumption follow. quires the aid of an Invigorating medicine to vuciffciueu mm tone up uie system, wnieu HELMBQLD'S BUCHU D0I1S IX BVSIiY CASE. HELMBOLD'S BUCHTJ IS UNEQUALED By any remedy known. It is preserlbI by tne luo-u eminent pastows an over trie world lit Rheumatism, Spcrmatorrlitrn, Xcuralgla, Xcrvousncss, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, Aches and rains, Lumbago, Xcrvous Debility, Head Troubles, Catarrh, Gccral Debility, Diseases of the Sidneys, Liver Complaint, Epilepsy, Taralysis, General 111 Health, Spinal Diseases, Sciatica, Deafness, Decline, Nervous Complaints, Female Complaints, Etc Headache, Pain In the HlraaMers, - Cough, Ilmw, Sour Stomach, Eruptions, Bad Taste In tbe Mouth, Palpitation of the Heart, Pain In the Region of the Kidneys, Ami a thousand oilier painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspeiwla. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU INVIGORATES TOE STOMACH And stimulate the tnrpM Liver, Bowels, and Kidneys to Healthy Action. In cleansing the blood of all Impurities, and imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. A single trial will bo quite sufficient to con vince the most hesitating of Its valuable reme dial qualities. l'RIt'i:, 8t I' Lit 1IOTTI.E, Or Six Bottles for $5. Delivered to any address free from observa tion. Patients may consult by letter.reeelving the same attention as by calling. Competent Phystetnns attend lo correspondents. AH let ters should be addressed to II. T.IIELMROI.D, Druggist and Chemist, Philadelphia, Pa. CAUTIOX Sc that the Private Proprietary Stnmp la on each Bottle. SOLD EVERYWHERE! 8-33 MISCUsUGATEOUS JUST PUBLISHED, A NEW ILLUSTRATED POEfu! "Iu with yun, man ." rvi'tiah said. "Yu! bt'ltfr try tj earn your bread Than like the birds to bill and coo ! Twill do for tbem to sigh and woo. For they have nothing else to do.'' DAVID AND ANNA MATSON By 3Xx's. Vbiprall Scott DiiniAvn y, Editor "New Northwest," Portland, Oregon, WITH BEAUTIFUL 1LLUSTRATION8, AND ELEGANTLY BOUND A new epic, from a vigorous and sktlHnl pen, on a subject which occupies a large place in the social discussions oTthe day. The subject la taken from Mr. Whlttler's short narrative of "Da tM liaison," with which tbe reader Is probably familiar. David Matxon, a Merrimae sailor wa captured by tbe Algerlnes (during one of hi voyages) and sold I nto slavery. After many yean be obtained release and wan on hie way to the home of his boyhood, when he fell In with bb ofcl employer, who Informed him that his wise, believing him dead, bad remarried, and, stunned by his trouble, he surrendered all claim as husband and father to the man who had stepped Into his place, and departed. Mrs. Dnnlwmy has found a theme In this story with which her heart beau In warmest sympathy, and her lines How on in the smooth cadence in dicative of the fullest accord. Bhe pictures the gentle, lender, trastfnl Anna and tbe wily, cov etous PelaHah In vivid colors; and how yean of poverty and longing, and th" arles of the hun gry boys, compelled poor Anna to yield to I'etatiah's Importunity, . "Rise, rejoice. My poor, nninated dove," said he, " And look heneefctth for love to me." A little further on he says: " Become my with and you shall be Made happy through prosperity,'' While, if she persists In declining his advances, wolf-like, be threatens to abandon her to star vation and cold. And this Pelatlah was a 'deacon,'' "In exhortations deep and load." The wanderings of David, his captivity, release, hapless interview with Pelatlah, discovery ot Anna's second wifehood, and his sad going back to Algeria, are all told so pathetically that oar feelings at e deeply enlisted. No one, with any true sentiment, can read the poem without be ing thoroughly stirred. "The fl lustrations are in admirable keeping with the passages they are designed to portray, and a One engraving or the anthor Is a fitting frontispiece. Tbe subjeet spirit, nre and passion of the poem shook! give It an extensive reading, aside from the Internet which the literary reputation of tbe author matt awaken In it. As a specimen of book-making the volume la certainly beautiful, and would adorn any center-table. We know ot no work so well adapted as a present. It hi printed on heavy tinted paper and most beautifully bound, pi Ice, J2 00; fall gilt extra, $2 TO. For sale by book-sellers, or by mall, post-paid, by S. R. WELLS & Co., A NEW STEM WINDER ! PRICE S8.00. Pnro Abyssinian Gold. Sat Eecently Discovered, and tho best imitation of Pure Gold known. $10.50 by Mail Registered. Ladies sire watch and Long Opera Guard chain same price. will tend goods by Express subject to examination, on receipt of the amount of order, and balance can be paid the Express Company on receipt of package On goods to be sent BY MAIL the full amount atuat be sent with order. Send money by Post Onu e Money Order, Registered Letter, or Draft 00 New York ar Chicago. We will not send a watch by mad without registering, as it costs but fifty cents to register hV and Urn insures its safe delivery. We will hold ourselves Personally responsible for nil Roods or ntonoy sent aa above directed. For furtner particulars send for our 48 page illustrated Catalogue cl tVatchcs, jewelry. Notions. Novelties, and new Inventions. Agents wanted. Address, THE INVENTORS AGENCY, C 116 E. Washington Street, Chicago, I1L SULPHUR SOAP, TnortororiLY Cciir? Diseases of the Skin, "- U'Ml'LKXIOX, l'MTYBNTS AND HEM Mil M ItllKlMATISM AND GODT Heals Sores and Abrasions op the COTICLR AND CoCNTRRACTS CONTAGION. TllH Stnnrlnnl I!,t.n,.l r tlOn?. Sores nrwl Tnlnrf- t 01. ' . only iibmoves PRoii th Complexion all UwraisHBB arising from lorn, impurities of Uie blood and obtructi.m of the pores, but alo those nr,lMr.l 1.,. ,k , j , omi ituu WII1U. such as tan ami freckles. It renders th, c mrTt . 7 . CLAR aaiooTH and fibu is far preferable to any cosmetic. AlaT. TTTV 13 n?trtTlT ST ns. . .u . Glenn s Sulphur Soup, which in ad llt0 '.P'fyinS effect, remedies and PREVENTS ItllBDMATIIilt and GoDT ItfllSODIHNPIMrriictvrTrma an . , 1 - w ..w.u M.lU J11U PRRYBNTS DlrRASKS 0OMJIITSICATED BY CON- i tin tue person. Tt mofinr rtM Tl . . . 1 1,1 aess, and retanlsgravness of Uie hair. Pb3Ietans siwat of it in high terms. Prices, 25 sad 50 Oats per Oaks, Per Bsz, (3 Cakes,) ou aa i.su. N. B. The 59 ceat ait sre trifte thetJss cftnoM at leeeaM. " mir s Hair and Wliliit r Pre." BUtk or Brornu c. n. oEmmos, Pttpv, i suft at. n.t. , 7-50 ADVERTISEMEKTS. Publishers, 737 Broadway, New York. a With the New Year come new styles and Inven tion. Prominent among these ranla oar new Ssess Winding Watch, named "Old 1878.'' Akhoogh here tofore wt: have always handled THE BEST watch of each kind that it was possible to get, yet it has been Impassible to get a low priced watch, with the stem wiadtag attachment, that could be relied npon for tim, and have a finished appearance. This seems to have been accomplished by the inventor of "Old 1878." We need only refer you to the cut given 1a connection with this, which is aa exact umtmoon of it, and say that it is perfect hi every way. The works are covered with a heavy plate ghus cap, then this is covered with a hunting case. The boot or face is a plate glass cap or crystal MoT aa inch thick, set in a heavy run one-half an inch m width, making it almost impossible to injure the watch. It is fined especially tor Railroad. 3ana and shop uses, where dust and dirt are liable to get io on open ing. As the cases fit very closely, and being a stem-winder and open dial, it need never be opened. If you nred a watcn. try this. It is entirely new and novel. You can rely on it for time. Yon will be the ooly one in your neighborhood having such a watch It looks exactly bke gold and will snve its cost in a few years, by saving whatyoa SHtsfcHV to pay for repairs on an ordinary watch. Komemner tho prico is only SS.00 by Express, or 88,50 by Moil Regis tared. We also furnish with the watch, when desired, a chain of the same material. (Pure Abyssinian Gold) heavy long links and elegant seal charm attached, fcr f 2 qo each, or watch land chain i 10. uo bv Exsrsss. ESTABLISHED 169. B. S. & A. P. LACST, Attorneys-al-Law SS SeventA street, Washington, D. C. Inventor. We procure patents in all countries. Xo at toksby pass tr advajick. No cbarge nnleec the patent Is granted. No fees tor making pre liminary examinations. No additional fees ior obtaining and conducting a rehearing. Special attention given 10 Interference Cases before the Patent Offlce, Extensions before Congress, Infringement Suits in different States, and all litigation pertaining to inven tions or Patents. Send stamp tor pamphlet giving full instructions. Uulteil Mntct Courts nucl Department. Claims prosecuted In the Supreme Courfot the United States, Court of Claims, Court of Commissioners or Alabama Claims, Southern Claims Commission, and all classes of war claims before tbe Executive Departments. At roars or Pay ami Bounty. Officers, Soldiers, and Bailors of the late war, or their heirs, are in many cases entitled 10 money from tbe Government, of wbicb tbey havo no inow'cdgc Writ foil hNtojy of --r-vioe, and state amount of pay it:, t bui. :nv re ceived. Enclose stamp, u.d a f i:: reply examination, will begivei, yor. wi:hv - '"t" Vsrsesfassa. Ail Offlcm Aoldiega, Rod Sri..,' - w -iwi capt.ired,or luiurcf Sa, $1- iate war slight, arc entitled Ittri l can ol.'a. i a in slon. . . ;J VnltesI ! -as si IatdJ OsBce. Contaated Land s, Prt ' Land Claims Proira Oenartment c trie J uunWdainvatii. SirmrMi .1 .. t. ! Prompt auentron Uiua Lr. J 1.. sir., as entrusvea to as. Aa Any n.rson deslr.rT JBloni a"ci. aa to the ttancflni. id fsporwiblUtj,- 01 e tin.i wilL'.n reoucsi. tmi'iminbH! w f "a:."-. -fer- encelnhis , .'iiyorv. tiairict. WAXTEI. w.io dHi.anist in a . WMAN n Jc ac jer, .loslroa a. llkepos.'l"a br. A idr- - U , forUaud. 1Mb hTl- U. ..e rtSXl aunoe of abbs