Che Vim fleetest THURSDAY, :SIAY2I 1879. int sAiion boi's dream. livery sound was hashed and (till Save tbe rustling of the leaflets And the nightingale's sweet trill. UUkt ow lo-sleep had nodded. . Little bird had chirped good-night. While the rivers, brooks and streamlets Sparkled in the Direct moonlight. Kar out on the deep Uim ocean. Dashing through Its silver spray. Rude a venM-l bearing Rind Imm ft Far from home and friends away. All oo board save ihfcseoa duly Now were Unfiled In rtmntur d eep. And on deck wrid In the moonbeam I .ay a sailor boy asleep. Let on panae one little moment, Oaclnc on ttie apturned face, on ibe fair you ok brow where sorrow, Ulier. nor age has leA a trace. Deep blue are ltjc how shaded By I rinsed curlelbsrDOprng down, While about the bead and forehead Cloater ringlet soft and brown. .- r. 9 - - - See: a pearly tear M restlne On tbe rounded boyish cheek. And the tender Up are moving lie Is talking In his sleep, "Mother, mother!" liten a alienee, Nellie, darling !" tlienaalab Aa the red Hps wtftly uwrroor, Hiood-bye, Nellie dear; good-bye." He 1 dreaming, fondly oi-uhIih K tbe lovwl ow faraway, Ureauuic of tbe farewell poJten, And tbe parting of tbat day. Once again be fees hi mother. Peels ber dear band on his bead. Hear ber voice so sweet an gentle. And tbe last kind words sbe aaM. On re again he hears bfs father. Bidding him be firm and lrae. Hear bl darling little brother Wlh tbat he were sot or too. Keels hit slater arm around him, A be folds ber to his bean. Then his thoughts turn to another. One who cauted the tears to Matt. Onee again around bl finger lie is twining igiviocu c Kissing lip half shot, h Knowing rows of tiny Sees two free of heaven lie Is twining golden curl. , nan open, y pearls. ' tnavente nxura Tbat berte eVertbCMmcd ii4th-tov- Full of teas now, as she whisper "Good-bye" Jo her sailor boy. n. . . ... Hours fly on. ami still lie's dreaming; Now feelhlnks His Journey' p'er, And hesspaJeomed byrtflsJoved ones To Ms rltjvbood's borne orfte more. BoetilUolrlevlag Jodts and glaaees, Bbowfg more ttian words ean.tell. And e .greets aiHong the otters 1 'vHmg blue-eyed Iiule n 11 " ii, Lwet -le- p, rod's riches: hi inag, l 'I'D . I' utoslnl, dreainvsleer Tt" t-t. - i Juysttre In!l of tr.)'. in. "Vl, li KPffc We irrecnu me I, v. ct'' vw icean- ge ii'e igmber, : . Ree'. dreams of peaae :in Joy, Au.i r (.ep i,n meet cut loved ones, Lh.' brave ycu.i bulr tj.,y. Pse and v-hel. 'A il: : world ntrtr let f jli:r Poe ' f M-e it stated In jneof tbe papers mat it uas ueen aiecovereu, ny examin ing his dust, that the brain is ossified and rattles in the skull ! "To what base uses may we come at last I" To apply the caliper of moral measure ment to this child of genius seems labor lost. There must nave been In him a chameleon-like temperament, by which he assimilated to those with whom he associated, and thus each analyzer of i-o e gives us a glimpse or His own Idio syncrasies rather than a revelation of this unique, wonderful creation. I prefer to regard these persons of rare, exceptional genius as demonized In a high malignant sense, When Luther stood before the august Diet convened at Worms, his memorable saying, "Here stand I, I can not be otherwise," was a conscious illustration of this. He, Luther, courageous, penetrating, dis cerning, could be only Luther, Just as the cells of bis brain and the leadiugs of conscience had brought him down from the ages. A strong will may aohleve mucb; but tbe bias nature can not wholly be contravened. I like tbe Bible method of biography, tbat gives us the factsof a llfeand leaves the moral status to be adjusted by the reader. There we have Sarah forcing Hagar and Ishmael out In the wilder ness; Rebecca inciting her son Jacob to deceive her husband and wrong her less favored child; Rachel and Lear, with their domestic quarrels; and all dowu the history of the favored people, hein ous crimes committed, scarcely without reprehension; the design being to give us theexperieuceof Individual life, good and bad, praiseworthy or blameworthy, with surprising candor, as if facts were tbe only important things in delineating a life. Buta careful observerwill detect an enlarging silver thread of approval lur the true excellence pervading all the pages of Jewish hUlory; as in the wise courtesy of Abigail, am: the steadfast ness of the mother of tbe Maccabees. I think we must learn to accept genius as it Is, and not pester It with too critical an eye, leaving the "stern daughter of the voice of God," Duty, to look after Uer wise children and approve them in her own time aud way. Our judg ments of genius, in any sense, seem an impatience. Who are we, that we dare condemn ? we, who have uot the spear of Itburial, to test the right of a beiuc to be just what he is. and nothing else; to be what he is, and powerless to be otherwise part and parcel of a lurid phautasmagoria, over which steal weird fchadows, half human, half ilevillsh half divine, it may be. We may hold the breath, feeling as If somo hidden arcana were about to open before us tbe breaking of tbe last magic seal once held by old King Solomon, by wblch the demons of Eblis are about to break from their bondage; but it is be coming lu us to look on, aud hold our peace. In 1S55, New York was alive with ex citement over one of these wondrous demonized crealipns. The windows In llroudwny were full of a tall, statuesque figure, about whom the classic robe fell In long, heavy fold, aud upon whose arms guttered the lortn or a serpent, I was never tired of studying this bphinx; the small, compact, beautiful head, tbat somehow made mine ache; the strange eyes under the contracted brow; the brow contracted by no ordi nary emotion, hat from a terrible Intens ity. It seemed as If a fiery band eu cl,rS,.l tbe head In the shape of the cor al fillets in which she delighted. My first sigbt of Rachel was In com ffm? !'S?n X c- Derby. I"" favoilte .nLilf rauam, beard. w"'b a Turk hnS5ti5rnvf loelh with Mrs. Ter- SSSa ofnedm?r 1,08 and tlelat.eraTofuTqueTtfo ortreffl Miss Cheeseboro wM l?, ew,n,,i looking, taciturn an"WDUe ' Tf nelthershenor hercomffin wL"' drawn to me; but in this world t "m" meet and part, and 8eB each Tether IX "through a glass darkly." er as The curtain rose, and Ttnhi . there: tall, lithe, panVheMlkAnaoTe! ment, not a walk an undulatlurr stlT and she was before us. How she cami there seemed a mystery, a lofty, mae nlflcent statue, draped, motionless, aud causing the heart to stay its beat; and tbe vast multitude could no more have applauded tbe instant of her appearing than if an unearthly spirit bad suddenly become visible to the eyo; but the ap plause that followed was something to be remembered. Her voice was indescribable a mar velous voice, deep, clear, distinct. Tbe tragic tones of her voice were a eoul- harrowlnc wall; her low eob went tbrougti and through the heart as the eobs of a snflering child affect us. Her Infantile tears real tears were echoed by a fload of tears from our own eyes. In one point of view Rscliel ftllected us as no other human being ever did. Her most careless elance, movement, tone, sigh or tear, were each and all per fect in kind. You would not change it; you would not criticise it, but yield to it as to some overmastering fascination. She' was'riofgay; neither was she Bad or sentimental, blie was an arusi, wmi out Hie tenderness allied to tirt. She was a feminine King David, without thn cnnsnlnneM that rendered the re morse of the ewett psalmUt of Israel sublime. The phynlque of Kictiei vas purest porcelain the fined nf etay; every line of every nerve aim "'" jwrieoien m me nlppst Billiutineiii; not a !i-irtlele nf su peril uous hone, not a shred of neeillesa in ucle. She hel'iimed exclusively ilp Hip serpentine, fn-dnntlni: clae In life Clenpatras and Herpeiitt f ld Kile. JVtreiKHoyioai jounuu. A Story with a Moral. Lillle Devereaux Blake prints the fnl lowing brief story with "a morn!:" Once there were Mme cunuiur; spar rows who Hired a number or cock roliiii! uud jenny wrens to take cireol their grape vine, proiuip'uK to ny them In ooru. But v lieu the lli jc came fur the wages to lie giv'en, tbey gave to eacii cook robin twice as much, or one-third as mucn again as they did to tiie leuuv wrens. Xow when the wrens saw this they remonstrated and said, "Meane, Mr. Sparrow, why do you pay us lea than our brothers? We have worked as many hours as thev have, and as faithfully as they, and are as hungry as mey are, so wiiy should we uot have as ranch corn ?" But, the sparrows said, in a superior manner, "You have no red feathers, and therefore we shall uot pay you as much. Besides the corn is all ours, and you ought to be thankful that we pay you auy of it." Then the Jenny wrens went sadly away and thought what n grand thing it was to have red feathers, aud how huncry they were. Moral. Fine feather make flue birds. Oueen Victoria is s woman of but-i ness. Her family administration is thorough. Her extensive family con neetlons throughout Kurope she main tains by au act! vecoi i espoudeiice, lie vot ing one whole day u the week thereto, All accounts, baukrs' pass-books, and estimates or expeu .lure are personally presented to her. She Is kept Informed of State affairs, in which she Is prompt to uo tier part, and is told by telegraph of what takes place In Parliament loug before her subjects know it. When a sudden death occurs, the physicians state that "heart disease" Is the cause. Aye, perhaps It Is; but if tbey could have examined tbe heart beforehand, aud seen the disappointed hopes, loss of friends, worriment of mind, crushed ambition, aud the many weary struggles for tbe maintenance of life and borne, they would render the verdict, "Died of a broken heart." Ilackenmck Jlejmblican. the teacher undertook to convey to her Eupiis an idea or the ue or the hyphen, hn trrnla nn ll,u Kla t;H,fi r,l llttelo. nest," and pointing to the hyphen, asked Ilia inl.nnl UlUli.l to 1 1. . In - tl A ftne a short pause a small Fenian piped out, "Plaze, ma'am, for tho bunl to roosht on.- "But you know, tm," said the farmer's daughter, when he spoke to her about tne addresses 01 ms ueleuhors son. "You know, pa, that ma wants me tn marry a man ol culture." "So do l; aud there's no better culture In tiie couutry tuan agriculture." A very rich man said, "I worked like a slave till 1 was forty to make my for tune, aud I've been watehlnir it like a detective ever since that time for my lodging, iood and clothes." An old lady recently directed the at lentlon of her husband to a pair of twins, remarking as she did so, "I low much tuere two children do look alike, espe ciaiiy tne one tins way." Alcohol will clean nut the intlde of an inkstand. It will al.-u clean out the lU' side of a pocket-book a little more thor oughly and quicker than nuything else on record. We mean no personality when we quote tbe remark that the beauty of a man's partlug His lialr In the middle Is that It gives both ears a cliauce to lldp, A cold in the head has one advantage a man can be so sick that liu wire will have to carry up the coal from the eel lar. A'cw York Jizprea. We spend hilf our lives In making mistakes, ausFft aste the poor remainder in rellectlng now easily we mlKlit nave avoided theui. Slanders are likedandellon seed ; they are arrow-headed, stick where they fall, and Lilng forth and multiply lour-Iold. One writes Illegibly to hide his bad spelling, as one contents one's self with a half smile to conceal poor teeth. A Detroit milkman delivers "milk right from the cow'' by puttlug a hut brick lu each can. Almost all of us are generous to a fault, if the fault happens to beour own. "God save tbe Queen" especially If tue oiuer leiiow uoius live aces. A hen begins to pay luterott wheu she gets her coop on. aokxts rort the Tim fAllntrlnir iwruuiilm ilnlr " n M - J "-.HUH KJ net as Agents for the New Kohtu wbst : D. D. (Jray. Albany Mrs. J. A. Johns Salem Mm. Ioltle Keam... Kagene City Mrs. U It. ProelikUll Uiarnmu. U U William IlllUboro Mrs. Laura Ue Force Gordon California Ashbyrearee Benton county M. I'. Owen Soquel, California w. . xjuci... i4uax, w. T "Woman's Journal" Boston, Mastaehusetts D. P. Porter ShcdU'j, Oregon Mrs. C. M. Foils San Jose, Cal airs. 31. a. waraer. Spokan Kails, W. T ,M r3LJl.u00P Browns vl lie u . ,cuo. Dallas it r ' i ehaT Amity lo,n.T forest Grove vie. niameiie s ough mS m k-iI.mra,,e -Vorh Yamhill Dr.Ba?le?rrir TbrSDa,M MriKaBlfho'rr" Walla Walla si i iv- tIi.' rendletoo A. W. Rtanardl Kugene Cuy C. A. ReedZ.; " Brownsville wrs. m. r . Conic - .jtieiii Me. i Lafavetle Other pue, U1Hne Vo 7 Please forward their nam.. -ur .. . w"1 Washington Territory. OF POjiT OFFICES. OltEUOX. BAEKR COUXTT. . A . r ra. r.1 v )t. Auuurn-, .vusuaui, Wiuiivn.iii, Rxpres Itanch,Rldorado,Gera.HumboIdt 11a sin. Jord-mi. ValleyJ Ityo Vhlfey. Wlngvllle, Stone, Connor Creel;, North Powder, Malheur, llonre, rerrysviue. J1EXTOS. . tt III., f... III... t.lna iien killiej , uinitiiiai viiwi Valley, Liberty, Little Elk, Newport, Newton, Oneatu, rhllomalh, Sjtaxr's Point, Summit, Toledo, Yaqulna, Monroe, Tidewater. CLACKAMAS. Rearr, Ilulle Cnek. Cauliy, Clat-kamaa. Clear Creek, CulUngoville. itamivcu. UaKle Creek, Glad Tiding, Highland, Molalla, Mil wHukle.jNeedy, Norton, Oregon Clly. 0we go, Sndr. SprlngwaUr, Zlon, New Bra, l'a"r!ow Mflla, Union Mill, l!ooue Kerry, Pleasant Home, Itiiign Point, statrord, Viola. CLATSOP. Alorla', Clifton, Jewell, Knappa, Nehaiein. Sklpanon, Srn.kle llou-e. Wetptl, Intlimus. Olney, Summer llouae, FjtrL UiatMip, Mlnha wace. coo. CoooCltv, Coiiullle, Ifcira, Rmpire ITiiy, Hn elMiibtl Prairie. Kalrvhrn-. Ilemiaiwvllib, llen rrvllle. MamhSeld. Nonh Ikn.l. OU. Itau- lolph, HHklli,.fcMluuii Utiee wily, lUnd.iiiJ iVMtMo. (,'ravet Tord, lowa Mlongii, KreedonfM jiynie lvini, orwny, Buniner, i-Braersoiirs. COLOMBIA. Columbia City, ClaUkanle. Manililand. 1U filer, ItlverHide, SU Helen, HnuvleN Inland, Stwppo,fief Clear Cre;L. OjiIiim, Veruoniti. CUHKV. (Ii Jtooc, KlIeualHirg, Port orlonl. IHIDHLAH. Cum. ii Vulltiy. Cleveland Cole's Yulluy. Main, l'nchrti.Tlaleavllle.ilardner, Kelloinrs, liOoklncglaM, Myrtle Ciwt North CHliyoil- vine, iMmanu", i un-eK, noseoursr, acoiim burg. Ten Mlfe.UmiMim City, Wilbur, Yononlln, Oak Creek, Day's Creek, Klk Creek, Rlk Head, KulrO.k, llmiud l'mlrle, tjulphur Spring. ORAXT. Alvonl. Canyon City'. Camii WtUwin. Day- ville.Jobn Day City, Prairie City, l'arfcernville. 1'niciuru's, umier, uamp Hartley, u run lie, Monmuent, ML Vernon, 1'enola. JACKSON. Applegale, Aidilnnd, Urownsboroogli, Ce trul Point. Kugle l'oint. Grant' 1011. Hot springs, JaekMinvllle. Lafceimrt, Phoenix, 1UKK I'Oinr, no-in- uuey, note tioea, 11 lowSprlng8,Ilarron,Ulgiintte,'nilIams'Creek Fool's Creek, Dardanelles, Pioneer, Wood vllle. JOSEPHINE. Rlrby, Inland, Slate Creek.WaMo, Allhoune, jioky uueen, 3iurpuy. LAKE. Antler, Ilonanza, Dairy, Cbewaucan, Drew' Valley, Oooe Lake, Lake View, Itngell Val ley, Dnkvltle, Mergauaen, New 1'lne Creek, Silver Ike, Spnigue Itiver. Summer Ixke. Tuie Lake, Whltehtll, WhtUle' Kerry, Yalnaz, t-ievna. LANK. Dig rralrle. Cottage Grove. Creswell, Camp Creek, Curtwrlght', Dexter, Kugene City, Kranklln, Junction, lng Tom, Mo hnwk. Pleasant Hill, Hulalaw. spencer Creek, spnngQeld, Trent, Willamette Korka.Chesher, Itelknap Hprini, llutte Disappointment. Crow, Rust Fork, Gate Creek, Goshen. Ida, Irving, Isabella, Lea burg, Liverpool, Mabel, MeKenzie llrtdge, Lalham, Wallervllle. LINN. Albany. Big Prairie, Browmville, Craw fordsvllle. Diamond Hill, Fox Val.ey, Grass ilidge, Harrlnburg. Harris Kancb, IIaIey, Jordan, Lebanon, Miller, Muddy, ML 1'leasant, Peoria, line, fclo, Sbedd's, Soda iipring So- aavtiie,Kweeiiiome,oaKviiie,Taofiii,aier' loo. MARION. Aurora, AnmsvlIIe. lluttevtlle. Brooks, Fair field, Gervuls, Hubbard, JeUerMin, Marlon, Monitor, Newellsvllle, Saiem,Sllverton,Klay ton, St. Paul, Turner, Woodburn, Alder, How ell rralrie, Meuaueiu.suunoiiiy. MULTNOMAH. ffWli IVIUHIIU . Ill lintiu-, . a , 1 J tJ , SL Johns, Willamette Slough, Alblna, ltoosler 1 . . T1.. 1 .. . I1l...l. 11... ....I It- A -., 1 1 llocK, uvies. roLC Bethel, Baena Viola, Dallas. Kola. Klk Horn, Grand Itonde, Independence, Llneoln, Luekla- mute, i,ewivine, Moumoutti, l'erryuaie, lue- reall, ualiiviue, zraa. TILLAMOOK. Garibaldi Kitchen, NelarU, Nestockton, Til lamook, ira.SK, enaiem. UMATILLA. Butter Creek, Heppoer, lnoe, Marshall Meadowvllle. Milton. Illot ttoek. Pendleton Umatilla, Weston. Pettyavllle, Overton, Cell- irevuie, 3tRiway, vviihiw. union. Core. Island City. I Grande. North Iowder. Summervllle, Union, Wallowa, Indian, Rlk Fiat, prairie creek, spana. WASCO. Antelone. Bridge Creek. Hood Hirer. Mltch ell, ML Iiool,l'rrnevllle.Itoekvllle,Sliellroek, 'inanlsh Hollow. The Dalles. Warm Springs Waseo, Wlllougtlby, Fossil, Pine Creek, Lone Hock. ILike Oven. Crown Kuck. Cainn 1'ollc. Dexeliutes, Dufur, Howard, Kingsley, Alex, spring Valley. Tyak valley, upper ocnoeo. Cahcades Imu, Wapiultla. wAsniaoTON. Beaverton, Cedar Mlll.Oornellu. Dllley, For-estGrove,Gleneoe,Greenville.Hlllsboro,Mld-lleton, Mountain Dale, Peake, Sholl's Ferry, ayiors rerry, tuaiaun, w vTiivrriur, Gale's Creek, Gastou, Joppa, Keedville, Went union. YAMHILL. Amity, uenevue, uuibi, "-j-ette, MeMlnnvIlle, North Yamhfll, Slieridan, OL JOe, WeSl UDeUHLWl, unlMiJ, imfc. WASHINGTON TKltnlTOUY. CLALLAM cotrjmr. Neah Bay, New Dungenea. Port Angeles, I'ysJiu CLARKE. luitlr Gronnd. Brash Prairie. Foorlh Plain Martin's UlurT, Pioneer, stoogbkHi, Union Illdge. vanenuver-, vKmugai, rem lTaine, It Center, Hayes, Yaleolla. cu EH ALIA. Cetlai vllle, Chehalls Point, Klraa, Hoqulam, jionieaino, uaKTiiie, nauup, ntmrou, nuinmii. COLUMBIA. Alpwla,Burksvllla, Dayton, PoBieroy,Tuk anon, Aunella, Central Ferry. Marengo. COWLITZ. Oaslle Bock, Freeport, Kalama, Itwer Cow llU.ilontleello, MLOoron, Oak l'oint, Pekln, Sllverlike, Coweeman, Olequa. IS LAN" II. CoreUnd, Du gaily, U tan lady, Uunperille, Oak Harbor. JSrrkRSON. Perl IMseovery, ITtrt tsdlow, Vot t Towntend. KINS. lllseWi lUver, nwamlsh, Jfall Qlt flattie. .-)aiKiiier, oiioiiuniiiijr. rwpmcK, wmifl Ivirer, Cterr)"Valiey .Novelty ,Mlllon,0eeola,Hnton. KITSAP. Port Blakely, Port Gamble, Port Madison Port Orchard, Seabeek, Teekllu KLICKITAT. lltoek House, Columlat, Gnldemlaln, Kllekl- tut VV'liltn Hnlmfin. Illablv tNil.l tri,H,,i. Loodlng. ' LEWIS. AlKeriiuii. uuiNuii, VyiiwnniMi, vHiquaio, LOW- Ills, Glen Bden, IJllle Falls, Meadow Brook. MnuvIUKk.Nnriavine.Newaukam.sknolriim: chuck, Bilver Creek, Wlnhiek, Nokello. MASON. Areada, Llghtville, Oakland, Slokumlli. PACIFIC. BrueerarLBronkneld.KnaiHHon.OystervlUe, IUvendde. Sonlh Bend, Unity, WiMMlward' landing. Bay Center, Lake View, Sooth Bend, Ilwaeo. PIERCE. t-i 1 . . vim-vii. rl. T '1 'x- . 1 j 1 1 1 , t i.Liiikii.i, i.i.i, , nr " , c it iHciiian, Pujnllup, Slollacoom City, Taeoma, Alder town, Carbon, Aeton, Summer, Mnek, Wllke son, Artondale. SAN JUAN. San Juan, Lopaz.Oreas, Bast Sound, Friday Harbor. SNOHOMISH. Cenlerville, fiwell, Mukllteo, Snohomish Tulallp; Park Place, Stamwood. SKAMANIA. Ca. cades, Collins' Landing. STEVENS. rvoh Creek. Four lAke. Fort On vllle. Ifanr. man Creek. Pine Grove. Itock Creek, llosallo. Spokane Bridge, Spokane Fall, Union lUdge, waiters i rainc THURSTON. iwii Rank. Beaver. Miami Pnilrle.Olvmnla. Tanalquolt.Tenlno, Tumwater, lelm, Inde- peuueiicv, WAHKIAKUM. Catblamet, Eagle Cliff, Skamokawny, Water- ford. WALLA WALLA. Pnlaha Prairie. WalUburg. Walla Walla. Whitman, Wallulo. wnATCOM. Cedar Grove. Guemas. 1a Conner. LehmhI. Lumml, Lynden, Nootsaebk, l'oint William, SnmUli. Seaborne. Setahmoo. Shin Harbor. Ship Island, Skagit, Trader, Whatcom, FIdalgo. WHITMAN. Cedar Creek. Colfax. Ewartsvllle.Owenbnrtr. Palouse. Steptoe, Union Flat, Walton, Clinton, Leltehvllle, Panawana, line Creek, Rosalia, Anatone, Lincoln, I'alaba City, Unlontown TAKIMA. Attannm.KlIennbunr. Fort fflmeoe.lvltUlas. Konnowock, Nanum, Pleasant Drove, Selnh, Yakima. Money Order Offices. LIST- MISOELXANEOUS. OREGON &. CALIFORNIA RAILROAD CO. - ri'O TAKE EFFUCT SUNDAY, SHIT. It, 18T8,atl2M. - Daly (Pumtay excepted) as rollows: POKTLAND AND ItOSKBUUO LKAVL. AHHIVE. I'ortl.iml- im A. a. I Ito-oburcr TM r.jt: Itoseburp ifcUl a. u. I IVirtland 1. 1:31. i . 1 . kx r-iiKaa ALBANY Tlti IN. lMlly laxeept SQiHlaj), s ruLUiW(i: A IMIVB, LKAVK Ponlmid .. 4 iil Albany.. . Sd5 v. u Albany iiA. M. I Porllaml 1U.-U. a FREIGHT TRAINS. Dally texeept nuday) as kollows: ,;j s, I.HAVK. I -j , AKIIIV1U . 6:1ft A. m. I Junction 8ai p. M .;l a. M. I I'orllund jri p. it The Oregon and California I tail road Ferry makes eoNiiectriiu with all Regular Tialii. Cli'eiI-nnsetlonijaM nisdfut KowbarK wlHi Uie'rTlJge Ul'lHe CfalilUrnht mal OregoirMlaff Compauy eJ Tickets lor sale to all the principal points ln,Calllurnia and the Rast.alCoiuiiaiiy'soIlleo, Cor.F aaJ Front M-,at Ferry LagdlBg.i'ortliDd. cir Storage will be Charged on Freight re maining In Wuiehousc over 11 hour. vr Frelghtwlll not be received for shipment aner 5 o'clock p. m. J. BRANDT,' Jr., K. I'. R0GER.1, Gen. Sopt. Gen. Freight and Tassenger AgenL 2-iStf ZUCCATO'S PAPYROGRAPH I a nev7 Invention for the rapid pro duction of facsim ile copies ot any writing, drawlng.or other work which can be done with pen and ink. Autograph Letters, Circular. Music, etc., are first written unun n sheet of na per. In tho usual way, and from this written fcheel .100 COl'IRS l'HIC HOIK May be printed upon any kind of dry pa per, or other material. In a common copying press. This la the MOST RIMI'LR, RAPID, and Ei GNOMICAL PROCESS yet discovered. Thousand are already in successful ue In Government Office. Colleges, Academies, Pub lic and Private Schools, lull way and Insur ance Offices. Also by budnes men, lawyers, clergymen, Sunday school superintendents, missionaries, and others. The Simmon Hardware Co.. of SL Louis, ay of It: "Our Papyrograph, purchased some time since, give entire saliaraetion. Would not bo without It for SlJJOOa year." For specimens of work, price list, etc., ad dress, with stamp, TIIE I'AI'YltOGRAl'lI CO., 4 1 and 15 Sbetueket street, Norwich, Coo a. otr LOCAL AGENTS WANTKD. S-18 DR. A. B. SPINKEY, No. 11 EEAHNY STREET , T reals nil t'llroulc nnd Siwelnl Diseases. YOUNG MEN plO MAY BE SUFFERING FROM THE 1) eirectsoryouthlul rollle or indiscretions will do well to avail themselves of this, the f realest boon ever laid at the altar of suffering lumntil'y. DR. SPINNEY will guarantee to forfeit S-VW lor every case of seminal weakness or private disease of any kind or cbaraete which he undertakes and fall to cure. MIDDLE-ACED MEN. There are many at the age of thirtyioalxiy who are troubled wtlh too frequent evacuation of the bladder, onen accompanied by a kllglit smarting or burning sen-union, nod a weaken ing of the system In a manner tbe patient can not account for. On exnminlng the urinary deposits, a ropy sediment will onen be found, ami sometimes small particles of albumen will appear, or the color will be of a thin xntlkun hue, again changing tn a dark and torpid appearance. There are many men who die of this difficulty Ignorant of the cause. wuicn i mesecona Kiageoi seminal weakness. Dr. S. wilj guarantee a perfect cure In all ueh casei.anu a ncaiiiiy restoration or the geullo urinary organ Office hours 10 to J, and 6 to 8. Sunday from iu 10 11 a. m. i;onsuiuiiion irev. Thorough ex ainlnallou and advice, S . Call ou or address, llR. SPINNFY CO.. 7-Si No. 11 Kearny SL, San Francisco. NO PATENT, NO PAY I PATENTS Obtained for Inventors In Hi llnUi.i qioi. Canada, and Europe, nt ml need prices. With iui I'uucijrai uiuce locaieu in w asuington. ul rectly opposite the tin I led Slates P-ifMienrnm we are able to attend to all Patent Business with greater promptness and dispatch ami les 111.11 uiucr iMiicni. aiioruey. who are at a distance from Wnsliini-tin ami u.i.n i. therefore, to employ "associate atlomeys." We make preliminary examlnalloii and fur- nlsli opinions a 10 patentability, free of m-'iiii nn woo are iiiieresieti in new In vention and patents are Invited t send for a copy of our "Guide for Obtaining Patents," which Is sent free to anv Mr n.i .i.iui.:. cuiiiiiiuio iiisiruciions now to uliUiii iwienl. and other valuable mntler. We refer to the German-American National Bank, Washlng- ...... .... ....j... .-limn, Norwegian, and Danish Legation, ut VVinhinninii. rt..n t . Pw.1r'.',eV,l,,e'a';l,ce.US-c,'"rt'r Claim.; to the Olltclal of the U.S. Patent Office, a nil rai m auu aieinoers oi (ingress from every stale. Address: LOUIS B G(iER A CO., Solicitors ?iMi!nnJ wati , A,lI"rney'at Law I,ro" LADIES PURCHASING CORSETS Should examine Madame Foy IMPROVED CORSKT SKIRT HUPI-ORTKR. IVir Health. Comfort, and Kle gnce of Form It has no ri val, and I really the most perfect SKIRT-HUPPORT- coushTT made. For sale rjy uil leaning dealers Manuiactured by FOY IIARJION, New Ilnven, Con 11. 8-au DR. WM. KOEHLER, DENTIS DEUTSCHER ZAHNARZT, (Established 1842.) DEXTALROOMR First clnl )u.tirun Mor rison and Yamhill, ilonuastes' Block INirl land, Oregon. 5-!U CHEMEKETA HOTEL, SALEM, OREGON. S. F. MATTHEWS t Proprietor No pains or expense will lx irxi in vn the cuisine and every department of tbi mac nlflcent Hotel up to tbe mark as 6 THE BESriIOTEL IN OREGON. W DOCTOn CHAPMAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, Cor. Xndlsou nnd First Streets, Or at residence, cor. Market and Front, Call left at L. BLDMAUER'3 Drug Store a j'lumjuij auenuea to. 1 HELMBOLD'S COLUMN. H; T. HELMBOLD'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT B U C" ii U ! I'll AUJI ACEUTICAL. A SPECIFIC REMtDf FOR All DISEASES OF Tl.E BIA30ER AND ktfiNEYS. I?0R DBIIILITY. L033 OF MH.M0HY, IX . disposition to Exertion or BoMness, Short ness of, liiealh. Troubled with Tliougbls or Disease, Dimness of Vision, Pain lu the lUefc, Cbestuud Head, Rush or Blood to the Head, Pale Countenance and Dry Skin. If theoe symptoms are allowed to go on, very frequent ly Epileptic Fits aud Consumption follow. When the constitution becomes affected. It re quires 1 he akl of an Invigorating medicine to strengthen and lone up the system, which HELMBOLD'S BUCHU .ooisr ix JiVJinr cash. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU IS UNEQUALED By any remedy known. It is praserlbed by ine UHMSflwiirnii pn'meiH, hii overllw uorttl In Klicumatlsni, SperniatorrlKcn, .' Xcuralxla; .-. r Xcrrousncss, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, Aches and Tains, Lumbago, 'Xcrtous Dibility, Head Troubles, Catarrh, General Debility, Discasss or Ih: Kidneys, Liver Complaint, Epilepsy, ' Paralysis, General III llsal.b, Spinal Dis:ases, Sciatica, Deafness, Decline, Nervous Complaints, Female Complaints, Etc Headache, Pain In the HhouMarr ; Cough, Dizziness, Sour Woinach, Kriiptton. Bad Taste In the Mouth, Italpltatfcmor the Heart, Palnlu theltegtunof the Kidneys, AudatltouMtnd other painful symntoms. are UIVUIIIIHIHi;3UI l'JlIMH. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU ' , INVIflOHATES TUE STOMACH And stimulates the torpid Liver, Bowels, and Kidneys to Ileallhy Aotlou, In oleumdng the blood of nil ImnUrlties.and Imtiartlui; new life and vigor to the whole system. A single trrai win oaquitosuiueient 10 con vince tbe most hesitating of Its valuable leme- dlul qualities. I'll ICC, 81 I'Elt ltOTTI.i; Or ritx Bottles for JS. Delivered to anv address free 1mm nhurva. Hon. Patients may consult by letter, receiving the same attention as by calling. Competent I'hysleiao attend to correspondent. All let ters should be addressed to II. T.IIELJIItOI.D, Druggist and Chemist, Philadelphia, Pa. CAUTION J Bee tlmt the l'rlvnte Proprietary St,,,,,,, Is on each Bottle. SOLD EVERYWHERE ! 8-35 3IISCELLANB0US JTJST PUBLISHED, A NEW ILLUSTRATED POEM '.11 w . - , 1, 1 1, .- .. 0t1M 1, - 1. r trv- 1 , . ,r., v,,r ,,r, H,, T'lan lik Hip birds to i,iu nnd root Twill do !or hem to iljh and for Mi ' 1m,-c uotblne Ue to do.' DAVID :J AND ANNA 3ti A T.S4I K- y Vli"rjiil Scott DuiilnV ' " XSy VliK-jiil Editor "lle-r Iforthwest," PorUaad, 0r WITH BEMTim. 1LLTTR vTIONS, AND KLEGAH I.Y B.irj,i A new epic, from a vigorous and skillful pen, on a nbjeat which social discussions of the day. The s ibjest Is taken Irani Ms Wfctttl vM Matsoo," with which the retder Is probably tesUlar. David 1 was caprarM oy ine Aigennes (aunngone of years he obtained release and was on bis way his old employer, who informed him that stunned by bis trouble, be surrendered all claim as husband and father to the man who bad siepBed Into his place, and departed Mrs. Durdway baa lound theme m this story with which her heart beats in warmest sympathy, and her lines How on in the Httaoth cadence in dicative of the fullest accord. She plctnre the gentle, lender, trustful Anna and the wily, cov etous Pelatlab In vivid colors; and Low years of poverty and longing, and tn cries of the'hnr, gry boys, compelled poor Anna to yield to relatwh Import nnlty, "Rise, rejoice. My poor, nnmated dore," said he, And look henceforth for love to me." A llttte farther on be nays : " Become my wis and you shall be Mode happy through prosperity," k , . While, If she persists in declining hi advances, wolf lllrr. hr lhmlin to heado liei to Ui vntlua and cold. And this Felatiah was a "deacon," " In exhortations deep and loud." Tiie wandering of David, hi captivity, release, hapless ' -rrlrw Tilth Ttlnllah. iflaeoscirj ol ABrm's second wifehood, and la sad going back to Algt ria, are all told ao pathetically that our feelings are deeply enlisted. No one, with any true sentiment, can read tbe poem wttbont be ing thoroughly stirred. The Illustrations are in admirable keeping with tte psssssgjwtDey are dealgnerl to portray, and a fine engraving of the author is a fitting frontispiece. The subject spirit, lire and passion of the poem should a, ve It an extensive reading, aside from the Interest which the literary reputation 01 the author must awaken In it. A a specimen of book-making the volume is certainly beautllul, and would adorn any center-table. We know ot no work so welt adapted as a present. It Is printed on heavy tinted paper and most beautifully bound, piltt, 2 00; full gilt extra, $ 50. For sale by book-sellers, or by mail, post-pa'd, by S. E. WELLS & Co., A NEW STEM WINDER ! PRICE 88.00. Pnro Abyssinian Gold. But Recently Discovered, and the best imitation, of Fore Gold known. Iiawbr Mail Registered. Ladies sue watch and rumination, on receipt EOods by Express subject to examination. the Ex Dress Company on receipt of package On sent with order. Send money by Post Office Money Order. Registered Letter, or Draft on New York or CbKago. We will not send a watch by mail without registering, as it costs but fifty cents to register it, and tats mtures its safe dehvery. We will hold ourselves 'nersonally responsible for nil troods or money sent an above directed. For furtner particulars send for our 48 page iUasuated Catalogue of Vetches, jewelry. Notions, Novelties, and new Inventions. Agents wanted. Address, THE INVENTORS AGENCY, t 116 . Washington Street, Chicago, 111. SULPHUR SOAP, TiioHorouLT Ct-tFs Diseases of the Swtr, AM IlEJImiKS IKI VATIU ASO GOCT iikalb Sokes and Abramoss op thk CWTICUt A.ND CliUSTKBACTS CoSTAOIO.V. Tllb St itl'lar.l Rtl.n.1 1 i r. aim this; nr. in- .1 !,.. .1 ' , j 01j, . , ' ,- - v - aim winu. w far lreier ble to anj cosmctir. PHCit IUth. are inMBed bt ths ux or (IIvuh'h Snbi.. e.... v.-l , . .. . . -1.... T.fiij, wuica in au-renK-difa and ... ..nivv.xiAiiau onu uout. It 1iiIINf; CrCLOTrnsnl 1 vcv..l Pit' TEXTS HlSEvFS COMMLSICATED BT COX- i.vv-i wiiu me pcr-in. IT niSVI Vt'K n.vnnim U.. 1.1 "J i.i rft irii'.cuva vivv- scag, anj relanlsgrayucss of the hair. Pliysicians upc ik of it in hirii terras. Prion, 35 sad 50 Out. 5x7 Oaie, P Box, (3 Oai,) 60 sad $1.20. N. It. Ti" 50 crat eix are triple tbe slie of thsit st j cents. "IMir. irkl.l., Tir. nr nrairn. We. C. N. CBITTEXTOX, PrepV. 7 Sixth At. N.Y. , 7-M ADVERTISEMENTS. Scott Dtiiiiyray, a!i,rs,p'.,r-tli tt.ort narratlv ynf !, . M--rrtoai- tatlor 1 .vary. his voyssresl sad sold tn theVime of his bovli srhea tsjtea la wllb bis wife, belter! na him dead, bad retnarrlod .nd Publishers, 737 Broadway, 5ew York. With the New Year come new styles and inven tions. Prominent among these ranks our new !$tcn Winding Watch, named -"Old i7l" Although here tofcee we have always handled thm best watch of ee9i bind that it was possible to get. yet it has been impossible to get a low-priced watch, with the stro wiadiDg attachment, that could be relied upon for tnte, and have a finished appearence. This seems to have been accomplished by the inventor of "Old 1478." We need only refer you to the cut given ta coaaectioo with this, which is an ecact imitation of it, and say that it is perfect in every way. The works are covered with a heavy plate glass cap, then this is covered with a hunting case. The front or face is a plate glass cap or crystal H of an inch thick. set in a heavy nm one-half an inch in width, "airf it almost impossible to injure the watch. It is fitted epccially for Railroad, ttarm and shop uses, v here dust and dirt are liable to get in on open ing. As the cases fit very closely, and being a stem-wir.der and open dial, tt need never be opened. If you need a watch, try this. It is entirely new aal novel. You can rely on it for tuae. You will be the only one in your neighborhood having such a watch Tt looks exactly like gold and will save its cot in a few years, by saving what yo woM havo to pay for repairs on an ordinary watch. Remember tho price Is only SS.00 by Cxpress. or SS.50 by Mail Regis tered. We nUo furnish with the watch, when desired, a chain of the same material. (Pure Abyssiutail Gold) heavy lonp links and elegant seal charm attached, fur ti :o eat. h. or watch iand chain f 10.00 bv Eanresa. Long Opera Guard chain same price. Will send of J the amount of order, and balance can be pud gfvxls to be sent BY MAIL the full amount must be ESTABLISHED lstHH K. S. &. A. I. 1ACET, Attorneys-at-Law HSI Seventh street, Washington, D. C. iHVeHlon. We procure paJcnls In all conntries. Xo AT torset rr.Rs m ADVAJir-K. No charge nnless the patent U (ranted. No fees tor making pre liminary examinations. No additional tees lor obtaining and conducting a rehearing. .Special attention given to Inu-rfi rence Csuvea before the Patent Udlce, KxteoKiona before Cougrww, Inriingement Suit In d I Here u I States, and all litigation pertaining to Inven tions or Patents, send stamp tor pamphlet giving roll Instructions. United States Courts nml I)Pnrtiiieiits. Claims proseeoted In the Supreme Court ol the United States, Court of Claims, Court o' Commissioners or Alabama Claims, Southern Claims Commission, and all classes or war claims before the Executive Departments. Arrears or l'ny nml Itomi ty. ' Officers. Soldiers, and Sailors or the late war, or their heir, are in many cases entitled to money from the Government, or which they line no knowledge. Write mil history of ser vice, and (late amount of pay and bounty re ceived. Enclose stamp, and a lull reply, arte examination, will be given you without charge l'eiislous. All Officers, Soldiers, and Sailors wounded tstptured, or Injured tn the lato war, however slight, are entitled to, and can obtain a pen Btou. UlitlMl Stntes General Iiuil Oftlec. Contested Land Case, Private Land Claims Mining, pre-emption, and Homestead Cases prosecuted before the General Land Udlce an.' Department ol the Interior. Itiiil lVnrmnts. We pav rash for Bounty Land Warranto, and we Invite correspondence with ail parties hav ing any lor sale, ami give toll and explicit in structions a here sietmenU are imperfect. U'e conduct ur business In separate Bureaus having therein the clerical assistance of al !e aud exprriellcil lawyers, sad give our closest personal miperv Kion tu every Important paper prep-ircd In e:ise. Prompt attention thus secured to all business entrusted to us. Ad dress R. ft. V A. I. I-ACLY, Al tornej s. WASHINGTON, L a Any person desiring information n-s to the Htanding responsibility of the lirm will, on requet, be furnished with a atlfaltory refer ence in bia vicinity or Congreh-.HUial district. ft-17 WANTED. A WUHAN WHO WAS UKflANIST IN A Church in San Jose Ave years, dmlres a like position here. Address S. A. IX, Portland. stsl - -1 Italv. toon.