- .- . - "9 .MAY 8, 1S70. A TOnOHINGIIIOIDENT. TO THE EDfTO OF THE NEW KoRTH WEST: Quite reeeutly tbe personal estate of the kite Mrs. Nellie Curl, of Salem, was soki Hi auetlon. Her volumiuous letters of eorreflpondeuce, about forty of ber books, several rolls of periodicals and her book-ease sold for only four and a balf dollars. The bidders did not seem to regard tbe tender reminiscences, tbe valued letters, or tbe favorite books of tbe deceased, rext day I was tit ber bouse for some articles, wblcb a klus mau of mine had bought, and In the yard I found the enclosed manuscript of JIlss JSellle Stlpp afterward the noble, tbe talented, and now lamented Mrs. Nel lie Curl. If you appreciate those linesof nature's true poetry, as I think you will, let them appear in tbe columns of the Kew Korthwest, many of which were among her files of papers. A true, noble woman is cone from our midst. Death loves a shining mark. Earth has lost ber brilliant gem ; heaven has received a glorified angel. I am not writing the obituary of Mrs. Curl. I knew ber well, and only bear witness to ber extraordinary worth. I remain your friend and well-wisher, David Xewbomk. The following Is tbe poem alluded to: Heboid banana favored land. With luscious fruit and breezes bland; Where artless band deck Datura bowers With verdant leave and gorgeous lower. Here bird of various plumage ring In groves where bloom perpetual Spring; And reptiles baak near silvery streams "Where sunlight caste its golden gleam. Heboid the land of beauty bright. Which roust all human hearts delight. Surely, methlnk, such land would be An Eden from all tempters free. Where all earth's purest Joys are found, And health and harmony abound. Mat Ob! behold humanity Where spread the fair banana tree. tic here Disease her tendrils twines With Sorrow willow-woven shrines; While energy, ambition, fame. In this prond xone no spot can claim; ., And even purity Is doomed , Within IU bounds to lie entombed. Here Spain proud sons of noble birth Hank with tbe lowliest of the earth. Hera indolence all minds corrode And renins shuns men's mean abode. While luxury's polluting hand Hpreads degradation through the land, Aad superstition's frightful ghost, Ijtle specters on tbe Stygian coasts, Invade each breast with false alarms. And fills the air with fiendish forms. Sow tarn we sadly from this scene. Though decked In nature fairest green, TO case on lauds whose fertile fields lraf osely Erin's tuber yields. - Wat though Weak Winter ruin supreme Hsiougli all the zone and not a gleam. Of Sol's warm light, their hearts to cheer, Have northern home for half the year, Yot here the hardy son of toil With honest labor till the toil. And show the vrorid that blet Is he Who labors that he may be free. 2fe land Is all this world ot ears. Though sleeked In tropic rratt and Sowers, 36 date nor palm-rirodneragtiyMl That does not need man's tetlHt-g tMd tihall in her people equal those "Who live where the potato grows. July l,ls. The Innocent Schoolmaster. lie tfoen't know very much. He can ask the questions laid down lu bis test book, and determine with a good degree of accuracy whether tbe answers are re peated correctly. He carries a pen over tils ear, a stiok in bis right band, and a book in bis pocket. He considers It of much mare importance to secure obedl ettee and suiimieslon than intellectual discipline. He frequently says: "Learn your lenn ! If you ask any questions yon hIiuII be punished J It is not for you to know the reason why ! Wiser heads titan yours or mine have written the books, aud it is your duty to learn what is written, and miue to make you do it I Study 1" He requires absolute, unquestioning submission. He neither thinks for himself nor permits bis pupils to do so. He believes bis books aud fol lows bis nose. He is the sworn enemy of moral schools, teachers' Institutes, and universal free education. With new text-boots be has no patience, aud takes no special interest in new inventions ; In fact, be rather more than half le lieves tbat Edison is a humbug. He dally puts on tbe skull-cap of bis own Ignorance, and lives in the foggy altnos I&ereof bis favorite pipe; aud one of these days be will wrap tbe drapery of bis souU-staiued garments about blm, aud lie down uuhonoied, unwept aud unremembered. .The above is no ideal sketch. We have many such teachers yet lingering in the valleys of our dark corners. It Is only by persistent eflort tbat they can be driven from the teachers' ranks Into thedarknessof obscurity. Barnes' Jilucational Monthly. A canny Scotchman proposes to set the women at work against the new Constitution. He suggests tbat a good talker should be sent to tbe wife of every man who. has a cent deposited in the savings banks, and to every unmar ried woman who has any deposits, and explain to them bow the Constitution will work In tbe way of taxation, and Ihiw their dividends wilL be reduoed. Tbat well done, be thinks thedocument would stand no cbauce at all. Oalior nia Exchange. By the kindness of Mrs. J. J. Astor, S'.h.,p,aeed In t"e hands of tbe C?,WH!8 Aid Society, for the purpose, about laobomeless lads, mostly orphans, Iim. . to elBblu years of age, were sent to homes in tbe country. During gives homes to about 450 boys at a cost of nearly $T00. These boys are now seU-auFportift; mid doing wilL A bachelor cynic remarks that It Is 8 ngular how early in life a child wtins the reputation of resembling U,e ricT.eVt ndJie3lc;Iok,DK of reUUves. mkert SUiletman. If you would be clear and forcible don't use foreign words; be natural. A man never stops to hunt up a foreign word when he is stung by a hornet. A lawyer named A. Wart resides in Sandy Creek. Unlike the usual run of warts, he is never on uanu except when wanted. J conic oemmct. Railroad flagmen are men of rare courage. It Is not until they are dead that their spirits flag. How to draw a girl out set her upon a sled, seize tbe end of tbe rope and run. THURSDAY... OtJB WASHINGTON tfiftES. To the Editor or the Sew North wxvr: When the vole was taken on tbe army bill, with the repealing amendments at tached, the Greenback members in the House voted with the Democrats, with three exceptions. It has since ueen said that their votes were so oast in pursu ance of an agreement on the part of the Democrats to vote for a Monday session, to permit tho Introduction of certain financial measures, which, under the rules, can ouly be ottered on Mondays. But tbe motion to adjourn over from Saturday to Tuesday was carried, only a portion of the Democrats votlug no with the Greeubackers, and I presume there wasn't any bargain about It, No doubt these gentlemen voted according to their convictions, though they may have hoped to make the Democrats feel under some obligation to assist them after ward in geltiug their measures before tbe House. From all I can learn, bow ever, coucernlng tho views of members on tbe Democratic side, I think the ma jority of tbem would prefer to avoid en tering into any financial legislation this session. JUut at tbe session commencing in December a regular programme, cm bracing free coinage of gold or silver, with a coinage of the latter to the full capacity of the mints, and abolition of tho national banks, will be adopted, Mr. Atkins, of the Appropriation Com mittee, recently said tbat this would be about the position of his party, though there will be a wide diUerenceof opinion as to whether greenbacks or treasury notes would bo substituted for the na tional bank note. As tho House now stands, there is a decided majority, lu aluding both Republicans aud Demo crats, opposed to any legislation on this subject at present, aud I am satisfied none will be aoeomplisbed at the extra session, though the Democratic caucus has deelded to hold Monday sessions hereafter to permit bills to be Intro dueed. The Idea of authorizing by law the formation of a corps of parliamentary attorneys has again been brought tor- ward. J!ut, as usual, it is made to lllus trnle the all-grasping disposition of the legal profession, aud lu tbat respect needs watching. As proposed, the members of tbe corps authorized to reg later for practice before the committees of Congress must be members of tbe bar. This restriction is grossly unfair and improper. The examination by t committee of a subject upon which leg' ishition Is asked or proposed is, in uo sense, a judicial process. Ou tho con trary, It is distinctly not a lawyer's ar guuieut which, in a great majority of cases, a Congressional committee needs or ought to listen to. Suppose It to be tbe Ways aud Means Committee eu gaged lu revising tbe tariff ; would not a statement from au importer, from silk manufacturer, from a wine rner obaut, from tbe proprietor of a priut works, from a carpet-maker, or an iron mouger, be more useful than anything the best lawyer could say? Suppose the subject of proposed legislation to re late to railways and telegraph ; must a lawyer be paid to elucidate it? Suppose it an international copyright ; must authors speak only through an advo cate's mouth 7 The fact is, tbe lawyers are over-mueh represented in Congreee, which would be the better for more farmers, merchants and physician among its members. To make every body but lawyers ineligible as parlia mentary attorneys would be to aggro vale au evil that is already obvious enough to all but lawyers. Mr Gorham, wiio has just been re' Ileved of the duties of Sesretary of the Senate, rendered his final account a day or two ago. He has beeu an exoelleul oOlcer ; and, after eleven years' service, during which he has disbursed many millions for tbe United States Senate is the most expensive body on earth he closes his account for the first time, It was found at the Department that there was one cent owing him. In an oQlolal letter, which had to be copied recorded, numbered, etc., the United States Treasurer notified Mr. Gurhatn of the balance on settlement, and request ed hi tn to draw a check for the amount With the same precision as though million of dollars was at stake, tb check was drawn, and a messenger oou veyed it to the Treasury. Tbe books were searched to see If the accouut was to Gorham's credit, and then the ceu was paid a great big copper one, which the ex-Secretary proposes to keep for luck forever. It seems that, had he not drawn the balance, it would have gon on forever among the liabilities of ill Treasury, and occasioned any amount of trouble to the clerks. Dom Pedro. Washington, D. C, April 12. "Mother," said a little square-built urchin about Ave years old, "why uou tbe teacher make me monitor once? can lick every boy in my olass oxcepl one.' AGENTS roil THE SEW SOUTHWEST. The following persons are duly authorized to act as Agents for the New Northwest n. D. Gray Albany Mrs. J. A. Johns Stricm unc Ijttllo Ream Kurene City Mrs. 1- It. Pmebstel LaGrande L. L. Williams. Hllleboro Mrs. Laura DeForce Gordon California Ash by Pearce ; Benton county i . I'.uwen uuininui w W. Reach .Oolfax.W. "Woman's Journal" Boston, Massachusetts n. I". Porter oneuu-s, urvaira 1. Casto New Km Mrs. C. St. holtr. san Jose, Cat Mrs. M. A. Warner. Spokan Kails. W Miss Mary Htsbop Brownsville rs. n. a. icnois Mrs. IL A. txMurhary. IL T. nabhnT -Dallas .Amity .Forest (J rove Mr. R. C. Italian.. .Willamette Slough North Yamhill Mr. Maria Hsmmsn '.!! Mrs. M. Kelty JT J51- h IVor Johnaon" Mrs. Don Mil Dr. Bay ley.. Mrs. It. A. Vawlersl.""!!" Mrs. B. n. Btshop......" Mrs. J. W. Jackson A.W.&taMrd C A. Reed- Mrs. M. F. Cook Mrs J. H. Foster. LT.geou.Bsq. ?. It Oorwin I P. fisher.. 14syetie Oregon city The Dalles Corral I Is Walla Walla I'emlleton BswreneCUy .Brownsville Salem Lafayette Albany Forest Gmve Otlrpttes desiring to act a.ETO"7w rde.se forward their nsmes. We want Agin" at every rtoeV, throuEno Oregon and Washington Territory. LIST OF POjJT OFFICES. OUEtiOX. BAKE comrrr. .Yuonrrr, Asgusvi, ajr- wwmiub, KxweIWl',r9dorao,aetH,1fUH9Wl Ba sin. Jordan Valley, Rye Valley, WlngvUle, Stone. Connor Creek, North Powder, Malbesr, lUmr,Ttjrryivllle. ", !ETO. Alsea Valley, CorvaHls, Collins, King's aJrer.IJbetty. little Blk. Newport, Newum, Oni-atta, Philomath. Htarr's Point, Summit, Toledo, Yaquina. Monroe, Tidewater. CLACKAMAS. Heaver. Ilutte Creek. Canity, Ciaehatnasi lear Creek. CuUlnKsville. Damascus. Eacle Creek, Glad TMlis. Hilhland, Molalla, Ml! waukle. Needy, Norton.Otvgon City, Owego, rvttmj, r,inuwtier, Ann, .e om, imii,n. Jllllu, union J1MH, nooue-s rvrrr, neasuui Home, lUngo l'ulnt, Stafford, Viola. CLATSOP. Astoria. ('Winn. Jewell. Knanna. Nelialem. Ktclpnon, seaside Ilnnse. Westpnrt, IMIunus, Jiney, summer iioue. Fori maw), jimtu' VVHKt'- COO. CoosCltr. Owwlll. Dora. Empire City. En rhanknl Prairie. Palrvtew. Henna n VII It. Hen ryvllle, MarshOekl, North Bend, ou, ltun- uoipn, biiKin, isiiKum, uuer laiy, lunaon, uonieao, uravei ruru, hisxueii, fretniom, Jiynie roini, Norway, u inner, i-arKerswiri;, OOLOXBIA. r.iliitnl.ln rl, rl.,l.t.mnlu 1 ..... nler, IHverslde, SC lleleris, Sanvte'sr I'laml, scapjiooM, v;iur ureeK. iuiuu, vernouia. COKBV. Olisteoc, Kllensbanc, lVirt Orford. SOCOLAS. Camas Valley. Cleveland. Cole's Valley, Tl I . L-llrln.. If.l ..1 1 j . . 1 1 1 -..1 1 . logtrs, Ixokingglass. Myrtle Creek North Cnnyuu- vtlle. Oakland. Puss Uraok. lUweuure. Sasutu- imr?, iwi jii re,u mpipw utty.tv limir.lt onenun, O.k Creek, Day's Creek, Ell Creek, Elk Head, rairvpsKs, nounu x'raine, nuipnurr'pnngs. ohant. , vllle.Jobn Day City, Prairie City, larkervtlfe, I nicimntt rnatiitvr, uunp liarney, uraillw, JACKSON. Anplegate. Ashland. Brownsborouafa. Osn. trai ISttat, Kajle l'oint, Orantfs Pu, Hot Springs, JaeksonvUle. Lakeport. Pmtwitx, iwmi, iWWB .MICJ, IMOT IMHIK. kiwSprlnes.Ua iron. lint ilutte. Willis ms CtmIci root's jreK, immaneiiea, moneer, Woodvllle. JOSKI'HINK. ivhwj, imiiu. .itntf limjk , n aiutt, .ituotise. , . ln . 1 (.!..... . . 1 ... . ( . ... Antler, Bonania, Dairy, Chewanean, Drews' Valley. Goose I-ike. laks View lanmli Vai. ley, Unkvllle, Mergansen, New line Creek, silver Lake, Snragne Kiwr, shammer Ike, Tule Lake, Whtushill, Whlllle's Kerry, Yaluai, LANK. Uig Pmhie. Cot taste Grove. Creswell Camp Greek. CHttvrria tit's. Dexter. Kuesne City. Franklin, Junction, Long Tom, Mo hawk, l'Jeaxanl llHl, Kulsiaw.Speneer Creek, SpriDgaekl, Trent, Willamette Forks, Clieiher, neiKnap nprrogs, imue uisaptMMnimeni.crow, Kas; Fork. Gale Creek. Goshen. Ida. Irvlinr, Isabella, Leaburg, Uverpool, Mabel, MeiCeusle nnuge, LAtinam, y a nervine. X.IKM. Albanv. nia- I'mlrle. MrownavUle. Craw- Ibrdsvilfe. Diamond Hill, Fox Val.y, Grass Rldae. Ilarrisbura. Harris Haneb. Haloey Jordan, Iebanon, Miller. Muddy, MU Pleasant, Peoria, Pine, f?le, Sbedd's, Sda Sirlniw So da ville.Sweet Home, OakvlUe, Tangent, Water loo. XAKION. Aurora. Aumsville, Buttevllle, Brooks, Palr- fleld. Gervais. Hubbard, Jefferson, Marion, Monitor, Newellsv.lle, Salem,SIIverton,stay. um. fit. vital. Turner. Woodbtrrn. Alder. I low- ell Prairie, ilenanem, Baounuiy MTTLTSrOTCAU. fiSH HHUSBH, ITIfMsnB-, l Ifj . St. Johns, Willamette tSiough, Albina, liooster Hock, sauviex. rOLK. Bethel.IUMna Vista, Dallas. Kola. Klk Horn tlrana wonoe, inaepenaenrv, lihwiu, isnnr mate. lewtvllio, Stoninoulh, PerryUale, ltle- 11 f I 1 I..., (Villi, UtHtt?IHPUSW TILLAMOOK. n.nhUl Kllebes. Netaru. Nestoekton.Til lamook.TrMk, Nebalam. TJ3CATILLA. nutter Creek. Henpner, Irnoe, Marshall, Meadowvtlle, Milton. II lot Kock, letidleton ITuuitllm. Weston, l'ettnville. overtoniCen trevllie, ilia way, mows. VJNIOK. rvtm. Island City. La G ramie. North Powder, summervllle. Union, Wallowa, Indian, Klk Flat, Prairie Creek, Mparts. WASCO. i nuiiuo. rtrlitee Creek. Hood River. Mlteh- ell. MW ItOOtl. 1 niievilie, lUK-ftvuic, auriiiucA, Spanish Hollow, Tbe Itoiles. Warm Springs Wasco. Winoagnoy, rossii, nm .tv, io Kocc, rtake oven, i.nwn wins, vamp nnit llescnutes, U , iiuwHKi, niusflicj, ni' Spring Valley. Tyak Valley, Upper Ochoco, Uucades Locks, wapimu-. WAHHIWSITOX. Beaverton. Cedar Mill.Cornelras, Dilley, For-1 estGrove,OrenM,Greenvllle,HlllstMint,.lHl- j dleton. Mountain ttele, Peake. Sholl's FWry, ay lor Perry, Tualatin, Wasto, Centervllle, Gale's Creek, Gaston, Joppa; Keedvllle, West Union. lANllU. Amity, KellevH. Carleton, Day ion. rfay ette. MeMlnnvllle, North Yamhill, Sheridan, St. Joe, West Chehahnn, Wheatland, Newberg. IVASIIINGTON TEKRITORY. CLALLAK COD.Vrr. Neah Hay, New Dungeneas, l"rwt Angeew, Pysht. CLARKC Battle Ground, Bruab Prairie, Fourth Plain, Martin's BtafT, Ioneer, Sloughhm, Unhm Rhlge, Vancouver. Waahougal, Pern lrairM, Iat Center, Hayes, Yaleolla. CH KH A LIS. Cedaiville,Cbehalls Point, Klma, Iloaalam, Monteslno, Oakvllle, tsataop, Sharon , Summit, COLCMBtA. Alpowla.Barksvllle. liayton, romeroy.Tnk anou, Annetta, Oentiml Kerry. MareHgo. COWLITZ. Castle Hock, Preeport, Kalama, Ivr Unw IHr.. Mimtioelki, ML Coffln, Oak point, Pekln, Sllverliske, Co wee man, Oiequa. ISLAND. Cuupevllle, Covelsnd, Dogally, Utsalady, Oak Harbor. iKrrtrBxoN. Port Discovery, l"ort Ludlow, I "oil Tosraaeml. KIHO. HI ark lUver, Dwsmlsh, Pall City. Seattle, slaughter, Snognalmy. Squaek, While I liver, Cberry Valley ,Novelty,Mlltou,oeeola,ItenUMi. KITSAP. Port Blakely, Port Gamble, Port Madison, Port Orchard, Seabeek. TeekllL KLICKITAT.. lUoek House, Columbus, Goldemlale, Klicki tat, While Salmon, Blakely, Pulda, Kltekltat leading. LBWTS. AiKomon, Boislort, Chehalls, Claquaio. Cow litz, Glen Bden, LlUle Pall. Meadow Brook, Mossy Itoek, Nap vine. Newanknm, KktKikum chuck, Silver Creek, Wlnlock, Nasello. MASON. Areada, IJgiitvllle, Oakland, Skokomltb. PAciric IWneeisHt, Brook 6eld,Knapiton,Oytrvllle, lUverHlds, south Bend, Unity, wihcI ward's Imllnif(lfcr Center, Lake View, South Bend, Ilwaco. PIBHCR. Klhi. Franklin, Lake View, New Tantma, rayallup, Siellaeoom City, Taenma, Ahler tnnrn, CarlxHi, Acton, Summer, Muck, Wllke son, Artondale. SAX JOAN. Pn Joan, Lopaz,Orcas, Bast Sound, Friday narbr. ' rt SNOHOM1HK. Oentervllle, Tiwell, Mnkllteo, Snohomish Tulalip, Park I'laoe, Stamwood. SKAMANIA. Cascade, OMlins' landing. STEVENS. rwt. rrsb. Fkrnr Ike. Fori Cot vl lie. Hani;- man's Creek, line Grove, Kock Crek, Kosalle, Spoxane IWdce, Spokane Falls, UuKtn HldKe, Walkers rrairw. THtnWTOS. Coai Hank, Hver, Miami PrMrieOlympla, Tanalquolt, Teolno, Tnmwaler, Yeini, Imle pendenee. Key. WAHKIAKOK. Catblamet, Bagle Cliff, Skamokaway, Water ford. WALLA WALLA. Pa'taba lralrie, Waltsbnrg, Walla Walla, Whitman, Wulluia. WHATCOX. Cedar Grove, Guemas, Ia Conner, Lehmhl, Lnmml, Lynden, NooUaehk, Point WHIlam, Hamlsh. Seahome. hmoo. Ship Harbor, Ship Island, SkagK, Trader. Whatcom, Fhlalgo. WHITMAN. Cedar Creek, Colfax, EwartsvUle.Owfnburg, rlLWptoe. Union Ft Walton, Clinton, Ixllcliville, Panawana, Pine Creek, ROfcalla. AnatoM, Lincoln, Palaba City, Unlontown YAKIMA. Attannm.BUensbttn:, Fort Simeoe,KlttlUs, Knnnowook, Nanum, Pleasant Grove, belali, Yakima. 'Money Order Offices. ' V,l .:,.: . : - .,-:- ... FLEISCHNEE, HAYEK. & CO., Front anllrst stretvbt A,h Bd A liuporters-and Wholesale Dealers. SPRING SEASON. MR. MAYRR HAS MADK VKHi ka-iiw slve purelmsesort. lull Iltrt or MILLINERY GOODS, Direst from the MsHBhVetOfers aad Importer In New Yurk. Our stack will eonsWl .rt IHe latest styles ami sinuef or " o ir. t . til i1 S . jr5tttiicir- ttinl .riume.-:, French Flowers, Hat, Shapes, r.lbbons, I'laln, Gros (iraln and Vancr, Silks, Ycluts, -etc., etc., To which we Invito the MsobsIom of e Milli nery Trade or Oregon au swiwm i" lory. Being the only Wholesale tlnnae In Hie Stale importing MILLINBItY GOODS direct from New York, we will be prepared to oBer extra Inducements to 6ur Frteml and IatrTHi. S-fir OREGON FFRMTDHK MAXITACTI'IMXCJ COMPAXT, Manufacturers of 3-TJDELlNri1,XJH.3Z3 , And dealers In OARPKTS, OIL CLOTHS, MATS, ItUGg. CURTAINS, WALL PAPHR, SPRING BKI, IIA1U MATTRKH6S8, Kte. SuSm-nomuL, Oorner First and Yamhill St., .Steam Hsoliiy,lHlerloot and Madison St., 7 rORTUVNO. OREGON. W ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. VICTOR V0L1TEY, Picture Frame Maker & Gilder. QRNAMKNTAL FRAMES OF KVERv style made loonier, OLU FR.VMKS re-gilt good as new, OIL PAINTINGS restored and varnished, BLACK WALNUT Com position Ornaments pressed. Orders by mall Immediately attended to. for. Tlilnl nutl Morrison stt., rorllaml. FINE SPIRIT VARNISH FOR SAU. Hrles almnt Inatantly. You ran renew vour Brackets, Frames, or any Wood-work. It Is Odorlest. It is the best. Price, SO cents per bottle. 8-11 MANNING BRO.'S Family Grooery Store, Corner or Fourth mill I streets, IOHTL.VND, OREGON. Wo are happy to Inform our numerous irlends and customers that we have made LARGE ADDITIONS To our Stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS! .OB Goals delivered to all parts oT tbe cKy free of charge. g-S7 BENKERT'S SOOTS AT I WIBERQ & KIERNAN'S, 1 13 Front street. PORTLAND- -ORBCON 8-17 ' JNO. IYI. DALY, Attornoy-at-Law nALL.S,0UBG0N, -ITTILL PRACTICE IN THE DISTRICT AND Y United Stales Courts. 6-Si iHSCELTiAXEOUS , . XOTJJs'X. HOOD AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT HOUSE. IMP ORTAKT-TO FARMERS ! MPROVED WHITEWATER FARM WAGON .; .M1VKUKMBXT STANOABD), ,. EirfhraelBS many ne- and valuable lmrtrove- luenHi never ueiore seen on l lie iacine Coant. They are Inlly warranted. Kxainliie and be convinced. Tbe whitewatert-pringExpresaand Platform Jersey nutl Couaoril Ilucle-i. Afi Arst-claa, and at reasonable price. We also have THE WHIPPLE WAGON-GUIDE, That can be used on Wagons, Reapers, Seeders, xuntsciR, nuu ail sarin itiacniuery PArUlEB'd FRIEND, ami the frteml ol liK'lKim.ai it relietethetonguef all strain, making tbe wagon pull by the uxles,aud inval uable to all teamsters. PLOWS. Jlorrlson Bros.' AVaIklnr I'loivs, wood and steel beams, and (heir licssc-mcr-stecl beam Sulfcjr l'loivs. These Steel Beam Plows are one-third lighter titan am- In. use. and are easily adjusted aind operated. The BKrJT PlAiSVb IN AMERICA, aim an enureiy new ining on uii was. THR K8TKKLY Broadcast Ssedcr and Cultivator, The beet or lu class; something entirely new in uregon ; ausoiuteiy lurce-ieeu ; uoeuange ahre gearing; substantial and ustrahM. jook premium at tbe Cvulennial. Champion Railroad and Garden isarrows; Unlike anything ever seen In this market, aud lar superior. A Full Line ot bTKKL GOuUci, entbraclns Railroad and Mining Shovels and Picks, And all other Farm and Garden Tools. CENTENNIAL BUGGY TOPS; A new and desirable article, which can be put ou any wagon "BEI.LK OF THE WEST" Sulky and Potato-Digger; A flrst-cla, wrought-iron sulky, to which can b auaud a Potato- Digger, Kook Kake, or Plow. A Full Line of Wood Handles. nr Healer desiring Jobbers' prices will NllM'llUIlV, ClIAl'Jf AX A- CO., OWses Ml A agt Protit t4Peet,WortlaiMl; Opera ti Hoose Block, HeJem. HADE'S HONEY OF HOREHOUND AND TAR FOR THE CURE OF Oscgii, OeUs, IaioMii, Htarieaei, SiScsli Brntsimg, ad all ASkuoss of tke Throat, BrSficaiil Totes, sad Lugs, 1&j to Cosiimptioc. This mUlible remedy is cornposcd of the Honey of the plant Ilorehouml, in chemical union with Tak-IIalm, extracted from the Life Principle of the forest, tree Astas Bauamea, or Itahn of Gilead. The Honey of Ilorehound soothes and SCATTERS all irritations and mnammarions, and the Tar-beim cleanses and heals the throat and air yasstges leading to the lungs. Five additional ingredients keep the organs cool, moist, and in healthful action. Let no pre judice keep you from trying this great medi cine of a farocsM doctor who has saved thou Mnds of five by it in his large private practice. J-B The Tar-Baka has bo bad tajik or unetl. PRICES JO CENTS AND $1 PER BOTTLE. Great ssviog to buy large sue "X'iko's Tootlinelio Drops " Ciiro in 1 aiintitc. Sold hy all Druggists. 0. If. OEITTENTON", Prop., N.T. 7-80 PATESMTS Obtained for Inventors In the United States, Canada, and Kurope, at reduced price. With our principal office located in Washington, di rectly opposite the United stale Patent Office, we are able to attend to all Patent Business with greater promptnessand dispatch and less cost than other patent attorneys, who are at a distance from Washington, and who have, therefore, to employ " associate attorneys." We make preliminary examinations and fur nish opinions as to patentability, free of charge, and all who are interested in new In ventions and patents are Invited to send for a copy of our ''Guide for Obtaining Iatents," which Is sent free to any address, and contains complete Instructions how to obtain patents, and other valuable matter. We refer to the German-American National Bank, Washing ton, IX C; the Hoyal Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish Legations, at WatiInglanrHen, Jo. Casey, late Chief Justice U. S. Court of Claims : to the Officials of the U.S. Patent Office, and to Senators aud Members of Congress from every State. Address: LOUIS BAGGER A CO., Solicitors of Patents ami AUorneys-at-Lew, Le Droit Building, Washington, D. a S-12 CHEMEKETA HOTEL, SALEM, OICKGON. S. F. MATTIIinVK Proprietor ?o palas or expense will he spared to keep the estelAe and every department of IMs mag nlSeent Hotel np to tbe mark as 6 TUB HKsr HOTEL IN OREGON. XH A. C. WALLINC, Book and Job Printer, SMITH'S BUILDING, UP-STA1RS, Corner First and Ash streets, Portland, Oregon. Work done at REASONABLE RATES, jj aUSCBLIiAKBOUB. OREGON & CALIFORNIA RAILROAD CD, lO TAKB KFFSDT tKJMUAV, HKtT. 16, UM,al UM. PORTLAND A"u R06.BBIjtKQ; ' A3"TftiiLaW-Jt i.ravk. Awnivn. I1aiuI ?di X.ii. I IWebunr, (jaAj. I Porlli la i-.m. ALBA NY BXPitBS., TltitlK, Dally (oxeep t SBiwisr, Aa FOLIWtK ut4VB a awi va PorOaad -IK Jt. ittWy-J PKBrOlIT TRAINS. Ifsily (tujeepi Suodajr) am nmxewat PnrtfaiHt :13 a. X. I Jo notion awn p. M Juneiion , ft. A. M. I Porthwxl. 6rtt e. w. Ph. nMn and Calhthrnhi TUHrotf! Ferry make connection wn ntl rteebwTJMln. Close eontasolhHH mad) ROi ulsartrwWh the .Stages of the. California ami 0reri tstmnc Company W Tickets tor sale lo ll the rl!elpal point n California and the Kast.alOonipany'solnee, rer.Fssd i'rs t St s t Ferry LanfilBr.FsrtlaK. BU- Storage will be Charged on Freight re maining in Waiebonae over 21 boars. bo Freight will not be received tor shipment after 6 ueioek r. it. J. BKAKIJT. jr.. Gen. Freight and Fasaenger Agent. 3-itJU .V Com pi vie I'lctorinl HUtory nt tlie Tline.. "Tlic heHt,clieniest,nd inott kuccewrul Family lnper lu the Uiiiuu."' Harper's "Woelrly. ILLUSTRATED. Koncm or the rsKH. The "Weekly" Is the ablest and most Power- Mi illustrated periodical poblhmed In mis eountrv. its editorials are scholarly and coo vtneing, and carry much weight. lis 11 lustra tions of current event are lull and fresh, and are prepared by our best designer.!. Louisville Courier-Journal. "Harper Weekly" should be In every fam ily throoghoat the land, a a lmrer.more inter esd ok, higher toned, better illustrated paper is not iMibllsneu in tow or any otner country. rOnminerelal Bulletin. Boston. The "Weekly s the only Illustrated paper of the day that In its essential ciwraeWrlaucs is reeogniseu as a nauouat paper. inrooajyu tsagic Term : Postage Free to all Subscribers In the U. S. Harpkr'h Weekly, one year ft 60. U (0 Includes prepayment of V. S. postage by Ihepubiishers. Sabaerlptlons to "Harper's liagastne," "Weekly" and "Basar," to on address im uue year, (lu tW; or, two ol Harper IModicals to one address for one year, $7 OU: postage free. An Extra Copy of either tbe "Magazine," "Weekly," or "Basar" will be supplied gratis for every Club of Fl'rerjobserirseraot'tri (4 ear h pahl Jbr by one remittance; or, ix Copies, one year, without tlra copy, for rial tJL Back Noxbbrs can be supplied at any time. The Volume ot the "Weekly" commence with the year. When no time is mentioned, it will be understood that tbe subscriber wishes to eommeae with the number next after the receipt ol bis order. The annual volume of "Harper's Weekly," In neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of expense, provided the freight doe not exceed one dollar, for S3 w each. A Complete bet, comprising Twenty-one Volumes, sent on receipt of 'cash at the rate ot ti 90 per volnm,., freight at expense of purchaser. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, ou re- wpt of SI uu each. jna ndexe to each volume sent KnUisort reeelii of stamp. Subscriptions received for Harper Periodi cals only, Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Harper It Brothers. Address HARPER A BKOTHEUS, New York. "ViiiltieHtlonnlily tlt best Misiuf nct niirkiil the kind lu ilie World. Harper's Magazine ILLUSTRATED. XOTICK8 Of THE PHBtvi. The veteran "Magaslne," which long ago out Krt-w its original title or the "New Monthly Masraxlne."nas not In the least abated the oor- ularlly it won at the outset, but has added to i in many ways, and nas Kept fairly abreast of the times, thank to the enterprise of the publishers and the tact and wisdom of Its edi tors. For whatever Is best and most readable in the literature of travel, discovery, and n- uon, me average reader of to-day look to "Harper's Magasine," just as expectantly as did the reader of a quarter of a century ago; there Is the same admirable variety of eon tent and the same freshness and suggestive nem In Its editorial departments now a then. Boston Journal. Term : Postage Free to all Subscriber in the U. S. Harp crS Magazine, one year ft 00 St Ou includes prepayment of U. s. postage by the publishers. Subscription to " Harper's Magasine." "Week ly," and "Baxar," to one address for out year, ilO (M ; or, two of Harper's Periodicals to one address for one year, 37 U0: postage free. An Extra Copy of either tbe "Msrju'nc," "Weekly," or "Baxar" will be supplied er.i'ls for every Clubof Frve Subscribers at Jt 00 earn, paid for by one remittance; or. Six Copies one year, without extra copy, for (20 UO. Rack NCMHtciwcan be supplied at any time. The vnlnmes of the "Magasine" commence with the Numbers for June and December of each year, when no time Is specified. It will be understood that the subscriber wishes to begin with tbe current number. A Complete set of "Harper Magazine," hot comnrislnz 56 Volumes, in neat cloth binding. will be sent by express, freight at expense of purcnaser, mm- 33 s per voinrae. pwngie vol umes, by mall, postpaid, 13 UO. Cloth cases, for binding, SS cents, by mall, postpaid. A Complete. Analytical Index to the first Fifty Volume of "Harper's Magazine" ha been published, rendering available tor refer ence the vast and varied wealth of information which constitutes thi periodical a perfect i 1 1 us tmled literary cyclopedia. 8vo, Cloth, $3 00; Half Calf, (6 25. Sent postage prepaid. Subscriptions received for Harper's Periodi cals only. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Harper A Brothers. Address HAHI'ER A- BROTHERS, New York. w.dJOHMwy. r. 0.5100 WN. I. A. M Amine. JOHNSON K'COWN L MACRUM, Attorneys and Counselors -at-Law Will Practice In all the Court of the Slate. Loans Made on Reasonable Terms. Collec tions, Including Rents of Portland Property promptly made. Abstract furnished, and ileal Estate Leased, Bought and Hold in Mult nomah and Clackamas counties. Iartlcnlar Attention given to business In tbe U. S. Land Offlce, Oregon City. Offices Monnaites' Brtrk, First street, Port land, Oregon, and Main street, Oregon City. 6-s; DR. WM. KOEHLER, DEUTSCHER ZAHNARZT, iEtallished lmii) DENTAL ROOMS First itreet, between Mor rison and Yamhill, Monnastes' Block Port land, Oregon. aa CAPLES & MULKEY, Attorney s-at-Law, Room No. 5, Odd 1'ellons' Hiillilln, 7-ILL GIVE PROMPT AND PERSONAL IT attention to utulness Intrusted to their care. 6.15 HI8CEXJA2fKOnS. PSRTLANO LliRWtY ASSOCIATION. BMIf-C)nar nnt sai mrk Kt., ner lasU Bbou's Bank. CotMa 9W rM IsUf. Ckalce Baekt Over 1M . Vtmn arad Mtacadae. MEMBERSHIP FREE TO ALL. Monthly Due 91 PajKhle ttiwrterly DTK sr-rona Wa. 8. Ladd. P. p. rVhnvler, Jr., M. P. Deadar, H. W. Oerhett, W. H. ifrackett. A. c. Hi not, u. ti. laewi. St. w. recn Falling, L. Blum. OfBcors: MATTHKW P. BEADY. H. FAILING P. a Hf'HI7YLKR-Ja President ..Vice President ..Treasurei M. W. rTtCHHKTMKB Correpondiiig Hec HKNTTr" A. OXER ..librarian and Rec Sec JfiSTABLOSHED 1SUU. U. S. cSt A. P. IiACCY, AMorays-a-I.aw S9 Seventh street, Washington, D. C. lis-eiitors. We orocure natcnta In all countries. So at- TorsssT ar m tpVASi t. No charge unless tbe patent is granted. No fees for making pre- llmiuuT ex!rrrnatiorr. No additional fee tor obtaining and conducting a rehearing, tpecial atlv'ntlou given to Interference Cases oeiore me rroeni urrtre, rxvensioua pewre Congress, Infringement Sorta In diftereut stales, ana all liugniton pertaining to raven- uum ur i-aienia. eenu aiamp lot pajnpmei giving full instructions. ITnltei! Mutes Conrta iumI ttepartuieuts. Claims prosecute! In tbe Supreme Conn ot the United Slaws, Court of Claims, Court o Commissioners of Alabama Claims, Southern Claim Commission, and all classes of war claims before the Bxeenuve Departments. Arrears or Pay and liouiity. Officers. Soldiers, and Sailors of the late war, or their heirs, are In many cases entitled to money from the Government, or which they have no knowledge. Write full history of ser vice, and slate amount or pay aud bounty re ceived. Enclose stamp, and a full reply , afte examination, will be given you without charge Pensions. All Officers, Soldiers, and Sailors wounded captured, or injured in tbe late war, howevei sught, are ebtiUtd to, and can obtain a pen slon. XTnltml Slates General Laud OBice. Contested Land Cases, private Land Claims Mining, pre-emption, and Homestead Cases prosecuted before the General Land Office ane1 Department ol tbe Interior. Land AYarrniitH. We pay cash for Bounty Land Warrants, and we invite correapondenee with ail parties hav ing any lor sale, and give mil and explicit In structions where assignments are Imperfect. We conduct our business in separate Bureaus having therein the clerical assistance of able and experienced lawyers, and give oar closest personal supervision to every important paper prepared in each case. Prompt attention thus tecured to all business entrusted to ua. Ad dress K. S. A A. I. luU'KY, Attorney WASHINGTON, I C. Any person desiring Information as to - the lauding aad reponaibilily of the firm will,on request, be lurumoed with a satisfactory refer ent, e In his iclnlty or Congressional district. -i7 DR. A. 3. S P 1 2s 17 S Y, Wo. 11 KEARNY STREET, Treats all Clirunle mid Special Dhmwi, YOUNG MEN JHO MAY BE SUFFERING FROM THE 11 effects of youthful lollloa or Indiscretions will do well to avail themselves of this, tbe greatest boon ever laid at the altar of suffering humanity. OR HPINNKY will -ruarantee to forfeit Siasj lor every cue 1 seminal weakness or private dlsea- of aov kind or characte wli icli lie undertakes aud fails to cure. MIDDLE-AGED MEN. Tlit-re are msb ut tiieugeof thirty to sixty who arc troubled with too frequent evacuation of the bladder, often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning sensation, and a weaken ing of the system in a manner tbe patient can not "count for. On examining the urinary deposits, a ropy sediment will often be found, aud somet.mes small particle of albumen will appear, or the color will be of a thin mllklsh hue, aeain changing to a dark and torpid appearance, there are many men who die or this difficulty Ignorant of the cause, which is the sa to ml stageof seminal weakness. Dr. h. will aoarantee a perfect cure in all sneh cses, anu a healthy restoration 01 the genito urinary organs Office hoars W tot, and 6 toft. Snndars from 10 to 11 a. x. Consultation free. .Thorough ex aminatton and advice, full 011 Ol addrt DR. RPINNFY A CO., 7 .il No. :i Xl.-tu M.,sii Kraliclsco. ZUGCATQ'S PAPYP.GGRAPH Is a new Invention for the rapid pro tueflon of fae-slm-ilc copies ot any Tiping, drawing, or other work which c n be dot e with pen und ink. noraph Letters, Circulars, Music, cc, are first written unon a sheet of na- P"r. in the untl war, an ! iruin this written 500 COI'ICS I'I'.Il HOl'K May he printed upon any kind of dry paper, or otlitT 111. itt rial, lu acomraon copying press. This i the most SIMPLE, RAPID, and E ONOMICAL PROCESS) yet discovered. Thousands are already In socseaafnl use in Government utBces.Ciilese. Academies, Pub lic and Private School, Railway and Insur ance Office. Also by business men, lawyers, clergymen, Sunday school superintendents, missionaries, and others. Tbe Simmons Hardware Co., of St. Louis, say of it: "Our Papyrograph, purchased some time since, gives enure satisfaction. Would not be without it for f 1.000 a year." For specimens of work, price list, etc., ad dress, with stamp, THE PAl'TROGRAI'II CO., and 45 Shetncket street, Norwich, Conn. LOCAL AGENTs WANTED. EMPIRE BAKERY. CARL VOOS, (Successor to Peter Wagner), Manufacturer of Bread, Cakes, Pastry, Pilot Bread Soda, ricnlc, Butter, Boston, Sugar and Shoo Fly CRACKERS, JENNY UNO CAXE3, OISBER SNAPS, ETC. M Washington street, Portland Ogn. ctrOTders from the Trade solicited. W. J. QUINN, MERCHANT TAILOR, Stark street, between First and Second, PORTLAND, OREGON. SUITS MADK TO O It 1 R It in the Idlest Style, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. f-2 GO TO THE AURORA RESTAURANT, NoHheast ear. Front and Alder streets. The only place m Portland where yen can get A GOOD SQUARE MEAL 6 For 25 Cents. S