THUItSDAY. .MAY 1, 1S78. PAPA'S lETTKu. I am silting in my study, - WrlUncluenwb11 ' hard. .ptesseTdear mamma, Mary told me Mamma mustn't b Isturbed: "But I'm tind of tbe kitty Want some omr fins to do. Writing letters, is vhi, mamma ? Taut I write a letter too ?" "Not bow, darling; mammal busy ; Run and play tmb kilty now." "No, no, ratunraa; me write letter Tan II 7a will Hhow me bow." I would pafnUay darling's portrait As bis sweet eyes search my race; Hair ot gold and eyes of azure. Form of ebthllsh, winning grace. Itat the eager face was olouded As I slowly shook my !p-ad. Till IaaM.'q'll make a letter Of TOU.emrllng boy. Instead." Bo I parted hack the tresses From Ms forehead high and while. And n stamp In sport I pasted Hid the waves or golden light. 1 I Kttd. "Now. little letter. Go awajr and bear good news;" Audi smiled as down tbe staircase Clattered tend tbe little shoes. Leaving tne, the darling hurried Down to Mary in his glee: "Mamma's writing lots or letters lfeeu latter, Mary, see." U one beard the little prattler Aaeuee more be climbed tbe stair, . ReMbed Ms little eap and tippet, ( Standing on the entry stair. . Neo beani the front door open, N6 one saw the golden hair. Ai It floated o'er bis shoulders In the crisp October air. Down the street the baby hastened Till be reached the office door: "1'se a letter, Mr. Postman; Is dere room lor any more ? "Tause this letter dotn' to papa ; Pfcpa lives wlz I tod, 'on know; Mamtna sent ae tor a tetter Doe 'ou Ant at I can go T " But tbe clerk In wonder answered, -Not to-day. my little man." "Den I'll flud an oaser office, Tause I must do If I tan." Kaln the clerk would hare detained him. But the pleading face was gone. And the little feet were hastening By the busy crowd swift on. Sadden ly the crowd was parted; People fled to left uad right, A a pair of maddened horses At the moment dashed In sight. No one saw the baby Ague, No one saw the golden hair. Till a voice of frightened sweetness Bang out in the open air. Twas too late; a moment only stood the beauteous vision there; Then the little faee lay lifeless. Covered o'er with golden hair. Reverently they raised my darling. Brushed away the curls of gold, Saw the stamp upon tbe forehead, Growing now so Icy cold. Not a mark tbe faee disfigured, Knowing where the hoor had trod; But the little lire wsx ended "Papa's letter" was with God. Accommodating. Mr. Burdette, tbe humorist of the Burlington JIawkeye, in describing his adventures while traveling on railroads, thus sets forth tbe unreasonableness of certain passengers: A woman with three bird-cages and a little girl has just got on tbe train. She arranges the three bird-cages on a seat, and then she and the little girl stand up in tbe aisle, and she glares around upon the uncallant men who remain clued iu their seats and look dreamily out of Hie window. I bend my face down to the tablet and write furiously, fori feel her eyes fast ened upon me. Somehow or other, I am always the victim in cases of this delicate nature. Just as I expected. She speaks, fastening her commanding gaze upon me: "Sir, would It be asking too much if I begged you to let me and my little girl have that seat? A gentleman cau al ways find a seat so much more easily than a lady." And she smiled. Xot tbe charming est kind of a smile. It was too trl umphantto be very pleasing. Of course I surrendered. I said: "Ob, certainly, certainly. I could find another seat with scarcely any trouble." Bite thanked me, and I crawled out of my comfortable seat, and gathered up overcoat, my manuscript, my sbawl strap package, my valise and my over shoes, and she ami the little girl weut Into the vaoaut premises as suou as the' writ or ejectment Had been served, and they looked happy and comfortabte. Then I stepped across the aisle: I took up those bird-cages and set tbem along on top of the coal-box, and sat down on tbe seat thus vacated. I apologetically remarked to the woman, who was cazinc at me with an expression that boiled trouble, that "It was mueh warmer for the canaries up by the stove." She didn't soy anything, but she gave me a look that made it much warmer for me, for about five minutes, than the stove can make it for the canaries. I don't believe she likes me. and I am uncomfortably confident that she disap proves oi my conduct. Poetry and Married Life. The Philadelphia Ledger has tbe fol lowing under the above head: There are those who contend that the romance oi me ends with marriage. All the blissful illuMons of vounir lovp. they say, are gradually dispelled by the bard and flat routine of prosalo and practical life. Certainly, If love he an illusion, marriage will destroy it. Those who imagine that lire nerearter Is to be a paradise of bliss, where self-denial and self-control are needless, where trouble and pain cannot enter, and where the only duty of life Is to enjoy what has not been earned, will certainly become disenchanted by marriage, as by any other actual experience. All tout is really Illusory will be dispelled. But that marriage Is to take away aa iration, hope, delicacy, or anything that helps to form the poetry of life that is to diminish or degrade the love that bailed to it, and put into its place a prosaic respectability, station in life, ! wT2,aWnB and 'ashion-ls an Idea ?" i,D toJeraUon- If this were . thw ' indee31 would wedded life be oetrvK 7 ?"" and "rtld for high but u the mockery of marriage thai brings such disaster to the pu.eU aj best parts or our nature. The truest el ements of romance exist wherever ren erous devotion, brave endeavor and steadfast love inspire tbe heart, and no situation in life is better calculated to develop mese qualities than that of marriage. One of the editors of the Beading Hmee has translated "Baby Mine" into Pennsylvania Dutch. Xow, if he could only translate the author, and the boys who whistle tbe air. Into some far-away lands, this country would' feel grateful enough to start a monument to him and never flulsh It. KorrMoton Herald. r AstenisHng Feats in Jugglery. In Delhi, India, we saw tbe celebrated basket trick, which Is sometimes poorly imitated by professional maRlcIaus in this country.' A native produced a basketand blanket, and alter permitting us iu oee mat, ttiey contained uolulug, inverted tbe basket on the ground and covered it with a blanket. We paid no atteution to bis incantations, but kept our eyes fixed ou the basket and tbe siiaco around it, resolved that no boy bhould be smuggled into it or out of it wiiuoui seeing uim. What made tbe feat still more wonderful was tbe fact that tbe performer stood in a clearspace and we could look down upon him as lie proceeded. He went through the cus tomary act of tbrustinca sword tbroucb the Interstices of the basket, when the cries of a boy were beard, as if in mortal pain, Issuing from the basket. Turning it over there was a boy within, appar ently unhurt and seemingly enjoying the run. Restoring me basket wltli tlie blanket over It, to its former position. with the boy underneath It, the juggler went through some incantations, and then runnlug his sword under tbo blanket, tossed itaway from him. Turn' over tbe basket no boy was to be seen So far as anything could be observed, there was no possible place in which the little fellow could be concealed. Another feat quite as astonishing we saw performed lu me streets or (jonstan tluonle. An Itinerant musician showed us a cane, which had the appearance of being wood ana very Knotty. Tnls tie tossed in tbe air as bleu as ho could, and when It struck the ground it took tbe form of a live serpent, with blazing eyes nud rapid movements. It looked like a dangerous specimen, and one which no man in his senses would like to ap proach. Catching up this monster, tbe fellow coiled it around his neck and fondled it, while It writhed and ex hibited the most venomous qualities. Throwing it high up In tbe air, it fell to tbe ground the same cane wuicu we had handled at our ease. It was tbe trick which Aaron performed In Egypt when he turned bis rod Into a serpent, and tbe Egyptian musician did the same thing In imitation. The World's Amanuensis. The essayist Is a poet in prose; letting the world llow past him, and from tbe wuimslcal, tne grave and meiancuoiy, lie extracts bia mirth and moralities, His maiu gift is an eye to discover tbe suggestiveness of common things; to find sermons in me most unpromising texts. This writer has no lack, of subject matter. There are essays everywhere and one only needs to be the world's amanuensis. The collln or a pauper carried carelessly along, Is as good a theme as tbe funeral procession of an emperor. Craped drum and banner add nothing to death; penury and disre spect take nothing away. Two rustic lovers whisnerinc between the darkened hedges, is as good an essay as II one tiau feeu Borneo toueh the cheek of Juliet in the mooulit garden. A curly-headed child asleep iu the sunshine before a cottage door Is sufficient Inspiration for a dlscoure. If a thing is useful to an essayist, he is not squeamish as to where he picks it up. Ho Is shy of friendship, and fears love, lor'ie knows mat uotn are uauger ous. He believes that life Is full of bit ters, and he holds it wisdom that a man should console himself as far as possible with Its sweetB, and finally is the last man to relinquish the shabbiest sub stance, to grasp at the faintest shadow, Kural Jlome. Life in Sax Francisco. MrsAda C. Bowles, writiug of Sau Francisco, her new home, says: I have called San Francisco the "City of Booms," as compared, to rbiladel DUla. me City of Homes; a term you would think justified could you but see tbe large proportion of houses with bills in the windows of "Furnished Booms to Let." Man) causes exist no doubt for this state of things, such as high rents, high wages or servants, aud a change' lul population, containing a largo num her of unmarried men and women, away from distant homes in search of fortunes or health. But above all tbe other causes I believe risks in 6tock-gambliug, tbe indulgence In which costs many u man his home, or the Ravings which would give him one. Houses can be built here so cheaply, demanding no cellar, no burying ol water and drain pipes below frost lines; no thick walls and strong roots to bear ueavy snows, that Industry and economy would soon give every mau his own home aud lire- side. A Lik Sticks. A little newsboy, to sell his paper, told a lie. The matter came un in Sunday achool, "Would you tell a He for a penny?" asked the teacher of oue of her boys. "Xo, ma'am, "answered TJick very de cidedly. "For sixpence?" "Xo, ma'am." "For a shilling ?" "Xo, ma'am." "Forathousaud shillings?" Diek was atasrgnred. A thousand shillings looked big. Oh, would it not buy lots of things? While he was think' Ins another boy called out behind him, "2so, ma'am." "Why not?" asked the teacher. "Because, when tbe thousand shll lines are all gone, aud all the things they've got with tbem are gone too, the lie Is there all me same," auswereu me hnv. It is so. A He sticks. Everything else may be gone but that Is lert; and vou will have to carry it with- you. whether you will or not. A hard, heavy load it Is. Life Isbutaspan; marriage isadouble team; and youth wedded to old age Is a tandem. AGCXTS I'OIl Tlin .VKW.XOKTHHTJiT. The following personsare daly authorized to act as Agents for tbe New Northwest : D. I). Gray Albany Mrs. J. A. Johns -Salem Sirs. Lottie Ileum-. Eugene City Mrs. I- It. Proeiwtel Laflrande L. L. Williams. Illllsboro Mrs. Laura U Force tiordon California Asbby rearee ..... uen ton county Miss Virginia uias , McMlnnvllle M. P. Owen Sequel, California W. V. Beach Colfax. W. T "Woman's Journal" Boston, Massachusetts D. P. Porter- Stl Mill 'm nraonn J. Casto .New Kra Mrs. Nellie Curl. Salem llftrrisls'iri? Hiram Smith Mrs. C. M. Foltr Mrs. W. A. Mills Mrs. M. A. Warner. Miss Mary Bishop. Mrs. 8. ,. Nichols San Joe, Cal -uiacKamas .Spokan Falls, W. T Brownsville Dallas Amity r. ii. A. Loughary.. a. rwoison.. Mrs. Maria IUnimage tniiy .North Yamhlfl .iAlayetlei Mrs. J. DeVore Johnson Mrs. Doonell Oregon City M 1 ne xranes Corvallls Walla Walla Mrs. R. A. Vawter Mrs. K 11. BHrtp..rr Mrs. J. W. Jackson. A. W.Staimrrt Pendleton Eugene City Brownsville H. 11. Claughto: C. A. Reed I.e rmnon Mrs. M. V rvw,ir Mrs J. II. imuu.' Salem J; -S: n-uorwin. l. i-. nsner nikon.Mi.. , . . 7 : "-etseo P4ase forward thatr nam-. . WUI usnriBg to act at, Agents will 34eoM tumid ,1. ... TOLa Will nt mrv ., . -n.AiMiu . POMofflee throughout Oreeon and Washington Territory. Lafayette ..... Albany - , . .... A.trt.ln LIST OF POST OFFICES. uitiniux. BAKER COCNTT. Auburn, Augusta, Uaker City. Clarksvtlle, ExpreKSJtaneb,Kldorado,Um,UumlmldtBa - sin, Jordan Valley, Itye Valla)-. Wlngville, Stone, Connor Creel, North Powder, Malheur, 11.... TUM..llls ncnox. Valley, Liberty, Little Kilt, Newport, Newton, Oneatta, I'hilomutli, Man's I'olHt, Summit, Toledo, Yaqulna, Monroe, Tidewater. CLACKAMAS. Heaver. Butte Creek. Canhy, Clackaman. Clear Creek, Cuttlngsvllle, Uaiuacus, Kusle Creek, Utad Tidings, Highland, Molalla, Mil waukie. Needy, Norton .Oregon City, Oswego, Sandy, Kpringwater,, New Kra, llartow, Anna, union jiiits, reioneK rrrj, i-icuMtui Home, Illngo Point, StaOord, Viola. CLATSOP. Astoria. Clifton. Jewell. Knanm. Nehalem. Sklpanon, Seaside House, Weslport, Istbmus, Olney, Hummer House, Fort Clatsop, Mlsau- wane. coos. OonsCilv.nnniillle. Dora. Kinnlre CitT. Kn- ebaiiled Pralrle.Flilrvlew, HeriUMiiivillb, Hen- rrvllle, Marslineld. North isciki, oil, mm dolpb, Sllkln, Sitkum, Ittter City, lbtnilon, CoiUedo. tiravel Kord, Iowa ttlough. Freedom, Myrtle i-oini, Norway, ru inner, raraersourg. COLUMBIA. Columbia City. Clatakanie. Marshland. Ibt- nler. ltlverside. KL Helens. Hauvie's Island. bcappoote, Clear Creek, Quinn, Vernonta. OUUKT. Chetcoc.Ellensburg, Port Orlord. DOUOLAS. Camas Vallev. Cleveland, dole's Valler. Drain, Klkton, Galesvllle.Uardner, Kellogg's, Looklngglasa, Myrtle Creek North Canyon ville.Oakland, l"ass Creek, Koseburg, ScoUm bur; Jfyi Mile,Uuipiiiia City .Wliuur.YonciU lu, 0i Creek, LUj-a lireek. Elk Creek, alt Head, rairuass, tuiunu I'rame, uipnurpnngs. GRANT. Aivoru, usnyon guy. Oamp Watson, Day- .i.ic,ujiiu iit , mine tiy, mrKersvilie, rnicuuiu-., rmmier, ump iiurney, urumie, muuuuivhi, jiu ernun, 1 enoia. JACKSOX. Applegote. Ashland. Ilrownslairoueli. Cen. tral Pulut, Kagle Point, Oram's Pan. Hot Springs, Jacksonville. LakejKtrt, Pluenlx, lock Point, Sum's Vallay, Table ltock, Wll- iuwrpriBKiuirroa,uig uuue.witna ins' ureeic Fool's Creek, Dardanelles, Pioneer, Wood vl lie. Josr.rm.sE. Klrby.Leland. Slate Crettk.Waldn. Althouse. LAKE. Antler. Bonanza. Dalrr. Chewaucan. Draws' Valley, Ooose Luktt, Luke View, Laogeli Vul- UnkvUle, Mergausen. New Pine Creek, Tule IkeWliiieliillWMHIos Ferry, Yalnax, l-ivvnu. LAN E. Blc I'ralrler CdMage Grove. Creswell. Camp Crsek. Canwright's. Dexter. Kucene City. Franklin, Junction, Long ToidJ .Mo hawk. Pleasadt Hill. SulsIaw.SteneerCrMlc. Springfield, Trent, Willamette Forks, Chesber, lieisnap nprings, iiuite msuppotmnieut. vrow, Kan Fork, (Jate Creek, Uoshen. Ida, Irving, Isabella, Leaourg, Liverpool, .viaoei, MCKenzie unuge, Lainam, w aiieniiie. aiuhiiji, (i 1 mm., IHU. ul.l, V. 1 1 , forlflll8, DlanloiiU Hill, Fox VnU-y, Grass . , . ,11 1 1 I i ,i ..... in... uun. iiamsuunr-. iinrxis lutncii. iihikov. Jordan. Ibanon. Miller. Muddy. ML, Pleasant, Peoria, Pine, Srlo, Sbedd's, Soda Springs So- uaviue, sweet uome, uhkvii le, laugent, w ater- ioo. xAnros. Anrora. Anmsvllle. ltattevllle. Brooks, Fair- field, Uervais, Hubbard, JeBerson, Marlon ton, ML Paul. Turner, Woodburn, Aider, How ell Prairie, Meimtiero, huwiibii-. 3nj.T'OHAU. Kat Portland, l'ortland. Powell's Valley, St. Johns, Willamette Slough, Albiua, itoonter line, fsanvies. POLK. Detfiei,oueiiu iiwt, uwiw,wminiK .iirui nnnil IUmde.IndsMndenoe. Lincoln. I.uckla mute, IiWtsviiie, Monntouui, l-erryuuie, ie- reall, iiaiiiviiie, .ena. TILLAXOOE, nartlnldl. Kllehes. Neutrts. Nmtloeklon.Tll' lamook, rrasx, enaiera. CXATILLA. 'nnUer Creek. Heppner. lienoe, Marshall Meadowvllle, Milton. Hlot RKk, Pendlelon Umatilla, WesUm, Petlysville, Overton, IVn- trevlile, ilidway, widows. u.siox. Cove. Island Clty.Isi Grande, North Powder, Summervllle, Union", Wallowa, Indian, Llk Flat, Prairie ureeK.jipana. WASCO., Antslnne. Rridee Greek. Hood River. Mlleh- ell. Mt. Hood, Prinevllle. Kockville, Shellroek, Spanish Hollow. The Dalles. Warm Springs Wasco, Wlllougbby, Foll, IlneJJreek, Ixine Koek, llake Oven, Crown Rock. Camp Polk, Ttesehnies, Dufur, Howard, Klngsley, Alex, Spring vaney, ryat nrjr, uemieo. Cascades Locks, Waplnllla. WAMHtxaTON. Beaverton. Cedar Mlll.Cornellus. Diltey.For tt Urove.tilenroe,Ureeavllle, Hillsbont, Mid- dleton, Monntaln osie, reaae, snoiiM rerry, aylofs Ferry, Tualatin. Wapato, Oenlervllle. dale's Creek, Oaxlon, Joppa, Keedvtlle, West Union. TAX II ILL. Amuy, iienevue, wmiwh., uhimiii. iraj- siiss MiMinnviiie. r.ortn lamnm. KoerKian. St. Joe, v est uueuttieai, niiH.Mi,.'Bwim& 1VA.SIIIXISTON TKUKITOItT. CLALLAM OODTfTT. Neah Bay, New DungeaeM, Port Angeles, I-ysni. CLARK Battle Ground, 1 trash Prairie, Fourth Plain, Martin's Illafr, lloneer, Stougbton, Union Ridge, VancouverWasiuiignl, Fern Prairie, CHKHALIS. n , I r.V. .1.11. IMnl ISM, Hunl. ... Menleslno, OakvIHe, Sassofi, Saro, HuHiintt. Co lc Mai A. Alpowla, Burksvllle, Dayton, Potneroy.Tuk anon, AUneua, teuuvi rerry, Mmivi, cowLm. Dutle Rock. Freenort. Kalama. Iwer Cow lllz, Monueeiio, .ml uonu, uac roiui, ream SlIverLase, uoweemau, uiequa. ISLAND. Ooupevllle. CoveUnd, Du gaily, UUalssIy, Uhk Jtaroor. JEPFEMnON. lVrt IMseovery, Port Ludlow, Poit Townsend. KINO. lhaek River. Dwamlsb. Fall Cltv. Seattle. . . . I. . ('.. ,1.1.1,.. KITSAP. prt niakelr. Port Gamble. Port Madison. Fort oreuaru, seaoecK, leeain. KLICKITAT. lHofik Hhnv.Coluraboi. OoMetxlate. KHekl- ... ',.,,. I 1 ,1 I. l .. th.1.1. 111.-!. I..., Uti, . lino . w.i in..,,, in.,,j , i iiiinf iviit ., til. Lauuing. LEWIS. Alcernnn. Boislort. Cheballs. Clanuato. Cow- liti. Oleu Bden,,UUle Falls, Meadow Brook, Silver Creek, wlnloek, Naselto. MASON. Arcada, Llghtvllle, Oakland, Skokomish. PACIFIC. nrupenort.Rrookneld.Knannton.Ovstervtlle, Riverside. South Beial, unfty. Woodward's I jimllng, Kay Center, Lake View, South Bend, Ilwaco. FIERCE, Klhi, Franklin, Ike View, New Tacoma, Puvullun. Stellaooom Cllr. Tacoma. Alder- town, Carbon, Acton, Summer, Muck, W! Ike- son, Artomiaie. fiAN JUAN. Ran Juan, Lopaz, Oreas, Kast Sound, Friday liar Dor. ' SNbuoMtsn. Centervllb, Tiwell, MMklho, Snohomish Tnlallp, Park Place, Stamwood. RgAMANIA. CaACOiles, Collins.' Landing. sfnsVKJlS. rv.h r-rak. Pnur Ikea. Fort Colville. Hang, man's Creek, line Grove, Rock Creek, IbmtHe, Spokane Bridge, Spokane Falls, Union RWge, waiaer s x ju'hc THURSTOXi n.nv Tiamr Mlsml Prairie. Ol vm rb. Tanalo,uoll.'TenIno, Turn water, lelm, Inde- penueuw. rvcj . WAHKIAKUM. Calhlamet, Eagle Ollfr.SkaBiokaway.Water- rord. ' WALLA WALLA. Pataha Prairie, WalUburg, Walla Walla, Whitman, Walluli WHATCOM. Cellar Grove, Gneraas, La Conner, lahmbl inmmi i rn,l.n Nontsnehk. Point William seahome. Hetahmoo, Ship Harbor, Ship Island, Skagit, Truder.Whatcom.nuaigo. wiirrMAJf, Cedar Creek, Colfax, EwartsvllIe,Owenburg, Palouse, Steptoe, Union Flat, Walton, Clinton, Leitehvtlle, Panawana, Pine Crack, Rosalia. Anatone, Lincoln, l'aiana miy, umoniown TAKIMA. I AtUnum.Ellensburg, Fort glnt'oe, Klttltaji, viinnowpcK. .unum, i ieaiinaL univr, oviu, Yakima. ' . Money Order Offlces. MISCELLANEOUS. kTaX,rCnTTTn - n ri VVR teflO N!.Ii&lSCil2i EH, , flA X JUA tU., V - 1 - Front and First streets, bet. Ash and A, v. ' . Importers and Wholesale Dealers. SPRING SEASON; MP MAYKH.IIAS MADRVKU1 kaika slve purerasMKora lull line of r H-IL.LINEBY .GOODS;. Direct from the MannfaetHrers and Importers In New York. Our Stock will consist ol the Iatttst styles and shades or PlimicK, French Flowers, Hats, Shapes, Itlbbons, rialri,,Oros Grain, and Kanrr, Silks,- Velvets, etc.,- etc., iv oiiMi w iiivlla ilin ntlnniton of tlte Mllll nery Tmde of Oregin ami wasmngKin win- tor-. Being the ouly Wholesale Hoe In the Slate Importing MILUNKUY OOODS direct from NewYork,:we will be. prepared to oiler extra Inducements to our Friends and Patrons. OREGON FnRXITCKE'JIAXUFACTrniXfi.t'OJICAXr, Manufacturers of J7"TJDEl.ISriTTJIt3i: , And dealers In CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATS, UlHriOURTAINS, VfA I.I. PAPER, SPRING BED. HAIR MATTRKS.SES, Etc Salesroom, Corner Firvt apd Yamhill Ste Steam Fneory,CHinr Front and Madison St., 7 PORTUVND, OREGON. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. VICTOR V0LNEY, Picture Frame Maker & Gilder. QRNAMBNTAL FRAMES OF EVER i style'made to order, OLD FRAM3S8 re-gllt good as new, OIL PAINTINGS restored and varnished, BLACK WALNUT Composition Ornaments pressed. Orders by mall Immediately attended to. for. Tlilnl ami Morrison sis., l'ortland. FINE SPIRIT VARNISH FOR SALE. Dries almost Instantly. You can renew your It Is Brackets, Frames, or any Wood-work. Odorless. It Is- the liest. Prlee, 80 cents per bottle. s-ai MANNING BRO.'S Family Grocery Store, Corner of Fourth mid I street. PORTLAND, OREGON. We are happy to Inform our numerous friends und customers that we have made LARGE ADDITIONS To our Slock of GROCERIES AND 'PROVISIONS! na-Good delivered to all parts of the city free of charge. s-i! BENKERT'S as o o t s W1BER0 & KIERNAK'S, 113 Front street, PORTLAND- I , -OREGON .8-1? JNO. M. DALY, Attorney-at-Xiw DALLAS, OREGON, ,- w ILL PRACTICE LN.THE DISTRICT AND United states courts. o-ss JOSQELLAXEOUS lOTJlVX HOOD AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT HOUSE. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS ! MPROVED WHITEWATER FARM WAGON . (OOVERNMlOiT STANDARD), KnibraelDgiftany new and valuable Ipiprove- .iivuih tr ueiore seen on lue laeiae Coast. Tliey are tally warranted. Bxamlne and be convinced. The WliHewatert-sprlngHxpreosnud Platform Jrfj- ami Csnrnnl HnCirieH. A1K first-lass, and at reasonable prices. We also have THE WHIPPLE WAGON-GUIDE, That ean lie used on Wagons, Keepers, Seeders, a ii rentiers, sou mi lariu luacuiuery l ttK KAIIMKU'S FUIKND, aud the fiiend ot hlf team, as It relieves the tongue of ' all strain, niaklng the wagon 1 pull by the axles, and Inval uable to all teamsters. PLOWS. Morrison Bros.' Walking floirs. wood and slccl beams, ami tliclr Dse . . mcr-stccl beam Sulkj riows. These Steel BeomPlowsareone-thlrd llchter than any In use. and are easily adiutled and operated. Tbe BrAiT PLOWS IN AMERICA. auu au enureiy new tiling ou tins luom. THE ESTKRLY Broadcast Seeder and Cultivator, Tlte beatof lu class; something entirely new in unsuu , Hoeoiuieiy lorce-ieeu ; nocnange ablegeanug; subsiantlai and uesirable. look premium at tlie centennial. Champion E-ailroatl and (zardoxx Sorrows: Unlike anything ever seen in this market, and lar superior. A Full Line of STEEL GOODS, embracing Railroad and Mining Shovols and Picks, And all other Farm and Garden Tools. CENTENNIAL BUGGY TOPS; A new and desirable article, which can be put ou any wagon. "BELLE OF THE WEST" Sulky and Fotato-Dirjrs'sr; A Hrst-onus, wrougbl-iroii Sulky.towhlcb ean be atlttchetf a rotaio-uigger, btouk Kake, or Plow. A Full Lino of Wood Handles aw Dealers desiring Jobbers' prices will please address NUWHl'lIY, t'HAI'MAN A: CO., OIHeea-an Jl"SBS Front treet,Portland; Opera iioOMi inoea, saiem. HONEY OF BOREHOUND AHD TAR FOR THE CURE OF Cesgat, CoMi, ItScesia, Etine&e:, SiScalt Breitiiag, asd ill Afiectiess of the Throat, Brachial Tuber, acd Lasgi, leadbg to Cenmnptka. This infallible remedy is composed of the Honky of the plant llorchouixl, in chemical anion with Tar-Balm, extracted from the Life Principle of the forest tree Anas Balsam ea, or Balm of Gilead. The Honey of Horehound soothes and scatters all irritations and inflammations, and the Tar-halm cleanses and heals the throat and air passages leading to the longs. Five additional ingredients keep the organs cool, moitt, and in healthful action. Let no pre judice keen you from trying this great medi cine of a famous doctor who has saved thou sands of lives by it in his large private practice. N.B. The Tar-Balm has no bad taste or smcIL TKICES JO CEXTS AN D $1 PER BOTTLE. Crest MYtag to buy Urge liie. "Pike's Toothache Drops" Curo in 1 Minute. Sold by all Druggists. 0. N. 0RITTENT0N, Prop., N.Y. 7-50 PATENTS Obtained for Inventors In the United Stales, Canada, and Europe, at reduced prices. With our principal office located in Washington, di rectly opposite the United Slates Patent Office, we are able to attend to nil Patent Dullness with greater promptness and dispatch and less cost than other patent attorneys, who are at a distance from Washington, and who have, therefore, lo employ "associate attorneys." We m.Tke preliminary examinations and fur nish opinions as to patentability, free of charge, and all who are Interested in new In ventions and patents are invited to send for a copy of our "Guide for Obtaining Patents," which Is sent free to any address, and contains complete Instructions how to obtain patents, and other valuable matter. We refer to the German-American National Rank, Washing Inn, D. C; the Royal Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish Legations, at Washington; Hon. Jos. Casey, late Chief Justice U. s. Court or Claims; to the Officials or the U. H. Patent Office, and to Senators and Members of Congress from every State. Address: LOUIS R GGER CO., Solicitors of Patents and Atforneys-at-Lsw, Le Droit Building, Washington, D. a S-1S CHEMEKETA HOTEL, SALKM, OREGON. K. F. MATTHEWS .... Proprietor No pains or expense will btspared to keep tbeeuMne ami every department of this mag nificent Heter-up to the mark as 6 THE BEST HOTEL IN OREGON. 3S A. C. WALLINC, Book and Job Printer, SMITH'S BUILDING, UP-STAIRS. Corner First and 'Ash "streets, . , P(ortlnnd, Oregon. - , Work done at REASONABLE RATES. 3-3 MISCELIuVXEOUS. OREGON & CALIFORNIA RAILROAD CO. lO TAKK EFFECT SUNDAY. SBPT. It. WIS, at r?ii. Daly (Sunday exeeptad) as'followsi POKTLAND AND ItOSBBURQ as follows: ' leave. ahh1vk. Portland TS)0 A. V. I RosebuH 79 IVJl liuoeburg S:W A. it. 1 Purtlaud 1 r.u. ALBANY EXPRESS TRA IX, Dally (except Sundays),' as follow: j.rave ajihive l'ortland I r.x.l Albany SdS K m lbuny 52JA. M. lMrtlaud 16A.M FREIGHT TRAINS, Dally (except Sunday) as follows: leave. arrive. I 'ortland 8:15 A. M. I Junction 89 p. M Jhuetton. :tS A. M. 1 Portland 5S P.M. Tlie Oresron and California Railroad Ferry makes oouneetion with all lteeular Trains. Close connections are made at Rosebun: with the stages of the California and Oregon Stage Company OB Tickets for sale to all the principal points in ualllornm anu tne sasi,ai uompanysomee, Cer.F and Front Sis., at Frrry Landing, 1'ortlanil. a Storare will be Charged on Freight re maining In Waiehouses over SI ltours. oe" Freight will not be received for shipment alter a o-ciock p. m. J. BRANDT. Jr., Uen. Freight anu fassenger Agenu A Complete I'lrtorinl History or the Time." The best.clienpest.nnil most HiicceHsruIFniully Inicrlii tlie Uuiou. Harper's "Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. NOTICES OF Till PRESS. The "Weekly" Is the ablest and most power ful Illustrated periodical published In this country. Iu editorials are scholarly and con vincing, anu carry mucu weignu is iuu&ni tinns of current events are lull and fresh. and are piepared by our bestdelgners. Louisville ltuner-journai. "Harper's Weekly" should be In every ram lly throughout the land, as a purer, more Inter esting, higher toned, better Illustrated paper is not published in this or any other country. Commercial Bulletin, Eo-tou. The "Weekly" is the only Illustrated paper or the day that In Its essential characteristics Is recognized as a national paper. Brooklyn Kagle. Terms : PostaS Free to all Subscribers in the U. S. Hahfbu's Weekly, one year 1 W. t 00 Includes prepayment of U.S. postage by I he publishers. Bubserlptions to "Harpers Magazine," "Weekly" and "Baxar," to one address lor one year, SKI 00; or, two ot Harper's Periodicals to one address for one year, V U: postage free. An Extra Copy of either the "Magazine," "Weekly," or "Bazar" will be supplied gratis for every Club or Five Subscribers of 1 00 each paid for by one remittance; or. Six Copies, one ear, without extra copy, for tai Uti. Back Numbers can be supplied at any time. The Volumes of the "Weekly" commence with the. year. When no time Is mentioned. It win he-understood that tbe subscriber wishes to commcnee with the number next after the receipt. ol his order. The annual volumes or "narpei's Weekly," In neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free or expense, provided tlie Irelghtdoes not exceed one dollar, lor $7 UU each. A Complete Set, comprising Twenty-one Volumes, sent ou receipt of cash at the rate ol $2 jo per volume, freight at expense of purchaser. Cloth Caes for each volume, suitable for binding, will be gent by mall, postpaid, on re ceptor SI IMeaeh. Indexes to each volume sent gratis on receipt of stump. Subscriptions received for Harper's Periodi cals only, Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order or Harper A Brothers. Address HARPER A BROTHERS, nl2 New York. "1'iiM.iir-stloiinbly the best sustained Morkof the kind lu Hie World.' Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. NOTICES OF THE 1'RES.S. The veteran "Magaslne." which long ago out grew Its original title of the "New Monthly Haaazine."tias not in the least aba leu tne non ularity It won at the outset, but has added to it in many ways, and has Kept fairly abreast oi lue limes, inanas lo ine enterprise oi me publishers and the tact and windom of lis edi tors. For whatever Is bet and most readable In the literature of travel, discovery, and fic tion, the average reader of to-day looks to "Harper's Magazine," Just as expectantly as um ine reaoer oi i there Is the same he reader of a quarter of a century ago; admirable variety of eon- teutsandthe same freshness and suggestlve- ness In Its editorial departments now as then. tuosion journal. Terms: Postage Free to all Subscribers in tbe U. S. IIahi'EB's Magazine, one year 1 US Si Ou Includes prepayment of U.S. postage by the publishers. Subscrlntions lo " Haniert Magazine," "Weekly,"and "Bazar." to one address for one year, 10 U) ; or, two of Harper's Periodicals to one suitress for one year. Si uu: postage iree. An Extra Copy or either the "Magazine," "Weekly," or "Bazar" will be supplied gratis for every Clubof Five Subscribers at 31 UOeach, paid for by one remittance; or. Six Copies one year, without extra copy, for 2D 00. Back Numberh can be supplied at any time. tiia vnltitnM .if the "Mairazlne" commence with the Numbers for June and December of each year. When no time is specineu, it win lie understood that tbe subscriber wishes to begin with the current number. A Complete set of "Harper's Magazine," no-v comprising 55 Volumes, in neat cloth binding. will be sent by express, freight at expense of purcnaser, ior 5- s per volume, single vol umes, by mall, postpaid, 1 (U. Cloth cases, for binding, 5S cents, by mall, postpaid. A Complete Analytical Index to the first Fifty Volumes of "Harper's Magazine" has been published, rendering available lor refer ence the vast and varied wealth of Information which constitute this periodical aperfect Illus trated literary cyclopedia. 8vo, Cloth, Ou; Half Call, $5 25. Sent postage prepaid. Subscriptions received for Harper's Periodi cals only. Newspapers are not lo copy this advertise ment without tbe express order of Harper A Brothers. Address IIARrER A BR0THBRS, New York. V.C.JOKN40K. F.O.M'OOWN. I. A. SACRUM. JOHNSON M'COW.1 1 MACROM, Attorneys and Law Will Practice In all the Courts of theState. Loans Made on Reasonable Terms. Collec tions, Including Rents of Purllaud Property promptly made. Abstracts furnished, and Real Estate Leased. Rought and Sold in Mult nomah and Clackamas counties. Particular Attention given to business lu theU. S. Land Office, Oregon City. Offlces MounasIes'Drlck, First street. Port land, Oregon, and Main street, Oregon City. DR. WM. KOEHLER, DENTIST DEUTSCHER ZAHNARZT, (Established IS.) DENTAL ROOMS First street, between Mor rison and lamhlll, Monnastes' Block Port land, uregon. CAPLES & MULKEY, Attorney i-at-Law, Room No. 3, Odd Fellows' Ulllldln-, "ITTILL. GIVE..rROMPT. A?fD PERSONAL IT attention to business Intrusted to their MISCBIiLAIsEOnS. PORTLAND LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. KOOMS-Coruer First nud Stark SIS., over Ladd i Tllton's Bank. fontalni Orer KrsM TBuu&and Ihelie HMki Over 100 Papers and Magazines. MEMBERSHIP FREE TO ALL. Monthly Ine 81 OO-l'nynble Quarterly Directors Win. S. LmM, P. C. Settuyler, Jr. kelt. A. C. Glbbs, C. H. Iwts, M. W.Teebheimer.H FaHlng, L. mam. Officers I DEADT. MATTHEW P. .President It. FAILING -Vkee I'reWeiit 1'. u. fun u i i.niw mt k. M.W. FBCHHEIMBR HENRY A. OXER -Tteasurei Corresponding See .Librarlaa and Res. See ESTABLISHED 19. R. S. St A. P. I.ACEx", Attorneys-at-Law S Seventh street, Washington, D. C. Iuveutors. We procure patents In all countries. No at tornkY kkbs IS advamck. No charge unlese the patent Is granted. No fees for mating pre liminary examinations. No additional fees tor obtaining and conducting a rehearing. Special attention given to Interference Cases before the Patent Otfiee, Extensions before Congress, Infringement Suits in differeut States, and all litigation pertaining to Inven tion or Patents. Send stamp lor pamphlet giving run instructions. United States tourtH and Departments. Claims prosecuted in the Supreme Court ot tlie United States, Court of Claims, Court o Commissioners or Alabama Claims, Southern Claims Commission, and all classes of wnr claims before tbe Executive Department. Arrears or I'ny null Iloimty. Officers, Soldiers, and Sailors of the late war, or their heirs, are In many cases entitled to money irom tne uovernmeni, oi wnien iney have no knowledge. Write full history of ser vice, and state amount of pay and bounty re ceived. Enclose stamp, and a fall reply, arte -examination, will be given you without charge 1'euslouH. All Officers, Soldiers, and Sailors wounded captured, or Injured In the late war, however slight, are entitled to, and can obtain a pen . slon. United StnteHGcuernl Land Ofliee. Contested Land Cases, Private Land Claims Mining, pre-emption, and Homestead Cases prosecuted before the General Land Office an' Department ol the Interior. Laud Wnrronfv. We pay cash for Bounty Land Warrants, and we Invite correspondence with ail parties hav ing any lor sale, and give lull and explicit In structions where assignments are imperfect. We conduct our business in separate Bureaus having therein the clerical assistance of able and experienced lawyers, and give our closest personal supervision to every important paper prepared Jn each ease. Prompt attention thus secured to ail business entrusted to us. Ad dress It. S. A A. 1. IACKY, Attorney s. WASHINGTON, D. C. Any person desiring inlormatloo as to the standing aad responsibility of the firm will, on request, be lurnlsned with a satisfactory refer ence in nis vraimiy or iugresioni wmncL 0-1. SR. A. B. SPINNEY, No. 11 KEARNY STREET, Trents all Chronic and Special Diseases. YOUNC MEN WHO MAY BE SUFFERING FROM THE Y effects of youthlnl rollles or Indiscretions will do well to avail themselves of this, tbe fireatest boon ever laid at the altar of suffering lumanpy. DR. SPINNEY will guarantee hi forfeit S5O0 lor every case of seminal weakness or private disease of any kind or characte which be undertakes and fails to cure. MIDDLE-ACED MEN. There are many at the age of thirty to sixty who are troubled with too frequent evacuation of the bladder, of ten accompanied by a slight smarting or bnrning sensation, and a weaken ing of tbe system in a manner the patient can not account for. On examining tbe urinary deposits, a ropy sediment will often be found, and sometimes small particles of albumen will appear, or the color will be of a thin milklsh hue, again changing to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many men who die or this difficulty Ignorant of tbe cause, which Is tbe second stageof seminal weakness. Dr. s. wilj guarantee a perfect cure In all such eases, and a healthy restoration of the genlto Urinary organs. Office hours 10 to 1, and ttoH. Sundays from 10 to 11 A. M. Consultation free. Thorough ex amlnation and advice, So. Call on or address, OR. SPINNFY A CO., 7-33 No. 11 Kearny St., San Francisco. ZUCCATO'S PAPYROGRAPH Is a new Invention for the rapid pro duction of fac-slm-ile copies ot any writing, drawing, or other work which can be done with pen and ink. Autograph Letters, Circulars, Music, etc.. are first written upon a sheet of pa per, in the usual way, and from this written sheet 300 copies per Horn Mav be printed noon anv kind of dry paper, or other material. In :i common copying press. This Is the most simple. KAnii, anu E ONOMICAL PROCESS yet discovered. Thousands are already In successful use In Government Offices. Colleges, Academies. lab ile and Private .Schools. Railway and Insur ance Offices. Also by business men, lawyers. clergymen, Sunday school superintendents, missionaries, anu oiners. The Simmons Hardware Co of St. Louis, says of it: "Our Papyrograph, purchased some time since, gives entire satisfaction. Would not be without It for S1JKM a year." For specimens of work, price list. etc. ad dress, with stamp, THE l'Al'TROUIt.U'lI CO.. 4 and 45 Shetneket street, Norwich, Conn, ea- LOCAL AGENTS WANTED. 8-18 EMPIRE BAKERY. CARL VOQS, (Successor to Peter Wagner), Manufacturer of Bread, Cakes, Pastry, Pilot Bread Soda, Picnic, Butter, Boston, Snar and Shoo Tly CRACKERS, JUNY LINO CAKES, CINCIR SNAPS, ETC. Si Washington street, Portland Ogn. BWOrders from the Trade solicited. W. J. QUINN, MERCHANT TAILOR, Stark street, between First and Second, PORTLAND, OREGON. SUITS MADE TO ORDER in the Latest ijlyle, and guaianteed to give suttHnteltoa. g-gg GOTO THE AURORA RESTAURANT, Northeast cor. Frontand Atder streets, The only plaee In Portland where you can get A GOOD SQUARE MEAL 6 For 25 Cents. 33