TOtJRSDAY. JANUARY 9, ISTfl. Tbe Swards ease i oo trial. .Tbere are just now sixteen deei ater liipn to this harbor. World's week of prayer and i-er v lose! in tbe Y. M. C. A. each evening. Bervleea In all the churches oo Moo day evening were largely atlended. Both tbe "Elder" and "Ore at Repot, lie' aatoeedfcii in petting to aea hi 8nn- The Willamette has been fro sen over at this eity four limes In tbe last fifteen years. J. K. Mercer was Uken to Salem and aaaiwiied quarters in tbe peaiteutiary last Saturday . Tbe Handel and Hantea MMatv'a eoaeert will rake place on toe evening of rnssy, toe a. Ul. Boaines Is extremely dull, owlne- to tbeiee blockade and tbe subsidenee of holiday restlvlUea. Mr. Samoei fiercy, wbo I playing mtm u,.BHkAk a V , ket Theater, is wiiiniugdeaervoii IttHrebt. "My wife and I" have never enjoyed better health. We are now tt4nn tbe tblrd bottie of l'fnoder'a Orego Blood Purifier. AH. Ball, of the firm of Ball A Pbttt, eontraetora oo thecaoal and locks at the Cascades, died suddeuly at that place on Saturday. Interruptions m travel and Bommeree by tbe lee In tbe OolumMtmu-l Willam ette Rivet baa been quite serious and annoying. Tbe first snow of the season letl on Friday moraine of lam week. The fall watt alight, nipping tbe anticipation of alelgbing in tbe bud. Studies were resumed in the public schools on tbe 2d mat., teftoberti and pupils alike bav.Bg enjoyed tbeir brief vacation to tbe uttermost. Fever and ague instantly cheeked and soon cured with a few doe of the celebrated Willamette Fever am! Ague Mixture. Remetnber A be II is not behiiHl, but bead. First premiums for tbe bet caWnetn, cards and retnuebeil photo graphs at tbe late State Fail. Two Chinamen, Ah Ijee awl Charley Je, were, oo Saturday, ifeotettcetl to he banged. Tbe execntlon wilt take place on Friday, tbe 7th of February. Tbe ueatner "iS. T. Cbureb," euuk soene- davs aro In frervaiH slouieii. ha been floated oil again. Muni now iu tbe dry-dock at Oregon City undergoing re pairs. "Home, sweet home," is not com plete without a bottle of Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. It i truly a hoeae resnedy. Special attention Is called to the ad' verUsesBent of C T. Belcher & Co. Tbeir stock of China, glassware, ete., w complete and elegaut, ana their prices are low. Tbe "Oregon" failed to reach this city on account of tbe ice gorge ia tbe Co lumbia above Kalama, returning to As toria from that point with passengers, Msails aod freight. During the year 1878, 6,712 money or ders have been iiul and 6.001 paid at tbe Portland post office. The first a; gregated the sun of $1M,S'J2 18; Uie second, $160,095 50. W. N. Castle, a defaulting cleric of San Jose, Cel., who wm arreMed upon the arrival of the "Oregon" at Astoria on Monday, shot himaelf white the olttcem were conveying bim to jail. "Baby mine" has improved so much sines I commenced giving bet Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. It ia so nice for the little ones. Mis Sarah Tuthill, an aecootpliebetl elocutionist, wboee arrival from tbe East we noticed several weeka fainee. will give select reading at Masonic hall on Thursday and Friday evenings of this week. Tbe report of D. W. William", eterfc of school district No. 1 of Multnomah onuoty, shows a balance In tbe bank, to theeredit of tbe district, of $7, S44 22, the disbursementa for tbe past six moo lbs having been $oB.4W uz. A. Ferrars, First street, keetn the finest and beat asortment of teas in tbe city. He procures them direct frooi Japan, and warrant then to be what tbey are represented. We have asmpJetl tbem, and add our testimony in their favor. Sixteen persons were added to tbe membership of tbe CnngregittiotiHl Cbureb on Sunday. Tbe ordinance of -bapUsm was admiuistered to four per sona, three by aprinkling, and one in the evening at tile Bajttiat Cbureb by im mersion. The sunfemecoart convened at Salem on Monday. Ft fty-one eases are filed for heart oar durioir the tern. Aiimmir these we notice those of Jatne Johnson aod Archie Brown, now under death i-en-troee fnr anmier in this Hty. These caaes will be called oo the 30th. The police records show oi.e bundreil and sixty-four arrestn duriiiK tbe month of December. Of tbeve, one hundred and forty-aeeeo were "druuk and disord erly." Tbere were twenty arrests for larceny and four for xambliiitc. Had Justice been doue, tbere would no doubt bave been a number equal to the whole number reported arrested for tbts latter vice. Tbe temperance meeting at tbe Y. M . C A. rooms on tiatarday evening was well attended and quite interestinK. Tbe character of these uteetines has been raised to an elevated standard by the sea and efficiency of Judg Caplea, and the sa embers of tbe society testified tbeir appreciation of bis labors during 'the past year by re-electing him tr mi dent for tbe enauina; year. Tbe ueoal as sains; will take place on Saturday eveninc. to which all, sojourners and "atran iters within our gates," will alike be welcomed. dsMthk nud Vrn. nu peeu.., ' psasinc the extenkir mhv " " " street, 1 re- naaited to observe a line display ot cloaks H. the elecant snow windows. These cloak ,.r. ' . . i w s t ...1 I ZTJX ! exclusively In this line of business. M-. I..I:t,. ana aever makes ta eloaka arwrapa of the same daatfn unless for special orders, but all are ot the latest styles and best quality. As an swtist in bis line he la unsurpassed, ami we eoBgrsnilate Port land's world or fashion i: ; m thit acQUlsitlon to It ranks. A very un.ut desien whieh we have sperlally un-e,i M oomblnaUoa dress aad cloak for a c-lii.i ..r misa, which is SO arianaarl a to be readil n lawaed to lit any (irl, from r,i, yi.,r loimr teea. Mr. Jehnsou may be seen at the Palace LodalBB-bouse, lloom K. Call upon bim, lalle ; ypu Will surely nltn leave yourorders. 17 M'Et'lAl. XIITKT. All bustae letters pertaiuing to the Nkw JsmtTSlWBST. "! -.11 moIn Uue Ibis offl-e on sabacripllor ' i .i u. i mut u- directed k, Mlt A. J. WMHAY. JIMS JIC It I Kit, Homeopathic pliwlelan eleetrit-iau. First ' c!n.L, oelweu M,rrl!ou atod Aider. - i Couch no Jlore. ax last mere has been aa article (nana wura 1 1 eertalc. safe, awl sare to do HMwk,ld K within the reach of alls ncav iarle,ele. easily obi allied, at every enlerprMac dtvsggts in New York', Brooklyn, Ilobokea. Newark, a!. In fact, all I hmagh the roanwy. fcaafnJ It constantly on band. 1M-. Hale a celenn physician of Europe, wed It a great many yean in bis private practice, to tbe entire mm sesbcOoa of blaaself aad issUeou. C. N. Cril tentoa. dealer In potent nnedleineu and dnsg- gl.-ts' mncy goods, 7 Mixta Aveuoe, Ievr York City, believlns tliat thin market required Just anskaa article, baa purchased tbe same Ma great outlay, and toe public can reat assures! tbat It will be prepared according to tbe origi nal receipt. Ask lor lUt,B's Hombt or Hon hovxd and Tab. Take no other. Price, to cents and L Great saving to get large eiae. Sold by all druggists. IIiiiic for Homele. Women, Under tbe a pleat of tbe Hand ot Helper. Location Colon, bta street, between Fifth and Sixth. Mr. VnxU. raatroo, The doors of tbe Home Maui eea taall haiaals's wew of good character. Board and room will be furnished at coat to those who have means, and ran to lasses wbo bave not. Temporary work will be tarnished at tbe Home, and per manent situation obtained for inmate. Ladtas who have sewing to pat out, wbo are in need of yroresslonsl narses, or any kind of help, are urged to apply at tbe Home, and thus aid tail noble effort to help their own ea. (Vrmlii tire lor Cancer. Mm. Dr. Mary O. Brown take tbii method of saying- to tbe afflicted tbat she la in possesi toa of a sale, certain, and painless core lor that moat loathsome and terrible Unsss knows I'AWBJt, in all lla forms and rtinmi. Iter remedy la never known to Ml. AddrcM Mrs, Dr. Mary Ul Brown, OlymnU, W. T. T-i ar The National Gold Medal was awarded to Bradley Rutofsou for the best Ilsotagrapas In tne United Slates, and tbe Vienna Medal few the best In tbe world, m -Montgomery sueet,ftan Ftaneisan. Pike's Toothache Drops cure In one minute. MARRIED: At tbe residence ot the bride, January 2, 17. v? wwj, asst. impnme - ixoa ana nraww, uuw am city. NEW THIS -WEEK. . a. wiajtau. JOHN KlBBfcAN, WIBERG & KIERHAN, Dealen. In BOOTS AND SHOES, 145 PEOKT STUEET, Bat. Aider A .Morrboa. IWKttsKlTD-. -OKRtiOX S-t7 mum oooBg ami THsOtoran, Ooto OLDS A KCfO, W? Third stPBSt; TIKH, SOtVfl. AKI JtirtTMIVwli. floss OUB HSu, tOThtrd am; 8KIBTK, aa.WMJAMO CUM.KH, date OLDS KXira, WTawa HANDKERCHIEFS, H0UEBT Y ULUVRff, Ooto OUM at KUr.ls7TMrd atMet; U-Anr8, GKBrrw. ok cmtumts vtt-, Oet OLDS KIXO, 147 Third sweet; UOHEsrtCB AMD MOOSK F0RMIBHIXO DBf OOODS, Ooto OLrtt Tblrd street; For iisssstlilm In the I'RY UOODR AND FANCY OOOIM USE, 'Ooto OLDS At KING, So. 147 Third street, Portland, tr. IS THE PATEHT SELF-ACTING COW MILK ER M'F'G CO. T7 VKY "N 1 ' ouxs A tX)WHHOUU rhild can ue Itiiti. nt free to any part of I lie rnitea males oo re flpt of 12 Send for our liiusiraieu ramuuieton the Cnw.eontalnlnK tbe testimonial of nraetieal rarmers and dairymen throughout the t'nlled suites, and serlioaal rl lM1 m7 views or a eow-s teats and oj iisi--tl and sclentlncally xpUlned. by I Irs. White slid Wilson, of this city. renl lliee toauy adln-ss. Ui:w. I" KIM!, .'resident. OFFICK ".75 Boutdway, Jfew York. -M '.r.JouN-wx. r.o.a'cows. i.a.jiackom. MHHSGN M'lHIWN 4. MACRBM, Attorneys and Conntclon-at-Law Will rrarilc In si I tbe Courts of the State. Ixwna Made on Reasonable Terms. Collec tions, lneludlng Bents of Portland I'ropertjr promptly made. Abstract furnished, and Real Estate 1 rased. Bought and ttoid In Mult nomah and Clackamas counties. l"arUeular Attention (iven to bualneM in tae U. & Land Office. Oresjou City. Offices Moons!- Briek. Ktist stroet. Port land, Oregon, and Main street, Oregon Ulty. A. r. fABSUAU. J. XKAY. A. F. PARSHALL & CO., Manufacturers of Universal Liquid Slating, E0RB" ASR Jt KAOLIN FOR BLACKBOARDS. I'orllnml. Oregon. I VJru!'.' B&5T MEAKB-sT hl'ATE In CHEMEKETA HOTEL, . AUM. 0HJUJuV. s. r. .M.vrrmnvM ... . lrrletor No pains or expense wHI be huh to keen Uie cuisine and every depsulasentoTlhU SSm n trice nt Jiuwi up t tbe mark a 6 THE BEST HOTKf, IN OKEOOK. K I)K. J. O. ULEXS, UoiltlHt, VRiUjwest comer First and Yaaiblll POKT1AND, OHKUON. 5H8CBIiLiVNEOUS. GEEAT E AEGAXI7S 1 'THE WHITE HOUSE! We will eater darrac thesaasaa; Kleamai HI7 KiMiad giiks ttMpsryd Klexant Btk tYsath Hftet (Tend- l a per yd Klegant HTk Preach CameiH Hair Oood I m per yd Good WkTrtmifltaf Silk ryd All Waa? ark 0-mra.I T Da per yd The above Uoads are arw, and ot The Very Latest Stylos! Alss, sa Immense Stock et LADIES' CLOAKS ANO DOLMANS. LEWIS & STRAUSS, S Sn. S7 first Street. 1 TRIUMPHANT! The Improved New "Wilson Is tbe best, test, and roost economical FAMILY SEWING MACHINE Iu the world. It Took Eleven First r cmiumt OREGON STATE FAIR, Carrrylncotrtne ttlue on everything tor which entry wa made. TMs Maehtne has SUCCESSFULLY DEFIED COMPETITION Everywhere; and l tbe uou DURABLE SEWING IYIACIIINE Kver matle. Price, onl- S?itO, WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS. iST" A Uaeb meat far meadlna; Klrea freA JOIty IC IMKltl.Stl.V, .trut. IB Mavrlaoa and Abler. I Also, dealer la all kinds ot YANKEE NOTIONS, AGENT AND URK8HAKEKe) SUI'IM.IKS. staehlne Needles of all kinds warraate.1 at Shy eeats ser doaea. h-s IVIOONEY & VALENTINE Special Attontiou -T TMKIK LARGE AND COMPLETE SELECTIONS DREHS fJOOlai, TABI.K I.I.N'K.VH, tttllt.TH, KINKETH, OT-AlrtCKLS, UN'IlpRlT.V.R. Hosiery and Millinery . AT LOWER PRICES THAN USUAL. .MOt).Vi:Y A- VAI.nNTI.VK. K tl rlrst near 1 sylor, rUand. OREGON TRANSFER COMPANY General Forwarding and Commission. Krelirht aad baszaKe iorwarded and delivered with dtsaateh. naaos and Furniture mured. Orders fnr llaeks Promptly Attended to. Oar er Menu t)IIir .S. Y. for. Nerouil anil Sll.rU .Sis. or Mark. Can of 0. T. Co. 7-i MORNING STAR RESTAURANT, Cor. Wasnlnaton and Heeoml Sts. O..C.RIIIKH PltOI'KIBTOK rpIUS NKW AND ELEGANT KK8TAUKANT I Is bow smi for the reeeptam of ' Bweste. fne tables will be supilll with the best tbe Market anbrd. at the MIowlBg rates i ler Month - Week Day Meal Sri Meal Tickets. I0W w las BARBER & HICKLIN, DK.V'riKTN, (Soeeeswors to J. II. Hatch,) No. K First street, Portland, Oregon. MrTICE. ' tUM UVDBBSIONBD, IN TAKING IJSAVh, 1 "r IVHtland. returns bis sincere thanks tat tbe liberal tronae that has been oeetowed, and woukt bespeak for his successors a oootln uaueebr the same. Both Drs. Dsrber A Nlek Hn are ceutlemen In every way worthy of any eonndenee that may be placed in tbem, aad a such I can eonselentioosly recommend tbem u mv mnr fdend. and patmH. f. X. DOLl'lI. K. 0 BBOXABOH. JOS. SIHO.N. C. A. DOLPH. UULPU, nKU.tAUUU, DULril A SIM0 Attornovs-at-Law ODD FI,IA)WS TEMPLK, I"0UT1.AU 2-Wtf MISOELLANEOUS. FLEISOHNEH, 1AYEE & CO., Ftoot Md First rtreets, bet. Ah mud A, Importers and Wholesale Dealers. FALL SEASON. A r. MATER HA VAPR VKRY EXTHX- slve purenaaesm sisu nms MILLINEEY GOODS, raivet nam Ike Maaumrtarer and I ia porter. la Sew York, tsar ms vm eoaeut m ib laisst stjlts sirl JToutltevs tn'ul 3?lumoj, French .3 . Flowers, Hats, Shapes, t Klbboiis I'laln, Cro-i (!raln and Fancy, Silks, Vulicts, t.c, etc., . Hatac I'm mtr Wholesale 1 leave In tae State ImaorUag MII.l.IKKKY OO0 IK .Hreet frtiDi XewYetk, wa wilt be prepared to otter earn tndaesiusats to our Friends and Patron. s-oi OREGON FUKNITUKK MANUFACTU1MX0 COMIMXr, Manufacturers of 3r,TTH.3NTXT'TJmJD , And Im CARPETS, Oil. CIATT1IH, MATS. RDCH.CI! RTAINK, wau. i'apkr,8bi.n- mm. HAIR MATT HKr5MB, We. Coraer First and YhhiMII . Msam Paesory.OMner Front and Medr-ouSts.. 7 PORTLAMI. OKE(e05. STEINWAY PlAJf OS ! .AHIE-. DETTER THAN THEY EVER HAVE BEEN. 3 ' ' t S B I Three new snd very Important Improve ments nave nreu addon, tnrouaa Kiucn most PRBKKCT TtNK Is obtained. No.rther maaufaetory of Piano has It- Impruvetneals ereaRluMtabjNl. ALBERT BAKTUCH, Sole Aceut, Third street, near Taylor, Portland. Oregon. Also, mm- the erlebraleil KRANICH & BACH PIANOS, The best Instrument mr the prke In market. I also have la mrware-moia fine stock of Tho Best Organs Always on hand to select from. N.B. REPAIKINO andTUNING lnaaosnnd Organs a specialty. 8--1 OREGON STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Portland to San Francisco. Oirrvlns V. S. Mall and Wt'lN, Fargo A- Co.'s Exprts. The Oregon Steamship Company will dte natch their new aud elegaiit A 1 Iron ttU aim- ships THE OREGON, GEO. W. ELDER, AND CITY OF CHESTER, For tbe above port every tsars. Tbe Company Is trow prepared to eD First, Seeond.and Third Class Ticket from Portland to all the pel net pal Cities In the United ,-jiiitw, Toronto aad Montreal, Canaila. For further particulars for Pasag' snd Freight apply at the Company's oiOce, j.-ner of F and Front streets. S s U. W. WEIDLER, AKnt. SnSCELLAE0tJS. PISHEL & ROBERTS, Leading Clothiers and Hatters, t'orner I'lrsl nml Alder streets, P0HTI.AND. OltKG JN WE MEAN ITl TTAVIKfl PURCKARKD A FIXE STOCK J'L OK CIXyniINU from Iraportlrw a-it Matiulaeturine House latntut Ui retire from business) lit I'lllt flLVT. I.liss Than Actual Manufaesurlne Cost, we are ena bled to sell CIArriUNO for Imt Monej than It was ever bewvre nlfenst In this Slate. Oor stock i Complete lit Kvery Iwll, I'rlces low. and quality of Uoods or u s- aenor trade. OUR HAT DEPARTMENT Is under eburse of a PRACTICAL HATTER, And the Stock Is Now, Frosh and Stylish. OUK MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT Will always bave the best (tfuttenllon AND A COOD FIT WARRANTED. oe-Olve u aeull. l'l.siir.i. A llOIIKKTS, Comer I'lrst lilul Alder Streets, Ifttrowbridge' new Dulklliuj.) S S1S.GER SIMSCER SSNOER Sewing Rlachines! Sewing Machines ! Sewing sVlachines! GREAT REDUCTION! GREAT REDUCTION! These popular Machine are now sold at greatly reduced prices. Call or semi for prlee before porehaslns; any other. Much lues sold on uote or lease, and a liberal dlseouHt for cash. tiiu M.fii:u 3t'ro company, WILLIS It, FRY, Manager, IK first street, between Yamblll and Taylor, runiuna, uvaiioe. i INDEPENDENT LINE! PORTLAND AND SAN FRANCISCO. The splendid Low-pressure SIde-wheei Ameri lean tsvmhip "GREAT REPUBLIC," XJOSi Ton., JAMKS CAKROl.1. COMMANDER Will leave l'sclil- Wharf for San Kranrisco And on each altjrnatoaturday thereafter. Itnte of I'assHe huI FrelglifHt S W 7) Rrldal KmmN rVusrht at lowest Rales. The Hteerage on this Ship Is SUI'KlilOK to iBetauMBs on mosvm sne outer wswn r-ri and berCabsu Aeotfm roods tbfns are uneqnaled ay any otaer snip on ie i-aeine ucean. for Freight or Passage apply at the ofnee, IMtOe ismmc, loot of Salmon street. 7-r N. Ik INUALLS, Agent G. NEIMEYER, MERCHANT TAILOR,! I'lnl -.licet, bet. Ash Hit. I I'llie. lKKPs tXlUMfAVTLY ON HANIl A KINK 1 aud ounplete susrk d SCOTCH, EKGUSH, FRENCH i DOIMSTIC GOODS'. Which are nnsu.'passed, aad which he will make up AT COST PRICES, CATARRH POSITIVELY CURED ! DK JAMKS KECK, TIIK CKI.EBKATKII Calarrb Doctor, of fbleago, foruiarly of Aurora. Illinois. Is now located In Partlantl. Oreeni, where Ue l . (at Ills ufflce) a IltKR TKlAI.of a SURE CURE FOR CATARRH. The Doctor tresis successfnllv all Ohnmlr Diseases and Ketuale Weaknesses; eures Can eer without pain; has never-falllns cure for FKVKK and At. I K. Medicines sent to all parts of the cojntr at. I til proper nueMtious answered througl, the malls promptly by en eleslBKtwosiamps. 1 Mrk-eUonsultatlon KftRK. write, or rail aim tbe IK.-tor ir you are Beedlttg med i.- .1 UL Ottlee c-lrowbrlilze - ltulldlng.cfNriierlstsnd Alder streets, north or Town Clock, roouu. Nix's II anil II, "t-umI tlo-ir. (MUee hours-Knni s A. m to IS M .and from 1 to 5, and a to h p x. : .ui iUys, 1 10 1 r. m. rnst uroe,' Mux ass. g-i JOHN A. IIKCK, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, lit Front street. 1 tort la ml, Oregon. Kia A o..tnent of CLOCKS, WATC:lti, JEWELRY, AND SPECTACLES At IA)W PRICES. I ant selling Amerlc- o Watches at KAMTKKN I'RIrE-, M-lth Wells Farsorb-wses added. rU llUJincu: h io j noiniu-lkwu at tna KKPAIRIXti a Krxel: :tr. In Prices I I)o Uuuil ciukhi. NEW MILLINERY STORE. MRS. 11KNKY WAS1IER. I.ATK OF SAN Franelsen, would Inform tbe public tbat she has opened a new Millinery Store on tbe north east corner of Fourth ami Watbiugton streets, where she will be pleased to have tbe ladles call and examine bereloek. Shetsseil Ing Millinery AT COST. Call and examine prices and be convinced. &vg JNO. M. DALY, Attorney-at-Iiaw, DALLAS, OUEGOX, 17ILL PRACTICE IN THE DISTRICT AND IF tiiiieri states t ouiu tr-Sl illSCELLAXEOTJS JUST PUBLISHED, ILLUSTRATED A NEW 'Ia with oU. man ." P,-ruali said. "YuuM betti-r try ; arti jour bn-a-l Than like the birds to bill and coo ! Twill do for them to sigh and woo, For tbey have not hint else to do." DAVU) AND ANNA MATSOiV. By 3Xi". .A.iM'TJiil Scott Umiiwtiy, Editor "Hew Northwest," Portland, Oregon, W1TII BRVUTIKOL ILLUSTRATIONS, AND KI.EGAXTLY B0UNI' A new epic, from a vigorous and skillful pen, on a subject which occupies a large nlaeo h the social drseasstons of the day. The subject Is taken from Mr. Whlttler short narrative of "Da vfcl MetMm."wtth which the reader Is probably familiar. TsrVM Xataoa, a Metitiisas aarlei was captured by the Algerine. (during one of bis voyages) and sold into slavery. Alter many yean he obtained release and was on his way U his old employer, who Informed htm that his wife, believing bim dead, bad remarries, and, stunned by his trouble, he surrendered all claim as husband and father to the man who had stepped Into his place, and departed. Mrs. Dnniway has found a theme In this story with which her heart beau In warmest sympathy, aad her lines How ou in the smooth oadeaee In illeativa or the mllest accord. She pictures the gentle, tender, trustful Anna and the wily, eov etom Pelallah In vivid colors; and bow years of poverty anil loosing, and th cries of the ban gry boys, com pel led poor Anna to yield to Pelatiab's Importunity, "Klse, rejoice. My poor, vamated dove," said he, " And look, henceforth for love to at," A little farther on he says: " Become my wife and yon shall be Made happy through prosperity , ( Whir, If she persists In declining his ad vaneea, wolMIke, he threat bus tn aba art a a herje star vation and color And this Pelatiah was a deaeon, . ,. in eahostatlons deep and loud." The wandering of DavM. hb captivity, release, hapless Interview with Pelatiah, dines eer-o Anna's seeoml wifehood, and his md going back to Algeria, are all told so lattfi utlmtly tat oar leetings at e deeply enlisted. No one, with any true sentiment, eaa read the poem wit boat be ins thoroughly stirred. Tbe Illustrations are in admirable keeping with the pnssajmi thay are designed to portray, and a fine engraving of the author Is a nulng frontispiece. The sabjeet spirit. Are and passion of I he poem should give It an extensive reading, aside Irom the tatersst which the literary reputation of the author must awaken In Ik As a specimen of koofc-asakliif the volume is certainly beautiful, and would adorn any center-table. We know ot no work so well adapted as a present. It is printed on heavy tinted paper and most beautifully bound, pilce, $2 (10: full gilt extra, 2 ai. For sale by book-sellers, or by mall, post-puld, ly S. R. WELLS & Co., Publishers, 737 Broadway, New York. A NEW STEM WINDER ! PRICE 88.00. ?nro Abyssinian Gold. But Recently Discovered, and the best imitation of Pars Cold taotra. I Siasoby Mail Reentered. Ladies ire watch and Long Opera (iuard chain tame once. Wilt send goods by Express subject ts examination, on receipt of Js the amount of order, and balance can be pssd thaExpress Company on rei-eipt of pa kae m to lie tent BY MAIL the full amount avast be sent with order Send money hv 'o-1 !rh e Money ' inler. Registered LeUer. or Draft on New Ysrk er Cbicago. We will not semi a wat h by mail without registering, as it costs but fifty cents to regnant it. and thrs 1 issuers its safe dehven- We will hold ourselves -sersonnlly responsible for all Roods or money sent as above directed. For futtner particulars send tor oar t aage llnatrltrfl Catalogsc t Watches, Jewelry. N'ouoos. Novelnes. and new inventions. Ageaawsaaat. Address, THE INVENTORS AGENCY, 116 E. Washington Street, Chicago, IU. C. T. BELCHER & CO., 1 r. M.E w in OTil-n zx, G-lass ciaica. Queen's W n.xo, PLATED GOODS, LAMP STOCK, COAL OILS, ETC. ALSO, S.1I Queea Transparent OIL CAP.. The body of this ( an 's m:i.l of thlek glass, neatly eoteied liv a Corragatrd Tin ( ilnr. I'r vMest with measnring gnnges. litis Is Uh only Olass Oil fun entirely pruteeted by a metal easing. Prtc'ldor ""'T",i " fc',,P,Jr f lh"P h-k' W. J. QCINN, MERCHANT TAILOR, Mark street, between Pint ami .Second, PORTLAND, OREGON. SUITS MADE TO OKIiKK sSusfMOonT1 Syl' aDj Soaraateed to jrjve PIONEER WOOD-YARD,! Fx ot Yamblll street. J JUblUS SOREXSEN. A Li. kixds or avooii, Sawed and unutwed, constantly on hand.sndl delivered tuaay part nftbe city. A i .aHMWliiMWax Rnniimivfi baaavjyrortUMIt,M,iii,,tMa.siwa ADVERTISESlEjrrS. POEM the home of his boyhood, when he felUaV with With the New Year come new styles asd bma tiotts. Prtnainent aassig these raaks osr sew mas Wiadisg Watch, named "Old 1878." Although acs lofon we have always haadled TUS Sasr wssm of each kind that it was possible to gat, yet it ass bssa unposHDie 10 get a low-priced watca. wua ume I attarasKat. that could be retted SPSS far tune, and base a finished appcaresce. Thn seasss to nave been accomplished by the UI.CSSM of aJJU 1878." Wt seed only refer yon to the cat givsa as connecTjnn with this, which is an exact UBStsnoa of it, and say that it is perfect ra every way. Tae works are covered with a heavy plate guns cap, then this is covered with a hunting case. Tbe bast or face is a place glass cap or crystal Wofaa tads tasrlr. set in a heavy ran one-hall an inch is wsata. I it almost impossible to injare the watch. It is titled erociailv for RailroacC !isrsi msdlboD uy lor Kailroaa.? dirt are liable to g tit very clAsdy. uses, wnere oust ana am are name to get neai rag As the cases nt very ciasi stem-m-rniier and open dial, it need If you nerd a watch, try ttus. It is entKtsv hw asst novel Ynu can rely it for tune. You was be the only nne in your neighborhood having sacs: : warih It looks exactly like gold aad win save its covl in .1 few vejri. by saving what YOU woald bsvs to pay fur repairs on an ordinary watca. Remember tho prico is only S8.00 by Express, or SS.S0 by Mail Rcgia tsrod. We alto furnish with the watch, when armed, a chain of the ume material. (Pure Abrssinbva Gold) hravv lone links and elegant seal cbarst attached, f r I2 ;o ech nr watch .and chain i 10 00 by Eaaress. r th. rrlcbrate.l j) Qneea Tr.nspatHt OIL CAM Tbe best Coal bp Can 'ever ii.aniifitetand. Msrevsr leakK. And ae can alwsyaatlL haw Oil tassv lata IkaCaa. N'i chanes So abnet' Isvaa.nre. ' - 'r "l ar For ,, C-T. BELCHER & CO: ' First Street, I'ortlmid, Orrsoa. OREGON VINEGAR AND CIDER WORKS, Taylor st reet, between 1st aad JH. I A. M. KERN, Alsnaasctoror of Wine. Cider, and Mart -Tin -mv tmam u..nhrpv. and f3nsH arrans a ' Ooods delivered to all tatrta oTUe , Fresh Shoalwater Bay Oysters AT- ALISKY & HECELE'S PBE3IIU3I CAXDY M.CiUFlCTOKV, first St bet. Alder auit Morrlsou.