KttWiflt next THURSDAY -AUGUST 1, 1878. HOMEjHEWS. The British ship "Dnvenby" takes 28,650 cum of wlmon to Liverpool. The corner-stone of the new cathedral will be laid on Thursday, the 15th of August. "What Came oTIt?' theUook written by the late Mrs. Stltxel, will soon be de livered to subecriberj. Mre. O S. Plielne, one of the most effi cient primary teachers of the cllv, Is fpeurltng her well-earned vacation in Sau Frnucieco. The river lu front of this cltv U four feet lower than at this date lust year, ami elpm leet lower than at the eame ltte in 1875. A larjte brick buildine will shortly be erected on the com rf Oak ami Strom) etreetft. A Krtion of it will Ik occupied by Mr. Bacon an a livery triable. Frofessor J. W. Hill, a graduate of laieauu a teacher of experience, will iiave charge of .the Bishop Scott Grammar School as head master. Substantial improvements are helnp; made on various streets that, uotwitli BtandiiiK the cri' hard times, attest the perma'nent growth of the city. T)r. Walter Hyde, spiritual develop ing medium. Rives sitting! dally from 10 A. M. to 4 P. it., at 141 First street, room 1- Public seance every evening at 6 o'clock. Great redaction in prices at the "White House" in order to make room for fall stock. A large Hue of cummer pood is being disposed of at cost, rreat bargains may be secured. The "Wide West" brought down two ! Mildred tons of the new wheat crop from Walla Walla on Saturday. An eqaal amount will tie shipped from Walla Walla every day this week. Judge Dennison returned from Walla Walla on Tuesday, where lie has been engaged in. laboring for the future State of Washington as member of the Con witatbraal Convention for some weeks past. Those who sigh Tor mountain air and delight in mountain scenery will be grateful to know that tickets Rood for .unity days are old hy the O. S. Is. Company for Hood Kiver and return at $4. The O. S. N. Company's new steamer "Harvest Queen" is receiving her fin ishing touches at Celilo, ami will lie ready to take the route between that place aud Wallula by the first of Sep tember. A splendid life-size portrait of Hon. M. P. Deady occupies a place in the window of Morse's gallery. The work was executed by Frank M. Peebles, of Sau Francisco, and Is exquisite lu col oring and detail. Mrs. J. M. Ward, nee Miss Carrie Clark, will take a beneitt at Kew Mar ket on Saturday evening, August 3d. J. M. Ward will also appear, suptorted !- a number of volunteers. A pleasiug bill will be presented. ' The work turned out at tiie Palace Picture Gallery, In front of the post office, is a credit to the art. Copying aud enlarging pictures a 8ieuiality. Thirty-six pictures for fifty cents, and other work correspondingly low. A destructive tire occurred in East Portland on Sunday uight. The main business portion of the city, lucliidlup the post office, was horned. Most of the mail matter in the latter was saved. The lose is estimated at about $14,000. A little daughter of Captain H. Cook, while attempting to light the kitchen fire on Sunday with coal oil, was burned so severely that she died in a few hour. Her mother, in attempting to extinguish the flames, was severely but not dangerously burned. "Panel photo," just introduced by A bell, the popular artist, are soon to be the most popular for ladies and gents. Call and see them at bis rooms, 187 ami 169 First street, Portland, Oregon. Alt styles of work made by Mr. Abell are guaranteed the fiuest In finish and at low prices. Mr. Walter Moffett, a well-known resident of this city, where he has long lived, filed a rew weeks since on board the "Edward James," on the voyage between Honolulu and Tahiti, tits re mains will be returned to this city, where his bereaved family reside, fur n-ial iptermeut. Chief Morgan, for what he supposed good and sufficient reasons, refused to allow the fire engines to cross the river on the night of the rjnal Portland Are. The eitiaens of that place are extremely cr- Ui, aud in special resolutions char- .i. ( rlie litflcofMluct as "Inhuman, cruel, ai"l uuwaytby a fireman." Davidson Brothers, photographers, aoruer First and Yamhill streets, of this eftjr, have the finest and largest camera a ad lens in the State, and are prepared for making'all sizes of pictures, from the smallest gem to the largest portrait or group photograph. If you want photo work of the best quality ami fin ish, at lowest living rates, call ou them. Governor George L. Curry, whoee ill ness we have spoken of from time to time for weeks past, died at his resi dence in this city on Sunday evening. He had been a resident of Oregon since 1846, and was identified in years past with many ot her public and political Interests. His public record aud pri vate life are alike unsullied. The fam ily have the sympathy of the com munity. Corouer De Lin, the well-known un dertaker. Is Justly distinguished for the spirit of liberality and fair dealing with which he accommodates those wIm re quire bis services in the burial of their loved ones. When the heart is sad irom sore bereavement, the consolation to be derived broni the sympathy of those who perform the sad offices neces sary for the final repose of the body of the dear one cauuot he over-estimated. .J1,'" ?peu teroperaoce meetings are likely to continue through the entire summer with unabated interest. Mr. Caples never tires t hi, endeavors to secure variety and excellence in his programme; it is but Just i Mm to that lie invariably succeed. lh gat, urday evening the large assembly wax wen emerutmeu uy r. XH)ga r Ohio, a member of the SocIhiv ,.r Friends, and also by Rev. Mr. IUeti, f UMilornia. tixceiKMit epenaers are en gaged for the next meet lug. let all at tend. The well-known photographer, Frank G. Abell. Is one of the most deservedly successful operators In his Hue to be found in America. He has just favored us with a large pieture of our little adopted pet, taken two hours after death, which excels everything else tiie photographic line that it has ever been our fortune to behold. .Let no food mothers fail to catch the shadows of 1ier darlings, for none can know bow soon the wings of Azriel may waft the substance forever fnm her sight. Mr. Abell combines infinite patience aud kindness of heart with bis exquisite skill in taking children's photo's. Go and see bim. Oregon Abend of the World. Botte of the greatest scientist, in exivkwinr we North PmMc Coast, have discovered an endless variety ot planus In Oregon, which they declare far excel any plants of other countries for the larjte percentage of medicinal proper ties they contain. Oregon may well be proud of ber advantages over other countries in pro- aoclng vegetables ot so valuable properties. The incomparable climate, abundanoy of rain and rich soil Is unequaled by any other coun try. Mr. William Pfunder, an experienced cheraut of Portland, has, after several years experlmentlng.soeceeded In extracting all the medicinal virtues of some of these famous plants, and In combining them scientifically with the choicest botannlcat remedies of other countries, produced a preparation which ban never been equaled as a partner of the blood and a general regnlatorof tbesystem. Anyone annexing from disease that arise from Impuri ties of the .blood. Irregularities of the liver, bowels, and kidneys, would do well to try a boyle of this excellent preparation, and judge lu effective qualities. It has been named the Orbook Blood Purifier, and may be ob tained ot any dealer In medicine for the rea sonable price of one dollar. Principal depot and manufactory. Win. Pfunder fc Co.. Port' land, Otegon, to whom all orders may be ad dressed. 7-M Certain Cure for Cancer. Mrs. Ir. Mary O. Brown takes this method of saying to lite afflicted that she l In possession of a sas, certain, and painless cure for that most loathsome and terrible dUease known as Cancek, In all lu forms and phases. Iter remedy Is never known to fail. Address Mrs. Dr. Mary O.Brown, Olympla, W. T. sins. nit. ii fit it. Graduate of tbe Homeopathic School, and mem ber of the State Medical Society ot Cali fornia, makes a specialty of the diseases of women and children. Electrical treatment a specialty. Office Corner of Second and Morri son streets, Portland. Consultation free, T-I7 KEW THIS WEEK. notice or riXAi. .srrrri.i:siEvr. ATOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT GEO. X C Sear, Ad tn In Intra cor of the et-laie of Ueonte Potts, defeated, has Died his final ac count In the County Court of tbe State of Ore gon, for the county of Multnomah, ami mat tbe lodge I hereof has fixed tbe 3d day of Sep tember, 1878, as tbe time for hearing objec tions and the allowance and settlement ot the same, GEORGE a SEARS. August L Administrator. notice or riXAX. SETTLEMENT. VTOTICE It HEREBY GIVEN THAT CHAS. 1 B. tlartel. Administrator of tbe estate of Kichard Nlcofl, deceased, has tiled his flnal account, and that tbeCountyCourtof tbe State of uregon has fixed the M day of September, l7S, at the boar of lu A. jr. thereof, as tbe time tor bearing objections and the allowance and settlement of the same. CHARLES B. BARTER August L Administrator. CATARRH POSITIVELY CURED! DR. JAMBS KECK, THE CELEBRATED Catarrh Doctor, late of urora, Illinois, Is now located In Portland. Oreeon. where be gives a FREE TRIAL at bis office of a SURE CUBE FOR CATARRH. Some of tbe most obstinate and long stand ing cases 01 uaiahku in ine at ot I'oruanu as well as all through the Doited State, have oeen enurey cured by tbe use of tbe "SURE CUKE." when all tbe popular remedies and some of the most prominent physicians have failed. For proof read t estimonials, published elsewhere. I be Doctor treats successfully all CJIKON'IC and PRIVATE DISEASES: alsobasa sate and painless cure for CANCER. Office Coosolta tlon FREE, and Strictly Confidential. All proper questions answered through toe malls Promptly by enclosing two stamps. CI ran tar Otttee hours From 8 to 12 a. M.. and 1 inland 6 to 8 H. M. Office Mrowbrldge's Handing, corner luaad Alder streets, north of Town Clock, rooms No.-s 11, 11, and IS, thlnl Boor. 7-41 THEO. S. S. CO.'S LINE OF NEW STEAMSHIPS, No. A 1 tor twenty years. Carrying tbe U. a Mails and Wells, Pargo A Caw's Express, wilt hereafter dt patch one of tbelr new steamers. THE OREGON, GEO. W. ELDER, AND CITY OF CHESTER, About every five days, connecting with all the PRINCIPAL POINTS ON THE GLOBE. KATES: Cabin 1 -Si 8 .zee Presgbl. per ton- GEO. IV. IVEini.EIt. A cent. INDEPENDENT LINE! , BBTHTEE.V PORTLAND AND SAN FRANCISCO. The splendid Low-pressure Side-wheel Ameri can tjieamsmp GREAT REPUBLIC," Tons, JAMES CARROLL. COMMANDER Will leave Pacific Wharf for San Franessee At 6 o'clock A. ?f.. TUESDAY, JULY 23, And oa each alternate Saturday thereafter. Itntes of Passage mill Freights: $ 2 00 7 no 10 Oil 1 tt Cabin.. Bridal Rooms... "Hrbt, per ton.. The MMU u L-... :k,.. 1 r-T HI. UU1 T A Si ?H "-o"' the other Coast Ships. bvaaTnih AfmmodatlomareBaeaale-: LV- , v-V- . " . i cine ueean. ftwiZXtSSL rassaee apply at the efflee, motof B street, next dow beioVr Allen A lJrH. ' - waausav-lf nfrCllk GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ! -AT THE Mammoth Boot and Shoe Sto re. I FRONT STREET. BOOTS AND SHOES EXTREMELY LOW RATES. tl SEAL, TEACHES OP Plain and Ornamental Penmanship. (Graduate of Penmanship under Professor P. A. Ksplna, In Oamard's Business College, San Francisco, Oal.) ORDERS FOR ORNAMENTAL WORK PROMPTLY EXECUTES. Sneelmens at Morse's Palaee of Art. Residence, N. W. corner Fifth and Jefferson MISCELLANEOUS. A. TRIA1V INSURES POPULARITY EVERYWHERE. THE CEI.EHRATKD Remington Sewing Machine Is now acknowledged to be the BEST FA1HLT SEWING .IACHIXE In use, Jer many REASONS: 1st. The Mechanism ts superior to any other Machine built. 3d. Tbe Material used In tbe REMINGTON SEWING MACHINE I Solid Steel, and every wearing part ts ease hardened and adjustable. Id. It will sew wtth equal facility Silk Twist, Linen Thread, or Common Spool Cotton. 4th. It wlli sew from the flnestof laee to four thicknesses ot leather, without any change of tension or needle. Mb. It Is the ltd litest and stillest running Shuttle Sewing Machine In the market, there being many more reasons why you should ex amine the REMINGTON before nurehaslBg. Every REMINGTON SEWING MACHINE Is warranted by the Company and Its Agent. Agents wanted. C. SHAM'L, General Ascnt Per ORBOON, WASHINGTON, and IDAHO, First SC Bear Salmon, Portia ml, Oregon. T4t TIIE LADIES Are Invited to call at 'THE WHITE HOUSE!" AND INSPECT THE NEW SUMMER STYLES Dress and Millinery Goods! UXrilECEDEXTED B1I1C1IXS LADIES' LINEN SUITS I SacqucN iiikI DoliimiiH, Tbe stoek ts complete and varied, the goads seasonable and elegant, and the prices rea so nable. LEWIS & STRAUSS, 7 N'o. 87 rirst Street. St OREGON FUnXITUUE XTFACTl'IUXG COMPAXi, Manufacturers of And dealers In aMU'BTS, OIL CLOTHS, MATS, RUGS, CURTAINS, WALL PAPER, SPRING BEDS, HAIR MATTRESSHS, Btc Hales-rooms, Corner First and Yamhill Sts., tjteara Factory, Corner Front and Madison SW. PORTLAND, OREGON. i CAPLES & MULKEY, Attorney s-at-Law, lloom No. o, oua I'elloHV Ilulldlug, VY t;nUanE.ROS,,rT -'O PERSONAL riUo'i to business Intrusted to their B-l. MlSCEnLAEOUS. FLEISCHNEB, MAYER & CO., Front and First streets, bet. Ash and A, Importers and Wholesale Dealers. SUMMER SEASON. MR. MAYKIt HAS MADE VERY EXTBN lve purebaesof a lull IlBeof MILLINERY GOODS. Direct from the MBnafaeturers and Importers in New York. Oar Stoek will consist ol the latest styles and shades of JTcittlterr imrt riuiiieH, French Flowers, Hats, Shapes, Ribbons, Plain, Cros Grain and Fancj-, Silks, Yclrcts, etc., etc., To which we Invite the attention of the Milli nery Trade or Oregon aim wasutngion iem lory. Being the only Wholesale Home In tbe State Importing MILLINERY GOODS direct from New York, we will be prepared to offer extra Inducements to our Friends ami Patrons. TUB WORLD-REKOWNEn wil soirsr Price only $. AN KASY RUNNING it oil I tie , WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS. rrUIB WILSON MRNDING ATTACHMENT, JL doing all kinds ot repairing wtthoai patch tar. jd sen fee. All kinds or hewing Machine NRKDLrSS kept constantly on hand, l'rtce, 0 cents a doseu. JOHN' II. tl.lItltl.SO.V, Agent for tbe Wilson Sewing Machine Com pany, No. 1 Front street, Portland, Or. JS. COKBETT'S LIVERY, HACK AND FEED STABLES (FIRE-PROOF), Corner Second and Taylor Streets. Reasonable Charges for Hire. Particular At tention paid to Hoarding iiorses. Orders tor Hacks Promptly Attended to. Day or iguu eir Orders mar be Ml at the Slubles.or at the store of Planet-: Roberta. ' S-M OREGON TRANSFER COMPANY. General Forwarding- and Commission. Frelehlaml baaaace forwarded and delivered with dispatch. Pianos and Furniture moved. Orders for Hacks Promptly Attended to. Day or .ieuu t Oflice S. M. Cor. Second and Stnrk Stn, "Mark, Care of O. T. Co. 7- BARBER &. NICKLIN, IIKN'TI.STS, (Successors to J. IL Hatch,) No. 108 First street, IVirtiand, Oregon. N'OTICK. riHIE UNDEItSIGNKD, IN" TAKING LEAVE l or i-ortianu. returns nis sineere inanss mi tne liberal patronage that has been bestowed. and would bespeak for his successors n contin uance or the same. Both Drs. Barber A Nick II n are gentlemen In every way worthy of any confidence tbat may be placed In them, ami as soen I can conscientiously recommenu mem to my former inenus ami patrons. -2t J. II. HATCH. ADJIIXISTKATlUfS NttTIfl v-'ttTICK IH HEREBY GIVEN BY THE l undervigned administrator of the estate of Alvls Kurr. mat all ereuiiors ana an persons havine claims sealnstsahl estate are required m nni.iiL Hie same with necessarv and nrorer vouclK-rx, within six months from the date of this notice, hi tne umiersigneu nuministraior or the aid ejtaie, at ine oinceoi u. r. to tiorni-v-at-law. Odd Fellows' Temple. Port' land, On-con. And all persons knowing them selves to be Indebted to the said estate will pleaeoine rorwanl and settle ine same. CHARLES DIBTL, Administrator. July 12. :a78. PIONEER WOOD-YARD, Foot ol Yamhill street. JVLIUS SOREXSEX. A I.I. KIN IJ.S OF WOOD, Sawed ami unsnwed, constantly on hand, and Ice Croarri and Soda Water ALISKY &. HECELE'S PREMIUM CAXDI MAXUFACTOUT, First M bet. Alder aud M orrlson. 5-56 J. N. DOLPH. E. C. BROMAUGH. JOS. SIXOM. C A. DOLPU. DOLrn, brosaboh, Dotrn simo Attornevi-at-Law ODD FELLOWS' TEMPLE, PORTLAND 3-Wtf CHRIS. SCWITII TNVITES HIS OLD PATROLS AND TIIE J. l"uniic genera-j --"- - NEW BUTCHER SHOP, WaablnKton one d-r east or Third. MISCELLANEOUS. FISHEL & ROBERTS, Leading Clothiers and Hatters, Corner rtrst ami Alder atrccts. PORTLAND OREG JN WE MEAN ITI HAVING PURCHASED A FINK STOCh. OF CLOTHING from a Large Importing and Manulaetnrlng House (about to retire from business) 10 vr.lt V.EXT. LESS Than Actnal Manufacturing Cost, we are ena bled to sell ULU' llirtu lor lm jioney man It was ever belore offered In this State. Our stoek is complete In Every iieiau, Prices Low, and (Quality or Goods of a Su perior Grade. OUR HAT DEPARTMENT Is under charge of a PRACTI.CAL HATTER, And the Stock Is Now, Frosh and Stylish. OUR MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT Wilt always have the beat of attention AND A COOD FIT WARRANTED. OB-Glve us a call. riSIIHI, &: IlOItEHTS, Corner First and Alder Streets, 6 (Straw bridfe's new Building.) S3 SINGER SINGER- SINGER Sewing Machines ! Sewing Machines ! Sewing Machines ! GREAT REDUCTION! GREAT REDUCTION! These popular Machines are now sold at greatly reduced prices. Call or send for prices before purchasing any other. Machines sold on note or lease, and a liberal discount for cash. Till SIN'GIIK 31" I (J C03IPA.VY. WILLIS a FRY, Manager. IS First street, between Yamhill and Taylor, roruana, Oregon. i ASTONISHING CURES! fUnder this head will an near from time to Ume testimonial, verbatim, of eases treated for CATARRH and other CHRONIC DIS- K AS ICS br OR, JAMBS KECK. AddraM hv mall or call and see tbe parties In person whose names are subscribed to testimonials. Portland, July M, 1S7S. Dr. J. Kbck and the AFrtacrun Dear Sir ami Psiinds:-This Is to certlfr that I have been afflicted with Catarrh In my head for twelve years, ana about nve yearn ago I saw that it was falling to my lungs. I was almost blind and deaf, and It was only a matter of lime wnen i woaiu me wiin consumption, l nail got so oaa mat wnen i wooia lie aown at nlehr the mucus would dron Into m v throat. and I would bound to ray feet and cough, al most strangled to death. I made Inquiry what was best to do. Some said Marshall's Catarrh SnuIT was good, and .Sage's and Pierce's were also recommended to me; so I commenced on Marshall's, but It did roe no good, and Sage's and Pierce's also met with tbe same ungrat I Ty ing result. After trying all these, and many others, I was yet slowly dying. I bad taken medicines aimut rour years, ana neing no bet ter, I sought tbe treatment of good physk-lans ; but tbelr medicines railing to have tbe delied elfeci, I gave up all hope of recovery. At last a fHeud told me of Dr. Keck, and I consulted him. lie told roe be could cure me, and would guarantee a cure, the guarantee being to refund me my money If he did not succeed. I told him he was my doctor, and took a bottle of his remedy home. I now am on tLe sixth bottle, am almost well. If I get no better, money could not purchase tbe benefit I have received from this medicine. For further particulars call at the First Toll Gate, south of Portland. W. O. JEAN. Kait Portland, May 8, ls7g. To Those SrrraalNO raox Catarrh: I would state that I have been alBlcted with Nasal Catarrh for twentv-flve vears. I had continual aching pains over tbe eyes, and for auout niteen years nave been troubled witn soreness in the stomach and left side, and could smell nothing. In the meantime. I tried Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, San font's Itadlcal Cure for Catarrh, and other remedies recom mended by menus, besides remedies from local physicians, all of which failed to cure. and the best gave but slight relief. About six weeks ago I met Dr. James Keck. He said the trouble in my stomach and side was caused by the Catarrh having extended down to lboe points. lie also said mat ne had a sure i.-ure lor Catarrh, and he could cure me. About live weeks ago I began using the "Kure Cure. The pain over my eyes has disappeared: the sore ness In my stomach and aide is gradually dis appearing; mysenseof smell lsreturning,and, in fact, 1 feet like a new man, and am con vinced tbat I will soon be permanently cured. Any one doubting the above statement can consult me in person or by mail, and I will re peat to them Vive voce wuai l nave ir win mltted to paper. CHAS. II. HAMLIN. Engineer K. IL Ferryboat. East Portland, July 12. 1S73. Dr. Kat-K Dear Sir: This is to certify tbat I have used your Sure Cute for Catarrh, and And It Is all yoo rlalin it to be, and even more. I have hail Catarrh for ten years. I suffered much with pain In my bead, would take cold very easy, which would make my throat very sore. There was almost a constant tickling in my throat, so I could not sleep. When asleep my throat would All up and strangle me, and hit slcbt also was badly affected, to that very often 1 was unable to read tbe coffee and spice sign on lamblll street, opposite J. C. Menden ball's fish market, where I have been at work, a distance of perhaps lour rods; In fact. Icon hi feel tbe effect of Catarrh all through my sys tem. But these troubles have all disappeared now. I can go to bed and rest all night, which Is something I have not been able to do for six years. I hope you will publish this, and tbat tbe hundreds wbo ate suffering as I have suf fered may pay attention to this letter. If this Is Dublished. I would advise any one that may be troubled with any disease, however bad or long standing, to call on Dr. Keck. I think he can core you If any one can. Respectfully roars, CHAHLES H. WHRKLKR. W.C JOHXHOS. P.O.M'COWN. I. A. 31 ACRUM JOHNSON M'COWN & MACRUM, Attorneys and Counselors -at-Law, Will Fraction In all the Courts of the State. Loans Made on Reasonable Terms. Collec tions, Including rienis 01 iTinuwi t-ropeny, promptly made. Abstracts furnished, and ttaai Ksiale I -eased. Uooght and Sold In Mult nomah and Clackamas counties. Particular Attention given to business In the U. 8. Land Oraoe, Oregon city. Office Mon nastes' Brick, First street. Port land, Oregon, and Main street, Oregon City. AMERICAN Ntenm Iy cine aud Clennlns Works TVK AND CLEAN ALL KINDS OF SILK J Woolen, and Mixed Goods, after tbe best and newest German and French systems. KM Gloves and Feathers cleaned and dyed by a new process. Blanketsand Purs nicely cleaned. Gents' Clothing cleaned and dyed, a specialty. o. CON'KAIi A CO., Proprietors, 7 JS Second St., Portland, Or. K nit. j. a. i.knn, DexitiHt, Southwest corner First and Yamhill PORTLAND, OREGON. SirSCELLxVNSOUS JUST PUBLISHED, A NEW ILLUSTRATED 1 ' "In with yon, man ." Pel'tlah said. "You'd better try to earn your bread Than like the birds to bill and coo ! Twill do for them to sigh and woo. For they have nothing else to do." DAVIO and anna matson. T3y 3iXrts. -A-bifjuil Scott Duniway, Editor "New Northwest," Portland, Oregon, . WITH 11KAUTIFUL ILLUSTRATIONS, AND ELEGANTLY BOUNP A new epic, from a vigorous and skillful pen, on a subject which occupies a large place In the social disensalone of the day. The subject to taken from Mr. Whtttler-s short narrative of "Da vid Matson," with which the reader ts probably familiar. David Matson, a Merrlraac sailor, was captured by the Algerines (during one of his voyages) and sold Into slavery. After many years he obtained release and was on his way to tbe home of his boyhood, when he fell In with his old employer, who Informed bim tbat his wife, believing him dead, had remarril, and, stunned by his trouble, be surrendered all claim as husband and father to the man wbo had stepped Into his place, and departed. Mrs. Dunlway has fonnd a theme In this story with which her heart beats In warmest sympathy, and ber lines flow on In the smooth eadeaee In dicative of the fullest. accord. She pictures the gentle, tender, trttssfbt Anna and the wily, coy etotts Pelatlab In vivid colors; and bow years of poverty and longing, and the cries of the bnn gry boys.com pelted poor Anna to yield to Pelatlab's Importantly, "Rise, rejoice. My poor, nnmated dove," said he, " And look henceforth for love to me." A little further on he says: " Become my wife and yon shall be f Made happy through prosperity," While, If she persists In declining bis advance!, wotMIke, be threatens to abandon her to star vation and cold. And this Pelatlab was a "deacon," - " In exhortation deep and load." The wanderings of David, Us captivity, release, napless Interview with Pelatlah, discovery ot Anna's second wifehood, and his sad going back to Algeria, are all told so pathetically that our feelings ai e deeply enlisted. No one, with any trne sentiment, can read the poem wlthent be ing thoroughly stirred. The Illustrations are in admirable keeping with tbe passages they are desbroed to ortray, and a line engraving of tbe spirit. Are and passion of the poem should give It an extensive reading, aside from the Interest wntch the literary reputation of tbe author must asraken In if. Asa specimen of book-making the vol nine la certainly beautiful, and would adorn any center-table. We know ot no work so well adapted as a present. It Is printed on heavy tinted paper and most beautifully bound, pt Ice, $2 CO ; fall gilt extra, 52 60. For sale by book-sellers, or by mall, post-paid, by S. R. WELLS & Co., Publishers, 737 Broadway, New York. CONSTITUTION OF THE National Woman Suffrage Association. AKTtci.K I. ThH organisation shall be called the National Woman Suffrage AseoetatfcHi. ARTICLE Z The object of this Association sball be to secure national protectloa fbr women citlsens lu the exercise of their right to vote. Ahticlk 8. All citlsens of the United States subscribing to this Constitution, and contributing not lew than one dollar annually, sball be considered members of the Association, with th right to participate in lu deliberations, Ahticlk 4. The officers of tlds Association shall be a President, a Vice-President from each of tbe stales and Territories, Corresponding and Recording Secretaries, a Treasurer, an Bxeeu live Committee of not less than five, and an Advisory Committee consisting of one person from each Stale and Territory. Articles. All Woman Suffrage Societies throughout the country sball be welcomed as auxiliaries; and their accredited officers or duly appointed representatives shall be recognized as members of the National Aasoclatlou. OFFICERS OF THE N. W. S. A. FOR 1877 AND 18. PRESIDENT: Clkx bmcb S. Losi kk, M. D., 2K West Fourteenth street. New York. VICB-PRESIDKNTS : 'Ale etia Mott, - - Philadelphia, Penn. Kllxabeth (Ja.lv Stanton. - Tenady. N. J. Clarinal. II. N ichols, - - - Porno, Gal. Amy I"ost, - Mocneaier, 1. Mathllde Franceske Anneke, Milwaukee, Wla Amelia Hloomermer - Council Ulutft, Iowa Virginia I. Minor, - - St- Louis, Mo. Knillv Kobluson. - - - Salem. Ohio Julia and Abby smith, - Glastonbury, Ct Catharine C. Knowles. - Kast Greenwich, It. I. Annie C. Cheney, - - uneisea, .Mass. Mary Powers Filley, - North Haverhill. N. II. Lucy A. snowe. - - ttoekland, Maine Sarah M. Lynde, - - Guilford Centre, Vt Ollvla B. Hall, - - Ann Atbor, Mlcb. Marv II. Williams. - - Fort Wayne. Ind. Sarah Itackett Stevenson, M. IX, Chicaco, III. Sarah Hunter Stearns - - uuiutn, Minn. Helen M. Manet. . - Lawrence. Kan. Julia Brown BemU. - Omaha, Neb. Allda C. Avery. M. II.. - - Denver, Col. Hannah II. (Jlapp, - - Carson City, Neb. Harriet A. Lougbary, - - Amity, Or. Sally Holly, - - - Lntlsburg, Va. Emily Pollock. - - Wheeling, West Va. Annie L Cinlnby. - - Newport. Ken. Elisabeth Avery Meriwether, Memphis, Tenn. Mrs. A. U. Swearingen, Glaymont, Del, wtviuia I., uunoore, Elizabeth Oakee Smith, Prances Anne Pillsbury, Flora MeMartln Wright, Mary J. Spauldlng, Mrs. I. Holmes Drake, Annie II. Hamilton, -Elisabeth L. Saxon, Baltimore, Jia. - Hollywood, N. C .- Charleston, S. C. Pllatfca, Fla. Atlanta. Ga. Hnntaville,Ala. summit. Miss. New Orleans, La. - IJlUe Rock, Ark. .Mrs. w. i-. uuver. Martha Goodwin, Tnnstall, Caroline It Wlnsfow, M. lx', - Washington, I). C. Esther Morris. Laramie City. Wy. Ter. - Crockett, rex. Mary O.Brown, - - Seattle, Wash. Ter. Annie God be, - Salt Lake, Utah Ter. CORRESPONDING SECRETARIES: Hartford, Ct-lKmniH Mollov, -Washington, D. C Mathllde F. Wendt, -Oakland, CaLluarollne H. Spear, Isabella Beeeber Hooker, Ellen ILSbeMsm, Laura DeForee Gordon, FOREIGN' CORRESPONDING SECRET ARIES : Laura Curtis Bollard, - New YorkUane Graham Jones, RECORDING SECRETARY : Lillle Deverenx Blake, KM East Ktlty-nRh street. New York. TREASURER : Ellen Clarke Sargent, 1 De Sales street, Washington, D. & EXECUTIVE - Rochester, N. Y. Fayetlevllle, N.Y. Bridgeport, Ct. , Bvanston, III. St. Louis. Mo. Susan B. Anthony, .Matilda joslyn Uage. rtev. oiymiaa mown, -Elisabeth Boynton Ilarbert, I'txebe W. Conslns. Sarah Lanadon Williams, Sarah J. Wallls, Toledo, Ohio May field. Cal. I.iura Rose Wollcott, M. D., Catharine .V. F. StebMns, Abigail ScoU Dunlway, Milwaukee. Wis. Detroit, Mich. - Portland, or. RESIDENT CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTbh'. Sarah Andrews Spencer, corner TIU and LI streets, Washington, D. C. Ellen Oarke Sargenl, - Washington, D.C.I MORNING STAR RESTAURANT, Cor. Washington and Second Sle. G. C. RIDER.. .PROPRIETOR runts "vp.u Avn nm-iv-iMitM . . . '9 mw open for the reception of guests. Tne tables wfll be impptled wfththe best tbe '"'' uurus, at tne hm lowing rates : Ptr'wickb - Day'IIZZlZI "ZI 12 lH 2) Meal Tickets SS T. A. ItlBRIDC, Attornoy-at-Law, Office In Monmuites' Brick, First SU, Portland. 6-18 ADVERTISEMENTS. POEM. author Is a fitting frontispiece. The subject ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Ernestine L. Hose. - London, Eng. - Germ in town, Pa. San PrancJseo, Cal - . Vineland, N. J. - Janesvllle, Wis. - Keosaque, Iowa Oregon, Mo. - South Norwalk, CU Newport, ft. I. - Florence, Mass. New Ipswich, N. 11. - Ellsworth, Me. - Brattleboro, Vt. - Pougbkeepsle, N. Y. Benton Harbor, Mich. Toledo, Ohio - Green Castle, Ind. Watseka, 111. Kauon, Minn. Neutral Station, Kan. Omaha, Neb. Colorado Springs, Col. Silver City, -Nev. - La Grande, Or. - Richmond, Va. Kings wood. West Vs. - - Cadiz, Ky. - Colombia, Tenn, - Baltimore, Md. - Aiken, S. C Fernandlna, Fla. Sarah Pugh. Kiisabein n. seneneic, Lnelnda B. Chandler, -Lavinia Goodell, - Janet Strong. - Annie it. Irvine, -Rev. Anna Oliver, -Mary F. Cbanntne. Julia B. Hunt, Caroline 1L Barr, Ann i. ureeiey, Lydia Putnam, Helen M. Loder, -Mrs. C. W. Church, -Ellen S. Fray, Mrs. J. II. Parker. Clara Lyons Peters, name m. niie, Elsie Stuart. S.S. Stilson, jiary snietas, Mary Sweetaple, -Lucinda F. t-roebstel, -Hannah MeOnlstnn. Elisabeth A. Brown, - Elisabeth II. Duvatl, Naretsea Watson. Jane DuBols, wsruia iscnonetd, Abby C. Fisher. - Agnes Julian, Wary llnckard MeCarty, Madison Station.Ala. Mrs. K. ootheea, - Holly Springs, Miss. - Aurora.ua S'.'V.""' " sew oneans, ij. Mrs. L. C- Locke, - Dallas. Tex. ci ik uncney, Helen IL Holme. Mary B. 1-ost, Mrs. A. H. H. Stewart, Bmeline B. Wella. Ubeny, Ark. - Washington, D. C Cheyenne. Wy. Ter. Olympla, Wash. Ter. Salt Lake City. Utah, llockessln, Del. AShevllle, N. C Elizabeth Jaetson, - - South Bend, Ind. New Yotk - Pnlladelpblo, P.i. Cbteago, III. COMMITTEE: Mrs. L. C Smith. - Rochester, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. Waehlnglon, D. C. - Dee Moines, Iowa New York - New York Maquoketa, Iowa - - Dover, N. II. n. AueiaMe rnomgon, Harriet Purvis, Belva A. Lockwood. Annie C Saverv. Lsusan A. King, iieien ii. cooke, Nancy R. Allen, -Manila M. Rlcker, Ruth C. Denleon Koslna W Parnell Mary Shadd CaYv. - Washington, D. C W. J. QUtNN, MERCHANT TAILOR. Stark street, between First and Seeoad, PORTLAND, OREGON. SUITS MADE TO OKDEB In the Latest Style, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. 421 A. C. WALLINC, Book and Job Printer, SMITH'S BOILDLNG, TJP-STAIRS. Corner First and Ash streets, Portland, Oregon. Work done at REASONABLE RATE3. 2-3J