i i ii aa $c Urn foxfym&l FRIDAY. .FEBRUARY 8, 1878. HOMENEWS. Jesse Shepherd will mve anotlier grand concert on Suurjay evening next. James A. Ward will be the reoipteut ot a lustier) l baiuruay evening at -Sew MarKutinwter. Mr. J. J. Wallace, the popular char aeter aetor, sailed for San Francisco lust atifHlay ou tlie "Adoou." Rev. Mr. May's lecture Sunday even Iok at tlie Uetb Israel Synagogue was well attended, lie liundleu Ills subject, "The Intlueuce of Education," in an able manner. Mrs. Dr. Burr is buildlnc up an ex- teuttive practice in 1'ortlaud. She is of the Homeopathic School, anil Is the only lady physician of this order in the city. Adherents of Homeopathy would do well to consult her. "Little Eva," who has been the prime attraction at the Xew Market Theater in Uncle Tom's Cabin durinr the week. is the daughter of Mrs. Trengrove, of uh Ilert dramatic troupe. Tue child is but six years old, yet she performs the part perfectly. An organization called the "Willam ette Bridge Company" was effected in this city last Saturday for the purpose of constructing a bridge across the Wil lamette from the foot of Oak street to a point opposite. The capital stock was placed at $150,000, In shares of $100 each. All orders sent to O. R. Hamilton, agent of IbeCbiekering piano, Portland, will be promptly attended to by Mr. V. L. Lancaster, a practical man late with Cliiefcering & Sons, Boston. Send in your orders early, so that you can be at tended U on Mr. Lancaster's regular trips through the country. Mr. Frank G. A bell, of San Francisco. has reopened the photographic rooms of Boeeo and Megler. First-class work of all kinds at greatly reduced prices. Children's pictures a specialty. Cloudy weather the best for photographs. Cards, three dollars per dozen; Cabinet size, five ami six dollars per dozen. Mrs. Dr. Murray, who has already be come a prime factor in the medical Hue In our midst, has added a new luster to her fame as a disciple of Fsculapius by extracting a large tuinor from the body of Mrs. G. W. Cary, of this city. The patient, who was in an exceedingly crit ical condition, has entirely recovered. Miss H. Menefee has opened a sample store and agency for the purchase of la dies dreee goods at the corner of Fourth and Yamhill streets. She receives 100 satnnies monthly from London, Paris, and New York, which ladies are invited to eall and examine. Twenty per cent, can be saved by purchasing goods at this agency. Last, but by no means least In the line of professional women, comes our own Dr. B. A. Owens, an Oregonian out and out, who lias builded up, first a competence and then a medioal educa tion through her own efforts, and who Is now a successful practitioner of the first order. Thus one by one are the citadels of the skilled professions being sapped and ruined by the efforts of fem inine genius, which is destined to halt at no obstacle, and be content with nothing short of joint possession of the entire domain over which joint domin ion was given by the Architect who created man male and female. We learn that the "one more unfor tunate" who died last week from the effeetsof drunkenness and debauchery at St. Vincent's Hospital, was taken in and eared for by Mrs. Boggs, as an act of charity, after tlie poor creature had been left to die without the aid of priest or jiersou. Mrs. Boggs keeps a lodging house, and is a bard-working woman, who, we are told, does not deserve the censure east upon her by tbe city press, the New Northwest included. It is not the province of this journal to wrong man or woman. The tatter's way, if compelled to struggle for a livelihood, is hsrrd euough at best, and the blessed truth is always bad enough about even tbe best of both sexes. Tbe excellent Weber piano used bv Jesse Shepherd at his wonderful oou- oert ou Sunday eveuiuc is the nronertv of Professor Prentice, who makes the sale of this splendid instrument a spe cialty in uis large &nu rapidly increas log business. The tone, power, and eownase of this piano are simply mar velous. As you listen tojue soft, ex quteito harmony that wells from it in rippling melody, hearken to the musi cal thunder, now loud and near, and again feint and retreating, till the rum bling melts away into tbe echoing and tar-oft air, you wonder which is most worthy of praise,, the human anomaly whose performance is a mystery, or the man-made Instrument whieh seems to possess a soul. If you want a niano co and see Prentiee. We are sorry to note the slim audi ences of the past week at New Market Theater. Monday and Tuesday even ings tlie old but popular drama of "Un cle Tom's Cabin" was rendered in fair style. Weduesday "Uncle Ned" Deuvea received a benefit, one, we regret to say, which was not of a. very substantial na ture. On this occasion three acts of "Uncle Tom's Cabin," followed by a mechanical contrivance showing tbe maneuvering of the ships "Alabama" and "Kearsarge," and the sinking of . the former, the whole concluding with a laughable farce entitled "The Happy Man," constituted a good entertain ment. Next Saturday evening Mr. Ward will be the recipient of a benefit, when tbe Irish drama of "Iushavogue" will be presented, in connection with other attractions. The mystery of melody to which the fortunate holder of tickets for Jesse Shepherd's grand concerts is treated Is not to be decor i bed on paper. You can only feel It in the soul. Mr. Shepherd claims to produce the marvelous music of the spheres, to which we listen as If J""0', through the medium of spir itual inspiration; but it matters not to us as to whence It oometu or whither it tV ,ti?f..f,,,,y Indescribable.- Un der his skillful manipulation the piano becomes a thing of iife,or, rather, of many lives. It gives a solitary note of warning as a prelude, which is an swered back by a cballeoKe ia rulu. bliog bass, followed by sharp, explo-ive utterances of melodious defiance that soon briug on a musical combat to which you listen with closed eyes aud eurantured senses. Tbe walls seem tn ne! I away, tbe roof vanishes, piano and performer evaporate in tbe mists of your imagination, and you are ready to forget that you are mortal. Then comes forth suddeuly the warbling melody of a vocal' opera; aud now, before your mental vision sits, not Jesse, butPatti, Nihsen, and a dozen of the renowned vocalists of the long ago. It is tbe art of centuries, culled from Italy, Greece, Germauy, Turkey, England, and France, uuu uruugui in one uouod human vol ume to our very doors; and however sceptical the world may be as to its origin, do one denies its Inspiration Mr. bbepherd will remain but a short time on tbe 1'aoiue Coast, as he has Im portant engagements among tbe Euro pean nobility, before whom he baa often given concerts. A CARD AND I'KOSl'EtTII.S. Having opened a free Intelligent Office, for Hie purpose of aiding and assist! ng newcora ers to our Stole by all possible means at my eom- nuiil, where are kept files of all leading news papers puMlsbed In Oregon and w asniogton Territory, I bave also determined to establish a land Journal, to be called "Tbe Oregon and Washington Land IteclRUrr the object of whleh is to brine Land Owners and Ileal Es tate Acenu Into closer oommu,nieaiton wnn the thousands of Immigrants who are arriving In this city with a view to the ultimate pur chase of lands. It will be printed In regular newspaper form, eigbt-page, 12x18 Inches, and will he devoted solely to the purpose for whleh It M established. The first edition of &JM cop ies will be issued about tbe Wlh or February, 1S7S. and as often thereafter as the Influx of immigration demands. Descriptions of larms and other property for sale will be condensed to occupy ten lines (71 words) or lew, and will be charged for at tbe rase of one dollar each. It ts more than probable that from twenty five to fifty thousand people will be added to oar population during the spring and summer of 1ST. Nearly all Immigrants who come to Oro and Washington Territory land first at Portland, and wilt receive aeopy of this paper. as It will be distributed gratuitously. It will therefore be tbe best possible means ot bring ing lands, and other property, for sale to their notice. Descriptions of property for sale may be written oat in fall, giving character, location, terms of sale, and all advantages of schools. churches, roads, etc, which will be editorially condensed to tbe required space, and the letter numbered to correspond with tbe description, and filed In my office for reference. No charge will be made for sales arranged through ibis agency tbe only foe required being one dollar for each description Inserted In the "Land Register," which mast be forwarded with the description. It may be sent In silver by regis tered letter, or by postal order at my risk. Correspondence on all subjects connected with the development of al! portions of tbe State and Territory respectfully solicited. I keep a register In my office In which anen teral the wants of all parts or the State and Territory for laborers, mechanics, merchants, etc, which Is open to the free Inspection of newcomers. Notice of soeh wants respeetftttly sollclled. All matter Intended for pahlicaUon In tbe "Land Register" mast be written on one side of tbe paper only, and be In prior to tbe first of February, 178. All descriptions of property for sale will be Inserted in tlie order ot their arrival-tbose coming first on tbe out side pages. Believing that this publication will be greatly to tbe advantage of both buyer and seller, I respeetfttlty solicit the patronage of the public Address all communications to me at Port land, Oregon. I. If. STEARNS. Portland, Or, December S. KS7. DR. WARNER'S IMPROVED HEALTH CORSET. A TWTIMOMAL OP A I.EADINO PHYSICIAN OF PORTLAND IN KBOAKD TO UK. WARNlUtto IM PROVED HEALTH COHORT. Nothing is more Important for Ladles, single or married, In regard to health, bodily devel opment, preservation and protection, than a good fitting corset. In the selection of the first corset for a young lady, tbe physician ooght to be consulted, and a lady, single or married, should wear none but those recommended by a thoroughly qualified physician. A bad fitting or too tight laced corset Is often the cause of early decay, curvature of the sntae, heart disease, consumption, falling of the womb, hardening and total destruction of the lacteal glands, cancer of tbe breast, miscar riage, congestion of tbe bruin, epilepsy. Ills, and dyspepsia. This, I think, shows clearly and distinctly bow important It Is to select a good corset. A married lady, with a bad cornet during pregnancy, suffers bell torture, and gives birth to a sickly child. To my knowledge, there is but one corset which I can recommend, and this is the only one which a mother should select for ber daughters and a lady should wear. Dr. Warner, a physician of high standing and reputation, has, after a long and careful study. Invented a corset which combine util ity and beauty, and in wearing Ibis one a lady will avoid all the bad cooaequences liable to be produced by any other corset. Mrs. M. A Warner, Third street, near Morri son, Is the general agent for Oregon, Washing Ion, Idaho and Montana, and I heartily rec ommend thesn to ladles In need of an excel lent comet. R. F. PRICE. M. D., Physician. Sargeon, and Accoucheur, 1W First sheet, Portland, Or. miis. it. a. owns, yi. i). OfBee and residence, east side First street, be tween Yamhill and Taylor. Special attention given to women and children's complaints. Also, gives Mkdicatbd Vapor Baths, com bined with Electricity, In treating rheumatism and chronic diseases. S-Xf BV The National Gold Medal whs awarded to Brad ley A Rotor son for the best Photographs In the United States, and the Vienna Medal r the best in the world. OS Montgomery street, San Francisco. SEW THIS WEEK. REMOVED. DR. A TOHU HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSI clan, has renoved to corner Ash and First streets, over n antlers irac store: entrance on Asn street, umce nours rrom jvhiiza.x, 1 to t p. m ; and 8 to 83) r. u. 7-n VALENTINES! VALENTINES! J. It. GJXL As CO.'S, 75 First Street, 7 WIIOI.nSAI.K AND RETAIL. PHOTOGRAPHS TA K EN AT DAVIDSON BROTHERS' Are of tlie t ooatltr. best style, ami best finth, and Use NEXT IHKT thing Is that their prices are low. GALLERY Corner Pint and Yamhill street, 1 PORTLAND, OREGON. ! O. CON KAY A CO, DYERS A J D SCOURERS, 171 Second St., between Main and Salmon, Portland, Oregon. T ADIES'DRESSBS.CLOAKS.MANTILLAR I i and Damask Curtains colored In the best stvlc liovfc and Men's elothlns efeauMl and dyed, and prices reduced. Cleaning gloves, 25 cents, ah wora warranted. Goods not called for within three month will be sold to oa v excesses, and any Articles damaged or lost by fire we will not hold our selves responsible for. MISCELLANEOUS. BLACK SILKS, CASHMERES, And New Novelties In goods: Lately received. Also, RUBBER WATERPROOF CLOAKS AND LEGGINGS, Direct from the Eastern Manufacturers, and marled at prices mueb less than usual rates. We would also direct attention to our FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT! Now well supplied with FRINGES, GLOVES, TIES, DRESS A TRIMMING BUTTONS, C JRSSTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, RUOHINGS, BIBBS, Etc., Bte. 3IOONEY -So MOXE-EY, FIrtSt.,bet.YniiitiHl and Taylor. 6-e THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR JOSEPH MANN'S SELF-HEATING FLAT IKON! SAMPLE STORE AND AGENCY FOB.- LADIES' DRESS GOODS, MISS IL MBNBPBB, Agent, Corner of Fourth and Yamhill streets. PORTLAND OREGON Ladles can save 20 Per Cent. By purchasing Dress Goods at this Agency. Mnw Menefee receives One Hundred Samples mommy ni me latest Myies irom j Mi dori, Iaris, and New York. PRICES : Ladles Fine Linen Oollars...from 11 to R eta. Ladlex' Fine Linen Cuffs M to 4et. Ladles' Linen Curls, In Sets... fill tn7Scts. titles' nne uouon nose a to mots. Ladles' Fine Wool Hose " to Mot. Mlsses'Wnol and Cotton Hoe " 3 to -Wets. Misses' Fine (J loves " J to Sorts. Ladles' Fine Gauntlet Gloves 4 75 to SI W A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of other Dress Goods, Trimmings, etc. etc, at equally low pnses, now on nanu. SHrRillc.Batin.Wool and Cashmere Goods at extremely low prices. MISS II. MENEFEE. Agent. IE. 33 1WE O "XT SL Xj Pf OONSBQURN'CB OF HAVING TO RE move to the Corner of Aili nntl I'lrt M recti, WK WILL Close Oat the Entire Stock BOOTS AND SHOES Opposition Boot and Shoe House, Coruer First mid Stark Ntrceti, AT Auction PriccN! FOR CASH, WITHIN THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS! Call and secure bargains. i:. caiiai.iv. is It Is a Well Known Fact that tbe Has tlie largest and finest-selected stock ot BOOTS AND SHOES Ever offered on the Paeirlc Coast. C1AI.L AND EXAMINE THE LARGE AND j eleeanl stock Jnt received from California and tne rsasi, eoastsiing oi nne iiuuis anu SHOES from all the FIR.ST-CI..1SS MAXl'FACTDHKIW. Goods will be sold at THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. COULTER & BEST, So. 105 Front Street. J'ortfand. PIONEER WOOD-YARD, Foot of Yamhill street. JULIUS SOREJsSEX. ALL KINDS OF WOOD, Sawed and nnsawed, constantly on hand, ami a delivered to anj pan ui iuc CURLS. SCLOT1I TNVITES HIS OLD PATRONS AND THE A Public generally to call at nil NEW BUTCHER SHOP, Washington St., one door cast of Third. n. u. rex, jr. i. sSnt "d I'ce-Corner Morrison and Offlce Hours Promlp.it. to 7 p. except .. -.jj A. JS. UiUK, 6-13 MISCELLANEOUS. FLEISCHNEB, MAYER & CO., Front and First streets, bet, Ah and A, Importers and Wholesale Dealers. FAIil SEASON. Mb MAYER HAS MAIIB VERY EXTEN rtw furehaMMofa lull llneof MILLINERY GOODS, Direct from the Manufacturers and Importers Inw York. Our Stock will consist ol the latest styles and shades of JTentlici-w nnl riumen, French Flowers, Hats, Shapes, Ribbons, Main, Cros Grain and Fancy, Silks, Velvets, etc., etc., Te which we Invite the attention of the Milli nery Trade or Oregon anu atuingion leur lory. Berne lb only Wholesale House In the State Importing MILLINERY GOODS direct from New York, we will be prepared to offer extra Inducements to our Friends and Patrons. NO CURE, NO PAY I TAR. JAMFS KECK, LATE OF AURORA. III., lakes nleasure In makinir the follow- lag Announcement to the A filleted : Tie will give a FREE TRIAL of a SORE CURE for CATARRH. No cure, no pay. Con sultatlon on all chronic and private diseases FREE and strictly confidential. Dont fail to see tbe Doctor, llemember thnt procrastina tion Is the thief or time, money, and health. Tbe Doctor Is visiting all the principal towns and cities on the coast. Due notice will be given of his arrival In each particular place. lie will alM Give tree lectures upon tue cure or diseases and other topics during his stay amone you. Medicine sent to all parts of the country, and all proper luestlnns answered tnrongn tne mans, immow are me auiuonzeu statements of a few cases recently treated for Catarrh. Portland, Or., Jan. 30, 1S78. n. Jasieh Keck Dear Sir: I hardly know how lo express my gratitude for the relief af forded me by three bottles of the "Sure Cure tar Catarrh." I had suffered with the disease for fourteen years, and your medlelne has anally cured me. W. F.GILKY. Mlt.WAUKIK.Or..Jan. IS, 1378. Dr. James Keck Drar Sir: I am now better than I ever ex peeled to be. I have had Catarrh all my life and suffered beyond description. I am sixty-nve years oiii. iinveuseuiiveoouics of the "Sure Cure." and feel that I am nearly cured. 1 would recommend all to try this "Sure Cure." May l,ol bless you, Doctor, in your good work. CATHARINE MILLElL MIL.WAI-KIE, Or., Jan. 22. 1S7S. Drar Dr. Kkck: I am glad yon came to Oregon. for I thought I must die with consump tion till yon began to treai me lor huiitii, which I have had all my life, and whleh I In herited from my mother. There was a hole eatan through the cartilages of my noe; my nealtn, every way, was uau in tue extreme, with pains In my head, and general debility. I noticed a radical change alter using the first bottle. The pains ceased In my head, my breath grew sweeter than for years, and I bad no bad taste in my moutn on rising in uie moraine. I have used three bottles of the "Sure Cure." Never could have believed such a change possible. I a-ivlse all auiieieu wnn Catarrh to attend to It at once. The "Sure Cure" Is rightly named. All may rely upon Its menu. Yours lor success. iiosk JtL iiur.it. Thoie nersons wlshlnir to be relieved of chronic disease In anv form will never regret consulting with DR. JaMES KECK. Auuress, with two stamps at ronianu. u re mit. 7-W FAY & MANNING, TEALEItS IN GROCERIES AND PR0VIS- XJ ions, Fruits and Vegetables, Corner or Third and E streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. We return our thanks for the liberal patron m received, nod would announce to our pat rons utul tli a ruihit ifmiarullr that. In addition to our prent location, we bave opened a rrancn store. CorncrTIilrtccntli nml It f reels. PORTLAND, OREGON. W.CJOlINiOX. F.O.M'OOWIf. I.A.MACROM. JOHNSON, M'COWN & MACRBM, Attornoyi and Counselors -at-Law, Will Practice In all the Courts of the Stale. Loan Mad nn TtiMLsnnahle Terms. Collec tions, Including Rents of Portland Property, promptly maue. jiosiracts iiiiuimni, Ileal KkiAip loused. Ilouzlit. and Sold In Mult nomnh and Clackamas counties. Particular Attention clven to business In tbe U.S. Land umce, uregon utty. Otnces Jionnastes' uneK, rirsi sireet, run land, Oregon, and Main street, Oregon City. BARBER &. NICKLIN, tlEXTfSTN, (Successors to J. II. Hatch J No. 100 First street, Portland, Oregon. NOTICE. rriHE UNDERSIGNED, IN TAKING LEAVfc I of Iortland. returns his sincere thanks foi tne liberal patronage that has been bestowed, anu wouiu oespraa tor ins successors a contin nance ot tne some, uoin un. uaroer .nick ltn are eentlemen In every way worthy of any confidence that may be placed In them, and as soeh X can conscientiously recommend mem to my lormer menus anu patrons, a-if J. H. nATCH. CAPLES & MULKEY, Attorney i-at-Law, Room No. 3, Odd I'ellown Tliillilliig, -ITTILL GIVE PROMPT AND PERSONAL it attention to ousiness intrusteu to uieir eare. j. it. DO LP II. k. a liEoxAcau. Jos. elMox. C A. S0LP1I. DOLPU. BIlOSACGn, D0LPH A SIM 0.1 Attorriovi-at-Law. ODD FELLOWS' TEMPLE, PORTLAND. 3-tOtf JNO. M. DALY, Attorney-at-1, aw, DALLAS, OREGON, ILL PRACTICE IK THE DISTRICT AND w ITnlfetl states tuuai. vw DR. C G. GEASS. Office Corner of First and Stark street, over E-Cahalln's boot and shoe store. omce Houri-ioa) A., to I p. ir.; and 6:30 to 70 r. jr. MISCEIJiAIvEOUS. FISHEI. & ROBERTS, Leading Clothiers and Hatters, Corner First and Alder afreets. PORTLAND..- -OREGJN WE MEAN ITI TTAVING PURCHASED A FINE STOCK OF CLOTHING from a Large Importing and Manufacturing House (about to retire from business) 40 PER CENT. LESS Than Actual Manufacturing Cost, we are ena bled to sell CLOTHING for Less Money than it was ever before offered in this State. Our Stock Is Complete In Every Detail, Prices Low, and Quality of Goods of a Su perior uraue. OUR HAT DEPARTMENT Is nnder charge of a PRACTICAL HATTER, And the Stock Is Now, Frosh and Stylish. OUR MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT Will always have the best of attention AND A GOOD FIT WARRANTED. sa-Glve us a call. FISIILL A ISODEIITS, Corner First nml Alder Streets, (Strowbrklge's new Building.) 33 SINGER SINGER S I Sewing Sewing Sewing CER Machines ! Machines ! Machines ! GREAT GREAT REDUCTION! REDUCTION! These popular Machines are now sold at greatly reduced prices. Call or send for prices before purchasing any other. Machines sold on note or lease, and a liberal discount for cash. THE .NI.VtJf'.R 3fra COJU'AXY, WILLI3 a FRY, Manager, Corner Pint and Yamhill streets, Itnrtlaad. 7-1 A Complete Pictorial History or the Tlnif,." The best, clicniM",!, nml moot succci rut Fnmlly I'll per In the Union. Harper's "Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. NOTICES OP THE PHEHS. The "Weekly" Is the ablest and most power ful illustrated periodical published In this country. Its editorials are scholarly and con vincing, ana carry niucu weiKtiu ii musirn tionsor current events are lull and fresh. mid are ptepared by our bet designers.! Louisville Uouner-journai. iiartM-r-i weeaiv" snoaiu ue in every rani1 II v ihmuehout the land. as a nurer.more Inter esting, higher toned, belter Illustrated paer Is not Hibllsueu in tnis or any outer country. lunmmerciai nmirun, iMmuu. Th. "UWklp" la the onlv Illustrated naner of the day that In Its essential characteristics Is recognizea as a national jmper. luruumju Eagle. Terms i Postage Free to all Subscribers In the C. S. Hahpeb8 Wbkkly, one year $1 00. tt 00 includes prepayment of U.S. twinge by the publishers. Subscriptions to, "Harper's Magarine," "Weekly" and "Daiar," to one address lor one year, J 10 00; or, two of Harper's Perioillcnls to one address lor one year, $7 00: postage free. An Extra Copy of either the "Magazine," "Weekly," or "llaiar" will be supplied grails lorevery ciuo ot rive auoscnoera oi 5-1 w cucu paid for by one remittance; or. Six Copies, one year, without extra copy, for ISO 00. Back Ncmhehs can be supplied at any time. The Volumes of the "Weekly" commence with the year. When no time Is mentioned, it will lie understood that the subcrlber wishes to commence with the number next after tbe receipt of bis order. The annual volumes of "Harriet's Weekly." In neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, rrwi of exnense. nrovlded the frelchtdoes not exceed one dollar, for $7 00 eaeh. A Complete Set, comprising twenty-one volumes, sent on receiptor cash at tbe rate of it 60 per volume, freight at expense of purchaser. Cloth Cases for eaeh volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on re ceptor t (Meach. fndexes to each volume sent gratis on receipt or stamp. Subscriptions received for Harper's Periodi cals only. Newspapers are not to eony this advertise ment without the express order of Harper liroiners. Address HARPER A BROTHERS, nlS New York. NEW LINE OF STEAMSHIPS BETWEBX SAN FRANCISCO. AND PORTLAND. THE P. C. S. S. CO. AY flLL HEREAFTER RUN A LINE OF steamers regularly Del ween SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. Passcnrjcr Accommodations Unsurpassed Cabin S7 do-Steerage S 00 Kreignt per ion I- uu. For further particulars apply to 6-14 J. MeCRAKEN A CO., Agents. NEW FIRM. riHIE UNDERSIGNED TAKES .PLEASURE X in announcing to the ladles of Portland tnat she has Just opened a new Jlllllnerj- and Fancy Goods Store At the old Portland Bakery stand, corner of Fourth and A streets. Having had a good many years' experience In the East both In 3iiiiinery anu lrressmacing, i wocm respect' tullv solicit natronaee. sxr Cutting and fitting done tn tbe Latest Style. MIIS. 11. .M. DliAI. T-ll mrs. m. n. KAItniCK, Manufacturer of ALL KIXD3 OF HAIR. WORK. Any article of Hair Jewelry made to Order. OLD HAIR RENEWED. CS AH work promptly executed on reason able terms, raironage soiidteu. 7 Salmon St., bet. First and Second. 16 Fresh Shoalwator Bay Oysters ALISKY A. HECELE'S PBEHIUJI GAXDT M1XCFACT0UT, First SU, bet. Alder and Morrison. 5-35 MISCELliANEOUS JUST PUBLISHED, A NEW ILLUSTRATED POEM "In with you, man !" Pel'tiab said. "You'd better try to earn your bread Than like the birds to bill and coo ! Twill do for them to sigh and woo, . For they have nothing else to do." DAVID AND ANNA MATSOi By .A.liprUl Scott Duiii-wnj-, Editor "New Northwest," Portland, Oregon, - WITH BEAUTIFUL ILLUSTRATIONS, AND ELEGANTLY BOUND A new epic, from a riaoroas and skillful pen, on a subject which occupies a large place in tbe social discussions of the day. Tbe subject is taken from Mr. WhlUier's short narrative or "Da vid Matson," with whleh tbe reader hi probably familiar. David Matcon, a Merrlmac sailor, waseaptured by the Algerlnes (during one of bis voyages) and sold Into slavery. After many years he obtained release and was on his way to tbe home of his boyhood, when be'fell In with his old employer,' who Informed lilra that his wife, believing him dead, had remarrid, and, stunned by his trouble, he surrendered all elalm as husband and father to the man who bad stepped Into bis place, and departed. Mrs. Dunlway has aaund a tlie me In this story with which her heart beats In warmest sVmpathy, and her lines flow on In the smeoth cadence In dicative or the fullest accord. She pictures the gentle, tender, trustful Anna and the wily, eov etous Pelatlah In vtvkl colors; and how years of poverty and longing, and the cries of the bun gry boys,eompelled poor Anna to yield to Pelatlah's Importunity, "Itlse, rejotee. My poor, nn mated dove," sakt be, " And look henceforth for love to me." A tittle further on he says: " Become my wife and you shall be Made happy through prosperity," Wlillv, If she persists In declining bis advances, wolf-like, be threatens to abandon ber to star vation and eohl. And this Pelatlah was a "deacon," " In exhortations deep and load." Tbe wanderings of David, his captivity, release, hapless interview with Pelatlah, discovery ol Anna's second wifehood, and his sad going back to Algeria, are all told so pathetically that our ieellngs ai e deeply en rioted. No one, with any im sentiment, can read tbe poem without be ing thoroughly stirred. The illustrations are In admirable keeping with the passagei they are designed to portray, ami a One engraving of tbe author Is a attlng frontispiece. The subject spirit, Are and passion of the poem should give It an extensive reading, aside from tbe interst wnleh the literary reputation of the author ranst awaken in it. As a specimen of book-making tbe volume Is certainly beautiful, and would adorn any center-table. We know ot no work so well adapted as a present. It Is printed on heavy tinted paper and most beautifully bound, price, !4 60; full gilt extra, $2 SO. For sale by book-sellers, or by mall, iot-pald, by S. R. WELLS & Co., Publishers, 737 Broadway, New York. CONSTITUTION OK National Woman Suffrage Association. Article I. Tills organization shall be called the National Woman Suffrage Association. AHTtCLE!: The object of this Association shall be to secure " atio.v A I. protection for women citizens In tbeexereiseof their right to vote. AhTicLE S. All dtlteiiKor tli e United states sotHtiblngtothlConstitution,and contributing not less than one dollar annually, shall be considered members of the Association, with the right to participate In its deliberations. Ahticle f. The officers of this Association shall be a President, a Vtce-Prettdent from eaeh of tbe stales and Territories, Corresponding and Recording Secretaries, a Treasurer, an Execu tive Committee of not less than Ave, and an AdvlsoryOomralUee consisting of one person from each State and Territory. ARTICLES. All Woman Suffrage Societies throughout the country shall be welcomed an auxiliaries; and their accredited officers or duly appointed representative shall be recognized as members of the National Association. OFFICERS OF THE N. W. S. A. FOR 1877 AND '78. PRESIDENT: Cl.ESiE.Ncr: S. Loiiek, M. D., 93 West Fourteenth street, New York. VICE-PRESIDENTS : Lucretla Mott. - - Philadelphia, Penn. Elizabeth Oady Stanton, - Tenany.N.J. Clarlna I. II. Ntefaols, - Pomo.CaL Amy Post. ... - nocnester.i. 1. Mathilda Pranceske Anneke. Milwaukee. Wis. Amelia Uloomermer - Council Bluffs, Iowa Virginia L. Minor. - - SC Louts, Mo. Emilv Robinson. - - - Salem, Ohio Julia and Abby smith, -. Glastonbury, Ct Catharine U.Knowies, - oaureenwren, ii.l Annie C. Cheney. Mary Powers Fllley, Lucv A. Snowe. North Haverhill, N. IL Rockland, Maine - Guilford Centre, VL Ann Arbor. Mich. Sarah M. Ijrnde, Olivia II. Hall, Mary II. Williams, - Fort Wayne, Ind. anran Jiacneii otevciisvii, ji. f-. vmiwsu, Sarah Burger Stearns, - - Duluth, Minn. Helen M. starret. . - Lawrence, Kan. Julia Brown Bemls. - - Omaha, Neb. AlldaC. Avery, M.D., - - uenver.uoi. Hannah H. Glapp, - - Carson City. Neb. Harriet A Louchary. - - Amity, Or. Sally Holly, - Lottsburg, Va. Kmny 1-oiiocK, - - neeiing, Annlii I. Oninhr. - - Newport. Ken. Elizabeth Avery Meriwether, Memphls.Tenn. Mrs. A. B. Sweartngen, Glavniont. Del ljtvtnia i uunuore. Baltimore, Md. Elizabeth Oakes Smith, Hollywood, N. C Charleston, S.C Pllatka, Fla. Atlanta, Ga. Hunts ville, Ala. Summit, Miss. New Orleans. La. t rances Anne I'liisoury, Flora McMartln Wright, Marv J. SDauldln?. Mrs. 1'. Holmes Drake, Annie II. Hamilton, -Elizabeth L. Saxon, j int. v. i". unver. Little Rock, Ark. Martha Goodwin, Tunstall, Crockett, Tex. (Proline It W'lnalnw. M. 11- - WashlnctOn. D. C. l-.siner 3torns, - - uiniiaHuu, j. Mary O. Brown. - - Seattle, Wash. Ter. Annie God be, - - Salt Lake, Utah Ter. CORRESPONDING Isabella Beecher Hooker, - Hartfonl,CLt.mma MoOoj mien it.Nnefunn. Washington,!). a Laura De Force Gordon, uaKtanu, uai.iuiroiine 11. spear. FOREIGN CORRESPONDING SECRETARIES : Laura Curtis Bullard, RECORDING SECRETARY: raille Devereux Blake, 103 East Fllty-finh street. New York. TREASURER : Ellen Clarke Sargent, 1,J De Sales street, Washington, D. a EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE : Susan B. Anthony, - - Rochester, N. Y. .Matlkla jostyn uage, - rayeueviiie, 1. 1 ill 1 t II .4.1 r..rUIr t t Elizabeth Boynton Uarbert, Evanston, III. PtKebe W. Cousins, - - St. Lours, Mo. Sarah Langdon Williams, - Toledo, Ohio Sarah J. Wallls, - - Mayneld.Cal. Laura Ross Wollcolt, il. 1)., JIllwauKee. wis. Catharlno A F. Stebblns. - Detroit. Mich. Abigail scolt uuniway, - ronianu, ur. RESIDENT CONGRESSIONAL COMMnTEE: Sarah Andrews Spencer, corner 7lh and LIRuth C Denlson, streets, Washington, D. C. Rosina W. Parnell Ellen Clarke Sargent, - Washington, D.alMary Shadd Cary, - DANCING ACADEMY, In Centennial Block, on Second street, be - tween Morrison and Yamhill. Adults' Classes Monday and Thursday even ings. Children's Classes Saturdays at 2 p. jr. Private lessons given. Schools to begin from date. The"01d Professor" will be pleased to see his friends on Saturday evenings. 7-9 GO TO THE AURORA RESTAURANT, Northeast cor. Front and Alder streets, The only place in Portland where you can get A GOOD SQUARE MEAL For 25 Cents. 35 ADVERTISEMENTS. THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE : Ernestine L. Rose. - Loudon , Eng. Gernianlown, Pa. - San Francisco, Cal. - Vlneland, N. J. - Janesville, Wis. Keosaque, Iowa Oregon, Mo. Sooth Norwalk, CU Newport, R, I. - Florence, Mass. New Ipswich, N. II. - Ellsworth, Me. - Brattleboro, Vu - Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Benton Harbor, Mich. Toledo, Ohio Green Castle, Ind. - - Walseka, 111. Kasson, Minn. Neutral Station, Kan. Omaha, Neb. Colorado Springs, Col. Silver City, Nev. - La Grande, Or. - Richmond, Va. Kingswood, West Vs. - - Cadiz, Ky. - Columbia, Tenn. Baltimore, Md. - Aiken, S. C Fernandlna, Fla, Sarah Pngh, - BiizaDein n. enrsos, LucindaB.Cnandler, Lavlnia Goodell. - Janet Strong, - Annie It. Irvine, -Rev. Anna Oliver, -Marv. F. Channing. Julia B. Hunt, Caroline IL Marr, Ann 1. ureeiey. l.yaia mtnam, Helen M. Loder, -Mrs. C W. Church, Ellen S. Fray, Mrs. J. IL Parker. Clara Lyons Peters, name u. wniie, Elsie Stuart, S. S. Stltson, Mary F. Shields, Mary Sweetaple, -L.uclnda F. IToebstel, -Hannah MeQnlston, Elizabeth A. Brown, -Elizabeth If. Duvall, Narcissa Watson. Jane DuBoVs, 3ianna t-cnooeta. Abby C Fisher. - Agnes juimn, Aurora, ira. Mary i'lnckard MeC&rty, Madison Station, Ala. Holly Springs. Miss. Mary S. Mann, m! D Mrs. L. C Locke, Vila New Orleans, Id. - Dallas, Tex. liberty, Ark. - Washington, D. C Cheyenne, Wy. Ter. Olympla, Wash. Ter. Salt Lake City, rjtah. Hoekesstn, Del. Ashevllle, N. C. Ella Cheney, Helen IL Ho): Mary B. Post, Mrs. A II. II. Stewart, Emellne B. Wells, Elizabeth J act son, -Mary D. P. Taylor, SECRETARIES - Sooth Bend. Ind. NeV York; - Philadelphia, Pa. Mathllde F. Wendt, New YorklJane Graham Jones, Chicago, III. Mrs. L. a Smith. - Rochester, N. Y . Philadelphia, Pa. Washington, D. C. Des Moines, Iowa New York - New York Maquoketa, Iowa - - Dover, X. H. M. Adelaide Thomson Harriet Purvis, -Bel vtk A. Lock wood. Annie C baverv. Susan A. King, Helen M. Cooke, Nancy R. Allen, -Manila M. Rtcker, Washington, D.j; w. j. qdinn, . MERCHA N'T T Al LOR. , ! 8tark street, between First and Second, PORTLAND, OREGON. SUITS MADE TO ORDER In the Latest Style, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. 14 A. C. WALLINC, Book and Job Printer, SMITH'S BUILDING, UP-STAIRS, Corner First and Ash streets, Portland, Oregon. Work done at REASONABLE RATES.