KM. a. J. BCHIWAV, Kr Bd ProprXWr rriCB Cor Fbst W.HIHOTO -WaKETa One year.... month TSrec minllu 1 7S .16 ADVEB 7S KfK NTS Inserted on Reasonable Terms MARTHA MARBLEHEAD: fat VaM aa4 Mltf rrhcbalea. BvMb.A.J.DCNIWAY, ACTHOK OP "JCDITH RKID," "MlXMX BOWK," 'AI AUD HESET I.BE," "TH HAIVT HiHE," "OX E WOMAS'S SPHEaE," ADQE KOBUSON," ETC., ETC., ETC. Eoterrd.aooocdlnj; to Act of Congress. In the year 1877, byJtm. A. J. Dunlwai . In the offlee ol the Librarian of Congress t Washington Cltr-l CHAPTER XXML Colonel Augustas Marblebead wms not pleased. Tbe position he held liefore the public required the sustaining of a considerable degree of domestic dignity, and it was not soothing to his feelings to have a grass widow, his own sister at that, as an inmate of his lioufe. Not that he so expressed himself to his sis ter. Had he done so, that individual, as innately proud and seu-Hive as him self, would have left his home at onee, even if she would have found it neces sary to dig ditches for a livelihood. But a man rarely wears a cloak of graoious ness lo screen the inner selfishness of his nature from the observation of his wife. "I'd like to know what yon and sister Mat are up to!" he said, gruffly, ad dressing the partner of his joy and sor rows, whom be had onee considered a sort of diviuity, as though she were a very ordinary mortal indeed. A tear in Mattie's brown eye and a slight tremor In her voice betrayed Iter agitation, for she was not used to being harshly spoken to, and this was a new departure for Colonel Marblebead. "O, Gus, darling, you can't think what a mart r Martha has beeu ! She's been w rouged m every conceivable way, ami now I'm determined to stand by her aud see fair play." At Huh the Colonel smiled grimly, and the little woman assumed an atti tude of virtuous defiance, which became her finely. Marriage had improved her vastly. Indeed, I think a happy marriage is more conducive to real beauty than all the cosmetics and arts known to the best moitittt the world has ever pro duced. A pure, true, and reciprocated conjugal love, that runs so smoothly that even the rougher surfaces of life, over winch it moves, awaken uo ripjrfe upon its current, will cause the eyes lo sparkle, the cheeks to glow, and the lips to ripen with happiness, while the glad voice will ring with melody. Reverse the condition", and the cuverseof the proposition becomes an axiom. "(Jus, I don't believe you're phased with me one hit." "Why ?" "Because your smile's m grimace, and your voice is hard." "Well, pet, you muani he angry, will you ?" . "How should I know ?" "Then, to come to the point, and talk nlainlv. I think it will not do at all fur i Mrs. Jones to remain an inmate of our house " "Now it's my turn to say 'why?'" "Because we have a reputation to maintain, in keeping with the dignity of our position. It will not be pleasaut for me if the world of society discovers that we have a grass widow in the fam ily, who is my sister." "Don't you believe she's a worthy woman "Certainly I do." "Would you be ashamed to coonte uauce her if she were not your sister?" "Ob, no. It would not be the world's msiiiess then." Is it any concern of the public, as it Twould make against my re-elee- lini,." ' Colonel Augwttut MarbMtead ! W "ild you be willing that the world o il know bow selfish you are?" '! ie diguitary grew uneasy. ;o you value my good opinion?" ' e was astonished. .Vhy dou't you talk 7" ' because I've nothing to say. I've otiou of being bored by poor rela ! i s. I have enough to do to look after iuy -elf. I never had anything in my oily what I earned myself." Sut thai doesu't release you from a il obligation to assist your sister, has been robbed by laws for which alone are responsible, of all the ' tugs of her life, thus far." 'hat's not my aflair." it ought to le." " he f.ici , . ,.l ,i ' ustmnct atll, wjfe aH , per. lite law rwvtnnU I oi.i (McHMOand. . , . .. wKai m, nave beeu in better luck " "Augustus Marbl.hemdi rf , - and I iove of my o,,.ln t It-but I'm tuhamed of you. w ,ldut dare to go before the w,.rl.i a confess the narrow selfishness, even ' iur weakest-braiued efaum, that you lie here admitted la me. Neither ' J you have been induced to say i a thing to me if we bad not been married. Don't lower yourself in my estimation, I beg. I wouldn't think ill ot you for the world, but you'll compel me to if you dou't staud by your sister. You ought to be ashamed of any law that recognizes and enforces such bar barism as you have described. Were I a man, I'd never rest a minute till all such oue-sided justice was repealed " "Well?" "What?" VOLOTIE VII. "What would you have me to do?" "Allow me to Install your sister In our house as our houortd guest and friend. We are in a position to place lier in the best society, and help her to getau hon orable release from the bondage that has withered awl warped her very ex istence." "Ami would you thus feed the tongues of gossips?" "We can by tills means best still thera, dear. Do you think the public is ignorant of the fact that she is your sister?" "1 think she is very little known." . "Ttaeu you are very tnueh deceived. The private history of all persons in public positions becomes . public prop erty." "Then I dou't want any public posi tion." "Again you make me ashamed of you." "Dou!t talk that way, please." "Then don't give me cause lo do so." It was fort ii nn te for thee married lovers that tlie door-bell rang ami vis itors were announced, else I sliould lie compelled, right here and now, to ohrnnlele their first quarrel. But Colo nel Marblebead gained his point. Men always do in such eases, for the might is theirs. There was something In the appear ance of one of the callers, wIhi gave Ills name as Martin Page, that teemed to the Colonel strangely familiar, and lie was not surprised to hear his wife say, when formally Introduced: "I must have met you somewhere. I don't know but I have dreamed of you, sir." Yet lie did not express his own opin ion. Evidently be had good reason for considering the Intruder a stranger. "Are you recently from the East?" he asked, in a careless way. "No. lam a fbrty-niuer, just in from the Salmon River mines. Curue to see you on Important business. Should like a private interview." Tlie little wife took the hint and po litely excused herself. Entering Mar tha's room, the guest chamber over head, am) throwing herself eareleasly into a chair, she exclaimed: "Sister, I believe the very atmosphere of this bouse is bewitched. I'm sore I'veseen the man in my dreams who Is in the parlor nw holding private confer ence with (Jus. and his visit bodes no good to you." "Do you mean that little fellow, with black whiskers and overgrown joints, who came up the walk a while ago?" "Yes." '-'Deend uimiii it, sister mine, you are right. Hi- visit is Intended to have some reference to me. Tom Jones sent him here." "How do you know that ?" "By the disagreeable way that the very thought of him affects me. I am sensible of u shuddering, shrinking sen sation whenever auybody from Tom's atmosphere enters my presence. No matter if I cannot see them, I can feel their presence all the same "But w hat does Tom want of you 7" "A divorce." "Of course you'll grant it." "I do not know." "Don't be an idiot." "He may demand a divorce upon a false charge. In that case I will resist it to the bitter end." "I wouldn't." "Well, we're foolish to be arguing thus concerning that of which we really know nothing. I dread to meet that fellow, aud yet I know I must." While the two were thus engaged in conversation, sure enough a summons came for Mrs. Jones, who obeye!, with flushed face, thumping heart, anil flash ing eyes. "Mrs. Jones, allow me to introduce Mr. Page, from the mines, who wishes a private word with you." With this Colonel Marblebead with drew. "That disguise Is useless, Captain Johnsou," said Martha, calmly. "Dyed hair and whiskers do not change one's form or gait." "Don't expose me." "No danger of that, sir. I'm only too glad to get you out of my sight. My brother would have you arrested In stantly if he recognized you. What Is your business now Would you like to act the go-between 'twixt me ami some body else, to see if you couldn't fleece some one who hasn't yet encountered your clutches ?" I came to see if you would peaceably bva t r ..... . i " r- ii in" 1 1 1 iMiiininiiir tsrnmiivu i..i x ii "I want nothing to do with you, sir." "You'd better not talk like that, ma'am. I have it in my power to in jure you more than you know, or tbink." "As to that, sir, men have had me ami miue so loug in their ower that they can hardly harm me more than they have already." "Will you MMv llMf WTma u w you .re wlllll,B ? I bav-. do it rms.,T "It would be better for you if you wouiu name certalu condiilnii. ti. uoi, u., a uwi man, Mrs. JSues came here to befriend you." ... i . a .. . , , A in I 'Then I may well exclaim, may i ueaveu save me irum my mends." "Now, madam, dou't talk like that ike that, I favor. I Marble-, tRu,i,ii . when I only want to do you a trumped a story for Colonel head's delectation that's about as wide POTtXLjVIVr), OREGON, FRIDAY, .TVIS'TTVXtY 11, 1878. of the truth as he's devoid of philan thropy. For I didn't want him to know me. My business is to say to you that if you want a legal separation, and God knows I don't blame you, you've hut to sign this document, agreeing to the con ditions proposed, snd in less than tiiree months you will bs a free woman. There will be no publicity and no scan dal." To be free from bonds that were ut terly repulsive had been for years her one ambition ami the reader who baa followed her fortunes thus far cannot blame her for the aspiration. Rut it Is strange, knowing this man Johnson as site did, and having had so little cans to trust and honor men, because of all her sad experience, that slit was not more wary. She glanced at the paper, ami, after a moment's hesitation, willingly affixed her signature, which was duly witnessed by the man's accomplice, who had scarcely simken during the call. "Remember you are to keep your own counsel concerning my Identity. I have good reasons for remaining incog." "And I have good reasons for desiring your arrest. Hut, upon condition that you are to get me the dlvoree, aud re serve for me the custody ami control of my children, I will waive all prior claims upon you, ami abstain from pros ecuting you as I ought. You know that my brother overheard all when you made that nefarious bargain with Thomas Jones to nib me of my city home. If I did not price liberty above gold or rubies, I would turn you over to the authorities. As it Is, I will let you tiff. Rut how soon a in I to be free?" "As soon as I can return to Washing- ton and manage the affair projierly.1 That night, before he slept, the wily Captain had written to Jones, giving a detailed account of the interview. "She signed the paper without a pro- i greatest iionipaiidceremonies, banquet test," he wrote. "Of all unsophisticated ! ing and rejoicings of the populace, fool .,, creation, a woman is the worst " After the men had gone. Martha held , leiB of leI1,,wr u, proficiency ol learn a long counsel with her sister-in-law, in jug, and she by her beauty, modesty, which It was agreed that tbey should , and accomplishments. They were as- not trouble Gus with the facts in hand, I T?UJ I'l'T , , , . , . .... , kept a miuiatiire court. But In four because of his burdensome duties in he- , ,, .fu.r m,rriBKe ,he imvilih hall ol I lie eommonwealtli, sucn duties being none other than the occupying, for three or four hoars dally, a revolving . , , ., . . . i.i t ehair, elegantly upholstered, witli i ifroi. umii h imiiusume imrpei niiru ujr elaborate spittoon "Majolr MarMeiiealf pert was resolved henceforth to abide in tlie retired shades of tlie Chehalem farm, and spend his I Sundays in the little church, where be I had formerly been an oracle. Rut this purpose did not suit his ambitious! spouse, who returned to Washington to wage a crusade in her o-vu way sgainst the enfranchisement of her si-ters. A woman of fluer sensibilities, who had met like reverses, would not iiave cared to expose herself to the criticisms of the society she had outraged, but Mrs. Marblebead was equal to any emer gency where stolid impudence was the principal requisite. The care of her son's children was a matter of smallest moment, compared to the schemes she had in hand i.,.1 .. ..... ..,J - - " pi.u ti,. i . ,i. n..ji.i the black hair and whiskers he had as sumed for his visit to Martha at the j home of her brother restortJ lo their natural pulu color, Mrs. Marblebead mere was there before him, as ready for intrigue as when, years before, she bad caused the marriage she was now pre pared to annul. Thomas Jones had a uew Federal ap pointment. Tlie comparatively new Territory of Montana had beeu receutly districted, and be had received a com mission as one of the judges of the Ter ritorial courts. "Let tlie divorce go till you get to Montana, ami then you can manage the allair eveu better than here," wag the maternal suggestion. Meanwhile Martha, now that her step-mother was absent, aud Gus was the custodian of ton much dignity to af ford her further shelter, had returned to the home of her lather, on the Cheha lem, where she applied herself assidu ously to the work of educating and rear ing the deserted children of her pleasure-seeking lord. This was a great relief to Colonel Marblebead, who did not know that the whole community was discussing him, and that, try how he might to disguise the fact of his olose relationship to a grass widow, the jHibllc knew all about It, aud censured him, by common eon- sent, for Ills neglect of his wronged aud meritorious si-ter. So it wax that Martha Jones nee Mar blebead once more took up the line of unpaid drudgery uion her father's farm. The younger children of her own mother, for whom she had toiled so faithfully before aud after her unfortu nate marriage, had scattered from be neath the home tree, and she bad uow the care of her father, who, soured, dis pirited, ami almost skeptical, went mut tering about the bonis, difficult to please, cross to her children, and troubled with rheumatics. A year passed, leaving her with occa sional gray hairs in her temples, aud a front tooth missing. There were lines In her forehead, too, aud nn uumlstaka- ble drooping of the shoulders. Her step was listless as the step of one who has lost nil i,na . in , , . for anil 3 ' l ii... B" . oue was doomed to be aroused Fbee Speech, Free 1,hhs, "Phee People. from her apathy. It was near the close of an autumn day, and she was busily engaged In washing the supper dishes, when the postman came, bearing a let ter that had an official look. Upon opening it her eyes were riveted to a document bearing the court seal of Mon laua, declurlug her divorced from Thomas Jones, and her name changed to Marblebead. The news was too good to be true, she thought. Such luck had never come to her before. But, on read ing further, her heart stand still. "You are to yield the four children to the care of their father, who will semi for them at onee. Thejgedurt decides that the father hub el r hi Have them ready for the journey by the fifteenth proximo." "Have them ready to go where f 0, my God ! I'd rather drown theiu than give them up!" she exolalraed. Then, with dry eyes and nervous tle meiuor she weut about her duties, feel ing that hope was dead aud eXectatIoii a disaster. (To be contlnned.l Catherine of Arragon. There is scarcely u character in Eng lish history around w hich more of In terest clusters than Catherine of Arra g.n, the first wife of Henry VIII. And tlie one who gives his attention to this lady's uohappy story, yield her all the more of his sympathy, inasmuch as her misfortunes did not come upon her through any fault or indiscretion of her own. Her name stunds pure and un tarnished beside that or her profligate husband. Catherine was the fourth daughter of Ferdinand of Arragon and Isabella of Castile, whose names are lnseMruhly .linked with that of Columbus, thedis- .ui nf A inartpa fll llur UftuAfltll ynf WHJ) UIIte( niarrlage with Arthur. Prine of Wales, son of Henry VII. Her youthful husband was but a boyol foil rteeu.aud same mnnthsyouuger than herself. Their marriage was cele brated at St. Paul'l Cathedral, amid the bridegroom suddenly died, and Cather ine was left a widow while yet barely fifteen. r. i ! 1.. t 1.11. rtlier various iwvimiiuiiih, hi muii Henry VII. nmnajpl to make a good bargain with the Spanish monarch, Catherine was promised lu marriage to Henry, Iter brathur-ln-law. now heirap parent to the throne. Henry was much younaer than herself; ami us the mar riage could not be solemnized until he had completed Ills fourteenth year, she was retained during the years ol wail ing as a homage of the good faith of Spain. A few years mterward Henry reached that age, when his first act was to enter a protest in due form, "that be had neither done, nor meant to do. any thing which could render the contract made during his nonage binding in ! law " This his father, the king, ex- ! his son or all previous obligation, that the contemplated marriage might be entered into with their own free will ami accord. But historians seem to thiuk that its real object was, by mak ing the marriaee wmi mu-vrlnln. to I 'l" t,,e Sr"U,i k,mt to s,""Hlt ... uiphi mUS )u i.tiuiiii i 1 " V ',,v ew . . ik wan ins iiniii lainerine nau oeen 1 seven vnm wi,inu ....... i,,ir I twenty-five years of age, and Henry nearly eighteen, that they were married. Henry VII. hud in -aiitime died, and Catherine's husband was now king, styled Henry VIII. Their coronation immediately followed their marriage. In 1522, thirteen years after the royal marriage, A line Boleyn, a young and beautiful woman, daughter of Sir Thomas Boleyn, who had been a niuhl of honor to Queen Claude of France, was admitted into the household of Cather ine in a similar capacity. Says Lln gard : "Her French education gave her a superiority over her oompniilnns; she played, aud danced, ami sung with more grace than any lady at court, nud the gayety of her conversation, with her vi vacity of disposition, attracted a crowd of admirers." Klug Henry speedily became one of these. But Anne was as discreet as she was fair. She could not be his wife, and she would not be bis mistress. Months and years rolled by, and still found the maiden obdurate. Theu Henry begun to consider whether it was not possible to annul his former marriage, lie pre tended to be suddenly seized with scru ples about the propriety of his marriage with Catherine, since she had been the willow of his brother. He applied to l'ope Clement for a divorce, or for a de cree which should annul bis marriage; but the 1'ope perslsteiily refused to grant either decree or divorce. Catherine protested against the course of her royal husband with all the dig nity lieeomlng n queen and thednunhter of a king. But finally, in 1633, King Henry, finding his apieals to the l'oe all in vain, took upon himself the re spoiislbillty to declaro his former mar riage null and void, and contract a mar riage with Anne. This marriage was privately ierftirmed, knowing, as the king well did, that it would bring a storm ujiou bis head when It should lie come known. Parliament afterward, hy the direction of Henry, recngnUed the marriage, while Crammer officially de clared thut Henry and Anne were and had been Joined in lawful matrimony. Queen Catherine was already ban ished from th- court, and forbidden to ...... I 1 1 t... ... . I. !...- ... ii..,.,lionsbe..i)ei.lvdlsranl.l..lvnntfi'r iu " 'M?r """"try. Two sped herself queen ami lierilauguter princess until tlie ilay ol Her death But if Queen Catherine suffered cross wrong and injustice, she was amply avenged In theeour-eof time. She died January S, 1530, ami iu less limn four months she was followed to the grave by her successful rival. But their end was very different. Thedlvorced queen died peaceably iu her bed, while Anne Boleyn was ueueaueu upon mo scauoin, probably for the three-fold reason that she gave no male heir to the throne, that shehad arouse.1 the jealousy of her .royal husband, and that, fuithermore, I he was already ensnared by a fairer lace. OUE WASHINGTON LETTEE. To the Editor or the New Northwest : Tli ere la no day more interesting, in some respects, In Congress than that on which adjournment takes place, aud Saturday last was no exception. Though many of the members had left for their homes, yet enough remained to conduct the closing proceedings after the same manner of preceding adjournment days. In the House Mr. Wood endeavored to secure adoption of the resolutions lo in vestigate the workings of the executive departments. But as he had not a ma jority, in consequence of the absence of so niativ of his noliticul brethreu. the 0H'W".Jj)abllenslateriKisel dilatory m- tlotis and then relnsed to vote upn". them, thus showing the lack of a quo rum.. It was a queer spectacle; a legis lative I tody constructively without a quorum, ami yet nearly one-half its members were sitting mutely in their seats. From twelve toufter three o'clock this dumb show continued, aud then the Democrats conceded themselves beaten by agreeing to let the resolutions go over till January 10th. This brought the usual rush for assage of private bills. But the House was not in the temper for transuoling business, as a uiotiou to adjourn was soon carried, though a score of members were on their feet excitedly trying to secure action on their "little mutters." It Is not till the day of final adjournment that such little matters can be put through, as then everybody is too sleepy from the pro tracted sessions preceding or too much discomposed from other causes to pay sufficient attention to what is going ou to eveu enter an objection, which would bar the passage ol any bill, no matter how Important. The Senate hsd so completely subsided that it reached an adjournment without u delay or a de bute. Monday found our city in all its accustomed quiet of the recesn, for hardly a legislator was left to disturb our peace. The mild and beautiful weather of this week has been improved by our people in busied preparation for the hol idays, now that all national matters have beeu settles! by the solons at the Capitol prior to adjournment. Our shops have put on their gaiety attires, and anxious parents and expectant young America throng our streets from early morning till lute at night seeking after Santa Clans kuick-knaeks ami means for Christmas enjoyments. We are not fur enough removed, as yet, from old slavery times to forget or lose that pe euliarsaiietity which attached to Christ mas in the Southern States. To the slave Christmas week was the one great epoch ol his life, to which he looked forward as his only Elysian. He could endure the .-tripes and hardships of fifty one weeks without a murmur, providing the fifty-second week brought him th usual round of festivities, which always characterized tlie end of the year among the slaves. Old and young, freed and bondman, universally devoted Christ mas week to pleasure-seeking, and he was a hard master, indeed, who dared "C' Work ffm M" ',,aV, ,,Ur,"B U,h wniN. Master auu mistress, save in the rarest exception, laid aside their . - , . .. customary dignity and became wit n esses, aud often sharers, of the negroes' pleasures, which were uninterruptedly pursued day and night by all upon the plantation uutil New Year's day came, bringing with II the inflexible rule that tlie slave must begin his work ou the first day of the new year. Then his fun was over, though the Northern laborer claims it as a holiday. While cam paigning in the South during the war, we were struck with the deep hold which Christmas week and Its jollities had upon the mind of the slave, and how he seemingly forgot the hardships of to-day, or of weeks, or months, pro vided be became his own master during Christmas week. Tlie whole week was Christmas to him, as he knew neither duy nor night during its continuance. For several years after the wur we were thrown iu official contact with the freed man iu the South, and everywhere we found these Christian customs, aud in them saw one bright spot, at least, lu the institution of slavery. In them all hardness was tost, and the slave stood to his master precisely as the child of the North to his parents. Cus torn gave the bondman full release from his bondage, aud the muster removed every burden, assisting with his means, that the slave might have no bar to that exquisite enjoyment which only a slave could experience. He could impose cruelest tasks upou the slave at other seasons. But he had to face u strong (Hitdh) sentiment when he attempted to curtail the slaves' holiday. The new secimeu silver dollars, of whleh Senator Jones presented two to President Hayes the oilier duy, are ex ceediugly perfect ami beautiful pieces of workmanship, surpassing in sharpness and finish ally coins ever struck in this mens have been made, each of the same size and weight, 412 grains, and con forming lu device aud iuscrlptlou to legal requirements. The most marked chauge from the old dollar Is the repre sentation of "Liberty," which, instead oi a sitting figure, is a large, sharply-cut female head, in one wearing the hair confined in a cirolet, on the front of which is the "Liberty," and Iu the other wearing a loose cap, wreathed with grain ami flowers. Bath bear the leg end "Iu God we trust," one in old, and lsxrarBEit i'. the other in modern English text. Upon the other side of the coin Is a spread eagle, the motto "E Pluribus Unum," the thirteen stars, United States of America, aud denomination of the coin. The eagles hold arrows aud olive brauches in their talons, and a wreath of oak and laurel encircles the lower portion of the coin. Only a very small number of the dollars have beeu struok, and these are only specimens, but the demand for them from collectors Is very great, ten dollars having been refused for one. They have not been accepted, ud It Is not certain, even should the pending measure for inflating sliver coinage become a law, that these de- Ur a wouiu ne ntially approved, though .bo fnJlcatlou areatrong.'Y fr iW . reotlun. Feux. Washington, D. C, Dec. 21, 1877. Women's Bights in Law. THE PBOFKKTT AUD OTHKR BIOHTS OF WOMEN IS THE UNITED STATKS. In Maine a married woman may be come possessed of real or personal prop erty by bequest, demise, gift or purchase in her own name ami as lier own prop erty. After marriage she still retains the custody of the property owned by her ueiore marriage, auu the same is ex empt from liability for the debts of her nusuand. She may sue in her own name to re- oover back lier separate property. in tile event of tier death without a will, her properly, real and nersoual. descends to her heirs. She has full iiower to make a will. which requires three witnesses. lu rvew Hampshire a married woman can hold property iu her own name, sue and be sued, and can disioe of her property by will, and in cise of her death without a will, her husband is excluded from any share in tier estate. A will requires three witnesses. Iu Vermont a married woman is en titled to tlie same lights of property as iu New Hampshire: Wills require three subscribing witnesses. lu Massachusetts a married woman may hold property separate from her husband without the intervention of a trustee. A deed conveying land to a' married woman must be recorded withiu ninety days of its delivery, or the laud will be liable for the husband's debts. Auy murried woman over tweuty-one years of age may diswseof her properly tiy will, provided her husbaud's consent is endorsed on the will in writing. If the devise is to her husband, his consent is not necessary. Wills must be signed in presence of three sutiscrlulug witnesses. Ju KlMHie island a married woman Is entitled to her separate estate, which is not liable for her husband a debts, nor can He control the use of IL She may dispose of il by will iu presence of three subscribing witnesses. In Connecticut tin wire is entitled to ler separate estate which she owuel tie- fore marriage. The proceeds of a.iy property granted t her after marriage are held by the husband as trustee for his aud her children, ami his executors must account fur the same. Wllb the consent of her hustiand she may dispose ot uer proteny uy win, wnicii must lie sigued in the preseuce of three wit nesses. Iu New York a married womau has alisolute control of her separate estate, aud is entitled to demand a conveyance of any property held In trust for her, provided sue lius a lee simple estate lu the same. She has a right to deposit money iu a bank iu her own name, and draw out the same hy check. A will requires but two attesting wit nesses. In New Jersey the separate nronertv of the wife is uot liable for the debts of her husband. Wills must be signed iu presence of two subscribing witnesses. In Pennsylvania theseparate property of any murried womau, owned by her iielore murriage, or wnicii sue lias be come the owner of alter marriage, is free from any liability except for her own debts, and tbeu not until the credi tor fulls to obtain the amount of debt from the husband's estate. If. however. judgment is obtained against the hus band for the wrongful act of the wife. the creditor must first exhaust the wife's sejwrute property before he can levy on tlie iiusoamrs. Wills must be in writing and signed by the testator, or by some one at his request, and must be tiro veil by two competent witnesses. in Delaware the wife's property is liable for the debts of the huslmud, un less certain legal proceedings are taken to prevent such liability. Wills must be iu writing, ami signed either by the testator or some nuo at his request, and must be proveu by two subscribing witnesses In Mary lun.1 the wire's property, by late enactment. Is protected from levy ami sale fur the debts of her husliauil. She may make a will, with the consent of her husband subscribed to it. Wills must belli writing, signed either by the testator or some one at his re quest, aud shall be subscribed iu the presence ol tlie testator oy ui least tnree witnesses. Bv the law of Virginia a married woman's property is subject to the debts of her huslmud. By the law of West Virginia the sep arate estate of the wife is uot responsi ble for auy but her own debts. Wills lu both States must be written, and signed by tile testator in tlie pres ence of two competent witnesses, who must subscribe to the same. In North Carolina a woman's separate estate is not liable for the debts uf her husband. Wills must lie written, signed by him or some (lerson iu his presence at Ills request, and shall be subscribed by two witnesses present. In South Carolina married women btve no right of properly, unless con ferred upou them by aule-uupliai settle ments. Wills must bo in writing, signed by the testator, or some one for him, In the presence of three subscribing witnesses, all of whom must be of full age. Iu Georgia the lands' and personal property of the wife become the property of the husband, so that be has complete control over them. Wills most be In writing, and signed by the testator, or by some one In his presence at his request, and must tie Bub-oribed by three competent witnesses, By the laws of Texas all property, K JoarnalforthePeople. Devoted to the Interestsof Humanity. Independent In PeUtles and Religion. Ulve te all Uve Issues, and Thorough!? Had leal In Oppoalog-and Exposing the Wrongs ot the Hastes. OaneapondeatawrlUng over assumed situa te" out make known their names to tb Editor, or no aitenUon will be given to their communications. blro r8oral- longing to a woman Trr,BB8 "nu after mar riage to have a separate estate, and not lluble for her husband's debts. ilia must be iu writing, sKDed by the testator or some one for him at his request, and must be witnessed by two persons of legal age in his presence. ...... 0r,.lltt. "'"f1 women are en titled to all the property owned by them previous to marrioge, and all that they may become possessed of after marriage --. iii iuus u iii writing, signed by the testator, or by some oue in his pres ence, and must t-e attested by tbreeooui peteut witnesses, who mut subscribe the same in the presence of the testa'or. The law in Alalia ma as to married women's separate estate is the same as that of Texas. It is uot liable for her husbaiMfs debts. Wills must be In writing, sigued by or Us nuuieone in his pre, inwUn-" Iu Mississippi married women have the same rights us to their separate property as is given by the law of Texas. Wills must be iu writing, sigued by the testator in the presence of three subscribing witnesses. By the Louisiana laws a married woman is entitled to her separate prop erty, which Is not liable under any cir cumstances for her husband's debts. Wills must be signed by the testator in presence of three wituesses, ami in presence of a notary. It may be sigued by the testator, enclosed in an envelope, and then banded to a notary aud ac knowledged by the testator to be his will, iu presence of the notary and seven witnesses, who must all endorse tbeir names on the envelope. Iu Arkansas the separate property of the wife is uot liable for the debts of the huslmnd. Wills must be signed by tlie testator, or by some oue at his request, aud must oe witnessed oy two witnesses, who must subscribe their names to the will. In Tennessee the separate estate of auy married women eauuot be made liable for her husband's debts. Wills must be in writing, signed by the testator, or some one in bis presence at his request, aud subscribed lo by two witnesses. In Kentucky the right of the married woman to her serrate estate is the same as in Tennessee. Wills must Le executed the same as in Tennessee. Iu Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan the separate property of the wife is free from liability for tbe debts of the hus band. Aud wills must be signed by the tes tator, or oy some one at his request, in the presence of two or more subscribing witnesses. In Illinois the wife's separate property is protected from her husband's credit ors by statute. The married women of Illinois ac quired by tbe law of 1S74 the right to do almost everything. They can sje and be sued in their own names. They caa blessed privilege sue tbeir own par ticular tyrants. When a husband de serts his wile the latter has the custody of the children, if tlie hu-laud stays out of tlie Htate a year, au I does uotb iug to support Ids wile dun ig that line, or if he is iinpr:oued in the peniten tiary, the wife can, Uion l.taniing an order Irom a court of r-i iru, man ige his property alwolutely. The wife is uot at all liable for the husband's debts incurred before marriage, and only in exceptional oireumstuuees for those in curred afterward. She can manage any business inde pendently, except in a case of partner ship, which she eaunot enter without her husband's consent. A wife's earn ings can uot be touched by her husband or his creditors. A married woman car. acquire, pos sess, and sell real and personal property as freely as a married man can. This list of abilities Is exjiecled to be largely tnoreased the present year so as to in clude suffrage aud other incidentals. Wills must be executed in the same manner as in Ohio. Iu Iowa, Missouri, and Wisconsin the separate property of the wife eauuot be affected by the husband's debts. Wills must be signed and sealed by the testator in the pretence of two or more subscribing witnesses, who shall subscribe the same at the request of the testator. By the laws of California, Kansas Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, ami Ore gon the separate estates of married women cannot, he in'ertered with by their husbands. Under no circumstances nan they be made liable 'or their hue liatid's debts. All wills must be signt 1 by the testa tor, or by some person ii his presence, iu the presence of two or more subscrib ing witnesses. Troy Tim-. A police insiector b. ing informed that a restaurunier iu his bailiwick was serving game out of season, visits the restaurant iu mufti and infers dinner. "Walter," says he, "can you give me a soluii of partridge t" "Settingly, sir," replha the waiter promptly, and yells to lb- cook, "Part ridge for oue." Tlie inspector finishes his dinner leis urely, and then says to tbe waiter: "Ask the boss to step this way a minute." "What for?" "I wish to notify him to appear in court to-morrow ami answer fur selling partridge put of season." "Oh, I guess It ain't worth while both eriug him about that." "Do as I tell you. lam the police In spector, and have seeiireu tbe necessary evidence against him." "Oh, I spotted you, and guessed what you were after. It wasu't partridge you had." Police inspector (uneasily) "What was it, then?" Watter (cheerfully) "Crow." Life is a collection of little things. Happiness Is not a hu.e package of merchait iise, that can t po.cha.-ed in I bulk at wholesale; it is - .Iber a mosaic firmed of little gems, eat i insignificant by itself alone, but grouped, combined, it becomes attracting ami satisfying. A pleasant smile, a kindly greeting, a considerate deed, an unselfish act, all trifles In themselves, yet aggregate a sum of bumau happiness and trauqull lity that a united family circle would uot exchange for millionaire's wealtnor prince's honors where the warm heart aud gentle hand is absent. The ceneral essential- to 'PP,"'es9 i are something to do, souuiuiog to love. aud something to hope for.