i)t ilcm jilorlljnjwt. A. J. MHVif. A Jearaal for tbs resale. Uevoted ta Ue IsWrmUef Hassaarty. ' ladepsaeeat la rolltm aad Ealigtoa. -Itlve to' alt Uve lseea, aad Tbsevaghly , 0 F FlCst-Cpa. raerv A Wuiimni Irum (.Radical la Oseoslsg aa4 ExKiB( tlx Wroa TRRafa, IM ADVAXCZi of tba Maases. I" l .; Oss fvy I antha Ttrs I T Faaa araaca, Faaa Pasm, Paaa rson-a. OonespeodeeU wrtUag ever smuei slgaa- I tores mast ssake known Uele assies t Ibe Editor, or ae etleatlod wlU be gtvsa lo Uelr ADTEITUtHITnilMrMM f-'-ir mMe TOLUMB VII. tOTlXI-A.Tl, OREGON, rniDAY, DECEMI1EU 8, 1H77. IVTJ3HJEII 15. aanloMloaa. ' , gift jUcrc Ttlcrif;KJt5i. .MARTHA MARBLEHEAD Tbe Rels aaa uetree ef (Milm, - vMM.Ai.f(7SriWAY, ' "AMIS ASS OS By abb," tbb Barry .o, "eaaweuas's SrBBB, ?' ' BBaaT A kA Oa,vma,V.aAa M '.' 4- Eatm4, aeeordiaf la AM ef Coe-tri, ta IB yes UH, by Mr. A. J. baalway. Is tbs sAee si tbeUsceriae (OMMiii WaablagtooCltr.) . The commotioo fa political circles eoeesrulog the alleged ma If ease ace ef Major Marbtebeed would have Indeed ' goos hard villi blm but fur bla tlmsly : resignation. Tbs fact that Mrs. Mar blebeed bad bean tba raaLaffirndetaJaa went far to aereoo bids 'from the eon' qoeneee of aa aet for wbleb tea, only, could have bean bald politically reepou- .eiotow -... i- .., - The Reaabllceo preae af tha country waa aa alaasoroai aa It waa Jubilant The alleged offender, bcLPg AjDamocral of tba H ecbool, of course every at- . tempt aa made by tba oppoaltloa party U aaa tba fact af bla derelict loo to tba boat adveatogc To aaaa publla clamor, tba Major waa obllgad t lay tba reader- keewe, II really beloBged, aod . tbla losDlred tha but erceosef -cm eltloo to woman'e equality before, tba taw who A3 oca iongsa-ror opportunity to give aspraaaloa Agaloet lb Ida of wemao'a eofrenebleement - Martha Jooaa hm Marbiebead bad baaa punning tba a van taoorof bar way with outward-aalai aaaa elaeo tbo do- part a ra of Klogstoa froai bar Portland residence, liar bualoaaa waa progrees lag favorably, aod all eeemcd wall to tba eaaual obeerver, who could know nothing of tba laward fever of tba woa As'e braiay-wha tallad laaemaBtry-wltlF oat tba blaaalag of love to abaar bar la. Ilr.'a nn-hllt -I-...!.. rn. m ... 1. lelaaee,- - ' " ' "' Bar boardara wara aaatad at labia, and tba aaual chit-chat apoaaarraal eeeloty gossip waa batog lodulged oop day, wbaa Martbe'e aldaat llttla daagbUr baaoad la apy tba following paragraph La aa Eaatara aowapapart " "Raoani raTtlatlooa la high alrolaa n Waablpftoa ooaearalBav tha aniiitllty aaa aapiioiij or woman anoaia aarra to aaod tba bowiara for woataa'a aafraa eblaanaaal to tbaabodaof owla aad bata. It appaara that Major Marblabaad, wl.a for aoaaa'tlma paat baa bald an honor a bla and raapooalbla Fadaral poaltlno, tba raaarraetloa mora aaa Id aearoaly raia Dim, ana an aoeaaaa a la wira la diaoov- arad la poeaiatlona whleh wooid bara . aaaua niaa a pnaonar ror lira out ror taa aitaanatlng elrenmatanoa tbataha waa tba real oUaodar, and bad aetad wliboat bla kaowladga.,n ; -- " - Tba child bad read tba' paragraph without at all aoaiprabandlng Ita ataao- lag, and tha elrola at tba labia waa attack dumb with aonaUrnAtlou.. Htnvi waa too nra m regain oar aompoaura. .' . "Bo far from aaalog anything Ilka argamant agalnat tha fraadem of woman la that atartlln bill. Iu bm. una una. peel ad ait or nawa, I ond la It a at mug plan for making woman personally re Z anonalbla for bar ewaMccadllloee." aha mmlA MMMnllv "la It poMlble, Mra. Jonea, tbat yoo would be willing to aaa tha wamea out - . - r-- Thla queetloa cama from a vapid youth la palu-colored hair, and fraeklaa aa tblak aa oa a tarkay'a egg, who bal)ed front merry England, where V Ofaonraalaboald. Wbyaoltrt "waoa AWUoui dutlee of poTItioa are bardeaa too heavy for them la en- aaa oar immoiaiea upon idi aiiar or of-" ' ' ...:-" ' M Iadepandenea f laUrrapUd tba boataaa, a llttla Impatiently. Yoa love women too well to aaa them permitted to make their awa eoolraeta and enjoy tba beneBt of Ibelr owa aarnlnga. Yoa prefer to aaa tiWm aa Irreeponalble ma aaaverera, Ilka Mrs. Major Marblebaad, ft. a . a . m waa caa rarrv oa tbair nrlvata anaaA. Ing with Impunity, well knowing that, wbaa discovered, their Ural beada moat -aefler Ibe eotMeo,senoea." -. -I bada't thought of It la that light Mrfal'tt-' ST aa. I Kaft - -J - "and I dkt not mean to ralea-aa argu meat. anvbow. "I would eve waman,N continued Martha, "beld before tba law, and In ovary cuetom, aa a raepoaeikle lodlvld ual, endowed with right la ee bar Jar Mfluaallva Bf niuiJui mlkr.' eleely aa bar awa ladar aeoaa ahall dle tata, and no mora subject to tba whims or Idiosyncraalee of maa tbaa man la eobjeot la answer for ber freaka af falli bility. I weald make ber legally, aa ' aba cannot help being morally, reepotf elble'for every overt or other aal Involv ing ber husband la any way, la any .f bar ladlvldoaJ eborVcemlng. -I thlak I do not clearly cam prebend yoar meaning." "For IneUoee, thani If Mrs. Martha Jooaa, oooe Ml as Marblebaad, aeoa lit. In lha ahaanaa ef ber basbaad.io d1-t pose of one place of property, tba result of ber owa earnings, and purebaaaaa Other wli tba prooeeda, aad aboald lay bar plaaa acaordl ng to tba best of ber Jadgeaant to further tba latereeU of bar family, I see no rsaeoa why tba oonaanl af Mr. Jooea should bo aeoeaaary to rat ify bar boaeet agraemoat; nor do I aaa flaitJWonwnnmTBf MmioffecrAra bar ooatraota sail aad wold, aod compel bar either to aobmlt to aa aawarraata ale Jurisdletloa, which bo would die rather than eadore for himself, or to go forth pes at lees and la debt, to beg! a (bo atrogglo of ber. life anew,' and aappert bla ebildrea la tha bai-gala. . 'I see nothing la what yoa aay to sat isfy ma that womea should vols," "That, air, beg your pardon, la beeaoae yoa do not know what voting means. don't woodet at It, though. We rarely prise that foe which wo make aa effort, aa highly as wa da that which wo arc compel led to feel the waat of." Bavmadanr.-ir iruvldeorihat Uie effect of womau'a Influence In Congreee and everywhere arouad tba Capitol la demoraJlaiog. - . . Hasn't too paragraph Jaat read la your bearing eipUlned wbyT' f "Ko, aliv Ow-tbr cuuirary, n BBCott aeloaaly gives tba very atrengest raaaoa why ovary woman, aa well aa ovary maa, should be equally free aad equally res poos I bla for their owa -Beta. Why should my father eoffer public disgrace and dismissal because af too evil deada of bla wlfet He baa no mora control aver bar moral or mental make-ep tbaa have yoa or I.1 "Madam," and tba youog aprlg col ored to tbo roots of bla aolu-abadad nair, "i beg yoar pardon. I ba4 no knowledge that the gentleman under dlaoaaaloa waa yoar father, aad the lady your mother else . u9 apology la needed, air. The gen tlemaa la my father, but the lady la not my mother.-She to my fat ber1 e second ife. All I regret hi that she cannot be held legally responsible for iianjowa conduct. If aba baa done aay thing amies la ber haebaixf aama." Other geatlemea bad bMntrvlnsvi rom too beainnln of the conversation. to change the theme; an4-faJJIg, had attempted by andgea, nods, and winks to give tbo new boarder the blot, bat to ao perpnee; and bow the I rath waa out. aad bo fell that bo bad eommltted aa aapardaaabla blender. I beg yoa will aet mind," said Mar tha, kindly .""If I should bever suffer; or.- bad sever already experteaeed, greater wrongs from maa tbaa tba one yoa have aalolentloaally committed, I should bo a bappy woman. But man have, ander certain c edit lone which they called legs!, robbed ae of liberty aad the pursuit of bapploees. "They have taken from mo my hard-earned homeland placed me, at beet, la aa equivocal posltloa. They have made aseT despite my loir, a pensioner opoo the boooty of a maa whom they bad persecuted, aad I am a woman witB'out home and wltboat a couotry, strug gling, wltb my bands lied, to rear aad educate my helpless family, while the maa wba calls himself my bos band awns aad dlapoaaa or my property aa teems good In bla eight, and spends bla awn eeraiage upon bad womea." My dear Mrs. Jooea, yoa shook me. Agala I beg your pardoa, bat la Eng land wo abouUl consider auch a atate meat, coming from a wife, aa moat an- womaaiy." . "Aud ao It U oo aside red bare, air; bat, aafortuaatelr. both la Koclaad aad America ft la often true. Mine1 la not an leolated ease, I assure yea. - MBut, madam, aught act every wom an to have a hatband aad a borne f . I aoppoac ao, air; aad ao ought ovary maa to have a wife aad children. It la poor rule that will not work both ways, yoa knew." J. ... Tbea yoa meat admit tba force of my argument.- If a woman baa a fam ily aad borne, she should Bad ber fort la enjoying them. "But suppose aba baa ao borne till aba baa earned It herself, agalnat almost everwbslmlog . edda. Aad aoppoac. after aba baa earned It, that It la tokaa from ber by the husband yoa aay aba ought to have; aod euppose that hue-. hood baa found a companion elsewhere, aod left ber to herself, to struggle oa alone, aa beat aba may." "O, madam, yoa beg. the qeoailon. There caa be bo geoeral law to meet sx orptloaal easea. ", " . (.. ... "But tberc caa be a universal law to meet geoeral probabilities." " What would yoa have, anyhow f oatdnreoogulse every Inalienable right of both men and Vfomen as Invio late, aad weald bold them eqaally free aod 'equally rwpooaible.- As Ibe law Bow la, the Innocent must often oeffer for the guilty. Aa It ought to be, every tub. would etaed apee Ho owa; bottom. What a erude Wea. It may bo crude, bot It la alee cor rect, air." . . .. -. - "Mamma P ' cried aac of tbo ebildrea. la that eager tone for which delighted or e i pacta n little ones are aoted, "I aae aoalladge coming, aod ageal big toll maa aad a 1st wemaa. Laok.1 It waa Mr. aad Mm. Major Marb teheed. Martha eoald acarely have beea asore surprised bad they dropped from tbo deeds. la the beat of tbo dlocaaalea tbey bad aet beard the eteamera signal gua, aad wooiti not nave looked for tSin. Tti1T they had tward Tbo greellag bet wee a father aad daughter woa excessively constrained aad foraaal. It may not have beea wlee oa the daughter's part to refuse ogolae bar motber-la-law, bat certainly It waa vary ha maa. . Tbey were ushered to tbo parlor, aad Martha returned her boarders, ber eves flssblng. : Tbe'm sal w as fi ui sbad la embarraaa lag alls oca,' and whoa, at last, the last boarder bad concluded bla repast, aad at) additional meal waa ready for the guests, Martha, whose Income would not afford -the Idiury af a cook, would have dropped with wearioeca bat for the eieltemeal that kept ber up. Mrs. Marblebaad, to bar owa surprise, waa more thoroughly bumbled tbaa aba bad ever thought possible. The dsfame tioa of ber besbend through the papers, bad It nt reflected apoa herself, would have been, to ber a matter of trifliog moment, for aba bad. neither regard nor res pact for Mm; but sbe felt tba attacks upon herself with "alt the cruet keenness of ber self-loving nature. Bat for ber pereoool bamlllatlon, aha would have gloried la the alight of bar daugbter-ln law: but aba Beaded a friend at tbla Juncture, and waa resolved to conciliate ber. If . mm i m m wereivf aod fouud Mtrtng tick of a favor. The oonetaut lento! azaltemeot and accompanying physical labor of the paat six mootbs bad done their work at last, and aba foand herself enable to rise from ber bed of su deling for maay lingering weeks. To bava bald out In ber hatred of Mra. Marblebaad, who dismissed ber board era and devoted ber entire energies to promote ber recovery, would have been bard for tbo worst of persona, aad for Martha, whose heart waa naturally fall ef loving kl ad noes, It waa simply Impoe- sioie. Oaly . live aad - bo my friend, -my daughter, aad I will aae what can be done to repair tha wrong yoa have ax perienced," said Mrs. Marblabaad, coax logly; aad Martha, la ber womaa na ture, accepted tba Inevitable, and for fgteTlodlnduiBer: It was long before she waa enabled to bar aeoaatomed-duties, aod WBare-WnKooverffloTeolTynSt move, languidly around tbo boose aod In Is rest herself once more la maa daoe affaire, aba waa doomed to meet a shock which well-nigh epeet ber reason. A copy of tbo Ortponian lay near ber chair, where II bad beea thrown by ooe of the children. Mechanically ehe took it ap, and. glaoead listlessly at tbe ad- vertissments. Why bet cyeo were at tracted to a particular paragraph aha could not for ber life bava told, bat, un der the bead of Bberiff'e Bala," aha aaw that, "to aatlafy a Judgment of Ave thousand dollars, with Interest aad ae- erulBg eosu," that officer of tne law, for waat of other real. aetata la tbe county of Maltnomah had levied apon aad would that day mil at pablw a no tion, at .tae ooei house door, -the right, title aad Interact of Martha Jones lie oeitala promises quo herself, said eale being made to liqui date the clalma of a certain promissory Bote, calling for the above cam af Ave thou mod dollara. Interest aad accruing la, and la favor of Captain J. H. Job neon, agalnat Themaa Jooea, lawful husband of the aforesaid Martha Jones." "Do yoa aae that, Mra. Marblebead ?" aakad the boated and hounded womaa, for whom la all America there waa no underground railroad upon which to fly la eeareb af freedom. Yea, child. But I did not Intend that you aboald see that advertisement," "What good would have come rom keeping It from me V . It would have given you .opportunity to get etrooger before you bad been compelled to know It" "Bat Thomas Jonea baa bo moral right to pay his debts with my property. aboald IblBK be bad . wronged me deeply enough -already, without this last aakladeet cut,' J. : "Tba property af :tKT6tiisTo ber boabaodt my child. - "But thla bouse la not morally mine. The law. doeo not consider that. It eely deale with fasts." "Tbaa law la aothlng but a da I us I oa aad a eoare. But for the lawa of meo, which, la my atopldlty, I have thought iafalllble, I might be, to-day, the char- lehed wife of a maa that Tom wronged aad I have loved. I wonder that ao many womea arc half aa good aa tbey are, el ace their ooly show1 for fair play or endurable existence depends apoa tbo accident of getting aa honora ble besbead. Woe be to theiwomaa who marrlee a monster." ,v . . Don't he BDreasoDabTa, cblTd." "Aod I must write all tbla to. King! 0,Oodt I would that I were dead P ood aba toll fainting e the floor. ... . ffe oe soatlBae4.j ; . It la a serious matter for a brl la aleeL t order ber eredtUng dross. Oeuerallv aba gi vec tbe subject aome eonaidarable attention, aad certainly aha may be pordonea ror ao doing. Royal person ages are of coarse expected to exercise tbeir taste and Ingenuity upoa bridal attire. The irioeea MaieeUea, Queoa elect of kSpeln, la no exception to the rale. The deslgoeoo the iaee which aha will wear at ber wedding are to repre- eat the arme of all tbe royal dynasties wbtch have ever bold away lo Hoaln. Tbo lace artist will have bo light task. This Is the way tbey worked It no lo ooe of the Westera Journals "Finding ipe impossioie, sae tnrew a feather bed out on the around, aod erasnlnr iitecAwa ahlldreaJcapei frcam Ibe aeo-, ood euiry out apa it, did Mrs. lirtgfe. All three escaped unburt." hoc waa a noble woman, to do oo well after Mflod lag eeeape Impossible." oui w-ibhijqtoi irntz. TeruSCnrfoaev vaa Kcai Hoarawaert Both Houses or Coogrees mst la regu lar eesstoa aa Mooday without Ibe proceed log, save the calling of tbe rolL IB, VIIftUIWMV, w, , U V . BliiiV" T4.' ..-al . t . I . - --' averted all customary delaye atteadio the election af 8pssksr or aeatlag oto-l bora. Altar the roll waa called, abort adjourameota ward made lo await tbe arrival f tbe Prssldeofa message, which waa read by tbe clerk to nearly empty bencbaa, and waa followed by Im mediate adjournment. Each legislator seemed more deeply Interested la tbe perusal of tbe piloted copy of the meo saga laid oa bia desk, Ibaa le.llsteolog to tbe monotonous delivery of tbe clerk. Tbe greater number pocketed tbe docu ment and marched to-other quartets. Tbo House would not aubmll to a pro longed at rain upon J is powereof legis lative endurance, banco, after a two hours' eeeelea yesterday, It adjourned over till Mooday, leavlog tbo Senate to d Is boss of subtle buel It .1.- a-.n j tbo rules, or rather tbo day .1.- A.m K- b in tmtmw j w, .a.w - - usually devoted to diaeeesloa aad pas sage of private bills la the House, aad, aa It affords little epportualty for forea- ale dleplayaer buncombe apeecbes, the membora ore generally- aa much In- clloed to adjoura over Friday aa to stay away from thai r desks on Balurdajs wbaa tble latter day la aet aside for apaeob-maklog. Mooday, by tbo rules, to bill day, that to lo aay, aay member aaa introduce a bill without aaklng con cent of the House, wbleb on other daya must bo aaaalmoaa, one bjselloa euf ficlng to preveoi Ita prose nlatlea and refereoeo to a committee, aod we doubt not that the time Intervening will be faithfully Improved by tbo members In preparation for aa Immense addltloa to tbe already large record of bills, which ft worthing e-er 8.W In n'jmbfir. Th7 vote, lo -tbe 8eoato yesterday, flxlng oext Tuesdsy for the consideration of tbe ella,afJtliJujyrisee and alarma tba ror oot one or toem oreameu) tust me . . m . . a . . .a West aad South would be ao nearly aoaolmoua la Ita anpportv or that the bill could command so aeeriy a t thirds majority, Frfende of tbe bill claim' that the vote spoa Ita passage will be larger tbaa that east yesterday. But year reedero may expect o longed debate before o float Issue Is reached, aa tbe East 1a a enlt agaloat tbe other eeetlone la oppoaltloa to their clalma for remonellaatioo of ajlver. The week haa been a aula ooe In Con frees. for authlurlnaccurrsd to cause a rip-.1 pie of excltemeot oatll yaaUrday'a ac tloa apoa the l Ivor bin.' Tbe. House haa tranaacted little business, and tbe Senate atlli less, aa ttaaa aeed vtyttm poratloa from Ita axevaal ve labors ef last week wbleb it baa tokaa through ad journments. Bens tor Cookllbg, la bate la tbo 8eoate yesterday, said It la. likely aa adjooromeal over tbe holidays Will take place before Ibe l&th laatont. Mr. Blaine la agala la bla seat, bot reiuroe apparently not much Invigor ated by bla rustication. Father Time la not dealing gently with blm, but be ay bo made of that stern stuff which baa kept Alexander 8tepbena alive, aad which enabled Parse a Browulow to re tain bla Senatorial aeat for y ears, though afflicted asore oaverely tbaa hundreds wba eoeeamb to the came dteeaaee. - Aa wo looked at Mr.Btepheea Wbea ho waa listening to the reading, of the Presl dent'a mcesege, aittlng la hie wheel chair near the reading clerk, wrapped la bia ehawle wltlj hst on, seemingly a mere anatomy, a veriest ptnen or lire. we fancied that wC owed bio presence alone to the exercise of will, for there la nothing apparently In bla physical ap pears nee to warraat the reteotioo of tail xplrll With llie bo3yTbeyend the Bight, ' Our lemperaaee people have taken a Arm stand against the further aale of liq uors la tbe Hon as aod Senate restaurants, and have caused tbo lotroductloa of a stringent prohibiting bill Into tbe House. Mr. Rahdall took oeeaeioa coder It to diaelalm all responsibility for this eoe ditloo of a Sal re, and threw H apoa Con gress. We will aoon aeo whether a atop caa ao put lo tlppliog la tbo Capitol J Every device la resorted to by come of the members lo get their customary stimulus from the loncb-rooma. A call for a certain kind of lea mesne that Ibe honorable M. C desires a. drink . of blsky,, and too varloee dodges by which the roles are violated equal those of Boston, which, when ander lu law of prohibition, managed to aupport over 1,000 liqooratorea. ., A Strang effort le being made by the ICew-York-bank unto prtnttivr compel alee to secure the destructloo of ibe treasury bareaa of printing, nod eooee queot removal of all printing lo New York. Horrible tales of crime and eed ac tion are Imputed to ibe official! In charge of Ibis bureau, aod If we may believe tbese Kew York perfeetioeieta, tbe later cots of morality etooe demand that tbe Treeeery should cease farther ooaoeo tioa with mooey printing. . ... ' Mora vlllaloooa alaodera eanaoTweU bo eoooetved Ibaa tboae oonoocted by Interested parries .against tbo moral atatae of ear Treasury womea aod lha OfBccis ovtrhrnarTirirainiTytoT CongTseamen, aod whlcfa are la arder toJ gst charge of government printing. We vectors to aae. to defeaao ef ladisa, that there to act a more reputable bod' of employee la tbe world tbaa tbey. Far more honest aad Industrious than tha male clerk a, for oot ooe steals or dabbles la pelKlea to tbo oxciosloa of leg"' work; and with a rigid core exercised to preveat Improper women being em ployed aaaoog them, It Is a great out rage to charge the mam with lieeoUoai LA sea. We knew aeo res of ibe purest aad best ol womeo lo tbla bureau whom pov erty baa forced there to earn bread for tUsm selves aad families. - Fxlixv Washlngtoa, D. O, Dec. 7, 1877. Tira'AiRMY or Dtrpxa axd Victims. A Baa Frauelseo paper saya that no lees ibaa zo.uuumsa live tberc on tbe pro ceeds of stock gambling. Tbe recent turn of about a million la Ophir all comes oot of that poor, blind, aud faltt- out fell a oca upon cliauoa never realliod, 1 but wbleb arreste tbe generoue spirit ol industry and thrift. Block gambling ra no bouest relatloo to tbo greet work of opening up nnd developing the blddeo wealtb of tbe loines or ibis coast. Oo the contrary, it Is a bastard, which, making raise prvteuaiona to tne ngnt to tbe tbroue, eoliats aa Irregular army in i nan.araia.1 raeruiia vm he, lor the most I""' '"" r"7 "7 v way, '" I IhmJf nlu-a ta ha flllatf k their places to be filled by fresh levies from the ranks of the credulous, the covetous, aod tbe si an pis. Ita bard aud erual exactions fall with crueblog weight anon loose least able to endure the tax which tbe broker demands, even i the daurbter of tbe bone lemti bleb erlse for "more, mors P Tbe path along which the ayatem haa tree eled since Ita oraanlxation la marked by tbe red flsg of tbe auctioneer, tbe ate- uea Bag of tbe surveyor ol ibe double track . or bankruptcy end despair, Ho usee and lota, homesteads aod mer cantile establishments, family pictures aod family Jewels, man'a good faun, and woman' booor, are tbe gbaatly trophies which It baa' wruog from lu numberless and ever-loereaaing army or dupes and victims. PuairiED Love All men and wom- sn must lovs something. If our tbougbts are pure wa love birds, llowera, aud all beautiful things, in tbeir ooutempia Ilea ws are baepyi aod theic comes - our bralo o steady strsngtb. It Is such a rest from labor to look apoa the fra grant flowers placed each morolog oo I .. ... . . i evidences of thrift ' ood neatness all about, aa tbese ebildrea of order and systsm reward the aeneee. It le related of a man that he called bla wife, who waa a hundred poonda heavier tbaa be. hie little darHoe his peftfe Pet People emlled ol blm because tbey l Bat.ua- derstana bis actuation tie- held warm, trusting, loving heart, a great. aly love all about toe object of that love, and ao sbe waa bia little pet bia darling. We ore like ehameleooe, ood color as we feed meutally. If we love tbe beautiful, we are bappy. if wa love tbe coarse, tbe vulxar. tbe objeeta or In fluences that el vs no sweet mu'a, Mm ltyyAUBk ? ol;, rfok,i "T1 shrinks Into o boodle of nsilrods to lacerate tbe mental man,- and we are oo e direct i bata beau- liful world tbla. would bejf all pereooa would only ornament lltsirhnn.se aud Ibelr bearta by cultivating aod keeping alive their love for pels, oo matter what taeir form or cooaitioo i John Adams on Womak BcrraAOK. Tbla la what John Adame aald to bla wife by letter, lo 1775, to refereuoo to ber mother's death I . Were Dot ber tat cote aud virtues too much coofiiisd to private, social, and domestic life? My opinion or tbe duties or religion ood morality oomprebeoda a very ex tensive connection with society at large. aod tbe great Interests of the public. Does not natural morality, and, much more, Cbriettea Jbenevoleuce. make It cur indispensable duty to lay ourselves out to serve our fellow-creel a res, to tbe utmost of our newer, la promoting aad op port Cog those great political aystema and geoeral regulatlooe upon which the bapplneea of multitude depend T Tbe benevolence, charity, capacity, aod In dustry wbleb, exerted la private life. would make a family, a parish, or a towu hapny. employed apoo a large scale, loaopportof tbe great principle of virtue, aud freedom of political regu lations, mlgbt secure whole oatlooa and generations from want, misery, and contempt. Public virtues and political aoelillea, therefore, aboald be loeee- sotly chcrUhedJn oucxhlidrsn ", A ml, I we would add, la mi ee la m. Don rstic EcoitoMT. Asthma Take one-half ouuee of. hydrate potama, put It loto a pint of water, aad take a tea- pooarui two or thrse times a day. raver aod ague una plot of pore vinegar and eix ounces of salt, mixed. Drifck eoe-balf bint of the mixture. ood lo oo boor-take the bolaoce. -- Taking care ef the bands The bands may be kept emoolh aad white by the free Bsc of glyeertoo after washing, aod by frequently rubbing tliem dry in bran meal. Apply glycerine before retir ing, and sleep In warm gloveeor wooleo ml its os. . Let os tell our lady -friends that la making their baskets for winter, as a geoeral thing, they crowd them too mocb. Tbe roots snnn become an nu- BJerou sod en tan gTsd lb si tbey are not reached by ordinary watering, aad, un less lueroughiy snaked every day or ao. the plants soon luae their leavea. ttmral A'ew- Yorker. , LlORT LlTEBATTRR. "What la ynor favorite sulbor, EvallnaT ber old father asked.-patuifg lha sweet flrra need wltb bla loving baud. And - Evelina." with tbe tell-tale bluebce mantling eaeeke and brew, looked bashfully over toward where e by, timid young maa waa Bdgetlug In rocking-chair, and trying to bide bia aching feet behind escli other, aud said. la a voice I rem slow wltb what It meant: Hleorge'a hand, papa dear." , -"Ueorco Hand, eb T ' aaid tba I concent old geollemao, "Oenrgs Band, eh 1 Ls's see, bo waa a. woman wltb a mao'a oame, waaa't she T" -tBo rose tbe world eway.-ftnratrya. There are nmer oooka and corners yet left in Old England. A visitor to lha country psrsne cells howl when be ae-' u laic the duty In a remote pariah, tbe sex too 'said: "Perhaps your rlverence woo't mind preach I u' I rom tbe ehaocel, for we've got a duck BlltloJ lo tbo pulpit" Engliik 8utlstko of Iatsmparaaoa. From the leal number of the Eugllab .Puoto Opinio I leora that, aome time aeo, "a committee waa annotated by tbe -rjMeuee crsjoreeto inquire into tne aieneo or inienpperauee amoogioe nla." Tbla committee- haa recen mode Its third report, embodying Ibe evidence glveo byjlweoty oitueaaee, lo o book of over three hundred pages. Thla report -thcJutfy Teltgntpk saya eeotalne a very Instructive reewrd of facta, figures, al leg at ions, and opinlona, and pa res tbe rlcii luebrlatee no more Ibaa tbe Indigent, sola; aod the occa sional pibaloua habile of ladles la 'so ciety' are dissected aa mercilessly os the Cbroolcdroakenness of fallea womep." -l no witnesses eonslsted of I wo coooaa and o beneficed elel-gymaa of tbe estab lished enorca, o totuolle priest, a mem ber of tbe House of. Com mono, three I cent physicians, and aome magis trates and private gentleman, who were nr less adveealss ef a peetly pro- h (bit ton. Of the testimony sriveu by tbese several witnesses, that of Professor Leone Levi and Sir William Gull Is en titled, ot least, to o Rood decree of coo- alderatlon. And seems to i have com manded tbe largest ahareW attention from the English press. Ibe t'rofeaaur. w bo le a careful atatle- Hctooroxpneea the very considerable CfJ aggeratlou In the statistics usually glveo oy tne leetotaiera. Accord I ni la his calculations, of tbe eleven hundred mill ion (a I loos or beer annually enoeemed la tbe Kingdom, only two buodred mil lone caa be aet dowo aa tbe eonsumn- fllda of tbo Intemperate, ood, of the forty-two mllMoa aallona of spirits. about nine milltooo appsar to be the chare of tbe Intemperate. Tbs total An nuai expenditure of tbe nation oo alco holic drinks aipears to be abotrtr six nuodred and Oily millions of dollara. But, of tbla, nearly two-thirds goes loto tbe national treasury as duty, or loto tbe pockets of the brewers, distillers aod letoilera, leavlog o little more thao two hundred million dollara aa tbe actual lose to tbe nation as o whole, of the forty millions of population. Distrib uting this exaeudllure among the vari ous elaasee of society to accordance with tbe statistics that caa be gut at, be eaii males that the expenditure of the work ing classes for alcoholic drinks la Just about equal to tbeamouot paid for rente. net piemutlugbiram.mvTrepari aiailaiica. rrofeeeur-ljsvl says that drunkards, though but a Small fraction. are numerous enough end cause aufB social prooiem, and to juaiiiy ail uie at tention mat baa been etveo it. . sir vt iiiiam uun, poysioian to ins 0..n ... l .kal f-a. Iff 2i iiT: SZ i Vll aaya be does oot believe lo tbe eaiab w--w w w oaae-va wuimvmi svesi eaeaa i or that dlDualoo of drinking bi among tbe better classes, and especially among women, nf which eertala enters have lately made so much, tie says that, la bla exlenalve practios amoug tbe higher classes, he has found abstem iousness or actual ahetluencc moreoom- moa tbaa In aay other rank. .In apeak lag of the effeete of alcoholic drinks, be aaya "that winner spirits taken between meals are alwava aiul r.ril....l-,l- I..I..- t rloua, and that atlmulanta ean never! promote InUllsetusI labor, even If they ( coo really sustain - thrwtreogth of aavvisa-draymfb, aud barvsstera, -or-la other mea . whose bodily strsugh Sharply taxed; at the same time It c not be doubleJlbata moderate uuantltv of aloobol. taken with or Immediately after food, ia a wholesome or, at worst, a harmless Indulgence." . I base selected these Items from the newspapsr notice of tne "House of Lords' oommlttec'a report opoa Intem perance among the people." because tbey are Interesting aa facte aud aa opl loos of tiM bigbeaV authority, and- b caOaa they aeeiu to me aaggestlveof line or work tbet need to be token up by the temperance advocates of tbls country.. Ws need facts la regard to the driuking habile of tbe wealthier classes, which ean bo best obtained from pbysiolaos and piiesta, and perhapa from tbe proprietor of fashionable botela. A few months age I asked n former pro prietor of one of tbe largest New York botela bla oplolon la regard to the prev alence of lotemperate habits among Amerlcoo women In fashionable society, and from no ooe have I ever heard the ease put lo a more apualllog light I could ooly oooaole niyaelf with the thought that be bad aeeu the wont bod aot the average slate of affaire. The people who frequent hotels most would oot represent the average of the social aod domestic fidelity of the rook to which their wealth would essigo them. From abt.ijaentCetbiUa.prliTia oowl.l probably be obul nod the beet statement I ia reffsrd to the women of that church. I aad physioiaoe of Integrity could, fur- nieb ae with luvaluabie facte from all ran ka of life. But this Information eoum oe ooiaioeu -oniy inrougn lite lo- wiiiuuin i inov lunveuiiai a no i properly authorised committee Marg JZ liteda to Woman.' Journal. CARLTLi 6lt JOB I call the Book of Job, apart from all theorise about It, ooe of tbe grandest tilings ever wrltlea wuo a pen. uue feel, Indeed, aa ir It were not Hebrew ouch a ambia anlver- aality, dlflereol from noble patrtotlem or aectarlBBlsm, rclgne In It A noble book I All meo'c book I It le our first. oldest statement of the nreee-eodlng problem, man'a deetlny, and Ooda ways with hi m hsro aa this earth. A bd-ott lo such free, flowing outlines; grand to Ita aim pi Icily bud epic melody and re- pose of reconcilement. There Is the j .. - ng eye, theldly aodenrtandlog heart; ao true every 1 war: true eve- eight, aad vlsloo for all things, material things bo lees tbaa aplritaai; tbe horse -nasi iboo Clothed bla neck with mender r' hs laughs at the abakTng of f tbeapear! Boeb living likenesses were oever ye arawo. nuoiime sorrow, sub- me reeooclllatioo; eldest choral mel ody oa of tbe heart of mankind; ao efl and greet, as Ibe cummer alghi, aa tbe orld w lib Ita aeee and stars I TlMrre le nothing written, I thlak, lo tbe Bible cr out of It, of equsl lltersry merit The truly good Dracoo Duacaa. af Pea rranciaco, defsoited to tbe tooe of r million. Borne veara ace whea an edi. tor daej to suggest that fraud mlgbt be Aaeoeiaied wiib bia oame. tbe worthy deaeoo ooed for libel, and the wtehed alitor waa lea prisoned. Tbaa are the unrighteous evertbrown. Perhepe the long I letter mt record Waa one recently mailed at lloroelis- vllle. Mew York. It wa three feet I eleven Ittchea long, aad eighteen Inches I wide, aad required sixty eeeta postage. jHaw Tlay JQllsd tkcVidow'g Only log. Among the early memoriae that link me to my childhood's daya, tberc Is ooe inai time " " at.nt-.1 y. after tbe laoso of nan. u elsirflv doea It come before me, that Ume oseme to turn oacaward la Its flight, aod I am again a mars child, etaudlug wltb a group or ehtldren'arouud the eubool room door, talking la low, bushed tones of one who Itee dead lo a house aeroaa tbe street. And then timidly venturing to the door, we are led iote tbe room where tbe body Use shrouded for the grave. , - . How well I remember the feel log of . awe that came over me aa I looked apoa r the face ao while aod ell 1 1, aad bow for daya It haunted me; but not until alter years did 1 leefoefrem my mother'o Hps tbe and story coooected with this osaa'a life. He waa tbe only sou of a widowed mother, a youoe mao of esnemua in. puises bimi talented mloU arobbd brnfThat Jsarfa! habit, tbe love oi m roug oriua, bad woveo ae flrmly, ao closely, -4 bat I had oot etreagia to -break tba cbalus that bound blm. 'He come uAeo to my father'a house, aod my mot tier had deep sympathy for blm. ttbe oald that for weeks ood sncnetlmve mouths hs would never teste ofJI.uor Hut Aa-soms wagnarded mov. 1 meal be would yield to tbe power of the tempter, and having once lasted tbe lo- tosieauug oraugbt, be loet oil control over bla appetite, aod tbea would follow daya of drunken carousal. "And oh V -aald abe, "I have seen him weep aa ooly """ wear can over toe oegradat lou to which he bad fallea, ao deeply did ho T feel bia dUgraoe which these bacoho oaliao revsis brought upon blm.!! . One Tllght A meaaanear lum- I m -.ft il5?f, my PfUlM, telUag liteea that iiiiam, ror mat waa tbe youog mao'a naiuv, uau taaen poison, and waa dying. Father baateoed to hla aide, and every effort waa made to save bis life, but all - ' la veto ore morning downed bo waa motion lees la death. It was a eoiamn " event, and east a gloom over the whole ' eommuoity. Even the aalooo-koepere were horror-struck at tbe work tbey had ' wrought, aod aomo of them ceased to deal out Ihaeoul-deetroylng beverage to ' tbeir fellow men. ." Mourolnr frienda bora hla hodv to tha home of bia mother, and laid it beelde la .is t nar,. a a o to ae-peTtBeT His re m- Iter's victim: one who. to aaean thmtr toila, despairing of ever conquering tbe ppeiiw o wnicn tney were constantly appealing, bad, loa moniant of angtilttt,. totn takCll a llrauebk Lbat ut bla soul, u seal led. Into tbo nraa.' euoe of bla Maker. Ob, ia tbe daye of '. " - Will inSf i required Toor, Womam WurxU, BvsixEsa la BuaiKaa.-A reporter oil the local editluu of tbo Dauhury A'cmc weut to aeo the yuuug lady bo la 1 ing company with. Sunday evenlne. Sbe met blm AVibe door wltb a color less iaee. 3. Tom P aba otUmL la u ll.l.wl voTcer "we have had ucb a scare I Ma waa coming dowa eialra and abe caogbt her . foot tu the earuet and want lha wnole lengtn " ' f"doui- snouted the excited youth; Z.a. fTu,, hie bip pocket for bla note-book . while h e'WhlniMaif oiil a I mini I fmin anmhsr rstcso "Now atr outgo oo, Matilda I go oo, bet bo col ml fit, . II 1 1 1 I Zaka. - -TT r-rniuii XVI 11 nsr i vraciou. no r 'Break ber beck 9 Prnah hae k ll e neeaim, oecatmi rot tbs asks Of sci ence, be calaa !" ''Why, Tom," gasped the girt, fright ened by bla impetuosity, -"It waaa't ae- nm waa " Waaa't aertoua V be gaaped, la toriul "Do you mean to aay aha didn't braok anything, after all tbe fwae r' "W ny, certainly not She never hurt herself o bit" "Well," ejaculated the young .man, with ao cxpreealoa of disgust oa bia face, ae be eadly restored tbe book ood pencil to their places, "tbat'a all a wom an know about buaioees." "The pure administration of Jaatlce. saya tbe Pblladelphto Lmtgf. "tbo aaaloua proseeotiowof rogues aud erlm- loals, ore mallera that ooueera the wei- ' fare of society; and in all such, all wom eo end the mothers of children, ao lose' Ihao the fattier, are vitally Interested. " The bouest custody of tbe public funds n . . - "w . wm ia wotnao taxoeverae dlfwntle- as the man.-" Tbea why should later- iigent meo Heel tstc to Invite their wives, mothers, and aletere lo a fulf and fair equality before the lew 7 From the rode partisaua who seek to control tba ballot la i iei t Mil little to el oectf bet whea mea ore sufficiently ' clear-ele-htad ta eiMMaia. that ber interest lu good government le tbeaame aa their own, why keep bock the elective franchise Please rise to a iqueetwo or privilege ood explvla. Carefully prepared ststislies shaar that there ore over 600,000 drunkarda la the Culled Mtatee. aod that 70.0UO dia aooually, who go to the grave of a drunkard. Every year 100.0U0 ea aad womea are aeut to orison aoder lha la.' Queues of Intoxication, while 800 mur- dare and etg, suicides eeeur from tbe same .cause. Two hoodrsd thousand orphans are aooually throws anon lha eharity of the world by tbla earae of ta temperaooa. i loe-teolbs of our Crime, oos lose maa eeveo-eigbte ef tbe 'blsky, ood tbet at aeost lo tbo gov eromeuf-besldvs ludlvldual waat of then tX),0u0,0U0 every year. The enduring odor of mask la marveU " oos. Wbea Jfestioion, la 638, reeerilt what la now tbo aaosque of Bk Sophie, the mortar waa charged with musk, aod to this day tbo atmospbsre of the build-- fag to filled with tbe odor, Somebody i nebedy meekly laqalrec bow maay . but toe will probably bo added 'e -loves. Ae It la, be Co a, plains tbt.t more Rldaglovse. As It Is, be Co a, plains tbt.t ne baa to get op ao hour earlier oo Sun day morning, ao aa to Hud time to bOV loa hla wife' a kid glovea be furs eberoh. Tall ear let lea of trvea arc far Btore ouaaereue amoog ao tbaa ia Europe. There are not more lha a forty klude there that a tula a blgbl of thirty feet, whereas la" North America there are 140. aa nroc l-iweT;'1tTWnn"arST"Tolfow that sbe make a gmd ssstcb. Womeo who read neweiiepers are al- way bright, good aatured, aud full of com moa seose,