FRIDAY. DECEMBER 81, 1877. TICK. IniU will '. Ml IU IMS OS W HI Pf VtuTCM IBM illMJU.u4lktr wUIMlrcrMi Or mmiuim ee ikKHk rmtf n r(UUrd tetters. SEX AC1IM E. . la so-eeJlsd free America Ik U a crime U be bora a wossae. To writ of Aooea corpus, though ee dear to tbe average maaeallee baait tbat tba Constitution declares tbal H ebell ao4 ba cospended, except wbaa la eases of raballloo or a- vesloa tba pgbtla eafety may require It," le bold fnoporatlve la every 6UU la tba colon la eaaa of a married woman agalnat bar hnabaad, tba marital right of tbe woman being belda all eeee aeoopdery to fboee of tba husband. Tbe rigbtef trial by a Jury of one's peer wa ao Jealously guarded by men tbat aeverel Bute rafuaad to ratify tba .original Constitution Ootll tbia right waa guars ntsed by tba Slzth Amend ment; and yet, aoeb la tba political aod legal puolabment for the blgb crime of boiog a woman, tbat do won ao baa ever baaa allowed tbo rlgbt of trial by a Jary of bar peers, bat mast la all eases ba triad by men, wbatbar native or for eign, aduoatad or Ignorant, vicious or vlrtuoaa. ... We bava known yoaag girls, tba vic tim of tbo aoduoar't wile, arraigned In aaao'a aourta for tbo oris a of Infantl elde, aod triad and convicted by Judges, Jurors, and alloroeya, while ao womaa'e voioo oould ba board In tbalr defense, and tba man wbo bad wrought tbalr ruin wara allowad to go aaot free for no otbor roaaon tban boeaaaa tbalr aaz waa masculine, and aome oibar man, or man, bad daelarad themaelvee oqaally guilty with himself la robbing tba girt of bar ebaatlty. ?" Daring tbo Preeldentlal aampalgn of 1873 a woman waa arraaUd for voting, waa daniad tba protection of a Jary, a ran of man, waa triad, convicted, and aantanood to a Una and aoata of proeaca alon by tba aboolata power of a Judge of tba Buprem Court of Iba United Bute, who, holding bla office for Ufa, booomaa a graatar daapot over tba llbortlaa of a fraa paopla than tba Antooret of all tba Russiana. And yat .tba only abarga agalnat lb la woman Waa Iba crime of ee. Man bold tbat taialloo without rap reeeoUtlon la tyranny, yat tbay daay to woman, baoanaa of tba a rim a of bor eex, all tsarelaa of bar Inalienable .right la not to tag bar to tba otmoat limit In bor . pro party and aarnlnga to aopport a gov ornmont tbat den lea bar a voice In mak ing lulawe, ' . Woman la bald" in law aa a parpatual minor, deemed, baeauaa of tba or I ma of aaz, Inoapabla of eelf-protectlon, and do- oled, baoanaa of the same arTma, of equal protoetlon with man, before tba la wo which aba la tazad to anataln. - ' 7: Lawa abound npon various municipal atatnta books, and bav baaa attempted to bo aograftad npon aevaral legislative oaaetmonta ozonorating man from tba .direct and Indlraot eonesqueneee of ao aialand aaznal Bin. Vador anob laws wamaa ara flaod and Imprisoned If fa aione'u Ibe ireet otrpTaoaanf publld raaort after certain boors, baoanaa of tba win of aez." "Police effioera, un der tbo prsunoo of regulating publW morals, seise tbooeoupaataof disreputa ble bouses, and march tba Woman off to prison, while tba man, tbalr partners In guilt, go fraa. . Ilea wbo Impose these unequal penal tiee upon tbo victims of femininity In dulge, when woman complain of aoeh outrages, la nonsensical esot about "woman' greaUr purity being jeopard ised by political right," tbua ndcavor log to cover up ber elal ma to Justice by tba poesy of hollow compliment. But tbay do not forget or neglect to tas bar - toeuetaJatb supremacy of mascotTalty, nor do tbey over omit auab special leg telalioo as atlgmatlaea tba femininity of aaz aeaarlmei A Washington special aaya Senator : Jonea la of tbo opinion that the allver bill will receive ao Injury, but, on tbo contrary, wlU be benented by post- -nsnsmsnt aesr tba rectos. Neither of - no iHuar leaoing aiiver aavooaice - thought it beet that Matthews' reeolo tlon anonld be disposed of befora ricaea, - beeauae tbey want tba Preeideut to act . wpoa tbam, and ba oould bava avoided action by pigeon-boll ng them for ton days, which would bava been as good . . . . . . . - - . aaa veto. Jeoeo predicts 'tbat tba . amendment put on Blaad bill by the Benata committee, limiting' coin ago, will bo rrj acted by a majority from Ave , to twelve In tbo Sonata, and tbat Iba ' bill will tban ba passed as It aama from tba nooea, by a vote of fifty-four to twenty-two, or la that proportion. Tbia la tba result of careful canvassing. He baa made repealed caavssses, and keeps r. n vary close watch of tba fluctuation of opinion In tba Senate. ' .. . . A dlspauh of December 18th aaya: Tha Prmident readily gave bis consent aod authorised Representative Davis, wbo bad laterviewed blm oa tba sub ject, to aay for blm that, although ba Hravnif Dupoo warn van eeeidontaofj tbia, country mo at ba protected from outragea, ba also deeply ' ay mi pat hi see with tba Caucasian working men la the avlla tbey ei parlance oa account of tba disastrous competition of Chi boss aheap labor, and that ba la alee la sympathy with tba people of tbo real He Coast la their desire to have Chinese immigra tion checked. The Importance of tbia empbatie abnouneemont aan hardly be ever-eetl mated. The President navlag delltteratsly taken bla poaition, be may be rrlled on to bold It, and with bla powerful aid assured npon tbo main pmrueltioa, the dtraculiiea aa detailed will, aa tbey are la lura encountered, be rapidly everooaio." AI IKXiaiAlTGIll'l STOST. - Beoroely a day pssssa - without tbo publication of some horrible ebapter-of maa'a failure to protect woman, tba atofy appearing aa a blot vpoa tbo faae of the ne Traps per world, aad aa a fouler etaln upon tbo aham protonoaa of men that tbey, aa n eUse, aan bo depended upon to protect each wemen aa ara not able to protect themselves. Tbo Cleve land, Ohio, JJeruld of n laic date baa Iba following: MA few days eiooe, upon tba arrival of aa Eaatern-bonnd trala, a young Irish girl, neatly drseasd.-wlth a plaaaaat and not be prepossessing fsos, aeooatad Dotectiva Bcbrooder at tba Union Depot. 8b aald aba waa alone la tba city, and wanted to bo directed tea esrtala street." 8be showed the of ficer n piece of paper, upon which was written a name and adircse, tbo latter being No. 78 Coolusgh street. Of course, no such street waa to be found In tbo ally, and, upon questioning tba girl for further particulars, Bcbrooder obtained tba following Story: A few weeks since tba girl, wbo is about twenty years of age, left Ireland for America. Do board tba vessel aba became acquainted with a young man wbo claimed to be n Bootobmau, and wbo fell In love with her. Upon their arrival la New York, tba young man. protested bla devetloa to bar, aad under promise of marriage seduced bor, aba stay lag with blm three days. In New York. When ba left New York Citv be. told her be would send bor monly In a few days, and aba oould noma to Cleveland aad ba would marry ber.l A abort time after Ja loft iba ally ba aant bar a allp of paper with tba above direction upon IUHertnnk waa left at Castle Garden, and, borrow ing $ npon It, aba came to this ally la ecaroa of tbo maa wbo bad promised to make bar bla wife. Upoa bearing the story, Officer Bcbrooder waa puialed aa to tba course to pursue, aa no anob street could ba found, and without aome ad dram It waa almoet Impoeaible to And tba man. Happening toateplato tba Lake Bbore baggage-room, tba girl aaw and recognised a cheat which aba aald belonged to bor lover, which ha bad brought with, him from tbo East, and bad not aa yat removed from tba depot. The officer directed the baggage maa to keep a sharp outlook for tbo maa In quiring for the chest, aod la that way succeeded la galalng aa latervlew with blm wboa be nailed, for bla baggag. By questioning ba found out where the youog fellow lived, but without tolling blm anything of tba Inquiry tbat had been made for. blm. Ho then directed tba girl tothe place where the young maa lived, and aa yrtday, wbaa going out U aeo falrayenmtroronnCIta street. 8ba stopped blm and talked with him, and, aa might bar baaa ez pec ted, ba eelled bar a fool for tbo pains sba bad taken la coming here, andJhat bo bad no Intention of marrying bar. Two or three times aba visited blm, aod Implored blm to ba true to blrpromla and aava bar reputation, but vttbool sue case. Yesterday aba visited bla board ing-place again, and waa told by his landlady not to eome any more. That the maa doea not intend to marry her sssaaa esrUla, although aba etlll baa faith la him; put, whatever la done, the girl la still In (be etty, pennllesa, ruined, aad with no fr leads. Bhe left bor en-Ura-elothlnf at-Caetlo-Clarden. with j f9 mortgage upodlt,'aod baaw (lb Iter only tbeelotbee aba weara. Sba aaema honest, almpla, and willing to work for her living." 7 - Fathers wbo read these eolom na aome times complain boeanae, tbey aay, we harp too much upou the w songs of women. Would yea think ao, gentle man, If the above-mentioned girl were your ow 6'daogb Ur, for whose terrible wrong there la no redress, aad for whose ceducer there la ao legal avenger Think of that defeoesleea, Ignorant girl, ruined, belpleaa, and pan n I loss, with the Important fuocttoa of a maternity for which aba finda no protactloa banging Over bor ebame-bordened spirit and Buf fering body I And yet there are maa who will abed leara from a thousand pulpits over the agony of the Cruel fled Ooe who will not bnrdea tbelr eoule with the grief of these unfortunates through more tban a passing thought - We talk toe much of the wrongs of women, do we? And yet the law la powerless to protect the weakest of them rrom Ibe'seJuMpewIles, or" provide for the belplesa oflsprlog of the woman's fnnoeenoe. er the seducer's lust He walks abroad, ' refuel ng' to ratify bla moat Beared obligation, and aba goes forth. Buffeting, alok, and abame atricken, to oooouater poverty, cruelty, and Jeers, after the maa ahe bad loved and treated bad "called bar a fool for bar pains." . A year or (we In America, under the beautiful system of proteetlag women which mea nail the beet govern ment under tba ana, aad tbat young girt, no longer Innocent and uneusneet Ing, will avenge herself npoa bor ad versary by beoomlag la turn tba be trayer of Innocence. And what won der f Haa not tba Iroa of eppreealoa en tered hereoal f If aba become bor own avenger, and taroe and reads the none of woman with a power worse tban dread Medea'a, wbaa man In all the land can blam bar? Tbay aaw the wlad, tbey reap the whirlwind, and the world la full of ale and UBWVM""ff-M-a Several Cheyenne Indian chiefs bad a eatlafeotory eonsullatloa Wtlb Oeoeral Sberidaa oa the 16th last, la which they sx pressed a desire to remain with General Mi lee, atod amlat blm la eaaa of Indian entbreaka fa too, epring. Tbey were, however, Informed that tbey meet move to their reeorvatloa la the Iadlaa Territory early la April, aad with tbia they appeared contented. , Women have aa Indisputable right to demand tbelr liberties agalaat all the power and authority of all the earth. Tbey do not seek to usurp authority ever men, but tbey recognise ibe In alienable rl;bt of In&vlJual covers! jo lty, and are dsterciaaJ ta ezardje It ' rciTomL coxiEsroiracE. Data ftaaa erros M aw Woara v asvi ... ' The doable work npoa our bands and breia rendered necessary by the depart ore of Mrs, Coburn to fairer aklef to see rob of health and recreation, will render tke shortening of our Journeys aa equal necessity. ' Oa Wednesday of last week, after .we bad written editorials and n chapter of tbo aerial atory, nd bad cut garments for the needle woman and written busi ness latlrs, aad bad corrected the mail ing list and directed toe "alngle wrap para" to many hundreds of soil tarr aob sorl bora at aa many different poet offloea, we again packed vallee aod basket nod again atartad forth oa a harried mlaeloe of finance, our deatinatloa Salem and Albany. ' 'i t' ' It waa two o'clock, 'and by dint of mach hurrying we were enabled to at Uod the funeral of Mrs. J. r". Capim be fore trala time, whose deceaaa, though not unlooked for, ban cast a apell of gloom ever the entire circle that ere while radiated la the aaneblue of bar genial disposition. As a devoted, Intel ligent, end ezemplarjrCbrlstiaa wife and mother, Mrs. Capias waa a leading ezemple, nud (be Methodist Church, ol which aba waa n member, ana HI afford to spare ber. But, If tbe eburcb end tbo community shall tbua miss the light of bar noantenanee, what of the atrickea family, whoa Arealde baa been left onto them desolate? .We know bow feeble are the moat serosal words ol sympathy and condolence when offered aa palliation for grief and privation like tbia. But, to ua, there waa beating balm Ja. Ihe aubllmealmpllcltyo Brother Anthony 'a anatudied eloquence, aa be aald, 'Dear friends, I grow more and more Into tbo belief that the spirit world la all around na, and very near oa; much nearer than we formerly eup posed. We have glorioua assurance tbat when the rlghieouadla, wbaa tbay ara Just a boat to leave the clayey tabernacle aad paaa out Into the life hey pod the vale, that the heavenly galea are eat ajar, and tbey aan realise, aa mortals In health cannot, that the change called death la but a step Into the higher life. Mrs. Capias aald, shortly before ber death, 'I eeo frieoda, many of them, but I cannot tell them apart, though I abail very eoou. I see my brother; I know blm now, aod be la very near me.' She alee aald lo ber friends la tbo body wbo lingered at ber bedside, 'Hold my banda; let me ollng to yea while life lasts. Je sus will bold tbam oa tbo other aide.' Tbua uniting the earthly and Immortal exists nee by.a go Idea ebala of faith, aa almpla aa It waa sublime. Surely, aa daTelrcemittPcTlkglKeeeTwssbolJ abed no tear save tboae of joy at audi a (lose aa tbia." - - Verily, tbo Cbriatlaa gospel Is a awtDf.J,kfmanJjboughtJB4 bn man utterance, and may tba God of love aad wisdom eased the day wbaa the ebarcb will everywhere admll tbat there are others besides tba dylag who, by living lives of portly aod eharity, shall draw ao near the pearly gales tbat tbey, too, may catch glimpses of the glories tbal await tbo rlgbteona, and eatebiag them, shall east tbam forth na ray of radiant light, (o guide those lorn spiritual (baa themselves from the Calvary of ' earth; aod Its maniXuld srsmsst4ettbeklugdoto of knowledge. UlT It shall be wTlonger nsosssary for aay to ask la vale, aa did Mra. Usmnna: "aaeil we kaow saeh ether eyes, WlU the theeahle the la there Ur, Whea we Btest above the aklaa, Which teas ever The reader will pardoa oa. Th oughts Ilka these msy not be considered In plan la a secular Journal, but tbay are Uppermost la onr btala Just new, aad there, you have bad tbam.' Do with (bam as aeemelb good nolo you. Tbo melancholy rite were aver, and wo basleoed aboard the ferryboat' and entered the Salem bound train, where, wltb a party of Oregon City frlenda, we enjoyed na boor'a preaaant aoclal chat, tbat bad very little of tbo hereafter In It, ao readily do aaorUle pass from (be oonalderatlon of tbo irrevocable future lo (be facta and fanclca of the laevltable present - The ride from Oregoa City to Salem waa a lonely one. A fog, ao thick yon could with difficulty out It with your breath, aetUad like a pall npoa th Hnh6dTrrud-TTdjlileer itatt could be felt encbrooded alike th Ing Vetera of tbo flooded etreeme aad too dark fin tbat held aloft (helrfringed erma lo tneaepokbral gloom like aentl neb) npoa embattled heights. To relieve (be monotony of the fooell boss, we ceaayed n question or (wo upon the condition of the. road with a voter aittlng near; but bla ana were were whisky laden, aod we were glad to get rid of bla maudlin oeaveraaUoa. God help (he womanhood of America, for verily It la la political eobjugatloo to whisky, Ignorance, and Intolerance. -, Somebody called (be fellow MJodge" a( th atallen, bal wbo bo waa, or of what district be waa Judge, we do not know. - We only pity the subject of the goddess of Joatlee whoa tbey depend npon maudlin Intoxication for the dis pensation of law aod (be prveervalloa of order. Mine boat of tba Cbeaseketa Hotd I being pot np wltb" by everybody. Salem keep Imprevlag, la spits of (be rain. Many of (be stores are resplend ent already ia holiday nrrey,jromloenl among tbam being the elegant novelty aad variety baser of Mra. V. A. Coon, a lady wbo baa beltded op a magnificent BBslnees, for which ahe deserves mash credit Sopreese Coort is lo eaeeloe, and (be solo oe of (be law are beady eagaged la pluming (be plnlona of divers aod ana- dry newly-fledged disciple of Bleak atone, who, like their predseeseara, ore eectlned to make a living through, the dlffsrencee end d:roltiac ef people o lltlfaUoa. We are' by no assaae op posed to law, or lawyera, nor would wo decry It or them, nny more tbaa we wo:4 tfsery rrvix'-lr, or preacr. But there la so much at a 9 and nonaenae tbat peaces curreot for (be genuine artl el la both ooeupatlona, aad nmoqjg both elate aa, that tbo legally and clerically tabooed woman of the period finds satis faction la aaylog aomelblng about them once In n while tbat may not flatter tba vanity or the weakeat Some mea are badly bilious, and (bey think 4 to a pro found knowledge of law tbat alia ibem. Otbera are terribly dyspeptic, and tbey think they're Buffering from piety. While both are equally mis taken, doubtless each la Ailing bla little alcbe In th eeooomy of the universe, and It la not for na to my thai anything la made la vain. Some of tbeee newly- made lawyera are very bright and prom ising young men Indeed; bet there are otbera wbo eeo not write grammatically bot apell correctly, who, we learn, have been admitted to the ber. Of course tbeee leal would nee (be might of their fortified poaition behind the ber to pre vent any woman from entering the pale of the profession, on the score of supe riority of ssx. boeicty Jogs along aa usual at the cap ital. - There le to be a notable wedding eoon, which le to surprise tbo very elect The University isle full blast and all the other aoboola are flourish lug. Tbc health f the ally waa never better, aad Immigrants occupy every available nook aad corner la every ere a-bile vacant dwelling-bouse. 'On Friday evening of last week w bad tb pleasure of attending n recep tion gtvca at the elegant manatee uf Mr. and Mra. Oeorge U. Jonea, in honor of Rev. P. 8. Knlgbt who haa Just re turned from a visit to the East Tbc reception proved n thoroughly brilliant and enjoyable affair, where the wit, wisdom, and dignity of the Bute were well represented. Tbc governor, Judges of (be Supreme Court, aad several Fed eral offloera were p recent, alee n number of prominent clergymen, artists, posts, author, and editora. At a wedding In high life (bal look place a few daya si ooe at (be capital city, aome Jenkins of the press alighted the gentlemen entirely In describing the' dreaaa wore npoa tba auspicious ooeasloo. Our well-known desire for fair play and equal rights prompt a lo slight tb ladle thl time, and notice the a III re of tbo gentlemen, that tbay may get even. Mr. Jones looked every Inch tbo hospitable host tbal be waa, In a Prlneem train, resplendent In bugles and ostrich tip. " Hla crooWe of dia monds waa exquisite. Mr. Knlgbt was modestly arrayed la a cameo breast-pin, worn, without ornament, over a pink mlln jleAu, edged wltb point cf Alencon. T' g6yefuols Uaaaslal.I flgor. wa modified la Its longitudinal proper tieoe by a parallelogram suit of sea green sella. Judge Prim's dumptueee waa relieved by vertical air I pes of lav ender brocade. Professor D. M. C Oeult waa tba obeerved of all observer, la a tiara of cello lilies, relieved by pur ple fuchsias. Judge Wat too y or, pow der of alabaster and Jswslsmf amber. He waa the belle of the evening.-But seriously, the ooeaaloa waa ooe of rare Interest The speech of wcloome to Mr. Knlgbt, by MrTWaTtSn; we replete wltb wit and wladom, and tba res pone by the former aa feltcltona a It waa ap propriate. The refresh men te were eucb aa ged Weman Be Brag 'etc always boeollful and elegant, aad comes Uuut In every particular. Mrs. Joner well ordered home I ooe of the moot pleasant la all the land, and w congratulate Be lerat upoa posssssiog ber aa a elliaen. But we're ashamed of a government profemedly founded upoa individual sovereignty tbat will not let anch a woman vote. Mr,Kntgnt rstorus to his barge la .renewed' bsalth and spirits, and certainly baa good eauee to be grateful for the appreclatloa of tbc com manlty where be baa labored ao long aad faithfully. But ihlflsttsr baa already become overgrown. Neil weak tb reader ahall bear from Albaoy. x A. J. D. December 17, 1877. ' - ' General Ord left Vjesb. legion oa tbc Uth for Tezaa, A slight rainfall occurred la various pert of California oo the 14ih I net Bemoan PBnnrtre,TdnlfttteTor Baa Holladay, died oa the lath lost la New York City of peoumoola. -" In the Callforala Leglslatare Decem ber l?lb, Farley wee nominated aa Sar gent's successor oa the aeventh ballot Mayo Ely baa addressed a letur U the police oommlaalooere eomplalolng of the terrible condition of the Btreets of New York City. ... Tba Philadelphia Board of Trade oo the evealng of December 18th onaol mouely adopted a reeolulioa opposing tbo paasag of the Bland allver bill. Petitions ere elreaUting among bank era and boa! use man lo Chios go aaklog Cengreaemeo to stand by tbo President ia all bla flaaaclal vlewe, declariog tbem sou ad and healthful for th coon try. . A IHlumWi Washiagloa speelal aaya Governor Packard's frieoda have abaa dooad the Idea of blebeleg collector of the port of New Orleaea. Warmenlb hi aUII con Aden t tbat Effingham's name will be aant In after tbo holiday. A bottle of petrol earn was brought late Dead weed eo-4beJ7HLJneUnt from aa oil well tbal wa discovered a few weeka age eight miles from Jrenls etoekade, and one hundred mile Booth of Dead wood. The petrol earn le pro nounced by expert to be oaporior to that of West Vlrglaia. f The Hooae committee oa foreign af fair recently ezamlned General Ord, the chief polo toot bis testl ssony being that eossaUoe or diminution of Meileaa raids en the Rio Grande waa attributa ble to the large American force, and revocation of the ex let Ing order would elate cangeroua elemeete la Mezlon, oae-a mere rala. ' i "T0UE8 TiULT" TALIS OF HOUSE- The New No am wist baa just eome to bend, bearing nponlta.wlt-aad-wisdom freighted pegce ao many feasts of good things tbat Yours Truly feels Inspired to write aomeibing for It sol emn which shall, by way Of variety, aid weman'a awakening Intellectual in terest fa Improved domestic affairs, as well as a better order of polities. She remembers bearing you, Mrs.D., once my before an audience the! there was more bard work connected with making twenty yards of rag carpet then was necessary to ralss and market a tbeee and bushels of wheat.' Yours Truly be lievee It, o b won't make aoy more rag oarpeta.. Not but that sbs's willing to work, but sb wants to do tbat which paya beef, aod sure!yoo former oould see eay eoooomylo cpending tbo pro ceed of a thousand buabel of wheat for the covering for an 'ordinary floor. Bmseala carpet will not turn,-ao Yours Truly bought a three-ply. It waa aa odd affair, wltb a lilac ground, wall covered with small flgnree In carnation red aod mazarine blue. - The wall paper wee eboaeo of a lighter bade, but eame color as-the ground ork of tbo carpet, and wee covered bore and there with a delicate tracery of vine end leaves lo heavy gilt These, and a bed-room act of. marble top and black walnut vary nearly exhausted bor funds, and act bar to coo ao seising; for that bottom laod of beaver dam forma tion must be Improved, yon kaow, and Youra. Truly must beer a-big chare of the ex pence, If ahe le held to be a per pstual mlaor. . j The chsapsst Nottingham . lace and the beet white dimity or malnaook for curtains would each eost half a dollar a yard. "Let everything be the beet of its kind, or do without ft," la Your Truly' motto. So the beat dimity adorned (be windows, edged with fluted ruffles two Inches deep. ; We getnered eome raspberry vines from the fence corner, under tW matted fern, and preaaing ibem between boards, used tbam for drapery over and around the pioturee, with a very pleasing effect Your Truly detests steel engravings to represent famoua men for whom the owners of the portraits do not care a dot She bad not the meana to purchase such bit of fancy as ebe desired; and even If aba bad tbam oa band, to frame them properly would bo Increased expense. So we searched tbo magasloec for half a dozen years back, and found n beautiful variety of choice landscapes, historic sec oee, and qulsf groves aud lakelete, lfefbJckXour .Truly made frame of straw and paper and pas is board and an tumn leavec and mums and aplluta, all of which aba will describe aome day, wbeo tbo mood le on ber; end yon wouldn't believe bow pretty tbey are, unleee yob oould see Iberq, Mrs. D. . : But Your Truly' floor mala are ao pretty aod cheap and ao easily made, withal, that aba considers ber experi ence In tbelr production well worth relating."-Diek'e wife wool rummaging In tbc aula ooe day, and oame across a great roll of odds end ends of Brussels carpet of every imaginable color, the raised surface of which bad been raveled In many placee, making a pretty fringe. "WhalV the nee of kceplpg.alLibla trumpery to attract the moths T" she asVcd, m sltebrought t bedbugs bundle Into the aittlng-room and unrolled It for family jus pec lion. Suddenly Yours Truly thought of util ising that tramnery. Some old gunny sacks, badly, rat-eaten, but good In patches, were brought from the barn and pieced Into the required else for mate aod edged with n hem. Tbo bite of Brussels carpet were then cut cross wise Into etrips four locboe wide. Three aod n half I no bee of thl was then rav eled cat, leaving a bee of half aa Inch aa beading for a very pretty fringe In deed. A row of this waa tbaa sewed neatly npon the outer edge of the gunny aaek foundation, and waa followed by another, end yet another, well lapped, to make the fringe thick and fluffy, cere being taken to blend lite different colore la a "bit or miss" mannsr, till there waa only aa oblong square left la tbc oeoter. Tbia was fill -d by a flower from one of tbo brightest pieces of the carpet, cot to lit nd aewed evenly over the edge of the concluding row; end tb re- sult waa a mat worth tea dollar, tbat coat nothing but a balf-day' Ingenuity One of the most useful articles la a bed chamber la a eeraa-end-litler bag, for (bo receptlea of all aorta of odd and code tbat will eeeamulsie with uner ring certainty, and give the tidybouo wlfe much annoyance nnless aba baa a place fur Ibem. Combing from lb bead, aalpping from tbo as wing table, and lint from tbc carpet are among the meet troobloeome of Ibis epeeloo of til ler. A very pretty bag for holding anch thing till yea ere ready to empty and bora tbem may be made of pink paper muslin, finished by a draw airing, after lb fashion of tbo old-time reticule, but made Irenlar la ahape by forming tba foundation npon the bottom of a collar box, npon which the breadth of mnelln la gathered full. Tbey are alee prettily made or aepbyr worsteds la crochet but tbc Urn and ozpenee of this are hardly at the command of tbc farmer wife. Bel here eome Jim with a brace of docks, which "must be dressed for din ner," be says. Jbal tba time may eome when every men who kills n few most beateomeelled lo pick and draw aad moke It ready foroooklag,4a the earnest prayer of r ; Yoraf Tct.T. ravMH-j---e The Senate Committee oo Uexieea af faire held liseeeood meeting oa the IStb Inst, and devoted aome time to the die- eueetoa of tbo order and manner la which lb levcetlgatlee shoe Id be eon- d acted. A atatement la regard to the eoodllloa of affair la Mexico, aad la favor or the elalma of Die for rceognl tlon, wee beard from General John B. Friable, of California, who recently aa ex Waded visit le (bat eoeetry. x , rOiEIMIEVI. -Mehemet All be arrived at Censtau tinople. r ' It baa been snowing heavily In the Balk sua tbc past few daya, - . It le reported that It baa been acces sary to amputate Oamaa Paeba'e foot. Servians en tbc l&tb I net crossed the frontier at Pi rot, aad are marching on Kossovo. Tba Turk burned nnd evacuated Elenn December 14th, end the Russians re-occupy It Tb yVeW Bucharest epeelal aay n movement oY Russiana Is being mode through tbc Balk ana to turn Kamarb. Iafluentiai Russiana consider the p rec ent moment highly favorable for direct negotletionc between Recala eal Tur key. , - r . - In Russian offloial elrcTce It la not thought likely tbat either Turkey or aay power In her behalf will propose peeoe negotlallona. A telegram from Berlin denies tbc truth of lb report thel Englishmen have been arresied la Germeny on n charge of treason agalnat the empire. , Colonel Wellesley, BrIUeb military attache, aaya "Oamaa Paeba bad less than 80,000 mea at Plevna, and In bis sortie lost 8,000 killed, and tba wounded were 8,000 more. - It le known to meoy tbat the Caar waa privately warned last August tbat If Russia entered on e second campaign It would be Impassible to restrain Eng land front boettts acaonr-" JL Bucharest correspondent of (bo 1Mb loot reports tbat orders have been given In Russia for the .Immediate mobilisa tion of 80,000 fresh troops. New battal ions are oootlnually crossing the Den one. A proclamation of the Servian gov ernment wae'laeued December 14th, an nouncing that the Servian army baa been ordered to eroes the Turkish fron tiers. Turkish troops are eoncenlrallng en (be Service frontier.' . It la generally believed la Constanti nople tbal the Porte's appeel for media tion of tbc powers will have no result Layard, the Brlliah ambaeeadorr baa In formed the Turkish government tbat England will continue to obeerve neu trality. - The London morulog paper of tb lath Inet officially announoe tbat par liament will meet January 17th. II la stated, the Cabinet hes decided to aak parllameet to vote a grant of money for eucb Increase of the Brilleb army as tba prceeut suta of TiTopr ttTOnOar- X Vienna correspondent aaya Inlelll gence from all sides lea v woo doubt tbat the. Russlau from Plevna have com menced a forward movement In various directions. There are eeveral Indlca tlone tbat tbey are about to attack Sehipka pees. There la greet disss 11 e- fajtioa In Conetantlnople wlth8ulelmaa Paeba, and hie recair la probable. The peace and war- parti ec la Con stantinople are contending for auprem acy. It la believed the war party will prsvalL Tbsr Is (rouble In Lebanon I In oonaequence of (be refusal of (he In habitants to furnish (be military con tingent or aend deputies to parliament based oa tbc fact that Lebanon le uader EuruVean guarantees. ' 111 The 7Tth Loraloo tpectat aay the publication of, the term upon which Ruaala will make peeoe, via.: Independ ence of Roumanla and Servla, autonomy of Bulgaria ander a foreign prince, free paaaage of tbo Dardanelles, delivery of the Turkish fleet aa war Indemnity, and cession of a Urge portion of Armenia, has created a good deal of excitement In England. --".;':.-.- " A correspondent telegraphs that Tur key 'a first pacific effort mey be regarded aa. a failure. Germany hinted tbat treating directly with Russia would be tbo shortest way of coming to en un derstanding. Il seems that whan the note was first mentioned, tbo Austrian go vara men t replied tbal It couldn't bold out nny hope of successful media tion oa such a basla. , " A Montreal dispatch of December 1Mb says: The strike of workmen oa tbo Lech me Canal enlargement bee become general. Between two nnd three. tboue and ara Idla, ranee nf the strike-con. tractor oa eeetlooa five and alz paying alghty cent after promising men, aa alleged, ninety cents per dey, nnd keep ing banda a mooth or alz weeka without pay, Instead of fortnightly eetllemeate.N A dispatch of December 15lh aaya: A circular note dispatched by the Porte to the signatory power of tb treaty of '71 review tb origin and progress of tb war, calls attention to tbo aggressive Bourse of Russle, and the disposition sbowa by the Porte to grant raforme, sod suggests tbal tba present Is tb auspicious time for the powers to Inter pose In fevor of' peece. The Porte has not yet exbeusted lis reeoareee, but de al ree to stop tbc. further effusion of blood. The chamber of deputies bae elected a Cbriatlaa President'"- V Events at tbc seat of war bava moved slowly el ooe Plevna fell, but tbo firm ace of Russia's death grip on the Otte mea Empire was demonstrated at tbo flgbt December 12th, at Metcbka, nine mlleo eooth of Rustcbuk. The fact tbal fifty Tarkleh bettallone attacked Grand Duke.Vladamlr ao pereleteolly and na suecissfully Indicates tbat the Rosslsn posllloa between the Lnm and Jaaetrl to Impregnable. Ruaala la now firmly maeteref Bulgaria, and ber troop aan pee tb Balkan la great force wltk slight obetroctlone whenever tbc weather permit. The active oo-epera- Uoo of Servla aew felly recognised to equivalent to another Roeslaa victory In tbo field. Tbia baa eome, too, at time wbeo there la no longer danger Ibet .11 Witt-lead Austria Into the oon- Alet ' ' , . It le universally ooosldered tbat tbc feud which bae existed between Blelne and Oookllag to bow at aa end. IEWI ITEltS. ... statb axe vsaarfoaiAL. i J Drain wanta more ware-bouse for. grain. ' The celtle trad to very lively now la Lake county. There le a great deal of sick usee In Yemhlll eouuiy. ' ' Jobo Jack's troupe elarted for Vic-, torla oo Tueadey. - r There are nine patients In the Jeck eouviile Hospital. There le now good abating on Iba Baker City Biough. The' aew cburelt at Monmouth waa baptlaedtoet Buuday. - There le not p bouee et preeent lu' Idaho City for rent or aale. Yaqolna Bay le abipplng oyetere la large qwealtllee to Sea Freuoiaoo. . There nrp now 207 pupil In altend ence et the Btate L'ulvereity at Eugene. The Polk county roads een't be beateo for slush, atttd, aud 'uoflbMoeble- Tbcnew eobool el JCugcne City will be reedy for tbo yduug idea" on the. 1st of January. . . f . Dr. Baker la eootern plating; tbc ez , teueioa of tbia road from W'biimao bla tiou to- W'seloo. . . . , . - 1 There are no boueea or lumber to be bad et WalteburK, aud the imuilgranle - -are sllll pouriog lu. Good land en the Willemelte River, not far from Lafayette, waa aoid re- : cently for $kV an acre. . The Oregon Mickanle, Edmumle, -spread bla wings before a Salem autll- feuce en Monday night M. P. Bull, formerly of theo Ore gonial, la now a stalwart Graugsr on tue Welle Welle River. Tbc Clallam aod Jefferson county people want steam .mail service freut rort lowoeeoa tojeatLj$ay. Tbe Palouae OaxtfU relates tba cap ture of a Wild boar which Weighed 600 pounds, and tbc tusks five Inohee long. Miss Maggie' Jenkins, of Wbetoom, haa been appointed to the Weshlugtou Territory University by Goveraor Farry. The Lswlaloo Tclltr aaya about $350, 000 baa been epeut on the Mullan iloJfc Out the road haa never been of much practical benefit James B. Pray, long a reeident of Olympia, and kuowo very widely for hie geueroue quell lies, died oo too 12tU -Inet et that place. D. Dingwall' boom of logs, n third of n mile long, on the Hernial! Rlvsr, le le the largest ever tewed by une steamer In tbc Bouud country. The schooner "Boboliuk," oo ber way from Gardiner lo BouFranoisoo, felt a .. distinct shock ol earthquake at sea on , the evenlug of November Suth. Both the Democratic and Republican committees have beeo eeih-d to meet at Beattle Oa the t&i lo eoueider tbc man" ner of nominating delegalce to the oon" etltutlonal eouveutlon. Cbariee E. Getty, a pioneer of Curry ""HUT. i J58t4!l" Jhf luck, agea eiaiy-.wu jeers, xie.wee unlive -of Georgelewu, Jj. c., end nr itd at "ort uriord in August, loi. woex roa EYEBIBODT. ClrctttaU petition for a 18lh Amend ment, to eofranehlee tbc women, no. b on Stat ofoMbut of ail tbo State and Territories Womau'a' right to a voice In the government ander which be live to a natural right, and most bo -guaranteed to ber by the Federal Con stitution. Now to our time to knock at,. the doors uf Congress and plant thi right deep lu the fundamental law of -the laud. . .... : . Petllooa for a Slzteenth Amendment, for i womnn'e enfmneblesmcnti Trem 10,0m VnUmi Htstee elllas -fees twenty-two States, have been prveeoted la open Houee aad Senate by 81 Repre aealallvesand 28 Senators si nee January 19, 1877. Tbc friends of Women Suf frage 10 both bouses, who Intend to ad vooate tba "Amendment In tbo new Congress, desire Its frlenda to sustain tbem by memmoth petitions from every . quarter." Circulate tbia petition through tbo autumn and winter up lo January - 20, 1878. Obtain tb namee of all wbo have algned similar petttiona to tbo preeent Congress, and aa maa y More aa possible. Head tba pellttoos w I lb suet well-known names aa yon wish lo have eppeer la the fJbaTreeeiottaf Hecord. Flit the blanks for Slate, town,' nud county, (hat members mey refer lo tbelr ewe districts lo presenting peti tion. Have, all tbo BBmee signed plainly wltb Ink on two oopleo of the petition, oue for tbc Houee, nnd one for tbo Senate. Aek each el guar to remit at least ten centa lo toe Treaeurer of the National Woman Suffrage Association, Mra, , Ellen E, Sargent. , No, 1,788 Do - Salee street, Washington, D. C, to defray eipeosee of eiasslfliatioB tor preeeoUtloq to the 45lh Coogreee, JLVery l nam received before December 1, 1877, will be elaeslflsd with lie appropriate Bute and county pelttloue, and pre sented by the ep'proprlele Repreeenla Uve aod Senator. Scud with the pell- (ion name "and post office addree of each ooe wbo obtains signatures, ao tbo officers may kaow tba work era..;-' Cut tbia out, and peete It at Iba bead of a sheet of paper aad go to work. Put the namee of men on tbo rlgbt, and women oa tbo left of your petition, aad trace every neme eerefnlly In Ink l ' rrrmoar roa WOMAN SUFFRAGE. ; To fAe SenaU and llou at fimrn. i Cbepres ossee-oeif : Tbc undersigned, eltisen of tbo United But, reeldenU of tbe Bute of . ., county of , town of ' , earn estly pray your, honorable body to adopt measure for' ee amending tit Cooctltnlloa aa to prohibit tbo several BUtea from disfranchising United Htalee dtlaen oo aecouot of aez. r" 'I III. I, I A special telegram from AaaUlmte tbe Los Aogelec JSrprett bring Infor mation of a violent cloud-burst which occurred la Brea Cefion about alz mile from tb first aemed place. Two men, Bhmldt aad Jobneoa, wbo war driving np tb ca flon, were met by a (remendotin flood; tbelr wagon waa overturned and broken, and Bhmldt being caught be neath tbe overturned vehicle, waa drowned. Tbe whole eoeuiw la tbe neighborhood of Ue hilts Was covered with water totbeSplb of three feet We bear no report of aov othVr eeel dent resulUog from the alood-bnrst