The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, December 14, 1877, Image 2

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    fRI DA Y.. -..DECEMBER 14, IOT7.
- BWTMsV. '
ArrBia-jvMI I'M MimUm Uwl Hit
Sv rMlUla BS M lhrU(B
the rrniDtjnr message.
The Preeidcal to wit with tb a at
a aaaa! tribal U pertieeaeatary pro
cedure aad prieUr'a ink, aad hi parti
mm frieada are olalmlag to tb effort
Ibe mil aasoaal af exeeptloaaj ability
aud exbaueUv staleemsaehlp.
' The eterooly pod gratitude to Almighty
God for mm aad plenty to followed by
lKA BtaraAfSMld aoaaideratlaa of MM
aide tossa aader lb Mt, with aat a
aaa faint til Mia U lb disgraceful fat
that so-hall ef lb elilscae ef the ee
ratted-Repebl I Br held la political
at jugstloa le aa aristocracy of atx, sb
dariag Uialloe vltheut rear niatlo.
aad belag gwveraed without eoaecat.
Tha airil aarvtoa flaaea ti aa
haaati a bolatariaf that proroks a laagb
froaa a vary body la Obia, aad a aaaar
fraaa ararybody aatalda. Tba olorvd
hretbar, baiaf aafraaebUad, raraiaaa a
paragraph ar two, aoacralalaUoc hi at
a poo aalag aow adraaa d ta fall and
aava that tha aalfaraa rUtUa of tbaaa
aluaaaa ara vary daar la tha aiaeatlra
. haart. .
Ilia svatiary traato atbaaatlTaty af
flaaaea, bold lag atrtelly ta tba aptalaa
af tba aaontad aa all aaar tba world
iaa i i iiin ciaMa gaTaraataat w
wat atrabg aoaagh ta aaaka aad ataatp
lu aw a aaaaay; aad tba raat af tba
world aaaat rata that gold aball ba tba
legal taadar thraaghaat aar kordara.
Tha Ida tbaCrapital to InOaila, aad lav
a a labia, aad hamaalty aad lu aaada al
. . . . . I . . I..MW4..I
aa blai aa to all atbar aaaw la I octal I v
Wa Ilka bis oplaloa oa tU allror
ajaaatkMa. EUlvar la aw aiaaoat aa
nplaaty aa pig I re a. Ta aaaka mm a togal
taadar la a boat aa aaaaihla as ta aaaka
tha at bar aaeh. Yrt, aa tha aaaaa
priacipla, gold abaald wat ha hold aa
anjlhlag bal a aaarehaatahla aaaiaaadr
liy, lika diaaaaada aad athar rar gaaaa.
A goaaraaaaat that eaaaot ata,aap its
' awa papar aad back lUeradU hy Itoawa
heaior, wtlboot (ha praaatoa of gold ar
ailaar aa aaraijr, raau aa a rattaa foaa-
datioh. But tba TrtalJcat doaas't
'it, aor dosa aoy athar aaaa la hla llaa of
JDiftUtiaiVi af aal ana fmlj JftfjVj
fallad thalr llraa t aaaa tha Uaioa, aad
tha ehlldra who Bwrrtaa tbaaa ara aa
dariag tha load af oforiaitiag hoods
i tor aoay glvsa for a Ilk s parposo, apoa
"which lalaraat aaay amwa aaa(-aaa
ally foraaar, with aaaar a thoaght la
haaiaa IU to of aaora thaa hUt-
law aaapoaa, ar aalllioaa afc. aaUoaal
praaalata ta pay. Wm aaaa aball
- aaaaaara thalntnats of haaaa Baaacos
hy tba Uamita af haaaah aktotaaaa, rathar
tbaa ha la&aitado. aa mv thv sill
hagia ha aaaa pra ha ad thadaliarajaaaUoa
la a Baaaaarlhat to at praaaat twyoad
thalr kaav
Takaa thr
-"""'T at hara pt
aaaacka aaaeh of tha i
character as
Ita i
la for a lair ah or af ex-
ecaUe aaaaaderaliaa, th klsxtcah b
aot aeot leaked, aad the aegr he will
atrtee aaaat aarasstly to protect la bia
patittoal rights.- It to aaly ewe-half af
ar l( aored. la tbaaa
Aa4 why ahoald they
oaaplaia ? Area't they awed to It T
. What If tha goalee af Liberty la their
galdlag star, aad tha prtaeiptoaf iaatto
their staadard of right? Owght they aot,
a aathri af asea. to- rest aoataot with
tha aahjagatod iwaltlaa to which th
aaaa af wsana hare roaalgaeJ theea T
-- DETAtTTXE. : . -
Mra. CVhara takaa her departar aa
-d- (Friaay'ai -EMer'- for tal
Iforata, expeetiag lo ha ahaaat for aaa
an a tba. Her foiUag health reo
this step laaperatlea. XariBa: th foar
yaara ah haa bee aaaatlatod with aa
apoa tha papar, w haea awear had aa-
wjwJgaaeat lath aaai
-aaaaa. Aa a dear,
aaataf Ma
, alegaai, aad foctoal Mwapapar
wnter wa aaoiteog th world to pro
!aaa her aoaeriee. Aad yet. lika ear
aWf, aha had a tralalag for th peaitloa
except thai gathered at lb eradW-akle,
la the achsal raaax , aa teacher (for
weither af aa ewarcoly er attaaded
acbiil), r Ja th kJtchaa aad at th
waah-tah. For tea yeara, ar eiaea tha
rata ar ar haahaa hlra. CVhara haa
aapaorted aad reared her feUy of foar
aaaghteea, perfor aalag prodigies af labor
ta their hriagtag ap which aa aaaa
woo id have aaaaldared it f aoaUls for
hi at to aodara. Her health has always
area eWfeote, aad her friewda bar
aaaWy aratehed wtlh aloras th laroada
af tactptoat aaaaaaipUaa, which w see
aaaat ha am ataa 'bow ar aweer, Ph
aarrioe with her the host wishes af a
forgairtaof rrvea aad reialvee, foK
eawod hy aa earaeat prayer lor her
Tha lear mf Trwh to tha lit a pa
per deeoted to rrHtaatlaaa. whch h.
reeeotiy aaod tea aparaae ta Meaa
phtot Tea a owe, aoier tha ed.asr.aJ
ai a a age na I af Mary tawaa rhladWr.
Tha taearaUoa la the talttal aoaiaar to
as fotVaw: "May th spirit af Ood, tha
spirit af Troth. L, aad Waaaaam, aad
tha tearbiag af Joaaa of aaaroth to
aptrathea pogea, aad tha beam af all
www read theav" A paper
each a hiaaaatlaa oaght to
w-e j ." " : j
tb WBtomstte Medkal 1
I art It at
aa ta ITU lass. I
- -, THE COMIIQ Mil.
Wbe Is he? and bm bbiT 6io
ibe drain of lb mt Martyr, XJaeola,
the country ha bees la a Mate af trrpl
datloa bewea af tie waul wf a leader.
Like a eoloe v af be deprived af their
qaeea, tba arietorracy af at I to la a oo
ataa! slate of ioqaletud. But, Belike
tba bee a, having a aaerriag I not I acta
la guide Ihcea, they selee, hr a droae
nU there a aseolal hermaphrodite, aad,
piecing thaw la tba aaat af power, try
luallly,"Uall! auteeratof aaeseultally r
aad tbaa they bead tba eepple blnf af
their kee ibat thrift aaay folio
fa a log. , .
Wllbla tba past Iwwderad tba eldr
af brala aad pwr, wbe were
Ideallfied, with leading aelieaal
topic, baaa died or baaa legislated aut
of publl posltioe, Fromta. eeaoeg
the wba bar a reoroUy retired fro
1aadaa affaire waa He. tX P. Martoa,
wba bad tba ewerege la aaaw bia aolljl
lada far tba reeogullioe aad aekaowl-
dgaaeat af weeaaaa rlffht I eafraa
ehi meet. Bat bia force la this dlra
Un-h t NOMmUT mm. had tba
u fortitude with which ha
ai-lrfMad waasaa'a bardaaa waa raasarhably
Ws wall raaaaihraaraaliaa'w
hold with Catawal E. IX Bakar la La
fayatta, a abort tlaja prior to bis atactica
ta th IJaitsd Stataa roaU la 3tgoav
Wa wara yaoag thaw, aad wholly aa-
allaa ta tha latportaaca af frailni, aad
wara sot praparad for lha aadJaw aat
harat of aloaaBt,'praphaUc thwaght that
park lad la hla sag Is ryaa aa ba ax
alalaMd, laipalalaaly, MUadaaB, tba
ait groat qacatioa that will aagaga
praaaat naUooii dlfflcalttoa ara aattlad
will ba tba aafraaehiaaaaaat af woaaaa."
la our part IgaoraDoo aad pltlahla la
asparlaaca, wa oaly laaghadat bias la
rrply, ; Tf
At this h loanad forward ta bia chair,
aod tooklag ap la a aaaaasr paaaltaf ta
hlaa wba thoraaghly la aarnaat, ha si
alalaard, Jaat aa aaaa as thls acr
qaaoUoa tha tha paramoaat oos Is
aattlad, aad tha aatloa h) traaail again,
I tetrad, If amy Ufa to aparad, to da what
I raa to ascara for woaiaa all tha aiall
aad political prlrllagaa that aaaa aajoy."
Ah, haw IllUa wa tha thowghi that
aflT tha lra pL yaara,' whaalcfeloaal
Bakar had foag aiaca baaa. atrtcksa
dowa hy tha da aaaa af opprosalaa, wha
had alwaya baaa) hla daadliaat foa, that
it woald daaalaa apoa aar fbl aslf ta
hroaiala tba aboaa iMaiortaX attar
aaca aad aaad It forth oa tba ara of
Juaiaalisai ta ptal to a Miowapd aycaT
aad.AH a thnaaaad haarta with thrills
r foegiag nryBi!irJt
vetoarry oat hto heaatifal raaolea,
ata long ara this It
Id haea heea aa
aaaapltohwl. . , r 1 -
" Bat wha to tha aoatlsg anaa? la alt
Aaasrtea sorely there ta aaa apoa whoaa
th aaaaUe af aUteaaaaaahtplika this
aaaat fall. Aad. th aaaa, yoaag or old.
wba wlU dor to lead lb eaa la this
tfTot yrtaalpia wf jaattoa U'th
Un,ua Pawata to tba raaaiag aaai
taTXh raited
a. Troe,
b wULh adr a haa for a while, for
aaaart AUcka, IbrgatUag what they awa
to waaaaa, will aaaka hlaa tba. halt of
thir wiltoaa jokea, aad ailly reporters
digalfy y?) Iha
ly eaajaaeala, hat tbeae will
aaly aakladle apaa thapahll atlad a
palrfoUa hlaa af ealhaoiaowi that aball
owe a two on ta guhto hi to gtory.
"Aa for aaa," aaid Baker, "I aar aot,
I will aot a fan to fr..iaaa. I will
walk kiaiath bar haaaer. I will glory
la her etreagth. : 1 have area her la his
tory etrwrk dowa aa a headred a Ida af
hattlsL . I have aeaa her frieada fly froaa
her, her foes gather aroood her. I bar
srea theex (Iva hr aahea to th wladW
Bat whoa they taraed toeaatt, I have
aaea her agala aaeat I beat face to faea,
rsspleadsat la aa araaery af eteei.
hrahdtohlag la bar atroag right haad a
ftaailag award, red with leeeffrraato
light. I taks eooraga.
Aad, loader, as wa haak to-day la the
relight af oar aaactaaa, qawtlag
iataeanal wardaaf th I aspired atatee
aasa, wa, too, lake CM rage. Th aaai"
lac aaaa win atrika haada with th
eeoio of Asaorieaa Hberry aad gwhla'1 awraUaf Mr. Deal way for
th psopla aa to ftssdsai. "
Exchangee lafors aa that Doua Pedro
haa foe ad a altera la Braail rather
traty la hla Uhlaf Mhc hWTfeliranrrewB-
hto Itttto trip arowad th world. Fl4--
hgly laslssXita asajsti asea, aad
they ha leased ap the aar that lb
xpeadltar af half a aailUaa aaaaally,
to keep a arioa af royalty aad hto ra
tal eers la aWgaaca, which aaaat he paid
for hy tha tot Hag aalUioaa-af soajecta,
ho receive a raw freest l a la retara,
I a hwaiaaaa aa aaaniwary aa aaprofit
ahi. Wha aay paapls ar alas of peo
pl awe get to Ihlakiag aarvaWy aad
ladepeadoatly far thiaaailvia apoa aay
aareet, their vwry aext thoaght to for
wdlvhal Uherty.
Mies I ara WhHo, of IVUwara, Ohha,
who graduated with dtetlaattea la th
haaa of TV al tha Chi Weeteyua Waaa
aaCoiWge, to sjw foMwwiag a alasilral
are la tha Wesley aa Caivcreitj.
Mia .Whit aaaka.
eatire hewaeheid, aad haa wadlfflcalty
ta heepiog wp wttb harai arslioe ca -
, who play haa haa for exercise,
aad raat whitosWdrwdgva. Ahoald her
health fail aader he adrpl hwr
dews. Pr. Clark win hav aaathir ex
es i to add to hto Ueted
overtaxes tax
Tba Haaa J adaptor Cma(U baa!
dtiwcaad Boa BoCtor .to re a bill aK
towlag wiatia to praattoa sorer th '
Vailed ta eawrta. Wewdrr what for tnee yeara, bar visaed H. aad ex
th Might x wgmiatai af tha Terrt Prewhfoat Hato reanmbara a af the
t ary f Waraiagtow wtU do ariU tos atedrats "aa tor sems lime tha head of
I Rul hi U UterdtcUaf th right sfwejth; A'-veksVTWrteewtJa awa af qui
i 1 practac he aar th dteaHrt eowru j
af tos abry s aaaa maw wealth, wbea thai ;
1 a Tadervd tow 1
18 IT lIGHT f
. Not a thausaad aaltoa' froaa 1orilaad
fivasa woaiaa wba baa hsoa for arar
thirty ysara a aarsfal, lodusuiooa, aad
pravidaat wlfs and aaotliar. -bala aa
orthodox aMfa, af tha old acbooi,aad
haa alwaya laborad aadar tha lasprati
aioa) that ah waa la full poaacaafoa af
bar laaltaaabla rlghta, Latoly, haw
aaar, a rhaaga csaass avor1 th spirit af
her draama. 1 Her -father aad aaothar
haaa reaoatly docaaaad la a tslra
KtW, tooTlag kr hir t a aaaalJsrahla
aaaa of aaooor. Th estat waa ad ail a-
istarad apoa aeeardiag to tha law a of
aaaa, aad aawnlSeaU waa forwarded la
th hashaad aad wlfs to sign, la order
that, tba avowry, aalghl be paid aror to
thiatratd party.
Vba I got aay aaoaey Vtt visit aay
atarried daughter la lb altl hoaas,"
aaid tha orthodox wife, a tones trea
Iowa with Joy. . v.
Tha orthodox hashaad deaiarrad. II
gaoa whora ha pit aaaa, lor bo's a fro
wblta aaata," yoaxkaaw; hat ha later
diets II ki L liberties poa th part of th
aoaaenralor of bis aaorals aad th aa
paid keeper of hla boat. ' ,
' Bat I havaa't goaa away froat Ihla
houa for a qaarter af a reatary, axeept
to aaeettag aad tha aaaaal aoufloeaseou
af say aeighhors; aad I'm del er ail Bed
to atoU aay daaghtor V exclaiaasd th
wife aad aaother, deaidediy.
Tbea, gtt jroar aaoarjr if jkm con
Nopaaded tha; waaiaa'a BUI yke af a
MThat to Jaat what I propoaa ta do,
waa tha spirited rajoladar.
"I'd likaj aa yaarat It withoat asy
algaatara to that raeaipt! tzclalaioJ
tu legal hrad af tha fsailly
MAad woa't yoa aigw lb receipt?"
asked th aapportod wlla..
"-Vo, aatKfaasf Tha astata aaay ga to
thaoder for all a aie. I hav pleaty,
aad doa't ooad It, aayhow.n
wBat I haeea'l a dollar I eaa aall
aaloo, aor aeeer haea had, aiaca t aaar
rtad yo;" aaid tha wife, treaiaioasly.
Aad ril take good ear that yaw ra
aaaia impscaoiooa, aaid her exultant
-Bel why r .' '4
,Bcaaaa a wife ' aala aball ga
gaddi'ag oeer tha aoaatry aad, aeglact-
lag her boat dallea - "
--But I aly waot to atort awrdaagh-
lr." J..r..:
Yam; yaa aay that aow, hat one let
yoa get a -test of gaddittg, aad yoa'll
at hoaa any mnr while that
y laata."
"Has aay life ofJkojesltoforiihwom
tSTrly years failed U Inspire yaa with
aay eoafldeec ta aay IoWgrityTalr r ;
laowl h kaaw ha waa
devlla, and that very kawwtodg eaada
hlaa aVaahly ahatlaata, i -
Days, weeks, had aaoatb weal aa,
hat that certiftcal was aot aigaed, aad
to aot to tbia day. The llaa It of tl as for
It ackawldgeaaat haa aow expired,
aad th protected aad eepported drudge
and pa a per oa a rich aaaa's faraa asks
herself why It to that her haahaad'a alg
aatareto aienisrrto Dabt her to se
aur her awa aaaaey al all f ..
8h re whoa h reeeioed hto
portfoa of hla father's estate, aad ah
waa aat railed apv M alga a paper tm
arder that h aalghtdraw lhaaaaaaatj
aad why, la tha aaaaaaf )aallro shsal l 1
hto eigaaiar ha
rloaaay L
to eoable her
15 arcura ber patri
Ilia alaaost a soilless to
lease tbaa dearly Isarasd haa aaad aa
earaeat etjaal righto worker af thie era
while eltaYng alaa.
Trwa, ah aa do hat very Uul. for
aha haa aslthsr asaory aor liberty, hat
so orders th Krar XoarawKST for a
aeighhar. aa, lajpataataaa as Voraelf,
aad aeads theditor a roll af hatter aa
tha sly c la a while to pay for It;
aad aow aha furaisbee th ahav facto
for paUicatloa, which w draws la aar
awa UagvAgeaad seadJheea forth aa
thefr aatasio af jaatiaa, eailefled that
all goad aaea waa read win
jorisoteuoa aver
tyraaay pa
at bie.
Th last wa heard af that aaodel hoe-
"aaeklag trouble la faaiilies r
l appearance la ta cvroat af a
Daaocratto aasnasor to Mr. Martoa
wWl radar ths Krrablhaa saajurf
foar, whoa all seats ara fall. Aa
tar Sharoa to hahltaally ahaaat. th act
eel asajertty la aaly Urea. - The ad
l.ii a of th HnsaecraUa claiaaaato
froaa Louiaiaaa aad Soalh Carwliaa
weals ha Is ace evealy tha atreagth af
parttoa apoa tha floor, hat th RepabU
aaa aapraaaacy would Kill he aaaJa
taiaed hy thecaetlag vote af Vice-Pi eel
deat Wheeler. Siar id. th Ropah
Ucaaa have loot eixteea Peaatara aad
galaod aa aat reosidarisg th aaata
aaw la dtopwt.' Tha gala to la Catt
forala. aad tha leases ar la th folsrw
leg Statoa: Ceaaectlcot ). New York,
New Jersey, PVaaaylvaaia, ladiaaa (Tm
IUiaoss, Wess Vlrgiala, North Carwliaa,
Florida, Mieasaaipwa, Ark aaaa, Ma
aaart, aad Texas (SV. t'atoaa a hreakiag
ap af paniee ahaalf Jaaa ccwr, the
fianrrsta wilt bo aertala, dariag th
aext twa yeara, to aaaka farthar galas
af aa tjrostsr la each af tha fottowtag
?iatea:jrio Ftortda.
A Is s aaa. aad Arkaasss, la aw Saate
hav tha Bepwhriaaaa aay proa pact af
gaiaiag a seat, aairos It he CaoascOrat.
It would therefore arras aa wall aaswred
1 as mmjmwm wmm aw iu paaiuro, aaaa aaa
laaatrwl af tha ewaat wtn paaa law the
of th tVeaeerais la 1ST.
AH the) vooag wamaa wba gradeai
al Aattoch CsArg paaa th faU Greek
as ares if they wish, aad asswt af this.
high achasto, aad aaa of her pepth)
wera ferreted either at Tale ar
For , asoatba Yoara Traly haa aot
paaaed a eiagle aeateoea. Bhe'e heea
aa aery hasy aver aiaca' br marriage
that, what with aaaaagiag Jlaa, toklag
aar af, aoibr, aad karpiag tba gov
raor away froaa Ieaocratia driuka,
ahe'a bad enough t da to drive a leas
aeaaihly halaaced waiaa af tha period
Yoa reaieatber- tba apartateols Jim
(tiled ap for Yoara Traly, Mr. IX T
Well, yoa ought to haea aaea tbeaa
after they were foraiahed. Ery liltl
faacy arttola that to iareaally of a
girt of the period could devU was aad
aad placed la arderaad tha f fleet was
aa hoaaelika aad pretty, aad tha coat.
withal, so trifling, that Year Truly haa
aftaa reoni vd to give tba readers of th
Si NoTHWxT tha beoeBl af aery
eaiaata detail aoaceroiag the way it all
aaata about tvaa Idea of this asters
waa floatiag through her hrala wbea
aha took ap th pea fu aeribbl, aad aba
had gottea alasoot ready ta tall her ax
aerince la eaaktng Boor atalawhea the
goveraor eaaaa la aad apart bar Ideas
hy hraggiog oa tha Hayes policy
soch aa aaloeked-for aVparturs of aa
aid liaa Deaaecrat froaa hie accaatoosed
priaeipl art her to raeaiaaiiag apoa
th peccadilloes af poll Ilea.
Taat electoral, soaailauoa waa a
graad give-away gas, froaa heglaaiag
to aad r h declared, giving hla gouty
foot a sadJsa twist hy way af aoapbaala,
that art hlaa to howling with rag aad
pel a la a aaaoaer that would haea filled
Yours Traly with eoosteraaUoa, aaly
ahe'a aaed ta It. Tb Rrpahlieaas
thought they'd struck a rich toad wba
Ibey got that eight to asesa artaage-4
aaaat art lied to their liklag,N ha added,
aa his pala-dlatortad featarss settled ooce
aaors lata ruas-bloaeooaed placidity, aad
tobacco aasaka rolled fraaa a bole la his
whiskers toward tha ceiling, to th I aa
aa I ara I danger af eolliag Year Traly 'a
dinity aortal no. "Bat it waa tha Pease
crate that gal aad -the victory," be aaid,
after a puffing piaas, "aod we're hrUer
eft aa a party la-day, with Ratbcrford
B. la lb; shalr, tbaa we -would have
heea If the ceaaaiiesiea had coanted la
ftoaaaalj."' V
Tha (fohhla aaad a eataco whaa
ha wt fata th cipher dispatch iusi
aeea, didorbs asked Jioa, ,etly;
for Jiaa la aBepahlicaa, aad. ta toll the
cabdld truth, Mra. D., tb proceeding
af the Hayes dyaasty araaiaklag hiai
oiek af politics aa at preaeat eoad acted,
aad deaidediy la favor of eafraaehieiag
bsv seaidooa aaonglurouraaad
iOi-eiu flrover to good hoy aad
trae IVaaocrat," aaid tha goveraor,
"Aad a pur politieiaa," answered
Bet dida't lb Itcpabliraoa fiad
thiaasrlvea said oa th Packard lay-oat,
ah, Jlai?" . ' . ''
"Laoafesa It looks that way," was
Jiaa'a reply.
aaiaet J. will be the aext Presi-
deat, ahackled th goveraor."
"Aad what thear desaarsly asked
Yoara , Truly,, wha aaa sea litUe saaae
iss hirnisfy If -jfc-g r-""r-t1
as aow aaaaagad.
"Tha Baaa aerate will have aaatrel afj
ib. ..n aad we II f-i Wb it.
aad wall repudiate tb Xbnhera debt
aod rscogata th Souther a clalsas, aad
gtv th rase is effiee aad reaiaad th
LVaaka aad carpst haggsra to Iha shades
af private life, aad kill Boa Butler,
toFtber, area't yoa a llttla la year
raps raskrd aothrL with her voice
slightly Vtreeable; "aod doa't jo
apeak ywr salad rather freely
Th gorvraor daigaed a reply. It
was wot to ha expected that he would
ear for th apialea af aa waa eouMa't
at. . . . ..
"Hayaa will a ahig I aaa aader the
aw dispewsatioa, aroa'l he T asked
Jiaa, hoptag ta toad th rawvaraatioa
funher i the easae chaaaet. '--.
"There's wbr you're aitstakra, aay
hoy. If there's a aoaaou earth thai lb
average Deaaecrat deepisea, he's the
aaaa. wha tare traitor to hto party.
Hays aaid hto party for a aaeae of Prve
Idewttal pottag. aad a bee ha pleads fur
bia birthright, he'll fail to get it, aader
8aeal J."
liy IhiBk there waa a
kargula aad sale la tha PrceidraUal
aaaddlar ashed Yoara Traly.
I kawwtber waa." ' .
. "But toat It drradrul f-r aeu t gaaa
hto aad sheet la affairs af each vital lax
firlaan totba whol iiifli
"It all right wha yaw area, hut an
wrowg atoe yaw lees, aad awr aide www
that thaw; aad Rutherford B. baa eaeri
aord bia party aad buried hlaaerif ; aad
aS the party baa accampliehed will be
eraibii aadar th raiae af hla awa aaa
hitiosv. The Bewahltaaaa wwa't admit
It aaer; hat, they awake grimace af dto-
saUafactlaa. aad sevk todaasa hlaa with
mi at praise, thlaklag w aid Dim at rats
win foacy their admire Oo for their h-
trayer to aiavsa para. Bat they'll
a bia adaalatotreUwa elmea
They wrwew a,"
"Father." aaid as ether, la s 1 nasal e
"you'd better go to bed. . Y'U
w If
ml got
Mra. D, what Ulak you T le tt la-
aearket ad PrraUeatial d.gaity aad
laiBBihlXity T -
Jiaa aay thegsesrasr told aaore truflb
hae forced aat af him ta a awawth If he
bad aaea soaor. raoaa. caiidrea, aaU
tipsy pewpls alwaya sail lb trath.
Wait, th shakiag wpaf poikaral af
laira will lnH ta ewtraarhtoaag a im
aa. That's oa toaalhrt. A ad, art her
Saaaael J. Bathwrford B. aball att
1 a a asnag vm piwai varta
a ks thattatwtiva aaate troto drf-
1 . ' Toca firiT.
Wheat la
a HaJeea at f I 11L
yew, .
aaaa eleea." '- 1 "
Tha fl rat steady rata fall of Iha year ta
Arlaooa occurred, Peoeoaber 7th.
Th coal coai pa a lea have adeaoeed tba
price of ouaj frum thirty to fifty ess la.
Oer ,00O paopi aialud Chtof Joseph
aad hla haad at Fort Leave worth aa
9aday.- ,
A- special froaa Roaae aays the 1'ope
wa aufferiag Intonse agouy aa the l(tb,
ahd,,aaloss speedily relieved, can't ear
vleeaaaay boors.
The lter-Ocean'i Washlogtoa special
aays: .Tbr to slroog feel log la the
rshi'nat Xiroriag reeagaltioar PiaxJ
It will probably a decided aa shortly."
Th aaaa af tba railed State agalaet
ex-Ooveraor Tihlee, to recover alleged
arrears af 1 0000a tax, art dowa for Iw
eeeaaer 8th, wss adjourned far twa
A HeWf Washlngtoa special af De
cember 4h say : "Ssaford'.aaoaiinatioa
aa minis irr to Betglaaa bring laid aside
aader asw ralea, will aeeer a heard af
agaia." v
Th PrssiJeat aad Mrs. Hsyra hav
accepted aa tavltotioa of th t'aio
Leagu Club, tooderiag tbeaa a public
receptlor oa th vralug of tha 2lst of
Th Tiaace Washlngtoa spec is) aays s
"No snore Dominations will probably
ha seat la la tb Senate aalil the holi
days ara passed, a a Ires ahaufatoty asesa
eery for pabito tats wet. !
lr. Albert T. Bledsoe, editor of the
Southern lirview aad former pro feasor
af tha raiveraity af Vlrgiala, died al
Atoxaadrla, VlrgiBjSjjMi tb alghl of
I'isambsr "th, of paraiyoia.
Beceat q a aria devetopaaeou la Brit
lab Col sm bia ara attracting tha attea
ttoaaf aalaiag aaea la 6a Franalsco,
aad atroag aoeapeaiee will aaaa he
formed to operalej th province.
Dariag tha past week th polio of
New York have heea making raids aa
aalieeaaed Imjbot dealers, aad aa eoe-
aaafullyTthat th atattsa haassa hav
heea filled with tbeaa aeerty every
alghl. ; ... ......
Tba aaa-eoaiBilttea of lb Hue eoaa-
mtlle oa elections haveeooeluded hear
ing th argaaaeata la tba Loaisiaaa,
Maaaaehasstto, aid Califerala eon loots,
hat will aot report tbeaa to tha fall
commute aaUl aftr th holiday rtiia,
,11 Is aadoreteod there will ha a aat
la the fteaat this week 0 aay Im
portant qacatioa after Eastfe 8eaalorial
twax shall haaa heea diapusod af. tBtfOatf of CTba, aBd
thataaat of ih Week wUi ho4eeoUd
ISJlha-jjiarawiiftn af a ailesr Mlt A-
aaai her af 8eator bare there kr asada
arraagaaata'to lea re for their hoojs
beore th holiday recess.
Tb Calileraia assembly haa adopted
aaaalaaaaaly thegeaats eoacarrrat res
olatfoa askiug CaifrrssTa lvy a. per
capita Ux of $JU aa Chlaeee Immi
grasU. Tha 8al haa adopted a joial
reselatiea asking CwagTeaa w eaac lb
law ta pre v id for aa later
aaltoaal aommlasiBa af
Rial, Ureal Britala, aad Chi a ta re-
strict Chios taaaxigraUoa. , . -
Aconfereace was held oe lbs c'tM 'ar -
lAreember aih, with eloard dwars, i a lb I
fiAAffm M .1. .11.1 k. .....1
w wmmm . VBfnwa, VJ CMWtl,
KrprreroUUvra. and popnlsr, 1
favarahl to
tareeaaacK aaovesBeet.
A paraaaaeat ssllsnsigrernbek Joaga
was formed, with aa execaUve a-
mltle mt oue tfoaator or Rrprrsrotatl v
froaa each Plate. --It waa arraaged to
hav a peraaaaeat room at tha Capitol.
Th TWowa' special fraaa Washing-
voasay; Ia th eoavlctloo-that ta
silver hilt, la as aaodlfled form re
ported by Ibcwaaie committe, will
hy a tw-thirde oU aad aa he car
ried evr ibe vet la case tb Preoldeat
ahoald lstrrpooe aaa, a large pool to re
port rd to have bee formed la Waab
fof tb purpos of bay lag gold.
aader th belief that th raoatixatloa
of ailver. eve with t fry coiaaga,
wm srod ap th pirtoe af gold rapidly.
Oa geuUemaa, actiag a Lais belief, Is
reported to hav perch sard SXO.OUO
wwrth af gold." ;j .. ..
The Tfarfcfs Washlagtea epecial eaya
It aaay ha asasrtad with ahaalata coal
deac that there to a foaadatloa for
th reports which are wear 4a circa la
Uaa aa to tb approach I rg recogaHiow
af Dial aeth lawfal chief asagtotrata af
aoatrmpUted hy Lb adailatotratloa to
eaesiilsr the ataiaax as Dtax, bat Hto
aadareteod hy wboea thwa off arts are
laepired. aad what their rvelaaeet to.
New from Mexto iadicate that the
Dial g.viraaasat to foaiag. aat gaiaiag.
atreagtbr aad. after baMiag aar rata
aaa aa foag la aheyaae with It, th
admiatotraUwa to aot earn i ear to aar
aeoalie actisa at thto tot Uaa f day.
Th New Turk JfrvwIaT elaim that
tba Prsaidsat, la yield lag th civil ser
vice priori pie, hae vlrt sally yielded
every lal eg. Th aaaaa la which b
kept expiaiaiag away btorJetl avrvto
ardor aaUl tbere ar hat a eaere eastlg
of ft toft, aad hto ft a at at appoiat aaea is
aa aa abvlo reward af partieaa p-
port hae pre pared th way far th flaal
abaaeiewiat af tha priaelpie af arpa
ratlag th civil wsrvh from party pal
esmsBlsary edacattoa.
evew I New
tag (aad, tb Italia Parllemewt h
voted 1 foe af M, aad ail ebiidraa ap
to the age sf Bio yeara, at toast, meat
bfter at lead th puhlia achanla, aa
to hi eaa he above that they ar re
reiviag aa ewwieatoat adaratlaa at
bi. to prtvato arheale, are Is
feabJs heafth. .
Th Jrftge . Woo yaacmf
edited by Caiaarl Baady. Caaraga,
fmm w oar aseaa loiareauag awa VaJ
exraaagva. v aateewr aaay a said
af th ghoetly rforarter af la litrratare '
aaatalaa, isaaady eaa read tt wltawat 1
; roixiojriEWB.
rievua baa surra oderrd HDCOoditloa- t
ally. .- -
Tba Carl 1st Gcaeral . Llsaraga dial la
fUo Ieeembrr 10th. I . -
Tha aeara of fUrvlaaa rrooaitig iu.
Turkey laraa awl afouaded. .
Th aeara of th fall af Plevaa aeea-
aioua great rrjoiclDg la PL Petersburg.
..It la'rrported that Prince Bisaaarrt
has rewewed his reuueet to be relieved
of offlce-. ' "; j
-Th Turkish "Couocll af f tato haa de
cided to appoiat ahraa ChrUiisa gov
raora of provinces. ',
Tha Cxarba givea aoticeef hie la
ir at to to retara la Rt. PeWsttarg hw
tweea lMwnrtwr XX aad Jaauary Sib.
'Semi-official aaDers dear that la
three Imperial powers have reoeolly
heea conferring together la relaUoa to
terms af peace. . (
Officially apntMiheed Busaiaa
twrea ajbr llahJta th -17U-was
IMS aaea. Total loae aiae tha
msacemsut af tha war, 7iM
' Tha Tiaac argea that th mom eat haa
aow arrived wbea pea betwasa Bu-
aia aad Tarkey to possible, aad It to to
ha hotted th British gwccraaaaal will
see all efforts ta that affect.
Inteltlgeooe received from Elees to
that eperatioa heera that pier aad
Tiraova ara suvpendrd, kiraais af bad
weather. - Great prepare Ueo ar hetag
asada to delend Klaa la rase th Raa
sians attempt to reeaptara IU
Tha JEjie J?asr aaaksa tb follow lag
aa Bounce nasal : - "Osasaa 1'soha at
teaipted to break through la the dirwa
tioa of Widdia. He was attacked la
front aad rear aad waa compelled t lay
dowa bia areas after a gloriowe atraggla,
la which h waa eerioaety wouaded.
All with an voiee prats bia oaduet,"
Budtlrs that th Port toteads to
lake immediate steps for hriaglBg about
aa araaioUoa ar pesos negotiation ar
founded aa soaaethlag mar tbaa aaer
eoajeetur. It to Mial-efSeiaily aa
aounced that th as pi a re of Plevaa will
awl prevent hostillUes from heiag awa
tiaaod, ea though preliminary aega
tiaUoue for peace should he aommewoed.
Ltoateaaat Wise, af tba Proaeh Naey,
reports favorably o bia afllaial sxplora
Uooa af tha Isthmus af Dariea with a
view to th project af aa la tor aeeaale
canal. He believes that It aould be
aaaat reel ly executed directly from th
valleys of the Tspisa aad Tlali ta the
aay lochs. Lie teasel Wis estimates
the cuei uf lb pTfo"
aa. '
War advice fi
lal that tha Sellaa
dream, that a prop bet
aaad fc aoWa'To aTa
aired for tha death
th award of Gla
ahealhed, aad the
may he pdrdoood. aad pa are may agala
.dfl .
Ctoaaiaopla ra
rctlV bad a
appeared aad
iThat Allah haa de
af aa mors Russia a.
(7) asay wewwe
residue of th Otawatw
tor s. liter-I hi the toad. Tberv are -so, poputor cXmm) mmmTiTUm AaWad
th I Btted ; expreaaioos of satiafacUo at laoee he- f eafraarhlrt lbs wamsa. rrf 1
Cblaa ta re- f awveleal statements af tha prophet. V . . . . .
I awveleal statements af th prophet.
Rpcial advice froax Bawharaat aat
iha kr T..,a,.h , ,.
at PtovaaaliiLOIxVxrluslv of 2b,000
t.V - 1 J A - - A ... . .
faasaaptaied at atL THa grauiwl, li.b
waa.tD acrof of le enrtfcs sraa llierally-fta
'UwawUh thauaanda of dead aad dy
lag.-The saOeriaga af lb Tarka la th
beloagarvd tow were awfuL Caed,
dinsia. aad tarn i a bad drcf mated thwir
raakeaad redered l
fib eoidier la livieg
Mtoa Aaartto
Ch arias tew a. Vtimeat, baa lately heea
aedaiaed a I'aiwraaUat aalatoter.
Shleff a good post liaa a leash or foi
tbia gospel work btraaia aha Mt her
self aaltod to preach, aad dared aat die
obey tb heaeealy aaaadata. Naw let
aeme aaTaieter. ivjwiciag la eat Bestially,
algh aver the digaasracy af th Uaasa,
aad reaake Gad Almighty for th aala-
takaaf caiHag thto wsmsa "Wet of her
-if. Victor Hag appwara to aav prw-
haaed optaea aa th aaldoct of
, woman a rtgata." Ha says la a re
real letter: werege, alas ! he meat
hue wha Will h Jest toward th
weaker. Th weak to wemaw. Our
Ut-hals sd society seeeas if it would
her witk. Ia awr aaa thee to
earn 1 tb I ear to reran. It to what I call
law,' Maa haa bia tow: h
it for hieaerrf. Waaaaa baa
aaly tha to w af aaaa. Weuaaa to sinlly
a mia aad eaoraMy a elava. Her w
catlea to imawed walk tbm tww-sssd
aa racier af istrriertiy. ' Hear
SrriBfUto ber which aaaa max aba
Justly aaer. Thee aaaot he rararwa.
aad It will a to tb heardt af atelli.
tiwa, truth, aad light." .
There w a railroad saeetiag at Fa
dSetow aa Marday, Iwcamaai 1st. Ie
Itiatory St raa vrere take as iBioipniala
a cam easy with a eapal Mack of (Ma.
tax Mssae. J. H. Tare. A. Imrm
ased. aad J. DeeoaJ ayarlali
aaaaaitl to draft art tries af laeorpa.
ratiea to a seaewasd at a aaeeCtaar to a
heed at lb aa ptawaad hoar, aa D
ewaher IX 1TI. Thee aa eaohdrors
taat taw rad fraaa Weeaaa a Pewdiw
toa to ta (aiamhaa Rie vnU be awilt,
every ettiaea tateeeeted la th wwi
aare ta atry aad th psaewwrMy
of tb aaaaawrr to williaw to aaaa
A Buaivi Uumn-lir. WaeV
totgh, absiimaa mt taw as iter aa
prteaa aad slisttiiaa. apaa aaillac
th waaitae to order Nseaeab Iwa.
af tbareaaiatsa'tha
t-aflraga-Alil 1 1 all
1 hebatf of a mainath
' th irilllll 11 mt ,k.
avUaawa. AkerUutt
th ti inn sWaaiaat.
af Jaea-e Hear, th raall
aaaalaaaaaly eased a gea ta
kre at KfcJ a . Jaaaary a, 1ST1,-
r- K WUhard vh to
ia ia-ta MaaraJ t.X
rmTi Weatia. 11 mrtmmm. a.
rateiua mrwwal edhfeiaa for Ma
rvaehed a eeeteJa pwia
- ". - TTTT - !
i '" oeparrannia
to tb aaaaliairaUi
Nataaaal W eaaaa
for a heart eg fc
Aaaeadmewt aa
rtchteof wsmia
H fas aTyWarW ettaTaaV9
1 am
.... . 'atava aaa vaaaivusuaa.
Many impsovraaewie are being ma le
laAlbaay; - i
Diphtheria la fast disa( praring from
Walla Walla.
Jobs Rhrpard . to aalerlaialag the
Walla Walla people. ,
A firafht Seatil receolly imported
SOU gold fish froaa Hoooialu.
' A boom al Corvallla broke aa Sunday
aad tot aut about T.0UU aaw logs.
A at Catholle priest, Father tear,,
to www stalloosd at Pert Tew nee od.
mere aaa aero vm w,w ,un oi
aad etorwa la baiem aiuce
harvest. ,-
Tha gpokaaeaauatry Is highly spoken
of, aad settler ara gulag titer ia large
aumeers. " . " A
" Tbere will probably he 0U0 acres of
WwWmW fafswavW wW J L. a a swaa aaa w a 1 ga
Martoa eoaaty thie wlatsr. . ...
Th Eatt- Ortgvmiam eaya that persons'
. . . . .. . Il,tnla K.I .
mrm ti j IMS - - m -
tioa af tb aoaatry by Jumping elbvr
people'eUail, .:
Tha Tsooma Herald says that Due-
KeM, wno IMeW so oesmiy preiamny ai
rioauto, waa "erased hy floaacial dimp-
KBtaaeaU aad had whteay." Mra
aheid to aaw likely to reewver.
Isaa 8 lasts, af Polk eouaty. waa ap
poiated Joatiea of ta pesos hy Governor
AWeraata la lltt. aad hae held llial
Ufflc eootlBBsaaly ver iaa. with lb
xerptioa af aa mt le taraas, aaa
hold It aUlU .
Damaga to bridges at Satoaa hy Sun.
day'e rata waa abaat aa thowaaad doi.
lara Part of tb stnckad af tbs prul
teatiary waa washed away. Tha creeks:
about th etty war higher thea ever
before aot iced. -
Tha Lrwlstoa Tetter eaya: "The pro- -pi
aorta af Lewiotwa all with aa ac
cord clamor for aaaesailaa to Wasb
iegtoa. Tba earns aaay ba aaid of all
ta aooole af North Idaho, aava ewrbaDe
aaorporal'sgaard." -
la ladspeadeaea (Polk eouoty) r.
eeatly a yoaag tier aaaa tried to kill a
daughter af WUHaaa Kay a bieaun ah
sWiaed to lietea 1 hto aldrimia. Far
lUBaioly ah received awl a alight wooed
aa th area. Th foltow aaceped. .
I a vnju 1 tiieww wnrauva , cwv
Thursday eveaing of last week was a
eompiete laatm. - About taM persosa
wr praasaa. After th exeat teat aro
gramsa had bee reader d, th flour
was eieerad, aad daactag ladulged la to
a tat bear.
Ppeaklag of what to weeded la th
aaail lie oa Ihattouad. lb luttOiffrmcrr
eaya: "A daily aaail fraaa (Mympta to
Taaaaaa, beeUlo, Madmoa. Gam Ma, aad
Ladiow ; alaa a I ri-weekly aaail froaa
Port Tawassad to Vwtoria. W bearer r
Lbe desartmewt will rtvveallaaio soon-
paaaaliaa for that sort of aerate, thea
the kaaiassi aammaaHy will hae maJla
T - Wilhla th Ut three week a foar aw
todaaa af Uod Tern piers have heea ar
gaaixsrlTarWTnameUeTrsJIey, via.:
Boarfcliag Lodge at A aar Chapel, with
lwealy-tw aatmbsra. by Kpeelal Ikrpwty
(tamarl Tucker, af Beaeertoa ; lioaa
away Ladg at Balssa, with eixty-aawr
members ; JePrsea Lwr al JeOevwaa,
with forty-oix members; aad fiotti
Creek Ladaw ar Haloes, with thirty
tea. Th lM tare -weesed werw
orxaaiaed by O. W, CT, W. K Daw.
bar. "
hat af alt tb Btatoa
but, -Yu,.'. l,, f a.
eat aader which
to a aaiarat rrfhl. sad maai a
sired I ktr hf Iha Federal Csu
aUtattoa. Naw to aar ties to kawrk at
t.'a agree aad -ptamt ASM
right deep la ih fawdamoaial law of
Peiitlewafora ftlxteeatb Aaaeada
for waaaaa' afraaahtoi aaaat,
Hl,fa Ualtod . Btatoa-al ties aa.
ivrMfts cm, aaa area pramatsa
la opeaHow aad Beasts by tl Rrpre-
alalia aad 9 bewatorsaiae Jaaaary
la, 1S77. Tb frtowda af Waaaaa Sf
frage ia both basna. wba I a lead to ad
vooale tb A mead meat la th aew
Caagraaa, dsair Ik frtowda to ewstola
them hy mammoth petltis fraaa every
warter. Orrulale Ibie petiUoa throagh
th astama aad w later ap to Jaauary .
ai 1. - . k . 1 m ,.
have eigwod etaxltor pwtitlaa to the
praseat Caagraaa, aad aa aaaay mare as
paaaihla. Head tba potiUe with acb
wU-ko aas yaw wiah ta have
appear la th diagram! af Jfrrwrtf.
Fill th hlaaka for Plate, tewe, aad
aaaaly, that aaembers may refer to
their awa dtolricta la press al lag peti-
Have all th aa eiraed
1.11-'- -i.k i-
pwtltfoa, aaa for tb Ha
tb Srwata. Ask each toga to remit
toast tew aaata to th Trewsar af tha
NsUeeel Waaaaa SaSrag Aaiielatloo,
Mra. Ctow E. rWgvat. Na. LTJJ Ds
8al- street. Washlaaaw, IX C. to
efray exp aaaaa af iaamfl attow for
BrsaeelaUoa ta the iiih C gea. Xrcry
aaa received before Da axh 1. IfTT,
ill h eiaaa.1.1 wtia Ita aparaarUi
etaaa aad aaaat petllisaw.
eraiew yr ta apfwoartato Beprvaeeta-
"v aaa reauav raas wtta taw tmti
fflaara aay kaw th worker.
Cat thto aat. aad It at tb bead .
af a sheet af paper aad go to work, pat
af aaaa aa th rlakt. aad
aa tba left af yawr paUUaw, aad
a aarafwlty la lab :
rtiniow poa
r U beware mad Jim
af th Stat f
sew 4
.ammuataaa to preaibU tha areeral
tHate frees daraacaaaiag raitad Btai
ataf Bex. . :
Lava v-The tors
r. A. Lacaala tawea,
givea ta Mrs.
my eery tare
" reeaW partir, atia;
wait tfc. ai,aaea-mai. aid haa. U.
arwaf . ha aa aa oa aaail aa
a hv
aad Terrt
voiee la the
ah live
I State. awtodewM
awaty af ,
toJy iway yo
w oa raa-aesaiag.
-a --n T-T1T af ita I- - - t"
sVaTthsfc I aaaaba- wTrmeaaBBlafmaalsmaJ aV m Ik h sVu -