rBIDAY-..-XOVEMBER , I8T7. .... TICK. 1 AaaU will p'eem takVaotiee thf H i rwl la apae M la pay esprna rbaf apoa small mm. aad tbr will wafer e greet favor by leaalt&ag to a lkravk aaeaey eedera or NUUn4 iettars. - I "HE WHO EUH MAT IEAD.H Mr. L. M. Keoyoo, Grand Worthy VIm Templar for, tbe Btate of New York, write a Utter tolthe Palladium strongly ad recall ag Woman Bsflrag a of vital Interest la the promotion of temperance. Now, as to wall knows, wo do not alooato too franchise (or woman booanof of tbo greet good that may eomo of It, front a wo conscien tiously believe tbla will bo. Wo bold plainly and emphatically tbat woman aboold bave tbo ballot aa a free, eiprve ston of ajoyal opinion, and that thy are ooUUod to a poroonal enoloo In tbo oalootloa of lawmakers wboao law tbey, la common with man, aro bound to obey. Tbla boeanao It to Just and tight, boeanao by birth, Intelligence, and patiiotUm women aro oqnally coll Hod to oojoy tbo prlvllegeo of elleo hip with tbolr brother. If Justice I done, there aboold be ad fear for Ite re eulta, and those wbo predict and thoaa wbo premise tbat with tbo political emancipation of woman aba!! eoae a bow era tbat knowa not lotemperaneo and tbo legloa of vloee tbat bang apon lla tattered and filthy garments, do an unwise thing. Bo when a woman, atrong In tbo noble Impulses of her own oat, and longing to cast bar ballot for poraaooprlnel plea,; core fiom jbo depths of ber own philanthropic pur pose, "Give women the ballot and the evils of this nation will bo changed to bleeelngt," we fear that her teal baa ob eared ber knowledge of bamaa nature and betrayed ber Into promising too much. Bbould aba eiclalm, "Give woman the ballot; It la a privilege you have no right to withhold from any In telligent American . eltlsen," tbo do maod would be born of Justice endeaoe ttoned of truth, and when acceded to ejrery woman, no pledged eseept to ber owa oooeolenee, would record ber vote, and tbo nation could count nod render Judgment, wblohwonldL.Jtot-4ben.-JM prejudgment. . Wo Marted out, however, not to ox prom our views upon this matter, but to read the Good Templars of our Bute a abort homily upon their extreme eon- acrvatlam relative, in Wnmlll BllgM. We know that Good Templars' lodges have dope trealwnri for onwie 4s familiarising them with parliamentary rules and nasgae; la teaching tbem to take part la debates; In Instructing thorn la offlolal dignity; la giving field for the exercise of tbolr offlolal capacity ; la teaching tbem to roepcet tbemestyjs as the equals of man, and In dieelosiog to tbem the knowledge that they can think, discuss, and vole without tarn let lag their womanhood. Yet, with all this, msny of .tbem are afraid to breathe ajuauio bdvb tin auuieo . nw rights, leet It "Injure the eaoee'oT tern- Iws eaea-vep . - - -fL -a b am in mwm I i Kn aaaiai itf iaiiai neiri naa mat aro to no found in tbla Bute, whose ap plication for membership" la a Good emplare1 lodge was leleuted boWleo they .believed In Woman r""ff" How the elsters who thougbonflrag eo vile a thing ooold sit there and smile .hibi pvia. w w sua... w u v w w positing a ballot, and a black one at that, wo have been at a lorn to See. Tbat there aro many, very many true frlendeU, placed 16 Jeopardy, ahe may, If terror of Woman Buflrage la Good Templare - ledges we know, but wo know also tbat tuere ta cvuuui wiiw-puMivai ores tnaa tneir oaiiot, going oa en tna time to keep tbeee from -oocopylbg prominent pleeee either la the Grand Lodge or subordinate lodges, and in this eager wire-pulling we trove- known more tbaa one lodge to lose eight for weeks togsthsr of the (object of log the fallen and saving others from falling." iwnr move oireuBaataiiues, we late pleaeuro and perhaps a pardooable pride la citing tbo fact tbat tbo lady man Honed at the commencement of this article, second officer la the Grand Lodge of the Bute of New York, not only dares to proclaim herself In fa vor of Woman Buflrage, but declares la the moot unmistakable termedhat until this vital , principle la recognised. Good Templare Will Ishna In fU. lung an Good Templare shirk or fight this qoeatloo, so loog will they play Into tbo faeode of the whisky element wblcb t bay aro pledged to oppose, lor not a wblaky man will bo found who will not ugos win an toe rancor vt iu, aaoai prejudiced, aott-eeffrege and Oood Tern plar, tbo principle of Woman Buflrage. iniaiaaii so piaia mat --oe wno rune may road," and until Oood Templare leave whisky men a monopoly of this Barrow prejudice, they cannot hope to tanks much headway againet Intemper ance. . A letter received from 'Mrs. Dunlway from Celfex, under date of November. 12tb, sTateo tbat she had delivered eev oral lecture at that place, which were - well received, and waa on the eve of elarUOf for Falouee, where notlcee of lectures had preceded bar. 8b I tended to go from thence to lwlatia, and from thence homo, where we expect her by Thanksgiving. The weather In that region baa beeo er pteaaauT(urIbgber eojouru, lh.l....U. ,K albllity of eaow and a general freese-up aueed ber to rellaqulsh her Intention of proceeding to reodTelon, LaOraode, and Baker City. 1. L .. 1 Bnow was nine Inches deep at Gree ley, Colorado, oa tbo l2th Inat. A wife wblpper'e poet le to be erected at Austin, Nevada, II OLD B05-, AID MUSIC 1 0T IEW. The Albany XmKT?'..lth a guah of originality (?) quite amualng, aaauosea the roU of ' lecturer,, remluding" tbo of the hooeeUold" tbat long eveolnge are at handas If womenln hundreds of bouaebolde have, not had. ample time ta find tbla out, as they bate eouuted off lo solitude tbe lonely hours and. that men moaLbe kept from seek log "eojoymeot abroad" by music. parlor games, and reading aloud from lotereetlng books. . o Tbo truth la, brother Democrat, tbst men wbo deIlgh.t'jB..4mmoral pleae- uree (Tand only rueb habitually apeud their eveolnge' abroad, could neither be Induced nor enticed to listed to reading. As to music, tbat'furnlabed at tbe thea ter, ealoon, or daooe-bouee la preferable, parlor games babi tbey don't compare, In tbelr estimation, with bill iard and draw poker, with their wine and cigar aeeompaDlmaota, op towa. If one of tbeao rovere could bo Induced to otay ae homo fur an avontng" by the euonlog devloee Of tbo ."women of tbe boueebold,n he would yawn audibly be fore tbe middle of tha-Hrat obapter In tbe moat latereetlng book was reeobed, enore a sonorous aoeompanlmout to the meet charming home muaie before eight o'clock, and abruptly riae before the ooneloe(oe of tbe "lively game" and, with the air of a martyr, tramp off to bed before nine, muttering hi prayers, perhaps, aa be went, to save time. Men wbo love homo, and aro willing to do their part In making It a cheerful abiding-place, Instead of a place to hur riedly bolt tbelr meals and drop to sleep when utterly ex b sua ted by late houre andtbelrlnevltable aeoom pan I men U, do not have to bo coaxed with eogar plume gotten up- with feminine cunning and labeled "home entertainments" to keep tbem 'from spending their evening abroad. . Buch men only appreciate borne pleasures, and such are euro to have and enjoy tbem. Tbeclaee, on tbe contrary, wbo prefer outside enjoy ments, wbo consider it n great oo nova tion to tbo "women of tbo household" to content lo epend an evening with tbelr gmes SQdjmuaUv.il is not worth while for women lo ebed tears over or waate entreatlee upon or plan device for. Tbaa prefer outside society; It ie always, and always will be, while sa loon and hurdy-gurdies flourish, at tainable, and compared with theee, lo tbo estimation of the habitual and eon- alitotlonal rover, homo music, games,1 and reading Is too contemptible and childish to waete long winter evenlnge upon. This DU bD tDi OrTOwfuI Verdlcl Of aorrowlng-wlvevan-ious mother, and. eollcltwos Slaters for msuy lonsly Win ters,' and It le not probable tbat It will be reversed tblo winter. In view " of this well-known fact, this old song set tostsls music rsisee no delusive bopee In the hearts of the "women of tbe hogeebold," who have so often played' It, hoping vainly to touch new chords thatabould wake responsive echoes In hearts wholly anmlndfol of home Joys. "HOW HE TBEAT8 HISJWirE.'L- - "Having obtelned a wife, It le worth while to inquire how a Turk tfeala her," JCUaa.aeorreapondeat who Is discussing the now prolific and Interesting theme of Oriental ouatoma, We ehoold say tbat If tblo le worth while with tbe "barbaroue Tork.e U Just jhsLmach In advance of the civilised American, for "how a man treats his wife" Is oon- eldercd of iroooDieqffeOt5iTo:TBItKejUthave aa army lo ho defeated, and a great land of, chivalry. True, If "fneplred by tangle-foot ot' arrogance, be grows violent In hie domeello dioelplioo that the life or limb of hie protected epouee of a like eobeequent eareealng do not deter. ber, complain to tbo proper offl core and have ber husband arreeted and flood, she and ber children being thereby deprived of tbe heeeeearlee of life to ap pease tbo Insulted law, which she flnde was Injured Inetead of ber owa bruleed body, but woman are not able to appro- elate tbo advaolagee of this sort of pro tection, so they eeldom appeal to law to red rem tbelr wrong or slay tbe conjugal udgel. But to proceed with our Turk ish wife. The Turk, In ordinary life, le not anklnd or erne The wife' mli forte nee arlee from ber poellloo. ! It I ber duty to wait upon ber husband, If be la poor, at hie meal. Her accom- modatione In the house aro Inferior to bla. In all things aba Is bis slave. If the wife Is tbs daughter of a wealthy man, has. lot la not bard; If bt le of poor orlgto, eno'can hardij tt alil tn have any righta. , A traveler relate that on several oc casions he was a peaoeuger on the ateam ere of tt)e Australian Lloyd's wbsn there was a harem on board. la each ease the husband was In tbo saloon, Uvlng well and aleeplng In a comfortable cabin, while tbo poor women were penned up ae deck paeeeogere, living on wretched food tbat they bad brought who mem. Tbe Morton monument aseocistion on tbe 15tb leaned a proepectus to the peo ple of Indiana. Tbey eoggeet tbo ex tension of the original Idea eo that i memorial bsll shall be built, to be si lu sted on tbe test alto In lodtanapolle, and to contain things of historical la tercet to tbo Bute, sututee, military Inalgnla, library of writers from this 8lato, etc Tbey eaggeat bronso orna ments and statu a of Indiana war be roee, amongst which ehall bo eoneplco ouely tbat of O. P. Morton. Bubeorlp tloo alone eball bo tbe means of aceom pllablttf tnto.- The wtnrte Bute ball be eaavaessd aaUl $200,000 is raised. Tbey appeal to tbo Intelligence, eplrit, And pride of Indian lane to make tbo hail a fitting tribute to tbo deceased etatee- Captain 8maIlwood, la bla lecture, "Mother' Boys," reoently delivered at Oregon City, eald : "Mot here boye do not run tbo streets at night, freqoentlog the saloons, smoking cigars, aod ualng MUCH 01I3ED, ETES II DEFEAT. If tbe recent campaign In Colorado did not load the hosts of Woman Huf- frags oa lo victory, It aeoom pllabed a great deal, not on fy. for tbat Btate, but for every other locality where newspa pers circulate sod stimulate thought and eubaeueotIy action Tito words of many noble workers bave been heralded over tbe country by this eooteet, giving a new impetue to tbe car of progress, and causing people to tblnk wbo never thought upon the eubjeet before. Mre. Margaret W. Campbell, one of tbe most energetic advocates that ever eepoueed a righteous cauee, a week after tbe election gave a retrospective review of tbo eam'pelf ot In. Denver to a Jarge audience, wbo beaekened eegerly to know tbo cause of defeat, tbat tbey might prevent Its recurrence two year hence. From her wide observation, and the accurate knowledge gained thereby, ber ttCterancee carry with tbem a weight tht all arfcnfrTledg. "Degluulug trfrelluqulsbTng most of their household the beginning," ehe telle'of tbo effort tbst a committee of five"womeo' so- pointed lo present tbe olaima of Wom- aa Buftrsglsls to tbo constitutional eon- veouon at Ueuver made to get a bear ing. Tbo following Is an Incident t - "Tbe rooming session was taksnup lib . preliml nary - diss uaa loo, and We were Invited to bo preeent in Jbe after noon; 'Jua( before tbe time arrived, a prominent member of the convention (old me, loconvereatlon, tbat the con vention would bo obliged to adjourn as soon" as they were called to order. . "What,' I asked, Mo you menu to adjourn without dleeueelng our ques tion, when we are all here for tbe ex press purpose of bearing what may be eald poa It T - M 'Yes," said tbo honorable member; 'I regret It aa much a any one can,' but I cannot help H.' "Wbea I asked the reeeoo, be eald he could not tell me. : "'But,' I said, 'we demand to know. "'Well,' eald be, 'if you muet know, I will tell yon; but It muet not get out. Tbe man who Intended to make a speech againet you, and who le one of tb ablest dbators,Is druuk. "'Drunk, Is her I said; that le tbe kind of man we expect to oppose our cauee, always and everywhere. If be to a suitable man to sit hero to help make a ooostl tutlos if or us to 11 ve ander, we ought to.be glad to bear him, drunk or "Butlho hooorable member said tbat tbo report which- would go out from such a speech aa ho might make, while In Jbatnditlon would prejodlee-the Interoste of tbe Cenlennlsl Bute. Bo 4tovvnttotrdjournea and ate pea nuts and smoked cigars tbe remainder of tbe ay,- - "uo tne following day in volo reached, and the cause of th pvtftloner waa defeated,nnty eight voting In favor." Speaking for Iho women of Colorado, Mrs. Campbell declared tbat tbey did not desire a euccees achieved by bribery aod fraud, and tbat, much aa tbey longed for political freedom, they deter mined never to descend to tbe level of political demsgogues to secure It. But tortbls resolution tbo cauee would have been ooeeeeaful, but the noble band wbo aro working In this great "reform hope to root out tbo vile eyeteh) of bribery, and eleaaao tbe government of tuch eoj ruption.,7 The opponents of ft eodum ,my ipeakT boaetlngly of the defeat of Woman But fran: wa faal that It la a araat thlnv Ia thing to koow wbo our enemies ars and (where entrenched. Facta brought out la the eaavacs show these enemies to be tbo Ignoraut and degraded men In tbe southern part of the Btate, who are coo- trolled entirely by the priesthood, lees tbo stronger Influencoof bribery to brought lo bear upon tbem, aod In tbe northern and middle portion tbe liquor- celling and liquor-drinking class. Go wbsro you wjll, and you will find every man who drlnka and abueea hia family ctrongly opposed to Woman Buflrage. Fallen men also Invariably Insist tbat fallen women ought not to vote, and bore and there to a clergyman wbo to afraid that corns woman will prove b er as If better qualified thaa he to 111 1 hie pulpit, and be wilt be forced to obey tbe command, "In tbo sweat of tby .faoo sbalt thou oat bread." - Tbe excuse offered for tbe defeat tbat "women do not want to vote" Is simply peer lie. No man wbo voted againet Woman Buffkrgeon tbat day stopped to enquire whether women Wanted to vote. I It was enough for him lo biiow Ihsttiff did not want woman to vote, and tbat decided tbe matter. J Not to taa swirl, aor to the strong, ' Tbe baulaa of U itgbt batonf ; Bat he wbo strikes tor rresdoaa waar Tbs amor of tbs captive prajsn, Aa4 a at or proffers ie bis aaoae Tba atraa;tb of bar etarsal laws.' There to great encouragement la the fact tbat wherever a community to pneed of temperate, ' moral, well-dii poaed eitlsone, tbe returns -show the Isrgest vote for "Womae Boflrago ap proved." Tbo raueo bae a hold opna tbe people tbat Will never let go, - The Western Star, Roaeburg, speaking of tbo successor of Benator Morton In tbe United Btatea Benate, aaysf . He Is a ttraiaerat a tbe sutosaa sect. ae4 cerise tbe last great wuwy bat we tbe Biatav saver wavaivO la bla Oavolloa to tbe arlaetplasef bbj panjr. J In other words, ho waa, daring the civil war, a eeceealoulst of tbe meet rabid type, and, could he have bad hie wUVwould-bavo added Indiana to tba 8outbora Confederacy; hut with Moo too at tbe holm ho was powerless. j. -ev ' . .... lj Too publishers of tbo Baa Francisco CVceriofe caution all persona not to pay eobeeriptlona to that Jouraal to F. IX Henderson, bow traveling In tbla aeo Hon, aa he baa do authority to receive the came. Tbey alee announce tbat he to not and never hss been employed ae' oorrespoodent for tbo CHromicte, aa ho represents. ' "WOK ADAPTED TO THE VOBI- ... i..... T-i- Durihg tbe first day'e aeeon of tbo "Fifth Woman's Congrees," Mrs. An toinette Brown Black wall read a paper upon tbo above eubjeet full of thought that will bear careful perueeJaod con sideration: Bbo starts ''out "with the declaration that pecuniary Independ enee wonderfully promotes mental aad moral independence. Of tbe prayer, "Give mo neither poverty nor rlcbee," woman's part le chiefly againet poverty personal poverty.' The wife or daugh ter of a. wealthy man to often as ab jectly poor, eo far a money In tbelrown poeeeealoo to concerned, ae le tbe wife of the day laborer, every cent of whose ssrolngs go en Saturday night to payi tbs family bills. Tbe queetloa le asked, "Is It better for vigorous aod sensible American women to bo always doing without something tbey doslra, er to It ht that, 'without pursuits, tbey aboeld search out ways of earning money enough. -to gratify tbelr own pereonal tastss and requlre- meete" Without doubt, tone . of tboussnds woulJ eagerly elect le aro, If tbe earning were fvaelble without toss of caste. Life would not be a round of com mon place; and tbe eeose of geoulae In dependenee would be delightful, If only for( the novelty. Could this be only partially effected, He broadest good would lie In tbe fact tbat remunerative work would tbu become as honorable to women as to msn. No one wbo bae reflected upon the diffloultlee wblcb bodge about every scheme for adjuetlog with equity the involved property In- tereetaof the family, can for a moment doubt that,' our civilisation ttetog what It essentially now la. It would be well If tbo women of many boueeboldo bad some - profession, some specialty, by which, without relinquishing homo du ties, thsy could yet earn at least eo me lding for current pocket money. Tble could not apply, of course, to Jh mothers who bave young children who require tbelr care, nor yet tboee women upon whom aH.tbe.work.tif Iho houae- bold, Including tbe cooking, washing, Ironing, sic, falls. But where there le a mother and aeveral grown daughters, tbsss latter would much belter bo earn log Independently their own clothing than to be sitting in Idle expeotsncy, waiting for husbands to etep In and proffer It. One trouble In tbo road to feminine competence to tbue touched upon: "Bo few women bave oven thought of pool ! ttve earnings that the whole class r.a.UBlt, , i.g t..i .MB.ij irfy I been foread into perntrtOQI Ivilani of money -eavlog wblcb has left nearly all feminine loduetriea some eentorlee be hind the Indoetriee of men. Tbe Jnveo tion of" giant apfnnrr and weavers and of smaller mecbltits baa censed partial revolutions lo the bouaewlfe'e duties; but ea long aa ebe bae no ex pect atlona of actual earnings from without, ber active eooeoleoce muet Induce ber to shoulder dally a acore of uaeleoa, deel motive bur dene. In tbe hope of aiding her buiband In tbe only , way wblcb to ber eeemt feaetbte. Thers laTVo the family Itself, small pecuniary gala In tbla, while to the eomnunlty at largoOhere it great and total loae." Tbo following aro tbo ' concluding words of tbi excellent popart "If I bave Insisted strongly upon tbs no- cunlarr moUvo which lies behind tbe wwi k, it to because this due make tukny and because it fas beeo thought tba! for a woman to toll for money la a position lowering to her poalllon aa a lady. This pernicious sentiment has templed many to drift loto idienees, aimleeanees, or frivolity, eadly lowering their owa char acters aud tbat Of tbelr deecendanla. Let we, then, earnestly and nnquall fiedly proclaim tbe great central truth tbat honest work, with all Ite reward, to as creditable and hooorable to women as to men. Kvery Idler to pitiably out of place lo world where etagoatlon to death, and activity alone to life. Sim plify the- borne,' but T elmultaneousty widen tbo Industrial b orison, till worn- an'a work shall transfuse Ite Influence Intoevery department of human Interest. 8TSUCC ITAT LA8T. Bpesklng of Iho "Turley horse eollsr," an article recently Introduced In Chi cago by Ite Inventor, Mr. Turley, of Council Bluffa, tbo New York Trade Journal ssys: , , Tbs collar ts tbe taveettoo of a Stan wbo ine SJ bat Besa toflk' a Datuiml saacbanle aad IsvesUvegsnlaaot tba blgbsat order, both 1a one. Tbe palest waa obtained le 17. bla rtgbta dlapoasd of to tbe eompaar tbat bear hia aaaae, aod aaid eoaspaar begaa to feetare tbe enllar last rsbmarr; Wbile tbe Tartar collar baa sot eaea la tba market long, 1 thai are a boat of parti a slag tbcoi mat only la lb I eoasuT, bat Is England. Indeed. K saasM to be atakiag s slses ws everrwbare. aaat, waat, aorlb aad aoatb.sad tba order book revaala It. At praBI rau et adoptioa. It will drl vs clear eatof tbe market every outer boras collar there la. We advtae ear raedera, both Cast aad West, aad la Stot aaebaie, tbat bave not yet asea ee heard aboat tbe Tartey eoliar to look It ep witboat delay. It I tba beat la tbe world, we are aaUsOed of It. Mr. Turley. v I el ted tble Btate yean el ace, aad many who formed hie acquaintance here at tbat time will re joice tbat, to use hie owa language, be baa struck It at last." ' Tbe Faloueo datette, published at Colfax, Washington Territory, makee tbe following mention of Mrs. Dunlway: "Mrs. A. i. Dunlway lectured la tbo eobool -house last nlgbt and tbe night before to large sp4 altentl ve audieneee. We have not learned bow many coo vert sb made, but In a financial point eho was very eocceeaful. She lectures sgs'n to-night, aod In Palouse City oa Moodsy evening." , Tbo Western Star, the new paper re oently etarted at Roseburg by Messrs. Flett and M "alter, to an esoelleut local paper, etriotly Democratic In politics, and, with tble letter exception, devoted to the 1irtwrta of Soother trrvjonr AdTtaUcM and DisadraBtsgm of the Bawtxr . MacAiaa. "Blseelpgson tbe man wbo Invented tbo eewlng mechloe," said a woman whoso feet bad been upon the' treadle, and wboee eyee bad beeo following tbo tucker" attached, to, a eotfl-ruoolug "Howe" for four mortal hours. Tone, there wee a pain In her side, and her limbo were weary, and ber back acbed with a dragging pain never fell by tbe mother wbo, In tbe yeare agone, bad smoothly turned and elltebed tbe bem ea ber petliooat, chatting mean while with a neighbor. But tbe tucke In tbl garment were multltudlnooe,even and del oily etitchedxaod the overtasked body ' waa a secondsry eonelderatlon. Health and bodily comfort were held aa of Jlttle worth, compared to tbe elabor ate stitching on tbs. under garments tbst lbs eewlng machine alone rendered possible. Ilev, Antoinette Black wl preaenttd tble uiatier before the late Woman's Congrees To Itie following truthful words: Brlonlng and weaving bave now gone to t tie large raeiories, while eewioe;, very generallyi dooe now. by eewlog me ehtoea, MeUil fcepe wltbln tlie home. Tbe eewlng machine to of a convenient household else, end rather ornamentel ae eewing-room . luruuere! it glvee a senao of naoful occupation . to many women wbo would bo largely Idler otherwise, and It eavee an laiportsot amount yearly to any family la rather etralteoed ctreomeuooee. Tbeee are ite advaotagea.' " But wbal are Ite diaadvanUgeeT It weighs dowo tbe eoule of a hundred thousand woman with a corroding senee of care and reeponeibility : of work never flniebed. and of time In which there to never real, satisfactory, and no mortgaged leleu re. If tbe eubtle cambric needle of tbe. poet Hood's dsy, In tbs white fingers of an underpaid eemp streae, carried Its double thread, elleotly elltcblugal "tbe abroad no well ae the shirt," tbe macblos needle eoftly tbreada lie way in ana out through l be eoiemn Uetrooee which ebsll cover tbe hearts of a vastly greater multitude. It to not eo much tbat working a eewlng machine le lu iteaif Injurioue, aa that tbe etitcbee multiply in proportion to the ease and rapidity with which tbey are taken; and tbef bring with tbem a long train of end Urea email worriee. Feeblon oheogee hut-H e oeka,-or-Tofllee, or embroidery, or slsshse, or pleata, or a com hi nation of colore, gorsa, blaeee, and loopinga, eompllcated owougb, require ae much time aod talent to put tbem together aa would bo needed for come eimple work of really high art. The re sult to that many a clever and respecta ble woman to driven to tbo verge of deo- peratlen In tbo effort to maintain for bereelf and nor daughters a beeomiog place among tbelr aeeoelatea. A rank lower down to tempted to elaborate cheap goods Into equally -espeoeive lelyleeof manufacture, unit t the public Closing Hour of a Legislative Semioa. Women of Wsahiogloo -Territory, road tbo followlog from the Yanoouver Independent - ooncernlog tbo cloelog houre of tbo sixth biennial eeealoo of tbe august body (Lower House) that makee la we to govern you, and deeldee what yon eball and shall not do. Bead and confeee at once to unbounded oonfl denco In tbo "large majority" of your law-giver and admiration for tbolr dig- deportments- Bead and oongrato late you reel ve that a Woman Suffrage bill was not pending at tbs lime of tble .drunken Jocularity, for bo sore there were "Bradebawe" enough In tbat body to bave losulted tbe women of tbe Ter ritory without stint, and Imagined lu M dolDg that they had dono a fine thing The feeling which arose lo the die- with tbo exhilarated epirlte of a large majority of the Keprreentatlvee wbo bad Imbibed freely (to eay tboeWast) of tbs mslty "oh be loyru!" rurolsbed In n ten-gallon vessel by the honorable Bpeaker ot tbe Hooee, wee beyond the control of all rules of order. After the bust piss oo the table had been-cleared up aod tbe Houae waa waiting lor the council to announce its readloeee to ad journ, the meat ber of the Houae turned tbemaolvte iooe, end with si stance from tbe Jolly boye of the third houee, held high carnival la tbe hall where legislative wisdom bad hitherto maintained Ita dignity. Mo tion followed motion in total disregard of all rulse of parliameot. Motloue to amend, to recommit, to mljouro. t Uy on the table, or uoder It, or to Indefin itely postpone, were all alike debatable. and each called forth eloquent appeala from all tboee wboee pent up f eatings but not "too full for utterance," and tbe paper belle, made op from old bills, now deed, sod newspapers whoso glory bed departed with tbe dying? eeeeion. burled erewbile from oue aide of tbe bouee to tbe other, and at tbe Bpeaker'e bead, sufficed to render eeufuehn worse eon founded, aud put a jlnfe lo the sixth biennial eeeeion, which will lone; re- main green In Ilia maesaey rJ 1 1, pawr tioipsiora. The virgin enii that occu pied tbe chair of the Houee, Newlaad. usually anable to maintain proper order at umee or any excitement, wee totally overwhelmed by tbe pranke of bla 'boye," aod gated deepairlngly apon tbe wreck before blm ae with maudlin acquiescence be eubeided In the com fortable preclude of ble eeat of honor. At the time arrived for adjournment, and after tbe usual resolutions of tfasnks, and tbe message from one bouee to tbo other aanounelog tbe final w India g up ol boeinees, too nammer ran, and ti eeeeioa of 1877 became a thing of tbe pest. V- i ' If anything were wanting to prove tbat tbe "Dance of Death" telle truth, however anpalatable. It to foood lo each equlhe as appeared In tbe Standard on Wednesday morning. Don't tell u tbat Mr. Crusaa talked toe plaluly oa Sunday evening, or tbat the nook men tioned above should no ebut out from our libraries wbile glrle who waits are tbue Insulted en eaaete In a dally paper, aad Ibe loaulusredlseoaaed and laughed over aa something extremely facetious and clever. The seriee of lectures aad reading given recently In Bslem by Mrs. Lake have received the popular apcrobatloo of the capital city. Tbla lady to poo- teed of rare elooalionary powers, and deeervee MleaFrancea Wlllerd lectured la In- dlanapulie reoeolly oa "Homo Protee lioo," Bbo affirm that Woman Bof lrago Is the great need of UmperaAoai nTbrmsnTsndCLTIsllan pLilaathropUto, I EECE1TEVEIT8. Oekej .Hall I advcrtlaed t6 lecture lo Boston and other cltiea la tbe Eeat Oppooeete of Beaelor Jonee ellver bill tblnk It may be smothered In com mittee IbU erosion. Bob, Ingersoll deolluee Ibe Berlin mleeioa In advaoce, elating that ha does not wiab tbe pool tion. . Nstlooal banks have ' paid ditties amooollng to 175,782,067 during thirteen calendar yeare from 18M to 1877. Tbo Confederate1 monument "at Chat tanooga, completed aod ready to erect, waa defaced beyond repair on Baturday by eomo unknown pereone. By Fridey friende ot tbo ellver bill bone to get It before tbe Sedate amended In any formpaud trust tbelr etreogtb to bspe It to cult tbelr own views. - Tbo coal minors of' Doe Moines, wbo have 1eeQ voted by a secret IwoHblrd ballot to re sume work wherever obtainable. Cotlou returns of ibe depart met t of bgrleulluro Indicate four per cent. ductlonbf tbe aggregate production of last year, even with favorable picking. Weather at New York delightful, bat for tbo first time this ssseou tbe ther mometer indies tee a temperaturo near tbe freeslog point.. Cold weather to probable. Twenty thousand young California salmon, hatched near Baltimore, from egge received la October from Professor Balrd'a MoCloud river camp, California, have been chipped from Baltimore for the Upper Potomac' Tbe case of tbo people vs. William M. Tweed, to recover f S3a,S! paid by the city of New York on fraudulent bills jbroogb a conspiracy with Watson, bae been decided, Judgment againet tbo defendant having been entered, by confection to the Supreme Court oa the 16th. Tbe annual report of General Sher man abewe tbat tbe regular army ag gregates 14,501 men, of which the force available for war Is made up of cavalry, artillery,- and Infantry regiments, amounting to 20,801 officer and men; to which ebould bo added tba 11 general officer and officers of the general etaff serving with themt together with J70 Indian soouU. Tbe grand Jury bave made tbelr t pe dal preeeotment to the quarter eeeeieoe oa tbe July riots la Pittsburg, antmad vsrtiog oa tbo refusal of tbe Btate offl-. eiela to teatlfy. They trace the eausee of the strifcet In low wagee, combined with the action ,of labor nulous, etc., and"expi"tbebeITer"niat-lheeberifl did not exbauet bis power before calling la military aid. Tbey allude to tbe mamlng of troops In Pittsburg after the riots a a mark of disrespect aad coo tumely to eltiseoe, not called for In view of tbe unparalleled promptness with which tbey crushed out tbe -rioter aod brought tbem to puniehment. " Tble grand Jury has indicted nearly a bund- red rioters. -TOREIQH HEWgr . A Vienna eorreepondent eaye It seeme to' be believed at Constantinople that Osmaa Paaba can hold out till tbo be ginning of December. The Russian official report etatee their. loeeee at too capture of Kara wore 1,500. Among the officer killed wore Oewral Belineky and Lieutenant-Colonel Me II koff., .... .' ; .,r'V..- Romla is Jirglug Bervia to co-operate la tbe war la view of operatlooe for the relief of Plevna, which Mebemet Alt to expected to commence during the fast- week In November, A Belgrade sorrsepoudeot telegrephet "Although there are marked eigne here of a desire to take tbo field, eeveral clauses af a convention between Russia and Bervia ara still ansstllsd.. It Is be lieved Romla ledlelncllned to accept all tbe condition demanded by Bervia." A epeeial dispatch dated Versa Kaleh, Sunday evening, says the-fortress aud city of Kara, with 800 can boo, store of ammaaitioa, cash, eUk fell Into Rue elaa bands. The Turks toot 8,000 killed and wounded, 10,000 prleonere nnd many flaga.ThrRuslaa loos Is about 2,500. The Russian eoldier made but a trifling liooty, and spared peaceful eltiseoe, women aod children. . L0UI8IAIA 8U0AS II0USTST. That we, aa a nation, revel In eweete, may ho Inferred from the following from tbe Trad Journal: "In 1850 there were 108,000 tons nf domestic soger consumed In the United Bute. In 1853 tbe quan tity had Increased to 172,000 tone, and la 1882 It leeched tbe maximum of 190, 000 tons. What abrupt aod otter rnla waa brought by the war npoa tbla, tbe principal Industry of Loulelana, may be Inferred from the fact that la the very aext year, 1883, the cane crop dwiadled dowa to 50,800. Ia 1884 It fell to 80,000, and la 1885, tbe last year of the war, brook to tbo mlnlmun-ot only 6,000 lone. Tbe great trade that was th shattered la three years has el nee tbe war been alowly revlvlog, hot still a long tlmo will have to elapeo before It agala reaches tbe proportlone to which It bad attained la 1858. For tbo past three or four years, owing to labor trou bles, and other political onuses which wo need not now enumerate, tbo crop harvested la Loolelaaa has not bees no large as might have beeo expected; Mill J in-eprt or every drawback, it bae In creased 25,000 hogshead each year, and dorlog the pact soaeoa, owurdtng lo a report Just loaned -la New "Orleans. amounted to 188.SS1 hogsheadc, ore to tal of 190,872.870 poo ode. It to confi dently e I peeled that the crop of the preeent eeaeoa of 1877-8 will amount to aot lorn thaa 200,000 hogsheads.' 1 - A. ww us, nr. sx Offle aad loaMeaee, east sMe flnt atfeas.be. weea YaaahllLaad Taylor. Mpeetol atteaueo iteea to woasea aad eblldrea'a eosBDlalBta. ,sieea siBmcarga. YAtosi aMOa, wMtod with VeatoteUr, to WaaUag I 1 IEW8ITEJ13. .tats aso TaaaiToataa. . The public eohoole of Albany- have II - I Ak.a fkalk ntnlla - ' fOIVIIWi pirwma.eav" f' - - The ereat eaw mill at Port Plerovery, Nearly SOO.OOO.UOO buabela or coat have -been mlued In Wyoming tble season, y Tba fields of V W. Devenport, of Pine Creek. Idaho, yielded 110 bushel per aero of oale and 45 of wheat. The ttfolflb eonuat lecture eou roe of tbe medical department of tbe Willam ette University will oommeoee Decem ber 17th. . . 8. Calboee. of ttwlnoinlah,: from 200 serve of laud got 83 buehehj of oate to tiie acre, aud from 150 acres 100 bushels to tbe aero. Dr. Dean Clarke has delfvered hie lecture agajjpet 5'Materlaltam" In Al bany, wlunioc thereby eueouttums from the people m mat city. Work will shortly be ' commenced near I'matitla landing- to remove oo jjnitiral l.vi ysrila of rock from tin Rev. Jsmee Herrle hss eerved the Coogregatlooal Church at The .Dal lee eo acceptably during the past alx months tbst he baa received n.eH to remain with tbat charge. -- 1 " There are three' echool lo prngreee at Cidfax, Washington Territory, each filled lo too utmost capacity of the building, and there aro scholar aufli elect to form a fourth. Mr. Jacob Wagcohlast, tea miles esst of Ysoooovor, oo Government Island, cut and threshed throe hundred aad i I.I.I t. .1 a nf mi. nuihlM nre, from three acres of ground. During the late war with the Net Pereee lo Idaho, 17 officers aod 111 men were killed, according to General How ard's report. Tbo aunroer of wounded Is not known, but It is about 25. A tuonol baa been re a something over one hundred feel Into tbe coal vein near Columbia City. Tbe quality of theonarrounaie saia to oo vary srnow, something like the eannel coal of Kog iaod. A eorreepondent of the Atforian, op poeed to the employment of Chinee In tbs cannerlee, eaye: "Twelve caonerlee with white labor aod all dolog well, would bo better than thirty with a per- ll. lk.aa Waa( Bk WA mil Ktrtns Cbiaamsn." Tbs second term of tbo Albany Col lege begaa last Mooday week with an addition of 85 new f unite, making In all 147 now enrolled. Profeeeor Powell to working for tble school with com mendable seal and energy, and to euro to make It euccemfuL W.-W. Strtckitn, living near Norton's poet office, baa bad a largs gang of Cbl namen clearing land during tbe past sea eon, and they will bave cleared over 100 acres by tbe last of this mouth. The Mdl Klearlns? and nrenarlue the 100 ecree for tbe plow will bo about $15 per acre. . . - - ' 1. l ITrf.l.r Tnl ft n lnl.nl child or Mr. aud Mr. J. M. ueeue. oi ,uctni, .warn uniwaw m mother bad placed It In a tub. In which there wae about four lueuee of water, to eplaab and play. On returning from soother part of tbo bouee ahe found her child dead. It was eighteen months old. WftP-T Tnn TTrttYHOTlT. - Circulate pet It loos for a. 16lh Amend ment? to eofrancbiee tbo women, nof o one State alone, but of all tbo Btatea and Territories. Woman'a rle-ht te a voice la tbe government anderwhleh ebo Hvee le a ualuraT righCandmuat ho guaranteed to her by tbo Federal Con stitution. Now le our tlmo to knock nt the doors of Congrees and plant thie tfinhr Ammn In 111 fiindmnt.l laejr rt -1 the land. Plltlona fnra WlHaealW-A Bniiilmnf. for woman'a enfrsncblaemeot, ' from 10.000 United Biates cllUrna. fruui taa.MlW-laoA Olakftm l.m as A Lual aaaaaalail tWf Ul-WU OMIaaj UDVf eVCWH ILStW In open UouaC tod Benate by 81 Repro esutatlveeaod 29 Beoator el nee January 19, 1877. The friends of Womsn Bof- II... I M Will HWHH, WMV V M- vocate the Amendment la tbe new Congreetvi deal ro tie friend to SusUIn mm iy aaammout peimone iromevor quarter. Circulate this petition through Ik. A ...I Mil.!.. K 1....M, 20, 1878. ' Obtain tbo aamee of all wbo have signed slmllsr petitions to tbo preaeut Congrees, and as many more as possible. Head the petltlone with such,. weii-kuown nsmee as yoo wish lo have appeer in the Congreeeional Record. Flit the. blanks for Btate, town, and county, that members my refer to their own dlalrlcte la prveenting pell llooe. Have all . Iho nameo el good plainly wlth. lnk-on.4wo oopiee of the petition, one for the Houee, nnd one for tbe Senate. Ask each elgner to remit at least tsn cento to the Treasurer of tba Notional Woman Buflrage Aaaoclatlon, Mr. Ellen FL Rareent. No. 1.7X9 TV Bales street, Washington, D. C., to defray expeneea of ' olaaslfl lotion . for. TTWOTrnbo lb the 45ib CongreeoJl'very name received before December 1, 1877, will be elssslfisd with Ite appropriate1 Btate aod county petltlone, nnd pre sented by tbo appropriate Representa tive and Senator. 8ood wltb tbe petl tlone Damn and poet offloe address of each one who obtalne signatures, eo tbo offloera msy know the workers. Cut tble out, and paste It at tbe bead of a sheet of paper Cod go to work. Put the names of men on tbo rlgbt, and women oo tbo left of your petition, and trace every name carefully In Ink I MTiTiosr roa ' WOMAN SUFFRAGE. To f he Senate and Uou ofRepreeen tativem, in Omgrete aeeembled t Tbo undersigned, eltiseoe of tbo Uolted 8tates, reeldeote of the Bute of , county of , town of , earn eetly pray yoor honorable body to adopt measures for eo ameodlng the Conetllotlon as lo prohibit tbo several BUtee from disfranchising United Btetee eltiseoe on account of ssx. A a exchange eaye that "Mm. Ueueral Fremont Is soon to begla a aerlea of msgailns articles dsscriptieo of Cali fornia eoeoee and locldeuta." Hero la another I netanco of woman's banding up bricks wbile her hatband hallde. Tbo General to bankrupt. .. Mrs. Fre mont la determined be ball not be long, If her brain can be' of any service. Tbo old Oeneral will die one of those dsys, - s q ma .couxi wiu f rem to to sppoinv an administrator to taks care of whatevef property Mrs. Pramoot may earn.