The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, November 23, 1877, Image 1

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;g(e Mew .Ij west
A ioarnsl lb the People
lievoted to tk IsUrssUef Baaiaalty.
Isdspsadsat la Polities aad Bsllgloa.
allv t all Live Issaes, aad Taotoaghlw
Bsdleal la Opposl ag aad EzaesiM tba Wraas
et tks htasses. .
m. 4. i, niwir, ww a- filing
OFFICE -Co Fsoaf Vwmtai erasers
On r
Tlrss asnaUu.
. 1
Faaa Branca, rui Pa , Paso TwortM.
Oorrsspoadeats writing ever asmsssd slgaa.
laras must make kaowa tbstr asasss to Ike "
Editor, or no etwattoa will b given I Uslr . .
. ..fas JUA4 BaVM litMilM.
; vMMA.f.OCiriW-AT.
svtbos r "jpprrm iMt," "st-Laa it,"
"aTa aaa bbsbt "t Arrr
'aim luiiMir,
fEaUess, easordlng SB Act 1 CoMtnu, la the
rm Itn. r Ma. A. J. DhIv, la Us os
la Ubrarlu erCeaarem at Waahlastoa City, j
"r' Martha Jon net Merblebeed pon
dered long a ad thoughtfully aver the
.7 proposition of bar estate sletsr-ln-Isw
that ebe should sell bar far, with
everything pertaining thereto, that ah
Might remove to Portland, where aba
' Boafd bave opportunity to uaa bar bard
earned wealth with laaa bodily fatigue,
and la a maaBer more la keeping with
bar owa deelre,
" "I am doomed tollveeloacanybew,"
. argued Martha, "and why nay X aot
locate myseU-according -to-aaylewa
fancy r . ' -
Tbe more aba look ad tba matter aver
la all It phases, tba tMft feeslbl
seemed ber pise.
Tba political troubles la tba Eaat and
' Boutb bad aaaaad a aoddaa Influs of lot
. Bilgratloa to tba tor, far Waat, a ad,
though tbara vara no railroad a, aad tba
foralga marks for tba prod oca of. tba
. great North west was a yt quite preoa-
-- rloaa, tbara wa bo Uek of purebaaera,
wbe tfewlrsd to passes tba Cbahalaai
farm. Far aaalag mea tbara vara la
plenty wbe knew tba groat advantage
to ba darlTod from aoearlog tba rich aj-.
In vial laoda of tba valley while yat thay
mlgbt ba bad at rtaaoaabla Agar, and
- an advertisement la tba Ortgtfmkm an
oaaclog tba property for eala. brought
',' plenty af eaetomera.
Amwg the manywbo eooitdcredrib
advertisement wltb maeb aoDoera Waa
Klngatnn.Oraanaborough.wbOtJoti I
boaloeea with tba govern meat aa as
eret service ageet, fooad blmaelf oooe
aaora la Portland, and aaee mora look
lag, with longing ayea aad heart, toward
tba borne where tba ooly womaa ba
bad aver truly loved waa living, aa
lonely and foreakea aa blmaelf.
, .'Tin rlob bow, and I aaa buy aad
ell tba girl that Jilted ma twice aver,"
. ba remarked to a friend, lo whom be
bad tba strictest confidence. ,
Tbla friend bad a aaody-oolored com-,
pletlon, bla face being of precisely tba
boa of ble balr aad wblakere, wblcb
fairly covered bla podgy eooaUnanc,
from whleh a pair of gimlet ayea of a
eteel-blue eolor peeped prylngly.
-Tborya aa aaa la my at tea pllog (o
: negotiate with ber," aa!4 King, "for
abe'll remember old appro, and dread
evil tongue. And lb at husband of bora
Jealous as a Spaolardlboagh why
ng be' a Bol6r1outtTtid, thai beidbeea-able, tbrougb all
rake blmaelf, la not for bi n to aay.
!WIII yoa go ap ta Cbebalem, aifd play
go-betweea for ma la tba boalneaa, ab,
CapT '
Why tbla man, whoe
name waa
--obnaodr.eboald bava boon atyled "Capjaeaf of lnt6alJIBui juATaTdoalara.
I do Mt Dow, butbe Vnrd readily
to tha aognomeD, and bora tha. honor
wltb apparent meekneaa.
"Ia there any money la It t or any ad
entara worth while T' ba aeked, bla
gimlet eyea twinkling.
"Tbr'a a par aeaL If you aoaeaed, af
aoarae; bot, If tbere'a aoy advantara la
tba aa, I reaerva that for myaelf. low
nderataad Vt
"Aye, aye, alrl '
"Well, boaaud attend W ,
"Yoa' re la a pky harry, old fellow;
bat I'll go." -
Tba negotiation did not prove a dlffl
alt ana. Mr. Jonea waa ready aad
willing to aell. Tha personal property
a iha-TUBcbe," or 'Vlalm," aa tba
donation; farm Ware railed In tboae
day, a noa a tdi tf jjr
. to aeeea tboaaaad duller.
Tba lead
waa aooaldarad of little value above the
vomtaal prtoa of tba governmental do
mala, bat tb Improvement, ovary aaa
of whleb bad beoa made at M ra. Jonea
poreoaal aipanaa, were rated al 'eight
- tboaaaad dollar mora. -
, AoHlof eala waa at one drawa ap
and duly elgned bad delivered, aoavey
"lag tba peraonal property to tba nego
tiator, la aoneideralloa of aavea thouo
nd dollar la band, Mr. Jonea alee
glvlag a verbal and written pro ml,
whlob tha delivery of tha eaab aad et
ehang of property waa aoppoaed to ren
der Ugally binding, thai tba land ahoold
be'daJy aoaveyed to tba parehaaer ao
aooa aa the deed eoold reoelva the algna-
. tore of tba Hooorable Thomaa, of Waab-
Ingtoa alty.
Wltb the eaab tba advaaoedaTbar
poraoaai propanj atra. Jooaa maa
parebaaa la Partlaadofaaoay aad boao-
tlful bom. Property waa low la tba
ally thaoraod aba plaaned maeh aa to
apeeoiatloo abWould andertake
la pomemloa af tha rvmalnder of
ber fanda.
fiba bad not yet' removed from tba
farm, bat waa serenely walling for that
looked-for algaatera, whoa home name
bar legal bead, blmeoir, who at aooa r
padlatod all ber bargala and ralaed a
geaeral roWi
Ha at aoea InatltuUd aolt la tha Die
trlet Coarl for tba recovery of JU per
aooal property,
very raw or tna reader or tbla e'er
Uaav Ulawba ara. ayciyln jH!aytha
ad ra need prerogatlvea eeoored to tbem
by tba fimms tot aet," and tba Mmr-
ried women' . property blll,M oaeb of
afblob became a law la Oregoa aflor tba
Inflntnee of tbl paper began to ba felt
la tba laad, aaa realise tbVabeolat
ownrblpwhJch all hnahnft oneel
pan in i a aver tha -property of wlvea.
Aad yet, to-day, bo womaa'ajnallena-
ble right la ber owa earning, to barer
bold, and dUpoea of aoeordlng to ber
owa Inelloatloo, ta reoacbliad la law,
aaleaa h baa bo crafty anongb to
take eseeptlonal atepa to aoeara ber la
tba right, ander 'a ayatem of etpeodl
tare and proscription whleb men are.
not compelled to recognise aa obliga
tory a poo tbeaaeelvee, aad which leaa
eat rare apon all women. -
A Kingston Oreeneboroagh'a money
bad beoa paid for tba peraonal afloat of
Mr. Thomaa Joace, whoaa legal right
of ownership waa vested la iff. Thomaa,
tba former gentleman waa compelled to
appear la person to defend tba ault. '
Atalghlof blm tba lord and master of
Martba Jonea became aa enraged hat
ba lost all aenaa of hooor. He reeolved
at eocrte bo-rlTf-fa,7i-gHyTiBd
Unanclally. Ta accomplish tbl It waa
only Biciceary to treat with Mctlreena
boroogb' go-betweea; aad that worthy,
having completed tba first bargain and
seen red bis per cent., waa only too
ready for a aecond coo tract la the aama
Una with tba apposing party. : ;
Tha twa men bad met fr
qnently for a few day, atflT tba ooofl-
doaoawbJeh-jeadily aprloga p among
rogaea waa speedily acknowledged be
tween tbem.
"Yob aay to Greeoabury, curse blm,
tbef be eroased my path a time or two
la Waahlogton, when bat for blm aad
bla meddling I should have made a
handsome fortune on con tracts. Bay to
blm that I respectfully Invito blm to
call at my boose. Tbara I bo Bead of
aoy Jaw-cult between n If be'U aooa.
promise ba reasonable term. Tall blm
rm friendly, and disposed to deal on
Tha gimlet-eyed man scented game.
If ba played ahrewJIy bow, there waa
bo rcaeoB Why ti need hot wta a golden
prise, for aorely bare waa a golden op
portanlty. He carried the Invitation to
bla former employer and friend, and
Bead all of bla power of logic to prevail
apon hi m to accept Ik '
MIt'a your easiest way tomaaage iba
wbole bnalnaaa, air. There' bo kind of
a la yoor trying to appbaa that hus
band wttb the law,- aa yoa cugbl to
know without my telling you; for tba
power all on bis sldav I'm. bo lawyer,
but I know tbat what belong to a wife
te ber baaband'a, and wbat'a bla I his
wa." f - . -
Very different were the feeling, of the
ere while ealtor. from what they bad
once been, aa he one mnr wifht tti
girlhood' bom of Martba Marblebead.
I am eorry I caaoot UU yoa, reader
the yearn, to keep bla life an pot ted
from the world; Ibal ba carried la bla
breast as pure a heart aad no sated a da-.
aire aa when he bad, long ago placed oo
Martha's Hps tbe1)ver-tj-be forgtteB
tloa would not approach the truth; aa I
cannot make It. Yet ba bad old regrets,
albeit they were badly calloused.
Martba met blm la constrained em
barrassment. She waa hemlllated be
yond eipremloB, aad almost beyond en
durance. At tha time aba bad made
tha eoutraot apon wblcb ber boaband
bad lust placed hi Veto, aha waa, as the
reader know, wholly Ignorant of the
fact tbat ber old affianced waa tha prin
cipal party to the purchase. '
K He look bar band; and gased wltb a
look af kladly Inquiry Into br half-
averted eyes. ,- . .
Thomaa Jonea looked, and, Judging
ber from bla owa- etand-polnt, at coco
pronounced ber guilty of. tha very Infi
del I ty of which be knew blmaelf I ba
rlghllnlly acenoi
Idsa look
poosessloa of blm. He would be rid of
bla wife. Though aba . bad. alway
openly pronounced blm Innocent, lb re
bad beoa many domeeUe broils between
tbem alnce bla Intimacy with Bella
Muaaoa began, aad ba would bow ba
dona wltb ber anreasonable Joaloasy.
Captain Job peon proved aa Invalua
ble ally. Hewaalyai-eyedaad Ja ana
faced, aad Martba did not once Imagine
the pit tbat bad beea prepared for ber.
No mora did King. Outraged aa ba
bad becQL by tba disastrous termination
af bla bargala with a person al
wltb eliminate, Idiots, and miaora, who,
for the high crime ofbelog a woman
aad a wife, was deprived of financial ro
apaoelbllUyrtnoogb not lifted abeaa lu
burdeoaTbe forgave ber for ber parti ei-
patloa la tha kale, and treated bar
la kladly doferoaoo for wbkih aba did
look. Tbla awakeoed bar gratltode, bat
It did not for aa Inotaat fill ber wltb a
dlaloyaJ tboaght She partook af her
njotbr' high aenaa of marital boaor,
and would have died rather tbaa tram
pie apoa tha vow wblcb ber heart bad
not prompted, evea wblb aba loathed
tbaboBda. .
Klagatoa Oresoeboroagh would sot
ompromloa wltb Thomas Jonas, and
tba salt I law came aa apaee,
Ta have beard I bo lawyer plead,
good lady reader, would bave made
yoor blood boil, tile Honor the Judge,
a quiet gentleman wltb a squint, pre
sided with tbe antra! aoocbalaol dignity
af gtiBB of tba law, aad la tbe
minx Offoderad fela daeialoB laaa
aordaaca wltb tba atatatca. Mr. Jooe
woe aeatsw covert, aad could not, la
ber own-right, make anybargalne
which bar bf abend waa bound ta ratify,
The parehaaer bad eooeluded tba con
tract and paid tba atoney at bJ-awn
Thomaa Jane bad not isvelved
tjta fuoda, and was not responelble for
mem. "ir a ma deaie wtiB a minor, a
peraoB.of unsound mind,' a icrlmloal
convicted of a felony, or a married
woman, be cannot recover from the
principal or owner, la aaea aald owner
doe not a fit to ratify each dealing."
How Martha waa .bamlllated aader
tbl outrage apon bust nee honor no aaa
but bereetf coo Id know, Had It I
possible for ber to retara tbe purchase
money, aba would hive parted wltb ber
right band rather tbaa fall to do It; bot
the funda bad gone oat af ber baada aad
beyond ber control. The residence ab
bad purchased In Cortland, though
deeded In ber owa name, could not be
old without ber baaband'a aignatare,
aad tbla tha Honorable Thomas Joaee
emphatically withheld. Under tbe law;
be waa sot bound to remit thla amount,
for to eoart had acquitted Jjtm of alt
pecuniary obligation. -
To add to Martba'a mortification,, ab
found that aba could not oe or ba aued;
ao .tbla "blgbeet prerogative of aa
Am erica a eltlsen" wa deoled ber. For
the blgb crime of being a womaa must
be constantly atoned for by constrained
penance, else what virtue would there
bain law? .
Thomaa Jooee,ald bis wife, Indlg-
naotly, "yoa bave wronged me aa no
man, not a boaband, could ever wrong a
woman. Tbe false prid tbat baa hith
erto sustained me I bcfaceforth cast to
tba wind. I. haw suffered myself to
become tbe biasing aad by-word of tbe
entire eommanlty, because I made be
lieve I did not see your wicked rela
tions with that beautiful devil whose so
ciety yoa bad tba Impedance tojthrast
apoa me unbidden. Fnr your sake,
rather tbaa bring deserved discredit
apon tbe father of my children, I bave
endured tbe terrible lodlgnlty In eUeneeT
But I will bear It bo longer I I bave
myaelf beea wltaeee to your act of in
famy, and I will proclaim tbem' apon
tba very house-tope! I will see that
yoa enpport yoor eblldrca and provide
for me la the future, but from tbl hour
I refuse ta recognise yoa aa my bus
hand P
"I tboaght It was eomlng to this," re
plied tba husband, with aamlle of do-
rlsion. "Thing wre working beaulir
fut, weren't they T A Bloc arrangement
yoq bad made, truly I Yoa were to
transfer my property to tbat Jackanapes
for-of yourself, leavlog me rubbed and!
... . . m i . I
aiaoonorea. . xtui .x eoetinsMa yoor
design upon my possessions. Til sell
tht Pi.mi.iu1 beam, and then' I'll have
a bUodred per eeot. on the-whole tn
vestment, thanks to mlowBjagMlJ!!!
.irt t-5- . . . . . . T 1
"But yoa can't do tbat, Thomas I
Jonea, waa tha Arm rejoinder. "Yoor
suspicions, air, team I They are- un
worthy of , even yoaBut I waat yoa
to k bow that tba boose yea speak of Is
mff property, and I shall not part jrltb
" " "
"We shall see r' Mid Thomaa, totto
Then, aloud : "Madam, yoa are
ta leave my roof. Yoa ehall look out
for yoaraelf bencefortb.' I bave to-day
old out my entire peraonal property oa
thla place to Captala Johnson, I know
tbe house and land are yours la law, but
the stock and household efleeto belong
to me, and I shall remove them at oooe,
If yoa do not take you raelf away. Yoa
have rand red yourself aa oboozloos to
m by your confounded jealousy Jbat I
will never again ackaow ledge yoa as
my wlfa. Bah t l bat yoa r : r
Suddenly Msrtba'e appalling altua
lioa rose before ber In It direct aspect.
What abould aba do, -or whllher got
What would become of ber children T
WbaC would tba world think of her T
BbaBw that vuaitn, In ibe-eTbl of
aa open rupture, would be ber worst n-
emiea. Hr strength forsook ber. Roe-
iulloa and digalty were alike forgot
ten. She aank apoa ber kneee.
"Hv mercy I' b walled, plteously.
. Her boaband algned for bla accomplice
to approach' .
"Captala Johnson, do yoa
woman r' i
Tbat worthy oeddod affirmatively. '
"Don't tato-m adrift la tba world,
pcnnllesrand dishonored," she pleaded.
k your dads and be oflT' was tha
basband'a grafl recponaa. 'Tve ea-
dared your unending fault-finding all
ear married life; but Jealousy Is some
thing I will not brook. Take yourself
off, or Til find meaoa to make yoa got
CeptalnL hall tbe etage. It's eomlng
bow. Aad, aid womaa, ae here I Yoa
bad better pat a brave face aa the mat
ter. Don't make a scene wbea tbe
coach cornea. ' Here a check for a
pie beaded." .
"Bat l eaB mdjrioday; and
tba eblldraa mart be looked after. . If
you'll wait till to-amrrow, and let me
take them along, rll go, aad give yoa
ao farther trouble; bat I'll kill tbe
wbole lot of tbem rather tbaa Belle
Meneoa ehall bave tbem P
"Bbut np yoor eraty alack, and Til
let yoa toko thorn I Hay, Can, toll tbe
driver to go oo; out be mast Mop to
morrow ana rra toe nous or tota, rua
bleh." .
"Aye, aye, sir, waa tba bearty re
Veriiy, ine onneasc was waraiag wail
la tbe baebaad's latorsata.
(T ae-maMaoaa.1 ..;;
Ta vaia Eorroa e aa 9aw Koarawaav i
Jack Frost bas ket as yet visited as,
though oar parks and woods put on
their beautiful tall attire weeks ago,
aad, with crlmaoa blushee tinting every
. " ; m . r i .
leaf, are preparing for the long aleep of
w later. Tba rosea aad Eeranlams of
our gardens aad th agricultural ground
till bloom aa eweelly aa though the
ammera aaa bad not long ago bidden
them aa eternal rood-bra. We read of
now and frost In the North, but thay
have, yet to touch u with their Icy
finger. Washington climate In Octo
ber 1 delightful, and the visitor eaa
better enjoy blmaelf lo tbla month tbaa
any other of tbe year; particularly ao
when, aa bow, Congress is In session.
The esellemcnt of official and private
recepllooa baa Dot yet begun, but the
Inspection of whatever curiosities the
Capital offera ta tbe visitor can bettor
be appreciated . In October'a calm
weather than when winter's storms
shall bouse blm half hi day,
Causes much eommfot among Demo-1
rata, aa well ae Republicans. Tbe for
mer bave always bad great respect for
bla ability and skill aa aa opponent,
while tbe latter bave always regarded
blm as aa able and trustworthy leader.
There baa not been a more gallant,
dashing partisan leader In the Senato
bIom H un rise's dasth than Mr. If nr.
Ron. He sever chirked a eootoet with
anv. whether he had ta lead a forlorn
I hope, or avxbarge-apoa broken, demor-
allsed ranks, aad while be lacked that
grace and charm of oratory and subtlety
of Intellect whlob naturally made Mr.
Clay a loader, pre-emlaent of .men, yet
there waa la Mr. Morton a vigor aad
force af character, aeklll la organisation
aad depth of resource thst reodered blm
a most form ldablejulagoQ 1st la tbe in
tellectual eombata of the Benate, and
caused ate reeogoltton a leader of the
Republieaa raska. Much a tbe Demo-
era la bave to gala by bla death, yet
they fraelyLaooord blm fullest acknowl
edgment . of bla, great mental power
through which be baa beea ablejp, lbeJ
twelve year paat to control and abape
the legielatloa af tbe country. No one
doubt tbat to Mr. Steven In lb House,
aaa Mr. Jtortoo la the Hecate, are
largely due the reconstruction policy of
Congress. Doth ore gone. Neither were
orators Ja tbe personal aad magnetic
Their auoosse came from pure
atrengtb af will aad character, Inflexi
bility of punxwa, meet determined cour
age and eagacity. Henry Clay ruled
tbrougb bis persuasive power,. while
tba "others led and won. by tba force
perlority and to follow their dictation.
Mr. Morton's decease adds another Dena-
arfct to tha Renato, ta
pobllcao majority to tbree, and aa two,
Zt PrsrrxTlr'
PrtI Di "u ' Inclined to vote aa they
7" ' .llh,
at least, of the Seoatoraare not strongly
gard to party In Is rests, we look apoa
party Hoe aa preUy well obliterated la
tbe Senate, aad think that measure
wll. bow be acted apoa la the coaeerva-
eselosively. But who will amumatbe
leadership, bow tbat the Old Ca plain
ba laid blm down la bl last slsept I
a ouerv we bear asked an all aldea. For
Itbe prceeat. Be one can mass tba forces
of eltberpArty -apon many measure.
Inasmusb aa there la too great diversity
of opinion among tbemedvee, Take
finaooe, for Ids lance, upon It section
rather than party rulee. We bave tbe
East against tbe West, and be who eaa
assimilate the diverse views lotonna-
nlmtty of opl ntoa WtTI be Indeed aTeader.
ZTomi:wing of ObKJDtroduoedJnto
the House hie bill for repeal of tba re-
eamptlea act, which was at once favor
ably reported back by tbe committee on
banking, to wblcb It bad beea referred.
In order to eootrol It and prevent amend-
h' ' """
reported back to the Hoc, tha
ting It upon the Speaker tab
-tor eon-
alderation ' ooly duiinj
hour. On Thursday Mr.
d savored to secure It passage, but dlla
consumed tbe boor, and,
intense mortification, be found
himself la tbe banda of bis enemies, for
a two-thirds majority waa requisite to
take It from the Spekere table, and
this strength tbe bill did not command.
Now be must retara It to tbe backing
committee for report, back to tbe House
In committee oa the whole, where It
ill become tbe adject of prolonged
debate, aa well aa Indefinite amend
ment, for while the great mam of mem
ber are favorable to the repeal of tbe
resemption act, yet there Ic a great in-
copgrulty of opinion aa to what aball
be aubatllatod for It, aad, ad a conse
quence of tbteevldpnt diversity of view
poa national matter, w are led to
think we one wlll be abla to-harmealae
and consolidate cither party lotd uch
compact argaalsatlone aa bave eon.
trolled past leglslatlooa la Coo gross.
Mr. Hayee peecbe la BJehmond
have gained blm a bounded praise
from ear Southern people. A Virgin
ian baa a Spertaa'a, or a French mas'
love for bla active Bute, and tbe etatee
maa who com pi I men ta tbe Old Domin
ion at oca aeearv the Virginias'
friendship. FELIX.
Washington, D. C, November 1, 1877.
" Ktaaat arc ffeoaltTuC
Toman and Prop. .
"ft seem so Strang to me." said a
lovely lady at a faablonabls reception
In New York City, a very abort time
since, "to corns book from tbe wilder
neea where we have been living, and
nu'l avcrjrhnriy aick
The lady ta ,tbe bright and Interest
ing wife of a general In the - Untied
Htatec army, who had been stationed
for years apoa the frontier, and her re
mark nt first 'waa aoaroely understood
by the peraon to whom It waa addressed.
'Indeed, was tbe reply, "but le not
aucb a state of things rather esoeptlonal
and confined to your eesjaalnuneesv I
have not beard ot a,oy uaueual ailments
tbla season." ,
- "Tea do not understand: me," re-
that with doctors upon every block, and
a drug store at every corner, tbe wbole
population seem to be ailing, while In
our little community, wblcb le about
tbe else of a New Kugland villare, and
the last glimpse of civilisation Of it can
be called aucb) for alz buodred miass,
such things as languor, and nervooeoeea.
and headachee, nod acuralgia, are never
beard of. When we wake la the morn
ing, we wake right a p. bright and fresh
as tbe nest day Wftloh greets us, and we
enter apon nil oar dulie and pleasure
Willi a seel wnicn aeeme unknown Bore,
I dtd no notice or think or it when I
lived bere, but now It alrikee mo aa
aoroetbing quite new and etranga."
"A million of polluted brealba do not
drain dally tbeosona out of your atmos
phere," returned the peraon addressed;
"but, apart from tbat, with a great
river on each aide nf us, we could prob
ably manage to live much more health
fully then-we do. were It not for the
drugs and doctors; "relievo as of tbem;
lake tbem nway to tbe frontier wltb
yoa, and the. balance could soon be
truck maeb asor equally.-"
And I doubt not that It could. It la
very remarkable tbat women, and men,
too, place such Implicit confldeooe lo
the curative power of medlclnec, known
to posses injurlou and even dangeroua
p rape riles, and Ignore almost entirely
the efficacy of those greet remedial
eents -air and water which have been
placed all about tbem.
. It baa passed into a proverb, Ibat'med
Icinc kille as maoy as It cures, and tbe
average effect may be struck with quite
aa much certainty In regard to Its minor
dally operations. Few persons of abV
experience but will testify tbat It In
jure aa many as It benefits.
The science of medicine has not yet
en reduced to exact terms, it is sun
a system of esperlmeote ehanrcc In
octat-aifatwosprirlo"iaillous are
eonetantly producing new form of dis
ease, or, rather, owing mainly to popu
lar Ignorance a to bow to meet or pre
pare for aucb ahanrs4bey develop a
clam of pbenomcoa which we call die
ease, and whlob, Instead of tracing to
tbeir cause, we try, by aummary meas
ures, lo eject from our domain.
No wooder we make bad worm; pile
Palloa oo Oaaa; for. loetead of payior
doctor to keep uc wall, we offer tbem a
premtom to make and keep a sick.
tn niae-toMb or tbe cases which
physlcfana arc called apoa to treat, they
arc as ignorant or the true condition or
tbe palieiit aa the patient himself ; and
ey only an nati me sense nod the
beneety to do practically nothlnabut
wait, and watch, and ad viae aa to the
Ida. which nursing, aod oar, and diet
do no rotschtef, but ofleo Incalculable
But71ocloralTve In an atmosphere of
drugs and books, and leara what tbey
know of the former from the latter.
When they-get a patient, therefore.
tbey begin dosing blm, according to th
books; If on thiog does not do, they
try another, tb object being to get rid
Aa ah al V ewt Wt ra aisvt nf I lia d lusu sa 4 a
ter la time. If be la young enougb and
strong enough, bot often - taking the
marka of the etrurgle between natural
and unnatural forces with blm to the
Women, from their more complicated
physical functlooe and relations, are
more apt to be tbe vlotlme of tbe drug
ging process than mn. The latter are
saved from many of the evils that befall
women by their more active out-door
life, and by their general pecuniary In-
dependence, which makes tbem able lo
take advantage of Incidental opnortunl-
Ilea which women, from want of funds.
tors' bllla mutt be paid, but men ordln- 37i
artty would rather pay tbem at tbe
of the year than epend a much portlier
sum for restorative hatha, oe-the needed
Journey, which wooUMiave furnished
tbe requisite ehaga or atr and scene,
aud preveuted-tbe attack of lllnem allo-
Broken Friekimiiiif. -Friendship Is
a good deal like cbloa. . It la very dura
ble and beautiful as long aa It la whole;
but break It, aod all tbe cement la the
World will never quite repair tbe dam
age, sou may click the piece together
so that, at a dletaoos. It looks nearly aa
wall aa ever; but It won't bold hot wa
ter. II Is alway ready to deceive yoa
If yoa trust It, aod II Is, oa the whole, a
very worthless thing, nt eoiy ta be put
empty oa a ahelf and forgot lee there.
The finer and more delicate It la, the
more utter the rata. A mere acquaint
ance, whleb aeeda only a little Ill-humor
to break It up, may be coarsely
puttied, like tbat old yellow baaln In tbe
store eloaet; but' tenderneea and Iraat
and sweet esehange of confidence can
no more be yours, when angry worrfe
and thoughts have broken tbem, tbaa
can those del ins te porcelain tea-cup
bleb are splintered to pieces be re
stored to their original eseellencc The
el ig blest crack will spoil the true ring,
and yoa bad better search for a new
friend than try to mend the old one.
And all tbl ban nothing to da wltb for-
glvsnssa. One may forgive and be for
givsO) but ttie deed has been done and
tbe word aald; the flowers and the glid
ing arc gone Tbe formal "making an,"
especially between two women, ta of ao
mors avail wee tne wonoertui ccmeute
that have made a cracked Bgtineas of
your eblaa vaae tbat yoa ei peeled to be
year 'tjoy forever." Hand led del leetely,
bed te punty in tbe waters or train.
confided to no careless, anaympatblslng
bands, rrteadebin may last twe lives
cub But It does not pay to try to mead
It, Once broken. It Is spoiled forever.
A' boy andertook to tort are a wasp by
touching a lighted match to lu body.
The wasp applied Its warm aid to tba
boy' baud, aod aa it new eway4 l gave
tbwwarthsMrword of wisdom: "Never
try t beat a man at bis 7a gam."
A MsTcUsm War.
I .Whatever moont of lnuatlessnd op
pression may be an flared by aay people,
war-la alway a a desperate remedy; bat
certainly In a la stance have tbe evllc
complained of ever been ao largely lo
ss la tbo case f th province now in
rebellion aralnat Turkey. It will be re
membered by our readers thst the terri
ble conflict now In progress originated
In aom petty dispute wblcb occurred
tficrtb harvest of 1874 between tbe
Christian peasantry af Hersegpvlna and
the lltbe'farmers commissioned by the
Ottoman govern men t. . This difficulty,
insignificant In the beginning, was ag
gravated ta one way and another until
the whole province was In a eta la of re
volt. Th. following spring a rebellion
broke out I Bulgaria, complicated by
tne aetioa or Bervi and Montenegro,
wblcb enuntrlee took advantage of tb
diatarbed slate of aflaira to doolar war
against Turkey. Bis months later Rua:
aia determined upon Interference for th
purpoe of protecting the Christian sub
jects lathe neighborhood of tbe Danube,
and tone tb eiruggie began i assume
lis present proportions.
Whatever the Ilia suffered by tbe In.
habitants or ihlequarter of the globe be
fore tbe breaking out of tbe war, lby
war insignificant com Dared With tbe
horrors tbat have enveloped them ever
el ooe. itotn parties have displayed
ferocity In their mode of warfare that
rivals theeoadoet of savage. Depriva
tion, misery, and kmc or lire bave been
endured, not by tbe soldiery, but by the
rural population, helpless old men,
women, and children oil who have not
been able to find comparative safety
within tne ranks or either army. r
life baa been eafe from tb wandering
banda or merciless cseeutlonera, com
posed of lawless wretch, who,-upon
oo pretest or another, rob, murder.
and pillage In every direction. Some
follow In tbe wake of tbe Russians, and
recklessly destroy alt Turkish property
Itbin tbeir reach: others represent
themselves aa Turks, and wreak "their
vengeance on the Christian population.
One correspondent writea: ."From any
bill-top tbe fire of ten or adoaea burn
ing viiiareecaa be counted, while every
road la crowded with fug I Uvea flying
they koowjoi wbllhcr, and their live
absolutely depending on thla or tbat
move of tb opposing armies. I bsve
seea a large valley blocked op by band-
reds of Moslem fugitives, resting in sup
posed safety pear a Turkish army. 1
have heard aooo after of noma chaor
of position of that army, and knew tbat
tut tboa unfortunate people to escape
the murdering Bulgarlana, who are ever
ready to pounce on the defenseless, and
wreak nn tbem tbeir long pent-up ven
geance. Again, on the other band, I
bave had ocular demonatratlon of tbe
sacking and massacre of a large Bulga
rian town, ana needed only time to
has discovered more abundant proofs.
bear on every aide the same atory
Turks murdered and. defiled ny Chris
tiana, and Christiana by Turks.1' liar-
pert rey.
Tk .Twe BUI A Table. V
Two bills ware waiting in the bank
forlhclr I urn torn nut into tin world.
Doe waa a little bill only one dollar;
the other waa a big bill a thousand-
dollar bill. While iylnw-ther std by
e i a saw wt vase avs cm i ws arm a a
- "A h,' If I were aa big aa yon, what j
imod I wouTd do, I could mope to aucb
oign piacea, ana peope wouia o so
careful of me wherever I abould go.
Kvcrybody would admire and want to
take me Itome with tbem, but, small as
I am. what rood- can I d T-NaOod v
carec.mnch for me; 1 am too llttls to be
of any usej
and-dollar bill; and it baugbtily gath
up-ite well -trimmed edra llial
were lying nest to the little bill. In eon-
seioos superiority.
"int is so," it repeated. "If you
were as great a I am a thousand times
bigger than yoa are then yoa mlgbt
bop. to do some good la the world.'
And lie face smiled into a wrinkle of
contempt for tbe little dollar bill.
Just then the cashier come, isave lb
little murmuring bill, and kindly give
It to a poor widow.
hies youiy-ih erie. aa wltb a
smiling face ait receivea It, "My dear
now bave aom
thrill f Joy ran through tb little
bill as It was folded np la tbe widow's
band, and It whispered:
"I may do imi good. If I am email."
And when It saw tbe bright face of
lb fatherless children. It wa vry glad
it enuia no a inn kckml
rrrVsolhelTllle'dollar bill beran I la
Journey of usefulness. It went first to
th baker for bread; then. to the miller;
then to the farmer; then to tb laborer;
then to th doctor; then to tbe mlnlater;
and wherever It went It gave pleasure,
adding something lo their comfort and
At last, after a long, long pilgrimage
of oeerulaeec among every sort of peor
pic. It came back ta tbe bank again,
crumpled, defaced, ragged, softened by
Ita daily use. Hoeing tb thoussod-doU
la bill lying there with scarcely a
wrlnkl or a finger mark apoa it, it cs
claimed: "Pray, air, and what Las been your
Bilwdoe of usefulness T". .
The big bill sadly replied:
, "I have been fronvaafe to safe among
It rich, where few could ae me, and
l hey were afraid to let me gui far,
lest I should be lost. Few indeed are
they whom I have made bappy hy my
Th HttU dollar bill said t
- "H la better to be email aad go among
multitudes doing good then to be ao
great as to be Imprisoned In tbe aafee af
the few."
Abd It tested saHsfled with Ita lot.
- Moral: The doing of little everv-day
duties mskes one tbe most useful .aod
bsppy. . '
A poor yoang ana ooe fell la love
wltb aa belreea, aod tb passloa being
returned, It uly wanted tb parent
concent to make - them bappy. At
lengthy meeting the father, he asked lor
tb -dsughler'a band. "How much,
much mooey can yoa command t" "1
cannot command much," waa the reply.
" W bat are your es peeuiiooe V " Well,
to tell the truth, 1 expect to rub away
with your daughter and marry her, if
yoa don't glv your eooeent." j
g , , .
,J2aaLjlicipUaa swellaOlj rank of
tbat unreliable eiass w be ar a aocoant
la any poaiUoa. '
Qoinr to BohooL ,
"Tb cause of cducatloa be baoged r"
be muttered, aa be sat dowa oa tbe
curhetone on Shelby street.
II wa a lad of tblrtoea. Hi peata '
were aupportod by a piece of wlreclothoe-
iin girted around bis waist, h la bar
waa aoolent and greasy, aad bi big flat
feet seemed to be wailing for a thunder
shower to wash them eleaa.
That's what alia met" be went oo,
aa he pushed bis to t alo the wet saod.
"I don't believe In nfetlcrdiffloglnand
learning all their la to learn, and not
letting other iolks bave a . ebaaoe.
There' lota of other folk la thla world '
be I dee me, aod I ain't going to b a
bog, and try to learn all there la to
learn.' , -
.After a mlnate be went obi
"IJon't I know 'nufr now? Tbree -
limes two are aix, four tlmee ar -twenty,
aad four aud four are eight. '
That's as correct aa I could get 'cm If I
went to school for a hundred years.
Ad dWl I know how to spell T C-a-t
is cat the world aver, and I'll bet on It
every time. II--a spells hen,' and I
know It as well as If I weighed a too."
He rose up lo throw a sloe at a dog .
across tb street, aod after resuming bis
mat be went on:
"Jogerfr kinder wrestles m dowa,
but I uWt ao much n locerfv. -What
do I care whether aa laiaod la entirely
surrounded by water, or whether I ber
ain't any water within tea mile of It T -H'pose
I'm going to bay and aell lalanda
lor a living T 1 don't car wblcb Ic tb
highest mountain or tbe longest river.
do 1 T I'm going to keep a food store,
sod wben I'm rolling bales a1 hav
around will I car about mountain and -
rivrr 1 v heard th boy a go oa about
I port and Imports, and si rails, and
sees, and capes, but what's tbem to mo f
If a feller want n bag o oats. Is be go
ing to wait and ask me wbea th Island
of Madagascar waa discovered f"
He carefully esamlned tbe ble- toe of
hie left foot and th heel of his rlaht
foot, and gloomily observed:
-ins oid folks arc making ready to -push
me lot school, aad I've got to
make ready to keep out. I can't take
to seiiool, somehow. I could clt here
aod atudy all day, but tbe minute t get
into the aobool-boue I'm nervous. -
Something- golog lo happen lo me this
wees, i ll b taken bom In a wheel
barrow wltb a big gb la tbla heel, or
tbtato almost cut off. Tbat will mean
fcc-waw cratch." and thcr don't -
allow lame boy to go to school and
crutch up aud dowa the alslse. :T Or;
sposio I go booiewlth pajplojitf.
lady baa bad It, aad
I won't more tbaa get lata the boas
before ebe'll bvo m tucked up aa th
loung, th camphor bottle down, cur
rant loll and spoog cake Is Ibe distance.
aod she'll call out to tbM gent: -
" 'Father. It' no as of tblnklnr af -
sending tbl boy lo school. II look
tout aod bsalthy, but be' a more bad
der. Tbe do atmoapherc of the eobool
room will kill blm before eoow file."
Tb boy looked up. Tber waa a aria
all over bla face, aod be chuckled:
Palpitation la the key not I A aore -
to can b seea a palpitating heart la .
biddea away under hide and fat aod
rlhe. Now than ooab weoab, n-m-sa- -
m bold rer brealh, pll ycr tyaa, kick .
out yer lefFleg, and make, her bob ..
around like a fly oo a bot clovc-eover."
JJttroit Jhret JPrtm. . ,
Bo R RO W E RS. w .
A gentleman whose place of bast
not a thousand ml lea -from the Mer
chant's Escbang la annoyed, as many
business men are, by impeeoulooo lodl
vldual desiring small loans. He bss
adoptsd tbefollowlug method af dealing :
wun tbem :
He will listen amicably to the long r
preface tath-requeat to ''Just lend m
nn ooiiar for two dayar and ana wars
"Certainly," and then, turning
ciers, says ;
"Jam, w bave Ave
baveweaotr'- .
"Yea, air," aay weU-tfalod Jamav " ,
"Well, leodlttMr. IteaL"
"It I ootioTsir; you loaned It to Mr.
Id. Well, wbea It
comes I u, lend It to Mr. Beat;" and bow
log to tbe borrower, tbe merchant re
sume hi buslaeea, and tbe newly on.
walk dejectedly out to try a more prof. .
liable place Bottom Oommtrcial Bul
letin. . -.
A queer man was Ephrlam Martin, of
Button, New Hampshire. He left
ajO.tXW, one daughter, and three aooa.
He bequeathed t bla daugbtor "four of
the best hedgehogs on bis mountain
lot:" to his first eon. five dollars If h
ever returned to HuttdriTto live: to hie
all tbo property bequeathed to the twe
sons to go to lb town of Sutton If tbey
die without Issue Tbe ehlf point of
interest In th defunct's ssUto le la
reference to bedgeooga. How many d Id
be have? Aad why give four selected
ee to hie daughter, and cut off ble
boys without a eingle bog f
The treatmcot tbe Woman Ruff rage
questloa received from the Hons of
Commons tbla year, will bo fresh In th
remembrance of our readers. While
arguments la It favor were being pre
sented, toward th close of the debate,
the majority yelled for ball aa boar,
and I hue effectually all fled discussion.
This procedure waa la complete har
mony with a principle which apnea ra
to be eomlng Into favor wilb certain
politicians, wbo aaa it as aa argument
against Woman Suffrage tb princi
ple, namely, tbat - brut force, aud wot
aoa. Is the basis .or representative
government. .
t'neie Jess Lvoa married a
wife the third day after tbe faneral of
hi first, whereat tb neighbor sere
naded blm wltb tin pane, bora Add lea,
and yells, to signify tbeir lodlgoatloo.
Uncle Jess stood It as long aa b eoeld,
and then went forth and spoke tbos:
Boy, If you care nothing for tbe Joye
nf a bridegroom, I should think yoa
aught to respect the feelings of a wld- 1
wer, the late partner af whose bosom
Is yet hardly eofci I a ber grave r Tbe ,
boye were eluaaed, and alien tly de
parted. . ! . -
A boarder tb other day, after vainly
endeavoring ' to mastic le a piece f
fowl, laid down bis knlle aad fork, aay.
log: "All lb trainings, tradition, aad
toaohluga of my youth, say eeoa of pro
priety, ed the command of boly writ,
compel m to rcprct old age; bull' lib.
blowed II I oaa Wing myaelf to atomaeb
It wbea roasted ar b rot led,"