The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, November 09, 1877, Image 2

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    rftIDAY.-...LNOVEMBER 9, lt77.
Ajanlt vjU ('KM take notice that It l
tnl u a as Ui paj irM cbuiH upoa
e-aall ssias. and tbay will tuaV ( rest favor
T raaillllnf to ma throat a sooner ordsrs At
itrsd tottere.
' While eloquent appeele go op Worn
pa I pi la la Ibis Hy for the purpoee of
' ratal Df fuod to build aud establish ft
. mariners' borne, and thousands of dol
; Ulnar subscribed In aid thereof, It may
. not be kin la to remind our eft liana of
"," another duty, ss' plain and at argent.
that la presented la the great Deed of
: fuod to-carry forward the "Helpers
..- Home." Tble Institution la Intended to
benefit women who ar throw a oo their
owu rooouroo for a livelihood, and find
tbemeelvee etraogera and without ra
ployment lo th city. - It baa lo tble re
tpeot done a nobl work witbio tb peat
. Ave or all month, affording temporary
abetter and finding employment for a
. largo Dumbeof woman and girl who
must earn 'tbelr bread or starve, or
wore.- A tatlatlcal account of tbe ap
' plteatloo mad and tha situations fur
- itlabed can b mad out, abowiog tb
great practical good that ha been and
. .".a beJug Accomplished, bat of tb Htm
ad from wrack, of tha gleam of
hop thrown athwart many a dreary
pathway, of tb new lea of energy aud
ambition wblcb ha been tbu furnished
to crcwhllc qlecoujigciLjtoBjen and la-
experienced girl, only to jieeordiug
Angel take note.
Tb few women wbo bave worked ao
faithfully t(f us tain tble "Home" are
1 deeervlng of all pralae, aud, more, their
eflorta aboutd b seconded more cor
dially then they ar by praon of meane
and of leisure, wbo bave tbea two great
fond for good entrusted to tbir keeping.
We art quit sure If tbla could b prop
erly presented and urged apon our pea
pie, that Ibey would not consider the
object Inferior In Import nee to that of
establishing a place of refuge and reaort
for allor wbo visit tbla port. Th
a fret, moat available Bleeps of aiding
struggling humanity I to place mean
la tblr power of hsl ping tbemeelvee.
Thl tha "Hlpr' HomtisJeLXioXaam,
for all women and girla who deal re to
-'earn honorable bread.' Money ToFrenl
and food and help I much needed, and
Lba promptly furnished apon a
" Ones sela tbe onraa swells, gj
- Ones mora tb Sac Is balf war bona,
Aad oaoe scale tba lonrnful bells - :- .
; Froiean lbs steeple town are rung."
- Oliver 'P. Mortoo, Indiana' greatest
sod, to" United State Senate' - most
profound statesman, 1 dead. This
Tot,tbougb not unexpected, ha prer
cat tha country with a feeling of ad
. .. J-'pr som months paat tb tele-
graphs responsive to tb interest and
sollcltuds of a ballon, has throbbed
with detail of, hi condition, ipreaiv
now of bop am! now of fear, till at
length, on Thursday. evening, Noveni
. ber let, at belf-paat fl v o'chwkttfc end
-pamTHIta3 but recently wroplclcdilli'
-Li flfty-feertb year; bat had been' for
eome year coffering from paralysis, a
disease aald -to have bean hereditary.
During thl Um every appliance which
medical skill could 'suggest, and every
effort which aolloltud of family and
- friend could make bave been tried to
restor him, but, though hi ullrlngs
tare at time lulligatcd.-notlUng gave
permanent relief. !,r-,T:
His eervieee to tha country during
th throes of rebellloo ar and er will
b a part of tb nation's history, Gov
ernor of Indiana at tb trying tlm
, when civil war held ber red band upon
tba nation's throat, and Btatee, forget
ting tbelr alleglauc to th general gov
'Comment, talked "State sovereignty,"
and ranged themselves with tbe embat
tled fuee of lb Ilepubllo, b kept steady
band upon tbe halm I ul rusted to bla
guidance, and, by bie prompt set tan and
clear Judgment, prevented Indiana from
disgracing th North by Joining th
Bout barn Confederacy.
Ko wallwas la bis voice, bobs heard
Wbsa treason's stornvelood blac baat frew
tTbe week ness af a doaMful word; . ....
- p- Ills dat7 and thsradbskn. -
Lonc'sball lbs od tJaU's anfcalslall,
, ' Mrr rblldreatrhlldrsa kB ba taactl
. llow, Biralasd ar blantad, be aaartlad wall
,- Tbe wast b aoltbsr sbaaasd ao soaii.M
Ilia death has left a void In the
Vol ted Btatea Senate greater than that
ebown by ad empty desk and a silence
wbeahl name I called. Ever on the
"alert la tbe Interest of freedom, hi loss
will be long deeply Ml and deplored by
her friend, and bis memory kept green
by tb bay and laurel which sh will
eatwlne about It
A lady eorrearMindent of the "Horn
Circle" department of the brmer via
lied th Stat Fair and ato at the Am
rora Reetaorant. Pb danounoe tbe
cooking a miserable, and the viand
generally a Inferior. But this I not
all , 6 ha says, and truly t
Yu woold not eateb one ot tbnse llntrhmaa
pajrlaf ataeantteaavbodjrt whr.lbrrd.kat
Jttaa-lafts asSMfSi I ' '"Id. allli'Mli His
boneaadslawortbeeoBirr. Thva thvrwork
lhlr yoor womra aaarl' to d' nth. It did
toaka ta Ural Urad to sra thara Wu 'n aboat
la tba bltpbaa la tboae bmry allud priih
wtala-aa plana, rosy vhks among thnsa
Patrb ctrla, - t
In addition o tbla ahe might have
said that thee womaa Svat see a cant
of their earnings naleas they see It la a
man' baud. Tba vomit do th work,
and tha men pocket th proceed. '
' F.iecutlve office-In Balem were closed
an Saturday aut of reopeet for th asent
ry of Benatnr Morton. Tbe last speech
mad by. thl dlsMugulshed etareemaa
was that made at 8aJui on tbe 2"ih ot
Whatever may be said of tbe beterodos
view of Qolooel liob-Ingeraol! apon
some matter, w are sure that enlight
ened farmer, rosy farmer daughters,
and weary farmera' wive will quit an
dorse tb following attract from a
speech mad, by blm in September, at
the Central Illinois Fair. Ileeald:
"In tba old timea when I waa a
farmer; uot a tree waa eat out one la
ten years; not a grapevine waa planted;
and about tb bona not a flower eould
b seen. ' When you wot to tblr
bouses yon ware not met by flowers and
tree loaaeoT with fruit, but by yellow
dogs that came bounding over tba worm
fence Ilk wild beasts. There la no
sens and no profit In such a Ufa. It I
not living; It Is hardly e slat log. I ask
tb farmr of Illinois to beautify tbelr
homee to surround their' house with
flowers; to make everything beautiful
and attractive, loo dout live op to
yoar privilege, , In every farmer's
house there should be a bath-room
You bav no Idea of tba civilising loflu
encee or the bain. Wben yoa om
fpomflb field, tired, covered with daet,
nothing van be so refreshing as a bath.
Keep clean. I am not one of tboe wbo
thlok that In order to raise bogs yon
must b one. I would ratber bave a
farm and be Independent than b Preel-
dent of tb t olled Btatea without lode-
pendeuc, or to be a member of Congress,
filled with doubt and trembling, leellog
of tb popular pula, raaortlog to art
aqf artlflc to keep my place. It I not
necessary In this age of tba world for
the farmer to riee In tba middle of tbe
night and begin his work. Tbla getting
Up a
esnlnUie morning is a roll of
barbarism. It baa mad hundreds of
young men curs th business. There
Is no need of getting up at tore or four
o'clock la tb winter mornlog. Tba
farmer wbo perslata In doing It, and per
sists In dragging his wife and children
from tbelr beds, ought to be visited by
a missionary. It I tlm aaough to rls
after the un baa sat tb axample. For
what purpose do yoa get opt To feed
th cattle? "Why not feed tboea more
tha night before T It Is a waste of Ufa.
In tba old tlm Ibey used to get np
about three o'clock in tba morning and
go to work long before tba ana bad
risen 'with healing apon bla wings:'
aud as a Just punishment they all bad
tba ague; and tbey ought to bav It
It I Indeed refresh lug lo And
of solid practical sense who can do
oounca In good, sturdy pros jaaLgl
treason for bis deoulilatlou what Ha
denomlnatee,'" .
Tbat artlflf lai eat off, MrWHilii
ull balf tba dissatisfaction tbat exist
la farmer' families, and make tbm
yearn to quit tba farm, arleea root rig
orous usages rigidly enforced concern
ing labor at oo seemly hours, wbn na
ture la loud la bar demand for rest
W know of no more pitiable object
than tbat presented by tb farmer's boy
who baa trudged In tha furrow or fol
lowed tb harrow all tba day before, as
be f rudely dragged from
his flock bed
at daybreak on a June morning to do
tb choree.
" T6 rise nnrsstsd aod go onxa more
. Tbrootb tbe dull roatlne of tbe day bsftors."
I bad enougtTwhen a mature peraoa I
th victim, but when arrowing boy or
giritatha defraodedof rest ItUabeo
lute eroelty and sarely begaU dlaooo-
teot, If not a determination to ran aTway
anything to escape such drudgery. Bo
w say that Bob Iogereoll baa a clear
bead In tb opinions abov' quoted,
whatever Ideas be may entertain on
"Future Punishment," "Foreknowl
j j edge," "Fate," "FresT
A termagant, profedly meek, who
live uptb Columbia, wroto na aarly
last month, reolclK that ber husband
was not sucn a "Molly" as to let ber
bava ber awn way, aod declaring 1a
language more espreaalve than reflned,
ber Intention to com down toward th
close of tb month and And mn to
suppress tb Nkw NoRTkwBST. - Of
cuuraowe quaked. W-badn't vD
strength to cry don't How eould w
bava with such dire calamity banging
over u by. a sleuder thread which an
Irat woman poeeeesed of all tha right
sh want, wes deliberately sharpening
bert scissor to cut? However, as tba
days crept m. and IbU fifrmldntls per
soa failed to mak ber appearance, w
began to respire with accustomed regu
larity, uutll now wa bop tbe fa tee bava
averted th threatened cataatropha, aad
promise our readers with soma ooafl
deoc that thl Journal will visit tbelr
borne for an ladeflnlt period In th
future. - Iiook oat for th women wbo
boast of tbelr revereoco for tbelr hus
banda and proclaim aloud to passers by
their wifely submission and devotion.
They can easily put a flsh-weman to
the bhish, and then scarcely draw upon
their vocabulary of vituperation.
Tbe Morton homestead on tha day of
the funeral was elegantly and profusely
decorated with floral tribute, scot as
teetimoulala of respect aod memory
from th most prominent men and
women of tb nation. Among th
waa an anchor of tub roeea and carna
tions, with IbjnottoItoeVMn i porpl
ImmnrtetteT fromTPreaideat and Mr.
Hayes, a shield of whit roeea, bearing
tb Initial of tb honored dead la por
pl Immortelles aad aw anchor from tba
colored altlseo of Philadelphia, and a
haft of laurel aod Ivy leaves, sur
mounted by a whit dov, from who
beak wa suspended a wreath of smiles,
and Ivy, and tb motto, MA alight testi
monial of tha gratitude we bear to ana
wb waa tha unswerving ad vocal of
Woman Buff rags," from Mrs. Frano
Minor and Miss Coseoa, of St. Los la.
rt-MM fit h nlln4 ft..
of rortlaad fii eloalng place of business
ooBuuUay. Ia both plaoea, aaloona
defy th law and remain anmoleeted. I
A great many pereoos suppose tbat
nntll vary recently, ar, at least, nntll
within tba paat quarter of a century,
women bav not attempted ta teach or
peak In public, adhering rigidly to tb
apostoll Injunction of "asking their
husbands at borne."
Turning over reoeatly tha pages of a
new blatory f' tb Colled Btatea, com
piled by William Cu'leo Bryant, a most
excellent work, by tba way, our attention
wa attracted by th picture of a woman
standing la a aomswhat defiant attitude
before a synod of austere, puritanical
looking men, and, taking a oloaer look,
w aaw Tb trial of Mrs. Hutchinson,"
aa depicted by tb pencil of tba Imsg
loatlva artist. Dressed la tb severe
pialnnss of tboae tlme bar whit
krcblf drawn, smoothly over, ber
boeomi ber head erect, ber face and at
titude x preset ve of defiance, th artist
baa made ber, though perhapa nnwlt
tlnglyv-euperlor In appearance., to ber
Judges, while tba, eommenta of the his
torian nave shown ber supsiiorln logic.
Man attempting to alienee tbe voice of
a woman, not by reason, but by arbi
trary exercise of power, merely becauee
he it a woman, thla doe not seem so an
cient as to be more than two eeotorlee
old, but facta speak. The historian tells as
that In 1034 there 'arrived In Boston a
Mrs. Ann Hutoblnson, from England,
wbo came to America because no cburcb
In England suited ber.' Bbe waa a wom
an of superior Intelllgenoa, bright, witty,
good at a fencing match of t6ogua,
versed In Scripture and theological lit
erature, and never so bsppy as when
descanting on ber , vlowsOf -reeo-lute
temper, she bad a taale for rul
ing. Bbe was ambitious, and aoon be
came highly popular, though Wlntbrop,
Wilson, and others, who also bad a
taste for ruling, and, being men, were
determined to xrole It, did not ad
mire ber. . Of brlews It I aald tbat
h main tat oed tbat tbe law was not a
schoolmaster, .to bring men to Christ.
Tb clergy objected to tb distinction
which aba etraaiuotMly -maintained -between
n covenant of grace and a cove
nant of work, and aba offended by ral
lying them on tbelr auaterlty. Twice a
week sb bsld lecturee, to whlob women
flocked, from eighty to one bond red at
tending to bear ber repeat from memory
sermons she bad beard, and eommnt
apon tbora with ptquan
.A writer of tba period ie tboe quoted
by the historian: "Com along with me;
I'll bring yon to a woman that preacba
better gospel thso any of your black
slty, a woman of another kind of spirit,
- Unlta
tblogs to eome, and for my .part I bad
ratber bear such a oo that speaks from
the roeere moUoa of the eplrit, without
any etudy at all, than any of your
learned aeollere, although tbey may be
fuller of 8crlptura."
1 But four ot live members of the Boo
ton ebercb beKTeot agalast bar, though
tb oounUy cburcbee were In tbe main
opposed to her teaching. The contest
j waiedTbUter,
, as only religious son tro
vers! eao, nntll Anally tbe general
court took np the matter as dangerous
to the Bute.
.IoAnguat, 1637, a eyaod- of 'ministers
and magistrates waa bald, which- eon
dsmnsd the opinion of Mr. HotcMBV
on, but thl did not atay tbe tern peat
Bbe waa brought to trial for not discon
tinuing the meetings at tbe order of the
synod, and her appearance at tbla trial
la the illustration wbleb attracts the at
tention of tbe reader. No effort of big
otry or eaperatllloa was spared In the
teachings, and to show to what leogtb
tb will go, It need only to be slated
tbat belief wa promulgated declaring
tbat tbe Almighty testified His disap
probation of her berealee by producing
monstrous births among women wbo
bad accepted ber teaching; Aa edict
of baolsbmsot waa pronounced gat net
ber, and eh Anally removed to Con
necticut, and afterward to New'( York,
where she perished at tb haoda'of In
diana. History la replete with Instance of
women wbo, responsive to tbe moving
power of Intellect, bav at tbelr Imme
diate world to thinking and Investigat
ing. If tbey were oat of tbelr sphere,
who waa to blame? Why, If wrong for
them to exercise tbelr Intellect, waa It
ft, fo them? Will thee whflda
plore, even while Ibey are forced to ad
mit woman's Intsllectual ability, aolv
tbla problem, even at tbe risk of ar
raigning before a human tribunal the
wisdom of tbe Creator ?
iioosoiurriEor thought.
Dr. Piatt, pastor of Oraee Cbareh,
Baa Franclaoo, recently delivered n lee
lure In tnat ally, taking active grounda
against secular education. . Of eourae
thee effort of the enemle of the com
mon school will be bat aa Mia breath
before tbe tern peat of popular opinion,
and will be about aa effectual against
them as was tbe Pope'a bull against
tbe comet. Tbe following statement of
Dr. Pratt will suffice to show what In
eaagrultle of speech these oppaeers
popular edaeatioa are guilty of : "Gen
eral secular education only atakee a
population more lotellectnally prepared
for erlmeteertalaly no etreagr to rw
Thla statement Is so at variance with
truth, experience, and common eenae,
that it la Idle to waste werde la It refu
tation. . Let every person of average la
tell igs see, wbo la disposed to uee .ble
eye and ears, look shout blm bat a
little while, and be will certainly agree
tbat morals and Intelligence are o-x-latent,
and tbat art me aad Ignore do g
band In band. . ,
Twelve bead red ear load of dtbrii
were banled from tbe mine of the Penn
sylvania railroad In Pittsburg and de
puted 4a-4Weerep-yant" at ATUooe.
What a monument to tbe folly of riot
na treaty. "
, rAHHrUL tAB0B., v"7 ,
The president of the Territorial Board
a( Immigration of Washington Terri
tory, Mr. A. II. II. Stuart, has fur
nished to tb eeeemblyboW In session a
carefully prepared report of ber labor
during the past two year. From thl
report we And tbat a vast amount of In
formation concerning tb Territory and
Its rasuu rues aeon ent abroad
through the-.action of the ' president.
Circulars to the amouut of tu.OOO bav
been widely distributed, and 1.S63 lettera
of Information written. Tbe president,
flndlog It neeeeeary tq obUIn aTellabl
map of tbe Territory, obtained private
so bee rl pilous' . sufficient lo ..purchase
1,000 copies of tbe general land office
map, which furnishes general and local
detalle useful to Immigrants. Tb la
reaaa of. popalalloa In tbe Territory lo
two years, a shown in th report, 1
U.061; thl brings th estimated popula
tion to M,0M persona. A sui labia appro
priation is asked lo carry forward tbe
work, tbe former amount allowed ($150
per year) being totally Inadequate, All
agree that tbe amouot of labor per
formed' by Mrs. Bluart In this connec
tion I Immense, and baa been of great
benefit to tbe Territory, of which b I
a disfranchised eltiaen, because a worn
an. We And In the Oregontan tbe fol
lowing testimony t
After readme lbs (report, II asust behtnt
to aa one tbat lbs wtaduet of Mrs. rUitart ta
tba paraormaaee ot sorb a diflleelt task bs thai
la wbleb aba baa bseaaacaaad durtag tbe past
two years larnlsbaa, as bis aaeelMaey tbe gov bla bleaaial miss sa, truly says, "a
marked lastaaee of aaseiasb devottoa to tbs
iDlerasur of tba Territory by one wbo baa aa
votee la tbe admtBlalratJaa of oar political mi
bUrs,H and one tblBf to quite evldeal, tbat
tbare Is kardir aaotbsr peraoa, allber aaaa or
woasaa,- la tbe Tsnltory, wbo woeld bavs
acted aa tbla aattroakle lady baa duae aedor
alnUlarelreastaaeaa,aoa! It Is bopad tbat tbe
approprtaUoa raay at toasr be eanVleal to pay
all expeneea and leave a marala besides for
salary. -
Tb principal prise In applied me
ehauloa and matbematlca at the Uni
versity of Londou Ibis year waa taken
by Mis Ellsn M. Wateon, who also
won th Meyer d Rotbchllo scholar
hip, worth X50 par annum. Tbe con
dition of tbe young lady's health Is not
reported, bat we will engage that It la
as good, at least, as tbat of tbe avsrsgs
woman, wbo has spent all ber early
year boverlog over a cook- love or
wash-tub, aod bearing the orosst aod
care of immature motherhood. The lg
noraot drudgea, old before their time.
whoa lack-lusler ya look out of bsg-
n DO
tleed In thla aolleitode about, woman'a
beeomee Impaired by Injodioloaa appll
cation to Intellectual pursuits, tbat 'Is
proof positive that tbe eo-edoeatton; of
ine sexes is detrimental to tne beaitn of
women.If.tbe miserably unhealthy
and broken-down women were all, or
even a great proportion, educated worn
eo, the opinion of Dr. Clarke and bis
reviewer and endorser would make a
better abowlng.
Tbe reverse of this be-f
Ing true theory mast euoeamb to fact.
which I too well authenticated to need
JBhow n a woman wbo believes-that
paeslng ber baby pine limes under the
table, or drawing a feather plucked
fcuru a black lisu'l UI! o I outlines
mcoogn me Utile vicum'a moutn u a
are aura for' "thrash." and we will
show yoo one-who Is a pitiable mono
ment to Ill-health, and who believes
tbat 'book larnln' Is terrible nnbeallby
1 for women," Prudence prompt that a
woman ehould neither over-work nor
doe not signify that work or atudy I
detrimental to, health, but that both
should be Judiciously pursued, vn as
men pursn thsm. -LTHO
At 10 o'clock on th forenoon of tbe
4th i Senator Morton' remain wsr
taken to tbe Coart-bouae In Indlanapo-
lis, where arraagemeot bad been made
for them to lie In state. JTbey were ee
eorted thence by tbe light Infantry and
pall-bearers, the Infantry 7 forming
around tba bears, pell-beerera, and
few friend on foot, some of whom car
ried floral offerings. Tbe bearse
handsomely covered, with flag. Th
arrangement at the Court-boo were
admirable, and tbe Immense crowd
-li.l -in.
Utile tonfusioa
The corps waa ei posed In the center of
the main ball, midway betwen tb
grand stairway and elevator, an either
aide af which a continual flow of people
seed. Tbe decorations of the gal lories
and main floor were neat aod appro
priate, being composed of black drapery
wun evergreen wreath. Contributions
of flowsrs wore la great profusion, some
of them coming from Washington, 8U
Louie, and elee where. Bland of color
composed of Indiana regimental flags
were plaoed about the floor, two of the
most handsomely arranged being Just
behind tbe single guards, wbo stood.
arms at reet, at tbe bead and foot of the
ket '
Bays an exchange, speaking of que
tlonable placee of amusement: "One
evidence of tbe vlleoeee of tb place
la, tbat no ladle are expected to consti
tute part of tbe adlocelAjbow an
bad that Tt gather Only a mslssndleaee
aboald naturally awakea publl Inquiry
a to ita aharaeter. It lean ncknowl-
dgd fact that place where "women
are not expected" are In tbe mala unfit
for men, bene tbe need of women- to
purify tbe atmoephere of political gath
erings. Any politician forty years old
nan look back to the tlm wben "women
were not exDecletTL to appear at these
gatherings and observe tbe difference be
tween then aad now In the order, decency
and decora m, that characterise t,hem.
We bave beard a somewhat noted poll
tlelaaaf Polk county object to tbe at
tendanca of, we.
at eaaspatgw meet
lag, an tbe ground tbat "a fellow bad
to be no nertleelar what b aald tbat It
confused bias,"
A Waif front tb 8ea. ' ' -
Oil I frequently reminded by a brief
ketch thrown out upon the great sea of
newspaper literature of tbe ease with
which tlm engulfs sorrows tbat, at lb
period of tbelr occurrence, planted a
ting (bat prom lead to be perpetual In
hundred of boeoms, aad caoawl multi
tudes with "ahudderlug horror pale,
and Jee aghast,"-to read tbe dread
ful details of calamity. ' A stately
hip, bearlog buodteda of. live, each
precious to loving frlende at borne,
go out apon tbe deep", blue,- treacb
crone sea, and, meeting - disaster,
eooalgn ber charge to ble merciless
embrace. Tbe wavea chant a requiem
as they meet over lUs.pac where tbe
laboring bulk, swarming with despair
ing humanity, disappeared the great
shock Is boroe laud ward,' tbe borne
hearte cry out In agony, and . public
spmpatby Is stirred to Its depths,-- -Buns
rise and set, season com and go, and
oblivion close ber dark wafer so com
pletely over thvot tbat It Is some
troubl to recall the once familiar
detail when a cbanc breese bring
them for a moment to tb surface. We
are. reminded of thl by look log
over a Ban Francisco CTironiole of tb
2tth nit, and finding therein th. fol
lowing refers no to a disaster which, at
the .time of It occurrence, caused such
a pall of darkness to settle over so many
homes oa the Northwest Coast i
Tha ateamer "Brother Jonathan"
gave to navigation a new rook. To the
sea ebe gave a noble tribute of buman
lives. Tbe "Brother Jonathan' was
000 of tbe most familiar boau here,
having been eogaged In the coast pas
senger trade for several year, bbe wa
1 he property of the California Steam
Navigation Company, aod ran In tbelr
service. On July S8, 1805, sh left thl
port for Portland aod Victoria. Her
passengers nbmbered 109, ber crew and
officers 64. At half-past 1 o'clock, oo
the afternoon of July 80tb, wbll run
ning at full speed, sb struck a rock off
St Oeorge'a Point, eight or tea mllve
nortbweet of Cresosnt City. A great
bole was made In ber bottom, aod In
three-quartere of an hour after striking,
she went down with nearly ail oa board.
The ooly eieeptione were thoee who
embarked in a boat with the third offi
cer. These, numbering ten of tb crew,
three ladle and two children, reached
tbe shore In safety. Why the boat put
off with eo tew in It, when so many
were periehlng, was nsver explained.
Effbrte were made to launch some of
the other boata, but tbev were swamped
In tbe high sea, and before all bad been
lowered, the vessel weut down, carrying
with ber all 00 board, nearly loO people.
Bom of thee were men of not, and
there was mourning all over the country
for tbm. Brtgadier-Oeneral George rt.
. Vrlnht..who, a een m parri-xT ty to Is wife
and stan, was on bis way to take torn
on and of tbe military department of the
asaigosd, waa among the vicUiiis. An-
oth.r waa Arh Henry, formerly Uolted
Btatea Borveyor-Oeneral, wbo bad Just
heee appointed Governor of Weahlogtenlpeeref to exeroUe her right of self-go v
Territory, and waa on th war- there.
Jamee Kiahet, one of tbe editor of the
an Frauclaoo Jiutletim, In Ita better
days; Jamee R. Klcbarda, of Uiehards
aV MeCrackeo; Jame.& tieddew, of Hoe
worth A Oeddea, both mercantile firms
of promloenee In thla city, and Victor
Smith, formerly collector of customs at
', Hottnd'f "9T among-tboae Inau
uapuiin ktm noii .was lormeriy so nrst
mat or tne steamer, and upon tbe Cap
tain' being killed in Portland, was pro-
moieo to in commaoa or in steamer.
Ui wa an advnturou career.
thttTntrof th steamer "Lexlnaton"
on liUi IJ.iiiI Unuul ti. 1 UAA k. ....
one f -tw. mni4, -"t f'fi
iter floating for hours on an empty I
Thanksgiving Proclamation.'
To thl Vapf 0 (Ac State of Oregon:
Ie eompliaoe with an honored custom,
aod In aeoordaoce with tbe proclama
tion or tne President or tbe tolled
States. I, 8. F. Chadwlsk, Oovsrnor of
lo be observed by tbe people of tbe com
moil Waal th aa a day of thanksgiving
ami pralae to Almighty Uod tot tbe
manifold bleaalogs wbieb lis baa be
etowed apon our favored Stale daring
tbe year; for the pleuty that All our
homos; for tbe general proa parity and
health that we enjoy, and for tbe benefi
cent Provide ioe tbat baa preserved oar
borders from the threatened' desolations
of a savage war. And I do earnestly
recommend that the people of the State
00 tbat day lay elde tbelr usual era
ploymentsand assemble Iberueelvee to
gether In their accustomed plaoea of
public worship, to rive fltlina testl
mony of tbelr gratitude to the Father of
all for tbe teuder merelee with whlob
He has overshadowed as.
In witness whereof I bave hereto set
my band, and caused tbe seal of tbe
Slate af Oregon to he affixed at the ex
ecutive office. In the city of Salem, thla
let i JL? 0 btrl&JJ
i. n.J 8. F. Chadwick.
Attest t 8. F. CHADWiriry , -Secretary
of State.
A sickening story of enforced mother
hood, 111 treatment, desertion, destitu
tion, suicide, and murder In Wisconsin
comes to ns by telegraph. A mother of
three young children, and again to be
come a mother, after living unhappily
lib ber husband for some time, was
deeerted aad left deetltat. Despond
koey overcame ber, and h. aa Is sup
posed, poisoned bsreelf and children,
and then fired tbelr dwelling. Tbe in
struments of death, whether Are or pol
sou, were more merciful than th Inbn
aa husband and father. "
From th Illustrations In tbe October
Wert Shoto, repreeeotlog logging In tbe
forests of Washington Tsrrl lory, we
should Judge the laborer employed by
lu-oberrnert (hereabout to be Ihe- eaoet
awkward axemen and etamsleet han
dlers of tbe cross cut aaw that ever at
tempted to "fell tbe mighty glaota of
tbe forest" and reduce them to eeitable
length for lumber. Troq,.-.w nave
never been there, nor do we believe our
artist baav,
The Oovernor of Rhode Island divest
bla Thanksgiving Proclamation of all
wordy preamble, aad eome directly to
tbe point thest "I appolot Thursday,
EHb, aa Thanksgiving dayj aad request
people of thl State to aasembl la their
bowse for publl worship end return
twawk - to"Ood"fof Tile"" tender merelee
Aad -loving kind nee, and may tboe
who are blessed with abuadaace give
liberally to tbe poor."
The House passed, under suspension
of rule, Bland' bill for th recntuag
of silver,
1 hurricane awept ever- Lakes Mlobl
a, Erie, and Ontario, on the night of
the gd, doing Immense damage to ship
ping. - ,
Another indictment waafouud sgalost
Senator Patterson, charglog.brlbery In
eouueotlon wilh bis election to the
Seuale - v
Tbe family of Senator Morton bave
received a large number of telegram of
ympatby from promiont person and
personal friends.
i Th receipt of th patent office for
October, from all sou rose, were $&S,1H
against f53,ll7for.lh correepoodlug
period of, last yser.
Tbe overwhelming majority by which
tbe silver bill passed the House, nearly
Ave against one, surprised both Its
friends and opponents.
It Is deemed Inevitable by some that
tbe President and the Coukllng faction
will lock horns aud beglo the contest of
strength after lb result of lection I
JThe Inler.Oeean'$ Virginia represen
tative eomplalne that during tbe vlelt
of tbe President b waa eutertaloed ex
clusively by Democrats, aud tbat
Republican were Invited to th oter
taluments. ' . - .
Tbe Timet? Indianapolis special say :
"It Is understood tbat Ooveroor Wil
liam will name Veorbeee for the Sena
torial vacancy WcdnoodayJyoorhaea
wsa lu th city, but did not attend lba
funeral of Mortoo.'
Bcoalor Sargent propoee to procure
tb passage of a law by Congress which
shall restrict th number of Chinos to
be brought to tbe Uolted State upon
any vessel, say to ten. It I not certain,
bnt thil ooo of tbe best suggestions
yst made. . . . r
JTbe remain of etor Morton were
depoalted la tb vault of the chapel at
Crown Hill Cemetery, oo Monday even
ing, tbe Odd Fellow conducting tb
eloalng eeremonlee. Mr. Morton wa
o prostrated aa to be unable to attend
tbe funeral.
Tbe President Issued direction early
on tba 2d that flag on all public build
ings be placed at half-mast la respect
to th memory of Senator Morton. The
Cabinet met, all the member present,
. . , - - r- 1 1
to pay proper official honor to !" I
tlngnUhad dead
On the 6th Inst Sargent presented to
P?"'f!JUreMU H f W
,. . . ' . ,
1th1 herpoUtloal diaabilltle be n
and that be may be Invested with full
ernment at lba ballot-box. 8lmllar
tltlona were presented by Jooea, of No.
vada, Chaffee, and mauy olbsrs.
General Howard'a commands-arrived
at Omaha on the 3d, by tbe stesmer
"Ben ton and- prooeeded West on
special train.. Tbe command consists
of com pan lee from tbe"4ih artillery,
2lt, 8tb aad 12th regiment of loCtnlry
The eompaalee will be dletrlbuted
among tb fol lew lug post on the Pa
elflc Coast: Ou to Fort Walla Walla,
w to yort-Tawnsnd."lear 4 Fort
Vaooouver, two to Fort Caoby, Iwa to
Fort Yuma,-Arltoda, two to Fort Ste-
vena, Oregon, one to Prealdo Barracka,
near San Franolaeo, on. to Aloatras
Island prison post, also near Baa Fran
- Recent snooeeaca bave reue wed the war
agitation In Bulgaria.
' The dipaater to tbe Turkish army waa
greater than at first reported, Mukb tar's
army being nearly annihilated.
The lovettmentof Plsvna la com plate.
Tbe Ruealao are clearing not only tb
Sofia road, 1ut all approaches from the
Balkana. A Turkish relieving army
would have to light lie way ap to Plevna
step by atep.
A Turkish force, numbering 3,000 or
4,000 men from tbe south of tb Balkan,
attackad the Russian force at Mahlmar,
couth of Elena. 'After four boar fight-
Ing the Turk, retreated, leaving 100
dead, and 400 wounded.
A special from Bofta say Chelkel
Pasha, at tbe bead ol-a strong force, Ie
advancing to the relief of Plevna. Oe
man Pasha's army la amply provisioned
and supplied and In fair condition, not
withstanding th Russian's progre
westward. Tba Turk are all confident
tbat Plevaa will bold out. - x '.
Tbe Statesman says: 'It will be re
membered that John Perkln. of Yam
bill county, loot In a gambling den dur
ing fair week a ebeck for 1 1,600. Th
old man, though wealthy, grlvved mocb
over tb mse of bla money, and wben
be got borne took ble bed, and baa not
been np sine. From a gentlemen Just
from-Yamhill county we learn tbat be
I not expected to recover." ;:-
The AWsery, that attractive Juvenile
periodical, la, la great demand among
tbe younger member of our booeehold.
And Teelly we do not wonder, aa It la a
gem la lie way, and ane well calculated
to attract bright. Intelligent eyea. Ad
dress John L. Sborey, 84 Broom field
street, Boston. Price $1 60 per year.
The fleattls Tribtm says tba naat
month haa beea aoe of tragic eveate la
that eommenlty. First earae tbe bang
ing of John Thompson; -text, the shoot
log of Peterson: third, th falliaa-
of Rl Im ta tba aonnty Jail; foartb, the
same ,1a the ease af William Strong;
and fifth and last, the murder of Ot
The Port Madieen mill reeentlv for.
alabed toorderwtrtlek of aquafe timtf
forty-two feet la length, and forty-eight
by thlrty-olgbt Inehe la sis. A tree
suiubl for producing th Immena
pteee of timber wae obteleed near
wrava aa vaaarcusiAl. - -
The eaunery eterprjse a Tillamook - .
bow garrisoned with I '
Fort Hole Is
about 100 men.
Fourteen marriage license were is-,
tied In Clackamaa county last month.
Thirteen divorcee were granted at Lha
ate term of tbe Llua co.uuty Circuit
Court ".". i " :
T. B. Jones, of Highland, claims the
largeet yield of aide oate la, Clackamaa
eouotyi - r- -
Tbe second term of tb L'mpqoa
Academy at Wilbur will commence No
vember 26th.
A free readlng-foom Ie talked of ft.
Astoria. E. C Hofdeev will aollelteuh
soriptioas therefor. r"
Holman, tbe WalU Walla wlfe-sboot-1st,
baa eaoaped from Jail. A-iipor wae
eonveolently left sjar for his egreee.
- Albany's subscriptions for theYaqulan
Kaiiroaaf amount lo more than seven
I boo sand dollar..
A Ilabt fall of oow esuBea tbe taoif
hills of Jackson county to present a
wintry appearauoe, - .
There are at present In tbe penlten- :
tlary at Salem, 115 convicts, four lee
than tb greateet 4tC-Xr ooo fined
there. r'
Three lodge of Oood Templars were
nrgaulaed ht tble Bute during October.
Ooe at Aumevllle, oue at New berg, and
one at Camas Valley.
W. R. Dunbar, O. W. C T lectured .
nirfst St. Joboe on Sunday evening. There
waa a goeo; auuieooe, svisiwn1"!
tbe laelemeot weather. 1
Tbaw&aleeMMM harg that Superin
tendent llureh permlte prisoners to-.-ri
work on Suoday, aod deduote tb day
from tb term of servlee. ..
Dr. Dean Clarke repeated bis lecture
oer lB0Revalr Evidence of Man'a
Kxleteoee after Death," at tbe- Opera
House In Salem, last Bunday eveulogt
A. A. Bonney, of Wasoo, bought a -merino
back at the State Fair, from
which be has since sheared a fleece
weighing forty-nine pounds. The coat
of tbe auimal waa flou
- If blessed with plenty of Water, Gal loo
Creek mines will be actively worked
the coming season. Tbe several com
panlea bave tbelr claim In splendid
condition for a winter's rnn.z:JZ"Zr
. Douglas Horner, a lad nineteen year
of ago, baa been adjudged lasaoe by the
aulUorlllee of Washington eouoty. . He
was very violent, attempting to take .
tbe life of several of tbe family. He
was somas I tied lo the asylum.
I a Washington Tsrritory th number
of oblldren of school ege Is 13.187, while .
the number attending school Is 7,172,
being but a few over half. Number of
school-boifeeo In tb Territory, SK.
Number of teachers: malee, 1st; femslee,
143. -
froreesor T. V. (Jaupbeii, ar won-
n anil rriifsaanr I W lratt, vf
Profeesor T. F. Campbell, af Hon-
Portlaud, were elected, at Ihe last meet
ing of tbe State Board or Jviueetion,
member of tb Stat Board I of. Kxamjn-,.
-fwtluij, wtltgtirtnbeUeeoi
I-aooually at
Salem, on tb first Mondsys of January
and July. . -
r ' wpKK ro CTEBTBODTT777
Cironlate pe'llUoa for a loth Amend
ment, to enfranehlee the women, mot of
mm Stat alone, bu t "ot all tba 8lateaT
and Territories. Woman'a light to a
voice In the government nndsr a bleb -sbs
II ves Is a natural right, and must be .
guaranteed lo ber by tbe Federal Cob
atltutlon. "Now Ie oar time to knock at
the dour of -Congress and plant thU
right deep In- tbe rundamental law-of-
the land. "-s.
Petitions for a Bla teenth Amendment,
for wnman'a anffancblsement, from'
0i-. VPtt 'JSUtea. eltlaena,- from .
twenty-two Stat, bav beea preeented
In open House aad Senate by tl Repre
aenlatlveeand 29 Senator since January
It, 1877. The friend of Woman Suf
frag In both bou, wbo Intend, toad- -vacate
tbe Amendment In tba nw"
Congrsm, ilsalr Its friends to -sustain
lhm by mammoth petltlou from every
quarter. 'Circulate tbla petition through
tba autumn and winter up to January
20, 1878. Obtain tba namee of all wbo
bava signed similar pet I lions to tba
"prseent Congreea, aod a many mora as
possible. Head the petit lone wilh such
.wsll-kuo wu name aa yoa wlab to bave
appear In the CongreUmal Keeord.
Fill tbe blanka for Stele, town, and
county, that member may refer to
their ewa district la preeeatlag peti
tions. Uavs all lb -name sfgosd
plainly with Ink an two copiee of tbe
petition, one, for tbe House, and one for
the Senate. Ask each signer to remit
at least ten cents to tbe Treasurer of tb
National Woman Suffrage Association,
Mre. ElUn E. Sargent, No. 1,733 " D
fllre itranl.. Wsshlnglon, I), flf lo
defray expense of ' claaaill Wllon ' for
presentation to tbe iStta Congreea. Every
name received before December 1, 1877,
111 be elaaaified-rUh Its appropriate
State and eounly petitions, and pre
eented by the appropriate Repreeenta-
tlve and Senator. Send with tbe peti
tions name and poet office address of
acb on wbo oblalna signatures, ao tba ..
offlcers may know tb workera.
Cut tble out, and past It at tbe bead
of a sheet of paper and go to work. Pat
tba namee of men on tbe right, and
women on tb left of your petition,' and
trace every name carefully la Ink 1 .
To tho Senate and Houot of Represent
tat , in Congrete a entitled t Tbe '
undersigned, cilisen af tbe United
Btatea, realdente of tba 8lato of
couaty of , town of
adopt msasure for ao amending tbe
CanaUtallon aa to prohibit tb aeveral'
Slate from disfranchising United Statee
eltlaena an aceonat af eei.
The m let res of a mnet dlsordsrlv
school In Skowhegan, Maine, loot con
trol or ner senoisrs one oay last week,
and allowed tbe naughty boy to throw
wad of peper at the pretty elrla. One
of tbe tlrle finally "reported" n certain
boy who waa aaaoylag nor with pod-
hoi from a pop-gen. Tbe timid,,
ehootmlatreee sternly reproved ber for
tattling In school. The girl returned to
ber seat, and bar perse-rotor, -seaming
military operatiooa, and firing at lana
range across the school-room, hit ber la
tbe fa-aTim. teacher eao' 1 1 Irk you,
I can," aaid the pretty girl, and darting
across tbe room, she struck blm wlib a
big book, dragged bim out Of bla eeet,
aad beat blm nalll be lay oa tba floor
blubbering and begging for mercy. '