I ' bswamsamwawiBaaaBBswwBssMaew I fits, a. J. MMVit. tflur ss fsrteifr. ' I llnil flX pi W l'll IK II fl ll-'t r '- lll' ! 5 I vll If ll IV ll lx'uitaUM..! Hsm.sli,. ' Av5 llll rL - 11 lLSL"l " JLV''iLtJ 1 11 " jL I Li I ivl LU iW JLa. :iaeunJ4saiiBPoiiumaBiuiigwB. """'V- " ' J - , f . v ful krnt.j!, Fut Pm, fiu PtuPW. - . ' Conpo4u MilBfof aaaiarl igim- TSr iu4Ui.. ... , ;'. - , i . ' , i jr- . ; , r ; f- i . : iut oiual mmka knuwn lbir luin la lh , " . " " " ' - - V ' '.. 1 1 1 ' 1 " " " : 1 : -' r . L r '- . , .-i virvnvil Editor, or no ttnllon. will iv lo (Ir ADVERTlMKMKXTMlaMrtMlOB RMMwbl .... ' Wl . r J MARTHA MARBLEHEAD; Tk U b4 arikrt!. BT Mil A.J. DCKIWAT, . AVTMom OW "JPBIT WIB,' "BtLBIl DOWD," aai wll uMll'IIPBIII1 Coir4, cfordl)c U Aof of Cnagrrim. la tlM rwinrMn.A.;. iniaiwr. i iomi ' CHAPTER XVlIti Tb political campaign that follow ww aa iclarljr iellln( oim. And tb odor of th rreat ana1 trial of Colo Del tfarblebead bang about blm Ilka a ltlUor.' It mad no kind of dlfler bm to tbo putllo tbat b waa aoqultUd lo tba aaoat baoorabU aaaDoar poaalblo. All of I ha oppoaltloa oawapapara aaliad poa tba fally aeanrfal aitd poddlod M promlacaoucly from od part of tba fetal lo abotber, till tba llf raaa-af tba amour between bia brotber-la-law and I be atraage woaii Lacaaaa eooamoD talk everywhere. But, thank to tba . tfoexpectedtorotbal peraeeutlooa aome- time take, Ih attempt to make capital agalaat Ouaoo aooouotof the part be bad taken In ebaatleing bla brother-la- law, wb waa tbe reapoDalbl offender, - arooad the women la bla bebatf, aad they were o entbualaatl a to eoaore bla eleotloo. . Tli are I notblag tbat tend to create poll ileal majorltte ao rapidly a tbe en . tbaalaam of women. Colonel Marble ' bead waa yonog, aaplring,' Intelllgept, and baadeneoe. Mother who woo ll bat ebrunk In affected bollnea from the tbouitbf of eatlng ballot for them aelrea, did not beaitet to n 'eTettloDeer" -among tbelr TdtlPfrfrfod for tlielrfa rofiliLOajudidAladauthltr wbo would have aoeered ootemptaoualy at advo cate of th rlgbl of woman to boneat wooing, leat tbey thereby beoom "tin aeied." laid la wait to eateb blm In nee all th arte of wbleb fomlnln In- geoolty la capable to entrap blm ana- ware. - : But, among tb number who tbaa aonght alike to win bla favor and do him algnal acrvlce aa elecUoDeer. Mr- that very reaaon Ou fafrfy adorr bar. Wbat would bav been bla aenaatlon If aha bad beau a fuiairU M till Pl lo render blm bomag I do not nretend to ay. Perbapa he would bav been amteT ahd anrfeltedV Perhapa bla-vanity 2 would bav Leesao d by bar prefer "ure, aa well aa that ao'many. other,' " that he wnuiit bav jltted bar, Juet to ehow hi jMwer. But Martha Brown waa aa conavlentlnua a ah waa dfgnl- 'fied, and ai wonjauly aa all waa boneat aod loving. - - . T1iough: I die for lov of him, be ahall never aay I Bought blm, or that I maneuvered to captivate hln,"eheal ven wbllbr fac grow pal and br hveka abrunken with lite heart-alckeh-Ing auapena. of bnpee deferred. "If l could go to tb poll myself aod depoatt an honeet ballot for Colonel Marble bead, I'd dolt; for I, believe he would make an able and eooaeientlona etecu- tlve; but I'll never atultlfy my Innate ; ae pa of booor by aycopbancy. If I die on the rack I maintain my eelf-reapect," ah aald to br mother, In reepoo. to that matron' faltering auggeatlpn tbat ah abouUI take a prominent fart Inn certain fvaat day, wherein th ruling element of the mancnllne body polltlo waa to be M by h unrepreaented ale meul of the aervlng body feminine, that tbey might th more readily And their way to their votes. ' Tbe oaaleal. way to rtach llie average . mai la tbroagb bla atomacb. Tb old "Wftry of Hie uilwiHy of Maiunnm tea myth. Th last great gathering Jfefore tbe Jnno, eleelioo waa In n grove bard by tb mlniater'a home, and Mrs. Brown waa one of the most active of tb luaoy nfflcilatlng Wouisa wbo weeo-. to CwU their way to lb vote of men by Ailing their tomacha with all tb dellcacle of tb season. Women have worked for thchurhe la tbi way for hundred of year, with out thloklngof Ibemeelve being en titled to any of tb temporal emolu ment T tbelr loll. But they ar wak ing up at Ust, even In tb cbnreb, and ar coming to th front to-dsy a teach er aod preachers, and Imbibing tbe plrlt of the age, ar sometime demand ing and even receiving reoompeos. Hut they wr not awak, at lb period of whlch I write, le anything of th kind; and tbey demanded, nothing for themselves, from either bnreh oc state, -ylh4olhem, blessed privilege of owing for otbrs"IdTvpr--ThAtJhy ar outgrowing this tat of Ignoraul aoaelfiabnea la a matter of congratula tion, good leader, and cannot In any way be attributed to th aoppoatd d geaeracy of th time. , - Mattl Brown oould hav worked with a will t supply th culinary lmt necessary to elect ber Idol, bad a been ber h sabs ad. 8b could hav worksd nil a readily had b been only bet affianced, with pe cloud between tbem. But now, with tbat morbid aenattlvo- Tte70fwhtptiXbevv sM Aaa ha ao much lo spare, and of which tbs - oily tell stand so much la seed, aba waa on tb defensive, ah thought, and ab would not dmoaa bralf, Lbougk ber heart were breaking. Jt waa bar duly to, obey ber mother, though, and tb two were on tb lawn, gatberlbg wild strawberrie for tb approaching feast, when tb abov-mutlond coo veraatlon begao. J. ' Mrs, Broaro waa shocked lo bear ber daughter eipres herself ao firmly,. "Wbat mother tbat doe her duty by her family baa aver reared a daughter that wllltalk Ilk tbat ?' ah thought; though doubtleaa ab would bav re sisted the Intimation tbat aba bad failed In ber duty, bad any other person than herself aocuaed her of It. " Ooad reader, what I matrimony, any how? Ia It fate? Isn't It folly? Is It a lottery Isn't It oftentimes a delu sion and enaref ; Aod yU isn't It th aim-all and tb be-all of the Imagina tions of young people ? Isn't It th re gret anf dlaaatlafactioo of two-third of theold one?' Wbo would II v without It? Where' th man tbat amountato TOW Of plPatre1a bg 1 martlet! - Where's the woman but atay Juet now there rise befora my mental sight ao many unhappy married women that I almost wish tbey were all (th un happy on, I mean) tb oldest kind of old malda. But no matter what mar riage la, or bow It terminates; no mat ter how 'many frowsy-beaded, aunken- eyed, cracked-veloed, over-worked wives you eee; no matter bow many boo red buabauda and Inharmonious matcher, peo1wlll take risks lb th lottery while time laata, and Ibis, too, In spit of tb fact tbat aloe-tenth, of all tb tickets draw are blauka. ' Colonel Marblebead bad no bom of hi own any mor. That notorious "u n pleasantneaa' between hlmaalf and tbe llooorable Tbouias Jonea bad mad a ruptur between his sister and himself, Martha Jon Marblbeal having boaenJ-lifexirnoortBHyffroirtodr dt9 euthla aequalntaoc aa a friend and slater, then aod there. He DAT proved hi farm, wblab Joined hi sis ter's till, with tb tptio6 of a houae, and a wife to keep ft, e waa onmforta- trlTpmv lilad fnf, but Ibla laal earill waa a weighty one. ' - ' -"- tinai rviumeu ma to canvas 01 v . a. . A A M -- -AT" th 8Ute, and had apent the nlglit In hi lonely bachelor' cabin, and waa on tb war to tb villa- for- breakfast. fjrbtr a paused for a whit behind a clump 6f bushel, attracted by Hi sound of beloved and familiar vol. And ao It was that ha overheard f ha deelarafloo of bla affianced that ab would, If per mitted, deposit aa honest hallo.t of her own for aim. -,: - .- : . "Is It poaaibl that I am In lov with a strong-minded -woman ?"ti asked hMpaelf, la concern. 4 :.. . - And yet, much a her honeet i sclera-' Uieo reaped hi sense of maaeultn supe- riorily, th fellow waa overjoyed. Ph liked bimf that waa evident; and It waa giory "enough for on alay. Lingering behind the bushes till th ladle passed a little further on, be communed with himoeif Ilk thla;- "I lov tb little witch. She' pretty and affectum! anil Intelligent, but I want woman tbat will look ap lo me, a her law-giver; who will trouble m by no decided opinion of hswn; who will cook my mutton and darn my aocka and nurse my children as a wife and mother ehould. - Tb eoDeelled simpleton didn't stop to aaaly th why and wherefore of tb fact that very one of th Imaginary children that passed In review before b I mssre counterpart oLMartk A Brown and Coloael Marblehead. He was far too busy with number on for that. - "I want a wlf to b a tulntatur edi tion of myaelf," be continued, "poly ol so Intelligent md atrong-willed. Bb must bold herself In readiness to do my J bidding, and must always believe that whatever J do le rlghL ' XX !, what elalm bad yoa npoo th motherhood of humanity, that aome woman ahould spend a 0 ftb of A Ceotury In bearing aad rearing a weaker edition of yourself ? - And wbat recompense do yua piuwsjsj tu gnaig mli n lumini li her nnselflshness after yon- bav found your ideal and taken her from ber au thor without a tloene TO, no, reader. There's nothing selfish abdbt tb' men. Celool Marblebead waa about to pas th women by ttlnotleed. Wbat waa it to him If they fell Ilk breaking their hock to gather strawberries wherewith to coai voters Is elect him ? Wasn't It nios te aeelbem keep la tbelr sphere ? Besides, hi pride had been se verely wounded by Mat lie' refusal to a him tbs last tim b bad salted. H would nt bsr now, and get svea." Martha bad fuel gathered a fresh handful of tb tsarist fruit, and was ailing her mother altealloo to It su perior sii. In spite of hi rssolvs. Colossi Marblebead felt hi resolution fallings Certainly b had nvr aeea ao pretty a plclurr-Th lercla of galb rln'g tb berries bad flushed bet cheeks till tbty fairly rlvalsd ba bl ash log fruit. ; Tba aaandon of ber pot waa perfect.' . N What a pity," ha thought, 'that so aupsrh a srsatur should otter auch a aeollmeol aa I bav vrbeard." , Not hot that h sgresd with It Had any woman who waa oolhlag to Aim mad sucb a dee la ratios, b would bav hoaored hct.iut JVsnd would I hav boa reed It to-Mra. Colonel Marblehead, bad there been auch a parson In eiiee oss, with th aaoei prale worthy air laaaflnAhla, .'"' Aji laatant, and bla yttf blood ran old. There, upun Ih graae, wllUla alx Inobea of Mattl' left band, upou which ah had balanced tt weight to bold aloft th mammoth berries, lay auge auaka coiled. Maltla di J not see It, but lta bead waa elevated several Inebe from tb eeoter of tb coll, aod with 1U glittering green eye It waV watching her as a eat will sometime watch an unsuspecting mnus. . . An Instant befor Uus bad been won dering hew b oould best mDage to glv ber th cut direct. Now b stood trosfltd wllb horror, 'not daring to speak,' and yet Impelled to aav tb lite that ddaly grow mor rrreotatibly dear to tilaj than all ls, Keen his pelted poiltloal proapacto wrfrgottu. Te hug nsk lifted It bead sllll higher. AnotbriasUatandlhdradd rattl would bo Inauutanooua With tb yet moi dreaded luclsloa of it fang. II did not -dare to poh. What oould li do ? " T heanatiVae fatal. To speak In warning would only hasten th fatal trik. tiummoniog all bla atrenglb, and" risking bla own life in tb en deavor, b apraeg po ih serpent with a uddn bouud and crushed It beueatb bis feet -1 ' . ' - ' Mattl screamed In terror, and dlaoov ring tb rash Intruder, roe from tbe. ground lo Indignation, - i "Sir, Iiqw tfare you ? ' "Ther WMfthriTig eorilBher lMk and ton. . ' ' T ' . "I beg your pardon, Mia Brown," h aald, apologetically, pointing to tb writhing reptile, tbat lay quivering at 'hlk feel. ; -"O. Out! Yoa've saved my life.". "I bop o, Mattl. Aod now will you kv mloe?" ' How, Gur' " "Beeom my; wife, darling, and nd this borribl susjwose." ; Mr. Brown, wbo bad been ao terrified upon discovering to natron avap of her daughter aa lo loo all thought of being th odious third party to a aceoe wher ooly two ar company, sudoenly wnar oiy two ar company, aoooeniy rereTemTTrOTact-hTrme tway, but not till ab bad board oob 1 uM ,k..,.mm nf was fast approaching "Let m protect yon always," pleaded Oua, drawlag her arm wltblo hie awn, and leading ha away fiem tb yet writhing serpent-. Mattl did not reply. Jler slUoo U- gednlasi . "Why did you refuse lo e. tu4n othsr day; darling?' . - tt, Mattl bluabad; hut did not ana war. " 1'Dldyou mean that day 'adee u I oo -4 be final?" he asked, bla face aloe toeatted last Friday with an aaaoeiate, her, and bis laboring- breath mingling with bar a they walked. - "I aat tbat you ahouldit't bav lb fun of jilting mo,-Ou. Kor-you know you'r to a elevated to a high ! public position, and all tb -belle of taahloo. will h waating to eateb yon. Then, if I wr your wU, you'd be ashamed of me, aad I'd be niieerahl. I never could be oolnt to b tb wlf of ven Ju auless you' J be proud of me, aad ready to honor ms aa your individ ual equal. I am your squat, Gus, If I eau't bold govsrnmeat offloea," and 'her bright eyee snapped with playful aaui- bb bad already rgot tea ber narrow escape from death, la tb cltmnt of a reviving Joy, . "I told my mother a whit ago tbat I'd willingly vet for you If I could, but T wouldn't do a other women are doing lo elect anybody to offlc." - Colonel Augustus Marblehead winced. Tb prrjudle of hi set waa atroiig open him. But lev vsle all dialioc lioua, tbat. la to say, befor marriage. After that Important legal decision ha created a power absolute, lb case ladif ferent. . . "J'H hoJd;my peace till I cag my bird," thought tb suitor, wbo really felt blmaelf entitled, to pardon for any amonnt of lflshoes bees use b bad Just saved her life. VLt' bo married t-mirrwt and. mak a eneatlon, my prt" "I that your blgheet motive, my lord?" Ou oould hav bill blmeelf, labis elf-denuaclatlon. Waa thia woman really to b I . 4r? mayb hi supe rior? 'j- -- "Why wlllvu question my motive, dear?" h asked, In aa Injured ton. . "Bsoaas It'a a serious matter, Gu. If I ahould marry you, aad should Sod, after a liltl wall, that you looked upon m as a ort of dependent, whom it waa your duty to pro v id for and pro! set, only becaus you had promised to do it. whll I waa not ei pec ted, bsoauss of la efflolency, to yield an adequate return, I ahould weary of myaelf, aod dl. Sup pose, for lnatanc-I don't want I aa- noy you, darling," ber vole faltered aa b pronounced tb endearing word; It was ao aweet, and, ab thought, ao ap propriate; ."suppose I should be situated aa your ltr Martha la. Sb waa Mar tha Marblehead once, you know; and ah gav op nam and bom, and all prospect of personal advTneement nnd honor, and took a uborjinat position a Mr. Jon wlf; not aa Mrs, Joaes, in ber own porsoo, or aa Mr. Jon equal. Ysn hav seea tlve result. Tsm Jooss barely sodares her, and shehss eroochedj before hi' eoeroaob meut until liow hie humiliate br Ull, war I la her place, I woold prefsr big broken an was!; aad wo all as boo? pitifully absurd obo make herself sppsar by pretending not to believe wbat very body can e and know. I lov you a my life, Gua; bet ter than my life; .better than all else. But you coo Id neve " Stop, dear. Stlrely you wouldu'l aceoe m of-" . "l'noouUhcy( you would y, (Jua. Xo; I don't mean that. I should neter sec us yoa or any on sis without the shadow of ea.ua; but I want It uodr stood between ua, if w do tak tb Im portant tp yow propose, tbat I Isv you too sincerely, sod respect myself loo highly, for your sake a wsll a my own, to vr take a position that would auhject me to lit fi of Mrs. Franklin or Mr. Henry Oay."' Colonel Augustas Marblehead had met the match he needed. It waa well for blm that they had quarreled year before. " It Waa well for ber that they bad not married while both were young and unobservant of cause and effect. The though tltse g4H had ripened 4ut-v thoroughly self-reliant woman. -. HI understand you, my . dear," he aald, earnestly , "and I agr with you fully. I do bot want an Inferior, but a mate. I waut your lov, your kindness. I want yoo to keep me In lbs paths .of tea Jlne.Yotr-ar to'1 my guiding star. With you I slall be strong. With out you I am worse than nothing. Shall It beto-morrow?". ir i.... i m i.i, "I bav nothing ready," was the truly Then It' eeltted!" cried Gua, In a trauaport, "for, whenever a aenslble woman begin to consider her weldlng outfit, It' an vdnc that aba le pre pared for tbs ceremony. You ar as nesrty ready now aa you will ever b." I bellev you ar right," waa the udden reepouae, aud th (ao walked arm In arm lo th studio of the good mlnlstee, where father and, mother, SOB I and proectlv son-in-law agreed ppoii the plan of publl surprise for thifo- lowing tday. To be enntlnaed.) . vi,!,..) W..f,.tU -l Kyerybody ha beard of ' Ih Smith Slaters, of OfastQPjbury who steadily, and at great pecuniary aactl floe,- have for a ounjber of yeara resisted taxation upon tb principle eounclsted by tb tmn without representation la tyranny." I W find Jo an, ascbaiig the following I account of a levy mads by tbs tax-gath- srer last mouth, glvso by tbs Sisters tbemselvee: Ws bava been living In trepidalisn all summer, being afrAid of having ouri old -domlcltnsacltsd. Th entiefiorr aud brought. bia fas-bill, sent us by mail last March, with twelve lr ceuc added, that is, one per cent, a mouth. Tbeswestil ! ?0 36. We told him we would not yield ap oar principles by payiug blm tb meuey,aad. If lb town claimrd our property, It Mcer must ll.w w 1 1 ,i i nrj rirsi. i , v p. m . t. ..i . i - i i . t tthought we owned It, hut fouad we did not. Th collector said thai it was tb jaw that w must pay our tsArs. We asked who mad th law. lie an swered, "The (teHerat Aaeemldy. put ia I I i . . a . . . . .ii oj m ntajoriij oi toe pipie. ,..re laioi bim not a majority, not half the people, Bud w were wader no law, ftnr "govern ments derived their Just powers from the connent of tt)e governed," which tb nisn all wor to, whea they took tb oalb tol mad voter.' He talked arrogantly, declaring that w must aay whether we refused to pay tasee or not. We wanted bim to toll ua what h In truded to do, but not a word would h aay, aud went ouVJeeving oe wholly lo doubt. However, tbe collector Callei tltenelt morning and drove off three cows to well them again at the auction 4 block, leaving as ou ilttl Iwo-year-okl heifer, which give th Irast milk, not heoilng my request to leavs tbs mother of the ralf we are raising. But be waa much more calm th Belt morn'lag, rbably owing to tbe advice of some rleud of ours. , . ,. - "Or Coi'kkk "Belle I My dears, the TFciiea or to-day gr teTypTyny young women,- but it' a great deal of flu clothe. Tb balls of my lima did not depeud so much upon what they wore. They wer moatry tall, finely made young women," and the, good dame, her drew herself up tavoluotarily, for she herself waa ons of these belle in that pnst period. .'f remember one of these belle,n ah Went on. "Sh was th daughter of on of tb Champlin, fin nam In IVswport ones; ou of them married Abraham ltedwooda daughter, and on of th sisters daoeed wltb General Washington at th old Assembly-room on Cbureb street. Tbe daughter I apeak of Waa a great beauty, and had all tbe gallaute far and near at ber feet. Men wer not so afraid of marrying a they are now, and a band aome girl like Hally Champlin waa greatly run after, no suitor being aabamed to show hla preference very openly. Hally - bad - rejected n great many flne.ortera, wbsn on day there came a proud gentleman, oho, meeting the earns fat, did not tak It as meekly aa th o there, and remonstrating with her, naked ber for Boms mors definite reason than aha had given him fur bla rejection. Sally waa ued to a very dif ferent masuer from tbi, and, nettled at bl independence, ab turned opon him sharply with tbi a newer: " Slr, you seem to think tbsl It Is a very- wonderful thing for A ma t be rejeotedr I bavs refused tuty offers rrom line very sola, sir.' Ws sbooted with laughter at this ell mag, and than on of ber listeners 1o- qulre-tt "Wbat became of the man after thle?" "II became MIseKally'e husband." ws tb demur rvepoase. .Veryorf Cor- rtrpcmaenl. si They ar veiled "Indian pply eotv trct" becaua th suiiiillrs always coo- iraci ueiure mrj iticu lue luuiaus, Hope A aeotlmeot xblblied In th wag f a dog' tail wbso waluag for a 0LTKP8E3 Or EOUTHEEI TRAVEL. W hav at last reached lviIUtin and ar resting wearied limbs opon sle gant saay chair la a gorgeoua drawlag- room car.' 'TIS trufy refreshlug,-aud K has last said : "fl I eon Id only travel lo t his usuri ous way, lenouid notttimt going exuiu ry wtuter." s But tba only place I svsr sar again Is are is dear little Sit Aegusllus, and gladly would I eiehaoge our sold, dreary wtuter (of tb soft, balmy air ol' tbat sweet litll pUea. Tbs letter I wrote rJaiurday I aald woaUL, be my last desortptioa of my Southern trip, but K and M ar siigroaalog tb poveis, and a I fel 44k ecrlbbljug, wlll.cootisumy "Jottings down," in hope that (bey will yt b enjoyed by tb bom circle; and wnr I have told K -, never mind how poor th ecrawl, it will be prixed, and virtues given to it that It never possessed. Our ntrac to WasblDgtoa Saluidsy Olgbl waa somstbiog too lovsly to be forgotten, tb moon easting boraofteaed ray In ou uubrebsa lin aoroas Ilia broad Potomac the twiokliug lights in tb window of tba many homes upon Its hanks, and th massive dom of our country' Capitol eblnlng so pur and white In lb distance, aa if it rsally wars fulfilling Its . mission, protecting tbs quiet city beoeatb, mad a asens truly i ' - u . aiaUanlna- ao lovely in tb chastened moonlight, I felt sorry when the maay light of Bal timore proclaimed w wr. oaariag for tbat day our Jour nay' aud. . Our days lately have been a sucoss sioo of lovely ones,' adding beauty tn evsrj thing, specially to a moat beauti ful city, where yesterday wo spent a lovely, quiet Sabbath. Ia tb morning K aod I attended ervlce ia BU Psars Church, a curious-looking ediflee, that la. Mi iter lor, hot rib and hand soius Inside. But 1 am afraid tbat K- will scarcely vr again ear to enter an Episcopal hrcb, for I am sur tbat la "w " " " ha beetl Ifachrd, Ml tb. that an tb top round of th "apoetoll slugltig was conducted by about fifty chorister - boys la aurplieee, aud - lbs vrholt senrtc waa chanted, vn tb ardih mlsatng articles, and telki ilk tb mou; perbapa I abould aay, ao it seemed (o us. ;! " " la tbe afleruoon we Xouk. quite A long walk: turning nut fuoteteua throurb tb open door of tb large catbdralaltllag there a while watching tb devout Catholic whispering tbelr prsyera and bending tb koe In froot of Ih altAr, aod lisleulug to a Ibvalyjsoprano voloa. tbaJlezlbl note of which roa Audiell with ouch perfect ease aud beauty, flood- lug the large dome wllhb weeteet melmly. . It waa- a strange-looking church, dlfWeut from auy thing K aaw Idle abroad, perfectly circular, aud aurrouuded by - coufcaaiouala,. picture. rktatuarv. ud Immens rsudlea, on- - lightetl, showing that in darkness lbs church vu recall lug tbs fearful sorrow aijiT suffrriugs endured so many year Sgo. 'TIs a atrauge rlit(ia, aud It aad' defied me;. I waa glad to again breatii tbe freab air. Washington' , monument. An Im mensely tall circular tower, wllb a lif site statue rising from tb aUmmit.l gleama whit and pur In lb aansbine, pure and nblte indicative of tb nalur of th man whoa noble deeds It stands commemorating. And arouod.lt rise the home of tb wesllhy and, ws hope,' tbe good. The honee ar- mnetly btiUr rtitct. so beauTffuTly laid and so gqulaitely trimmed that lo ms tbey ar .hand somer than the rows aod rows of somber brown stonetbst lin tb street of New York. Some wer painted a deli cate gray or dov eotor, mounting and all, aud ware so ptirs, so beautiful, tbsl the ey resting upon them' felt truly re fres'hed. rRTdfii g o ver a Tl nety -laid roaJ aud 1 oT this magnlfloeut car we ar going so rapidly tbat I hav found ll much. mor difficult lo writ than I did when trav ellng "over those shocking Southern roads; and I can hardly believe tbat to day w will lo a few hour go ovr as many mile a required two day of travel lo th land of "green pea and strawberries," Traveling at thia- rapid rate wW aooa bring ua back to'Nsw York, wbsro tb kindly wek-orue of friend await or return, and I trust, dear 8 , yoo will regret aa do w tbat our Journey ha terminated. Miss lUaikdph, now at th hsad f a' young lady 'a aeliuol usor liisrloil, vir giuia. Is a great-graaddaugblsV of Thome Jefferson, aud among olber an redote of th great "have-beens," r lale tbi of a great- ant, wbo one re marked, naively, of bsr bosbaad, "Mors no's tb politest man that ver lived; bo even comes into tb room without look ing through th key-hole first to know if be'll be welcomed." - sars, having nearly twisted ber head off in bis fratHM snort lo "dew a brake. Aplrot lo editorial honor (slightly elevated) "I tberean opeulug ber fof an Intellectual wnterr i -7. i i ITi ,i i - . i 7 -TS o inbaUlAOt of ths I. sited Htatea, - ........ .... . aod. not lieiuc l.lmma- waa interred 1 . . . . . ' rntr::.r:dt,heotlb:i - ."frh? ztt&zESA z crash by a train, foood hlmssif1ttlng Ii!. I.' H al .n!?,h! 112 (b' osiactlug and sUllilog op In bla hsd. holdlnar bis wife bv tbe f0"" "J"- jJ!"J?J: th beet of tb.mT It ia hscauso tbs "Fdtlor- Aw"tBlTJrt--es,--lrt-i kind nnd soasMerate earpeoter, provi deutlally (urtssslog your visit, islt ao opsulng for yoo. Turn too kaob to tbs rlght,,, v 1 DrsAtiag; th Baby. When a wmaa go to work to dress a two-year-old sblld. sbs doss it la a systsmstlo, buslnsss-llks manner, and without any ootss or fusel and before Ku know It, tbs youngster is slid not of r bsnds with his lace washed aad hair combed, hi clothing la Aulp-ahapa or der, ana a 910 cbromo under bl arm, Thia all comss from knowing bow. With a' man it la diHsrsai. He trrakea elaborate preparation and put oo Ui air of ou wbo la getting an eighty-four run ahtn ready for a two year cruis li soli eels th youngsters duds together In a bean, gaiborlag ihaj op rrem pretty much all ovsr tba bouss, sod af ter a great deal of howling for this, and sharp, snapping Inquiries for tbat, and an unlimited amoaot of getting down off bl kseee aad looking arwondl -evader th furniture for lb other, (all of which comes from having uudrvosed the child tbs night before), b at length sits re signedly down to a chair aod, with a feeble attempt at good nature, aay: "Com. Freddie, com to papa, and hive your coses ou." Tbs child, wbo Is Just then traveling around in bis nightdress, and playing with a damp towel aud a etovs wreneli, makes a bee line fir tb door, full of a desire to escape lute another room. "Coma, Freddie, come to papa, like a good boy," aay tb faibr, wltti abrav flort at patlenos. . TUs child keep on It sours. "Fred!" This sound so much Ilk business that tb youngster a lope, tarns, aad tacking slowly op to lb now stern-browed- parent, gradually get wltbia reach, when a sudden grab of his arm ionnTS uiib into sn una, woere ine i..l .Un. Zrnlt th-f.ii..... bring blm Into position, wbers tb clean shirt front, and lbs etovs wrsuoh plumps solidly dowu upon tbs top of hi mot. "Immortal Jollaaf" h ac reams In ngony, nursing his foot wltb ons band aud shaking lbs poor luuoceut with the othsr, whereupon Ahe lnnooeul seta up an accompanying yell. A voire from below, where th wlf and mother I busied getting breakfast, Join la ilia chorus: - "dlAisleaU Mollesnn, what on eertu ar yoo doing to tbat child T' "h, yon b dsrnsd!" gs hack tb quick reply, lo a abort, ugly, desperate growl that silences all further iuqulry. Then tIieTaniar7T.rri,-TuXtSTB foeA and groaning swhlls, squares th bild Around and begins till process sf dressing blm, which ia mostly made up oroesioa- uiu, wuicn w mm s -aWful atrug-bot ringers and smooth, poroeialu buttons, a geoeral misplacing of garments' bind aid befor, upside down, searching after following: "Turn rouad!" "Stand atllH" "Hold ynui aim bp!" - "Ihunder and light ning! Can't you letlbiag be" "Slop rescblng!AvJl'p, I ssy V Can't yoo ksep sllll r' "Wbsre's tbat other skirt ?1Vt-Jhop!', "Blast that but- toa!" "w, where In blalea la tbat pi a ?". "Ktaod ap!" "There! by thuu der!" "hy don't you fall down and b dons with It?" "Stop your howl ing !" "Slon!" "uht "Let tbat be!" "BebaverGreat sean" "Say,- why dou't you havs four or Ovs thous and more buttona on youf clothea?" Xowi Where's thai stocking?" "Keep your root stlti!" ."Say, : keep your f.w.t atlll!" "Gimme the other foot!" "No, the other!" "Can't you see?" hat do you want to spread your toe all out for? How do you suppose I'm going, to put your stockings on with f-ynur I.t in that ahas7" "Slop U!" "Htop it, i aav!" "Who stuck that pin In that way?" "You,- of course," says a cold, thin. -cutting voice; ami he glsucee up ami aeee hie wire looking down ou liliu iu a taunting, eiaaperallng sort or a wsy "I'd be ashamed of myself," she contln-Tsjtect ued, "to go ou to thai way and get ao nut of patlsucs with a bit of a baby. You've been making noise enough to raise ths deed, snd bl clotbee look a If tbey hsl been throwsd oo wltb a pitch fork. Gimm bim!" And h gta up sheepishly and aul leuly, aud after slsmmlng and stamping arouud th bouse after the llulmeol bottle, andhauging doors and making aa big av-wues aa be sen, bo works blos self up Into such a state of meanness sod mortification tbat, to spit blmaelf, he gee off down town without bla breakfast. A Modsra Eranplin. - Tb atory of Evangelln la repeated with wooderful fidelity lo all Its detail la tba ipsrisuos of a yoasg French gin o rtsliieut si MstsIIIss. Mho sogagsd to A aailor, to whom she waa to be married ou bis return from a voyage to New York. " Ho did not rstura, and, after a year, sbs got a bertfc as steward sea' aaslstautou one of th Havre stestn era, lo com her In search ef blai. Un tb passage, a rich' A aierleaa lady ! cam interested Id her story, snd re solved lo help her find "hot ber lover. IoNw York ab learned lliat ho had gons to Cansda. For month ah trav eled about tb Dominion, omellmee lo oo bl track, and again loolng very clew aa as bia wlierealmula. Hit returned to New York, aud on day, whll standing at a Broadway rrualim waiting iter turn to get serosa, she saw ths oliject of her long 'srsrrh h the other aids. Hbe siiriekwl his name and ran Into ths middle of th street, but a policeman caught ber and aaved her from ths wheels of theatrlngof vehicle. "Aagsisof Mod there was none' snd abs never again aaw ths Gabriel alio hsd so long sought and so nearly found. Bh learned then that h had Bailed for Hss Francisco, and so wnt overland to California to asset blm. Arrived m th PsolAa Coast, sbs found that ber lover bad fallen overboard Juet outside tbs Hesds aad been tfrow.Msd. Mean while th body of a yonog maa, dressed lo sailor's clothes, was oast ashore oa lbs beach, carried to tbsaorooor offle ten wore hero, Tba wave had tardily aad partkally rssompeoaed her devated search, aad ab waa ahlo to find tho grave of ber lover. .Vest IV UtraUL A oegro died at Lak Clt. Florida, -tatsi yr-agel ons huadead . and -flftosav years; another shook off th olf at the sama age; and aootbor is wfssUIng wltb Father Tim at mm badrod Aad Ihlrteso. Ttiritiv Hubaadt. Under Ibis coptlon Mr. Alden, In lbs , Now York Time, remarks: There ar scores and scores 'of wives in tbi ad adjacent ei lies-, whs havs been widowed by tb bard limes. Left without natural protector, they ha.v courageously gous to work and taken are of themselves sod tboss dependent on litem. Four years ago maay of Ihsm. bad buabaada wbo asemsd to be mou; -but lbs husbands, not strong snsngb to bear up agaiaal continued I II-fortune, siuuk away, leaving toe womeo -tbey bad claimed to love, aad th children tbey bad .breughl lato being, te fight tbs bard battle of life alone. Boms of these deserted wive bav been tenderly reared bavs nsvsr known until recently what It waa to touch tbs rough, cold sdgss of lbs actual world. Hot tby bav aosspted tb cbaog heroically, aod ar sustaining tb slruggl a flur nature do wbeu put to th teat. A nam ber of young wives, but a fsw 't' months wedded, hav be a abaadoood by meo (generally speaking), wbo, bav lug little. earning rapacity, aud no ssuss of responsibility, found it inconvenient to- u pporr them- after th 1o vri ardor bad oooisd. " " - . Mauy of tbss fugitive husband hav gous to California and olber new tital not becaus nterprts carried -tbem Iblthor, but tbat tbey might bs (sr re moved from lb Besses of their broken faitb aud demonstrated sbams. Probably Ibeir copsclsues (if such was not dead- -ened) pricked tbem a little at tb at art; but they oould not hav bad anough to Kick kng; otherwise tbey oould wot ivs s wholly rsuouucsd tbsir man hood. If lbs times bad been ordluarily prosperous, it la not nnllksty that they woe id tea ve-ftetH -their covaaaat swd dous their duly; hut adversity pressed Ihetn; tbey bad small power of resist- ance, and they - went ignobly to lb wall. . Tbey ar not as much acoandrsla as weaklings; hot oh! ths lnooatv" aid power of roischlcr that lies lo weak ness, greater often Ibao deliberate vil lainy entail. , .Vhen lb lid of prosperity set In, Some, perhaps many, ef tbes marital fugitives will bo soaking hack, with a plausible story, and' begjAag to bo for given, Seeing how weH lbe4e famUlee . bavs got ou without tbsm, tbey will waat to ho partners In their success. shselng ll. prMl, Ant -Mt.Dll. nothing there lo. Tbey will not bo for give u in most esses, ws suspect; or Ibslr former wive will hav tim lo learn bow much better off the ar In vary way''dUsf umltered ? such hus band. Ibay bav bu compelled to deepla them, and, to be grateful for de- H vera ae eveav through- morlifvlug -de aertion. Few of tb abaodooed wives ill be willing to re-establish relatione with-men wbo bav nrvd-that-tbey never deeerved to have a wile. Women are divinely forgivrngrthey can forglvs deceit, treachery, logiratltuds, villainy In a man they havs ever loved ; but th one thing they Dud hardest to forgive" in mm is wsaauesa, ror weakness, In a woman'a eye, has no powsr to atena. Tb Beanty of Polish "Womsa. Tit Polish ladies are very beautiful, perbap the moat beaotiful lo the world. Tbey retain. In middle life, the freab- news of girls, slid mske ms tblnk of New Kuglaud womeu, (owing I soaresly kuow to what air of superiority aud the possession of what diviuing iostiucl pe- . culiar In greater or less degree lo all women), and tbia iu aplte f th f set thai New Kuglaud wooien do loss Ibslr clear ooiuplegious and rosy cheeks, and In aplle of Ih fact thai th Polish ladle . have withal a slightly Hibernian cast of countenance, including noses, tb Im? pertinent lips of which do turn up lust a little. But tbsy ars svideully self-re- Ing, keen creatures, wbo know what they are about, careful lo observe aft Ih proprieties, never flirting la pub lic, if tbey do lo private, and walklag tb streets in a quiet, dignified manner, as If tbey were disdainful, if not uncon scious, of their chsrms. They ar not possessed either of dollish or masculine faces, as ths Knglisb aud American la dles often are; tbey ars not voluptuous or black-browed, like tbsir sisters of Francs and Spain, but a queenly sort of women, tsll and graceful, aad possessed of a colder type of beauty than hlaoaas on lbs Mediterranean a type of beauty that makea me think of marble statues, Ilemaecue blades sod aurora boreal ia. By lbs wsy, Baysrd Taylor says b saw mor handsoui face In oo hour al tba Warsaw races than bs saw elaewbere during two years In Kurojs, and I do not doubt It. Moreover, I have nevr seen in aay aoontry wbseetlis sslallsns of tbs cusu aud womeu of tbs upper classes seem so high-toned; and I am eur that a etranger entering ths best society of Wsrsaw .would have lo ac knowledge Hie moatchlvalroua devotion ou the part nf ths men and. ths most graelous, est dignified, appreolatlsn sf it ou tbs part of ths women that bs had svr witnessed. To arqulr good man ners, and to see bureau lotereourss al Its beet, I ehosld rather go to Wsrsaw than to Lnadoo, Washington, or Psrli. io uei JuttruuL Tfcf k Mam Who Stop II la Par. Philip Gilbert llsmillon, la his almir able psiere oo "intellectusl Ufe," thus talk I th man who stopped his paper: "Newspapers ar ts the elvlllied world wbst tl daily bouss. talk Is to tho membereof the family tbey keep our daily Interests lo each Oilier, tbey aav us from th vllnr Isolation. To lit aa a member of th greet white tbsl has filled Europe and America aod ooinniied or conquered whatever terri tory it bs been pleased to occupy, I bsr from day to day Ite tbsughla, Ite ares, its Inspirations, it I nissssary tlialovsry mso should read bl papor. Why ar lb Frvueb psasante ao bewil dered aud at asa? It Is becaus tbey never read a aewepspvr. Aad why ar newspapers penetrate every where, aad even lb lonely d wl lores tbsprairtoor io th forsst is not Intellectually Isolated from Ui great arrest f publio IK, which flow through tho telegraph aod press.". ' It Is bard te see where a Cbioess wash-nous osooern a Sew F fancies bosdIOOa. Ho never doss abv wsabisg aor baa aay 4o.Jtoton rmascrt. 1 V