tVl-sSl, riUDAY ....--OCTOBEI- 20, I87T. Biril TB -BH W ITT IE rii mil , JUT KIXA UOOSS. . M-. tha passes lUmeat-Hill Were murmuring soft and low, ' -And iim May tiliiMoni wafted by, - -. Like leathery Sake of snow. Thnae blnaaom drifted e'er my path, Tue bird aaag tamd aad gay, ' tell liar KM aleaarer lar Tbau liinn and bird Uint dap. Oh, how I drank la every word. And quaked wllb anxious fear, T Ieel In my Itmtd ys xbould ,' . iMsmxer thou wart deer I aTtteIkteedhYllpof"ln, " , . And placed tby Bond In mine. And wished within my beaxrl of berll . ' - t-v ae'er would 11 resign. . J left thee la th bloom of May, Year after yarar epaad by, , - . I praying sac the bashful boy -with many a tear and xln, . 1 tollsd with noiseless energy To renn thaat fatrlf goal,' Bailor I bd placed my brlht-ejred beau Willi nnxtd And peerless soul. 1 Cm not lv-h to Ramoth Hill . To gather nuluran from 'J reme not back laa Fotlyatllt, r (jc there one voice waa mula. :-' Methlnka t hear that mafry boaf ' A grape an apron Bo I, i- ' And nula were airrwn nrouod my leel My band 1 loveu au well. Aye, lilies blossomed In tha) pond. And bird sang on lb treea. And dark ptna-a sighed on Ksinoth Hill, Wlilia j saiieu o r in a burnt wonder If I think of Ihw, And ol thoee desr old erne There- not a day, there' nM a ulght. ttaxysplrlt u'sr aa gu I seethy fBi"rThrarthy voice,- In smlhy of mind. And Mil 1 love thaw, VYhlJtter: : AS Beef I loved ntauklud. Ah! what were Jewelled hand to me, . - And gems of richest hue. Or garment wbirb ni porno n decked T Mjr heart waa llilu I kuew. Had all tha wealth ot world boon mine, I'd lain thorn at Ihy loot, . Could we In after limes bev met - on that green mossy seel. And Mill tha pinna on Hamotb Hill Am murmuring hko Hie ra: ....... . , -Trio moanlnr of tti of ibang," Wbirb parted Ikon aud ma. ( Aa Open Lttr. . Tb Bcrlpiur bid ua nnt only to "wnop wltb Ihonc who wnop," but to "rojolcn wllb- Uina that roJle;" knd to ba alatarbooal I brine my aup of ra Jolelnif, that tbay may bo wrreahnd. H' aro goloc to trota. Juat dwell (or a moomul uitoo tbo potny and prat' , taocy of tha Ida. A oil how aliaH I ti- pllnr"ur laUeft-ot to-day, Wop lam bar SHIi, Rlvaa on I la Ifbib paga baadlD'a raallng In thli wlnai T'ltEOITBATIOX.M . "Somfthinff to cut out and yxutt In your hat." " H Am nrul trftrr vofera are r- nuirett ta renittir." i - - m -Trt t runted font In au attempt to aoodeueo yea re, or oooeay a rilmpae or tbe paa . oram a, oven Imperreelly aa. memory bold It; auffloleal then toaay . . aaJf Hy rloud. acrosa tha doaertaand, i ilnd lbruuh Uia pau-unl we, . . Of llte'aebb and flow, and eeaaeleea mtir- ' muring lldee, I bare endeavored, with , ., what wladom 1 might, to train tbla aon . of mlae to ba an honor to til eountry . and hla Dame. Lal April ba attained ble majority, legally apeak I rig, and for tha nrai time lo ue, a practical denol ttoirtaKtten to Ibe tatinenl "Wboa aad where votera are required to regular." In the year of f Intro 181T, the father of my boya waa called to "the-reet that - rmatnetb.w T.Ven In tbla I can revel ... onlly aay: . - - . Rejoice with me; the ehtenJrjgjRMl.'j- " Hluaeum Wllb love." . " tiir Morah Mttor aprlnr ' -Areaweetened ; on our (round ol grirf . Hie day by day. In ainint: relief, Tba-propbeelea of bettor thluaa." -la a letter wrlttoit from Fairfax Cnurt- houae, Virginia, of dale Uctober SMb, lHft2, In apeaklng of our euoa, my hue- banal eayai "t)h, leaoh theUtv never to forget to love the country in which they have, been brn, with ail Ita privilege aad moat cherlahod memnrlee, and un der whoao beneficent lawa lha Inval uabla boon ol freeilntn and freemen are vmichaafeat to ibem and to all." Jfia . Ufa waa a fitting exemplification of aucb teaching, and I only mention It to abaw tbe nature of tha truat confided to ' BV charge. HI no the year '67, 1 have been. In en far aa pneaibla, both father and mother and deareel earthly mend or tneny two aptiaof mine politically apeaklng, their father waa no mora tieaii tnan mynelr; for who baa repreaented me? And what voire had I In lha diapoeltlon of tbe money I paid for lairaT Or wherein waa 1 a recognited power T Tha eju tion arinee--i inia true political eeon my T Keen though, aa I have elated, wa are going to vole, who can help thinking If a political leaue waa before tha people In whlcbvninrli waa Involved aa emieorwiwg my well-lielin, would mil tba untea of two coilut more than one ? JH not aliieen ounce weigh a pound T And who would long be willing to pal ' ronlie dcalera giving light weight and abort yardn f To person who anauma to know that women l" not ram In vote, that they . would not If they could, I would tay u all good nature, lha privilege I claim - fur royaelf aiul all women, la that of , knowing each - woman for hereelr what may bent defluo heraelf and her iotoroota, that her own ludlvlduallty aball he aulncrallc and royal In the aaee . euhjeet only to the bigher law of tueh N rove aa wa evidenced Id lb tragedy on Calvary, In which waa (earned the eubli me utterance,, "And I, If II bo lifted . up from lha earth, will draw all men up unto me. H - nireaier love than thl hath no man, 1 that ba lay down hla life for bla friend." Hefora leaving the eubject, however, . let ma recall. for tha people of theno lat ter day a clrcumatanca connected with tha flrat convention called la lha Inter eat "Aeaoelatlon for tba Advaace ' went ( Woman," tlivo on popularly - known aa womau'arlgbta. Though boi announced In the programme of tba , day, Mrs, K, 1. (lagepeakof Hojourner Trulb f "n ull, gaunt, black woman, la a gra dreee aud white turban, eur mounted by au unoootb aun-boaoot," . who walked wlibtbeeirof a nueea up the alala, and took bar oral upon tba pulpit etepa. In ona aenae aha auroly waa a "friend" In that aba ajuke a tba aplrit gave ber aturaaoe:-' "Well, ebllleo, whar dar'a ao much racket thera mutt be aom'tbla' out : killer. I link dat dwlilde nlggera of de Houtb aud woman of da Norf, all a talk la' about rig bla, da whiu men will ba la a fig pretty aoon. But wbat'a all thl here talkla' 'BoutT lat man ober dr aay. dal woman nemfa f be helped Into earrlagea, aad lifted over dltrbea, and ta have tba beat plaoa eberywbar. 'obody eber help ma Into Mrrlaaa, or her wtud-puddlea, or gl vee an any beat place;" and, raiaing heraelf to ber full height, and her voire to a pitch like rolling thunder, ahe anked, "And ain't I a woman T Ijnok at me. Inok at my arm;" aud h bared ber right arm t y-ouo ytaiaagu than war-an?T. .k. i. l. v . to my cam and keeping an .In- " boy. Tim. and apaoa. would fall V'," Z'"'."" "'.k- ln a. atumpt to oomlenea tM-'X-zrarZ,Z Ui houlder, bowing Ita trcmoodoe maaeular power. "I Daao ploucbad aad planted tod gatbarad Into baroa. and do man evuld head ma; and ain't I a woruauT I haa boru tlilrteocreb.lllvo, and laon ana' eubtft all aold oft Intnala- vary,' and wbeo 1 cried out with a uioiher'a grief, noue but Jaaua beard, aud ar'u't l a wuoiaaT Don der talka Mut diatiok- In do lioad. Wbat'a dia day Call UT" "inUllaot," wblaparad uinaoooMar. "Iat'a tt, booty. Wbat'a dat got to do with womao'o fhtaor iggera rigbur : If tay eup won't bold but a plut and "youro bold a quart, wooldut ye bo mean "Hot to tat mo bao my llttUt pint aaoaauro full I? Aad aba puiulexl bar elfolrlcaot flager aud aent a fcoea glaueo at tbo mluiatrwbo bad mado tba argument. Tha clieerl ag waa long apd lowd "ln dat littlo matt la blaek dar. bo any woman can't ha aa much right aa manv-'oaueo C.rUt wa'o t a wanaan. Whar UM your C'brtet eoma from V ItollluK thunder eould not bava at 1 1 led thai crowd, aa did thoao deep, wonder ful tooea, aa aba atood tbefa with out atretcbed arma and oyo-of flra. Jtalaiug Der eoieo ami louder, aba repealed: ' " Whar did your C Uriel no me from 7 Froni Uod and a woman. Mau bad noiklnr to do with film." TurttlntT to up tbo do another odjeetor, ahe took renae or Moiner j.o. it poioiao iod witty and aolemo, alloltioir at at- moat eeery aentoDeodoarealngapplaaae; and aha onded by aaeertlng that "IT ale fuel woman Uod over made waa atroog tough to turn tba world upaldodown all brr one lone, all deoo togedder,.' and abe glanead bar eye over ua, 'ought to be able to turn It back and git It right aide up again, and now day la aaklng to, do men better let m." Aa a nttlng aupplement to the re mark of lhaAfrlcau ftybil, aaaoe bae been aometimao railed, I will eioeo by quoting briefly from. a report given of a eerniun by the Roe, T. M. Urtffltb, of tha Moetevnlh-etreet Metbodiat t bureb of Philadelphia. . .... "To axr that man ba tbo power and ought to keep It le tbo eama kind of rea ; aoulng a la employed la the dominion of the Kultaa wboee aoraglloe adorn the abore of the lioaphorua. Tba eama elf-compleent way of looking at Ihlnga ' la emptoyed by tbe tyrant on ble threoe, and tba maater inoif bta alavaavli. belrmgano VaKauUna and Moliaoame daolam, but nut to Cbrietiaolty. Tbe ' eeed of tha woman baa coma to eruab ' tbo aerpent of oppreealon, tbo aerpent ol Injuatlce, and ail other eerpenta that bear the poiaon of ain In their biaaiDg beada. The Chriatlanlty for tha tlmee demand that all lovera of humanity, of both aeiea, ahould be employed for Ibe WW, u ITtlVHirHVII, WW VWW V WW,,- IV I. . Who ahe thr Stroxo Mix? Wa mistake etrong feeling for strong char acter. A mau who barer all before blm before whose frown tlnmestiee trem bla, aad wboee bum uf fury fuate'the children of tha house quake because be baa hi will obeyed, and hi way In alt thing, we call him a atroog man. Tha truth la, that la tba weak man; It And beace, rompoaura la very often tha highest result of strength. Did we never see a man receive a flagrant In sult, and Duly grow a Mute pale, and then reply quietly? That waa a man morally etroyg. Or did wa oever see a man In anguish atand a If carved nut of solid rock, mastering himself? Or ona bearing a trial remain allent, and never tell tba world what It wa that cankered bla home peace ?Tbatia strength. ' He who, with strong pae eiooa, remains chaste ba who, keenly' eeoeillve, with manly power of Indigna tion In him, eao be provoked, -yet can restrain himself and forgive these are atrone men. moral haroM. - Parents who cram their eh I Id ran Into an upstairs nursery In company wltb a nurse while they "go Into society," old bachelor uuclea, who always call some ope to take away that troublesome hoy'f-Uf 4te ocramulee Into, th atudy, or" aunta who detest Thlldreo becauaa they ' climb upon one'a lap and rumple dreaaea and tear laaea,' all are loalng mnra than the am Ilea aud bow of people who cars nothing for Ihem. The moat Important business affairs, or the moat Immacu laie toileU can never repay them; for tbe woo teal thing on earth I a little child when It haa learned lo know and love one. . A seven day' senaatloa at A neon I a, Connecticut, baa been tha marriage of a white man, of V years, to a full-blooded negro of 23. Tba oelghbora bava made It ao hot for tha mlamatad couple, by mean of midnight uproars and various petty persecutions, that tba bride ha beeu forced lo leave town; but tba hue band say that aha I coming back, and that they propose to live together. Undoubtedly, tha perfect home, the Ideal, If you will, la reared by ona man and ona woman, united because for each there Is no other than tha chosen oue. In that home tha Mama of love never and Its light I eenoeyood tba dwell- lug. Mi i D. SnmIL - When, Amron took Aleiaadra, la Egypt, la 4H, he staled to Oemar It. a I It contained 4,01)0 palaces, 4,000 bathe, WW on men-nania. i'jumj --- chants, t (KaJ Jaws who paid taxes, and vuu ineeiera., .Raid he: "Darling, you aea for year Circumstance and bualneeaand Imagl nalloii have taeen doubling things up." Hald she: "Tbey must bava beeu a sort of cucumber, my pet." ' r AiEJTa raa the sew naif hs mt. The nl)ewlng person am duly anlboiised to act a Asonu r the !( kw Monm vasrr i - MM Mary HUhop .... Hmwnsrllle Mrs. T. J. Halter.,.,,. Iuuepenlenc Mr. K A. Mirliol 1 Imllaa Mr. H. A. lHtkary... j, .Anally H. T. Hohian.; ......... iMIly Mm. Maria Kwntfa .North Yamhill Horace II. l"y-, Vura ciiy Mr. J. II. r.mtcr , . Albany Aahhy IVaroe Boiiionenainiy Mis Vlr.lplail-. ..McMinnvllle Mrs. ellie l'nr.. .nem V. C Wailllvan .,,.-,-;. Malem Hiram Hinll . ,H ant-hire; Iw. Ha r ley ., ,..-.- Hrrailia A. A. Mannlnc .... -.. ailympia. Mr. J. W. J-ckaua ...,. , .Kaamai . W. W. rVach t i la x . w . V A. W.niaaard .., A. H. t'lauchtou .. C. A. Kood Mnvtt. T. Ibtaleta Mr. M. V. tv Mm. H. A. Vas-lor Mrs. K R Hi.bopj !. U Moor 4., Mrs. M. Keltv. . L. .. Brow o-r 1 1 la ' -Malem .Halo l-ilayetut . . W si ta bn rf . PsndletaKi Port Tnsmaend LaWayeite troem ( Uy ..-.TheDaJlas Mm. J. lVarJoha H. PenUand. .., t. T. Sroat. Fa ., .rorvst i a. Mm, A. K. t orwia. .Aa 1. P. , r labor... Saa t'ranrl Mra. Lnra lrr ucc Uuntoa 1 llm M. r. wen. , , ,., Honnel, falian Mre. Harsh Harry Mtorkton, t a.lharar -Wm1 Journal'. r."V earvTV .., M. E. May .. . i. t ea ! .... Mr. U M. Fu4U,- rlV-lun. Ma-aaeaa Hedd , tar .Malt lka t ity, flew Era , II. U tarae. ... Mra, J. A. John . Mm. lt lie Heam. ., kuose ttiy Mm. L aV. Prne-atet UUnUi Xber pnrUes deal ring lo act a AgeaM Will ploaae forward their Samoa. W wast Ag- st. svery marfara throng-ant Oregon and aahti II. ft.1- I , I a . t 1 -tf-i ' t Tba I-aw leweoaaiaiii 1. Mubacrlber wao do not glee expteea aotio tu ta eoatrary ara ooaslilorad aa wbiktag to aonannotbalraubaoilpUoBa. ' . 11 any abaoribaraordartlMdlaroaMnaaojre of Ibau no traps para, tba nubliaber aoay euev Unue lo aoad tbaai until ell arrearage are paid. 1 iranbarrtbara nof loot or raXua ta takalkalr awiapn from tba offlre in whtrh tkay are direct, tba law bold tham reepoaalbl aalll they baon aMtlod tha bill, and ordered them dlx'On'ttnned. . , 4. If auharrlher minora, to other plnoea with- out Innjrmlng tbe publisher, and the newapa- pora am aent lo lb ftarmef direction, Uaey are hold KfpoBalMa. aV Tul eoaru have decided that rualna to lake new pa per from the offiaa, or panaovlag and leaving than; uncalled for, la prima mole Thienoa of intentional freed. a. The poetinator who aegleeta to glee tbe Wal aoMee of tbe aegleul ut a paraun lu lake bum tbe oltlee tbe aewapapon addreaaad to bin, la liable lo the publlaher ftw the ubeor1p- Moa prlee. . , MI8CELLANEOUH. " CO. V. WILLIAM. 1 ABB PTLLKB. EMPIRE BAKERY. . . WILLIAMS Jl FULLER, r ' ' Manufacturer of Bread,. Caket, Taitrj, Tilot Bread, Ituda, rkilf, utter, Bottou, aacar aad Bbaa fly CRACKERS, - jht iwa may iiisu mr, nty- 84 WaablngtoB mint, Portland Uga. aarunlfr frum lha Trade aolle Ued. ' - au't'ii iitaca. 4 OOOD HOTTL AXD UVERT aTABL J. I greatly needed at II Waco aad North llnarn. W. T. fnrtle deairoua ot Inveatlna will be furnUhed ground upon very fnvornble term.- Apply to J. I. Hut-MAM, Portland. buixeb atitca. ONLY X FKW-l(ORK LOTH AT ILWAfti and Morlli Uonrb will ba aold at tha He dueed Kalea, and Ui panle only i wn o iBtenu to build lira present aeawin. Apply to ., d. ta oKTUM, rMMEBIES ABB TARaKBUCa. TETtT TVRHIRABI.W RITES) FOR RAXMO! Y rubarlee and Taanerlea r aale. Afculv la J. Ix HULMAN. Portland. And after Ftbruary 6ib( at llwaco, W, T, - BARBER A - NIOKLIH, - : e t rarra, w -r-- (Hoccosaor to J.U.H-UbJ Mo. M Flrat (tmet, Portland, Oregon. " " RWTItE. riE tTrnrtwitiKEn, i?f taeiwo utvt of Portland, return hla ilnrem tbanka fot tne liberal palroiiaife that haa boon bestowed, and would bespeak lor hi luinaamw a eon tin nance of lha name. Both Iwn. Barber A Mb--lla am aenilenarn In every way worthy of any eonadenre that may be placed In them, and aa inch I can eon-rlentloualy recommend tbam lo my former irlend and patron -il i. it. HATCH. j. a. dolob. - - - - ion. si now. cira, itiaa, aatri a AttrasT-at-Law. ODD FELLOVay TEMPUC, PORTLAND. , - - - t-aaf ' - - timr k uuiKiT7r Atteeaey-it-Law( aa Rax. a. ad Feteswe Bmlldlog, VII.L GIVE PROMPT AWI PERaO?f AL auealkta lo bualneaa Inlruated to their - -li JNO. M. DALY, -j ' Attar aey-at-Law, ' DALLAH, OREUON, lII.I, PRACTirE IX THE MffTRICT AJD IT United mates Cearts, aai Y TtlM llli) ATHn( AMD TW.W Pnblle reneral7 sail at Bla .. --, KW BUT0MKR 8HO( THE NKW NORTHWEST. iiTnn riit r rnncimj i THE NEW NORTHWEST; i. A.WeeMy Joa iivitii ti -mi. mnt t hit mtmuti i ladraeadra. la ralltkt aad KfllgUa! Ma,A.j.aciiu. mfta.taR..T. OrriCK OT rClUCATIOX-Uouthwaa eor. nor of Front aad Waahlagtoa HtraaUnp- ataira), Partland, Oreii. EDITORIAL ROOafS-Csvaer Fearta aad " - Wreeia.- Tbe Haw WoBrawasT Is not a Woman- RlKbts, but a Hamas Rights argaa, devoted la whatever policy may be aeoeeaary to seen re lbs (reateat rood to the aiaaHat aamaer. It know ao mxnopolIUes, aa raHglea, bo party no color, as ereed, Iu fbnndatiaw is fasten ed- apoa the rock of Eternal Liberty, FBtversal Emaaeipatloa and Un trammeled Pmgieaaloa. TERMM. IN' ABVAKCEl RlngTeopl,ene year wa. mi x raoaiu . A urea nuni!. .-. Agwrits and CanvBars I NOW It THE imi TO SBISCRIIEI THE BERIAL UTORT MARTHA MARBLRBBAD.' By Mae. Dtrsiwav, la aow arlag pn bit bed ivga'srly Ires week as weak. BIRD IH YOUR OR0IRS BARLYI ai an i '7 .c . . ' : . - V H.A si J LiauiL iRDacsUfaurra .. a. . , . . MZBCELLANEQl'g. UIuilKHT AWAllll .AV CENTENNIAL! The- beat- mod Into priced Instrument evei om-red.. . THE CELEBRATED STANDARD ORGANS . - .. . . Are Oarivaled. IilitrtunenU Sold on J-Uksy fntalIiTicpte-- 01 IaitnimenU Takea ib Exchan Uend Rr CaUI.u aut price Hat W riMTIIC, (Buereaeor tu. SUeraian A HyJ.) ,"1ENKRII. Alder t., bet Flrat A aerond, Portland, O. : ' A -: - - jrv ,v aj . j-. SULPHUR SOAP, TaoaoroaxT Ctntka Direamui op m fignr, BBArrrrTB the CourutTioM, raavKirr ABD KEMKDtaa RagrMATTSM AND QOCT. . llBAL HOBRB AHD ABBASIONB OF TBB CCnCLB ABD COkTBTgaACT CoBTAOIOB. . Thl rk-ndard rjtrmsJ Itmrdy for Erup tions, Horns and Injurtee of ihe Skin, not raly bbmotu rnou raa Cow run ion aix BlAonsB-a arUrlng from lonal impurities of th blood and obatroctioa of the poraa, hut also those produred bv the ana and wind. such aa laa and IrevkUs. It readrra lha ctj. TICUB MABTBIXOI-BLT CIKAR. BMaMvnt and PU-WT. auJ la ma a w Bil.aTillTtrf l"-" Ftaa la Iu preferabl fb any cosmetic;. AlX THE REMEDIAL ADVAKTAORB OF BtJL Para Batbs are Insured BT m raa of (iUnm't Sulphur Jinnp, which ta Ad dition to Iu purff-lrtfc rffm ta. rrrnediia aad paavuiTa Rjunf-fiaM and Gorr. llalao nrnp-arntirrsinrnand ltkkx and PBBTKIVTS ntSBAagS CMMC-lrATBO IT.'m fACt with tba rwrtoa. ' It DnaoLTX DsBTmerF, prrrrnU ba. aesa, and jtviU (rayaa of the hair. IyikiiuliTrofUUhighla Pi-ns, ti aaf 90 0a 1 yar Os-a, Tm Boa, (3 ObkaO ,. M aad I1.S0. R.B.. Ma-B-keamwtat taa af s-mal ElITt raai WkUAar Bra,' Btaek a mmwm, P-sfaj . . . 1 1 cinrarox frtiv. . m if. ir.vj FAT tc 2IAXU1NQ. ' f J BSALBB IB '' PINE OHOCEIttEH, FLOCR OF ALL ORADEM. ." ,i... ... Belaeted Teaa, lare CaaTiea aad Sasaaa, BUTTE1R AND CHEESE From the Bast laatrtee, . fwrei-sj A awaiEBTir' VairiTa. , f-saed rraBa aad tegotsbte. Aad a Nil variety nf other cnod Be sally Beat la a rt-claa aiors. . . . . CWae B ) T-lesl aleaiaa. Oam-i pjomptly atsllooood, free of expense, j q h S sM?JAJtTJU HaLEM, OREiXlf. a. r. ma TTaflWI ....... n Ko aalne ear tnasaa will besaneed la kaea. Ib ewisins aad every department af taa rag BlBreBl Hotel ap tm the mark aa " ' H ' , "" ' r " . Bt-aTvacTcasaa ae raa FLORENCE 8EWIXQ MACHINE . !L?fr- me,";r,b l ..;ie;o, Vb.Vlow.c.Mb. . 13 nmletreel.raraerM.OTU-.n.wiih Mberman a llyde'e Muatc our. ' a. ' ' a , 'A at a. . J T ' Sold on the lntallment Plan: $10 ' I MWCELi-ASEpUS, -v - I ' OIIOON . CALirOtNle. RAILROAO CO. NO. St. I TIME hH.MEDrtJ I NO.. 1X TAKE EFFECT Ml'SDAT, MT. I7tn, IK7. at 12 a. for the (overumenl aud In- -ajiat ion oi employe on iy; ie -,p . ah rteht bt nan tborefrom aa etrcuna- lancn may rUira. - Dally (Hunday eicopted) aa follow! PORTLAND A!D ROUEBt'RO ai ruuavt: lbavb. aaaiva. r" Portlaad..7 -- A. I Rn-ebunr 7" P. Muaaburs IM a. xt. I J-oruaaa ... a : w. m. ALBAMT EX PREBR TK M, Dally (eaoept Buadaya), , . AS POLtVOWS: ' LBAVB ' AHBIVB rwtiua, r. m. i n . - AlUjy .. A- I l"orllad 1U 0 A. at. ij-x i a UXf VA . 1 N U - ' Dally (eirept KandayJ -as roi.uow: LBAVB. ABJUVB. A. a. I Junctlon....W P. M A. M. PorUaud....6:l. V. xt. Portland.-. Juthn &.- The Orecoa and CalllVirnla Railroad Ferry mafcea awunectioo wllb all U(ular Train. a ioMconnorlion are made at lluacburK with thomacea of lbe Callhruta-and Oregon Mtae Cxampauy . axr Tickeu tr aal to all the principal pnnU la CalHorsla and tbe Kaat, at lom pauy; v'- Cee. f aad Ftat n at rerry Uaelag. rn land. ar fMorago will boChanred on' Frelgbt re- maln I h sj o no f r h I p I aiuir m 'tauca r. J.' BASDT."Jr.1. T- P. ROOERB, 1 tion. Mupt. eea. Fretght and Paaaoncer Agepk- - . . l-ssu POITUHO LIIIAIT UtOClATIOt MsiB-tsMer First mm4, Btark Ba, eWLadd A TU ton's nk- ver laa fapnrs aad MagaalBaa. tkly BMaea 1 aw Pay able Qaarsorly grg WW Tt-sjej'"' w wga. r ( s( , g , . , r I HUT i v- t M. P. DeadsjH. W, roltt WH-tra-ki4 -v. .. . an A.t n r a..l. - a . aainoa. a , n. lwia, m. w . r runenuer, n. yaiUng, U Blan. . 0 Seer i M VTTHFW P. tE A DT. ... .Proldon1 II. FAII.IXtl...., . Vlo Proaldenl P. C. Ml'Ht' UK, Jn . . Troaauro M. W. I Kt HHI-.IMk.. rorroapondlns Mo HENRY A.OXl..Ubrrtn aad Reo. Be YOUNG MEN BThoare anr1ritrrrii theeffoctaof youth ful tollieaor Indi-rretloN will do well lo avail thomaelvesol tti U.Ua (roatasit boon over laid at the altar olaAVrtai bunwnllr. lr.ariN N FY will auaranloe lo Btriett . fnr every case of aomlnal weaknoaa air private disease nf anvAInd aaeehnmeierwhich ho undertakes and rails lor untu He wcMild,tberelara,aay lo Ihe nn fortunate aufOrer who may read t hla notlce.thal you are treading upon dan(eroux gramnd when you lontror delay In eeoktii(the praapor remedy hwr yournfrnplaln..Yu may he In Hie Mral elac; rcmeiolier you are ap proschln lha lst- llyouarstiordrrinenpon the hast, and aresuiTerina aoaaeaarallof If III enee-vremenihor 11. at if you persist In pro cfwetlnst an, llae time must eome when the m.a eaillful physician ran render ytau im as sistance; when ihedooraal hiewill bo close I Wiaaa rolled In no ens ba the Iswtof tailed of success. Thee let not despair war k upon your Imaclnailaan, bait avail yourself of the bonoBcial result aaf hi treatment beiore your case la bevond the roach a meallcaxi skill, or benare grim doaib hurrtea you loa premature rsvs. Full ruur-f ad Ireslmt-iil. $J Mend money by Post Offlte order as press, wuh lull aosrrfpuon af mm I'-" 1H. A. HM'INMV, XI Xo. II Kearny slroet, Man Krnnclsm. O. Nl-IMCTER - MERCHANT TAILOR, First St root, Bart. Ash aad Plae. UtBaPrXTFCLLY ASSOCMCFJaj TO THE publa that be la chasing out his Murk of ' BEITS' rulllSHIIQ 6000S AT COHT' PRICKH, , ---( i 01. WU. r'lOt , DKUTBCHKR ZAMRARZT, . tEalaaUsbad BvB - . Tr!TAL RTnVa PVI at root, bet aeon W rtaMi and 1'aaahUI, Moaaa.lss' Jleack PorV p I. THE BFT MAiHIME IH THE WOBID It al-ar nors sorb, m. Hn.l of wiarB ltlr work, anal dona It easier than any nthar MU ! I sF'oroice within n . lira ol I'orll.iil ul ('Villi u'"T.','.,.m I am lulormed of It ii i.oul expense ..I aay Alnd to Ma owner; a have I he new ryla of "Florena-e" M chine, mat fa-ede ine wora atai r- Call and .e tm ,urc.,w.... ..... . . . . Cl-".l. . Down, and io Monxn i.n ptiajor 1 Bl III I I MISCEIIANEOrS. WHITWZT Sc .H0-JtlXS o xi,o Jl -t s T 'HE ABOVE fNMTRCMKMTU CQNTA1S all lb linproveuieula fnuud ia j First-Claaa Organs. Many of which are aaed eselaalvely by a. Tt,.r iMriniVln ri A'EI.L. IMI'IWVF-D BF.LLOWM. PATENT REED and BOCSDISO BOAKIM, IMPROVED REEDB, VALVEH, aad MOP ACTIOS, wllb KEYS of 'lb FISEHT IVORY, IVORY FROSTM, HOMO EBOJtY HHAR1H, CLOTHED MORTIHEB. BRAMM OflDE P1XI. ENGRAVED IVORY BTOPH, PEDAU, carpeted In rk-h designs, ate , . c :r"" - Wv-manatact-ira but OBSf la gt work,' snd ons of our INBTRVMENTa Is la (eneml ro apeetaeaiua! to another, aa far aa It capscliy goaa. The same - : - " , Satoolk, riBHklag Valclng aad Flae . . : Irtlaa, Which are su aaUaf-ctury to good player, will be found tn erery Organ apod our list, the dlf rerrncv la price being rcgulaUd by lb capacity of the Instrument, sad' the dlffV-reno n the atyl aad OrnamenlaUoa of tba ease. Kvery Inmriiment fully Wnrinuted. Bond Sw Prl f J. E. E0BBI5-K, Portland, A font r OiygtMiandaahln W. T. BHABAHiJI, A.-"t, -ir nbsnalian't M'l-' f - '; "" 'Art nailery, Morrison alroet.. . - Tbeta Orfani took tha First Premium at th. Oregon SUtaTaixIa 1878. T.'" 7 EHTARIJHHED lam B. S 4.A- r- JCST.-Utaraayaa, Law . UtHavaalh street, Waiblngton.lX C. j- i it IavcMBa.'. Vf procure patents In all countries. ' Ma r Tossaay X x ics in a pv ASf'B. o clisie unless the patent Is (rattled. No feee for making pre liminary" examinations. So additional ieea bar obtaining and condnotlng n rehearing. Hperlai attention (tvea to Intorlerenrw I asea befaara the Paiont arrrtco, r.xtonelona - before fonareaa, Infrliisement Mulls la dlflereut hlslcs, and all llllgslion pertaining taa 1 raven- . lions or Paionta. Mend stamp tax; pamphlet Ivlnc lull Insuwlaama, t axlie Btnlea I'earM axwsl Haajartaaeaita. ; ; Clalma prosecuted la tha Ku arcane Court at th United Mate, t-aurt of Claims, t'wurt l . t'omiaiissloners of Alabama Claims, Houiheru Ualma Commission, nnd all classes aaf war claim belora tha Haerutlva laeuarimonta. At rsnrs af fmf awd) lawwty. tltncors. Mnldlera, nnd Hallora nf Iba late war, or Hielr lieirs, are tn mauiy :rases entitled lo ' ImwiT from the tkavcfnment, of whlcb they have no kuowledee. Wrlua fn II history of ser- . vla-s.snilslste siuonnt of pay and bounty re ceived. I.ncrose stamp, and a lull teply, after exatulri-lloii, wITl bo(lven you without r barge. -T- Pesa-laana. Ail Offlrera, Boldlrrs. BtiaV ttalkar wounded tri'ured -In Ihe lata wai, however iixiu, are auuuva xo,an aau ooiain a pen I Ml. BHttr- Us ware I t aatd a1e. Untested Iind Cases, Private lnd Claim Mining, pre-emption and Horheatead Case 1rfNaevuted faf,re the tavnernl Land OUlc npd Mnparlmenlot tba Interior. " Ixa4 WarraaiM). -, ' Wa pas- essh Mar Bounty Ind Warrants, and w Invite eatrresponitoiica wllb all panaoa hsv Ing any Har ssle, and gie lull and expltcli In- mtriHin wnerv msimiinewis giv nnhcriect Va aeoudnel our buaiiaeas In separate Bureaus ' having therein lha clerical assistance of able and exporlena'od lawyeraand give our closest personal upervlslaan b every Important psper prepared In each ease, prompt aUenilon thus . ecu red to ail baslueea entruated to aas. Ad dress ar A. r. l.A AY. Altwrwey e, . W AMHI.NUTO.N, it C. Lny jeson desiring Information as to the n in hi. vicinli, r onV,mi n BB i l 'T I I I"' - das, .-.-' rJ. '- ' " rf il,rrn;-rv-"v-. '. - -(;,"",,".,- -- ' I r i 3 I . THE BEBT HOTTX l.X ORFXJOJf. a' i