The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, October 26, 1877, Image 2

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OCTOBER 26, 1877.
--' BT1 C
ala will r-'aaaa UK aoUt-e Mial II to
real la uau a to pay HfrtM charges apoAj
tuatliua sod thaj will cooler a t,rMt mrur
I F rBUlUB( IU MS Un BttO7 wa
1 . iaLr4.1 iMtlAra
la. accordance with the apjrit of lb
ags, His v Honor Judgs Bba.ttuck last
vreek decided tbat fallible banu lit
tbat would take children from a good
mother and canal ga tbui to th ear of
thriftless and druokso falhsr should
bo eupplaolsd by a higher lav; wbleh
nvoold nabla tbo motbe euder aueb
circumstance l Claim ana now ur
Tbe oaao la wbleh lb UeeUloa wu
' rendered waVlbat of 8. B. Vaugba vl
Clara Vaughn bla wlf, for th recov
ery of tblr eb I Id ran, for some Ua lb
aole custody of tbo Jailer. Tbo bus-
Itaiiit It annaara haalna- Iltlart failed
to provide for bla family, and being, bo
. tide, drunk an and abusive, tbo wife,
taking tba ehlldreo, left tboir reeldeoce
im. "Ilf.tral. ant a ma ta Ihla aite.
w lie re, sssisieu y oar laiuerj aue umm
i for soms time takeo care of, educated,
and provided for beraelf and them.
New eonaee tbo good-for-nothing hue
band and worthless father, and elalme
tbe children 6 coons bo U their father,
and, atranga to say, lawyer are found
who will undertake to advocate bla uo-
1 I t . . 1.1L..M.I.. 1.
Juet and abeurd elalme to bie children,
In opposition to the elalme of the
mnlhar hut for whons tlirr qrnut-f hs
boon totally bereft. of love, care, and
maintenance month ago. Doe any
one suppose that suob a man wiehe the
custody of bla children from motives of
fatherly affection and solicitude T Oo
tbo eontrary, la It not clear to every one
that eucb claim la merely set up because
that grave Imperfection, a human law
made by men without taking counsel of
HIV1IIVI W( . U M..MW. y. .... wwm fw-
parlor claim la the control of offspring
". And further, la It not clear that sucb
proaecutlon I brought beeauec this Is
tbo most vulnerable point at which be
attack: and wound a woman who,
enable longer to endure the agony of a
drunkard's wife, the destitution of a
drunkard borne, fled from the place
which hie foresworn promise bad
a a a a. as
'dered Intolerable aa aa abiding-place
Bisters, you tell u that you. have all
the light you want; that the law arc
good enough for you. Is It apathy or
Selfishness that makes you totally indif
ferent to the anguish of mother "heart,"
. h wuuvu u.i mm m u.i www, v
the despair of mother a lovlnge
yourselves, who fold their empty arms
over breaking. heart her and there all
over our land, beeauec no bumanejudge
luierpoaea msrigoteoa Decision to prw
- vent their children from being, torn
' from them by thl same law, wbleh
give fathers, however worthless, supe
rior alal m to mothers, however worthy?
We have not always bad Judge Shat
-tuck upon the beoou. We
wuto uia preuecaaaor,. uui liuiu,
rendered' decision from tbat exalted
'Utlon. and w remember further of
two little children by hi mandate
takea from the ears of a kind and lov
iua awiuff sua eTen ioi iuw wiw vur
todyff the father, -who, following
baalaee upon the river, was seldom at
" borne, and never bad had an hour's care
of tbem during tbelr lives. One night.
vwfffi,nf wviam uuui. ui.h mm u ...I imaIIiap . nil jli I H m m
bitter nigh), and tbey were given sbel
av i MS LI i L I.I I
A divorce was allowed, and the children
given to tbcatber-.Can yon Imagine a
more pitiful sight than was furnished
by this wronged woman, wstcblpg
-around tbc block where hirelings kept
Jealoaguard,' by order of the father,
ever the children ehc bad borne In sor
row and cared for In love, watching for
- a giiBBpweot (do bwbj laoea iuii eurvugo
all of thalr brief axlatanaa had baan.
Matll Ma MAlha.1 -a. mMW MMn Iim
The Judge, you aay, should have ran
- dered a Just decision, go aay we; and
further, we aay the law which backed
hi decision, perhaps, aa h thought,
eompUd It, should not have placed It
la hla tviafar tn ha an heartlalir antnal
- T T- I 1
This la wr4netsd of affording protection
to the defeneeleas, and meting out Jus
tice, as all laws should do, but Increase
the power of the- only clase who- need
the restraining force -of law the un
scrupulous aud the vindictive. A far
aa gooa men are concerneo, u is a aeaq
letter, ana to uaJ men it la a bulwark or
All honor to Judge Bbattuek; for
whether be will be able to make bis
first decision permanent (a new trial
being la proe reae at the time of thle
writing), or be compelled to revere It,
bla first Judgment In the premises show
tbat In bis heart be doe not uphold In
i - " - "J w.p
ImllAL ft fir alnt at t-ann aaa
when aanctloned by lawx ' '
vino the above was written, tb
Judge has rendered a decision giving the
, oldest of the three children, aged eight
years, to tb father, and tbc . two
younger, aged respectively sis and four
' vaara A I ti ' 1
ii i ... .
Thr will be a grove meetlug at New
Era oa the last Saturday and BuuJay ol
the present month. A number of prom
inent speaker have been Invited to par
ticipate, and tb general hospitality for
which the people of that thriving vil
lage and vicinity la noted Insures a
Walathaaa ftjk a ft hi -lUnil
' VAmSP"9VHBlaaHaas
Un. Deal way started for Eastern
Oregon Monday. If tbc weather I
favorable she will remain la tbat esc
tloa nnUI about tbc first of December,
vUlUog Baker City, LaOrande, Union,
Fsadletoa, aad minor point In 'that
great wooder-land. '
1. PL1ISJT0SD3. -'
A friend, commeotlng upon so edi
torial In our laat-iasUe tut ou beaded
t'-auaee not Occult," write: "IMaln,
pointed, and aearcblng loachiug upon
Ihla subjsct I more needed than Upon
any other. It Is bard to aay too much,
if Mi(t Judiciously.''-This WC baV long
felt, and many time have attempted to
lay tba great facta therein bint I at
bare before tbo public, but aa uiauy
times have we turned from the laak or
duty, fooling thai the groiiud was u
toady because bakn with prejudloe
throughout Its entire boundaries, and
fwellug further tbat to Utter judiciously
aud with suffleleot plslnneaa, so that
wo could not be misunderstood, truths
tbat arc as unpalatable to persona who
live la violation of tbem, a tbej are
vital to tbo welfare of the human race,
le a. tliaukleas. If not a bopeleae task.
That wotpau's subordination lu the
great realm of materulty la not euly a
personal outrage npoo herself that robs
bsr ehsck of Its bloom and her step of
it buoyancy ofteu before the confine of
youth are passed, but a doubl outrsge
upon tbo ehlldreo whose birth-wall Is
soy thing but aha mulo that It should
be to maternal ears, Is too. well known
to admit of reaeooabie dispute. No
wonder tbat the regeneration of a badly
organised, discordant race le a slow and,
at best, a doubtful process, when care
concerning their proper generation In
the first place leeoentlrely Ignored tbat
their very existence le attributable to
what 1 considered sad mlacbanec It
I beeauae thla principle le so flagrantly
violated that Infanticide, gory with the
blood of unborn Innocent, rolls up It
yearly-Increasing statistics, and, rJoh
leg In the gboulieh task, spreads them
before a shuddering world. It I In vala
to censure mother, to decry fashion,
and deplore the follies of the age. .En
forced maternity and subjugated moth
erhood will continue to bear this ghastly
fruit, deaf to the command, "Thou sbalt
not kilL" Umpires In lb la realm moth
er should be, and until tbey arc eo en
throned, the cvlla tbat afflict the hu
man family will multiply and grow,
and live begotten In disgust or apathy
or revulsion will be quenched by dlsna
tared crime whenever desperate moth
era can And mean for It accomplish
ment. .;- ;
Fathers, husbands, tbe remedy for
this fearful crime I with yen. . The dire
responsibility you cannot shirk. Let
rn-lcalighloood Hodgment,oot blind ami
nn reasoning passion, be your guide,
and, taking counsel of its teachings,
right the wroogs la this domain, and Jhe
children born to you will have cause to
call you blessed. Thee are plain words,
pity for the suffering, charity for the
tbougbtleea, and hope for tbc enlight
enment of the Ignorant, we submit
tbm to the candid. -
We arc stilt unable le gi ve the details
Jof the Colorado election In so'JaraJ
they ' affected Woman -Suffrage,' and
only know that It was 'defeated by-id
W ' t
I '
TDiacaweii, wuo, logemer wiiuoiuer
ehariplons of tbc righteous cause, la
bored in tbat State for several ' weeks
prior to tbc election, gives a summary
of tbc eatiaee tha tled to defeat, and
olasslflsc the voter who said "nay" In
L very -comprehenaive manner.' First
of those Is mentioned the large num
bers of men of foreign birth, drawn
thitherward by the mines of Colorado,
who brought with thsm and cling tena
ciously le the antiquated European
ideas concerning the subordination of
women, very many of whom uaed the
votes thsy owed to American magna
nimity to deny suffrage to. American
women. Of the colored population, es
pecially In Denver and other large
towns, It Is reckoned tbat about five
per cent, are Intelligent and educated;
these voted 'aye;" the remaining
nlneiy-flve per cent, "nay." Of tbc
Oermana, the educated voted and worked
In favor of Woman Suffrage, but the
majority went against It. The saloon
Interest all. over the State wae thor
oughly alarmed and Irritated by the
"Murphy", temperance revival, and. In
every town and mining camp rallied
tbelr friends aad customer against us.
This element In a commualty composed
largely of nomarrled men I strong.
Catholic. roarahJiJwJlillee4y
boeuf, and Protestants, equally bigoted,
led by Uev. Bliss, of Denver, were mas
tered la considerable numbers, and
voted solid against na. Bsveral thou
and Msxlcsus, most of whom can asllher
read, nor write, nor speak our language,
man who plow with a forked stick, and
treat their women a servant, voted I
cording to iostructloos from the priests.
There I a Isrg class of ma who, de
prived of the society of . respectable
women, frequent bouses of prostitution
which Infest the towns, and these bave
to a man a dread lest "bad women
should go to the polls.'
Add to those a class of voter who
age rang from twenty-one to twenty-
five, wbo think that "women do not
know enough to vote," and other who
arwll meaning, but too timid to ex
press an oplulou ss opposed to tbc ma
jority, and w bav tb element com
piste tbat defeated Worosnjqffrtg jaJtPUin . hi pistol. The-marsharal
one wb has given
a slight alteuUoo to the matUr will
agree tbat this sslimats I fair.
f.tirsms onn meet, we ar told,
aad thl I certainly the esse as regard
th character and standing of men wbo
arc opposed to Woman Suffrage. Mia
istsrs and debaachee are often of the
mlad ea thla point; though, of th
former, many ar now foua.f who be
lieve la Woman Suffrage, while of the
latter, to a man, they oppoee It. )
Aa attempt was made In the Wash
ington Territory House of Representa
tive week before. Jest to repeal th law
relative to disposing of liquor to minora.
It Was defeated by a vote of seventeen
to alavan i
capital rrnraHMiyr.
The abolition of capital punishment
Is Just now occupying some thought in
Washington Territory, probably because
the session of the Legislature followed
so closely upon the first execution of
the death seotcnee within its Jurisdic
tion. The nature of puniabment In
flicted for crime aud the spirit In which
it is Inflicted are characteristic of an
age." Tid aiauklnd baud dorn to pos
terity no other reoordjban that of their
eajmee and the punlabnienta I u dieted
therefor, fair inference from thl alone
might be drawn of the comparative en
lightenment of eauh occeeding age.
The nature of crime le the eaiue in all
age, iaud progress that nations may
bop to make le not so much In the na
ture as In the prevalence of crime.
There may be nothing In the,character
of a' criminal tbat eutitlae bim to a
milder form of, puulehin tha,a the
death penalty, but there is something
In the enlightenment of the people that
entitles and impels them te a more hu
mane vindication of their rights. The
moral law Is not strengthened by being
violated In Its own vindication. Tram
pling upon the lawe of order Dial disor
derly persona may be punished defeats
the very end hoped for. Io Inflicting
capital puuishmeut, the laws of moral
ity and humanity arc at one stroke out
raged and avenged. Bach punishment
Is an over-sealou and mistaken vindi
cation of tbc laws of right. There le
something repulsive In the Idea, from
which tbo best men turn In disgust, and
something In the spectacle to which the
worst cling with a sort of morbid satis
faction. It violate tb fluer feeling of
the hast-me andrritatec the baaest
feeling, of th worst.. Its tendency I
rather to arous feelings of opposition lo
tb law than of respect for the law.
The feelinge of men have eo grown
away from thle repulsive barbarism
tbat in many place It is diflAult to And
Juries who will eoovlct even upon suffl
eleot evidence, since to find a prisoner
guilty Implies tb death penalty, which
le contrary to their eouvictloue of right.
Many guilty person thus escape all
punishment, and the question that pre
sents Itself is whether it Is not better to
make the law and the peualty of its vio
lation so conform to enlightened senti
ment Ihst men need have no fear of
convicllug a crimioal upon aufflelenl
evidence. .
We are told somstlmes Ifaat Jl Js a
feeble and reprehensible sentiment that
seeks to mitigate the rigors of Justly
merited punishment; but If this Innate
repulsion, experienced Inetantly and In
voluntarily when tbc records of an exc
cutlon are read, savor of sickly sen tl
;eataTttyfboTrW P"7i nierey, and humanity repre
hensible Old records which tell of
hangings for tboftaad forgery create nOTJosefluoral principle that allows them
a-greater feeling of repulsion lu the
light of the present than will our crimi
nal records telling of the black cap, tbc
last protest, the adjustment of the fatal
noose, tbo eprioring of the faUtOrsp,
Uhofitorl!ops Llh vlcUibjth cut-
M"f ',ow,, mud Onlu t process, all of
'bBbIv lavh At. ata. an. taut. a J....1L..I A .1
w uivu nn tu wiuuhij Uwninovu mh mi
.-.a ;.K----a.-ri--SKr-..
a-w.j vanvtivu) VIVfilv m ,UI tit-
tore, when this barbarism of "a life for
a life" shall be outgrown. - Crime of
far greater magnitude than murder are
passed over by paltry floe r temporary
Imprisonment. Tb law approve" and
public sentiment does not condemn,
and tb feeling 1 fast gaining ground
that If .men must err It were far better
to err upon the side of mercy. '
As tb time goes by, and on after
another trial for equal right is made In
separata Slate, and I as oftsn defeated,
It becomes mere and more evident that
the Sixteenth Amendment plan I th
sursst, speediest, and most fesslbls on
by which suffrage can be sec a red t
women of the natioowJiere, indeed. Is
"Work Tor Everybody," apdagala we
urge the necessity for nMmpt and ener
getle action In securing name to the
Bixtsenth AmsfJuroent petitions. Call
ar frequently made upon ss for blauks
by those who are willing to circulate
These we cannot supply; and
refer all applicants to Mr. H. A. Lough
ary, Amity. All of our patron can,
however, im pro vis Llaoks for them
selves, aud so loss no Mm, by culling
out (ht WAtdi a! IKa AaIIIIam MKUt. . I
- - .-...w -"'v.n.nr4.,.an-. i -
west, aod past th sams at th top of
a sheet of foolscap. -Women arc well
known to exosl la thrift and Ingenuity
whea tbey once resolve to work, aad If
Just such materials a tbey would Ilk
to have arc not available, they usually
gat aloog successfully without thsm
It le the aisoaiuiee thai
aoi, auu
w want vry on that can be secured
Time passes, and OrSgoo, fourth la line
last wlttUrln,lhls work, should not al
low bsrself to be outdone Ibis year.
' A dispatch dated Uklab, California,
October 30th, say: "Mr. Belle Lynch,
editress of the J)ijate was knocked
down and beaten 6n the aidewalk I
front of the telegraph offlos at noon to
day by T. H. Carotbsrs. Mr. Stafford
attempted to Interfere, add was told to
keep away or be would be shot, Carotb
srs st the sams tlm drawing and sx
once arrested Carolhers, who entered a
plea of not guilty. A ury trial was de
manded; trial eel for Monday.' Ib tense
exclument prevail. . It I 'thought
shoot log will result before night. Aa
article In the Dispatch In relation to
Mrs. Carol ber waa tb cause of the at
tack." Tbl,lady has a! way been cp-
nosed lowoanan'a rlehta" an.1 arlll
doutitTsa Uk. ber drubbing meekly.'
Mr. C M. Foltg dsllvered a Wtare
at Sauta CUra, California, aa the evea-
Ing of the Hh inaC. which U highly
apokea of by a cor res poa dent from that
city. We "endorse the esntlment ex
pressed by thlseorrespoodeat, who aay:
"With careful study bJ dsstlaed
Ifl good Ume." '
If there is one profession more than
another ttist should demand of those
who practice It pure minds aud clean
bodies, that certainly' la the medical
profession; and good women who hold
womanly purity above price, and their
oB hfxUas as sacred trusts, which H 1
their first duty to preserve nude A led,
should sbun'tbe very presence la tbelr
sick chambers of libertines and debauch
era, worshipers at the shrine f Baochuc
and of Venue, men who disgrace the
science of medicine' by appending or
prefixing sfmrious aad bigh-aouu'dlng
abbuvialiooa lo their iiamea.
-Womeo, Is It possible that you need
to be told that a maa who Is a habitual
frequenter of ealoooa, whoss breath Is
reeking with lite foulest fuius of tb
vilest whisky, whoso appesranee even
s b walka tb streets I that of a man
w bo Is not druuk, fur ao a mount of even
modern tangle-foot can quite destroy hi
equilibrium but full f Is It possible, w
ssy, that you oeed to he told tbat sucb
a man is totally unlit to confide lu as
you must confide lu a physician f Is
not blsjrery preseuce pollullou ? Adroit
smouth-ogueil, full of fulsome oouipli
menu, promptsd by bad whisky aud
worse principles, hs goee from the sa
loon, carry lug its vile odois into the sa
cred privacy of your bed-chambers, and
prescribing quack nostrum that per
chance may afford you temporary relief,
be blee him back to the saloon, to for
tify bimaelf for another VSafl, laughing
to himself meanwhile over your gul
libility. ji
Wbsf, though he' may engage In a
drunken brawl, and with more Ine
briate energy than medicalskUI, make
sppUoatloa of a bottle, which be bad
previously draloed, to the skull of an
antagonist f . A compromise may be ef
fected, so tbat be may escape open trial
la the police court, and ho be on band
lor bis morning call with aa much
suavity aa though tils language was at
aU times the moat correct, and hie ak III
with bottles uuqueationed.
It may be Impossible to shut your
door upon all Inebriate, for, God pity
you, tba-prlvlleged nlgbt-key may ad
mit thsm; but, csnsbut tb
door, and that with an emphatic motion
that will make the bolt fly in the face or
a maa who comes to you in th guise of
a physlclaa, reeking with drink, and
contaminated by kindred associations.
Ill aabame to "th afflicted," so targe
a proportion of whom ar women, that
sucb a man can boast of bis hundreds of
patisoU, even though hi medical skill
aad education, were unquestioned.- But
when these have un guarantee better
than b l o vn.. wt-lZSlSBZ.
aoagesTTt I mors than a shame; it Is an
outrage upon common morality.
iVecaa only excuse women for the lax-
to employ as a physician a social leper,
with whom they would not think of as
sociating lu any other relation, on the
ground of tbelr manifold physical uf
feflnga-and ibelr enervating tendencies,
and we bave thus spoken to them boldly
because conscience will not allow us to
pass In eilence so. great an avil so fla
grant aT'disgrseei .and,-glancing vover
wbst we bave written, we hope at least
tbat we bave not "strtvso In vain to aet
tbie evil forth."
It Is quite refreshing to And men who
are not only In sympathy with qual
right, but are not afraid nor yet
achamed to let their principles b know
ven in their buslosss. An
tell us of a prominent business firm of
Mllwaukls, Wisconsin, Denrnah 4 Co.,
woe piiot the folloj(Hig on one corner
of the envetonaeussd by them. The
dectaratlinnthe sams as the one used
by tbaVoman'a Right Association of
Woman is Jmld potHtcally to liave no exlal-
Dra. - -
fvlllH, she to a minor. -la
sftariiace, she to a serf.
4a labor, sue is made inferior, and rubbed ot
brraarnlngt. .
in publis InsirurHna, ah to nrrlfloed to
aa. v "
On! of marrlacs, she snawen to tbe laulu
eommlllad br both. r
Ai a mother, abt to drprhred ol berriybt to
ber children.
Kb to only deemed equallj rvtponalblo, In-
tolllenl, and anawerabto la lases aad Crimea.
. It would certaiuly aeem that facts so
leafly dsroonstrabls ss the would h
-r -. m ju.uc.
however latent, tbat exist In any hu
man soul, while tbe example of these
men In thu using tbelr buaioea facili
ties for scattering theee truth broadcast
as far a their nam and influence ex
tend should suss many men w wot
of, wbo are and bave for year been pro-
tsd wfrragiU, to regard thtir cow-
ordly rNMitlon on' th question with
ham aud confusion of face. W com
mend the above plaa to tboss wno hon
estly desirs to aid la tb establishment
of equal rlcht. knd to whom thl
thought ha osvsr before occurred. 1
Elliabeth Cady SUutoo furnish tb
Ballot-Bo with a list, collected In one
week, of bequests mad by women for
tb support of cbarches and mlulstsrs
and th bullilina of narsonaee. whleh
amouuta'to" liw.OOO, and aay by way
of comrasDt: "la my awspaprreaJ-l
tngtuTn wT Bnd lJOO.QOO gla
by woman to cburcbe aod collsgsa,
whll lb am paper herald tb gross
est lasnlu t those L ear act aakloc
for aa equal reeof nllion of their rlgbu
In these Institution. How eaa w cul
tivate tbe Virtus of self-respect la wom
an t AU ever th eouatry yo find wom
en etral alag every aerve te build ap
cborcbea, aod tb clergy la turn at raid
ing every aerve lo keep womea la ub
Jeetlen. Now, to my mind, to bu I Id-
Nog ap of tru womanhood I a more
Important work la every community
than church, prleat, or parsonage. Facts
like these are curdy sofflcleot aod sulti-
Isatly plaia to eaese even apathy to
Urt from ber Igaobl repoee, aad kta
die laU a aearcblng Inquiry la tbc
mind of Intelligent women." ' I
To eu Entroa or vas New NoBTawasT I
Waahlngloa Is now putting on It
best attire to welcome Congress. Our
bouse-keeper on every band ar busied
seeking their lodger and preparing (or
tba harvest which' follow lb recess.
At la a col leg town, to which vacation
briugtan entire subsidence of business
and disappearance of everything which
gave life aud bustle 4 tb, 'streets, and
tbe opsitTog of the sesaioo gives auluia-
tion everywhere, so in Washington
Adjournment narrows us down to tbe
purely local affairs f our city, while
the re-asssmbtlog of Cougre lufui
life luto every channel of business. The
Capitol baa been thoroughly renovated
throughout, and even tbe Supreme"
Coort-roooi, where the vandal house
cleaner hardly darrs Venture with more
than a brush and broom, has been"re-
carpeted,"t1l"nrt time lor many years
Bright new carpel hav been put ddwn
In tb House, aud, with the, free us of
paiot aud polish, presents a real fresh
and. tidy appearauoe.' Its system of
veutllation ha been wholly remodeled,
aud the experimental test lead tb en
glueei lo think they hav overcome all
former illfllcultUa euoouotered In re
moving lb vitiated air which
quickly In the peat rendered the House
chamber foul and nnbeaitby. Fresh air
can now be forced iuto every part of tbe
ball; from tbe chair of the member to
tbe celling. A large air conduit baa
been made from the beatiog-rooma
the basement to tbe outside of the large
terrace at tbe foot of tbe west fiOnl of
the Capitol, and by this means pure air
on It will be loroed Into tho-butidmav
The supply of air last winter flowed luto
tbe beating-room over mouldy debri
and rsfuse, and took with It such vapor
a damp, dark walls emitted. But new
It comes fresh from the beautiful
ground of th Cspllol front, sud will be
aa pur a Congressional tobacco.
whisky, and hydrogen of attenuated
trains will permit. The. hand of the
architect and landscape gardener ap
pears ou every ld Id the Capitol
ground. New warks bav been paved
and walled with variegated stones, th
terrace bav been trimmed with -re
newed sodding, and th universal living
green encircling tbe Capitol, so strongly
in contrast witn the past, Is indeed re
freshing. A fw year ago tb Capitol
grounds were without beauty or attrao-
tlon.-The north and south front wer
covered with building debris, while the
east and west front' were fllledwlth
huge tree, arranged without system,
and completely biding tb CspltpUsx -
eejiJhe-lomr4rowrthe spectator, un
l?!LAt-lti. JUifJ lis Xow..aU tb
tree bave been removed, savs an occa
sional one, whose presence doe not ob
struct the view from tbe d I its nee. The
east front has been graded down om
twelve feet,-two whole squares bav
been added by purchase, and tbc build
inga sold aud removed, costfy lamps and
status erected, and everything dpu
thartasl Could suggest to' ulaksjlwhat
It hould he, a "fit urrouudlng for th
national Capitol.
f Tbo-city-t lowlir flllloc ud with
member aud Visitors, aod -a few day
more will doubtless find us a Intent
eavlng the country by windy speeches
andJobby lafltreoce as verfitb past.
Tb excltemcut at preaetflcentsrs upon
the Speaker of thoHousci and we are
greeted by acjffrge and counter charge
by the Interested, add all the slnoosltles
o W-rolllor and wlre-Dulllo. Mr.
ndall aeeme deetlned for the liBDor-
tant position, a th opposing Influence
now appear unabl to concentrate their
vote upon on man agaiast blm.11
le a aiogularly ahrewd diplomat, and
for year has playsd an Important part
in l :o tigress, inougn possessing none
of the arte and grace of ao orator by4
'which masse of men could be led and
controlled, aa with Henry Clay, yet bie
coolness and adrbltoe servs tb sams
purpose, and b has been aa.mucb
leader of bl party as Thad Stevens,
whom Randall resembles In several
personal characteristics. He will win,
If at all, by sheer force of will and men
tal power. To, Mr. Thompson Is con
ceded re-eleetiea aa sergesut-st-srms;
bene littl general Interest isexbiblted
for the House office beyond tbat of
Speaker.'. When Congress convened in
1870 our city waa overrun- with off!
Vg1-', litnrOTTrrTTtnTTiin"iT7
and a mor hungry, anxious crowd
never' was seen hsuatiug a soup booae
or charity Ubl than these seekers aflr
govern mentis p. Yst thl year ho sucb
crowd I here, and we are entering upon
the session with a freedom from them
that lead many to think starvation has
ssved the country from their futnrs
v - Felix.
Waahlogton, D.
C, October IS, la77.
Susan B. Anthony lectured at Toledo,
Ohio, on tb 7lh of September, on "The
Working Man and bis Strikes." An
Immense aiidlenoe greeted ber, and
bundrede were unable to gain admit
tance. Her address, which waa warmly
aod frequently applauded, waa closed
wltbaa appeal to the working men of
tbe country te etiike band with tbe
Woman Suffrage advocates, and tbe
great' battle would be fought and won
an aiiroad and lasttog baae, that would
result la the elevation of our common
humanity. She baa since been doing
campaign duty la Colorado, and write
tbat tb bracing air of that State bave
bad aa lavlgoratiag affect oa bet
health, from wbleh b hope to derlv
permanent benefit.
. Tbe Manchester Guardian say -that
eoe of lb oddest defence vsr mad by
a prisoner was offered bfortb Laa
easier magistral by a woman named
Seward, wbo bad attacked ber baebaad
with a poker, aa be lay la bed, and
fractured bl Jaw In three place. Mrs.
Seward pleaded that abe beat bim tbo
to get bim under tbe doctor ante, a
be waa killing blmsslf wltb raw whisky.
She waa committed for trial at tb aa
alt. '
Cliutonvlll, New York, I devastated
with small-pox.
Th Vatican Is reported to be plotting
a proalaasalioa of tbe temporal power
of the church. .
Tbe , i Woodruff scientific expedition
arooad the world will iut depart be
fore June I, 1878. ,.
It I stated that Hi President liss
If CVNigree pa ears lit bill repealing the
resumption act h will veto It.
Joos,ef Nevada, lu'troducod bie long-
Ulked-of silver bill on Tuesdsy. It was
referred to the fluauoe commillee.
The troops' etatloned at Mauncb Chunk
since the rtoleihav left, tbelr presensf
v tt -r: - - -
veiug ouusiuervu oo iviiger uecessary.
Th board to examine the Washing
ton moMumeot will report that the
monument may be aafsly completed
certain appropriation Is mado to secure
the fouudatiou. . . ...
A fire in l'ortland, New Bruuewick
on the iAHh, destroyed 230 wooden
bouses, aitd over 2,000 people, many of
whom were sufferers by tbe great St.
Johns' fir in Juue. are rendered home
less. r '
Tb member of (Vingree ar dis
gusted . to discover that tbey ar enll
tied to no mileage for tbe exta sesaioo
and are. now 'averse -to shortening the
session aud 'going botu-at their owu
Th debt of th District of Columbl
Is fcetwssn $3,000,000 and $24,000,000,
Tb asssssabl property of cititeus
$92,000,000; amount of Uxeeeoltectod Is
-flUllW.tWOre'psbse ortflstrlct govsro
ment Is twice tbe amount.
Dr. Bliss, of Washington, has been
summoned to Indlanapolia by a request
from Sonator Morton and family, wb
desire - bie-advice and attentlou, al
though It le not said ay Immediate
danger to the Senator la appreheuded,
- Pity the labors of our aolous. .The
Time' Washington special of th 23d
lust, says : "Th Pimlico races arc more
attractive than the Seuale, aud It
doubtful If there Is a quorum of Senators
to-dsy. 'The am I tru of Repreeen
If8pofford, Eustls, and Butler abould
be admitted to the Senate, a seems
probable, there will be a tie between
tbe twojartlee during -tbe abas dps of
Sharon and Morton, In .which Vice-
President Wheeler' vol will oouut for
tbc Bspubllcana. ;
I Th Injunction recently Issued against
Uhe - New - Ortsilll schoorbosrd at tb
Instance of Paul Trcvlgne, forbidding
the basiJ hum stakltsblug niarate
schools for whits and colored children,
was on lb 23d dissolved by Judge Rit-
ter, of tbe 6tb District Court.
Tb Bemit mintary affaire committee
beard H. L. Barret, Prealdvut of t
Columbia mver Salmon r lsblngom
pany, lit advocacy of MilcbeJPs'bUl, al
lowing It lo occupy frejr military res
ervatloo. . The wintnUte referred the
matur to thsrcrtary of War to re
la oo possibility of a short ex
Ion. Ther ar elalme and cou-
enough before tbc Senate already
to occupy It until December, and a flood
of bill, ale., I forthcoming. Nearly
very Western member ha a bill for
repeal of tba roeumeltou aet, aud for
the remonetisatioa of theallver dollar.
J The-wtttof Job a Itbrop Motley pro-
video that all bis book aud personal
property be distributed equally among
bla daughter. - Th rest of bis propsrty
excepting copyrights, be left In trust
for tbc bsasOl of bie daughter, and
relatloa to, copyright, th trustee ar
authorised loarrang for continued pub
lication of bla works, the am to be
paid over to bl dsughtsrs.
Tb World's Washington speclslssyt
"Bscaus of Morton' lllosss, tb com.
mine io xsmia into urovr' cas
has not been able lo report. McMillan
of Mloneotalaha been preparing a re
port, which, It Is thought, will be
Signed by all the member of tb com
millee, aud whlel will carpietatyex
ouersts Orovsr. The report will not be
submitted until tbc December session."
The Itusslsns moved on Ksrs on the
K,lnforcmut ar being pushed for
ward lo aid Mukbtar Pasha.
Russia baa ordered the mobllliation
of all Cossack not yet la active service,
Th will amount to nlnety-oue regt-
meata. . : : '
Osmaa l'asha baa ordered mil CI rcas-
Islaa Irregulai. Bulgarians, uon-com
balaota, and Mohammedan to-quit
Plevna. -
It 1 aonouiMsed from Varua tbst
Prince Hassan threaten to withdraw
tb Egyptian la oonsequsnc of Ihsir
Iguomluloue relegation to garrison.
It I calculated tbat within the last
five or all wseks the Rosalantin Asia
received about 40,000 fresh troops. Th
Turkish force opposed lo tbem oa Moo
day waa sstimsted at about $0,000 meu,
which It probably correal.
Aa Eraeroum dispatch, dated. Tuss-
dayroiitilns th foUowtagt "Mukbtar
Pasba la safe. H oosuplss a slroug po
sition at Yculcka, t of Sachem
Dagb. Issiaei Pasha's retreat and Junc
tion wltb Mukbtar arc eerioualy men
A corre pendent la Plevna telegraph
tbat tbe Turk ar actively aoaatractlng
nw Interior line or formidable de
fenie. Came of lckaeaare com sa ra
il vsly rare. Provlaiona nvr failed,
bat II I Impossible te get fodder for tbc
thooeands of xa aad horse.
Tb RsisM bav bfor' Kara 70,000
men. Mekbtar Paaha'a army at tb
tlm of tb battle did not com oris
re than 40,000 men. Among these
were II battalioae drawn from the gar
rison of Kara. The Ottomaa field army
loot at meat a third of lie etreoglh la
kilted, woondod and eaplared. .
Tbre are ao vacant bouses in Eugene.
The Bute Uolversity building is now
complete. ,
Th M. I- Church Fair at the State
Fair Orouuda netted sIkmiI $450.
The flouring mills of Kinney Bros., at
Salem, ar now running day aud nlgbt.
A narrow-gauge railroad from "Xuiily
to Dayton, lor tbe treuanunaliou of
wheat, is talked of.
Rev. O. IMeklnaon, of Salem, baa had
12.000 copies of his seed catalogues
priuled for distribution.
One hundred "and seventy-nine stu
dents are In attendance al the State
University at Eugene City.
Diphtheria le quite prevalent In seme
portions of Washington eoupty, aud in
mauy luatauces w ilu fatal results. : -
The dry-house lo eonuectlon with the
Brownsville wotileii mills wss burned
oo KfWey oigUt of Uil weea w,
A co'irvlrt iiameil Brady waa, at I he
urgenl solicitation of numerous friend,
recejilty psrd.Hied out of the peuiteu
Hary, ..';.. 1 . .
I'tab surnaaaea auv of ths Hlatee In
the production of lead, havlug pro.lucd
about threo-fourtha of the rehiied sup
ply I srt year.
On the ISth, Inst., W. R. Dunbar, O.
W. C. T., orgaulaed a lodge of liixnl
Templars at, Aumsvllle with tweuty
elgbt membenit
. Ths receipts of the State Agriodltiiral
Society at tbe late fair were about tit,
600 , from all source. Ths premiums
are asarly all paid.
Tba cannery established by Mr. Hume
at Oray'a Harbor ha' been doing a auo
eeasful business. Ten boats bav aver
aged 1,000 fish a night.
' Tb run of salmon at Muckllteo list
about stopped. - The whole cateu La
been over 140,000 fish, and $,000 cases
have been put ap for market.
A good flouring mill la much needed
In the neighborhood of BouttsOurg.
Farmers are corapellsd to haul their
wheat to Drain for milling purpose.
"Mary' Peak" In Benton county Is,
on tb authority of Professor Davidson,'
prouounoed tbe, bigheet polul In- lbs
Coast Rauge, befog 3,610 feet lu height.
Mrs. George Cook, at the lastsxhlbl
tlooof tbe HUte Agricultural Society
took twenty-three blue ribbons and sev
enteen red one on exhibit eutsred lu
class "L."
' Dr. McCaulev, charged with causiug
th death of Miss Alice Townssud, of
Stay Ion, some mouths ago, has been
discharged, the grand Jury falling to
And a true bill, ,
Farmer throughout th valley bav
beau Improviog th lats beautiful
weather io plawiog, the rain of fe w
wcks ago having mad th ground lu
excellent condition. '
-j C4irutBtep6TrnoS '"wr aTotffjTm
ment, to sofrauchls tb womsovnof of
on. Slat 4 aUmCf-hui -ofartb-State -and
Territories. Wwtiiau'a right to a
voice In th government under whTCTT"
sb II veeje-atiatural right, and must be"
-guaranteed to ber by the federal Cou-
utlon. Now le our time to koock al
the doora of Congress and plant thi
right deep In' th fundamental law of
theJaod. " '" wl'--"'"''''''''r Ti .
Plitlous.fora Sixteenth Amendment.
for., womau'a eufiiuVbtsement, from
10,000 JCulted States -clllieus, -from
twenty-two Siatos, hav been presented
lu open House aod Senate by 31 Repre
sentative and 29 Senator slue January
IB, 1877. Th friend of Woroso rju -frag
In both bouse, who I u tend to ad
vocal th Amendment in th usw
Congress, desire lis frieiiAs to sustain
vthem by mammotli petitlous from every.
quarter. Circulate tuts petition .through-'
tb autumn aud winter up to January .
20, 1878. . Obtain th uame of all wbo
have signed similar petitlous to the
present Congress, aod as niany more as
posartrl; Head tbe petition wkb ch "
well-known namea as you wish to have
appear In the Cvnareuional' Jtecont.
Fill the blanks for Bute, town, aud
county, that member may refer to
tbelr own district In presenting peti
tion. Hav all tb namea signed
plainly wltb Ink ou -two cuple of the.,
petition, one for the House, aud one for-
the Senate. Ask each signer to remit
at least leu osuts to the Treasurer of the
National Woman Suffrage Association,
Mrs. Ellen K, Sargent, No. 1,733 Ds
Sat strt,-Wtrtoglon, D. C, to"
defray expenses of class! fljation for
preseutation to the 45th Congress. L'vrru
name received tiefore December 1, 1877,
III be claasiOed with Ita appropriate
Hlate and county patln,,i.i, ab
sented by tbe appropriate Represents- I
live and Senator.-Scud with tb ietl- -
lion nam aud post office address of
each one wbo oblaine signatures, so the
officers may know the workera. "
Cot thla out, and paste-It at tbe bead
of a sheet of paper aud go to work,- Put
in name of men on tbe right, and
"" i left nf
ytttlf pstltlt
trace vrv nam carefully In ink ;
lICTTIOIf tor ,
To the Scnnte and Jfoute qf Jlrprtfn-'
talivr, in Congrt aemLltd l Th
uinlerslgDcd, -Clllxeos of the UuiUd
WUtes, resideoU of th Stat of ,
couuty of , town of - , earu-
estly prayyour houorabl body to
adopt measures, for so amaodloc th
Conslllution aa to prohibit tb several
SUte from disfranchising Unltd States -
cititeus on account of sex.
Ii adopting lh "common law of
England" bas paassd both houses In the - i
Washington Territory Ieglslator. W I
wooder whether thl oew (?JcoVlim-.-- I
brace tbe cbarmlog' elauss la regard to
domeetic discipline, tbat allow a maa
lo chastise bl wifa, providing th
udgl used shsll be "u thicker than
b Is fl uger r ' I f people are got ug to bo
rated by tbc law of departed eeuturiee
and forgotten decades, wbaa tbc Bs of ,
modern legislator? Isn't tbelr occu
pation, except tb drawing of assembly
xoe, about goo's T
Wa are tdeanml Ln not a H.'at Hfta 11 '
ft Ia.I,mJ tiaa M tmm -.wt -m . t
v" - " " " aw. pvwvtiv mm tv
discharged from-itbe- oselam and rs- 'Zfr
IOTiid io ber bom la Astoria. ' 1 .
Why I a bad bill Ilk a bad wlm- -
msr f Bocaaa it can't couUod with tba
current, , . 1