The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, October 26, 1877, Image 1

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IHi s. J. niwil. ur as frsretis-
jrriCE V r"T Wuaianu triun
Or year... ..fraa..
, auxtiu..
Tirss months.
Al)VERTI8EMKNTInsrWoa Raaeouabl
TM Maul eat Matrsa af techalea.
Z , By MM.A.J(iCMWATV. ' v-
. 'mB A "riiJrrT
.', "K1MI MOBBiaoB-, .
T " . ETC., BTC., BTC. ' ;- ,:,iT
Entered, according la Art of th
year Mrs. A. J. Uonlway, la ths sillcs ol
Iks Ubrarlea of Congress si Washington City.
Tlrua had rolled bis chariot wheel
along ao rapidly,-and man, feverish
wttb tha ambition of official desire, had
struggled ao hard lo keep pae with tha
ruthless monarch, that Oregon, with a
population of lea than sixty tbousa.
wai admitted Into tbe Union aaarState.
Then came an opportonltyfor political
prsfsrmsnt bltbsrto uptrbown.
-Xlua Marblehedr-ljsd acquitted him
aair vallantlvrbth lata Legislature, to
wb!eb boad been elected byaetrlct
psrjyvote; for It was war time now,
sod tba part llnea were elosely drawn
that everybody must be known aa ho
long log either to tba alda of Uolon or
rebellion. ' Oua was conscientiously ds
veted to tha eaaae of freedom. Though
hie father had always been a Democrat
of tha Iron Jacket order, bla mother had
been an Inborn Whig; and I have often
noticed that boob naturally Inherit the
political aa well aa otber Intellectual
antecedent bf tbair. mother. Bbow
ma a mother, present or prospective,
ten year old, or fifty, and I can tell you
of tha mental caliber of the anna aba
may or baa reared under good eonditlona.
. I recollect a lecturer who waa one
time descanting upon the deleterious
effect of tobacco upon the human eya
tem. He claimed that us of tba weed
shortened thedaysojUlfJCl
r upon a man saog out In the crowd :
"My father used tobacco all bla life,
and be lived to bo eighty year old."
Tba lecturer paueed and gaud ateadily
- at tbla "soar f bis father," while bis
eye twinkled with merriment, aod tba
house looked oa In curious slleoee.
Used tobacco all bla life,
be eighty, did bet" . -
.j'Vee." , 1'
""'ell, who knows but If he'd let to
bseeo alooe he'd have lived forever V
Tba question, the laugh that followed,
- and Implied logic of that. rplyiroade
aa Impression on my youthful mind
that luckily cornea la here by analogy,
. . and causes ma to reason aa follow:
Many Intelligent mother bear clever
. aooa under the moat unfavorable eoudl
- dlttona possible; but wbo knows, If ft
had not been for the eonditlona,' but
they might have all been Tltanjojo-,
' monitor Shakeepeares ?
' v ; Oua Marblehead'a mother would have
developed Into a noble, strong-willed,
capable woman bad ab not been over
shadowed by ber husband, the Major,
- who bad been known through aTl the
, .year of their marriage aa the hardest
headed man la Gslestowti, ami who,
1 now that tb old wife waa dead and be
, waa on with the new one In a far
country, waa as craven-hearted aa he
had once been fllnty-souled. But Gue
mother did not fail lo Impress her son
-t wthv the smothered flres-nf her own
7 peut Intellect. And Ous, now that bla
awkward boyhood waa wlr outgrown,
- stood forth la tbo young State whither
hlsfortuoe led him, aa a rising states.
' -- roan and orator, of w hom hla constitu
ents were justly proud.
During tha cauvase prior to hla elec
tion to the Legislature, he bad dumb
founded bis adversary, a phlegmstlc po
llllcal aspirant of the old school, and
hsd rendered bis election certain by hla
addiesa and eloquence. But now tbe
Htate Constitution called for a govern
ment that was not to be longer under
the special patronage of tb general
government la Ita local affairs, and op
' porta nlty waa not " wanting for " tbe
young man to aspire to, aud possibly
preach,- a much more, eialted aod re-
munerativ position.
At th first general convention ealled
by bis party for tb purpose of making
up a political atate, tba young man re
ceived a two-thirds majority of all tb
votes east for the highest office, and
was declared th onanlmoua nominee.
Wby any nomination I thus declared
"unanimous," when a minority was
known to exist as long aa there was
hope of Increasing It to a majority,'!
am sur I do not know, but It' th way
of polities, and women are not supposed
to knew what they cannot know, you
AVhsa (Jus returned from th coo Tea
tion he waa no longer known aa Oua,
but "Colon.!" Marblehead. It la aald
ther are forty thousand colonels la
Ocorgla, How they got tb tltl eeema
,Q b ,.".?bod' boalnesa, but thejWear
H gracefully. And tba Aamriaay b
aid of hundreds of men la Oregon,
though tbe titles ar more varied bare
than U the South. .
Oae I waaoa tb tre?Coh my way
"I amoe, early enough lo tha morn
ing to aaeounter a nambsr of gentle-
way . but the, aoeoeted each other thus:
,J , '?.,0,' "'T" "teood-
; Colonel Marblehead ha.!
Wagly m.t.r, during tb year, of
public llf through which bo bad lately
paaaad. In fact, public llf la a great
potlaher. It burolshee Intellect and an
demtandlng, and Is never ao trying upon
the eoostltullbn as to cause anybody
who neels money, or asplrss to promo
tion, tojrolunlarily rellnqolab It for the
boe-bandl or wash-tub. There Is rea
son for this, too. Tbe poorest orator or
statesman geoe rally fares better tbao
tb ricbeat agriculturist or laundry man,
and I aee no reason wby the rule might
not apply to women aa wall. O
reader, do yeu ? If you oUset be
cause ' women should bemotbera, 1
answer, so sbould raefslathers. But
neither aei ahouULaa to tha position
of family rejifMVDslbllUy uolesa able to
hiok oulofthe society and governmeut
undefwbich their children are to live
nd grow, and In which they must cer-
taluly participate. It la tba fashion to
decry. politicians. I demur. The man
orwomaowho la not a conscientious.
ntelllgeot politician in a country where
tb people arc said 16 rule, has no busi
ness with offspring. --
It waa Sunday In Cbebalem, and
everybody went lo church, eoosplcuoua
among the throng being Tbomaa Jones,
bla legal wif and tba other woman.
each dressed In tb latest agony, and all
tbo eynosur of avsr eye.
In her father's pew sat Mattle Brown,
ber face aglow with honest Indignation.
Llk everybody else, she plainly saw
tbe humiliation of Mrs. Jonea, wbleh
tha poor woman waa ao proudly, though
vainly, attempting to conceal.
"Poor Una," thought the girl; for no
matter how much the world might
"Colonel" him, he abould always 4e
plain "Ous" to her; "poor Oue; now he
ITaofromldsnt, and lias so many public
cares. It Is such a pity that h sbould
sndure Indignity 11 ks this. I hope he
won't come to church, and yet I can't
her I can look at him. I do wonder
If I'm wicked In loving him so!"
Colonel Marblehead advanced vJown
th aisle with a measured tread. Ha
knew alt eyes were upon him; but the
pride with which h might else hav
born tb gaplnga of the multitude,
whom knew iai by Dame,-
and moat of whom eould remember, him
aaa seedy boy. In tb ,MaJor'a cast-off
clothing; tb conscious and pardonabl
prids with which be might also bav
greeted: tbsm all'ebsnged to humllla-'
tion that was next to death a b saw
and felt tba oplnloq of ibe entire com
muulty concerning bla brotber-ln-law
and the' atrange woman, of whose real!
character hla alster seemed so sublimely
n ooonsclous, .- 1 H
- Will men never learn lb depth of
aabtlety with whlob women cover the;
evl'leucesot their mental aufferlag and
subjugation front the eyes of the world
In order that tbey may deceive the pub
lic about the acta orfe,trelee "of tbelr
husbands, which, if believed and known,,;
as they believe and know them, would
cause the, whole eoniinuuity to commis
erate tbvlr condition aa wives, bound,,
by virtu of their relationship, to sutler
a share of I ho. Ignominy which the
guilty only deserve T 11 a woman step
aald from th path of rectitude, aod
straightway will ber husband, her legal I
and financial, though by no means responsible-
head, spread -tile-grievance
upon th docket of tbe district courts,,
that all the world may know of hla
wife's .aham and bla .own wounded
honor. Or, falling In this, publrtropln
Ion will Justify him, and the law will
acquit him, for shooting bis wife's be
trayer dead. Let a man step aside, un
der leesor greater aggravating eondl
tlone, and tbe wfjrJlleJgfejLejieJf
before th world as a
root ana oiinu,
rather than expose tb father of Ijer
children to lb Ignomy.of hla own mis
conduct. A glsam of recognition from Mettle's
eye waa anawered Intelligently by a
silent response from Ous. Tb song ro
gation with difficulty rest raided a mur
mur of admiration, and tb young maa
leaned back In bis seat and gave what
seemed undivided need to the sermon, a
tedious dissertation upon tb datleeof
public o (fleers. But b only seemed to
listen. Near him sat hi gentle Mettle,
with ber cheeks aglow with mingled
happloese and humiliation, .that only
reflected bis own turbulent and outraged
7 What'a tha use of preaching homllle
to any one In lovT Tbey may be as
brim full of common sense prior t th
attack as any blockhead or firty wbJ
ba outlived tb memory of any such a
visitation In hi own rase, but let tb
disease gel bold of blnvwbelber It be
th. measles, wbooptng-coogh, or scar
let In a pbaeealid good-bye to reason
and judgment. Everybody know this
to true, and yet vrybody trie tb
fruitless experiment of preaching, In
public and private, for th benefit of
th victim, la whom be fsacle himself
interested. ,
Colonel Marblehead lk4 hopelessly
at Mattl one more, a ad agala at bla
alster; and then, not daring to glaoc
again la tb direction of bis brtbr-la-law
and th atrange woman, be walked
hurriedly ut of tb church at tb elos
of th srrvtc aod sulked rapidly away.
"Colonel Marblehead fats 00 airs,"
said Mr. Brown, t Mattle, wbo waa
dumb with dlaappolnlmut and grief.
8b bad ao "lotted" tipoo th distinc
tion of shaking hand with bint before
tb erowd, In tb boar of bia ! Irt
poitxr-AND. oiieoox, fiiiday," octoiieu i, inrr.
' ' " BBB,ttTaa-BBBBBBWi
umpb and her own Imaginary ooe. To
bo nominated by any dominant party
at thatdate was equl valent to an election,
' "Cua won't care about you any more,
rdaafcbler," continued her mother, Inju
dlclousty. 1 Via the new and popular Hie
to which hla high posltloarfll call blm
he'll cbooso com etareiy carina ior a
mat rather tbso-fuy modest rosebud."
Colonel Marblehead was well on his
homewsfd wsy beforebe tbougbt serl
nuefy of havlug alighted Mattle. In
deed, he was too full of mortified Indig
nation to think coherently of anything.
After a while loud laughter, shrill
ajid sllfsry, greeted tils senses, la which
a constrained echo, very muclt like a
cackle, vainly tried to mingle. It was
tha voice. of hie alster, mingling In dis
cordant falsetto with th louder merri
ment of the siren. .
Tb trio, Tbomaa, his wife, and the
woman, bad takeu a by-path across lots,
aod were coming straight to meet him.
Ilewas freoiled."t'omlog up with
them, and sosreely knowing what be
did1, the Indignant brother felled tb
husband of his 'sister to tbo grouoJr
where h lay aa oua atone dd. .
"Mercy I" screamed the siren. T "
"You bav killed him!" cried Mar
tha, 1n terror. -
'Glad of It I" was lbs excited reply.
: 40, Gua you must fly t " ly for your
lfe," said his sister.
"Indeed I'll do nothing of tb kind. I
did not mean' to kill the skunk, and
bop I haven't; but If he never kick
again I've don my duty."
.'Good riddance to bad rubbish," aald
lh siren, socio voce. "Tha fellow had
no money worth considering. Tbe
property's alFTafiTs wife's name, and
tbo spooney bad- no m"nr irnettiarrtoJ
fancy ! eared for hm, money or no
money. IIow he does quiver."
I have told you Mr. Jones nee Mar-
I "u"
tiqns were estranged from ber. Wby
sb did I do not know. " It is on of tba
anomalies of th malady In all ita
phases, that you never know Just what,
sort of Idiosyncrasies Ita vlctlma are to
be possessed of.
Tbe efforts of tbe wile to restore her
recreant lord were fairly frantic Bbelaod I have been aUodisg u poo tbe car
ordered ber brother to run to tb house
for stimulants, but hs would Oet-frbeyrtioos
"I didn't mean to kill blm, Bis; but if
I did It accidentally I'm' glad of it," be
repetedr-flrioly. - - ---- - -. - ; -
"But what will become of jow. Ops?
And what of Martha? Do you think
she'd notice a murderer t"
To this moment the. idea of. tbo legal
eonsequeocee of Iris act had not crossed
bis braiut.ja. th excitements
"True! I forgot," be m uttered. "Guess
I'd better see IfJ can getlh7ilogl
breathing, though- I'd ratlfrueearlsMhroiigh --whlch- be: passed, and
- Suiting th action to tha word, ha be
gan chafing tb victim' temples, and
by various means Inflated hla lung,
which- be had spent by the blow, until
algoa of life began to appear.
- "There t Bia," be exclaimed, aa soon
aa th fellow' breath returned, "I doo't
want to wait till he's conscious, or I'ti
knock blm down again."
With this h turned away, down a
faoe leading In tha direction nf the par
son's home, where Mattle,' brooding
over thecrueT words of Tier" mo'ther7 felt
so certain that he would no longer care
for her, wa hiding' away In her cham
ber, a prey to her own bitter thoughts.
Tb parson met and congratulated
him, and the good wife waa all gracious
nese and smiles.
"Where's Mattle?"
It "was aa much, a b could do to
tr i.. si..
fused was he,'
and so anxious. - r-
"She retlret to her room, and begged
to excused if Colonel Marblehead
shnpld call," said Mrs. Brown. -
Poor Oust' What war political hon
or and emoluments to blm without
Mattle? And why had she tbas alighted
him ? Piiy he did not then demand the
reason. ' But his loterrogatorles were
menial ones, and he supplied his own
"Howeonld I hav been so blind as
not to know that Mattl Brown would
never bestow another thought upon the
brother-in-law of Tbomaa Jones?"
his sollloaar. as li buns bis "head In
abasement and abrupt lyhVft th house,
while Mattle, wither aching temples
bound In ajpsfnapkln, fairly cursed
the unlucky' stars that had crowned ber
bejoesd with honor such as mak men
train glorious, and fill them with the
loftiest aspirations, while women, un
less already married to tbem.'ar ex-
eluded from like opportunities, and,
evea If married, can receive n Individ
ual distinction except and through re
flected glory. ,
IS wonder Mattl Brow u, modest,
sensitive plant that ah was, sbrsbk
from tb possibility or Ulng Jilted by
Colonel Marblehead. While be was an
awkward. Ill-dressed boy. ahs bad felt
herself bla equal, and, t com extent
bl patron. Now lb condition were
"But hb shall never have it to say that
be Jilted me," aba thought; "oot If I die
for It." .
A mar, thoroughly wretched maa
thaa Ou. never eutered a wretched
horn than as b returned from bis
fruitless effort t bia affianced. He
avoided meeting any member of lb
family, and when morning earn bia de
termination waa fully mad to go to
" Fsss Brsaca, rasa Pbbsb, r rWrii.
Portland aod embark for Africa. Wby
babad chosen Africa be did not kjwiw
nbr care, but he packed ma troua wnen
daylight aBmeandwa on Jjrvjf
balling tb stags-coach that regularly
passed tbe faruvfcoiire at aa early hour,
before the family was astir, when a qui
etus wss suddenly put opon bis Inten
tlona by a writ from th handa of the
sheriff for assault and battery upon tbe
person pt Thomas Jonee, "whom he bad
Inhumanly attacked while the gentle
man was quietly rsturning from church.
In company of bis wife sod ejisdy friend."
To be eontlnaed.f
Wa have lelt our lovely, mountainous
country, only catching glimpses of it la
th distance, aud ar riding over flat,
desolate fields, with scarcely a tree vis
ible, 'and no fences, showing still the
devaatellon. of the war, for ws are on
historic ground. A solitary chimney
alooe rem si os of what was one a borne,
and nothing but barrenness Is seen.
We are passing Culpsppsr, aud tbe
little cemetery, with rows and rowa of
little wooden boards to mark tb resting-place
of "our dad." Ilea 00 tba hill
side at our right. It looks neatly kept,
abowing their deeds are wot forgotten
For mites and mires we are still look
ing and riding ovsr ground where bat
tle after battle waa fought; 00 wonder
tbe fearful ravages then mad ar atill
so plainly Visible; ao wonder that aa
far as the eye can reach nothing but
desolation and waste are seen. The
IUppabaunock, but a Tittle stream, yet
so noted for the fearful fighting upon Its
banks, we have fust crossed, and still
tbe desolation continues.
.Nothing 1 have ever read 'has given
me so tru an Idea of what th war was
to the South as baa this barren land,
one thickly covered with nobl tree
and gone, "without a trace" left behind
of what was one their resting-place.
W haVs Just passed a field where
M-----1 for three days' was encamped.
and, though it waa-ia March, be aald
tbey had oue of tb moat bitter snow
storms, aod, being totally unprepared
for It, their sufferings were Intense. He
platform looking at the few fortifies
atill remaining around in a
mass, am!, aloe oomiag la, w have
bee riding beside "Bull Run," rather
narrow stream runulpg tbrongb adeep
ravine, covered with pin tree, and, aa
It was nsaring sundown. It made It
seem sad and ' gioomy-esd, indeed,
when you thought of the lives ao fear
fully sacrificed there.
M ' has tsken such Interest In this
afternoon' ride, for It has recalled ao
Vividly to him the sorrows aod suffer-
pleasant remembrances, too, or com
rades gathered around the tamp-fires,
whsn, for a season, the battle was stilled.
We are at Alexandria, and bav seen
ths "soldiers' rest," where fourteeu or
fifteen thousand poor fellows are buried,
mostly . those-who, after days,, weeks,
and perhaps months of suffering, passed
from "death unto life," In the many
hospitals around here.
They are lighting the lamps, warning
me of the departure of daylight, but. not
that nlghtUa preparing wlta-"br dark
mantle" to cover tbe earth, for tbe moon
Is Just making ber appearance, looking
ao large, and by no meana ao beautiful
as wheri I bade her good-night yeater
day e'en, but she, too, adds her warn
ing, so I fold up my Jeiter with a bless
ing to all. .
I'nder th head of "Chang of Work"
we find the following In an exchange.
"Straws shew which way the wind
blows," but not mors surely than these
Ideas set. afloat ber and there, often
when one lessj sxpeefs 'to Ses them,
show the constant drift of enlightened
public opinion to be towerd independ
ent, helpful women:
That waa a wise father who. on hesr-
Ing his little daughter request her
brother to drive a few nails In tbe wouil
house foC her, aald he wouldneaeb ber
how-to dolt herself. Hbe waa apt and
rove all the nelle successfully; her suc
cess so pleased her that aha would hav
aet a double row around the ebed If her
father had not concluded tbst these
would answer for tbe present. "Tbere,
Ihst little lesson helps to mak you in
dependent, my girl," be said. "Now, I
will teach you to catch and harness up a
horse. . You hav already learned to
drive a gentl one. licarn to sharpeo
your kaife and whittle, too Do not
allow tb doors to nreek for wast of an
oiled feather, or the little children's
boots 'ret herd, la tb winter. fof-tb
Want of a little grease." Tske a lesson
from this, girls. You don't know where
you will be cast away some Urn during
your llf. Th moat helpless people I
have ever met sre those who can only
do on kind of work. Lsara to help
yourselves, even if sometimes you treocb
upon "boy's work." ..
Th number of women studying med
11 ue In BiHMla during a fe.w years past
baa bee l; of these, 71 were Jews, It
Polish Protests ota, and th rest all be
lenged to tb Orthodox Greek Church.
They came from all part of th empire,
and with very few exception were be
tween twenty and tweoty-flv years
old. There ar now seventy-eight mar
ried womea pursuing this study.
A erwaty old fallow one Baked," What
la tha reason that grlfflos, dragons, and
devils are ladies' favorite subject for
embroidered deslgnsT'
- MAh, beeaus they ar jrrmtlnnally
thinking of tbelr besbaads," era tb
lady' quick retort. .
- I ti ooa Dead ?
It aeema aa certain aa any mattsr not
admitting-of actual demonstration can
p that the moon Is, to all InUuls and
purposes, dead. Ilsr frame la, Indeed,
still undergoing processes of mslsrial
ohaoge, but these a Hard no mors evi
dence of real planetary life titan th
changee affecting a dead body are signs
or ami nageriug vitality. Again, 11
'seems ear tain that tbe processes through
which tbe moon lisAmssed In ber pro
ress toward planetary death must "be
passed 4 h rough In turu by all the mem
bars of tbe aolar system, and dually by
tb aun himself. JKvery on or in
orb I constantly radiating Ita beat Into
pace. not. Indeed, to be actually tost.
but still In such sort as to reduce all to
Ibe earn dead level of temperature,
whereas vitality depend on shtfereocee
or temperature, fevery- orb in space, tending steadily ouward toward
cos ru leal death. And, so far a
our power of understanding or even of
conceiving tbe universe Is concerned, it
seems aa though this teodsoey of every
Individual body In tbe universe toward
death Involved the tendency toward
death of the universe Itself. It may,
indeed, be said that since the universe
Is of necessity luflulle, whereas we are
finite, we cannot reason lo-thls way
from what we can understand or con
ceive, to conclusions respecting the uni
verse wnicn we cannot even conceive,
far less understand. Still It must be
admitted that, so far aa our reasoning
powers can be relied upon at all, the
inference from what we know appears a
Just ooe, tbat the life of the uul verse
win nave practically departed when tha
largest and tnerelore longest-lived or all
the orbe peopling space has passed on to
the etage of eosnilral death.
no far aa- ws know, tbere is but one
war of ssosDC from this sesmlnslv dem
onstrated, hut lo reality I ucredibfe, con
clusion, Msy It not nw thst as men
have erred In former times In regarding
tbe earth aa tb center of the universe.
aa they bave erred In regarding this
period of time Utrougb which the earth
in all time, ao possibly that they may
have erred In regarding tb universe we
live lo, and can alooe comprehend, a
though It were the only universe? Msy
there not be a higher order of. universe
uch relation aa the either of space bears
to the matter or our uul vers 7 And
may ther not, above that higher order,
be higher aud higher orders nf universe
absolutely, without limit? And In like
manner, may oot tbe either or space, or
which we know only indirectly though
very certainly, be tbe material ub
static of a universe next below ours,
while below that are lower and lower
orders of universe, absolutely without
limit? And a7. the aeemlnclv wasted
etherglee of our universe ar poured Into
toe universe, next below ours,, may it
oot b, well that our Universe receives
the 'Supplies of enersy wasted (in seem
ing) from the universe nsxt In ordsr
above It? So that, ioatead of the abso
lute beginning aod- tbe absolute end
which w bad seemed to reeovnise.
tbere may be In reality but a continual
Intereliauae between tb various orders
of universe constituting tbe true uni
verse, these orders being Infinite In
number, even aa each ooe of them Is In
finite In extent.
V find ourselves lost, no doubt. -la
the contemplation of these multiplied.
infinities: out we are equally lost In the
contemplation of the unquestioned ta
nnines oi space anu.rrrae amidst wnicn
our little li ves are east, while th rays-
is ry or innnite waste, winch aeema so
inscrutabl when we consider ths uni
verse as w know it, finds a possltfle In
terpretation when we admit the exist
ence of other orders nf universe tbao
th ortler-to-which our live belong.
Thus should we find a new argument
for tb teaching of th poet wbo said :
" let k nnwledr im from more to mors, .
Bui snors-trf rsvereses In us dwell;
. That mind and sou I, aennrdme wsll,
May make una music as Scfuni,
B.t vaster;" -
A new significance In th vUion of blm
who said 1 ' 7
Hoe all talnss with earta other ble'sdln',
Karh to all its belnc l"ndln,
All on each In turn d-pentlliif i-C
- Meaveirly mlnlaMrs dvarsudias',
- And asaln Ut hravsn aptemlitis, --
KloailiK, mln(llli(, lniTvlus,
Klslns, sinking and riHrln ,
Kaon from ni'b, while sali Is slvlng
lo earn, and sacli relladiis '
K.arh the palUofaold; the liin
t'uriwnt tbmash the air Is heavlns; '
. Rreatlilns blesslns a- them bendins,
Itnlaure wonls lni,i rhsnee di-fendtiMr.
ueie diniiMU Is lisniiimf nil'.
ICornbJH JiasasXas. .
Thb DirrxiterfE.fome suppose
Ibat every learned man la aa aducated
man. Nuch thing. That man la ed
ucated wbo knows himself, aud takes
accurate common-sense views of men
aod things around him. Som vsry
learned men ars the greatest fools lu
the world; tb reason is, tbey ar not
educated men. Learning I only tb
means, not the end; Its value consists
la giving the msana af acquiring, the
use of which, properly managed, n
lighten tb mind. -
To overdress eehonl-glrle la. In every
respect, reprehensible, Nooe but-tlbe
wealthy eaa wear expensive atllr
without exercising sora ear for lu
preservstlon. T do this takes their
thoughts from, their studies. Interferes
with tbsir enjoyment of j!ay, and In
vol vea anxiety, - 7
Wbea people dwell with emphasis
upon tbe necessity of educating women
to be mothers, and of educating them
for very little else. It sometime, occurs
toostoask wby so- frtttrt aaTsTkbout
educating men to be fathers. Julia
Ward Josre. ' .
' ThTmplf Ypssmbol, la Nobis, Is
ut out af a ootid ruck, aad ia of vast dt
mansions. In It were found four aoloe
eal figure t!ty-flv feet high, twenty
flv feet across tb shoulders, tb face
vn;4t, and the car about a yard.
A, dlstlagulshed Japan traveler la
tbl ouolry write bomt "Tb chief
branch of education of youug men her
I rowing. To people have large boat
bouse called 'colleges,' and th princi
pal of the ar Yal aad Harvard."
Tweed'e daughter, who married Ma
gtanle In 170, and who wedding pres
eau eost f M.OUO, la now living In abso
lute poverty, lb bridal present and
Onery having all goo to lbs pawn-bops.
Maesachusetla, with aa area of lee
than two-fifth af Orant eoanty, Ore
gon, baa 1,644 pabll llbrarlsa, eootala-
log Z,0l0,au voia
Tact About Colorado.
W'e goole th following from ' a letter
from Colorado written bjTLuey Stboe:
'But tbsrs ti another class or settlers
In tbe eoutb of Colorado wbuae customs,
habits aud belongings ars as far re
moved from ths civilization of this age
as though centuries In time and half
lb glob In distance separated them
from Ih press ut. These are the Mexi
cans. They ars mostly farmers. I bey
live together In little vlllsges. Ths
houses are made of dried clay' ealled
"adobe," They ar not more than seven
or eight feel high, lve only one room
wuen nrsi kuiii. nut room arter room is
added aa one daughter after another
marries aud lakes possession of the
added room. There le never a door from
ooe room to another. Tbere are uo
board Boors. Tbe family livee on the
ground. . Ther ar no table or chair.
Tbey Bit on their heels nn sheep skins,
aud eat all from on dish, which i put
in the 'middle of the floor, lliey sleep
ou the ground with blankets, which are
rolled up and Isld'sgslnst ths walls of
the mom during the day, aud are of
fered aa seals to straugers who call.
Tbe women go always with loug shawls
ever tbelr-Jteed. -They never ent ontlt
all the male members or tne family
have eaten. They whitewash the In
side of theirMiouses, spreading It on
lib their hands, or sometimes with
sheepskin. They are all Catholics.
They bave no free srhools. Not one in
ten can -read. They nave no iiiows, but
atlr tbe grnuod with a crooked stick In
stead. When tbey thresh their grsin,
they lay It la a large circle and turn on
to it a flock of goata or horses. I have
seen them us both. Then two or three
men drive the animals round and round
aod round till ths wbeat Is trodden nut.
Then the strsw Is thrown up with a
broom, fork, or stick, and the chart Ja
tbua blown away. After this, the wom
en wash ths wheat , which Is to he for
family use. That which tbey sell goes
Itbout washing.- in the presence of
the threshing machines this method of
K. . I . Ilk. ...
Without educstlon. Intellectusl tastes.
or resources,' they lead a dull life. The
men cart wool and eklns a thousand
mile to markst with oxen.' There Is
one- driver forthe day-and another fo
tne nigut-time: also oxen wuicu waia
by the earta la the day, and draw by
night, alxty miles being made every
twenty-four hours. . lu this primitive
ay they go on, year after year,. and
tbe eight of tb locomotive and the
rapid transit never suggests to an aver
age Mexican that a rsilroad would be
better for blm tban an ox-cart. - In the
towns are well-educated Mexicans, with
good houses, magnificent dresses, and
all the, appliances) that wealth glvea.
But t be great class of Msx leans li ve, in
low-walled adobe houses, built nesr
soms stream of water, destitute of com
fort, convenience, or privacy -They are
Ignorant to th last. dgjrCt but every
Mexican. man has a vote. . .
Tb post offlce official lnthis city do
not regard poet si card with: favor.
Postmaster James expressed the opinion
Ihwolher day thst they were emphatic
ally a nuisance, and one of the subordi
oat officials asserted that poet al cards
eauaed a ialllng oil In th sals of stsmps
of $1,000 a day. Th daily sales of
cards, hs said, would amount to oO.DOO
no an arg7 titt anrae dav ar inaVy
aa 100,000 had been sold. There wss a
gradual. increase In Ih sals of cards,
and tbla had been lh can sines they
were first Introduced. Oilier causes be-
sld lb demand for postal rants had af
fected l lie eale or stsmps, the dully Tail
ing off In which amounted to about
(2.000. The cause were tbe hard limes
aud the sale of si amps by country post-
masters, wnicn iiai recently been ex
posed. Postal-cards In Ibis country
eould not fail to be a loss to tbe govern
ment, beeaus they were csrrled so far
at a trifling oust. In Knglsnd they had
met with mors success on account of the
limited territory over which tbey had
to b distributed. AT. Y, Trilmnr.
An exchange say: Can you prove
that It Is right for a man who has got
possession of a large amount nf wealth
lo buy houses'and let them for reut and
lay idle for the rest of his life! As soon
a hs doee so, he Is compelling others to
or lor him, while he Is consuming;
the products of their labor. Is hs not.
thsn, compelling others to labor for hla
IL m.ral lscaoa. l.a ih.l .rn7...n,
of wealth? And I contend that the
principle le wrong, whether th rent be
high or low. This I partly theeattse nf
xtrem wealth on the one baud, and
extreme poverty on the other. A soon
money is invested with a view to
gala, It becomes Social wealth, aud then
must be pieced under collective control.
eo as all ittay bave the good of It. "The
collective will I th democratic will."
Mrs. General Rherman, we ar told,
hs started a crusade against "round
dancing," and beginning the reform at
horn, doe not allow ber daughters to
participate lu It. She baa assumed aa
aggrosslvs attitude, and says: "Tbe ad
vocate of tbla dam hav bad their
own way long enoughabsorbing all
entertainments sneering upon and rid
iculing Itioa who quietly decline to par
ticipate. Tbey bav tieen ridiculing
and scorning aod allchtln ever mnd.
est and Obedient itrt who failed to oar-)
111 pat
with them for ths
Th dictum of HL Paul to "l-el vnbr
women keep sllentL coming .irom-ai
man who probably deemed himself Kir
urscie, naa i
Ha fore, savs with
tboa women who alienee - la the
greater wisdom. Any young girl of fair
shi 1 1 lie and natural aptitude for a pre
fs slou a aludy. literaturev medicine,
or law, or any branch of sctencs, wltb
ao mora to bar ber progress to success
than boy ars called to snsoontsr. All
thank to" our brsvs pioneers, to h
worn aad mea wbo bav led th way!
-A-c , . -
Aa Illinois clergyman la reported I
haveeald, at tbe laying of th corner
st o of a new meet leg-house.:. "If bey a
aad glrtedo tbelr aparklng In cherchea,
I aay amen to It. I bav a daughter
whom I berleh aa tb appi of my eye.
When ah la of sultsbls sge, I would
ratbr sh should be courted la the
bouse of God than la a theater."
Aa old lady la th northwester aec
tion of the city aay shs would regard a
baby ahow at tb Marylaad Intltut,or
any br iss In BalUmors, aa a orywig
A Journal for tbe Tsople. .
"Ifefotsdlolhs Interestsof Puttianlly.
Isdrpendsnt la Polltlu sndRrl'rlou.
lllve to sll Lies Isaaes, and .Tboroughle
Radical la Opposing snd Exposing the Wrong
ol ths Masses. -
Correspondents writing over anuinrd signs
lores mail make known thrlr names to (I, ' '
Editor, nr no attention will be given tolhelr '
"Ws do not allow our women aud
children to look at th revelations of
crime In tvsrlety theaters, or to reaif
I hem in obscene novels; why, there
fore, sbould we thrust upon their nolle -exsggeraled
-dramatic stories of seduo
lion, murder, and suicide lu the daily ,
papers, simply because they are true?"
There are twoauggestinnslntliealxive
that deserve rebuke. We do not allow
women ts see r.naadcrtaln revelations
of crime. To wbst class do we accord
this p reel mi privilege? To our boys
nd men r Are we sure that they are
less easily soiled than their sisters by
witnessing the unclean thlag? My .
youug sou Is as pure aud virtuous as
my young daughter, with whom hs has
grown , up lu close Vompanioushtp.
Hhall I say lo him, "You msy witness
all Boris of human excesses,'' while 1
shield her carefully from the knowledge
sven of anything that Is evil ?
Each sex hs undoubtedly its limitations,-
simply on account of sex. The
limitations. ertaining lo women are
quite apparent, and pretty generally en
forced. But tlie utmost stupidity pri
vsils la regsrd to the amonnt of liberty
a young man should be permitted nr si-
low himself to take. Koclety takes so
much mors csre of the virtue of women
then of men that I Hunk he for himself
needs to le more csreful than she for
herself. I would give him this sa a rule
to maintain his purity never to partaks
in any way of that which would cause a
blush on his cheek ware his young sis
ter witness. The sexes must rise nr
fall together; 'If the oue Is taught to
servs the lnl, and the other lo wor
ship st the shrine of .Mammon, the prog
ress, of the rare must Indeed be slow, If
It hs not hallo) altogether.
Agalu, are not women to know of "se
duction, murder, aod suicide?" Wom
en need to know of these sad realities of
llf Just as much as men. Koine wom
en; whose lives are exposed, need such
knowledge for self-protection , other
women whose social snrrnuuillngs pro-
tlieiu rrortl'iSbe vruast(.evlla of irfe.
need this same knowledge to stimulate -their
benevolence, and Induce them to
co-operate with those who work for the
tempted, tbe criminal, and the aflllcted.
More light on the. dark places of th
iminwtrrwTer wfifri ririof)k iTr
Wouldn't t Pleatod.
Home time ago there llved In Edin
burgh a well-kuowu grumbler uauted -Handy
BTsek, whoa often recurring tits
of spleen or Indigestion produced soius
amusing scenes of aeuseles Irritability, 1
which were highly relished by all ex
cept the. brute's good, patient, llttls
wife. ; 1n morning Handy rose, bent
on a quarrel. The hadiu .and egg
were f acettetil, donelo s turii, and lis'l
beenprderetl by himself ths previous
eVetilngrand breskfast passed without
th looged-for. compliment. - ' '
' -"What will' you - have for dinner,
Kandyri said Mrs. Blsck.
"A chicken, madam," said ths hus
band. "Boasted or broiled?" .
"t'ouCuuod It, madam, If you had
been a good ami considerate- wife, you
would hays known Jiefors this what I
liked,!,' Handy growleiout, and slam
ming the diHtr behind him, left-the
hoosci - It .was in the spring, and a
frietjd who wai present heard th lltthr -
wife aay:
'Handy' bent on a disturbance to
dayf I shall not please blm; do What I
can." . ,
The linmr-time eam anil Handy -:
and his friend sst down to dinner. Th
fish were eaten In sljense, and on rais
ing the cover of the dish Iw fore him, In - '
a towertng-emwaton he calftdut:
"Itolletl dhlcken f I hkte It, oisdani
A chicken boiled is a chicken spoXd."
- Immedlstely the enter wss rsls
from another chicken, rossted to a turn.
"Madam, -..won't eat roast chicken,"
roared Handy; "you know how It abould
have been rooked !"
At that Instant a broiled clilekeur
with muahmona, waa placed nn the
"Without green pea?" roared the
grumbler. ,
"Her they are, my dear," aald Mrs.
"IIow dars you spend my mouey In
that way?"
"They were a present," said the wife,
Interrupting him.
froinTiotii77TI7rwedTiy a roar Ol
'"'n4'r r:am h1. fr,""U'
hs clluchetl
bis flat and shouted:
"How dare you receive a present with
out my leave?"
" The home of. Tbomaa Jeflerson at
Mnutleello Is falling to decay from lack
of care. It Is surrounded by a grove of
ancient rs, and th view of the Itlue
Kidge peak's, and of the surrounding
country, as seen from the doorway of
the-house, la very flue. The estate was
one owned by Captain Ievy, of the
I'nlted Htate Nsvy, and by his will left
lo tha government, with an endowment
fund for an agricultural school. It waa
claimed for soms reason that the will
waa void. The case got Into the courts,
and a .writ, opartrtton waa granted to
the heirs. The eatsts passed Into the
hands of commissioners, aud la atill un
divided. Ths old grave-yard Is nearby,
and a common stone marks the resting-
place -of lit author of the Declaration ot
eiiepenoeuee; nut 01 me inscription an
that can be Clesrly seeu Is, "llorn April
2, 1713, O. 8.; dle.1 July 4, IKM."
Iisra ll's epl y 1 srnnisrtc
LtAhnir, "You know who the critic
ars the men who have failed lu litera
ture and art," may have been an uncon
scious plagiarism from lAndor's imagi
nary Com vermilion, la tb dislogus be
tween Hautboy and Person, the latter
says, 'Those whohave failed as painter
become pleture-sleaners ( thos wbo
bav failed as writers become review
ers." tpm
Th every-dsy care and duties which
men call drudgery ar lh weight and
ouBlerpolae of lb clock of'ttm, glv- -log
Ita pendulum a true vibration, and
Ita hand a regular motion, and wbea
tbey cease to bang upon th wheels, the
peudulem .no longer swings, the hand
no longer move, and tb clock stands,
all II. LongtUowt ...... - -.'
- .
This I tb way th Chicago Tlmrt put
It: "Admiral Hem me la dead. II wa
a kind besbeud, aa Indulgent permit,
atfd au eetlmabl pirate." : .
Whea I a tired man
Wbti b aeed a-resting,
Ilk m tblef?
v J
'--.X -