The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, October 19, 1877, Image 1

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- AUVKJtTtHEM KMT Inserted oa Raaaonabla
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' The 14 aa Ualrsa sf Ibrsal'). L.
ovMaa. A.J. DUN1WAY.
actsjqb ortMpmTai--JP!!rM,J.B .i-n t,
"amis abb assay !.,""? UArrv
i) . aovs.oKS woMAa'aarasac,"
. "aADOa atossio,w
( KaUrsd, anebrdln to AM of Coasrm, la tba
year IH77, by Mrs. A.J. I Mini war, la Ue oSW ol
tba Ubrarlaa or Cuugrcu aNWashlDKbjn CUJ.J
Mr. Marblebead ordered a back, and
drove away la' tba direction of tba
Treasury Uepartrueut, and, onoe In
Ullad la on of Ibe principal officea,
bald A long private consultation Willi A
coofldeotlai dark, of tba purport of
wblob tba bystanders wera ignorant.
"You may raly upon auy fidelity,
lMM he, a ah departed.
Daya ad1 weeks paseed away, and tba
Major baeama tuora depressed Aod bum
ble. Ha bo longer bald bla head rct
aa before. He seldom Attended ebureb
to Washington; for bla aonorou staging
would bav acared tbe dUietartuiab
worth I pars aI tbe ahrlo of eaablona,
customs and Mtrnmoi who thronged
tbe pAcioua temples, made with bumao
baodaAod wrought with woodroueskil.
Tbe Major believed tbe prevailing fash
ion of worshiping God with mo it cat In-
trumot vu an' AbomluVlfoa to tbe
Ird, quite equal In wlakadueaa to n re
ception or a theater. BealJea, be did
JPotCAr tfliranuant anyplace where be
waa not tbe master of ermool. . He
eeemiogly lost Intereet la life, and re-
lApeed Iota a llstloae apathy, eo uullk
bla former eelf that Mra. Marblebead
waa really pleaeed with blm. To make
bla ber toot, even though he failed to
ne bertiop, wat Alt ah deal red, ao
--far aa be waa eoooeroed. '-
-MamnwbtierThofflaJi Job "r' lub'rif
.Aod mqra openly defiant of publlo opin
ion. Tba atranca woman wbo bad
Thanned hi itrWlXtr Eer'al rsn aubtletieaTb'ome with biirioKTOt-A
coveted Ma entire 1 Doom a, and greedily
And remorselessly appropriated It. Even
"WAahjDgton otty waa aoandallied by
tbe marked Attention of tbe rlslag ere
relnryiuf the buabaod of Mra. Major
Marblebead to a wall-known wanton. .
Thomaa Jooee loet al) Interest Ja hit
"""""busineea. -'! eared nothing' for bla
employer1 eonatitoeota,aod Beamed to
car leea than nothing for tbe welfare of
tble family
I bare become convinced, After yeara
of careful Investigation of tbe pbe
' aomeuA of love, that jt la tiolbing but a
dieeeae; : that, like wbooplng-oough,
Tmunipa7 iuvaalw, aud euarTatloa, it a
aort of Bvecesary evil, attacking human
Ity at interval along the road ot llfp,
with aeltloon a renewel; of the aaniajnaU
Aty la the BAiue form Inaalngle lodu
vldual The dlaeaaea named are all
membera of lb'4 aanie family, not even
excepting tne amaii-pox, wuicn. la a
great-great-grandma me "ofltta'olbera,
while love, woret dlaeaee of the lot, la a
complement of all. I bave it'tt adopted
thla dectalon willingly. Indeed, my ln
clluatlona and taatee are all agalnat It,
and It waaeuly After many yeara of lu-
-depeodeot atudy of ever-recurring e
amplea to tektbe troth of thla theory
that I reached tbe forego! og reluctant
oonclualoa. , -- 7 .
-1 Bometlmea A very young peraoo, not
yet out of hie' teeua, Vecoiuee afflicted
with love, Thla la tbe- "mumpe phaae"
; of tbe malady, Tbe.. patient loaea bla
I aale for victuals, and a violent fever
ragea for a day or two, or for a week, at
TartbeaU But that la all. Tbe agony la
aoon ever. 'A little further on and be
will bav h whooping-cough phaae,
Thla laata a little; longer, and la a little
"more eflectlve, but lie recover. ' The
meaalee,' chkkri-pot ami p.r1tlu
elagee are mare trying to tbe constitu
tion, but they rarely. prove fatal. Tbe
patleot usually marries In the scar
letlnA phase; and then, If he or she be of
a high moral nature, perfectly healthy I
' In Ideality and eoOKolentlouatieaa, they
may escape the contagion of the small
pot phase, and thus steer clear of tbe
Calamity of spiritual dUflguremeut for
life. .
But Thomas Jones, unfortunately' for
himself and family, was especially weak.
In th region of conscientiousness. Had
bis acarletl na stag of love been met
aud cured by Ita counterpart phase of
the same'diaease In the woman he mar
ried, he would possibly bav escaped
further infllctloua of th malady., But,
alas fur him, he waa el u tied against, aa
well aa alnning, and th confluent type
, of small-pox. love became bis consequent L
dually, men la thla atag of th love
malady bave Sufficient regard for the
appearance of a healthy state of aaorals
to refuse to take lb siren with whom'
Ihey are Infatuated Int their own
homes Bui the fce-r reached thebratn
f Thomaa. Jonea, and reason (wbat
- there was of It) forsook Its throne.
- Martha, bla wife, wrote blm fre
quently concerning tbe children. Ooe
of th little girls was III, and called eon
etantly for papa," WoulJu't be root
aad make bera little visit white Con
gress was not In session ?"
K To request waa reasonable enough,
jand Tbomaa reaojved to obey It,- Ac-
JquAllltlng bfe ahaeneletape. saiootb-"
tougued sisorlfd of ble Inteullon, tbe
siren acquiesced, and avowed ber loten
Uoo to accompany him. In blsdllemoiA
he sought coanael of bla mother, who
advlaed him to let ber do eo. -
IKh. Ma .a aa a a n.i r mAtkai' altt.
teVe daughter; and you'll be the envy of
alL-tb instM, lielf libora of C'hebalem
ertthr ywir Armoeratle reTAtTve."
"But Martha, mother; what of her?"
- Vt, a. aaalla- ' ,lliin,K hjatart m I n it
i -
ktr. Tbe laet thing a woman will aver
admit le the Inconstancy of ber husband;
besldea, you muat be A good boy, 'aod be
very' discreet, yon know. Of eoorae" I
have every eoufldenee In you. I do not
believe there la anything of evil la your
thougflfv, my son. , The lady la InteHI-
gent, blilllaut, and cultivated, and her
society will do your wife and children a
world of good. That ahe fasciae your
company la an evidence that you are a
genlua, my bey."
O, Mre. Marblebead, mother of Tboma.
Jooee, bew could you 7. Didn't, you
know belter than to act tbua wickedly
and blindly f Would yon have been aa
unsuspecting bad the conditlooa been
reversed, aod your aeon ad busbanXfa
daughter bad occupied the situation of
your first busbaud'a soa 1
That mothers will thus cover up tbe
transgreesloua of their eon a, even from
their ewa ebeervatloa, while with Ar
gue eyes they spy oat and censure every
act -and suspect e,vtry motive of tbe
daughters of other "Women, le only one
of the many evil con aeque aces of worn
an'e dependent, unot torsi -poeltleo-In
me. .
Mra. Marblebead piaaaaed Inherent
eleinenla of vbaracler that undr tbe
beat cooditiona would bave develoed
her Into -piwlil pUTTau lb roplc,
though elwaya Imperioua and Iaaibliloua
woman. . But, tinder tbe' false surround
ings of A tempestuous spirit, that bad
beeu thwarted and hampered,-In air
honorable dlrectiona, abe had become
the designing and uiincrupuloua koav
tbe'rsadfr kuowa ber to be, and she
eared for-nothlug In which she djd.iiot
posseat A'seTflali'laUrest.
"Wife, did you know that Thomas
Intended to take that vixeniab widow
Major, after lbetwala bad embarked
for Panama. ' -
"Yea, husband. I thought It weald
he a capital Idea for Martha aud tbe
ebljdjoui to have a companion for a few
months wbo would be able to poliah up
their tuaouere-.?. , ',-. , ... ,S
The Major groaned, ...
"Have you another spasm of piety,
my lord?"- .
Perhaps! the woman would not have
swayed ao ruthleae a scepter over ber
busbaud'a bead if be bad not felt him
self to be a hypocrite. At all events, be
yflered do furl ber open reslitsuse, bat
be did wbat proved, under all the eir-
cumatanoea, to be a very unwlad thing.
He wmte bis daughter, giving bla own,
savage opinion of Thomaa, aud mor4'tq wilt bey lf th people will It. If
than hinting that tbe fellow'S relatione
with tba eireu were of a questionable
character. . '
It la one anomaly f wou-nu'a. Jialure
ITtalalie can n ver be Innieet with tieN'
self and the world about ber doiosstie
troubles -until sb baa tested tba very
dreg of persecution over and over again.
I bave sometlmee bad A woman come
to me under th triple cures of destitu
tion, Jealousy, and discord, bearing in
ber face and on ber body tba markaof
conjugal violence, and relating a story
of conjugal cruelty that made my nerve
thrill aod flesh creep, while my heart
would fairly overflow with unfeigned
aorrow aol sympathy ; and I would
listen to ber tale of woe, and plan aome
way to relieve ber suffering, aud that.
too, when my head and bands and heart
were overburdened with my own busi
ness; and after I bad arranged for her
subsistence and fed her tip for a few
days, till she bad forgotten what It waa
to b hungry, I have caught her surrep-
lHliunly aoueeylBg the eubalaiiea I BJ
gathered for ber to her worthless lord,
to enable blm to eat the bread of Idle
ness, even while b waa defaming ber
aod denouncing me, aoeuaing ua both of
every crime In tbe social catalogue..
Again, a woman baa come to m with
berveye blacked from, a drunken bus
baud'a vlolne, and, expressing a ha
tred and fear of her maater that bordered
on rreuty, ao enlisted my sympathy that
I bav recommended her to a plao of
refuge, toly to And her, after a few
days, returned to tbe "vomit" again, con
trol to wallow for another season In' the
mire of -domestic discord. And then,
through some thoughtleaaor goesippiog
neighbor, I bav learned that every ex
pression of disapprobation I bad been
ted by be( story to us concerning ber
husband bad been retailed to him aa tbe
wicked Imagining of my own u Debar-
jiablenese. . ,
"Then," I bear you ask, good reader,
"why do you think It, worth wbll to
xpend sympathy or k Indues upon
women t"
Because, I answer, there I hope for
ttSetu, eveu yl, Weuiaa'a bsart baa ao
long been cultivated at th expense of
bar bead that th wisest of ua ar abso
lute nlnniee wbsn 4a lov. S bav
been trained from early childhood, as
well through the Inheritance of x am
ple from our own subjugated mother aa
from the love-sick sentimentality gath
ered from men's novels, that woman'a
lot la one of continued aacrlfloa. With
tnan x,cL ut Jo -notlorvJalae as,
works well enough, for our bu.bauds,
we fondly believe, ar belter than aver
age, and we ar not oi palled to ndur
aora than outraged Datura can bear.
i . I01XaUA.lVI.
Our belief and example are' eonta
gloua. . Men praise It and women fiiater
It. - But let eume woman'a liasband
prove aa bad aa ties law will let hi m be,
and tbatjeotnan wljljret cling to ber
Ideas of seif-sacrinve. Her determlna-
I lion to rebel Is only a spasui now jaod
then, and wo be to the friend that will
dare to protect her till ahe has suffered
over and over again th pangs of hunger
or tbe stripes or bodily punishment.
Martha Jouee nte Marblebead had got
her new1 bouse "completed oq ber own
domain. ; It was a model farm-bouse,
rambling, roomy, aud conveuient. Tbe
kllqheri ws in eaay reach of the dining-room,
wood-room, cellar, paotry,
and family bed-room. There were clue-
eta aud antriea bur and ttsre. and
cuddies every wberev The site chosen
was a gentle eminence, overlooking the
DiaoU and wlllow-frlnsed Cbehalem on
(thai rtna, ta,M avlf I, ilia' frt tla aallaw
that It'jliralued soalllug iaA letorltms
loveliness, from which occasional white
farm-bouses peeped In. eren com
posure, while on tbe other baud bold
mountains, capped 'In the dlstaoce-by
perpetual anow peaks, lent a charm of
magnifloeoce to tbe view that should be
seen to be appreciated. .
A letter from Major Mai blebead was
sqiuelhlug Martha rarely looked for now.
It bad been long since sh bad bad a re
mittance from either ber husband or
fat ber, and the letters T)f th fonc bts
were as aurt and unaatlafactory aa those
of th latter were Infrequent. But
everything was In order now, and she
felt a trlgmpt. In t..- mt iltat only -
ueeiled lb oommendallou ot the absent
member of the family to reuder, It
iOw Marblebead bad been to town,
and waa coming home, bearing a hoped-
for letter. Ous baa vastly Improved in
persou and Addrees since you last beheld
blm, reader. He has grown aa faalidl-
ae the-most cunflrmeituld hachgluTT
and-bla dreaa Is as faultless as his
bearing la 'courteous and dignified.
He's growing handsome, too, this are-
open air baa broadened bla aheuiders,
atrengthened bla muscles, and developed
J hie physique in every( way, while study
and disappointment bave rennet Ms
oounteuanee and Imparled aglow of lu
teusc reJleetlon of thought to ble fees'
that you would have never dreamed Waa
n blm when you aaw him
.Ha dismounted from tbe horse which
be bid been riding; at a gallop through
th lane, and throwing the reina t a
younger brother, entered bh-a1stert
presence w,lth a glow of triumph oa bla
happy feature. - Lii
I've 'nominated for the liegle-
latur, His, and I'm to tak th stump
In th spring," he aald, exultantly.-
"I)oyou think you'U h elected. Ous?"
not, I'll bid my i time. - I'll get Aa or
thodox opportunity to air a little of my
long-pent hrstry before election, any
how, and there worth a giod deal to a
man of my genlue. But atay! 1'vara
letter for you from the rJor. Hoitie-
thlng'a In th windI reckon, for that!
very euperecrlptlon la aa avage as a
meat axe." - -.- - "
Martba eagerly grasped the missive
and devoured Ite content, bh trem
bled a llttl as sb read of the suspicions
entertained by ber father against ber
basband, whom, aa tbe reader knows,
she detested. But, woman like, she waa
determined that nobody els should
bat- himr tboueh shs did.. Without
banding th letter ovsr to Uua, aa h
had expected, she crumpletl It lu ler
pocket and said :
"Thomaa Is coming home by the next
steamer, and will bring hi cousin, an
accomplished and brilliant lady, who
111 teach the children muale and
painting, and be of Incalculable, benefit
to me. Now that we're looking up1u
the world, I'll need soma advantages
myself, and I'm only too glad to bav
tbem for my oblldre. And then this
horde ef'younger Marblebeade will not
grow uptt Ignorance on oor banit. I'm
glad Indeed that they're to bavea tutor.'
Ou did not ask any questloua.- Mar
tha was glad h did not. t?h preferred
to tell ber own alory In her owa way.
But ab aaw through all clearly. Her
husband had resolved to humiliate berx
II wa going to show her that be conld
b lb Idolised friend of a lady whoa
accomplishments th rustle wife bad
never dreamed of. He would expect
ber to biJealous, aud be would defy ber.
8b would checkmate all that as only a
woman can. fib would be blind to
everything. It le well known that
there) ar none ao blind aa thoe wbo
will not see; and Mra. Joue -resoivaVl
that aee ah would not. (
- Tb beet spare chamber In the house
was set apart for tbe new arrival. True,
th furnltur was not of th grandest.
Tb available fund of, tb conosrn bad
bee n jlwpr bed I u au batantlal Improve
men la, aod there was lj b little further
Ineom from th farm till afUr tb next
barveet. . '- : ,
But Martha waa a geulua In ber way.
Sb waa as deft with Jack-plane, band
aaw, and ha man a aa most men, aud tb
foundations of bedstead, chairs, lounge,
aod sbsstof drawers weresooa prepared.
Wall paper and eblal did lbs rest. Tba
rough bedstead, when curtained with
tba pretty cblutx, Aod bung la Wp fes
toons, edged with ball fringe, was really
A marvel of beauty. Chairs made of
barrela aawed In halves, In such a way
aa te form both back and body, war
Faca ran. rl raaaa, Yuuu 1'boi-lb.
OltKOON, F1UDA,Y, OOTOUljll ll, 1H77.
bottomed with burlaps and cushioned to
match the bed. A lounge, aa rough In
form as the bedstead, was as deftly cov
ered, aud even the carpet Was of lb
CliJjltl. Wlllrh, y'l --it-t.-il, ...! an
effect both pleasing and durable. One
unaccustomed t the '"ejake shifts" of
the border ran have little idea of the In
genulty that uecesalty-fcoficelvea, when
backed by an Ideal taste.
Even Thomas . Joues. late, from tbe
glitter and glare of th Capital, could
not but be charmed with tbe country
borne that awaited blm. Small differ
ence waa It to blm that to'all that here
met bis 'eye, and whjch, without A com
pu net Ion of conscience, be could appro
priate aa beet suited blnv be waa not
morally eutitled, for be had not given a
thought U Its production or lualu-
tenauoe. - '.. T ..
He Introduced bla "cousin" in the
moat' natural rway In tbe world. . Hhe
accompanied -hie family to church,' and
to all the little diveraiona th place af
forded. 8b was" an excellent Judge of
human nature, and knew bow to make
herself thoroughly agreeable. Bb was
useful, too, In a hundred weys, add ahe
had not bean an Inmate of tbe liouse a
month before tbe entire family pro
nounced ber A general favorite.
True, the neighbers'sbrugged their
shoulder, looked wise, and goes I pad,
after tba manner of neighbor th world
But to all tba lualnuatlvoa of busy
tonguea Mra. Marblebead-turned an In
dltlareut ear. Nona ware so foremoet as-l
herself In paying hnmajra Ui U.a h.aull.
ful stranger. 8he not only gave ber tbe
prettiest -room la the bouse, but she
placed the best of everything at her dis
posal continually. v
Everybody pitied Mrs. Jones, and
mentally -Voted be a 4atpleton. - But
the wife waa not aa blind as1 itis ap
peared. I-ong tiefore there waa tbe leaat
suspl)un on the port of Jowee thatshe
even guessed tbe truth of bis alienation,
sb Intuitively knew It all. Yet abe4
was too angry with ber father lorjiav
tog glvee heawarnliig to even answer
bla kindly-Intended letter.
. "I will show blm how to meddle In
my attains," she said, and ber manner
of "showing" was to Ignor him alto
gether. : - . : -
JBtrang to say, she began to real lie a
deep affection for ber hushaad aaauou
al abe bad cause for Jeal
ousy.-If abe could bave-eontlnued In
the belief that no' other woman would
ever amila upon him, ahe could bave
hated blm to tfi endrf life's chapter.
uut a 1 nomas Jones Increased In ras
cality, beaeemed lo her to Improve In
Intellect and appearance, and sbs grew
passionately devoted to blm;
It wss "my husband" here, aod "my
husband" there, till other- women.
Whose consorts had no show for getting
to Washington, dubbed blm "My Hus
band" for a nick uame. . 1
lliere waa a marked eontraat between
the two women. Mr. Jouea would have
been beautiful If - ahe bad never beeu
overworked, aud bad been properly cul
tured and cared for. - But there was as
much diflvrence between ber appearance
and that of the atyllah -"eousln.-lnj
whom everybody thought ber foollahly
blluded, ae you will ever 'see,, good
reader, between ttie well-kept racer of
the turf and the scraggy freighter of tbe
Rocky Mountains. Tbe simile may not
strike you aa an elegant one, but I do
assure you It Is most appropriate.
They bad been to church otteHunday,
the elegaut racer. hangiog toue"wlng"
of the ofHoe-liolder and th freighter
clinging limply to the other, the ob
served of all observer and, (be butt of
everybody's winks aud nods and Inuu
endoes, while they vainly Imagined
thenielves -the envied of all the en vt
OWs, when rood Mri, Itrnasnlhi nilaU.
tef'e wife, resolved that sh Would do
ber duty at whatever cost, aud Inform
Mrs, Jonsanf the real stats of aflairs as
they appeared to ber neighbors.
;. Her daughter, th bright-eyed Idol of
tbedteeonaoltu nomTne for th legis
lature, accompanied her In th rickety
carryall In th afternoon, and they mtde
a call uon Mrs. Jones, which, I urn
h,Pry to say, reeutted la goad lo on
way, for while Mrs. Jons waa Indig
nantly Insulting th good woman who
waa seeking te do her a Christian' kind
ness by polntlog out the skeleton In her
household, which ahe waa determined
that ah would mak believe sh could
not see, Martha Brown, Wh waa enjoy
ing a vacation, Waa riding out with Ous
Marblebead, who had, long er they re
turned, kissed and compromleed with
her after th. manner of lovers, and In
dulged for a u -hour after la that blissful
silence that cornea of perfect happiness.
'"Our estrangement baa been for the
beet, darling," whispered lb rosy girl;
and even wbll th sweet word trem
bled on her tongue, her enraptured lover
cheeked-ber farther attelBfic' wifS'a
kiss which I didn't mean . to ae or
chronicle, but, having Inadvertently
done both, I beg their pardon aod com
mend myself to the reader's gratitude,
which I fjrel that I deadrv.
Ao boar aflr, and' Mrs. Brwn and
ber daughter wer riding homeward in
th moonlight, tb former In a strung
bewilderment of doubt aod perplexity,
and lb latur aa happy as th day.
-I never will, in lt my life, tusk an
other mistake like1 tbe one I've made to
day," aald Mra. Brown. "I'll never la
trfr again to aave any waman'a hus
band, from th rula that star him In
the far. When a married eoupl make
their bed. It's air the same to me,
whether II he down or nettle. In thf fu
ture." .-.
J lint MaerhattWieyit rtj.l . .-- Jlir
heart was beating a wild tattoo of bap-
plneea, and wbat careil she for- lb tur
moils' of, th married? .
' To bs continued. 1
Tn Kurroaov vaa Ms Nobtuwemti
Within a very abort time tb several
division of Professor Hayden'S poog
ioal Hurveyof the Territories will return
to lha headquarters of the organisation
at Washington, I). C.,.ladened wlth the
,ricn results or anomer auoceaaiui rape
diflon to the far West. The acliieve
menta of thla aurvey are Jncreaslng in
Importance' each year, and th develop-
nienta made by It wltbln the last ten
years' bave not teen equaled by any
similar organisation, either la this
eountry or Europe, and certainly no
body of tueu baV received higher eu-
eomlum foremlout sclentifle service
than .this, and w ar confident that tbe
people of this country, as well as those
of Europe, will bav a higher apprecia
tion of the work of the eurvey aa It pro
ceed and progressee In tta valuable
work, revealing to the people of the
world tba vat,uutoId resource of tb
American continent. ..The aurvey -baa
been making aa examination of tb
eouujry north of tb fortieth parallel,
and the width of the area rracbee from
"swllng a Hprlllgete Ogdeuf aud ffuuf
tb fortieth parallel to lb Yellowstous
Park. Mr. (J. It. Bechler, lo charg of
ou division, ecoupied tbe eountry along
Kuake River and near thevPark: Mr.
Becbler will complete about 8,000 square
mils.-Mr. Hetiryv Oaraett, la charge
of another divlsloa, occupied th coun
try about the sduree of Oreeu River,
ve abeut lO.OtW-aqnar miles,
Mr. A, D. Wllaon, In charg of tb trl
angular party, traveled across and over
tbe sutlr. wuoUy xmiudrr,,ri,mt,,trDI K rprela(d by
kllltereot divisions, ahU constructed a
net-work of prtibary trianglee, occupy
ing and locating all the prominent
mountains wltbln th territory sur
veyed.. The. expedition thla year will
be able to reveal aome moat Important
information, aa tba country examined
proved la 1 riob in mine and resources
for farming, the cllmat exoellent, aud
the whole region quite acceeslbl. lArge
eollecttona of fossils of various' k tnda, aa
ell aa minerals, wer maul, and- nu
merous botanntcaf and natural history
species wsre also collected. ' Th office
1 work wilt soon ooramencer Tti prep
aration of tb reporla for CVngresa will
be preesed' forward, and the final re-
aulte reduce! to form all. la time to pre
pare for the exploration of other un
known fields next year. The real valu
of Professor. Hayden's . labors are vir
tually. unknown to- the people, simply
because hU repoels are not pnrtn geuv-
era I cln-ulatlon. lefy schifcd tlhrary
should have one, and we would urge Ita
BUperinteiihHt to address a letter la
Congressman, akiug that a eop-rT th
Hayden eurVey be mrtit tuu-hfTn lor pnb-
lle-tise,-' It la a reitorttliat every intel
ligent, thlnkjitglioy will read, and with
profit, forTt will teach blm must val
uable leeeone of our own country's
greatness. : It Is a strange feature that
our libraries, Inleuded for tbe beueflt of
the Americau youth, should have so
much of Europe aud so little-of America
In Iheiu.. " . ----- r
I .The city Is f ist filling up with mem
bers of Congress aud their families. Tbe
names of quite a tMinvber appear on the
register! our hotels, and., many others
have taken quarters in their' own aud
In varlous'lM.srdlng-housea; Th chair-
manor Ilia entwining on
f Ilia ewmwillte 011 mllHarr "IF
fairs, General Banning, wltbhls wife
aud family, are at the Illgga House.
His presence here at Ibis early date Is
required, In consequence of th prepara
tion of th army bill which bit com
mittee must consider prior t tb 00 u veil
ing of Congress, In Octolier. At the e
tra session baa been called principally
with reference lo providing for tbe army
and navy, many Importaut matters are
to be considered by the "committee In
charge of tbe military ao l naval aflairs.
It la the ' Intention of the chairman
thereof to thoroughly mature and pro
per their appropriation hill before
Congress convenes, and It la reported
that they wilt endeajtPr to pal tbem la
such shape as will cut off all debate,
and Insure immediate action In Cou
greet. We very much doubt the power
of General Banning, ar any other com
mitteeman, to accomplish thla," tiiaa-'
much aa every member, particularly
thoe wbo bav never been here before,
hav their trunk loaded down with
speech wbtcb.lbey expect to deliver
opoa the matter of army and. navy,
ud7TTke wlud-mllU under a' good bead
of wind, when one started. Congress
will not eease It debal upop thea
matter till compelled by th beated
weather of next cummer aud approach
ing electiooe. Between bair-spllttlng
on certain Constitutional point, attack
aod defense of tba President' policy,
and lb adjustment of thi difference
between ruwrai are and rireent asm,
wblob ar Involved la tb gold and sli
ver Issue, ye may expect a long And
laborloue session of " Congreaa, va
though not A mil of real natlooal good
I aeoompllabed. '
A greaUr portion of tb Ban a tort and
member of Congress have taken houaee
for the session; end t,h winter promisee
lo be more Interesting III uiatters of re-,
cenlloua titan any one sioee ib war. It
-would see naTTl flloult to excel those of
last wlufeer; k waa (iranfa last winter
In tbe Vh(J. House, and he and bis
Cablaet made It, one of much greater
display than any preeediug. But the
people wer aa much engroeaed lu President-making,
aud 'thereby unsettled
generally, that, lb earn Interest waa
not taken in gelthre as we now have tbe
promlarof.W expect one eoutlnued
round jnf thaoj during the wbol wlutvr,
until Lent come with Its dJltgTItful
reat-and rellca. Secretary Evarts baa
re u led the magulftoeut residence of Mr.
Hutcblnaou, President of the Alaska
Heal Eur Company. The other Hecre
taries have lakeu large houses, with the
exoeptloa of Secretary Hberuiau, wbo
Still lives In his own, Bin! all, .
Informed by. Mother (jruudy, are pre
paring for a busy axtd brilllaut season
We have been plrtlc'ijlarly pleased by
the visit of tbe gifted American artist.
Miss E. J. Carduvr, wbo has been psss-
lug several tlaya at Wiilard'a Hotel here
aa the gueat of ber friend and colleague
. ., . V.
In art, Mrs. Morrell. These two ladies
occupied th reception-room of the first
floor, aud placed upou Ita wall several
of. their best pictures, and, aa a conse-
queuce, , their roomajverejhronged wJth
viaitura uunog lu aiay 01 Miae llard-
ner. " The eucceee of Miae liardner In
ber artlstlccareer abould be ,H,rtlcul.rly
gl-tlfylug to her A inwrlran friends. X..
French artist baa met with equal auo
esse, for sh ha nvr bad a picture
1 . ii,L. wit,. 1 1,., , .. ,
jey, u, o an.,
.umsm 01 uer piciurea uav ueu
placed In tba highest rank. Out of the
accepted paiutlnga, th critic select a
fewrfor certain choice positions, and
Mis Uardoer has Always been on of
the favored. Kut mure tha two ,
seven plolurea ulTered to tbe exhibitinu
are accepted, bene th peoullarrncriu
Americana.. 8h I email, rattier dell-
Oat In appearance, ha a pale, clear
omplexloo, aud fine featurea, with
abort black hair, which curia close to
head. In this respect she favors VlnnTe
Ream, but In otheea reminds one more
of Anna Dlcklnsou when shyjl rat c
"T"trd ; UhiU her publlo career. Mlsi
Gardner remained here but a few daya,
and I now on her return to Paris. Hhe
bae been there a numberTof yearaj'aiid
we presume will make It her home, as
uer great laienua laruiglier appreciated
there than here. Sbe-tra-aold three of
herpatntlugeu XwXot. eeverat
., . ,,, - ... -
thousand dollar each, aud yet w regret,
to acknowledge, .wer It not.ior.her
Parle reputation, her ' works would he
"but a woman's and would he worth,
say, forty doljara each, with the frjHfie
thrown In. . -Kfiux.
Washington, li. C.SepC 21. 1H77.
Place in Camp. .
- I
puling objection, falling as 'oft en
from the llpsof I.eardls strlpHnitsaiMl
meu Whoa physical conditions will
I aIlowlbireullatmut aa auUtora-iiei
from thos who are ready aud capable the lluest blue eyee I ever beheld. Ke
of shouldering' the musket In time of cesilly. compelled her to labor In soms
war, that If women vote they must also
fight, bas beeu so ofteU awtaered that It
would ludeed aeeiu A waste of time lo
again notice It, "But we hope by "repe
tition hammered on tbe ear" to eventu-airy-put
at least a partial quietus upon
this threadbare argument. With this
end In vlw we quote ruin an xi,hauK
th follow ing, asking ' this -class of
carpers to consider aud answer truly
who does the more laudable service for
tb army, be who Inflicts the ghastly
wounds, or aha who tenderly bluds tbem
op and restores the stricken soldier in
Tbe history of the Sanitary Commis
sion during the late war proves wbat
woman can do In adding tn t efll
clsncy of ear army. Th Uusslau wom
en oi the higher e lasses are now minis
tering with hemie devotion In the hos
pitals of the army -of the Ctar. But,
aufortanately for the Turks, the place
they give wnniao In their social ay alem
iaaucU that they ar deprived bf this
kind of service. We ae here another
Illustration of the bad effects which fol
low from the separation of the sexes.
If the Turks relied on their own women
In I his hour of need, they would be to a
aai pilglil. f ortunately for them, the
cry of mercy haa been heard by noble
r.ngnan women, aul,-witii a herotem
equal In lliatof i'lorenc Nlghliogale,
eoeia of tbem are uow blessing the
Turkish ramps by their personal labors:
Mrs. English lady ut wealth
and pool lioa, is now at Adriaaople, ex
hibiting a neitva and eourar ual to
that of the anhlier on the battle-tleld.
From thoee scenes of suffering and woe,
where women ar outraged and children
killed and Wounded, titer 00 Has tb
Dash of blgb aoul heroism on tbe pert of
this woman. At bsrown expeuee, aside
from tb rations received from the
Terkiah government, ah bas housed I
and eared for asarle a linailuil f.niiiia.
at a lime. Who will aay that woman I
bas not a plao lo th canipT I
Kn -m - 1. 1.:. ..... .1
a.vata hh f ii.i ,'i M -IIS) WVIHIU
question do a nicety. It aays a woman
may glv Intellect, genlua, and virtue to
a profession, and fail to find- patronage;
out 11 tne Bam a woman wer to put en
tight aud alug a on ml song, th- elit
aene of our great Republl would All
th bout aod applaud until they were
boara. - ,
It I Ball mated that titer ar 1400 til
orders lo which lb bumaa frame la Its- I
bla. When a mao le laid up with lb)
rbsemallsm, b 1 apt to think tbat tb I
our number a a trux niea la eoa
art. .
A Jutvnatmr vto FaJe. , - -
ItawtaatnibatDaBrtaUof llaaiaahr.
I HaJiiloliml (a pvHMea aad lUlarloa.
llr 1.1 a I. lv tuoa, and jniu'uuabl v
ItaJical Ik 0vliitavu4 tCtaana (l Wruucji -
(m-iAiili m arrlMns over asauBied si
Uurr. uiu.l tusks knows lUelr aantes Iw
Klli4,r, or mi alteutlou will be gtvra U U lr
I aMoii. ' ' . '
MisJirected Eloquence.
1 ift-iiot siTauge tliat Mr. Evarts dies
i.ol make uioney ott of bis 'farjfl.Mnf,,.,
l.rely auii . w. HfectieT-mitext-
because lliey were not con leu I to let
their workmen run the farm, but aaust
ueeds put their own ahewrd Ideas lu,
practice.. Mr. kart failed nevause hie
uia'tiager la unatle--1o underataud blm. .
and (via ooufused Just aa bimiu as Mr."
lva'ria 'wakea hla appearauoe aud b
Kiu to talk. I.el year, for lusUuoe,
Mr. Evata said to hla mauager, tbe
veryflrat morulng of the lumuifr va
cation: ' ....... . '
"Patsey, It beooiues necessary, , In j
view of the "aUperabundance of forelgu
and dvleterioua'eleipeuLS. among those)
KK-eu aud waving uprights, lo'place tha
charger in front of Hi utensil with the
braueUlng aud nuiueroua supporters,
ami have the latter agitate tbe aurfaoe -of
the naturally prodticti ve aoil."
INitsey said, "fur?"
"The astonishing density of various .
species of the huiuau head," routiuued
Mr Evaits allera.jitart of vsxalUu,
aucceeilvd iy a iK-nod of profound
thought, "la something, I am fre to
coulees, much beyond my ootuprebea-
siou. 1 have combated Lucy Htoue
singly aud alous fur three aucoeaalv .
hour;. I have even communed with th
stolid and peculiarly nanny Idloev of
,,lll-ou " ens, uui 1 uever saw the like
V!". '? "!ilh" Kt,?J?,t?.!m,,w'
Beecber trial. By the gboat of William
iii .iia mu'a a horss !"
Is it
hors you waul, aur?" aald.
Patsey, a
happy light dawning upon
IsuoU WKs,' pueawed M rt Kvarts.heed--
J leas or tne interruption, "Is a something
w-nicu w in, pernas, ue reveaietl at some
? ,Z?"".J"
tuu-iTCeture. 1 abTiuTd li ke lo comoara
blm with the lower species, If, happily,
orang outang here."
1 wish 1 had au
..w ilmv,u i u. ou lho ferrBOI, ,ur
aald I'atsey, with aini liasl. 'i hey
they waa aold by mistake, sur, laat wlu-
ter, along wld the petatya."
' ., harDanan ratJ-JI. Kvarta,
with lowering si-orn. evldeutly urovoki -
beyond eudurauce. "('pon my soul,
uU-.UIILaill)nJa..kULii Ualite-arffaroi
work as the llou. lieu. Butler bas of
politics" ,
"1 think," said Patsey, after wasting.
another half hour In profound thought,
"1 tblnk Must her Kvarta wauta me to
harness the oxio tu-tu carriag, aud
put the col la to the hxy wagon."
And all In th world Mr. Evarta
wanted, waa that Patsey should cultl vat
tb euro. - :
- Kknkwimo thic ('iKBk. Dr. Benja-'
tutu Hush, In liis lecture on ''lutein per- '
sure," say that most drlnWrs deprav :
thvtr tastes tji-4obacco before, falling '
Into the constant us or InloiloaUu
ilrlnka. In havine then -mhiamiT
to l'hllailf Iplila, an old gentleman fi
Ueaillntt lou in tbat wbeu aynuug
T Vti10
Hiat city had become jurpoor from the
culture ot tnbaccjvtttal nothing would
griw iimii lt.-elfoepi, pertraim, mullein
stalksAuircioueJoiU-UMUl It had been
f,,b fAmlAlo.,
M.iAin tt "wl plowed In. and the laud
reidalmeil and reiidrl fertile as It la at
P'- '' new me Agn-
Hitsrsi mwwj ueraa euuniy uas
"rvil A lunuauml ffrTf'nr p'ttnti'tri
U lest acre of tobumio tliat shall he
rsisHl In Ilia nounl. Tnanihiis whlRh
border on Maryland were mad desolate
lHy Uhoctrillure. Many yeara ago I
kw a bi.mioing girl from the couutrv,
Ji- t,iu,i,.rf .h. i,.fi
Ilidusirlal line, and ah found a place la
a cigar factory. Oua year from that
time herakiu underwent a chAng, be
came lawny, aud her face grew tbln,
and her very eyes assumed a tnoaeooteb
hue. Fortunately for hert how versb
found relief from her tnjurious occupav
llou. and soon wtarred a farmer. Mhe
did not long enjoy the change, for th
tobaco.i piisoo iisd become rooted In
ber system, and brought forth It ils-
strurlivs fruit in tb course of a few
years, reth-rlng her Insane, And ah
was for Bonis tim oounped 1a aa
asylum. ' .. .
In summer time, we would drew ehil
4een lightll and lnwault; But wneTieVeT"
It beeoioee ooil, th legs should bav
warmer covering .than the body, and
the back should be dressed more warmly
than th front. People take cold a
tliouseud time by having thin, light
covering on th bask, wlill the slothing
in frout Is tisavily wadded, aud of wauy
thlckuessea. Men Wear woolen veata
with a thla muslin beak; they wear
plaited, double shirt 'routs, with on -ihickuees
on the back; the dresa-Coat la
wadded atid buckrammel in front and
tapped aud buttoned, but the back la
the elngle thickness of tb cloth; the
over-coal Is heavily made In front, aud ,
sometimes that may lie wadded across
,n uses, wn i is mi m sij inn pes.
P'a ar dresse.1 four times mer warmly
In front than they are In the back.
Those who bave auy trouble with their
Innge should remember tbat they take
cold through the spinal region more
readily than through the front of tb
Cheek ' ' - -
' That one may succeed. In llteratur
without th study of what, is cHed
English grammar I shown by tils fast
that scarcely auy of tb great writer
laud speakers of English, before tb
present century at leaat, were at all In.
etructed In that much-vaunted "braach"
" education.
Sunday concerts being prohibited In
Ixudnn, tb mauagera of a series lately -
registereu isrsisninn a nniinuasm,
11 1.. ..I., la ..-.1. ik. I..
A Michigan father writes lo th fac
ulty of Yale: Wbal ar yoor term for
a yearf And do It ot anything extra (
If my eon want to learn to read A"d -write,
aa well a to row a boat T"
Where one womsn -an tb borltnn
for ahcu tif tb dawn of a brighter era, . sooutlug among their oinh-
bor trying to Ixirrow sslrraUa. Horn
(If, Y.j Sentinel.
(, ',
A maa nvr know bow many
friend b baa until he embarks la th
SAloon bualota and aeU up a fre lunch.
.1 .
'' , )