FRIDAY MAY 25, 1877. HOME NEWS. Memorial Day next Wednesday. The "Elder" brought up about 400 passengers, mostly immigrants. Cherries and strawberries in limited quantities appear iu the markets. Madame De Mursk&j is singing at Vic toria. She will not return to this city. The well which is being dug at St. Mary's Cemetery will soon be com pleted. Postal Agent Steele left this city for Eastern Oregon on olllcial business on Tuesday. S. H. Reed has been appointed pound master by Chief Lappeti, vice Charles Lawreuce. Colonel Smallwood will deliver the memorial address at Lone Fir Cemetery on Decoration Day. "The bridge question has received at least a temporary quietus by the decis ion of Judge Woodward. The "Mattie Macleay" arrived from Honolulu on Tuesday, bringing a full cargo of Island sugars, rice, etc. Examinations in the public schools will commence on the Gth of June. There are fifty-nine applicants for the high scliool. The Howe Sewing Machine Company have removed their office to their large store-room in Beck's building, on Sec ond street. Remember the Howe is Ihe pioneer of all. The East Portland picnic excursion to the Cascades was, notwithstanding the rain, largely attended and proved very enjoyable. Our short but brilliant operatic season closed on Saturday evening. The troupe has gone to Walla Walla, where they will play for a short season. Call at Shanahan'6 new picture gal lery on Morrison street, netween Sec ond and Third. His stock of pictures and frames is elegant and cheap. Mr. C. H. James has taken out a writ of attachment against the Pacific Chris tian Advocate for the sum of $300, the amount due him from that journal. The excursion to the Cascades on Sat urday netted $350 to the Ladies' Aid Society of East Portland M. E. Church, under whose auspices the excursion was planned. The Alleghanians, a well and favor ably known combination of vocalists and Swiss Bell-Ringers, are announced to appear at Masonic Hall, on Monday evening, the 2Sth Inst. It Is said that Mrs. F. F. Victor in tends reviewiug her work "All over Oregon and Washington" during the coming summer. She will shortly visit Eastern Oregon in the interest of the work. Seasonable and copious rains have fallen throughout the State during the past week. Luxuriant grain fields that promise an abundant harvest make glad the heart of the husbandman in every locality. Any dairyman, farmer, or farmer's wife who desires to purchuse a "Granger Churn" will do well to call at this office or communicate with us by letter. Fresh butter at ruling prices will be taken In payment. On Saturday, the 2Gth iust., the Taylor-street and North Portland M. E. Sunday Schools will join in an excur sion to Vancouver aud the Cascades. The annual picnic of St. Andrew's So ciety will take place at Aurora on the nam n day. Captain Wilkinson has resigned the Presidency of the Y. M. C. A. in this city. Mr. D. W. Wakefield is acting President. General Howard's resigna tion as member of the board of mana gers is also recorded. Mr. Geo. H. Himes has been elected to fill his place. We call special attention to the ad vertisement of Dr. Warner's Health Corset. We will send one copy of the New Northwest one year and one of these Corsets post-paid to auy address on the receipt of $4 00. We cordially recommend the article to our lady friends, and feel coufideut they will appreciate them after a very short trial. W0EK IS LaGBABDE. To the Editou of the Nkw Nortuwest: The friends of Woman Suffrage met at the M. E. Church in this city to-day and perfected a preliminary organiza tion. On motion, a committee consist ing of Mrs. H. J. Hendershott, Mrs. L. Proebstel, aud E. S. McComas was ap pointed to prepare suitable constitu tion, by-laws, etc., and select the time for another meeting. Full proceedings will be forwarded you by the Secretary soon. The friends of our cause in this county are in earnest. E. S. M. LaGraude, May 19, 1877. The Argonaut, a spicy, satirical, am humorous delineameut of men, women and events, literary, social, aud dra matic, published in San Francisco by Frank M. Pixlnw. la ti'olmmml tn A.i. J , aw U.(UU.WU L U U U I 1 table. For genuine humor, pungent 11 . . . I wit, ana caustic criticism, as well as for sprightly commeuts on current events, the Argonaut takes the lead. It Is is sued every Saturday at 522 California street, San Francisco. Price, $3 00 per annum. Hook upon the simple and childish virtue of veracity and honesty as the root of all that is sublime in character. This reality Is the foundation of friend ship, religion, poetry, and art. Emer son. - TAKE NOTICE. Mr. Hendee is in town and is taking pictures in all styles of the art, and has all the advant ages of easy access to his Gallery and the best light in the State, and takes as good pictures as any other man and at as reasonable prices, and Is always ready and good-natured. Please call and test his ability. Gallery In the middle of the block, First street, between Morrison and Yamhill, Portland, Oregon. 0-21 MAKY I'. roSTEK, Commission Merchant and Purchasing Agent, Is prepared to make purchases in New York and other cities, on order, of all goods, Jewelry, groceries, etc., on commission of 5 per cent, for a or I. and' 10 per cent, for others outside of the Order. West India preserves and Mexican conserves. Address P. O. Station "D," New Yoik City. MKS. Ji. A. OWENS, 31. I). Office and residence, east side First street, be tween Yamhill and Taylor. Special attention given to women and children's complaints. Also, gives Medicated Vapor Baths, com bined with Electricity, in treating rheumatism and chronic diseases. 6-32 BS-The National Gold Medal was awarded to Bradley & Rnlorson forthe best Photographs In the United States, and the Vienna Medal for the best In the world. 429 Montgomery street, San Francisco. rCRCIIASIXG AGEXCT. Clara Dunlway Siearns offers her services to the public as a Farchaslng Agent. Orders for every conceivable article of Ladles' and Chil dren's Wear, or for Jewelry, Silver or Plated Ware, Notions, Patterns, Musical Instruments, etc, etc, will receive her prompt personal at tention. Persons living at a distance will find It to their advantage to send their orders. In ordering millinery, ribbons, ties, etc, state the ago and complexion of wearer, color of hair and eyes, style of features, and bow the hair Is worn. No order attended to unless accom panied by the cash, and all transactions to be considered dual. The same conscientious care will be exercised in making purchases as though the owner were present, and Mrs. Stearns' acquaintance with the trade will al ways enable her to secure honorable bargains. Terms of commission, five per cent. Ladles writing for Information concerning prices, styles, etc. must Inclose a stamp to pay return postage,, The American- Newspaper Dikectorv Is an epitome of newspaper history. It Is also re garded as an official register of circulations. This feature requires the closest scrutiny to prevent it from leading to abuses. The plan adopted by the publishers of the Directory to secure correct and trustworthy reports is rigid in its requirements, and Is adhered to with impartiality. Successful publishers, who have something to gain by a comparison, are gener ally prompt, not only to send reports In con formity, but give Messrs. Geo. P. Rowell fc Co. such information ns enables them to weed out unsubstantiated statements of pretenders In Journalism. The popularity of the book, and the general confidence In its accuracy and good faith, are attested by the immense body of ad vertisements it receives. 4 26 Courtis null Coliln From Samuel A. Walker.Esq., the well-known Real Estate Auctioneer of Boston. "Ilavlng experienced results of a satisfactory character from the use of Wistar's Balsam op Wild Cherry, in cases of severe colds, during the past two years, I have full faith in Its reno vating power. I was first Induced to try this medicine by the strong recommendation of a friend, who was well-nigh gone with consump tion, and whose relief from the use or it satis fled me of its great value in cases of colds and decline, and most clearly demonstrated to my mind its great value as a restorative, that only needs a fair trial to Insure a grateful recogni tion from the publle." Sold by all druggists. Important to nil Invalids Iron In the JMood. The Peruvian Syrup, a protected solution of the protoxide of iron, strikes at the root of dis ease by supplying the blood with its vital prin ciple, or Hie element Iron. This is the secret of the wonderful success of this remedy in cur ing Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Chronic Diarrhea, Bolls, Nervous Affections, Chills and Fevers, Humors, Loss of Constitu tional Vigor, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating In a bad state of the Blood, or ai companied by debility or a lowstate of the sys tem. Sold by all druggists. 37 A Valuable Discovery. Dr. J. P. Miller, a practicing physician at 327 Spruce street, Phila delphia, has discovered that the extract of cran berries and hemp combined cures headache, either bilious, dyspeptic, nervous, or sick head ache, neuralgia and nervousness. This Is a tri umph in medical chemistry and sufferers all over the country are ordering by mail. He prepares It In pills, at 50 cents a box. The Doc tor is largely known and highly respected. Philadelphia Bulletin. A cobweb is scarcely more delicate than the structure of the lungs. A violent Cough con vulses and tears their finer tissues as an earth quake does the soil. Arrest the ravage, soothe the irritation, heal the inflamed and lacerated membrane with Hale's Honey op Hobe- houndand Tar. Pike's Toothache Drops cure In one minute. NEW THIS WEEK. I) It. E. A, JONES. Office and Residence Booms 18 and lD.Strow- brldge's Building, First and Alder streets, Portland, Oregon. KSepecial attention paid to Diseases of Women and Children. 6-37 MOONEY .fc MOXLEY, DEALERS IN Dry Goods and Millinery! Renewed Attractions in all Departments! DRE?S GOODS, HOUSE-KEEPING GOODS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, FANCY GOODS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS' And a fine lot of LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED HATS, . ALL IK.... . I N C R E A S E D ASSORTMENTS ... AND AT... LOWEST PRICES! 3IOOXEY fc MOXLEY, First St., bet. Yninlilll nnil Taylor. 6-32 DEL 33 O DE 23 INT X 3ST G- OF. . V. T. SKANAHAN'S Music and Art Gallery. T WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM THE X Public that I have just opened my new KtrlA nn Hftrrtcin rfw.! i . amuuu u ucw uiiu vuuicc selection 01 CHROMOS, STEEL ENGRAVINGS, PHOTOGRAPHS, PICTURE FRAMES, MOULDINGS, WALL POCKETS, And everything in the line suitable for hantl fyine your homes. have also ereatlv reduced the price for framing pictures, and guarantee to do better work and give better satisfaction to my customers man ever before. A FULL AND ELEGANT STOCK OF Pianos, Organs, Violins, Guitars, Plnt- utas, etc., etc., Soon to arrive, will hn nfforpd Jit Tirlepji find terms suitable to all. Pianos and Organs for tjS.1??-??6 a "speciality in TUNING and ,, t. iUNGJtlano8 Organs, Accordions, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Pianos tuned for t2 60, or kept in thorough repair by the MISCELLANEOUS. UXPRECEDE JiTED BARGAINS 1 1 THE WHITE HOUSE," LADIES' LINEN SUITS! AND IKA1 KTC AXI) JIATAI.VSSE Sacques and Dolmans. Xlccly Trimmed Suits at $3 00 & Ipiv'd Elegantly Braided " ' 4 50 " Stjllslt Embr'd " " 7 50 " French Cambric Braided 5 00 " Having by far the Largest and Most Varied Assortment, we are enabled to sell these goods cheaper than any other house in Oregon. Wc also call attention to our Immense and su perior line of SILK AND ALPACA PARASOLS In the various Stylish Handles, at prices that DEFY COMPETITION. IN OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT AVe offer 100 Cases of Straw and Chip hats: Of the Very Latest Shapes. AND 300 boxes French Flowers, In all the new shades, at 25 per cent, less than the regular prices. IN TRIMMED HATS AND BONNETS Will be found The Most Attractive Display Ever Offered, And at figures that are within the reach of all. LEWIS &. STRAUSS, No. 87 First Street. 0-31 FISHEL & ROBERTS, Leading Clothiers and Hatters, Corner First ami Alder streets, PORTLAND OREG JN WE MEAN IT! HAVING PURCHASED A FINE STOCK OF CLOTHING from a Largo Importing and Manufacturing House (about to retire from business) 40 IEIS CENT. LESS Than Actual Manufacturing Cost, wo are ena bled to sell CLOTHING for Less Money than It was ever belore oirered In this State. Our Stock is Complete in Every Detail, Prices Low. and Quality of Goods of a. Su perior Grade. OUR HAT DEPARTMENT Is under charge of a PRACTICAL HATTER, And the Stock is New, Fresh and Stylish. OUR MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT Will always have the best of attention AND A GOOD FIT WARRANTED. 8S"Glveusacall. riSIir.L A- ROBERTS, Corner First and Alder Streets, fi (Strowbrldge's new Building.) 32 FITS EP1XEPSY, FALLING SICKNESS Permanently Cured no humbug by ono month's usage of Dr. Goulard's Celebrated In fallible Fit Powders. To convince sufferers that these Powders will do all we claim for them, we will send them by mall, post-paid, a rrcu Ariui uui. ah ur. ivouiani is me only Dliyslclan that has ever made this disease a special study, and as to our knowledge thous ands have been Permanently Cured by the use of these Powders, we will guarantee a Perma nent Cure in every case, or refund you all money expended. All sufferers should give these Powders an early trial, and be convinced of their curative powers. Price, for large box, 53 00, or four boxes for siu uu, sent oy man 10 any part nr the united States or Canada on receipt of price, or by ex press, u. u. xi. ivuaress ASH & ROBBINS, 300 Fulton street, Broonlyn, N. Y. CONSUMPTION Positively Cured All sufferers from this disease that are iinx. Ions to be cured should try Dr. Klssner's Cele- Draiea consumptive rowuers. These Powders are the only preparation known that will cure Consumption and all diseases of the Throat ana uungs inaeea, so strong is our ralth In them, and also to convince vou that thev nrn no humbug, we will forward to every sufferer, by mall, post-paid, a Free Trial Box. We don't want your monev until von are perfectly satisfied of their curative powers. If yuur ine is worm saviug, uon'iaeiay in giving these Powders a trial, for they will surely cure you. Price, for large box, S3 00, sent to nny part of the United States or Canada, by mall, on re ceipt, ui price. Auaress ASH it ROBBINS, G-30 300 Fulton street, Brooklyn, N. Y. BABY CARRIAGES! Just the thing. CROQUET SETS! An Immense Stock. Every Variety. BREEDING CAGES! Latest Make. FANCY o o o r s : Every Description. so:q:3ox, hats; Etc, Etc., Etc, At Ackerman's. Dollar Store. GO TO THE AURORA RESTAURANT, Northeast cor. Front and Alder streets, The only place in Portland where you can get A GOOD SQUARE MEAL 0 For 25 CenU. 33 MISCELLANEOUS. FLEISCHNEE, MAYER & CO., NOS. 43 AND IS FRONT STREET, Importers and Wholesale Dealers. SPRING SEASON. M R. MAYER HAS MADE VERY EXTEN- slve purchases of a lull line of MILLINERY GOODS. Direct from the Manufacturers and Importers In New York. Our Stock will consist ot the latest styles and shades of ITentliei-w antl XMumeH, Fronch Flowers, Hats, Shapes, Klbbons, rialn, Gros Grain and Fancy, Silks, Velvets, etc., etc., To which we Invite the attention of the Milli nery Trade of Oregon and Washington Terri tory. Being the only Wholesale Houso In the State Importing MILLINERY GOODS direct from New York, we will be prepared to offer extra Inducements to our Friends and Patrons. 5-52 GEO. B. CAPEN. ELLEKY CAPEN. GEO. B. CAPEN & CO., Cor. 1'irstt A Salmon Sts., Portland Or., MANUFACTURERS . .AND........ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS In all kinds of Mens' and Boys' Soots and Shoes For the Oregon and Northwestern trade. Particular attention paid to country dealers, as we manufacture a class of goods well suited to country trade. All work warranted. BCB-Orders solicited. 6-19 DR. WARNER'S HEALTH CORSET, trgaatuLi dahitabt uokset.) Willi Siirt SnjurtEr k Sell-AdUstingPads. Secures Health anil Comfort of llody, ivilii Graco mtd Beauty of form Three garments ' n one. .pprovul bw ull phytici.ui&. Short front. Loner front- Was awarded the Gold Medal at the Centen nial Exhibition for being the most healthful. Over three million are now worn. The Child's "Waist is a model of perfection. If no agent is near you, I will send by mall, post-paid, one Health Corset, SI 75, and one Misses Corset, St 2, or one unncrs waist, ?i 60, complete, with two pair of Stocking Supporters, for S2 50 gold. State whether Long or Short Front Cor- sei lsuesireu. iteguiar sizes run irom IHtoSU. Misses Corsets and Children's Waists run from 20 to 27 Inches. Sizes 31 to 38, White or Brown, are twenty-nve cents extra. Send money by registered letter. The latest and mest comnlete invention Is Dr. Warner's Nnrsing Corset, which excels for comfort and convenience, and supports the lireast. sent uy man, post-paiu, for ss 00 cur rency. MRS. M. A. WARNER, I'onianu, uregon. Says Mrs. J. S. Blake. M. D.: "Dr. Warner's Health Corset Restores the lost Develonment of the bosom; they are constructed on physio logical principles." OiPIwlIl send by mall, post-paid, five great American Twenty-five Cent Stationery Prize Packages lor SI 00 currency. JUST RECEIVED ..1)Y... C. M. WIBEKG, No. 105 Front Street, lortlaud, BOOTS AND SHOES! Direct from the East, A LARGE LOT, LATEST STYLES, OF Gray Bros. and G. T. Morrow's Boots and - Shoes for Ladles' and Chil dren's Wear. Caufleld and Graf Bros.' Hand Sewed Extra Fine for Men's Wear. Also, a Full Assortment of SAN FRANCISCO MANUFACTURED GOODS, All of which will be sold at a Small Profit. 5-32 SUMMONS. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE JL of Oregon for the county of Multnomah. ueorge u. Bears, nainun, vs. winneta uugnes and L. B. Seavier, Defendants. To Winfleld Hughes and L. B. Seavier, Defendants above named : In the name of the State of Oreeon. and by virtue of an order of publication of summons amy inaue oy non. u. u. McArtnur, Judge of said Court, and dated April ltth, 1S77, anu 10 me enecL mat service oi summons De made UDon said Defendants bv the nubllcatlon of a summons for a period not less than once a week for six consecutive weeks In the New Northwest, you are hereby required to appear anu answer to me compiaim niea in wis ac tion against you by the first day of the term next following the expiration of the time pre scribed in said orderof publication. to-wlt: the 11th dav of June. 1S77. and if vou fall so to do. the Plaintiff will take Judgment herein against you for the relief demanded In bis comnlalnt. herein, to-wit : for the recovery of the sum of rive nunurea ana xuirieen anu bu-iuu (bis 60) Dollars U. S. gold coin, and accruing Interest and costs ana disbursements of this action, and ten per cent, attorney's fees upon a certain note for One Hundred and Fifty Dollars, de scribed In said complaint and executed to Sears & Wllmer by the Defendants above named. xuaj..k;k s WILLIAMS, apl20 Attorneys tor Plaintiff. MAMMOTH DAIRY! Milk from Grass-Fed Cows, 6J Cents per Quart. Stop the Cart when the Bell Kings, Leave orders at Barnes', Central Market, or MISCELLANEOUS. THE CROWING GLORY. 171a o Home SEWING MACHINE WAS AWARDED THE At the Centennial Exhibition. 1670. mil has always carried off the highest hon ors wherever exhibited. A Compact, Simple, Durable, Light Running and Efficient "lock Stitch" Machine Adapted to the wants of Everybody No ITome Complete Without One, Emphatically the Machine for the People. WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS I Send for prices and samples of work done on the Home, or call at any of ourofllces. JOHNSON, CI.AKK A- CO,, 30 UNION SQUARE, New York. 21 South Fifth street, St. Louis, Mo. 5G1 Washington street, Boston, Mass. Ill State street, Chicago, Illinois. UVi Second Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. 17 New Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. G. W. Traver, corner of Morrison and Third streets, Portland, Oregon. G-I7 VICTOR VOLNEY'S Oregon Frame Manufactory ! Corner Third and Morrison Sts. OLD FRAMES REGILTASQOOD AS NEW. Oil Paintings Restored. PRICES REDUCED TO THE VERY LOW est figure, and in the Gallery connected with the establishment are many fine Paint ings, Chromos, Engravings, etc., for sale. Gilt Ornamented and Marbled Frames made to or der, and you will also find here some of the nanasomest patterns for tnis Kinu ot work. VICTOR VOLNEY, Corner of Morrison and Third streets. 6-32 NEW GOODS AT 107 THIRD ST. DRESS GOODS, Winter uuul'S, EMBROIDERIES, HOSIERY, PARASOLS, FANCY GOODS, AND NOTIONS. In the above line our stock for variety, eood quality, and low prices, Is uuequaled In this marKeu GOOD BUSINESS STAND TO LET. Store-Room No. 105 Third feet deep. and, If desired, apartments up stairs for dwell ing, item .Moderate. Enquire or JOHN WirON, 6-35 107 Third street. MORNING STAR RESTAURANT, Cor. Washington and Second Sts. G. C. RIDER.- -.PROPRIETOR THIS NEW AND ELEGANT RESTAURANT Is now open for the reception of guests. The tables will be supplied with the best the market affords, at the following rates : Per Month $20 Oil " Week 5 00 " Day l oo " Meal 50 20 Meal Tickets 5 00 6-vH LADIES' BAZAR. P. E. BRIGHAM, SEALER IX Forcig-n. and Domestic Millinery, FANCY DRY GOODS, Laces, Embroidery, Dress Trimmings, Cloaks, and Suits, 71 FIRST ST., PORTLAND, OGN. 6-35 French Coffee and Spice Mills. " ESMONIN & RICHET, MANUFACTURERS OK C o i r and Spices OF ALL KINDS. CHOCOLATE OF DIFFERENT BRANDS FOR SALE And Satisfaction Guaranteed. No. 2S Yamhill street, bet. First and Second, FOT'S CORSET SKIRT SUPPORTER Increase lu l'apulnrity And for HEALTH, COMFORT, and STYLE is acknowleged the BEST ARTICLE of the kind evermade. Forsalebyall lead ing Jobbers and retailers. Be ware of Imitations and infringe ments. Manufactured solely by New Haven, Conn 6-25 A. G. WALLING, Book' and Job Printer, PITTOCK'S BUILDING, UP-STAIRS Corner Front and Stark streets, Portland, Oregon. Work done at REASONABLE RATES. 2-S8 MISCELLANEOUS JTJST PUBLISHED, NEW ILLUSTRATED P 0 E M J "In with yon, man 1" Pel'tlah said. "You'd better try to earn your bread Than like the birds to bill and coo ! Twill do for tbem to sigh and woo, For they have nothing else to do." DAYID AND ANNA MATSOJNfr By Mrs. -AJbigrail Scott Duniway, Editor "New Northwest," Portland, Oregon, WITH BEAUTIFUL ILLUSTRATIONS, AND ELEGANTLY BOUND. A new epic, from a vigorous and skillful pen, on a subject which occupies a large place In the social discussions of the day. The subject is taken irom Mr. Whlttler's short narrative of "Da vid Matson," with which the reader is probably familiar. David Matson, a Merrimac sailor, was captured by the Algerlnes (during one of his years he obtained release and was on his way to his old employer, who informed him that his stunned by his trouble, he surrendered all claim as husband and father to the man who had stepped Into his place, and departed. Mrs. Duniway has found a theme in this story with which her heart beats in warmest sympathy, and her lines flow on in the smooth cadence in dicative of the fullestaccord. She pictures the gentle, tender, trustful Anna and the wily, cov etous Pelatlah in vivid colors; and how years of poverty and longing, and the cries of the hun gry boys, compelled poor Anna to yield to Pelatlah's Importunity, "Rise, rejoice, My poor, unmated dove," said he, " And look henceforth for love to me." A little further on he says : " Become my wife and you shall be Made happy through prosperity," While, if she persists In declining his advances, wolf-like, he threatens to abandon her to star vation and cold. And this Pelatlah was a "deacon," " In exhortations deep and loud." The wanderings of David, his captivity, release, hapless Interview with Pelatlah, discovery ot Anna's second wifehood, and his sad going back to Algeria, are all told so pathetically that our iecllngs at e deeply enlisted. No one, with any true sentiment, can read the poem without be ing thoroughly stirred. The illustrations are in admirable keeping with the passages they are designed to portray, and a fine engraving of the author is a fitting frontispiece. The snbject spirit, Are and passion of the poem should give it an extensive reading, aside from the interest which the literary reputation of the author must awaken in It. As a specimen of book-making the volume is certain! beautiful, and would adorn any center-table. We know of no work so well adapted as and most beautifully bound, pilce, $2 00 ; full by mall, post-paid, by S. E. WELLS & Co., OFFICE OF THE SINGER Corner Yamhill THE SSRICER STILL TRlUfPHAiT! Name of Company and Machine. The Singer Manufacturing Company Wheeler & Wilson Manufacturing Company Howe Sewing Machine Company (estimated)- Domestic Sewing Machine Company Grover fc Baker Sewing Machine Company Weed " " " Wi son " " " Wilcox iGlbbs " " " American B.H. " " " Florence " " " Victor " " " JEtna, J. E. Braunsdorf it Co MISCELLANEOUS. FAIT & MANNING, DEALEK IX FINE GKOCEKIES, FLOUR OF ALL GRADES, Selected Teas, Pare Coffees and Spices, BUTTER AND CHEESE From the Best Dairies, FOREIGN AN MOMESTIC rKUITS, fanned Fruits and Vegetables, And a full vnrlcty of other goods usually kept In a tirst-class store. Corner E and Third .street. Goods promptly delivered, free of expense. 5 49 C. O. T. WILLIAMS. JAMES FULLER EMPIRE BAKERY. . WILLIAMS & FULLER, Manufacturers of Bread, Cakes, Pastry, Pilot Bread, Soda, Picnic, Butter, Boston, Sugnr and Shoe Fly CRACKERS, JES3Y UD CAX3, GINGER SHAPS. ETC., 31 Washington street, Portland On. BS-Orders from the Trade solicited. C-30 W.C. JOHNSON. F.O.M'COWN. I. A. HACKUM. JOHNSON, M'COWN & MACRUM, Attorneys And Connsclors-at-Law, Will Practice in alltheCourtsoftheState. Loans Made on Reasonabla Terms. Collec tions, Including Rents of Portland Property, promptly made. Abstracts furnished, and Real Estate Leased, Bought and Sold In Mult nomah and Clackamas counties. Particular Attention given to business In the U. S. Land Office, Oregon City. Offices Monnastes' Brick, First street. Port land, Oregon", and Main street, Oregon City. 6-33 Eastern and Shoalwater Bay Oysters, IN EVERY STYLE, ......AT.... ALISKY & HECELE'S PREMIUM CAXDT MANUFACTORY, First St,; bet. Alder and Morrison. 6-36 K. J. G. GLENN, Dentist;, Southwest comer First and Yamhill PORTLAND, OREGON. ADVERTISEMENTS. voyages) and sold Into slavery. After many the home of his boyhood, when he fell In with wife, believing him dead, had remarried, and, a present It Is printed on heavy tinted paper gilt extra, $2 50. For sale by book-sellers, or Publishers, 737 Broadway, New York. MANUFACTURING COMPANY, and First Sts., Portland, May 27, 1875. No. MachlnesiNo. Machlnesllncrease or De sold In 1873. soldlnlS7i. I crease. 211,679 92,827 35,000 22,700 20,000 20,495 17,525 13,710 13,529 5.517 6,292 1,866 Increase 9,231 Decrease 26,363 119,000 ' 17,414 " 16,179 " 1,271 " 3,TZ " 1,47" " 653 " 3,443 " 1,15 " 135 119.190 151,000 40,111 36,179 21,769 21,217 15.188 H.1S2 8,960 7,416 3,081 MISCELLANEOUS. BARBER & NICKLIN, (Successors to J. II. Hatch,) No. 109 First street, Portland, Oregon. SOTIC'E. rilHE UNDERSIGNED, IN TAKING LEAV1, X of Portland, returns his sincere thanks for the liberal patronage that has been bestowed, and would bespeak for his successors a contin uance or tne same, uotu urs. uarner & inick lin are gentlemen in every way worthy of any confidence that may be placed in them, and as such I can conscientiously recommend them to my rormer irienus anu patrons. C-21 J. H. HATCH. OREGON TRANSFER COMPANY Office and Hack Stables, S. W. Cor. Tirxt and Stark St. All business entrusted to ns will be executed with care and dispatch. Orders for Hacks Promptly Attended to, Day or Night. 5-27 SCIIADE A- CO., DYERS AND SCOUBEBS, 171 Second St,, between Main and Salmon, 5j - PorH?:::::. rse- LADIES' DRESSES, CLOAKS, MANTILLAS, and Damask Curtains colored in the best style. Boys' and Men's clothing cleaned and dyed, and prices reduced. Dying gloves, 25 cents. All work warranted. Goods not called for within three months will be sold to pay expenses, and any Articles damaged or lost by lire we will not bold our selves responsible for. 6-21 PIONEER WOOD-YARD, Foot ot Yamhill street. SORENSEN & TAYLOR. AI,I, KINDS of noon, Sawed and unsawed, constantly on hand, and 5 delivered to an part of the city. 27 ciiris. sci.orii rrVITES HIS OLD PATRONS AND THE Public generally to call at his NEW BUTCHER SHOP, Wash in k to ii at., one door east or Third. vnSO STONE, THE JEWELER, HAS REMOVED TO FIItST AM) MORKISOX STS. 6-21 T. A. M'BniDE, Attorney -at-Law, Office in Monnastes' Brick, First St., Portland. 6-18