A Journal for the People. Devoted to the Interests of Humanity. Independent In Politics and Religion. HKS. A. J. UlSIWAT, Editor an4 Proprietor. OFFICE Coe. Fkokt & Wash ingtox Stbeets Alive to all Live Issues, and Thoroughly Radical In Opposing and Exposing the Wrong TERMS, IN ADVANCE : I ol the Masses. One year. Six months -S3 00 175 1 00 Tbree months.. Free Speech, Fbee Press, Fbee People. Correspondents wrltlngover assumed sltrnn. tures must make known their names to tho I Edltor.or no attention will be given to the); ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted on Reasonable VOLUME VI. POBTIiAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH S3, 1877. NUMBER, S8. I communications. Terms. EDNA AND JOHN,: A Romanre of Idsho Flat. Br Mas. A. J. DONIWAY, AUTHOR OF "JDDITH REID," "ELLEN DOVTD," "AMIE AND HENRY LEE," "THE HATTY HOME," "ONE WOMAN'S SITIERE," "MADGE MORRISON," ETC., ETC., ETC Entered, according to Act of Congress, In the year 1876, by Sirs. A. J. Dunlway, In the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington City. "Woman's degraded, helpless position Is the weak point of our Institutions to-day a dis turbing force everywhere, severing family ties, filling our asylums with the deaf, the dumb, the blind, our prisons with criminals, our cit ies with drunkenness and prostitution, our homes with disease and death. National Cen tennial Equal Rights Protest." CHAPTER XV. Luckily tbe weather was fine. Mr. Handel, the new missionary, who had been looked upon with suspicion by some of tbo miners, with contempt by others, and by others with scorn, while tinuing in our sins and leading a life of unbelief, without God and without hope in the world." "If I am such a sinner, darling, I ad vise you to be very cautious about cast ing your lot with mine. I certainly should fear to tru9t my life and bappi- and expense." Baked Beans. ness in your hands if you were such a sinner as you take me to be." "Your sin Is against yourself, dear; not against God and me." "Are you in partnership with God?" he answered, smiling. 'I am heir of God, and joint heir of Jesus," was the enthusiastic reply. "Then I congratulate you on your royal heritage," said Mr. LaSelle. "I prefer to believe that God is no respecter of persons; that He has no favorites; the miners spring, summer, autumn, Edna, happier than she had been for QUE WASHINGTON LETTEB. to give some pomp and parade to the and winter in character; and I'll sing years, was returning to her cabin, car I n the Editor of the New Northwest : ceremonies of inauguration next Mon- Gentle Annie' and 'Lily Dale' and rying one babe and leading another, Since Saturday last the political situ- aav ana inug& nearly impromptu, 'Sweet Home' and 'Annie Laurie.' and when the wretched woman whom she aHon here has been a critical one. it be- since commenced only to-day, still be lt will be better than a wedding feast, bad invited to the entertainment, and ln evident that a disaffected minority tween the regular troops stationed here favorite vegetable is mis-cooked In as i i .i.j I .i,.f. i,! nnt hlamn fnr hplniU ,it. . .i u ...and the volunteer pomnanlpo of th many different ways as there are to ueaiues savius us tuu wu aiiu uiuugcij mcici-.ic o inia luenui. iuisuuitji uuu w'umu resort. 10 ' mitkp nnnr hrpni) Wn nlmmi mn 1.1 .mi 1 1. 1. I . . f . 1 - . n 1 r ir 1 nernt lii. . . hi ln Fa... . 1 ... "J w . r mere, came up 10 uti mm uiumeu uwc every parliamentary trick and device In r-"- '"" thized in the jeremiad of the outspoken ana oaooung uuki-ui;k uuu uioscu. order to defeat mo declaration of Mr . I umci-w-w, notuu uiaMJuL - uau aammon (what wouia nave De There are beans, and then there are beans! This is a dictum that we need not argue, in Yankee land, where the "But, Edna, such conduct is unbe coming in a woman. I should feel dis graced to see you thus before the public." Edna laughed loug and merrily. "What would John say?" continued Aunt Judy, "Enjoy your triumph while you may! Haves as President It has been further disp,ay of military which, in connection come of her If she had kept pent up for and that Jam not a favored child of argument that she saw just ready to as- You are living as the wife of a man you evident that nothing short of the com loathe, and you are no better man x, bination of all the discreet and con much as you may aetpise me. you servative elements of both political par- pander to- drunkenness and vice, and tje3 ln tne House would suffice to defeat "I haven't asked him, aud I don't you will be rearing many sons to walk these disaffected who, under their as- mean to," was the hrm reply. " What in the footsteps 01 meir iuiuer: now serted preference for "anything or any has he done for me that l snouia now to do you liKe me prospect body but Hayes," were determined to his hat I .Haven't you counseled me to be my own arbiter, all along?" Unable to cope with Edna in the with tbe universal turnout of our citi zens, may give a demonstration equal ing iu many respects those of former inauguration days. It is always a holi day embraced by all our people, when ever the weather permits, for everybody practices upon the belief that it is the the past dozen vearsH over the decav of New England knack in modern days, in preparing the regulation Sunday morning breakfast. We believe she classed it with the most-to-be lamented of the lost arts. There are many mani festations of this loss, among which are me slippery, sioppery yellow beans or the corner bakery intact, globular. Edna turned away, her heart sinking. ent his inauguration on the 4th of dav f aU otl,era of our h,8torv t0 HftXfc a,l nohth woman snoken truly? And Uru ... . ..u. and be seen. justified in guessing are either steamed. royaltj. If I were such I should be most miserable, for heaven would be to me a place of blackest torment, if I should go there, knowing that other hu man beings were irretrievably lost." "Don't you believe in eternal punish ment?" asked Aunt Judy, with a look of terror. "As a father loveth and pityeth his not a few regarded his coming as a har- children doth our Heavenly Father love blnger of better times amougthem mor- and pity us. Would you be willing to ally and spiritually, proved an agreea- consign one of Edna's babies to eternal bie acquaintance to the colony of hardy torment, no matter what its sbortcom- flaliram inoomilnh oa hp i nfl tlmim Ipfl thfl InPflY" UCMSIOI " I-' . , - . -. w . n - she entered her cabin, to find John In a glee of maudlin hopefulness over her unlooked-for triumph. "I've got a fortune in you, Ed., and no mistake," lie said, cnucning ner patronizingly under the chin. To be continued. assembling of tbe men together on Sun days, after tbe primitive fashion of tbe earlier times, when men worshiped God' under the fear of savage and wild beasts with their trusty guus beside them. It was difficult to procure seats for the many who attended upon the ministry of tbe evangelist in the open air, under the overhanging crags that formed the grand embattiemeuts of Idaho Fiat. Lumber was too scarce and expensive "No, I would not." "Shall mortal man be more just than God, my dear?" 'But you know that's a dangerous doctrine to teach the fears of endless torment were re moved from the mind of John Smith? You know that is the only check he ever recognizes." "There, my dear, is John's greht trou ble. He is feeling safe about the here- sume formidable proportions, Aunt Judy changed the subject, and the prep arations for the wedding on the follow ing Sunday went briskly aud regularly on. A carpenter In Idaho Flat, who was a genius in his way, prepared wooden cards of invitation with a jack-plane, upon which Edna inscribed in bold let ters the name of every miner in the neighborhood, requesting his attend ance at the booth on tbe auspicious occasion. I shall invite Sue Randolph among the rest, auntie," she said, decidedly. This announcement shocked Aunt Judy as much as did her determination to givo the miners a benefit, but Edna Rnnnnso ini". fhnt. was determined, and the good woman justice of the Supreme Court. Miller, was ouiigeu to yield, especially since yciiicjinuu, nnujuit cuuugu iatn ui Tviv T.,HoiiQi,o ,iDi.D,M-nin0.fo"nr reflection and caution to leave him at tell what lie sees sometimes, wlieu It Had not tlie woman Bpouen iruiy t auu jIarci, But o-dav all doubt and an- waa not her self-hood of more value prehension is removed by the patriotic man me uonus sue naieu t "1 will consult, Mr. iianuei. luayue a88i8ted arjd furthered bvthecouraffeous ne can auvise me propeny,- sue saiu, as and statesman-like ruling of Mr. Ran dall, who, as Speaker, took the ground that be regarded the provisions of the Constitution which enjoined a count of electoral vote as peremptory and higher KAllrl 1. .. 1 1 r. r . t .1 . , fa .ui-ua.uj, v.. iui, ""J"liiYinm m norrpnt lipun-mnU-intr that nn ncnWAn nr?.. l.T.I 1 1 . i i I i. . . .. otin of o i.o ,ii f TTn., ioauica mo uuiuo-uuiuei, Keuerany, iuul uisn can De ncnt mat is "unmussed:" " J ! I -n A X nn 1 nnrna mill lm m 1 I A TV iinla Hon r fa D nnnlAODinn nf fn limn " I t. i mi . . . , i their anxiety is not much lessened, for ?u tue c""r;- A1en lae a mac-aKea th Pnhinoi nmn0, mv ,ioai, t .n0tn bean8 of the restaurant-a dry, undone, . . ...j .., waxy aggravating mess. A son of a his particular friends and thereby oust Yankee who will make way with a the present incumbent, and knowing plate of the average eating-house beans, this, each one fears, of course, that he v.b.ea he can ?et.a.u a.PPIe. Pe nine days is to be the one selected for official de capitation. It Is a sorry life which thousands lead here in government em ploy, for they have no assurance what lutlons intended merely to prevent the -Ver that lhe DeXt week or month mav justice to the generous, historic dish- final count. Yesterday was the most uuu luruw Uleul uut uJOU lue worlu 'iinooeui; oi porK, pieacneu until mey .ih . ct,m5Dot ,i,ii, i,. comiy as uau mey never renuereu ser- 'c""vu'aiuu uicurauneuinueavu, exciting and stormiest day which has 3 concerned onlv a, Beans cannot survive "style." It is ai hennnrifnoaaoii in tioTTnnQQfi.iQ COccir, v,ce 1116 people are concerned only as ..., , no !f . . ,, ' ... . Zftl Zr. Tbe question involved in Vermont-; lJ "al- -a t y e ; a o? o'o oiontoroi M rv.no hfr n,0Trn. nj Hlal' ma luiure is ueiermiueu oniy oiu-ume luxuries, wenaveinierviewen, i . .... ... . . i u v luc uau uvl uuicer. mr. hhvph. inp uc.v,i.j uluqiuu, a uuuac- me oosiructionists consumed me wnoie - - - kPpner whns hn.Uprt haa nmnrthvnf Pen Portraits Drawn by a Woman. Mary Clemmer, In the Independent of this week, thus sketches in outline, the various members of tbe Commission and more positive than mere parlia mentary rules and technicalities, and that he would not, in so far as he had the power, entertain any dilatory reso- old, or a sandwich that has been used for a sign not more than a week, is a degenerate scion. And then there are tne "fashionable" baked beans, served in a shallow, dainty platter, more adapted to display the China than to do bight, with an equally immense jowl, broader even than his head, which is not narrow a man who thinks it enough on earth or in heaven to be a The wedding morning dawned with a delicious, mellow radiance, and the sun would be wiser to keep still; a man of a rode high in limpid, roseate splendor rema'Kably sunsinny temperament and over the adjacent mountains. amiable nature; a mau so good-natured, day with their dilatory motions and roll calls, the yeas and nays being or dered no less than eighteen times. Though it was evident that they could not meet with successful results, inas much as the Speaker was supported by a large majority of the members jn his a commodtty, and too badly needed for after, for he believes he can repent at flumes and sluice-boxes, to be spared by any time and be saved, no matter what men in eager quest of gold for an hour may have been his misdeeds in the or two of rest and sermonizing on Sun days. But Aunt Judy, whose heart was in the work of soul-saving, which she was not alone in believing God unable to perform without much human assist ance, went assiduously to work to de vise ways aud means to overcome the difficulty. With tbe aid ot tbe minister, who, to Indeed, that he would never have rulings, yet these obstructionists fought President elect, arrived this morning, and was met at the depot by a large crowd. He made no speech and merely bowed to the people before entering his carriage. He was driven at once to Senator Sherman's, where a sumptuous breakfast was laid for him and a few intimate personal friends. A large the renown of that ancestor of hers who helped through the war of the Revolu tion, by seeing to It that tbe soldiers' home on a furlough, or in adjacent camps, always had good rye and injun- oreau anu Datted ueans in tor a patriot. And she says that the only secret about it is "to nave mem just right." You waut to soak them over night, or par boil them in two or three waters, until The miners, one and all, seemed actu- reached the sunrpmo spat in which hp m i. n , j . , number of ladies and gentlemen have P011 luem lD lW0 or t"rpe waters, until ,'.,,.,'. , , ea?uf, me supreme seann wnicu ue madmen all daylong and until 4 . . , . t'"'''!" they are at the cracking point. If your ;ed by a desire to look their best. Old finds himself by bis own scratching and , , k h, raorDir) when they 8UC. been paying their respects to him as appetite is not robust enough to eat lZors that had long lain away in rusty pushing of other men out of his " ,, " "fi Z.! J.J L tbe new President. Felix. pork, and you have the art to cook body. I would have all men know that the laws of God are unchangeable; that the atonement must come from within us; that restitutiou follows atonement, and tnat retribution is a natural law. I do not ask Jesus to be a scape-goat for my sins. When I stand in the Infinite Presence I want to feel that I have a right to stand there, with do him justice, was only too glad of my head erect, not as a pardoned crlmi- her assistance aud advice, a square plat of ground was leveled and cleared of rubbish, and upon this, with Infinite la bor from the miners, a few hundred blocks, stumps, rocks, and logs were placed as seats. Over this uncouth ar rangement a booth was erected, well covered with evergreen boughs to guard the worshipers alike against storm aud sunshine. It is comparatively easy to raise a re ligious excitement in a great city, where men, rushed alike with necessities and greed, get so little time to do their own nal, but as a redeemed and justified brother of the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of tbe world." 'Don't you approve of Mr. Handel's preaching, then ?" "Oh, yes; as far as it goes. But I am sure he would do infinitely greater good by preaching the life of Jesus and hold ing forth His example for all to follow than he can ever accomplish by dwell ing upon his death and the disgraceful details of.his crucifixion." "But, after all, suppose you are in er ror? Suppose you should find at last ated razors idleness, were rescued from their hid ing-places and whetted on old leather boot tops. White shirts, or "b'iled" ones, as the miners call them, were un earthed from old valises, aud many a pair of trowsers was treated to clean patches on basement aud knees. Tbe services were to begin at ten A, sr., Mr. Handel opening the exercises by singing, "Joy to the world," etc., etc., In which a chorus of untrained voices joined lustily, and the very welkin rang with rasping melody. The sermon was a short one, the text, "It is not good for man to be alone," forming its appropriate heading, I hope he'll be short," said Aunt Judy, as, dressed in an antiquated and plum-coloied garb of alpaca, her head adorned with a voluminous cap of well way, if Mr. Lincoln had not found him, cumbed and an end was reached by and said: "You are such a clever fellow, Vice-President Ferrv declaring Ruther- both in brains and temper.come higher." ford B Hayes the duly elected President .lilfttipo Krnmotr la nnnrhor litrlo man I toIHi n hfn- nan,! hit? nncn ini n qh fnr. u""cu uiuito. uui ufiuui ui seeing eyes. Then there is the junior suspense Is nowoverand we can breathe Justice Field, fairly tall and well-built, freely again. Tbe wheels of government "Washington, D. C, March 2, 1S77. with a full beard and very bald, In cer tain directions the most accomplished scholar on the Supreme Bench, with more blood, it not more brain, thau his brother David, sitting opposite. The two tine geutlemen of the Com mission are Josiah G. Abbott, of Massa chusetts, and Henry 5. Payne, of Ohio. Both of these men have passed middle life. Abbott looks liuo Hawthorne In his cast of features and moustache. Mr. Payne has full gray hair, with a Roman nose, on which his spectacles perch like nies. lieorge is . Hoar is more a scholar, aud in sentiment no less a gentleman, though his temperament is too irritable to allow a perpetual graciousness. Eppa Hunton has a pug nose and coarse ears; but he has strong eyebrows and a good head. So has Garfield. Senator Bay- starched lace, tied loosely beneath her Urd has a stronger face than most men double chin, she walked with a per- have or whose great-grandfathers we nr,tiMp ri,oiimn!n limn hoi,?n thp tnii hear so much. It is clear cut and intel- and business can now resume motion, and we can fight our acrimonious polit ical battles without disturbance to the peace and credit of our country, inas much as we will have in the background a strong hand to interfere to prevent more than contests of words and mimic warfare of windmills. The Capitol, during the whole of its yesterday's long-to-be-remembered session, was thronged with visitors. Every nook and corner was crowded with them. On the floor of the House and In its galler ies there was hardly standing-room for the privileged and those admitted by card, aud not less than ten thousand persons were in the Capitol at various Winter in the East. Some of the streets of New York look like newly opened quarries of uusightly stone. A compound which by courtesy we call ice, has fearfully accumulated in many or the streets, forming an un derlying stratum from oue to two feet in thickness, while frozen mounds adorn them without it, all that is required is to season the dish to the fine point of half a pinch of salt, a single shake of the pepper-box, and a lump of butter, neither too large nor too small, and have a piece of spare-rib roasted separ ately to serve with them. The beans must also be or "just tbe right consist ency when put into the dish for bak ing." So far, we believe, It is all clear. If you have stamina enough for pork, praise your ancestry and kind heaven. and put tbe sweet cris-crossed piece of tbe narrow passage-ways on either side. i . e e vsuuera are iruaeu up, 01 course, anu a seaBoninr meat. wlth its nnsalhllitii, nf df T,Bes 8 crossings with crisp rid9l in'the center of the dish, miiriilV ,,Iliali. tvh lo dpnn rtnnla nfton I . ' ...... . .! lectual. thinking over spiritual affairs that they that the harvest was past and summer straight, and supple groom, while both a noaBi a mouth wit, a terrible grip, an find it more economical, and vastly more to their liking, to hire somebody to work out salvation for them than to solve their own problem; but when you carry the blood of Jesus as an atone ment to the miner, who communes with ended and your soul not saved ?" "I should have the approbation cf a good conscience, at least, fur I should know that I never, for the sake of my personal safety, accepted a condition that my iuner conscience rejected. To the Iufinite beneath the stars, and place express faith and comply with condi before him the plan of salvation ac- tions, merely through fear that, if I cording to the popular idea, he vexes shouldn't, I might find myself in error you with all sorts of Questions that when too late to remedy the evil, looks would never have occurred to him had to me like putting up a sort of bank- chubby children than by the sermon or he remained in the old ways of thought nipt job on Jesus not sure ourselves Promlsed ceremony. All were in a and action. . that the note we accent is good, hut moou 10 00 Phased with everything they saw and beard. Mr. Handel had were as radiant as the rosy morning. 'I join you in the hope, darling," was the ardent reply, "for when the mar riage ceremony is over you will be all my own." Edna laid a blanket and pillows be neath the shadow of the booth, and placed her little ones there, surrounded with primitive playthings; and many a miner was more attracted by tbe times. The spectator was reminded by Tburman has a huge wedge of looking at the excited members below him, who were raging and vociferating lrke bedlamites in their endeavor to in- upper lip too long to admit of tbe slight- out nnnoonan nnrl o pn tul niirtanmnu brow. Frelingbuysen is the "haudsome terrupt as well as to continue the regu- man" of the Commission, aud, like Iar proceedings, of the eventful and er muddy "slush," while deep pools often make locomotion absolutely dangerous. It Is true that Broadway and some of the wider thoroughfares have been made comparatively clean, that Is to say, pass able. Jtsut tne conglomeration of ice and mud, ashes aud garbage, which clogs mauy of the narrower streets fore shadows a deadly malaria when warm days become more continuous. How to avert impending evil from this cause is a sanitary question important to every citizen. Snow in the city seems to be an unmitigated nuisance, except to a lew jolty owners 01 sieigns and sleds. nut not so in the country. In Maine, for example, where there has been steady cold weather and a superabundance of snow, the people seem bright and cbeer- The Portland, (Me.,) Tran- ful about it, script albeit Portland is a city thus Bayard, has a family behind him. And citin, conte8t for Sneakpr during .Tnl.n expiates on the weather, giving us a yet Napoleon said: "I would rather be- , LJ . r . pleasant idea 01 a good, cold, wholesome . .. . . ijiniifiv Aim m w ' nnnrrRiQOiniin 1 o- 1 . gin a lamllv than end one." we nave ' .b.a,wm wimei: giants in these days I say, as I look at and the wish would constantly arise in "What is more invigorating than a with slices ornamenting tbe sides. All you need or the oven Is to have it "neither too hot nor too slow." The beans must then simmer until they are "just done." To secure the exact shade of brown over the top, and the precise degree of heat and moisture inside needed to bring each individual bean to the very point of cracking and coales cing with its neighbor without en tirely doing it that is all the direction one needs as to baking. If it isn't clear, you must learu as the boy learns to swim. And then, a3 to serving: It is the egg of an effete and over-ripe social despotism to "dish out" a pan of baked beans. Assert your independence, and preserve the integrity of your result by placing them upon the table in the dish in which they were cooked. Let the servant pass around the empty china, if you wish, to assure the family or guest tnat you have it. And have enough left to know tbe luxury of cold beans that have a heart in tbem. Thus shall Edmunds and Morton two men who our mind for some one man who. bv his morning walk at this season, with the nno f nnr wlnrinn "NW "Rnfrinnrt inaH. owe less to their bodies and more to eloquence and power, might, as tbe Old m,erc1nry tin e neighborhood of zero ? tution3 be restored to add luatre to the their brains than any other two men ink' ' .. c ' " f '.' "a . ",u The beauty of the scene is itself exhil- rw0nnini ar j,f,wi. sr.'. 11. c.,, - iuau jMoquent men uiu. terminate a Uniim, Ti,a air ia rwi rm.t, ....v.... but. UOUULC. and note we accept is good, Though the miners of Idiho Flat afraid to reject it lest it mau prove gen- worked with a will in carrying out Aunt Judy's plans, it was not so easy, wnen me 000111 was ready for occu pancy, to persuade them that they needed the ministrations of Mr. Handel to save them from everlasting fire. Curiosity brought them together, however, and the first Sunday's services the good sense to be short in both ser mon and ceremony, after which he an uounced that they were to be treated to Burchard's church, in Thirteenth street, New York, recently. He said that all Indians have a reiigiou. The Mouocs believe that there were two men at tbe some exercises which, although he did creation who could not stand upright; I ' D . - t J 1 A - mat one was a cowaru ana cneu an ine Eloquent men uiu, terminate a erating. The air is clear and frostv. prolonged and dangerous contest of Every particle of the broad expanse of snow glistens in the morning sunlight, How pure and clear is the landscape! The noar-irost beautities every object, in the still air me smote from iunum erable chimneys goes straight up in cloudy columns, which take no fantastic forms. One sees Iu tbem the snow. wraiths hovering over the wintry scene. Golden JRule. On the Religion of the Indians. Weeks bv his superior Hatrnnitv Col. A. B. Meacham, late Superintend- courage in perceiving aud pointing out ent of Indian Affairs, ectured on the J M, . f ... "Religion of the Indians." in iir. the way to remove the apparently In surmountable obstacle to peace and ad justment which one determined official had persistently placed In the way of legislation. The announcement of the Vice-Presl How to Bead. The following useful hints on this subject, copied from the American Cul tivator, are worthy of beiug remembered and practiced: The way weformerly Instructed young were largely atteuded, the men having venate her wardrobe and make her old been astir from the earliest dawn, in or- clothes presentable for her approaching uer to get mrougn with their coobing, nuptials. patching, washing, and dUhwasbing. uine, thinking in that case we'd be all right anyhow, for the other bank wouldn't fail if this one should." Though this kind of locric Bilenppd f lip 1 a. t . i 1 innr nnp. wiiM n nnwnrn nnn nripu 2111 me 1 ' -" 1 uaueub ui uiu aueue ia ua uuuuuuive iu v " l-- " " " v.. ... ... .. Ucu4 w u.uu- good woman, it by no means convinced b auaolule,Y approve, no uau oeen tj tmt th(j Qreat gpirit came down dent was received quietly and without buoyancy of spirits as the Intense cold tice now. Presuming you are a regular her that her suitor was on tlie safe track, aud she took much to secret prayer, not, however, forgetting to reju- The atmosphere is sparkling, and the men to read the newspaper is the one aspect of the scene is as couducive to mat we wouiu recommenu mem toprao- compeueu to assent to. aud nermitted both to stand erect on Saying this he left the platform, and condition that there should be no more Edna emerged from her "green room," crying. Therefore an Indian brave : tj j , never sheds a tear. Thev believe a Ug .puus. u u.c w u. woman wa8 formed of fou-r bones of a old-fashioned grenadine, cut low in the man. and ,uat when the Great gnirit uecu ana short in tne sleeves, and was blew the breath of life into tbe body, Tn th mpiimo. h.o mpM.,o TOQ. covered with grasses, ferns, and flowers the tongue moved first. In regard to , u.v.....Bo ... . . . Adam and Jive, thpv consider Ji.ve to tbe voice ot a ,iom0.fi.. f t..i 1 in I is to activity of motion. This is winter suoscnoer to some nrst-ciass ana aoiy- uuwv.ul. u. iw.j "J el"er , ,,.,,.-,.. f Tn 1 1 Prillpd .lailir nnnpr wl.oi. vnn aih rlnwn members or spectators, and in a rew thing-no half-way measures about it. in the evening to read, have on your minutes thereafter the Capitol was de- No mist nor drizzle, no slush nor mud, reading-table, or near at hand, a good serted. At last the flag which has been " raw, damp, dismal weather." Harp- modern atlas, Worcester's or Webster's floating for thirty d.av nvpr thn nnnifi er's Weekly. arge dictionary, with a good blograph- is furled, and the longest legislative day Scandal. Wbat "they say" is ical dictionary for reference, and when- be- ever a place is referred to whose geo- 1 - - 1 ... . .-. . . ... . . 1 uiauic .w uoreuiuK iu fcuo .u.u w m i io f uu cuu. ill uiu Limea XIU111H 1 t I L 1 .j , own domestic work Is very much like table and forgot the game of poker in wnue uer uowlnS nair was literally 8tranger in preference to her husband's, i,B doora of her tPmnlP fo Tnnni onpn to remark of some false friend running thesamedav to the average mother nf Hip infprpsi. nwnfcpnp,! hv ih Q. I smotnereu 111 mountain ivies. aud for that she was debased. They I. , . , . through your brain like forked - . ... . .. , . sbu- I, , . 1 . ..it.; muwL ri, hup wiis nr. tout, nun wp nnvn 1 n by the new sen a large family the busiest day in the satlou. The "saloon" hard by began to Week. I .In n losing linainpsQ- nnrl tliprp wno It is not our design to followpreacher strong talk of lynching the preacher. and hearers through the drift of Mr. who was certainly no physical match TT ,7-1 J . mi I . a uikuuicuio. iiiev cau near ior inn nrawnv-nrmpri men wiin nn. their duplicate at any Sunday morning heaved the bowlders and burrowed out service in all the land, and they are thn P.irtli in RPnrrh .a ... . - more deeply interested lust nowinEdca I "I mean to tret un n. illvprainn t.hnt The silence wa3 death-like. No one had looked for such a demonstration. Tears rolled down many a swartbv cheek. " I come ! I come from the vernal lands "Where the rivers ol life are flowing; I come 1 I come from the golden sands That dazzle the eyes of the angeLbandi; And the seeds of summer I'm sowing," nf. m, Ii.aln 1 1 1 frw)rr llrvlit. have a sacred piece of land, on which 8tl0W that she was at war, and we have ning? what's the use of getting into a they believe the great Peacemaker de- kept an unfurled flag upon our Capitol worry and fret over gossip that has I v -r- . -- olnnn ihn fnwm n t nf A I 1. a i UTI. i a I rt Inn I Innn t!nn let n rf 1 n nrrrrt nv n For Sunday to a miner who does his regularly on. Men abandoned the faro- galnerea ,rora lue adjacent gulches, .. f iai.pnnn. fn ihn vol of a Is nf. nn pmH Tn ni,i nnm tpnt Iving awake of nights with the unkind word whose meaning or pronunciation. spoken of, concerning whom and bis whereabouts you would Know more, immediately turu to your books for ref erence, that you may learn what you would know, and thus may do without the living teacher. Any young man. who adopts this method of reading at tbe age of twenty, or younger, and prac tices it until he is a sexagenarian, can not fail of being a man of good informa tion of the world's doings relative to business, politics and religion. Suoli a reader of a good newspaper. will meanwhile acquire a taste, at least some will, for reading works on politi cal ecouomy, on geology, natural his tory, with the works of historians, scended. They never hunt or fish on this ground. The Peacemaker, they be lieve, was not nailed to a cross, but was killed by arrows, and then placed be neath a rock. He recovered life by his own power. In memory of this lliey have placed numerous stone plies in the Indian country. Indian religion teaches that if a man smites an Indian on tbe m. and John than in points of doctrine, will take the men's minds off from the She said, as, scattering upon the earth cheek UiIndilu shXhit hi and are probably wondering more and physical argument," said Edna, "for I a handful of grain, she proceeded to re- and more about the romance of Idaho shall Issue tickets of Invltatlo U tO TOUT I P.lf A tA11zn. nff pr Rtnn?a lmr rlanlamaMnn A three-vear-old little girl at Roches Tl A. 1 ... I ' I XT "IT nnnnl . A ft I. XT.,f ;p r" hier r?, 8 her 8ent,ment' aud ng,.Tv "An nmv nrp rp tn fpnor. nnn r.fVip I nil ha nn Kon..lif.l I 0 . . J . . . that the people might see we were not at peace. It is down at last, thank God, and now will be unfurled only as the emblem of peace and tho absence of at tempted revolution. In the past, when facing danger on the battlefield, and shot aud shell were carrying death on all sides, the real horror of the situation never came till tbe shock of carnage was over and in the quiet of our camp fires or the terrible exhibitions of the been set afloat to your disadvantage by some meddlesome busybody who has more time tban character I These things can't possibly Injure you, unless, in deed, you take notice of them, and In combating them give them character and standing. If wbat is said about you is true, set yourself light at once; if it is false, let it go ror what it will, until it dies of Inherent weakness. Just now Great Britain seems to be Flat weddintrtnPvprvmiiiPrlnT.lnl.nTOiotii hpin , po-np-f i. , ter, N. Y., was taught to conclude the .. . '..,., , having quite an epidemic of capital . ..xt..j ..... . . ... . " ""'" ocuniucm, auu BVpn!n nn,rD, ,Jrinfr the temporary "" "' luc icmuitr eAuiuuiuus 01 me nnnll,mpnt. "Ruprirhatoh nf nanprs auui juuywas panicuiany anxious "And how are we to feast and other- all being beautiful. k" Ji CiZt .u- , ii.iri fiPl,l hnanitnl wn rp,.iiro,i .n.i annra. .. A..t nnets. ami novelists the works of Ba- that her uusband-to-be should beregen- wise entertain them, I should like to Her presentation of summer and au- watch over my papa." It sounded very ciated the narrow escape and how slight of at least one execution. During ono con, Locke, Macaulay, Grote, Cariyle, tumn, though good, was not as complete 8Weet, but the mother's amusement a BteD u wa8 from ,ife to death. Ro. week recently there were four persons lennyson. Miii, lyndaii.Meroer I I mmr i rnnrw nnrl nrhon Chn OfTtloM ' nWAAiitnH milhin t it t no rloiTD anil tho I l"H I. ri 11 A, IK V . AiO CSi -L' lOtV. IJLUlUDU erated before she should become his know?" cried the good ladv. ----- t " I 1 O O 1 " x.uiuuii.n, . . . . ,,, ofctT4W HUIU JllU IU UCUIU, LDJ. I . , " . i I Un n( I n.rtma l io lr- MnMnah wife, which was one grand secret of her ishment "It would take me a week to as spring, because of the absence of most S yo7dTtter keen an e7e on bow that this political battle is over ber" of murdVs keepfpce with he "TndehwtlOT: nterestin themisslonaryandthemeet- make pies and doughnuts enough for of the fruits and cereals belonging to mmmJ, too!" P we can perceive how easily the life and SSSbw Sf fflnla. P P because-they have been hard students death of a nation may be determined by Ings. But Mr. LaSelle was as unim- dessert, to say nothing about the other those seasons, but sentiments and ren ti.eaa.u.eas me goou iauy was anxious, things" Jdition were alike faultless. whil fhp "I would to heaven you had as much "I don't propose to feed their bodies, simple, old-time ballads whlnh h faith ln the Omnipotent One as I have, auntie, but I will try to prepare a di- my aear," pe ventured to say one day, version for their minds. I shall give after a very thrilling exhortation from the minister to all men to flee from the wrath to come had wrought her sensi bilities to the highest pitch of concern for her darling's soul. -jriease explain," replied the good woman, not at all comprehending his meaning. "I have sufficient faith in the Power that created me to "believe He has the them a sort of elocutionary entertain ment." "Yout" "Yes; why not?" "A woman, to do such a thinrr! Brother Handel might preach sermon, but for you, a woman tempt such a feat would disgrace the a prominent part. whole lot of us." sandwiched between the acts were ex quisite. Gold and silver pieces were thrown at her feet like hail-stones, and as she stooped, blushing and radiant, to gather them up, it was little wonder she be' A linoue isianu mau una wrmeu a 1 ni.,. 1 j:n,i , lpnt.,,ppnmlp,l 'VhnmRlinllTTrrru9 """"" uiiin,u uicu, LU .wv.w.uvuv.wwu, I , 1,I. ,1 , , It Is a fine work, but so far as we are " ,B wl-" muuinuiueaa o mm num able to see, holds to the old opinion that the turmoil, danger and agitation of the A New Hampshire man told a story gation and study. in their several departments of investi- after all there is nothing better than n woman for a man to marry. Two Quaker girls were ironing on the same table. One asked the other which side she would take, tbe right or left. came infected with a stairs mania. In She answered, promptly, "It will be tbem a which visions of possible future lnde- ri?,htv.fof me,to ke Jh e.le,f '' fuDd t,b!5 U atifnrfp' fn fh r.A t i K 1 utu 1 j will be left for thee to take the right." gratitude to th , to at- pendence for herself and children played , , selves In this cc past week to the assurance that we have once more the strong arm of undisputed government over us, and that our glori ous flag will float uppn the breeze over a truly united nation, and only in and for peace. The country owes a debt of ose who placed them' contest just ended upon about a flock of crows three miles long, and so thick that you could not see the sun through It. "JJon't believe it," was the reply. "Wa'al," said the nar rator, "Yon're a stranger, and I don't want to quarrel with you; so, to please you, I'll take oil a quarter 01 a miie in the thinnest part." Danburv's absent-minded man at tended church the other evening, and How much better It is for young men and women thus to employ their leisure hours which all have, than to suffer tbem to run to waste as is too often done! Tbe farmer who furnishes his home with good books is almost sure to train up his children to become honor able and useful members of society. It was a New Jersey bor who, having nnfrlof.In irrnllnilii. Anil pirinmvpnfpfl mi . ..i-.i . . j - ..; i" ' x.. uuuBruiumuons mat pourea upon "'"""r those who seemed to prefer chaos and A plucky school marm. in South Ja maica. Ii. I., whipped the biggest boy placing his hat on the stove, backed up in the school, and when his father, a 1. tho nohinpt. nrimn tn warm hlmapir I six-footer, came around wanting to The sexton discovered the mistake and know, you know, she put him to flight unit t a... .,, Ii r ,1 -j - . I nglrpfl tvlipt.lipr hA did not wsinfc to fro to Aii riHK lur msirriice. aumie. iou uer iium un amea wera mr mnrn npnrrv 1 .: . 1 ... nower and will fn nreWrr. n ,.i , T -1 , . ; ., T , . ... T . J heaven, replied: "No; I don't want to ruin omer man a government wuu a k t..,vw u w v uiutcLb 1 hiiiiw ipnrinfi t fi fiDnin m wirn mini i ;ii u iiriiuiMH i mhh iiinxn una r n iron nnnn T . 1 . .. " ... 1- get ray ringers sore piaying on an 01a me, my dear. If there is not a sparrow while at school, and I have always been the blushing bride and tranquil groom laus to me ground without His care, called a singer. I shall erect a tempo- They were far more greatly'needed, too, surely we are of .more value than many rary 'green room' behind the pulpit, and for those worthies were happy enough cparruws. rig me up a few changes of toilet out of within themselves, -dui, mat uoes not jusuiy us m con-'my unused States wardrobe, and give harp." It Is provoking to acknowledge a charming serenade from Thomas Scott, and see It ln print the next morning as Tne crowa at lengm, dispersed, ana Thomaa Hcatu head, and to no one is more due than Mr. Randall, who, as Speaker, could, bad be so desired, prevented tbe reach' lug of any consummation. INAUGURATION. hastened to 'the rescue of the bat and I organ. Mr. Frank Buckland, tbe English naturalist, advises ladies to trim their dresses with tanned snake skins. The grate fight iz fust for bread, then butter on tbe bread, and then sugar on Active preparations are being made tbe batter. with the fire shovel. The scholars now understood who's boss. Be mersifull to all the dum animals; no man can git 10 oeaveu on a aore backed horse. Do not play at chess with a widow. Ask no woman her age.