FRIDAY MARCH 16, 1877. HOMENEWS. The Sunday Welcome has entered upon its third year. Hon. A. J. Dufur has taken up his residence in iutsi roruanu. The new styles of spring hats, as Im ported by Fieibchner, Mayer & Co., are Schools in this city aggregate about one luuusauui locks at Oregon City on account of the uigu water. the "Sandwich Islands" are largely at- tenuea ana mil oi interest. Thp Pnilttttr Pnllrf. Una nCTarait o ward of S500 for the arrest and convic tion of tlie Davis murderers. The "Elder" brought up on her last trip 1,124 tons of freight, over 400 pas- nie -xsew iiaiay Aluswortli," now on the ways at The Dalles, will be ready bu muuuu iu u weeK or ten uays. As a wise precaution in case of panic, uie entrance to tlie V. M. U. A. rooms is to he widened to jiflord speedier means The children in the public schools wm oe granteu a uoauay on tne occa sion of the Library Association benefit next week. The beautiful form of woman is her natural crown of glory; to possess and retain that beauty, wear Dr. Warner's jelcuuu vursei. Mails have been received and dis charged fmm I ho tmino nnnncitn Stark street ferry this week on account e i . li l . ui iuc uigu water. The estate left by the late Geo. W, Vailpllll in pet I mn tori In ha 000. Miss Llbbie Vaughn, his daughter, Is sole heir to the property. Andrew Hill, well known in this city auu .aiuany, cneu at Uie residence of h is t 1 I l i i . , . iaiuer iu me muer city, ou Tuesday, the 13th inst., of consumption. The report of the Oregon Bible So- CietV fihnWR th fnfnl ranointa loot ,.o m to be 51,910 31. and the expenditures CI AM on rut. - . . i,iix -v. iuere are seventeen uraucli societies. During the past week we have had unceasiug rains the coldest and most disagreeable of tlie winter. Eastern Oregon has been visited with a heavv The TTowp Rpn-Inrr AranlifnA rm have removed their office to their large BLure-room inuecK'8 building, on Sec ond street. Remember the Howe is the cnoice ot ts It, J. J. Browne. Secretary, and Tr nr. ber, Treasurer. The "Original Tennessee Jubilees" carried the popular feeling of the city by storm. They had full houses at every concert, and departed for Salem on Wednesday accompanied by the best wishes of our citizens. Preparations for the celebration of St. Patrick's Day in this city are going rap idly forward, and indications show that our Irish populalion will celebrate the anniversary iu their usual demonstra tive and creditable manner. G. Neimeyer, fashionable merchant tailor, First street, between Pine and Ash, is closing out his elegant stock of gent's furnishing goods at cost prices. The present is a fine opportunity to pur chase a splendid suit of clothes at ex tremely low rates. The announcement that the "Jubi lees" would sing at the Bervices held in the Young Men's Christian Association rooms on Sunday, caused the place to bedeuselv crowded Inn,. !... .., .. w - ' " " ' t UUUIO IUD UO- ual hour. Hundreds were unable to gain admittjiiino Tim tom i.,.,i. out were more than usually interesting. We call special attention to tlie ad vertisement of Dr. Warner's Health Corset. We will send one copy of the Sew Northwest oue year aud one of these Corsets post-paid to auy address on the receipt of SI 00. We cordially recommend the article to our lady friends, aud feel confident they will appreciate -them after a very short trial. The first criminal conviction under Stewart's bill to yreveut cruelty to women took place in Judge Moses' court at Virginia City, Nevada, on the 9th Inst. A man named Marshall, con victed of wife-beating, was tied up to a post near the Court-houstyit 2 o'clock on the day specified witua placard, "Wife-Beater," fastened on his breast. There was considerable excitement over the affair. This law may be an im provement on the whipping post pen alty for this cowardly class of offenders, though we confess to a partiality to the latter mode of punishment. There is nothing so salutary as giving such fel lows a smart, sharp, and decisive dose of their own medicine. A woman who lives in SaltLake City, speaking of the young women of Utah, says: "They suffer from their too Im plicit faith in man, and from the confi dence so guilelessly placed in a man made religion, or more particularly in oue feature of that religion known as the 'Divine Revelation of the plurality of wives.'" He purchased his sweetheart a nair of en-button kid gloves, and handed U.em In at the doorhlmself. Theservaut-giH took them, atid going to the foot of the stairs, bawled out, "Please, miss, 'ere's a young man has brought you a pair of leggings." MBS. 15. A. OW3fS, M. J). Office and residence, east side First street, be tween Yamhill and Taylor. Special attention given to women and children's complaints. Also, gives Medicated Vapor Baths, com bined with Electricity, In treating rheumatism and chronic diseases. 52 A Remarknblc Cnre. West TowxscsD.Vt., May 16.1SG0. Messes. 8. W. Fowxe & Soxa : Gentlemen. Several veftnmlnroTtvilr n o re vere cold, which settled on my lungs, where It muuuuea witnout relaxation, i was men in Massachusetts, and frrnwlntr trorsn nrtrl hMim. ins unable to attend to my business, I returned home and commenced searching In earnest for some medicine which would restore my lost health. I consulledgphyslcIans,I tried many -(1th(iIqi h iht.1n.i1 nAlialn Vm 4r,ll worpe. i naa a terriDie cough, and raised a good deal of blood. I had profuse night sweats and severe pain In my side. I continued In this state for months, and hprsmn Bn van It that It was with ereat difficult vT mniH icnib- when I was advised to try AVisiak's Balsam of wild cnERET, and to my great Joy I soon rouna mat this remedy bad arrested the dls ease. I continued to use the Bxijiinrtn iIippt. tent of five bottles, and have since thpn nnpri. enced no difficulty of the lungs. I believe the Balsam saved my life, and I shall ever hold it in uign estimation. Yours truly, Lewis Phelps. PURCHASING AOEXCl". Miss Clara Dunlway offers her services to the public as a Purchasing AcenL Orders for every conceivable article of Ladles' and Chil dren's wear, or lor jewelry, saver or Plated ware, jsotions, l'aueras, JIuslcal Instruments etc, eta., will receive her DromDt Dersonal at tentlon. Persons living at a distance will And It to tnelr advantage In Krmri thptr nrrlprc Tn ordering mllllnerv. rlhbnns. tips, ein . slain flip age ana complexion 01 wearer, color or hair anu eyes, style or reatures, and how the hair is worn. No order attended to unless nmim. panled by tho cash, and all transactions to be consmerea nnau ine same conscientious care will be exercised in maklntr purchases as though the owner were present, and Silas T)nn way's acquaintance with the trade will always enuoie ner to secure honorable bargains Terms of commission, five per cent. Ladies writing for information concerning nrlcpa styles, etc, must Inclose a stamp to pay roturn postage. The American Newspaper DracrTOBTknn epitome of newspaper history. It Is also re garded as an official reeister of circulations. This feature requires the closest scrutiny to prevent it irom leading to abuses. The plan adopted by the publishers of the DiRErrrnRv tn secure correct and trustworthy reports Is rigid in 11s requirements, and Is adhered to with impartiality. Successful publishers, who have something to gain by a comparison, are gener ally prompi, not only to send reports in con formity, but give Messrs. Geo. P. Itowell A On such information as enables them to weed out unsubstantiated statements or pretenders In Journalism. Tho popularity of the book, and me general confidence in its accuracy and irooil laitn, are attested by the Immense body of ad' veruseinenis it receives. 4 26 TAKE XOTICE. Mr. Uendee Is In town and Is latins- In all styles of the art. and has all the advant. ages of easy access to his Gallery aud tne best light In the State, and takes as good pictures as any otner man and at as reasonable prices, and is always ready and good-natured. Please cull and test his ability. Gallery In the middle of me diock, tarsi street, between Morrison and Yamhill, Portland, Oregon. 6-il From a Jlstin;ruilicU Jurist. "I have tried the Peruvian Syrdp and th result fully sustains your prediction. It has made a new man ol me, Infused into my sys tem new vigor and enenrv. I am nn Inn. -or tremulous and debilitated saw me, but stronger, heartier, and with larger capacity ior laoor, mental and physical, than at any time during the last live years." Sold by all druggists. 21 A Valuable Discovery. Dr. J. P. Milipr. n practicing physician at 327 Snruce street.Philn- delphla, has discovered that the extract of cran berries and hemp combined cures headache, cither bilious, dyspeptic, nervous.or slct hend. ache, neuralgia and nervousness. This Is a tri umph in medical chemistry and sufferers all over the country are ordering by mail. He prepares it In pills, at 50 cents a box. The Doc tor is largely Known and highly respected Philadelphia Bulletin. B3T The National Gold Medal was .iwanlprl to Bradley & Rulofson for the best Photographs In the United States, and the Vienna Medal for the best-In the world. 429 Montgomery street, San Francisco. NEW THIS WEEK. G. NEIMEYER, MERCHANT TAILOR rirtt .street, bet. Ash ami llne. T)ESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES TO THE LV public that lie is closing out his stock of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS AT COST PRICES fr-27 OREGON STATE IMMIGRATION SOCIETY! OFriCE-FKOXT STREET, One door north or American Exchange Hotel. t Information Free to Immigrants. IARMERS, MANUFACTURERS. MILL . men, and others, are requested to assist the hociety by notifying the Secretary when they need Laborers, Lumbermen, Mechanics or Clerks. LANDS FOR, S ALE. The Society has the following REAL ES TATE iu Its bands for Snle : S23 Acres I?.,Yam,hln coontr. 18 miles from McMInn vllle; 150 acres under cultivation and 173 acres of good pasturage. The farm has good running water and excellent springs; also timber enough for practical purposes, a rolling sur- -" uittiuttgc, mere are good neicn- ours in me vicinity. Price. S20 tier TerinR.nnrvhfllffiaeh haianAnn 1. 1. " acre. interest. ' UM" ""OD5 400 Acres In Washington county; 120 acres ofBeaverdam land with no timber or brush on It; about 40 acres of heavy timber, balance open hazel brush land. There is a good Barn and Log house on the place; also a flne young orchard and 16 acres of Timothy meadow. The land Is nearly all under fence, and it can easily be made one of the finest farms In Oregon. Price. $oj0. 680 Acres On the Columbia Bottom, 20 miles north ol Portland, and 2J miles from landing place of dally steamers on the Columbia River. Lake Rlvei a navigable stream, crosses the place. It Is one of the best dairy farms In the country. Two hundred and sixty acres of this tract Is gopd pasture and meadow land, and will be. sold separately or with part or all of the bal ance, which Is timber. ..c? tol t.the meadow and pasture. 515 per fhSUp1,118 VmbF 00 Per "ere- Price ?or Hfifi 1- Terms, two-thirds cash, Mare jiw"" buildings on the place. jnSOELLANEOUS. THE CROWNING GLORY Tlie Some SEWING MACHINE Vi'AB AWARDED THE FIRST PREMIU3I At the Centennial Exhibition, 18711. and has always carried off the highest hon ors wherever exhibited. A Compact, Simple, Durable, Light Running and Efficient "Lock Stitch" Hachine Adapted to the wants of Everybody No Home Complete Without One, Emphatically the Machine for the People. WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS! Send for nriccs and samnles of work dnne on the Home, or call at any of our offices. JOHNSON, CLARK A CO,. 30 UNION SQUARE, New York. 21 South Fifth street, St. Louis, Mo. 581 Washington street, Boston, Mass. 141 State street, Chicago, Illinois. 1I1VJ Second Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. 17 New Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. G. W. Traver, corner of Morrison and Third streets, Portland, Oregon. 0-17 3?L3i;iVa:0"7".XJ. FISHEL & ROBERTS HAVE REMOVED TO THEIR NEW AND ELEGANT STORE, Corner First anil Alder streets, Where they will be pleased to see their old ana new customers. THE STOCK OP CLOTHING New, Elegant and Stylish. OUR MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT Is supplied with the best and latest Styles of NGLISH & FRENCH GOODS, AND OUR NEW FEATURE, HATS ! Are the Latest Importation. We guarantee to sell our Stock LOWER THAN EVER, And shall aim to please our customers in every particular. &-15 GEO. B. CAI'EN. KLI.EBY CAPES. GEO. B. CAPEN & CO., Cor. First A Salmon Sts., Portland. Or., MANuTACTUEERS ..... AND..... WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS In all kinds of Mens' and Boys' Boots and Shoes For the Oregon and Northwestern trade. Particular attention paid to country dealers, as we manufacture a class of goods well suited to country trade. All work warranted. KOrders solicited. c-19 THE CLARENDON HOTEL, PORTLAND, OREGON. ZtEUER A- KXOWLES, Proprietors. Situated Opposite all tho Railroad and Steamship Offices. Street Cars pass the House every Ave minutes. FREE COACH TO AND FROM THE HOUSE. PORTLAND BAKERY, Cor. Fourth and A Sts. rpnE UNDERSIGNED TAKES PLEASURE J to announce to his friends, acquaintances SnVe.hpQbLlc ln K?neral. that be llaS: opened the above Bakery, where he nlways will keep on hand an assortment of CRACKERS, BREAD. CAKES, AND PAS TRIES, Of all kinds. All orders promptly attended to- HARMAN & LERAMN. Madame FOY'S CORSET SKIRT SUPPORTER Increases in Popillarlty . . . "very year, An$&T HEALTH, COMFORT, and STYLE is acknowlegedthe BEST ARTICLE of the kind evermade. Forsale by all lead ing Jobbers and retailers. Be ware of Imitations and infringe ments. Manufactured solely bv FOY & JIAKMOJf, New Haven, Conn. 6-23 MISCELLANEOUS. FLEIS CHEER, MAYER & CO., NOS. IS AND 15 FRONT STREET, Importers and Wholesale Dealers. FAIL SEASON. M R. MAYER HAS MADE VERY EXTEN- si ve purchases 01 a 11111 nno 01 MILLINERY GOODS, Direct from the Manufacturers and Importers In New York. Our Stock will consist ot the latest styles and shades of JFeatliors and Plumes, French Flowers, Hats, Shapes, Biblions, Plain, Gros Grain and Fancy, Silks, Yeltets, etc., etc., To which we Invite the attention of the Milli- ney Trade of Oregon and Washington 'terri tory. Being the only Wholesale nouso in the State importing MILLINERY GOODS direct from New York, we will be prepared to offer extra Inducements to our Friends and Patrons. 5-52 A. Ii. FRANCIS, DEALER IX PIANOS -AJNT ORGANS And Agent for the world-renowned WEBER PIANOS & STANDARD ORGANS. Also Agent for the COTTAGE GEM PIANO AND GERMAN UPRIGHT. Instruments sold on very easy Installments. Lanre discounts to music teacher.-', schools. and churches. "WfE KEEP NO STORE AND PAY NO V V rent, whereby we are enabled to sell very low. We ship our Instruments direct, and al low our patrons the privilege of testing before purchasing. Being a practical musician, as well as tuner and repairer, wo irnarantee what ever we sell. Address A. L. FRANCIS, 6-15 Lock Box 235, Portland. Or. DR. WARNER'S HEALTH CORSET, irvnnuiLi OAnirAKi VUH91T,) TO Sfcirt supporter k Sell-Adjn$tii2 Pads. Secures Ileiilt!i mill Comfort of Hoily, Willi Grace and Itcnutyof form Three gannen t s i n one. .Approved h all physicians. Short front. Long front Was awarded the Gold Medal at the Cenlen nlal Exhibition for being the most healthful. Over three million are now worn. The Child's Waist Is a model of perfection. If no agent Is near you, I will send by mall, post-paid, one Health Corset, SI 75, and one Misses Corset, $1 25, or one Child's Waist, $1 50, complete, with two pair of Stocking Supporters, for $2 50 gold. State whether Long or Short Front Cor set Is desired. Regular sizes run from 18 to 3a Misses Corsets and Children's Waists run from 20 to 27 inches. Sizes 31 to 38, White or Brown, are twenty-live cents extra. Send money by registered letter. The latest and mest complete invention Is Dr. Warner's Nursing Corset, which excels for comfort and convenience, and supports the Breast. Sent by mail, post-paid, for $2 00 cur rency. MRS. M. A. WARNER, Portland, Oregon. Says Mrs. J. S. Blake, M. D.: "Dr. "Warner's Health Corset Restores the lost Development of the bosom; they are constructed on physio logical principles." nas-Iwill send by mail, post-paid, live great American Twenty-five Cent Stationery Prize Packages lor Si 00 currency. 6-25 ALEX. WARNER. BABY CARRIAGES! Just the thing. CROQUET SETS! An Immense Stock. 2E3XjE1.:D CAGES ! Every Variety. BREEDING CAGES! Latest Make. FANCY GOODS I Etc, Etc, Etc., At Aokerman's Dollar Store. At Ackerman's Dollar Store. 0-21 . 33. CORBETT'S LIVERY, HACK AND FEED STABLES (FIRE-PROOF), Corner Second and Taylor Streets. Reasonable Charges for Hire. Particular At tention paid to Boarding Horses. Orders lor Hacks Promptly Attended to, Day or Night. esr Orders may be lelt at the Stables, or at the store of Fisliel fc Roberts. 5-35 NCIIADE A CO., DYERS AND SCOURERS, 173 Second St., between Main and Salmon, Portland, Oregon. LADIES' DRESSES, CLOAKS, MANTILLAS, and Damask Curtains colored ln the best style. Boys' and Men's clothing cleaned and dyed, aud prices reduced. All work warranted. Goods not called for within three montbs will be sold to pay expenses, and any Articles damaged or lost by fire wo will not hold our selves responsible for. 6-21 STONE, THE JEWELER, HAS REMOVED TO XIItST AND MORRISON STS. -21 PS MISCELLANEOUS. SHERMAN & HYDE, Corner of Keamy and Sutter Streets, SAN FRANCISCO, A St) 12.1 First Street, Corner Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON, Importers, Publishers, and Dealers Iu SHEET music, music BOOKS, AND Musical Merchandise. These SuDcrb Instruments have achieved a success unparalleled in the history of Piano forte Manufacture. They are remarkable for Great Volume, Purity and Sweetness of Tone, ana iiurauuity. THE CELEBRATED STANDARD O 33. Gr 1ST S , The Most Desirable Instruments In the market for church and parlor. Over 28,000 now In use. SHERMAN A HYDE, GENERAL AGENTS, San Francisco. siAKCTAcrnsxBs or the Instrumcfits Sold on Easy Installments. We have constantly on hand a good assort ment 01 RELIABLE CHEAP PIANOS, Made from the best seasoned material, and FULIV WARRANTED. Prices as low as worthless Pianos are sold for elsewhere. Call and see us before purchasing. Portland, Oregon. HEADQUARTERS OF ALL THE LEADING MusIcTeachers and Bray's Quadrille Band, Professor Parrish, Prompter. Also, music ar ranged lor brass and string bands. Instru ments selected for persons wishing to purchase. Orders to be left with SHERMAN &. HYDE. corner First and Morrison streets. Also, headquarters of the Northwestern Band, Parrott, Leader. 5-28 "A Repository of Fashion, Pleasure, and Instruction." Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. MOTICES OF THE PRESS. For strictly household matters anil dress. "Harpers Bazar" Is altogether the best thing Sublished. To take It Is a matter of economy. "o lady can afford to be without It, for the in formation it gives will save her very much more money than the subscription price, be sides giving the household an Interesting liter ary visitor. Chicago Journal. "Harper's Bazar" is profusely lllustrated.and contains stories, poems, sketches, and essays ol a most attractive character. In Its literary and artistic features, the "Bazar" Is unquestionably the best Journal of Its kind ln the country. Saturday Evening Gazette, Bos ton. Terms : Postage Free to all Subscribers In the U. S. Harper's Bazar, one year. $i 00 S4 00 Includes prepayment of U.S. postage by the publishers. Subscriptions to "narper's Magazine," "Weekly," and "Bazar," to one address for one year, SI0 00 ; or, two of Harper's Periodicals to one address for one 'year, $7 00: postage free. An Extra Copy of either the "Magazine," "Weekly," or "Bazar" will be supplied gratis for every Club of Five Subscribers at $4 00 each, ln one remittance; or, Six Copies for $20 00, without extra copy: postage free. Back Nuubers can be supplied at any time. The Volumes of tho ''Bazar" commence with the year. When no time is mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the number next after the re ceipt of his order. The Annual Volumes of "Harper's Bazar," ln neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of expense, for $7 00 each. A Complete Set, comprising Nine Volumes, sent on receipt of cash at the rate of S3 23 per volume, freight at expense of purchaser. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on re ceipt of $1 00 each. Indexes to each volume sent gratis on receipt ol stamp. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Harper & Brothers. Address HARFER A BROTHERS, 17 New York. A. C. WALLING, Book and Job Printer, prrrocK's building, up-stairs Corner Front and Stark streets, Portland, Oregon. "VrlnT at REASONABLE RATES. 2SX It, a- REX, M. D. Office and Residence Corner Morrison and Second streets. Office Hours Prom 1 p. M. to 7 p. x., except Wednesdays and Saturdays 9 A. it. to 12 v. &-I8 MISCELLANEOUS JUST PUBLISHED, & NEW ILLUSTRATED P0E&1. "In with you, man !" Fel'tlah said. "You'd better try to earn your bread Than like the birds to bill and cno ! Twill do for them to sigh and woo, For they havo nothing else to do." DAYID AN ANNA MATS OIN 5 T3y Mrs. Scott Dunhvny, Editor "New Northwest," Portland, Oregon, WITH BEAUTIFUL ILLUSTRATIONS, AND ELEGANTLY BOUND. A new epic, from a vigorous and skillful pen, on a subject which occupies a large place In the social discussions of the day. The subject is taken Irom Mr. Whlttler's short narrative of "Da vid Matson," with which the reader Is probably familiar. David Matson, a Merrlmac sailor, was captured by the Algerlnes (during one of his voyages) and sold Into slavery. After many years he obtained release and was on his way to the home or his boyhood, when he fell ln with his old employer, who informed him that his wife, believing him dead, had remarried, and, stunned by his trouble, he surrendered all claim as husband and father to the man who had stepped into his place, and departed. Mrs. Dunlway has found a theme in this story with which her heart beats ln warmest sympathy, and her lines flow on in the smooth cadence In dicative of the fullest accord. She pictures the gentle, tender, trustful Anna and the wily, cov etous Pelatlah In vivid colors; and how years of poverty and longing, and the cries of the nun gry boys, compelled poor Anna to yield to Pelatlah's importunity. "Klse.rejolce, , My poor, unmated dove," said he, " And look henceforth lor love to me." A little further on he says: " Become my wife and you shall be Made happy through prosperity," While, If she persists ln declining his advances, wolf-like, he threatens to abandon her to star vation and cold. And this Pelatlah was a "deacon," " In exhortations deep and loud." The wanderings of David, his captivity, release, hapless Interview with Pelatlah, discovery ot Anna's second wifehood, and his sad going back to Algeria, are all told so pathetically that our feelings ai e deeply enlisted. No one, with any true sentiment, can read the poem without be ing thoroughly stirred. The Illustrations are in admirable keeping with the passages they are designed to portray, and a line engraving of the author Is a fitting frontispiece. The subject spirit, fire and passion of the poem should give It an extensive reading, aside from the Interest which the literary reputation of the author must awaken ln It. As a specimen of book-making the volume Is certainly beautiful, and would adorn any center-table. We know ol no work so well adapted as a holiday present. It Is printed on heavy tinted pa per and most beautifully bound, piice, $2 00; full by mall, post-paid, by S. E. WELLS & Co., OFFICE OF THE SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Corner Yiuiiliill null First Sts., Portland, May 27, 1875. THE SiRSCER STILL TRIUMPHANT! Name of Company and Machine. The Singer Manufacturing Company Wheeler &. Wilson Manufacturing Company Howe Sewing Machine Company (estimated)- Domestic Sewing Machine Company Grover & Baker Sewing Machine Company Weed " " " Wilson " " " Wilcox AGibbs " " " American B. II. " " " Florence " " " Victor .(Etna, J. E. Brannsdorf & Co ... MISCELLANEOUS. FAY & MANNING, SEALER IN FINE GKOCEKIES, FLOUR OF ALL GRADES, Selected Teas, Tare Coffees and Spices, BUTTER AND CHEESE From the Best Dairies, rOKEIGN ASD IIOMESTIC FKUITS, Canned Fruits and Vegetables, And a full variety of other goods usually kept in a nrst-ciass store. Corner E and Tblrd street. Goods promptly delivered, free of expense. 5 49 SEED S - A NEW STOCK OF FIELD, FLOWER, AND GARDEN SEEDS ......AND...... FRUIT TREES! HAVE JUST BEEN RECEIVED AND ARE for sale by HACHENEY & STEMME, Seedmen, Comer First and Taylor streets, Portland, Ogn., tt-21 FOR THE BEST PHOTOGRAPHS, GO TO-. Bnchtel & Stolto's PALACE OIT ART, Corner ot First and' Morrison streets, Portland, & uregon. a Eastern and Shoalwater Bay Oysters, IN EVERY STYLE, AT..... ALISKY & HECELE'S PREMIUM CANDY MANUFACTORY, First St., bet. Alder nnd Morrison. 5-36 VDB. J. G. GI.EX2f, Uontist, Southwest comer First and Yamhill PORTLAND, OREGON. ADVERTISEMENTS. gilt extra, 52 50. For sale by book-sellers, or Publishers, 737 Broadway, New York. No. MachlneslNo. Machlnesllncrease orDe soul in lSTj. soiu ln jsti. i crease. 232,444 119,100 151.000 40,114 30,179 21,769' 21,217 15,188 14,182 8,0(30 " 7,416 3,081 241,1179 02,827 35,000 22,700 20,000 20,495 17,525 13,710 13,529 5,517 6,292 1,868 Increase 9,235 Decrease 26,363 llDiXW 17,414 " 16479 " 1,274 " 3,73 653 " 3,443 " 1,15 " 1,215 MISCELLANEOUS. BARBER & NICK. LIN, DENTISTS, (Successors to J. H. Hatch,) No. 109 First street, Portland, Oregon. NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED, IN TAKING LEAVi. of Portland, returns his sincere thanks for the liberal patronage that has been bestowed, and would bespeak for his successors a contin uance of the same. Both Drs. Barber & Nick lin are gentlemen ln every way worthy of any confidence that may be placed ln them, and as such I can conscientiously recommend them to my former friends and patrons. 6-21 J. H. HATCH. C. AT. WIBEBG, No. 105 Front Street, Portland, HAS JUST RECEIVED A LARGE LOT OF the Latest Styles of BOOTS AND SHOES, Such as Men's Centennial and Broadway Ties, Ladles' and Children's (Gray Bros, and Sollen Co.'s) Button, Lace, and Congress Boots. All will be sold at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. N. B. All goods on hand previous to January 1st, 187C, will be sold at 20 per cent, below cost. 5-32 JOHN WILSON, 107 Tblrd Street, Offers lor sale a lull assortment of Corsets, Dress Goods, Hosiery, Flannels, Underwear, Fine White Muslins Gents' and Boys' Linen B Shirts, Embroideries and Trimmings, Silk and Lace Ties, Lace Curtains, Ribbons, etc., Piano and Table Covers, And Domestics of every description, at lowest cash prices. N.B. Good Business Stand to Let. Store- Room, No. 105 Third street. Eighty feet deep. Rent moderate. Enquire of JOHN WILSON, 6-23 107 Third street. PIONEER WOOD-YARD, Foot ot Y mhlll street. SORENSEN & TAYLOR. ALL KINDS OF WOOD, Sawed and unsawed, constantly on hand, and 5 delivered to any part of the city. 27 CHRIS. 8 CLOTH rrVITES HIS OLD PATRONS AND THE Public generally to call at his NEW BUTCHER SHOP, Washington t., one door east of Third. vn30 T. A. M'BEXDE, Attorney -at-Law, Office in Monnastes' Brick, First St., Portlaad. 6-18 ' 5 .4 1 1 1 ii