The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, March 16, 1877, Page 2, Image 2

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MARCH 16, 1877.
Agents will please take notice that It Is a
great tax upon us to pay express charges upon
small sums, and they 'Will confer a great favor
by remitting to us through money orders or
registered letters.
OnftPfin nflftlnnallv find even amoncr Ill-eotten pains of men frenuentlv re- DEABREADEESopraENKwNoKTnwEST: " F " " . . . . . To the Editob of the Nkw Northwest:
u a o a I . . ... . . n 1 1 tr H awa la a LU'n n a Ihnf ennlnti'niia I . .
the sayings of imbecile monarchs some- turn by bequest of daughters or profli- The undersigned is ge ling n netier - - !" ""m " 10 PerU9'Dg cne, DS L an
thing worthy of modern endowment gacy of sons back to channels where spirits again, me uiuS air oi .UB V V ,t 7i " era jpsr u, ui, i muuu su
Walking up First street and down they can wield an influence for good, ocay .mountains comes uuming over --- arucle entitieu "raueu vomen,- ana
Front the other day, taking in through and in the great moral summing up of from the far Pacific, bringing health lb0UB" ror lbe fe; 8J' Jf 'Pr giving a description of the traps and
our distrusted nostrils lust as little of human things defeat the designs of upon its wings, aud imbuing the wan- draughts the soul iiero drinKs or uod, gnare8 6et by tuen, to Iure and ,ead
- . . .. . i ima mnro fiiinii ir. nn rer rPHiiRii. imp mnrp i
t,.ir irtn nn.1 hi,, roith ih. fmn.. t him wlm wriino tiiom hv m-ppiI ness. uerer wun uope mat bub suuu auuu re- 1 away -virtuous
of tobacco, as would suffice to keep the tyranny, and oppression from
fires of life burning while we walked; masses, or niched them by games
"To say and straight unsay argues no leader."
So said Milton, and so say we, and we
will add on our own responsibility,
neither does it argue fit qualifications
for a teacher, as a minister and editor of
a church paper certainly claims to be.
Brother Acton, of the Advocate, came
out a few weeks since in an editorial
endorsing women ministers in unquali
fled terms. His comments thereon
were widely copied and very generally
commended by the press, as we doubt
not they were by the larger and more
intelligent class of his readers. But it
Is evident that there "is a power behind
the throne greater than the throne," or,
in other words, that those who employ
Brother Acton employ him merely as
an amanuensis, and if, perchance, he
expresses his own views, they speedily
find means to make him retract. Hear
him in his issue of the 8th inst.: -
tue join her loved oues, whose voices whls- shall it aspire and thirst ever after for
we thought for the first time with re- chance from victims less fortunate if not
spect of James L, of England, by re- less immoral than themselves.
calling his verdict upon tobacco. He Occasionally one of the first class,
said: "The use of tobacco Is a habit who hesitates not to build the ladder by
diBgusting to the eye, obnoxious to the which be rises to fortune ot the prostrate
per in the breeze the precious words,
"come home."
How long we have been away ! And
yet, gauging the months from June till
March by the work we have done, the
miles we have traveled and the thous-
the higher, the deeper, and purer. Such
religion, this, and no other, will trans
form society and redeem the world."
Observe how nicely he says that
which we should neglect to sugar coat,
and thereby, like Horace Greeley, offend
nose, injurious to the brain, and dan- hopes and cherished plans of his fellow and incidents of our varied experience, somebody whose ideal, personal God is
genua to the lungs. The black stink- men, dies without offspring, as did how short the time has really been ! as sacred to h.m as Juggernau or Josh
ingsmokeof it resembles the smoke out Stewart, and immediately his great
of the abyss of hell." wealth begins to flow back into the
Pretty strong lauguage; but then old channels from which it was wrung, and
James Stuart bad not become civilized charities, the needs ot which were per-
in his tastes? and was not one of those baps created by the undue centralization
(women represent that class no w-a-days) of this wealth upon one Individual, are
A nrotracted meetiuc was in nroeress or V isliuu is to their enthusiastic devo
in Council Bluffs, which lessened our tees! We think we excel as a political
audiences somewhat, but they were fair; missionary, but put us in the theologl-
and we made many friends, though bus- cal field and our truth needs horaeo-
iness is so dull that everybody looks pathic attenuation to make the people
straight down his nose and clasps his who need it worst willing to partake of
who hold their breath and with white relieved by bequests of his heirs, ut- iuia.u.uB ;.u
lips and half-averted face declare that tener, however, profligate sons scatter v&
thev "do not obiect to smokintr." by the whirlwind of their own ungov- 'lm,lea
erned nasslona. orlet slln bv their innate
sive and offensive habit is this use of Inertia, the means that grasping, care- They operate so effectively to open the
tobacco, so common as to be almost uui
versal; so common that one is in danger
of being spit upon when suddenly turn
ing the corner of a public thoroughfare;
so uuiversal that the air in all public
Mr. Mills is a warm friend of Ralph
Waldo Emerson, and one of his greatest
eulogizers. He seems to belong to the
school of transeendentalists, of which
young men," ana I
suppose "virtuous" old men, also,) and
they are very sure to be entrapped.
Now, I do not wish to find fault with
the very good advice given to the fallen
women and frail daughters, but as there
is never an effect-without a cause, let us
look into the matter a little. Tu the
first place, what is a fallen womau?
The answer is easily given; 'tis a wom
an that is lost to virtue, that makes it
the aim of her life to lead and lure away
"virtuous" men, young or old. But
stay; there must be a cause for any
woman making a life business of such
things as these. Did not some "virtu
ous" man, young or old, "lead and lure"
her away in the first place? Bid not
some man come to her, and by vows of
eternal love and promises of marriage,
lead and lure" her from virtue, aud
I Mnrrfirrt. Kiillpr Kmprsnn. f-JrpMpv. nnn I.. .. . - .1 mK
ful nnH nnintitnklnir fathers have nccu- eves 01 al tuinKers to wie ausuruity oi -- : ' inen in uer nour or greatest, ueea ciesen
mulated I at cost of everv pleasure to the idea that Xesus must be constantly tl,ers' wero t,,e supposed founders, L and per,mp3 be lhe flrst to point Secretary Fish, after eigh
themselves and the manv have a chance Importuned and labored with by men lf UUB" " l" rel ",ou V , . the finger of scorn and call the atteu- years of labor in the
r. m oi,.,o and women, especially at spasmodic in- clus auu ymagorus anu jesus ior uis t,on of the world t0 her faultg and fai,. State retirel on jIonday
" . ; . iPrv. tn mkfi His divine mission weightier references. He does not, like ins7 m nlnetv-nin,, cases out of o,,p of oflice.
mna in iniuintr nn rnirrnnn i rnm nn i - -
Mrs. Hayes and family will worship
in a Methodist Church.
Heavy snows have been falling In
portions of Utah for some days.
Simon Cameron, of Pennsylvania, has
resigned the position of United States
New Hampshire electiou took place
on Tuesday andTesulted in a victory for
No extra session of Congress will be
called unless absolutely necessary to
supply the array.
Frederick Douglass will undoubtedly
be appointed maishai of the District of
Columbia in a few days.
No offers of any kind have been made
by the President to Gov. Packard, of
Louisiana, as some have believed.
The Cabinet nominations were con
firmed by (he Senate on Saturday by
nearly a unanimous vote in each case.
Iu accordance with custom, Mrs.
Hayes held her first reception at the
White House on the afternoon of the
Department of
from the cares
assemblies Is poisoned with its villain- Eastern paper, concerning the disposl-
ous fumes. From men with gray, un- Hon of wealth by the daughter or a
kempt beard aud hair, and poorly clad noted gambler, proves the first assertion:
sons of toll wno smoue tne snort- miss Mary Dancer died at sew YorK last
sfommpd p.Iav nine surcharged with ek. She was the daughter of a well known
. . . i . i t ,
deadly nicotine, to the exquisite who DrovlsIona , her wlll
Our editorial on "Women Preaching" has
been productive of some funny criticisms for
and against. We did not think It was such a
a serious question, and our treatment of it was
purely playful. While we confess we have
never round satisfactory evidence of absolute ii " Hnln nlfrnrpff p nnd nnffo thPm '"""- J-""" "
prohlbiUon in the Scriptures-nothing which f0"8 "Pdainty Cigarettes and puffs them Uedlv dea ssssoooamongthlrtyne religious,
mav not be acpounted for in eiisiinsr customs JangUlUiy wane lie recounts uia Kiirnig oenevoieni, ana cnaniaoie societies, auer uis
and lorms of the ancient church, and which conquests at the last soiree and the grave PslnS of 5183,000 to relatives and friends.
for this reason would pass away with these eiders or "solid" man on 'Change who Thus by a strange mutation morality
finds solace In his costly meerschaum, Is fed upon the proceeds of immorality,
all puff and smoke and expectorate, although in this case for a long series of
while their eyes grow weak and watery years the latter, arrogant and boastful,
and their breath and clothing reek with defied theformerand obstinately refused
intolerable odors. If women would
unitedly dl'scouutenance and frown upon
this habit, we do not believe that men
would "smoke them out," as they are
about to do under the present "tolera-
tlou" system
customs yet we are far from having a clear
Judgment that licensing women and regularly
placing them in the pastorate will better the
present custom, or add to woman's usefulness.
We want women to preach without license
preach as they only can; thiough all the
graces and virtues and talent of the sex, every
where and In all ways. We think It a small
thing that a woman must obtain license of
some church or be regularly installed, a thing
too small In her case to be troubled about, and
under the present ecclesiastical law of our
church, we cannot quite see how it can be le
gally given. But the law may be at fault. One
thing Is certain, we shall not at present vote
for our wife to receive license, and it is not be
cause she cannot preach either.
to be guided by her sweet influences.
I " Though the mills of God grind slowly,
Yet they grind exceeding small;
Though with patience He stands waiting.
With exactness grinds He all."
In these days wheu "babies are such
It is indeed something new for a min- care," and the dimpled darlings of our caUon of the 8exeg wh,ch ,fl jU8t tQ ouf
Dr. Holland has published a book en
titled "Every Day Topics," which con
tains the following views upon co-edu-
available, that we are in great hope to
live to see the day wheu the paganism
of our idealized theological sophistry
will blossom into such a perfect knowl
edge of the near hereafter that none
sb all need to say to his neighbor,
"Know ye the Lord," for all shall rec
ognize the ever-aboundiug dews of
heavenly grace, and learn that Jesus is
our friend when we do right and not our
scape-goat when we do wrong. Then
ministers with highly cultivated self
esteem, approbativenes3, aud firmness
will have their organs of conscientious
ness so manipulated by the power of
justice that they will all be ashamed, as
some of them now are, to stand In pub
lic places in a cloak of self-righteousness
while denying to woman the fruit
of her hands. It is this, and this chiefly,
which compels the seeds of dishonor
and wickedness to be sown broadcast in
the heart of embryo humanity upon the
soil of maternal subjugation. When
the people learn that the way to
ister of the gospel, and a teacher, earnest rememorance, in meir origin, mind. "if the studies and the modes of C0D(luer wrong is not to attack the tree
through the organ of the great Metho- P'nk frocks and cunning bibs, crowing gt. of th(J collee are not to be raodi. of evil to destroy it by lopping off here
dist EnlscoDal Church on the Northwest m their home-made crauies, nave given
Coastoftheentiremembershio through- place to the pale and puny nurslings
out the jurisdiction of at least two con- dressed in an elaborate mass of tucks
ferences, to declare that his treatment and embroidery, and wheeled out for an
of the fitness of nersons for the ministry occasional airing in dainty carnages,
was "nurelv nlavful." and to confess we reread with a pleasant throb of olden
that he did not think it n "serious hups- memories Emerson's tribute to baby
1 1 1 1 . ii i. .-i. I I t.
flediu consequence of the admission of a Jea' "uu u,elB S "tin
men and women, teachers and students nlnS at the ver fdatfon of equality,
' - il 1 S 11 it.! a 1
need make no objection. The society Juslu:ei ".
luuieuuiutu win uuwu. xu u wu uiuu t
tlon." We had supposed that such fit
ness was as serious a question as ever
was discussed in church councils, and if
our brother tries to create the impres
sion that be considered it a question to
be dealt with in levity, and, if possible,
rendered ludicrous because women were
the subject of discussion, every consci
entious Christian woman who believes
in using, according to the counsel of
Jesus of Nazareth, the talent God has
given her, according to her own convic
tions of right and duty, should spurn his
teachings. The light in which he would
viewhiB "purely playful" mood would be
Intensified sufficiently to make him Bee
plainly, and seeing feel ashamed of his
cowardly withdrawal from a position
voluntarily assumed, if he could but
realize the insult he has cast upon two-
thirds of the working members of the
Methodist church that are found in the
homes his paper visits,
Listen, mothers, you whose chil-
" To man and womanhood grown
Have launched forth in boats of their own,"
But whose baby-life Is, and ever will be
to you a joyous memory; listen and see nvpr vntir heart will not steal
the Plorv and clow of the earlv davs of each otller'
. ... 1 nthnt ttiol? ol n.m'O fin
vnnr mnthprhnnil; "Wplnomn to ttlBI"'""' ""J ... -j
parents the puny struggler, strong in
his weakness; his little arms more ir
resistible than the soldier's, his lips
touobed with persuasion which
Cheatham and Pericles in manhood had
not. His unaffected lamentations, when
of women will do them good rather than
barm. It is certainly one of the disad
vantages of college and female boarding-school
life that it is sexually iso
lated. There is no question that the
daily association of the sexes when
young, under judicious supervision and
regulation, is much healthier than their
separation. It is better that the sexes
see each other daily than to dream of
and either the one or the
It is the univer
sal testimony of teachers, so far as we
have learned, that morally the sexes do
well together In school do better, in
deed, than when separated. The asso
ciation of men and women in a school
or college is just as safe and healthful
he lifts up his voice on high, soften all
hearts to pity, and to tender and clam
orous compassion."
as their association in ordinary life."
Alida C. Avery, President of the Col
orado Woman Suffrage Association,
writing to friends of the cause in Ore-
He "thinks it is a small thing that gon, says: "As you know, the bill pro- u hav never voluntarilv borne arms
women must obtain a license of some viding for equal suffrage will be sub- Lgajn9t the government of the United
church." Women have supposed, as mitted to the popular vote in Colorado a, foo 11 finnrpfnrtr Tt'ou pvplnimprl
intend to sermonize, so pray forgive us.
We grow so justly indignant over the
self-righteous pomposity of any minister
who is satisfied with woman's subordi
nate position that we would prove rec
reant to our conscience should we fail
sometimes to speak of it.
Nor is it any argumeut in favor of
this unjust state of affairs that there are
women who are enthused till half crazy
over religious excitement, and who are
so full to the brim with impracticable
efforts iu religion tbat they fail to com
prehend their own subjugation. We
had hoped the Crusade would have
taught women who pray in public that
there is no practical result from their
present style of public effort that can be
at all commensurate with the needs of
the hour; but we have seen thousands
of them so full of "glory" over Moody's
meetings and others of lesser moment
that they have lost sight of dens of sin
and drunkenness of every description,
At the swearing in of the Cabinet
there was an amusing scene. All the-
members except Thompson and Sher
man stood up in a row, with uplifted
hands, when the Chief Justice began to and branded U8 a ..8lnner,f becau JtUei; h'ectioD' a"d Teo f staining in
Professor Underwood, Ignore the hereaf
ter, though be very ingeniously at
tempts it, premising that if man wilt
search out all knowledge of which he is
capable, and rise to the highest physi
cal, temporal, and mental plane which
it is possible to reach, the Infinite One
will take charge of the life beyond,
which He does not need mail's aid iu
preparing as a habitation for souls.
The lecture on Max Muller we did not
bear, but the third, on Emerson, was
quite interesting, though not equal to
the first. We wish he would come to
Oregon. There are many churches
which would not be afraid to open their
doors to him, and parlor lectures could
be gotten up for him anywhere. He is
styled Rev., though of what denomina
tion we' did not learn. If our readers
are as much interested in this recital as
we were in the lectures, they will thank
us for giving so much space to a scien
tific theme. Anything like common
seuse in religion, or anything like proof
that we are not all pagaus, comes to us
like rain to deserts. Not that we decry
churches or would do away with them.
We would open the doors for investiga
tion and proof of everything taught
therein, however, feeling so much abid
ing faith in the Infinite that we should
not fear the final result, even though
the waves of thought should rise so
high, under the pressure of awakened
experiment, that old landmarks would
need to be transplanted to infinitely
higher planes.
There I We've preached a sermon, in
spite of ourself and two apologies.
Here we are at Laramie, one of the
most beautiful, prosperous, and growing
towns of the Union Pacific Railroad.
Good, jolly Dr. Hayford, of the Senti
nel, aud his rosy wife and three happy
babies are entertaining us royally. The
doctor is postmaster now, and has his
bands full of business, though not so
full but that he can find time to enter
heart and soul Into the movement for
Woman Suffrage in the new State of
The ladies of Wyoming enjoy the
right of suffrage and exercise it, every
woman iu Laramie voting at the last
repeat the oath. When he reached lhe
sentence, "You do solemnly swear that
"Hold on there, I cannot take tbat
oath!" and after a little whispering,
Key dropped his hand and stepped out
of line until after the rest of them had
been sworn by the iron-clad oath. Then
an attempt was made to find a copy of
the modified oath to administer to Key,
godly men seemed likewise to do, that next October. This important question
procuring a license to preach aud "be- coming to decisive open issue in any
ing regularly Installed" in the ministry State makes it of paramount interest
was a great thing, solemn and responsi- aud necessity to all the friends of jus-
ble, and when, with humble mien and tice in the nation that the issue be sue-
reverent voice, they have asked to be cessful; and to insure that end, we ap-
tbus recognized as laborers in Christ's peal to the friends of our glorious com
J I TT! r ) il . I ...
viueyaru oy jus proiessea miiowers, it mon cause to neip us as largely as pos- but it wa8 impossible, there never hav-
has been asked in no "playful" mood, sible; to help us with papers, pamph- jng been any U8e for it at the White
out wun iun conception oi us "serious- lets, tracts, lectures, or tne means to House. The Chief Justice solved the
ness." obtain anv or all of these. Victorv in
ine trutn is, in ecclesiastical matters, Colorado next autumn will mate suc-Kev assented
as wen as in judicial, legal recognition cess in any otner mate comparatively
by the powers that be foreshadows legal easy: so I feel sure that what aid is
authority, and regular installation in a rendered to us will be its own rich re
pastorate promises attendant salary, ward in the abundant return which
each State will realize in its own legis
and this is the whole secret. So long as
woman will labor and pray and exhort
and preach without being recognized as
a minister by her brethren in the min
istry, so long will she be shut off from
authority, or Influence in church coun
cils, and so long will she be unable to
draw pay for service rendered. We are
not one of those who think preachers
Elizabeth Cady Stanton relates an in
cident. She aud several other ladies
educated a young man for the Presby-
teriau ministry, gave him a new suit, a
beaver bat, and all the appurtenances
of a genteel ministerial garb, and of
should work for nothing; we believe the cour8e weTre al! "f,'0,,116" hI8t
laborer is at all times entitled to com
Lawyers are gleefully rubbing their
bauds over the prospective fat pickings
in the Vanderbilt will contest. A dis
patch of the 10th inst. says: "Objec
tions to the will of Commodore Vander
bilt were filed in the surrogate office to
day by his son, Cornelius J. Vanderbilt,
on the ground that the document of
fered for probate is not the last will of
deceased; that it was signed by either
Lesaeter or by witnesses at bis request;
little measure wouldn't run over our
own cup. Agaiu we beg pardon. This
isn't intended to be a sermon but an ed
itorial letter. The protracted meetings
and their failures will yet open the
eyes of coming generations through the
aid of the public schools.
After our lectures in Council Bluffs
were over, a Mr. Mills, from Syracuse,
began a course of three parlor lectures,
two of which it was our good fortune to
The first, upon Huxley, was replete
with common sense and diligent re
search into the invisible arena of na
ture. The law of evolution has been a
careful study of his maturer years, and
certainly nothing could be more in har
mony with the highest conception of
the divinity of the human and the hu
Cheyenuo, they having refused to go to
the polls for fear men were such mon
sters they'd demolish them.
We take train to-night for Ogden,
whence we shall again report progress.
A. J. D.
P. S. Mrs. Hayford says the ladies
were determined to win the Territory
from the Democrats this year and suc
ceed with their own votes. Let Repub
licans make anoteof this fact in Oregon.
Laramie City, February 28, 1877.
hundred this is the case, and just as
long as the seducer of young girls aud
the defamer of women is tolerated in
society, invited to pass a social evening
iu our most respectable homes, permit
ted to escort our daughters and sisters
to places of entertainment, and treated
in a way that only "virtuous" men
should be, the ranks of fallen women;
wlll grow larger and larger until there
will be no remedy.
Let us suppose a case. A young girl
of respectable parentage, well educated,
beautiful, refined, the idol of her home,
beloved by a large circle of acquaint
ances, an ornament to society, a perfect
woman everywhere. Her beauty, grace,
and innocence attracts the attention of
a young gentleman, one she has known
from childhood, perhaps a schoolmate,
and well received in the best society,
and considered by all her friend's to be
a "model young man." At first she re
ceives him kindly, without a thought
of love; soou she listens eagerly for
his footsteps; the sound of his voice
thrills and sets her pulses throbbing
with unwonted quickness; she listens
tremblingly and happily to his words
of love, his vows of eternal truth and
fidelity, his promises of speedy mar
riage. Slowly, but surely, he winds his
toils around her, "lures and leads" her
on, until trusting his love and believing
his promises, she falls. The weeks and
months pass on. With tears of agony,
she begs of him to fulfil his promises,
to make her his wife before the world
brands her with shame; but instead of
fulfiling his promises and shielding her
from shame and disgrace, he leaves her,
coolly informing her tbat "when he
marries he wants a virtuous womau for
his wife." (A fitting mate for a virtu
ous woman.) Soon the world knows
all; turned out of doors by her father
and mother, cursed by her brothers aud
sisters, shunned by all her acquaint
ances, unable to provide for herself and
child, what can she do ? If she applies
to an old acquaintance for employment,
the dainty lady only draws ber robes
closer about her, puts on the air of "I
am holier than thou," tells her there is
so much sin, misery, and trouble in the
world tbat she don't know what It is
coming to; that she might have known
better; she ought to suffer, she can't
give her employment, and hopes she
may reform
Joe Goss, the pugilist and a principal
iu the Goss-Allen prize fight, has been
arrested and held to wait the arrival of
the Kentucky officers.
Thurman and Eaton were the Demo
crats who voted agaiuBtKey and Evarts
in executive session. Eaton and Chaf
fee voted against Schurz.
Members of the Cabinet who bad not
previously been sworn in, except Secre
tary Thompson who had not arrived,
took the oath of office on the 12th.
Woodburn, Wigginton, Luttrell, and
Lane started for the Pacific Coast on
the Oth. Page and Piper remain in
Washington for a week or two longer.
The World's Washington special says
that Hayes will give au opportunity to
Packard"and Chamberlain to voluntar
ily retire from the positions they cannot
possibly maintain.
The President and Cabinet are in daily
receipt of letters and telegrams from
prominent persons of both political par
ties iu approval of the rational course
indicated as a rule of government.
There is the best reason to believe
that Schurz will not remain in the Cab
inet many months, but will resign to
accept a foreign mission as soon as ha
enjoys for a short time the honors of a
Cabinet position.
Objections to the probate of the will
of the late Commodore Vanderbilt were
filed at the office of the surrogate to
day. There are seventeen in number,
and deny it is the Commodore's will, or
that it was signed and executed by him.
Joseph II. Lewis, of Hoboken, died a
few days since, age.l eighty-eight years.
He was for many years stationer on
Nassau street, and accumulated over
one million dollars worth of property,
the whole of which he left to pay the
national debt.
Diphtheria has at length disappeared
from Salem.
Astoria is to have a dally paper about
the 1st of April.
Camilla Urso is expected at Eugene
City on the 19th.
There are 127 voters in Ashland and
574 school children.
Asbland Lodge of Good Templars ia
Day after day the broken- the bauuer Lodge, numbering 136 mem-
To tiie Editor of the New Northwest :
Being on a visit to this part of the
coast, (Shoalwater Bay), I find that the
Woman Suffrage question is beginning
to agitate the minds of the people, and I
find further tbat some of tbem have
manityof the divine than his course of never seen a copy of the New Nokth
reasoning from the invisible protoplasm west. This being the case, of course
to the highest animate organism, which they very much lack for information on
bethinks it has hardly yet entered the the important subject, and know little
heart of man to couceive.
"In all faiths, the world over," he rapid progress it is making in the minds
Bavs. "the trrand trouble has cenerallv of the people. When I tell you that
hearted girl tries in vain to find a home
for herself and babe, no kind hand is
stretched forth to save, no friendly door
open to receive her. The effect is a "fal
len woman."
But how fares it with the man who is
the cause of all this that has added one
more to the ranks of "fallen women ?"
Is he turned out of doors, cursed, and
shunned, thrown out of employment,
banished from society, and considered a
blot upon the fair face of the earth ?
Ah! no, the world goes very well with
him; society pats him on the back aud
says: "A man will be a man, you
know;" ho is "only sowing his wild
oats;" '"tisn't his fault at all, girls
oughtn't to be such fools," etc., etc.
The dainty lady that refused to employ
Ports Madison, Gamble, and Ludlow
present manifest slgus of growth and
Wells, Fargo & Co. have established
an express office at Dallas aud appointed
J. T. Wortley agent.
Ship-building is still carried on suc
cessfully at Port Ludlow, where the
seventeenth craft Is now on the stocks.
Hon. R. M. Wilson, member of the
last Legislature from Tillamook, died
at bis residence in that county, on the
4th of March.
It is said two gentlemen named Ver
non have killed seventy deer in the
foothills of the Cascade Range, In Linn,
county, this season.
Mr. Mitchell D. Tracy committed sui
cide at Bridge Creek, Wasco county, on
the 5th instant, by shooting himself
through the head with a rifle.
The Catholics of Baker City contem-
toe impuru 8UUje l) uu uuw , bi3 voH iuvUeg him to hef bouse, plito Bt an eariy day, to erect a school
or nothing of its vast proportions or the cordially welcomes him, Introduces him for boys on some land recently pur-
been that God is held uuder some lim
itary conception, some unworthy
thought in the mind of the worshiper.
pensation, and this regardless of sex.
"There is little doubt," says a recent them to speak."
writer on woman's influence, "that had
woman not passed into political and so- The time has at last arrived when
cial bondage in savage times aud rebels, erewhile in arms against the
places, when the brutal bad displaced United States, can congratulate each
the human; tbat bad woman been free other on receiving proof of Presidential
that deceased was not in sound mind
. ..... ... I tt! nn Vi r1siu w f ia -n rn4nr1 t n Vtnnn I - -
sermon, imagine their dismay and dis- ""c" .ucwuueu lt. iJU'iJU"-cu As the poet well said : .
gust when he announced, with solemn oeea s'gued; that it was procured by ..Ti3themostd,fflcuIttaskto tccp
voice and patronizing mien, the text: lraua ana UDaue mnuence oi vviiuam The heights the soul is competent to gain.
"Let your women keep silence In the vauucium' "uu ues,ro lo The trouble begins in the attempt to
some of them claim that Woman Suf
frage and free love go band in hand, you
will understand how much they need
They had the question up for debate
in their club this week, and many and
to her daughters and her young lady
friends with, "He's a little rogueisb,
but a nice young man, I think," and
gives him a chance to add another to
the list of "fallen women." Now, just
as long as these "nice" young men are
chased with tbat object in view.
The Circuit Court for Linn county
couvened at Albany on Monday, with a
full docket. There is no perceptible
falling-off in the number of divorce
Port Townsend is making a slow but
amusing were the declarations made
r,Dfip,i nrtp,l or pvfin tolerated in ao- sound growth. It is the most western.
.,..k, ,! .,., port of the United States, and muse
churches, for it is not permitted unto concentrate his fortune in the person ilmlt GoJ( the Iufinit One, as a person,pro and con. The feeling has run so
just so long the ranks of "fallen worn-
Win. H. Vanderbilt, deceased had be
come incapacitated from making a will,
and disregarded bis other children."
grow into importance as a naval and
marine station and place of rendez-
en" will be extended. The only way is vous.
to array Him, plain and determinate in bigh that an open meeting ior tne pur- 1q tK&t geducer and 8educed alike, or at It is reported, says the Olympia Cour
a mold of form, as a specified object to pose of discussing the subject has been . . . k f , , ,,h er that a consolidation of the Turn
... tt,.. . .. n,i .!,;,.,, n oro jT.itH 'east, ireui, iuo wear., b.. ., p:n Vnotnrv bus heea accom
tne minn, anu so casting xiim in our "vu ... . .i. w, ....
Cameron's reison for resigning his
seat in the Senate of the United States,
all throueh historic periods, she would confidence in the shape of Cabinet offl- as 6,ven DV mnisen, are : " am seventy
have draeired the world alonrr after hPr ces. B. F. Cheatham, commander of e,B yeara oi"i anu ininK i nave Deen
- - - o I i in. itr i i. t.i -w-
to a moral belsht far above the condl- the famous "Cheatham's division" of la Vuu"a J,,u ,ouK euougu, anu mat i
lion of the present." Yet the man who Johnston's armv. sends the following to win never una a oetter time to retire,
writes these words, and a host of mpn Kev. once his companion in armed trea- 1 am t,red of the care and worrv of of"
and women who aeree with him. be- son. now Postmaster-General of the nce' naving to turn awaygoou people
Kpitp nr tir.ron.1 t hpltotro r.ot It to TTnlfpil Rtntpa? T tpndpr mv ntnpprA Whom I WOUld be glad to Serve If I
"inexpedient" even now to give woman congratulations. Do not fall to accept."
ber freedom, but desire still to perpetu
ate the "political and social bondage" It is quite evident tbat Dr. Dillon
that woman in savage times and places took the back-bone of the Advocate
the power, and of being annoyed by bad
people seeking to make use of me. I am
rich and need not subject m self to all
this trouble." Newspapers, however,
own image that He becomes a personal press their honest views.
entitv. Presently, and Inevitably from Please send as reinforcements to the
that, He is invested In corporiety, put friends of progress and justice a num
in a place, as His special habitation, ber of copies of the New Northwest
made the creature of emotions and pas- for distribution throughout the camps or
sions, an offended, angered Deity, a the enemy. We expect to number most
jealous God, to be approached by invo- if not all of these among the friends of
cations, to be pleased by offerings, ap- the cause after the circulation of the pa-
oeased and reconciled bv-sitrht of sacrl- per and the debate. 1 will endeavor to
u:a L'.intiiif lino r a a n annnmm
kindness, take her by tne nanu, let ner . d nd a Btock company with
know ahe has friends yet, Bpeak kindly $ioo,000 capital will hereafter carry on
the business.
flee of blood.. The grossest Idolatries
and rankest paganism spring up on such
soil, and it is this we live iu the midst
of to-day, although baptised in the name
of most holy and sacred religion. The
report progress before my return to Ore
Bay Center, W. T.
and gently to her, give her a chance to
live, and there are but few that will fall
a second time.
Women, it is in your hands to "rem
edy this great evil." Men can't get
along without the society of women,
aud when they know a seducer of wom
en will not be tolerated in society, tbey
will have what they do, and there
A lady at Canyonville waited for her
better half until bed-time the otner
evening, and then she marched down
town to a saloon, where she and her
husband remained until the "wee sma
hours." The head of tbat family will
go home earlier hereafter.
D. B. Jackson purchased tbeUtsalady
mill property at bankrupt's sale for $30,-
401. The Seattle Uispatcn says it is un-
A panic in a Catholic Church in New
will be fewer "fallen women" to "lure derstood that this purchase is made in
iinirtunnoii mon T.Df th Interest or acomuiuauou oeiweeu
and lead" away "virtuous" men
women shun a defamer of woman as
mat woman in savage limes anu places lOOK tne DaCK-OOUe OI tne Aavocate .... .. , . . ... ' ol mosi, iioiy anu sucreu icmjiuu. iuo apuiuiuawiwUinUuU1 mn,, o vlnpi- hmml him with
passed into. If such persous expect the with him when he resigned the edito- "'Hnte the resignation to hostility to shadow o dark and 8avage superstition York, on the night of the 8th, resulted JJJy JJJ Jn lnd if ' ever he wants
considerate judgment of mankind to be rial chair of that journal to his sue- Haves- is over the face of Christendom to this in the crushing to death of seven women ,f . . ' t the and of Nod
recorded In their favor in the future, ceesor. The quiet dignity with which The new gentlemen's fashion of shoot- hour a genuine survival of the gross and one boy. 'lhe panic was caused by
they certainly will be vastly mistaken, he declared his intention to edit the Jn at lade8 who decline proposals of worship of the dead ages. But, as the the fainting of a young woman in one
Inconsistency could not well array her- paper while occupying the position as tpppIvpH a apuprp nhppk ro. mind opens and thought matures, as in- of the galleries, who was overcome by
self in a garb more becoming to hereon- editor, is In marked contrast to the bur- centv JudgeGildersleevebassentenced telllgent culture advances, a purer faith the description oi purgatory and tne
tradictorv character than this, and the rvlni? shuffle with which the present t . i In religion will come in. God, rever- tortures of the damned, to which the
(where Cain did) to get one.
Jennie Fanning.
San Jose, Cal., February 13, 1877.
the Blakely, Gamble, and Tacoma com
panies, to keep Utsalady closed as a
lumbering port.
' The Singer Manufacturing Co. report
their sales for the year 1876 at 262,316
machines, being an excess of 12,464 ma
chines over their sales of 1875.
light of the nineteenth century is fast
penetrating such flimsy disguises, and
will shortly dispel them altogether.
editor abandons his premises
frowned upon by the elders.
when ment. It is thought that this
Imnriann I 1U reilUlUU Will CUiUC 1U UUUj 1CVCI" luituics wi mo uuiuucu, w nuiuu lilc . . I
enced and worshiped as presence, rather priest was regaling the vast audience of The verdict upon the Ashtabula dis- The McGibeny family entertain tho
UIS Severe I r ' I .... I . lia nnnana wmnlil.i . ,J .trttVi tnalr
The Massachusetts House of Repre
sentatives has passed what is known as
the "Hawkins Bill," giving to married
women their clothing.
Morrill has been appointed collector
of customs for the district of Portland
and Falmouth, Maine. He leaves the
Cabinet shattered In health and very
the noblest of our national sports.
tt,iii )oj ,j,. , than person more than person-as the women and children. The priest re- aster, auer reuii,.uB "enizens 01 uukiuuu, v,.., ...
sentence will tend to discourage one of 'uan Perso ,f. lu " ,p ,., v. ., !, iP(1 IO It. dosed with these words: "The "Ranlr services" this winter.
une innniie, limitless, wiiosu eye-ueaiu yaiicu. uuisbi uj uuuiuS dvicuju ,d- -- -
and revelation we see in those trans- quiem mass for the dead, and prayers deceased, therefore, came to their deaths
cendent truths which visit and illumine for the speedy recovery of the wounded by the precipitation of the cars into the Kossuth, at seventy-four years of age,
the soul, which are sovereign and eter- in the same church on the day following chasm left by the falling bridge and the 8ays: "My hands are empty but clean."
nal iustice. beauty, excellence these the catastrophe. His arrest for murder burning or tne cars, ior an oi wnicu tne
are the majesty that fills the temple, 1 has not yet been chronicled. 1 railroad company is responsible."
The election of U. S. Senator from
Ohio occurs next Tuesday. Mathews,
Taft, and Holland are the prominent
Never contradict a man who stutters