A w O -T FRIDAY JANUARY 21, 187C. HOMBKEWS. Messis. Lewis fc Strauss are closlug out their winter stock to make room for their magnificent npriiiR goods. Good time to get splendid bargains. The second Iecturfl in the course in projrres at the Y. M. C. A. rooms will be delivered on Tuesday evniiing, the 25tii inst., liy Judge Green, of Olympia. Subject, "The Bible and the Schools." There is preaching every Sabbath at the Hall-street M. E. Church at 11 a. jr. and at 7 P. jr. by the paftor. Rev. J. Fly nn. Sunday School at half-past 2 P. M. A cordial invitation in extended to all. The semi-annual examinations in the public i-ehuols of the city are progress ing witli the usual thoroughness. They will continue until the 23th inst. Patrons of the schools and friends of ed ucation are cordially invited lo attend. The attendance last Sabbath at the Hall-street M. K. Sunday School concert was large aud the exercises varied and interesting. Many persons, being un able to obtain sitting or even standing room in the church, were compelled to leave. The steamer "Gusiie Telfair" has at length been beached at Astoria aud her bull is now undergoing repairs. She will probably be launched within a week, when she will be brought to this port to be repainted aud have her wood work repaired. The Iowa Hotel, comer of First and Main streets, will be opene'l for patron age on Monday, the 21th inst. Those who seek first-class accommodations, beds new and clean, and food which Chinese have had no hand in preparing, should patronize this house. The Advocate appeared last week in a new dress suggestive of improved II nauces. .It presents a bright, fresh ap pearance, aud is edited with the ability that has ever distinguished it under the efficient charge of Rev. Dr. Dillon. We are pleased to note its prosperity. If anybody wants meats of any kind packed, smoked, covered, colored, or sugar-cured, let them go to Har vey & Barber, com minion mer chants, brick building, ISO Front street, corner of Main, where their orders will be strictly attended to. Mr. Harvey has had many years' experience in the business and understands it thoroughly. Grand assemblies for skating at "Wood's Museum Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings of eacli week. Champion race for the Centennial medal of Oregon, valued at S50, on the 22d inst., at 7:30 p. jr. Open to all ex cept disreputable persons. Skating ex clusively for children on Saturday, at 2 P. jr. Come and see the 1.000 new at tractions, receive instructions, and have a hearty laugh. The death of Charles A. Walling, eld est son of Mr. A. G. Walling, which oc curred after a brief Illness at the home of his parents in this city on the 17th inst., is deeply deplored by the many friends of the family aud associates of tlie deceased. The lad was in his lGtli year, active, manly, and industrious, and highly esteemed by all who knew him. It were easy to repeat accus tomed phrases of condolence to the sor rowing parents, but stand i nti so near to their great loss, these would be but sounds of hollow mockery. We assure them, however, of our sincere sympa thies and regrets. In making up your lists of periodicals for 1870, don't forget the West Shore, the only. illustrated paper published in Ore gon, devoted to literature in general, and the resources of Oregon and Wash ington Territory in particular. The ablest writers in the State are enntribu tors to its columns; the engravings are executed by the leading artists on the coast. As a family journal it stands at the head of Pacific Coast publications; as a paper to send to friends abroad it has no equal a single copy will give them a better idea of the 1'acinc jNortii west than a year's number of any other paper, bent postage paid for one year, SI 50; single copies, 20 cents. Address the publisher, L. Samuel, No. 5 Wash ington street, Portland, Oregon. ' UEWSJTEMS. STATE AJJD TERRITORIAL. The Good Templars of The Dalles are to give a Valeiitine party. There were 54 interments in the Odd Fellows' Cemetery at Salem during tlie past year. Of these, 33 were males and 21 females. The case of W. W. Moreland vs Marion county, wlrich occupied a large portion of the time of tlie U. S. District (jourt last week, was decided by a ver dict in favor of the county. A letter from Lone Rock, "Wasco county, dated Jan. 12th, says: "We are having a fine winter iu Hits section the thermometer ranging 2S to GO' Stock looks well; grass good; plenty of game, ana fat." The Port Townsend Argus says: "We learn from a reliable source that Good all, Nelson & Perkins will place n line of first-class steamers on the route early in the spring. This announcement will be received with satisfaction by the merchants of Puget Sound, and particu larly ot i'ort Townsenti." Mr. J. B. Becker, living near Turner' Station, has a cow from whicii he made, the first twenty-four days after he com me need using the milk, sixty pounds of butter, or two auu one-halt pounds per day. Tlie next twenty-two days u made forty-four pounds, two pounds per day. Tlie cow is of the Short-Horn Durham stock, part blood. A correspondent ot the Echo says "There are parties in Olympia and Turn water who stand ready to undertake to raise Sio.OUO in greenbacks for the com pletion ot the Olympia and Tenino railroad, provided the company will nav one per cent, on tlie above amount, and give ample security that they will complete tlie railroad ana turn over bonds to the parties loaning the money to cancel tlie loan, by the 1st day of Sep tember, 1S7C." LETTEE PE0M NEHALE1L To tiie Editor of the New North west: Perhaps the account of the Christmas festivities as indulged in by a goodly number of citizens of this isolated re gion will not be uninteresting to you many readers, and acting upon this supposition, I herewith submit thefol lowing account .Living, as I do, in a region remote from the great centers of civilization where we are few In numbers, but strong in spirit, we resolved that, as there would be no local amusements, such of us as desired to trip the light fantastic would not submit willingly to stupid loneliness, but go forth iu pursuit of pleasure. So ou Wednesday, December 22d, we started for Hoquarton Prairie, some thirty miles distant, where, it was pro- posed, would be eiven the Christmas ball, at the new hotel kept by Mr. and P'W newspaper history. It is also re ,. -,-r .. I carded as an official register of circulations. jiib. uiiiiam .nan. We started out under tlitUCUltles, ana 5f ia iiAa11n.B f - ont, tltnf 1 1, at, I (the difficulties) were our constant com- panions throughout our entire journey; for what with head winds, contrary something to gain by a comparison, are gener tides, etc., etc, we were delayed greatly. I ally prompt, not only to send reports In con- TTnwPVPr. hv dint of nntiv pnrtv and . ' ., . ,,e.3Cc,lc, u.c.camo cles, and arrived safely at the place of destination on Friday morniuir. at 10 o'clock. -,tt . . , . who soon ensconsed us before a ruddy stove, and otherwise tendered their bountiful hospitality The day I spent In visiting with a dear friend of my girlhood, and as a friend, still dearer in more mature womanhood. I , . , . . I xuc uajr wuucu, auu tuo nyyu.uicu hour for the entertainment drew nigh. We returned to the hotel, where the l,o hnn, nf m.rn, I ,., . , , . , ise 01 lue evening a pleasure. Everytolng being in readiness, the gladsome sound of tuning violins and other stringed instruments fell upon de li stated ears, and nresentlv our escorts came to conduct us to the ball-room, wuere soon some luiriy coupies oi no, ll tr-M f 1 1 rol lailloo anrl iranMaman da. sembled. Daticing was indulged In un- ... ... . ... . tn long after tneorboi day greeted us ith his smiling face. All present seemed loth to depart from the scenes of pleasure and mirth, and when we dis persed it was with the understanding that we should meet iti like manner on New Year's Eve. I must not omit to mention that the tables were bountifully supplied with choicest viands, accompanied by fra grant tea and coffee, fresh and steara- r .1. l tl Tir- HIT 11UIU kilt? UUUUIS. IV C? Buuuueu ith two of these suppers, aud what onder is it that we were merry and thoughtless for the time being. A t n ..T 1 . r Au' " " -u- "U1 sisting of myself, my friend, and our re- . ,,. , , ,, , . spective escorts, sallied forth into the plpnr frostv air and refrpshinir mnrniiif ciear, irosiy air auu reiresuing moruiug sunlight, for a pleasant walk of half a ., . , . I uiuc huiuu&t ujcauuno kiukucu iu 1,1 j o tallized verdure, that greatly enhanced their natural beauty. The lovely land scape that met our admiring gaze on that morning will never be forgotten hile life or memory lasts. The far away, ever green mountains, with clearly-cut profile strongly contrasting ith the azure blue; the near foothills clothed in their usual autumnal brown; the nearer small, winding streams, dales, and meadows; the broad prairie, thickly dotted with comfortable farm houses; the glorious bright, golden ouu,uS uiajw.,,, uu..u6u ghting the whole with a halo of glory; . a . , , I le iiiiiiy, ueecy ciouns, iiie many mi- ngana merry-voiceu Dtras, tnese all, anu many more interesting onjecta vietl ...... . . . .1 one Wlttl tlie Other, In their natural hpnntv nml irrppfpl nnr pntrpr nnil nil. I -i' miring eyes. We Held our breath, as it were, and fetood spellbound, silently ad miring the wonderful fasbioniugsof the ounteous hand of nature, "We soon, however, returned to the realization of the things of this life, and discovered that we were greatly fa tigued; so, hurrying on, we soon reached the comfortable and hospitable home of our hostess, and, by the way, a former friend and acquaintance of your own, Mrs. D., where we refreshed ourselves bv takine much-needed rest. m r i , , jl iweniy-iour uoure uaving Piacea themselves between us and the night of I tne party, we leit quite reiresueu, auu a KlnUiy irienu called lor US at lUe gate, whereupon we gathered together our numerous wraps, and joining our friend at the gate, proceeded to the home of I his parents, also staunch friends and supporters of the woman movement. Here we were cordially welcomed by the genial members of the household, anil were hosnltnhlv dominiled for thn I wceii. T mtmr fnrhpnr ft rlpsrrintlnn nf thn l must ioroear a description oi tne mnnv nml vnrintin nlpnsnrpq nnoh ffav I j , j , ,. , , . ,. .1 iiuuutcii, us it nuuiu uc mcsuuic tu vaoftAra i nil T ,aa tltta nnmmiinlnatinn has already assumed proportions far in excess of the original intention, but suffice it to say that the allotted time soon passed among kind friends and irpninl enmnanv. hrinirinf with It tlif f, . eve oi tne glorious wenienniai year. Very nearly the same company as- sembleU that had met a week, delore, and the pleasures of the preceding even- itlg were repeated. I cannot close this article, although now much too long, without saying that I met many of youracquaintances iu the long ago, who are now your warm, Stanch friends; aud political supporters. Our clorious cause, for which vou are ' - so nouiy aoing battle, is not dead in this county by any means, On the C0I1 trary, it is steadily gaining groun'd, which its advocates note But of that more anon. with pride. The hour of leave-taking having ar rived, we bade adieu to many dear friends, and turned our faces homeward, arriving there in due time, with only one incident occurring to break the mo notony of our journey. This consisted In L'tllt.n Imirmniitn .IN ...hint. .o sutnaing up to miusiaes in water on tue rivers euge, wuere It haa probably llPPll Chased hv somo vcl, nntmnl Thp w poor creature seemed not in the least af- frighted, but stood quietly regarding us, as u appeauuK lur me proiecuon II failed to receive. It was killed bv one , ,,, ,,, nJTnu,ln(it.ui of the party, and I need not say that the sieabB il luruiaiicu wcieui nie uuoiuesc. E. A. CORWIN. Xehalem. Orecon. January 11, 1876. w remnant of cough or cold, or any symptoms or pulmonary disease linger in the system. Ex- pel the cause of danger with Hale's Hosky nv Rnninnirxn ixn Tar. j . , for the best In the world. 429 Montgomery . 0.uJd5ny!irSlI?,par!S "e above Direc ts..i. tory, the Grand Secretary will have them eor- sireei, Ban t rancisco. rected on receiving proper notification under Pike's Toothache Drops core In one minute. The Auezicai? Newspaper Directory Is an This feature requires the closest scrutiny to preven?it from leading to abuses. The plan nrtnntArt hi? t lift Tinhl IcVi Drs nf ,Vi A TlTnTjrmTlY to ecure and trustworthy reports hJ lmn!lrtl!ltv ,,,, rushers. who have fbrmlty, but give Messrs. Geo. P. Rowell fc Co. such Information as enables them to weed out unsubstantiated statements of pretenders In journalism. The popularity of the book, and the general confidence In its accuracy and good faith, are attested by the immense body of ad- vertlsements it receives. 4 28 Moore fc XIollaeattgu, (successors to J, Flelschner), at the old stand, 123 First street, known as the San Francisco Boot and Shoe oHM . r. . 1 1 .... , 1, !c i(Mnfl nn.l the nbe ecnerallv that we uave marked down the old stock from 25 to 50 per cent., and (intend to sell regardless of cost, having this "ay recelve1 a larse stock or New uooas 01 me latest styles, wnicn we win sen as cneap a iuc h , d eavorme to suit ill who may la y0r us with their patronage. Custom work f a11 klnds done J" the latest styles and on new and scientific principles. Repairing done to order. Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. All work warranted. NEW THIS "WEEK. LrSDlB StlKBtS. For sale at 107 Third street, by JOHN WILSON. C fll I J F6 fl S WslStS. oYpprovedroake unH clula fniciila ut 1 1 ll ' Tli I ct root "2l john wir&ON. THE IOWA HOTEL, I CornerFirstandMalnstreet8,Portland,Oregon. I. G. Ql'iCKE.V'BlSII & SOX, Proprietors. rpHOROUGH SATISFACTION PROMISED L to travelers and the public generally. As this hotel is a new one, the rooms are airy and well-furnished. The table is supplied with the oesi me mantel aiioras. jsa uninese lauor em ployed. Etij-irree uoacn to anu irom tne nouse. s-ai .imrtui. A CO., DYERS AND SCOURERS, i73SecondSt,,bctweenMainandSa!mon, Portland. Orecon T ADIHS'DRE.SSP:S.nmATS.MAXTir.T.AS. JLi and Damask curtains colored in the best hile. Boys' and men's clothing cleaned and dyed, and prices reduced. Allworkwarranted. uoous nor cauea lor witnin tnree months ... h . . . .... nnl nnT. AtIi.iok damaged or lost by lire we will not boldour- wjivca loJuiiaiuic tut, o-ll Sl'JIMOXS. TN TIIE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE JL of Oregon for the county of Multnomah. P. W. Duvls, Plaintiff, vs. John Oderkirk, De fendant. To John Oderkirk, Defendant above named: In the name of the. State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appearand answer the complaint tiled against you In the above entitled action within ten days from the date ot the service of this summons upon you, if serveu wunin mis county, or 11 servea in any other county of this State, then within twenty uays irom me uaie oi me service oi mis sum mons upon you. or lr me same be served bv DUbllration. then you are so reoulred to annear and answer by tne tlrM day of the next regular icrm oi saiu uoun.wnien win convene alter this summons shall have been nublished once a week for six consecutive weeks, the first pub ncaiion luereni oeiuir maue on'r ruiay, me zisi I of January, 1870: and If you fail so to answer, I for want H ereof the Plaintiff will take lude ment against you for the sum of three hundred ttl.U pC Cllij I 111 LC UUllilia 111 U. O. .U1U CUIU. I with Interest thereon In like coin at the rate of VV,"" Tcr,'.,.Ti h :;"r" ,".r ana aisoursementsoriius action. This summons Is Dubllshed bv order nf Ifnn. J. H. Woodward. Judse of our said nountv Court, made at Chamheis this 19th day of Jan- I uary, is76. UAl'LKS 4 MULKKY, 5-21 Attorneys for Plaintiff. FINE POULTRY. Bred by 31. Eyro, Jr., NAPA, CALIFORNIA. UtlU.jr, 1 UUJVniO. WCJUtllUK W lUS.t-'UCU. r Emden Geese, weichinir from 40 to 50 lbs. Jr.,Pa'r- . ?a'; rn,,S,ame,s4 Pekln Ducks, averaging lb to 20 lbs., and best oi an jjucks as iayers. Also, a fine assortment of Pigeons, Rabbits, uumearowis, anu ferrets. Any variety of fowls desired Imported. EGGS, true to name, lresh and well packed. lor saie ai moderate prices. Send for Illustrated circular and price list'to M. EYRE, Napa, Cal. On receiptor 10 cents in stamps,! will furnish specimen copy of the "Poultry Bulletin." an illustrated 32 page monthly, the recognized authority in poultry matters lu the United Mates, and decidedly the best Poultry Journal bIlsnej. subscription. oniv si 23 a vear. -T,,. ,, i .. a iciic nunc nucic jwu enn linn jil. v 1 I i nsemenu uruers may also oe icit at tins omce. I Dl C. It. C. DIRECTORY, Objects of the Order. To shield the Innocent : to succor the tempt ed ; to encourage the struggling ; to give relief to tne sunering; to bury tne dead, and more I fully to strengthen the fraternal bonds which should unite all true men and women In their mission ot mercy and love. supreme secrctarv Geo. B. Hudson, No. 325 Kearny street, San r rancisco, uauiornia; Orcson, Idnbo and AVasCilnstou Terrt ory-uiuccrs oi uranu tucampmeui: SS ffi.Si.Xcorirego1 grand .tah.mrti.ni urana rrea,j. ii. .Munson, uiympia. Grand Chaplain. Enoch Turner, Portland Hf1"" M.of C., MairHurley.Lewlston.LT. urana uuara, e.a wurd Oasev- Dallas. Or. I Grand Sent., M. M. Lucas, Portland. T.rV1?1,??10,01 th,e G,"? Encampment win uc iiciu uij uiiJia, . a., (juiiiuifHClUg on the second Tuesday of November, 1876. D. I. Grand Commanders, Authorized to organize new Encampments anywhere within the Jurisdiction of the Grand encampment : E. P. Ferry, Olympia, W.-T. Nelson Huntington, Monticello, W. T. Miss Joanna Lyle, Dallas, Oregon. J. H.Johnson, McMInnvllle, Oregon. C. A. MIssImer. The Dalles. Oregon. G. A. Deland, Portland, Oregon. J. E. Houston, Junction City, Oregon. J. M. Howe, Lewlston, LT. oreuon, Harmony No. 4, Portland, Oregon : Tuesday veuiuB; u..muu.v,.; vv.oourn,K.. I nnpnntn Vn. R. Tho T.lllpo Hrairnn - Vi-1 ,1 n evening; Crandal,C.;G. McCormack, R. s. Nov7? u".ct,0 cliyiPtsZa 5 Monday LaCreolo No. 10, Dallas, Oregon ; Monday evening ; tawaru vasey, u., u. w. leai, k. s. uonnuence io. ji, jicMinnviue, uregon; Tuesday evening; J. H. Johnson, C: 1L A urown, xu . Perrydale No. 13. Perrydale, Polk county, Or- eeni Saturday evening ; William ugiow, c; j. n. i;n iwnmi t rs. WASUINOTOJi TEKRITORr, evening ; atone, u.; j. if . Huntington, R. a. "ffto OJP'W.T.; Tuesday y,'ir""-"'-: t n'fT.V."S '.i W"l.Tui? evcWWi ; i ia ax utoicii vs o il. v i-ii ii rii v. i i. I Tav Cfnn TCft 1 TAtvlctnti T v. . -.- 1 I , eveuiug i Ji. u. Auams, lu. A. KOWley, K. B. Beal or tne encampment. 1 S-lS-ly MISCELLANEOUS. QJJJ) LOTTERYlGRtAT ATTRACTION! FIRST GRAND LOTTEKYljr, .V. J. Duniway's WASHINGTON TERRITORY, Legalized by an Act of the Legislature, and Approved Nov. 12th, 1875, by E. P. Ferry, Governor of the Territory. Capital, 5300,000, Dlvldcd Into 00,000 Tickets at $3 coin each, or Eleven for 830. The County Commissioners of King county W. T., appointed M. S. Booth, Esq., Auditor o King county, Capt. Geo. D. Hughes, U. S. A., Treasurer oi King county, and John Collins, Esq., Trustees, into whose hands the property is deeded in trust for the prize-holders. THE SEATTLE S1W-MILL & MILL PROPERTY, Owned by H. L. Yesler, will be Tlie Grand Prize of $100,000 THE HOVEY & BARKER CORNER, Opposite the Seattle Bank, and the PACIFIC BBEWEKY PROPERTY The Second and Third THERE WILL BE, IN ALL, GjGrS PRIZES, Or One Chance lu Ten. SEE CinCULARS! . r- . gnT; ndniHQ cvurjfwnure. OT.T ttp nT.TTTtR! Send money by Registered Letter, post Uulce J order, certinea unire, or by Express. Tickets forwarded immediately on receipt of money. Tickets for sale at the office of the Manager In Seattle. Address II. I YESLER, 5-19 Seattle, W. T. J. It. GILL & CO. BAVE TEE. MOST COMRLETE ASSORTMENT ..or....... BOOKS AND STATIONERY is the em, AT NO. 75 FIItST STREET, PORTLAND. 5-IS CLEARAVCT S AIiE f UL Ul U I I h H 1 1 1 1 S h 1 ilk iiwww&. WINTER DRY GOODS & MILLINERY. As we deslra to make room for our Spring Importations, a splendid opportunity Is now offered to secure unprecedented bargains in NEW AND FASHIONABLE GOODS. LEWIS & STRAUSS, No. 87 First Street, 6-19 me . nnA Per Dav at home. Terms free. 0J tyflj Address G. STinsox A. Co.. Fort- land, Maw. 4 M ly OTSCELLANEOUS. NEW STORY, MADGE MORRISON," The Molalla Matron, THE FINEST AND BEST PRODUCTION From the experienced Anthor's prolific pen, TTAR COMMENCED US SERIAL COURSE II through the columns of the New NobtH' NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE! To get the whole of this Story. Call the attention of your friends to this advertisement. Everybody wants the paper. They have only to be asked to subscribe. A copy of the paper will be furnished FREE to every getter-up of a Club of FIVE NEW SUB SCRIBERS. C. W. WALLING & SON OF OSWEGO, Can be found at the GRANGERS' MARKET, Where orders will be taken for their celebrated FRUIT TREES AND SHRUBBERY. 5-1C "A Repository of Faiililon. Pleasnre, and. Instruction.' Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. IC0TICE3 OF THE TBESS. The "Baiar" is edited with a combination or tact and talent that we seldom Und In any Jour nal ; and the Journal ltseir is the organ or tne treat world ot la.shion.-r Boston Traveler. The "Bazar" commends itself to every mem ber of the household teethe children by droll and pretty pictures, to the young ladles by its fashion-plates In endless variety, to the provi dent matron by Its patterns for the children's clothe's.to paterfamilias by Its tasteful designs ror embroidered suppers ana luxurious aress-ing-gowns. But the reading matter of the "Bazar" is uniformly of great excellence. The naner has acnuired a wide rtoDularitv for the fireside enjoyment It affords. IN. Y. Evening Post. In its way there Is nothing like it. Fresh and trustworthy as a fashion L'llide. its stories and essays, Us poetry and squibs, are all invigorat ing to tne mmu. lunicago Evening journal, Terms Postage Free to all Subscribers in the U. S. Harper's Bazar, one year $4 03 $4 00 includes prepayment of U. S. postage by tne puDiisners. Subscriptions to "Harper's Magazine," "Weekly," and "Bazjir," to one address for one year, siu 00 ; or, two of narpers renoaicais to one address ror one year, s? w: postage iree. An Extra Conv of either the "Magazine.1 Wwklr "nr"Raiar" will he sunulied irratis for every Club of Five Subscribers at $4 00 each. I In one remittance; or. Six Copies for 520 00, i tti t m nil t nnri ft rt v iwin.r i rpp. Back Numbers can be supplied at any time, The Annual Volumes of "Harper's Bazar." In neat cloth binding, will be sent by express. Set. com prising Eight Vol umes, sen t on receipt at expense orpurcnaser. Prominent attention will be given in "Har per's Bazar" to such illustrations of the Cen- I peculiarly appropriate to its columns, I vewsDaners are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Harper & Brothers. Address HARrER & BROTHERS, New York. 1 SUMJIOXS. TTf THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE J of Oregon, for the county of Multnomah. Mary Ann iiorse, naimin, vs. j. u. .worse, ue-1 fendant. To J. B. Morse, the above-named De fendant: In the name or the State or Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint Hied against you In the above entitled suit within ten days trom the date or the service or this summons upon you, ir served within this county, or ir served in any other county of this State, then within twenty days from the date or the service or this summons upon yon, or in case or service by publication, then you shall appear and answer the cora- piatntmeu against you oy tnuret uuy oi me term tollowlnz the expiration, or the time pre scribed in the order ror publication, to-wit: Six weeks rrom the first publication. And you will take nonce mat n you lau to answer tne complaint, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court tor the relier demanded therein, to-wit; A de cree or divorce in her behalf dissolving the bonds or matrimony now existing Deiween Plaintiff and Defendant, and for the care, cus tody, and euardlansblD of the minor children. and for such other and further relief as may be Just and equitable. By order or E. D. Shattnck, Judge or said Court, made in open court on the llth-day or December, 1S75. MASON & ATWATER. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Portland, December 13th, 1875. KEMOVAL1 TVR. CHAPMAN HAH REMOVJSJJ Ills ur lU flee to the Southwest corner of Morrison nu iirai streets, up-amirs, ujd from the Photograph Gallery of Bucbtel & I Stolte.) SINGER SEWING MACHINE. OFFICE OF THE SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY, No. 103 Third Street, Portland, Say 27, 1875. THE SINGER STILL TRIUMPHANT! x- , ,.., No. Machines No. Machines Increase or De- Name of Company and Machine. sold in 1873. sold in 1871. crease. The Singer Hanuratturlag Company 2J-J.441 211.979 Increase 8,235 Wheeler & Wilson Manufacturing Company 119.190 92,827 Decrease 28 .SB Howe Sewing Machine Company (estimated) 15I.C00 35,uoo " 11903 Domestic Sewing Machine Company 4U,1U 22,700 ' 17,414 O rover fc Baker Sewing Machine Company 88,179 2000 " 16479 Weed " 21,769 20,495 " 1,274 Wilson " " " 2,247 17,525 " S.722 Wilcox fc Glbba " " " 15.183 13,710 " 1,478 American B.H. " " " 14,182 13,529 " 853 Florence " " " 8,960 .517 3,443 Victor " ' " 7,446 6,292 - 1,151 Stna. J. E. Brannsdorf A Co 3.081 LStW " 1.215 MISCELLANEOUS. FIS1IEL & ROBERTS, The Leading Clothiers MERCHANT TAILORS IN OREGON, Corjier First and Washington Streets. 4 34 OREGON STEAM NAVIGATION CO.'S PASSEXGEK SCHEDULE. BOATS OF THE COMPANY WILL LEAVE Portland as follows : For The Dalle: Dally (Sundays excepted) at 5 o'clock a. m. For Kalanik and Tneoma: Daily (Sundays excepted) at 6 A. K. For "Victoria; Wednesday and Saturday at 6 a. jr. For Cathlnmet, Bay View and Skamaek. ansy: Monduy, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A. H. For Westport, Manhattan and Clifton: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 A. if. For Knappa: Thursday at 6 a. at. For Astoria: Dally (Sundays excepted) at 6 A. if. 5-19 J. C. AINSWORTH, President. J. McCRAKEN & CO., IMPORTERS, SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 50,52,54 A 56 North Front St., Portland, Or., AGENTS FOR GILROY'S DUNDEE BAGS and Bagging ; McMurray and W. K. Lewis & Bros." Case Goods; Oswego Kingsford Starch; Hunnewell's Spices, Cream Tartar and Crys talline Oil; Gross A Co.'sand Emory's Sons' Candles; Salem Lead Co.'s White Lend. Also, for the following Flouring Mills: Magnolia, Standard, Lebanon, Aumsville and Mission. N. B. Special attention paid to Ship's busl ness and purchasing Cargoes of Wheat and Flour. . 4 50 THE GRANGER CHURN, A new invention. Makes the best of butter With the least attention. Now all good dairymen. Who would a reputation earn, Should make their butter In the Granger Churn. It makes more butter From the same amount of cream Than any other Churn That ever was seen. And it makes it so yellow. With such excellent taste. It Is the pride or the seller, For It sells in such haste. The grocers all want It The butter I mean To supply all their customers, From laborer to queen. It will chum in Ave minutes, I am happy to say, And does not waste time Like the old-fashioned way. Those that have tried It Speak in complimentary terms And say they will use It In preference to all other Churns. A. GOODNOUGH 's the name Which plainly you'll see Between First and Second streets, Entrance on ' B." 5 7 tf OREGON TRANSFER COMPANY Office and Hack Stables, S. W. Cor. First and Stark Nt. Until further notice, our Carriage Rates will be as follows.: Calllnir or Riding in City Limits. SI per hour To or From Trains and Steamboats', 50 cents To and From Concerts, Theaters, Balls and f fames, 71 a coupie; Funerals, each hack SI per hour. rw All Orders given to the Drivers, or left at the Office, will be promptly attended to Day or Night. 4 36 Dr.Aldrich. Office Hours from 10 A. M. to 11:13 r. M. 5-17 CHRIS. SCX.OTH, rfVITES HIS OLD PATRONS AND THE Public generally to coll at his NEW BUTCHER SHOP, WaxtalnRtou t., one door east of Third. vn30 CASCADE RESTAURANT, Corner Frontand Ash streets, Portland, Oregon. M EALS AT ALL HOURS, DAY OR NIGHT. Board, per week Single Meals .$5 00 No Chinamen employed on the premises. 5-16 THOMAS HAWKS, Proprietor. j. X. BOLPH. E. C. BROJfATJQH, JOS. SIMON. DOLPU. C A, DOLPII, BR0XADGH, D0LPH & SIMO.t, AttornovB-at-Law. ODD FELLOWS' TEMPLE, PORTLAND. 2-40 tf MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE. TTTtROM. AND AFTER THIS DATE, UN1IL JL lunner notice, tne steamer E.N.COOKE Will leave her dock, toot of F street. Every Day, (Sunday excepted, AT 2-33 P. M. FOR OREGON CITY. Passengers for DAYTON and Intermediate points will take the cars at PORTLAND at 7:30 a.m., connecting at CANE M AH on Mon day, Wednesday and Friday of each wees with tue steamer uaiius. Freight from Corvallls to Portland. Freight from Albany to Portland Freight Irom Salem to Portland t2 00 -200 -200 tar All Freight Delivered in Portland free ot drayage. as- Freight Delivered at Astoria with Dis patch and ut the Lowest Rates. 3-5 tf J. D. BILES, Agent. THE CLARENDON HOTEL, PORTLAND, OREGON. ZlEBEtt fc KNOWI.ES, Proprietors. Situated Opposite all tho Railroad and Steamship Offices. Street Cars pass the House every Ave minutes. FREE COACH TO AND FROM THE HOUSE. 4-37U THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL. Front street, between Taylor and Salmon, Portland, Oregon. J. W. WOODWARD, Proprietor. Board, per weekSl 50 1 Single Meals 2b Board t Lodging- u 50 1 Lodging 25 5-11 EASTERN AND SHOALWATER BAY OYSTERS ! In every style, at the "OXFOBD," OX OAK STREET. BRANCH SALOON in the Clarendon Hotel. WALLER i SON. Shoal water Bay Oysters.50 cents per hundred. Wholesale and retail dealers supplied on rea sonable terms. 5-13 AURORA RESTAURANT, Cor. Front and Alder streets.Portland, Oregon. VTEW, NEAT AND CLEAN. EVERY DE 1 partment conducted as It should be. La dles Department a Specialty. Good square meal...25e I Board per week$ 5 00 Board per day 7.' I Board per month 20 00 5-19 RIDER & HERSEY, Proprietors. FOR THE BEST PHOTOGRAPHS Buchtcl &. Stoltc's P-AJLA.OE OI? AET, Corner of First and Morrison streets, Portland, 5 . Oregon. S "It Shine for All." THE INDIANAPOLIS SUN. THE LEADING INDEPENDENT REFORM weekly political newspaper in the Union ; the special advocate ot National Legal Tender Paper Money (the greenback-system) as against Bank Issues on the Gold Basis Fallacy, and the Interchangeable Currency Bond as against the High Gold interest Bond. The SUN has a corps of able correspondents, comprising the most eminent Political Econo mists of the age. One page devoted entirely to Agriculture. Miscellany of the choicest selection, adapted to all classes of readers. The latest General News and Market Reports. Terms, $1 75 per year, postpaid. Sample copies and terms to Agents tent free on application. Address, INDIANAPOLIS SUN CO., 5-19 Indianapolis, Ind. WM. PFUNDER'S DRUQ STORE HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED FROM HIS old stand, corner of First and Oak streets, to the Large and Elegant Store in Captain An keny's NEW MARKET THEATER BLOCK, Corner First and Ash streets, PORTLAND, OREGON, Where he will be pleased to attend his numer ous friends and the public generally. ear Prescriptions, as heretofore, compounded with the utmost care under the proprietor's personal supervision. Deutsche Apothehe. 4 42 NEI3IEYER & UTTER, MERCHANT TAILORS FURNISHING GOODS, No. 31 First street, between Pine and Ash, 5 PORTLAND, OREGON. S MURPHY & ROGERS, SEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF FRESH Meats kept constantly on hand conslst- or BEEF, MUTTON, PORK, VEAL, ETC. Corned Beef Always on Hand. orsr stock bought and sold, country solicited. Orders from the Bcmember 4 the Place Corner and Streets. Foartta S3