FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 24, 1875. 0 N E :V 0 ty AN S S H ERE; . on ,-The Mystery of Enslc Cove! - BvMlM.A.J.DUKI'VVAY, ' AUTHOR Of "JUDITH KBID," "ELLKN DOWJ," "AMIE ASI) TIKtEY I.EE," "THE . HA1TY HOME,"" ETC., HTC. - " Entered, according to Act orcongress.-lu the year 187G, by Mrs. A. J. Dunlway.ln the office of me uoranou or ixmgress at Washington city. CnATTEK XVIL une oi uie business facilities in which Iho vicinity of Eagle Covo abounded was an immense coal-field. which bad but recently been developed, and 'which, attracted great numbers of laboring men, who had cut an opening through the mountains while digging for and transporting the coal an open Ing which the railroad managers had taken advantage of upon which to lay a track for the coming iron horse. This road-bed now formed an excellent track for carriages, and Itosa Iee looked for ward to the promised drive with pleas urable anticipations. But Eagle Cove was horrified. The Mea that the lone milliner, of obscure name and uncertain origin, should dare to monopolize the attentions of an ad vantageous "catch" like Major Lindsey was too absurd for anything. It was rumored that the Major was rich. Cer tain it was that he was handsome, and a dozen or more of the village girfs had had their front lopks cropped till they Jell over their eyes in a rakish way, while the residue was tied up behind with cheap ribbons of .gaudy hues and frizzled ends, to attract him; and here was this strange adventurer, who had nothing to recommend her but a quiet, unostentatious demeanor and plain tidy apparel, without the least bit jof dash, and she was cutting them all out It was too bad, but such things have happened before. Aunt Molly Seabank's daughter Jane had just returned from a country "academy" of which the Xorthwest can boast many and the weary, worn- out mother saw no reason why she might not captivate the distinguished gentleman. But when all artifices failed, and the Major went quietly about his business, paying no particular attention to any of the giggling girls he met, the daughter Jane had concluded he was not a "marrying man," and had gathered consolation, too, from her con clusions. But the sight of the Major's elegant pbretou in front of the little millinery store, and the immediato ex od us of the little occupant, who locked the door and gave the clumsy key to her companion, who gallantly assisted her to a seat, dispelled the only remaining hope, and the daughter Jane grew, furi ous. Abia Carson had just entered the room of the invalid landlady, and was apologizing for her failure to attend upon her as early as usual that day be cause she had been busy upon a suita ble carriage-dress for Bosa .Lee, when the daughter Jane interrupted her with the exclamation: "Well! I've got my own opinion about that forward piece !" "Indeed?" and Abia Carson smiled meaningly. "Do you allude to Rosa Lee?" "Certainly I do. "Who else would be so imprudent as .to go buggy-riding with a mere stranger?" "I know somebody that would gladly go if she'd only get an invitation," re plied the smiling lady, as she watched the couple admiringly from the cham ber window. "I'm sure of ono thing," sighed Aunt Molly Seabank; "I never shall be will ing for Mary Jane to marry a working man." "Why?" asked Abia Carson, opening her bright eyes widely. "You know," she continued, "that Josiah's a working man, and no woman ever had -a better Jiusband than he has made." "That's 'cause you 'boss' him, and there are few men that can stand that in a woman." Mrs. Carson laughed merrily. "The idea that I 'boss' 'Siah Is too funny for anything!" she exclaimed. "I never, thought of such a thing. Neither of us thinks of it. "We try to consult each other's interests, and we trust each dther -and do right that's all." "Well," sighed Aunt Molly, as soon as she could speak, after a severe parox ysm of coughing, Vl'm.sure I don't un derstand it. Before I'd Jet Mary Jane marry a common laboring man, and Jeactue llie-I have, I'd poison her." "Your husband has never labored, ex- cept at his meals, sfncel knew him," was tue good-natured reply. "Motherneedn'tfretherself!" snapped the snubnosed'daughter. "I propose to maKe my own matches." "Ah, child,'.', sighed tho mother, tear fully, "if you knew as much about the hardships of life as J could, tell If you'd listen, you wouldn't wonder that I'd rather see you dead than have you marry a laboring man, or a poor man." "One thing's certain the Jig's up so tar as aiajor iatidsey is concerned," re piled tbe dutiful daughter. "Such men don't care a snap o' your finger for girls uniess lueyj-ciast." "See here !" exclaimed Abia Carson, decidedly. "There is ono thing I will sot hear, and that is a contemptuous in 8inuation against the reputation of Eosa .Lee. She- was cast among us half- drowned, and but.for a jewel upon her ilngeiy which my husband gold for her at ber request, was wholly desti tute. She is pure and good, else there is neither purity nor goodness in woman Major Lindsey sees that she is a stranger Here, and desires to show her a little courtesy. I'm sure I admire his judg ment." - "But there's a mystery about her. Such tliings don'lTEappen wh"cro every thing's on tho square," said the girl. "That I deny in ioo," was Mrs. Car-. son's quick retort "Do you knowehe's even accused of being tho real mother of baby Au gustal" hissed tho girl. Again Mrs. Carson laughed immoder ately. "Josiah and I have never found it necessary to call upon strangers to give existence to our children," she ex claimed; "but if we should want any help.Idon't know where we could go to do better." "While the village gossip was thus at its height in every house in sight of the store, tho Major and his companion, wholly unconscious of it, pursued their way through the cut in the mountain toward the valley that lay just beyond he sight and sound of tho ocean break ers. "I came near failing in my attempt to get an hour's leisure this afternoon," said Bosa. - "Indeed ! how was that?" "There are bo many fussy customers to bo met in my business, and I hate it so! I sometimes think that half tue women of this world haven' t any sense." The Major smiled. "Pardon me," he said, pleasantly, "but that is a very sweeping announce ment." "It Is not a particle overdone, sir. The women don't know what they want, or else they don't have the use of money to gratify their tastes ; so they seek to throw tho responsibility of their whims upon dealers, instead of their own task masters, who are generally their hus bands, who are supposed to have an inalienable right to rule over them am tired and cross, and my head aches." The Major leaned over toward her and looked tenderly into her eyes. "Poor child," he said, earnestly, "you're too young and delicate to do battle with" tho world." "It's my fate, and I accept it," replied tho girl, with a shrug. "Pardon me,1 she continued, "I was In an ugly mood just now. Don't think I am always cross, will you?" and she looked ear nestly into his face, only to receive searching, wondering gaze, from which as if suddenly recollecting herself, she turned to evade. "You don't look as if you could be very cross," was the quick reply of her companion. "What is tho matter, pray ?" "Xothing. It is over now. Please forget that I annoyed you with ungra cious speeches. You can be nothing to me. Knowing this, I have spoken fool ishly. Forgive me, will you ?" Now, Major Iiindsey had long prided himself upon his heart's impregnable fortifications against the arrows of Cupid. But, despite himself, he felt that the citadel was being shaken as he measured the pretty, petite figure before him with an artist's eye, "Poor weary feet," ho thought. "How difficult is the way of life! How hard for them to tread its toil-worn paths alone." Then, suddenly, as if inspired by a new sensation, he said, abruptly "Pardon me, but I am sorely puzzled Will you mind giving me an inkling of your life-history? I feel certain that you are not what you seem; that you are not fitted by nature for your present mode of existence. You need a friend Won't you trust met" It was, well that Major lindsey didn't read tho longings of that sorely-tried heart just then. He would Jiave lor- gotten himself if he had. "Please don't ply" me with painful questions," replied Bosa. "I am not what I seem, and I have good reasons for being forgotten by those who once knew me. Don't'think ill of me, please. I am unspotted before God, aud shall be, some day, before the world. Just riowl am under a cloud." As if tho young creature's words were indeed portentious in their import, black cloud overshadowed them and hid the full, round, harvest moon. "Iam underthecloud, too, Miss Lee, said the Major, restraining himse'lf with difficulty. Eosa made no reply, but sat very still with her face averted. - In a moment the floating cloud passed over, and a flood of brilliance en veloped them, lighting up the landscape around, and the silvery lake ahead of them, with a silvery sheen of glory. "We're out of the shadows together, now," remarked -the Major, speaking huskily. "May I not loot upon this breaking light that sheds its glory upon us both as a sure harbinger of a mutual ly happy future?" "I do, not, can- not.understand you,''. cried"the"girl, desperately. "Don't tall? so,-please." ' ;fTo be continued. MarkTwain's Last Lament. Mark- Twain, in the August Atlantic, mourns over the diminished length of the Miss issippi in this strain: The Mississippi oeiween uairo anu jxew uneans was 1,315 miles loug 17(5 years ago.. It was 1,M0 after the American Bend cut- (some sixteen or seventeen years ago, It has lost 07 miles since. Consequently its jengtn is only Uia miles at present. In the space of 17C years the. Mississippi uas auoneueu jiseu z-ks miles, 'mat an average of a trifle over a mile aud third per year. Therefore, any calm person, who. is not blind or idiotic, can seo that in the Old Oolitic Silurian pe riod, just a millipn years ago next No vember, the lower Mississippi Eiver was upwards of 1,300,000 miles long, and stuck out'over the Gulf of Mexico like a fishing-rod. Andby thesametokenany person can see that 742 years from now the lower Mississippi will only be a mile" anu inree, quarters long, anu uairo and iew uneana will bave joined tlieli streets together, and be nioddinrr com fortably along under a single Mayor and a mutual jsoaro oi Aldermen. There something- fascinating about .science. One' frets such wholesome returns ofron- jecture out of such a trifling investment The Boston JPost says there are only 41,000 lawyers'ih.thlsconntrv. The'De- troit jFree-Prcss exclaims thatitthougbt there were 1,500,000, with Texas to hear irom. LIST OF PQ ST OREGON. OFFICES. EAKEE CO. Auburn, AneuBia. Baker City. Clark&ville, .. . : Kinross nation, Eldorado. . . Gem, i . Humboldt Basin, Jordan Valley, jvye v aiiey, WingvlUe. - BENTON. Alsea Valley, Corvallls, unit urecK, King's Valley, Liberty, Utile Elk, Newport. Newton, I'liuouiaiu, Starr's Point, Summit, Toledo,-- xaquina. CLACKAMAS. Beaver, Butte Creek, Can by, Clackamas, Clear Creek, Cuttingsville, . Damascus, Eagle Creek, Glad Tidings, uigiiianu, Molalla, Mllwauklc, Needy. Norton, Oregon City, uswego, Sandy, Sprlngwater, Zlou. CLATSOP. Astoria, CllRon. Jewell. Knappa, Nelialcm, Sklpanon, Seaside llousc, Westport. coos. Coos River, Coqullle, Dora, Empire City, Enchanted Prairie, Fairvlew, Hermansyilib, Isthmus, Marshflcld, North Bend, Randolph, Sllkln, Sitkum. COLUMBIA. Columbia City,. (jiaisKanie, .-uarsmanu, Ranier. St. Helens, Suavle's Island, Scapppose. CUIUIT. Chctcoc, Fllcnsburg, Port Orlord. Camas Valley, Cleveland, Cole's Valley, Drain, Elkton, Galcsvllle, Gardner, Ketioggs, Looklnglass, Myrtle Creek North Canyonville, Oakland, . Pass Creek. Roseburg, Scottsburg, Ten Mile, Umpqua City, Wilbur, Yoncallo. GRANT. Alvord, Canyon City, Camp Watson, Dayvllle. J oil n Day City, -raine uity, l'arkcrsviue, Pritchard's, Sumter. JACKSON Applcgate, Ashland Mills, Brownsbo rough , Central Point, Eagle Point, uranrs rass, Hot Springs. Jacksonville, Llnkville, Langell valley, Phoenix, " ' -Rock Point. ' Sam's Valley, Sprague River, Table Rock, Willow Springs, Yalnax. Franklin, JuncUon, Long Tom, '. . Mohawk, Pleasant Hill, Rattlesnake, Kuiidaw. Spencer Creok, ' Hp'nngflold; Willamette Forks. LINN. Albany, Big Prairie, Brownsville, Crawfordsvlilo, Diamond Hill, Fox Valley, Grass Ridge, Harrlsburg, Harris Ranch, Halsey, Jordan, Lebanon, Miller, Muddy, Mount Pleasant, Peoria, Pine, fr'clo, Shedd's, Soda Springs' Sodavllle, Sweet Home. MARION. Aurora, Aumsvillc, Buttevllle, Brooks, Falrileld, Gervais, . .Hubbard's,- ' Jefferson, Marlon, Monitor, Newellsville Sa.em, Sliver ton, Stayton, SUPaul, Sublimity, Turner, Woodburn. MULTNOMAH. East Portland, Portland, Powell's Valley, ;' St. Johns, Willamette Slough. POLK. Bethel, .Buena Vista, Dallas, Eola, Elk Horn, Grand Roudc, Independence, t Lincoln, Lucklamute, Lewisvlllc, Monmouth, Perrydale, Ricreall, Zeua. TILLAMOOK. Garibaldi, Kllchls, Netarts, Nestockton Tillamook, Trask. UMATILLA. Butler Creek, Hepncr, Lenoe, . Marshall, Meadowvllle, Milton. Pilot Rock, Pendleton, Umatilla, Weston, Willow Forks. UNION. Cove, Island City, La Grande, North l'owdcr, Oro Dell, ' Summerville, Union, Wallowa. WASCO. Antelope, Bridge Creek, "Hood River, Mitchell, Mt, Hood, Prineville, Scott's, Shellrock, Spanish Hollow, The Dalles, Warm Springs. Wasco, Willoughby. WASHINGTON. Beavertou, Cedar Mill, Cornelius, Dilley, Forest Grove, Gleneoe, Greenville, Hlllsboro, MMdleton, t Mountain Dale, Peake, Slioll's Ferry, Taylor's Ferry, Tualatin, . Wapato. JOSEI'IIINE. Kirbyi Leland. Slate Creek, waiuo. . YAMHILL. Amity, Bellevue,- Carleton, .uayion, Lafayette, t.ave: - v.MA..nni. .',...111,1 u . lilt:, Butte DisappoIntmcnt.North Yamhill, isigi'raine, nuenuan, Cottage Grove, St. Joq, Coast Fork, West Chchallm, Camp Creek, Wheatland " Cartwrlght's, Newberg. Eugene City. VVASHINCTOX TEItltlTOUY. CI.A1.LAjr to. NealiBay, New Dungincss, Port Angelos. CLARKK. Battle Ground, Brush Prairie, -Fourth Plain, Lewis River, Pioneer, Union Ridge, Vancouver, Washaugal. - - v CIIEIIALIS. Cedarvllle, Ohehalls Point, Klma, Hoqulam, Montesano, Oakville, Satsop, - Sharon. - ! t'- COWLTTZ. - Castle Rock, Carrollton, Freport, Kahuna, Lower Cowlitz, -Martin's Bluff, Monticello, Mt Coffin, ... Oak Point, Pekin. ' " ISLAND. Coupevllle, " Coveland, Utsalady. JEFFERSON..... Port Discovery, Port Ludlow, PortTownscnd. ' KINO.'' Black River, Dwamish, Fall City, Seattle, ' .Slaughter, , Snoquahnle, O , -Squak, White River. KITSAP. Blakely, Port Madison, Port William, Port Orchard, -. Seabeck, Teckaict. KLICKITAT. Block House, Columbus, Goldcndale, Kllckltat,Clty, White Salmon. LEWIS. Bolsfort, Cheballs, ' Cowlitz, Cloquato, Little Falls, Glcndem, , . Napavlne, Newankum, Skookumchuck, Wihlock. . . , mason."' Arc-ida, Lightvllle, .Oakland, - Skokomlsh, Sherwood's Mills. TACIFIC. ' BrookQeld, Braceport, Chinook, . Knappton, Oystervllle, Riverside, .Unity, Woodward's Landing. PIERCE. Ellis,- ' ' Franklin, ' Lake View, Puyallnp, Steilacoom, New Tacoma, Tacoma. SNOHOMISH. '" Lowell, Mukiltoc, Skohomish, TualaUp. . , . s .. . i - SKAMANIA. Cascades. STEVENS. Cha-wc-tah, Crab-Creek, FortColvIlle, Four'Lakes, Owensburgh, ' Pine Grove, Rock. CreeTc, ' Rosalie, Spokane Bridge, Spoknno Falls, . Union Flat, . - Walker's Prairie. THURSTON. Beaver, -Miama Prairie; , :. j "Olympla,- Tenlno, ' Turn water, Yelm. WAHKIAKUM. Cathlamet, Eagle Cliff, IShRmokaway," Waterproof. 'WALLA WALLA.' Aipowa, Dayton, ' Fatil, Pataha, Tukauon, Waltsburg, Walla Walla.. WallulaV-' 7 Whitman. WHATCOM. Fldalgo, . Gliomas, " ' , .('La conner.r-. .Lehmhi, Loper,- -Orcas Island, Samlsb, "Semlahmoo, ' -Skagit, ' Whatcom. '- WHITMAN. E.wartsvllle, . Palouse. YAKIMA. Attanura, . EllenBburg, --,'FoftSImcoe,''. Konnewock. .. KlUitos, Mock See, tNanum, , . Pleasant Grove,' Belan; Yakima. .Money Order Offices, " THE" lraYT NORTHWEST. FIFTH TEAR OF PUBLICATION ! THE NEW NORTHWEST, nl i Ji V A. WeeliJyJonrii DEVOTED TO THE PEOPLE'S BEST INTERESTS 1 .law Independent in-Politics and Religion 3IRS. A. J. HUM WAT Kdltor and Proprietor. MISS. C A. COIiUItf Associate Editor. r :n u".;V.Mt3Jv anSCELIiAITEOTJS. Elm re "RnTreryi DELMXG11R &. CO.,- -.Washington St., bet. Second-and Third, PORTLAND .OREGON yE MANUFACTURE AN .. ." ' A NO. 1 ARTICLE OF . BREAD,,, , - " " . crackers ';,Y.. CAKES, And all kinds of Pastry usuallyfouud in aFIrst (jia.ssiia.Kery.. - "Goods delivered to any part or the city. j2l,r7ini2 THE BEST MACHINE IN THE WORLD It does more work, more kinds of -work better work, aud does it easier than any other Machine. ir there is a "Florence" within a thousand miles of Portland not giving entire satisfac tion, ir I am informed of it I will attend to it without expenbo of any kind to in owner. Wo have tho now stylo of "Florence" Ma chine, that fnpcla tlin -wnrl; avnv fmm the Ope rator, like the Howe or Singer, to meet the views or those preferring that style of Machine. I have located permanently at Portland, and shall keep constantly on hand a largo assort ment or tho latest styles of the Florence Machine. Call and see them, before purchasing else where. . . . . I have also the agency for the celebrated NonoiocK. w, oemas mk ana iwik; JonnuiarK, Jr., and Co.s Spool Cotton; Willimantlc C. S. L Machine Thread; Bailey's Sewing Machine OIL JA.U- ms. i.uvjiiN, (icneral Aser.l, 131 Third street, between Alder and Morrison, with Badger's Music Store. Sold on the Installment Plan: $io Down, and $io a Month till paid for. 50 OFFICE OF PUBLICATION-Comer of First and Ash Streets, Portland, Oregon. EDITORIAL ROOMS-On " B " Street, between ' Third and Fourth. .--'3-1 '.iCT - ; The New Northwest Is not a Woman's Rights, but a Human Rights organ, devoted to whatever policy may be necessary to secure tho greatest good to tho greatest number. It knows no sex, no politics, no religion, no party, no color, no creed. Its foundation is fastened upon the rock or Eternal Liberty, Universal Emancipation and Untrammelcd Progression. ..'i' TERMS,' IN ADVANCE: Single copies, one year Six months .Three mouths....... ...S3 00 I 75 1 00 -.'iI.IRF.RAI. INDUCEMENTS . . -I Agents and Canvassers! j , f. 1 :i i : n NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE! 0 - J9iivs e.v..3?;i-.c , THE SERIAL STORIES, , "CAPTAjN GRAY:!S; COMPANY," ' . e ,, 1B-..U ! : .- 1 ' -r ' ' " ANT).- .. ? : '.'ONE WOMAN'S SPHERE," ..;-.'.-" 120U I "3 . i as. tfBy. Mns-rDuNiwA. ' ' ' ' Are now belng.published regularly fronvweek to week. SEND IN YOUR .ORDERS -EARU.Y! We shall want (o'know how large an edition' to-print. . t-.--.xi-' u- . ,- - PORTLAND LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. IIOOJIS-Corner First and Ktnrk Sis. over Ladd &. Tiiton's Bank. Contains Over Three Thousand I'holfe Books AND Over 100 Fapars and Magazines. MEMBERSHIP FREE TO ALL Monthly Diiom Jil OO Payable Quarterly -r T T ... .1 .. T Tr 1ir.l.n.t..l.l lir rt 1 . A. C. Glbbs, C. H. Iwls, M. W. Fechhelmcr, H. cauing, u. uiuin. Officers: L. H. WAKEFIELD President H. FAILING . Vice President P. C. SCHUYLKIl. Jn Treasurei M. W. FECHHKIMEK Corresponaine Sec HENRV A. OXEK Librarian and Rec Sec OREGON STEAM NAVIGATION CO.'S B PASSENGER SCDEDUI.E. OATS OF THE COMPANY WILL LEAVE Portland as follows : Tor The DallcH : Dally (Sundays excepted) at 5 o'clock A. jr. For IVallnla: Monday and Friday at 5 A. M. Tor X.cwistou : Monday, at 5 A. it. 'For Cntlilamet, XlayVI eir and Skamoclc- away: Monday, Wednesday and Friday at G A. Ji. For "Westport, 31nillinttan ami Clifton Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 0 A. m. For Kiiappa: Thursday at 6 a. jr. - , .For Astoria: MondayifWednesday andjFriday.'at C A. sr. .'- - . . . . -For Kalama and Tacoma: Daily (Sundays excepted) at 0 A. jr. For Victoria; Wednesday and Saturday at 0 A. jr. S. G. REED, Vice President, SOLDIERS' WAE CLAIM AGENCY No. 31 MONTGOMERY BLOCK, San Francisco, Cal. yT n. AIKEN, Attorney-at-Law, and Com VV . mandcror the Grand Army or the Re- muuu iu ;uiiiuruia uuu jabvuuu, win give promptattcntlon to the collection or Additional Travel Pay, now due California and Nevada volunteers, uiscnargea more man mree nunu red miles from home. Soldiers can depend on fair dealing. Information given free or charge. When writing, enclose stamp for reply, and state company and regiment and whether you have a discharge. Congress has extended the time for filing claims for additional bounty under tbe Act ot July 23, 1SGG, to Januaryr1875, so that all such claims, must, be made before that time. Original Bounty -of $100 has been allowed all volunteers who enlisted before July 22nd. 1861. for three years. If not paid the same when discharged. Land Warrants can be ob tained for services rendered before 1855, but not lor services in mo jaie war. i-ensions iorine late war and warof 1812obtalncd and Increased when allowed for less than disability warrants, but no pensions are allowed to Mexican and t loriua war soiuiers. maio oi rexas nas grant ed pensions to surviving veterans orTexas rev olution. New Orleans and Mobile Prize Money Is'now due and being paid. W. H. Aiken also attends to General Law ana collection busi ness. 4-1-Gm "Unquestionably the Best Sustained Work of the Kind of the world.77 Harper's Magazine. "ILLUSTRATED. ' NOTICES OF THE PRESS. Thciver-increasineclrculatlou of this excel Jent monthly proves its continued adaptation to popular desires and needs. Indeed, when we think Into how many, homes it penetrates every month, we must consider it as one of the educators ns well as entertainers of the public mind, for its vast popularity has been won by no appeal to siupiu prejudices or uepraveu tastes. 'Boston Globe. The character which this Magazine possesses for variety, enterprise, artistic wealth, and lit erary culture that has kept pace with. If It has not led the times, should cause Its conductors to regard It with Justifiable complacency. It also entitles them to a great claim upon the public gratitude. The Magazine has done good and notevll all the days-or it Me. Brooklyn .cagie. ; i Terms: Postage Free to all Subscribers in the U. S, -Harper's Magazine, one year. u$4 00. . 81 00 Includes prepayment of U. S. postage by uie-puonsoers. Subscriptions to "Harrier's Mnmztne. "Weekly" and "Bazar," to one address lor one year, S10 00; or, two of Harper's Periodicals to one ouaress lor one year, 57 uu. : ... '.'...a- VJ . ......... hUU ........ "Weekly." or "Bazar" will be supplied uratl. for every Club or Five Subscribers at $4 00 each oi one remittance; or, six copies for S20 00, without extra copy: postage free. Back Numbers can be supplied at any time. A complete Set- of "Harper's Magazine," now comprising 49 volumes. In neat cloth binding. will be sent by express, freight at expense or imivuuaci, lur c- per vuiumc. mngie vol umes, by mall, postpaid. $3 00. Cloth cases, for binding, S3 cents, by mall, postpaid. j '.Newspapers "are not to copy this advertlse- lucub wiiuuui, luc c&jiress oruera 01 ixarper & iirotners. Address HARPER tt BROTHERS. ' nil New York. -hn'-.'.j. ,,..-. . ; J. .an iv: V - '-- -n, ' ' " . -'''- ' -1 Rally, Friends, to'the Support ofllnmnn Itlghtn and Tlie People's Paper! A. C. WALLINC, Book and Job Printer .prrrocK's' bijilding tjp-stairs; Corner Front and Stark streets, . Portlnndi Oregon. " Work.done at REASONABLE RATES. 2-03 FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE. MISCELLANEOUS. WILLIAM BEK & SON Have just received a line assortment of Remington, Sharp's, aud Wlncli ester KEPEATING RIFLES. ..-ALSO Singlo and Doublc-Barrclcd BREECH-LOADING SHOT-GUNS Or All Kinds. Fishing: Tackle, 'Base-Balls, CROQUET GAMES, Eeversible Baby Carriages, Baskets, Etc., Etc., Etc: 5-2 No. 107 Front Street. MISCELLANEOUS. OREGON & CALIFORNIA RAILROAD CO. NO. TIME SCHEDULE. NO. 23. TO TAKE EFFECT SUNDAY, AUG. 2nd, 1871. at 4 A. M. for the eovernment and In formation of employes only; the Company re serve the right to vary therefrom as circum stances may require. Dally (Sunday excepted) as follows: PORTLAND AND ROSEBURG as follows: leave. arrive. Portlnd..m7i10 A.M. I Roseburg 7:10 P. sr. Roseburg .5:00 A. i. I PortI.nul.4:15 p. 3(. ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN, Daily (except Sundays), AS follows: LEAVE ARRIVE Portland.... 3:50 P.M. I Albany 8:25 p. sr. Albany .. 5:30 A.M. I Portland 10:03 A. si. FREIGHT TRAINS, Dally (except Sunday) as follows: leave. arrive. Portland 6:15 A. sr. I p. sr. Junction 5:45 a. si. I Portland 5:15 p.m. Tho Oregon and California Railroad Ferry makes connection with all Regular Trains. Close connections are made at Roseburg with the Stages or the California and Oregon Stage Company. KB" Tickets for sale to all the principal points In California and the East, at Company's office, Cor. F and Front Sts., at Ferry Landing, Portland. ear NOTICE. Passengers for Buttevllle, Champoeg, Dayton and Lafayette will take tho boat for the above points at Canemah. CQB" Storage will be Charged on Freight re maining In Warehouses over 21 hours. uB" Freight will not bo received for shipment auer o o'cioci& r. si. J. BRANDT, Jr., E. P. ROGERS. Gen. Supt. Gen. Freight and Tasscnger Agent. 2-16tr THE OREGON CENTRAL R. R. CO. mO TAKE EFFECT ON MONDAY, MARCH J. SI, 13. 0. Trains will run between PORTLAND AND. ST. JOSEPH, Dally (except Sunday) as follows: leave. arrive. Portland.... 2:30 r.M. I St. Joseph.6i!!0p.M. St. Joseph 0:30 A. sr. 1 Portland 10:30 A.M. Connectlngat Cornelius with stages for Forest urove; at sujosepn ior an points soum anu wr.ct T .. , ...... .. XT.Xftnni.tlla A ... It.. f I . . U MU.UJV.bA;, liMW.UIUIC. AUIIVJi 4llU month, Independence, Buena Vista and Cor vallls. KB-Passengers received at Fourth street sid ing on signaling the train, but nre prohibited from getting on or olT the train at any other point on the street. Passengers getting on the trains at Ticket siauons witnout tickets, win be charged twenty-five cents extra. 0a Freight received- at the Company's Now Ware-house, but will not be received for ship- mejib micro i. si. J. liiuvxil, ju., 4-37tt Superintendent, . DR. J. G. Li:XX, 4' ' Dentist, Southwest corner First and Yamhill, S PORTLAND, OREGON. 33 TO THE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED OF BOTH SEXES. Xo Charge for Advice and Consultation. DR. J. B. DYOTT, graduate of Jefferson Med ical College, Philadelphia, author of sever al valuable works, can he consulted on nil dis eases of tbe Sexual or Urinary Organs, (which he has made nn especial study), either- In male or female, no matter from what cause originat ing or or how long standing. A practice or 30 years enables him to treat diseases with suc cess. Cures guaranteed. Reasonable charges. Those at a distance can forward letter describ ing symptoms and enclosing stamp to prepay postage. Send for the 'JGuldo to Health;',' price, 10c J. B. DYOTT, 91. D PHYSICIAN . ANI SURGEON, 101 Dnane St., '. T. 3 22tf R. R. R. Railway's Ready Relief! CURES THE WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Mlnntcs. NOT ONE HOUR Arter reading this advertisement need any one SUFFER WITH PAIN. Uadwaj's ready Relltr Is a Care for Eicry l'sln. It was the flrst and is Tho Only Fain Remedy that instantly stops the most excruciating pain , allays Inflammations, and cures Congestions, wiietner oi me r.ungs, aioinucn, uuweia, ur other glands or organs, by one application, IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES, no mat ter how violent or excruciating the pain the RHEUMATIC, Bed-ridden, Infirm, Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may suner. BADWATS READY RELIEF Will afford instant relief for Inflammation or the Kidneys; Inflammatlonorthe Bladder; Inflammation or the Bowels ; Congestion or the Lungs; Sore Throat, Difficult Breathing; Palpitation or the Heart; Hysterics, Croup, Dlptherin, Catarrh; Influenza, Headache, Toothache, Neuralgia ; Rheumatism, Cold Chills, Ague Chills. The application or the Ready Rellcr to the part or parts where the pain or difficulty exists will afford ease and comfort. Twenty drops In half a tumbler of water will In a lew moments ure Cramps, Spasms, Sour Stomach, Heart burn, Sick Headache, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic, Wind in the Bowels, and all Internal Pains. Travelers should always carry a bottle or Radwoy's Ready Reliel with them. Afowdfops In water will prevent sickness or pains from change of water. It Is better than French Brandy or Bitters as a stimulant. FEVER AND AGUE. Fever and Ague cured for FO cents. There Is not a remedial agent In tht. world that will cure Fever and Ague, and all other Malarious, Bilious, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow and other Fevers (aided by Radway's Pills) so quick as Radway s Ready Rellcr. Firty cents per bottle. Sold by Druggists. healthTbeautyi STRONG AND PURE RICH BLOOD IN CREASE OF FLESH AND WEIGHT CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COM PLEXION SECURED TO ALL. Dr. RADWAT'S Sarsaparillian Resolvent Has mode the most astonishing cures; so quick ana rnptu are the changes tne uouy undergoes, under the influence of this truly wonderful medicine, that Every Day nn Increase in Flesh and Weight is Seen nud Pelt. THE GREAT BLOOD PUEIFIERt Every drop of tho Sarsaparillian. Resolvent communicates through the blood, sweat, urine, nnd other fluids and juices of the system the vigor of lire, for It repairs the wastes or the body with newand sound material. Scrofula, .Syph ilis, Consumption, Glandular dlsease,Ulcers In the Throat, Mouth, Tumors, Nodes In tho Glands and other parts or the system, Sore Eyes, Strumous Discharges from the ears, and the worst forms or Skin diseases. Eruptions, Fever Sores, Scald Head, Ring Worm, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Acne, Black Spots, Worms in the Flesh, Cancers in the Womb, and all weakening and painful discharges. Night Sweats, Loss of Sperm, nnd nil wastes of the life principle, are within the curative range or this wonder or Modem Chemistry, and a fow days' use will prove to any person using it for either or these forms of disease Its potent power to cure them. If the patient, dally becoming reduced by the wastes and decomposition that Is continually progressing, succeeds in arresting these wastes nnd repairs the same with new material made from healthy blood ; and this theSarsapurilllan will and does secure. Not only does the Sarsaparillian Resolvent excel all known remedial agents In the cure or chronic, scrofulous and constitutional skin diseases; but it is the only positive cure for Kidney and Bladder Complaints, Urinary and Womb diseases,Grnvel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Stoppage or Water, Incontinence or Urine, Brlght's Disease, Albuminuria, and in all cases where there are brlckdustdeposits,or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with sub stances like the white or an egg, or threads like white silk, or there is a morbid, dark, bil ious appearance, and bone-dust deposits, and when there Is a pricking, burning sensation when passing water, and pain in the Small o( the Back, and along the Loins. Price, 81 00. WORMS. Tho only known and sure Remedy for Worms Pin, Tape, etc. Tumor of 12 Tcnrs Growth Cnred Ty Radwuy's Resolvent. Beverly, Mass., July'18. 1809. Dr. Radway: I have had Ovarian Tamor In the ovaries and bowels. All the doctors said "there was no help for it." I tried every thing that was recommended ; but nothing helped me. IsawyourResolvent,and thought I would try it, but had no faith in it, because I had sut fered for twelve years. I took six bottles of tbe Resolvent, and one box or Radways Pills, and two bottles or your Ready Relief; and there Is not a sign or tumor to bo seen or felt, and I leel better, smarter, and happier than I have lor 12 years. The worst tumor was In ( ho left side ot ihe bowels.over the groin. I write this to you for the benefit or others. You may publish it ir you choose. Hassaii P. Kuapp. Dr. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet gum, purge, regulate, purity, cleanse, and strengthen. For tho euro or all disorders oi tho Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipation, Costlveness, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Bilious ness, Bilious Fever, Inflammation of the Bow els, Piles, and all Derangements of the Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect .a positive cure. Vegetable, purely, containing no mercury, minerals, or deleterious drugs. B3" Observe the following symptoms result ing from disorders or the Digestive Organs: Constipation, Inward Piles, Fulness of Blood in the Head, Acidity or the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Dissustof Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Flutteringat the Pltofthe Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at tbe Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in' a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the'Slght, Fever and Dull Pain in the head. Deficiency of Per spiration, Yellowness or the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Chest, Limbs, and sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning In tho Flesh. Arew doses or.Radway's Pills will rree the system from all the above-named disorders. Price, 25 cents.pcr box. Sold by druggists. Read "False and True." Send ono letter stamp to RADWAY & CO., No. 87 Maiden Lane, New York.. Information worth thousands will be sent you. 1-1-ly NATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, First street, between Morrison and Alder, , -AND ... Alder street, between Front nnd First, Portland, Oregon. H. M. TlEFRANCE W. L. WHITE -.President. Secretary. AN INSTITUTION OF BUSINESS TRAIN ln" desi"ucd,in a combination orTheoret ical and Practical Methods or Instruction, to Impart in a short space or time that knowledge or Business Theory and actual Business Rou tine which requires years or experience to oth erwise obtain. TELEGRAPHY taught under tho superin tendence ornn Experienced Teacher and Prac tical Operator. PHONOGRAPHY under the superintendence or a Practical Short-hand Re porter. Ladles' Department now organized, and lady students now In attendance. For full particulars, send for N. B. College Journal. - . . Address DbFRANCB fc WHITE, S 3 Iidck. Box 101, Portland, Oregon. CONSUMPTION CURED. To the Editor of the New Northwest Es teemed Fmesd: Will you please Inform your readers that I have a positive CUKE FOB CONSUMPTION and all disorders or tho Throat nnd Lungs, and that, by Its use in my practice, I have cured hundreds or cases, and will give $1,000 00 for a case it will not benefit. Indeed, so strong' is my faith, I -will send a SAMPLE, FREE, to any sufferer addressing me. Please show this letter to any ono you may know who is suflejlng Irom these diseases, and oblige, Faithfully yours, DR. T. F. BURT, 4-3T-26t GO William street, New York. EMPLOYMENT. AGENCY. ' trnnEi'Ei.L jiukray; So. 03. Front Street, Portland, PIND EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL THOSE applying for situations in any. capacity irom wood-chopper down to n Fat Office. Pay special attention to obtaining Farm Jlelp, House Servants, Railroad Hands, etc., irre spective of Nationality. s-2