The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, August 20, 1875, Image 2

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1 -
..AUaUBT , IS7&.
tst iaB aUe VLM U I
gtmt tax aaoa jtofcr.iHoi it aao
tukil mumua, aa4 lbjr ar 01 U tint
' tt itaiiUM to ibaB-b -momry ecdefa
1 , irracrriATi xtaiv
ramMla4loea la tb pathway of
the Mr of prorwn, re soea person
&OMhiKginU seal la tbe MMt(
dom pet Mbim af reform briage that
tbey ar laberlag to pnoto lato
- TbsM wb derail apoa MM
to th xclueioa of all other;
aojt a, cqaatoat study, a subject of
freqaeal argumoat, aataraily bocomi
m wrought ap by tba awile, ri ar ias-
- aginary, thai tbey deaoaac aa Iba aaa
sir, ara la daagar of preclpttaUng
thimsilysB beadloag- lata tbe error of
- tb other. They do not carefully msas
ara tbtrgtouib4, and ao Incur tba danger
of overstatlag thsaiJvea.- When tbla
la trua tbre ara always plant' oflK
aoaa who are oppoeod to tba abstract
priaclplee af aay true reform to sale
eneetra and foiaify tba posllloa af U
advocate, who rsadir tba aam valaer
able by latomperate scat. , AU after al
tempt to define a poaltloa tha Imper
iled ara attaadad with embarrassments
that ara dlflWauV to evade. TWTlh
: tbat la thae flang unguarded lata aa at
aosphere where It nay ba darkened,
perverted, aad separated froaa tba ala
meat thai ar lb Ufa aad Boats U,
suffers temporary cheek, and tba advo-
af arrar ara jubUaat. Ta traat
thing aaered to other fa most parstHM
prejudiaaa ara) la a radical, aggmalva,
or fa a Ileal sort of way, strike a doabi-
Tat blow far tba raaat choiploaad, aad
oftea fore pradaat and wodarata paa
pla to tab aids agaiaa It.
Traa, H ia ta aoraa WtrT ft delight to
itt ansa aaieaosbaM;
. atrip ofl bypoarltleal dlagula aad show
up tba bald aud anlovely raailUss af
thing to which cast out baa aa laag
fowil a to bow ta Igaoraat boaaage; I
but axtramaa or terror and aeaJ, baw
arar wall aaaaat, alaaaat surety dafcat
- taair abjaai, t . . -Tbaa
aaaay adroeata af temperaoca.
by tnalraeaaaeUtloa af Uqoor daalara
aad tba oporobrioo epilhoU which thay
baapapaalbiaiaad thair baatataa, aTr
- Math thiaaatlaaa lathatraaal,aaderaata
a ay a path y for tba paraoaa deoounaed,
and atrcagtbaa . tha toieraUoa with
which their bawaaa la regarded. '
- Adeaeatsa af -woaaaa'r ufranchisa
aaaat traquaaUy dlaplay tha aaaaa ia
tarnparata laal. and ta tha beat af arga-
-t, ar atang by tba proaarlptlaa In-
seek to
apbara and epofla bar tberaia.
latolaraut af tba opiaioa af ethara, aad
aa work harm to tha cause. Waaoafeaa
toaaadmlrattoaaf tb spirit of on who,
whca be aeea awroo, ba H la high
plaeea aria low, aiaaa at It boldly, aot
i aariag who wtaasa or what aalgbty pa
taatato la atracK, white wa ara coav
patted to Ttoobt tba axpedleaey of hU
Tigorooa aad proaaJasaoaa blew, .
Tba raliag priaelplaa and prejadlera
of aoeieiy are livly ' grooadsd ia the
traditions, perbapa tba aapersUUoaa, af
7 tba aitsiia, aad tha wiser af these who
sse aad deplore thai distorted and an
Jaaialaaaeala, wU hesitate about hart
ing tbemaelr against -theea. with aa
irapaWre violence, atora certala to
thasaallairrttiUto ahaalbat
whleb la asaalled.
a "pnnnjAi gmrAnoi. -
Ralph TVildo Eotenea ralalaa a atory
itkal orator, la which party
pared to a broad aad
easy road leading oat let delightful
vista. of woods, bat growing aarrawar
aad erookeder a yea proceed, aatll at
last it a aquirral path aad ran
apa traa. ' , ... ;..
Tbla anecdote aaay at ad for a history
eTha proaaiaa aad parforataaea, tba
foraaer boast aad praarat poaltloa, of
the 'great Iadepeadeat party1 of Ore
goo. Jfot long ago It waa a (allow of
taflnlte boaatlag, bat It baa strutted Its
brief hour aa tha party stage, aad lie ef
fects, eooatsting aaoatly of tba wracked
L It.. mIHU.u II 1 l
plattnrraa an
. mm ii y ym mmmm " w . phwfwwi
appear to ba about ready jar tha adaala
Y Xtolratoror aaetloaear. ,'
Ta drop aarHapbor, wa truly aay that
trsltualeAoftbsMIedr prudent party
tba party asa that It haa aa vitality left.
Therefore It la that they ara dropping
bark Into tba rank of tha old partis.
Mr. Whltaey, tba Iadpadeal aaadl
dato far fwugraaa, bit tba raga caaiaa
of obtaining political celebrity ar ereat
lag ft araaaiioa, aaeosa disinclined to
withdraw fraaa tha aeldwhlla aearly
i waa bare given' hla party
rpecUblUty,eridently wish they War
rid af him, 'e paper la tha Btate, aa
far aa we bare aeea. awpperta alaa.
Clearly the Ortffomiam dosaa't waat to
render itself rJdlonloue by doing ao.
Jl la aour generally understood that
tha laaWpeadeate aa a party arMhuv
Uou hare aaaaed to exist. Tba party, It
- ieoiear, waa la waat af a vital taawa ta
ataad aa. Why diae't it tab up tha
abject af euaal right, t-wltaaat dk
tlaetleaa af race, aex, ar prevtoaa eoa-
dltloa af aanrltada,n aad aa im
subaait feet ta v aaadid world 7 Rat
aallttalaaa rrunr aataa graad appar
taalUea aad tewporii with petty expe
dleata. . 8a tba Iadepaadeal party, fa
aartbaaa.- "It ta tha weaker eort af
palWIelaaa,' eayaLaed Boa, "whaara
tha greatest dlauteaMera." And, wa
aaay add, It la tbetr. weak devlcaa that
thay aet ja much atora by, Iba pradaat
M patty fmartaaaa rather tbaa af
iva art uTfaiiiug wa atf
w . H t a.
faram aadOragaa hand forgarjr. Thay
baea dlmtrtnd fnar forged reel estate
bond bf to ?Ttw York rautral ttalTraad
af tba moat glariug lteoaitB
dee which reaalt tram tb'uoqoul po-
aiUooa tbat mew and voom occupy, r
araa la tba diecrrmtaelton, aoMy oa ao-
eoual af seX. af tba war paid to taacb
era. "This dtecrimlualiop Ja universal
aad beare with Injuatioa and hardship
spou faithful and paino-taklng teachers
Lk to tba Gulf Hutw. That Ibla in
justice ia generally conceded, frequently
spoken of. and ably argued against, and
yet without perceptible raaaady, la ooa
af tta ebaraetarfatloa. "TCat fentiamaa
apoa air bcba4 Board but will raadily
adotU that woaaa) aaaha taaebara -wt
laaat aqua! aa aklllfal andtMpUbl
aa bmo. That wataaa aa a nil battor
andaraUad tba oatoia, capabllitl(Ml
rtqulratwaaU of chtldraa than iuaa do
or can, boo oaa doabt; that tba woatao
laborer a aa worthy of bar bira aa la tba
aaaarlaborer or a la, ta antHanatail. . a
daya gone by, wbaa ooa of tba raqaifa
aaaata of a aueoeaaful laacber waa eoo
aldrrad to ba pbyaiaai atraocth anfileiatit
ta radao aanity arbolar to obedleaea.
r- Induct dottardtr tp to tba oiyaterlas of
xaowiajga y brwi wraa, aara aaigo.
bar bea aotua jvat groaada for payiag
a pratfttaaa aa pbyataal atraugtb wbaa
biriag a school taaeber, but la tbeaa
daya It la not aooalderad ooa of tha a
cut lata for auaoaaafal aaaebing fur tba
teaabar to ba -"a brisk wMdar of tba
blreb and mU; nay, tndaed; it ia a
fact wall
understood that persona who
govern cblldrea with tba hmrt show ar
axaeeiaa af brute foraa secure tba most
perttct and cheerful obedience. . rto,
clearly tba lack of phyaical atrengtb I
not eoonted against womaa la thia une
qual distribution of wagca. The very
peraona who vote tha Injuatioa tbaa
leomplslasd of do aot try to frame an
argument in tta dad nee; they simply
jog along la the deep rut of custom,, too
Inert to right a wroag they aaa aot
shooee bat acknowledge, ar possibly too
Jraloua and aarefaf of tbelr own Inter
est to throw their influence ia , the
sale ia favor af a dlsfrsarhlssd aad
eoasrqueally power leas class, and agal nst
those who pomes so potent a weapon a
the bailotr "
Every ana who haa la tli
token tba paiae to visit oar public
schools haa noted tba fact that the
women teacbere employed tbarela work
far harder than do their follow-laborers
aaaaag tbe men. Go aay time you will.
aad you will Hod tba faithful women
teacher who toll In the lower depart-
U vigilant, eaergetM aad aaay.
Their recitation bene he ara alwaya
crowded, their room fall. , Go into tha
department presided aver by tha oblig
ing aad affable principal, and you will
find blm quietly listening to tba recita
tion of a few pupiU whom thieat
labor of womea have disciplined, drilled
aad prepared aatll they ara worthy tba
pri ad aal'i time aad atteatloa. Tbe dif
ference In the labor performed la apnarH
ant to tba moat cases! observer. The
difference la tha eeouthly stipend peid
for asraloa performed is painfully arpar
eat to tha worn i a teachers. " If they do
iiot-talthfully perform, their task or
for that matter area if they do earn
liases), they ara Just aa severely censured
aa men are, but for, faithful and eonect-
eaUou labor tbey nrvr reeetr ade
quate aompeoaatiou. -
IlTha prim n varlooa part of tha coun
try hu from time U) Ume called the si
teolioo of the people to tba dUerimlna
Uou aa anJuaCqa ungeoerous, yet feaob-
ara ara atill hired apotthe mmc ahl
plan, and will continue to ba until
woman alt npaa our Bcbool Board and
took out for tbelr own Inter!. Bar
spactablo Jouraala, however, art aot to
ba silenced by the apathy or Inattention
of tba public upon thia matter. In a
recant issue of tha ewark Adrrriuvr
wa find tha following:
thsaa.asd ta a suia mptoywl Ihejr
ailstaaatalsaeerea lsset satartlt
insr honllroaa as.ainelallr uUjis ia aUwy
pat hi aoeair saaVtisol Is ktrm Body sad coal
tUUsirt ae.a4aUttlBa all la stro !. U
i Oi tualesoB t lame aHrtysr
UiaMab tUstr sseatalsd Boards or
to par a iest jseaoasesae (or sll
in 1m rsBdaw. aad this shoald as wtihout
the alicMsa rscaid to sn, to sosaaMtHoa, or
m a will aay
aaaa we would nay
wedo aa taJaoUt to oanrlr, to
r fallai aad to oar tore of Jaatlr aad
auraiar.. - ... .. ,.
The amouot expended for Uaehers'
salaries ia tb Mala af Connecticut far
af tbta'tb averaga. wagea pet. month
a lh i'Ui wmm arajraa nor month I
paid to man waa $71; to women, $30,
Tha Ilartfoid W, oommentlng apod
Ta aiaiats toocaera ta lkJ Uiala, a !,
feiLSIul, aad) taletUaaat, jrrl .taelr
Uaoy mt tbeaa do an raeatre
ctorUa or tbe bauar elwo of oooreUrc ta
a aad II Is to ba basod Ibat las rant-
ady lot IbjaerU, few each H reailv ta. Is aot aw
.Tba Aaauai t'ooferauea of the M. K
Chare b, ably aad Impartially presided
aver by Blabep IVck, baa bean bokltng
a barmeuloua aemloa daring the past
week at Balam... The regular taslaam
af tha convocation waa Ukaa ta rfu
order aad disoosed af la tba mala nalt
vi j wiw Binnu 1HS waHB"J
areaaatssasioa aeema to ba thaaotlpoda
of tta immediate prdirimdr, - which
graced, ar rather tfigraead the L K
Cbarch la this ally. ' Tbara aatm Indeed
t ba aa mach dlgoreoo la the anlmaaof
tha a-mhiraaem aa tbara hi la reality aa
twuaa Iba narrow aad bigoted view of
thd preai dlag btahop of lt mmlnu and
lb broad aad Ubaral. Ideaa af ItMabop
Peak. WUh tha eneptloa of tb fed-
lag asaiti rested qvar tba alectloa of aa
editor forth J. V, Mraea ao ancbria-
xd Their afeWniattttlaa WamtSfat UUuaaaaa becw dla-
pUjfd by member. "":
aa l ( J, I
.JJkat. 5ea. riheridaa Ul Chkoago s
tbe Mth for a vioit t tha laCfoaat,
Ha will probably arrlv al Had Fraa-
ttlaea about thd 9dlaatTr ;rJ:,
rM Tki body met puraaaut to call at t-
Iroviwn. tha aftaroooa ar tba 1Mb loai,
Tbara waa aome diversity of aplnloo
among tba member af tba Coaventloa
relativa ta tha expediency of placing
a nominee la tba field, aotue of tha dele
galea favoring tba rndoiaement of Hon.
Henry Varreu, I be Iiepubllcan Doinl
na. inl irll T,"'"'1f advouaUng tba
plan of arndiug forth a special or tern-
Defence candidate.' Tbe dlscusaiau of
thia ditlWfuea wa opeuad by tba otro
ductlon of tba following resolution :
' Rmultnt. Tnal ia rouwi fmtUm of .tii aa
41dsialrMa so 1 sated Bar Caserns "7 tss
irvtaal tstUejrxaiejj ialhs Hum. that thU
CHmUM arvea II tovssMieni to piar in is
Brtd aselboT saaataais ami rseaoiawa! thai
tUs fm ipirss -pupls o( Otssinn a taslr
rytea fear ellbrr eawtidsM slrewir uuaUustod.
A motion to adopt aailed lor Ih aW
aad forcible epaeebee ia IU favor from
Hoe. C A. Itaad, Mr. Vollitm, Til mop
Fori! and others, and against It from Mr.
Dimiok and olbara, tba last named
gentleman declaring himself In favor of
a aomlaatloa, uvea If their candUlaie
should get buttwo voteaJn tha State."
Tba resolution waa defeated by a vote of
glton. , ,
Maaara. Turner, Reed, Case, Walker
and Hunt "belog appointed Committee
on Platform, after due deliberation pre
sented Uiat lastruntaut ambodied la a
series of resolatioo, which est forth tbe
evils of the liquor traffic; tba fact that
tba loading political parties Ignored
ttamperauce in their platformi favored
return to specie paymentar" thought
government should retire Its bonds,
thus stopping the imntaoae interest now
paid; favored harbor and river Improve
menta, railroad eonatrncUoji, amend
meuta to revenna laws, so aa to rmov
burden from tnacbanlca aud farmer,
and eoudemued the practioa of granting
lieeasa to llquordealera.
After the adoption of the, tbe Con-
vaatioa propeeded to ballot for candi
dal for i'ontrreea. tha same naultlug in
the choice an the weond. baJUgtof JilvXiJ
W. lHmlck. of Marlon count v,
After adopting a reauluilou reulrlng1
tha mMH-lT to oaa vam tba Htat in tba
lauvrsU of the Temperance party, and
the appointment of -a-PtaU-Central
Committaa, tb Convention adjourned
wan die. :
Thmt tbey acted with wljdom and dla
eretloa la placing a' candidate In tba
field, 1 gravely doubted by many of tba
moat practical aud trua. frienda of the
eaue. Kvan tba most ardent of the
concede that them ia not tha smallest
chance for .tba siioouaa of tb atandard-
eearer of tamparanea, and those who de
al re tbat their principles may be ad;
bared to aud preserved with dignity that
ahall com maud tbe reaped of thir op-
paaenta, feel mortified at tha aura and
ovei whelming defeat " that certainly
awsJU their candidate.
We believe tbat temperance ia aa of-
ten wounded at tha altar of It frienda
a it is injured la the eamps of It ana
mi. A wise and prudent -general
would eeaMely lead to certain defeat, If
not dteonraulBod rout, a fow falthfuIToI
lowers, however xcalous and eonaeien
tloua lit dafanaa of prioclpleTa oontsst
which axcllea tha ridicule, and by over
whelming defeat insure the derision of
an enemy potent- nnd"po war fut,-1
acaroely a display of pcoweaa tbat will
act aa a cordial to revive the hope of
temperance workers, nor yet aa an effl
elenrraganC for "drumming up recruit
for tha rank and file of. the temperance
Tbat tha aaadidatev Mr, Dlmlok, laiong table whose drawers ar full of tb
a man demoted to principle, no on who
see him load tha vaa 'of tbla forlorn
hope can doubt;, that be is a maa of In
tegrity and fair ability, those who are ac
quainted with blm readily uoncede; but
tbat he wltl receive five hundred votes
la thl commonwealth, no one Jmsg
Inea; and In common with many other
w view tha action of tba Convention
that nominated hlmwllh profound ra
gfetV .
Conspiououa among tba names of the
moat beloved of Otegon City' early aud
honored IUsua-wb' have passed to
tbelr rest beyond the mystic portal of
th iient HummeriandVI tbat oi r.lwtn alon- now, and'aCtuggllng with
Forbes Barclay, and a substantial
and enduring, token of the esteem In
which ha waa held by lb one with whom
be had for ao many year resided, I lb
monument lately erected to hla memory
by tha elUxen of Oregon City. Thl
rr. . ... .
near tba city of bla adoption, ia of beau
tlful Italian marble with n column oon
Uiaieg flrteen flulea, broken an tba top.
Tb baa etooe ia of Oregon City gran
ite, and b 21 lucbea high i upon thl
aet a marble baa twa feet la height i
apoa thia another marble cap 18 Inchee
la height; and upon this net tha col
umn, the whole be! fig nine feet high.
On tbe eouth aide to inscribed "Forbes
Barclay, M. D., bora at Ixawlok, Hbet
land Islsnds, IVcsmber 2S, 1S12 J died,
May 13. 1873." Oa tha east aid la tha
klaaoal square and compass, with the
letter O, attached to which are tb croa
key. On tha west aid la Inscribed,
"Well dona, thou good and faithful ser
veatroad on tha aorthabla, Facted
la honor of For be Barclay, M. P., by
tha clUaen of Oregon City, 1873." On
tha marble base at tb south aide la la
large, raiasd letters tha noma "Barclay."
Tbe whole fa most elegantly executed
and la aa appToprtat and ndurlug trib
ute to the memory of oaa whom none
knew but to honor aad res poet.
ATSYEii to -couiaroy
P, p. Ji, LlokvltUr r?ubaoriptnu ax
plred with Net Wa send bill thU
week. .
J - Mm, U. toabea, Ci a. t flubmrip-4
ijou expires viuu preaent na)(erhDH.rrmooran, My led antiquarians,
ThaaM tiT putrottap and good wUbea.
JUfmmt- Urmtilsaea racelred.
Be ass o red tbat'w ap preelatalb Inter
eat you aiianifeat la oar journal and the
can ad vacates. r:Tt as know when
vou start oa your projected lour. .
iaaaa Ra Au-as or tb a Niw KuaruaoT:
When last wa wrote jrou our bead and
baud war full of work In th Teacher
Institute at Astoria, offiolal minute of
whjch accompauy thia corrwpondenoa.
Thia august body aaaeuibled at first (af
ter Just fifteen minutes notice.) in tbe
school-room ef Kev. Mr. Hylsnd. Tbl
i a plitn, TiripreteDdlnrrlml bulMlns,
wbr Mr. II. and his amlale helpmeet
ara regularly engaged In teaching the
young Idea bow to shoot. There la also
a public school In tba city, but Profeaeor
Worthlngton to oft a-eummeriDg, "Dd
w all aoaotqueatly missed tha genial
light af hi eouBtsnanca.and tba bene ft
eial aflecta of his logic la our dsllbera
Uoua. . ' - - .. - - !.'
. After . permanant , organlxatlon, and
some lively dlaouaalon Upon tha praaent
Hext book" qatotion waa bad, the Con
gregational Charch waa throw a open to
tba public, aad here tha wit aad wisdom
of pedagogue, past, preaeut, and pros
pective, expanded . Itaelf In repartee,
logic, criticism, commeut, disquisition
and alouuaocetUl you, dear reader
would have thought, if you had 11-
tened, that a court of common plea wa
pawner. ' '' 1 ".
HUU RoiterinUndeot Kowland la tba
right maa In tba right altuation, and
right royally doe b discharge hla du
ties. Mr. Oearbart, Hcbool Puperia
tondenk'of Clataoo county, also dmrves
special mention. H I an excellent af-
ArTi f..t f Um mmrf wot aa niodeat, we'd
Ilka to vote blm n vote of tbanka for tbe
remarkable dlaplay of bla talents aa a
critic Mrs. AW W.Parksr also dletiu-
rulHbed herself and Wall nigh ex tin
gulabod the Institute with her happy
bits at aaplring pedagogue, proving
eonc!ulvly that IxlU Mtirtt la her
forte. . v
-Hare-wVd-lika to- pauar lll avary
ether officiating tody and gentleman got
a eredlt mark; but tha anolety compli
mented Itaelf ao thoroughly at it eloe-
UwJaWtttlht Jt Mr4XJPOOtfry.
W bop there will be a grand rally
or teachers at tna annual moning in
Halem next month. Tbeaa eouncila ara
of great value. In bringing forwardUha
best rihods --of -mental eurtura-aud
stimulating teacher In tbelr labors of
love and duty.
Astoria I very little of It age, and
certainly the diritcti town of Ita alaa wa
avary saw anywhere. There ara many
v!duceajbowver( that Jl
growth" haa commenced. - Tba streets,
hotele and private bouses are alike full
of atrangara, and were real aetata bold
at IU legitimate worth, many valuable
building would aooa toko tbe place of
tha decaying vegetable matter and de
composing atuxKeon - upon tba ' river
banks, that, a they now are, would fill
a loss healthy atmosphere with a fright
ful pestilence in less than a fortnight.
A Jt Is, you strain your breath through
your handkerchief and ' fasten your
thoughts aa beat yon can upon tba blue
headlands In tba distance and fancy
you're happy. ,'. J T
llrrW7H. TTJreyribe noted historian,
favored ue by abowtng n through th
library of tha l'loneer Historical ho-
clety. A bloated sturgeoa lay dslight
fully nr tba library, building, which
sets npott pile abov tba lapping tide,
and whleli, but for the dead sturgeon
and other kindred nuisances, would be a
very pleasant resort. A it was, w
mutord what imaginary antluranoa wa
could and set to work in dead earnest to
write thai correapbiidenoe, ailtlog at tha
V. l.lni'Li Lia. a IK. Immt iwnljir n I m
'x. Then w. oaend th. narea
3a. Then wajoaened tb musty page
of a Jawbook "one hundred aud fifty
years old. . IU margin waa lined upon
very aid with tba faded note of some
rewhile Jurist long elaoe gone to his
reward; and wa might have fallen to
musing la model hexameter over the la-
gal relic, - but for tba dead sturgeon
a formal J, that nolsomsly reproached
tbe ' dirty city for denying It decent
burial. .. .... ! :
Bat lot above Jhaa(nolilabova-tbe
tiding air of tba alient room for we
drowainem wa vainly attempt to eerib-
bls our curiosity riees. - Ye shades of
mythology and echoee of primeval hie
roglyphics, what thit t A letter rusty
with aga lias la our trembling fingera.
Dear reader, shall w transcribe It?
Jsrt ui try t , -,,
KCW Toaa Out UfCL
tssvHMi JowraovearMaedwolldarsaol
and tub aay mart lobe; bul I aerart rom not
Ibat I av raea ebooeo a CweabendiM eamber
of tba eoreeare Piim hia and HMoweat Society,
aad will try to b aaipal to lb aayidu at aoaae
laluta doj. Meaaturs belaavs me youra, , ,
Then I You, reader, of eourse, ran
only aaa "tha printed word. To. fully
appreciate them, yon abould see a foe
eimOe of the letter itaelf. Wondering
what th thing could mean when trans
lated, wa appealed to Mr. Gray, who
drew largely upon bla Imagination aud
a pair af apectaolea, and proceeded to
oaravel tbcBanaerlt of th nineteenth
century as follows : - ' ".
, ; , ir,V''''-WBWoaa,Oatollto,Bj7l.
Jaa aia i aot aaa laaMSd tbl tde
aet aadortake aay mora labart be I araet
year aottes tbat t bate eoea ibwna a eurr
poadla totbr of tbe Oracoa Ftoajaar Hto)
torleal AaaoetoUea. aad will try to ba aaaral to
that ancUty at aua ratara tints.
. .. t BrUsv as yoaia, . .
W.H. Uaat, . t: Hoaara Uiuauf.
. W:iW.aP.H.aaslarla,Oc. jj,.,
T-Srrr tot -aa- phlfoaopblac a HtUa
pposs that sometlm In th course of
the coming agsa, thia muadana apbara
IU liortbora half as to make It apart
Itaelf, the Causing tb gral deep to
rla aod rabmerg tb habluhl bemls-
bheraTTThea surooaa.
In aflat year.
because of tbelrdrslr to delrelnto past
myti1f, ltoul(J f tcavat lb ruin f
th Columbia and And UoraecOraaley'a
letUr. 8Ualghtway-h might ahak
thf religion belief ef hrWu by decipher
Ing hieroglyphic, bb)H abould prbvt
beyond further cavil 'that the
founder of tbe New York Tribune flour
labed forty-ose tbouaand eight hundred
ana! evnly-ond years after Cbrtot;
while tb foaail remains of yonder tur
gaoo would demooatrat beyond con
troversy that tb llttl fiabe that dis
ported tbemselvea In tbe waters of tht
a. - . l 1 aasaa . aaa -Waa7aV.
wondera of aclenret Oh, the rrveia-
tlons of ancfeut trail rpony f 1 low ye
pale before tba possibilities In store for
tha learned student of the aomlng eras!
- Oar graeiew liege having Joined aa
in Astoria, an evening wa agreeably
spent at th bmpitabl howo4f Cd
lector Mare, and on (Saturday morning
wo war ofl for the sea side. Tb "Oue
Stta," a aid-wheel steamer a little larger
tbaa a modern batblug tub, conveyed
na down tba Columbia a fow miles to
tba fclklpaaon, a tidal river, ao crooked
it can't run on way but six mil at a
time, which we aeoeod aa far a It Is
navigable. At the lauding are two good
hotel, wber you get flrst-ol country
faro tor ll difllfw r-ferlt. bu-
tol keepe a stage line, and. both ar
ready to aacommodate you with ride,
meal, or lodging"""" " - z.
A two hours' rid over a sandy road,
through a very fine farming country,
with here aud there a tasty farm-bouse.
aod occasionally a. luxuriant orchard,
now following the eourae of a crystal
creek, aod now crossing It to reach an
adjacent ridge; your eyea full of aand.
and yuur clothing covered with thoda
of midsummer, and you cross a nock of
woodland and reach the romantic bridge
tbat span tha creek Mskonlkum, tbat
meander through th sea -aid grouada
at Clatsop beach. Now w ara ready
for column of deeeripttv narrative,
but tba length of tbia letter admoniebee
ua to poet pone further uorreapoodeiiDe
till another week. . A. J. IX
8ea-8da House, August 14, 1S7&.
Th obeequle ofHn'hriilan A
deraan, held on tba lltuor August in
Frau Kirobo ClhaiUral, Coaenhageo,
were touching and impreaslre. . The
king and royal family with tb mlul-Ureandhief-oflioem
of thr govern
ment, asatotod, and deputaUena from all
parta of tba kingdom were preaeut. In
the cathedral were representative of
public bodies of tb Ktato and cities, di
plomatic corps, facnlty and atadeuU of
tba nnl veralty, workmen, aoclettoa, gen
tlemen of tbe press, and au immense
congregation of eitlsene, who fllled ov
ary part of tba edifice. -The caatff was
oovered with wreath and laurels, many
of which war aent from Germany and
other countries. -' The day waa on of
universal mourning in Denmark, tba
whole nation mourning hi death, whlio
aflocUug tributes to his memory wars
received from abroad.
A aubaorlber of the Grand Rapids
(Michigan) iW, although not blutaelf
a full believer la tb dootriaa of we
an's ' nrranchlmmont,- undentanda - a
Ulg or Wf ao is s vldoiaad
Ifloatioa of tb moat bitter appoacnU of
tbe cause, , vl: - FJrst, dlssppolnted
preachers; aecoad, dram-shop . keeper
and tippler; third, tyrannical husband
fourth, old fogies; fifth, young big head a.
Tba first, whan thsy preach tbat It i ob
ligatory on man to rut over woman, hav
a theology too thin for womau to appro''
elate; the second fear the destruction of
their Infernal traflic; the third fear their
dignity will suffer;, tbe fourth content
them! vaa with aawertlag thatittonetjThe-lpstHota then listened' to the
woman'a sphere; tha fifth arc" tuaapabl
formerly editor of tbe Corval-
II Union, of war memory and extinc
tion, died at Roaeburg on the morning
of tha 14th lost. Hi resideoce at tba
time of hi death waa Baa Jose, Califor
nia, and ha waa traveling In Oregon for
the benefit of bis health, when evertakeu
by tba diaaded messenger. ; Ha wa in
hi earlier year a Journalist of no mean
ability, but of late he basoonfleed him
self to tb profession of -phonographic
reporter, aa being more remunerative
employment than .that of independent
qulli-driving. His death was quit sud
den, and a great shock to his family and
frisods. "
Mrs. Jennie Fowler Willing, slsUr of
President Fowler of th Northwestern
University, and well knoWn as a plat
form speaker of unusual power arid re-
atarkable beanty-of
pathos of manner, ia now, In addition to
her professorship In a Western colleger
tbe editor pf the Woman's Tt mpt&tnet
Union, published In tb Interest of tbe
Woman'a National Union, at Philadel
phia The paper Is Interesting and
sprightly, advocating with vigor and
freshness tha great temperance reform,
and furnishing another proof of tb
pwr aod ability of educated and Intel
ligent womanhood. , . 7 i
The character of Rv. I. p. Driver as
usual did not paas lb annual eonferano
nncbaltouged, but wasreferred.. with
certain grave charges thereon, to a Com
mute of Inquiry, who after doe and
charibUla- deJlUralloat-rapotled that
Ihey found do just cause for oooipialnL
and roaommended that hi "character
Either Rev. Driver must b tb
moat persistently and wantonly villi fled
Christian martyr extant,, or tb confer
no "Commltte of Inquiry" must un
derstand bow to apply whltewasn with
smotoenng eack , rrrv
Harper Wetkti gives tb portrait
uch Icapoofofsmel and PaaTeTrVloce, th oldest
living twins la this country, If aot la
tb world. ' Tbey wer bora la William.
borg, Maasach Dortta, on tha 23d of De-
Cmtcfl7St, aiid'duriag--lnetyj
years of their Jlfs bar enjoyed uniform
good health. On haa for atony years
resided la Chesterfield. Mae.."ard tha
other In Veet rprlngflsWW- Ther'r
ld also at Oifl, Franklin county; Mas
sachuaetU, . pa of lata aialer tljbty
elgbt years of age.l.
fif tta Teatlsrt IartitouJ its rurti
' ' 1 JnaWal -DUtrici of Orron. i;z: lT
irettTtJA,I7ai; r fora.
Jfj i Moxpav, August 6, l73.
At tbe rplacoaal aetoool-room, Iba
Teacher' luatitute for the Vourtli Judi
cial District of Oregon, a a called to or
der lV the Klele riuperlnteudeot. Prof.
11 JO CIOC A. lUi
j. h. tinmn,- tiie
. llowil,. Omoers were e
A. Mylaud, Preai
Preaiileut; Itev.'J.ri. l.nniu,
Chaplain; Ml- K T. lieviaoi., recv
tary; Mis Julia Adama, .Maiatant he-
"u'waalhevVl honor
ary member of thl. Inatitut all leaeh
eri fio otb3iatrfotawbououU he
preaeut, and to Invite them to Join In
tbe exercise. . .
...r. . -iVLIr. will
Aleo, to cooalder aa Honorary
lrLfllriraa-laWon. of th Iitotl
J. W. Oearliart, County School Su
perintendent for Clataop county, ami
Cbeireuaa of . tbe Committee on Pro
gramme, being tbe only member or
Commute preaent, by vote of Institute,
Mrs. A. J. Dunlwsy and Mrs. M. K
Hyland were placed on that Committee.
("apt. J. H. 1. ry. Ml Carrle.A.
Wblteiaw, aud Ml as Annie Brown, ware
choaea (Vunnilttee on Atuic.
and Mr. J. W.
Gearhart were chosen critics for the In
atitut,,- ' " " '
llaeluMltute adjourned uutll o'clock
r. m. - ' ( -
. , At-TERXOOS SEUatOX. " 7-
Pursuaut to adjournment, the Insti
tute waa called to order by Jibe 1'realdeut
at I o'clock P. M. -
Tbe Chairman of tba Cornsnltlee on
Paaaramma repartil first In ordnTi
A diacuwaion on "tbe present system
of text books" then followed. Mr.t Wol
verton oftered th following (r '."
Evolved, Tliat the preaent aerie of
readers and epellera due not meet the
fwanU of tba public schools.
lie continued with explanatory re
marks, and Mr. Dun! way followed, aeo
oudlug tbe resolution. After remark
by-l'rof. Itowtaad, Mm, luaiway-fa-liously
substituted tb following :
l:eJvcd. That we. as a Teachers' Aa-
aoolation, repudiate the present school
book system of the Htate of Oregon, and
we pray tba liPglslature to repeal au aiH
Which compels our Plate Superiuteiid-
ent to withhold hla honest opinion upon
a soMect Of vital moment to tha people
at laree.
Thl waa not seconded, and tli dlacus-
aloaof the resolution waeoontiuued hyTTtmtotoTTltoaThT
Hyland. It waa finally voted to indefi
nuiwii m mtt .ri . irnuin, v 'x-mi ii i , m -.
nltely poatpona further discussion af the
eubjeot, and prooeed to th nest ubject
on lb programme Orthography..
Piacuaalon of thl subject was opened
by Mr. W. W. lwrker, who was rot.
lowed by Prof.ltowUod.Mr. Parker, Mr.
Griffin, Mr. Dunlway, Misa Adama,
Mr. 11 fraud aud Mr Wol verton.
After bearing the programme for tba
evening, the Institute adjourned to meet
at tha Congregational Churchy at 7:30
o'clock v, t. . . . v .--'-.'f, : .
r. KVENUCU ai-JiaiON.
The Institute waa called to order-by
the President at 7:3U o'clock. F. M,
fraver hv tha Chanlaln.
Musld oong by Mlsse Wblteiaw and
Brown.' -
Tbedlaouasion f school discipline wa
opened byWVW. Parker. Mr. tiault,
Mr. Irani way,' Mr. Yocum, and Jutlga
Page, followed with remarks upon tbat
Subject : .'
Mualo Inatrumental duet by Mlaees
nolo ttrnd Iia Brown.
A dlaouaalon on Penmanship
opened by I. M.O. GaulUHuperiotend
eBl. ?!niJtf,,?V.tTjrTtTemb like U.l.smouuU
um iit jar.jWMr, iiimi Mfu
Mr. Dun I way.
Mualo olo and chorus, by Mlm Hoi
den and othera. .
- The I net i tot then adjourned until 9
o'clock Am x .Tuesday. -
Ttesdat. A a rust 1ft.
The Teaobers' Institute met at th
Congregational Church, aud was called
to order by tba President at 8 o'clock A.
M. Prayer by tbe Chaplain. -
reading nf tba minutes -of tba previous
meetings and approved tbe aame.
The sublect or English Grammar waa
next Introduced, In the diaeuaalon of
wbtab-rtoev rV. GrirBn led. forhrwed bv
Profa. Kowland aud (isult, Mia. Iont
way. and Itev. T. A. ityiand. otrd to
poatpona further diaeuaalon of tbl sub
Jr - - ' . . ...
Air, tramway onaraa tu ioiiowior:
Jletolvtd, That it I tba duly of the
Btate Teacher' Institute to appoint a
committee or nve, on from raco Judi
cial District, to examln tb varloua
standard text books, and report to the
twenty-lore fjounty Hcbool Hunorfn
tendeuU th various merit and demer
it of each, and their well d I rested opin
ions as to tba lies moat desirable for
tbe accommodation of teacher and tba
advancement of pupil.
- Arter remarks of various member the
resolution wa adopted. - '
Programme for tb afternoon wa pre
sented and tb Inatitut adjourned a a til
3 o'clock i. M. i
arTKRXoox sesmiox. ' r
Tbe Inatitut was called to order by
tbe Prealdeot at 2 o'clock r. M.
Th consideration of Arithmetic waa
Tba practical nueation Involved were
discussed by Prof. Gault, Mr. Griffin,
Mrs. J Hi nl way. Mrs, Morae, 1'rof. Row
land, Mlaa Adama, tba Prealdenl and
tb Hecretary.
By veto cloned the diaeuaalon and took
up tb next sublect Why is History ao
much neglected In our Public Hchools?
Itemark were made by Meaara, Gault
aad Grime, Mr. Dual way, th Presi
dent and Prof. Rowland. -.
Mr. Dunlwsy presented tb follow In
resolution, which wss adoptoil
Jlnmolmi, That w recommend t h
study of Drawl nr. and a more thorough
application of liiatory la tba public
schools. " i ' - .. .
Tb critic were then called for. and
entertained tha Institute with playful
aad shrewd Uils.M the different mem
bers, whose anfortunato inaccuracies af
language ami pecuiiariti or- manner
uage a
ntly expowd.-?-
The Inatlluto then adjourned to meet
kt 7-3V o'elouk P. M.
The last) tote was ealled to orilerbv
tba President at 7:3t O'djdck : r. ul
Prayer by tbaCbapJain.
aiuic instrumental duet, . by. th
Mleee Browa
. I :
Ta, mtootee-r th- day - wmr'' then
road aad aaoroved.
Ufa. N. ti Uima tl kl Yl.l-r ah...
freed ap eesay, "Hints to Tmrh-tr." -
Musioooug hy Mlm Wblteiaw and
Hias Mrnwn.
Mravv Iranlway then dllverel
tur ou "Hentcoc Buildiaa.
' iusio eong by Mlaa Kroaiu-
atrrtject Tl
i"t- J
ltead1n '
dwoed and diacoasad
hy Mr. Gault, toi-
lowed by Rev. Mr. Pierce, Mr. Mora,
Mr. Parker and Mrs. Dunlwsy, -
Th critic wer gle called for, and
ran very lightly aver the evening's per
formance, all home tbraate boingvnanw
wUb woapsaa toofiaety poiatod to
wouod.- v- ! '
AUeclhlm,IuUtuU jbiarluu
olea reaolveil il-If late a motai ad-
4 ui Irs I ton and eratllmleacH'leirjand after
au'tthrr HiUtoal favor fmi MtiUltruau,
djourneil. - kK F. 1a VlfH.N.
' " ' v " Secretary.
ll.e'iair f llu Mechanics' Institute,
Kau fratu;ico, n ned on the llh.
ialii will n W-n-l royal coiaoiv
aTourr otiieT'liria.ieihia eihibifo.
Tli steamship" "Faradav" aailed fnmi
itudon on tba Mlh 1A reMlr the direct
I'nitediriUtef. cable.. ' " .
The eteeeobip "Hpain" baa arrived at
Nw York . horn U vtrpool . w Uh Moody,.-.
and riankcy ob board. - - .
r The . mill oparalkvr at Fall River
voted 2,S3 to 1,57 to continue tbelr va
- lratlon
tb full 30 daya, Tbe wiuorlty.
- Twanted to resume wori Tueeday laU
Chaa. O. Finney; for many ye
President of OberHn College, died veiy
udilenly on tbe laoroiug of the 10th of -heart
diaeaae, at his relileoe in Ober
lln. . . " .
Vnoaual suTTeripg ireorted through
out Chlaa and Japan from prolonged
heat, th' thermometer -tu Pekln rang-
ls almoai at a
The Hpanlsh Government Intenda to
send teu tbousabd men to Culia,1 thai
Captain jenrraL'almawto may.exe-:
cut hla plan for the reduction of the
Insurrection. ; "
A number of postinaeter of small oj
fiees throughout the country hv hew
removed for- uulawrul dispoaiiiou of
pastaga sUmpa, unjustly iimiaawiag
their aalariea tluireoy.
1'arlla.ment waa promieued ou tbe 13th
lust., until tha 29th of October. Tbe
CJueeu's spaech, closing the aeaaiou, aay a
her relation -with all Joreltru power
continue eonlla ami al ielooka forward -with
conOdeuce to the maiutenauoe of
F.uropeau peace.
Tbe department n-celvel iutWiaaliou
pr the lr.ih nf the il. alh utConimander
(J M xiorria, I. S. X.,at Jordan. Alum
K rt . .- rUmmau.ler Morri was
f Prtu-. 1 " ,,,n u'' f or,V T
she wsa siink-by.the Merriiwao'' In-
A special train conveyed tha body of
the late George H. Mum ford, who was
vice prealdiiut, secretary, aud general
superintendeat--of tb Western Union.
Telegraph Co., to llocheater, on the af
ternoon -of tb lth.- President Grant-
and othera of tli company accompanied
tbe train." ', '
" Tba atoamer "Rothabay Castle," waU
known aa a blocked runner during tba
war for tb Union, ou entering Toronto
harbor ontba loth With 300 excursionist
on board, struck a sunken snag and raf
Idly sunk to the upper deck. Th paa
scnger wer laken off by tug and
landed safely. - v .r;.,,.,.. :
. A . call for $10,00(1,000 worth of bonds
waa laaued by the Treasury Department
on Saturday, the syndicate bavin
made another subacriptioo of tbat sum. -Tbla
leave f'WK7.y0 of tba new a per "
cent, bonds lu the hands of the Kecre-
tory, and tba syndicate ba until No-
W. J Murtagb, editor and proprietor
of tbe Waablngton .Xatiomal A'cpaefi-
con, baa brought suit "against tb dla- -
trlct eommlasiouer to recover f47,Oiw,
tb amount claimed by blm aa remala
iiig due for advertising of tax aaie Jast
June, $tO,t)UO having already been pakt
by tb eommlasiouer ao account :
rTVehousand people were at Twlu
Mountain ITouae on tb 15th to hear
IIenrWardJteecber.Jt .! azpactcd
there will be an Improvement as to ae-
commodatlona forany aodinee tbat may
- Tgther there lu the fu tar. BeecheTlP-
!... I .1... . .. f l.l.ll
2.&00 persons would bo proeurol from
Boston between thl and woxaBunday."
A special dispatch from I-ondon to
New York ay Wall, tb Englishman
who undertook to swim from Dover to .
f '.l.t. HCiuiumr: rIIal '' .
He started at 5 P. if .on the 12th, and at
midnight, when half across, owing to
tba Increasing rough news of the waves, .
It wa thought prudent to take him
aboard th attendfngsloop. I( Wa ap
parently fatlgual. .
Notice haa been given In the U. 8.
district attorney's office tbat testimony
would be takeu it avn v in tba suit
Instituted In W) by Jauiea K. Wbelan.
of Bt, Charles parish, Louialaua, a galoot
Gen. Hharidan. lo recover .Vi0.77B value .
U,. .ii. i i. i i ' . J ...i ' i'i 1 11 1
oi auKar, luoiuaaea, uiutes, siames, etc
confiscated by defeudaot In 18C7 while.
In command la tbat Stat. " The defense
la that the'tleneral only obeyed brdera.
The number of peraons Intending to " .
eud good to Ibiladelpbto la Increasing
in France. At Ijrous, on tb 131 h, Mr,
Apperlou addreaaad a meeting of silk
manufacturer on tbe auMeclof tbecea-"
tehulai. Ilea idea making mauy practi.
cat suggesiioua, jia gave otoffneosr)--
prcmion to tbe sympathetic eeutimupt
of Americana toward Francev, A. spo- .
aialeommittao baa bean annotated to at
tend to tb dispatching of goods to Phil
adelphia. "I . : m : -; '
We find tbe following sketch of Mia .
Kophi rtmlth, founder Of tha rolleg 1
women recantfy dedicated, in the. B o--
anU Journati, , : , . J , , . J,'
i- Mia Sophia Kinlth, of Northaai.lonr
Maea.. the founder of tbe Hmllh College
for wotnen, waa descended from a II a of
noble Amsrioaa ao,,nracaiara nav
Ing bean widely prominent i ootoolat
allalra. ller father waa an -r In too
rtoyototlonary array ana ner rrnnner
hdd bee carried la captivity to Caeedu
In aliiWbood. Dora In 17M, b never-
hr vouth to create a longing for mora.
Frera forty years of age she was afflicted
wltb rieafaeaa, wbteb grew apoa her and
terned hr tbougbu much Inward, mak
ing her rrclueaiaiia suy .ar.atranger-.
rm - - ' - - -- - -.
1V mrum, iwweTir, P. mmm Bp I cui
ia aociai iniercoarse, ana u ner innrmi
ty had aot debarred her, sb would hav .
been th patroa and prise of aooial later-
Course, itoud ana and unusual peraoaW
at taste also distinguished rrsr.- Berng
deaf ah readmuch, and, a years ad- .
vwmeed, mora and atora In tbe Bible, of
wbib sha waa -delighted ta quote tha
ucomiuut of tsU William Jon . -
v- -
t '