The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, July 30, 1875, Image 1

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    JiTa !!-
A Juaraai Ibr the People.
. lweolea la the talereauef Uasaaaltr.
laaaaJiial la PoiHka aaa IUIlka.
' Alive to all Uvs Iwoea. aaa TtaorcuLlj
Raaleal la Opposing ael t ipolaf tbe Wreef
al lb Maav. ' ' - 1
arm e aee rir-4 ui umMi
Tar -ao-tib..
- 1 1
'Ouarea'poadeaw wrttta avetsasaasad alfsa
lam Biasl aaaks kaowa taalr aaa lo lb
Editor, ar aa ats-ailoa wwt be give 1a tsjr
aMSMsaankalloas. . , '
r AnrKirrncx cn Us-rt-
Juiv-r no.
- . raaa araaca, Faaa raaaa, raaa Paun.T. ' ,
r -r . - - , i ,-, U ... ... . ,- ,,, ,
fatal Ik nata aad Ui tag ! Brag.
i Mw. A. i MM WAY, ,
w JCaa-rw sara, -si.i.:-i m,1
AS aaaswv !.," tk mkrrt ,
T.-T-- ". stt.. nr, bk .
- tf4. iMMb AufCuafM. la tu
laSS,by Mr. A.J. Hualwar, la tt sdn-asf
v M Ut-rarlaa af CUtpw m Washlas-M CM.
' ' 'waBB " ' "" j2
arUlea la Ml aad an btlehad I M. i. Mc-
- aie ta boo form In iwe.
Vrry tj twraty year mn ike fcatbor of
tbs Mtowtat aUMT, baring alvay lir-l apoa
a SMB. m4 Wta wbotly Iraorant of all prao-
tkml basrwl-dswof
: rlartoas -ofDd So tbe Illiterate aa4 (rar
atlas; pi ja mi ef lb laaad of. brr adoidaaa. tw
uliU lb Mra of eaterta la ansa wy the
ajMli Beae T I eve. adae asanas id of
nrtlat bw.sj1aMn. haanart wuetlae, alTi
Uaaaa aatara, mm at-gia, aad toataatte
avaartrara "watch made bet tired and
Xn. Dwiny enaaptlad
i twtbaarmaf aa-rrt,sjBny,
I all lac tm-mttaat Istrtd-autberaof,
aaiatfeaaaaadaaaa torts, as grouped -
. sanaa-atd stury. Iha baa beea ladaord (a
- pabunb la vrark la tow -otamas, partly
I'nai af a alalia la rrrt aad eorrerl Ui
awlglaal war s both barsHf aad tbe pgMMMr,
aaad partrr snaau aa aWsw argtd w - saby
aaawillma. thai aba Ibete under aMIaatloa
a a da bstbXrdeaa-JKH. -.
" .'.-rf . kfdlralUau ' ' -v ' :
Tatb Ptaataraef Oaajoa, sad as all Mraoa
at la (raat JCoaniauT waa amirr to awabca
aa iaamat la aa ta-aU aa4 Waaalarioa Trrrl
UMT la laa atlada at laa UiaaiaaU w awWiwra
' la laa aiM alaja a( Kaawra wlaiara aaa
laa tmnii leaiptlaiara a( rmri aaain,
taia iala rrla mi laa Mlalwmmdf a-rr
I raaawtUaTlJ -arEiiilSI. 6y
.. . . . I HAPTRK Xt
aaaa attaaaTAaa uri aacarrAiaa- '
MWpUaber Mb. Wa raacbed powder
Illrer thla afUriiooo. ThU U m lovely,
. tbrdaUa Mim at tbl aaaaon of . tbe
year, about thirty, fee la width. Tbe
vaiwy hu fertile appearance and look
aa If tt anight be well adapted to raining
' . Vrptember th. 4ur road 1b the af
Uraooa led U over tle flrat raugee of
. Um Blue Xlmmlalpa. It wma neer darl
when we reached tbe brow of a moau
TaTo OTerTnokTag OfandTtoodVYaTfry,
Ilrre wm a view of uiuurpaaaed beauty
Bale re and above ua, la the blno-Uogad
drataaeaplay-the Hlue Moaataina, and
below, a valley of tea aqoare nllea la
extent, -gree vl'h enioaaer graa and
lollago, aooklag to na, all wearied with
eaaetant toll aad cbaatened by the rod
of aOlictloa, like a reallcatloa of Para-
"aiae...- . - - - . .
, "Tbe deaornt froai the tuottotaiu-top
Into tbe valley le the meat dangerooe
that we have yet encountered. A r
tlm breeta blew tbe dual la eluade Into
4ir tacaa, darkrnjog the Jxjada'aod bid-
lac the teams aaa wagoon from oar
eight, eometimes for as any moment to
gcther. -At eocb tlotea we would, be
ateen aad wait lor a eejiranr breath of
wind U waft the light duet away-tT7
TL "ilre. Weldea dUplaycd the most he
role fbrUtade la thla boar of trial.
Added to ear other dlfflealtlea, algbt
tra tomlng 6a, ao there wm bo time to
be loeUWa furnUbed Mra. Welden
with aoeae log-cbaloa, with which we
roagb-loeked ber rarrlage wheel, and
firing up ber children to the oareof yj
Aa and Xra. bam Green, who pould
walk frith them away, front the toad,
tbe Iterate womas eeated beraelf firmly
ta the carriage, which bad been at
tloaed behind" the CaptaJa'a wagoo, aad
drove dowa the aoountala aide without
aweldea, The CapUla eya. There ain't
aanthrr ttt-t aa top dirt aa aouM
it.' ,,;.;-fr''.. :. ;
Hraad Boade Klver rune through
the weatera part of thle valley. It la
Ilka the atber rlvel-a af thla regina,
imtll. elear, rapid, aad eold. Iu baoka
are adorned with birch, willow, bitter
' eloawuodTw 1 id elie rrjr aaJaUer Cjfeea
la tb-walbyt vratlaatao.- Irr eedarrt
blrab aad larch (allow It through the
'aneaataJae. 7v;' -1
"The IndUaa of the valley-he Cay
aaea are very wealthy.. They poaaeaa
; auateroua berda of boraaa aad cattle, aad
bare many of tbe luxuries of life In
x ahandaoee.- The aqoaws are many of
them good-looklac, aad W they were
7 properly educated and dreaaed, their
. beaaiy. would be a the beat
Amarteaa aeeiety.
, "Hoaae white traders bora offer floor
for aaie at forty dollar par awL 'Hand
- rede of emlgraata are destitute, aad
aaaay have parted with their last
dollar la pa re baaing floor to keep them
elves aad faatllfea from etarvaUon..- '
JU -3ptember Tib. Vtkn.the Grand
Roada aad traveled aboat eleven milea
var the ' aaeaatalna. Tbe detlghtfal
aad laaptrltlng ere aery makes aa almoat
: target the fotlgaa af the tourney, but
aa Isaem are taitlaff Very fast. !
"W laUeded ta remala at tbe Oread
I i?oale "Bleat la the maaatalaa, where
tbe above aotry was madeTbat when
kwe laid reetad aa bear we aaoved aa
through heavy Urn bar alasoet .all day.
I amities! to snentloa the aasoenlof a
otala leading ta the rlvar. which
antra, if yaalblaythaa thaoftbat
aula leading lata tberjraed RaexW
from tbe east JThls la ear flrst eaeama
-waaat la a forest since wa left Haadred
aad Two Dot lota,' east of St. Josephs. .
" Ca-kU, say favorite wheel ox, Is
Isad. He held back so bard ladesoead
tag a faeantala slop that be severed aa
Imperisnl artery. He did- hie duty
bravely until tbe wagon was out of dan
ger, and then staggered andfoil dead la
the road, looking at me, with a apeak
Ing stare as be breathed bla last. Mr
Tbnratoa once said. If there lean ani
mal below man wbo baa a so at. It cer
tainly le the jbi. Xo wonder that be
aald so." If an ox ever looked at blm aa
Darkle' did at we, lie couldn't help It.
Hrntetnbar TthW liad nawl aa
about a mile thla morning, worn whom
boald we' see tmt wrr travellng aom
panlon, Mr. Mauafleld. Hleknew bad
visited his family, aad Mrs. Mansfield
cannot live bnt a abort time Poor Mr.
Man field ( He looks ten year alder
thaa be did when I last saw b I W, bat
little mors' thaa two asootbe ago.
Though wa eaanot believe that be doss
not deserve trouble, yet wa can't tarn
away from blm aad Ada when they are
la aocb deep distress of mind.
Tlffle and I tbiuk a marriage Is brew
Z "September 8th. Tble morning Maa-
aad 'Ada were married, In compliance
with her motber'a dying request... We
beard a solemn funeral dlacoiurae this
afternoon and to-morrow we will move
fleptember th. We Jourueyed all
day In tbe mountains. ' At noon -
halted In aa opening In the timber lu
range of mountains beading to the north.
We encamped to-night In heavy timber
where water Is good but gram la poor.
My aadjy weakened team baa been rslu
forced by a yoke of cattle from Mr.
Raker tfinii fTTVTrflH-n ilt-trr
credit for bis manner of taking care of
those oxen. But one of them baa died.
"rVptember loth. We traveled Wo
ml lea through the timber and Ave miles
over the last descent of the Blue Moun
tains,, when we struck the Umatilla
Valley. Before wa descended the last
mountains, w obtained a glorious view
of tbe Cascade range. Mt. Hood reared
bis snow-capped summit, In surpassing
grandeur, high above tbe other mono
talus, appearing aa a atatlonary white
cloud act In a easing of amber and gold.
TbevalleyJ)elow presented an appear
ance not unlike the view of the t frand
Itende from tbeaaatem mountains, only
upon a much more extensive scale. As
far as tbe eye could penetrate toward
the north and south was ssen a rolling
prairie covered with waving grass. No
timber was Visible, except that growing
along the beak of the Umatilla Klver.
We found tbe river quite low,1eing
about fifteen feet wide aad not aver six
laebea deep. Ms baaks are adorned by
tbe bitter Cottonwood, choke-eberry,
birch and thorn-apple trees, rbsasants
are aa numerous In this valley aa prairie
cblckena are la the prairie oMIIInots.
Tbe Indiana be re are stupta and nitny,
They bar made soms attempts to cul
tivate the aoil, but are too indolent to
effect much by their effeminate exer
lions. '" .. .
"We traveled near the river for about
flv miles, when the road tamed to the
len over a roiling, grassy, auaiy ptain.
Hlx miles farther brought aa again to.
tbe Umatilla, where we crossed It twice.
ta avoid difficult anghte IH.the road.
Had a dish of pheasants for supper.
Encamped near tha river. ' :
"September II Co. This morning tbe
road agala left the river, and we tamed
to the right over a sandy plain. Aa-
oendrd loog ridge jnd agala came In
sight of ML Hood, whllebfTXdtbe
aart beast we viewed MtoHt. Helena
Traveled aver this plala for seventeen
miles without water, when wa again
struck tbe river UmatlUa and encamped.
Dry bunch grass plenty aad good.
"September 12th. Four miles brought
aa tbe Indian Agency,' now unoccupied,
except by traders from tbs Willamette
Valley. Here la a new looking frame
house, the sight of which reminded as
of home and olvlllsatiea. We left the I
.matilla for tbe last Um at tble plaoe
and Journeyed da over a sandy plain for
a distance of tea' miles, when we came
to Alder Creek aad encamped.
September lJtb,-Tbe mads are billy
bat eolid. We begla to half-way realise
ear Jonrney ended. Many are out of
provisions. There are flour and beef for
ml at trlflurent trading posts, but tbe
prloaa demanded are so exorbitant that
It Is almost Impossible for the poor eml
graata to pure baa food.
September 1Mb. Foar miles' travel
brought as to Deschutes or Falls River,
which Is perhaps oa hundred and fifty
yard wide at the month, where tbe ford
1 situated, a abort dlataaoa below a
handsome cascade. This stream course
oa Its rapid way, through mountain de
filss and rocky canons, forming Burner
aaa cataract, aulll It reaches the Co
lumbia River, Into whkh It empties.
W got aa ladlaa to pilot lbs wagons
across, and another one to take tbe la
dle aver la a canoe, for which service
they taxed us Ave dollars. After cross-togr-wa
aseeadsd a long, steep, and
rocky bin, from whose summit we again
viewed the Columbia River, adorned.
basaltic rock, w tbl afternoon viewed
Mis. Jefferson, Hood, anx Bt. Helen all
atoac. '
"After iumnrnv-Mltrteer,"ae
directed car coarse over a rolling plala
and aemped at night near a sulphur
pring, having traveled to-day about tea
mile. ., , yi .'
"September loth. Traveled eighteen
mils aad encamped near Five Mile
Creek, which we e rowed yesterday af-
temoon and left, we thought forever.
Hister and I have sent oar wagon to tbe
Dalles of tbe Columbia, to be forwarded
to Oregon City by water. ; I will take
th charge of Mrs. Wslden'a ox-team la
crossing tbe Cascade Mountains, so that
Maurice can drive her mules.
"September id. W are encamped
Bear Barlow' UatswCleade are gather-
lug thick aad fast In tbe mountains, and
a strong south wind-warns aa of an ap
proaching stormW ar afraid to ven
ture lut the -mountain antes the tk f
Is otear. z:- -
"September id. This mornlug our
apprehensions of . a mountain storm
could no longer be a matter of conjee t-r.-
At nine - o'clock th rain com
aseaeed falling slowly, and continued to
desoend at Intervals uutll Boon. Our
shelter at the- foot of the mountains
kept 0 from the fury of the storm,
which was very severe upon the exposed
heights. After noon the clouds pawed
away, and a steady but gentle north
wind caused as to feel once mors at ease.
I strolled out in tbe afternoon to tbe
open ground not far from camp and
watched the fleecy clouds playlngaround
and reoodlug from ML Hood. A fresh
fall ofsnow upon Its broad and lofty
summit nad given it aa appearance of
dajtltog whltamess, which contrasted
strangely sritb th dark green, gloomy,
heavily-timbered heights beneath 1L
While 1 gaxed tba sua aaddenly poured
a gokleo flood upon Its' crusted top and
reflected gfeama from tbe mountain's
hoary bead, upon the grassy plain below,
with danllug atTulgswei
"r?eptenber 24th. This morning w
took up tba Hue of march and began our
Journey through tbe Cascade rang.
Ten mile from Barlow' Gate bronght
a to tbe little Deschutes, a very cold,
rapid, turbid stream, about thirty feet
wide and eighteen iochee deep. The
mountain passes are darkened by heavy
timber. Among the varieties are pine,
cedar, poplar, fir, scrubby white-oak,
aad bitter oottonwood.
"September 2Hb. Traveled about
flfteeto mile over an extremely rough
m.mA JlllUilt l. h.L.1. k..
a-raa aj, a a aa aauaa iefvva iwi aaas aw
clear the wagon axle by careful driv
ing. - We encamped below the Summit
Hill, Bear-atarthy. prairie of several
miles In extent, covered with a kind of
coarseawamp grass. Tbs day has beea
Very cyld. My oxen are all dad. Bad
luck seemsio pursue us; but it la a long
lane which bas bo turn. MLHoodisIn,
pIsinUw,'aom fl-or sU mllos north
of our camp.
A IHIMI m r ill ui
. it ...
seemingly more thaa Icy cold oust rushes
from the mountain's side and tumbles
through a defile Bear us. - Nothing but
its rapid fall prevents It from frsezing.
Th cutting wind blows steadily from
the snow-covered summit of the exposed
mouutaln, and when compelled to face
"September 26th. Those of as wbo in
Mstte River Valley aald so much about
lb road being 'better than waa repre
sented,' gavs up our . faTorite theory
when w bad descended Laurel U 11 L
Tba half baa not been told,' burst In
voluntarily from th llpa of more than
on of us. Our last prov islons were con
sumed this morning, and after a most
fatiguing day's travel we are compelled
to go suppcrlee torcghiDtcad of rs-l
pining, wa have much amusement about
our Laurel Hill -supper.' - lrotractedht)lnVof ber first terra of servitude a; a
travellpg has hardened nuf framea uu
til our powrs of endurance are astou-
Uhiog. -. ," . . j
"September 27tb.-We broke a king
bolt aad wagon-tongu to-day, Mrs.
Welden' male both died thla after
noon, w suppose from having eaten
some poisonous berb. Only two pairs f
br cattl ar living. W wr coro-1
itsllail ta las r n bar ajssna ahliih - 1
wyw-rawwa--s-aaB-a-- uvi frwa-ysfi vr as sjWaT w"T-sa-sy-i
au-Valuable as the carriage, aadsbat
we most highly prite of her eflocU and
my mother's bav been placed ia tb
wagons of eur obliging rieada, whose
teams ara so reduced tbat they
poorly able to bear tb additional
burden. We bav been without a par
ticle of food for two day, bat contrary
to our apprehensions, we bav suffered
but little from- banger. ' Tb Baker
eblklrea and Mrs. Weldeu'a tittle Lucy
complained of hanger,- but ffle and
Mr. Stantoa found a friendly patch of
sallal berries and gathered enough to
satisfy them. We hav prepared Mrs.
Welden' carriage for worklngoxeo, and
bar two yokss of cattl can draw It with
September SXta. Paid twenty -eight
dollar this xaarnlng for enough sour,
musty flour for break fast for all hands.
I at almost anough for two men before
took tlm to Botio tb disagreeable
odor of Bald Hill Smith's -ed. This
provident traveler bought tbia damaged
flour at Tb Dalles for bis oxen, but wa
aroved by our money to glvs us a break
L W encamped at algbt Upon tb
Zlgxag. -m
'Bcutumbar . lmli.-Elght-cu mfwr
travsl brought us to Mr. Foster's rssl
deuce, at tb wsstcra base of tba Cas
cade MooutaJns. The sight of a whit
bous, Beat garden, ktadeuTfruit trees,
and waving .coro-sUlks, animated ua
alL CapUla Gray, wbo bad beea told
by a trader tbat corn could sot he raissd
la Oregon, because of tbe cold Bights,
gave three hearty cheers, soggesttvs of
corn dodgers, which ba aaya ar th
maklo' af every 6otfy.' Dosena of wag
pns, buiulreda of amlgrsnts, aud maay
berda of poor half-starved cattle ai
horses, are around us. Almost six
asontbs ago w started upon our Jour
ney, and now that tba goal Is reached,
hew we took! Dirty, aaJlowaud ragged;
our poor beasts ar walking skeletons;
4ur wagons and their cover travel
soiled; . our ranks' bad y tblnnedTf d
many of our hope laid low t But aocb
ia life. 4A1 eternity 1 yet to be,' and
we will look ahead. - --JL :
SepUmber autb. Oregon City, the
smtgrant's haveo, is before us, and what
do we sea? I confess to being dlssp
pointed, instead of ju green valley,
edge,' which we' bail Imaglaed a the
city site, buga plies of basaltic sock re
minding on of tbe views of Snake
aad- Columbia . River . blufls among
which tbe bouse are scattered with but
little regard to taste or beauty; and at
tbe baa of these towering cllflh, a
dense array of "dwellings, stores, and
sbop7axUnding "'fofsTaille' sJoug th
banks -of the .Willamette River, meet
our anxious and curious gaxa; and this
is Orkoo.n City. But let us look ahead.
This city will soma dsy rival many more
handsome locations in wealth and tnau
U factories. The Willamette Falls,: iu-
stead of being allowed to tumble on In a
roaring cataract, as uov, will than be
employed by capitalists as powsr to turn
mighty ntachiuse of tuany classes for
tbe benefit of tbe future inhabitants of
tbia now remote region. :
r'Rut here we are, F.ffle and I, wlth-
out K dollar, dcpcUdehl' lipod' uuf bwu
excrtiou for a living, and my Journal
will henceforth be laid aside, for review
when times ar good and memory baa
failed to portray the realities of the
pant." . . .
' aisi-i erT. .
"Brother, what wusf-we dat .t Here
wa are alone and peunlleas.-- You can't
support me unless I do my part. I met
a lady a few moments ago, wbo told me
that she would give me twenty-five dol
lars per month to wait upon ber little
l-t"". mine
'I am both willing and anxloua to do
anything for a livelihood that la honest
and bffrwrabla" -
lIerbertBtt-Efne Ooodwtirlaecd
what few eflect that remained of their
outfit for the Journey la the atore of an
eosotniuotlatlng merchant, who agreed
to take-Tare of them Bnttl Ibey could
know iwbcrr: to " rmov"lhem.TThen
lhey: called-tto see tbe lady wbo bad
i j , . . .
!VII,m.lU. MR,
F.ffle lato ber service.
whose pleasant face won tbe regard of
tbe brother and slter,tb moment they
glanced Into ber deep bine eyear "T"
Mrs. Clinton was equally pleased with
F.IBeV aad the. sum of twenty-Ave dol
lar, to be paid on the last Saturday of
very month, was to b ber portion for
tbe winter. Her dudes were coustau
bat light, and Mrs. JLIIntou's little
Jamie reminded her to forcibly of the
lost aud, loved Willie, that be soon be
came as dear to her as ber own brother
had beea. -' r- :
The monotonous duties of ber tread
mill existence, so different from tbe fi
aad easy life af ber earlier days, Jfold
upon bar spirits; but ber borne for six
moatns at Mrs. mnion' was so near a
parsdl-e, mutiaMed with ar after real
jpr,ce wf - twelve moot!
at another
house, that she afwrwards learned to
season of complete bspplncss.
Herbert procured work during tba
winter, at the bouse of a farmer near
the city, at reasonable wages.. Tba
wagon they bad sent to The Dalle was
never after wards beard of.' What they
could earn was their only show for an
! education and support, X
Of all the members of Captain Gray's
vftwpanyj Mra.iVlea wa tb msot
aeverelyaried. Two-ketr-rjf-1-rarivi1
worn -out cattle, and a carriage, much
tb worsei-for wear, were ber only re
maining worldly posasssiona. ' These
she sold for three hundred dollar. She
rented a small bouse and purchased nec
essary fuel, house-keeping utensil and
provisions for tbe winter, which, where
everything commands such enormous
prices, exhausted her little stock of
money. No chance waa before ber but
to work, and tb choice -of eccopatloa
lay between waablng bud sewing. She
decided to sew, though trashing woold
have been tb most profitable business;
but ber Southern blood revolted at tbe
Idea of engaging In wbat sb deemed
menial drudgery. By plying the seedl
early and lata, she waa enabled to keep
tea with tba world, but could not,- by
strict economy and vigilant exertion,
lay np even a trifling sum. Had ber
husband lived, they would bav been
entitled to six hand red and forty acres
of (and, by complying with the require
ments of tb Donation taw; but, a bs
wsi gons, half aTlowano was ber por
tion, and to obtain this she must "reside
apoa and cultivate for four comipctitlvs
years," a
tbiug to ber Inexperienced
mind Impractleabh
Tba winter bad been
mild, witb th
slight exception af a fetr freexlng day, j
and February, tbe Oregonlan'a holiday
season, was uaaerea lit bngbt,
balmy morning, wbea summer "bird
chanted their tweet carols from tb
bougba of a denuded locust, t re tbat
waysd to and fro la tb morning
breexs, Bear tb wldow'a only window.
"Why abould mankind alone ba mls-1
srabls la this basutaou -world, 't she
slgbed, as sb looked ioa tb merry
soegstars. Her temporary rssldeoos
overlooked tb Willamette Falls. She
looked loag aad steadily at tb foaming,
gleeaom cataract, and fancy wandered
away to tb many scenes of tb kind she
bad wearily passed, sine her' bu band
bad been eonsfgeed to tb grave. lxog
years of tolLaad privatloa; weary scenes
of suffering, both of mind and body, lay
before br imagination, tttetuwid vividly
in .tb futur. Despair tugged at ber
heart-strings, end sb felt like giving up
the weary struggle between poverty and
suffering, when a "stlll,"smal vblos,"
whoa sclto long afterwards sounded
through bar soul, whispered, "Com
uuto-me, all y that labor and ar beavy
laden, aud I . will gi v you rest." She
kaelf, and an eloquent appeal to the
Moat High asceuded upon the listening
As though an angel of mercy vy!teuV
to minister to her. drooping spirit? let
lert," the"flrsr'ihe"bad "recel vtd - for
months, were banded to ber by a lady
for whom she bad beea sewing for weary
day and weeks. .She eagerly broke the
seals, and Maurice Stanton's name ap
peared at the s-Htoui of the fourth page of
each epistle. One bad boeu written two
mouths prior to tb other, but by some
mismanagement bad not been received
before. The first cootalued a melau-
eboly account of th death of Mr. Mans
field, wbo bad felled a forest tree upon
himself when b bad beau making Tails'
In tba timber.
Tor a Hour afUi1 she bad perused' 'the
first, she held the second letter In ber
band, dreading to open it, lest further
gloomy titling should meet bar senses.
At length she brok tb seal and read
the cou tents through mists of fast-falling
W rr living-," Murta"-ruc,ln Ihurrmxir
harkwuod alTle, though Ada mf ah I per
lactlr euatenlaa. a' bav s aewa In eabla,
eoMtaiuls laa ruouu bcaklm a kilrhen. Tbe
bouse I rudelr eouatra-lnl, but lov, twi.
know, level Many aspiration. I wrote you
two atontb ara eaiteemlBS tbe aarlanrholy
Seatb or my laaieau-l nuber-tn-law.
b4 built sur rabinnd fenced a (Anlui
uvr a 'MM-lloa llu-,o that aacb rould reld
4pcf-d of Ada's ao lety.
Ads' bUbrr, prior lo bU deatb . bad Bird bis
noUasaUoa of a realdeara upon a bair-aretlou
of land, bleb Ada bold a blsuoly bl -
A'uw JoraurIropual ; Ads -aj- If you
flHMld earn with your family aadt-Me with
a. and bsrOBieatwttb aaruvrewblrbal pre
eat Is of Uia ptataast dHTrl Hluo ht will daod
syvarrMIHrva tb tbree huadn-d t4 t-nly
of (and wbleh her falhrf Ml. 11
"owtiuy d-r frleod.yos allt om-n.l as if
yaaa-faa. Adaasya.aad I mm of bar opinion,
tbal It's a eryinc abame tor as la he laoiatad
upuo a rlaint ol ninnli
in-buudrrd. aud sixty arit-yjtheae "no-minds," and Just live, day af-
wbrn yoa, who ara
raaionsin in world, wiib
I batlplvaa family
f inn on, cans., oal-aa
aided by mad- boar -rllllnr to rtrpomTrat
tb law; bold etca wbal would I
right hair area your, bad ypurbiiarien'l lived
to bold nil portion.
"Ta-r la amr Ibaa one bora lo a dll-mma,
aad w are fartaaately aUfsenr lo as hold of
III our whrb Is Ibe luosl easily Biaaaaed.
rlnlm. Iuawinontly, If you. will come w ran
more the -aMar to oar aalddr tine.- Yon ran
lor a 'pro-up,' aad bold -In yoar awn rlht,
ihrwytaadrrf and twenty arres of wbal w
nowelariia, and w ea "spread our wln(a'ov-r
p r bair-arFtloa irdnlM Ibe on we sball
ror ourel. w ran easily dw thla
ravtded ae atber elslnaai atearss tba Isad
brines ws bear from! you.' I euaSM that w
have ua need of so roach land, bat If I'ncie
m is r-neroua enouch to gl It, we lis- a
good a right a any one to aorept tba pmaeat.'
- "Yoa onsbl o ae bow easily Ada lake lo
bu-in lLf . she I oftsa sad when rHrtlng
upon Mr loss of ber psrriiM, tut h't saturally
buoyaut apirtl diir- not rnmaln long al a lime
idlnf ehiuds.
-uor kteaMoa beauUfnl.aad wbes our 'lour
yrars sre aui, 1 hop lo build a pun aa ral
neao overlooking lh river, wber gratis are
breea ran be eajoysu. aad where aaiur has
besaparn-atarty Isvtiti ta hrr itUptar of Ihr
sabllai aad baaaUful.
"t hay beea thinking of going to th aiiaes.
but Ada aays, aud pernap sb I right, that
eeoDoBiy aud iBdostry al noma ar ntacb
mofs reliable a paymaster Ibaa are labor and
vkrlaaltud in lbs aslaa. Ibst I bave beerk-aed
Ilk a aaodel bsabsad, lu bar tar-alhtdudg.
ni-nl, .n.l r v r. l If-.t I I.. K. .
"Th Baker eblldrrn bav n nosne lo their
relatives In Wtseoasia, la tb ear of. an auci.
who, ftMrtoaaieJy lor tba eblldrca, called al
booss as a wajrpirer and r-eognlsed ttw
pbaoa : II bas ama-erd s fortun la lb CaJI-
Sn-nla ralna aad I solas hoaae tsa-H aiartlad.
Thrjr are to return by th Paaanaa rout. Tnair
leave-taklim was' very alb-etlnt. Ada bngged
bard to keep Kda, bat lo no purpose,
Mh- -sda yos mneb love and repeat ber
eaj-MBtfaqaaaftJj-wii wUI eoaapty wilh bet
Her. bbs wlU write yua soon, linat delay to
aaawer, r we areawalUac yoarseelsloa shoal
msklng ear prooot M saUle-aeuLS.
. Mrs. Welden read and re-read tb let
ter, aa if aba could scarcely bsllsvs bef
senss. Sb bad never dreamed ef so
kind aa offer as this, aad as soon as she
could still hsr agitated frame, ahe wrote
tb following reply t
1 Moat srk'aowledge, my dear dlslaterrated
Meads, tbat yoar liberal eflar baa beea
opportaaaly glva. Wbaa your Istbw rasa ta
baad a fc-w boor san, I waa ready a sink aa-
ar th ori't'lv weight of povatty, loll, and
anVrlng, so wbleh I bave baa aa lost eab
I ass a loss Ibe words with wbirb la
tbaakyoa bar year kladaea. Jiy oaly Nr la.
aad wilt be, tbat la Living with you. 1 shall
ferutf bard to TbnM wbo alMHrtkraiaetves
aowllllnctebefrtead ate; f kav aotaing apoa
which Ira Sr a supvort. Iflenald sell my
portion of btod, prharw I o-ild get something
lo work wlUt, but .um barvsyvr tiaaarai baa
aald tbat 1 eaaaot glr a dead a land aaUt ta
Utl Is perf-rted: aad aa hat year, mail pass
bSM I can really psas a elaira, I eanaot
Wrrt rr-1 ' -
way looks dark, but lbs Uard will bot.feraak
mm. n ba raised' bp kind friend lo help sne
Sow, sd will aot daaurt mb la ai giaala ased
ml bav beaa hljrtag myseUewl b4aaarw
Bg, aad Bav sualaad my ya aaUl a bacy
gtlmmar aui round aa ebj-et lb, yaomeal
bk steadily apoa U. ... :r 1 ,
"Herbert aad Kffl Uoodwia bav botb
eared food alase (or Um seaataL Kfll aamra
lly, aad bar prsaaaes al
ways alta aa Use -a na j ma
bear aalll Ula atoruint; about jrour bttbar'i
aaalb. Tbl I a wnrid nf slaspaaialtaeal,
Iraable; al ahrrow. Ta aajrlo rna Ibal I laals
tllearr Ja roaaJvlag, a a ptaaeat for mt ebll-
4ra, lb labrrllauta wblek your nataer left.
would b aayia a-ijuoat thaa) uubu.kaow
air Batumi dUpoaltlua are ready la brlleva.
Bar you baVe enbrctl ahi la tbta. mf laat x
UemlUr, sa4 1 Will sralv all acranUa of arid
aaa enai la yea HUi a SarlSH VbV TUU-w,
adlra. MsttttiK a'ri.j.'
TfoiT!raifly. "
Some people have no minds; they
take all thslr ideas from iMbers; they
ar fond of sign-posts and ar guidod by
mem. i ne last Strang mina tuey racet
always rives tbsirs a tint They follow
any folk wbo will give asntiments of
tnair own, without troubling-at ail
whether they ar blind raider or 6ea
Jul 9 leaaers, ana so rreiuentiy form er
roneous ideas.-, 1 just wisB tBat every
niali who nan not give an opinion of hi
owu, without requiring support from
others, could be obliged ta pay a tax.
I remember one having a piece of ad
vice given to me. Now, pray don't,
don't, doa't think that was tbe only bit
I was ever, favored with. By bo means:
indeed, nearly everybody with whom I
have come in contact, seem to consider
me a "tit and proper" eubjset for advice.
fNole.-I don't always take it) Well,
this particular was given to me vary
Impressively: To ba aura and never, on
any account whatever, marry a man
with too much backbooe, wbo could not
do anything which touched hi pride.
But I say, seriously, that I would a
great deal rather marry that kind .of a
man than one wbo bad not any back
bone at all and sneak out of everything..-
You ask a man of that sort a question
about a.jsndldst for Cawgreua, aud it
rami laa
'Ob, I was talking to Mr. Forethought
a few minutes ago, and be thinks hi
opinions are a great deal too much ad
vanced for this town." 1 " "
"But what do you think ?"
"Well-really now f don't know,
I'm sure!" !
xThey hare oa set of pbraess; you
never need expect any more from the
family of "oo-mlnd;" tbsy either
"don't know," ar they quote somebody
else. :
"Good morning, MIm 6barpr; you ar
looking quite frsab, out so early. What
did you think or our new mialsters eery
i'Wall, I-bave-luat left MIm A
A tit a ax Bas I -.! a ate t sark laa ffaaat anrl al.a
say sbslssurs he doco act believe la
tbe atonemenL"' .
- "But what do you think f" -"Wall"
this witha deprecatory
smile "I'm not much of a Judjre."
k" Were yoa introduced to hi wife?"
- "Yee.J- -r .
"Why, Mrs. K says she couitlders
bar proud, and not at all what a mi uls
ter wuaaugtit to i."
And so if you keep oo talking for a
1 month 'fsxeuss lb absurdity of tbe
propositioayoa would not getauorig
iHial tbougbL
Tbey are a large family,
alter iay, ana seem to ne born lor no
I esrtbly purpose but to fill op a few gap I
and talk. Uoott HW.
Tb Sewing Vomsa'i Life.
ia tbe room below me are two worn,
faded-out old maids. Tbsy bave been
Herein mw lora fur igiit years run
sarie tbey nurcbass little handful
coal at ten cents a basket ; a flat full of
Kinuungs at litre; every tning
else In proportion.--Tbey have never
n tbe Inside of a theater, lertu
or any plaee of recreation. The;
' know
Do mors of Fifth Avenue arxMw fash
ionable afternoou attractions titan they
do of the moon. Tbey are too poor to
take a pap"- Of the dally life. Incident
and event, of tbl great city, tbey catch
only tbe faintest echoes. Their life is
bounded from year's end to year's end
within the compos of tbroe block,
r resent tbeea with books- er - theater
tickets. Tbsy bave no time to
elthrv-Tb-4rilie of car hire bet ween T
their bouse aud the theater is for them
a serious matter, (t woold buy two
large loaves. Money come very hard.
Tber are aa many roada, too, for their
hard-earned dollar ta travel. They bave
one regular caller tbe landlord's agsut.
They let a few room, expecting thereby
to make tbelr own rent clear. Bisky
business so many lodgers leave tbem
minus. So life goes on from year to
year tied to a sewing machine, furni
ture getting shabbier, carpeU mora rax
g-ajjthemsejvea older, grsyrr ntore sal-1 an who required the full resources of the
lo w' tuauer. 1 bo chapter of owe weekrsTuTversTty lu
bother . and perplexity to make botb
euds meet, suourvded by a similar one
tbe next ; every plate and lamp which
breaks, svsry sho wearing out, is ra
gs rood with dreed and beart-einklng,
for no means of replacement are known:
all goes to buy bread, meat, fuel, and
pay tbe rent. The demands af these
clamorous bodies ar inexorable. Both
end meet? No; tbey never mesL Tbe
rap between them widen every year.
What a charm I tig,, cheering, beautiful
world is this to these psoplel How Ibey
must blew tbe Creator for tivlna tbem
the grans aud flowers they so rarely see;
the fresh ocean breetee of Sandy Hook,
mile away, waieti tbey caa
aever aoord to innate; tbe magnifi
cent scenery of the Highlands, two
Hours sail distant, tut which a leau
rirae Incka oril from them. As I write
hear these sewing machines wbluinr
all around me, propelled by prisoners
aud. slave Ilk these, tied so garret
end crowded tenement houses, always
In dread of wauL tolling fourteen, fifteen,
sixteen hours per day, while tb happy
prisoner at tbe peniteutiary work his
sight or ten and retires at night witb a
certainty of food for th morrow, and no
landlord lunulas: blm for th rent.
"A woman la Sudbury, Mas . has re
cently eompieten a nea-qnut wbleh
Contain 5,S7l distinct piece of Wool.
cmtoB oraiia laoric, II nsa Zj squares,
with 21 pi oca to tb sou are, and ws all
stitched by. band." What mlsrbt not
auea a womaa ttava accompiisbsd. Baa
uTs dl
a-psrssesraac and lutl
reeled lata earn moat worthy abaaoeL
Tlierei still staadlnx within tb wall
of to eas Us at Dover, England, an eld
Komaa pharos. The aatbiulty of this
ligbt-bouse, which baa probably, not
beea assd assoch sine th Norman con
quest, a doubt exceed tbat of any
light-bous la Great Britain, It having
beea bant, as I supposed, about A. ta tt.
rTka 8sr CoHtft fcr aTomsa."'
Aasong all the commncmiit exer
lass of tb year, them bas beea aad will
be none more interacting than tbe open
ing of the Sage College at Cornell ( ui-versjtv-ltrs-th
munificent gift of Mr. '
Sage, of Brook ly a, and Is a col leg for
wotasa. Thus. the University which
bear Mr. Cernali'a name fulfills one
more of tbe designs that be bad at heart
for It was always his hope that at the
earliest practicable moment tbe doors of
tbe great school he waa founding should
sw opened to"the stodemrof Doth aexic
The movement la aomewhst In tbe na- '
tore of an experiment, and It la not to be
supposed that all tbe trustee nor all tb
frieude of the Institution regard tbe new
enterprise with favor. But co-education
la certainly not altogether an expert
menL It has been tried fully and satis- .
factor! ly in many colleges, and It is, in
deed, tried oouataully aud suoossafully In
tb eommou school aud academies.
Aside from tbe shock to tradition and to
mere prejudice, the most general and
piauaible objection urged agarnat ao-ed-aeatioa
la college ia the peculiar peril
of tb InUmaM association of young ssen
and young women during the suscepti
ble and formative years which are asu
ally devoted to college study. But this
is a theoretical objection, and cannot be
deemed sound, still lees conclusive, If
actual experience demonstrates tbat It Is
unfounded In fact.
Tbe presumption, ; indeed, Is against
lu Utoory. ..otblug is mors evident'
than th Mvln lutentiou of th associ
ations of th sexes. He created man In
His own imsce; "msle and female cre
ated be them." And tbe progrem of civ
ilisation Js well measured by the dlsap-'
nearaoee of the artificial and arbitrary.
as dikthiKUished from any natural, aep-
a ration of mea aud women. Destined
to live together, with common syOipa
lliiit. lutitr Is, hupes, and purposes, it- -
is the business of those wbo bold that
Sbakerttm In any form Is wise or
"natural" to establish tbat fact aaalnst
tbe plain presumption which arts front
tb uatur of things. But beyond thin
presumption is tbe actual experiment.
and the favorable testimony Is ample.
At Oberlin, where there are a thousand
students, co-education is approved by
the results or -thirty- years, -At An ti
och aud we quote from Ui responsible
official statements tbe good effect upon
both tb young men andwomen is an
parent The experience W tbe Imilaua
feute I nlverslty, &r tbe Michigan Uni
versity, and of Swartbruor College,
near Philadelphia, Is equally conolusivs.
If it be asld that the ara not tb chief
educatloaal institutions of tbe country,
of and the alleged necessary results
and influences of eo-edueation would be
precisely tbe sam at small a at large
colleges; wbll as to tbe character of the
Institution, it is an interesting fact tbat
on of tb distinguished alumni of Har
vard, now aprofessor In that college, ,
acknowledged a few-fear slncsthat ibe
i.ui veriiiy M aiicuigan was more truiy ,
a university man ma own wmn wafer..
Nor can It be truthfully alleged that1
of ioelleue In study ha
dec lined In consequence of eo-edueatioa.
The evidence upou thie point is most
interesting. It Is, then, not true that
lite morals or manners either of tbe
youiig men or yoong women ar injurl- .
ly anectea oy co-eauoatioa, or mat
tha iotcrwsts of study ar neglected; nor
does it auosar from tbe testimonv. as.
lacoordlug to Dr. Clarke, It ought to ap-
al i r.mi a aiim assay iviuaiv mj svvviu am Hvar utag
iJ to the ccatlnued eflort, and that health
must niwaaasriiy suuwr. tue gppoet-
tion unless, the testimouy can be die
credited Is mainly duato prejudice snd
tradition. Tbat women should be edu
cated at all in tb higher branobe of
study waa thought a foolish whim sev
enty year ago. In th golden ag of
Athens tbe high education of a woman
was reysrded as tbe sign of ber disgraced
cbnracter. But w hav now alvaooi '
so far as to agree upon" all sides that
womeu should have, every -opportunity
for education which they desire. That
admission really concedes co-education,
as tbe granting of tbe right of holding "
and of ilisrweing of property absolutely
really coinwdc the political equality of
women. if a woman may properly en-
Joy every opportanity tor tue nigner ed-
ucation. sb may properly matriculate
at tbe great uulvcrsttlee, and for the rea
son that great universities can not be du
plies ted. -The plea that there may be
"university examinations" ef women,
ss at Harvard, and at Cambridge la tog
land, Is childish; and such an arrange
ment that of Oil-ton College, near the
last university aa Institution In which
women are taught by tbe Cambridge
rs wouiu aaruiy saiistya worn-
same purpose that a man require tbem.
Women like Maria Jditobeii aadj Mrs,
Soroorvllle, in aa age when it is con
ceded that vry facility af education
should be opened to women, can not be
coDteot, nor ought ibey to b asked to
b contented, with a supplementary col
lege. To Insist that there may be Har
vard and Yalea and Oxfords and Cam
bridges for mea, and other Harvard
aad Oxford for women, le a good last, '
and nothing mors. Harper' $ WtxJtly.
Lr- Reports from Iceland giv a terrible
account or to uestructioa wrougnt ny
vole ale roptloa. Some weeks ago
there was a beavy fall of ashes and eiu
dera along tba northern coast af Nar
way. Tbey wsrs found to n of vol
canic origin, aad a steamer which wa
ssntfrom Copenhagen to Ilelklavlk ra
turned with news of a XT sat diaaaier.
Tbe flrst outbreak begaa about Cbriat
atas, sloe which tlm ruptlooa bav'
been almost constant la various part of
tb island. Old extinct volcanoes bav
opened tbelr crater and poured a deao- '
latlng flood af ire, lava, aad ash apoa .
tbe country around. It Is reported that
several hundred persona bave perUhed,
and not far from ten thousand have lost
Mrarnad (rev sera have dried up slnos tb
terrible eruption begaa, aad Instead of
water, these mystsriaw fuantu imu
Imaious quaailll af bat amok and
aabee. wblcaT during tha algbt, rat
ing several thouaand feet lato tba air,
BDiMaf Ilk glganti column ot fllll
"f-Timlt1- for -a-M-iwdiafjrill-
l l'ut tHl Gikul Tb Golden Gate
Academy la' Oakland baa loot been
throw open to girt. The board - of
treats tok tba very ssaalbl view of
tba sasUer tbat, aa many af tba leadiatf
college bav allowed wornen t-S n te
as studanta, the academies -aht laglr
litem aa opport salty yrprmvt for o4
leg,-- '- - c. -a.-V'