The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, July 16, 1875, Image 1

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-if "iT7 iff
rrirft-4rei rtr ;
W V . a, ..
I 1-
ad Ah Mm
Sivi ,! yu.'TTT"! Ji .".
1 . i k m ..- . r- --- - - - m -' -x 1 ' 1 -t -, r . 1 , Bi '.wi.-- . I
i-iiH 'T.' -t il I I H I B K r "J--l kT. I II I I I ..V M I I I r- I I ll ti 11 1 t- 1 in ' I I, . i i" 1 , .
V V- 'if I II L- . I l I.'ao I In I I I. ..I A .1 1 1 I I .1 I I I III I J I L I l ... , 1 f MWa aad frtatfaew .- I
vtj.Xrref! ,-v JS? ' ', ' j .v ly;i,'.";; ... ".:- . , , ' -- 1 t. -n w g- v VilZ.i 7 , -T ,, T ,, , W'PMM fapaafgtka Wraag I
fgfc.j -..ila .1 )rTflhrtaT-T..'.;'-t ..afa--.ww:.,..rdtaae.i.r- ...'.. K.,u. .',.. J . iw .'...' I- V.ii; ' ' v''V : " ' "H .'. ir'' .,,:.' . I
Oa i iii i'ii jiff
Atn'ERrtMKJffeTM laaarfa oa BmwuU
Ti i wj
f-i .- - ,
W 4 fcr mow. a. a pr I WAY. ' I
' i s ni tstkji ,
tCatrrM.arrnMfmU A4'rfcWra7!a fh
J W.T Mm, A. J. paeiway, te let aelna af
iriiwuiMftiwii blast nr.j
Orma la la's aa BrM publish hjr J. M
- VTMUrlwilrMMplkfMkirf
a Mkawta Uatj.hmrinf Jwja Jives aaas
fw. Jt4 Wta waniljr lamnnmt af all avaa
MMl baMwVawSwMewtltMai wuf fcf.frt'rawtO-
aSap a tb rttnevat n4 Mnw
a jl ar ta torn mi Mt aaaiiMna.
'i4 ta lo of ai(lmr lax uua way tb
. wwrte" en-ea of h-Urr. Brla( yuinj of
. aW rautaertno, tmavrfr-rt 4ocarloa, eAw
IliaaU) lata. B It H aHaaf1e.Sa NMMV-1
SiaawaHar. ul sevlee
Umih walrb aaaaa aar tlra aJ
1 m Ik bm-m af a wovvt, avuir
a aaaaalil Xonv Koa aaa braa ndiu4 U
lav-wors ia wa Cutuataa, panif
inai r at aha a nra aa4 rorMvt lb
4ytlj (paja laaawaa inriwata ay
aaaanrtaan, taat sac fcU aAUpmtloa
W Orrfoa.aad t all frlrada
1 ITaaWaWmi wtja Aaalio In
la laa MM ctuaawi C Eaift wtataM,a4
taa tacTta aaaminw of fulera anamirra,
ia mia Mtr at itut irultiHwarof aar
m i 1-j Taa At-rad.
1 rttArnrn h;"1
t Vaary daya Bilteed away; weary ami
sranU mvTed oo: arornroul cattle died
aad otbeia. became .Bnn'. ti aertrlce.'
Bui CapUla Uray'e Cora pa ay- Jojfed
lowly oo, coourriog every obataela;
aaorioc aaald aickaeea aad death iipoa
etrery hand, aad lendlhg Imely . help
wbereeer. It "waa, needed. MaQjwere
they eba learlfed ta bleae tba aaoia of
Dr. fuaataa, wboea autlriojc eoercy and
boandleaa eaoipaaalon for, tba eufferiag
'waa oiily aqaaled by. Me akill la ma nag
lag dleeaaea. . Many of the alck, Jt .U
traa, were loat, but with few eicepUoae
boaajrboat . coueUtutlona. were -good
era reocued from the Jaw of death and
wefavoaeaieaeaat ,a a lew daya, voder
blaJadleioeM aanagewept"!: "fV.t
Hla ' atte abhor reae-i i 'of poteae
draga caaaatf many ta aU'u'o tila aylfloe;
anit hie ante aaa. rotoparaj with that of
ther jyeBiradniiJlyoje
eooflJeoc of Ibe peoplcNCaoipTug
traa re were b4 ooly tlcnee for practice,
aebaeeuidool leave Uril W'eUlrn'aot
wagoa durfng tba day' ,11a bad ealla to
wlalt ajaaalld poverty fa lie moat filthy
and dUgruUuf Ippaaraoee, aavl freueot
JavltaXJooa to vUit tboaa In the blghar
t llfet-whoo refinement, .eoav
taa trial
ia taa aafe4 ta aaa
traated with the beeatllaeae of their fel
lowfveler, remtodint ; "ifeina oC'lba
uv aaaie pbaeea of extatence In (be ropaloui
altlfa " " '-' r--''-'
ir.-T-fl .IZ, '"'v-'4
- 7 Captaia Gray, la pHe. oI hla.boaated
bealtbyooJjgrew daageroMalyU.
, - WbeaaBlraBoooeiituUonoaoabeooniea
overpowered oy'dleeaae, life bang ppqe
a tbwad. Yben convaJfeceuce jbegloiy
' fba Jaahroveateut'la pot generally a
rapkd aa nqr da'lcate, peiotba
eaoaa tle actloa of dUeaea baa been ao
violent that palure La a' greater work
it ii wbea reatoratloo cowoienoaa. or
' bad of lauguUliiog, aod vbeu ai laat be
-begaa to reoever,. be. looked IUe. a
kado oflita farmer aeirTlIIa wife waa
mplfd XoTwalk aad drive Ytla teaut
for Weak. " She aald truly, after Mak
ing tha' effort,' that aba.cauld aadur
aware hafdablp than ber buaband enald,
aad? aatll their1 Joaroey waa ended aba
HP1! 1r 1" II1" "H
whip apna ber abooJlr, after U Moat
' nra4 tjla,1J",'i'; ' .Xr
: Doe alf h t,Jukl aa Maurtpe bad got loia
tba trot aleep be bad beeu. beraaltted to
iadalg In for llUrty-wIij houre, Aaot
tllj awok. WaVv-Lli', f.':
Jeddy'a got to rraoiplq' aud aeemt
;. aalgbty bad odll bate to 'jraka yav bat
If tbetw atn't eomethln'dOna for bin, lie
eaa't eUnd II loog.7 ' "V; ,w -
v ' The boy wa Indeed aaffe.rtng terribly,
lie aad leia aacked by cholera la lU
meat malignant forai.', Mr. Gryf
aaalaed the vlctaata lhat bad, Waa aet
away 'after aperv llla alckaeea waa ao
aayaley. A'pUte of ruaity Uma aad a
diaa 'af greea wild rurrany, that t'oljy
haI gaihered lo WkeplevbaJ jdJaap
aemred,'. It waa' tba. ft rat 'fruit ib boy
- had avail tor vo loag-, baC be bad ariean
U ib TV?
le oo the green berriea uueeea. . TlHloomjpy th, jwaf, tbat Joddy hadao laUly
ajaart of. berxtva diaappearail, bubUiw
- aatlata arpellte waa1 oulr whetted. " Tba
- fried baeea and Wlrold.blaraH Were da-
wwrM nxi, aod tneu fearful
iitwiiiuu, no, Aaj arept le
Htaaioraautea wtih Xha
"? "ta a ptirpooe,aad when tba weary aoaj
tea5 waa ended, dath had wpiarljb
Maariaa fofkH.W-s)d atvadUf at
tbaataalgbjswardfvuasWit, .TbaU'l
aaa baraA
, raa-Jwa- Mioasav.iaa Jifa,
sTiiyea b;t the hair,
t(0 wasaiwayaJsAriaatals
teamladlAa wat?eA.ia smooth
-wave abaaA vUieabrarM.Xba
boy, bad aeiii luaas In be-
iNaBi4M tfM atrlrty
afaaai sad lbs haf Tfy oaaawl
aishsagwi for tawaaaww
V;rJ -
1 f " , i , - t -a p 1 1 ---aaaMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaap-a-W- I 1 I a-a------aap-a-aa-aaaaaaaaaa ' ' - . I
... 1 aVT ' . ' ' ' . - - .. . . - . .- 1 . 1 ... . t . . . . ... 1 . 1
-li--?' H'.V H.a.-t...-. i-. t r.'- ,l..n. .. 'WUrrirrTrtafyffyT .... ,' ..... . - , '..''... ';.' ; 1 t CotraaAnadeaia wrftIM iwriiwailmta- . I
i) VOLI1MK.IV., . 1. .. ." . PftnTT.iMn .rmyiiv' "wtgt fa" A'-rr . trrwJV nl'mftii Nimnr-ii w. 1 BAiaar.or aaaaieauaa wm a iea. aa taaar - . 1
.4 - c. . "TTT: T.T " -'---"1 ,. ...1 -- , laoiiaaateaiaiae.. .fy y
broad; h lookad aplrUaatljf Laaiitiful
' , m It Jl th lord's Joldf, .ltd U U
ttArrtloua lit, bur Tea,' n. rioUUned
1 Tb warplof votbr of tb departad
boy tookad up. Mr. Vavaj whom aba
had boTaaeb alnca Iba tlma vbaa daath
had rl(ltad bar ova aAUfk, atood Vfora
jiff ' . tvvu ; -I i
Do jo9 nuttj tUrilhXXb Lord
wllla that tboaa wbon Ha baa eraatad
la Uiaiaaa hU a aal ofl in Um
prVMofllfaT" aakad Maarkw. .
"Ha lakaa avay awe friaada and obU,
draa baca a wa ala afaluat HUn," waa
axa 41baloa waaoaamU ala
Hwrpairated afalnai thoaa tmrf frWvda
and cblhlrva wba ara takaa iroat wa?
Ood baa lajtl doaB rwlea fat ua to folloar,
Wa VlolaU tboaa rule, and tlckDaaa and
deatb follow aa natural ooacquaooea.
I am not Jv j nrltber am I racnolelv
aonaetod with Iba dtaeeodauu of Abra
ham If any kindred tlaa of wblob'l ana
eofnltatit bat I aa ready to" prora tba
fe4 that OMhftr tbalr eaUbnabad
HUial aboald 1m folia wed by Woth Jaw
aadOantlla. ' Why did Jehovah forbid
tba Taraelltaa ta eat rwfne, If aucb abom
laatloe ia,good for food T -1lDklof wt
Imv bat tee wbM la tor emr goad taaii
or Maker daaa, wa aootraei dlnaan by
tba awe ml food whUfc He kaa eapreaaly
uBat Ha did aet ejaaaaaaad tba aa
tUea ta aaatafn faora aorb."' - u-i
.ytUferf did li aowmaad. aa ta ab
aula frees waf dara. Wa woaM Ulnk
vuTtaraa aa graal a lusary aa bag w
tobaaeo, U we'd oaly leara leat tbem.'?
a a a l
" i-Vmn tram ' Knr wB kaaa
bog fat apoa tb dirty refuaa of tba
kltcbca. tTba lard la jood for anap, aan
dlaa, aad maeblnery oil. That eertaloly
enough: hut to he eoonooiloal we
mukt eat. the hog after be baa been
bitted upoa tb dlrtieet leavluga of par
Ink and awlli-tub., Buitard-moat la
ruaHyJean.V' ,, .,. ',,.,A , .
I aupaoaeyoa lay tba RiandaUoa of
all diaeaaee upoa tba bog7
"I Lay tba aggravation of -maey dta-
eaaea apon " -.?
YoMaa'oUUilgabaat tba aaart af
earranta tbl boy devoored.'' t
rxtecauaayoM . uuuua ua,auraata
aaougb without my help. Of eurae
green, uncooked fruit l very deatroetlve
to health; but If that child afouaoh
bad bee healthy, tba aurraale would
bav . aaada bra aloep aueaalty, and
proaably bav gl va aim a light atUck
of oheleta arorbaat but ft iroold have
ararad.!! hiA-i .t .; .." I l
- "Oa, aaerey are I " aaU Mr. Uray.
"If I doa't Wlah tbaa lala bad aavar
been tbougbt af I My poor JedUy f .a.
""V aan'l die till our tin oam,"
aid Mr. Jdaya, TV
Th Baaamtaatr aTa flat flat avlLalaafl Aa mall
la tboa-Mttia yeara aud tat' aald Mau-
rlc'adeoldadly,,, y. ,.. ,
lt'a. mighty myateriouato nje, aald
Mra, Gray. -. ; , .-
-And wlkV a aaaa iba law of
Qatar ar dail VloUted, aad you study J
noas af tb Arat great prloeiple af life.
ToaHtUa attaailoa la paid ta ibia mat
ter. I woabl mom apeak af tble aw w, but
awlana ar atora apt as a rataJaod
whaa.tua whlcb -gava-
welgbt ara btfora ua a, example'
U'd Uka a kaow what' a a-golog t
beeaaaaaf. feltgtaa If fojkaarsgeiaga
eiptata awayetbanmyaterle of early
deatey aald Mrs. afaya,.' .. . ''
'1 toll yoaaiiamtUe day le eomlag
bam aoi aaa eblkfa death wiU a rw
eotaed wllfaoat It aaa b traaad as Iba
VlohUtaa af aata tal law- ta see Idea! (ta
Wblekvall arey liable ) to Im proper diet
and Baaei the auipable aagank at par
aota, ar tae aaa af poawMaoua asadiiaa.
WIU oar knowledge af tba aaaaa will
Mrax Maya aeaal estreat awdar dial.
cult aigaanat waa aa aall aomptaeent
ahUld, "Lard balp tba aiaiag gwaeraUoa.
v eVwt what momki aaaapprea wtok-
dneaa,1' aad aha withdraw ta bee www
quarters. " ' a;-w' v;.., Ir-W wii'
Tb bururwa 'eoaducud arte Ui
faablba af all tba atar,v tbovgh the
aadly tbtaaaJ: Nnk af tb "Company
apread addmaaal gtoom avr ib bearU
of tb orTewraT aaoaraera.' ' '-
TM deoaaed boy plae wa vacant
Hia past bad been as wsarsl as that of
tba able es-driv la tla trala, aad
tb mule wblcb be had abased and e
rsaaed atterhataly waa Wfthoot a trioad
terseewtar. ' Homebody moot be nlrvd
ta drive the rapidly fiicreaalng band of
etti hnflt for sertlcs, aad Mr. Maya
Derm It ted a ttne nf Ha. atmnt iaralea
If, to travel with tbaa And
ftried.with conatant vigilant, aud all
went on a before. ,Tb aad voldWtVIa
tad bearU of parent aad aiater waa Ins
W ! "T'--"'r-e "-", a-,.,'
Anna tmrm fmm atytrt away,"
TlTa TMiiTc asW'Wal'TeTVair
1 WTanaasaaa as fSayay r-
fwSJ'rrvrr"m aii i.ii it
Unrraarvs vao aaasatrrS ftriat; fj
yaly 2tb.-Greea IUvr roll before! tee
bo,;a t-r" t Y'.-:i ,tolocJ VbcsU
nrra'arvsVmi'waasawrd Wi-iria't! v
the erenlag U a y -l'. eeleaeeUU-
fsfjaam-saV fJaaa Wa
1 V rata U
mm,1jc', h ,jSc
bleb daaa oat
- 4. .. ... ... t - ... "
we often bav trouble In forclug them
ta Uke to tba water.
i "There ia a trading poet near tba
ferry, where alekly-lookJng vegeiablea
areaold at ralooua'prioaa. ; A woId la
ralnlatore la J.ei5C,M eo . re.wearlpgl
aad gambllpg at ooeeoeaupmenti pa
ala and. dancing la tbe peatlne at an
other; and at a thlrd a. eIleclloa of
eulgranU are holding a prayefDMatlag.
-Indiana of the Hbpahone tribe are
aacaaipad near pa. They are lostbeome
abjeeta of degraded bemanity, belag
alotbed a. bear and buflalo akin that
are alive with vermin. They appear la
have no 01 ore aenee or aoergy tbaa ha
ul aa. Boaaa of tba aaaaw are V1
aud tnflraa. They are well' treated by
tba ybangef aqaawa la everything bat
cMhlng, and ovea fTHtla aa good aatbo
asoat of tboaa eaa aSbrd for themaelvea.
MTbla la a dreadful world, or rather,
tba degradatloa and aaleery af out iob-
Tdane aphera art terrible. The asooa
aura above na 100 a oeiigntrar; toe rear
ing liver hi I nap! ring; tba awonUla
craA and valley aoenery la aarpaaalngly
lovely hat buaaa(y,' wretebed
wicked, Into what depth of vice and !
iimim. arttl it not hllkitl n linn t -
7hJuly - iltb, W have WUd-avef
rocar niua. rrom auanee to auoaev
raeaed eeveral beouOruf aprrngi,! fco
tlced la particular a email stream that
ruehea front a raountaiu near (be road.
Tl meaaurea" lhjeeabjchela both
Wl Jtb itd deptlv baa a pebbly bottom.
Tuna very awlftly. Tb bank ar
a fti aiaaa than rl ih Itiaa laehaa arairt at I
aa- BJ aFWBrVaaaaaaaaaaaav-ar"
tba top, and are live feel high; adorned
with hedree of aaee. roe-bahea and
aide of Ham's Fork of OreenltlVer.
Tble' la a clear, awlft, tordabl itrearn,
with a gravelly bottom. "' J'
A"july Jotbv-Tba. country , la . vrj
ntountaluoua. TTh Jevll Hack boo
tbey bav uocootk namea for heaatl-
ful aoenery apoa the flalua waa tba
irat difficulty to be aurmouoted. ,Tbla
Back Booe I a mounUla of aaadi and
rocke, aud la deatltut af vegtatkp,Ba
lea . Blunted aaga-bruab deaervea tb
aaue. Upon th aun)mlt, w. found a
aaantlly of whit llaieatoa aad aom
apeelwep of rjuart. Aftf deecaodlog
tli Back Boim, we Mruck a compara
lively level country, over which we
traveled for a few mil, when w again I
"m a a " -" a aa a 1
aopuniereu jiiountaina, anapia not
leave them until nighty
K We paaaed through a lovely grov af
fire, upoa tb aummit of a lofty pekr
which I nap I red ue with renewed al
tiou, aa foroat tree bad beooas tawasfoW st
iragu reniembrancee of lb thing thai
wer. Jn th afleraooa w daaeaoded a
long, ateep and. rocky rldg of lb Bear
Klver MoontaltiK uo4 from tb jiimmt
w. viewed, according to our guide,
Bear-ftlver-Vallcy freek. :Tb writta
nam look like a long one, but nothing
couldto ioor compreheutlf or kppro-
oriat tbaa tbaa four llttl word. Tb
Bear Klver. Valley, thoogh beautiful.
ookt;wlld enough to, be tba lurking
plae of animate of lha Of mp; and tbf
creek, runnlog swiftly la ltd faeaudar
lug coaras tbroagb tba Vaiky, dtvldiac
U lute halvea, breaking tbroagb sough
defile of rock, and daahlug tbroagb
Biauntaln gorgaa, abor and below tba
valley,- baa a appaarano dseldedly
'Bearlab.' , ....-ariVl" U-
We traveled tea ml lee without ua
leeklag tba.wagoti wheel. Xffl aad
Willi b walked tba taa mHo ba-
caaat they wer arrata o riu. r J
Toor MraTWelden had a bard Ume
with ber carriage.' Mr. Ham Orseif
teak ear of. tba Iwa chlWreo. Taa
at ale ware ' uo mauageable. mad . their
Iptrepld driver Journeyed all day la lav
mloeut peril... 8 he bean her apfbrtw
aata bereavement with "lb calm nee af,
despair and .be fortitird of a heroine,
fcooral aupaaed ta miirmaraaaay
awa triala, I look at bar aad feel re
aignd.' Maurlca U vry altautlv aad
klad, but on team le all b eaa manage,
aad aba la compelled ia driv ber car
riage over tb aao( daageroua road,
without aaaletaaea. Ws were vbiited la
the evening by a violent heil-etorm, , Jt
earn upoa Ua just as wa. reached tba
creek and tied ap tba call I aad
mate, who, Ilk sureei, bad U fo
aapperlea. ta aleep, aftsr a led lose day
af aaremiUtag toll,, , V 77 "
' "Jely Ifekv-Ehtvea aailea brsagU m
ta Hmllb'a Fork of 8004 BJvas, vjibats
wa bar baMad ta seat a few day a, a
graaa is goad, aad aaa poor, aaBaai aaaV
asals ara ssash ia aw4 af Yhar
are plenty af . IndlaaaaMaad usw Tbey
ass wary traublaaoaaalas, if oatalawaly
watabad; they will Steal whatawer tbey
aaa say tbala haad aaa.' Tbera aes
Btooatalaa al aroaadv am. laaTaasafl
llowa aa aesaplekely matted iogsthar
that aathlngpaa gat ttewagfa tbaa aw
f rowtor absss ta taa aaaaBk
esgwsaf adrH"
feed ta tfaaa sbarmlng aaala..iOwr mlaHw
lata esty baa been thrawa latoStt
meoVtw .a trial for Jowraaw aaaaaajw
Wts:asaarA rOapaaB atad Maosljs
bet rag aasaag U Jasy waa si "X'
lax aajraad, baa tt mraasawaatada,'
ta het about aWaoakii aad Oe
I aieimry(Bamp doy. -TrssartS
Cast abay iaad Ueta -Vaaaa)
ibwsam hmntsd aaksapUos Csar.'
Olmatiai want aut with fat aatOe fa
tb csoralag, telllag Hhermaa Da
a thaw aoald aaea ats litwakraa.
Wksa la retoraed, - bkt anaraers
flaUbad their repaet, aad be aeaed where
bto beaakfaat was, aad waa t4 la
hia awa fodder. Muah abaaiv btagaags
follawed pa btb Wee,
BrsWsd ble brsahfaat himself, Daav
asaeatbreateolag la tb ossaf aa1
manaertalynebblm.1 0 j. .!
"If you uadertaks It, yau woat JJv
laoa? aa brag af It, Otm at aad replied.
Ha tbaa walked lato tba laat aad
ta' eat, aeUg for to parpos a small
carvtar-kBtteu-Pe oaaa foil a wad.
lambed apBj lilaa and -beat "blot 'as
OlaMtoad sailed apoa the fey
ttasaeve to Uke aha off, eeylag that fas
badakalf aod wauld a It. K
laterforsd, ad be stabbed Danmers la
tb lower part of tba aheat.' II Ml,
aad la Iwaatswplaatas was a nifini
Tba jury, after aa tai partial lavastlga
tioa af tba tragtaal affray, hraught la
lb folaawlag eordlcti ' ' ' u
"Th weaadiwdieUd by tb kolfeof
Ol mat aad aaaaid tba daatb af Paaeaore,
but tba aaaaa waa lafllated by tba afow
aald fX mat aad la -If-dWoaoo.M
"Otmatead bdJraaaid tb Jary after
biaaoultiatria aa Imarsaelva, tf oat
loqaat speicb. HI pale saatsoaae,
toady y aad ealm deportment waa
(b Confldeoee of stranger, aad fvetorad
order among hie mea, wba found that
tbey bad aot rightly rsekoaed tba Ira-
matlav "
if inih, j,
dlaa funeral procamlon. Tbe dead body
waa wrapped la a blaakat, SNUisly fa
teoed with ropes of deerskin. The ody
was thrown aero tba buidrs or a
pooy, and an Indian was riding behind
U to bold It tn IU place. As tbey paaae4
Ua, tbey pointed to tb dead, aad began
solemn, beart-tbrtning wall, it la
said thai tbey apad tbeir dead from
th tree-tope la tb Bear1 River Moun
tain. Tba aquaw of tb deceased.
practical iprasloa pttter grief, bad In
flicted sever wound aa her face, from
which tba blood, was trickling, and
dropping In large beada aoou ber
terea garenenia. ,r - " . . ,
ulv 19th. We traveled all davTn
tbeBea.iJRI.ver Valley. Tbe valleyl
eovered with graaa, aad tba mouuUla
top are eovered with splendid groves of
St, making tb ever-varying eovaery
aeugnirui. -, ;
"Whea the earth abattaas
bsw great will be tb attract! af tba
Bear River Moan tal a and Valley aceo-
ry,l Ihoee who delight la tb pictur
esque and sublime. v
" July tb.-W reached Bear Blvar
tonlay- " small, clear atisam. Whoa
waiera overflqw lb baaka lq winter and
rTy apr
ng, eauaing vegetation ta grow
"July ZIt.-ju Ural vtw w
lalaed of 8oda Wpriag waa of two large
moauds of soda atone, from tbaaaoaUs
wd lob. tba water, waa pubbllrag up.
This water raas dowa tb aldas of tbaa
moaoda, vaporaUag alowly, but Stead
ily, and vry day laersaaiog tba alas f
tbe . great.? ramparts . wbiefav .-. eucleee
tbeoa. Tb asoat palatable soda was
aUaluod trouj vsllad gprios; aa tba
argta af a atreaa af para watrTarr
Uric acid aod sugar added ta ta aoda
water makee a driak. equal ta tba prs-
par4 aoda; Arabs' r3UUa,Wbaa.W
get. a railraad Ibsoogb t tbl
oda frjprlaga wUlb Ut ahead
toga or Newport, aa rmarta for iavailda,
, "A Utlla autbar wast wa fouad w
other spripg walled la tba earn wao
nr ib irakbat with vary maU
opealpgs .At iba lops.,. Tba water of
the la of. a jaddlah bos.bai tast
rmeea w ajas aw w w war, t
Wa vialtsd aaatbar asaaad, where tb
water bulla ap frem tb vsry- ldgbsst
peak, aad.. the wla apes ae vpe-
rata i tb sultry, ssoroblag. samaMr
saaablasr raaa awwa tb aid of: tb
BMopdV Jarbilaa; arippiHg strsajalat.
Tbers ar aaaay.,s4hr idlastauUve
apriags a lea aoaapteuau place, apoa
tbl dsa ibspd rook. Tb water f
foma to rad, white that af thar,fow
foot frosa tasas, fa black aa tar.Vi
Tha tjtsamkaat lpetag Is-anotbar j
wssHtarful surteairy af oat ara. .) Tb
water puCk 4 iatervabi fraca a ivsorveJr
ka ta rk .irUb v awaed - Ilk tba
earJtlMiifrs stmoibail pipaa.1 Tba
'eeaay pipit la aboajt ihraa feat distaai
frsasf-ib swriag. i :Mrs. Mayoj wa
thraUUfo eiaassat I aAcaoat foe tfais
pkisaasspsa by pblkmapblaal, ralea, Is
sarsly pasibsii L Bh usage! eo haw la
Creator, waa kadaa ail thiaga Wall,
baS permitted mkwstlfla eaea ta qairr
stead Hia rolaa, 1 b aaya ll'a tb week
af Ib devil, aad aoialac lmJfU
Imbrass aajbody bat aa ajlgTa4 wtta
w. .W, awai Jw sight smIosV
at goisaiabs4
la. ib. aiMmportaat
.Hd,.Poa bw ap bi larg
pair.oWkTgr asaat of
gave ki.a sUlapi
ba Iba bkabagid rak srklebJ
ta aaea af vi
ad X"1'' '
1?7 CX-CTa aasosry af Baav
VI" r-v tri aeni raauSt sterv tkai I bav asaweV Fss Aafr I awir Ite btoMM etas bWI 'lAaiao wtier
ajaaeJBBwaaaBBaaaaajaaaTeavaaaa 1 aaaeaaeaMawaaaaawaaaaaamwaamwaeaaaaaaaai .'
fut " Tba weather la pWaaaat, aad road
ar xrelleat, with tb ecrepttea af a
few mud-bole that ar vary difficult t
get throogh.' Oar rattle draak of tb
potsouou alkali water f aa of. tbeee
maraaea.' A asauatalaear n
a aoaeaf vlaegar. ' W gave sack at a
plat, of Mm. Oreye beet, aad
them died, though tbey art yery weak
from tb effort ot tb pel a. w
' "We aneaaped la a giamy Val Bear
tb rler. The water af tb river ta
pateteate bat rather wara.W aV
talaed bffae aapparaf aeaatala trwut
by a batf-aeufa steady ftahlag.
i iu!r SiL-Mrravslsd 3 four mlUe
tbiaaaay'tb1 Tslfoy,1 whea-ThC"rod
etruck tl mvuntelUk,' which ar not as
fsrmldabl ss tbaa ws' Joaraeyed aver
days ago. Yet tbey ar barren,
product og aotblag but at an led eare,
apas aad weed. Haow la vlalble upoa
lb heights, a few mile from tb road.
rricttjped OrTTargtrkBd-boAUUruI
earing, wblcb breaks out at tbe foot of
a mountain by tb roadald. Tbe apring
forma k lovely atreem, large and rapid
taougti to propel a great aoioaat of
machinery; hot Its anlnterrupted water
aaah graadly oa, losing tbeasetvea a
last la tb broad enaaael of Haake ar
Uwla River.' Obtained a splendid view
of the TftreeTelone boribeaat' of ua.
wiioee ' anow-erewned beada' arb la
majesty abov the leaser belgbta, aad
la the aoutbr tbs Three But tee vie with
their neighbor Teton la striking grand
eur. ,
I V gStli. ToJai w rltlil fi.H
Halt - IU walls are eampesed af sua
barat brick. '
Oooeern, bat I ess af aa attack' from
without, th Inmate would b tolerably
well protected. Is th baatiooa of tbe
autslda walla ara port boles, tbroagb
wblcb ta lira at an eoemy. Tbl fort t
ttOwnrtb )aaa1do7of Ihra.'wVr11 e,, mtUr baUI but
sail flour for thirty doflara par hundred
eight.1 Tbl price make a lbaakfl
that ws ara aot In need of tbls ueoeaaary
article of food.
"AflSr we left tharort, waobtelnad
the Aral view of Hnak River. W la
tli veulng croud the etresa whose
eouree la tba spring where 'we encamped
oa th Sid, H ?ed received boom row
tributaries, and where w croaaed U waa
aver fifty feet wide and four feat deep. 7
4iultoee areaoaanoying that we
scarcely eilat, except la donas
aawm i aaa own. .-. T. t
i'July tab. About three ml lee travel
brought to tb Tertaeta, a clear.
wlfUy-ruaaiag strmm about aa haa
dredjardwiatSndOvltuWsvW reload tba wagoa bed abaui tea loch
and fordad It without accident. Mao
ris hired an emigrant to drive Mrs.
Wsldeu'a mulesthraugb tba river, bat he
waa eo awkward that aha took the line
when they bad proceeded lv a lav 1
1 , ' . "1
The road, after leavinc tbs rortaelhJ
Hk addltloa ta lha deep aud and 0000
hnT"ustn'Ttnindnwck sx
trsme... A aaa dted f asauatela fever,
la a (raja bear out saup, Ihla evening.
Tbey buried bla la lea tbaa aa boar
after bla death. . Tbers ar flea, pereoae
alck; of the same dlaeaa la tba trala.
The wealbar la seamlvely boCi
JsIy I tHh.-W, . to-day, paAad
Amerteaq fklbj of gaak lalsec. . TramV
lana asys that ysaa agb.a party af thews
Amertcaae war awtmmlwg la tb river,
and aot baiag aware af their areata Uy
tba falls, swaa aa aatll tbey were
avsrswsrdby thsrrsuissa preaip
Iteted avar th foam lag aateraat. 1 v
41sCWa traveled watU aftee
dark ta got bt walac, aad .wasa .w bad
aayuasd tbs saUla, ws fouad that wa
pad btwa tw dsad axon.
whose putrid arrases draw away fraaa
oa tbs test vestige af appetite. ri w J j
"Anenat faL Th raada thli kfternAnia
y rsugh aad reeky Oar aaitl
ar falUag fast, aad ws ara gratified tUle
vealag wltk : tb sight af exselteat
gfaavi .MMr'7ii'"-vw H'JUhi: !..'
I aa bow osated oear tb river bank
spaa a tedgs af rooks that form a as ta
rsi anfaw 1 Tb rivsr bers rua tbsaagb a
rocky wfloa. Tba eurreat U remarka
bly swift. ; Tb water rush a aagrily
vs lb habl brawsd aaga aad baps
fearfully from rock lo ebasa witf a
Nabltea pasr.Tb aasoery te a tba
of baautte rack aria
array stoaai aa, With asdara
si aaay af thai eaaa, skera aoa would
think vegessttea soskl aot passlMy aa
. lo iba awUeasa te a
sadlem saga ptelo, aad tb vtew
very pat ai of iba isapaa fo brobaa ay
evsggy btufis aad Ssaky aiaatelb. I
vsak ariib asWImasa faw tbtewtblsra
ray af aeaeaiva rwabs aod eVuart amstea;
but wba I niml that , away is
Oa teat restlag plaas af ay astharyaad
atra fattbar away la tb boas af ay
allakMa,fef ladespribsbUaad-
ea araaa ia ay araoa... t,, 4 mJ
a. . a
Slgbt bad flossd ksraabteaarteia
aod W war Sbsai te ntlra fuf s this
ng, wbea wba ebsotd mat ta
Is a sad aoa. . Hs asaay mamkir af kl
family aad awapsi bava died bat half
Bl srifeaod las il.'iil S)lbfrsaTed a
BfV teswtag Aim wltk a a
astdat faallysf aswaa kttls aaea, who
tetea waVI taaar af has odea bsw aflasft fat wl asstka was teksw aaa-., aoff ik to
slatooe ora sa aaart, aad toklai H aailsfstosaaaPasAywaiyai asateat,
Blllsoa died, euiiltg-bia company for
aot aarlag hia life. Captala dray'i
aympatheti heart waa moved by hia la
sses table story, aad he gave him a sup
ply af bacon aad tobaooo, wbleh Mau
rlca aaya ars periactly . willing' (a
spar.' - r;-?z.i.
bfl, "Ansiaat liKJ-Tfal ssornlnr oar cat
tle aad Captala Bmllb'a wee drl vea ta
tbe river to driak. Oaeaf them pleased
lata tba stream aad swam aeroaa,
other saoa followed, and in eurroat
wm a swift that wweoukJ aot sarroaad
Oreea aad Captala Bmltb went
back eight miles ap tb rim ta a wide,
btesU plae latb atraass, where tbey
lateoded to awla. across with muiea.
Captala Oray aad Jobs MDoneld tried
to awla aorsss Iba river at the fioa.
Tba Captala Is aa expert simmer, and
galaed tbe oppaafte baahv with eaaa; but
Mclmuaklwhea fairly out la the eur-
rewt, became aiarmed Sad IrW is lara
back, when the poor fellow wa carried
aver tba rock by tb ruablag water
aod drowned! It waa ImpoaaJbl to rea
der him the treat aaetetauee, a be waa
burled among tba rocka almost before
we wer a war of bis danger. ' JNor fel
lawr lis was aach beloved by as atL
Captala Fmlth wilt ate bla sadly.
Howforrbiy Mssee amothaf favor
ite text ta alad Just now, Ba yealao
ready, for la aucb aa boar as ys think
aot' my Father, kelp as to be ready t
"Captala Oray aould aot compel tb
esui to rsswlm tb river while 'seiug
ha-bHwdlag sua-raj a. Si a Crataj I ltd
captala (Malta tried ta wla across apoa
the muiea, but tbey wirs tea a ask It
stea lb currsat, aad poor Jed's 'Matey
was drowned, aad came Boating dowa
tba river past tb camp long before hia
rids iwtewaed. 7
- "Wa hired two; men from another
tbsy, with tba help ot CspUla Gray,
war pot able to drive ba lata aw tea
ming water. Tbey must bav
frightened when tbey a waa across, for
they appear determiaed aot to try II
agaia. other uso were hired to swla
aver1, bat their suited eflbrte wer oat
aaffidsat to oompel tb eaUIslo awTm.
Tbe CspUla had beeb all tbl time upoa
ta stber aid without clothing. Tb
asvsr beat af f be eaa bad blistered bla
body, aad as be coakJ eodar tbe irtel
no kwger, b swaa the river, dooaed
bl olothea, and momed to famjvl'
Aaguat Uh. Tbls asornlng tb Cap
tala, who , la ; wiser than aoatl aa ta
kaowlug Just lasw ta grasp the right
bora af a dllemmaTweaTTo woTfcTanTr'rw11n wTiraieetbet
wltk tba belp af Vdf amh, cajkad FfZ7 -111
wagoa bd,teabsd Uglitly-corked water
casks lo lbs sides aad soda, sooetrocted
can and a rudder! went aboTajte wberel
. 1 - . . . . 1
am atrcam was csim, aaa tooa seer two
boat-load af mea aad boys la abort or
'aert , Tba catlte Werel overooweredhsi
""Wbeis, compell.
rim tbs river,
all 'drteco ta
- IP l!J UeJ. ?
aa anuauuiiwiia
August Bta-itvs af tb ostti were
dead this asomingV My teaa le
reduced I two yaks of ocoo aad th
cow, whask teat la aempslled te perform
datysae-ihlrdoftheUaas. 3 ui w
t -Aagwas awav
1 wearieom duties
devalviag upoa
aafrtT lVnMal
tesvs It oalboagbt
for aW
weak bav passed si1
4T)aat tookootes
af travel. iJ
1 Wa
ara appositof Fori
Botes. Tbta
awe B) avwsj
fort; faihlpaid
Uka Vart
Hall, bat te a as durably
I was bwUt by tbsHadeow BayCass
aTa wa lateaddasr for
tttuiiog past tbaa a fort- tb soapssy
bava asw abaadawad It, but It Is la poa-
amiaa af tar tradbra Wa drsv omt
aatUa aaaa hdaad absv tba fori, whsrs
gram te pteatr. .Wkite tbets wa
marked a vary dUagrse Ms odor, 'arh
In4 ' froa" m. tbteksi, as sr tba water's
dga W reached the tbksk
foaiud a balfrdooso dead ladlaaa. Msa-
,ric sxamiaed , tba bodies, . aad prs
aouoosd lba pwieoaed by etryobslasv
II iaq sired about iba asatter at tb
fori, aad .waa informed that aomssat
g rente bad puleoaed aoesa dead axes la
order to prsva a, dtepated polat aa to
whatbsrar jpoi ib ladlaaa wsuld araj
lb eatlte loft asad by traveler I .Tb
result peeved taa aapsilaaaisi'a argo-
meot, for oaarly twssujt, ladle as wsrs
1 '"tot t- -sJ jefM-"
Iat,-nvw allss af imssi
aar test aeampmeat beawgbios to
raaky taUtea sat Hoaka, wbteh to to
teat ptees sa absJtaoatha riesi- Tbrs
alls fortfsar besagai as to BuratBlvsr,
haatlfal atraaaaiabaoi twswty fast
tws fiat np. Tb mi aw tal as
Itk aVyasmsfegaawktoh
to oattiaMi rdiiy.T. , :. i ...
t rB aad myadf bava beew tbrwwa
lato ate to af toiiaain skis aawasab, ea
naoslaftb aarlasa llteim af WUIb
Effi aaya thai bassid bassr wabtfitba
ga U JIssiL -wfserst pa kvI
ywi I aaa wary saw-
lows.' His
lai-laaatte sf
HOI Wtllls baa mom
bsaavl ." J si x-'t
lHpteabar Bd. Tw
awy tate
oawaawiwa lwi
to aar hatovwd aa
alghl sor darting Wfllte was esJted IroaV
earth ta vis witk iagets jklwaad- its
throas of Ood. H wa borted to-day
upoa tb assaatalB aid, a baadrsd
feat abaw tb tevat af tb plalavA
beautiful csdss waea Ito alii praasT"'
brsaobss moot bis tomb, aad bars, b-
neatb It sbada, I bava waadsrsd to b -
alow wltk WHtte aad his Ood.
"Oar trsaaar baa see
tb skle,' to a blghsr pbere, a
pevfoot sxtstencs, aad we aast aot aar
aar at aar torn wbea he aa gslued a"
a. Tba bod kaa beea alppsd, fte
beaaUm biddea from aar eight; bat la a
mare genial soil It will sprins; forth a
foU-grwwo flower af attrpaoslas; tovwU.
1. H paasssssd a sssetoa totor-'
last, ood lay oar baste to axpaad Ma -i
late fuller hlesa. w bad forgotteo that
tb promlelBg bad eoaM die t EA
watcbsd ateaa with bra test aigbt for
a bourTbls moralag ab gat ma
poem, say lag that sbe bad' writteo ft
during bsr midnight slglL I will ta
sert It bra, a that w atay bav ft for
rsfsreoaa la after years r ' ''.."'
"Kar away,e-ar daaarta aa BMaatalaaaewlM,
a aaaraaaaae Jeavaay wa-ve atraraS, i .
IWard a raSSUaaM laad.a orajb aaaaa Im
Wacre aaaajr loa bojtbadbaaa labC
TW Jvararjn-aae areaieaa at ssssiah SaaV.
With acraxkiaal gladi
aa4 atlrth;
Tat we paMS a an!
Taat www tar oar aarsSanm to a earlTA
Yr He wa aaata-aatb te eaMrea at aaea
TMr laari, leaa- ara4 aa taaar aav
Mteaas t4a pif
Aa caooMeaesrearesaibartoso.
- 1
lull. A.
r AAlletloa'a rasa baa aaa teas lata
Oaa aaara ef aWaaar-rta. aaa1 bemwat aooa'
, as. . 1 ' t . ' 1 i ! ; i.H . t j ;
laaesl-esilLtoevraUareaV l .
I aaa araiabla bam bow, a a Saap au-
' alas heart -' "-V-aw
AH aatar ta leak la reaauaai . 7 .
Voaaaa raa aaaaar aav the rtvalatw BUI.
Aa lae wia, walab stoat bnnsjUj i
Wvr h Barat Rlrar Moaalaiaa, a I
' vaage.
orUMaaaataral aaaatlea sTsarth f
TVHf tasa,aHla with aaSar.tSUr ateaa wflb
. - tall giaaa ;,. &-tti a-.r -.f !
Add allkUAlri
rsmaaaaraa warta.
ntoqraral bewV-
Aa aa arSl alHae aaooaW ahrata tar.
ot aabii ta aaasma rrurSOal
That aavseaaaa me ts eterll wOb tear. '- '
IM raaMatTmr a war rraaa ear baaa.
I am watahlas s araitat aaoa aasv, t i r l
w aaaa srsaa looks sllaMala ss etaar I
aaaaa lea waaaa ao oar aaaiaaf waa aalkS 7
T aar Sar H4ta tacvwll. :
teyoa jra Uitht
Aa Sanaa te Haa Tee arW
'ft -' i
wmg mt, tw IIW.IW MMMiailJ as, SBWrf;
usroer ia tas enort tuat must overcome
It, le simply to utter a trite aavl
truth tea that te frsqi
over looked.
rws 1 i. -a
ever, la tb iswu aflaHusr, Miam
whsrs tha people, reeogaisiag tbs fact
taai u tosy ooo't ngot tbe graaabo
tbey Most, feed tbsov rest
apoa a vlgoron aad atetermlasd
Accordiagly, taa tow a aatborittea bav
eflseed a bnaaty of twsoty asate par'
qaari -for dead Inmate. Tb reaall I
Uist aaa, wiais aad aMIdrsa
gsec te work with s will, devMag vsri-1 . .
uo ways af eatohlug aad killing the
peats, aud wrulag little forts aes. ,
aobeal baur aamiof lha bovs ear ft t:
two to four dollar la a tey, aba wa-t
asvisg opened for tbaa a. perlrwi ka ,
oaasa. It te fun for thsa, but daatb to
ta tna aoppera, aud aa otber tows
4w ftwaaoTaursaVasfs
lag Is. ta BTsePasi to tblt iba MfaaW
sota.lley will svsataatly bs rslteved
of ias- plagusv Husa a couras as tbls
avema, after alV to b about th aaly
resWy to susk asses, sad white It la-!
vwlvss aaaak sxpsaas si aba aatast, pays
Tiro Wilu Mea often apeak of irsak
lag taa will af a whikt ; but It seams to
m Jtbst. iby Jbstter. kraak
Tba will needs reguiaiiow, aot destroy ,
as. i atiooiu ss aooo ores tua legs ot
a bore la training bla, a a child's
will. I wsuld sUaelpUss sad devsmp
taw asraoaiuas
atroatlaa af wblblrsa aboald mmi
arepemeaa. . a oovwr ..i . f
j .i-i- u m wi , m mvi , wwwoaj, . . (
mora tbaa aa ara toe algbty, ar a .
mind too ssaprsbsaslv la fte grasp, '"' .7
sad tsa aawarfwt fa ite be4d.Tas ta-
mmA lu. .f Mill I I . 1 . 1 - I
to aalmsts, luepirs, iwstrsia but aot to.
bsw, sot, aad earv; for I would el way a ,
trsai aeblld ss a live traa, which waa V
bs helped to grow, aeaer aa Vy.aVad
tlmbar.t ba earvd tot ifate a taa..
aba pa, aad to bava oaruia aouldlags ,
grooved apoa IC A lire Ire, and not'
dead tl absr, Is vry Mule child. 1
odoro Wocey " '"''
.sty i v 11 i " ' i"i ' "" ' i m e. i
; A, Woauta-'a Woajt.T-Tkla 1 wo.
aaa work aod sbsws bw aMaa basty ,
wpboalasat t tsi-A4e-iKM's
Mrs. My Biadwsll, ot Ua Coleaga at
Legal JV'sws, has procured copies af taa , ,
laws psassd at tba late aeaslouof lb III- "1L
uagtsNuar, so oa tasa pea--a
kas foras ia tea tbaa tww.l
weeks aftef tb adjaaaasaaiad basa ,ir
stev. This Is a work that baa gaaerally .
taken th Htate Beefy tw year t per
form. Mra.Bradwwliesdltlosr tbets
te furalabe wttb SMaaaaaw aad aaaaa i
tteas, sad ts wwrk te very srsditabte to u,
this tetea ted aad yotoi .,at.U.
'TiTniwBAf . A will bat bssa'
aajte tb osaabal fiTo-r to lbs rltois ka 'A',.
tie s Tesiimm, wheaai aoosaiaa iaa H
follarwlacaeeitea: 'That bseetortoa Is,.
hsreby declarsd a privilege, bad every! '
asate IsbsMtewt of UtlaBteU ever thirty
rears af asrs. astsf at as a
sajoy teg good bedily ha 1 8b. eamalalas; v
auaiarriea snsr tn Bret m Atay, JS7&.
ali all aav a kaa of tea dollar auall
tolas ts -wtir a pretty t.wjait ta-
ta,,as saw n
wilt be oasw to dsa
a m renaioe new smiss a i . ..
reaebiw t: My, Is oa af "sound olsi"
txr t law te rsmsla aM
i u
L:..-J-,SJ-, : x?-. . U-TU-r-- ...... . .......r :
, - . r i li . -,. i ..... '