i n , . - - . 4-- JULY a, M7S. rouxn pr juit nana Th fart thai tb F rt Jly a - inmd aa Baadey tbla year UIU doaaiy irtcated. ' tie ehswlag tor that avrpaa CwAsudey, there Men day. whit hot a few people tlnicd eel h ration aa beta deyai Mimsrln af diver aad aaadry hraiioa day pb4 aaw alee alrtly la aaa wo, vita IM asiatak war bat fnlfllilag th de- laf aatrtH , trudged patteatly aWtaa atwUiag aaa latbavaaef a 4oeg in hi eddtgabreebead d1aoeig mtrteU muet. m4 aat wUhaealldla aar las for" aMrtal hrtchrd th Pawlatatlea f ladpad aaa, aad aa aaabltl mtor with 'Yladyiaatarto axtoUatf w atortol bird, gtorioa aaalvexaary Ikia year by droaa aad aeeklag tba atolL Thla aaaalkl raeelattaa waa, Wvwveayshafcea, and laally averateaa by tha aaeena Matlbattha Waaaaa taffragtete ware gala; ta aalahrat thaU wi aeasaal at Boat lelaad. Monday, th at laefc, aa tha day apaiatod for tbla grand pica to tak rtaea, aad aordlagty tha early aa ruing ef that day foaad aa la tha aaaaaaay f a vwrt aaaibar of frfoada aa board tha IM aid trala, aoaaa aaaad Jar Aavera, aaa 4br tor thaWaaaWIaaanaiiawflaaw. Oeaasioaal glaaaai aaaa aa ahewod tha aaaal rrt af etoat, vaD-kapt a. Ml children . wrttadag with tha awtoaaary tartar thataatahraliaaa aad exewrveoa lava itably dactotbeak.TiJk abaatatoaar ba eywalty tay. aa waald aa sweat for ttMaawaa aabjaet Bttfe chit. ' draa to tha aaaaal tartar which tha haat aad dart, laaapmiahla frea a Foarth aTialy aalabfatfaa, lafJata aaaa tbf Lrt mm aiadir aad ajaiaathaUa ba- tJ kisiigtit a to Bock JaUad, irhara jra irar by . aaaMiaaaftaaaBalaaiaadatharaolaai atoag tha II aa, aad a hMt ml: ealbl i airy pnala, vaa, lsnralag1, wl Craaa dart aad ilwahrt atapatad tor tba aatrioUaal Aarara. , " - Of that qatot, alaaaaal enmaaar day la tha ftaad aid woada what ahall wa aayf Havaral haadrad npla art la aUaaUra allaaaa alta aaaaaal apaa aaeh aaea aloaa, walla throagh tha aaftly-awaylaf toaaaaaa af tha yiaaTakle aad atalaty traas tha aaHry Jaly hfaaaaa wattad tha ward af tha -IVrararaHna af ' Iadrpaad- aad Umi "TToaaw Dadaratiaa" FBIDAT. af tha aaaaa aaasbt ap iba nteia, aa : tha Fraa aelpaHaa rnwla aHlaa - fcU - wtihMar aad fafrlhla attacaaca tVaai 7 tha Itpaaff a aotorad hrrtbar, aad aarriad ha vaa ward lta aaaaladiac lavatatloa I'taf Iba "aaaal JaraU JodgaMat W au ' klad aad lha graelaaa tevar af Alaiighty Gad," whleb wUl Utra whlla tha Eagllah taagaa aada atlataacaTahaKTatar aaaay tha af lha aadlaaaa, wkila tha aratloa, aalqaa aa patriotic rtala ap aad aat apoa tha torrid hnath af aaav At tha alaaa af tha aratloa, tba ara wailaaarta wara ra-amagad aa tablaa, aad Uwat aaatad with aaa iy gaaa aad rith rsaadid by a rg TTr-THMtr t "lafilaad a,r for the orator oTthe aad atwaibta atUaeaa af aar glartay, withtUkeea latulUoaof aaensl- aaaiBMMwaalth. .. Tha pilaa af good thlaga, thaagh wara, at tha alaaa af aa haar, aiaaitagly , amrcaly dlailalahad, aad a tha ataa af tba ftaat, a bug aaaaaat af aaileloaa . adiblaa wara lartatad ta tha ptatfcorta aaakata ftaaa waaaaa thay had aanrgad. Aa hoar af atart dallgbtfal aaaaana With frlaada JaUawad, whaa tha aWIV? " lag waa agala aailad a ardar, aad aaamaaa abaci apuahai llataaad toby -: tha aaMaabtaga, Tbaaa waa aad eau by tha traiaa thaa departed thraaga tba tha ataitoar Tbaaa ftW a r taara wara waa auaa ay tiaialard, wa know aat how leag, to aoatlaaa tha aat-1 ahratlaa. Wa aappaaiag to ha aaaaf lha trrt atoaa, atarlad la anaipaay with a lady frlaadla advaacaaf tba tart, aad halag Ska aaraatf toad af walk. itertitrrta aaarty aailla by tha aallglar aaadaalar aapaailid la tha aaralag. That walkT Aa wa ait taaaramaa,aar blkliwd tort aaaaaad la atlppaia, aad tklak af iba baralag aaa ararhaad, tha aaarckag taad kid aadaf toat, tba dlaay bight af tha Iraatla ' . wark wa ahaddarlagiy rtipaiil tba afagla halPrlaa hlaekaarry w harrladly aaalakad toaa tba tha rapidity with which thaawlliaiaa ' lag trrJadUragardiag ar AaaUaig- -ato had gMflaalailoM.tpad' ky al wttk aadlailalabad aalartty, aar raUaf whaa Wa aaard tha ball aaaad, aad aaw tba apaad af tha trala at toat akwkaa, tba aatoalabtag aaaa at which wa apad y toward It, tha laad toagh af aar wtoar . aaaipaaloaa aa wa wara draggad apaa -' -car, wbtoh aflatdad aa poaaiMlIty af a Mat, tba aadlgaiaad m wa plaagad agalart aar la whleb i darlag aar aatlaaay with tha aaadaalar, la .which wa, tor a waadar, aaraa aff ttota rlaaa, aad wara dip wltod at Otaaaiah w air whaa toaat aar aiatoiUfali IU aauaa la aaraaai aaaaaay aaaphaatty naiiliaa at baviag tba raartb af Jaly Wa aavaVt, to day, a vary asaltad aplalaa af paapto waa ara toad af walka aad advaatarw aadbtokaarrlaa,v. Twa i apaat ta tba caal aad abaa ararlacto af aar ah! aaa. waara tba Iragraaaa af raaaa aad vartaa Eahaaaadors, kiaiytaakln, tboaplcy abaraa af Araky jH la thraash Wla Itop to CaaaaMh, aar -WW (rkadly Tka of tba long ago baJ o ardlal wateoma, and wa frit (lttLll)t axcaptJoe af tba blMarad fart aforaaaldj A kladly frlaad toairjrVv ta tba depot la Ua for tba apodal tnU: and Uhla tlaa ecarlag a comfortable ml, wa aooa foaad aanalf at botna, awrrttj tiastod by tbaaa wbo. raturnad on tba irala that wa raa dowa at Roek Island aad daarrtad la dlagart at Caoamab tba rear guard oMba picnic rzraraion . Ia aa Baaing up, wa will aajr that tba piealc la tba wood aoar Parrot brjde la arary roupcct a, aaocaaiful aud oaa.-.AU, without eaeeptlon, to aatoy hamoilvca. The paakara ataod wa beautifully arna- wlth biwqarla af flwra, and with tba flaart floral wreatb af "rod, white and blaaH wa have aaaa tor aaaay a day. Tlay banDara floated Croat altboralda, aad aatraar aad patri otic worda aa hava aaaa gl raa ta tb Jaly aroacaa ltbaraar T5 aaeanded frora Jha platform. Though- tba time tor praparatiaa waa short, It waa, aa tba mnal pro Tad, U Jraprovad, aad to the growlan la tba auffrago ranks, oho bara graeM4 wblla a tow did' tba work, wa aay, aa eaergaile aad loral few ara abta, If aieiiary, to raW iba ataadard af aqaal lgbte aaf proadly gtva lta aaa aar to tha b raaaa. UX CILEBIATIOI AT. aZiTAIS. ' Tba patriot i etUiena of this coter prlalag railroad towa begaa tha prepa ratloaa tor a celabraUoa at aa aarlr pe riod. Drtenataed art to be aotdona. If eeaalad, aaywboro la "the State by eh q aaaaa, loglo, bbtory, fancy, or facta, tba coeaaslttee la charge of arrange aaaate wisely eelected lion. J, F. Capita aaaratoraf tba day. RasolTad to give tba aaiapraaaotad wonea of tba Bute, for lb t flrrt IIbm Ib JAm history of mrn'a ladrpeadcncc days, aa epportunlt jr'to be rapraasatsd la aoosa atbar capacity than cooks, Ifra. A. J. Punlaty waa chosen aa reader. Ia order that woman might ba farther represented, a liberty car, containing forty-eight future law-makers, tastefully arrayed la red, white knd Maa, wpresantiag tba different Btetes Jrt" TerriforlrtwhreIdw6mUi shall aaaaetlma he aoTerelrn, was drawn In froat af tha procaaslaa Jhat aamberad aaoaral tboaaaad souls.- To arown the Drenarationo for tba Intellectual nortloa af the feaat, tba Aurora brais band was la attendance, dlacoarslng, la lta na aaaaJad style, itf martial at rains of "Han OalamblaM and "The Banner of tUFrca.' ' Ka aaera newspaper report can do the aratloa of Mr. Csplea justice. We hope be will submit tba Ma for publication, (bat the reader af tha JStw Xokth ararr wbo failed to bear may have op partaalty to read and appreciate It. Tha grara la which tba celebration waa bold la admirably adapted ta. the shade of tba grand aid trees, tba aatrety carpet of dried lea Tea that suoceasfully shut out the stifling dart, tba aeata aad stands srauUJ be tha aanabla eo as It teal and tba aamptaoos dinner, wer alike well I aaUad ka tba enjoyment of a patriotic I asalUtede. Tba totallaataal exercise of tba day wara a tot, aad wa were busily engaged la disc easing the vised af a large fam ily af beloved relatives under tbe shade af a gigantie tree, whaa tba approach- lag trala admonished as to repair to tbe The atl fling beat waa Intensely appro! v by thla time; but oar entbue- ale man, bad proclaimed the glad tid ing to lha waiting mullituoe that womah aicrf as rau. Long live J. F. Caple I May Ibo vote ef. women yet end btai to Coagraa.r';XT- Tu.: t --. - - t - - CDITOKlAL 00E1ISP0IDEJCE. UrABBuaeasarrasllBW Naa-ntWItrf: . Agala we've fort ouraelf. Oat her, la tba aeqoeetered shade of claaaia Waablagtoa aoanty, w bit dowa to dish yoa ap your regular supply of Ed itorial Correspondence, dear reader, with ao recollect too of oar, lea v lag-oft I place, aad feeling too laty and Inert to aaa ap IB tna iaa weea-e paper , . ..: How. hot. It.JaJLA wcltwebbodOr. goaiaa H never - prcparea ror . cuca weather. ,llayba that la why. oar wlto are goo waol-gatberingr Certe, we haven't aa Idea. Bat let us pick up tb raveled atltchea af thought and proceed. wa toft hnma nn Tnaalsy, after a vary abort visit with dear one there, tor tba pwrpos of vlalUag at tbe haassetead la For! Orove, where a be bread slater wa sojourning for a time, wboea wa had hardly hoped to meet agala. Ia lha aweet aeclasloa of tb dear paternal home wa remained till Wednesday evening, abetf w repaired to tha towa of Cornelius to meet tbe denlsea thereof 'la tba lecture room. Wara mad welooma la tba hospitable CoL Pomelin and M charm- tng maalTyVMid Trpatrad at nightfall to tha arli etrl htHitv halt, wnera wa am a gealal, listening and evidently apprc ciatlva audience, to whom wa broke oar gospel af hamaa rlgbte concerning tba -Marriage Problem." , Took tb next morning's train for BiUshara, a way station not recognised aa tba chocks, bat very Important one, aevertbelees, wbere w wara met by Master Toaler ia a boggy. A pleasant rldeaf half a isile took aa to tba happy boaaaaf tbla actlv family of Womaa rteffraglsU, whew w spent the day la rest, readlrg aad recreation. ' Tb evening lrougbt out a fatf audi- af wU-behaved aad atteatlta pec a-ara -triJpK tha anbjart ahnaa fiw Ilia ncca being MHeodlam and tha Temperance Qaeetloo. macb good feeling waa aanlfsatd that wa cooaeated to speak agala aa Thuraday evening of thla aMak: anhlart. i'Bovw,E.ih U: ar. How wwaidryeaTIUlirTi-aayTW dayV wa ara bound for Columbia Academy, wbara. If tba haat doesn't aaalt aa, w expect to telk lo-nlgbt upon tha "Tempera ProMea.M A. J. D. ennsi -V w n Vwjs From a private letter from sjaltnv W4 learn that Mr. lork, of Ban Joae, wboa ability a a lecturer has been heretofore favorably apokea of In three column, baa born engaged for several ueeeealve evening la holding meeting la tb Opera House In live capital c!ty7"llls lecture evince a high order of talent and close, analytical thinking. They are evidently' prepared with mueli care, and are readily read from manuscript, from which h devlata occasionally, a circumstance may warrant. We are surprised to learn ttiat this gentleman feels aggrJcTel.at aur very friendly and certainly truthful uotlco of bim la tbe last week's "Kdltnrlal Correopoiideiice." Perbapa a little plaln istk right bera will, save our over-arniitlve Spiritual brethreu aud sisters tu Oregon, wtio are always Imsglbiug that we are (reading upon their cnru who a don't do any thing of. tl eort, from nurh ticedlesa snxleiylu lte future. ' - The KpirltualUU pf California are a dlaeordapt class of people, aa narrow a predeettiiarian and at sectarian a hard hell mptlits. ' Of course, there are grand and noble exception ' but ttg take tl.te Krw Northwest and pay for t-rMkeOregotitnof their type and they' have sense enough to know this bit I not leveled at them. But tha dis cordant ones are the ruling factloo, be eanse they are the more oumeroua. They (tb latter) never succeed In any thing but tearing ; down. Having grasped at the outer edge of a great truth, whloh they are too narrow-vla- toned to behold only a through a glass. darkly, they pre suspicious, envious, and jealoo pf all reformer who are In dependent enough to row their own boat and look through their own spectacles. They will , not sustain a .liberal newspa per, p k et h aj?f e WN o bt j i w F.x,b- cnae oobody who'can W lead by Uia ill publish such a paper, and those vhota minds arc upon a narrow,' Illiberal-plane, bare neither brains nor enterprise, sufflcleut to ucosed. Ba, these Imports from California, falling to keep allra. tha struggling suffrage and sensible newspapers in Han Francisco, anriujy, earrylny pfT H ihanrplu- money which they can get, and thereby ertppllng tbe financial Interests of the ou rocaf paper In tba Htste that will give unbiased - news concerning all thing temporal and spiritual of which It Is cognliant; they, la tb mean time, using every suspicious, sly endearor of which, they are capable to Injure (is per sonally, becaus. they fancytbat we stand In their way. The flrt of these nomadic pfrltuallts whom we en countered waa Carrie Jf. Young, fthe perambulated this, State and Washing ton Territory,' professing to be a Metbo- dist temperan -Jecturer,- wa, ' uion bile, 1. gratol tounly advertising - her very wber, and hKreqUittrtbfav6r0Pw,,':' - ,: . - . by breaking Into our. buslnea in every e way. In the hope to break It y-4njuring aa personally. Wa ere joung lo our newspaper venture then, aad not strong enough to fight, ao we considered it wise to pat tbe band us, knowing that to succeed we must be wis aa a serpent and barmleav-aaa dove.- - - Tbn came W. II. CBaney, a strange medley of eroditlon and inconsistency, with an angular brain, a ready pen, acute Imagination, and A black heart, to whom wa ex tcndedjhc same courtesies, becaus of hi professed love for freedom and human rights, and who undermined our'' business In verypoalble . way among tba peoJe with whom be asso ciated. In the hope," as the scjuat has proved In 8an Francisco, that be might build ap MlMuTotor ot hr-ewn--apou the ruins of tbe Si N Obth wkt. V Intuitively knew all about It from. tb beginning, but Ignored it a tbe best mean of lighting it down. . v -Belle Cbamberrala next " appeared upon tbe scenes, the noblest Roman of tbeot pit. Never have we heard that woman a wiuara a speaker, and she wa nttcri; trtgulng selflsbnew that characterised bar forerunners. Troe, nobody liked ber apparent Intimacy with ber agent; but Ilka Beecber, she escaped atl proof of criminal conduct, and Ilka him held ber way, despite tba evil suspicions of al most everybody. If the waa not chaste, be certainly waa. not aly and selfish. Tbea eame Addle U Batt i a pretty faced, whom ready-tongued little - lectarer, w foolishly thought wa might be able to patronise and encourage with out any fear of suspicion or Intrigues apon ber part. Bat tha Jealous, sly lit tle body did her puny prettiest to under mine us, putting on a sanctimonious air of Injured exaltation when our friend took ambrag at ber sly maneuvering and setting a few of ber gentlemen ad mirer Into heroics because tbeycousJd- orcd we were Jtalout (T) of the fulmlna- tltms witrt whk-'u1 she aa belngcromfaed by a certain badly amlttea editor. Tbe littl womaa went ber way at last, abualngOregoa In general and os In par ticuUr, ber exit followed by a volley of blank cartridges, leveled at our devoted bead, which burl nobody. Again It Is a plritualirt from Califor nia, and bl lima it la Brother York, of San Jose; a gentleman af fin preeeace, superior talent, and respectable eonoeo- tlooa, bringing credentials from on of LnufTOvvU!- I tha beat lrlen.U we ev,rknw-a Wytofatf banker of San Jose, wbo la a radical op ponent of Pplrrtaalism, but a thorough Womaa Suffragist, wbo commands the respect jod admiration of tb entire ithour heart glad be ofladvtv cause lecturer, for co-laborers In aur. field art badly Beetled. Through a preaumpUon apoa his rort, this gentlemaaadvertiaed a meeting In Oregoa City for two even- tbe minor beauties. I lbs same hall.' I ' macDinr . ioi towtf and teeming that Ma bills wer out, we, wishing to ba courteous, re mained away from our appointment to five blm a fair Held, ta flu J th next day that the rentleroanly sheriff had Informed the Uo'.arertlist we, not know- tngof hi iateuliou to visit Oregon City at that time, had prior claim upon" tb hall; so botblectureefailed. ilieerfutly giving np our luunded cnurae of leo tur to accommodate tbe geutlamaa from a distance, we.repalred to another field, leaving appolntrneutalq tlioband of frieods for the next weak, when, at Mr. Y. Informed u, ka would bo re moved to another town. 1'pon ret nrn- log to Oregoa .City to ateet our re-ea gagement, we received tbe gratifying in telligence that his .meetl ngs bid become aolnterostlng that Ibey were being pro tracted at the request of Urany citiscna. Of course, as In tha flrrt Instance, no body waa ta blstse for the -clash iagef appointment at least war aot,- for wa bad bean absent from tbe Held aad knew nothing about U. Bu Brother York conteitdeoT tbat we were trying to ekah aim eiT. Whereanoa a few of tbe aarwwrlrlw,ttHraat above alluded to, aaugbt up tb refrarn and placed the brother, as;weow be lieve by hi own connivance, before tbe "faithful" as ay kind of martyr to "our "Derei'utlona.n We knew the aforesaid faithful were engaged In thl work in Oregon City at the time, but trusted to tb sens of honor In the lecturer, Who knew tbe facta, to defeod us, area a wa bad defended blmr Bat, Ilk th other Caliiornlan above named whom wahad heralded, be failed to defend us, and complalntid, at tle- Book Island camp- meeting, t$ wbleb be bad not been In vited, but which he almost wholly, and i certainly-very well meaopoHaed, that "Mr. Dual way bad choked him off. In Oregon City two or three times." -J Now, It ia well knawn tbat wa believe, from thorough sclent! fio Investigation, la tb fact of tb modern Spiritual phi loeophy as taught by Jesus, and andeM itw,d P' IMaaaraH known tbat wa bava been a member of th church from childhood, and intend to aa remain until death. But these facte do. not entitle anybody to tbe as sumed right to run, monopolise, or con trol us; neither to tbey compel as to looger submit .to all aorta of undercur rent opposition without seeming to no- tic use met auen tuny aware or it, W "have bn iuuLbed, or tried to beypocal iuiiIiij mslaHns, , ,. by preacfiers,'Ieclurr, Woman Suflra- glata whom wo bava placed In office, and men and women of sinister motive and narrow winds In private rank, wbo leave us tbe fiaaocial burdens to bear unaided, while tbey expect u to blow their trumpeteunovaalngly to their liking. Just as long aa wa propoe to tend It. ' Our columns are open to every Insinuating, ongeneroue thing tbey wish to aay of uf but w will play no underhand game ouraelf, nor In tb fu ture wilt w allow them to play any poa -i.!L' help 1L' If tbey growU": MreUy73we wo-don't throttle tbla demon of die- eord which ba retarded liberal and aclcnUflc progrees In California, and cnok n down in its Infancy, It will aooq bcLiald of Oregon, ik tbe teat expiring wail of QnfUon .Vtfiue axelalmed ia Cal- fiet refbriuen ar trbeof ervioeloTru poetry, -by showiug bigoted and sectarian art,- too Intolerant of each other to make any allowance for difference of opinion In tba various fac tions, and pot numerous enough ia any faction to sustain an organ of tbelr own."- ' .: - - 'Tb editor of thls journal do not act up tbelr own opinion a Inlalllbla, I neither do tbey Indorse everything tbey printf but tbejr. bava always taken pe dal pain to dea fairly, encouragingly, and courteously to any . lecturer or preacher wbo visits Oregoa without tbe organised Indorsement of tba religious aud secular presaBut hereafter wa ball mtfte out sucb measure as I meas ured to ua without delay, and all peri patetic lecturer may expect It. W hop Mr. York will soon visit Portland and apply a common sens an tidote to tb Hammond excitement; bat Co need not coatelf oa tender-footed to endure the pubiicatlon of the truth as It Ulke Us when' we behold It. We bo le ve blm to be. a gentleman." gad wa know blm to be au. . able exponent of -wbat be conceive to b acleutiflc truth. Our column are open to both bim and Brother Hammond at any time. ' BBOTHES H1MM03DJ 1171 VAX. Our wblte-glosad brsthrea la tbe ministry are certainly learning a splen did lesson from tb example of Brother Hammond, r While the man I no preacher, lo the ordinary eenee of tb term, be never having uttered yet, la our bearlug, one logical argumentative fact which the analytical mind la search for cnur might feed upon od demonstrate, yet hi style of working Is so enibly human, as coulrastedi with th usual narrow-walled sectarianism of tha nineteenth century, tbat we bop Wlt-aty..aowg4iaU turner, keep the people stirred up. Oa tb venlng of tb Mh, when rocket and Are-crackers were tbe order of tbe day, be treated saint and, lonr allk to a pyrotechnic display of bis own la front of tb rink, hardly aecond to tha Dutch demonstration at Canyon Gardens. X wonder .the children llks.Mau HI religion, wbicb, barring It ostenta tion, is very much II k tbe religion of Jesus, makes them bubble over with el and formality ara dissipated ooder It, aud priest and people loee personal coo sclousueas of imaginary dlfferencea In moving to ind fro In the rink nightly, engaged la conversation upon all aorta will be bettor acquainted alth fte-owa people after Brother Hammond's labor ar over thaa It waa before be earn. V I - J sj ra ir wir-.i wwv r neat and tasteful form. Tba Institution has nvr been'ia a mora proeperooa condition than now, and amply doaarvaa tba attentive patronage It receive. " BEOTHEB HAU1!0JD 3 UtSE, rWf hav don ' what few - have aver performed, and wbat we fear fewer still wilt oon attempt. i nave, reaa through. Brother Hammond's "Sketches of Palestine." Tb book I for sale at tb evangelist' evening meetings. A good maay buy it, but we fear few read It .It la a 'poem.' We supnoa It should be called aa epic ' It ahall be no fault of -our If It do notbeneeforwatd raoelv more attention. Xsi ua remem ber, however, tbat many of the greatest effort of literary geplua hav often lain uecleeted.Xor year after their flrrt publication, and bavwVon their way to recognition and fare only through the alow Improvement af public taste. This book la aa account of tbe Journey ing of Earned PajtaaB aad hi Ida 1 ., . laa of ta aoiaabaaa, . : ; ' . through Earopa, Palestine and Kgypt It open In the moat approved style, Do bear raa ask, aar reader. aby U eras thaaa llnaa a-ere wrtUra f Thf war wrtltaa to five plasaura tba Meads ot ElwrLPsj9ii.r! , A captiow- critic might at the very outset suspect tbat tbe reVeraod author waa' fibbing a little, and that bl real object was to gat certain ducat by Jit aaie of a book. But w discard this Idea. I1 us now begin with tbo poem Itaelfr - v. ' "la tb aaoath thai b aa4ov4y, .--4 Vliis alt Nature's clot bod la venlure, om a hrirbl aad mnny Msy-dar Tnaa II sras a bapPT eoupla Htsil - e-Jr Hyataa's attar. . It wa Ibm thai lh7 both . . .' Tbal Ihejr would foraaka all othm. Aad ta love ellng to aarb otbrr , - Ia tba stone aad la tba aumbloe. la tba days of grief aad ssitsnn', As wall as la tba days of gladaeaa, .. .,- Tbos It Was they war aalted By tba ssaa of flod appotated ' 4 ' Ta perws tbs holy aakoa. Tbea ibay baataaed to laara.' - New tbla la floe. But we are sorry tbe author was not oa bis guard against tba "fatal facility" of this description of vera. When it come to tbe us of tbla verse, all artist ara ou a level Just sea how easy It Is: ; . Edward Fayes waa la love wil Ida of the fMuqnebanaa, -Bosom lass ut ansquehsifaa. utraiehtear aiehin E.taiilEmiu voantminauM msuinonr. - hla baart at fast of Ida, "Ay," said Ida; "marry. Is It f - Ask My pa aad sail tba praarbet." ' Tbns It wss thay war united. Piemlaed ba to pay ilry-cooda M1U .rvoasbwd she to trail hltatiutin; . Promlwd both to do thl, aloays. Throofb tba storm and thrOucb the nnahlna. - Than tbey ra bad oft to tha bt eataracc Our last lin I somewhat unmetrlcal; but so is lta model la Brother Ham mond' epic This, however, w main tain, la a pardonable fault, a email mat ter We have Horace for it that even good Homer nod sometime. We are truly glad that the canons of poetical criticism ara not able to trammer the efforts of true genlns. A great poet ia aa' broad and general as the air," and cau not be. cabined, cribbed or confined by all the rulea of all tba ZoUusefjJivtng or deed. Oor reverend author deflance of .irule wTTt, wctrnst,' that criticism la not a Procruate' bed to wnica all tna effort or the muse must ba stretched r pruned. I But we must proceed. There i poetry la our author, aad it only want, like BteraVa aterll og, "to get ut.J. After Edward Payaao and hla Ids had elaltad Vlsfara, looket-ai and traveled, back acroea Canada and New York to Connecticut, augmenting tba bile of tbe honeymoon, na doubt, by aundry plnte of peanut and bottles of soda water bought on tba ear, tbey has tened to take eblp for Europe. Tbe port at thla point aay: - - i, tt woatd Ut too loo to narrate Alt tha auay thla that bSppened ' ua Uwlr voyac across tba ereaa." ' ' Now.w regret deeply tbat we are not oattbi narrative. Tber were he- roe beforoAgamemnorr, but tbelr acblevamentanay perished forever from memory, beca&se there was oo port to embody them In Immortal vers. Hera, the "many thing" tbat happened on that trip acroat tb "Atlantic will be fort to mankind throurh tbe nealact of oor author to gtva tbenTto tb world. Wa are, however; Infinitely obliged to him for preserving a record for u of on trlking fact. W quote: , "As hr y joameyfeverrt ward. Tbiy eVwrviiT'thalr Watvbra mala llay by day suea twenty ailnBtaa.--,; With this fact was toaat imsuo K. aasbudled la Iheee Taraaa. . ' Hera follow tba vera' with the lea on, Tbey constitute an episode In tbe poem; all great poema abound la epi sode. Tbey are too long for us to quote. Wa must content oureelvea Wltb noting our aulbof s starlilug astrooomlcaj dis covery, aud pass on, only remarking here tbat If hla other observations dur ing tb trip, which -b did aot record, wara uC miuai laapartanc with title, t world haa sustained aa incalcnlabl ioaa. aud wa tear an Irremediable one. Th traveler passed through Eng land. .What tbey aaw tber 1 related la vera wbloh w may aafely aay ba been equaled by nobody but thl author blmeelf.. But It-1 In tb presenc of th Alp, and under tbelr Iniratioo, that Brother Hammond' poetry, aa Mark Tapley would obeerve, "aomea out atrong." .Tb aaa cam up, lifting tb 'Hhowla team where ha aaaa atotpta;' lvaa lakaa of malrblea oaaair. ' "They wee alas mark aatoalabaJ, ".. " Aa Ibay eased apoa tba antalae, Ooablae from Iba lopa af moanlaiiia. ' How did gaads af water sat Uterer" The pot,drlvea aa by tb torrent of hla auhjart, fbantflJtppJoawer tb conundrum propond la tb lin but quoted; ao wa ara again left la tbadark. But let ua aot harry oa wltbbIigjo ju tuma oi taai iter ingiy boauurul tpraaaloa. Bo great a poet ia comparatively free from tb xU geacla of meter, and we uppoe there for that th word, waa written M 'lvo" b-J to pro'jui-o "tln andstrikinj allitera tion. 'rvr-irlaleaUJirJi li'inld," n..l.l k1..M 11. iL'iit'r kllll ItoweVvf. I wait. I"""" "'J . . GLTL. and this ememlatlon anay b stigjeedf; for a sacoud edition. . '4 ; . To Venice, aud across the Adriatic Ofcy weat, l.MTo'Trtete,aa Aanriaa Citr, . r. Aaa laenasn itvi srrai Vivaaa, . -,WU WM li4 suns Tbex." "i ' " . '"tb alova msy to Uken as a snrci- 9fjLnf.jJlSL.whlcU puiOijiiSiJ.t is able lo handle tb evsuu of history i for 'highest purposos pf poeti. art. Further on, eometblug of tbe same anrt appeara. Tbe party aaa in Egypt and approaching the pyramids: . rutins on. they rea-lKHl tba aWr U almas boror atant-aMae luouailirnte Whk-h ouc slacf were auea trStmd, . . . Aad b AbrUni ohefe ta r.rp; ' : Ysa, by Jeremiah, area ' Alwbjr KasulMM Bonaparte," ' If unity be a beauty In poetry, we bava It here to highest perfection. It Is only "tha r11"" aadliia fanUty diiliieii4wl as Worusworth call IhU poetic- power, which hi able to yoke together historical characters so Incongruous, nd wake tbem-do xiuty In. harmony 'with the poet' higher pur poae. It I clear that our author, as Denlncey ay of a great writer, baa ability to pass on aerial bridge over tb blgbeat -summit '-of thought. No apavlned cob is his rega sns. Which one of tbe tuuae can U h tbat ha grauled blm ber favor ?TVe ar almost ready to believe the entire ein ar asalstlog bim, maugr tbat skeptical exclamation of Lord Byrou'a, lo tb effect tbat tba mnses 'did never yetonaAneytal song Inaplr.". ' ' At Kaliburg" lli party halted. W now learn tbla tremendous fact: J At tha same hotel was atutlryi I Aalhnr of tba 'Patch Kepvbll'."- : U would be glad to learn a little more. The poet I provokingly reticent about tbe historian. WbaLMotlty or dered for breakfast wouhl be something to tb purpose; also whether b. waa abaved with hot water or with 'cold. But let u be thankful for what we get, and try to be content with knowing tbat "E." and I." stopped "at the sara bo te! with Motley." ; They now aooh reached - Palestine. Among the flrrt of tbelr recorded expe- ti " Plesmnt It tot Inf-tit" 1 ! To ba pointed tath tonibatiiae ' ' Of M. Oearra, tb-CIrttlse martyr." ' ' - ' Doobtleee It Th provlnc of a gifted mlud to. extract pteaaur from every thing. To get, it from viewing tbe tomb stone of a martyr must, however, be a new sensation. Being now ready to set out for the interior, tb poet procee.br: " Kr thalr leader they had Michael. ' ' . Hitler known aa Mtehael Haoey." Now let Michael be happy. Hi nam I embalmed for preservation forever. Lucky Michael ! ' Beaching : the Vicinity of Nabirfh'a vineyard, they feand the place where Jezabelmetbef fat. tay the poet: Tbeaa parbap tba alnnea that rroabed ber. cstng4Vhenjih fell rris ttiatJtUb window, jJifwa npoa tba bard atou pavamaat, -And tha MnJnes which are barkiBf May ba- eoote of tha dewVndanU ; Of tba Aim whleb aM up Jesahat t" . .. Jtot yIvido t! Imagination thl poet may comparison unquestionably - challenge with any. Ilia Imperial fancy bring all thing under tribute. Clearly the Horatlan precept le hi i Son tali est pulchm pnemata esse cfuf era urtfo not enough tbat poema be beautiful; they must be aweet aim. - ' Our space Is exhausted ; with another must tear ourselves away from tbla. book.- Her 1 a thrill ing Incident, relating bow Ida frightened by tbe daring of ber Kdward "Croaslng o'er tha plain or nhrn, Edward a easetla spied flyla : .. Ltba-rder aeauea-ibatv paiaway. t Thaa wltb Mlebaal's T ba 'ltb hi Mtd bair-brvfl AralHxa; Like tba wind ha a0 iuiihjy ,T That hla Ida Waa aYIhted ' ' ' When aha aaw him la the dlatanca. -W ace, however, fortunately soon tot lieved from suspense. Uward didn't get the "dear gaielle," and returned luck lea from tbe chase. Among tbe richest f all hi descrip tion is that of. his ascent of th pyra mid. But we trust we have quoted enougn to give a taste of hi quality. Until now we never knew the full obli gatlonof the world to the writer wbo first made extensive use of this species of verse for narrative poetry. Shall we say It ahall w aay It wa a Longfellow jm,jg.t HnfflWlOWd, pnaalhU we have a poet who ba tha daring lo write on rjcrlpturat sutjectf as Doertlcks baa written of "Yonnga Merrika, the Mighty." It la an achievement.. It Is a feat"" Home no doubt will declare it empty, nonsense, but wbat aaith Dryden ? "Great wit to msdaeea sure at aaar alll And thia partition do tbelr feaand divide." Therefore, If tba reader 1 not able to find sent In thla production, let him oensu re bl Own want of perception. After going through thl pretentiou meander through a meadow of mar gin," be will at leert bava a better esti mate of Brother Hammond a a preacher than he ever bad before. If ha (ori el ude that ona who dig ditcbe Well. I oa the-, whole entitled to more honor than one who wIte wretched verse and preach podrerpiona, w cannot help It, lle suay vu be ao uncharita ble aa to think It no wonder that the niece of Don Quixote InaUted on bar- wruin boott of pw tba otber trash of tb poor gentleman' library, tearing, aa aba tamarked, that bar . uncle by reading them might take it Into bi head to tura poet, wbicb," b added, "ia, they. aay, ao Incurabi disea." . '.a Tbe IVsecber-Tilton Jury being totally unablejo agree after eight day' dulib- raj'.QJU fmr n Frld1 dlao barged by Judge Naliaon. I Is un derstood that tl Jary stood Dine far de fendant aad three for ..plaintiff. May tba memory of tb disgusting fare fad speedily away, aad th douafry. never agala be Inflicted wlliriU counterpart. EECLA2ATI0J Ot ISrE- , to th course of baeian events it.beime necessary for on sex r peoplo to arie to tha political Javel Uwhkh h!s King bee uoonnoiiica oy uothei, and to aum'atnong th pow-: era of tb earth th equal atetioa wltb tlii-lr 'fellow-creature to wbirb tba lawa of nf iro and ciLratura' GStl entitle taiipcet-' tboapinlooo of mankind requiree that tbey should declare the cauare which Impel 'hem lo tbe proposed acJon. ' f Wa bold theae truth to be aelf-evi-dent! That ail men and women are cre ated equal ; endowed by their Creatof wUb-oertate lemlignablp- rfgb't that among theae are life, liberty,' aud tba pursuit of bappina; tbt .toaceeretbea. flgbUgoverumentsare instituted among man Sand women, deriving their Just powers irom in conaeutof the gov,-. ernmeut become deatriH-ttv of thaaa. 8 T endalt is th right of the people to at-r" ter or 'abolish It; to- Institute luch change o gnveftinjeut, !ayllfou,'nda- tion-ou such principles, aad organize it power In such form a shall cem to thm moat likvly to effect their safety -and bappi nesstr- -- - - All iriencbaifiso6wu women, are more dlpw,t to auffcr, wTiile cvlla are uffera'ble; ban to right ' tUemK'lve'.by abolialiittg thforinji to whli'b tbey ar accustomed. But, when a long train of abuse and usurpation, pursulug invariably the same object, reduce tLeuTuuder bThkiIu to despotism. It Is tbeir right, and beoocuee their duly, to throw off aucb government, and to . provide hew guard for tbelr future se- . curlty. Huch ba been tbo ptlet suf ferance of tbo women of theae I'uited Stater, and aucb I oow tb neeeasity which ctmatrato tbem to demand an . f Iteration In the systeiu-of government which ImpoM law and penal tie upn' a 'sovereign people without according thent the right to personal represent tioor The history of men' absolute governing power In tbeaa United Htatea is a hlH'nry of repeated Injur! and -Uwnrpalious, resulting In the establish mentof aa aboteeapo(yhifr ovlha women of theae htatee, to whom I de nieu ail cnoic but ubtuiaaicil', . ' ' To prove this, let facts be aubmitted to a candid world; ' Our brother, man, ha refused to pnaa or to asaent to Uw the moat wboleaoma and fM-ceesary for tb public good, and has utterly neglected measure of vital Importance to lb people at large. He baa refused to pa law for -the personal fepresdutatioM of twenty million of -women a right Ineatlmabl to tliem, and formidabl to tyrant oalyMIa haa subjected us to a Jurisdiction foreign to the spirit of Freedom, aad deoounc by law of bl own making. T For Im puaing taxaa on us without our conaent; for depriving us, In ail Instance, f th right rtflal by a Jury of our peer ; for declaring Uiiuself In rested with power to leglalate for U la atl Case whaUo aver; for denying ua tha right to ad mlnister upon eatate ; fur robbing us of the" Control oflwo-tbirds of the property rightfully - belonging to. u It ow- widowhood. 11 ba mad us political, ' fluanclal aud personal nonentltie. I'ro-n feaaing the utmost regard for us, bo nevcrtbele classes us In th legal and political category with criminals, In sane persona, chlldrcit, ldiota and China-" men. 11 ba plTep ppr nlri t.w,ih. tea the same power to Impose taxea upon u without our'eoueeut that ho ha usurped for himself. He ba excited domestic insurrection among ua by de priving us tf" the control "of our. own earnings when married. He baa denied us the right to oOr taatlmooy before Uta court ia case wherein only our- eeivea ar the Interrsted partle. In every stag of th s oppressions we have petltiotied for redrcaa In tbe most bumble terms. Our repeated-petitions : bava been answered by repeated Injury. A laaa-of person w boa character ia 7 thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant la not fit to rule over - frc peopl. " V Nor have w been wanting ia attention toour voting bretliren. W have warned them from time to time of attempt, by their Irglslstnrvs, bofb Htate and Fed eral, to extend aa unwarrantable Jurl- diction over us. We bava arpealed to to tbelr native Justice and magnanlm itj, ami mm hnvt) conjured them blTie" tie of pur common kindred to disavow t these usurpation which Inevitably tend to work hardship apon us and no bene- ' flu upon oaraelvec They have been deaf to tba Voire of justic and coosan gululty. W protest against class leg- . lalatlau in all form and. capeclally do w protest acaluat tba perpetuation of ocbclaa legislation as tend directly to building up and sustaining an aria- tocracy of seXji' We, therefore repreoetitotlvM of: Hi politically uureprfweuted women ef tb United Htate of America, la general conference assembled, appealing to tb Huprem Judge of th world for tb rec- - titudc of our Intention, do. In th nam- and by tb authority of th good women . of thee Htatea, solemnly publish aud i declare tbat women are, and of rlghp- ought to L, ra k 75ois'prrKjfjpST; that wa are resolved to stand a political " peer of oor fellow-men henceforth; that all political distinctions between u and ' are, and oaght to be, wholly abolished; and that w are, and of right ought to be recogniaed, a a free and Indepeadr nt people; a co-laborer with" U.mlve; with cjual right with them to aid In levy lug war, coucludleg peac. con-' tractlng aliUocea," establlati conr mere, and engaging la all other acta In which Irtdcjy.rtdejrtjheopU any nf right,. And, for th support of tbla Ifeclara- tlon, with a firm relisnc apon IMvlu j Provldeoce, w mutually pledge te each , otber our live, our fortuaa, aad aur , acred bonor. ' - ' "?" " : July , 170. r i -r-. -J 'L : , ' - X ! - A-