The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, July 09, 1875, Image 1

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livw: to
eons.1- tlu, Rr4 ove.
o. arwwrtia to ArtVCorM.iB la
l3B,B. Mm. A. J. Dntn;.! (WmmM
IM UBrartaa af rtMifm M KVklHIM "H7-1
IMM la VK$ aae Sist sahlUil ty i, . Wf
Very (Mitr Iwoaly ao lb
1W Mlowtae Mary, Bavin always lld apoa
tana, tad Brine wholly iKwa4jWilpi jiu
Uaal aewla ef In uiviary Vuriu, Bar
irtirt lb leas W vaawtaf la i
warM-s asaaa af kruaav IMaf
Swill laaaclaaUoa, lssiat aaacaltaa.
Batara, HM auaasut. aa. wawW
a-wotr atao fet Itmnl tad
" Ba aar tiaa." Hit, Puiwar.easnptl
kar tiaSi Isoae la l Saras af a aoH. Bay,
' aa4 Imdrmd all IB lasBartaal larMrnU lamot
bb ImwM aaa facta, ma yrmta4 HMkni
" B ii i M 1 1 II ry.J' Mia aaa Un tseow: to
,.'i awSlla taa warft la Is a aoteaisa. partly
Bseaaas of a Ma to rarlar an eomef IB
' arlaiBal warkaf utBBnirBB4iltaUlaliBt,
aa4 Sartty saeawo as Vt srre a 4a as ajr
aasoartfcav, ska aa ftato BaSW.oMtcattoa la
,. j . , an . t .
Tola Ptaaatataf lu ail stewa
"a Ulm la ear KUU aa Wasatastoa Trrt
lory la taa sIb4s at lb thoouJe of swell
la IB fnt4 climate af Eatra staters aas
Till rTi4 iH 1 tap aal of Bar
voeia la rn s i r iral ly a I ra by
Taa Arraoa.
Mrs. Good win sod Ads MaaafJeld were
tslttlog together I tb front of tbe wid
ow's wagon owe ovael of, several day
after lb bariaL .A nbdnxl tad Inn-1
. rjwil light beamed from Mrs. Goodwin's
eyes. Kb was watching alternately th
clear, Book Mow of thsoenitb, sod tbs
' and golden clouds af th walni
- barfaow.': .-r; ';" ' . .
q doa'l kow wby It U," aba amr
inrtd. la a tnuleal Vole. "tbAt I fl
ao-calaa, aa aoatpletaty bappy", af lata.
i etooda appaar la aa Ilka aa away
aUpptar-atooaa la tba atarnal world. I
iaalabladaf paacarul Ulai that 1 atarr
ftlt bafora. Caa ba tbai ctoralty Is
Bar mmt -Xaat albt In aiy draaiaa,
ay kaabaad caaaa-ta aad ob ! tba
Joy that bla . eomlpc I aaplrcd la ay
tt It waa ladaacrtbabla. lllaaraa
afrdajr," aad T
almost fancy thai I aa aaa bla mlllns
-ftaaa aawdar aload.M XV .r
"Ara yea 111 ? Oh, atry f Mra,
Goodwin, what i tba mattarT aald
Ada. A aoddaa paHer had ovcfapraad
ta wMow'a faea, aad a at I Aad groan tw
. eapad har, : r3b traaabM a aaoaaoat and
aank baek la eon
tba hod la bar wagoa;
Tbroagboat tbo aifht tba aiany
Maada of tba totovad woman stood
aroand and ministered 16 barsaflsrlngs.
g aamplately bad shs woo their regard
- that tbere was not kpersoa la tba com
: psay wba acould not haea risked life
llsslf for her sake. " ; -.: ' ' .....
kloralng dawned, and aUll she saffered
terTiklywvery thing that toes could
prompt was dona for htr; hat tba dis
ease had been doing Its hidden work of
oastraettosi far aaysv Her eooetitnUoo
gaea way aoder tbe terrible straggle,
aad Ufa waned rapidly..'
j Tbs orgs-naef spsscb had bee locked
for botirs. Tbe aatoratly tbia face grew
11 rid, the pals hi aa eyes were tsreed
baa rtn wards, and a' partly transparent
Aim sneered the sightless pupils, falar
at last left her body, and the weak nam
that precedes a death, by sbolera took
. poassaaiaa of her: ethaasted ' frame, j
Tbea her boogie was loosed, and la a
jyhJ'JtteaitWls- flarn Inlnlkah
- af hersorrowtogcbildrea, sbs spoks of
Hops, of Heaven, af KesC ;
. 'MarC, mar, said Willie, oeadlog
over bla mother's bead, as Ada held hlasl
ap, Moat you iovs Willie, ma T'
Tba dying woman motioned for s k las.
Tbs littis fellow kissed her lovingly,
and turoisg round ta Ada with a satis
, fled air, ba exclaimed, "Mother fores
jse, and I loss her." "
-Bit ki littU life" whispered the.
dyliig mother, whs spoks no mora. A
-srleam af bfw orntrtad.Lef fars anJ
lit ap bar glassy eyes. 8bs sxteaded
her hands to Hsrbert aad Effle. A gen
tle, prolonged pressure of tba cold, skel
eton fingers apoa tbe full, warm palms
of ber children, a radiant smile, aa lo
aedible' attempt to whisper, and the
mother left her dependent ones ta the
cars of Jllat ba bath said. "When thy
father aad tby mother forsake thee, Oua
the Lord will Uke the Bp, . 1
Hr IrMsies bead waa al rast.
Its BeBlo mmA tfch.Stg
flat SSUH. ISamMt 11 I --
- wraa SaavaS By alwtloa ae s - -' '
. Hsrts.'t wsat absaa to where the open
grave) stood ready to rscelva Its dead,
aad ! th waalag twilight ha traced
bla ehaateaed thoughts spaa the leaves
sf bis privats Journal:
I I "JsasJOt. Ws llttls thsught wbea
the htat Hsbbatb's pleasaat saw shed
apoa aa bla asaganis rays, that wbea
moaraing tba sick aeaa "aad
ajaathaf a beloved mother! Bat It la
vsa as. 8 be was attacked last evealagl
by tba psaUWoca that shadows ear foGr-J
neylorvThls aftemooa, between four
- aod flrs a'clock. her wearied rplril took 1
SatBor ai
Ulliaeale oa straw-
10 m, fnas
nan nr tba
iu fllfbt, aad wa reattiad that wo wora
bereft tndaad. .Hew Ilka a poiaoaod
dagger J a any breaet bursa tba raoxm-
oranea ar aa, gnnaataata i , un I n a u
t aaafalaaaa. a lift of aprlght daallag
heaWaUodaad aaaavaaald asptaU tba
lolliaa of aiy yaath, aaaW alaaa Ibraao
thaaghtlaaa art lowmrd that ' teatpf
motbara, bow gladly waakl I aake
titatioa for tba paat
"MMar aaa Brock ar lu
Bat la IMTM
la ran i
at ah t haw a4 aa I;
aaro waa Joy. arBlj Brtflit.
Ja sow a CBMB, ffe
i rota :
apea lb lolUwlng day, he
"What .do,pBtlil rslrd rnp -
g-ground tbU momlog! Mu and
Ing-groaod this morning ! Mejr and
ever na aeatea tan, as ii laanaj oi
Weaktnr tbtfetlt ths hallowed
placa. Wa ibis moraljsrpakl the last
tribute af aspect ta tba remains of my
Mead, lamented mother. Tba place af
her latefmsnt Is a romantic oua, that
aia approprlsts watiag-pUes for f.
the remains of a loesr of rural scenery.
Taa grars aesrlooks a basin af several
acres la silent, dotted over with, groves
of dwarfed ploy aad ssda-r trees . lathe
iter of tbla bar I a Is a spring of ley
coldness, clear , as 'cry sisJ. X a merows
wild roas-busbsa, that load tba, air with
delMotie perfumes, add beauty ta the
And oa ap smlaenos, wbera all
1 U,r, eaa tcJ ar"sloglslaico7
I .. , . . T '
BiataW- -
aa4 llctil.
... il
1 I
rthlr fT tfotyped JP bsr aclerxrdioiaU.ya,Male
miJ'Wrr-aoe lfiefr fieramUo.-aai each syllable husky and eyas humid. Macs tbs first
repose tbe last
There ara harried movsments and tar
swicas again hi the Uray
camp. What Is tba matter .why are
tboae aaxioas persons crowding around
a covered oarriage that has this moment
halted Xowwecaasee. bo yoar
fc . . rr.K
mosCys iltfatad adrsatorers, for Death,
ea tbs pats bores, is abroad,, and his
glaaee is terrible ! The peetlleoce that
walketh la dark ocas and wasteth at
aooa-day bath entered yoar rsaka, aad
tbers srs few families In which there
shall oat be aoe dead f
"Ills asys are aumbered,' said Man-
rice,- ia a solemn roiee. My dear Mra.
Wsldsa, your husband Is paat reeorsry.
Xarvs yeurarlf to bear this ssrers trial
forlbTsaaaof yoar little ones," -
"()h. If I could look' back with pieaa-
sre upon tba years af oar married life I
Ob, ran I not hag bis, pardon, for . the
troabls I bars girsa him f :-- :-
"OJohn!" ;.
"Light of
my existence, must you
Tba sufferer raised his flngsr toward
HearcD. . Filmy clouds of fleecy wblts-
sat In gold DloXgtfrTnr'ri'
loatlag, gorgsons heaps upon tbs nppar
air. Use little cerulean spot, directly
aver tbe bead of ths dying msa, was an-
bars red by cloud. - ---
Look, Meggis! It's pleasant to die
at aach a tints as this. I too I weep for
me.- Where's papa's Lory .
Hs patted the- dimpled cheeks and
smoothed tbe glossy curls of bis darling.
A shade ofdarkDess xrosasd bis face.
but was lnstsntly dispelled. . f
"I trust! - - :-
'Wben thy father and thy mother
forsake tbea, thou the Xord will take
tbes ep," said Herbert
Tb.nk God "! exclaimed tbe sufferer,
tervenny. . . .
"O, Jobn, can yoa forgive the many
errors of tbs past ? 1W tell ms that you
Iovs ms r' Implored his weeping wife.
'"Meggls," bis words ware uttered lo
broken sentences 'I da forgive yoa;
can yoa?" .
"Yes, dear; but I can't forget bow e
Tvs beea with yon," - ' ;
' ' Look aheaXMeggU.'' . , - .
A savers and profooged struggle be
ts eea life and death, a pointing of tbe
shriveled finger toward the clear spot in
tbe sky, a stifled araan, and all was stllL
,-taoAr kad rtatl Ike Mgtttrji,
n, tell ms, to tbis death T cried Mrs.
Wsktea, as, yielding for a Urns to the
paasionats Impulses of her nature, she
refused to be comforted. ' Ada prevailed
apoa ber to' go with her awsy from tbs
bttstls and eon fusion of tba campiag-
groondTbwy- pweeded " through nhsfwavea-WJkjrTitrtVc 7b "part Ibem.
lDgtu tfiaU of prlettr Mart oJ tborn
grease wood, to a distant cloater of rose
bushes, that gave out delicious odors
apoa tbe desert air. Tbs bereaved
woman sat down npoa ths ground and '
looked heavenward. Fleecy, gorgeoos
eloada were crowding apoa aad ever
wrapping each other, kad while she
gessd, ana light veil of stars tint closed
ap tba aery bright blue opening Jbat
had aeaa visible la the seal th for a a
aour. " LrZ-r-:- ''''" .'"
"What a vlsioa r aald Ada.
a thems for cootem plat lea caa bs draws
from the obaei vaoce of this simple elr-
1 Pimple, bs eases as often
; bat Importaot'aow, ia leading
th chastened I magi nation to Mtosfuf
thaorls. ' ' ' .
A mtaJew Wrk ssUled apoa a roae-
bosh near them.
A flood af socg. par.
dsllcloua, awchaatlag, waa poured frees
-hkfffTVVami sresat Is to ta
bsarta of lbs moarnerand laesomfarter.
Both listesed la sitoo,' aawilllsg to
break th pleasing carol af th lasplrsd
soagatsr. - Th dslcet vssperS aross apoa
th evening air for a few mosses ta, aad
tbsa ths warbler, as If
' wsll rirvtl with
Ma atlaeapt and eoaaeaa aa aonifortaT,
0H4ad away. They watatiad aia reaad
lag flight la sileeuwt vatil hie Uny Jorai
dlaappeared la taa dlaUaea. Mr. W
aVa taofcad at Ada with beaming, tear
loaa ayaw Ada gnatpad tba aaaraer'a
band, awl felt ae daeyly awed by tba
tUlne. thai maailed larW drat aha
eaald not UoaV haiwrlf ta apeak. Icb
read the Uter'a ihoagbu, kod faarad ta
break the hallo wad aUllaeaa, last lbs la-
yinlon wotil.t hs hiirWXi leagli sway TrooiT
If ra. VUt'iinb '
retarn af tboaa whs are happy la the
realms of biles; hat oh ! bow the physi
cal nature sjlage to laaal mate lay 1
Maat the farm of my dear haaband ha
laid baaaath taa fed?, Mr Father
God of my Uasband -OoJ of my mother
! ,IB, , f
... .5. -
Ada pointed to tt':f"lrttl eerasaf
i ,k iMri.,!),
chapter of tbe Kevela-
tlon. Tba
M,A pa J
read :
heard a vases froaa Heavsa
saying an to me, Write, blsaaeit are tba
dead which die In tbe Lord. . Yea,
saltb tbs Spirit, that Ibey may rest from
their labors sad theirworUXUow
them.' And I looked aad beheld a white
cload; and apoa the claud oaa sat, like
oats the Hoa af Man, bavins on hi
bead a golden crow a aad la his hand a
sharp sickle. ' Aad saathsr angel earns
hot of tbe temple, crying with a loud
Volee, Tbrast la thy siskls and reap; for.
tbs harvest of tbs earth la ripe.' "
Another listener, woo beer ed by Ada
jar Mra. WeMea, bad trsasBrsxrpaoliitl4ree to comfort bar frieads.
of Divine I aspiration. Effle, who, since
her mother's destb. haj been silent and
tbougbtful, aad had lost all ba childish
gles of her artless diepoaltion, bad baan
reclining for an hour not far from tbs
lh . . . k A- . ...I vr tr.i.t.
'Z"T , , - "TTr
-be sheds af a large aace-boah.
Not wishing to disturb tbent, sbs had
said nothing until Mrs. Welden bad
stopped reading. 8bs tbea rushed for
ward, threw herself Into her arms and
sobbed aa If her heart were breaking.
Ada spoke words of comfort to both, Ht
tls dreaming that bitter trials wars ia
tors for Iim-"- .---
Mr. and Mrs. MadaOeM re U red to tbe
shades of thickly-growing sage-brash to
coasitler aa Important matter out of than r' bs said, at" length
Vbvo o"eocja. .
"I Ulleve-T -said MansOsld. "thsft
Mauris aad Ada have bsoums attach ad
lo each otbtr. . I moat acknowledge that
I bavs great miasm for Maorlcs. He to
wsll . Informed : aad . rsepsetably reoo
nected, hat be Is poor. . Ada aagfat to
k no w 4 hat we caaaot
urtioa. IJaar to mentioa it W herrfor
oppositloa Is the sttmaisnt af affsctloa
Had ws not battsr leave Captaia (1 ray's
Company and travBlalons 7rbs weald
jtntr. " tlom Hsurfcas sutlisls,
and aeltber would know that ws had a
spt-clal motive In ssparatlng them. We
Caa toll lbs CapUia what to true that
ws caa travel aster alone, and ha will
not suspect another motive.1! would
not willingly do violence to Ada's feeV
Icgs; but tbs educalloaandaosomplisav
msnts ws bsvs lavished .upon her will
be labor loot. If aba atarriee a poor jnaa.
Lovs woo'l feed aad cloths hrvnir;
"Would it be right for aa to Intrigoe
against them, Henry ? Ada la
bis, and If we will talk to ber candidly
about tbs matter, she will do ss we rs-t
quest. Be careful, or yoa wil trsat ber
aa Injudiciously as Weldea used te.treat
bis wife." !
"But tvery-dsy life and Idsai aiiachAi
meats ara different I prefer leaving
tba train and getting her out of Mau
rice's company. If aba doesa't sss him
again, she'll soon forget bias.
Mrs. Mansfield dii Hot appose her
husband further. Hs seldom differed
1,1. i.i.-iri..yx...
she wooKI givs ap ths disputed point
. a a m as'
with but feeble resistance or argument
Neither af them knew of tbe depth of
tbe "great deep of their daughter's
heart They had 'beeamarrled when
young; bad had no oppositloa In tbs
eurrenrof their aflVctloo,an4 ieW
toeZ oN ea irvro, to7
notblegaf the tenacity frith which the
growing tendrils of loving hearts will )
cling to sod Intertwine with each
other, oo loattorso
and policy. If their daagbtcrcoald
rhooos a maa of wealth, aod worth, aU
woe id be well; hat poa bo other condi
tio could Ibey cooBteasnc atatrlmo
sial allianc. '
Mr. .Wsldsa bad beea a widow thre
days, and had hesa com palled to be her
ewa driver. Ada had drives for her
part af th time, and th two were much
together. Maoafletd'i teems were ready;
but soms of daddy Greea'S cattle could
aot bs easily oaoghl.
"I am sorry to leave you. Captain,'
said Mr. Maoanosi, hsaiUUngly, but I
t going la amalle ompaalea. As my
teams ar ready to go a bead this moro
Ing, If yea bar no otycctlo, I will
travel aioos." '
TJjrtrU-ljt9"'l . totkit aobaly's i
jrTl-maskasl ya totoaeel wlthf
ass, ae bow, said Captaia Gray, whs
was secreUy 4smppoiatod; hot the K se
tae ky blood was hot la his vsi as, aad a
b exyrtssed ta his wife hs waa TtadsM
pssdent as a bog sa lea.'
Caat I be la Ada's codspaoy any
"Oh, yea; you'll aaa eaab other every
few days,' said Maasfisld, who, aever
thalaas, had sscraUy aVtermlaed to get
ahead and ksep ahead, Ta my that be
felt awkward, smbarrsssed, and guilty,
woe Id ha sayiag aa mora tba a the truth.
Dscsptlsa was wot wf bla line of busi
ness. Bud i( was no aaay matter for him
t practice It snecsaa fully. Actloa aad
coasol sties' alike betray ad bias, aad all
saw la a twinkling tbe tras cause of his
"18, we lafloeoeed Mrs. Weiden to
Bsdertaks this . fouraey," said - Ad's.
'Her haaband has haea take from her
Will It ha right far as to keva her now,
wbsn ebe bas bad such severe alTlte-
tlaafM-rf- -j.-.......-...- - i
-It Mauries ia tbs maa ws think he
Is, Ac will take cars af her," was her
Luther's reply. ' t
wBut I thought to help her drive her
You know that tbers Is no one
left' lo drivs her mules, -buppoa she
getsaick, what will become of herT'
Mll does look too bad, Henry," Inter
posed bis w4fs. -
Ody stakes ars'set P' the father an
swseed. -sternly. "Come! get ia tits
carriage; w must go on."
Aaa took effect iooats leave of her
friends, la wboss bereavement she bad
proved ao great' a comforter:" Tears
were la. her eyes wbea sbs kissed Kffle
with a murmured "Uood-bya. Mrs.
Wsldsa wept. Ada's awa heart was
beating a load tattoo af mingled strag-
. . .....
sorgsUalof,lier9,wn mitcry,
evening af their Jonrueytng west of tbs
f otirl Itlvr, they had txw aposan nf
tbsir freliug toward each other, but
each- had read -tba other's heart and
built up cherished faoeiew of lbs misty
tiKtire. He touked al bef with a aaarcb-
ing glaacs,. as tboairh'be loo gad for
wards af bars to streogtbsa bis hops.
Sbs read dsep tsnderness aad undying
aflectloa la his tkrilllag look sad gsvs
him bar band. -. Ha did net speak, bat
pressed It to bis heart. . ribs-yielded Jo
silence to ha mats caress aad cast a
msaeiag look of bitter triumph toward
her father, who appeared oblivious to
everything but bia mules.
I'll bars-to leave mm behind, will
Her father had
sever spoken so sternly to her before.
" "Read tbs aittsentb and seventeenth
vera as af tba first chapter of Itutb,"
said Ada, as shs left tbs side of bef bs
trabed.- AJBSnerd"tbey w
ward,, hut ia heart and soul. Both felt
ths hallowed fores of this affinity, and
t was as sTndlog apoa tl eooselencs of
sash as If the vow had been sealed by a
legal ceremony. : ;
Mansflsld felt ill at ease. His wife
jaew that she-had CTmmUtgtfirWTOPrt
against her aaagbter, tlUngh tli d.pth
af tbs suffering sbs bad helped' lb Inflict I
she could not discern. ' -
U Ada wasvpale hut cheerful, and strovs
m k. . . . . . 1 . M IT .
.S,Z1' V, , rZ
and tbe orphan children the same as be -
fore. Shs did not longer" talk, walk, or
read, as had been her habit, but would
sit In tbs carriage for hours, gazing upon
fths changing sceucry as tbs vehicle
rolled along, and often would not spesk
until shs had been repeatedly addressed.
He t parenU noticed her altered mien
with- vexation and sorrow. ; Her last
words to MaurlcS had set them to think
ing aod planoiog-Arliberalely-about
what coarse, to pursue. Ada saw that
they resxTter Inward sighlngtf snd did
nottrytarwork opon their feelings la
any way. 8 be trusted la her lover and
felt certain that all would corns right In
dus Has: fchs would gladly havs shared
ber saw and holy emotions of spirit
with ber parenU; bat shs saw that this
waa fmnoaaibk. Am thn aha UenJt I
f " aa gsi W "I r
ttu ns 1 kind to her
l - -
draught of bitterness would bsvs been
mors Saalty quafTedi but shs' saw that
they blamed her for tb oourss shs bad
taken, although she felt conscious of
bavin Hon aa wmn-' aiwt hll aha
- fcjoli jB ber aw-awakened mnsa-
, a kad of sorrow tagged hourly at
t... hrt. k--. r h.e bb.
f- '
iiiri - IPiA''iufiAi.
Innuendoes. lis enjoyed Herbert s
ffdcoee, and wbea camping time ar
rived, th first evening after tbe sspara
Hon, they went together to a grassy
000k to herd ths cauls.
"Havs yoa read th sixteenth and
seven tesutb verses af th first chapter of
Rnth r Hsrbert asked. r .
"I havs had no opportanity to 00 so
yet; bat I recollect tbsir Import
Herbert took a small Bibl fro
pocket aod tamed to th place. ;
F.n treat Jke not to leave the, nor
to turn' front following after the.
Where the) goest will I go, and where
Ibo lodgost will I ledge. Thy people
shall bs my people, aad thy (od my
Ood. " "'
- Tbe Lord do so to m and mors alsoj
If ssgbt bat death part the aad ms."
' ,
- Mf f had kTHJwis wbajtsslonM fouod
la tbs passage of Pcripturs to which sbs
ailoded this morning, I think I would
havs beea asm polled ta ejaculate bravr
JfrtMtosfis1ri a pretty smart msa; but
a boy whs may never be half. as .old bs
to, caa toll him that It's a as to try to
compel that girt tod wrong.
r.Tffrrrr.wr ir .miw"""m'ia uul" rteoos
Ds ybu think sbs
roag Id give me apf". s
k "Moat certainly I do. . Do you suppose
sbVll think It's right ta sever holy
boods.vafUr they've bees woven la
Hsaven V . ; i -r
"WftyU Ir rbert4bslis vs-you La aw
a man's bead apoa yoar shoulders. I'd
rather go to you for counsel than ta nay
of the so-called vim ssen. who would
eroali into 1iiJthe bJljssxiUiigS-of
oaJr lunar 11 vssv- it looks -hastily y nasi
bis tbst you could speak' as yoa do,
wtthout having bad sipsrisnco la mst
ters of the heart. I cos Id not have
talked so a year ago,!L-
"My- mother trained
aright, sir.
If I live to be a man, her precepts aad
example shall guide ma ta all I under
take." -" ; ' , .' .
Observe that resolution, . Hsrbert,
sud you will be a maa among msa."
Mr. MnflelJ badcoBjarlarsl JigUlly
about tits cbsuces for expsdilloustrav -
cling beiog oa th side of small aompa -
ales. The large trains corns lo a bad
portiou of ths road, aad when one wagon
get through 1 1 bas to bait unUl tbe
whole number, a do sen or mora, ars
safely ever. The lone wagon caa mors
on after crossing all such places; 'and
tbs advantage gained by this aloes la a
few weeks travel le remarkabls. ,Tbes,
ws bsvs known a wbols com pa ay to be
delayed for hours In tbs mornlug by ths
.disappearaaoe of somebody 'sox or horse.
Ada writes under dais af Jans 2&th:
- 4 ... . i . .
7, ajaia a very granaisw to say
of a range of blufls oa the south side of
ths liie-T. Tbey'bSvslBs appeaxaoes af
dome-sliaped awsllings, eburehes, and
every variety of public buildisgs,
log as If surrounded by so lmraetrabi4
fortress. As ws travel on tba illusion ia
partly dispelled, but ths bluffs still wear
lbs asms a pi ranee, although not alto
gether so picturesque and com pi els.
"It Is rumored that gold mines af
value have been fouad oa the south side
of the ftatts, oa a etresm cailsd Deer
Creek, and that more than thres h u ad-
red men have stopped and srs digging
far tbs precious ore- '
A tragedy was related st our camp
this morning, which made Jay blond
rua cold. Homs men ws did not learn
their names Informed us that Ibey had
found tbs body of a maa about a hund
red mfles back, who had-toesa ruunlered
by tbe roadaiito Thsrarwersnwo pistol
shots aad aerveral cuts jipsa his body
inflicted with a bowts-knUa. Tbs atesr.
my that they had ns spade with aichfpnawO'DoBaldeoB, ae mysaaff
Body upoa ms grouou ana tnrew esrui
aad aaad over him with their bands.
No CtOC hAt beS touud ss to bialtka-
tUysr the perpetrators of the deed,
tboogh many strongly suapecTtbs maa
who. told us tba story to ba tbs guilty
paxtipf , J ...jug, il 1.-J-J.-T-
"Ws encsuiiajd near a UlbUUry of
tbs Platte, la a lovely cluster of bitter
ooUouwoods. ; ; ,'"
"Juos 27th. Ws tra voted along the
river it ail 1 near noon, when tbe road
turned abruptly to the rTgi and w left'
f.. i . I
aasw a sssasjasj swiwvvi a - a wwrsj sw masv a ws aaoj
much better thaa wbea ws first became
acquainted with the stream, tba bed
had narrowed, tba current was more
rapid, aod tbs general appearance of tba
country had Improved so much, that we
felt a little sorry to leave the PhUta,
notwithstanding lite somjitslsU often
oiads sgslnst It , . . ,. '-Tl 77
"It to vertfoh'sly travsliaf wlthoat
my former sasoclates, but my parento
have willed' it, and; I mast submit
They'll feel tbsir srrorsomsdsy. 'Msa
prop osss, bukOod dUpoaas.
Ws ar camped opposfts the Red
Buttes. " Tbey.ars sboutOhres buodrad
feet high, aod the color of welt-born!
brick. They are lovely, almost grand
ia appearance, but lbs moequltoes srs
-FH--V "v
- - - - -
toobserv th beauties of nature.
"W beard thia eveolog that two
men were drowned to-day, wbea try lag
to swim tb PIsU where w last saw It
Ths surrent Is ao rapid, aod the water
so dsep and cold, tbst I wonder thataay
one will bs fool-hardy' saoogh to rss
aoeh a riak. Three other ssea who eh
Isesd tbe stream at ths asm tints
landed safely Upon this side. .'They
brought with them some spec!) f
asicaf -smkI from th cooelastotia they
coa Id form-, they believe that gold coald
be found la abandons ateewr Deer
Creek, If tb mines took) b properly
worked. -
"June iVh.i-We have Joaroeysd ever
an In terra pted ssg plsia s'l dsyA la
tbs morning It was sags, at noon aage
brwsh, and this evening It Is sage-brush
tress, or brush aheoi tsa feet high, hav
ing every aopearaac of did, gnarled,
knotty tree. . ""
"Alkali aboand to a great satoat,
aad It reqalrs grwatNigiUoce to ksep
th ealU frsm driaklsg standing or
slowly rwrratag water. - Ws aaw beds of
mtoratasojr right la assay ptaees.
Th marshes where a Iks aboand emit
a very dimgisostls odor, bt ws can
pass over soeh places In oa or tw
mltea,ae ar aot troubled ' again
with tb odor till we com' to th west
stick laarabee to-day. -Wee favored
with tight shower this after pw, and
ths svsnlng Is plsassst
"Jon JOth. W strack Hveet Water
River o-dsy, and ojoye4 a spleodid
vie-r of Iudepeodeoos Roek.' Fsaay
Waters, a yoong Udy from a aslgbbor
log trala, triad with m to climb ths
Rack, bat wa had not susailsd
thaa thirty feet baforc a hail storm
drave as back.. Waaw I, reached the
river, tbe earrlags . was aSroat, ad
(ritoaaJdaoi was yast drisiag bis eaUis
to the watasVadgs. i rode asroas la
Itbswsgua. ia sald na-rnteodas) M 1st
ate wade It, to taach ma ta keep ap with
the carriage. He Dover was cross lo ma
autil lately. What aaa st mesa t- Doss
aver, which I have as asatrai. ay an kind
wards aad. bittar faalt-iadiags T I al
most label against this ares Iron band
that has aver beaad me, Vat I will , try
to endiuc it laagar,-lf puss i hie.
"Wi e DCs at pad wear tba Devil's Oats,
aaepenlng ta the svarlaatiag meweitaias
of rook, through .which, tba Hwsst
Water passss. Ma and I paid this Uats
visit la company will many others,
who bsvs aocampsd bars far taa sight,
1 In hoar. highland musia,rssfbarsiag
i through these masslvs rltfla. A bag-
i pipe aad bogle were the litftrnmenU 1
used, ana i tuougtit loat u was so waa
der Will lata Wallace could Ara his maa,
with love for, freedom,, when be eani
such music as this throogb tba boldr
browsd mountains aiid wild raviaes of
tbsir rontaoUe, ragged boms. How J
wish Maurice could ba hers with his
flute. But I dare not breaths such a
wish to myrpareoU1 who, of jtil others,
ought ta receive, tbs full cessations of
my longing heart Is it any wonder
that voaas? folks ara . deceitful, when
it . - . '
I ( k.H mmut nili .ill mtimnt
WW cvauwin . .. ..
"Jiias Wto. Wa traveled all day ap
tba bwect Water, betweea two tower
log ranges of mountain roeka. Ws ao-
ticsd " givw tontoyr beartng thata-
aciiptioa: : 'Heery 'ortoa, murdered
Juae SBth. . Tba murderer Jiss la tbs
asxt grass.' Another bears the Inscrip
tion: 'Wilson Wiotors, hung Juns9ta,
1 .' Ooly yastorday this tragedy was
consummated What a wantlag talks
living! -r -; ; -.7 ;
ijusrreU, strifs, disss sslnns, blss
pbemlss, evil-speaking and tyrsssy,
seem to have hesa turasd looss upoa
thoas that taa poatilsoes bas Isft -
"Tbo scenery, graad eaoogh to sa
sbaatsaybosy bat a soul triad amis-rant,
sis Vales a ana. ! r ery persoo is
tired and feUgwsd beyond limit of hoi
man eoJuraaes, aisd the least spark by
aitea oar sombaetibieYampiiis, ao that
wags off In a paroxysm af fury. - It Is
bard lo toll who baa tbe least patience
hoard a asaa say to-day that the Pixies
were a testlug-piaea for (oiks' tempers,
lis said that hs could find out fast what
kind of a maa bto neighbor waarby tok
ing a trip lika thla I told him that hie
theary was wrong, bscauss persons are
rorsc apoa thsse Plains thaw they ara
arioinstA fesr "sinpldr p-Apla get
sioeg wall eaoogh. bat it's
" .v "
children, Jobnuy, Diily
Eda, ara capabla of teachiag us a
of forbears aes, but we hoed their sxans-
pls too little. No wooder marders occur
among fighting folks, whso those who
wore asver ilt-temyeesd trefore
so pettish sod sxciUbls,'
; "Jaly 9d.M)ome of tbs Street Water
Mountains are covered with snow, 1
though they do not look high eooogtt
to bs abova ths snow-lias: A ehal a af;
tbs Wind River Mountains Is visible1
ahead 6f oaT Their lofty peaks are capped 1
with snow, sparkliag and flitter og in
ths suaflght like crowns of opals aad
topax, often reflsctiag amber shades
upon ths mora uopreteoding hllKtop,
aod tinging tba far-aff valleys with a
has of gold. Tbs wind blows very disa
greeably aod ths air Is cold enough far
frost ' ' '- '
TJm'XJVL.-Vs Innl Vlil oiT this
forsnooa and managed to gef ahead of
about fifty teams, which bad been eerid
log th annoying, never-falling Muef
Into our faces all ths morning. 1 '' 0 .
"Tbs feet of our ealtle irs badly wora.
Tbs toads ar rot try, and ta many place
ths stones srs ks shaiieoed - filata.
Ws pass a great many lam and wora
outcaltls. Th air Is literally filled th
stench arising from dead axes. ' V ' "
"Ju!y . tth. Whlls 'our numerous
frlMd4 th-s4rrJ,r ttit
aonlverssry of oar gTorioos lodepend
ence,' we ar programing, slowly bat
steadily, apoa oaf weary . way. rn
wsathsr hi cold sooagli for snow.' Pst
mys It's too eoltl for feathery flakes to
fell. 'Don't ys sss. Miss Ada, they're
fret above osT Tbs gray, dull sky, la
deod, bas that appeariaca. 1 'T
"JelvWh. Last night w Were vis
ited by a violent aurrfsso, which ap
set the tent and rocked Joe vehicles
trom aide t ahl. Many cattle aod
horses stkmpsdsd from the different
coral la, and eooas 1 srs not
foood. ; m
. "I believe I grow mora anxious and
miserabl very day.; Pa and. at do
aot sss it, but )f this stato of things oo
tinoss, 1 shall glvs up la despair.
tbooght everything U Ufa so bsssUful,
bat bow dark aeaa Inaafferabl to my
! roffirnloaodJeaiiDot iltspsJ gloomy
fwfsboJTngs o7approacbio trobl.
lUaBwsjotwMarwaeamsrwbswtses state
Taeae strawse SwVwllMe Bat my acert a
r-l waadef wher Captahr Orsyt
roasnBav Is to-da.n . l ... .
fT s ssauaees.1 ' , i
n 5sw York, 'May IS, 147V
National Woman 8ttirrage an
sestiag baa last caused wulboul
iar a mfflaJl was Jisid ia the
grand ball sf tbs aew Masonic Tern pis,
corner. .Isar-ty-thud '-atrsat- aad eWsth -
was wtl artewded, bad abts
sasaasrav yet srsa alaasat, snMrsly lg
nereU by the gtutsral peeas. The great
Qusatiou isnoisas Importaut-r-thsiojus-
lice or oepriving nan oarpopoisiiou f
snraTJOaal rlrbl is as great ao4 -
giariag to-day aa aver b afore; sadssd,
the "traits' tulud af ths psopis has set
lied dowu to. copsUer Jl soU pent pro-
prtetyr"and no longer Is It popular for .
too press ta rlstenle It ar Its emiaent
coaataroaa. - Ken tba abm addrses of
Mr. r rotiiingbam was psaiail qvar la st
lenos, though svldeotfy framed to af
ford eomfarl to both ths advocate aad
opponents af fetaaie saaTsagorwblls the ,
logMsl, ssaad, legal srgousst af Miss
Humham, tbs eminent female lawyer
of Philadelphia, and which woald hava
dews srsoUl tosnyof oaraatlonwl stales
meifTwaswItolryaaosUead by taa press.
-vThs hail-was ersatsasil. aod anaay
standBg up. Tbs only eooclualoa I
bsvs corns trts, thit the power of
money wbleh has taken soeh eomalsts
iasotrat f aor - paUlcaCtosi offissa (wa
caa scarsaiy call taem tba stastMoosd
aswspspar t, has as exercised lis terrible
tuft nonce na the publishers and mana
gers, that tbeveie ao toegerany thought
se rasaS iteration for humanity. ..Wt srs
evsdeutiy aecomiag a aattoa of tyrants
and fueia. "The avcrsgs great newspaper
of to-day Is simply part of tbe great mo
uopaty maetiinery for ptanderlng tba
people, aad Oat uSag wbisa dam ttat pro
mote suab results appaass loagsr to later-
sat these great publishing corporations
great etiy me. irxney
1 atssck aa evil, or allwle la any way to
I II i n ,1 llUm l in I 1 1 l
of robbery. It la a v Maat to a cloae
reader doue only to compel these rob
bers of tbs public to share a larxr oro-
a anion of the ptattder with themselves.
1 whsrotip Uisy agalnr bseoms itsni
aal sauysiled. . w- -.. t
Hsocsfortb the ladies would do wsll.
to bold tbsir convention In a mors etv-.
Ilissd city. New York, ander Wall
streot iadsMSjesVss gotag bask towards
barbariam.CaewajosMtBfs a tas 7:
durtriat Adwttt, . ,
TU Ka Hold ill Xstas,;
This hi aa aga af progrsaa,
oasn saia uatmaa hohat
woman tails him wbsrs to slivs, fbs
present aaa ins paat nava oessonstratest
last wsosaa to saaak en sal after ail.
Ulvtlisatioo haa broasbt her ap from a
slate af servitude taa site w as. J a haul h -sndoml
tti that of -sdmrlato, so that
wbsther ia tbe schools or etoewbers, she
saw to fas ad to compete with tbs lords
of ersaUoo. This to not to be wondered
at, wboo we aonstder that ia point of
Intellect and powers of soduraoos shs
bas no so parlor. A to the acquirement
of has w hedge, she dares toexcerr and as
to taa prof at oc a, aaa proposes as snur
nsr cuum tor sactt aoa aU of taem ; aad
whether as physician, lawyer or preacb
sr, she -now eumew to the-froot- Thts br
an ags of practioal realities that seems
to base ao pi sss for dswwes.auJ wbsther
men or woutao. evsrythlog mams to be
00 tbs movs. 4 Tbe re are oooe so blind
as thoas that won't see.' .Woman ait
nvarthasrarld are maklug tbcir1uflu-
i felt As reigning powers for ages
hsra dlstingatobed
loemseives, ana none lisvs been mors
successful aod popular than Queen Vle
torfe. now Uts throws sf Kagtaod. A
fef wests aiors a Mm. WlUtsg, from
Iliinois, "a woman of oueealy beariag,"
preached la the finest church la tbacitr
af Baltimore, the. Meant Vernon Church,
lo aa immsoasooasisestlsa.aod oa tba
, MOM iy maay dlatiagulahed mdisa
' preached lo ether eburehes ia the same
. It . Thn. ik.i M. . 1 k t 1
a w m mvw vmm mw I V tivius; IB)
aa extraordinary ags of th world: aa
ags la watch the moat woadsrfal bus
ar beisg performed by what la termed
by soma ths weaker sex. . As el villa
tfoa advances we can scarcely tell what
to expect nT1i feet tbst tbs world
to 16 become wiser aod greater, w hava
ao dosbt; and if th wowsoars wililng
to aid lu-l ths departmenu of life, so
soot it bs. Vancourtr JUgitttr.
iii .
Uorx asd Cor a am a. Trwo bops Is
based ea saargy 1 s it a aster. A strong
wind always hopes, nod has always
CSUs to bops, because It koows ths
notability Of bumao a flairs, aod bow a
tight ctrcorastoae - may efaang the
too. rests tins Jtaadf .' II ia not BtBtaad
lo particular ol.jrcta, aod if at iast ail
shoold bs lost It bas saved Itself Its owq
lotegfity and worth; Hop nwaksos
swwraga whtl dsapoodsacy Is the last
of all svils; it to the sbsodoamsatof
good tbe giving tap of tbe battle of life
with dead nothingness. He who caa
rmptaatrstarag to the hamaa sI Is
ths asst physteiao. To sssk' ta govera
msa by tbsir fears aad thsir waau to aa
ae worthy purpose . tbs desire to rule bv
of cowsrdlc. I.WVS Insolres hope
thos to doubly the
i t er aad. snfaarrarof hfa. VV hasjoevsr-
teaches bol
idoees to comoat the maaifeid.
Vila sbd ssasults of life, enables us to
wia tbeeewa of victory. peelatcar.
to teaoh wbas Una eeorags to aa well
in social aaa oomestia sa ia pabli af
fairsand by what means It mar beat
a attained.
Tb rtjlss af poilUBSss ar never at
variance with tats utoa W ssoraiily.
Whatsvsr to really Impolite is really
Immoral. Ws hsr no right to deal
wftli ar be, laslnenesd ry gossips about
UMfjawpisjwo mast Their prlvoto af-.
fairs ara not of ear teals ass. If whe-
lisvs a maa to bs aaflt company for as.
wo must not lavits him; at ir ws meet
him ariisr bo ba beew lavissd br enb-
eea, wo mast trss aim Wilis at viUty.
11 wa anew sua or wosaaa to be a
grave ofletxW, ws cannot ass that
k bow led re to Injure hrm er her anises
N bs aslotsey oeodeit for th protsctiott
sf stisaes. Toe gissssst snd boat sss ia
th world has bee ssaajlsj with oat
am sy. Tbs purest and noblest do aot
eerape ft sirsnoot fnvexlrte as
roM WsTrTmaisregarfFTaoJ la
all aasii ws mieJst give vsry was tba
tbs benefit off. doaht: apply. charltabl .
conatructlooa, bops for tbs best, sod
consider tvsry ss fa sorest so til ho to -
arooso ffHty. - t -.. .... .t - -
A . r " '"Mi i'i Ii.j..,.. I. ..
Tb Msshar of pi mono killed osf tbs
railway of Ureal BriUiaalaft year was
aaa toe Bomber Injured, fLVA
tWjfUoJL bat
Tborf wort HO eoliisloo
and ft has - f
I ' . i
.. .7
r . ....... ; ..a,'"." '
j. Jl-
.. .!.. - .-