The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, June 18, 1875, Image 2

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. JVKE !, 1875.
as aaa aaaaa
-r ; .....
. Xsals will blasa S MU BOUaslbal
raat U asna im tu pay Hmi itviM epos
"iull , sn4 they will tnafrr a xra
lv r-atiuias M as tkrotifti
Ths eooataat aatMriaaaeeaad Bhaarvn
itoaa Wjwf day Hfoaa c-mpMely re
fute tba theory thai oiit should W
educated te depends noe end bclplNsMM,
MM U to lacredlble how It fiude fsTQr
e with lbs meet aUpld. Z
Tbe MairMtl gallantry of which we
i ,j,Mf ao much, and which we are sol
emnly Cold that woniea will forfait whan
pBrTrtoay-oUi g-aaemfiy dhJSppsars laTTba
, i boar af extremity. . If lata- la at the
- 1 feci, ahe ta It that tlia km Habtl of
. victims la atari ne and other disasters
i il-are . aotDM t v But
t aavsd from the wrarofjJie JS-llleri
while number of man ssoaped.
Wheu tlia "Mlautlo" waa . wrecked
last year upon the rocks of Nova Boot la.
not a single womaa escaped. Whan I be
; ratholie Cbarch at Holyoka, Masai, was
- burned, wt art told that among tha alxtv
all vlotiata, Utara wara but aavaa bmu.
'Ha U la In a.ry e.Yaa; but Iba
ron bora do a Ina waakV you waakl
aa. True; but wa tbaofht your Ibaary
aa UmU Iba strong protaota4 tk waak.
- Tba tillla eommonpJaca Mllantrli
-'rary plaaaaat II May a which woaia
caa Ua wltaaat, aaaa ara ready
and wITIInf 7tar graoL But In atara
DMitaaataa, tua lint and laat tbaaaka
la for flf. Ha II la la all traiumetloua of
"Ufa. Tbvra la not tha all(b(44lacrlia-
luatlaa I favar af araeaan whlcu they
eaaaot wary Wall affurd to da wltbouk
Travail nf fae boUl eliargpa, butohara
aM hy ataa ar waaiaa. : Tha landlord
bargta tha aama roat, and tha wood
ai a -tittl atot for bla wood, If
7. woaaaa la aa "baipiW aa aot la know
' lua dlflaraaaa aatwaaa avard aiid a half-
aord; aadaaUlala all things alaa. Tha
H 7 Jaw of ba world la aalf-aroUatloa, and
H',Vll wara aa aaay ta aaoapa fraaa tha lava
. v . of gfaaltatloa aa froaa taa kaoaaaUy af
fatalllfaet arrfltaa JTbia fkhw (oa
Pl of femjalaa alplaaanata la aea af tha
.aHaaaaal alllaa af bamaa aataaTyTaTET
waaaaa abaald baalak M froaa thai r IIt
aad la Ita plaea avbatlfata that af lnda
j , bauuaat aalf-rallaaoe, and lhay will hava
-t , wa waa vtM taaai nuc.
"Tba goda bafa tbaaa wba balp tnana.
Mlaaa thoaa who will Irani ta aiaaaga
""tbali ova afUlraraa kaawbatlabattar
,. , tbaa gallantry-aoaiaataaaa, ar ai4aaat
: . tudaaaadanaa n and whlla dapandaat
aata ara halplaaaly giving yant to aaa
, TaJllsg Borrow, or appaaiiug ta atbara
iJur au ta taa aaar ot aalaatuy, tbaaa
" wba araabla ta ala thinaaalyaa W1U
'" qulatly plaaa tbalr aWa banda; apaa Iba
' balia aad dlracl tba barkalaWabtooib
altaaaaW . Ta U waak la to ba aalaara -
faa. aad tUa w4taow ma ad at Jiaalfcl
"Ihmttoa. Ptreffgth af mind la a thing la
,.Va daalralabava all tbiaga, ta ba
tf, taba awya4for r a aaaia ibroagh
rb alaaaala Wa. ' A laollahHtng
; af warda -baaa tha- weak-mtodad atay
-I iaaliaf aaraa (a aauay.' but tbey aaaaot
l. daaaa ana wba kaowa full wall Aha- In
-Eii aalaaMa aid wblah atraagtb aalud
. furolabea. What waT waot If . joara
, V' atroog-niudad aiaa abo da not aeak ta
' - aiatt-iramfn ballaaa lhat tbalr ahtaf
. f-abanw llaa la tbalr batplaaanti; atara
V --' atrong-aitadad r women wba prafar
aimimn m purpiiaa
Wa Wa racaivad a eopy- aNU-ka!
.t.,1 Tna a
aapaadaaaaw . - . .
-?"'avrlra Frrrtnum, wbleb furntahtt tba
. 4, mkaalug Iluk la tha chala of Jmproba
, bllitlaa wblob ratoraaara, with naaraaaaj
"J tbaa dlanatlaa, bava aa bM( baaa try
; Ing la forga. ; It la pnbllabad la AlUay,
. i7"aIiaaoar(t aad lla adltor avMaatiy' ba
' lloaaa that ba baa aaaarad tba kaaartbal
! "will ayartura tba ' astatine ' order af
J-thlnga,'. an4 that right paadlly. It
I'i .aaabaa anooinpraaaUlag war apaa Ma
,' ' aaary aadatbar aaarat argaalaallnaa, da
daring that, "jnpaihlslng with
laduatrlal niaaaea. la tbalr afforta ta aa
capa tba axtortioa af aaerat rtnea. wa ra-
1 1 rat ta aaa tbaaa lad aad aaatrallad by
-i tha Intrlaaaa af daalgalag men la tba
tbl -oMMaM kw iltaa aaat twiaarmf
l(ftlia4 which wf UrujgU,"
aT wbkb la aaly equalled by Ita alter
'' ImpnictleabllKy, thera la, bawaeer, a
. strong currant af rlgbt.7 For Inatance,
wo Aad a prauaa agalaa Imd mid otbar
" ' aaaaapaHeai aa aaarrtlea thai tha pro
a LblWUon af tba' Importation and Bale af
Inloilealing drlaka aa a baveragafa tba
wniy traa paiicy an ina maaraBoa
jneeUuo; a bal ief a p r m ail that tha
' Una bai coma wnan any ctaaaafattUaaa
C lhat ara laiarf abould bt allowed
; mm tba aaaia af aa o been re aa aa
boaooad for tba Presidency, and read
tba aaatrtloa UaT IfweTaB g et 'aatry
I i . wan bad womaa ta bar nation ta read
, t a,a1 bear iecluiae, wa aball auraly carry
at baaaaw aa HcUry la nt,n wa aaa
anty amlra t fha eradulUy and chlld
Ilta Biaipllolljr af thaea OTeraealoua ra-
f v aVrnan,. whaw laiaglaa tbara la ewoh
.)' aaaglaal patancr la tbalr breath.' Caal
1 without reaaob aerar yet wan Ita way
Jnlo puUlo JaoA-Jlefbrai Isl JU fare
uu. aaa phaaaa la oftea "waiaarled aara a Ha
i altareaad aaaaag Ita frtaada by tba
ry tntawparata xal af fu adeaoata..
t Oar
bfra. a-K. MaOaad, af Oragoa City, wba
:m,amlahad, Uat Waak aa artlaM baadatl
n Wby I Aaa msefTrer-t" vrltaa.
'naaaa; And la tba article wentfonedj
. aieaaireataaa; aiXTaaaUt line dow lot
" ' rtt11 tbaraalltyl laaaaatarial
bhaofrlng loauthors, but tbey Will etaen
tu, aespite id auuosl cars, scoaaienaAf , I
aa arery editor aad proof-reader kaowa.
. oni ruiLM schools.
. Tba fubrtb aaaaVanauai at antlaatloa
of tna puplh aoaaeatad will Iba pablta
acboola la thai ally, frowaaeaaad aa
Taeaday.Jlba Utb Uit.r aad win
tlaaa aatll Iba fat T July wbeU tba
auauai vacation win aegio. wr.ltaea
frequently bad aaoaatoa to weatloa with
pride and pleasure tbeblf b rank which
our puUia acboola In tbla cliy lake In
tha broad Aokl af useful and liberal adu
aatlaa. for aomprabenalea aad' tbor-
aagb . ark, gaad dkwiplina, careful
i . . i. -
t '. " rL-
action, thee, achool. aiTord faallltlea
for aducaUbg iba aiaaaaa that put to
JabMaaaha aelllsh aud -narrow efloru of
atariaa acboala, ; f 1
The leacbaea .amployad bava- baaa
nUablUlly at Uk-lr paaia, aaab aaalaoaly
aad aarafully carrying forward the plane
elaborated tyrtboaf la butbarlty; and
tha aoaolualoa of tba labora aC jthle
ackool ynr will dawaaatrata iba mat
that they bava beaa faithful ta tbalr
truaCTand puplla lulndful af Ibalrap
jiortunltlaa, i " . -
Tba anagea wblab taaobara la tba ari
aaary gradea raeaiea la al log titer but of
proportion ta tha dutlea tbey bava ao
bravely ndrtakea, and aa aobly pvr-
CaraaadL Tba. aoa trylag la bora en-
aaatered fn teactilnr devolvi upon
taaehera In tba lower jradea; wuere tha
work la tbaaa uopartateuta la well per
formed, tbat la tba bbybor grades is
thereby dlmlnhibKL' That tha peraana
wba toll with painstaking seal fa lay a
tyrak toundatiua) wksreua a baaatlful
aad aadutiag airactara aball be raised,
for a aalary which, when coat pared with
tbat of Iboaa who work mm tba asms
La. Ua. wra tdraaaad alagaa, la-bat a
piUaaaa, la moat aalaat, aad abaald re-
aetvatba ajoat careful conaideratloa of
tba bonorabla geatlaiaea wba compose
board. Thai tbaaa gaatlo
men I a tend ta ba aajaat ta tba women
taaabara la lliclr employ men fr Uo bot
believe; that ibey ara ao wa know, nnd
aa awe wba will take tba trouble to1
taluk about tba aaaltar will flepaU tba 1
assertion. , Ooo-aMed legislation' never
yet waa aqulUbla, and Ihla la true,
wUslbev U ba fut-, tba reguUUaa of the
aflaiaa af family, aabaat, atala ar aatlou.
A aabaal board composed entirely of
men la Juet aa aura to tueta out aatall
aaUriaa la waaaaa. employed by. iU
aatbarlty, aaa like aanrd can3poaeli,fc
viuaiieiy ur women wouia be to oq iike-
wlaa t ' mas ' tmplcuta. Man . and
waaaaa abould work lafothar la that ea
paalty, and laaa thara waakJ ba an
aqafUbla diTtaion of tcaehara trace
Aa It la naw, woman ara ualvaraaily tha
aadarpald dxadaa af acaooJ-rooaaa, of
wluea aaon aa aattaf qaalioad than
Ihatnaelvaaara aatoorata. ' "
biia ma aotiooi aanmiuaa ara aaing
all la tbalt aavat tat tha aaaafltaf, tha
pablla aehoola, and tbalr eily aaparia
lantlaat and aa affichra eorpa of Uacli'
ara ara laborlaf ralpifully to aarry fur
ward plaaa whloa proaalaa axnoh for tha
aaal adoamtlonal adtaaoaoHmt af'tba
1 rhii ng ganerauou, Uiara la Inj, aonv
P!tJt koaUiaf: alaavaaaraJataraataa,
aoattuaav laaa aiiaar, wao, pwruaiiy
at laaat, fall to anoowraga laaahar aad
paplhi by thair fraqaaat praaanea la tha
hool-aooaif tbaaa, atraaga aa any, ara
tbe pareoU, a large per cenL af whom
never bava apaai aba la tba ae boot-
room wltb their children la their Uvea.
They are and wa know wberaef , are
apenk-enerally ready ta
teacher far a real ar taaagbaary 'ramba
hut aalnai. Indeed, tiave-tbey
Uaie ta fuvasllgate, encouragat endorse
or comatend bla eSorta. h-v.? -. . --.f .
IT! -T?"..tA fJ
twa weeks win be moatly written, arlll
eovac the ground gone over since .Febi,
ruary, and will be tborobwh aad Impar
tlal. Tba eaheele will etoaa wHk n pub
Ra enurUlomeut glvan by the pupiU,
Wblob wtlldoubtleaa be a credit ta them
aelvea, their Inst rue tore aad tba aabool
eyeteea under wblah Ibet labor. ' -
We hope when the au mater vacation
baa ended, and tba Mae of Baptember
Iba teacbera aaw 1 buderpsM' ajajrbave
tba tacentivf of adequate wages added
r tbalr anueciantione OetaraahibUua ta
aa tnalt Mat, aa ibat tbrobgbaai the
entire year puplh will be encouraged by
timely visits from parenU. :,f i
awwaawwwi nan Wi is
iirwTM t to .rcoiirswiBriTs.
Mra. A. W. L., If aasaoatbi - Kata at
babd and ehaoge made as directed.
A Frlead, TJalmat Year as acaBtfaa af
tba Interest displayed and good will ts
Mrai'P.: B O- Canyoa CllJ I MTeur
card and remittance Is at lu4. , Aaeept
aar tbaaks for year eflorta to aid la the
gapdfmuee. Mrs. IX bopse and pacta
la visit your locality la the early aa-
tuma. ,.; ,
afro. VI. O. B.,' Otympls: Thanks for
your kind letter and timely remittance.
Wrglve-you credit to Vol. ft, Ka. 14.
aoloiig been au In mala of you bouse
held, bad hope tbat It bay speedily be
dlaplaoed ay baaltb. Let ua.bear from
yaaagala. X. t -.f ,..,
Tie WiA TWfiiaa has been remaved
from Taaoma ta Somite where lla nub.
neatloa will be aantlaaeil by Bratbar
Proacb la bU asual energetle-maoaer.
The TribmU la aaa af our meat readable,
ratable aad aaaaa. wlmageevnaidwe
bape tba dlfflealtlao that beset tba path
af Its' proprietor la bis formet toeatioe
will dlmppear before tba ateady enter-
ebaraetwrlaM Che place bswklcb ba baa
.-t fi
Oaa af tba Bsbertea n tba CetambU
aa tba aaj peaked la barrels paaat,
bast an tbey
One ahlumeat af tbfa klad fsaabed Ita
K !PbfJoj ft pf6fVlW- I
a4 waa Increased .wa jaleaS, 1
atead of awe. I
S.IV. 1.-1 1TS0I I1M MOID.
Tbla uvted evaacalbnW wba aa.rU la
la Ue middle aud paytbabtlaaa
tba bialt tadee. baa arrived loaur mthU
dlttfibaaW bia advartleemeata, orgaoJ
flail bia 'inraowy ciaayt aoiieateq am
muaical luarumeata, both baaaaa aad
Inaalutafarareated bia alaga, carps Ud
tha akattng rink with aawdubt, aud
opened lira apoa tbTdevlCvery1rew,'i
bleat prthoduz anlaiater la tba ally baa
abdicated bb) pulpit, aeoeptad tha Ham
mond regency for Jeaia, aad falte lata
arkua aatbaal
, New, ta ba candid wltb tba dear peo
ple,, let ba aay tbat wa bava a publl
oplolob aad a prlvata aa about tbla
wbols maUer af apaamadlc rellglooa re
vival a.. Our public opinion Ja tbat tba
present algua indicate a big thing. The
I avangeUatJa a. very, aou nva-looVlng,
well-kept Individual, wltb a heavy pal
of ahouUlere, good fore bead, aad prodlg'
ioualy-dcveloped back brain. Ilia forte,
ao far aa wa bava yet aeen, la high rag
edy. a good al agar,' aod andea-
ula4b4 law af psychology to perfec
tion. One emnnot alt 10 tba great circle
where tha aaanlfeautlona are being In
augurated, without feeling accaaloaal
electric cbllla, Tou'll IbUn to Improb
able atorlee about a black heathen boy
wba au Oared blaieelf ta. ba whipped fa
death because of hit love for Jeaaa, aud.
watchlug 'the aobblug . children' who
awailow every V word, suddenly tad
yourself wltb a louip 16 your'lureat,
and tba first Jblng yoe know you are In
teara, too. Our public opinion, further,
(a that for a aba w tbat will draui, we've
never aeen the equal of tble one, amLwe
never espaet to aea It aurpamed. Titers
are many thing about the tnecttnga we
II ka. Doubtless good will be evolved
from the present baeaklag down of aea-
tarian barriers. ' A w tat aa Sunday
and looked at tba throng thai filled tba
vast pavilion, and 'contemplated '4he
rJTeUlfijf fkcT tbamiae Urtlar were for
tba time belug demolished, bud
tbla waa evaybodjft eAurcA, we could
not help devoutly wlablog that every
aectarian cburob, aa aucb, In the City,
might emalu forever eloaed, and tbat
all fJbdaUaua might thus meet regularly
through all coming time la the bonds of
common brotherhood.'" Then we
thooght,Mwba4 great freercadlng-rooata,
m ualc-rooma. ' eon Veraatlon-roouia. loe
tura Mawe.-and room tor aaTculture"
Ight easily be made of Ibe-eoatly
cburohea, aad bow tbey might be al
ways kept open, even as the saloons now
are. If Chrlstlsne would first get rlgb
among themselves, lb rough Laying saide
aectarlau ulfferencae, aad, meeting upon
the goapel plaa Inagurated by Jesus,
bow tbey might unite In one commou
brotherhood for the bet teliog of human?
Ity'a condition.", r, , : ''
; Mr.Hamnond's work,' In 'so far as It
points la tbls direction, baa our bearty
approval. A to the phenomena tbat
loiiow. bla , enorla, we have only to say
tbat be acta as tboogh be benevaX the
words of Jeauo wbea he Informed' the
disciples of the lgna tbat abould follow
them that believe: 'ln my name shall
ther east out devils, and ihsll do man
wonderful worKsfand If tbey drink aay
deadly tblug, U jball aobarm them.N
Jfow for aur private opinion, i We
kitot from thorough and unbiased la
VeeilgUoa,"luat Brother Ilammotxr a
phenomenon and tba af aa-callad Spirit
uallam are based upon the, recognition
of tba aame eternal law. And, if Hplrtt
ealiala would bold oa to the Bible aw-
ehor, or If Cbrtatlsns-wogldMsy-thelF
prejudices aside aad carefully aud.soleB
Ufieally Investigate the Power of tba
aalghi aaeat apaa a plane
of eommoa aaaaa, aad apoa tbla tbey
atlgbt build ap a lasting meueBtenl ta
the nnapottad ilfe af Jeeua, wblob tba
(real peleatlng BUod af bettifhUd ba
msnlty might eoutemplau auUL tba
Ooldea Uula would become unto tbaaa
aa abiding prindplei and apeebUiy
might tbey rejolee la aaay lag tba paw
commandment ''tbat . ya love ai
, We skaowldgC wltb aur best bow
the following compliment from aur vig
orous aad able eon temporary,
eouver Register. Long may
live to aid the "good cause" be baa the
ladiaaadaaes aad maauaam ta
ateod. The Kaw NowrmrcsT la
af aiir ovr Jailurul viaitors as aa ex4
ebansarT Wa find It Udea from week to
k wltb valuable Inlormatloo, that
I miles tea that there is somebody at Iba
halm thai fully underslanda iba ground
tha wants af tba weopia, Mrs. A. J.
Durrlway, editor and proprietor, la la
v?ry, way fitted for aar position, aad
whether la the chair editorially, or aa
roatraaa, aba to eslf-poeeeeeed, self-
reliant, aad ai Itoraa. ..Blia Indies tee la
ber paper that shs believes that taxation
without rspreaentailoa la unjust, bod aa
womaa bava to pay taxes aa tbalr prop
erty Juet the same aa asaw, ao tbey sauat
have the right f tba ballot as awarded
to men. TbsjS'EW KoKTHWaat Is fuly
pp wltb tba Uosea,' aod we.ihlaarUo
mask cannot be aald ta cttaianadatlaa
af Ita wdlasev for tbo ablemsaaer la
wblch she conducts ber papcr.JSbe Is
ebaaU la, bar style aad yet prompt to
dafead what aha baHeeee he ba
Her aaaaa la goad, aad w predict for
her bright futara-V ZV.Z'-
Basel ats aftbaVWkaaurg disaster,
wba reached BU Johns, IT. P Satatday.
report that six boaU vera mwered&wm
Iba Vlcksburg." TwaaapaUad aUag.
iww (aanm arlea Waving tba
sndtbeir oV was lacked ap.
One ef tb Ive boaU urtsoooualad for la
aadoabi thHooetaialac tba fieaasaa
wba arat vad atVew Yarav The kmilala
aod aacers are sail ta bava Vsbsvad
walL but Um seamen aaisd baJly. . Tba
mpUla aad woaaaa want down wltb the
ewsBet.- A atanmar bae aallad la search
af taS aaarai. i i dv-ti
i ,1 .1 ysafaSjaBMaMraBa 't. (
- 'XI Wta'af fftW cama 4e4a':
Creek Valley, WromUv abort U me
siaaa, aad raa afi SW bead af boraea.
sbrftt. eunc
Usa a Riaiai r S rv Nmia 1 14 :
. Agala wa essay to trouble) you; with a
basty aeeouub of ear pemgriaatioae.
Tbe kmger we work la our present Arid,
tba border era ilnd it ta get sarsy ! ram
the 'charmed sfsele af home. Conse
quently, getting left by the train, or, at
tba mat aaoment hurry lug ourself sick In
ecebrreaaa. - a iaaf rWtardsyrbTFIhe
ateam wa eouht urge aur hundred and
fiftr pooss's avelrdepeie late eawylns,
goad-bye, wasn't equal ta tba weighty
emergency, and We subsided' Into dafenl
with as good grace as possible, after the
last boarae whistle of I be horrible steam
ferry had resounded aver the" marky
waters af the WTtleosetta, leaving ua a
wleer.lf'not k sadder missionary. It'
turning borne wltb aar gaaeieue Dago,
wba raarty aeeteed to eajoy the defeat
af aar fntenlioaa louchtngthe fcrry-boat,
though be badn't made any ebjectloa to
tba aaase la advance, wa agala betook
auraelf to work aad pea, and aa gtmdsy;
went to bear Brother uawmond. and
sse the greet: eiblbltlouV- ' " V.
afonday afternoon broug hi as better
hick.' ' Tbalwana ferry whistle waa on
time with our movements, we were on
tlaaa for the train, and at 6 o'clock Ore
gon Clly, the scene of aar aest p retracted
meeting, was safely reeobed. Aftef lbs
aaaal good fortune af Itadlag aome gen
tlemaa ready and willing to render aea
eeaary amlatance with aur Hmlted sup
ply af baggage what nonsense to say
tbat good men will not a chi ralrooS
toward etroogmlOded women wa found
oureetf aaogly eaaeoaaed la the genial
home of the worth rreetoehrof the
S. W. a A. Wa wish all wppmtentc af
equal lights bad opportunity to. eletl
this pretty, queenly, sensible, plquaut,
stylish, Vivacious little tody. We'd
like to show them our realisation
aqtttrrtgtsCI VITaabd matberr a woman
well eared for and aot over-worked,
wboae dally life is aw abiding y bnta
ber noble husband, wbo Justly "praisath
her. Abd then ber children t -Verjlly
Ihey ralae up aad call her' bleesed.M
Doa't tell any sensible womsa that lib-
srry Will ever cause 'wires aad mothers
ta prove recreant to duty. Rssmples ta
the contrary are an around yon,
Made arrangements for a course of
- b-ctuies71oaegTnu Wsdaeaday even
ing1, Snd, then took a stroll along the
river bank, under tba ebedeo of the bold
browed baaattlfl bluffs, to Cbaemab, a
mile sway, where our stsnvti friends,
the Ematto, welcomed aa ta still aootber
happy, well-ordered aaffrsge home.
Lalled by tba music Of the falla, we
slept till balf-paat four tn the morning,
wbeb era were aroused to partake of a
five o'clock break faet and prepare for a
Journey Id the PlooeetV proof e grouudo.
Every nrrangeuietit had been made for
the oojnfort Of guestar The State Fair
grounds , were , la excellent condition.
Immeos xrowd were preeanL the sd-
dress of Judge Iaady ,aa sxoellent-
barring Ita length tha music aped. If as
mlth's speeeli firat-rsts.pniy too tang---
tha . dinner spleudld, and . everybody
Jolly. Wba wouldn't be a rteaasrr v
The sublime egotism wblob mutt ex-
! hlbtt in Uklng to IbetnscIveS the entire
glory ar being I'lonears, Is superlatively
laughable. ' Oocasionally; some speaker
would catvb somebody's eya, aud for a
motnept deviate from the glorlaeatlon
of men to ackuowladga tbat the dear,
pompous ercaturss awed their "protec
tion in babyhood 4e something higher I
tbau a aba wolf.'! but further eaplana-1
lion. nave savin, as did n.rUml
Pato3el7iuBbour after, tbat tbat soms-1
thing was femaU, we beard aot, though
we listened long and earnestly. ,: 1
Your bumble scrvaot, dear reader,
was a buuUred .times Jmportuaee-ta
talk, bat m m ana preaamlng to be ta
aulborltx bad clveu ua orsvioua luvlt
Unit mmI. fiirthar. as tsw lhn-fTf I
7". , ,, - . " I
Sm bilious - masculine . arsjare . Stand
wedged, bah I ad the aland, feverishly I
walling for a turrUoair tbelr elonuenee
-n turn thai-flld not noma wa mod-
seUy declined to lutrude upon their as-1
by eonsumlug their time,
very Impromptu speech waa (brae ofweebJeeUiglo4baway weOaod Tern
four times as Jong Sa UougbttohafPbri7w eersM fuheeahv- Kec-
beeo, aad as for ths set essays of judge
Deady and Cblonsl Kssmlth, (hey were I
too ' tedious for , bums a endurance.
otbing but their merit made the tired
people listen; aud the bablee we mean
tbose aafortunalee belonging to weak
minded mothers who don't know snough
lo make them keep sllQ kept ap aula
assaanx ysiung.
. . . . ... ...
Bat I be dlaner was grand. . Mr. aad
Mrs. EV K. Cooked Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H.
Janes, the rattona. MooreS. dllfrers.
Marpbys, aad Invited guests, did
aesr jusllce to oue long table of tempi I
laa delicacies, while old-tl me memories I
af flap-Jacks and bacoo'attd Uis sandy
rUIna, ware rsvired lu the hearts and
speech of sn erf aa. ' ' " " 1
, Ths evening's exsrelaes wound, apl
wltb-tlie blirest qaoceof tljedecXuJc.lpro4cciioato bstaglaa an. aadaalka
wtichTwe didn't alte ad, abd as at tble
wrltlnf (Wednesday) We sit la a a aoll. I
tary room at tbe Cbcmefceta. making j
basts to get reatfy ror tpasdy retam to
ear tabors la Oregoa Ulty. we toke
re la sasurf og aur readers, as we
lode, thai tba'Twoeer Picnic" wu
mceeas.. : '' '-. . A. J. Jx.-
3 aaa 1ft. IKS: " v f " I
Wa kiwrr 1a announce, iba auanan. I
slea af too best i! be raj paper ever started
apoa iba Paclfle T, eJlaJe la al
kl Journal published In Baa Frsa-1
elacaw sail tied OammcS.:. Mr. and I
Mrs. Blocs m, tba able aad iBoefatigable
publlabsra, bare oaf
giving, saaay asvara raptu aeat be
kaackles of the -tslloqaebt fialrena
tba paper, tbey say truly, f (a abort , the
led .reformers .are.. aisoordaut I
ciatoW folUrsnt of aicb otb- to -
-s- -rr- rr- i
I . a I a . . . i. . V
wernui. waiie xnsre ara suougu oi
altbar to have" aa argaa af Ibair owo,
. . ' H''i
i, , ne Jim, .vers, graaa, jar, is puu
i lavaaugaiiaglbssllk-amaggiiag raaOa.
r awsBgsjMi I
i- '
'What aay yce,Mre, I). T
Your are
aware Ibat Yaore Truly, lu ber rasb
last wlater vewnl a vow; ana mai vow
! was to the affect that because hrTwrit
logs - were always get flog tha Sr.w
!77orTuwut lutu a row. sht'dluever
sharpen anol her suc(l 'fsvor the
eritiquer-But the Inspiration of au un-
mitigating Indlgnatloa la upon her now.
aad site Ssallses ths power of the divine
mjaaatlas to tuaaab bat lh splriLT
What ssy you, Mrs. I). T Is Yours
Truly Juetlfuid? But wait, and aha will
tell you. Did you seethe Averting Jour
Ml of the 10th last, r And If you did,
weren't you disgusted with Ita , Itnai
quill-driver f ' Youra Truly conjure you
by the shades of departed common aenas
to mod that boy a pair of leather aiwo
taclea.' ''", '1K'."- T
Yours TruIy's Urm of school waa over,
aad, with three ahlnlag twenties Jing
ling In ber pocket,' ebehsd gone home
lo help wl(b the usual summer work at
lbs governor's txumtry' reaideuce. - 8he
was eery happy, loq, for Jlck and lhll
bad each taken to theuiaclvea a wife,
and had, for a wotider, gone' to house
keeping for tbemaolres; so'tlte old boots
sud fhltlng-tackle and raxbr-strops aud
boolrLlackliig aud dirty , shirts aad
ragged socks, and-ao-forlb, ItaJ departed
With them, lo Vex the cleanly Ideas of
Ibelrslatcr nevermore. '- Kverythlng waa
lovely at lioine. .The turkey, gobbler
strutted In the back yard among the
cblckeuaaud aalves and lambkins
gamboled ln the - grass lot.- Hoses
blooaieii auoTe-jQ0foa of .daisies la
the shsded door-yanl but what bas all
that lo do wltb. WIo. Chapmau,tbe
Evening wurwaZ, atI a broken vow T
Youra Truly had ski ra rued the milk,
cburuevl the Itutter, washed lbs disliea,
eaketr herHralr nut af curl papers, and
adjusted ber rufllvs, aud wss sitting
complacently la i rocking-chair, drebm-
Ing of well omeocxf' when the gov
ernor brought borne the malt, sud wltb
other japers, for ths first tlnie, the
Evening JovrnaC'Th'rj rattle of
the paperj convinced. You Tfly tbat
Its local edlior was suffering' from an Ir
ritable hallucination. ' Bouoeliow, glrla
of tbe period calcb these facta by Intul-UenlkTnrmtths-headorir.riocal
column, what abould meet Yours Truly's
eyes but.Yojoeo on Parade ?"Now,
If there's any oue thing upon the earth
which Ibglrl of tba. period la' longing
for, that's It. fllanclng "along theool
amn,' . Yours Truly soon caught ,tbe
words "tbecomlugUw-ruskers." Then,
after a good deal of Irrelevant matter
that a girl of the period alwtfys. Las the !
good aenae to aklp, there cams 'this side
head to b new paragraph,' 'Generally
Wa, Don't Object,'. Now, jfrsL D.; will
you oblige Tours Truly by copying the
artlcls 'entire, flvlufc ber the privilege
of oomtueot ? - Here 1 1 --.
L()uiuu Wt lXiaT OaiBev-4a-4itnae
tons uj, ihi txh rsirsinca irom t i ss.
tHat tbroutb the ametala public pmresskias,
us Hull UlastrsmstsK VfTygallsnt
ab Mr mi, sad ta how theai svsry mark
Of rsspeck- Hrsts maslbs Vaus4 stttl srsna.
nasof roadwsjrt f Itcb them. Whva any put-
ne prwtoa or Biea wss passing1 through lb
all ems as amauUits siuisSs ef asgelsUirs, tf
uauisn was allsbtsd ar imauni4 Us the eeuwd,
same ffsitsn poHntnsa wond Inimedlstolf
spprsr oa ths xene, and inake a way for kef
with the Iniaenee rf hts Hub; hat lathe
Urasa aavaaessawat ft, whsu viusmi and
some Sw et?hs baaitaams vunts las, est
to parSdJiix lbs atrseU, If men ars.sUraotsd hy
thslr spp rBt. ihey wilt not llflitly brook
wsmae wsuii a. sse the pwmtmnt jrerwier-
mhMk fll "'""'- "9
ry srtUfalr ) a
ths sldf-walk, but IS thess drv-tDllglitB
Mut, whsu wuawa ttmc shlrirslla (wealmost
said utile) isaoasa fl S?y slanls.we sellt v
that aMsi should bas thulf rIUU to the side
walk aroterted.'sud hops IhcT will not ualeUr
nbutt tortile riubilnr of sjt vOaei Jut he-.
saserone Vstasa wants ia fr-B--rronl of
111 " wmm " as er-1
surrad last svsalaf, pollremsa abould mairs
ber that wousa are dolsi lbs heroic, and lbs!
wn at the eoea to hs waned on and rceeiTs
v"1 mmtmmm.,, j i , - ......
: aa. Brat aad foremost, Yours Truly
laujaou sa iba local or tb Js.ueming Jour
I"". objects to seaiag a boy em
pieyeo apaa tbe laoat aaiaaeas of a pa-
wba aaamn) are aay Mtnlhi a peooes
stoa asm posed of both ladles sud geatle-
aea (Thirdly, sbe abjeeta to ble objec
tion te aalar alabbad by a
wbea heaBU'tbebnvebimsclC
ly, aba abjsata M bla bwmpaoa Idea ibat
he swwa Hie weuter Iftfilyritvf-ogrt
Jeata to bta fancy-that all tba men can
da the ptsaiaainnlrig and. aland upon
tbe sidewalk' as lbs buss moment
m-arsgwymjqiM I
rio-ltblr, aaa Objects to tbla stripling's
aavlag aa maeb ta aay about the worn
en. say ho w Ths most Uawnabte aaom
lafy la-Ufa tab half-Hedged maaeallne
biped wba, wbea barely aut af bla plaa
rases, tarwa to woascev to wham' he la
indebted tureabrtsasa, to aayotblng bf
to tbam to a patraalslng way about tbe
rigktm or prittUrgn that Ma Is willing to
beatow, aad tbasa hb vtyertt to giving
iwoai. , ' '. . "
eKi mm a pair or leather ncUclea.
Vm. D. Then he msy be ensbled to sse
tbat eibea both gentlemen knd ladiea
JBikreh fa procesaion, gentlemen and
baVi equal rlgbf a to tbe sldewal k.
BM unaereiarMia that ba may be sea
f ter vpesk raapeclfuIJy uf ta
wal bp to the mater-
k""0" wmtem aiemaasrttywusuirss.
Tie ear tbsfyoa forward the snects
eleeatooca, lo the closing reqbeef of
.... a.
exprsmtrs4aaaaa tbi
track shunt si a aiu. .t x - .
.. - . ?.lT:,.r'l or
and Injuria.
ajora or less eeversbu a numbs t mZ
aaanaTaism ., ilINwi " "
"ua, 4r04 was to. tba first
aoaab. an4 reeel vd iiUurtmkW .m
rumm bim as bH) bed for aome day
' ";' f - "I'usasi rtvav '
ArUtoHrr-the great , Greek phllueo
pher, ouec aald, There are Ihree cleanse
af psraona wba aaaaot set for then
aelvea; theeo ara tbe alave, the child,
aitd tba woman; The slave hss no will,
tbat of lbs child Is lueotupeieut, and
thai srf the wsmsa
Bu t Ion g before A ristot Well me, accept
ing tbe narratives of the Old Testament,
behold how iba rights af wumau were
lguured 1 Tha paularehe of old talsd
herewith leas cooalderatlou than they
did their herds. s A along tba Orlantal
tribes; and. in many- of the battens of
Aala to-day, aba waa aud ta sold lib a
cow or a bores. - 8he descended with lbs
estalof naa tejBW bearcat relative,
sud et la alPTtupecU ths property of
man.: Iu tba earl lea biatorles we have
of Kama aad (ireeee, aba was treated s
acbUd aiaawas tws mvereiga. - lVi
1 the later periods of tba lta
llepublia wbea aba Was, after
lowed to pari lei
pate la a measure lu legislation; when,
In abort. She waa atlslulug -equality
with maa, tha latter,' Jealous of bis de
clining superiority, tamely subnalttsd to
tlteawUiton of Augustus; aud si lowed
him ta chsngs ths republic Into an em
H re, doubtless among tba knowing once
wltb live view af anea more- grappling
woman and placing tier andur bis tyran
nical toitrl. Al Ut, Mreaf tba first
developments af bla poliey was to msks
regulat lone curtailing tbe rlghta of worn
en. We ara told that "la the beginning
of the empire, Borne wae la Ita height
aad splendor) Ita dominion extended
aveTHtmuriianoai of KorCpe. Wlthta
the limits uf Its empire were England,
France, Rnala. end all iba Mates af
Italy, Oreece, the country iww accepted
by Turkey la Kurope, and many other
nations Throughout-all IhU. sous try
ths people of Home bad extended the
arts of painting, sculpture, and archi
tecture, ao that a multitude of cltlee la
various parts of Europe, Asia snrtf Africa
were filled with easily temples, palace
of wurble, beautiful ataluea, and value
ble paintings. But Home Itself of all
waa , the most wonderful; It ' was fifty
miles In elraamferenoe and contained
four millions of inhabitants.
Resides Virgil, Ilorsce, sud Ovid, poets
wboae names are familiar to every one,
Livy, the. historian, graced tills period.
thorf, the gloria fA age reflect
Itmttr on human nature itself." ' Row,
tbls remarkable prosperity and profi
clvncy I u knowledge and art were the
products of a republic whose great men
were conceived and cradled by women
who, Just previous to, or at the time of
tbe fall of the republic never before or
since enjoyed much political .liberty
aud personal freedom. . To the gradual
elevation of women during the laat cen
tury of the republic, can alono be at
trlbuted tbat development of the human
mind which. led to tbe glory of Borne.
But a feectloo came In tits form of
rising cloud or Jealouay, wbUU grew
lulo astortn of suftlcleut. magnitude at
t'ie beginning 01 ths empire to over
whelm jvoman during tba relgo of Aa
guu3Ibia reavllorujra are told,1 was
nearly at fts height under Tiber lua.
aider! ng which Jt js not atraoge Ihai-the
. .- 1.
sposties were luiestea wiui iuerwersii
ing sotl-womsu's right aianls. Saint
Paul, socordlng to bisown admissions.
occasionally gave "forth such senliment
ss tbesej'Lttt your women keep silence
iqlbrchurchci: fbrllIs nolpermTUaJ
auto them to speak, but they are earn-
ImanJed In ha under nlwdeics, as al
sal tu the law; and if they: will learu
anything, let Ibent ssk their husbands
at Lome, for H is a shs me for a woman
to spesk In the church. M Sowr we
pruiiy believe If alot rsul bsd Uysd to
have worked la ths Hunday Schools of
ths present century, he would be heartily
ashamed of lbs above. But tbeae ware
tbe popular prejudices ami prsvalllng
seullmeuls of tits times these people
lived In, aud unfortunately thsse preju
dices did not die with them, for many of
them have aome down to as of the at
taenia century, . - - :r---'
Having, approprlstsd to himself all
the lesrued profemlons and the lucrative
industrial pursultabavlng jntdait dis
reputable forewoman to follow ocaapa
llons uujsfda of ths ordiuary routine of J
household cares, bsr education being
accordingly; liavlug, lu short,
grown Imbrsnaely 4a advance uf her In
all brancbea of eelf-supportlng Industry
mid made bar depeadunt upon him, man
coiueS fbrware .with Uiis proposal i "I
will furnish llw twa. waaia af year ba-j
turs, lovs and support. If yon will msks
yourself over to me and become my
property far lite; be at my dispuaal, rear
my children, aud wear yourself oat. If
need be, la my sorvloe." This lsOhe
ofler of marriage wbleb aoelety ss Mo
tions aa a i) bonorabla destiny for. aaa
an, aat always glveo la as tratUful laa
ruses sa nbova a nntaiL but - .-.
tha BS.IU. sa llllta.lanlKa m.i '
I. . . . . i ' SIB
tnui v.- 4, is Mr
e beet
allernatl va thai to offered aba v
aeoepta X
at marrl
arUU . -u
ar ber life
V i ta, Ka IL.
seat of
la to be,
Ul BsUgle .... . "Tl
a sn sjr ,
al ne . wmvr mr Pbl
I m-m . IV.
" a -a auiii . .
l Im - " - sranaaw
joaa'a atraastb from
woman a oar
Hies. If maa sou Id i.
khoaw, all, th beUksbaem
a risks a iiv. . .
wblob. dot, to m;""'. . JTT-
If the rjwtoa B.w
hagtarwatkaa.a..k. 5T?". .
,;-. ' . ui ap weir lasers
to tbS hardl nltaaaJ, .....
jves wuicn society
- "- hv. ur.a.v-'ir Bah ' a1.uT
"Yom. aball ... w ww wmj,
rT eqaal rHb taa la bppas
lodl 7- V- dlsM.. mM vasaair a. IZW
. m - nwa wb amy i
wpaaxr a 4 tseeassitvi wlaiaTMaiti.j
t re spooUaeoae sCectioa, eahribed
11 I
u)te aaihe
loileT b
I aa w
siul aafotlered." 'HucU msrrlsges woubl
s worthy the beautiful aud progressiva
spirit uf ChrlsUauity. It ua, la tba
name of bumsnlty sod womanhood,' ed
ucate sud bring out of the depths of Ig
norance, weakness, ? and uervlitty 1ha
mssaes of women a bo are upou-tbe Stage
of sctlon, and more than all, those who
are emiugoa to JUjIie tfiviu rnlssiou-- -t
Tjf-rradttng-IIie next geneiaiion. 11
then eiMlerstaud lhat a atale of depend
rare Is no safe guard; that Independence
of character la needed beyoud anything
else. BurHy-H isdans-rous, ttts wtrked"
In these daya to follow tbeolJ beaten saw
to bring up wanx to be Vb'l?y wives
snd mothers."TTbst la to aay, let al r
her svalimeata. Iter views of life, taka .
oue direction, as if for woiueii there ex- - -Isted
only oue destiny, on hope, ' onu J :
blessing, oue etTurt, ene pabtloo In lifer -iSome
people say It ought to be ao; but .
know It Is aof so; wskuow that huitd.
retla tbat thousands uf women ar not
happy" Wlvee aiid motheyaf many are
never either wives or inoiUrr at all. ' ,
j yet they are all WuugUi. the regular
category, aad exist under the same re-
atrlotloiis. . . : - - .
'' Ths culttvstloD of the moral ktrehKtir
end the active energies of a woman's
mlud, together with the lutellet tual fac-
ulllee aud taatasrwill not make her a
lem good, leea. happy wife anil mother,
and will, besides, enable hr.lo find con
tent siul Independence wheu denied love
end happiness.' Wits will deny that lite
moral etrength and character of coming
generations will be exalted, whan the
mothers shall stand upoa an equal toot
ing of ladepaadeace and not he com
pelled, aatliey are now, In so many iu .
staucespa Tbkrtyr
uatetbs race under the euraewf mimeA
thipt And how can the moral and in
tellectual faculties' be properly trans
mitted up lo their highest wenUl sud
physical culture, wheu tho mothers have
00 choice but submission ? It, remains
wltb us to decide whether we shall make
the worst of scientific Inquiry, or whether
we shall make the best of It; we hsvi
ths facts "of ths past, tha ilomestlo photo
graphs of Iba prase ul, ile wrlUeu his
tory af tba dead, aad many of tba per
sonal experleacea of tbajlvlng-. It re
mains for us to act ourselves to work to
I ee.tayiBucbrtulsth)uS as hllaU con
form to tbe comfort, peace, and happi
ness af the presept generation, wllh euclr
liberal and Self-adjusting measures a
wlll enable us to Shane tbeu to the need-i .
of generations to come," without uecesM
tsllng frequent social revolutions. .
- - -- ; Fraternally,
" 1 Out or thb Bcar Or-Ami.
Seattle, June T, 1875, ; ", ;':f
Mneleen prisoners escaped irom the
county Jail at Cleveland, OIUo, ea lba-1
luoriiiogof the IStb. Five of them
have been rscaptuxed
. Dr. IX P. Itogenb-one af tbe aio
Inent praotitioaere iu tbe Htaiaof Ken-
lucky, and for many profeeor iu
the uulveraity uf LaalavlUe.died ou lite .
13th, of eanoexiu the slurnaah. .
Tba Irutfsafe of tba rnlted Htatcn
msw bfw mberlaMl," wblob wss
raunk In Hampton Hoods by the forr
federala ram "Vlrglala," la ItW, was
recovered by diving, an tbe Wb lost.
Tbe water where It was found to 78 foel
dasp.-t .''.r.r; e'i-.?-f z. "
The 'steamship Vickiourr froia
Montreal for Uvenwotwas surroOhdef
and suak by Icebergs oq Tuesday, Jun
1st. r Tba eaptala sod oUie!nth.
number -of - forty - were lost. A moug
tbem were Mr. and Mrs." Bloom, of
Ores Bay, Wisconsin. ,
A tslcgram from Rt. Johns. N. T.. to
?ro!0 .A,Co olLMoiUeal, alaies iba5
nine of tbe crew and three passeugws of
lbs "Vtaksburg" bsd bech brtruirbt to :
?rt-BeJ I'I bjau Americau
fisbsrmsn. The Uoeefninent lias scut
aut a stesmei MtoHook for the mlsslnir
boat. ; .' ' '
TJiemea of Wa. Jtf. Tweed, hlcl -aa
been before tbe Court of Auoea lit
for aome time, aaa dacliied in Tweed'a
favor an tba 1Mb I net Jlis diaobarga
from .tba PenlteuUaryi pa Blaukwell'a
Island bae bsen ordered. The apl nlor
which Is ooocurrsd la by' all the Judr ''
Is lengthy .and. recites iba whole
The ehief point to thai tleourtr - .l
anil T.rmU.. i. . "ye.r
sentenclag Tweed" ta cuma
"piiM wmwvwym Itl HU.
iority lu
r . .
lahment, bj pronouncing
dlctmsut 21 wM U as' . .....
Tweed waa, seaman mmmtk .,.
HMkJ WW,ty . iir- MM ul,l,n
r W sa Ilia aStMma nunall for
abas "f1ta asnlsaaa J -lwlv '
m au llla-.l S V .v--
rMys. Ussier A. JlesadtoVwhese poet
ical genius naa given me world several
valuable productions. Is to become a res
ident af Waahinatoa Territory, adjaeawt-
M Astoria. The fauebaadef llnvK I
aaaociated 'With Col, JDicklnsoa In the .
purobaes af Knapptou. Mrs. B. Is sister -to
0l. Dickinson. A great deal of In
terest baa centered - atxmt tha biove
nsenu of thia party. Tba prate uf Cali
fornia wae congratulated oa Iba aocea
aton to that Blate; the Oregonian, m
yauvjally, of coarse, claims Mrs. B. for -tbsa
Mate. -Tba aaeve are tba facts. -
Wa aatigrstulasa ths asasa apoa thiac-
eeaslwu; axratulata Mrs. li. la find in
ba region sa wutt .adapted as tbls to the
muasu; congratulate all Into whose
pv asanas Iba laily may aame, lafuaing
narra bad arausing nrebiUoa hitherto
-- .. , eni . a rfjf'
HlhMU la tl.A Mat .0 T. .1. 1
"-S 7 w, S-W.T, wutril
BOUT look Ulaaw at Jaakanasilta (ha
Sentinel aayst "After aocupying ths pe
riod of tea days la the trial of this esse.
and after the Judge bad delivered bis .
ciwjrga, so jmry retired Tbarsday morn- 1
lug about ten o'clock, and tba beat dsv :
ai noon rendered their verdict -of not-
fwllty. It has hean- tnif aplnlori, jnL:
tba epluiua wf majority of tbe people
of tble eoaaty ooanlssnt of tbe foots la -
the eaae, that It would be Impossible for-- rr
anyjuty of twelve men to render aock a -
verujct, nod was a so r Miss loeveiTso-r; : ,
avea to bis Boost sanguine frleoda,.;i;i .
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