Uiit'iii. - 33 3.:3,-. ..w t .:J -XTC .-..r--- - trim nUnvilrn - 4- , i . !.,rr-..A-, ' - I I -5 I f t - I ' . ., Vv -m-t; ,r V ' . t .. . b. . . ' .. '" oa ...tf I J t 3t3" "'"7 v " aaaallwarOpl. :' A'Ut ' tempialkTTaWwl'tiaUalijr.1 -11 ( tadaeaadint la ram Ud aWttttan. - , tr 1-aia. and TSaiiesaia' ' ' ftaaJcaJ ta Opatlaramd Kiaealns tbo Vraor 'A" - - Of Ike a. M.,i..-ar -re, . ; .- t ip! ',,1aa"BfJ(aJag5 Oan ant WitUaa ovaraaaaaaad alaaa aaraa meat aaake kaown taoar waaaat ta tba lMar,da aa ataia-Jna wu a gray,taUetr ... .M..rft. ,;r;!g V' II nr.- i ,7::'T. ,4 : C) i 7733.: ,. -. j - i-rr !. -' : w HTM. y Mr. A. J. Inhrar;Ta MM CMmsT ' . IM LAraba WChagiw wcnyl MU AraMtnMif fl wllh Ada la ttf tKualUUMi twr fb oaUoUf Ucml Utm VMf Wi r- htIm4 by Job 4, ba mhm. from town, - ' -...... "I bar long edtM wbt w mot Inttldlnn froai lb folk la U BU," all )lttta."i"ItXaiiM mm. Ada. bll WHItimaUUg SafW Uc 14m Uok a eaatrtaI, atard elilM-baad, kmi -r natannr.' tb Amatraac akJMiM a4fU 4aaHbataaliyrX tbaglrtaaaaaiai tatBMaly la laiMba IC tba lattavvaka A Sb4 ftMv ytoisilwi aJf f Uaitaaat'a Uaatta4 taaltlaa bad aay wanataatpat t JfaMi.-wy tutu, wm kllw tomly.' liaaawa l-n-rrr'i-i ft- T"T-t ; mil vllUaa witb klm ajr Mtv,M w M lh Hbrrtr 4 look M rh!Mrn, ait kat DHj-aaaant aaaMa Ummm mi a ii ii r- m la m mIM KMm Mm Hmt fia 4 I tla tool TtorDtMMWaiM I Oifiatf taat la n mi HiliaV i M rt4 tar ati Um tf...Taa vaali aat ai,a4 IM aaatotafai a kMk tana4i u4 ruca waao aUr( aaiai la II vi Hilt fciatr, hm tain a HI ma lr aa v WrM'aa.'Thaa.-alaW Ma. AaaanaratMwaaaaaAaaa '"rutin luiti a Mek M caa4aa Joaw and toft ' aa. Vm9, aUttlc. why didan fct lot aloaa araMta ttmUmmwith I 4U4at ataka aar ditfram la biat wbethr Itrt ar M Ja a a kad aa upponrnttf U ajaMraiialwatad. ,t-Ki. rattJUdaf Hi fat. a tMaMat teappir wU aMaar aay Hilt aaWa9tlad'aBalaa4aBoaaMl aaaly af r aad alalia aad Jaaaf aad Baaa aal Mmm aad Fafcraad Jfcmaad P aad booi aa aaUfi aad add aa wa oa-d laava aai at aaafdlaa ! till tar arm aaaM tadar aoaaaa( aanacfef aaya9aa.u. " m. t iaia aha dUa KaMK aad dka- aa aaawl NT a4 aal Jar faUtor fMaftd ?t MjUirajvtia, diadinr aow; aad aurW jo wvuM tak aa all iMrt 0 l4uaka. wtti M. ' "How U poaHtmnw-MMtHt'wmnrwtWmr mux' uaaaa aiiaaaaf 4a t, Xm Jufaa. Mlal aaa ifca aallfclaM ( Wa atakaa the f toa laa aociar aiu naw ' raUiitWf oa J rklMraaaaaxt-aooir- Twaaarf Ma a iaa i-aoaad (la VKi tuttaaMtM aad faatrapliy Brat ml, aat fro-" MWWMir. aaWaaaad vavraald I Maatt a )a laaaa kjr alarm aaaa ailadi .. l i a , , , JA 1 's fcL-t ' -w . 0l wtofc ya AoaW PiCrW'C af r aaua aad lUBloaa. aa law a tnf HMa .i aavaat aaaa MM ataaataa aav mam ua Jaawakt doat Jlfca Jlfa. aa Ma 1 iiMnM aajrUiafTaM a da Fa Ba wuty. 'Tat Ida aaa a yaa aW a-aa, I ant, -w Haaf .voat laValva brlaf jao4,li iiar A4-.7rv-;; "I'm aa4 ad, was tba Uiou(blfuI aa Taa; baaaaaa aCkrat b aWUi aaaMrM bar fkt rakw 'MAI. t )" ioi bar .hu(hw pi Zi-J! qaiek, arvaa aaoraiuabw : -,All tll yaa don' I kaow till I letl joa, ; TJT glrb , aa AuIul4wak ' T T ...-"'!r ! ri ,.)- wfW-wi (f- X yob14 a airaeU4.ai4ooa tb alf fafawiiiaaBktri at tM boaaakaUl aa- , lak ilt-ai faittlMg ITEa-aaMi Whll Hf MaUla. raaairad ta paa4 b lattar waJeb a!4 ka4 aaaanaatly aadaaxioaaty kapad alaakadfuK. , UaMf-UUoaa la4 tha t?ai.lMatJ8 wary aMaf , Um abJl daMtaaaJdiiWirabaf aaajij aadaaf 4a tbaakai atap-rKrUkcr.Jl'CJbl aba waa (oaa from aartb foraar aaada vbleb tbti baT Barak- MafrM trtradta aa I004 M akaad ttrad4.aUad f of ' .'baA )a joa lataadia da wltb yaar aMaTTArlMot.rr aagadAaa UuldabT www aatfp wrtkraharad tba oklkt wa killfal boydaahb bat rary aaaal bt -aprlta; wba alwayl taggad a baby oa bar -v . - aKMMat blp, bad wb( Oa fJoaya acawrtb bar ' : ' atrfMla tratrac-Uabt wm or tmi ' aaaaaakoaaaajBaaiaVJ-.' -ii I baroM(aaaaaltad trdaaaWi . rapMad Matrta. v -l , abaU abrbMiblag wlOtovlbW Mkaaaiaaa; taVowBahoy. ;MrraoIoaa Kiu good Coed larrSia aatt Aaok- Kftl&Jb, WiJkA alight anuotaaa of .aaar,r "IlaU at do aa yvi kajr, aaybaw." - , . -I hPd till axHthiaklwaatJ g aaayary la yoar aok a wtaba la ivt aaaw araaaaat faararty aaattm.4 .-aJI:::VI.;IK U3. "laaJa . kirrJ f t ha t-vf 1 14 i Cir lor aa .trj braao aJ l'iim lint ItasU r r tara T -4 aaoatteb lavr k kaa aidaraUd axu atilltv. it t I iraal bar (a apaaa t. laa, ndvUliic ovofa' abUdraa rik bar. Oud knoy Ibtra'a gb tar all la tlU g rat boaaa. I raaaarabaald baya vaatad aaeb a baaaa in badVt kparo ftll It with baaaaaitj. Empty raaaaaa a aglaanao" ' . ' j Ta aalWl aat iha bouaf gljad wlta laoog aaaa fald 'Ada' pata 1"Ttaaf bairo talarfara yaaSr aald MattJataatily. n'aa) hava yaaf wa aaita- of raoaaa aad ara tatkaaa," 'U fl uc all. ILlbl bawaa tra't Ml aaaafli af fating aaaa . I aoafcta I aaa't leiaglba rha a faU taaaaa vaald U, Tba rapt ttaal aaaal Maetta llpa araa aaithar graaloaa aar aaaayBanaUry; balTt aa aatUaad la raaaala asaUarad, aad It'traa aaila aa." - i iM aaianiaaaiarirac taa ajkaawyva. soTatad argoa,"eontalahig' Laa aad Dally, 1 iba laa Araaatroog aiaUra wba bad goad a tray U baardlagaabaol prior tm tba raadarV a latradaetlaa ta HtoaabaOga, drara Hp Iba thaal gate lad battad. Balpriaa aad gladodat arar atlutlad Vttb Iba dseUaaaileaa af aar ratr aad taraara aaaal tbat Iliad tba air. Tbattrfa faad gtaa tall aad kaaaMftd. bfacb aUaatlaa bad dvMaatljr mm baatavad pa Iba aatair graaaa af tba atadaataaf Briar UalraraJty. Aftartba baaga lay MattlVa fcrla ua alia bad auea- TlaJlad tbaaj, aad aaada gaaaraaa addltlaaa t tba4r trardraba, glrlaglbaai Id adiru&Hd-tfiat waald ba ra qulrad of tbaar aa taora la tba atbar aitaibera bf tba bouaabold vbaa tbalt aabaol daya aboald ba . Bat bat aihaetadfaa tooaa tffl aaar tba CblMataa ttfataa, trbaa) tba graaf vaddfag raa ta ba aa aha Waa aaatb aataatabad at tbatr amt da ratara."' r.ar-ti w i i 'W ka4'' aa baraeatok wa eaalda't aUalt7TXbtaraad tmtn - Atd I dram barrack! a vary blgbt, abtaaad la HaJly. "TMtak IT tt MaHt ngbt fbr ato Idtlaf tfcar aad apaadlay ataaay. yla aafa ararbrng at bwna Ifkm aa taaay la tm.1' ' " -r Tbaaa' axplatMllaa auBaad for tba ftbaat, taoifb tltay dtd o fjulta tat iafy Mat!, ark bad a aaaplolaa thai hMdaai aaoilaa faad baataaad tba glrta rttura." ". " ' V 1 . Ada and baratatbarratraatad ta tbalr d bpartaaaau for prlrata aooautta- tbMl -ty I 1 ,' 'vj "t ai-, ? aWI aaa vbai tba ArtMtraaf gda draUd Is doaalag ta," algbad gaad Aaat UBldabft diia'atui aa if -Aaaa aagfat ta baad baOaff kaaaa Ibab ta mmttj WMla Mrtly ''hmw - ' "Tatt'd batiar un biat , Nanaa toar daagWar- taaatat baf aad aaaor. ' ' rrbat la lb vary tMai yan kaaw r aalda't dara ta do vaa tba Baa4bara '., "Wby r . . ... . -.:..!..i-.--4a- i-.t. --Bddaaa Antoa Uaa tbaraagbly la hUraaad vttb btattta that baoaald ba aiada ta btliafa tbat aary- Ana- alratiff aba aba laapoaa apa blaa ter k aapeerf Id aoly aa addlUoilaihlaaaiag.'' Tfca4'a iom in aori ar a aaa aaaa rat Itaablag btr," aald Add. Whaa I aaa god s aaltor who aopraatataa aaa 'aa Aaaoa doaa Uattla.m gat aaarrlad; bat pavar watll that.' ; h '-Tod ajar aa watt bid a fcag good-bra to aft atalrlatoidar aatlalaatloa' tboaw -- a - - - a. - -g - aa-TaaadBk aMaTa I l WM VaiaHaMfV Mai ft fMUW a-Wlfl Ibfj aaaUaaat af Kartb Aatartca wb would traai UatU aa A aaaa baa atoaa." "Mora! tbbltTi mf Iba awb aakaa, tUmH." Tm Mr? that' Aaa laaaOlal laraataaaolbMaaaa)aat7aamiadtory oao. - KaUh pohf taaba bla Web ad Crawad la doan yadta V b ah aald arlr tar Wa aaaa aa took aa aBat Atnoo watii Baraf oo taai-' " Taf bat adylag ba woold, hat I da aa that aottbdr Matt! ArataUaat tar bar IhaaHy aattl1kr b tttaararlab blaa. TboIadataoUMdafbof brioglag tbat aaoaud arep of young aaaa baaig ta root. ,iUuuc " Tba irtU kr biraiaa, tba aaaaa . i.,..-. aoftaalag toward tbb waita, tep: .v.ay TAtf tad ba tbaogbt l ,"Btory -6m AaJdoa mj tba look H9 ear fkaaraL If MMga aa aaa thick for w bor to rr- ..Jt waa lata I Iba day wbea Df . Xtard lawiatwaadta Moabag pjaoa.-- " t90ttaW WaMaMI Ml0 IWfcBaal f f Haul Briggs orboaa Mattia'a boaat hadau'oaKod with. bom fa (labour of bar darkaat aaad, wad aafiarlag tnm dtH- riaaa, krtmmij and for aararal dajri M daato bad raaaalaad boalda bid aa lb oaly attaadaa wb aoaid aaaUal W fcarfat rarlaga. Bat U waa bailor aow.abd lb kind phatalaa fateraod ta Ai alagakt baaa for ftjtttl atoch- u UattU wildiaild hlai with bar aaoaj IjaUt, wooaaaly dtgulty af diyirtaaiat baf graaf lor for blot abiatag forth ft ladoaj wttb aaabdd taarar ;l"t7bal nt bJt.patr 1 oprad, baaing bw for a blaa of wttoa), aa ha raaebad oat to bang bla bat apoa Ut taak tat tbd haO-" --. . -at.o - ,i --Aaao, tA.'.zj, I bar kowa tar yob, rVary W,A V W balaa tba osaataaaawoosrH oo kw- j 1 1 ! j aaa. a i a-ar K7r t abaa aay eptrita, Ltt'i hava tbat Erat', L"r r bad lattar from UMStrat,' laadlaff bar toiratbad by (ha itaad, aad aaallar k4a M aa ata balf aariaaa. bmirplalt la tba baaary alaaaa, arfaara blaaaay ahalravaitad btaaa t I atarbaVagaad arvt,1 araa tW paayfol war, ba ba- attataptad ia draw bar apam bla kaaaT'-T 5'.rrrrJ Oar araimlloa arab't ba' avar 1 CUriatataa, aba a Bla ha i a Manhttigty. "I wltttafca ary oa aatiryal , t it ba aa yaa aay, yaa baagbtp taaaa. : Bdtwkat daat Margarataay fl Tbat Mra. Aratatroag aaaa bar Iwa k "Da yaa call (bat gnad twwa V" "Taa. , ''aJ... wn.ty, 's' "And aaaal. .. iu.a . "Bat, Aaaoa, aad a aoil baa ataaa agly 1a bar mtm. bacaaaa af tbaablklrra f 'Tbaraara four of Utaaa, aad t aady agraad tba yaa aad I awlalaba-tba aaUaaraaad aiUIUy af lt-aot raolaaUag Margarai." Wall .-.( Ji t kr Wbat abail I da about U r 1 1 .. "WhatVa tba aid aaaa r t r ; "Tba baad af Iba laatlly r rr ,, - - a . .. . . , 1 "Ut'i gaaa la U r wMb Caawllaahaa. Thdahlldrarfara alt hair giaadaiatbir J ataaa. r lUrgara tarary iiaaaialaV! Wblab waa to ba axpaotad." I kaaw It." .. - t ,i 1 1 r .. r "Walhwbat f-W-r -fr' 'What ara yaa gotag ta da aaaal It f" ' "Wbatdoauaar ' y -: Doaayoaplaaaa."- .1 , '"Bat, "A tana, ya know I wont to plaaaa yawi brat afalk" ' ' 1 i "Wblob yaw aaa boat do by aaaklag yawtaalf .i bAppy, i Tbla baaaa la big aaoagh Jurall of aaaxaapt tboold aaaa. I doa't propoao I gtaa blaa abcKar a. Uaa ho haaaajaa doaUtata.1 "Now, aappaaa I ahaaldjataho aaeb rtHraarkahoat your Mot bar P tinlalnaaril klatUa, looking griavod. ..' . . t i . VI hag pardon," wm lb prosapt ro ply Tba old aaa h roar UtUar. , Da with hint aa mow boat ia poor algbt "Aa to that, tba poor baad of tba fitailly I wall aaid for at bla brotbar'a, B4 1 wan ta aaad lot tba eblldraa. - "All right-V - . , ! TUao. darling, you'r too boat aaaa that any . woataa tvar bad for parloar or a haaa.: , I'll aaad far tba at . Th lorar bar ladulgad la dlab af aaaaU talbv" whfebjt la ao aaaa t aaaddla with goad roadar. Third part ao ara aauiaaiioa aoanetlaaaa; but wa baliar wabara aahl aaaoalblag Ilk that befora, " v- T ' ir - Dr. Itaadlag aaat Lu and HaBy a U dlafag tabla. H tbaod V,.ladii.jal laialMoaOt. boA, aallka rba atbar karibaaa af tnafaaaity, otatad war 4ba MaHy ao qabod graadaar nf gloodbaago pi Bath of thaglrUaaqalrodaatraogdlo Ilka to Ada, tba doetor aad hid aaat bar, aad It waaovhtaat that Mattlo gaaar dlahlp oaauld b asd ao tba nlkiaal ta j aaalaabl aoatral tba dtflarost Ftaaa af barbohorboldartby..' M .'.i 1' Wa noaat argantta iebool toHBor a tba aoutb wing, with 1m mad Salty aa tench era," b jald lalborlti "TJa bbw btg a haTary T qoarled Tfa7 wba Lad already laibibad tba popular Moa af bafng paid for labor, wbleb waa (ba nil of Ufa it tba fam,3 ""J;: Of oooraa.roptlad bfnttftr, aajf rb eblldraa ara la achool (ba eaanot dark aabrgb-Wagaa aa (be bara merited fcll autaatar, yet tbalr Wort Id worth torn' thing. Wbkt fa o bit todedoeUng ao mioeb front th wagaa of aach af oa 4'abalt aaaba yowr taaebatV: aalartof aqaal a oar own V - 1 x Th propoaad phut prared k raty mat laraotory ona, ", -"' ."' ' :' Tbat Id on abaUot wblob o bar not foradaan," aajd Ball With a laugh. fWbat to It r qaortod tba dootor. Lou going ta got Biartled, aad bar woald-b lord kad aitaier aweara b won't wait, : 1 Loa'a fao waa fairly aearfef, a ra raged mod abaabad waa ab over tbla sod dearovatatloai'"' '. I?Adrwbo;JdJb lackleas.wtgbtr MaaiaaAdlaaoolabaaoa. ' "He'd m dUeipId af .ACaeataplaa ra attad BalJIa.. "Daetor take t our taaail, M aseaaa," .. tt.- ' " "But Wha Id b T ' 1 ' "Hid Warn ta Boadgraaa, and Ba lately free tha Koa. JUm a dapper ttttar dojrtlag-or'a-daady, aad part Bla bldr fa lb aiddl and oorrio k aawa, ne k vei7tdadaaak,too. TbajaW biwkkjkg tonfoag ba aoea wool rororor Dr. Karon V' ' "Hoab r erltd too, Itka ao dial (racted. ' "I won't boar aaeb aonaena f ' "Pity, oa won't lot at brains yaar lorar f ' waa denture repT.. A"l""i '. "T aaxlooa I meat fhlk pkimlronv talJthdocVl'. r . " .". "f gvea we'll bar a douLie wedding a-CbrlataDaa," fried Ma. t "Dao ro BBMBber whe anaaobody popped the oaploobodylaa bearlaf, Wa'bV orgaalas tba aabool and lart 0 amanaafJnamjO'i fTWff t&9 ahamTtaakaa? dinlnnjajr . bngbod M&ttbb tahlae brana r -ai art'Jt M DA Tha gawtlaaaaa kraa war aJo ta :fajarj-ld xJ&Jmju4 U jas1i aari "-tf tA ar'?ki C!t waa aordUIl reoelred la tU wall- llgb'taa" parlora,' aad waa aaoa aa bteatb IuImi arltk tha aattra hnavknld: -f "By tba way doctor," aald ha, 4- idraaalngAawM Harding la a Batranla- lag way, "tbara'a a wobmmi going ta laa tar la Btauabaoga laHBorraw algM-i-aa af tboaa' Mraag-mludcd aaSraga akrlakara wba Infaat ary toeaJlty with tbalr rldtealottd 'aaauraptioM of poUtt cat aiamy." ' t.i- "Who la alia rt aahtd MaUlr, bar eyaa tdndllDg. ': ' " dldat laara W' aaatrf taa'aat. Bat f eonaidar bar aadly aat of a woat aaHnmnailankarla. . ' " ' "'M "l t r - . ; "Caa yaa daflna "a awnti't apbatwr "f aaa.' Rba Ik tba haotbar of aaaa; bla aoaatbrt la alokrtaao, bta aoaapanloa la advaralty, bla aotaa Id Mlalbrtaa, aad bla jo 'la proaaarlly.' Tba traa womaa te klwaya happy I thaaa aaarad lalaAlaaa.' .sJUl. "You think, than, that woataa la ouly a eraatar for maa'aaattraalanoa araatod ilka paodar to bla rami or Imaginary wauta; aad tbat aba baa aalodlvlduallty. a paraoaallt, ao aeaood, worth eon- rwNot ibat aiaetiyi7' replied tba llttlo doetor' aerrottaly, fur ba waa ' galling haotid bla dtjotbBat 1 think bora la bar propor nlooa, aad tbat - bar blgbaat aaiblUoa aboakf b t ba pra- loofBtf, waa aa tha ellaging rla la pro- tactcd by tba aturtly aak. Boqi wonM-bo etprd ak ara la reality rcry ataadar aaplinga," aald Mmi Uo, amiiiog a aha faad opow tba vOptf forat of tba aoibttlou ''oak, aud aion lab aoatraatod blaa with tba Unglng tlao1 roprmatid a tbo poraaa of bar afeuafeMa alatar Low v, .. "MbwAaaaatiawg, aald tbayoaagas qalallo UIUy "I paraahra Uiat yaa bar latbthad atrooy-oiladad tbdorlaa.. I aat vary orry. ; f.V-'-iSA'.',! i, .: .."Wlhy ara yoa aorry, air "Utaaaaa kaeaaai rdaty.MbwArao- atroogl liwoabl not do far at ta.gtr yaa till my ranaana. But oa aorar aaa make ska beliere tbat woman's mbtd to aaaal Id ajasa t- ,4 , rt, asbjbt gira yaa ptotity af arga sbauls ta proea It. mir, bat I vary aMtah the would bar very llttto I didn't aaaba your lad fceoltiea, amMt U paaeiato tbat they Was note the ry brgbeot ar der. ' V;- 5" '.;- -."i -.' ' '"Tag ontforonr alue," toughed Joba, wba bad tabaa a atraag dlallka to Law raatl alone boa a. -,ji - Yaw eat! or riaOof yokr reneaad why row ara aar rr to aaeleaimetroew poaaeaaed af a etrettg snletd, aaggaatod Ibotloetor. "I gaeaa tboy wooMa't qaita am bar, wa(afceaitW dVU C.' "Weeaaa to maa' aa parlor la virtue, good hem and trath," rs marked tba vtal- tar, flndlbg II baoteaar t change -bto tooUmaotaewbak ' ,.i 1 "fstbalbooaoaaof hermtrWoratttWr asked Dr. Ilardlkr. "It wakaaa to as aoperior ia (aMNnaVw- -ftwaWWy kaTa'wanw1 Jw" wammt to trast liula U bor aapartorit tbaa ba tajr ioare, for i- otakoor lai Add T.'rT ft tblah aat,t .1 - umaaaaioaa ot p. "Wamaa'a power oref man krtoea tram bar dspandaat, aM aging peoitioa. fnothar a was. U bora bor to btllera that bar (A Ue in bor avscMteose. -7 saoa's abnXst Ooe of rUamie taaa mehlng ap the lawa at this June- tore, aaroamlBf luatlly for help. "Fatbor's furious I and we're afraid be'U Bsarder mother I " be cried. "Wkal'aUietrwuhla aakedtbavtol- tor. Only "a , little pi- ntroo tbdpmrt of one of tba pro tec of womaa,'1 re- piled Dr. II anil ng, aa arose to go to the relief of thofrigh boaaobold af drankea taa-ttnakar, "Did oa any our kata wad Smod mmm l aabed Mattto, aa if a saddaa memorr bad InsDlred her. : .- i "Tea, ma'am. a ." War aa over Ik Mtoeouri VI, i-Yaa, ata'aav" , "Tbaa were od ' employed a a peysiciaa 4o fn;t boas of Mrs.: toUr i ... - Ik Jmlltowa; U4 Tba llttto doctor eaoeaatrely aa- aoyed, bat hs to admH tbat ba waa. ... .u,; 'Aad AfaarkJkkd .auvant in sue ..- a, family that surprised y .wasn't Uerr a. -1 she salted mercllaasly, i ' : Poor doctor! Of sou there "Waa. liwaaoka for st be mlghl Aad earn of at eoeniag Was 'iMl leriteyoad tbo lowed that palpable akbi , . , i. jj. ignoraooe. ,-.. ft oD(aa t Nwt a huj said awkwardly, "I bedHaboel k," "and aw tbat I knew ye ask ae! at all anrprtosd at year aaaitod aptatoti of tha aafwlar otreogtb aad ptadtrattea df tba maaoullke a4i-i The weddlog na'l traaatairo. ' loa Armatroag' becamo aiaiotota toaabsr wUhberatotarlkakktilef loom la (be soUi wtny f Btoaebeage plaaa, and the bUto doctor wt a -bto way, as da voaUaf aartota oflad BtoHtkl tmpartarlty of man a be bad rT Bat baaed koto "stro-mlael auisa" ref iter, ' ' "-Z-r ' ' ft IM oOOaaad.l .-i.!'i;t)l Tim 4. !aal 'izZl af Oraya "torr ta a Coow7 Vaoaits'i to kae4ia wamlda - atoro oe ta mat lartwnlod woa that bad M Ibltloa af bto avaamMPfJtai' lVaaB4l4 k list aall, I ,1 I..M The kaoat Striking paper la Obf astd .na, ear raaruary. win ae timt af U Iter, iaha Woiaa aa "M arfiafo," which, read la own or two parlor, baa already prouuoti no email arivata aeuaaiiou. Mr. Welat thinks that the dlacaaalana of tbla atarrtagw ptwhieaa, la wbaab tba arearnt ana la ao niuiiaa, are not la ba igaoradTlasoooalaut ory whlah goatee up (rout lite naarria-l theroaelVea, wba nare lai led to reaiiaa tbetr awa raaanti bio aspoetatioaa, abowa aa that there la a n lata he aoatewMorew If we aaa bala tin dlaootrer it, wa, by an Bunch, blp the world toward it' ..millennium. Hlnce the contract of rrtage to aa. broad aad drop aa butaaa aataro, It nanaty tkare fore, aow and alwaya, aeanpriae both the lolly aa (be alreartb wbten wen an woauea eontrthata lo that, ao tber do la erery athar baaaaa eaaalillan. 1 llerad llary folly aad lanratlty are anataakad aaore aulckly la, marriage than la any atbar rvlaUon. jlvlure ll oarenMNir, aha to k aodileaa, an angel, aa ewtoodt aieui af ,n?nn)caej'rhaaVr'oka dejraa to approach .and lo laaoiaale. 1 Aad ba to a knlxUCall a-IUterlaa with ko ilea armor all high courage, aad uualalned faith, ami aoaelnah atrengtk. ' Altar, ward aba flat! bias aaly a man, made af lb daai of the earth, la want of a .dinner, nnd croaa if it doe Mot euit blnai abaorbed la bualueaa; coaraa. It may be, aomaiJmoa Junt a man I Aad ba f ada bar also a creature with taiarriled tea denciea ant present dafcnus ausious ta know One people and wear floe gar aieuta. Tl'cy have cmtie out of the roes colored eoaiitry of rial on tnf tba dayllglitof tbo'rniacaof Troth.", Hat a taiwened by baalaaas aha by baaaa eeplng. Ibey meet ill-attuned, nudaa thrr .Jail out with mutual roerimlaa tiorr Her Mositlr nature ssaggeratom; b la strong Ope dr prcekate and eeertooka. rerbaps her fine taatea toad bor t be taa aspensire. aud tboa the maa brgiua la wonder whether tba twice bo not over high which ba mays for tba pleeaurref barenetolar. '' ' " --"" " .Aa aaa reatad aaaiitsi tbla mutual tarnoranoa. wblob leave oten auch anU- aequaal opportunities for mutual dis covery, Mr. YVeies approrco of the eo edaoaltoa of tbo aexee. - . ' h What ena ba atora salutary tliaa sach aa opportunity to affect both eases with native aoanrauona ana aisonino, ' ao thai obaraotara to the vary aat af a vet- oping aut nf.lnaarltod JmrrfacMon may foil into wiser retotloue with aach other Wbilf tbo same mental por aulta summou thaos away front trivial feeliaajo Into noble eotolaUon, ami tba assea pique aaeb nib only to nvet tha prise of knowledge, still tba mlngllag glances will liberate a aweet courtesy, and k tearper tbat cannot bo trifled with; aad a atotrroyaaca af aaopoitod anato will reign.) Nothing proenetareaeed ba vuira.ga.1 Iroaded, an any more than la a garden of iittwvra. itviuini miucwu wtti mrv with toleration; aoiiilnr in can and vile m 1 I mr i . . tit - - - caa aurvtlve Iha awful aoora of thaaa an- bribod oaadktoteo for eirtnov to bo triad. If only for tke chance ofgraaitatina bailer aubleota for the higher dtsclplina or amriiaga. ? .a- la aedarSo make early Bbkrrtogmevea loiaaablv . baneful., thto . eo-adueaUon would bo noocsasry. If not (bus tbor poirtity knowa lo each, other, th eon fraCtlBg paima . ..,. a, ht. tut U vraH until Uaae hml mstarsd their Jadgaseai.' Bat ao plaa for mixed edu cation, ana no posipouement oi mar riage, caa aver train tha two sexes "to seek each ntber, wttb Mlaptoaod M-Urmght;i3- of nrige IsTrequontly foe. One aad erftnaJTl nnifait oa mmu .w kv m Mtarii'imri fast fct alf other stag of our mortal life have a work W disclpllae to do. He woald make a. dlmatroua mistake . . I. I .. a a i. J l I 1 1 wbowoold wad atrlacliaB -a waddiuaT J wbleb, luckily, win never ao pomibi. 1 Waa. Mmm S a. . a. ai. ..1. m. al IVt- nj iruiai ,mj uwvuuainw i Jii- Vj, hr1J,n mfmm 4flwr . at vsnt aaar woo Id bo aa an wise aa fer-oJ ckikl to qnarrei wllk It epelUug-ttook, beoauos it wa aotalwaya easy. But, an the other baud, there (a no lg- aarintjie aat taa martiaam, bica were eontmetea. wtta wt purest fselinga and luUnlieqs, do aome timea develop auob aa antagonism of tempera meats as utterly subverts tba power to make a bonne the racy asaH eoa-of-belarr of mairtaga. Jind feere Mr. Welm deals boldly with the qoea-l ai a t . I tt 1 . . a , a a -4 ion oi wnetaerui-tuoruaukooupieaougiii, orwigbt not, to remala toffelber en ac ouunl wf thetr ehiidrem 11a aaya i. ... - ine ate ot tao neaaa praaalvedlasnnanoe;' the eblldraa see ao bickering, but they Insensibly Imbibe k quarrel that to.Batoelemly waged by Im- atoeaklt eontrartety ; theaoaseea tboir enrlr aallaro. wbleb oacbt ta I kept so limpid and shadowloaa, aeem to be continually raked Op by tbla gnarled aaa eioude unit over aaa. aniu they kaow . not wbsnee, for they of t gather " beyond ; tba horl aim pie and tiiwineatlonlnaT aoula. Idreif are na longer the samftromioaa wbtob Nalore alter Oar atotnnl disoan tenia, bate, rather, the Jakk W aias aa atLatriaf. atothor at tbebattie-fllds af thU oimtrnrtety;. each Wfc in I. . i I ASta af CKaaaa la k tvaeiManaal akiisrrrmmt Inkl Waal a- lusmj mm aw j-v isaiiswwv ""ba"! for two li nail la poticica. ana or what will beeota of tboaa young scale who have beea ediioated eate heues ta dtotraet aad cynic lam 7 Ara tiiey candidates for -celibacy, or fresh eonanlrators ami oat the boili of marriage T But yea amy, f f the par eata eee. rata, wnat will krsoms af tba ehiidrea V Why, nothing; worse oan become of them: they are an sruttlored. annerreiL alckeuod, oy the Vibrations mf a . . I .at aseaaa altb thsfothsr ar tba ai away nam laa lataiity ot taom oota into toe neutrality, at least, or eitner one of litem, whore poealhly the candor Of yoath ma moar, aad tbwddeal 4 da maetto beaaty pat forth franta bads ia ta expending warmtb," y . ... Hot Mr. WelM beaeevneo long roroanr- snoe wlta ench other beroro the anal moaody af oMveeee ie ooiiolted. - He be Itoves ibsAebvoaos ahaabi ba mach aaa tor tbaa It, bow bi but not, tber fore, tbat It abould be mora frequent.' lie area thiakt that If tha a a happy feet tbat thia rtaas awaits tboaa al tba lost, It will aaake them aeere, aalaW-lhava lam Aa"! healing. tHhera, who bar aloe thought foot apea tba maitar, have a1.. l a MM W vjoatcfualoaa come to preclsef orpoalte rrom taoae ar air, vetse," 'tMtlbtoprw la OM enad A'ata, toana wblob a abould Borlact t rcM. . Jt to oer. loot t rrM., Jt to oer. laloly full of eweetaem anu can .r, and It ecems to m one aaa hardly la re- mrwBaas to aaab aallgbksam sal aa to Mm trod naean Aca 1'er lYfrine., af ti t rrt to tovs va a re as t"C.X jobltcbor-ltla-. ' .'; 7ktiVJj ' AtotUrCfoas klad gradaats af Cor aU L'aireaalty la th aditar af tbalfmv aWaiaadUabaayat r A hook a vaaa awo ta toll yoa aamaUitug of tbo health af ta youug intliae at the tkrnJI i:lver sUy" Al that ttaao I waa aa drirea with work (hat I did a foet oqaal ae taa aa dertekiaav Tba HmnUL baa initssUy remiodau mo af ar amaia to wrtu WttoaleouM. I am glad to be able aow I loatiry ta tbla matter, for 1 aa saacb latoeeeasd iathaaajanUoa of the a potto oney at ad aaa Uaa boyoema) alrto lab name acboala and col leg. My wboi aeui noes ap in re vol i against Uia. Wea taat gins aaa women lu their aornsnl aoadl ttoa, aaaa loae aa gveas a pottloa of Ibm, bast tartaf Ibair Uvea aa Da. CUrke aaya tber must loae. Whoa three ar four suecissiee geaorallona of women nam ooeyea uto tawe or Malta -o-maoad taawa, dwaas, aaotctoev ado- Utoa atay ataay, an week during taa man aaa lis aotiaiilaietl I ha aana of liT iii health of womaa. The fact that glrta omtrr waa ap aamo in ataay aaa la faabfonaUe folly r-eaw ate tbaa ibsy asaaaDakaio. aaa ma I raaaoa enough, why Ibey cannot endure any aura strain, ic tkey mlwaya had a reserve ewerra they ntway aboald nave, wnea tba asealbly asrleito they would ba abto to da tbalr- work without euflerfhg fa coneUvnce. Ttst too many botara of study sod loo unto racraioa are ta nw among gina i taaak day iksirvi ItMtvrorad. .Thota was al Vaaanra tode of twenty-two or three, who bad beea In III health el nee childhood. Belna dollaala, be pareata, tboagb bar father waa a pnyaivian, bad kept ner la tha nouoa. ana ana Steves uraea bar to na active Ufa. Bite was a good acholnr, and bad spent bor whole time In c loae aoitll- hoatloa la atade. Vt'kea she oaaae sa Vaeaejrsb wawaWly'WhUaereaihM una betag almost ookMteea. , ooa tlta color began to come bach to her .fare. ana ana was mucn improved la boallh. She, ladeed all Iba atadoata at Vks mr, waa required ta osarclaa aa boor a day oi Liter la tha gymnaaium tr out of ooora; ana to ibis tbing ner frleaae nt- iriouiea nr improve conauion si any gina oouia atony at vaaear ana qulto comlwrtable Hvoat waa at At Cornell waa one young lady. who haa beea la poor health for some years. Hha bod lived aa Inactive Ills till than. rtbe aald aha hod aerer beeei aa well aa dariaf tba year a Cora all, aad aha tbaogbt iba loaf walk to lue L ulvarslty waa the cause of Iter bettor health. Kha to now tbete for bor (bird yar,a leow elwae bar boaltb eaatlanea geasV-Tw otaor laOlas Laia ran tae haa navar ' na nevei aa walL Otto af tboaa lad tea waa a re markable Instance la rontradicMoa af Dr. Ctorhe'a theory. - Before aba' was tea yeate aid' eho bad sad aal dl aa badly that ab ouald ao ataad whJsant etrpport.. tiba woeupporUraigbt and jiailaTabasla TiZ. tba High beboei. aad froo Vaaaar Cot lege, and then apeat on year at Cor nell, I bara liuewa bor Intimately from oblMbood. beea With bar always st achool; aad daring all thssa yaasa tout, better than thll r any ana etae t ever knew yet all tba time aba baa beea ebtlged to wear eupporUra. f should add. that every wltere. ovea'at amoa the drat, kad oa brat jB I.er.rHass, never knew nave atade MOto Changs a bar way af doiag for site lived: simply aad reeeeuabi at kll tlmea. -T. - tt may b ak.d"tbatHtHtediee"at Cbr aotl Were of eourae a better alma, wttb regard t boaltb kad lataUaaa, tbaa tba average.. As ooo-lhird of the,, whole number were anilvea of the Utile Iowa of Ithaoa, the eaa ecareely be called "picked bH.Tbto pkraee waaa tovor It ameng iha yamtg asea, wkMthey lound tbe young womeataAJng U in-aaoy cjsaaus, and being above lb averaae la averv ataaa. 'ir weare en Boring asr tit mas af JJa''ftBaa'awawawJjBa dugewata, study m parti neatly ba.tbarged (uaaeeta. study ana baidir riio toe oimiek or our liUkvoilb. . ff wba ar stexlats an Oer more frwm oiofcnem than thaaa wha aaa aat slartaals, then Barbae atady m-.r haaalr I ocas part at taa tiiamai taoagb ovea la that ansa wa muat aaa If It I tha etud ar tha man tier of living whlak to at tanltv Over atady. aa watt aa ofnyathor kinwiU m aatrnoUrs of eaavanleuUy ta boar ataay eviia which 4tex in education may eometlate ba pro 11 table lltme for study, hot al pree aat Dr. Ctnrke wnuVd dw-oanah aaoee goad to warns a kind hy abewlnaj Aww aa aaad ba ao biadraaee to study, than by treating of tbo annaluraJ Ilia which eome to woman from bor aax; aa if the la oonnecUoa with th subject of 111 health among scbool-glrls, I am glad to see tbe article la our December nu ar bor e. tbe lirjtteioaa aOeotaf stale dime lag, for la thopmtiatattdltl-tf aaoot girto I think mneiiasbiag atair to very lo'urioua. -i ;-'-t,. AOoaa KiToa,-A Jaaraal bag mads tbo discovery that, "it to ooelcr to And a stolen good aewspapef writers than to nni an good newspaper oaisor.'" Ttin will banfir baiowaarled la lh llsbof y be toamadad la Ihe llgbk af aa Importaat dlatwrory by the pabUd nl large, for it requlroe bat a,ror alirht knowledge ataawapapars UlA now that their aacotm depends not so mocb oa tbo ability rat tba Individual 'krttorai aa pea tba task aad saintlahha of aaaalaatora. n ' . . A aewspapar toy ta ' fact, . almost aa maeh th production of on mind jed-a book, for tboagb there May be KA KA which awsa lata It, bk to tha ia divldual taotaf laoodoctor that fives It all eoftaisteacy, tbat blots out a.I ob- letlrtabl mutoajwa. anoV artto- aWaaal lamWV eaWal woaMVV raV,TasbaBAa date and give point low.i wUoCer- . Tba editor af tba low oa imtm to aol by any means a to...lit Writer t there arddotUtemasary aaaa bbs hem wm awa aaaal aw-mnciaff Imifim, eer:r ar loi tv a-- ai a tf-' r l-art J. k I T aotaoawLo truij aoivt tt I . tr-'er wKb ta i"imhsttaiiai imimi la r ai,a..-o tr-tS7 a- ai:e k"s -" r ' tari ! I to that of b-s i ro.bt at a tt. - -(tu'; ! faat&dJaa. V eiv.i-gk. t Tba proper reatlletloa of the ttaoiah'". v whore wo lire le a maitar of aJsa eaooS 1 . . vlSaj mem ant of all theeiamliena Wbtoh h ' concern aar physical welfare. Itaapao . ba brought too treqaeutly before thov'-i public, 'oe-ito Impormnre amphaalaad " : loo forcibly. There to not one biati ba-a. oao atMsdre tm aaa ssmmaalty -thai to taoMwghly aud carefully atoad UroaTbv.a oal eaek day. Tide book wives lu-ial'' that the bed mast be made sari- to tba " saoralac, aad aaah sksmSir ta esmplila ordac at Use time wheal lAo bed-eioUtaa,! aad aaatrruis should be epread aut ta ha purl fled from tbe Dolseaeua son rations that hare beea thrown from Iba body0' oreredrht. Ho the keen See mas wkilw tba bedding to yt warm, atd tnaahsa. n barmaid wbo duUiaeo. to work tbe window ara open doe not lilt tbo aneb.' " V" ",.,.". - aa4 U.iW , Maw many pure ens 'depend ape thef eraaka to tbo wbsctowa, Iba mvaJsBari thenixjfront tbe sluing-room adjointag. ' Wbioh baa beea well eabouatad of lis axytetr d orttJ r The day, ft renulaw" taotr enamnera as atabt r uaa maur wemen having iba charge ai amaUieaW ar aumoieatly thoughtful to opea tba windows Several times dally. When tbo . sluing-room la race ted for the dlnlnr- roam, to btow aat tbo foaf air tha a a mpMiyavowatamtasr As bow asaay.s draw a down from the ton and rsjsed 4 rroea the otfwi vo-wbtaarn vaatiiatiaar IS saoato atMi oaronu aasrviaia) t,i.eewa I omcltly auppllad with, the Bash .ajr to be HI lo live la. -. At thto season-It la,'of , ' aommst-nWhea tba wladowa atantly open. Aad It renalree areat. I adamant to mcoaalse the oarroam af J aOrWdinerea temnetalata ta beea war iMeJiky, aad p rot as paato froo QQMghkiaad twhto aswraiAldaf a : Catarrii knd IkHuensaa are reaeimnr1 contracted from tiroaght la tba Imaasj matiarn and ecia.Uea aaa he Mtryht la a fow momenta by aittiiur with the warm , air blowlog from on aide, aad the cobf " drought eoarine; IVoaf t ha- a b ar. Pwit d aad foot tba ewrrent frem.t&O door act i their backs are Very Ilkel to waken 1 aost atornlng with a atlirwck bra row, alegneoe. LM tbe kandno tldmasa J look tato (Ma Basilar ovgndahV Ut.ksniu" daagorou surreats af iKti araold alV j-'i-' aad protect their bouM-hi4-ajfrom die- . atrdaraml .WJInjt" i- mTl -- 1 JiitM bmm itX&miWU A lady ajameMadtrAb Aaa WaratMaaaoltoaakis anara' muitntsr aastai aeea assana at .bros-ar .soar o'otosk, and getilof a washing aeartdona by aaartoe, aaaowse do.- lit BaOVre but tbHM waa aaro aaaa dml af rlsldtry tlsnk. u bwasaimr work -vara emtiaustlnr boiler, and whUaOUe water to beating ' woafa thwdlshea,put the eiotbae swab tag and en fortba lbra mk awS alte snktiani elotlaeo. aad WhUe they ar bei liPg asaka . the bed, but tbo bouae la order aq4 pra-T-r-pare for dinner: fltcaflnlah gottingyoor v7 chttbeo ou tbo llao. -I tmr fouad thb thingt bntll wbea tired oat bare the hauas to nut ta righto. - Where there ta snore tbaa on " , . to work; af aearaa the tabor natod" yjldad." --4i ;a a,,,Tfi.i ?t.i i Another help la,wa oedlaary .days, to " have the cake, eauce, or whateter Is thZT ba bad for auppor, prepared la tba ftr-T wktto th ro- to aop ap far tfemJ aJJo arorbv- Itaashma area dlla leranoa in uta lengirt of taa artomoena,. whoa ro vlabito sl down t sewing or . otheTWorb.- jataaaTataaBaaTaa akaBabdB -aanmmdl BTBiVmBoaaBaw-o- aaBfwBrsTr. waajara think twice before I aay III jtmae,4 tempt toko things that yoa. are ai to do Jaat beeaom our bttsbaud cxponta-. it.es yov, er oon- inov am waat yoa oma as wen as not. moat men ansasbas tney amy be, saaaa aavib prenena tbe amount or inoor i work .aad aba re tbe aare af : children beaidae. It ialhetrneatkindnaas. I badbaad and eblldraa both to decline' la da extra work which to too muck tar oar ataragttu Bettor isavs aoaMthloga aadona than wear-yourself out breuan-. aa aaa.1 M A Mat laa. Wat .aa.. hUaaft ..a. al . t " - -If tsasmbls trnve a ptan tot roar tottnt' what work yba hava to da far ths aaa,. and keep abend of it If yoa aaa; it ta an . dlacou raging t feet, tbat yod ar behind. at, i,i--a1' Kantod XWjdas. .i aowv.Trkaii.",,, ,M1t "JT oa eee a taJyand nCfemaa'dlaa srree anna tridlns: occasions, ar dorrect- lug aaeb atbar la coaapany, yoa amy h tney aars ueu im window, , wilitowt. ammiag toy, baaox, tonfbla!!' ,?"pMkto, lU It yoa sa tody dm-f 1otw, wad sutMnsne. ay- tbe maa a aar kindly tolling Bar la pick Hap, aa aaad apt. neatuua in wmiai your opiaiou; or If von meet a couple la the fiaido, the' fsman trawatr yanto la adeaaaa afl . th lady, wba. rarhaaa. I tretUax arar: a atile with difdcolty, or idckjnjt bar. wav throneta amutklv halbf or ""Tt If yuu see tMywhoo baty an4a-" mmpitabmsaaa amaai taa aiieauaa an la tba loom taoti you aaa have aa difoult ia datrmlar log their relation. -tip ta aaeb other tbeeaatobwr husbanJ. U poa aeo a giBttoaaaa aaillialsila eBHeoaaahllgrag. aaAgsaJ astumrf relax lag Into , am I lea, saying .aasartj tninga, ana toying wita every pretty tea aaat psi na; oa, ew naWtoatotly aaaf aaat fiM-aaal natd la nnrassnasl'lv araas aha, lltat a la. aoimdy can a at a foes to I ymm aswka at aaapta yamag. bar Vwd thaaaaaoasb otaar, ajaalam la of '3toa be.Je the j-ifc bi ax- -rvwaaV4 .. eternally anticipailoT and. brenklng tha thravl Of aaaa Ox-.r'e if at- t am riaavanav waisa a -who. iod bra are--- " - a ' af tba kakiv I bar am, to t 1 !., a aa-ijaU's I It to Tmpomibla to bo sVrvtoa kie fadltiar aa hmL.Um -w b4er-r--JeatHlfeff J kaaasr1" lift V1 It - -; tf " .- a l s si - r I u i t ai daWfros VeTJ .jfm,miJk-tu't aooea. -. . . .. ' I It .- Jk-aJ I 7 r . 3 :17 , JC;:' - 371-.; ; 4 v'. 37 ' ... :. . "V N.;