, FEBRUARY 7 "Will poo Mk Wrrttfcer Mr: Graham III awastr.BfwrtH -,i.--it Wtll IIMO Mi inDrwSaw. Ill IHWIW kNuftiM4 leanlnc AgaiBet tt walnut ralllD; of tbe tWak, km band tnllng wlUi III ilttlo door lba afivt esHBltlere "from tbaicta wllkia. j1r waa a Ull, Mr tuan-of Uilrty, wtth'vkiM croppetjbalrauel liMhi.. lilt aliouldan war kmd, bis featoree srtsUxaUlc, btft I biro was m 4U Air About bio. that puulaU lb elerk, sod would bave pas--glad aa ah. It tu something that eould sot bs iteaBau, out It porvded tbo whole man; a vuppreated look, as of ou forced In oooio way to tilde hit fI "liiga; a nannerof aUudlDf and ttoldlng bis bat nrhrr h bad something apologetic Inlt. "Mr. Orabam will two you, air," amid tho clerk, roturnlng and opening tbo llttlo railed door, "la therr, tbo offloo totberigtil" I i,a bl ra li aar inm ii iniji ih favim in. aicaieu, and cmmmhi too door onina sira; . tbou, Mandlog wltli bla back against it, bo fumblod with hla bat In tbo aani odd manner la wblcb ho bad baudlod It In tho outor offloo, and Instead of speak- JiigY tookad at tho gentleman behind Ilia deak with eye that bad a meaaure- If m appeal Hi litem. Tbootuor'dtd Mot rise from b'a chair, nor bnli out bla band, nor oven apeak ' for aotno momouta; each looked at the other, that waa all. But It waa the elder WHO broke to apll at laaL "Ho," bo aald, "It la you, Janien T ,r "Yes, It U I," aald th other. "Havn't yon a word for ma, William ? " "I have a rood manv words that "von . like to hear." aaid William Uraham. "I really esn'l aay I am glad to see you. delighted, honored, and all tbat, you know.". . . : ' . i don'tei Doct an v one to be clad." aald the other. "I know I've disgraced the family, but I bave been punished for It. Fifteen years, William think of that flfteoa year of prison life and priaon " fare aud prtaoa frieodat I'd have given tuy aoui to ando wliat I did, even before It waa found out; and I never meant to a mh in mnu w fl "We know th -atory " said the aw I - - chAiit. "You ware In a position of on- a l . . i '1 & .a. a i . - i A u'hhm www u a mjwm aa, . w v... a flair, I had-tl-Bappn in my own offloe. I eau't feel any sentimental pity a s.. 1 1 1 .. ft. 1 1 . li .. nwiniwtiiHni, vv dh or log run here, Jam ? " Kitimng nia nat rrom Hand to nana, . looking from under hla eye-browa lu an MiyCV IIHilJIUU, HUIV U OWWftVIUiai, when one eaw In what a geutlemanly mould be bad been cast, J awe Graham auewered ? I am five and thirty now. The outalde world tiaa blank tA ma all lhM yeara. I want wort. I want you to give It to mo any honest work, WIN nam I'm a good book-keeper, but I'll - be aorta r, aa errand man, aaytliing." "Oh. no: not anything here." eid i - i i , . i.i - your boat, Jamea. You are no brother, or mine., i oaatyou oir wnea you be came a felon. For the aake of the mother who. called you 'aeo.' I'll tive vou aoma mo ne v enourh to live on for a weR or two. rn never give you an other cent don't expect lu I will bave J j J - Tbo priaon taint waa ao at rang ipoo . the. other tuaa that hla pride waa not Brouaeu vet: m Hi-inwn wnn nn n-r i . . - . . . . i i grouod LlmaaJf aaalaat loaooor, looked I abjectly from under bis eye-brows again. and asked: . ,, "How la slater Jeaaie f " . "Wall." aaid the merchant. rrr-"esn Twrtell mo where Bb.lveeT"T askeil'hl brother. - "Xo,' said th merchant,- "Jeeel ia marrlra. and baa tried to fercet th terH rihl srlef you av her. Vou are tu ! laat person a reapectable brotber-ln-law wonid car to see." n JD"?JUe?.lL0f.,'l James In a faltering voice. "Ada Mua- grove what bas become of herf'lsshe still Ivlng T Is ahmafrladt" " "I bave no Inlormatlon for you," said 'the merchant, harshly. "Hare Is fifty dollars. If you are careful yo will gat jwojajtejore is wvnv tmmeinuar, (rSriri.' back again." Hs flung the money down on the ta ble, but there was a spark of manhood In his brother; even yet he could not lake. gift so proffered. Tali as be was, ne seemed to grow a need taiier as ne drew hi ebowlders back, and, glaring at his brother, throw th notes tbat lay before him into his face. " " "Cnrs you, keep your money tw he aald. "I don' want It. J don't want anything from you or any one. . I same for help. It Is tree help ta be an bouext man. .I've been among the outcasts of r the world so long tbat I've mat klaehip with decent folk, but I tbougbta brother . might hold out a band to draw back. 'm - ' 1, I -U'k. kt m -. these bands, thee abouldera look at me! I can earn money somehow! And, by Heaven! If this la all yonr lespssta- ...II. I i' l.l . . - don't rare if I see no more of It. There are plenty to welcome me, and you bave driven me unto them. Kemeoiber that, son ofmy tuotberl You? ir . Hs thrust hla hat upou hla bead and dashed out of tbe room, striding through '. tbe outer offloe with no beed of any one there, and clanainr the door behind him as hlei.eTted O ft ' T H 3 I ri One tlark night, a few weeks later, James Uraham, In full fellowship of a gang of burglars, waa receiving I nat ruc tion from a companion how to enter and eMteeal himself I rr a houae that bad been marked for robbery. The leaaon was given In front of the houae Itaelf, - and after bla oombanlo) bad laft bim. Uraham muttered: -"Yea, I belong to the fraternity now. I am her to rob this house, I have tbe mask and the pistol In my pocket. IJ nave ai jiuie dark lantern., lu k nnrgiar, anu ourgiars were the only men who welcomed me back froea priaon. My brother turned bla bark on me. My brother I wonder w bat my poor mother would say u sue anuiu aa ute now. Ir she knew." He stopped h I raself w 1 1 b an oath essmed, with a motion of hla band, to east away the though ta that were upon bim, aud In a moment more had mounted to lbs window Indicated , by bis comrade; 'and Boding tbat it onaned eaallv. clambered In. Hlsshoaa word iidlsrleM lie madeOka otiuo a he. moved, and, guiding himself by tbe mulern's lignt, jooked for place of en. I . ,. 1 i.uif "V nwumb .Aft mwn Vlinnwv I lw I m ' ft 1.1 . . 1 . mill warurove, Willi a nunr as wiaer nl.t In ehle, behind a curtain of sus - pemled garments, h bid himself. H beard, after a while, a baby ery, " and In a minute mora a atrp ran acroae tbe oexry, and a ray ef light glanced through the keyhole la one end of the wardrobe. "All," cried, a lady's vo.ee, "com . . i I m. skawm, Anw am Mia en ami w mm r.re ' w.-.wsm.ez, bwi WtM leave bim. r' t " nun .imihrt MftBi I. ftMfii.ii.. . u & . ftwi.aiiu ; . there wa two women vert near bim so near tlat be etmld bear them breathe. "I'm ao glad yon cam to-day," mid . Jemle, "when I am all aJoa. Qiarim FRIDAY waa called away uaal peetodly Oil morav log. I declare the thought of that ao elJeot make me lit, and lam nervoua VII alone in tbo bouae at Bight, dear. Beaidao being alwava glad to4- yu. I am ao thaakful toM yon to-night!" "And ) am naeer Mrvoua, Jaael," aald th other. Tn aa good a a man about tbo bowa,. mamma aare. I've bunted Imaglaary Uirrlara with a poker maoy a nigbb amaaa iaaiwaye lav agio log burglar, djr aoul.f . "'Joo't apeak of them." aaid the mat roo. who waa vtdood autatiAaT the child aa only A-mother ' . "Tbla uoue would e more of a tamptatioa to them tnlgbt thaa It ba ever bees bo fur alne we lived bar. Thar are ten tbomand 'dollar In the aaa. Ada. Charley hadn't tiaaeMdepoeit IkM'bey telegraphed that Mr, Btrd might bo dy- A ane maae tnia eonieaaion, me man eonoraiad a near bar Uateaed with hi vert heart In bla eara; but it waa not to the tatemeat o well kalculated to re joice a burglar heart, v That waa fur- gouen. ..lie ueara ouiy tue voicee ana the nam the two women called each other by. Ada! (hat bad baeu the name or tna gin lie loveu. eaaii uiai waa hi alater'a nam. After ail, what waa It to him T Uk hi brother, tho latter baa cast -til m otr,oreouraud no doubt Ada only raiombrd him with horror. How Ilk th voloa were. Could it be? He atole forward and beat down with bla eye to the keyhole, bat bo could ouly eve part of a woman' figure away- lug to aud ire a' an rocked ner iMaui onherboaom. ' "Hear little fellow," aald the voice or the other womau. "How sweet baoiae are." -. -- bhe came forward and knelt down, and he taw bar profile. ItweAda Mum rove older, for ha had left ber a rlrl of aix teen, aud found ner a weman of thirty, but bandeomer than ever. "Yon-love children ao, I wonder you rfuti'l tmarrv." amid the matron: and now Jamea Uraham know that It waa bit sla ter who apoke. "William wants you to bave him.-; He always loved you. And, Ada, be can give you all that make lit happy." -iameeOraham's cheeks flushed la the darkness. . He bated' the world more than ever now. II bated hla kinsfolk tbo cruel brother and alitor of bis moat of alt "He cannot glvs me the one thing noeaaaary for wedded Jiepplneee;Jove him." aald Ada: "no. Jeesia: I bave never said this to you before, but I must aay It bow. t I loved poor James too well aver to love any other man while I know he lives."- -- "Ada, Ada!" fried Jessie, stooping over ber. "it Is a comfort to knew you still remember my poor brother. I thought I waa the ouly living being who slilLJoved hlniw'J!odtheojjramee Uraham, listening on the other aide of tbo door, beard thaws women .weeping together and for bim. - ,Yo, Ada," said bis slater, "though poor Jamea is so sadly disgraced, still, when h returns, 1 will be glad to ee bim. and lb I shall be hi boms If bs will, aud my good huaoand will help bim to win back the place among meu that he lost ao long ago. William la cruel to him; but then we women are softer. When lie is free afain 1 trust he will corns straight to us. 1 rear William wHI hurt him by some reproachful apeech. He WW "no free very aooii Ada." ' : V The man who had atoleu Into the houae to rob It the man of whom they poke could bear no more; iiia heart waa softened aa ll nau no. oeen ainc ne waa a llttl chlldlt was aa If the angels badepeken tewrn. " - t- . iivu iiv remfiiiu,!. Tlieo-he rememoered wnv ne waa . . . . i . I . hlm aod lho dear women who bad saved him from desperation, h crept away, and finding bla way to Bi window wnicn ne uaa enteJedVJi-departed as be had -come. vowiog to lead an nonest lire, a no ao ine time, nerhana when ba was dvlntr. to aa those two dear creatureo once again; at least, always the memory of their i - -j r i.i . ki l -- . hl. - . M Ii.. -.". Wltbthethonghts In hh mlnd, h stood on lbs grouud and rediembered with a pang who would arrive coon and what their errand might be; and that, while hei scorned to betray tbsm, bis must stand between them - and their and save his sister's borne. fft fa g, t Um, H.f.ltl-bii;bomforh.p..tol: h. would not use It until tbe last; but hs must stand between tho women and all barm. " ' He knew well enough tbe aaforgivlDg ferocity of those with whom be Imd to deal, aud be muttered a tittle prayer for aid tbe aUifc,torayar be breathed for many a year aa he heard soft footsteps approaching. . e j -'r9-7- "He Is openlug his eyea,',sald a voice. James Uraham beard It and wondered what had happened, and why b could nt turn hlmaaif, and who apoke. Then cams a remembrance of a quar rel, a conflict and the report of a pistol, lis knew alt now. His sallow burglars bad shot hlm, left him foe dead. - Bat where was he now T 'Ada, dear," salt! the vole again, "I tbl n k be Is openl ng hU eyes." - Then they did open, and Jame Graham saw two woman bending over bim. , t -? " "'" "Janies, ddyou knd ststef JemleT" said one. . Th other only bunt Into tears. . , "Yea, I know you both," said he. faintly. "How did loom up hers T 1 am so full of wonder: .How did you know met "We found you wonnded-deadr we thought at our gate," said Jeeale. "It was Ada knsw yon first. M "pear Jeeale' be said; "dear Ada." J-We Can't tell bow It happenedWie said. "When you are better yon must tell us. Only we have you with us, and you shall never go away again, never." He folk be never nbuuld. . He fU II did not matter whether he told them how he had come' to them now. He felt tbkt In a little while he should neither ate tbe-s)s bear their voice; bat be was very bappy. A fore tail of heaven waa given bim. "They have been terrible years, be said, "terrible years. All that while 1 bave never beard from yon; bat I bave now. 4 Yuna cioaer; Irao'laeeyon very well. - nreres a mist before nry eye.' I want JeaU to kiss me." Tbe sister flung ber arms around bim and klased bim over and over again. Then be tarned to Ada Moagreve. "If I were going to live I ebon Id not trier. H," b aald; "but you used to klaa me loug ago, Ads-wtll you kim me now, my dear, Juat once more ?", Hh look bim ia bar arras, teml I very merciful,4' he said; "more merciful than man. Perhaps we shall meet again, darling.' These were the last voids be ever said, ... '"" ' - - -lAst year's logs In I-iondon are aald to bave coat 5 live a week while tbey lasted, ami arVattribute.1 to tbo lack of means for lb consumption of smote. A system aa general la It op eat km as th sewerage system le demanded forth abatement of tbe nhmnc.' - . Dr. Cummloga, rrealdent of tbe Wee-' Teyea I'nlverslty of Connecticut, la an eraest Wsnvaa daflraglst. LIST OF FOtT-OFFICI. uikK rrmaklla. IuauMafc, .a n itUiraile, kajwk. huftalaa1. Ceaaa. H uii..lr Paatl J ra Vailajr, ha Valtof , Hun EftaUl. Wuuiaeua rorka. . ' UMM. . albeay. bi fniart, arwalll, " Craw hnt villa, Maatuad lilU. loa Valley, Ursa. Kitlae, HarrUburf. , ' H.rn. Kaock. ' "tialBy,' Alaaa Valley. L'urrsllla, lnn l'rk. kii- Valley, Lui. illk. eurs f Fnllumatk. Laaao Hair' ilut. autumn, Tulstio. rwra, PlaeH . ahMldi, noa kprtags - odavllla. Uveal Uvm. ' ' MABiea. . Aaraea. AamvlIlMi . BultvvllM. CLACkaaAS. er. , Butt C'ftuiby, LlacKaaaa, Clear liwk, C'uiuaaiila, U1U WKttt, Kiucl C'nwk. UiMl Tldiaaa, Hll Mill.,, Mllwaakla, BrO"a t airfield. r -v - Oarrata, , Hubbard's, J-ffroly Marloa, Monitor. ' JCurtoa, Urqiii City. Oiniu, nana jr. Ml Ha.am, 'pi Milverwa, J -kiaytua, - Hi. Kj, MublluiUy. I Turner, ,' - 'Woodbura- ' ' cuaraor. Aalorla, Clifton, Jewell. ... , Kuapua, .S'olfttftJrra. HltlrwnTiH HraaMie uoaae, WeaHNHt. cooa. - kaat feetl . . I . . Powtn- Vailay, . KL Jakaa, " WlllaaaetietUaasrk. Coos River, CoiulU, .- " IMtra, Umpire Cltjr, Km-aanUMl prairie, Palnrlew. BetbaL Bwm Vbaa, . lwllaa. HertnaaarlUk, i: Kola. ----- laitoeat - B.1K noes. a.iiuii.iu. North Bead, Handoloa.. tT Uraad Roada, Indepauaeaea, . LlnaelB, LuckHuaale. . LewlaTklle, -, amaft.iL -fvnryaa, .JUoeeaO, -ten. : . , Hi I ktu-, . " aiikam. . COLCMBIA. Col am bla City, ClaUkanl.., Marahland, TILlAateOC--Oarlbaldl, kllcbla, ' Neiaru, Neatocklon - Hi. HaUna, HuaTlea laland, aeappooa. CT7BBT. Rheteoc, Kllanaburs. Port urtijrd. - - A BOO LAS. : Castaa Valley, - .Tllladkc Traak. OAT1LLA. ' Batter Creek, Hpner, Lnue, Manltall, ' MrmJowrllla, Mlltoa, Pilot Roek, " PvndMon, l'llNMd, Coiei Vaiiey VBaiMia, mi laat. Wlliew York. Myrtle Creek North aurooTllla, tOaklaad. , . . , HanCrk lUiai-bara.'. VBioa. Co, talaad City, lAwmada, - Mortt, Powiar, Uro lwll, HumaaenrUle, Vnkia, Wallowa. . ln Mile, t'mpqaa City, , Youeaiia,, e aa bt. " . AIord. Canyon Clt.. t'ain Waja, r- -Dayyllle, J olio liar City, -Prarrta-tlte, i ) Parkrnvllfe, 7 Piiirhardf, - Maiutvr, . iT-i" ' - ' ' jAraaoa. ,' Antelope. Rrutaei'rteka Hoo4 Rivar, Mllrhell, . MU Hood, PnoTili, - ra-oii'. Hhallrork "Hpanlab HoUow, -Tna laUlea, Warm Hprlnca. . .- Waaeo, Appleate. A.mmnd-k hmwnahorouf h, Central Pulul KaclePoUtt, . Grant' Peaa, H.ii rninnn, WAABIXOTOB. Bakecnnn. . -Cedar Mill, J Cornallua, Jl"y JackaueeiUe, -in,i. "Uraaavill, HllUhoro, ' " Mlddlatonr Mounuia Uala, I.Uikvlllf. Ianell Valtoy, pbarala. Kerk Point, Ham'a Vallay, HerkU Rlyar, Table Rook, Willow Murinf. t-aaaa Hhoil's Porry, Tayloi- Perry, l uaiaim. Tain w X JuaarBiio. . Klrbr, -Inland, Hlate Creek, ' Waldo. ABMty?'MW . Ballevaavv v , ' 'all, ana ' ' Dajrti 'lATaraue. LABB.- TScMlBBTlll. ft Balte DiaappolntaaeaWWeetk Vaaaklll, aUePnuoa, waewaaa. toUae (irav, (-oaat.Pork, Camp Creak," Cart wrtf hi', Eun City. Wml Ctiehallas. -WhaaUaad, A Mewbarn. - $ WAaHIRTaj TgatntTOBT. CLatXAU CO. Neah Ray Naw iMBclneea, Port ABfaloa. -. " CLABka. Rattle OrouBd. hru.h Prairie, 71- Pnurth Plain, i Lwl River, Pioneer, I' a ion Ride Vaaeeuvar, Waabaufal. Seactyiov ' m.: ronkSrld, . . rnsaport, Clilnouk. . ' Knappton,' uyierviiie, rllvanid, .-iBlty, r Woodward-i Leading. rikaea. ruia. r-raaklia, . tjike Vlaw, Puyallup, HWillarooai, -Vrm Taaeai, Tacoma. -j. - nuun- (Vdarrtlle, Chrhalta Point, ' F.I ma, ' Houulam, , MeixeaauOa. ' tiakvllla, - Isrwall. MahUtoe, Hhoboanlah, Inalall, . Sbanm. BBABJAB1A. ; cofi.nl Caette Hawk; farmlltoB, Praaport, Kalama, lnmrt Cowlltl. Martin- Blair, Mont leal lo, Mbivwila, pakln. Caeeadaa, BTBVBBS. Fha-we-iab, nkCirrk, PortColyllle, Tnnt talk, Owaaaburgn, Pi na Orova,'.-., . Mm Creek, - Hoaalia, mmkaoe BHdce, Hpokan Falla, V'nlna Plat, ralkarl Prairte. LOnepevtlle, r Ikaaiady. , jsrrcBBoa. TnvssTOBt. Miama Prairie, (Hympta, , Poet laapoeery, tivri lAaaiow, fain ad. Temw Yelaa. no. Pert Tow ktBO. Blark River, Imml.h, Pall city, Haatlla, lau(blr, anoqualaale, Mttak, UhlteRlTar. WlBklAIVBL CaUahtmat' - r.aaieciitr. "Uiaaaokaway, . W Mersraot, Walla waaaa. Alpowa, -c tmytoa, ... . -Paal. - . i Paaaba, Tukaeoa, ' Wait bo if, Walla Walla, WallBla. Whitman. ii Blakwly, I "orl Maillaon, " port William,.- Port Orchard, Baabeck. Teckahrt. i t " ' rUrkfTAt. Blneh Hon. Mmkw, imidandaie, Kltekktat City, White MalaaoB. i 1 . . tivu. tndaleo. Ouamaa. La Conner, ' Lrhwuhl, Lopa. Ursa lalaad, namlah, Ba-mlahmdo, gkaclt. -- WhateoBk, vsmur. Fwartavllle, bah alia, Cowlltl. Uaqualo, 111 Palla, Klaaitam, i Hapaelaa, , . .Nawaokum, . , Bknwfeamehaek, Wlaloek. ' VAKTMA. Rttaaam. Ellaiubai, PnttMtmeoa, konnaweek. . KlUilaa, MorkHea.1 a -, v PlaamalOtwV, Balah, Vaaiaas. Arrada, , . I.ihtille, tBtklaad, . , Bkoknmlah, B MUla ejtaaey Oraaf imaw ...... , ualravllle.. . . vniHawa, THK" JtEW KORTH WEST. - -a - 1 - . r r - , i. . wkti Till r rriuciTitx i THEFMEW NORTHWEST, A Weemly Joevwal UVITU ti TNI WPtfl IUT MTEtUTS! X - Ikigpotls&t ia Politic and aUliflon ! la- gat, A. . Mntl.latlsy sad Pripetelw. .C. .! I ii- - ICC tr TV BLIC ATtOrrCoraer ef Preat and Mark atraata, PorUaad, Orefoa. kOITOklAA, aWOMk-Oa " " Street, between Third aMVwartkw The Vaw BobtbwbwV Is sot -Weman' ruchta, bwt s BTaaaaa lUgkU arcaa, to whatever Bolley aay he the greateet good to lb eieateat somber. It know ae sea, a politic, ao rellsioa.ae party. aeseier, a rd. lw fcaadatloa la nvataaed a bob the rock "of Eternal Liberty Calveraa KaaaaelBatloa sad I'atrammaled Piuiloa. TERM), I!f ADVAUCE: JHa1eeoplea,aae year.. .UK - I n . I IN hh aaamiaa theaa i (jrwrkMEET ..to and CanraMer I MOW IS THE TIUE TO SUISCtltEf 'r- THE BEIUAL BTORT, "THE IIAPFT'lIOME,' "The TltmWfk,- By Mas. Dvbtwa. la sew haiag snhllabed rega'arly from week la ' : '" ' V'" - V CMP IN YOim OMOIMt CAlkYI 'ferwsr Ws shall waal te kaew hew nja aa edttloa o nrlBt, FIOREKCE BEWIKO MACHIXE. tike the Howe er nintwr, b ineet the vhrwe eator, I ha loread pwmaaeatiy ".IWHJW"-? r. lk0m hmlAtm pantvaaia euw- maul of the laiaat aly ebara. 1 have .1., the av-a HpuoI Cotton ; Wttnmanilc C. BV L Jrand Co. SoW on the Installment Plan : $io PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS. XJL- L'-M. L.. PACIFIC IOOT AHO SHOE .HOUSE. M. Charlaa Hotal Bulldiag, A Large Aaeortaaent of BOOTS AND SHOES, Which will be Bold at .. . - j... m-lu- tinnraosnsnteuir fcow rnwe, i - - I PACIFIC IOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, ht. Cbsrlea Hotel ikWdlag, . . W. Cwewae Pewat aaal Steer taeai Ma. OIO. A. CAtI CO. ' " III BiaHTinn tick. rpHE PARTNERSHIP HERETO PORE EX- A Ulllf Mivai u ft. nkiftmnr wi. iwr- acbweadell M Ibis day d be mutual - juaju H atiHWESDEI.U I U K. HALPRVJH ear The Ttaaelng Aradem y will hereafter e eoadurted by IX K. Ilatpraaer. woo..wiu pay U dehU andeolleal all monara dua tba Brm. JOmKPH M'HWKHlikU.. TK K. II lAU'Rl'NER. Portland, Derember li. UC4. . 4 IT -JAtT-WATEIflSMr Flwey ' 0mtas pm JPowmd. iTlfYl OP-ALL KIN Im OP PIH RE- .vw rafQuiijiniui rui.wn"ii."!" will beaold (u aaier aad HoieU at the above pilie. msers fram-tne eoBBtrr penmptiyi (ended to. 7.EKE A tY)., AeaaU, U Yamhill HU, between Pint and Kemad 0RES8I A CAUFOtXIA IAILIOAB CO. KO.BV I TIME RCHEDUUC I HO. K. mO TAKE EPFECT BCMDAT. ACQ. tad. I 1174. at 4 a. at. tor the eoeernmant aad la- krmaikaf emelormaaly: tnelvmpany i aere the r!bt -ft vary tkeranvm aa clroaav- iiiiiiBWJhiuiil . . Dally (Randy ECptdi a followai PORTLAND AND ROSEBURO ' , as poixewst ; LBATB ' ABBIVB. Portlaad t m A. a. I Roebnrf ..i..T:IO P. a. Roaaaoni . . A OB a. sv Peniaad ...A:l p. H. ..: -ft . , A 1, B A N T ET PRma TB aI. Dally (dieept Banda), '" as rotxows: , ' t. bats ' ABBiea r Portlaad I p. a. I Albaar ........ e. a. AJbaaj.tia, A- By 1 PorUaad.- MM A. M. PKEIUHT TKAINi. Dally (except Sunday) as ruuvii ' . . LSAVB. . abbivb.: PorUand ...1:11 A. . I J a action.. M P. JaaMkoa Am a. . 1 PorUaad k:U p. bj. - Th OmwoaVaad Callktrala Rallenad Perry makaarooowtlon with all Rawnlar Tralna !loae eoaaertlon am made at Rnaeborg wltk tbe Biao ef the CaJUbrala aad Uregoa Btage tympany. . - - aW TwkaU lor ml tnall the principal points la Cal Horn la and the Eaat,al Compaayl onVe, Cer.r aad Preat Ma, at rerrf Uaaaag.Pertmad. . aer KOTTCFi. -k Pta.me.r Bw -Bnt'tevfl le, Champeae, lyua aad lAtfavatia will lake tbe Boat lor the abev pmala a Caamah. ShP'HIorM will be Chargd oa Kreight re main I na la Wmehoaam em SI boar. - tUt Kral(ht will be raeeived lot ahlpment aner t a-ciocs p. a. J. BRANDT. Jr., E.P. ROGER", , Oea. kupt Oea.PrelmeairmntAiC SCHUEIR IIOTMEIS, - Mi et-'Ptral arm, TTAVB Jt-MT RfO PIVEn, BT THE AJAX, 1 1 sireet rrnm the Kaat, the latnreai nun, la Utetr llae.ever hrouht to Ihla eily.eomprlalBg ilk ci tots, jons, nouizs, . Oanty Baarts, raaary OsbmUss, --r ei ' . la all abase.. RVatdea thee Impeeialloaa, they have a full PBEBf-H ABB ABEBICAB CABBIES Of tbwOwa Kaani aetare, all of wblefe rhey eBratWboleaaleaad Retail, aad at aauaaally OrJarSSrtm Conatry MarekaaU anlleltad aad promptly Sued. KBRiniBIOI. ' :. ' -Keep and eerve In every style the Prvaheat -IaITIM All IIOAlVATtt tT ITtTttlt Rapper Riratahad or Partl,Remiiaad Ball en aawct aotkw. aad aa aaU.nwtory l BB J. l. Still, U"tlait. . aoraae PHatead Tamhm, Boa lb waal PORTLAND, ORBOON. ,-to) tie lisini mr pssrma. f RA. W. X. WALLACE haa opeaed a aret- A'A Drawt-Makiac IfUbliihatat ; ta ane of Ui aew aad tlsst nVeonerk ntark atr,.hla.a Ptrat aad Miid,al BBIrb plae aha would rupnially sollelt yawr aae- -e Ckrvwa of All Kinds, Berk aa Ladled and Oeate Kid. Bnrt. and Dog H aa.ia. a. waaaaaaM maa iwftaui ii. tOBNEB PI RAT A WASHINGTON BTRJ-.tTB. arawwa I aTtBs Bs . BnvwaTrvvwl ji.jipwjBwau Biaos 4 ie ; out r ! . Maaafaatarar of. - - -- tat BEST MACIUME IX THE WORLD It da Baure wuek. mora kluda oi work benar work, and oa It aaaler Uaa any aiber Machine. ' . U theea te a -rtoraaa" wtthla a haiad mtMe ol Put-llaad nut 1rla entire aailao tn. If I am Informed of It I will attend lo It w I t howt a pne al aa y k red te Ha w nee. ' aV baae the new aty le ml Pleraaee Ma- ehtne, that faad U work away tram toe baw tj ikoH nfHirtu that atyle of Marhlna. kU-wreB eoMiantly oa head a lartw k sad Twtat; fleha Clark, j. Jjnn. T ' ins Maoaiae uu. Muaieetore. Down, and $10 a Month tillfca.d for. fwj ' .m-a.mmaBBBBBBWaBWm MLtirATE0U8. --it- ft;-' Ra-wiy's Read- Relief! CVVf THE WOROT TU la irwaa wejrwosiVlBBjSs ' MOT OMK MOU AAer reading tht advertleement seed any oae BCfFER WITH PAIN." aadav' Beadj Betmf b a Cars tw Bvsq Pals. '- It waa-tbenrat and M ; Bass tar how vkilwri ee eaerueimine the pain the RHEUMATIC, nea-nuoan. inorm, inp,., Nervoa. Kenralgle, er proatrated with dlaeae mpy eufmr. . uswtri BEADY BELIE P will aflhrd Inetant reller Inflammation of tba Kiilaay; Inflammallon of ine Hladdar; l,l.am. ohichuhw wninwi W..M Thm.1 I Hor Throat, DlrBmlt Braathlng; - Palpitation or tna nam; - II y.lartn, Croup, lilp;hlia,CaarTii . " Indat-oia, Headarhe. Tootbarhe, Neuralgia; RbturnhUam, Cold Chill, Ague Cbllla. The appllralloa of the lUadr TUIIrf lb lb part or parte where the pain r dlfnaulty ealaU will aflord earn and eomlort. Twenty an. pa la half a tumbler of water will la a law momenta nn Cramna. Apaama. Ronr WiMawk, Haart- bura. Mick Heauarha, IHmntnm, Dyaaatery. awry leraal Colk-, Wind la lu Buwela, and ail 1 T.aaiaaa ahimld alwava raiTT a aottle of Radway-e Raady Relief with theaa. A law drop In water will prvvnt air k naa or pain from ebanga of watar. It I better tbaa Prvnrh Brandy ar Bluaea a a etimelaat. rEvia t tsra Paver aad Ague eared Ine H eenlarThera M Bet s remedial aeat la th world that will cure Fevar and Aguo.end ail other Malartoua, Billon. Mrarlvt, Typhoid, Yellow and other Paver raided by Radwar" Fillet m quick aa Radway- Raady Belial. Plflp eenle per bottle. Bold by Drugguu. HEALTH I IEAUTTI Tnnn mn n'M fUCM BLOOD TN- t'HEAkE-P; .f4.JtH -A.SD WEtUHT CLEAR SKIN ANU HtArTIIlL t-V PU:XION nECTJRED TO ALL, SarMporilllan Rooolvemt Haa made the Btaat eatonihlnsete aasaw-k anu npi. aw VMMaavw .WW . mj ww-..- undar th Induene vf this truly Wonderful meaietaa, mat Eeeey lap aat lareraee la Hai - Wotghi a noaai mm fed. TIB CIK1T ILHI fHUIUI Pvary d mp of the Raraaparllllaa Raaolveat entnmualralaa Ihruueh lb blood. awael. Brine. and othar fluid aad luleaa at the ytam Ibe vlenr of life, for II repalrathewaataenf Ibebmly With neweadaound anaterlal. Nreorula.flyph- llia,t'Vaeamptlaa.umaduiarMaaaa. t'laara ia th Throat. Mouth. Tumura. hiadae la In filaatl and olhar parte of the yiem, SVare P. yea. Barumem tHacharaaa ream tea earn, an tha worat forma ol Hklu dlaaaaea, KntBtlona, Pave Mora., Mrald llaad. Ring Worm, Halt Rhanni. Errvlpataa. Acne, rriark Spot, wnt.il In the Fleah. Vanrera ia the Womb, aad all weakening and painful dlarhanjaa, hlfbl Bwaala, lieaa of Rparm, aad all waaia of the IIS pnnrlple, era-within Hie eurative range at thl wondar of Mndara ChemlMry. aad a few day aaa will prove to any peraon u.lng It fnr I I liar ,f thaae forma of diaeaae Ita potent power lo " inem. If th patlanl, dally Becoming reduead hyth waataaand darompoirtlon that I eonllnually pngramlng. atieraada In arrvailng thaae waataa, and repair the aanie with saw malarial mada from bamllhy blwal; aad thlalheaaraaparllllaa will and d earaee. - Net oalv One the Bwmaparllllaa ttaaalvent Ira I all known remedial aeanta In the ettre of rhmnle. af-mftilon and eontliuuonal akin diaaaara; hut It la'tneonly poaltlveeure for ' KM art and Bla44f p CemBlalatk, wWl.m.M .kA a A M . - . , ' TTk4 aft WA a. . ,pay, Mioppaga of Walar, lnontlaan of t'rin. Rrlahfa lHaa...-AlbamlaMrl, and 4n ail eaaaa wharainare Are brtchdual dapoaiu,,r th wate la llilak, ainnay, niliaw wllh tan like the white of aa aes. Ik whit .Ilk. or there I a morbid, dark, bll- mu appearaaee, ana JMne-auat a.poaiu, an wbaa tnar I a prtraing, barniug aanaatlon lug when naming watarrand pala tba Mmall of the Park, aad along the Lotaa. Prtaw, ties. W) iRMB. The only known aad ear Kamed mr Worm PI a, Tape, etc. TaaBoe af I Tear dieawrai Carmt hy .-- uniiiraa u Bbvbblt, Maae, Jaly l. IBM. - Da. Rabwat : f have had Overlaa Tanwe la th avm la and bowel. All th dortora aald "tear waa no halp Sir It" I triad every thine that wa rarohiniandad but notilng halpad m. laW7our'Kaaulvent,BudthfftUgbtlwoaid try II, but had no faith In It, barauw I had uf frrvd nr twelve yaara. I look all bottlaaof th Raaolvent, and on bo I of Railway Pill, aad twe bottle of your Ready Raliaf ; and th.ra a not a alga of tumor te h aaa or Silt, and I teal bat tar, martar. and happier than I bave lor It yaara. The worm lamor wa la lb Ian aldeof th bowala.over the grata. I write Ihla to yoa r the ban.Bt fX other. Ye aaay publl.h it If yea ehooa. Habbas P. ha Are. ir. ZLJlDWAT'S PltriCT FMIfiATIVE PIUS, perteetly taaulem.elegaatly eoated with eweat gum, purge, raguiata. purtly, elaaaae, a atrengthaa. roe lha rare ef all dleorderaof I and lb Mtomarh, f.lver, Mowal, Kldaer, Hladdar, Narvoua Inaaaa, Haadarbe, VonatlpalleB, Onatl"nem. Indigeailna, Lrvppala, Hllmna nam, Billon. Paver, Inflammation nf tha Bow M, Ptlaa,and Bit Deraaaoala af the Internal Vienera. Wamnied l erfart a paitlv eura. Vagatable, parvly, aoatainlng bo mereury, mmarala. or dalaterVma druga. Bar Observe the following ymptm raault lag Brora dlaordar of tba IxeaaUva Organ: Coaetlpallon.. Inward PMaa. Putnam of Rl.nd la the Maad, AaWlly of the HtnmafS, Kanaaa, Haartbara.lMaguat of Pood. Pallnam or Waiglai In the MioaMarh. soar Eragmiana. Bla king or Plntlannf 4-tha Pilot th Hl'imarh.HwImBilBg ot th Hand, Hamad and Inrneuil Rranthlne, Plnttanng at the HaaTLt hoklngorHorT'irwHag Manaaiiin whea In a Lyiaa Puatara. LMmaea of V l.lon. Vi. ne Was baa tba Might, Pavar and Imil Wla la tha band. Iwarteary of par tjlrauoB, Yelkiwerm ef tha Hkla aad Ey, Kin I a ina aiian. Miaa. biina,, now auuoaa uaba nf Haet, Barnlng In the Ptaaa. . - nuana m unl awroina m m r am, - ., A w Bona of Kadwar' Pill will Ira I in 1 Kntam from ail tba above-nama a Ian rd are. lee. Si real par Worn. Mold by draggieta, Raed aPale aad Tret " Band ane lettee tama to RAIW A Y A CU.. Ha T Maid tana, Naw Vera. taBwmauea wwnh Ibaamad will hearatyoB.. . . - ' -l-ly nttttrt'i EXOELSIOU8ALVi:. Ortat Aftat U sTataral It will ewra Pavar Roma, White Pwellias. Pat on.. Catarrh. Mrmrula, T attar, Kat hheam, Riag Worm. Roll. Raraa, Braid. Bnaha Biiaa, Mtinga, pniana, Praah CaU. and ,-"-' WnuftftAaof All BLlftftAa. h hnl. For aala he all drnggiataalaalarlhmag Otaia. Thla naive la suaraniaed Is aileama. fa-ntf c. r. BTEWABT, WATII alAItl All IIWIU I. a mm a m ak ABSBCALSani Cloekt, Watcbaa aal JrwT.' Ooodi I 14 Tk Only rain that Instantly Up tbe miMtexeroeiatlag pala, allay rndammauona. and euro ConaaaUon, whether of the lAinga, Ittamaeh. Rowala, or othar gland or organ., by on appllmloa, IM rui t w a: Tin w t. 1 1 .h i rj w.ir : (ICELLANEOUB. ' j itnpiT-ei JIOH JA7-jr 4 ".v.. yiaueiaB ";4 tw. ,( Waahlngto m.. ha. Booid aad Third, fXJBTtAND -M: W E MAjrVPACTV RE AM A B4V I ABTICUB 99 "5? CRACKERS CACEB, Aad all kladaef Pantry aesalty Brtiad ta s Fire. - aarOoodadeUveead to any part of th ally. jtl.tlaU ATIOIAI IUSIHESS COLLESE, newt BSewaa. B. Be eaaaa mm AM. Ffeat, aW.rtVea, -Portland, Oregon. H. If. DaPRANCE.. W. U WHITE v.. .Ptaaldeat. lleeivaary. A INRTTTTJTION OP BCRINEfm TRAIN J Ing.daaigned In a combination ofTheoret loal aad Prarural Method of Intrtrortlon. to Impart lh s abort pare of time that haawladga af Mu.lnm Thaory aad artaat Hmiam Itett Une, whlrh reunite year of eapeiieare ta ota- . erwlae obtaia. : p- Ivlagrsphy taught addariheeuperlnUndene " ef sa Xspeiieneed Tearltrr and Pram leal Ope--, rauar. Pboaagrephjr ander the aunarlBtead are of a pracUval khort-haad Raporlar. latdlaa' bepanmaal bow urgaaliad, aad lady atodaata now In ettendaaee. Par rail particular., aead lor N. at Collage Jearaal. Add ram -T PRANCE A WHITE. Boa let, fmiajia.oragoa. A. O. WALLINO, Book and Job Prlntor, "prrrocK-a blildino, t'PTAjBa, Coraar Pranl and atarh traeta, . Work deate at BE AhoN ABLE RATER, at ovr La4d Tllvaol Bank. J' M IMIIIIHIF rill TO ktX DlBBrvoaa Wm. a. Ladd, p. C. Brhaylee.Jr., M. P. Daadg.U II. WakaO.ld, W. M. Jtraeaett. A. C. Olbbe. C. H. Lewis, U. W. Feehhelmer, B. ' Pall lag. U waa. .r - -r- . Praaldaat H. PAIL1NU . ,'lra Praaldaat P. c. acnrYl.FR, Jb...., ..Treaaurar M. W. PECHHEIMEH Corraaoondln Rea HEM BY A. OXER.Ubrrlan and He, aw ' OBaaiama air tbs' Work 9f ta ElaA af Ike WerM. -Iltarpor's'MAcaaiao. ll'llHtllTrB , BIOT1CBB OP VRB PBBBB. ' The ever-larreaalng alreulatloa of Ihbteteel- tBiypeovee lit eontiaue aaapaatioa ptkoular daairaa and a aad. ladaad, whea we Ihlak Into how many homaa It Benetralaa every month, we meat eoaalalar It aa one of tha educator aa wall aa eatertalaara of the pablle miuu, ror M. vaa, oopuianty aaajaaa woa ho anneal lo etuaidT rejudla ar daera taataa. IBoaioatilnhe. Tha eharartar whlrh Mil Maeaklne le vartety,ealerprtae,artlati wealth, aad lit erary culture thai haa kpt pane with. If II haa not led the lima, ehould eaaaa Ita eoaduelora to regard It with JuaUSabl eompiaoeaey. It alat, atltlthem In n grant alalia apoe the pablle f mlltuda. The Magadne haa done goad aot avil all the day of Ma umBetamlya Poatag Pre to all Ba bar bar la the V. R ABPBB'S MAOASiBS.aee pearv . BV - M larladae arvDmrmaalof L'. a. BaaaAa'a he lb pabtlahera. .: whaarlotlfMi lo "Harper Magnilna, Weekly'' aad -Raaar" toon add raa. Mm aa yaar, ll (0; or, lw af Harpar- Pertodleals ka aa addraaa one yar,.g7 . As Katra Unpy ef elthav the Magadae "a., wmtmmr w.,, w ..pfliaj r.ll. for a vary Club of five Rahaavlbera at 4 at aaeh ' luaare; nr. eua I opla lor IA) W. without eilraeopyi poaLaga fraa. Bars NrBBBBBesa be supplied at aay Uaa. A enennlete eat nf "Harpar Magaalna" now eomprlaiag 4S volaaraa, la aaa t ioh hiBdtag. will ba eaat by aiperm, fratghl BteapeneaaV paerhaaer. Sir St B Bar volume. HI aal vol.. inn, by mail, pottpaid. t us. cloth eaeee, far waning, at eaata, ay mail. Boat paid. rrw.pa.pr are not la enpe thle adrelle maat without the eaprve orden of klarpar A larothera. t - ..- , Addreae H MAIIPER A BrWyTrtrWe. BU NawVark. BBLBIBBB CLAIM AOINCY. I aaa am I fV A II No, H MONTOOMERY BLOCK,. Haa Fraa.lmn.Cal. - Ytf H. AIKI pablle la Call AIKEN, At4nrwey-a-taw, and Com- of the Uraad Armv af Ibe Re- Iforaia aad Navada. will give prompt aita atliia to the roll ret k,e of Additional Travaa pag, aaw aw California aad Nvieda Volaalaara, dlahagd mora Ibaa thrae bead- ran miiae nmea Bam. Mann aaa aaaaaa mm fair daallag. JraBaimallim gtvaa rraa of eharge. ta ban wrtUBe. eaie. ami foe raplr. aad etaaaeompaav aad regimael aad Wheihar yaa have a a aw narga. taagram aaa a uaa. a tea ume tar Sltag alalme Bar addtttoaal haawte aa4aelB A-t at July B, Ikes, tejeaenry. Ifl7u, aa that all enrh elalm maat he mad bafore that time.- i-rtglaal Bounty af ti ha bees llAwad all volunteer wbeeallated halorejuly . Sad. laat, Bw thrae yaara, if mmA paid theeema wbaa diaabargadV latad Warraata ana be ah mind Bw aarviree raadarad aefn-e Una, hat Bat tu aai.kaa la the' law war. Pvaaloe fta- tbe lata war aad weAaf laitohtmnad and laiaed " wbaa almwad ft laaa thaa diaabtlltr warraata, bat na panelona ar aiiawed to Mr I laaa aad PI'MTlda war aotd leva, enaiaof Tela haa eraat-' ad paaatoa he earvt vtng niaeaaa nf Tvaaa rwv alaiaaa. Naw Orlaka aad Mobile prl Moae la naw dae sad amaa paid. w. H. Alkaa slew Law aad twIUatma Baal e- l-ta . ' ABT A. TBSBFtSI, REBIDFNCK AND OFFIfE THIRD AT hetweaa Salman and Mala, ppoall kbe" renunwaaara. . . u i t aji4tBdd ra aay part af theetty. r -. Harm for aala. ami lamrartmn ea -Ibe aae of latrvaiiy aaakaBiedial Ag'aL a -i-OBEwON eiTiiaeBi. uraTAmuATi E jar..- . - - " ' ----- - "-:'"-" -ti.. , wwop aw anarhye nsvi aBTdtgsrinse. -p--1 ' JaaBaBBrnfamaJwy .bBAym ATAB -h-f- fBa-BTa-B-laTi ataamB-aTaNawBll at 'mini I mWI9l9AWmY -mTBITB BjBtf; BBBWmwBWAJBWBBmaBm f. " wirtritiii Bar DW J- 7"'" Jtopatrlng eoae a asual. .7 " - 'j a .-.... -TC v."- ' - --a. J.