The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, February 05, 1875, Image 2

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FEBRUARY 5. 1874.
-T- J
. wod lo As Atari h lor. Is Ui BaUeUae
ktUlM.waf riMM4AlanM. Tbe
editorial seaetaai mUiM, a saratotfar-, al
tlx mktMM of Mrs. Dualvajr, oa Kml, be
! Third aad rearta.
Before the Mrw
go to mm, tbe State Wmm Suffrage
Assdcletloa will have held another an
nual session. Th officers ba.spard
no pains' to reader Um meeting Interest
J of and profitable, Sad it la expected
tbat val6eble aid will be furnlefaedjby
gentlemen and lad I aa from various part
of this Stat and Washington Territory.
Friends of tb cauaa In every locality
art earnestly requested to Identi ty tbesv
- salve with, tba bowibI, bjr baoom-l
log members of the Stat Association.
Tbe membership fee la om dollar eo-
4 bually, and those wbo And It ioapuaalbla
to be present sad yet wish to Ideality
themselves wltb the Aaaoclatloo and
aid lo sxteudliig the prioeiplaa declared
-: by tta constitution sod advocated by Ita
members, may doao by forwarding their
name and membership foe to the Presi
dent, Mrs. Abby .ft. Olbaoa of Portland.
' We want earnest, efficient workers, who
are neither afraid uor sahamed to array
themselves upon the aide of equal
right, Wealeojn behalf of tbe offloers
aod members of the Aesoelatloq, eitend
aa earneat and cordial lovitatlou to the
public to ft tbelr preeeuoe and atten-
- tioa, especially at tbe evening sessions,
to tbe argument advanced In support
" of tbe principles advocated. Tbe As
; aoclatlon will meet at Mseoal lull,
corner of Third' and Alder streets, In
- this eity, oorTiteadsy, the tin day of
Z February ,1875; at half past Un aTvX0
not neglect tbe morn log session, friends,
as there Is great deal of business n
band. " ' v - -ty'
We are surprised to note a recent edi
torial In the eolamos of our esteemed
contemporary, the CMsttan AdwooaU,
lu opposition to ths abolition of tbe
death penalty. ? .
That men with naturally selflib and
brutal Instincts, who sXpsct. to gain
political advantage, and keep It through
pandering to tbe morbid desire for "a
Ufa lor a life," so common wlth tbe
" Ignorant and vicious wbo control the
"twrlaaaae'e very w here by " Voles
which tbey are net competent toreast
. Intelligently, Is Hot at all wonderful ;
but when we bear a Cbristia editor ad
vancing the theory of Moses, wbiob
should Jong ago have been supplanted
l In tbe code of, every nation . which
professes to believe In tbe Divine origin
of tbe Golden Rule, we repeat, we s
surprised., -
Doubtless the law of Moees was the
with whom he bad to deal. ' Tbe prin
ciples of tbe Coition Rule could not have
"prevailed had they been submitted aa a
law to tbat Ignorant' and barbarous
people.- . . -. - - - ,
. Now "ceritrast the mandate of Moses,
"Wboso abeddetb man's blood, by man
shall hit blood be shed," with the law of
Jesue which aalth, "But I ssy junto you,
love your enemies, bless them that curse
you, do good to them that hate yon, and
pray fortbem thatdeapitefully use you."
' .We hold that laws were not made la
-either" the old or new Scriptures for the
benefit of Ood or to In any wayMappease
: Mis wrath or enhance His glory. They
re la every oeae for tbe benefit of man;
and are given for tbe purpose of restrain
ing, elevating and ennobling him, tbat
he may thereby more nearly approach
.the Divine la thought, word and deed.
Did we took, upon tb6reat Infinite
as a mighty, vindictive, arrogant and
malicious pAianUta, wtinas high t n0-1
live- wae revenge! we mlgbt consider It
buttfeally's duty to pander o mm by
conmtttlng legal murder upon tbeprln-
clplelbst by thus appeasing bis wrath
through kllling one offender, the great
est good might possibly accrue to tbe
greatest number; bat believing, as we
do, tbat "Ood to a spirit, IfeflntWfn, wis
uom,power. Justice, goodness and truta
we recognise the law of Moses as finite,
belonging only "lo a barbarous , agV,
which the Chrlstlaa eraor moreespe
dally the professed followers of Christ,
should unite la removing as speedjly as
possible, from every sutute-book In tbe
land'. We freely admit that ae man
who Is guilty of murder, or of la aay way
'endangering life or limb of humanity,
la a proper person to run at Urge ; but
as Ood alone eaa give life, so God alone
. should Ukslt.'-:-l
" Two wrong never did make one right,
aad never will,- ' 'v. . .
If Ood sees that a man has forfeited
his right to live, we have sufficient
faith In His power to do what He will
with Ills owa to leave tbe double mur
der la Hla hands. And ws hereby sob
'jmlt that ws are sure that God will eat
'thwart Hie owa designs la any case by
taking life la a vale attempt to get even
on a murderer. . .
. . I
The New Terk.edl tors wbo so fiercely
Indited editorials teeming with wild as
1 sertlous, aad Illustrated tbe earns by
hug? capitals and a profusion of excla
mation points, when affairs In Louisi
ana reached a crisis, have become weary
of the "Bound aad fury signifying aotk
'fJS L'' ' e sh m.a" bread, which this wud money
takable evidence tbat these editors, like 1 1 . . .1 . ii . ii l
the Irish reporter, "write at dead of
night with a sword In each hand and a
pistol la the other." The political
panic, like many a financial
. quickly subsided. '
Tbe Constitutional Convention at Au
gusta, Me:, rejected tbe propoaiUoa to
amend theeonsUtutioaby giving women
tbe right of suffrage under the
strtotloat and fegnlatloae k men.
1UO Bolton of -yoveroor ureur, ta
com ma ting ! the eenteuce of Thomas
Oerrsod, has been eon mended by the
beat class of eltixeo throughout the
gtote.V r--T T
We can Imagine tbe perplexing pre
dicament In which the Oovernor found
himself, being for once compelled to
place himself on record for or against
m insure tbat wee exciting the poblle
mind In every quarter; and we cordially
congratulate hTm upon tbe wisdom, or
good fortaae,-which) Influenced bis de
cision. Ills action la tbe premises has
been generally sustained by the press of
tbe Bute, we having noticed but two
papers whose editors were lamoroa
for tbe blood of the misguided youth.
The Albany Democrat refers to those of
iuf Capitol wbo Interested themselves
so untiringly In the case, as tbe "free
love Woman Suffrage crew that beeslged
tbe Governor for Jbe com mutation of
sentence aidrheu w Uks Info con
sideration tbe vast number of men and
women, second to none In tbe land In
social standing and political sou tones,
wbo Joined tbelr entreaties In behalf of
tbe condemned criminal, we feat assured
that all tbe slurs which those ctomoroos
ft the blood of a fellow-mortal Can cast
upon tbelr motives will fall harmless at
their feei. . The Woman Suffragists of
tbe fitate generally, no far aa we know,
have oat-grown the Idea set forth
in a law which mlgbt have been
necessary when men were uncivilised
barBwIana, sad believe In punishment
more In accordance with , humanity,
reason and Christianity. They prefer
to 1st the revengeful law, relic of tbe
dark ages, partake of their oblivion, and
would have criminals punished In a
manner that will be benefit to tbe
criminals themselves, aod tbe rotate at
large. Of tbe "free love crew" oar
brother doubtless knows more than we
do Hid crew behig,sofsrasour knowl-l
Ledge goes, eouOoed to leas than n half-
fossa Individuals In -the Bute, " and
whether either or all of them appealed
to tbe Governor In, the case In point we
do not know; but we do know that If
tbey did, tbey were lor once la the best
ooiopaoy tbe State affords, via. s Judges
of the Supreme Court, lawyers, mlnis
ters, editors and bumsulUrians, a large
proportion of whom' are Woman BuflraV
glatsi - That one or two editors were not
of the illustrious company Is a matter
of aome regret, but small surprise, and,
as ths sequel proved, 'tbeis Influence
with the Executive, to hie credit be it
kid, was In this case Insignificant. 7 '
Mrs. J. G. H.i-Haivn) ; Postage re
ceived. Thanks for tba remembrauoe.
Mrs. W. J. P., Jackson vlllej-PoeUge
received.- Thnks for kindly apprecia
tion. Let as hear from you agaiu.
Mrs. W. H. McK., Sheridan: Sub-
scrlptioa received and receipt given to
ie person wno paia It. 1 naoaaior
Mrs, X. M., Olympla: Money received
and credited as directed. He assured
tbat we highly appreciate your Interest
la ths
. Mrs. M. J.. llalary 1 Your request!
wlU be complied with at enee. Berry to
learn of your lllbfltlu Ifop to re
ceive tbe rtmltuo
Mn. M. Q. E, Dlymjylas We Join you
In the hope that time will brighten
when spring cornea. Yowrklnd regards
are duly appreciated. Let aa bear from
you again. u . j
SWmrMe.rForeetrove: WlMjtladly
accent the commodltv In payment for
subscription. Will write you privately
noon, snail expect to see ypurseii ai
wife the first of next week. .
J. B. ft., Buena Vlsta i Bobscriptlon
received and receipt furnished. Hope
long to have the pleasure of sending
you weekly greeting through the col
umnaof tbeNxwNoitTHW
Mrs. & F. M Lewie Rlveri.-etUr
received and addresscbaaged. Tbabus
Ineea arrangement to all right for the
present. Hope you will receive the pa
per hereafter without such annoy log de
lay. Many thanks for your kind wishes.
Mrs. G. L, M., Vancouver: Your name
was emitted by mistake or oversight,
Sorry that each an annoying blunder
sboujfd have occurred. Have sent you
tost week's Uaus (So. 23) and hope you
wlH receive the paper regularly after,
thle. 'r "
. Mrs. C M. FH Salem 1 Have written
yea privately concerning many thing
whereof yon spoke. Sorry 'we caanojt
slve tbe Information asked .for. Of
course yon would never, never tell !
That's Just "What ws promised "Years
'The UKtTo Htateb Skmatb. On
the eon Ins- 4th of March the terms of
tweaty-six Senators In the putted Sutsa
Congreas will expire. These are from
the sutes of Alabama. California, Con'
aeetleut, Florida, (ieorgla, Indiana,
Maine, Maaaachuse'tts, Michigan, Min
nesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska,
Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Ohio,
Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tenneaaee,
Texas, Wast Virginia and Wisconsin.
. aMMMaiaa4 T
The good ship Penaaeola, detailed for
the special serlcet will shortly, weigh
anchor, aad depart from tbe bay al Ban
Fraadaeo, bearing to his tolaad home
the great "Calico King," at the expense
of the UolUd Btalea Government, while
hundreds of her oiUsens are pleading ta
i mil
Igbt have sopplled. Truly, the II nan
elal policy of this Government paaseth
We bops that our friends residing In
the river counties of Washington Terri
tory will eee to It that tbe reqoeet of
the Secretary of the Territorial Associa
tion, made known In a communication
from tbeesase, aoUlshed elsewhere, Is
complied with at eace. - Work, Meads.
Glorious possibilities are Just before you.
A bill to exempt the "Home of In
digent Old Ladies," (a the District of
aanmbla, ,. fiwm taxation,, recently
fseiiJ the House of Repreaenutl vee
after- much diseusatoa, and by a small
majority. ... Last aome may be rash
enough to cuarge ourreally inunlltosoi
publie-aervanto with being parsimoni
ous, we will make baste to add, tbat a
few minutes before,- these economical
gentlemen who m.uunt guard over1 the
nation's 'coffers had passed, by a large
majority, a bill to appropriate, tweaty-
flvs thousand dollars to defray the
mum of Kins-Kalakaua'a visit ta ths"
great Repnblie. Nothing small about
our Representatives there, you see.
They were ready, without dissent, to
pay tribute to royalty, willing and anx
ious to furulsh his highness, the Kanaka
king, with splendid suites of rooms and
sumptuous fore, nnd pay for the same In
the solid doable eagles of tbe United
SUtes; but to free tbe home for indigent
women fro coT Uxatton,that-was quite
too extravagant. ' , ' e
What if the women who" seek refuge
for their age In this home" provided
by-pubtieor-private charity,- have spent
the bey-day of "their womanhood In tbe
service of a nation, rearing soldiers fo
bear her sUndards Id "victory, or sons
and daughters to cultivate her soil and
develop her resources? It Is a common,
every-day affair' for women to: wear
themselves out In this way, and It Is a
piece of nselees extra vagauce to exempt
tbe home tbat shelters tbem from pay
ing tribute to n nation tbat takes such
pride and delight In feting and toasting
a semi-barbarous king. :
The Oregon State Jempernnce. Alli
ance wll meet lu annual convention In
Salem: ott the 17th Inst. Lodges, En-
campmenta, Churches sud Sunday
Schools la various -places have already
chosen delegates, but m any yet remain
to be cboseu. . The friends of temper
ance throughout the SUteare preparing
for a grand rally of tbeir forcas, and U
la to be hoped that Uie coming session
will be both harmonious and profluble.
" Those societies eutitled to seud dwle
gates to tbe Alliance should see to It
immediately tbat proper and efficient
workers are chosen to represent them
lu IU councils; sud let tbe Umpersuce
people of the State present such a bold
and united front to the etiemy tbat be
shall see that tbey hare not slumbered
and slept, albeit tbey have been quiet
fora while. - " ; ' "
"It Is hoped that this sesslcfa will have
more of earnest work and less of wordy
resolutions, more organised effort on po
litical action and less dread of political
magnates. In short, we-hope to see
earnest, practical work,-that shall hot
end In mist and vapor, betbre tbe rains
have obliterated from the streets of.8a
lem the footprlnU of delegates sent
hitbsr to work for temperance. Re
member ths ttftie Is short Tuesday, the
Ing by the Constitution of the SUte
Temperance Alliance. "Be ys tbere-
fore ready."
Tutiis Euitos or ths Jitm Moms emu '
I do not know, but you have grown
Impatient with ms for not seiidingmy
subscription -tor- the- NbwjNobth
west sooner. Hut troubles, trials and
misfortunes hava toen our port loo all
tbe fall aud winter so far; neither do
the clouds aa yet begin to break, but we
hope for better days Id the spring." "
I do not know how I could do.wlthout
tbe New. Northwest., Its. weekly
visits are anxiously looked for, not only
by myselfy but, by my chlldreu. It is
Ineutly a family newspaper with
society here Just holds Its own.
We have adopted tbe plan of "proposing
auestloo at each
' TO,7. 'L?".
ve his or her opinion
h member to give his or her opinion
on the subject at the-Bext meeting. If
a member briu)rs In an opinion In writ
ing, It Is afterwards handed to the
Olympla papers foKpublicatlon. Nooe
but the Standard hasaa yet published
any of tbem ; but wsshalljtia. give
tbem a chance to refuse. How I-do
wish we bad a good speaker here I If
f there was an energetic; earnest worker
wbo could spend alt ofjihvor IWr time
lecturiug and writing or tbe caaseuintil
the meeting of our next Legislature. I
am quite sure that Washington
tory would come up alongside of ? Wyo
ming and I tab In glvlug women tbe
ballot. Wishing you every success, I
am truly yours, Maut O. Brown.
Olympla, January 21, 1875.
To tax Karrnaes vaa Wjtw KoarawaaTj
I have long contemplated writing for
your excellent paper, but tbe dutiea of
home and the constant care of six Juve
ails Oregonians, all at the present time
suffering with whooping cough, baa
pre veo led my doing so. And again, I
am well aware that there are other la
dles wbo are as deeply Id teres ted in "our
cause" ae I am, wbo are better qualified
to write np this section than myself, and
I had hoped that tbey, might take tbe
lead; but la the event of their not writ
ing eoon, I shall, hoping that yon may
net "despise the day of small things:"
: Do yoa ever Intend favoring us with a
visit? I would he de'llgbtod with op
portunity of listening to tbe course of
lectures that yoa are thle week deliver,
lag la Portland, I have closely exam
ined the subject for each eveaing, and
find each full af grand and beautiful
thoughts, which you are undoubtedly
well qualified to Illustrate. - Wltb many
good wishes to yourself and all the
friends of "our eauee," I will cluae for
the present. Yours wilt respect.
. " jX " MM. J. L. M. Pl.VllAX.aV
Jacksonville, Jan. 52, 1875. J T
Aa Importaat communication from
Soaan B. Anthony to crowded oat this
1 TPwea rAif tiTTW
r yjyA' iS 1AV
To Ta a rerros or tnTi mm Kostb t t
In looking over the questions
pounded for yoar eacislderatloo at the
close of one of your tortures, I was quite
pleeaatttly aurprlaaeto fiad thai one af
tnem was relslleetolbs "pign reapoaai
bill ties of motherhood." I was pleased 4
because certain of your ability to answer
It with wisdom and credit,sud surprised
because the wiseacre who usually pro
pound these questions throogh tbe news
papers, lose no opportunity of declaring
that a woman glUog a public poalUoa
ea-icaa have no ooncepUou at the dutiea af
true motherhood.
I bops and trust tbat yoir answer con
vinced some of the stickers for woman's
sphere (hat the right. of franchise will
not compel all young mothers, to hold
office, and cause future genefaffone to be
born In court-moms or legislative balls.
These old foglesf both sees are labor
ing (bard to convince themselves tbat
husbands, children aod homes will all
be abandoned by ambitious mothers,
who,lidt soon aa enfranchised, will vote
Incrtisatttly and hold office forevermore.
Some of these alarmists may believe
what they try so unceasingly tojmprees
upon the minds of others, but any one
eaq perceive thJ It Is for the most part
bravadoTtntpnded to ewsy the opinions
of those who are accustomed to allow
others to do their thinking for tbem.
The great desire of some hi en Is to
bold their present positlou aud keep
women obedisut to tbelr lordly com
mands, they, meanwhile,' acting the
"protection" farce.' Tbe sort of protec
tion that makes men and women equal,
when punishments are to be meted out
or taxes are to be paid, aud denies wom
an a voice n iilaUng ihaJaws to which
she Is amenable, or a disposition of tbe
taxes which the Is compelled to pay, Is
quite too absurd to content a woman of
ayerage ambition and Intellect.
Persons whoropoandTIWitlSni
tlve to tbe sacred dulle or motberliood
ArcTreqDeDlly IgnoranToTniaTursTsTu n
damental laws regarding healthful and
proper procreation, entirely oblivious of
or utterly Ignoring the fact that one child
of sound aod vigorous mind Is more ben
efit to himself, his parents and the worn!
tban a dozen weaRly specimens of hv
maulty cheated out of their birthright
by false ideas of duty on tbe part of
mothers, and stcen decrees or submission
from fsthsrs T ' " ' ' " -
Kvery one knows thai. In the middle
walk oflifs, thsniothers ars as truly
the bread-winners as 'the fathers are;
Indeed, tbe labors of the mother of a
family are almost universally extended
beyond the period when -alt the other
members have ceased tbelr Iaora and
have, perhaps, retired to rest.' And yet,
forsooth, men will talk to women about
being "the bread-winner and head,"
-There Is no doubt In my mind that tbe
proper one to remain at home In charge
of tbe family 1s the one who ean best
serve tbe family, and this should he ad
justed by the parents, without regard to
J- Kqoality or jion-oquallty can. matter
tittle to mothers who are' Inert, Ineffi
cient, clogs upon tbe wheehvof the do
mestic .and social world; hot It Is of
great moment to theTtard-tolllng,1nteT-
ligent. women, whose labor in equal to
that of their husbauda, and to those oth
ers who earn the, entire support of the
family. These latter classes com pose the
majority, and If J be mothers composing
these, clasas were treated with the con
sideration to which, aa anuals. theV are
entitled, sons would treat tbelr . com
mand and suggestions with much more
courtesy and obedience than Is now fre
quently shown tbem.' It Is not at all
uncommon for Joys who have reached
the age of fifteen years to be thoroughly
Imbued with the Idea that they are by
the Inexorable laws of nature the supe
riors of their mothers; and,' as a conse
quence of this unnatural Idea the au-
1 UUfTIIfJuj VI lUlol M II I lest Ul
of mother. Ut
K - 1 .. . r
reatea Willi con
tempt, and their most earoent entreaties
often disregarded. :y ' .
A.'greater anguish than that which
rends the heart of a mother In -a esse
like this cannot be Imagined; and white
she struggles to- bide thecroeL hurt
from tbe eyes pf tbe curious, she Is often
further stabbed by the declaration .that
a "mother's Influence" makes or mars
bcr boy's future. 4 ." r
Ah, if but a tithe of the thousands of
mothers who have sunk Into untimely
graves, because of the miseries tbat
tbelr fettered lives entailed upon them,
uM arise and confront these stickers
for this circumscribed something, "a
n'l sphere," the ' ghastly array
mlghtrighten them Into a willingness
J to meteNout Justice to women hence
Hwfreo.tntLy have we. all heard the
expressions made wltb more or leas de
rision, "Oh, that's only, a woman's
whim." "What do women know about
business matters?" nd bow frequent
tbe exclamation fromNmHhsrs, "What
do girls know about It, r&jrke to know!
Tbey do very well to sew 00 buttons and
prepare dlnnertJbut astdv advice
pah sw f What wonder ihatrothers
thus sneer at tbelr sisters? Are. they
not tought to do so both by preeeptand
example? .'
Reproduction constitutes one of
ture'e highest laws, and open the lives
aad characters of tbe unborn, surround
ing conditions will surely leave nuav
takable traces. It to sad to think how
little ears or thought la given by pa reots
to tbe surrou'ndTngs tbat shall to a great
extent make dark or bright the future
of their offkpriag. It is a great thing to
retimato property tbe rest duties aadTdlately uke ooTaTrtary acttoa In this
pottsibllltlee af asat herb ood, equally
aa great to place a proper value upon the
responsibilities of fatherhood.
Tbe restlessness and discontent af the
soother under the yoke tbat they bore
Mn silent submission forages, lo plainly
visible In the rest Wee discontent of tbe
race. . It Is perfectly assises to devles
ways aad means to punish aad prevent
re belli ue outbreaks among ear chil
dren and yoetb, so long as the toothers
7; ; r
of the ssrye are held la subjeclloa toua-
Jua, Isw,-. raa and samges, against
Wbieh, Lpe louiragea eeose 01 iucw
within their eoo Is lsver tot armed re
bellion. ', then,'0 soulJ-be-reformers,
' to quota your faailliar plati
todas relaafva tooma'sphere, and
work for bar polltioal freedom, her com
plete emancipation, If you really wish
to benefit tbe race. Help In this great
work, aeM-'yesrlWrew,e- ealWreo
will rise up and call you blessed." ,
r.... i.luvw
Salem, Janusry 29, 1
Toras Eanaa or raa irsw Mura warn
I should have wrlttea aad sent the
postage due you before' this, hut the old
adage, " bettor late than never," sun
holds good.' I V aot ottoaj apologise or
make r souses, but for once I should like
to rise and explain, or at toast report
progress." if t-: y
I rise fu tle mornlsg,," make fires,
always getting kind tug ready wth my
own hands the night before, get break
fas and have it over before daylight,
aad pot In, every, moment of my time at
bard labor until late at night; often
working until I can bo longer bold my
self up. I bars olght In tbe family to
do for, three of whom are eaen. I do all
of the washing for this family, although
I am verging closely upon fifty years of
age, with tbe exception of the slight
asstetanoertbat a young school-girl ean
render nte. I have beside been kept
awake many times balf the night for
six months past, by tbe ear of one af
the family whs Is in ill health. I have
not bad aa opportunity to attead church
for more tban balf a year. Two a? tbe
children are too small to go to school,
and these I teach at home, so all things
eousidered, you can see that my chances
for tetter writing sre very few Thle I
am writing, using the beekf an atlas
for a table, stoppiug every bow aud thea
to explain something in the lessons of
my Jlttle pupils, or to give direct loos to
my little girl, who is preparing to help
gel supper. ; . Ilefore closing,-1 will say
that I take t wo or three papers, which I
takm time to glance hastily through,
although I oau scarcely claim to road
them,- --.j; , :v -V'
- Some times my fl oxers almost ache to
take up my pea to ventilate my opln
Ions upon certain quest Ions now agitat
ing the public mind, hut should I do so,
tbe stockings would not all be mended.
hope you" will excuasr the haste with
wbiob a -hard-working member of (he
nrotectad and suDoortod sex has riven
you this very foebto fer
oomnwn-plAoe lltt-.e awured that In
your present field of labor you have the
best wisbasorvour raixxu.
7 Sheridan, January It, 18?S.
To the EarroBorvasNcwStoaTBWKirrt
la the Washington county Indepenfl-
rnt of this dats I notice an article dedi
cated to you, entitled "The Hen-pecker,"
that for pointless, flat stupidity, goes
nd eihlbttsmore'of-ths
native meauoess luberent lu the char
acter of the editor e( that JournaLtbao
any of tbe many similar articles that
have preceded It.
When a public journalist." who pro
fesses to ban Christ iau, and is a soci
municant In an. Kvaugelioal .Church,
stoop so low as to produce and publish
an article containing such glaring and
foolish falsehoods, and then 00 tbe
page condemns 01 her journals as u n fi t lo
go into tbe bands of iunoceut and kj re
minded boys and girls, f think it is
about time that a proper rebkoshouldfnie law . that ktlleth shall be uorl
De administered..
- This man aeema to consider that the
fact that be is aa editor gives' him un
bridled linens to fabricate and- publish
tbe most shameless falsehoods upon his
betters; regardless alike of Christianity,
morality and' decency. It la,a consola
tion to know, however, that Uie Journal
over which beirrtldesiaas Insignificant
la circulation and influence a ita editor
Is contemptible lu principle.-Such a
man will surely. Dad bis proper level.
and that, Judging from the Impurities
that emanate from bis Una and pen, to
very low down Indeed. 1 Tbe very Idea of
such a person arraigning aajr on upon,
the charge of having a "foul mind"
would be supremely ridlculoue If It war
Dot so impudently audsclous.
7 Yoors In disgust, " .
- VXf.A.
HUlshoro, January 22, 1875. '
W are about starting out, for signa
tures with ear petition to the next Leg
islature, to grant pe forlorn women tbe
right to vote.' We propose to Send blank
to each count , In the Territory, but as
we do not know Who favor our cause In
the river counties, and la several others,
we are Jjrnoraat to whom to send Id
many cases. 1 Oar compatriot, Hon. J.
M. Murphy, to whom the Secretary ap
plied for laformattoa on that head, ree
ommeoded the editor of tba Nxw
'othwxt aa one likely to kaow of
such persons. Can you furnish me
list of Barnes, aay 000 or two la each of
ths Columbia river counties, (aad la aay
of tbe follewieg whom yoa may happen
to kaow I Lswkf, Mason, Cbehalia, Isl-
nd,Saobamlsli and Kitaapt, of suitable
to oblaia sigaatareV? By so do.
ing vou will confer a favor oa tbe Terrt
torlakWeasaa Seffrage Assoc 1st ion. "7
t amrour fraternal ly.
A. II. II. STrART, . ,
Sooretorr T. W. H-.jt. y
OlymplOaaoary a, U7h.
Will not ouX sabarrtber wh rsaid.
In tka ArtN.I Lmm Ai Al 1 , 1
Importaat matter ?
me i-ugat Sound Vourirr say that
' Mrs. Berne aad Mr. etuaH oUf
pta, navs beea engaged at Intefval for
several weeks ia securing ejgeaWea to
a paUUoe, asking that the Territorial
tow ha a amended as to allow wontoa
the right of suffrage. Taev havsalreadr
obuined a long list af name and have
only lusC fairly commenced.",, '.
Tavas Kvttwaawtas Ksw yoavawssr:
J encloae herewith -a short extract
from .Mr, Story's treatise as the law
of caotraeta,"aobllsbed hy Mm la )Mr
II, which I have hurriedly copied, think.
Ing perhaps ye amay gad la it aome
wholesome truths which yoa may have
overlooked not thetrulha, but tbelr
confession by this authority.
ffUys Mf,' Justice Vtoff la hll "Treatise
on tbe law of contracts not under seal,"
(pare 89, f Mi: In reapertte the powers
and richts of married womeaVibo law Is
hyaaaaaaAMabmaaa4Uaaairt&of thod
are. Here arS seee tne Ola loseu 100 -
prlnU of Feudalism, Tbe law relating
o woman tends to make every family a
barony oramonarcny.orauespoiism.o
which the husband Is the baron, king,
or despot,' aud the wife tbe dependent,
serf or slave. That this la not always
the fact Is not due to tbe law, but to tbe
enlarged humanity which spurns .the
narrow llmlUof lu rules. The progress
of civilisation has changed the family
from a barony to a republic; but the law
has not kept pace with the advance of
Ideas, manner and customs. And al
though publlo opinion I a check to le
gal, rules on the subject, the rales are
feudal, and stern. Yet the position of
woman throughout h istory nerves as the
criterion of the freedom of the people or
an age. iAt titan ahali djn that
riyht which Is founded only oa might,
tmtnnn wilt U frre and ttnnit on an
equal trvrt tellh him a friend, and not it
dqtcntleut." . Very respectfully, . -
-'- - PtV M X D ACUlK. r
Oregon C1ty,r Januar 22, lS7i;IIZp
1 J ' 1.
To Case of Mrs. Vaa Cott
I Cudorjhe above capUoa Mrs. 8. II,
Todd dlscoursos most eloquently In the
oolumos of lbs Chrittian Adncate, .as
our reader will see by tlis following
quotoiions: ,- ... . ; .
"A most wonderfnl suorsas lias al-
IeJerTyeachOig;J.r sevFraltycsrs;
(tod has already ordained bar to this
special work, having given bef Just tbe
fitness forr ft. j Her request was not
granted. Tbe Bishop declared the
recommendation null-and void. Inas
mucbas the Board of Bishops did, not
recognise that any Quarterly or District
Coaferenos had the legal right ta grant
I ee use to a woman to preach. Couched
lu the words of this refusal to ordina
tion ia the apear of prejudice which
kills; and there is tbe beast, recognised
as aristocracy of sex. Tbat Mrs. Vaa
tort fuels moat keenly the point of this
cruel spear and the teeth of this merci
less beast, wbo oan doubt? So, then,
the apear of prejudioa at she Souths to
crossed by the spear of prejudice at tbe
of aristocracy of caste.
"Now, Mrs. Vaa Cott, would It not he
advisable to lay your armor on 7 bat
If multitudes do throng your doors, and
bear you gladly, and maay, for want of
room, are unable to gala admittance, aa
In Baltimore; aud what If your presid
ing elder does report at Couferenoe tbat
you have been a blessing to one of tbe
great chuToboar do you not tblnk It
would be belter for the .honor of the
church if you would retire Into tbe pri
vacy of domestic life aud let your light
fshne-there f It Is hardly Just that yoorti
cup sbonki be full to overflowing
full to overflowing In re -
rard to number and that tbe Holy
OhOat should djaasend aad-atteud. your
mlulstratlons with sucn womterrul
power, while scores of your, brother
preacher can count their congregation
thrice acmes tbelr finger tips, awl we
took la vain tor tbe seals to tueir minis
try. Why, If yoa should be-ordained.
yon might chance to become a Bishop,
and then how awfully twisted things
would be. r s - ; "jzr
"Press forward, then, my sister, with
Jubilant heart and voice, fof Ifis'tTine to
coining, yea, n now eloae at liaolt wtien
the manacle which yod now wear, bear
ing tbIA Inscription, 'it ia the letter of
eteit, and In IU stead you shall' wear the
coronet or Uorl'a anointed, ar1 insrrtbevl
thereoo, la letter of gleaming light,
'It is the spirit of the law that giveth
Madam SlraulL a French lady, truly
remarks; : Kvery career from which
woman Is steadily repulosd by man la
by this fact alone marked witir -too seal
of deaths, The Very repulto stigmatises
Not till woman with fearless eye and
Joyful heart eaa walk side by side with
man auU stiaro enuaiiy wltb bim ail tbe
privileges of tbe church, let us boast of
IDs trluiupns ooielbodltm." .-.
it 1 111 1 ,1, 1 -The
Mine la 8011th era Oreroa.
wa published! sererai. week alnce a
letter from a gentleman la tbe southsrn
part of tbe SWte, relative to the mines
recently discovered. We have since
seen la various paper statetnenU rein
tiv-e to their exceeding richness and ex
tent, all accounts agreeing that the
ledges, so far as prospected, yield most
flattering returns. We find tbe follow
ing In the Jacksonville Sentinel t ".
Surveyor have "chained" the ledge
where it proved 210 feet la width, and
nowhere to it lee than luO feet oo Ut
cropping. Parties have visited it from
California, Nevada and other mining
regions, and all units In asserting it the
largest iedge over discovered. - As yet,
little els than tbecroppiags have aeoa
tested, yielding? aocordiog to selection,
from a trifle to IVJU per ton. W have
Seen ore from various potlhwia of tbs
lodge which) eoanpare iavaeaUy.wHa
the best spec i me oa from the Comstock.
It Is asserted by experienced miner that
th ledge will pay lo work all the way
across. W have been shown some ore
takea from otto of the value, wbiob was
five feet in width, wbiob. Is almost ours
silver. Tbe lodge that Is the eroo-
ping show numerous veins af rich ore
ruaalag all through it, from oa to to
feet la width, aad it to suDnossd. Itxl.
log fronvsxporienoe In other mi ova, that
these -veins will all ualto and form oua
compact body of rich ore at a certain
depth; Mr. Kaymoad, of tbe fosaoos
Raymond at fciy miae af Nevada, we
are told, visited the led re a few dava
since, and remarked that be " had
traveled a long way to see that ledge,
and would travel two thousand milea to
as a larger oaa, If It aould be found,
even if he knew there was nothing la It."
He pronounced It tbe largest ledge la the
world. ,
Ho confident are clal as -owners that
tbey have a goad tblnar that they are
orderingi mills. Twa are now oa tbe
way, aod more will be brought np a
soon sot he road from th Sooth Can be
traveled with beavlly-toaded -wagone.
Keyaelde A Co. have a -sump mill oa
tbe war, ad a California company
bav a 50-etsmp mill coming. Thereto
room enough aa th ledge as It bow Is
developed ta acoupy a hand red mill af
caw largest u auu employ tea thoaa.
sueu.. , ,. , , .
ttussla bas recognised Alfooso as King
of Spain, .
.The aeal mioetV lockout In South
Wales has bcaua ; 13,us men Idle;
6,000 shipwrights at Newoastle-on-Tyn
have struck-
The Beaufort emale LunstiC Asy.
I em, aa tbe Montmorency, In Canada,
was burned on tbe 2Mb ult. Three pa-
tlenU were burned u u m,
. A meeting In the Interest of the Jo
diaa BBiastonarr work was held aa the
evetung 01 we aim an ia Mwvwia
... .. . .. .
Reform Church, New York Clty ,
' Tbe Smithsonian InsUtute ha re
ceived a cabledispatcb announcing tbe
-discovery at nerna cr a new pianet ia
Abe right aaceusloa 37", decUnatlon 18
SAT north of tbe .twelfth magnitude.
A third lucecllary attempt has been
mad to burn the Navy Depart meut
bulfdlugs. Ten or! twelve log book
. 1 , . t it I
were oeairoyeu. . uawpinN um mw
work of persons interested In the de
struction of the records.
Tbe Secretary of War has seut to tbe
House a report of the Quartermaster
General and Conimlssary-Oeneral of
Subsistence, arlvtnf the coat to those de
partment of the Modoc war, amount
ing In the aggregate I d ,t ll.onn.
The wife of the treasurer of tbe Cliel.
sea Savings Bank was o severely hunted
oa tbe 81st alt., that she died about two
hours after the accident. Her clothe
took fire from a stave. Her husband was
badly burned In his efforts to extinguish
tbe riantos. . ,
The public debt statement shows an
a. a as baa M I g"
anoe, f lQ,S13.ft'iO ; cula UUnce. faO.tOi,-
084; colncertlficatea,2t,5o,Oi; special
deposits to secure certificate deposit,
$j,ooii,owi. . . . ,a , .
A. bill reported favorably from th
SetiAU CoannilLte oa Civil tervloe. rro
vide that for two years after the 1st of
July next all salaries exceeding $l,2u0 a
year, to all brsnehea-of the Govern
raut. serr loe, civil aud military, shall
be reduced 10 per oeuU
Home striking colored 'longshoremen
at New Orleans oa th Sutb ult., en-
luading tbe steamer Nalches. Tbe polios
Interfered, aod were obliged to use re- lfA ,K. Ll...K
w r im W KM Ml 11 WVIN W 1.H
II II I aM apAiltiHiMt
Th California Senator have received
a memorial from the. San Francisco
sugar refiner, protesting against the
Hawaiian' Reciprocity Treaty, on the
ground that It would hav the sflecT o
transferrins; th baslnees af sugar refla-
1 i'a w miiuvna iiimhw. : . .. ir
The Secretary of the Treasury' has Is
sued a call for tbe redemption of flftoea
million 5-31 bonds of 18C2, to be paid ou
the 1st of Ma vat the l'. S. Traaaurv. at
which time Interest will cease on th
amount thus called In. Twelve mil-
. luua mtw wiimih auu If f Tl WlllnlllB Www
- r i ii:.,.
1 .
Tha Jtmerlean Flra Iuuimkm fV,m.'
from the board of lire underwriter. The
President of another company,, and a
member of th board, say be Is not sar-
prieed tbst the1 American Fire Insurance
Co. slionld-co out of tha board, and fait
certain others would follow, leaving tha
a. J I .1 1 a 1I1 .1
afaAwss-ta WVIgij a ffltwwtfW VI But lUrtll UtIUU,
The (iranite and Crescent biills at
FaU Biver, Masa., closed on Ilia 2d Inst.,
owing to dissatisfaction about wage."
The. weavers rasolved tbat a thousand t
their number shooid go to Kngland at
balf fare, tbe money to be alvaitced to
each. Jt s held this wilt be much more
ecouomtcal than keeping them with tha
r.n..i. 7J )it.m- rvuvjf. spinner
working will U assssssd one
week eaoh while tba dlfticultv eon.
UnuwCTbe weaver any tbey are ready
to suuroiiiuo uinervnreu arburallou, ,
Four hundred aud elahtr etni of tha
Alabama InveatlgsUoa matter bav
been printed. Tha testimony I very
contradictory. Some witnesses allege
that latlmldatloa. wa practiced, others
deny It. Some protest tbst the preaeoc
of Federal troop alone Movehted blood.
shed, other reported quiet elect loos
without troops. Benjamin Gardner to
tilled to having rotten eggs thrown at
him by whites while b wa adtreasing
meeting. He belkevod that, hat tor
vloleoo and InUmidalloa tba Itepubll-
wwmiu uava carrieu toe male) oy
,( or 8,0ii(l. . t ;
We hope otir kuaeeroue patrons la
Washington county will forgive too
maay uncalled for, lying aod malicious
attack upon us la their mwJkly coaaty
organ. Simple Loey'a harking amuse
bim, Aad Isa, positive advaatage to oa,
Inasmuch aa all intelligent men who
hear et-get ashamed to tbl nk tbat they
avatalaisn lknBu .LI klt.
pitcHJy npon aaea for protocUoa.
Mm. Daaiway left this eity oa Wed-
beeday of Uua weak for a short trip to
I ode pe ode nee and Monmouth, Intend
lag to deliver twa or three teeter ia
each place before her return. She haps
raturtt to thl eity an Tuaaday. lo
Um for tha. evenlax asaaioo) af tha
Woasaa SefTrago AssoeUUoa. -
, CN)fl lmT sasl. Tsras fessJ .
K4AJ ASdraas U. OrisaoS a Ov, rnrt-
1 sasir
, W. OARDWKtX, -rfcfiltlaa
aad largeaa,
twmn AJiter aad WsahlssloB. ivu AVkm
avtoaariiMbaltuaalalaaa. - - -
y, jiimx ujnsi, .
atari, street, aetoeea tint sadll, anas' '
, . , . rORTLAX P, ORCUOW.
(uniM giM ra tun
la the Latest Btf 1. aaa sTisraiiaws Is rve -