The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, January 29, 1875, Image 1

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Happy home;
AC moa r "rarr bub," uu oon
"a' n t, rer.. tc. 1 -
(Entered, eomejlag to Art
K" VI. krHn.A.1, Dunlwsjr, m ihs om-
i offlraof
tea LWiransa of Omim a Wsabincloa tltr.l
An elegant easy chair, a preseut rota
fyHardioco mother, Ml before tb
wtt flre-plac, covered with an equally
tcgant wrap of cashmere ; and M kill,
M soon m H iu thought safe to remove
. her from lb bed, w bar aba bad so long
lain la dap unconsciousness, was placed
fa th ebair and tucked suugly about
. vUbtbawrap. - v ; '
- Everything Is drMn," aba aahl
languidly closing bar great blua eyes,
Wbil" parly lar-dro!) chased 'ewcb
- otber down bet wan cheeks and dropped
upon her attenuated Anger.'
'And why U everything a dream, my
starting daughter?" was Aunt Hotdah'a
eowipaaloBBto query, aa aha brushed
' MMtlaa poor remnant of pal goUlrn
lunthat peralated In rolling itself up la
'bumnw UUto ring. In dfloe-of Iba
good auraa'a skill. . . ' .
j,,,M i aeoa had long and heavy
bavida of hair, and aww but, eay am
Matti Araetroug, or la Maltie dead f
Maybe l a mUUkan about my m -
'r -
'Yo bar baa ry alek, dear, and
your beautiful bair waa aacrlAoad to
iBAArooaifaraa Hgly bltetr. iut4batri,. froia MaUia'a aUadat of ab
bUatrr to baalod now. and your-lock
will grow again a abado daikar, and
joatearty enough to tore lL nouoyauoe
of, eurUog-plna iaidejclffliraAila
would aJmoet eonarfil to bar aa bard a
zalega of tick neaa jn yoo bare paaad
' tbrpogb, If ab oould know Ibat nature
- would prprld bar wltb curling bair aa a
.Z fompauaallott."
tz' "WhorV-yctU t
TVU took car of
bar while I waaatckr
W all did It," "
And ab didn't anffer, yon tWnkj.r
"Of eeorae not, dear Vfi all' foed
yo ao well that we'd harttaketTcarebf
' br for your aake, If for norttlng rlaa. -I
can't tell wbat makraanyboily lore
, aaa, I'aa noUorabl a bit 1 1 late do
seetlo drudgery, and Td a great daT
ratber dl than Jl ra to go back to ItjoT poor AlaaO Brigga. -Tb aOeeta of
Wbere'e AmoaT"
' . "Oooe to rial t a poor patient over lb
aitntbeooOnonient. TTia baby died, and
' H'a a Iionf a mercy, for tb latber'a aJ
bopeleaaaot ' Poor Manila Brigga and
tb good woman aeented lo bo talklog
' oaly to baraalf ; "Poor Mamie ! ab waa
J oat tb g of Amoa, and I ueLto hope
they'd grow ap and lore each other and
ba maxTied eome UinerlJotolJ Tbom-
aon aaaa along when ah waaly for
teen ; and b bad a atock ranch, and
Kami waa pretty and promlalng, and
ber motboT . waa dead, f V f'li,,, rapidly fararreral yean I twit tbef
wouldn't raalite wbat marriage waa to a
, woman being a man, It waan't natural,
I auppoae and be let old Thorn aon take
ber. Bje-aud-bje, jrben bable came
Ilk KitUnaTTbomaon took to. drijik f
aad a Mamie la old and broknnto'
when fb ought to ba Juat budding Into
womanhood. Tbere'a aometbiog wroog,
aoaaewbere." ', .
"Yea, Aunt Jluldafi, tber U aom
hhig wrong. I'm not going to f elmf
- rled," and Maltl eloaed ber Vyef and
leaned back upon tbcoabhna In lan-1
a a a m -. - -J
guiq neipnaanna. '
','My dear," aald Aunt Huldali aol
' amnly, 'Mo yoa auppoa Amoa belleree
tbair',..' "
'I han't InLttn r.l i- --
Oood Aunt Ilaldab waa aortty g rlTrL
. 8a Wad learned to look upon lite fortlirl
oomlng aaarrlaga between bar aon awljtm
maiuo aa aomeiamg loevltaUe. IVar,
old-faabioned aoul l KU bnlooged to a
pat ag when men and wooaea mraot
what tbey aald, aud lived up to tfielr
promlaea, regardleaa of couaeo.urucaaC'
Vbeo the doctor' caiue in from hi
. profeaalooal rlalt, Mattle waa aalecp
ta tbelygant chair. Ha walked on tip
to to ber aide, and bending, klaaed ber
tendorty. . A aweat eokl playeU for an
. rnatant over ber feature, and then art
tied Into a look of aadnraa.
"Amoa. my, uaxllog bor ,'LaaJJ bla
naolber, while jk look-of- hardoea atole
orr ber face aa ahe gated upon lite
', nleeplng oonvaleacent, "f have aom--S
' tbiog "lo'tell you that will grieve and
aarprUe you. Be a man, dear, and bear
it, AH will yet b weir." '
, 'Wbat la it mother; Mae anything
goo wrong wltb Maltl T . .
i PbdclrrlbatabwlII aotgrtmar-
." : rled. ' I'm a or you .never thought of
. that.'' , . v
' . "Nooaenae, i mother ! AVho'a aaktng
bar to gat married JAYh-a I think of
tb sajnplea of married life that Mat.
: tl baa wllneeaed In Ktonebeng aoun
ty, I don't wonder that ab ahrinka
. . from tb poaalble ordeal." ,
"But marriage dependa upon the manj
If a good woman get a good huaband,
- aba baa nothing o coapUIn ot" , '
r nVan, dear mother,, a good waman
will aot om plain. I fUh yaw oould
bav gon with n to-dayto otd, man
Ttoomaon'a to e poor Mamie, nich
i W retched oeaa and (ualr yon never'aa w.
AM yet. Wbett Mamie married that
ban, even yoa, bo bad rboaen ber for
4aoghUr-ln-lAv,y know," with l
aoMtng (mil at tb old remoibraae,
"traa yoa tboagbt'it good anatvu,
l r
bleb Maml weald hav born an viae,
If aha bad refused. "Bt bar Ufa baa
bean a coaalea root! a of an ffbrl ng and
drudgery ad privalloB iod neglect.
Mettle's motber auk long ago nndar
tbo am kind of bard. no, although
laaa-AtmeliaBg ia not a drunkard I
shoabf far for hie daaghter to become
tba mother af my children M be
bat ba, ' la bla Igaoraaea af th.we of
pbyelology, aid by Yho law af man
and Ma wlfa'a Ignorant belpltmnea, la.
posed opoo beelovry way taautally,
morally, pbyaloally, aaiaally aad tbo
raanlu wero an aOMtIlcaib, a
asmsroa family fV oh tie per a chil
dren, aad a imiJ wtfewb baa farad
von worot tban tba Aral. Mattta, botng
tba oklaat, waa bora balbra Ibagtorloaa
poaalbilltlea of her motbor'a rabd-oat
waaaband bad bcaaaaa itinat aad
ab iaboriU bar aaaiaor'a goad
aad anat dliaHmlaatlaa,
bjr an lultaally af ppaatUa t marital
wvitado, wbbsb I at float abjaatod I a
auAraUaino, bat which aba ha taugbt
ata to glory In, aa a borald af tbo warkfa
lurtbeoaaiag alatloa froaV aacUl atna
tbatar by a aaeaaa eoaHnod to UlogaJ
aameiatloaa botwm aara and a iaiia.
- t)li, Axl I bop yoa baro aot
baard aacb borrid talk fraaa llatlte Araa-
atraag. .,,-,.,.,.. r rt- r-.--
Tb doctor laagbod quietly, noting bar
look af (rlgbtoaod diagaai. "Xo, ntbr.
Mattl U lib jnnraalf. anaaaiaaarllj
pT&mh aboat auoh tblng.Ae a payafc
1claa. I bav Quietly, and for mmi la.
formation, probed la eortei ulorr in lu
deepat plooea, ad wb I took at mar-
rrvation, I lora bar alt tba battar fur
rrfuaiog to booooi a pray to it a ab
- ABioa Hardlngvyaa an cruy. Uar
rlag ta a LUviuo ordiaaao. It to tba
only aafeguard of bamaa aoeiety. With
out 11 tborwwrtd weuid rotarn to lu aa
ciaut'bacbaritm. T Homo iegal roatralat
mnaf be put upo Um fioU of moa, or
tb world would be paeplod wltb tb
oOapring of jiceallouanaaa 'Marriage
ia nooornbi taniv aay.raui.'
"I know it, mother, and rejote la tb
fact. -'ButoboremougeraaiMiadulUrara
Ood w III judge;' If you quota Paul pieaea
to do blm Juatioa. f tail yoa, mother,
there la much material for Ood'a Judg-
marriage aa I aaw to-day ia tb famiiy
adultery la wedlock will be vlaiied an
on tb children anlo tba third aad fourth
araraliana,.:'n'jj.,-i.""'' '
"But girla moao't marry unleo they
are -witling to abide tbo ooaeaqueaoaa."
T1iauaanita marry be for they are old
enough to imagine tb coaaeqoeooee.
Wbat did I know at fourteen of tbo ro
aulta of marrtago f 11 :
Bat yoa were a boyAad boya don't
mataraaarly, lik gtrla. ..
"More aaaatan, OMtbar, dear. Ulrle
bae a groat deal aa maturing to do
Ibaa been. C'aoaaaaaaUw thav ; a raw
well-kept womaa af forty ' to always
quit a yooag la aermlag aa the equally
well-kept man of tb aam ago.'?
f. "Woil, I OA
now vorjrjroolly,
you when MaUi aald eke Weuldu'l
marry that I hardly know bow ta toll
you rnd yoo onlyaajr ber ia
It aner all im Uataie wa'ea Bad to
oar har from tbo grave, too. tear
lovac b anxMu to adoraUoa, and
you'll aubmlt to anything ah deovanda.
lie carvfol how yoa build up hlola be
t weoa yoaraalf and Ood.",
"Ood gav me groat power of loolag
for my own weU-boiag, mothvr. H will
not coat me otT bee nee I aurtaro, u lite
rate ant control Ilia blbai, boUeat
Bui, what gad Will it do yoa to love
if ah will not beoona your
wWr ::.. . : - ft
1 bid ber Aimaad mine, dear
uther. W'bea alt tb One responding
clordfc t bof ooul and body ar attuaed
la baroaobjr Wltb mi aw, abo will ao
fail to ojioak oawl lu, aa bar aorvaot,
alaMdiug at th aaerod portal,
all tb bolfowad myotery that euahrouda
humitt life aad iov aad bappiueaa, I,aa
Ued'o appoiutedV abaii-do bar bidding.
TtU then, ftt work aad wait, W
that a huabaad'a greatoat triumph aoa
alats tor cooquertug btmoelt" 7 , , " "
"But Mat lie abhors bomwwork. 8b
ralla Itdomeat I dradgory , and ah
nevar unU mak , a careful, , happy,
economical "hua keepeK" : p- , -
. Tb doctor waa paciog ' letaaroly back
aad forth, la th groat, bar sitting,
room strangely quiet la the temporary
abarne of every Armstrong, aav th
crippled Kettle and tb aleeplug ob
ject of tht aarneat eoovoraaOoa. His
mother last remark brought him to a
aaddea staad. ' "Mother," he eielaJnted
ia -a decided ton; "I oneo was eat Ash
enough, owing, doubtlesa, to your teach
ings, tooaterUla Jwotauch Ideas aa the
yoa now oxaeoaa. . MaUte taugbt aaoa
needed liaaon, - though, and f bav
treasured It up la a bat I traat la a gool
sad honest heart. Who In rat mad
mat ri moa ml oeiposlUaa to bf,-f- was
hot-headed .and aeiSabTentertaialag
only lb fancies wblcb yaw had fostered.
I shall aerrr focgxTtha baughyr
wHb wkfc-.a ab mot asp
faiunat wonla dad dWda. Kb waa deeply
thrilled by my aympatbetl play a poo
tb touder chorda of mo that vibrated
through and ttuwaga nor awa ai
lug aoaL t knew It wall, aad yet I was
eel Oeh enough, a many a mi to and ha
to fallow up every legally
bla advantage tbat I might gala over
ber better Judgment. Tbo
taugbt mo that evening I oonabUr tb
moat valuable of my life. Bb draw
boraelf up haughtily and aald: 'I am not
wbat you wiab m to be. My
ia to milk eowa, waab diaboa, aad rate
babiea Cor my paternal relative, wb baa
already daatroyed on wife, and U mak
ing sUfc.Uiougb" uncomfortably alow
work Of the aaiu kind with another.
1'oar otiaaiun ealiayo amoag the colli-
yaled mea and womea af lb land, wb
Can quota from tb claaaioa,
mythology repeat blatory, talk
aena and emplay aerraota.' Our li
bar faliea to aa In different lam,
our roede of life moat be nee forth diverge
to In I react each other aevermore,' BU11
blinded r paaaloa which tbooo ehiU-
Ing worda bad failed U cool, I
my an it, only to receive froa bar tb
cutting rebuke, YouJorget yonraalt
Remember tltat I abbor tb ' aeual
routiu of domeatle dutiea. Three, you
eoufeaa, are wbat you deal re ia a wife,
and I would .puggeat a Chinaman
notng lea expeuaiv and much more
"And yet, Amoa, you failed to-Uke
warning !" and tb mother wrung ber
baode to give proper txpreaaioa to ber
deep diatreaa. j ,
Yea, motber, I did take warnIotI
began toatudy tb great problem of do
meat la Ufa aa never before. Aa a pbyal
clan I bar many opportunlUea to tear
of bnmaa miaery which aa other' per-
cau obuia. Two-third of my
paUentaar dieooatoated wivea, who ro
poo aoulldenco ia m fa relating tboir
, grhrvancea, which yoa, who
war Meal with a noble huaband, oould
acaroely rralia were I to repeat them.
If nloe-teolbe'of the buohanda af tbo
land could only; know tbo atortaa that
are ttourvd Into th mmi AmIam
jby aiveewbo aaaual dootor bttbi aat
up their aubataoca, wfaibr madioal at
tendania mak aval a endeavor ta patob
ap tba reoatto of v totaled aalnrVa lawa,
they wauld pall I heir bato over tbair
eye trod very abamo aa tbey walk the
etreeta." . : -'
MIeara-ml" aigbed tb good lady,
adjuatlng ber apectaclee aad amootblng
ber apron aa ah roae to go to tb k Itehon
ak ariangeuieuw for ThTooowdry
moal 1 "J don't know wbat tbo world la
oomlng to. Noaueb blfaJotia' aotioa
ever croaaed aiy mlad, wbea,i-waa a
girl " ,;,f T ..i ' i '.::,-. )
faaao Armetronev who "during bla
daagbter'a aevereat illoeea, bad remaiaed
almoat cotiatantly ladoora attadlag aa
beat heeoulJ, after th awkward man'
.nerof a man without etperieace, to4b
naroaaary laltora of the eiea room, found
enow bad partly subsided, to leave tb
bouae la car of genoroua'Aant Hutdab,
while be devoted kls Um to his famlab-
Ing berda. -
Hl" Molly bad preeed eo
leroij aou reintciory loai abdi noioan
waa glad when tb weather bad auffl-
elentty - moderated to allow them to
Incumbent upon blm aa aoon a tbaTva", ' ,urn 10 oppooiao-Qirectioii.
K- wttlfnP theJleldar-Tha bther childreo,
rrTfclifii ujSiijMyZ-wll r.ljniin at their
itead, ware compelled to apend tb day
at tb dlatrict achool; and ao It waa that
Mat lie's coovaleeceac waa marked by
a period of qaret reat, quit favorabl to
tb promotion of perfect health.- . .
; When AuutHaldah retired to'Ha
kitcbea, the doctor drew ap a chair aad
aat down elos to Maltl, looking Into
her waa -fas with fervent tsadsraaoa.
"Is this heaven T" ab asked dreamily,
as aha opened ber eyes and smiled. "Am
I rfrorf f or what Is the matter 7
T-Yon are felling Well, my sweet"' D
you - remember - bow - torriby III yon
were ?" . '.:
l I's'ali a dream, Amoa. But I am a
happy ! It aecm as though I had ai
waya beea ; walking la dorkneea, and
that lifta baa Juat begun to lllom my
way. Tbat'a why I fear I am dreaming.
You'll purchsoe rMoaebenge farm, won't
you "
M'hatt Would you hav me con-
algn you to toil and drudgery all your
days upon tbla ranch, wblcb you de
test so utterly t
"No, Asm, Yoa won't wool to do
tltat. Beside, I. wouldn't, aubmlt to. J
anyhow. But I bavo a ptaa to ewbmlt
to you wb h reata upqp tb purcbaa of:
this farm. I have thought it all over 4a
my dream a. I'm too tired to tell yoa
about It now,- but I most tell yoo that I
hav determiued not to get married. At
any rale, J shall aot marry for aeveral
year to com. Will yoa be angry f
"1 bidyourtlsao,myquoaof boarta,
I can wait aa long aa you tbiak boat
Marriage mean so much more to womaa
than lo man, that eh should ever be
umpire In all that la Immodiatoiy aon
nected therewith." " fc
"I ft-ar luat t shall never be abl to
make you happy, Amoa f am not a
eJagl Mt Sweet womanly' lu tbo way
that yoa fancy. I want to shin ta tb
world no a leader of Boms aort, I bav
fsncjel ibat I must study medicine. I
ball want to b tb Jaalor partaor la
tb firm af Uardlag A Armstroag. Uw
will tbatoult yoo r -
-. yttpleadidty." : r . ' ;
"Tboal am aoateot. laoakln'ttblak
of a eo-prtnoroblp with asy body area."
Aant lloldab cam la preaontly with
a platter of tompUng via ado, of wbiob
4 Mottle ata with rotaab, tb dovtor ptay-
rufty feeding ber wltb a spooa. .
, T 4 J Ibat lf yoa two doa't gat mar-
rU yau augVL t-Jor-ro'ro aorfaot
aimpUton about aasb otber".aid Anat
Uvldah. . , , . ,. , i '
Aa aooa aa .MatUo grU a lUti
atronger we intend to diacuaa a cVpart
aorabip that doaaa'l aoeaa aaaniag,1
sptalaed th doctor: r
"Tbere'a oo otbeff oa-partaerabip
bat wen moa and womea thai la at all
proper." eiclaJated tbo aaolher in die-
may. . t .
" Wk r . aakad Mait!. opeaiag bar
graA biu eya wltb a aUrtWd bk, a
I bough, nuopicloB jofovll bad oevor
roaaad bar mlad. i ,v.. ,
JBocauaa people mould talk T
Wd of aaythiagonabeurd r' . .
"Dear moUer," aald tbc tbajtor Irmly,
"MaUle aad I are ootr pouaiUo for tba
bahbliag of tbo awii.miadd. I have
weighed this auhjeet woil, oad I am re
aol vd to do rigJU, nod wU aegNUiemtU
aa I ran fir human lawa to grow into
tba reeagniUoa of equal aud aact juo
tle to ail jbo and aoinew. It woai't
hurt Maltie balf aa badly to be aUndered
by tb vi-minded aa It would to b ia-
Uored .bljmaaiMofor a bib ber good
Jodgmaot Ul no feadyJlottl amiir
you that you needn't worry. We'll de
pend upon you for uecvaary aid in nul
lifylng lb proprieiiea aud allaying the
Infrrttal auapiciotta of tb fowd-tuiuded
old bag, mother Uruudy.'fl- I
"I aboulj prefer i UaLJou. !. vr-1
eautioparyjuroaure. to quiet tb alan-
dering tongue of (briber Urundy," aald
MatU with a lai-li, quit lik
br lden aelt. , :
"Chlidrro, you talk In riddle. I do
not nnderauud you," and tb mother
turned from MatU to bar crippled elate r
aud began auppiy Ing ber wltb food.
"I dou't know that w fairly under
atand ourvlvea, aayet, but we propoao
to eouault our own euuveniouc aud
goodaeita in wliatevar we undertafc,
Juat aa we would if wo war two meu,
r l w women, who wre talking of n
Ufo-loug partuerahip. 1 trust, motban
that you will, realixe tb fact that It ia to
my interest to protect my future w If from
aught that la anaoemly," aad tb doctor
appeared almoat tranaflgured by bia leu-
earn aat neaa, aa be alooj behind Mat-
tle'a chair and etroked her pali
"Uear-a-mc'" aigbed the good toother;
l-eao't tvlt what ti world Uoomlug
to. I'm aura J dou't andorataad what
tbaae young folka are thinking of But
tbej'jajgf age,,aod tlx a '4-do a they
Jil, . I gucaa, ao there's no naa in
rTal mqiiouU.1
DKLK ATt PeoW-k. There la eon-
etanl.eympolby expreeaol by rubust
people for .thmaj-of aitghr iihyaJi-ah-cwnyf
L . . .. T. i . '
vrmmoo. mm uttaa iaa avaanaiziiv
1 k mi otiiwiv frmiir wim mia 111
moat fearful disorders, aid ln Ikrv
oatof four five the longest, llioa
of glgantleotrncture are almoMt alwaya
roskleosof boaitb. They any, -XoUiiog
aUt-iaad golnurtba bTnt.l If lo f.r.0, and
nana i ; and so ttiey atoud tM-drou,
eat crabs at mldnliiht, and dott their
flannel In April, and got their fret wet.
Rot.iUViicat people or shy of fieri I.-
Tbeyktiow-tbat-oiareoe baa been ttab-
tug lor litem for twenty yrv sud they
way twHU Hi Inyifc; Tf.l ' tfiul
can beeaecht If hseea the shallow f
th sportsmatf on tii brook. These
people whom everybody eiiiecU to die,
live on roost tenaciously. W know of
a young lady who evidently married a
weaJlky maa of turn ty -Mr year on tb
J tbai l-g. anj ai ai atmaaj l nl 1 aa tan an ana
eg awaapsar -wwaa www w vrw w wvo m arvrsj
with reference to her onf-t.' JrO. But
th agsd Invalid Is so careful of bla
beallu, and th young wife la ao careless
of bora, that it to see iinoertain whether
aho will inherit bia atoreliooeea, or he
will lubertt hrr woidioa riiut. ileal Lit
and longevity depeud more upon cauUon
and iatvlllfent management of one's
self than Upon nriginai physical oetA-.
faul e advictotUeaiierltrtaairoDrtaU
to people la all occupatioua: "Do thy-
self no barm.1.-JL; ' . .
rut xn-TAtxTY. When we walk near
powerful -mohioery w know that oo
iatep andtuose tuirlity eoglnco will
tear ns to pieces with luelr dying wbseia,
or grind us ts pnwhr in their ponderous
Jaws. Ho when w are thundering across
lit laud In- a -railraad narriaae, and
therw Is ttotnlnc hot nn Inch ot Iron
Hang to bold us on the Iin4 Mowbts,
we are In a ship aod tiit- Is nothing hut
the thlcknesaof a'piank hetvrvon ns and
eternity. We Imagine, then, that w
ar bow ctoae we are to til dg of tb
precipice. But w do not ere It.
vu-tbrMtitsrrMt the land the
parti lion thst dtvldee ns from eternity
is something less lbs the ooh plank or
a boir-ioch iron Doua-e, Uia machinery
of life and death a o ithio us. The tis-
e thst ttold thfJbeaUng powra-4o4
tboir piore ar orton not thk-ker than
a ah nit of paper, and It I list thin aorti
tleo rupture I it would bo tbo aam aa if
a cannon bat! .'ad struck us. Death ts
atorabfy tmuoil up wtth llfe In the
very, atntrture uL-aat Us lies. . troggt
aa ha wouli to widen the anaoe, ao maa
ran at any lime go further from death 1
I ban Ui ibicfcuese el a aneel or paper,
A Whto moeVI mooomnt ha
placed over tb grnv of William IL
Heward,intb Fort Hill Ccmtery, at
A a burn, it isdwcriovd nig tmmeuae,
finely-acoliitarMl tahle, laid entirely over
tb tomli, roaaad ot tbo hood obwot three
feet higher lhao tlieaurforoof Ust.plaee,
la tbo form f a cinerary urn twined
with ivy. and aotmnntsd wit bo si ass
wraatbed wHb th leaves of ta oak aod
tbo Uarel. The tec of the labia bars
th words: "W illiam H. Seward. Born
May la,, IMMl iMed October IA, IfTt"
And th ibaa Of tbo aro hears th lo-
acrtptioa wbhfb. In hie lifcUm, bo aid
waa tbo only eptlapta b waa ambitlou
todcoerve; "lie wa Faithful.?- '
It to the earns wl.tlj sblrla aa wlthJ
trowaera. No man cao er-r'bo happy.
no matter erhot bra soceev f life, whil '
tb ooo artlese ervaai aud
oa to ottior
"It ia a Ikaa for a Vemaa 1 Speak ia
- ; ada,w .... ,
' Paul U still quoted to Joatify maa ln
bia aaarpatlsa. Bnea It fottow that bo
eaua that aaUqaatod Mocbelor. Paul, of
twa thowoand year ago, relieved bis
brain of that I ai maculate couoeptloo,
that woman moat b ruled by It, while
any maa af aa baadeod years, at tb
preeoat Uaae, ia eonatdered too impotent
to be th aooeptod floni and master" of
any young wonian of to-day ? Not
that Paul was two thousand year old,
but too tal ta aula aad atupid enough
to ba two hondrwd tbouaaml yearn b
hind tb press ot time, llad Woman
furnlaheil and dcoratd churchea then,
aa now, he would bav been "out of bie
eposes', ksbindtboairet U woa n4 of
ours ibat b apokq or bad tba aiigbtoat
Th Idea of quoting Paul for woman's
potttioal OubJugalioul II eoutd not
lett a tibareii boat a dapat; a artoat la
bla assnliiHl fob-from the Holy
Ghent; a aleam engine from tb Ihrvil's
cbarlut; Its whbtl from Gabriel's trum
pet; lb Whit I lone from Wotmnoo
Tvoipt, mar eroaU ho be siespli a a a
Janitor to either of these. I'eoc to bia
aelira I May tbey never mora ueacat-
trel iii woman's patbway.
"Wants foe not know enough to
votet ah ass Is education;, i'olillca is
But nor adiera.":
- Proliobly on young man at th age of
toeory-oue to greeted wttb..sucb dls
eourtesy. - Tito eory first brvotb, and the
last, of vory hamaa awing la drawn In
a political atainapher. No sooner doe
tie see the light, than politic entwine
itself round about lt. It Is Its father's
own eblldV while Its mother-la Its fatbIbJ
ers -tielpeneet," U aay ou eaa lU whatTi1
that la. ,
hbould th father die, leaving prop
erty, politic euro knocking at the
deer, appwiaUng o guardian for lbs child
aau lis property, ino guardian may
blr th ' halpmeC"';Uat waa, lo nurao
and rear the child, or he may blr a
stranger to do Ibia; or he may do it
blenaalf. If eneanoteut, aa all rwn art
presumed to bby tba law when titer lot1" your minlater or physician. Aud
mooey enougii to b a aumulent uiuco
ment. But if there le no property! poli
tic keep n respectful distance, suppos
ing tbo motber, in that case, to oompo
leut to provide all tbingarequlalt, bow
ever fevbl io. health or nu me roue her
family If ab aucoeoila, It la a matter
r soar; ir she falls nler tne weight
Lof hev rmpmisihtitu and eHiMHiao,
(which to aohlom tbo caae.) it to ooo
tency. Tbo sympatlsy of- thamaoV-opseA-yorph
ally govs out towards um -poor men wno
eocnasoered with sock a "Itolp-
wheaa match boa bifUeaueaa re
tarded bla prorresa, having no capital
except bis hands, wltb n docen children,
more or less, and Dlmaeir and nis neip
most" to support. ,
, j'f."; rsi,Z.-iiC
Jisfure womaa aeogltt to vote, ab was
"an. aogel.urjhe haa tost Uat. Of a
truth, there Is one thing "swallowed up
In 'Victory.''- An angel of darkneae she arter hhoM omoT
loyally, ait doe not know mwwtaud
and noede educaliitaT-to- bo oh aa eotial
Mr wtLh-tfce blsckeet and most stupid
(-African and the nst Ieuifh4eriul-
gmotawr-Hm-itbo "prtsnne ami pgpeft
hOMSr t.f foreign dsiUc'govoruoariita,
to. whom, for twolollars, ia gveo abao
. Willi unapsokabbahhomonco doe1
woman resist aurh diabolism and tnjoe-
tie. ; Kvry naptrntion of ber nature re
volt against tbla uuapproachabla bu-,
levsi of a aewto." . fiot poiitieally;
wbiio polities dsgrs toa woman to tbo
level of a mous beneath tbo feet of
rbes krtd of the pauper of th land,
warda wlioa auiMstrt sh ts compelled to
ewnuibute, aim wlrew look Uwa
upon her 'wit )M he eooiplaceocy of tbo
"lords of ereaiiou." aauminc torula ber
Polittoa aa a aciene ar art le a abject
of vast attest aad loporUaea1' "Wkat
baa womaa to do wtU aoliUar' or go, to more nocepub I ? i
omaa know that abo II v under some 1
govern meat, la wtrteto ab baa no eon-
troi aor Infli
to which ab ta
nbtot to tba aopportof wblcb abo muat
ooo tribute,' directly and Indirectly, If
eh bu property, and Indirectly if sbe
ha none; botng taxed far everything that
ait oommande for ita sua port, if aba
claim to bav any right, except that of
aubmlmlon, ah is aneered at and re
pulsed, nftentlme with tb moat oflea
eie epithet and manner, a If ah wae
destitute of every as use of propriety nnd
delicacy of fee I lag; attributa aa appli
cable to womaa mm to man, to tbo ruled
m to th rulers. Th only uason why
tbey ar aot recognised aad respected ie
because womaa bos ao political power
ha not emerged from th bondage of
despotism; whether tbo ruler Is oue or
many, it Is not tbo less despotic to ber.
"And Ood aid unto tbom, (th man
and th woman, l hav dominion.". Th
rooimoo mum with which thiss ar ew-
dowed ays so, too. II seems to be 'root
th want of tb exercise of this sense
that woman to debarred from tbo politi
cal privileges that are rightfully hers j
that of alf-government In ai boated
Itepobiie I atand of Freedom I .
Woman ba all tbe rights ahe wanta."
Kb ha lb right of being held In amii's
potittoai graap, benaatn in leet. vt tli
lb deepest dyed villain of cMir own and
forvia-n natlooa; at tbo, thought of
whom ahe abndders; nt tb aight'of
whom oho frara aad tram Wee; Uj rough
lbs four of whom abo bull aad bora ber
doors (even In "broad day ligbl'V lest
tbey enter and cut ber throat and deepotf
iter r rter prnpvny. - . ts .
Hh boa tbo rtelit to pestsat ngalnat
thU pptiUoai tkralldoa. With tbo right
on mea tbe duty of everJT woman to seek
rwirrea of nh powers that be.
. Womaa) ba ewverod th field, not la
eingle flie, hot witb a mighty, ever-increasing,
tovlociMe host, from lb Uat
and tb West, aad from tb Nnrtb aod
tb ttouta. Tbo Journey may bo a loog
1 k..a I ft! IIm k. sn Mfntfrsil
movement.' Woman will neither ball?.
nor flinch antll ab trlantphantly ewters
to awaU reongaiaed a a (roe and lad
pendent oill sew of tbo Iowa, Ml, aad
natloo ooaa oquaJiiy wltb tb wisest
aod tbo bat. Instead of beneath tb feet
of lb eft scouring of tb earth. - r
Ho help ber, neon, rfo hwtp ber, em
aa. Af. L Wreo, a to iteoio oeoa.
Ugatut. , . -
"Tbe flr Wu tbe reo4t of graa.ear.
ansa " aid an Inooraaeo broker to a
I rum pis ia maa whoa amra wa ta rains. "1 know
baa la UJt," replied tb avtav "and tbat'a Jaat
lib risk I paid yoa to assam."
Ta FaaIeJkTci& -
My' basband le a aWtor. Judging
frosn bto reouiatlan, bo to sunaii to ooo
In aaviug tifo and makiag abort aaiaa.
He to estremviy aeuaitive and enoaeieo.
tlooala th dlo-harge ilila duties, both
truthful and faithful. . But ber Is where
It ploebae erodit, orortit. A doetor'a
family ar iiabi tod bod aad olotb-
Ing. nnd it take rash every time. A
doctor must have drugs ami lust ru meats;
then oume in Ch poaltlrely, to ay
nothing of harsss ood fosd,and lb baa
drsd aud oaa tneldontal Osrsssary (
tbo keepliur up of a family aod a bnal-
hen If there la a tbaukeie tavern
oa oar th, a doctor house hrone. If a
naaa to eamlag to town to" have btai
boraaa shod, aad to get asms toliato. a
kindly brings la bis wife knd flr or ton
children lo ap the doctor. Here is
twin bav th whooping eougb, and my
old womaa foto mhrhty poorly latety.
Mpbaabsnl las sea hladinani oaBalsOod
to attoad to lb wauta of iua uVar
patroua. I abow any little one wllh
their plate, oto th kitchen, to finish
Ibotr dinneia, wblto I baste to ro-ar-rang
and onok more dianer for aor sup.
porters, aa tbsy sty to themselves. When
night cornea, by comparing note for
limo, meals and horse fsed, our Tteai I
inenoa nave oust no, at eoaa prtceav, tally
Ore dollars, while for th doctor's ser
vice they grumbl at the charge ot two
dollars, and leave with the eomfortlng
remark, "Well, doctor, I'll try to pay
you inaido of tb year, if I ran." sw
this 1 noCxn isolsloil coos i it to-ott of
"Patsy bavin' theehilla aWerat had
Naoey Ana baa tw teeth thai aauot be
KUod ; tb baby noeda it guana oat;
aa and Jane bo eoro sjrss. and tb
daily occurrence niorr the hia.t(ly, Tl(l h as k last reaorT applied to"
After -tphyaleian has' faithfully aU I Mr, Brown for fond, and shelter. Mr. B.
tended ' ynr family, day. or ulght,
through the Worst of diseases, or ttie
must diflloult cssss of aurgary, boar-can
you, without bu ruing cheek of ahame,
aak him to wait n year for bla pay, and
din times not of lea yoo will aboae htm
for bia cbargee even towat. Yoa will
study to invent sotn piou to avoid pay
why la It ? - You mak no such calcula
tion In regard to lb merchant, grocers
or millinery bills; Uter 'tis money
down, and tb placards buug around lo
a store, "Xo credit here," you abide by
aa strictly as if 'twere law, Although
th minister and physician bav hot
I good for barter, tbetr Um aod capital
-j invested - is usually mor tht a ia re
quired to Mart a common bust nee house,
relocation is not to be bad for nothing.
r pnysteian to be per-
fseUy asmvorsaot wTta eeety part ot tbo
Human system, witb every acbe and nil
Ibat fleah la hrlr to, to be reody with
every remedy that Is known andVr th
sun, nnd to uw strength to fly at your
slightest bid, be It day or abxhWotorm
r suuabin, yet you ay lo blm, "1
will pay ysu such rlce aa I pbraa and
When I pleas." Tike International.
Tun Drr.riwT Wrix tVfihf WIS ku.
At about twenty mile from Berlin if
si tooted "ths -villa if hoeraubora.
notodjor th deepest well that bos rver
been un. trwlng to the prvoeiH-
of gyponm In tit bwollty, which Is at a
saodeewtp diet ana from tbe Mattel, It
occorml to Ibe gvryntneut aiiilinrilJa
In ciiarge of tba minee to obtain a aup
piy of ruck alt. With this aud In View,
thwarnktng of a shaft or wet! alt teen
leet ia diameter wa commenced some
av yeara ago, aod at a depth f tw
bumf red and eigtrty feet the jolt wa
reached. Tb boriug waaeontinned to a
further depth af bin hundred and alxty
th diameter of tbo bore belar re
duced to aboat thirteen Inebo. Tb i
operations were eubeequcuUy prosecuted
ay too -aid or ateam, uutii n deptn or
to-j4!t feet waa kttalood. . At this potnf
tbo borln wsa discontinued, the borer
'ii w I -r c-
taxing llllf Ifl ll.f valt depioil, whTcaTly
time eablbite tb enormoa Uitoki
1.KU7 fetl.
As people ar beginning to observe
each anoivvrary of their wedding day
mora franwenU Ihaa fbrmeriv. wa
hh blo w a full llat. As will bo not
it gt vabfoote erf ehbneea to Viebr
r poa
attsed. gi va plenty of shaaees to "ewivbrate."
First year, Otto a Wedding. -
Keoond year, Paper,.' :
Thfrd year, I out her, .
Fifth year. Wooden,
fteveotb year. Woolen.. - . .
Tepttryar, Tin.
Twelfth yar, Hi! k and Fin Unea.-
Fifteonth year. Crystal.
TwenUeth year, Cblua
Twenty-fifth yar. Kilrer
From this time forward tbey r less
frequent, and tokens of oatosm become
or valeabl t . . . .
Thirtieth yar, Pearls.
Fortieth yar, lluhiee.
Fiftieth var. Golden. '
Wevstyflfth yorrl)tamoad.
Lovn. Lrnxna. -la every yar
writtea Just about a roajiy tellers of
Uiia kind . whetber peopl '
pi -on tin ue to
oafl thetn ailly or aneibl. It makes
n dlfteionew what.oatoidew believe, a
that lb portiae infreotod ar suited
with the eontenta. If we Coo fern our
true convict lone, love. Jet tore, yeara .
ter I bey are written, reach tbe tenderrst
aHectiohe of. our iwtaree. Many-and
many n totter of tbls'fcfad'to oarried like
a Jewel next lb hart, and valued a
thousand times more tlian a JeweL hrtU
owner. "Never bum love sKle. It In
a swoet, sad ph-asor to iiBve 'tbam le
read, wba tbo lak to brow anil tba pa
per yellow With age, when Mo band
that traced the loving woiMsire fol.led
over th hart that -promptpd them, and
lay under tho aad. K
I loving brt-1
tersretftur OoIcJJmI
burning, forgive and I
Th Port smooth T
ears some of
th obt Mnoolera aU
lie at th leloa,
and ana of I hem, etetiig with oritieai
ryes a yacht mooreit at Htar it land,
apied Ita nam, fvWch. Fprlt th obi
man . slowly, rTM.-WUI, tr
that kin't the shirs
way I vr. did
see to spoti naa t
A clergyman
rfiy askol a i girl
Ing ber Intended t "Is be la bis
stlsn aod ewrrtac a aalettat
Cbrtotiaa bb replied I "la hie ne
Versa lion b is try pious, but-1 never
aw him la bieearriago f ' -
It la aid tl
it omong persona af U
yam aod i
tr, tbo proport0" f u
illiterate la
iter in hoa rranciaco
than la
ether Urge City in tb
Irish RiTllnr ars "Tew nbry
rood reoutaabaa. iiT publicly and aK
"Orer tk EHI tejhs Psor-Hea."
Will Cor lelo's not botlo farm beiiod.
bearing the above title, U brought forci
bly to ittlndby a-recent bioal orrurreooa.
Ooo day tbla week Hon. 8. W. Brow a
apaaarsd befor the Cooaty Aadttor and
ntada lb atsiaarv atltdovis La aetiti
Juliua huleie to relief from th oouaty.
in appiifatimi waa granted, had Juliua
bee roe a chare -on th count v. - M r.
Haioto baa etpertrnoad mar than tb
of k' ranee, bo waa eduoalad for tbo iearal
proiaaaiou, ami- waa, we bviiev, admit
ted to tb Washington TVrrltnry bar
years aeo. II ba realiiad ta
Ihia oouaty Ofisoo year, having la tbo
meaiUiuie married, and partially raorod-
Brirfaurtyr alx or area cbildroa. 11
lias recHved I wv remittances atnc asm
from bio parental estate ia Kraass, aa
f regaUng aemotbUtg ilk IU,0UU. Tb '
utv(et of litio nsooer, ladiaioaoly io- ,
veatou, was toumi aunicJent to aupport
blm aad bto family aoatertoblT for aov-
eml year.-'- At tenfrUs too demo af '
strong drink tank, bold af bias, aod ail '
was changed.. His note aad mortgaga ,
took uftto llirmerlve wing, aad was so.
still, the dWH of rrrseord entered the'
isouly eirde and naveeed ' the ' saerad
band forevrr. Things kepi going from)
,to worsr, until at thelaat term
th IHstnctfunit the wife applied for
and ohtalned a divoroe. "- It wae fbaad '
llisl t hs rowperly waa Inextricably la.
volvvd. aod lit truatoe into
lianda their aftalra were committed for
settlemeni, after squaring up, found
nothing left. Palate cannot work. Ha
la wiiltogr enough, but ho aottbor tbo
kuaok tsar tbo atrogth. Hi' hotel-
keeper faowerhtm the door th other
iod n si botet Imu as long a b oald
ataod it, and than apphWd to bav blm
mad -larg upon tb coonty. Tbo
8istepf Charity furnish htm with food
and eti a Iter at an tpene to th eoanty
of fifty eeut pr day. Tbla la perbapa
th beat that oould bav beea douo aa
dor the eircutnstancfa. 'ancouver Jirg-isfr.
Ltagtk of Geological Ferieda.
Th alebrated gwologial writer, Mr.
Lubbook, ia bie Uk u tilled "l're-Hi-torio
Timasv" ays that all lb facto of
geology tend lo indicate an antiquity of
which w are beginning to form butr a
-dim Msev Take, for laatanca, on aln
l Jormalioa our wsli-kwowa cbaik. ' v
Tbia etooaiats entirely of ahslla, aod.
rragmenta or aliens deposited ai lh bot
tom of an ancient aao-foraWy from
aay oohlTnouC rioeh- a process aa tbia
must b vary sbw probably we ahoukl .
not bo very much above the mark If we
were to aeauuie a rat of depneltlon of
ten Indies hi a eonlqgy. Jtow the chalk '
U hp ward id IJMO fe4 thick, and woobt
have requirol, therrfure, more than IM,
OWyara for lu formation. Tb fosslllf
aou betla of frel Britain, as a whole;'"
aro snorojhau 7.0' feet In thickneea,
and maay wiiieh with oa maa aro only "
a few -iuvhra, ou tb eos I ioeut expand .
into atrsla of immmia depth ; whilo
others of greet Imortanc elawbro
ar wholly wnnttwg wtth .na, for it I
vidot that during ail the periods In
wbiob tirvot Britain ha been dry load,
atrato have- been fori.itng as la, for x
ample; the case aow isewbere, and not
with oa. " ' ' ; . '
Moreover, we must rsmsmbar that
maay of theaLrata now at latin g bavo
ban formed kt th eipeiwe of older
oca; thoe all th flint gravels In th
sooth seat of Kogtaad haeo been pro-,
ducwd by lbs destrarooa of chalk. Tbia
again la a very slow proree. It it
mated that a cliff 60l feet bleh will
worn away at tb rat of an Inch la a
century. Thle may seem at a slow rate.
tbut We
time, and that even on those, when a
fail af a olid ho lakn pJae. th frag
ai la aero a protection to th anat ,
until they have born gradually removed
by tbe wave. Th Whealdeo valley to
twenty-two miles In breadth, and oa
these data It ia calculated that tb do-
andattou of tb W'hmtd muat hav rw-
quired mor than 150.0UQ,(jw of ysors. ,
Too MtTir Httpy. For a number af
moothe a oprighUy Hill tova-ya- '
old girl, tbo daughter of a prominent
rlUxen, Iim been a regular attendant nt
Broadway srlmpt. . Mathematical prob
lemehavaut tot been ber only arthly
trooblea, Bnl when permitted by ber
parents, alio would til ap lo a tote boar
In the night, working on a pesky knotty .
problem. Hhe bad advantages beyood
on of her jnesrs, and ber pa aid he meat '
eoafeea tbat-tiio edme alio fmhed at bia -In
bdaolved wee often "too many" for
him. s This continued mental labor bad -diatnrhod
tb quiet of ber reat, and ab j
ha of 1st been th victim of many root- 1
leoe.pighta bm! an oreaaional act of am
namhullenv, - A few nights ago )ho-
father and mother were awakeaed, hmt
found their little daughter by Uteix bed- ,
aid, with slate sud pencllju band, fig
uring on a problem. FlTe was spoken
to, when It waa asrertslned Ihst aho
wain tb land of "Inwbled dream."
HhwwM placed ta bed, and lie it morn- '
ing recolleciril nothing about tbe mat-
ter, et cept that had U-n flguring '
the following esample:
XA maiibKhtXef i 'm farm and aobi- ..
4- of bis kiurcliaa for $liwo; at a pro-"""
rata of Ibejsa! mIe, w hat would be tb '
value of the entire farm?" Certainly '
enougliHto-ditke an eteonyar-id
braiu B4d,erta..eirafbttafd,t frmorrat.
A nttiTirvu KxTMAc-rVua foun
tain l here e, says Mm Bremer, Whos
ileepening vein ia only Jont began to .
thaw ap Its ajlvvr drop among moa
kind a fouutaia Wbiob will allay tbo
thirst of millions, aud will give to Uiae
who drink from II jwece bihI Joy. It la
knowledge th fountain of intellectual
cultivation, which glva health to asaii
klnd, makes clear tl vtateo, bria
Joy to bla life, and breathe over hi
aou I a iiesxiny a see rr mat
drink t herefrom, I bow whom fortune has
favored, aod thaw wilt aadtbyaelf rteb.
Thou may at g forth ioto tbo weeld aod
find thyself everjr where at borne; Uivtt
canst ei-V-y tbyarif in thin a cham
ber; thy frieeeJe aro everywhere around ,
tba; noUtro, antiquity, boaveu ar aw'
ceoatbl to the.
i 1 "" . '
Tb awtlceman'a lit Is a liord .
Ha aonstant warfnr against lbs eos
m lea of society are attended with peril
that entitle bius to some of th honor f
tb soldier. Purine th post ten vara
liitoea Kw York polieoenea bar baa
msrssesd, boatoa, altot, or 'stabbed to
death, aad thro hundred arlpoisd oc
diabied for life.
.. , 'r. ' '"",''' ' : f . - .1 - - ' . "- V"
- ;. , . r- n " . " .. -' , j " ' ." " "' p '. ' V- ' T """" -s Jr. '".'.l!!'' v
T '.T ..v. - i. . , r. 1