The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, September 11, 1874, Image 2

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Wefiud in an exchangealong homily,.! We arc exceedingly sorry toSsce tliat
with the auggeatlvo title of "Modern i one Calvin B. McDonal.I, the recently
Agents will p!c take notice that It is a
Ctuat tax upon t to pay express charge upon
small sums, anJ they will confer a great favor
hr rerolttlnc through money orders or
registered letters.
j 1,1ns. ineeuuor, aiicrcuargtug upon
jthe luckless subjects of his discourse
CIATION. A special session of the Oregon Slate
Woman Suffrage Association will con
vene In Salem on Tuesday, September
22, at 10 a. M. Members aro requested
to be promptly on band at the time
specified, ready and willing to work.
Tho Vice-Presidents of the Association
aro requested to be present if possible,
and if not, to forward written reports of
the progress of the work in their espec
lal localities, to the Secretary, Mrs. a
A. Cobura, at Portland, by the 15th of
By order of Executive Committee.
ttunorted editor of the Salem Statesman,
desnite a naturally inspirational geuius,
c - ,
the usual sins of omission, asserting that j has retained so much or the dregs oi
they do not know how to "make bread," recent drunkenness that he cannot
"boll, beef," "mend stockings," "wash wholly rid himself of tho lec, even
babies faces" or "pin up their trou sers," i when trying to be sober, and therefore
that lie cannot act mo bcuihiuhu uuS
at a time, for the life of him
grows disconsolate, and asks tragically,
"What is the consequence?" ve al
most held our breath at the impending
calamity, aud we know the girls will
hold theirs while our editor makes the
following ruthless declaration, iti auswer
to his "consequential" question :
" We have come to a point where young men
hesitate and grow old liefore they can decide
whether they can marry, and afterwards Veep
clear Mhankrupicy and crime.
"There are more persons living a single me
are there more leading a vlrtuou life? It Js
time for mothers to know that the extrava
ganeq they encourage is denlrucUve of the
virtue of their children ; thai an me iooihu
expenditures are, instead ol answering that
end, tending to destroy the Institution of mar
riage (altogether."
Now we fdiould like to ask the busy,
bonny girls of Oregon, who know how
to do more varieties of work, than this
long-visaged editor knows how to enum
erate:, If he and the "hesitating" young
men for whom he puts in so pathetic a
plea, are not objects of genuine pity?
Think of It sir's, yu w"ho help with the
family washing, ironing, mending and
baking; who assist in the preparation
of the family dinners, and the company
dinners as well. What a pitiable spec
tacle these prudent young men must
make, standing in melancholy attitude
"from youth to hoary age," unable to
"decide whether they can marry, and
afterwards keep ciearof bankruptcy and
crime." Are there any such hesitating
specimens of the genus masculine In
your neighborhood girls? Or do not
tho young gcntlemeu thereabouts have,
or seem to have, a good deal of confi
dence in their own ability to "marry
and keep clear of bankruptcy?" etc.
And then those unnatural mothers, who
encourage the dreadful extravagance of
clubs, wine, cigars, late suppers and
foolish foppery in dress! We should cer
tainly commiserate them if we could
tlnd them, but in all this broad land wc
It has long been the custom to declare
that women are "too pure to touch poli
tics," "too reflned and delicate to mingle
with tho rough crowds around the polls,"
and that even were it otherwise, there
were no need for woman to exercise the
right of suffrage, because, forsooth, "she
already rules the world."
This being the state of affairs, and
these samples of the declarations with
which opposers of the Woman Move
ment have sought to stop its progress,
It Is quite astonishing to see some of
them suddenly face about and make as
sertions, directly contrary to those,
which frequent repetition has rendered
so familiar to our cars.
Poets have exhausted the vocabulary
of soft nonsense, and transcended the
liounds of poetic license In coining new
words to describe the "angelic" crea
ture in fittiugrhyme, while prose writers
have been scarcely behind thorn in
olothing womankind in robes seraphic.
' Think, therefore, of the rude shock to
the "refined feeling-," of these ethereal
creatures, when certain great lights in
tho literary world drop their pretences,
and In round terms declare that these
erewhile "angels," if permitted to help
make the laws by which they are gov
erned, equally with men, will bring into
politics a power for evil, which the
strongest aud best men will be unable
success fully to combat; that corruption,
the like of which was never known,
even In the traditional "filthy pool"
will abound.
Now, truth is better limit falsehood,
and the candid expression of the opin
" Ions of the great Goldwin Smith, even
though they be incorrect, is Infinitely
better than the former shallow pre-
tenrex, so shallow that, while they
pleaded many, and tickled the vanity
of some, were yet too transparent to
deceive even the most vapid.
The real sentiments of our most log!
cal opposers are, in the heat of tho con
lllct, being stripped of nil false devices, '
Anil iilnlnlv nvrn! tlinmsp1tr0 fo tin i
something of this order. "Women relexIbU onl l,,e lsorJ Imaglna-;
not anirela. nor vet the weaker ser. and 1 '" of our LltoF- He 1,89 probably an
if men hold their own, women mu-t be ; aggravatetlattack of "morality." Either
kept from the sources of power which i ln,s or ",s ,u,roe uas J-'u
Not long since, tho editor of this pa
per, becoming justly aroused at his con
tinued and wholly uncalled-for assaults
on her personally, cflervesced in an edi
torial addressed to him, admonishing
him to amend his ways, and alluding to
some very recent bad habits in the un
fortunate cgot's California careor. I pon
second thought,, and wishing to bo mer
ciful to him, as well as just to the pub
lic, we scut htm a copy of the editorial,
with an explanatory letterstatlng that
wo would withhold publication if he
would apologize appropriately lor his
editorial rudeness. In n few days, with
tho fear of that forthcoming editorial
before his eyes, McDonald said In the
Wo are extremely sorry to hear that a
thoughtless paragraph or ours, and which was
meant only lor a JoVe, has wounded the feel
ings of Sister Dunlway of thoNEWiN'onTHWKsr.
Nothing was further from our lutentlnns than
any expression of disrespect I on with this
declaration we hope thai friendly relations
will be rc-estubllshod.
We, glad to have opportunity to place
our friend upon a little longer proba
tion, gave the public no Information as
to how he had heard that "Sister Duni
way's feelings were wounded," .etc.,
etc., and merely quoted him and said:
All right, llrolher McDonald. A gentlemanly
aHilgy is sufficient atonement for a thought
less Injustice.
No sooner did McDonald see that he
had hope to presume upon our magna
nimity, than he camo hack at us with
the following piece of ribald Imperti
nence: All is now xerene Iwtween Sister Duulway
nnd ourself. Have made It nil up. Now then.
If Sinter Punlway comes Jewlarkln around here
any more, we nhall rlc and scream. We ain't
a man of that kind.
Now, having lost all expectation or
hone in reirard to the restoration of the
donot know of one. Thishabitof charg-Host gentlemanly intuitions of our
ing everything, from mlsslug buttons to brother, we appeal to the public: Say,
the infrequency of marriage, upon tho i friendly Salem readors, shall we publisl
mothers of the race, is as common as it the editorial which brought McDonald
After havinz attentively. osamineJ i
Mrs. Victor's pamphlet, bearing tho
above title, we are euablcd to say that as
it souvenir of tho crusade it contains'a
convenient compilation of much matter
that those most particularly interested
will ho pleased to possess in sucli a
shape; but that, upon the whole, the
work is a romarkably one-sided affair;
and that it would live longer, sell better
and reflect far more cn dit upon its gifted
compiler, if some of tiie prescriptive aud
intolerant acts of a few of tho crusaders
and their self-righteous leaders against
the "Woman Movement, that aro well
known to the general public, had been
faithfully portrayed, as they ought to
have been.
While wo stand up for all that Is good
aud conscientious that tho crusaders
have doue and are doing, aud are just as
truly aud sluccrely a friend to them as
Mrs. Victor can be, wc know that some
of them have done much that merits the
condemnation of all sincere temperance
workers. And wo know also that the
faithful historian is expected to publish
both sides of a question in hand, and
this our friend lias signally failed to do
in the work before uh.
Sneaklne of the disastrous defeaf
which a certain "dodger" had brought
upon tho temperance council ticket,
Mrs. Victor says : " Rc A. It. Med
bury, who had from the first worked
zealously In the temperance cause, in
the first soreness of defeat said, ' I have
often doubted of tho wisdom of enfran
chising the negro beforo he was sufll
stupid and unjust. Where there is one
fashionable mother who encourages ex
travagance in her children, as charged
iulhcabovc indictment, there are scores
who both by precept aud example teach
The great volubility which tho irov
erulnghalf or raanklud.h.ive long dis
playcddn exhorting women to prepare
themselves to properly discharge the
duties of wife and mother has been wit
nessed by nil who have mado them
selves acquainted with the literature of
the present and several past decades.
The sermons and their name is le
gion which have been preached to
mothers relative to the proper training
of their.daugblcrs, have, with perhaps
slight variations, been founded upon
tills text : Bring up your daughters to
be wives and mothers; all other train
ing, all other study is superfluous.
The fact that good wives nnd moth
ers necessitate good husbands and
fathers seems strangely enough to have
been forgotten, or :i3 strangely Ignored,
by these gratuitous and self-constituted
bciuom lnuecu uo wo meet with a
chapter of advice of this description to
young men. Never a word is said to
them exhorting them to cultivate qual
ities that will render them lit compan
ions for these angelic creatures that
moralists try so hard to manufactureout
of feminine humanity, calico and gra
tuitous instruction. The plain truth of
the matter is, that patience, forbear
ance, unselfishness and general amia
bility, arc not more essential to a good
wife than ton good husband. That it
is much easier to exercise these and
kindred graces toward a person who Is
governed by like scntlmeuts, than
towanls a petty tyrant, who lays great
ciently educated to understand the value, stress upon these as womanly virtues,
and resnonsibllitv of the ballot,' etc., ! but considers them not at all essential
. i I ,A .. IX.. Tim, iin .i ilnjto tint
Mi - meaninc in mnun tii lames under- i muuiiucai. mm. kuhih uuv
To ins Kditok or run New Xostuwekt:
I noticed in the Orcgonian of the 20th
Inst., a letter under date ut tho 22d,
which, aa a specimen of originality, L
think can hardly be surpassed. It would
be hard to make me believe that "Ar
cadia" is a writer of the feminine gen
der. If that letter was not written by
some homeless, friendless, forlorn old
bachelor, who novcr had or never will
have the chanco to '.'boss" any woman,
then I am mistaken. He seems so well
calculated to ralso and govern "a largo'
family, that I am convinced he never
had the care of a child in his life. He
has fouud a corset somewhere in the
street, and has. been dissecting it, and
has arrived at the conclusion that some
fair, frail creature has been wrecked
there, who, If she had but "dispensed
with the corset and buttoned her skirts
on to a loose tinder-waist," would now
be threshing around the world able " to
build our houses, cultivate our fields,
grade our streets, man our ships," etc.
How I should like to see that model
dress "Arcadia" speaks of, more especial
ly to see him with It on. Ho seems to
think that in our endeavors to obtain
the right of suftrajre for women, that
our principal object Is, not to elevate the
women, but to subjugate the men
When you enfranchised the negro, did
it lower you to their stnndard or exalt
them to your position ?
I. should like to inquire of "Arcadia" or
nuy one else who may feel disposed to
answer, when the men obtained posses
sion of the women's rights, that we
should be obliged to ask the lords of
creation for them ? And Is " Arcadia,"
old bachelor though he may be, sostupid
Inalnllitnktlint liumliaa nllllnm lltVSrfj ltlVVenOrti
'M"l,ZZll,nmZi ta 1 t Wo same I risonbiirg anil Saint Martlnville.
...!.-.,.. -t..i... i.i. I miPP. nml it u n.ild Im no rnxlit to her until her body bo emancipated ? siege of Piugcerda. lhe failure of
ituiucii uic au ujl'u iu ui-iiit; wiuatu , - - , i
slaves and chattels, that no oncanswered r benefit to him to do so, as in so doing
him back," etc., etc. Italics ours. "he would only stultify her womanhood
Tiie plain truth is, that the editor-In-land eventually obliterate her self
chicr of theXKwNrmTHWKST freely and respect, while4 his selfishness, being pam
fniiv nnrrMilitmiinilr nt f hosnrne 1 iered, would grow and increase. Let
meeting in which lie made the assertion.
' ttrtfs lir. fitnrlit tlinf Mm vlrtilna flint? ml.
What our historian means by denying
this fact aud ignoring its results, already
published in these columns, may not be
clear to the general public, but It is per
fectly clear to herself nnd us. We assure
her, however, that she utterly mistakes I ""I
llm militln siiitimiiit In wlili-li slin tries ' ble
mire in their sisters are equally ad
mirable iu them; that without them
thpy are as unfit to become husbands as
their sisters arc without them unfit to
become wives; that in order, to be a fit-
companion for the sprightly, nmia
aud loving woman who occupies a
to his knees last week, and which we to cater, nnd that she wilt learn the prominent piaco in me iuiure piansoi
withheld only because he apologized as .same by sad experience before she Is V""01'' thoi" ln,,st lo"k wel1 to the forma
abovc quoted? Do you think we are , done with the sale of her pamphlet. tion of their own characters. Let par-
justified Iu being longer mnguauimous ! n Is this Ignoriug the Woman Move- I et3 bc equally solicitous to correct the
After carefully reading tho eloquent
disquisition under consideration, I con
fess myself unable to see auy connection
between "corsets" and equal fights,
between "wrappers" and political privi
leges; so leaving "Arcadia" to don
his nondescript garments and tramp
through the country in tho interests of
dress reform, I will turn to another
I have heard a great amount said re
cently concerning the building of a
home, for the benefit of those who are
strangers in our city. ow I am des
perately opposed to this. The idea ! a
home for strange, easily-influenced,
Chrittum young men, who, because
who will cast lusinua-
" ' 'eeoentevents.
Two thousand men will be sent to
Cuba in a few days to reiniorce me
Spanish army.
The Cubans' suflered defeat on tho 7th,
at Yarayabo, with a loss of tinrty-six
killed, among whom are two oincera.
Th members of Plymouth Church are
contributing toward a fund for the relief
of Mrs. Tilton. Already $17,000 have
been collected.
Tho office of the United Stales Se
cret Fervlco at New York City was
closed on tho 5th, nnd tho property
transferred to Washington.
A French bark went ashore near Bag
dad, Mexico, on the 4th, in a gale, and
became a total wreck. Eleven or tue
crew are supposed to have perished.
The work of laying the new Atlantic
cable direct from the Irlth to the Amer
ican coast has been begun, and was, up
to the Ctli, proceeding satisfactorily.
'Mokelumue Hill, California, was de
stroyed by fire on tho Gth.. "Loss, $173,
000. The great heat, assisted by a
strong wind, made It impossible to savo
the property.
A telegram from Springfield, Ohio,
September 2nd, reports the death there,
tho day before, of the l'ev. Tiiomas E.
Morris, Senior liishop of the Methodist
Episcopal Church.
Colonel Mills' command completely
defeated a baud of hostile Indians on
the Ited River of tho North on the 23th
of August. Thirteen Indians were killed
and many wounded.
The places In Louisiana designated as
stations for troops for the prevention of .
outrages aro New Orleans, Baton Rouge,
Alexandria, Monroe, Har-
Insurgents to capture tho place causes
great rejoicing. They are- entrenching
themselves around Bilbao. The damage
done by the bombardment of Pingcerda
is insignificant.
The New Haven Wheel Manufactory
was destoyed by fire on the night of the
7th. Loss from $350,000 to $500,000. In
surance, $100,000. The freight houses
of the Boston and Albany Railway, in
East Albany, were burned on the same
night. Loss, $50,000.
Gov. Brown has visited Trenton to
S assist in bringing to justice the murder
ers of the negro prisoners taken from
jail there. It is asserted that ten of the
prisoners escaped, but though no trace
lull i u it- i i - . ., i uuwucia
law to its''""" f their girls and boys, equally j they aro lonesome (that ma be the f lhcjr ,lnR ,,eeIl fouud tho re.
. nnttf n wl fit it tt i r Mm fM
them daily lessous of economy. These Hons upon us in public print that would earnest advocates in tho temperance 1 careim to present, mem irom lormiug i j- j" - j port lacks conhrmation.
"hesltatiug youths," that weare told In-1 surely place him iu durance vile iu the j work that hascrippled the crusaders aud j lad habits and associating in low and vice, now t ncy laugu to memse e Osborne on the fifth renewed his
habit some portions of our country, do I city jail ir lie Miouid thus accost us in 'caused the great public to loie confi-1 vulgar company, recollectiug that that j when auca a iiiitig is met uoneu imta I,f.egillenl 0rant for arms t0
not hesitate to marry because they fear ! person V 1 denee in their sincerity and leave off at-1 which contaminates the one cannot ; J gentlemen or urge uaiiigence an , fnmticp from Indiana. He
their inability to support a wife, but We should be glad indeed to have tending their meetings ; aud we arc ex- , Icavo tho other unsullied. Then will . vast experience, r H. 'e June sixteen
because they must either give up mar-1 him for a friend and ally if ho would 'ceedingly pained to see so graceful a.onng men become worthy of respect teu now tueir "CI0"" murdered
riage or leave ofl some of their numcr- behave himself. He writes many good ; writer as our amiable and gifted frieud, 1 an(1 esteem, and lovofounded upon these S "g to destruction nrougn-vne tv iis o, , Ind aml nQt ouc munlerer pun.
ous pet vices which require so much things, but they arc to madly mlxvd . engaged in any sort of connivance at or f:,iI lo be enduring and pro- ntemperance, ami B" "J" ished, nor even arrestetl.
money for their maintenance and time with pot-house exudations that .cc think sympathy with the few prescriptive JwHvc of l.appiness. H1 Beecher preached again at Twin
for their indulgence. As we know these it time that forbearance on our part I bigots who have been and are yet vainly j'crfcctlon will possibly never be at- nmen wl o are l erl for a N'. H., on the 6th. There
thriftlessgirlsandirresponsiblemothers should cease. What say you, readers - trying to carry on the war against ?boa'l u ' ' few uo
2i.ta5152: Z07MMhooyvr uS&SSaZ ff .:Sei vupwv
so al-o wo etrongli suspect the hesi- , Uj jouruecision. , t,o nal aP1 e al be r tune i the lr meeting si u L h anJ the loss, socially and morally, of young . No alluMon was made to the scandal,
l""?""".n?.nlf n C0',9,e,iuc,,lI; cae r?rV,0W' t.0.1':te',' .V " ,..uom' i t0 t,'c" "M1!
we nope u mi u.e mm mem ..anger o . re to imu er .hc-iwu... .nreut-, women to won; a la -manem ere r '..V " ,T ,,nolf ..' characters that ought to build up their Beecher appeared very much afiected,
tintfmi'inff Mia"initiiminnni mn rrinnn'i i nm.i "Crt rni ma 11 !..... . ... . . nnn irnn. na niiTTnira v. ....'.. ..... " - ...... u.v.. ... ,
"'fc WK lliohliuiiunui iiiuiiiuv li'vvi tlU 1.1111 111
men use, for If all are upon equal terms,
men will lose ground." Now we do not
believe our brethren need to fear such
disastrous results. When men and
women meet each other in an open field,
each with his or her own special gifts,
though different, they will not of
necessity jostle each other, but will of
necessity ueip eacn oilier, as it on ue-i
slcncd they should, and in an whihI I
race will prove that their wwers are
nearly equal, if unlike. Women are
.., -UoC..-1..0,l..Ci.. . l..cJ ""--"i"'"""1-' themselves and benefit to the world, is
human, with great possibilities for good
and evil. As women have refused iu
he "hesitates," etc., etc. Wc suggest
that the girls strike up that good old
'Come, thou fount of every blfsMur,
and sing their sweetest, that pcrchaucu
his mental melody may thereby be relieved.
, i....,, . ,.,.. f,,ii,r imiMiii" nn Instond a. foul and I Ills voice faltering anil ins eyes ceing
VVk uan nntMnr In llio ntmtililot cnuuenj; i uieir o ur-uuiiciiuus nun- -t o -i- -
Ve sec nothing In the pamphlet n , a,,d festering ocean of corruption, and 1 filled with tears,
i wl"ch wf rmC"A l "n,.S'S " . ' ' : instead of the pearls of wisdom and the A formal order will be issued from the
as an am m ureaKiug me p.imieui a-i- - ,! ii.n.n,.l nMr .hnnW
shape nnd guard the future destiny of
our nation, wo hear the disgusting
The harvest of this year having ; been j hoIJ women gubJect (o the,
bountiful but tedious, Is at engtl. a I- q( Uje law.maU1 rabble wIlo;
most over, anu larmcrs may glance wim
.u..v.U..u iiu.nvio ill..; 6""'" I .., ,.t.l.. I., II, -1.Iol-,. I.ilorosln
nanlonable nrlde and satisfaction at! ' "bU"".'f. .. female studcuts on the
- , ,, , , , . lypogrnpnicaiiy mo worK is wen e.-
their weli-HIIcl hams nnd granaries,! T ' . ... nnn ,, I Six young ladies are
I and Grangers number with delight the ; ..,,' . nt ,r r ! studying for tho bar in Lo
the tardincs of the ;
Foremost among the profesiions,
which, during the past decade, "omen
have entered with credit nnd profit to ! or stubbornness of producers and hold-
The Michigan State University has 93
announced to be
If we aro indifferent to praise, we
i shall be also be insensible to censure.
, Joaquin Miller is honored by nn Eng-
... , .. . .,: r. ,. i lish novelist with the position of heavy
e hope that oman fcullraglsls are ... . 1
wheat crop In reaching places or ship-' busilycircuhitIngtheiH;titionslhathavc ' ",H"lMm,J t'"" -
niout is not entirely owimr to the fault 1 been sunt to them. Remember, friends. 1 Preparations for the California State
hundreds of bushels of grain that aro i prct,
tmnsportatioii, or prices that will justify I
them in selling.
It is certain that
that tliev must be sent In noxt week, j Flllr a -Inp prosei-ujel on a grand
times past to be cajoled and flattered
into thinking themselves angels, so
now they will scarcely, by any bluster,
be frightened Into thinking themselves
j the medical profession, and in none do backward; grain has ripened slowly,
i they take higher rank, nnd fur uoucare : nnd harve.-ting has been interrupted by
j they more eminently fitted by nature. ' frequent showers. These last have not,
Medical colleges have been behind however, continued long enough at ono
ers. The season has been one unusually Remember also that ono week from next sca,e- -"'ssouri nas renien tuirij stalls,
Tuesday is the time appointed for the!n,m Wisconsin twelve,
meeting of tho State Association at i Miw liilen M. Sonic, of Sing Sing,
Salem. Plan your work, make ready New York, has been elected Dean of the
vour resolutions, ami urraneo vour ideas women's college at Evanston. Miss
none in obstlnnte attempts to rule i time lo damage crop-, but have wrought ' generally, and let us have a harmonious, Souie will nlso fill the chair of French
women out of their walls; their doors , much delay. Soon will come the season active aud working sessiuu. Let mcni-
. Intv MMfinlltr tflrtiiwl ulmcl.' ltnfW nn llio'tiT rnbl ntnl illfillfif fftr fiirmnrQ (ltnn Intra mt ,1,.. Aiiknntnllmt Liti'i. in oiutnrn
monsters of evil. 1" the very nature of 'akJ ,,IIKe of reuctancii or (C0 f them, It is true, do not avail them-i that respectful, lamest consideration
things, men and women must nlwavs be I
fast bolted by injustice, while custom ; selves of it; but they may and should ' from our law-makers, that tho import-
in the Northwe.-tern University
A street beggar in New York says
that tho panic has ruined him. His
collections havo dropped to $3 per day
lenus. 10 oc otlierwise, were as Itn- i nd prt.jujice j)eu obstinately to the I do so, both for the benefit of themselves '. ancc of our claims demand, nnd thero Is I rents liave fullen .TO per cent., and he
possible and undesirable to one as to the
other. It is asunfairas foolish, toassert !
that when women have equal opportunl- i
ties for education, biulness self-support,
and lienee a chance for the best une of
nil their powers, that they will use these
to the disadvantage of man. Superior
conditions will bring superior results.
The mistaken idea with many per
sons iu regard to tliedemaudsof woman
for equal rights with men is that she
by this demand pluces herself iu a posi
tion antagonistic to them. Nothinir
could bo farther from the truth than
lh!-t. Anil when the great mass of men
and women equally absume life's cares
and burdens, willing to bear and to
"aye," when their , cvon at this reduction.
keys. Slowly, however, aud inch by and families, rhc great annual jubilee, no fear that they will not Intelligently , lias two houses and three stores empty
inch, havo these grim guardians been 1 tho State l air, is close upon us, aud and justly respond
thrust aside, by the steady march of pub-, every farmer who can possibly do so, ! name shall be called upon the final
lie sentiment, until now more, than one should load his wagon with his wife ! question.
medical institution in our laud has per- and children, lent and provisions nnd J .
mauenlly displaced the loud-mouthed J drive Salemwnrd at that lime. What i Wc have received from the Secretary
janitor, who with his time-honored at- if it Is tiresome and dusty, and fraught 0f the Western Washington Industrial aKe, and who was so long Identified with
Miss Lnvinia Goodell, who has Just
been admitted to the Bar iu Wisconsin,
is a daughter of tho venerablo William
Goodell, now upward of eighty years of
tendants have, though most ungracious- I with some Inconvenience? Tho cordial ' Association, a clrculnr announcing the journalism in Providence, Boston, Uti-
ly, given place to jutice anil ner iiauu
maiden equal rights.
Golden opportunity had only to pre- and eyes open will hud incidents, nnd . on Tuesday, Oct. Cth, and continuing
' I....... . n ,.T ...n fVIntiit.1 1I1! .A. . . ... . t 1 !.... ..f ....
iiuiiu-iui vi iiuim-iuua ini,j i. iounil lliiuai JAIU!llilUIl Ul UIU 3UI11V,
pay this, and thM who keep their ears (D take place at Olympia, commencing
I sent herself to be welcomed, and the re
sult is thnt to-day some of the most suc
cessful physicians in our Eastern cities
are women. The reasons why women
should be educated for physician, in
retain memories of Fair-time sufllclcnt
to enliven the dreary monotony of many
n winter's hour. As a social benefit, a
gathering of this kind cannot bo over
estimated. Almost the only disagreea
ble feature attending a farmer's life in
rmmhAt-fl mifllrlnt tn vivo nopiifnl front-
i-nare ana to neip cac. uiuer uK . . ,n th,g Q tlc,r own , , , Js WBa of soclety and tI,j8 ia ..u ... j .. ... . lare too numerous to repeat, ami too true eneclallv in the winter scasou.
potent to every thinking mind to need The only permanent remedy for this Is
repetition. And when with equal oppor- j more population and smaller farms,
tunities comes equal competing iu tin But while this cannot be had for the
medical profession, women doctors will j asking, it is the duty of persons so situ
equal rights, duties and responsibilities
in family, church, state and nation,
they will each be able to help the other
to. better ways and nobler lives than
they could possibly do with conditions
uuequal. Who willfully and incon
slsteutly ignores this, is one who
Mlneonttruts tbe question like a man,
W1m ee k woman a the complement
Of bU kx merely. Who forgets too luuoti,
ThM eterjr creature, frm.ile ai the male,
StoiHl single in reionIMe act and thought,
. nlo In birth and death."
four days. It is further announced that
the City Hall has been secured, In
which the exhibition will ho held, for
the display of mechanical work, ladies'
work, paintings, fruit, grain, vegeta
bles, etc.; suitable provision will be
made on the Public Square for the ex
hibition of stock. The premium list is
in preparation and will soon bo ready
for distribution. It Is to be hoped the
public will aid the Society by all means
rMisilil. In utilianrililnir to the stock nnd
babble and cavil of the bloated sot ; the
laugh and vacant stare of the maniac ;
the cry of those In poverty and distress.
I wonder if it ever entered the mind of
any enterprising individual to build a
home for young womeu who came hero
total stranger, without home or friends.
Not exactly ! It is no excuse for them if
they sin that they arc strangers iu our
midst. Men old iu sin are simply "men
of the world," while thej-ouuger ones are
only "sowins their wild oats." I know
men who have sowed, reaped, aud
threshed their "wild oats," and still
move in tho best of society, and you will
always find them ready to cast the first
stone at her, who, had It not been for
these same wild oats, would have been
pure and ood nnd all God designed her
to lie.
" Oh ! when will the spirit of Christ as of yore,
ltalse the fallen up-hid them sin no more."
Unbelievers ask, "Well, what good are
the Woman Suffragists doing anyhow '
They have not converted everybody." I
am sure we wero never so wild as to
imagine that we should "convert every
body" at one fell swoop; 'tis the work of
time, but 'twill surely be accomplished.
No one knows, "and but few even
imagine tho vast influence the
Nr.w Noktiiwkst wields In behalf
of our cause; those who at first
scoffed at the ideaof supporting, as they
aid,n "free lover's" organ, have become
I conviuced that they were not asked to
support such a one, but instead, n paper
devoted to the best interestsof humanity,
and many now depend upon the New
Noiitiiwkst together witii the Bible for
cn, and cw lorK.
A Turkish bath is to be established in
San Francisco nt a cost of over $100,000,
rivalling in splendor any edifice on the
Pacific coast. The style of architecture
will be Oriental, with interior decora
lions of Turkish brocaded and Persian
silk and frescoes in crimson and gold.
At a trial of French, English and
American reaping maciunes, jun new thelrSabbath reading May it continue
nt Solssons, France, the first prize, a ln prosperity and influence till from
gold medal nnd one thousand francs, the Orient to the Occident, from the
was awarded to Howard, Bedford, Eng- Xorth to the South, woman shall every-
lauu; tiie sreonu to usuorne, America; , .vi, i r Thnt. it mnv Hum tr!-
and the third to Samuelson, Banbury,
If there 1- one time more than another when
a woman should be entirely ulone.UU when a
. line full of clothe comes down In the mud.
We demur, aud assert on tho contrary
that "if there is one timo more than
another" when a woman needs tho pres-
inl- tlii as they should, and that ' ntnl in imnrnvo every opportunity nos- fob;,... ininnxii In li sinwu
... i... .!.. i.i.i. i r (1.1.. i. i .,,.. .-it i. r..u... . . ? . . . . .. . ... -i ! England,
universally, uy meunniucui uivii su- siuie lur :iuuiiiiiuu umi iiiiv iifsiroii information win no cneer-
tcrs, and these latter will wonder that, thereby performing the friendly and full-given on application to the Secre- A few weeks ago a number of young I
the old state of aflalrs was ever tolerated ' mutual service of improving each other. t.,ry jr Hewitt. I mou 1,1 New iork City associated them-
by respectable women.
ailUIUIiy III sowing aim su":uK "c
Autumn has so far treated us to "fre- j
selves under tho name of tho Young
Men's Woman Suffrage League, for the
rw winr.t.,.M,i..f. not to"be out-done! harvests to the men, women, boys and nucnt inierchance of foul nnd fair" , purpose of removing legal and constltu
bv tho rest of the inhabitants of Oregon, 'Blrls who have performed tho labor of weather. Let us hope that the misty tional obstacles lo the exercise of the
has this week flitted -eawartl. She left ' yr, we wisli a pleasing season of contract now on hand will be speedily ! right of suflrage by woman. Four pub
thls city on Monday morning, with an,- recreation, followed by a winter pushed to completion, and that thei ' mooting have been held in Plimp
nnnointment to lecture at Hauler ln the j of peaceful rest and contentment. , clerj- of u,e weather may bespeak for) ton H"", which attracted large audi-
, i fmm . ' ' ' us balmv breezes anil bright skies, until ' ences.
n,r, ,n Aufnrin m. Tuesday. Wei Tho Public Schools of Portland are tho Ides of October shall number the The Washington Star says that a new two next greatest dry goods establish
doubt not that the trip will furnish in- again open. Under the care of cfllclont : days set apart for the State Fair. postal card is to be adopted, which will
ii i
cxnerienceu teacners, mcy are - .
timphantly finish the work It has so
nobly begun, is the fervent prayer of
Sans Souci.
Portland, September 2nd, 1S74.
The house of A.T.Stewart & Co., with
all its immense resources and widespread
reputation, spends a third of a million
annually In constant and persistent ad
vertising in substantial new.ipayers, to
keep Its business up to tho proper point.
The same thlng is equally true of the
cidents sufficiently interesting to form ( aud
! ments In New York.
ence of a strong, well-disnosed miKf!,Jmii. tinnie r "Wiitm-inl forrr-1 ranidiv assuming shape, and by the aid! The Governor of Kentucky has iu
line, it is at tho juncture above alluded ! snondence" next week. 'of eiilclent patrons they havo already structed Judge Phillip
to. Not only could the latter Individual ' ! vast nronortlons. Portland may well
j be lighter in color, probably very nearly Taylor spend annually
white. The printing and engraving will $225,000 for advertising :
Messrs. Lord &
not less than
alone, while the
War Department as to the distribution
of troops iu the Department of the
Sooth, but the whole matter will be left
with the Department Commander, who
will dipo-e the forces so that they can
be used by the I". S. Marshal in case of
necessity. The whole number of troops
in tho several Southern States Is be
tween 2,o00 and 3,000. The Third In
fantry is to be sent to Louisiana imme
diately. The answer of Beecher to Tiltou's
complaint was received by the attorneys
of the former on the 7th. The trial will
take place at the term of the Court, be
ginning on tiie third Monday in Sep
tember. Defendant answers to the com
plaint, first, that ench and every allega
tion in said complaint contained, except
that plaintiff and Miss Elizabeth Rich
ards were married October 2d, 1S55, and
lived together as husband and wife up
tolS74, Is utterly false ; eccond, that de
fendant never had at any time or at any
plnce unchaste or improper relations
with the wife of plnintitl, and never at
tempted or sought to have any such re
lations. Many of the most refined women
whom the land has produced havo gone
as missionaries, taught schools for freed
men, visited the Five Points in New
York, entered Into bar-rooms to per
suade their husbands away, or tended
hospitals during the war; yet It is a
common saying Hint refined women
will not demean themselves by putting
a ballot in ti box.
A young lady recently married In
England received a magnificent bracelet
witii tho word "Mizpah" in rubles,
emeralds, diamonds and snpphlres. The
literal Interpretation is: "The Lord
watch between me and thee when we
are absent one from nnother." A more
fitting motto for a happy couple com
mencing life cannot well be conceived.
The '-tat value of the sponges fished
on the coast of Syria is from 20,000 lbs to
2.",,000 Ifw. The production is, howover,
falling oil through excessive fishing,
and the consequent exhaustion of tho
fishery grounds. About 2o0 to 300 boats
arc at present employed in this industry
on the coast of Syria, manned by about
1,500 men.
furnish tho expletives which the provo
cation would seem to demand, much
more readily than the former, but his
superior strength could render lavaloa-1
ble old in repairing damages.
:?, of Jessamine, be executed in black ink, aud the bonier, books of Arnold & Constable show ajaucborlna placcap:
county, to cause the arrest of all person! will be narrower aud much neater In, yearly expentiiture oi ?ii4,iw for the pels nnd fly n red tie
We very much fear that tbo raids of
this week will "start" hundreds of
bushels of whoatyet unhoused, In a way
that farmers, much as they delight ln
"arw!n;jBralo," will hnrdly npprclat.
be nroud of her Tubllc Schools with one ' engaged In the lynching of a negro at ', appearance. The change has not yet
disgraceful and unjust exception, the ; Nicholasvllle on Friday night, direct-beep fully decided upon, but It Is safe
meager prico paid to a majority.of faith-' ing, If uwessary, tbet tbcShcrlfl should itp4wyjthattsomju alteration in the de
lul aud competent teachers, merely j summon tho entire power of tho couutylslguof tho present homely'canr will be
boeause th'Mr are ironim. to brlnj tin guilty parties to Justice. ! made.
same purpose.
There are about 3,000" children In the
State of Indiaua ovr tcu years of ago
who read.
The Government of Chill has decreed
that all vessels arriving in port with
more than 10,000 llttrcl or kerosene or
other equally Inflammable fluid, shall
art from other ves
ting as long as it re
tains its cargo on boanl. -
Oue drug house at FortJWayne, Indi
ana, recently sold 1,000 worth of qui
nine In one woek.