FRIDAY- J,l'SE J36, 1874. HOMEEWS. The California Minstrels are having a succossful run nt Oro Kim this wcel;. There 1b talk of an excursion to the Cascades by the Good Templars of this city on the Fourth of July. 2inc graduates go out from Portland Academy ami Female Semiuary this year, five of whom are ladies. A real lie Kreupiue was received at the Oregon Muslim per steamer Cali fornia from Alaska, on herlast trip. The commencement exercises at St. Helen's Hall were very interesting and so largely attended that many persons eould not gain admittance. The trial of Robert Giblien?, for the murder of -diaries F. Schoppe, resulted in conviction of murder Iir the first de dree. -SeHtenee will be imssed in a few days. Miss Ghnpfn 4s spoken of by the city press as being a brilliant and fttoiimt ing sneaker, and :is having haudleil her subject, "Wonian's Sphere," in a mas terly manner. Vnioti Temperance Meeting was held at the liabtist Church, on last Ssibbath evening. Judge Green, of Washington' Territory, ami Ilev. Mr. Dunn, of San I-'rancfcco, aJilivssetl the meeting. M3ss Laura I. Adslr, at present in Oakland, (Vtlifoniia, will shortly return to Oregon, and lake a class in music at SL Helen's Hall, Portland. Tills will be cheerful news to the friends of Miss Adair and that popular school. During the past two weeks has been held the annual examination of the pu pils attending St. Mary's Academy, in this city, under charge of the Sisters of the Moi-t Holy Names. There being none of the pupils sufficiently advanced to graduate this year, there will be no public exhibition. The commencement exercises of Port land Academy and Female Seminary were held "in the Taylor-street church on Tuesday evening. The attendance was large and the essays and declama tions of the graduating class were of a very high order. We congratulate the Faculty upon the success and prospects of the Methodist Academy In this city. SEWS JTBMS. STATK Altll TIUUUTOMAI. Camp-meetings are in tune all around the hush. The State Library, at Salem, contains 5,000 volumes. The Oregon City Seminary will close its term next Friday. Corvallis will join hands with Albany iu celebrating the Fourth. Prof. KoMi, of McMinnville, has Leon elected to a Professorship in the Forest (irove University. Hon. Ttufus Mallory has accepted the invitation to deliver the oration on the Fourth atSiiverton. The Willamette Woolen Manufactur ing Company have purchased this sea son up to date 130,000 pounds of wool. Hon. T. F. Campbell will deliver the Fourth of July oration at Hillsboro, by invitation of the Patrons of Husbandry of Washington county. It is said there a is colony of about COO Germans on their way from Kelton, who are destined to settle cither in the (rande Itonde or Wallowa Valleys. Wool is felling at good figures now in Oregon. One lot of 30,000 Hs for Salem sold at S-'ifl per Hi., and 12,000 lbs for 33c through the Jefferson Grange, P. of II. The bill Authorizing a railroad and wagon rosul brhlge over the Willamette river at Portland, to connect the Fast and West Side Railroads, has passed the Senate. A ride through the Willamette and I'mnoua Vallevs at this season of the year clearly demonstrates the fact that an agricultural country is, oy an uuus, tiie best country to live in. A three days meeting of tho Spiritual 1t(-ll"irns Soeietv. of Clackamas county. will be held on their grounds onParrott Creek, commencing June 20. A. A. Cleveland and other speakers will be present. A steamer before two steamers, a steamer belli ml two steamers, a steamer between two steamers, all from Port land, arrived at Astoria one evening, followed by an ocean steamer for San Francisco. AH persons wishing to attend the Oregon State Sunday School Conven tion, iu Portland, June 20th and 30th, will be carried on the cars at full fare going, and return free by having a cer tificate of attendance from the Secretary of the Convention. A public library was formally opened in Oregon City on the 0th lust. The addressmf ltev. Mr. Sell wood on the oc casion is highly spoken of. The rooms will be Ojieti on Tuesday and Friday evenings, and on Sunday afternoons. ronthly dues, 25 cents. facilities for travel on the Sound weis never better. Steamers ply daily and tri-weekly to almost every iort on the Sound, ami semi-weekly to Victoria, Ir the Xortb Pacific. Kxcursions and pitiics are Hie rule there now and dur ing all the summer months. The Atlorian saj-s: There is room for producing more xrain in ttii- part ..f Orecon than is now in the Willamette Valley. We have samples of barley ivc feet liicii. ue.-ven feet ten inches. and oats waist high nicely heading out, from Hans Anderson's place ilisha waka, Nehalem Valley. The Tillamook mail now stops shortof Tillamook, via the Trask route, and is no longer a Tillamook mail, except as it goes via Astoria, toNestocktoii, when it passes through Tillamook, but the mail carrier has instructions uot to de liver It fo the Tillamook postmaster hence, you see Tillamook has no mail just now. Somebody may gel into tne Penitential yet on account or Tina mooK. The Courier, of Olynipia, June Sth, says: The Union Temperance Meeting at the l'refcbyterian church last eveuinff was a decided success. Every ceat of the building was lllled, and a goodly number compelled to stand. Kev. David Sires delivered a very able and eloquent address from the Scripture text: "Help those women." He was followed by the ltev. Miss Chapin, of the Lniversalist denomination, who occupied about thirty minutes with a veryinteresting address. The following from the annual renort ?. tl'e G: W. (I T. shows the strengtlTof the Good Templars ol Oregon: Nun bcr of lodges at last session of Grand . 'luring the year 20. Total, 103. Ceased working during H'e, yF?'J& Pnt mber, 75. Ini tiated; 1,747; admitted by card, 71- TL instated, 87; total, 1,904. Cards grautcd loS; resignod, 354, suspended, 815: ex pelled, 8: deaths, 5. Total member ship, April 30th, 3,000. The financial condition ofthe Grand Tj)dge Is good. Explanatory. "Do I tmdcraland counsel for defendant," asked a very fat Western Judge, "to say that ho Is about to read his, authorities, as against the bench?" "By no mean-," responded ) the COUIlfcel- aforewla: 'I Was merely t going to ihow to your Honor, by a brief reutiuirrn T rns alMiut to read from the passage 1 was aoout w reaa irom tne , IrUUfc. WUUV ttU JUlUICiaUiO rvKi inrti Blackstone must have been !" "Aye, I aye," said the Judge, not a little elated; and there the matter ended. OUR AGENTS. The following persons are duly authorized to act as Agents tor the Kkw Northwest : R.T. Roblsou, -IMIly Herman Snow" Ji Keorny St., Kan Francisco A.W. McConnell....- North Yamhill Horace II. Day New York City lire. S. M. Miller. : rrrLat Chance Mrs J. H. Foster- Ash by I'earee Ir. Bayley .. A. A. Manning Mlu Virginia plU. Hiram Sinilh4 Mn.7. V JnikMMl .. Albany IJenton county Corral I Is Olympla McMliiuvillc Harrtshurg Eugene City av. W. Reach U.. - ...liurjia visia ltev. Wm. Jly... Hillsboro Hon. T. V. Davennort Sllvetton MaryJ. Mazers. . Gerval A. W. Stanard . UruwiiNVille i S. H. Claughton C. A. Reed Mn.(I.T. Daniels Mn. Nellie CurL . I. C SullivariJ. Mrs. M. F. Cook Mm. M. U Cilne Mrs. ILA-Vawteri Mrs. R. B. Bishop. Rev. J. F. Damon Mr. Jane M. WIImmi .cirtiiion .ulem .alem -Salem -V. ...Dallas Imj-ette -Salem Wullkbun: IVndlelon Senltie Walla Walla Walla Walla rump Kin .t I. I. Moore i John Hollen 1 . IL Illood Mr. M. Jetrrieji Dr. J. W. Watti 4uI'ort Town fend Traveilns Asent Travellns Agent .. Travellne Aent Travellnic Acent Uifuvetlc Albany .Salem .Mr. M. Kelty A. N. ArnoW.. . . (i. W. Inwton Mn.J. DeVore Johnvon .Oregon City IL I'entland. Tiie Danes .Forest Grove J. T. Scott, Ksi Mrs. A. II Corwln Geo. Knsle J. W. Jackson. Nehalem . ..Traveling Agent Kuccne .Shu Francihco L. I. KMher Mrs. Ijttim De Force Gordon California Mr. Nellie Mosstnan. Olympla I. T. Mauisuyt..... ronianu G. W. llroek , Union ItldRe, W.T G. W. llaniesj Ochoco Valley Mrs. U.Oakhott Travellns Agent Mrs. J. C. Ilayfls... Gervals. Oieeon James a lice. Yrcka. California M. I Owen Mrf. IL A. Dupee- Snotiel. C 'itllforiila -SaerHinento, Callfomla I .Mr.!saran iiarry Mr. Sarah Wallls "Woman's Journal".... Charles W. Tappan Mrs. I M. Howell Mrs. M. J. l'enland .Stockton, Calllornta .nayneiu, cauiornia .lloston. Ma.wirhuwlts Salt Lake City, V. T .- Phcnlx, Oregon Halsey. Oregon Mrs. M. A. Dlmick. Hubbanl, Oregon D. P. Porter - Shedd's, Oregon Other parties desiring to net at Agent will please forward their names. Wo want Agents I at every postofllce throughout Oregon and Washington Territory. A very rapid, safe and easy way to make money Is to procure territory to Introduce the iHtest useful invention that is wanted every lay, by every one, everywhere, who has a fam ily, a full-sized Sewing Machine with Table and Treadle for only 510 that does the same work ns n Machine you would pay SS0 for, rapid, smooth ahd nrin, makes a seam, so strong the cloth will tear before the stitches rip apart. Eight new attachments for all work and the improved Itutton Hole Worker used by usonly. Agents only need show them In operation to sell In every house they enter. SSOand upwards cleared daily by smart agents. No such Ma chine was over offered at any such price. KjOuO sold last year. 103,000 families ue them. De mand Increasing everyday where they become known. Ministers, judges, lawyers, editors, machinists, etc., recommend them asjrfecL lllghts given tree to first applicants. If there is no agency In your place, write for It, or buy a machine lor your family or a relation; there is none better or so cheap. Machines sent to all parts of the country oh receipt of price, S10. Ilead advertisement beginning "SW Saved in Every Family" in another lirt of this iavcr. Address the proprietors. IIohekt J. Mci.lkian Co., SX Canal street. New York. SEWING MACHINE. TEX DOLI..VUS! TEX DOLL.IKS! 1 4560 SAVED ilN EVERY FAMILY!- MnleandFemalcagentselear.Xperdy S - easy. Outfits and county rights given free. M WONDERFUL ACHIEVEMENT! ir. - XEtt it IXYEXTI0X! LATEST STUB ! A LARGE SIZE, FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, AVlth Table and Tieadle Complete, 5 -Only Ten Dollars I r " Thesuecessful Invention.and production L 'A of the Only Full-Slied.really good Sewing J. a Mttelilne lor less than SOO.that operates by Foot Power. t. IVize Medals, Premiums. Diplomas, - Awards of Merit, Honorable Mention, etc, " Over nil Others. The last Invention to render sewing less S . laborious. The newand Improved patented 5 Ilultou Hole AVorUer, Z Ttieciilmlnation ol perfect mechanical ae- m "" curacy, practical skill and utility, wllh . f. lieauty, strength and durability combined. A long-reinlreI I.llor Haver. S i, Xfn lntcntel Sett luff Mnrlilne X AttaclmientM, - With which over seventeen different kinds " of beaiitltulsewings.Fancy,Elaborate,Or- y namentnl,Intrlcate,Flne.PlalnandSlnng. ' - can le done with jerfect ease and rapidity . by thoxe who neversawasewlng machine C " lcfore. Our New Attachments have genu- C ine Merit that command immediate sales. " H 4 llt uin uiqiiiuii Miiuduii uujuucta i.itniifa.l ,n ml . 11M f li Il&iril1 MA,, nl ... 11' A ins machines, and are adjustable to all m othergood machlneseiiall.vas well asour " it own. Without them no machine can be ,r perlect. Sold separate If desired, at one- 5 tenth thecostof the old styles used by all otner maciunes. ,j Our Snv Mnchliie J Is larger than some of the $s0 machines. Will do every description of sewiiix.'IIem. c - Fell, Tuck,Seain,ltuilt.llraid, font, Dlnd, r i.attier, ltiinie nmrr, i icai, roii,r Scollop, m IUII, KmuroHier, nun up iireauius. etc.; . . will sewnnythlnga needle will go through. Makes the Strongest Stitch Known, so 5 . strongthat the cloth wiM.TiAi:lieforethe a; r" seam will rip apart. Has self-adjusting j t. straight needle, reliable, accurate leed.di- " reet motion, no complication of useless oggs or cams to oil or get out of order, is 'J, silent, easy-working, light-running, very J rapkl, smooth and correct, quickly under- sttMsl and easily iiaevt -ine inventors of those excellent ma- X chines can be relied upon as upright and I. I rapuiisuie men, wen wormy ot the conn Iir. ciiccnndpatronagcofourChristifuiread- U y - -ortncrn cnun-n standard, N. Y., - Orders Received 2 Mhlncs promptly forwarded ionny - '''s ou receipt ot the following oasfi " J slngleMiiclilnes,forsMmp-sorpriviilc J - use, plain styles with Madji.tabh- S extension fable and Treadle, fui- S Z nlsbeil with equipments ready tor immediate use, each . sin - Machines with extra line Table.eaeh"" S r" A Machines with Table and Cover.ael'i ' -si IS Machines with enclosed Table (half - u caoineisij-ic) eacli m l - Machines with enclosed Table ifm? I cabinet style) each 1 U" .! ' a The machines at $10 are precisely tui T.' ; difference being that tbose at Sie have plain but neat Tabic and Treadle ku. S ! thoscof alilgherpiiceareoniamental.aml C s elaborate and costly polished black wal- . X nut tables wllh coveM,cueloedcases,and cabinet styles. "A No Extra Charges made for packing or y shipping to any part of the country. Se- chine. Specimens of fccwlng, illustrated x circulars, with numerous recommenda- f Uons.wholesalecashDrlccs.Extraordlnarr M InducemcnU to agentsetc mailed free. Exclusive control of Territory given gratis iJ tn.-,n-il.lnnrlenrrrtIenrcnts. merchant J store-keepers, etcwho will travel pr open Z agencies and exhibit the wonderful Merits M "Z ofourmochlneslnthelrlocalltles.andso- a licit orders. Outfits and county r-tonis - M .Iron f rf nt rliaree. 1 - "AnunequalcdquIelcnndnoNiSTmoney , r makingbuslnessforinalcandfemalecan- r vasserslnallparUofthocountr.v.-lChris- . tinu Index, N. Y., Jan. a. j ti Cash Remittances' Must be mado in IMstoffice money orders 'A , or IUnk Drafts inaue payaoie 10 our oruer -. In New York. Registered Letters or by g j " Express at our risk. . . t I S a ii .... M,mtinleAtIons tnustba S , 8 oddresseil to !" ; HobertJ.InIIIsniit.Co,. . .IK Canal street, N. . -- vivnrrai -Manilliciurcm i H ot Machinery. j 33 X isavnoa xax isavnoa jcsx- The Churches. Mctiioiikt Kri.'inr.M. Ciicitrii Corner ol Tlr nail Thin!. Iter. G. V. Jivr, Fator. preitehliig services in tuc momingai. 11 o riw. . morning In each month. Prayer meetings Sabbath hour before preaching; young people's prayer Hireling, Wednesday J,1: regular weekly prayer raoeting on .. " .. ana genera! experience meeting on tlrst Thursday evening In each month: all at same hour ns preaching service, Noon meetings daily. Sunday School at . f. m.; Chinese Sunday Scliool at 3W: Sunday School Missionary Concert on nrst Sunday in each month at 2 r. M. Strangers cordially in vited. lfIW. Fiikt PjiEsm-rr.r.tA Citcnrn-Corncr V , ash Inslon and Third. Rev. Dr. UjijUHy, JJf Residence, comer Morrison and Ninth inhtiath Mrvlce at 11 A. V. and 7:t5 r. JTjbao blm Schl ami Hlble CIa. at WJ. rjjjj ttimiln" at 6-j r. M. lecture Tnuruay even-in7ai-V elit emen will be in attendauco itthidooV. to conduct trani:eni and visitor, to fceab. .... . t'N-jTvrivv CHAT-EL-Comer of Yamhill and v$ntiVitrVeU. llev. T. I- Kllot. lHntor. Ic-nTurin-lceVeveiT Sabbath at 11 A. X. nnd 7:i it Sunday School at 12:li The evonmi-ser-liw t- omitted on the flrrt flumlay of every moiitli The Communion Service 1 at 3 JO K 51 .In that day. l-!itor- reiJdence. Salmon htreet. between Klllh and Sixth, li'uusr CHUiyii-CornKourth ajd AlJer sabbath nl II in thciuornlii:na i..r. l'riivi'r meeiiUKOii inunu-j ... r . w& at S. sabbath School at m, o'cloclc Hun day, immediately alter morning preaching. Seats free. 1IIPTIST Mhsiox East Portland. Service at cottase on the corner of G and Seyynth streets, everv Sunday at II and at 3,'i. Sabbath School after mornlnp preachlns- Neighbor hood prayer meeting Tuesday evenings. Corner Stark and Third streets. Rer. Father Wcrena In" charge, assist ed by Ilev. C. Delahuuter. First Man, 8 KM s. x. second Mass, 6 o'clock; High Mass, 10 JO; Vespers, ZM. Trinity Ciichch Comer of Oak and Fifth. Hew IL S. Ncvlus, D. IX, Hector. Sunday school at 9:T. a. m. Morning service at if. Evening services nt 7. Lectures Friday even ing at 7. IiisitJi' Scon Oram w.n 5?cnooi. Geo. nur ton. Chaplain. Divine services in the largo schoolroom of the Grammar School everyMun day morning at 10 o'clock. Sunday School at 2 1 M. St. Stei'JIKX's CitAPEtt'orner Madison and Fourth. Itcv. John Ilosenburg, Iastor. Ser vices at 11 In the morning audit In the evening. Sunday School directly utter morning serrlce. St. David's ChAfEl-East Portland. Itcv. C IL lionncll, minister In charge. Services at II in the morning and Vt in the afternoon. Sun day School at 'JS3Q In the morning. Coxciituo atiosai. liist Portland Service at the school houve in the McMillan Dlstrlet,it 11 In the morning: Kabbath School at 1C:15. Kev, v. jw josiyn, flimsier. East roitTL-VND M. E. Ilev. J. W. Miller. Pastor. Preaching at 11 a. jf. and 7. 1". x. Sunday School at 2 r. si. Prayer meeUng Anurauuy evenings. A.M. E.ZION Clicncit North Tklrd street. oeiweeit itnnut. iiev.u. f..naersou. iasior. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:i r. M. Sabbath School at - r. m Coboncn M. E. Chckcii Room over S. J. Mccormick's store. Ilev. Daniel Jones, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:11 r. X. Sabbath Scliool at 2 r.jt. FtnsT CoNnnm.vTinNAt. Cucncii Corner of Jefferson nad second. Ilev. J. D. Raton, Pas tor. Services at 11 In the morning and 7:30 In the evening. St. TiMOTiti'ii CliAPKt. Illshop Scott Gram mar School, corner Eighteenth aud C streets. Itcv. Geo. llurton, Pastor. Services on Sunday at 10 A. M. Scandinavian I.CTH. Clicncit East Port landService lu English at 2 In the afternoon. A. li. r riuricliscii, II. D., l"astor. Synaoogou llirru Israel Divine crvlr each Saturday at uaku Preaching by Ilev. M. Slay. PLYMomi Ciirm n Corner 15 and Foui tecnth. Sabbath School at 3 In the afternoon For the very best photographs, go to Bradley Jc Itulofson's Gallery without STAIES ttC-ASCEND IN THE ELEVATOR, 123 Mont gomery St., San Francisco. The Rest Place to purchase CLOTHING and FURNISHING GOODS Is nt the Manulacturlng Establishment! KISlIEL.t ROUERTS, corner of First and Washington streets, where there can always be tound n complete stock of men and loys' clothing. The best M.'rclinutTslIor- iug Establishment In OrcDn Is connected with their slore, and a perfect nt Is always guaran teed. III Chinook .Salmon. Spring Salmon have commenced running, nnd QUINN, on Wash ington street, receives dally from his Fisheries on the Columbia River large Jots, and is pre pared to sell rhcap. The trndo liberally dealt with. City and country orders rcspctfiilly so licited. JAMES QUINN, Union Fish Market, Washington street. P. O. Box ill. 3 35 The I,nir ol Xespncrs. 1. Sub-Bribers who do not give express notice lo the contrary are considered as wishing to continue their subscriptions. 2. If any subscribcraorder the discontinuance of their newspapers, the publisher may eon Untie to scad them until all arrearages are paid. 3. If subscribers neglect or rcfusetotakethelr newspapers from the offices to which they are directed, the lnw holds them responsible until Ihey linve settled the bills, and ordered them discontinued. i. Ifsubscrlbers remove to other places with out Informing the publisher, and the newspa pers are sent lo the fonner direction, they are held responsible. a. The courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers from the offlce, or removing and leaving them uncalled for. Is prima taele evidence of Intentional fraud. 6. The postmaster who neglects to give the legal notice of the neglect ol a person to take from the odlrc the newspapers addressed to hlin, Is liable to the publisher for the subscrip tion price. NEW THIS WEEK. -ETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Founded A. D.KXI. HARTIXJRD, CONNECTICUT. Acriuiiiilntril Capita! ...SO,OOO.OOB. P. MORSE-, fienpnil Manager for Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Rriltsh Columbia. Olllee Corner Front mill Stark streets. PORTLAND, OREGON. Utlm i rI,!5 . T,IK DKMC! -1- r"re sets up dnlly ICIOUS DISHias THAT at the Central Market. THOMPSON HOUSE, Corner of rirst nnd JenVnou Streets. I-ORTLAND, OREGON. nosrd, per rtk, l on Bosri i. Lo4-lr tx m ' avn W o HOARD, I1Y THE DAY, SI (o. Only Teetotal House in I-ortland. 311 IK. J. . (ii,i;xx, UeiitlKt, Southwest corner Kitst and Yamhill, J l"ORTI.AND, OREGON. CHRIS. KCLOTII, i T' X. NVITES HIS OLD PATRONS AND THE Public generauy to can at nis ' NEW BUTCHER SHOP, Wakliluglou si., one door cast of Third vnai MISUE&LANEOUS. PORTLAND LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. ' .f f V" llOOU.S-Coruer I'lrt ami Mark Sl over lAdd A TlllonN CoilalDi Ortr Three Thiiuvma tbjlie Books (i ' 7 i . . Over 100 Papr and Majailaci." MEMBERSHIP FREE TO ALL Monthly Dues 81 00 lnj able QiiKrterly Officers; U H. WAKEFIELD -President H. FAILING Vice Ireldent I . C SCIIUTI.KIt.Ju Treasurer il. W. t h.Ullllt.lMi.1! (7omMom!lnirKe HKNRY A;OXEIL...SKUbrniianTandItec. See , MMK st e fc ' - KEARNEY' S FLUID EXTKACT B U C M IT ! Tho only knowu Itemedy for BRICHT'S DISEASE! And n ponIIIvo remeIy for GO ITT, GKAVEL, STHICTrUES, DIAKETIiS, DYSPEPSIA, NEHVOl'S DEIIII.ITY, DIIOI'SY, Non-retontlon or Incontinence of Uilne, Irrita tion, Inflammation or Ulceration of tho Bladder and Kidnoys, SPEUMATOItltlHEA, Iucorrhast or Whites, Disenscsof Iliel'roMrato uianu,moiiu in ine inauurr. Coletlliis Gravel or Ilrlclfdust IK-lt and Mu ch-or .Milky iiisciiargcs. U E A It N i: V H . . EXTRACT BTJCHTJ IVrinancutly cures all diseases nl tho BLADDER, KIDNEYS, AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS, Existing In men, women and children, n-NO MATTER WHAT THE AGE!-u Prof. Steele savs: "One bottle of Kearney's Fluid Extract Uurhu Is worth more than all other Radius combined." Prlw, )l per Rottlc, or Six Dottles for JA. Depot, No. 101 Dunne St., Xeir York. A Physician In attendance to answer corre spondence and give advice gratis. e Send stamp for pamphlets, free. TO THE NERYOUS AND DEBILITATED OF ROTH SEXES. Xo Cbarge for Advice nnd Consultation. TR.J. IL DYOTT. cradnate of Jefferson Med XJ leal College, Philadelphia, author of sever al valuable works, can ne consulted on alt dis eases of the Sexual or Urinary Organs, (which he has made an especial study I, either In male or female, no matter from what cause orlgluat- ; Ing or or bow longstanding. A practice ot years enables him to treat diseases with suc cess. Cures guaranteed. Reasonable charges. Those at a distance can forward letter describ ing symptoms and enclosing stamp to prepay postage. Send for the "Guide to Health;" price, 10c J. It. DYOTT, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SU11GKON, 101 Uusne SI.,' X. Y. 3 1! tf EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, j. it. wiTur.iti:i.rM N. SO Front Street, l'ortlnud. I7UNDS EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL THOSE ; applying for situations In any capacity from V ood-cbopper Uown in n Fat ilinrp. I'ays special attention to outaining harm iteip, llouse Servants. Rallroail Hands, etc.. Irre spective of Nationality. 3-x W. B. CARDWELL, Physician aud. Surgeon. Office Room No. 9. second floor. S. W. corner Third aud streets conier-room, en- irauca on mini ami lomson. In oQlce at all hours. Day and Night, nnless out on professional business. 3 lsif Sl,000 REWARD! o R I r; i n a L PIOXKEU HOOT SHOE M.OTFACTOKY, S. E. corner of Taylor and Second Sis. T MANUFACTURE NOTHINO RUT HAND 1 MADE OOOD-. Roots mid Shoes made to order at retail prices. Nothing but the best rrencu nuujsaniauriix leaiucr uscu. All stock warranted as represented. My farmers' Roots and Shoe I will WARRANT FOR ONE YEAR. Persons going to the Stlckeen Mines will And It to their Interest to Kxamlne my Ooods before purchasing elsewhere. Please lienr In mind the name, consoys roots. This Is the only house on the coast that manu factures wholly by hand. None bat the Rest of workmen employed. Country Dealers are csjHx'lally Invited to give me r call. I will pay the above reward to any ono who detects shoddy or any kind In my work. 3 55 . E. 0. CORSON. J. I HAM.KTT.. A. TOt'SO, RE-OPEIJ1HC or TUB CIVRErDON HOTEL, Corner Tand First streets, Portland, Or. riUIIS MAGNIFICENT HOTEL, NEWLY X Furnished throurhout In a suncrb manner. Is now open for the reception of guests. The Finest Rooms and IhcResl Table In Ore gon, at moderate prices. N'iuated within two blocks of the Depots of J ,m auiornia and Oregon uentrai lUllroads.and within one block or the wharf of the Orrron Kfniti.l.i. r.,,n - Ct-Htrm Cars iiass the door. Slrest Cm T1i?l"ruro.u,'eU "c to guests. Free Coach lo and from the House. iw.!.... . . .. HALLirrr i y'oi'no. Portland, April a, ljrt. 3 33 - s- t - t Directors Wm. S.-IjiddP. a ."febuylar.Jr., M. P. Dcody, U H. Wafcuoeld. W. 1 1, lirackett! A. C. Uibbs. C H. UH, M. W. Fechbeluter, IL Falllnr, U Blum. MISCELLANEOUS. JACOB- MAYER, Importer and Wholesale Dealer In CSrO O OD S , MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, Hats and Gents Furnishino Goods, Ladles nnd MlrV TRIMMED AND UNTRIM.VF.D HATS AND BONNETS, Frames, Rralds, Cords, Ornaments, Plowerv Ribbons, Trimmings, etc. Dress Goods, White Goods, Yankee .Vo Hons, Etc. Ladles' Cloaks, CloaK Trim mings, Etc. AGENT OF THE BROWNSVILLE WOOLEN MILLS CO. A Full Slock of Blankets, Yarns, Hea ven, Tweeds and Oasslmeres Constantly oti Hand. LATEST NTYT.ES BY KVKKV.STKAJttK W PARTICULAR ATTENTION Paid to Orders. ' ul j. ii. Fisrc, ASS A YE It AND METALLURGIST, ' 29 Stark SL, bet. First nnd .Second. Ulglieal Price Paid tor Gold Dust k Bars. WESTS MADE WITH CARE, AND ASSAY'S J of tlold and Silver, Copper, Lead, Anti mony, Nickel, Chrome, Plumbago, Tin, Iron, Clnuebar, Lime, and other Metals. Analysis of Mineral Waters and all other substances. S Mtf nr.. r.i.i.ixri:u a co Washlnion St., beti Second aud Third, PORTLAND OREGON yE MANUFACTURE AN A NO. 1 AltTICI.E OP BREAD, CRACKERS CAKES, And all klndsofPnstrytuually found lu a'Flrst uiusa iiAKery. Com1s delivered to any p:wt ofthe city. Jil.TliilS 1IITY XONK HIT THE DKSTI THE "UNIVERSAL" SPRINQ BEDS I EVERYHODY BUYS THEM ! WrilY'f Because they arc cheap, Minple, durablv and neat, and can be put on auy couinion slut bedstead. Thev can lie packed and sent to any address In a space ol one foot square. Xo Xalls or Screws About Them I FUllT WARRANTED FOR THREE TEARS! lVlcc Only Ten Dollar! AKenU wanted In every county lu the; State, Full directions Willi each bed. II. II. MORRILL. Proprietor. First street, bpcween Yamhill auid Taylor. C. Y. STi:WART. Morrison Street, St. Charles Building, WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, ash in Clocks, Watches and Jewelers' Goods. Repairing duo a usual. S 11 SOMETHING NEW I THE J0JTES 8PRIN0 BED! THE IlEST IX THE MARKET! r" IS VERY ELASTIC. CHE.VP AND Dim.- ble; has no harbor Tor vernUn and Cannot Gat Oat of Order. Is now thn leading cheap Spring Red lu the Eastern market. It can be had of BARNARD A GRISWOLD, Wholesale Agents, Portlruii. Or Tyler A Bhlplcs-. Foret Grove; C V. Rayal, Lafayette; J. A. Tavlor. McMInnvlIe; It. "W. Dunn, North Yamhill; Heury Werimr, HlUs boro. Refer to Qulmby A Perkins, Ainerieiin Er chance, Portland ; J. T. Scott, N. K. OoodcII and Jerome Porter, Forest (.rove- Dr. Sutton. McMlunvUIe; A. C .rlillsId. Hillsboro. and a hundred others. TYLER A SIUPLEY. S 17tl Forest Grove, Oregon. NOTICE, riMIE UNDERSIGNED. HAVING "v ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Be?s leave to Inform the public that he lias commenced business wrth fl R.ST-CI.A.SS AWOMMODATION.S At Reasonable Rates. rJC" Free C'wach to and from the House. 3 X P. FLEUROT- J. 3t. DOLflt. E. C. OKOXACGlt. JOS. SIMON. C. A. UOirU, BEOMCUH, IIOLfH I SIMO.N, Attorncv-at-Law. ODD FELLOWS' TEJIl'LE, POUTLAND, 3Wtf MISCELLANEOUS. "THE WHITE HOUSE!" THE LEADING ! DRY 41 OO IIS. 31 1 1. 1. IX CRY. - .vsn Xmi v Goods Eiiiiioi'Inin . OF THE QITY, Xo.'.ST I'lrst .Street. 0 UR FACILITIES FOR IMPORTING Di rect from llrit hnnils enable us to receive THE LATEST NOVELTIES! As soon as introduced in the East. J 31 IXWI .t STRAUSS. OREGON STEAM NAVIGATION CQ.'S PASSENOKIt SC1IEDUX.E. OATS OF THE COMPANY WILL LEAVE Portland as lollows: Tor Tlie Dalles:- Dally (Sundays excepted) at 5 o'clock A. M. For Astoria: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 8 .1. v. For Knlniua nnd Tneoni.t: Dally iSundnjs excepted) atC A. M. For Tlctorln; Wednesday and Saturday at C A. M. S. G. REHD. VIco President. SOMETHING NEW! JAPANESE PEAS I TWO HUNDRED BUSHELS TO THE ACRE. Farmers nnd Gardeners. Read This! Agents Wanted to Sell theJapancsr Pea. rpiIESE PE.VS have recently l)eeu brought to JL this country from Japan, and inve to be the tlnest l'ca known for lable use or for stoek. They grow In the form of a bush, from 3 to .1 feet high, and do not require slicking. They yield from one Quart to a Gallon ht biih. A 9U1II1. ..... ,r. ....... . - " bushels of peas, with circular giving terras to Agems, ana iuii oir. t:tiifii hh:iim ..... ncr of planting, will be sent postpaid to any one desiring to act as Agent, on ni-elptof TiOcls. Auuress 1 it u.ijir..' a , . Tottlmoiilnls: We have cultivated the Japanese Pea the past seeson.on a small scale, and we are con vinced they are a perfect success. Their yield was enormous. For tho Table or for Stock they are unsurpassed by any other They crow wrll on thin land and ure bound to be a No. 1 fertllirer. A. J. WHITE, Trustee Bradley county, H.IIIX. A. E. RI.UNT, P. M-, Cleveland, Tenn. I have cultivated the Japanese Pen the past wr. nml raUed them at the rule of "AO Imshels lo the acre. The bloom exceeds buckwheat iqr bees. F. r- IlARDWICK,J.i'.,i;ralley Co. MRS. L'l'II.VJI I1F.XDEE, CLAIRVOYANT &. MAGNETIC MEDIUM fonarross Ilnll, Rusli Street, Between California and Montgomery streets Room IS, second tlmir. Circles Thursday and Saturday evenings. Seances for business. v2uH A. C. WALLINC, Book and Job Printer, PITTOCK'S BUILDING, VP-STAIRS, Corner Front and Stark streets, l'ortlnud. Oregon. Woik dene at REASONABLE RATES. 2-33 BRADLEY, MARSH &. CO., Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods Warehousemen, And General Importers of AMERICAN AND ENGLISH GOODS, Corner of Front and Stark streets, Portland, Oregon. Ca'h advances made on every dripon of Oregon produce. 3tf DOCTOR JI3I, THE CELEBRATED CHINESE PHYSICIAN, HAS RETURNED TO THIS CITY AFTER an absence of four years, and has opened his offlce at the corner of Washington and Sec ond streets (up-stalrl. where he will treat m- - a.. ... a.... a.- ...1,1. III.! I I tnutu lor an turns ui ... ..- .- kiwwu skill. 'i DR. JIARY A. TIIOJI1SOV, PHYSICIAN AND ACCOUCHEUR TEraiENCE AND OFFICE THIRD ST. it between SaJUuuii and Mnln, opposite the Putdle riguare. Calls attended 1n aoy part of the city. Batteries for sale.uul instructions given on the use of electricity s-s a Remedial Agent, nl. OUT OF THE TIRE NOW IS THE TIME! Ft11I who Want their Farts lo Look Beautiful! A' S t HAVE FITTED ITP MY NEW ROOMS ... c 1.... i.i... r it-' i 1 1 1 mnt resiH-ctiully invito the ladles and gentlemen ot Portias.; aud vicinity to call and visit the NEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, Corner First and Yamhill streets. t !,.. nn nitn npir outfit. Mv nrlces will continue to be IoKr than In any other Looms lu l'ortland. AlhUtJs or work done In the Art, find -in the nentost itvle. Nothing but first- class work wlllibC'tinUied In my Rooms. Only onejClghbor stairs. 3 iQ. DENNIE, I'hotographer. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, OPERA HOUSE BIJCC. KALEM, OREGON. J. W. MI I ATT UCK, rrlctor. FREE COACH TO THE 3 21tf norsE. n.iKTStnr.'.s STEEL. SILVER-fJ OVEREJ guitar Bass Sti-iiiflr W""UK JlKST IN TK WORLD. r . . . 1 - T1.1..I ., .1 1 . 1 Manubiclureu anu ior iin. Smonstwts.. ... . l'lanos end wgons ior saic ir renu .w I'iunos luaue xo oraer. iininn;iii!i inthebestiuanncr. AI.HERTRARTSCIIE. 3 ;tt itano .Manor. I). 1). 1UIIGGS, GENERAL I0B3ER IK THE FURNITURE LINE, Washington St., bct.Thlrd aud Fourth, Portland, Oregon. TtJRNITURE TtEPAIRED A VARNISHED, (Tislrs Ei-Canrd and Cane Tor Sale. H'lllsoeiit to residences to do anything- in ! toit line. tsr Make the Rrpalrlngof Chairs a Specialty. i XWu't aut any Est Purses around. 917 j pMALL-rOX REMEDY SSVlALL-PO-Xi! DR. BORZEAU'S, y,'' SMALL-POX CURE AND PREVENTIVE, ; a Now prepared and kept on hand nt ray offlte; Cor. First nud Jlaiu Streets, IS A Sl'RE CURK OR I'llEVEXTIYE For that dlsenso. ' ' SAMUEL CORWIN, Proprietor. -Th(v history ot this medicine cannot better he explained than by insert lug tho tallowing let ter: San Francisco, July 2, 1372. My Dear Old Frleud, Samuel Corwln: I have no doubt but yon will bemuehsurprlsed on receiving this letter, but. perhaps, not mora so, or more gratldcd.than I was to hear from you. The manner In which I heard from sou. aud learned of your whereabouts, is tbli: 1 happened to be looking over an Oregon paper and noticed your name.os representative elect, from Tillamook county. The thrill or pleasure which I experienced on rending Is Indescriba ble. The many acts or kind nets which I re ceived nt your hands long years ago had never been forgotten, notwithstaiidlng-our corres pondence has been broken for seventeen years. Well, Sam, I won't attempt to give you more than the outlines of what has transpired with nie since we last corresponded. So many Inci dents of the past. In which you and I were con nected, crowd upon my mind that I eannot think or write ot myself. Does your mind ever revert to the nast. when we tlrst met how vou took nie in ns a partner, when those who should have been my best friends threw on" ou me howwegotsnoweil in and had to live-on potatoes straight for six weeks how good that grizzly meat tasted what a retreat we made from our poor Innocent Jack, when we thonght we were besclgM by a grizzly r Well, Sam, those events of IxTsj frfviuentlv fur nish subject matter lor lay thoughts, and", as I am writing to you, crowd upon my mind, but I will dismiss them for the present 10 give place to that which will, perhaps, be ol greater Inter est to you. I pocketed eleven thousand dollars nut ofthe "Deep Claim" you gave me iu Marapoi,a,niiLl started for home In June, 1.S.YL I Invested lour thounnd dollars In real estate In this city, and left it Incureof MclAiie,oiiroldeablii male, ily propeity here has yielded me a handsome In come, mid oundruplcd in value. I wont into business In New York city. In which I whs very successful sold out two years ago, since which time I have been traveling In European coun tries. You know I used to have a weakness for traveling well. It has been gra titled to my heart's content. AVhlle In France I was taken with the Kms!l-Kix, The lady of the Inn told me that I was rortuuate to take the disease at that place, as there was an old small-ox doe tor near by who never failed to cure, no mattar how bud the disease; and sure enough, I began to recover within four hours nftercommenelug to take the medicine, and In twenty-tour hours I felt quite well. I was so much oluted with the magical effects of the medicine that I was determined. If nosslblc. to obtain the formula. In which I succeeded, by paying handsomely and promising uot to divulge it 111 trnnco. I ee from Oregon papers that you huvtt the disease among you. The enclosed ixickage contains the formula and sutlicieiit material for family use. I hnr eured all the caes that I have come in contact Willi, and ttnd It all In fallible cure and iircteiulve. When you an swer this I will forward sulliclent of the mate rial to make you a fortune, ns I nave nmple and rest assured I reciprocate past favors. 1 will close ior tne present auu anna anx iously your answer. Direct to San Franelseo, as I will remain here about two months. Yours, etc, ISAAC RICHAKDsON. The following testimonials are from rellablo persons: Portland, Sept. 1, 13Ti Statement: My son Henry, now six years of age, had a severe attack ofthe malignant form or scnrlet fever about four years a;o. My turn ily physician. Dr. Hamlin, of Marysvtlle, Cali fornia, told me that the child had lettr have died, as he would be afflicted all his life with sores of a scrofulous nature, which he consid ered incurable. The condition of thethlld up lo last April seemed to coiitlrm the Doctor's opinion, as he never was free lrom thcie eruptious sores. A number of our best physi clans had endeavored In vain to give the ehlhl relief. At the time I commenced &lvmg him Dr. Ilorzeau'aSmall-pox Remedy the child was unnble to open bis eyes, his face was a com plete mass of Inflammation and corruption running from both ears. He took two bottles of the above-named medicine as perdlreotlons. In twelve hours from commencing to take Hie medicine, a favorable change was noticeable, and In less than six weeks all traces of the old affliction had disappeared. JNO. M.KKONK. The following named persons are referred to as having a knowledge orthe above statement: Dr. J. A- ltlnnchard. oculist, who trealed the child Tor sore eyes. Dr. Glltner, Dr. K. G. Free land, .1. Murray, contractor, Geo. W. Illtlman, Isaac Sherman, and many others of Portland, Oregon. JOHN M. FRONK. Albany. Oregon. June I. 1373. Mr. Corwln Dear Sir: I used two bottles ol your small-pox remedy, ior scarlet lever, ltoth ol my childred had It, and all the medi cine they used was your small-pox remedy. . Their recovery was speedv and complete. CHARLES NOLAN. Portland, Oregon. Sept. IS, ISTS. My clerk, W. Oaviness, was taken sick with measles, last March. I administered Dr. Bor zeau's small-pox remedy according to nccoiu paiivlng directions, nnd In all my experience wltli that disease I never needed a more eom pletv and sieedy recovesy. E. G. FREELAND. Druggist, 113 First street, Portland: Portland, Oregon, Sept. 18, 1S7JL For the benefit of my friends and the public. I state the following facts: On the rth duy ot September, I felt quite unveil, having head ache, pains In my back ajid Joints, with occas ional chills; a fever set in nnd about the 9tli a scarlet rash was plain to lie seen on my skin. I had become satisfied that I had the symp toms of siaa!l-pox, and commenced taklug Corwln's preparation for the cure of that dis ease, and it proved'n success in ray case, ns 110 farther developments appeared. I took but 13 doses', and have since felt all right. I have 110 hesitancy In recommending It to my friends who may feel any symptoms of small-pox. JAMES F. OVLLIGIIER, Boot maker, W First street, Portland. Portland, Oregon, Spt. 15. 187.1. I have taken one bottle of Dr. Borzenu' Sniall-pox Remedy as a preventative, and al though frequently exposed to the disease at theiime, I escaped all symptoms. JAMES M. MAYBEUY-, Cowl. sator anu tiiiiiuer, l-oniana.ur. I have tnken Corwln's Smnll-nor Rmelr. and being exposed to the disease at, the same time, escaped all symptoms, which is tho only prool that 11 is a preveniauve. 1 T Ill'.i'IlTl 1 1. uCMtomv. City Councilman, 3d Ward, Portland, Or. r have been using Corwin's Small-por Rem edy, and though exposed to the disease, have no svraploms. 1 believe it to be a preventative :iswellas:vcure. A. McEWAN. ronianu, ur. I being exposed, to the small-pox, contnicted the disease. I used for It Corwln's preparation and no other medicine except alteratives. The po'tules never matured. Left no marks. My . -. ..I, . -a iro Ahlliireu. Illness was not l . tlve In iiumlwr, were all taken wit t" dis ease, and treated by one of our et ph sta lans. employwl by the city. One. a glr of fou e rs died, and tlie balance wfJ'T1(n' e used'about two littles of flA" McMAlIOK. Port'and, Oregon. August 23. 1S73. I xvas taken with smnli-lox abjiut tlieiMh ot July I Und purchaHl a bottle of Dr. Bor tmu's small-iiox Remedy sometime previous, and commenced taking It as soon asl wassat unedl had the disease, which was on tho sec nn.tdav of my Illness. My sickness was mild, except severe vomiting , which took place be fore I commenced using the medicine. The vomiting is what convinced me in the llrit nlace thatJ had the small-pox. I took one bottle I think about thirty doses. In three days I was able to go to work. I have have no doubt but that the Itemedy saved me front be ing marked, and perhaps from death. FRED. . T HAT H F.R, ijtnnc Mason and Gardner. Statement of J. R. Lake, doalor In stoves and tin-ware, on Front, between Morrison and Yamhill streets: "My daughter was taken with the small-pox about the lHh of August. A physician was employed, and the patient was apparently In a critical condition. I pro cured Dr. Borzeau's Small-pox remedy, which was ndmlnlstesed with apparent good effect. My wife, being exposed, had taken tho medi cine as :i"vreventatlvc had fheprlmory symp toms, but no postules, or serious slekncss. Tills Remedy Is also a sure pure for Culekcu- pox.Searlet Fever, Measles, and all scrofolaus and (kill diseases. SAMUEL CORWIN, Office-Southwest corner Mdn nnd First. Su. Orders sent to Samuel S?&lZSZ E. G. Frecland. 1 FlrstSW lw.BiiPue will be promptly attended to. Orders rordoure part or the Unfits! States y r ' CJrrricc-Onc Dollar por Bottle.", 3W