friday:'?1.:.1..:....:..may 1, 1674. OLD FABMEB JOBS. Old Farmer John is more perplexed Nay, Farmer John is sorely vexed; He labors early, labors late, Yet ever finds an adverse fate; For all bis tolllngs scarce sufilco Of needed clothes to pay the price. The summers come, the summers co. The spring showers waste the winter's snow xne wmie, irom uawn 10 ciose 01 uay, Receiving naught but smile for pay. His good wife toils; and anxious care Has faded Hp and check and hair. Acres on acres stretch away. Of woodland, corn, of wheat and hay; -His cattle roam o'er many a bill, His brooklet turns the groaning mill; Yet this abundance nothing yields To pay the mortgage on his fields. Four sturdy sons, four daughters fair. Claimed nt his hands n fathers care. He gave them labor without end. And strove their souls like his to bend Into .the 11 arrow! qg groove of thought Interest to be earned, clothes to be bought. No books; no pictures on thewall; Carpetless rooms, and dreary hall. Why think it strange such farmer's boys Should seek the city's pomp and noise ? Should learn to loathe the sight of home. Where naught or grace or Joy may come ? ' Yes, Farmer John is growing poor! You feel it as you pass his door. His old brown house is small and mean; The roor is warped by crack and seam; The leaning bars, the half-hinged door, Proclaim old John Is very poor. "Why think it strange his poor old wife, who coined for him hervery life, Rhould pause at last 'ncath Fortune's frown. And lay her weary burden down In Joy, to walk the streets of Heaven. Where naught is sold, but all is given " Old Tarmer John still tills the soil. Gains bare subsistence by his toll, While railway Kings In wealth may roll From Transportation's heavy toll; But, with the Grange, a ray of light Is dawning on the farmer's night. Industrial Age. Managing a Concert When John's wife and Sirs. Smilax put their heads together something is going to happen. They never blurt out u project, aud get their husbands' backs up. They undermine them, slowly but surely. Smllax noticed that when John and his wife called In of an evening, that jonn's wile find aire, mniiax uaa a f;ood deal to 6ay about music. These ittle conversations were interspersed with the most laudatory remarks upon the voice and method of Miss Bella Beltiny, the soprano of the choir of the church which they attended. The per sonal merits and the domestic charm of Miss Bella Bettiny were alluded to, and so from mere mention of hernameJohn and Smilax became familiar with all those sacrifices whicii Bella made to support her elderly aunt and a brother, who had an unhappy facility of keeping himself and all his relatives In hot wa ter. When the two gentlemen had been sufficiently imbued with a sense of the self-Facrificing life which Miss Bella led, Jonn's wire very quietly hinted tnat something ought to be done for her. The sympathetic John said "Yes," aud the more cautious Smilax acquiesced. "Let us give her a complimentary concert," said John's wife, in such an electrical maimer that it appeared as if this Idea had suddenly flashed upon her. "That would be splendid," chimed in Mrs. Smilax, as if the suggestion was an inspiration. "Ves," added John. "Why not ?" Smilax held his silence. "Why not, Smilax?" .remarked John. "I don't know anything about giving concerts," said Smilax; "and besides, my busy season is coming on." Smilax looked up, and the eyes of John's wife were upon him. He didn't exactly quail, but when John's wife proposes to rivet any one by her glances, there is a sense of looseness about the scalp. Smilax experienced this sensa tion, ana added: "But I don't oppose the proposition; only I think that" "Come, Mr. Smilax," interrupted John's wife, "I'll wager you will sell more tickets than John will. Wc will let John be business manager." "Well, I .don't know about that," said John; 'T never managed a con cert," "It won't take two hours to do all we want you to do," said his wife. "You'll engage the hall aud sell some tickets, and that is all we shall want of you." "Oh, if that is all," replied the con fiding John, "I think I am equal to it." Thus originated the complimentary concert for Miss Bella. When John's wife told her of the fortune in store for her, her eyes filled with tears. "It will be the musical event of the season," said Mrs. Smilax. "I know it will," said John's wife. "Sow we must have assistance to make up a good programme." "Oh, I can obtain plenty of -volun-1 teers," said Miss Bella. "There is Sterop, and Gandel, aud Maligny, and, besides, if Miss Amanda Amorata is in New York sho will come on; she is a friend of mine." "You don't naean the prima donna?" said John's wife. "Certainly I do," replied Bella. It was determined that a telegram should be sent to Amorata, which was done, and a favorable reply received. The concert was announced for the 1st instaut at Symphony Hall, which John had engaged. It was also concluded that it would be useless to advertise the concert, if they could sell all the tickets without it, a it would be more dis thiffiie to make it a private complimen tary concert, John had chargo of the printing. Trouble commenced when he brought the tickets home and showed them to his wife. "Why, John!" 'Well, what's (he matter with those tickets?" "It won't do," she replied sternly. "It looks like a provision dealer's card." "Well, I thought it didn't have ex actly the risrht appearance." "It's horrid positively horrid! I wouldn't dare to offer one for sale." Tills was too much. The package the next minute was on the hot coals. As a thousand tickets In packs didn't bum readily, they smouldered awhile and then began to smoke, and the chimney being rather small the smoke curled gracefully around. "Put 'em out, John; you'll fill the house with the horrid smell." .5 the tones and pulled them Sn n', the packs fel1 aPart nad bIazed more ! ?m,awas increased. The Kratltht R?d1I,e ticketa unler the The next lot of tickets We, They were distributed. The fact that jiiss Amorata wouiu sing was dwelt upon. John took fifty tickets, which he Knew ne couiu dispose or. The first friends he applied to had alremlv hun supplied by Smilax, and Smilax found that mostfof, his friends had agreed to take tickets of John. John's wife sold ten to Mrs. Cheokerberry, and John sold ten to Mr. Checkerberry, and as the Checkerberrics uau eignteen more iuu they proposed to nsc, John found that many oi uie inewn whwc -"-on his list had been called upon by the Checkerberrics, and tue competition oe came lively. The Checkerberries were very active, wuen joun approa Mr. Tiddioute that gentleman pulled nncnmoiliMi to Private Theatricals, and John was obliged to exchange. His friend Carbon otlered "to cut me uirec- nrv- for sir. nnd Joun lelt minus ai. tickets but without six dollars. More than a dozen he uesposeuoi uy gi wug them to friends "who would like to go llllf SWIM irin'f nfTnnl it" and he trusted ten to parties who are known to have short memories. When he turned in nn r, 1,1,, ff rtv tlpknfn lin had to cuarco $12 to personal expenses. John's wire was cashier, and she made up the amount. . , . "RV orvililnfftpaspoIllirOnSWimmiDK'y (the programmes fortunately had not Koon nrinin. whpn Miss Amorata was taken sick. It was concluded to post- Tvrn Win minrprt- John had paid 531) for the hall, which the janitor could not remit, as he migut nave ies tue nun iui other purposes. A future day was as-uifrnl- ini! ns there promised to bo room for Romo few hundred more than tho sale or tickets counted up, the business sumrestod that a Utile adver tising would do no harm. Somebody told him that tickets sold at the door would pay all tho expenses of advertise- lni Miss Bella Ihouuht thev OUzht to advertise, and John wrote a brief and elegant little advertisementand inserted it in the daily papers. He also caused to be rirlnted the nroirramme. "Only two days more," he consoled himself as ho retired. He was just fall ing away when the bell rang. John sprang out of bed, and saw it was eleven o'clock. He opened the wludow and there stood Bella on the steps. "Oh, I am so sorry to disturb you," said Bella, "but I must see you. l nav got a dispatcii from Miss Amorata.' John and John's wifa were in recentioc undress in a few moments, and read as follows: "Jfcs Bella BcUitvj, A'o. CO Melody Place, Boston: "Ifmynamelsnotln largertypein the advertisments I shall not appear. Pro fessional self-respect demands it. "AMOn ATA.' ' DRY goods: J.l ?THE NEW NORTHWEST, S SELLING GOODS VERY LOW, AT 131 First Street, Between Morrison and Yamhill. 21 i-! V O i JRC CT NOW IS THE " TI3I.E "TO. STJBSeORIBE - LIST POST-OFFICES. " . 'W .JIM OKEUOX. 'rtc!'.-!' " SAKER CO. Auburn, Augusta, Baker City, ciarEsvuie, - - . . . Express Ranch, Eldorado, Gem, Humboldt Basin, Jordan Valley, live vaney, WlDgvllle. BENTOK. Alsea Valley, Corvallls, King's vaney, Ijocrty, Uttle Elk, Newport, Newton, .t::OJ' Pbllomath, -; Starr's Point, J- - Kumralt, Toledo, vuquina. CLACKAMAS. Barlow, Beaver, Butte Creek, Canby, Clackamas, Clear Creek, Cuttlngsvllle, Damascus, Eagle Creek, Glad Tldlugs, Highland, Molalla, Mllwaukle, Needy, Norton, Oregon City, Oswego, Sandy. f i ct-TSor. Astoria, Isthmus, Knapna, Nclialem, ' Hklpanon, summer House, Westort. coo. Iiong Tom, Mohawk, Pleasant Hill, Rattlesnake, Sulslaw, , 'Springfield, Willamette Forks. Ltsx. Albany, Brownsville. Crawfordsvlile, Diamond Hill, Harrlsburg, llftlsev. Lebanon, ' -w 'ft rt Aimer, Peoria, line, - .;uedd'sr &bJ .SodavUle. 3IA1!I0K Aurora. Aumsvtlle, Butte vine, Brooks,. Fairfield, Gcrvals, Hubbard's, Jefferson, Marlon, Monitor, .NcwelUvllle Sa.em. Sllvertbn,' nu ixuu, htayton, Sublimity, Turner, Vernon. Waconda, Wood burn. - ow -' SfULTOOVAII. East I-ortland, Portland, Iowcll's Valley, Willamette slough. , i-r-.i.&i skI: mbaid .ii ..... XTjP A RAZjLLD INDUCEMENTS ; TO CLUBS ! tlx tMarm HO IB tttm tftUnH : -' - . ' tt!f' "lit noS'H ilijit J"'' t 1?. T 7 . T H'E - N E W N O R T H W;E S T lit til 1 1 V J it A Journal for the People, ND FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE. TIIE BEST MACHINE IN THE WORLD It docs more work, more kinds or work better work, and does It easier than any other Machine. ir there Is a"Florencc" within a thousand miles or Portland not giving entire satisfac tion. If I am Informed or it I will attend to It without expense or any bind to Its owner. Wo have the new style of "Florence" Mi- . ., Mmrctihc views of those preferring that style of Machine, rator.llke the Howe or Singer to .meet tne b u keep constautly on hand a large assort I have located Pcrmaacn"! nM Machine. Call and sec them before purchasing else- mentoi ine iaicoi.j" , , . where. . . ,iM,tPd Nonotock Co. Sewing Silk and Twist; -Jolm Clark, I have also tne agency "7 s. L3Iachlne Thread; iiaiiey snewine Jiacuine uu. r., and Ca's Spool Cotton; Willimantle C. & L oojlIS. encrnl Asent, . . ...i.n.i-Mnrrfsnn. with Badger's Music Store. 131 Third street, petween . " .a. . ii .Ml Mr Sold on the Installment Plan: $.o Down, and io a iwontn im pam lor. Jr. PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS. To San Francisco and the East, VIA "RAILROAD AND,0.'Jt C.'STAQE LINE! MISCELLANEOUS. Through to San Francisco In 80 Honrs! "A complete Pictorial History of tho Time.w-"Tho best, cheapest, and most successful Family Paper in tho Union." Harper's "Weekly. SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. NOTICES OI" TUE PRESS. She "Weeklv" Is tho ablest and most power ful lHustrate periodical published In this VbKnnd rry ranch weleht. Its Ulustra ilons orcurront events are 'Vri.nndrre5Hjt0hni are prepared by our best designers. Vlth a ?lrc5latIon of 'Jfi03, the paper Is read by at least hair n million persons, and its taflnence as an organ or oplnfou Is simply lriiandM. The "Weekly" maintain n rsltlve position. and expresses uecmeu m--. " '''r" r social problem.-Loulvltle Courier-Journal. Only fiVG Mlios Stajrlnff SM A J rt 1 i-n r- at r- r utvu 1 tu ; t Thoueli slichtlv clad, John felt as it be was in a Turkish bath. They talked It over. The responsibility was upon John, and so he dressed, escorted iliss .Bella Home, anu passeu me next two hours In interviewiuir nicht editors, all of whom appeared to be hidden away in attics, the ways to which were know oniv to telecraph boys and reporters, He had a big line for Miss Amorata In serted, returned home, and to bed. The day of the concert arrived. At ten o'clock In the morning Bella called upon him to see if all the arrangements had been made. During the day he had sold about a dozen more tickets, and went home to dinner at five o'clock. A policeman was standing in the vesti bule. John's wife was talking with him. As John opened the door she exclaimed: "O, John!" "For heaven's sake, what ha hap pened!" "We shall all be arrested!" "Arrested?" "This good man says you haven't a license." To give a concert without a license would subject him to a heavy penalty, and it was too late to procure a license from the Board of Aldermen. "Weil, I was in at Symphony Hall this afternoon, and the janitor told mo there was to be a concert, and that you were responsible for the hall. It is none of my business, but as I knew you, I kind of thought I would give you a hint," said the policeman. "That's kind of you, certainly. But what's to be done?" "Well, there's the Chairman or the Committee on Licenses, who might strain a point," said the policeman, "and give you a permit. I'll go and see him, and will meet you nt the hall nt half-past six o'clock." John put something into his hand, and the policeman departed. John's wife was disturbed, but when John apr peared just at tire point of collapsing, she gave one of her ringing peals of laughter. "I don't think this Is any laughing matter." "But, John, you will know so much better another time." "Another time! Why, my dear, I would rather endow an asylum for in valid vocalists than repeat my experi ence." At half-past six, at the" hall, when the policeman handed hini a permit, John felt happy. Just then the janitor put in an appearance. "Who is going to sell the tickets?" asked the janitor. "Well. 1 sunnnsnl vnti wnnlil "It Is an extra charge." "Xever mind the charge." "If I sell the tickets, who is turn on the gas?" These conundrums John happily provided for by inducing the policeman to take tho tickets, and promising to turn on the gns him self. The doors were opened. The hall began to fill, and all was going magnifi cently when Smilax put In an appear ance. "Miss Bella wauts to see you: there's trouble. Amorata litis tclccranhed that a big snow storm will prevent her com ing." . "What's to be done?" "Miss Makemerry has consented to appear." me interview between anss jieua ju tears aud John in a profuse state of perspiration was brief. He was to make the anolotrv to tho audience. He declined never made ji speech In his lire. She insisted. He yielded. When the house .was half-full. John turned on the gas. He asked Miss Bella what be should say. "I don't care,what you say, only fix it so the critics of the press won't say anything." At this John turned pale. "What's the matter?" "As I am a stupid dolt I haven't sent any ticket to tue press:" ne replied. "2o tickets to the press, no notice in the papers. Horrible! horrible!" ex claimed Miss Bella. There was a stamping of feet among the audience, aud the tlmo liati arrived. John mounted tho platform. What he said it would have defied a phonographic reporter to hare given, no aiiuueu to the disappointment owing to a heavy snowstorm. He said something about money being refunded, but ho twisted it up in such a manner that the infer ence was tnat inose who remained would be paid a dollar, and those who went out would have to pay a dollar to the door-keeper. The audience was put in the bestof spirits, and thcconccrt was a success. There were some remarks in two or three of the newspapers. Ono of the crit ics was ratherseverej volunteering thead vice that when another complimentary concert shall be tendered to Miss Bella Bettiny that she had better consult the proprieties of life by Insisting that the ub piaceu in tne lianas or aSniV?ra?ntwIlh the business. John Wnrl n9,InVenll0U "r flapping his mJet?l2.ili0ifMeof tho r,rst erilVhe in uisireea will be a life-emotion. Coqullle, Coos Illver, Kmplre City, Knclianted I'ralrle, Kalrvlew, Itcrmansvlllt., MarshUcld, North IJend, iianuoipu, Sllkln, , . Sltknm. coLVMntx. Columbia City, Clatskanie, Itanler, Marshland, St. Helens, Suavlc's Inland, Kcappoose. cuRr.r. Cheteoc, Kllensbunr, I'ort Orlord. DOUOLAS. Xorth Canyonvllle, Camas Valley, Drain, Elkton, Qaletvllle, Clnrdner, KellogK. : -., , ImkliiKlavs, Myrtle Creek rs l..).!.. .1 Pass Creek. Itnsebunr, fccottsbunf, Ten Mile, ITmpnua City, Wilbur, Yoncalla. GRANT. Canyon City, Camp WaUoii. John Day City, imyvine. Prairie City. JACKSOX. Annleeate. Ashland Mills, lirownshorouzh . Central I"olnt, Kagle Point, Grant's Paw, Hot Springs Jacksonville, Lake port. uiiKviiie, Iiinsell Valley, Phonlx, Ilock Ioint. Sam's Valley; Table Ilock, Willow Springs, Yalnax. Josephine. Klrby, Loland. Slate Creek, VlillUO. rowc. Bethel, HrtdKcport, . , j Iluena Vista, Dallas, Kola, Klk Ilom, Urand Hondo, Independence, Lincoln. Lucklamute, Lewlsvllle, Monmouth, l'crrvdale. Were all, -rrw Zena. 'vfruia TH9lf i TO THE INTERESTS' rir T 0F HUMANITY-.' rpoUIUST3 should, bear In mind that this JL Itoute passes through the uaruen 01 tue Paclflc Coast. The wild picturesque scnery alone doubly pays the Tourist for passing over .this line. OFFICE 'OF PUBLICATION-Cor. Front and StarkaStreets.sPortlaiul, Oregon. TII.I.AXOOK. Clarlbaldl, Kllchls, Netarts, Xestnckton ' Tlllamook, Trank. UMATILLA. Cecils, Cayuse, Marshall, Meadowvllle, Milton. Mitchell's fitatlon, 11 lot Ilock, Pendleton, Umatilla, Weston. DSION. Cove, ; Indian Valley, Island City, La Grande. North I"owder, Uro Dell, Summervllle, Hnlou, Wallowa. WASCO. Antelope, Ilrldge Creek, Heppner, Hood Illver, .Mitchell. ML Howl, Priueevllle, . Prltchanl's, Ilock Creek, Scott's, Shellrock. Spanish Hollow, "The Dalles, Warm Hprlng. Wasco, Wlllousliby. WASHIgCTON. Beaverton Centrevllle, Cornelius, Forentarove, (Ilencoe, Greenville, HlllsborOr Mlddlcton, Sholl's Kerry, Taylor's Kerry, Tualatin, Wapato. Arrahemcnts have been made to secure the .Services of a f t - ! t i ..- -., i . - EXE N,T.T C,0R P8 OF WRITERS SO S ? g f RS h3 Ma OS J : h : f h j h 1 h t ? h 8un 8un. Mon Tue Wed Wed . Mon Mon Tues- Wed Thnrs Thnrs- Tufs Tues Wed Tburs KrL '.- Frl Wed- Wed Thurs Krl Sat Kat Thurs. Thurs Frl-.. Hat Sun Sun Yrl Frl Hat Run-. Mon Mon. Sat Hat Sun Mon- Tues- Tue - TICKETS FOR SALE AT THE If Ilpon any and aU lubJccLsvr Public lnttrt.i. OFFICE OF TIIE O. fc C. K. K. CO. SO Corner P and Front Streets. The- Nrw Northwest Is not a Woman's Rlshts. but a Unman IUzhls organ, devoted to whatever policy may be necessary to secure the greatest rood to the greatest number. It knows tio sex, no polities, no religion, no party, creed. Its foundation Is fastened upon tho rock of Rterual Liberty, Universal Emanclpatlon'ond-Untrammeled Progression. T YAMHILL. Amity, Ilellcvue, Davtnn. Butte DIappolntmcnt,'Ijifurctto, Cottage Grove, MrMlnnvllle, ('oosLKork, Mountain House. Camp Creek, North' Tamhlll, Cartwrlght's, Sheridan, Kugeno City, Went Chchallm, Franklin, Wheatland, Junction, Newberg. W.VXIIINGTOX TEKKITOKT. OUR PREMIUM LIST. As an Inducement lor our friends to make exertions 10 secure large clubs tor the New Northwest, we ofler the following list of valuable premiums; Kor twenty subscribers, at $3 00 each.accompnuied by the cash, wi will' give the IlOilt. SHUTTLK SEWING MACHINE, without table, beautifully ornamented. Price, J3X Kor tlilrty-flvo subscribers, at $100 each.aceompanleil by the ensh, we will give a uuiii-. SHUTTLK SEAV1NG MACHINE, with lilack Walnut table, brunrwl and nicely flnlshed. Price, MS. Frtr forty subscribers, at it 00 each, accompanleil by thecash.we will give a HOME SHUT TLE SEWING MACHINE, nnUhcd In extra style, with Black Walnut table and cover. Price, ya. The above Sewing Machines, which are warranted flrst-class In every particular, can be seen at the ottlce ol Geo. W. Traver, corner Third and Morrison streets, Portland. Kor flfty subscribers, at $3 00 each, accompanied by tho cash, wo will give a MASON HAMLIN PORTABLE ORGAN, four octave, single reed, with black walnut case, automatic bellows swell, two blow pedals. Improved center pressure reed valves, etc. Price, (& lor seventy-nvo subscribers, at $3 00 each, accompanied by tho cash, a double reedMASO & HAMLIN ORGAN: resembles the first except that It has also a knee stop. Price, $75. Kor seventy-five subscribers, at- $3 00 each, accompanied by the cash and twenty-five dollars additional, we will give a MASON A ILYMLIN ORGAN, of Five Octaves, One Stop, Self-Adjusting Reed Valves, Improved Bellows, Tremulant and Knee Swell. Price, $100. Kor one hundred subscribers, at 100 each, and twenty dollars additional, we will give MASON 4 HAMLIN ORGAN. live Octaves. KIvo Stops, Two Sets of Rlbrators Throughout, Improved Graduated Sell-AdlusUnir Reed Valves. Improved Bellows. Tremulant and Kuce-Swclls. VIOLA, DIAPASON. FLUTE. TREMULANT. Price, S12i. Those who desire to work for theie premiums can send the names and money as fast as re- Cilved. The subscribers will lo Placed to their credit, and If enough names aro not received during the year to procure the premium desired they can chooe a lesser premium, or mcy will be entitled to receive twenty-five percent. In cash of tho amount remitted for their labor. CLAI.LAM CO. New Dunglness, run Angeios. CLAUCK. Rattle Ground, llruh Prairie, Lewis Hirer, Martin's Blutr, Pckln, Pioneer, Union llidice, Vancouver. CUF.UA1.13. ... Cedarvllle, Chelialls Point, Elma, Hoqulam, Moutexauo, Hatxop, Sharon. COWLITZ. Cattle Rock, Carrolllon, , Free port, Kalamn, Lower Cnwlltz, Montlcello, ML Coflla, Oak PoluL liLAsn. Conpevllle, Coveland, UUalady. Port Discovery, I'ort Ludlow, llirtTownsend. KINO. Black River, Kail City, Seattle, Slaughter, Snoqnaliule, HiuaW, White Illver. Blakelely. Port Maillsorr, Port William, Port Orchard, Seabeck. Tecknlel. KLICKITAT Block House," v Columbus. Goldendale, Klickitat City. Lr.wisl ' ' BoIfort. .Cowlitz,, Glendem, Grand Prairie, iumnhrey's Landing, SKookumcnucK. PACIFIC. Bruce port, Chinook, Knappton, OystervlIIe, Rlvcnlde, Unltv. Woodward's Landing. Ellis, Franklin, Stellacoom, 4 ' Tacoma. R-voiIOMIsu. Lowell, Muklltoe, .Skohomlsh, Tualallp. SK.VMANIA. Cascades,""' White Salmon. STEVENS. Crab Creek,-Cha-wetah, Fort Colvllle, l'inc Grove, Rock Creek, Rosalie, Spokane Bridge, Spokane Kails, union Klat, Walker's Prairie. THURSTON. .Beaver, .s',i..j al Bank, Grand Mound, Mlama i'ralrle, Olympla, Tumwater, Yelm. WAIIKIAVCW. C'athlamet, Kagle CIIQ", Shamokaway. WALL A WALLA. Patll, lataha, Tukauon, Touchct, Waltsbury, Walla Walla, Wallula. WHATCOM. Kidalgo, Guemas, La Conner, Ijperi n w Orcas island, Samlsh, Semlahmoo, Skagit,,, . Whntconl. WHITJfAM. Ewartsvllle, l'alouse. YAKIMA. QUA Wl fl OOO ng soap, chalk, perlumery, etr.; i.!. -'SH'IV Mill- ' Attanum, . 1 WllAn..itn " " 1 ..llltl""...,,. FortSImcoe, Konnewock,' KlUltas, Mock See, Nanum, Pleasant Orove, Srlali. - Yaklins." Money Order Offlcti. ' MASON. A renin, Oakland,, Sherwood'(MllIs .1 OUR NEW PREMIUM LIST. As Tun New Northwest lias already proved a popular success, we are decided that It shall also prove a-rniDMi'iL. .To enable our friends who mar decide to canvass for our narcr to benefit both themselves I and us by Increasing our Subscription Lists, we propose to give tho following addlliouai rrc mlnms to canvassers : Any subscriber who Is In arrears for the New Northwest, who will send us his orherown subscription fee, and ono new subscriber, accompanied by the cash $o 00 we will give: A palrParlan Marblo Vases; Or a Bohemian Glass Vase; 1 Or A Bohemian Glass Card Receiver; " Or dozen Ivory Napkin Rings; . Or dozen Plated Tea Spoons; 1 Or 1 pair Alexandre's Kid Gloves; Or a Lady's Kan, spangled, leathered edge; ' Or a Bird Cage; Or an Album for holding ICO pictures; Or an Album (extra) for holding CO pictures; Or aKancy Letter Case; tatlflfl MT .Wll V.2. A.M.I.. ..?..?-.?? J Or a Britannia Tea Pot; Ora Kerosene Lamp; Or i dozen Glass Goblets; - , Or dozen Glass Tumblers, Or a large Glass Krult Dish; Or a Work Basket; Ora Kino Embroidered Handkerchief; Orii dozen Linen Handkerchiefs; Or a Woolen Table Cover; '! " OrJ dozen Table Napkins; ' Or JJ dozen Towels ; Or an elegant Portnionia. Any subscriber who Is In arrears lor a war's subscription, ami rwho will send Ills or her own subscription fee, and two new subscribers, accompanied by the cash making: $9 to we will send : A set ol Rogers' Table Forks, triple plated, on white metal, warranted Ora set or Rogers'Table Spoons, triple plated; rtn white metal, warranted; Or a set of Rogers Tea Spoons, triple plated, tin white metal, warranted; ic? Or J dozen Rogers A Russell's Table Knlvcy, best quality, warranted; Or a handsome Bird Cage. Any person In arrears for subscription to The New Northwest, who wlll-smdihis or., her subscription fee and three new subscriber!, accompanied bythtt rash, miking 312 CO, we will tend : A handsome Marsallles Quilt; Or a handsome Woolen Quill, ml and white, or blue and white; Or a pair of Table Cloths; Or two ralrs of Nottingham Lace Cnrtnlns; Or three pairs Alexandre's KldGlovtn, any color or slie; Or a Japanese Inlaid Work Box; 3 IXH.vX2 ' CTrCrri'i-X Or 18 yards best yd. wide sneeung. Kor seven subscribers at $3 00 Mich, amounting to 511 CO, wo will send: AnextraCastor.trlpleplattd.onwulU raela!, valued atJOO; Or a Lady's Writing Desk, ofequal va lue; OraCablnet,JapaneseInlald ' Or an Extra Japanese Inlaid.Work Baxv These articles are an vaiunuie. nnu arc warranled lo bo Just as wo renresent iheni. Ver. sons Uvlng In this city orwbocan vlsUt us can receive. thes articles from our ownjhand at an I. . ... If nnl .winvimllltil In ... . . 1 1 . . . . ' ... . " ' " " ' " hours noucci m "" t Wm enu me articles uy express 10 any nd' Jress. No order of this kind will receive attention unless the cash accomnanlos It. Send money In Potoflr orders at the customary rates of currency, or send draft If nre- . ..1 All orders promptly attended to. . , s We sincerely hope that this nnptiralleled oOVr. which Is a new feature In the npnniwr business In Oregon, will meet with a hearty response from tho many friends of our paper. wno up iu iu uo''': otiuvu 10, iau 101 reauzo mat the Mw Horthwest cannot be run without money. Now Is the time li make up clubs. Betfn before some other person gets 1 in nanui yuu, Dcu wusiyouciu iio ior yourieu, tuo vuiBcaut the nkw Northwest. TIME TABLE GREAT OVERLAND MAIL ROUTE : Ki;ilSCItIPTIOXS.-lS73. Term: Harper's Weekly, one year Si CO. An Extra Copy of either the "Magazine," i. ,.1- lt..r Trill IkA KUDDlieU CTailS foreveVv Club of Five Subscribers at $1 00 each at one remittance; or, six lopiea ior m wj KtK "Harper MaB,n.e. ear?$l5 00; or, two 0 Harper's Periodicals to neauuressiorouc jcui.a. w. ,,. BACK NCMBKR3 can be hunplled at any time, jinmi viinme of "Harper's Weekly," nneat cloth blndlne, will be sent by express, tifnv. for S7 U) each. A Complete Set, comprising Sixteen Volumes, sent on. re ceipt of cash at the rate of $3 23 pr Vol., freight cents ayeor, which must be paid at the Sub scriber's post-office. .fpa jjjjj Jiewiork. QREQQN & CALIFORNIA RAILROAD CO. NO. 21 I TIME SCHEDULE. I NO. VO TAKE EFFECT MONDAY, FEB. 16th 1K74. nt4 jl. sr. for the eovernment and In fnrmailon of emoloves oniv: the Company re serve tne rlgni la vary inereironi as cireiiui stances may require. .Dally Trains will rnn between PORTLAND AND KOSEBURQ as follows: I.XAVr. "" ARRIVE. Portland A. x. I Koscburg SS i". M. Rosebure 4:30 A. it. I Portland 5.-00 P. Jt. ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN, Dally (except Sundays), As follows: LEAVE ARRIVE Portland 3:50 r. jr. I Albany P. M. Albany 5flOA.ll. I Portland lOituA.V. The Oregon and California Railroad Ferry makes connection with all Regular Trains. Close connections are maueai noseourgwnn the Stages of the California and Oregon STage Company. ter Tickets for sale to all the principal points In California ana tne .bast, at company's onice, Cor. P and Front Sts, at Ferry Undine Portland. mr- vrrrif!E Passensers for Buttevllle, rhamnoec. Dayton and Lafayette will take the boat for the above points at Cancmah. BB-Storase will 00 unargru on rrcigui. iv- malnlnr In Waiehouses over 21 hours. xw Tp-relehtwlll not be received for shipment after 5 o'clock p. M. , T. J UU.'aillM, Jl.f Gen. Freight and Passenger Alien t. DR. U. BROW-YS U. S. OREGON CH1TTUM BITTERS. rriHIS BITTERS Is the active principle of the I Oregon oniitum tree, ji inj.-a.-v " live. Tonic, Purgative and Diuretic properties, it Is the greatest appetizer and blood-purlner known in theJiIstory ol medicine. It Is a sure remedy for all Bilious Diseases originating from inactivity of t he liver and towels. It U a certain cure tor Intermittent and Bilious Fe vers. It cures Dyspepsia and all nervous com plaints, besides being a nice beverage; instead of Its weakening and debilitating the system it strengthens nml gives an nppeiiie. y " powerful tonic is requireu,iuciciwiu4.uuS fA .nn thn OrfMTI PhlttUm BitteTS. All classes of pertons, whether male or fftn.ale. may use tne uuiers wuu u l-ciuuxij will prevent them from contracting those dis eases which are so prevalent iirthls climate. Tho Bitters can be found at the CIX1T DUVTTGr STORE, OS TniuhlU St , between rirst anu secouu, Portland, Oregon. Dlt. G. W. BROWS', Sole Proprietor. CIIA-S. LAXOIXT & CO., Wliolesnle Druggists, San Francisco, General Agents for the U.S.Oregon Chlttnm Bitters. 3 10 tf AGEIV-TS WANTED HISTORY or THE GRANGE MOVEMENT! ..OR THE THE OREGON CENTRAL RAILROAD CO. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 1S73, nnd until further notice, will run Freight aud Passenger Trains from PORTLAND TO ST. JOSEPH, Ai foliows: OS week dais: LEAVE ARRIVE Portland 7:40 A. v. I St. Joseph 11:10 A. M. St. Joseph12i r. SL I Portland -tSM p. M. os scsdavs: LEAVE AEBIVE Portland 80 .v. yt. I SL Joseph W30 A. M. St. Joseph12fl0 P. Jt. I Portland 3:10 p. 11. Connecting at Cornelias with Stages for Forest Grove: at nt. josepn ior an poiuia ooain anu V, eSt JJUHJCllC, .UUAllliltltlC, AiUliJ, .UUU moutb, Independence, Buena Vista and Cor- vains. s-Passencers received at Fourth street sld iLr on rlvlneslznal to tHo train. Freight received at the Portland Warehouse and Dock Co.'s Wharf.and will not be received lorsnipment altera p. M. it. TJIIKUSKN. J. GASTON, Gen'lSup'U Freight and PassengerAgent. 1; So Farmers War Against Monopolies. BEING a full and authentic account of tho struggles of tho American Farmers against the extortions of the railroad companies, with, a history or the rise and progress ofthe' Order of Patrons of Husbandry, Its objects and pros pects. It sens at sigiu. aenu ior specimen pages nnd terms to Agents, and see why It sells faster than any other book. Address : 721 Market street.San Francisco. GLOVE MANUFACTORY. THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING SECURED the services of a French GLOVE MAKER, is now prepareu 10 mauuiaciure au si its 01 LADIES" AND OEXTI.E3IEXS KID, FUR, BUCK AND DOGSKIN GLOVES rorfect Fitting and latest Fashions Guaran teed. Also. Gloves cleaned, dyed and repaired' on short notice. 3-S C. E. DoBOIS. OREGON' STEAMSHIP CO.'S STEAMBOATS. Just received, a full stock of Fresh FIELD, FLOWER, VEGETABLE, TREK, GARDEN SEEDS! FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, Greeu-Honse PInuts, EVBRdREEN8 AND SHRUBBERY. Send for catalogue. 1L1CHENEY A STEMME. Corner of First and Taylor streets, V21 Portland, Oregon. Noticje. T7ROM AND AFTER TITURS Jc day, May 1st, tho steamer E. N. COOKE Will leave Oregon City as follows: On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 83) A. 31., and on Wednesday and Saturday at 10 A. M., connecting with steamer DAYTON through to Portland. Returning, will Leave rortlnnil for Oregon City nt 4 P. M. Passengers Ior LAFAYETTE and all lnte rrae dlate places will take the C AR-Sj at S:15 A 3L, connecting at Conemah with steamer Dayton, nTTrouM &;hfcWflrl o consign era Free of Drayage. Krelght received until 'fa AgiDU . P. BKIGOS, mini mm im the furniture uhe, IVashlngton St, bet. Third nnd Fourth, Portland, Oregon. KCRNITURE REPAIRED VARNISH ED, Clslrj Ee-Cneds4 faaelSr Sale. -Will go out to residences to do anything in m LL'Sf.i.DSoirltirof Dhalri a SDecliillv. jraKiu-":.,,,,,i - iT-- ..t M... . . . Don't want any 317 LADD & TILTiDN, PORTLAND... .OREGON EstaWislictl, 1859. TPVEPOSITS RECEIVED AND ACCOUNTS XJ kept subject to check 011 draft. - IVTI1HV1 nllnwn.1 .... TtMR TYF.mSTTS Of TRUST FUNDS, In sums or ONE DOLLAR AND UPWARDS from date of deposit. MONEY LOANED on approved security. Bonds, Stocks and other valuables received on deposit fpr safe keeping. Collections made and proceeds promptly Investments In Real Estate and other prep erty made tor parties. . Sight aud Telegrahic Kxchavge on San Fran Cisco and the Atlantic States for sale. Government Securities bought .and Awntror the transaction of all kinds or W nauclal and Trust Business. 1