A Jonrnal for the People. Devoted to the Interests of Humanity. Independent In rolttlcs and ReUglon. .Mlve to all T.lve Issues, and Thoroughly MRS. A. J. ucsnvAi. ana rroprlrtor 9 omen -Cor. Trent nntl Ntark'ritreetA.' Radical In Opposing and Exposing the Wrongs of the Mae. TERMS, IK ADVANCE: r- r' Six months-. . ' Three month . . Correspondents writing over assumed signa tures must make known their names to the Editor, or no attention will be given to their ADVEnTIKSMKNTSIntertfcon Reasonable Terms. .an Pirrw Qitrrrtr. KltER I'ltEStt. Purr Prnnr A..", 13 00 ITS 1W VOLTOEG III. J? OT5.X2L,VrsD , OREGON, FKIDAT, SEPTE3IBER 0, 1873.' 2VTJ303EK. js. IB. The A-list lays His psfcuetr; Fort' !n;u Hlseavl, n th.Kcy A pit i r. xwmgsbet th the Man On.. .! i) hinge or 'wllhrJit fcaiw: 'Tin wrought upon; t m sween bs4 God ardstic eye t fp Um land. A nd every year. th Immb divine. sews Hun gil .. t'deMcB. 3 SB as the row nf Time, AiSnw ae.cii.1 -uol'iietred trine. Aisiffa ' ' rtilnyean, TIfe'pSotar" comes, nd diKamMiaxe Yet Ieare the canvas gtowtatfsttH ' WHhiraarvelii of the Master's skill, Asflfflfcijii this Kingdom of lh8na x'he erer-ciuuielrit ejrelos run. XKgiscaiMUjMrftet! not a Mae To mar the asMdenr of deiigB; The i n tloitm SrojECHghdUuj heights, The days er.-rif hlriJfe91llgllU. Tbwe omr and lpmeLVmEj( days. That backward thrpUfhrihe twilight gaze, As though wtth liniuan hear. they cast, Sweet yearning glances on the past! The Hite on the mountain's brow, Rich-leafed, lias elotub 1U utmost bough, The Mrd have left the hill and glade And sought the eool of deeper shade The air, all tremulous -with light, Wakes the sweet voices of the night; And from the cops of vale and hill Comes the sad plaint of the whlppowlll. Oh, deeply lender Is the scene Of nature in her moods serene; When ripe maturity lias brought To beaatr brow the shade of thought; Here dreamers, lofty In desire, Fan their too ardent souls of lire. And In the eool of Nature's palm Find Herman's dew and Oilead's balm! For lorlnc hearts that And no home. For souls afloat, that erst must roam. For natures irlnwe exquisite mold Khuns the rode touches of the world, For lives before the tempered riven, Hhipwreeked in right of their sweet Haven For all who mourn "a broken dream," Whose hopes have crossed the Lethean stream For these and all who toll In vain For earth's sore recompense of pain God help them to behold to-day The glories which adorn their way. Beside them, in the streamlet's flow, Is Heaven reflected here below; Beneath their feet, in heart of rose. The tapestry of Bden glows ; In flowers that climb the rugged slopes Heboid their resurrected hopes; Above them. In the ambient air, God's love Is wooing everywhere. And faith shall read a lesson true In every leaf and drop of dew That He who keeps the teeming earth. As In the morning of Its birth, Will somewhere meet us on our way And make oar Bight eternal day. And, for the sunlight hero denied, Henceforth we may be filotified. ELLEN DOWD, THE PAEMEE'S WIPE, FART SECOND. (EMend aeeordtat; lo tlte Aet of Congress In the yew IS! by Ir. A. J. Bunlway, 1 n the of fice of the Litwarten of Congress at Washington Clty.l thread and attacked a buttonhole with unwonted vigor. "Why?" asked tho young lady on the sofa a9 she beat a tattoo upontlie rug with her feet "0, she puts on quito too many supe rior airs. You know she's run this so ciety ever since It was organized." "Well, there's no denying that she's made a successful run of it, at all events; but how happens it that these stories were never circulated before?" "Because she came among us an en tire stranger," said speaker number two. "People can't be too careful as to whom they associate with. One would have thought from her deportment among us that she was always tho very pink of perfection." "I'm sure we have no reason to doubt it now, except that she's a little late, and there's nobody else in this crowd who can show me how to do that work," said number one, arising from her re cumbent position and brushing away the hair from her finely-formed fore head. "I don't see," she continued, "why it is that women are so ready to believe ill of each other. One would think, from the way you have been feasting on the blackened reputation of Mrs. Worth, that you all delight to feast on offal." "This conversation is growing per sonal," said another. "The accusations may be true or false, but we should all, as Christians, suspend our judgment until the truth is known." "Why, Sirs. Smith, how can you, who have daughters of your own, jus tify such conduct in any woman ?" que ried speaker number two. "Justify what conduct?" "Mrs. Worth's in leaving her hus band and dishonoring his name, steal ing his children away from him, and going out to the mines to lead a life of infamy, and then coming here to im pose herself upon respectable society as a virtuous woman." "Prom what I know of infamous women, they usually abandon their willingly admitted, had he been pres ent, that at this juncture the silence, even among women, was so deep as to be painful. The work of the afternoon went brisk ly ou. The President, whoso many du ties as supervisor of the thousand mys terious looking odds and ends of all manner of material, with the deft man agement of which ladies alono are sup posed to bo acquainted, delved deeply into the intricacies of every tangled lab yrinth of curious handiwork. No one know how she had acquired her supe rior skill, and if interrogated upon it, she could only answer, "I do not know." Some of tho ladies took their work from her hand most gingerly, as if con tamination lay iu her touch, and others patronizingly assumed a -condescending superiority, if compelled to address her with an inquiry, that caused her pure cheeks lo burn with mingled indigna tion and shame. "She looks guilty," whispered gossip number one, who had been the direct means of Intruding the scandal into the society. "So would you if you were in her place and innocent as she is," retorted the same young lady who had dared to resent the first insinuation against her. But Ellen Dowd had caught the whis per of the accuser. With her gleaming eyes bent low over her work, and a yet deeper tinge suffusing her face, she an swered not a word. It was a great relief when the gentle men came in to dinner. Most of them wore anxious business looks upon their weary faces, and more than one had se cretly said to his wife that "the society was nothing but an cxpensivo nuis ance," while the wife had just as wisely decided that "business was a bore." The fact was that neither husband or wifo knew anything about the affairs of the other, and consequently each undor rated the other's efforts, as was natural. The long dining hall was filled with guests, when Edgar Worth, with his wife upon his arm, moved forward to children if they have any, and they tho post of honor, which the President my faithful dog, the only friend of my childhood who ever understood me fully, I left the hallowed associations of my stinted childhood. Iec a stately man sion. Tho grandparents surround their ward with tutors; overload her with ac complishments, but never teach her self-dependence. Their aim is to get her settled for life. A bargain is made. The old man who came to her as a tutor became a suitor while she Is yet a child of tender years. The young girl, panic stricken and obstinate, places confidence in tho hired man, who llees with her, and under a promise wrung from her in the depths of her desperation, becomes her legal master under tho name of hus band. Icannottellyoualllsee. Long years of poverty, incessant toil and ex cessive maternity, accompanied by such abuses as no woman will complain of, though thousands annually die because of them, aud outraged mind and body could endure no more. She fled, and taking refuge, all penniless and sick and weary as she was, with dear old friends iu whom she trusted, her legal protector, whose duty It should have been to shield her from the rude tern pests of life, attacked her through the newspa pers, maligning her character in an ad vertisement refusing to pay any debts of her contracting. Then came a suit for divorce, which the wife contested, because she denied the charges of infi delity, upou which ground the divorce had been applied for. "A dark-eyed man whom sho had never met uutil that day of trial, was foreman of the jury, which, after hear ing all the evidence, and the wrouged woman's plea, refused to grant the di vorce upon the charges made, because never teach school or keep boarders for a living, either, as Mrs. Worth did, to my knowledge, in the mines." But tho friendly chat soon grew to al most boisterous argument And the one or two who had dared to plead her case were hushed to silence by tho clamor of thoso whose virtuous indigna tion allowed, them no room to doubt that Ellen Dowd was very wicked. Suddenly the traduced victim con fronted them and stood in silent dig nity, while tho clamor ceased to a dead silence and many a cheek was suffused with blushes. "Ladies," said Ellen, "I havo heard all, though I did not intend to listen. CHAPTER XIII. Great was the gossip in fashionable cl roles when It became publicly known that the heroine of our story, plain "El len Dowd, the Farmer's Wife," who, having risen by her own exertions from tho very lowest position of life to one of honor and affluence, was preparing to go before the public and use her dearly bought experience as an example with which to smooth the way for others who were to come after her. Women there wore in plenty who were ready to agitato this question, but among them all what other one had gone through the bitter fires of an experience like hors and wholly conquered? In one of the most fashionable up town residences, adjacent to the happy home of Ellen Dowd and Edgar Worth, a chatty, gossiping group of ladies were engaged in fashioning various articles of merchandise for a forthcoming fair for the benefit of one of the many char itable societies of the city. "Mrs. Edgar Worth Is late to-day," said a young lady who had become somewhat bewildered over tho intrica cles of "seam and gusset and band" in a garment that had been on hand in the society for months, and which the lady thus alluded to, as President and gen eral overseer, had decided must "hang by tho heels" no longer. "Mrs. Worth Is late, and there's nobody else who un derslands the intricacies of this under taking. I guess I'll rest," throwing her work upon a table and herself upon sofa near a window, over-looking the sea. "I guess you'll rest till doom'sday, if vou wait till that woman shows her face again in this society," said a friend. "Why?" drumming with her fingers upon the window-pane. "I do wonder if you haven't heard?' "Heard whall" "That our worthy President, whom you all have lo so loved to honor, was grass widow of low reputation and made her fortune by an infamous calling in the mines." "Is it possible?" Work from many a score of nimble lingers dropped in an instant, and all eyes were turned upon the speaker.who, having bad news upon her tongue, was suddenly elevated to the dignity of an oracie. "ies, anu mat Isn't all, either. Her first husband, as good a man as ever woman had, only he wasn't brilliant was made so desperate by her miscon duct that he parted from her, disgraced ana Droken-uearted." "I always thought there was some thing wrong about that woman!" ex claimed a vinegar-faced, nervous crea ture, as sue snappishly waxed her It happened to be convenient for me to tory t relate." of the society had always occupied at these social feasts. The ceremonious dinner proved a most constrained and awkward affair. Tho bright-eyed hos tess brought her most ingenious devices to bear to cheer her guests in vain. Tho close of the repast brought visible relief to every countenance, as rising from the tables they prepared to wander through the grounds, or amuse themselves as might best suit them. "Will the friends oblige me by their attention for one moment?" asked EI len with a quivering voice and laboring breath, and all eyes were turned upou her. "Can I meet you all In tho parlors at half-past eight? I have my life-his enter through my neighbor's garden, and that accounts for you not seeing me, as I came up the servants' way. The old adage that 'listeners never hear any good of themselves' has been fully verified in my case. Arrested by un kind mention of my name, I involunta- ily lingered in tho hall and heard every adverse accusation. Jauies 1 will not now call you friends it Is true that I have a history. It is a though not a wicked one. The unjust uspicions that you cast upou my name most freely forgive, as you aro not ac quainted with the facts. Somebody has been poisoning your minds against me, I know not and care not whom But there aro two sides to all stories. I ask you now to hear mine. Will you listen?" For a moment every tonguo was mute. Furtive glances in plenty were exchanged, but it was evident that, though all were eager to accede to her request, each one feared to say so lest her neighbor should reproach her for giving countcnanco to a suspected woman, mo silence was painiui. Ellen seemed less embarrassed than the loudest of her accusers, although a bright glow burned in her cheek aud her breath grew strangely labored and deep, The young lady who had innocently sprung the conversation by alluding to her friend's absense arose to her feet and spoke. All eyes were turned upon her. "I move that Mrs. Worth's defense bo posiponeu tin alter umner. Then we shall have tho gentlemen present, and I am persuaded that her experience will be well worth the hearing." "ou hear the motion; do I hear a second?" queried the President. "Kvnm1" said Mrs. Rmltli. speaker number two looked daggers, and the elderly woman with angular visage twitched so hard at her button hole that her needle was broken and her hand torn by the friction of the twist she was using. "Aro you ready for the question?" "I think if we've got to hear a vulgar story we'd better havs it when no gen tlemen are present," Baia number two, viciously. "Do I look like one who had a vulgar story to tell?" The question was asked with a quiet dignity. Calls of "question" were made on every hand, and tho vote for the even ing "confession" was unanimous. A strange silence settled over that us ually garrulous group. omen are al ways accused by men of gabbling, when together, like so many geese, but the most cantious bachelor would have ANVILS Am HAMMERS. BT CXARRJCB VFJtNOS. When iron ore is first taken from the earth it Is rough and ungainly. To an inexperienced eye it seems nothing but a clod of tho ground, a stumbling-block to the beauty of the surrounding land- j scape. But tuo practical worKtuan waits not for ldld theorizing; he casts it into the furnace, from whence it is taken to bo placed upon the anvil, where, exposed to the heavy blows of tho blacksmith's hammer, it receives Its trial, its test. Afterward it is to be reckoned as soft and comparatively use less metal or as true, hard iron perhaps steel which shall receive its temper aud shape during the same ordeal, com ing out a? last In.onhs of usefulness and "beauty. From the unmeasured depths of the human mind masses of thought are brought forth, at first rude and appar ently without use. Cast into the fiery furnace of public criticism, lain upon the broad anvil of human observation, and beaten with the strong hammer of practical experiment, comes their test. They will afterwards be reckoned of no use to the world, or they will assuuie shapes of usefulness and beauty which shall be immortal and bless all future dwellers upon the globe. Newton had a thought that there were laws of Nature not understood by man. Ho laid it upon the anvil of observation and per ceived that objects, when dropped, would fall to the ground. Hisjhought, though to the unthinking of no use, was discovered to be one of tho first of Na ture's principles, and was called the law of gravitation. All have thoughts which, if exposed to the human view, The To Young Married Women. they could not be proved, even by cir-1 . ,'."',,,,,, , vn, l -..!.. t !.T 1 "Friends died and bequeathed her property, which enabled her to resain possession of the half a score of children, of whom, under wise and wholesome laws, no man could ever rob a mother. Turning her effects into teams ami gold, tho lonely widow, undor the stigma which any pure woman feels, of widow hood while one sho had called husband fainthearts, but makes duty none tho less obvious oilers no good excuse for hiding light under a bushel Galileo had a thought and uttered it: "Tho world moves!" "The world" be stirred itself at the dangerous doctrine; lifted its hands in dismay at the poor lunatic. Wisely they cast him into rln,i "nut. nf hfirm'ft w.iv. " "Estill it yet lives upon tho earth, she traveled mov, murmurci thi9 "advanced" oi ion ; inrrtfnPA tt,,minn,li..rj' nnrinn. Thus and thrift and skill rolled on. Fortune lhe H u the anvll of smiled upon her In many way. , but de-1 ol)3ervaUolK lt waa sb , miUcn b served disgrace or any sort of dishonor attached itself to her never. Tho stranger who had been the fore- luau in a trial iu tne dark days wiion tlie billows of troubled waters were surging around her, found her iu her tlie hammer of practical experiment anil found to contain the "ring of the true metal." That it has been of incal culable service to the world it would sound hackneyed for me to say now. But to you, daughters of America t -.-,.. i i i ewauuauu uunuM """(There are thoughts to-day concerning nanus nau earned jus moiner, wnoso , your wdfaro wlkll have bw,n cast Jnlo tuiu ui uufiui nuuiu iitrus.u jum uiuuu, Consent was given, and curiosity and comment were on the qui vive. "Ellen, my wife, what new crotchet have you gotten in your head ?" queried her husband anxiously aside from the throng. "Was it not agreed between us that the dead past should bury its dead?" "Yes, dear, but there is a grinning skeleton of suspicion lurking In the heart of every one of these women, awak ened by somo silly or wicked tattler, ! which says to them that there is blight upon my fame and name. Nothing but my history will exorcise that ghost, and they must have tho story." "What!" exclaimed her husband In anger. "You do not mean inai any mortal has dared to impeach your pur ity aud worth?" "Yes, Edgar, I do mean just that" "Who are they and where are they who would wrongfully accuse you, my longsufferingandsurely wounded bird?" 'Don't get angry with anyone, dear est; and don't sympathize with me too much or I'll get so sorry for myself I cannot talk," she whispered, falteringly, as brushing away an unbidden tear, sho stole away to bo alone. The company assembled In knots and groups and whispered mysterious things. Edgar Worth, disdaining to notice any one, and becauso not knowing whom to accuse, suspected everybody, walked back and forth with arms folded, up and down the lawn Punctual to tho moment, every scat In the gay parlors was filled by anxious, waiting occupants. Presently Ellen appeared before them and choosing a position where she could command the array of curious faces that ever turned upon her inquiringly, stood hesltatlnRlv" in their midst. A slight tremor shook her frame and her whole organism seemed as if aglow with a magnetic light. "Friends," says she, "the way is loner. Mauy leagues of plain and mountain and stream and valley stretch away In tho dim distance, and I witness, in a lowly hut, the death agonies of my mother, whoso life went out when mine came m. 1 see Jong years of childhood. passed in penury and toil. I see a sis- could I but tell it, came to them hope lessly deranged. O, tho unwritten his tories of woman! O, the anguish that is often buried beneath the chastened smile! O, the weary heart aches tiiat choke themselves in vain attempt at concealment! Ellen Dowd - has never shirked a duly. Her life has been, as the world accepts virtue, as pure as vir gin ice. She lays no claims to unexam pled goodness. Butherlastdaysare being her best ones, and she now declares to you that for tho purpose of amcleo rating the conditions of tho millions of working women throughout our laud, she pledges henceforth her life, her fortune, and her sacred honor. The bands of inequality, under the assumed name of protection, that oppress the weary women of the world must be loosed, that both men and women may bo free indeed." Thecompany had listened withbrcath- less attention. Ay tlie last tones of her voice vibrated upon tho air, a brace of canaries iu a gilded cage over her head set up a warbling, trilling melody as If rejoicing at her words. One by one, with tearful eyes and throbbing hearts, tho women who had shunned her now came forward and craved forgiveness. A week later and the same party, with numerous additions, met at her residence and organized, in lieu of tho charitablo society they had been run ning, au Equal Rights Association San Francisco was shocked. Newspa pers were in ccstacy, for did they not now have sensational items aud silly caricatures in plenty to vent against their political inferiors? But the organization grew and multi plied. The glowing West joined hands with tho rosy East, and as the grand, good work goes on, amoug the leaders in the van can always be found at her post of duty none more assiduous than she, the wealthy wife of Edgar Worth, who in her days of adversity the reader knew and pitied as "Ellen Dowd, the Farmer's Wife." THE FIND. tlie furnace and are passing through tho fierce fires of public prejudice and hot headed opposition. He not satisfied with the verdict of uninformed theo rists, who denounce them as stumbling blocks to tlie lxauty of your woman's nature. Accept the lessons of the past, and they will teach you wisdom for the future. Grasp tho "thoughts," throw them upon tlie anvil, smite them with tlie hammer. If they are Indeed use less, jou will find it out, for they will not stand tlie test. If, on the other hand, they aro of true metal, you will have helped to mould them into shapes of usefulness and beauty which shall endure and bltss the world. Never mind If at first It does seem an ungrate ful world, which calls you such very bad names as "strong-minded," "ad vanced" and "unpopular;" or even casts you Into prison for giving expres sion to your convictions. Be of good cheer aud bo not afraid, for "still it moves," and still it needs earnest work ers at its anvils and hammers. Wait not until it is too late; "strike while the iron's hot." Before a young woman utters the momentous "es,"siie should ask her self two questions. Does she love and respect tlie mau who proposes 10 uecome her husband? If this question is an swered in the allinrfntive, she should theunsk herself if she is willing to ac cept tlte position In life which he can ollfcr. As a rule vouinr men are poor. Almost without exception tho rich men of tins city were poor wueti iney at tained tiielr majority, li a mau watts to get rich before he marries, some woman is deprived for that period of time of a husband. The man mar ries, say, at middle age, a young wom an, but tne young woman ne wouiu have married at twenty-live is either a hopeless old maid or hopeless without being even a maiden. We assume, therefore, that the young man who proposes is in moderate circumstances. For convenience, wo will -suppose tlrat lie UU JI1UUII1U Ol UI1U lJUUUil-U illlU twenty-five dollars per month, depend ing on his own services in some capacity. It may be wise or foolish to marry on tiiis sum, according as the couple are wise or foolish. Witit this income it is possible for a couple to live comfortably and still save a few hundred every year, or it is possible for them to run a litlie into debt. A majority of young men who desire to marry feel tho responsi bility of the step, and if left to them selves, would livo within their means. Tho world expects them to support their families, and to fail is to ue in a meas ure dishonored. The young wife, probably, has little idea of the difficulty of getting money. She knows, possibly, that It tooK a good ueai oi coaxing to make her father "come out" as often as desired, but she attributed this inclina tion nioro to obstinacy or avarice than to any difficulty in procuring it. To wheedle it out of him was her only trouble, and she had not given a thought to the labor by which it was obtained. Tho husband now takes the father's place. It does not oci-ur to her, per haps, that it is not perfectly right for lier to live in as goou styie as any oi ncr friends. She docs her husband the honor to believe htm as smart as any of her friends. She does her husband the honor to believe him as smart as any other woman's husband, and if ho is as smart, ne certauuy can iiiuhu as much money. Through thoughtless ness, therefore, and through ignorance of the thousand changes of business, the w!fi oftnn urces her husband to ex penditures beyond their means. She does not mean to cripple him or to be a drap unon him. but she acts upon the principle that if lie will consent to incur certain expenses no win mm some -u to meet them. On tlie husband's part. pride and affection require him to sup port ills wife as well as any other man's 1 . - . 1 TT ..I.I wile is supponeu. xii- wuum ;au'i foreco this ruinous rivalry, aud live in a style corresponding to ins means ii his wire would ue content, lie iacKs, however, tho courago and manliness to denv luxuries which he can possibly procure. So lie goes on, from year to vear. livinz un to and a little beyond his income, dimly conscious that greater expenses are inevitable, and that sick ness and misfortune come to almost every fortuno sooner or later. Show is the besetting sin of our women. Com fort is everywhere sacrificed to style. A fine house and handsome furniture are kept for tlie world's inspection. A ser vant or two must be paid out of a lim ited income, because it Is vulgar for a lady to tlo her own house-work. Our middle classes live as if they were rich. The pride of women is to break down the distinctions that the possession of wealth naturally creates. A finer and more worthy pride would Inspire theni to observe distinctions they are not responsible for, and which entail no disgrace. We admire a woman who says openly, "We cannot allbnl this tiling." These words uttered, the battle is won. Half of the expenditures which make married life burdensome, arc sac rifices to a false and ignoble vanity. In stead of feeling humiliated at a plainer style of living than a ncn man in dulges in, a xor man-s wno suouiu glory in it. Who are the women of our city that are subject to scandal ? Not those who livo within the known means of their husbands. The devilish whis per does not follow tliem when they ap pear on the street their virtue is demonstrated in their daily life. But the thoughtless woman whose rich and varied toilets cost half her husband's In come, is always recrarded witu sus picion, no matter how correct and cir cumspect her life may be. communications. Evu. of Gossir. I have known a country society which withered away all to nothing under the dry rot of gos sip only. Friendship once as firm as granite," disolved to jelly and then away to water, only because of this; love that Eromised a future as enduring as eaveu, a'nd as stable as truth, evaporat ing into a morning mist that turned to a day's long tears, only because of this. A father and a son were set foot- to foot with the fiery breatii of anger, that would never cool again, between them, only because of this; aud a husband and his young wife, each straining at the hated lash, which iu the beginning hail been the golden bondage of a God-blessed love, sat mournfully by the side of tlie crave where all their love and joy lay buried, and only because of this. 1 nave seen laitu transtormea to mean doubt, hope give place to grim dispair, and charity take on itelf the features of black malevolenae, all because of the fell words of scandal, and tlie magic mutterings of gossip. Great crimes work great wrongs, and tlie deeper trag edies of life spring from its larger pas sions; but woeful aud more melancholy are tlie uucatalogued tragedies that is sue from gossip and detraction, most mournful, the shipwreck often made of noble natures and lovely lives by the bitter winds and dead salt waters of slander. So easy to say, yet so hard to refute throwing blame on the inno cent, and punishing them as guilty, if unable to piucic out tne stings tuey never see, and to silence words they never heard. Gossip and slander are tlie deadliest and cruelest weapons man lias for liis brother's hurt. The CuitioiUTY of a Fly. Talk about the curiosity of a woman! Wo will back a ily against any woman. Just watch him as ho gaily traverses a bald man's cranium, halts on the eye lid, aud, taking a cursory glance around him, waltzes over to the cud of the nose, peeps up one nostril, aud having satis fied Ilia curiosity there, curvettes over the upper lip and takes a glance up the other. With a satisfactory smile at having seen all there is to be seen there, he makes a bee-line to tlie chin, stop ping a moment to explore tho cavity formed by the closed lips. Arriving at the clitu, no takes a notion to creep down under tlie shirt-collar, but, sud denly hesitating, he turns around as if lie uad rorcotten someitnng, anu pro ceeds to an exploration of the ears. Tliis concluded, he carries out his origi nal intention, ami disappears between tlie neck and shirt-collar, emerging, after the lapse of some minutes, with an air seeming to say he had performed his duty. What matters life frantic at tempts to catch him, the enraged ges tures and the profane language? They disturb his equanimity not a moment. Driven from one spot, lie alights ou another; he finds he has got a duty to perform and he does it. Slang and Wit. The Philadelphia Ledger is moved to the following ex pression of opinion: Slang is not wit. Neither is tho misspelline: of words humor. Aud wo may go even farther and sav that tho prevalent disposition to present everything, serious as well as trilliug, in a ridiculous light, is not only bad as a matter of taste, but mischiev ous as a matter of morals. Yet there are manv people whose sole effort in writing anu in conversation appear to be In the direction oi wuac tuey con sider "smartness." This constant trilling with the serious work of human kind, with the events of the day and with the facts of history, with the char acter of tho living and with the mem ory of the dead, is lowering tne tone, not only of literature, but or morals. Tho world Itself is not a huge joke, how ever somo people may so aflect to con sider It. TTnmnrrled women in China can al ways be distinguished from matrons, as the hair is allowed to fall over the back in long tresses or in the form of a queue, or caught up at the back in a simple bow, fastened with silk cord. In Can . : form of a nlaited tail at tlie back, and a fringe of hair over the toreneau. ner '""""b0 up and dressed into the form of a tea- POt, UaVing IW UuliUlU uuc "J-"" t c.vnfnw it. is made to resemble : raettnir on the crown of the head, or a horn bent backward, and rising from the back of the head. The Man- -i m.. f mntmn nnrts lipr hfltrin ter, who, at the age of ten, became my It is to this early practice in tlie great . t as our ladies do, while the back be-, ' f. fV",f 'L ! llr h clone up in a huge bow adorned SECnrrr of Okatouy. I owe my success in life to oue fact, said Henry Clay. At the age of twenty-seven I r-nmmnnced and continued for years tlie practice of dally reading and speaking upon tho contents of some historical or .... . rt.1 1 , . scientiuc oook. luesu uu-imim or scien tific efforts were made sometimes in a corn field, at others in the forest, and not unrrequentiy in some uisiam. barn, with the ox and horse for ray auditors. iuuiuci. auu "j u'uuc-i : , .,,. tm.,, "I fore her time. Years passed; I see that I ,"."u,r-y 'ZVZZL'X ".T with flowers. A I - - I V. a 1 a 4Tll.Al mm At t. . . . I sister, turcu iiuui tuo iubij iuui ium moulded my enure subsequent destiny covered us, and made tlie legal slave of a hard master whom tho law called husband. Tho story is too sorrowful to tell. Years again passed aud she died. "Changes came. My mother's par ents, learning of our whereabouts, came from their far New England homo and took me with them. Accompanied by Improve, then, young gentlemen, the superior advantages you now enjoy. Let no day pass without exercising the power of speech. There is no power like oratory. Casar controlled men by exciting their fears, Cicero by captivat ing their affections and swaying their passions. The influenco of the one died with the author; that of the other con tinues to this day. Hair-dves are unknown, as hair is uniformly black, becoming gray only iu extreme oiu age. Iced Fkluts. Take fine bunches of ripe currants on tlie siaiKS, tup tnem in gum-arabic water, or the whites of eggs well beaten; lay them on a sieve, sift white sugar over, let them dry- They are very uice for dessert or the tea table. Bunches of grapes, cherries or plums may be done in the same way. Ouu Mother. Round the idea of one's mother, the mind of a man cling with fond ailection. It is the first deep thought stamped upon our infant hearts when yet soft and capable of receiving the most profound impression, and the after feelings of tlie world are more or less Jicnt in comparison. Jiven in our old age we look back to that feeling as the sweetest through life. Our passions and our wilfulness may lead us far from tne obiect or our luiai love: we learn even to pain her heart, to oppose her wishes,- to violate her commands; wo may become wild, neaustroncr and an gry at her counsels or oppositions; but when cieatn lias stilled ner monitory oice. and nothins? but still memory re mains to recapitulate her virtues and ood deeds, ailection, UKe a llower beaten to the cround by a past storm. arises up her head and smiles among our tears. Bound the idea, as we have said, the mind clings with fond ailec tion; and even wlien tlie early period of our loss forces memory to be silent. nicy takes the place of remembrance. and twines tlie image of the dead parent witu a gananu oi graces ana beauties, and virtues, which we doubt not she possessed. Injustice. There is a widow lady living in Lawrence, Kausas, who is one of tne ucaviest tax-payers in tne cuy, and who Is well known and universally admitted to be one of the best aud ablest business citizens of the city, and even of the State, and well acquainted witu the . ... i ...!.. i ... l law, Willi icgisiaiiuu, wiui uaiiKinj;, aim tho transaction of all business necessary to tlie care of a large estate and yet slie cannot vote because she is a woman, al though no one denies that stio is a citi zen: while thcro are scores of persons. both white and black, with no taxable property and little business capacity. who can vote, and by voting dispose of ner nglits and property, lt seems to us that such 'glaring injustice cannot fail to be seen and admitted by the people, even if they will not remedy it by giv ing tho ballot to females at least to tax-navinc women. Almost every town has some examples like the above. Banner of Light. How to Make Tomato Fios. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes iu order to remove tne sitms; men wvigu mem aud place them in a stone jar, with as much sutrar as vou have tomatoes, and let them stand two days; then pour off tho syrup and boil and snim it until no scum rises. Then pour it over the toma toes, and let them stand two days, as be fore, and boil and skim again. After a third time tney aro nt to ury. it me weather is good; if not, let them stand iu the svrup uutil drying weather. Then nlace on large earthen plates or dishes, and nut them in the sun to dry, which will take abouta week, after which pack them down in small wooden boxes, with fine white sugar between each layer. Tomatoes prepared In this manner will keep for years. liaron Atioinne ae ltotnscniid gives 5100,000 to ouuu and endow, at ueneva, Switzerland, a hospital for persons af flicted witu diseases ot tne eye. Nettio Adelia McKee, a Harrisburg school girl, has inherited from her father a fortune of nearly $2,000,000. How to Fut Children to Bed. Not with reproof for any of that day's omission or commission. Take any other timo but bedtime for that. If you ever heard a little creature sighing or souoing m its sleep, you could never do Wis. fceal tiielr closing eye-lids with a kiss and a blessing. Tho time will come, ail too soon, when they will lay tucir lieaus upon tneir pillows lacking both. Let them, then, at least have this memory of a happy childhood, of winch no ruture sorrow or trouble can rob them. Give them their rosy youth. Nor need this involve wild license. The judicious parent will not mistake my meaning. It you have ever met tiio mau or woman whoso eves havo suddenly filled when a little child has crept trustiugly to its mother's breast, you may have seen one in whose child hood home "Dignity" and "Severity" stood where Love and Pity should have been. Too mucu indulgence lias ruined thousands of children; too much love, not one. Icing that will not Break. Take one pound of pulverized sugar, and the wiiucs or turee tresn eggs, wen Deateu. Mix them well together, and flavor with the juico of one lemon or add a teaspoonful of strong cider vinegar. Pulverize one teasnoonful of wheat or corn starch, and add to it. Flour the top of the cake as soon as it is taken out of the oven, and put on the icing with a large spoon, spreading it in place bv dippinga broad-bladed steel knife into water, and tuen smootiitng tne Hosting with it. The California State Woman SuffraM and Education Association was duly in corporated in the Secretary of State's office, July 0th. with tho following Mioard of Directors: Mesdames M. Hull, a. d. iving, .u. j. jienuee. u. t:. Cal houn, J. Roberts and Mr. J. B. Smith, of San Francisco; Mrs. Kinsbury, of Sonoma; Laura DeForce Gordon, of San Joaquin; Mrs. Sarah Wallis. of Santa Clara. There was a special meeting at the Soclelv at Anthonv's Hall, Bush street, San Francisco, Aug. bin, at'J v. 31., tor the purpose or revis ing the Constitution and By-Laws of said Association. A writer in the Cincinnati Gazelle notes that Gen. Butler's wife was an actress in her youth a Miss Hildretb, of the Cincinnati National Theater. Hon. J. B. Grinnell, of Iowa, threat ens to deliver an address on the life and character of the late Oakes Ames.