JULY IS, 1S73. In' the Nest. Gather tham close to your loving heart Cradle tlrem on your breast; . They will soon enough leave your broomug Soon enough mount youth's topmost stair Utile ones in the nest. Fret, not that the children'? hearts are gay. That the restle-s feet will run: Thrmariinea time. In the by and to, wZylfrttlnyrh,nely room nd sigh Per a sound ofeblldMi fun; When you'll kmi for the repetition sweet Tht sounded tTirough each room, f"iH.tIher " "meLber," the dear love-ealls Tha wlllho Wne In theslleat halls, Awl wIJ to Ihdr stately gtooai. There may come a time when you'll tone to near The eager, boyish tread, , Tlie tuneless whistle, the clear, Mirlll shout, The busy bustling in and out, And paltering overhead. When the boys and girls are all grown up. And Mattered fur and wide. Or cone to the undiscovered shore Where youth and age come never more, You will miss them from your side. Then tasther them close to your loving heart Cradle them on your breas t ; They will soon enough leave your brooding Soon eHoush mount youth's topmost stair Ullle ones in the nest. John Jones' Hew Lea It was a dreary kitchen the walls were dirty and smoking, the breakfast dishes stood on the table in the middle of the floor, the cookins stove was open with kettles and nans on it. and cold ashes on its henrth, its tooty plates awry, a iot of UisU-water standing on top of the stove, and the broom and pokerand tongs lay justwherc tho little riders had left them when they were called to prepare for school. Johnny had gone oll'crying, and his whine could even then be heard coming up the hol low, in thedirection of the bchool-house. The milk had not been strained, and the Hies were buzzing about it as they sat on the edges of two brimming pails, sip pingaud rubbing their hands together in a satisfied way. The baby was teeth ing, and cross, and the one pair of hands that could have brought order out of this disorder, were busy trying tosoothe it. Is it any wonder that tears were in the mother's eyes, as she cuddled her baby to her bosom, and walked across the floor trying to still its cries? "Oh, dear, what a life! what a life!" said she. "I try to be patient and make' the best of it, but it does seem so hard." Just as the babe was growing quiet, and its little blue hands had fallen listlessly upon its bo-wii, a shadow fell across the doorway, and the hubaud entered, say ing, "Jane, cm 1 1 you tell me what the children did with the hatchet yester dny?" "It was out at the rock, behind Johnny's wagon, last night," said she, speaking low, and gently laying the Imby down in a bed that had not been made up yet. ".eems to me you're a good while guttiu' your chores done; you haven't the knack of gifting along like Mrs. Luavondyke her work is done up long ago, anil she's busy in the garden. Tell yon, hhf's a nice garden; don't look much like our'n; you don't put the time on 011111 that she does on her'n." "Oh, John," said the little woman. slipping baek hcrslcevcs am! tying on a big apron, and trying to keep her face ttinuil away to hide the gathering tears, "with four little children, and the baby sick- and the three cows to milk and calves to feed, and hands to cook for, and all the other work to do, I oiilv wonder that I get half my chores done in a wnoie tiny." "Well, I'm sure I don't see how it is." said he; "myvmothcr had ten living children and she managed to gel along first rule, and do all our own weaving, besides taking in weaving for the neigh bors. You have more room than she had, and you don't have to carry water forty rod, like she did here it is, right at the foot of tho hill; and you never . have to cut your own firewood, unless it is m tne inuist, 01 Harvest, and J tliink you shouldn't complain. If there is anything I hate to hear, it is a trrowl ing, whining wife. Xow, I have to be out of uoors all tne time, no matter now the sun shines, or how cold the wind blows, while you arc in the shade and comfortable if you only knew it. Ah! you nave an easy time or it, you women, 11 you only knew it; so, cheer up. I married you for a helpmate, don't you know? The girls will be big enough in three years to help you, and then vou can take times easier, and maybe by mat time llic bottom (arm will lie paid for, and we'll be able to ride in a carriage, like the Lcavondvkcs do. "How long since you brought in this water?" said lie, as he look a drink ironi tne tin dipper, and liuding it not iresii, ne squirted it out coolly right on the floor among some pans that hail slipped down oil a shelf. As he took the hatchet, and started out to the wagon to fix the hay rigging on it, lie said, "Jane, if you can as well as not, s'posin' you have some of them new beans that grow in that fur lot for dinner." "Well, I'll try," said she, hopolessly, as she slipped her shoes oil' so she might step softly and with more comfort. All we working women know what a task it is to put a disordered kitchen into neat nes, e)H!cially when littlechlldreu have been about, l'irat she strained the milk, saving out a quart, with which to mix bread, for the yeast was set the night before, and hud been bubbling two hours; she mixed it and set it in the warm sutfellinc, then started a lire ami made feed of skim milk ami meal, for .1..- t e i!. t. . . . ' me noisy, iiuuusuiiie euives mat ran in the dooryard. Then she swept and nicked up playthings after the children. hung up their coats and aprons, and set their old shoes away, and moved their sleds and wagons and hoops from about the doors. While the dish-water was heating she hurried up stairs and made the beds, then washed the dishes, and went down cellar and skimmed the milk. There was cream enough for a churning, and the churn was scalded, and then left with a pail of cold water standing m it, so as to be fresh and ready. Jy this time the baby woke and cried, and the tired little mother was compelled to sit down and take him iu her sheltering arms. In half an hour nr sn ln w.ns mnilv to fnt " " l,lu ,,oor on a 1uilt !ll,d sllc Jen him loii enough to carry three or It V Uu, IS!1' way out to work, he said, "Timt belongs to a wom an's work; a man whose uauio i3 out for commissioner shouldn't be asked toslon Mbo pigs, that's a little too steen ' 1 It was no trilling job to l&i those pigs; the pen had been madeoutof some old house logs, and the opening through whieh the pails -hud to be lifted before they could be emptied was so high up that it just came even with her neck and was only wide enough to admit the puil with the bail lying down". Twice, when she was dressed up clean, had the unsteadily poised pail lipped back and poured (he contents upon her, from her necK ,-even uowu iu ner nine irel, tlrEitehrfl as by a waterfall. FRIDAY.., UU lltillMIII i k I III llliu I tilill AIn two paiUful I at a time, and she went on 1. V." i"L ?hVai's M the pigs; when I ItTI 1111111 till lAmn .... . 4 I. Withal the little mother was quite liaticnt, and almost every day could her untrained voice be heard, even down to the lower field and the school house, singing: "A charge to keep I have," or, "God moves in a mysterious way." Uut before another year a change came. The 6trong, hard man, her hus band, was stricken down with typhoid fever, and for long, weary weeks ho lay balancing between life and death. His recovery was very slow, and his con finement irksome; no prison walls could have been gloomier than were the home walls that held his prisoner. Day after day the ceaseless patter of Ids wife's patient little, feet fell upon his car; he could hear them up stairs and down, now iiere, now there, iter voice always kind and tender, her hand ever ready to minister to her dear ones, her words full of consolation, and love, and cheer. John Jones waa not wholly unim prcssible; slowly the scales fell from his eyes, the light came, and he was as one born into a higher and a better life. He drew liis bony hand across his eyes, often the sobs mado him catch his breath suspiciously, and he marvelled much that he had walked beside this little woman for years and not known that he was mated with an "angel una ware." His voice grew softer, tenderer, his great talony hands touched her fore head and her hair lovingly, as would a woman's touched her as though he was afraid she would fade away into a white mist. "Weeks afterwards, when he was able to ride out, the old whimsical buggy that had done good service in the days of his church-going turcuts, was made comfortable by a solt woolen blanket and an armful of sweet-smelling oat straw. John didn't tell where he was going, but ho looked wise, and his mouth had a perky look about the cor ners that seemed tosav: "Just let mo alone; 1 know what I'm about!" It was evening when became home, lie was still wise as when ho went away. J lis cup of hot tea was waiting, and his toast, and the tender little pullet fried nice and brown. Ho seemed really hapny toll v. He trotted the baby on Ins foot that night, and he called his wife "Jenny," as in the days when he won her, and he let Johnny play horse with his boots, and there was such a contented, ricli man exnres- siou on his face, that his wife couldn't help wondering what had made such a change in him. The next mornimr the crazvold ri? was called out again, and the soft blanket spread in Hand John Jones took the lines in his emaciated hands and drove ofl in the same direction that he did the day before. "When he returned, he was accom panied by a broad-shouldered, good looking German cirl. whom ho intro duced to his wife as "our girl." She looked with amazement ujkiii "our girl," and then stared at John. He soon explained thimrs to her satis faction. "The upshot of the matter is, Jane, that I've abused you long enough; me ixmi iieipmg me, I'll never see you make a drudge of yourself again. It's a shame for any great lout like rne to ex pect a trail little body like you to be man, anu ooy, and uog, and wire, and mother, and nitrsrer. and mo a snvinrr and a hoarding up money and means to leave to tne ixmi only knows who. I beg your pardon, Jane; and now you'll tell this girl, Uarbara Groetz, how you want things done, and let her take your still, and you'll live hereafter like a human man's wifr ought to." lly the time his speech was made, the Kor weak fellow was blubbering like a whale. Poor little surprised wife! She Hew to his neck and laid her head on his bosom and cried like a baby, as she said: "John Jones! you old darling!" "Xo, not a bit of a darling; just an old bear, a regular old heathen, to sacrifice the best little woman under the sun, inch by inch, tliiswav that's 1mpii on for years and years," snullleil he, as lie imiiiiieii over tier lace in an aimless, loving way. Then "our girl," Ikirbara, went Into Jane Jones' harness, and it fitted her to .1 iiauuuu. "Now we've turned over a new leaf. go and dress up, Jenny, bless you!" said the new convert. So, with the memory of lanir svne warming her heart, Jane unearthed her wedding dress in the afternoon, and put it on witlt a pretty old-fashioned collar. and brushed out her nut brown hair that once upon a time curled beautifull v. Perhaps she felt foolish and girlish and out of her sphere, but she looked sweet enough to make upforall discrepancies. .she sat sewing, putting a new band on IJuby's white skirt, when the chil dren came home from school. Her back was toward the door. Tom came to a dead halt as he stepped on the sill, and then ntn round to the lean to to find his mother. Xo mother there, but the sinning, pniky-iaced Ucrmatt girl, who was paring iMitaloes to bake for supper. Tom bawled out: "Is mother tlcad? Oh, I want my mother!" and cireled round the house and peeped in shyly with wet eyes. Was that ladvinasoft crav merino dress, wearing an embroidered collar and gold ear-drops, his mother? That pretty woman: Surely it was, lor Xet tie was feeling of her face, and was sparkling all over and saying: "Is this you, mother? Why, where have you been ?" "Oh, ma!" said Tom, holding her round the neck as though he thought sue might Hit away the next minute; "why where did you ko. and when did you come baek?" 1 oor little ones, how proud they were ji me nousiioiii tiruuge in ner new and beautiful transformation! Hut this is not ail. JJefore the first cold blast of winter jimp. mIpiw worn taken to save and lighten the labors of ine lemtuiua portion or the farmr's household. An addition wtis built to the house, new siding was put on and painted white. Xew windows were added, and green blinds, and spouting, and a big -cistern closo to the kitchen door, and a wide, long, roomy porch. Closets were put in all the rooms, the old vertniuy bedsteads split up and used for kindling; new chairs were bought, including a new rocking and a sewing cliair for mother; a new sewing ma chine, that was a love of a friend; the dooryard was paled in, and Hie calves aud colts kept where thev belonged: and evergreen trees, and flowering sliub- bcry anil rose bushes, made beautiful the new yard. An easy chain nutun took the place of the old moss covered bucket that held as much as a churn. It was packed ofl' to the barn to put clover seed in, and the heavy windlass was borne away forever from the little arms that had tuggul at its ponderous weight with a sick weariness many and many a year. Tho big well ropo made a nice swing out under the oaks for Tom aud Bell aud chubby Harry. jnow that the no longer enslaved mother has leisure to niiuclc with her growing children as teacher and com panion aud friend, they grow more lov able and intelligent, and they cling to iier iihc vines. They sec so much in her to admire aud emulate. aim John Jones? That spell of fever was the Aaron's rod that smote the rock ?','," Mul aud opened it for the out ni i I1?!0 ,ove. and sympathy, and .i" 1 ? virlues a"11 charms and graces ot ' "",a" ""art; ami lo-day, growing au" nitMier, ami riH.-r, and j better, there lives no happier farmer than near old renovated John Jones. Arthur's Home Muguzinc. MISCELLANEOUS. LQNQ LOOKED FOR COME AT LAST! rpiin UNIVERSAL lIICROSCOrn.-Thc best JL Ijow-IYiceil Mlrruxconc ever made. Ex ottllncly ueful for examining Mower, Insects anu minute objectK.ucteclinsuuunterrell Mon ey, and Disclosing the Wonder of the Mlcro-M-ople World. II Is adapted to the ue of I'hy Kirlnns Students and the Family Circle. Ke qulres no Focal Adjustment, nnd can therefore lie readily used by any pcron. Other Mlcro-m-o pes ot no greater ower cost S3 each and up wards and niv mi dlttlcnlt to understand that none but M-ien title men can u-e them, The t'nlrerlal always gives satisfaction. One single Microscope will be sent carefully j Kicked, by mall, on receipt of ?1. Asents wanted every where. Address D. K &TAPI.KS A CO., 2-l'Him Allen, Michigan. Selmiccx Bros., Manufacturers and Importers ot AMERICAN, CERHAH AND FRENCH COitFECTIOXEBY Ko. ft'i First Street, bet. Stark and Oak. 2 t'Jtf LIST OF,. POST-OFFICES. ORGUOX. n.vKnc co. Aubum, Augusta, cIIa leer City, Clarksville, Kxprcss ltancli, F.Idorudo, icm, Humboldt Ilasln, Jordan Valley, Kye Valley, Winsville. liuxroN. Alsea Valley, -"Corvalll", King's Valley, Liberty. Little Klk, Newport, Newton, riiilomiith, Starr's roliit, Summit, Toledo, Ya'julna. CUAOKAMAS. ILtrloir. cuitnr. Chctcoc, Fllcnsburg, I'ort Orlord. OltAXT. Canyon City, Camp'Watsou, Crnnt, John lko'Clty, Dayvlllo, . I'rairle City. Applcgate, Ashland .Mills, Central I"olnt, Kajlo Point, (Irant's l"as., Hot Springs, Jacksonville, Linkvllle. L-uigcll Valley, l'haiiix, Kock I"olnt, Tablo Kock, Willow Spring's, Yauax. JOSKrillNE. Kirby, Inland, Slate Creek, Waldo. UuitcTDIsapiKiIuliiicut, Cottage Ciroe, Coast Fork, Camp. Creek, Cart Wright's, "KtigeneClty, Franklin, Junction, Ion Tom, Mohawk, l'luisanl Hill, 1 rattlesnake, Sulslaw, Springneld, Willamette Forks. I.INN. "Allsiny, llrowiisville, Crawfonlsvlfle, IMamoud Hill, llarrlKburx, llalsry, Iel,auoii, l'rla, Fine, Scln, SHla Sprinjis, Shedd'i. MAIIION. Aurora, Aumsvllle, llutleville, llrooks, Kilnbld, IVIrCroiuid, Ccrvuls, UnblKinl's, Jeireixin, Marlon, Monitor, Newellsvllle, Sa.m, Sllverlon, SL 1 -oil Is, Staytnn, Sublimity, Turner, Vernon, Waeondn, Woodburn. 1MI.IC. IVtthel, llrldgeHirt, r.ui nii Vista, Iktllu, Kda, Ulk Horn, (imud Uondes Independence, IJiicoln, Lucklaiuute, IwlMlIe, Moiimoulh, l'erryilale, Itlcrenll, Zena. WAst-o. Antelope, llrldge Creek, Itsvliultes, Hissl Itlv. r, I'riiuwUle, Scott, Spanish Hollow. "rheU-alles, Wasco, Wllloughby. H-ASIIINOTON. Iloavcrton, CentrevlIIe, Cornelius, "Forest Grove, (ilencoe, tlreeiivlfle, IIIlMs.ro, MId.llutnii, Sholl's Ferry, Tualatin, Waiwto. llenver. llutte Creek. Cunby, 'hu'tiHinnii. Clear Creek, cutungsville, Damascus, l'Hle Creek. tilad Tidings, Highland, .Mulalla, Mllwuiikle, Needy, Norton. Oregon Cily, uswego. CLATsfll-. "Astoria, Isthmus, Kuapiia, Neliuleui, sklkinoii. Summer Home, Weslport. coo. Coqullle, Kmplre City, Knehnntitl l'nilrle, North Ib-nd, Itandolph. (-OLUMIIIA. Columbia City, Chits kanine, Itunler, St. Helens, JstiMVle's Island, ScapixKjse. North Canyonvtlle, Camas Valley, Praln, Klktou, Ualesvllle, tiitrdner, Kelloggs, looking lass. Myrtle Creek, Oakland, Riss Creek, "ItoM-biirg, Seottsbtirg, Ten Mile, 1'mispia City, Wilbur. Yoncalla. JIl'I.TSOMAIt. Kat lVirtland, M'ortlaud. TI!.I.iik-. Carl bald), Nutans, Nestocklou Tillamook, Trank. UMATILI.A. (."eel Is, Cayue, .Mitchell's Station, Marshall, Meadow vl lie, l'llot Itock, I'eudleton, "rmatllla, Weston. UNION. Cove, Li (.'ramie. North l'owiier, Oro IHjII, Summervllle, Union. VAMIIIM. Amity, Itellcviie, Kayloii, ;lafiij-etle, McMiiinvllle, Mountain House, North Yamhill, Sheridan, West Chehallm, Wheatland, Ncwlienr. 1VAMIIXWTOX TXItRITOHY. CI.AI.UVM C-O. KLICKITAT. New Dunglness, Illock House. lVrt Angelos. Columbus, Uoldcndale. ei.AKKT. 1 lattice round, linish rralrle. Martin's lllutr, I'eklu, 1'nlun Itiver, Vancouver. CttKIIAM. Ccdarvllle, Chehalis loint, Kllua, Ilomilani, Montesano, Sat-p, Sharon. C0WLIT7. Castle Hock, Carrolllou, Freexirt, Kalama. Montlcelln, Oak Point. ISLAND Ciupevllle, Coveland, Ulsalady. JEFFF.nso.v. INirt Discovery. Tort Uidlow, aI'ortTownsend. KITSAP. KINO, niack Itiver, Kachu, Seiiltle, Slaughter, Snoqualmic, Siiuak, White Itiver. LEWIS. ISoIsfort, Cowlltr, Clamiato, (Slcudem, (Irand I'rairle, Newaukum, Iiimihn-slindln;, Skoukumchuek. MASON. Arrmla, Oakland, Skokomish, Sllenvood's Mill. riKltcE. Hills, Fniuklin, Stellacoom, Taeomu. l'Actric. ItrnceiKirl, tJllllllMIK, Knapplou, Oystervllle, Ifiilty, Woodwanl' Inhlinx. SKAMANIA, seniles, Willie s.ilmon. STKVEN. rottColvllle, ltJick Creek, Suikaiie llrldge. Union Flat. WAHKIAKUM. Cathlamrt, llagleCliti: WALL.V WALLA. IVlta, l'ataha, Tukaiion, Touchet. Walla Walla, Wallula. Itlakelelv .ft I -ort Madison. INirt William, i-on urcnani. Sea beck. Tcckalct. KN01I0MIS1I. Lowell, Mukllloe, Skohomlsli, Tualallp. T1IUKST0N. Beaver, Coal Bank, (rand Mound, Mlama I'rairle, Olympla, Tumwatcr, Yelm. YAKIMA. Attanum, Fort SImcoc, Kounewock, Kittitas, Mock See, S-lah, Yuklma. WHATTOV. Fidalgo, 1.1 Conner, Norkochuck, ftamlsli, Scliome, ' skuglt. OlflieS. auty order SOUTHWEST ESTABLISHMENT. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE! Unparalleled Inducements to Clubs THE NE,WM NORTHWEST, ,A Jouriinl fur Ilie I'eople, "1 ii . A DEVOTED TO THEt INTERESTS Of HUMANITY. St- Arraniroiiiriitfc harp lMpn" mmli fn'cviirp t S?rvKf of " COMPETENT CORPS OF W1UTEBS u hiii any and all subJeeUol I'ubllc Interest. The Xrw North wr.sr Is not a Woman's Hights. but a Human Kliflits onrtin. devoteil to whatever silicy may 1k ne-'ssary to secure the greatest gooil to the greatest liumtxT. It knows noMx,no s.lltics,no religion, no i-arty, no color, no en sl. Its foundation is fastened iiis.n the rock of Ktenial Liberty. Universal liinaneipaiiouaiKi ijuiramineieu I'rogresslun. OUR PREMIUM LIST. As an Inducement lor our friends In make exertions to secure large clubs lor the Nkw NoKTHWKxr, weoircrthe following llstof val uable premiums: t or twenty miumtiIhts, at S.T meach, nccom- ll.nibsl l,v lilt ciish. ri will rwlvn tli. IlflMV SHUTTLF. SKWINO .MACHINK, wllhout ta me, iKsiimiuiiy ornameniei. frlce.Jtl. For thlrtv-flvc subscribers'. at f lui eaeh. ne- comiianleil by the cash, we will given HIIMK SlIirrTI.K SKWINd MACHINK, with Hlack aiuui mine, uronzeti anil nicely nnisliisl. l'ri-,$IV For rorty .sub-crilers, at 53 frt each, aecom pHiiledbvlhetish,wewillglvea HOMKsIUT TLUSF.WINi; MACHINK. lllilsbed in pilm style, wllh lllack Walnut table and cover. ITlee, S-iU. The alsive Sewing Machines, which arc war ranted Ilrst-class In every particular. C4111 be seen al the otllee ol Ueo. W.Traver, 112 Front slriH-t, I'ortland. for nny sunscrioers, at S.1U) each, accom ikiiiIisI by the cash, we will give a MASON A HAMLIN ItHtTAIILK OltdAN. four (clave slugle reed, with black walnut case, automatic liclliws swell, two blow M-dals, Impnived cen ter ptessuro rcisl valves, etc. iTIco, 8S0. F.irseventy-ilve subscrilsTS, at OH each, ac companied by the cash, a double reed MASON A HAMLIN OIKIAN ; resembles the first ex cept that It has also a kms, stop, l'rlce, JTi For seventy-live subscribers, at $S U) each, nceomiKiulisl by the cash nd twentv-llve ilollars additional, we will give a MASON A HAMLIN OltOAN.of Five Octaves, One Slop, Seir-Adjusllng Uel Valves, Improved lt..- lows, iremuiant ami Knee swell. l'rlce, Slut. For one hundred suliscrllsrs. nt mil ra.ii and twenty ilollars additional, we will give a MASON A- HAMLIN OKOAN, Flvo Octaves, rive .-siops, hi o. -vis 01 jdnraiors rnroiigliout, Impmvisl (;raduatel Sell-Adjusting Itceil Valves, Improved liellows, Tn-muhint and Kneiwswells. VIOLA. DIAPASON-, vi.irrv.. n-ii.s,.r s-n 11.1 .ii..- ' ' OtllJIUII.1.1 ! i 1 111.', 1.1. Those who desire to work for these premiums t-.in send the names and inonev m. fuvi n r. reived. The subscribers will bo placed to their credit, and If enough names are not n-ecived luring the year to procure the premium de- sin-u nicy inn cnoosca ieser premium, or they will beentllletl to receive lui-uiv.iiv.. .,f In cah of the amount remlltisl lor their labor) OUR NEW PREMIUM LIST. AsTilKNi:wNoimiwisTlinsnlri..-iiiv i.m,-.-i a isipular success, we are decided that It shall also nrove a Tniimrii. To enable our friends who may decide to can vass for our naixT to Immii'IIMhiiIi Hu.i,i.,.i, n. and us by Increa.iugourSuliscrlptlon Lists. we i.mii-i-i; iu Bic me louowing aituitioual Frc- iiiiums in canvassers : Any suliM-rilier who Is In arrears Tor the New Nourll WIT. Who Will send us Ills or I. nr subscription fee, ami one new stibscrllM-r,ac- viiiii,.iiiii-ii ifj ii -cisii -o ii wc win give : j'.in i iiiitiii .n.iriiiu iiscs; Ora liohemiaii Class Vase; Ora llohcml.-iii ulass Canl Ilccclver: Or 14 dozen Ivory Napkin Kings; OrJJ ilozcn Hated Tea Sikhiiis; Or I pair Alexandre's Kid Gloves; ,Oru L-uly's Fan, spangled, leathered edge: Ora Itlnl Cage; Or mi Album for holding Ifrt iilrinms- Or an Album (extra) for holding) pictures: Or a Fancy letter Case; Or a lsix Toilet Articles, Including soap, chalk, pcrtumery, etc; Ora ltrltanniale.1 l'ot; Ora Kerosene Limp: Or dozen Class Coblets; Orjjdoieii ClassTumblers, Oru large Glass Fruit Dish; Ora Work lLisket: Ora Flno Kmbnildcrcd Ilandkcrchlcf; Or dozen Linen Handkerchiefs; Or a Woolen Tabic Cover; Or IC dozen Table Napkins; OrJdozcnTowels; Oran elegant Fortmnnla. Any subscriber who Is In arrears lor a year's subscription, aud who will send his or her own subscription fee, and two new subscribers, ac compauled by the cash making $'J OJ-we will send : A set ol lingers Tabic Forks, triple plated, on white metal, warranted; Or a set of lUigcre'Table.SrKxms, triple plated, on white melal, warranted; Or a set of Itogers' Tea Spoons, triple plated, on white metal, warranted; Ordnzcn Itogers' .v. Hussell's Table Knives, lest ((iiallty, warrautitl ; Ora liaudsoine llinl Cage. Any iverxm In arrears for subscription loTiir. Nkw NoirriiWKsT, who will send his or her subscription Its-aud three new subscribers, ac compaulcd by the cash, making JU CO. we will send : A handsome Marsallles Quilt; Orahaudsomi! Woolen t'ullt, rwl and white, or blue and white; Ora pair orTable Cloths; Or two pairs or Nottingham ire Curtains; Or three pairs Alexandre's Kid Gloves, any color or size: Ora Jaimiese Inlaid Work Rox; Or IS yanls liest yd. wide sheeting. For seven subscribers at $3 00 each, amount ing lo S2I U). we will send : An extni Castor, triple plated, on white meta' valued at 53 iu; Ora I.nly's Writing Ocsk.nfciiual value-OraCabinet,Ja.aneM- Inlaid; ,i,,ue. (Iran Kxlm Japanese Ind Work Ikix. These articles are all valuable, ami are war- tt!?" h:u.d,at"an i iiiuii uuni-; or ii not convenient lovlsltus wewlll scud the articles by express to any ffi tol.'ri-'ranr',1 fernsl. J ' I're- All onlers promptly attendeil lo. olrwhbXni'!y h",MV '"" uiiparallehsl oner, which Is a new feature In thei!ewsiwi.r business In Oremin. will , ".V'V.1? r . - " " .stntiiiwr.s iiii.j ii . . . i hi c iiinu io iiiaKenp ii.i.s.'.. ? ' 'Kt,,rK wie other iicrson gels V' y,.,u- what you can do for your ilt,tt.e l'uidio aud Tim Nkw Nimruwi-ir. 1.111J11U1 11111111.. Vmu 1.. ... . . . who.n.tothl'Vf' MJs 'f '"r lifliV; Ue t Vt -l .! v ''?vcM.si,lra lo fall lo rl-al- Tcannoi oe run I'ORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS. JACOB MAYER, Importer and Wholesale Dealer In 23 GrOODS, MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, Hats and Gknts Fut.xishino Goods, I.lle-i nud HlueV TRIMMED AND UNTniMMED ILVT3 AND . BONNETS, Frames, Braids, Cords, Ornaments, Flowers Ribbons, Trimmings, etc. Dress Goods, White Goods, Yankee No tions, Etc. Ladles' Cloaks, CloaK Trim mings, Etc. AGENT OF THE ELLENDALE WOOLEN . MILLS CO. A Full Stock of lllankels, Yarns, Bea vers, Tweeds and Cassimcres Constantly on Hand. LATEST STYLI-S UY KVEK Y STUXKH SB- IARTICUIAll ATTENTION I'ald to Orders. ul PORTLAND LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. ItOOMS-Coriier nrat nud Ntark Kts., over Lidd A Tilton's IUuk. Conlalus Uirr lhrre TbouuaJ (kolre Koaki AND.. Over 100 Papon aud Miazinci. MEMBERSHIP FREE TO ALL. .Monthly Dues Hi oo-l'Hynlile lurterly Dmrx-ious Win. S. L-idd, I'. C. Schuyler, Jr., M. 1 A.C IVady. I. II. Wakelield. W. II. llm-kml A. C. (ilbbs. C. II. s. M. W. Feehhelmer. H. Falling, I. lituiii. ... i ii, . Oiliccri : L. II. WAICKFIKLI) President II. FAILING Vice l"resldent 1'. C. SCHlIYLKIl.Jii Trrasurer M. W. FKCUHKIMIlIt. Corresisindiugsiec HENRY A.O.t:R. ..IJbnirlan and Rec.Sec M ATCH WO UK AT KEDl'CKD KATES, - AT C. S'X". LOUIS' No. 121 First St., lsl. Yamhill and Jlorrlson Prim Ur Hrpilrlng Amrrlrin Wtrhcs: FOitwirm.T. Cleaning AmerleanWatcli-Sl ta New Mainspring 1 t (ise Lining spring- 1 rl Whole Jewel. 2 ol Cap Jewel 1 HI Dial 211 33 SO STO '.' Si .". in 1 to I Ul Hands, no li 2.-, ,',) ."screws ; ,u uaicn (iiasM-s 25 Cleaning Marine Time Clocks l CD A LL KINDS OF JEWELRY AND DIA J V moild Settlll? In order. Alxn T-rnnmlln Kugravliig. Gilding and Silver Plating neatly uuucaiuni. UUU1.Y, -iianuiaciunng jeweler. RUSS HOUSE, FRONT STREET, I'ORTLAND, OREGON TIIO.N. ItVAX, l'roii. Most Commodious IXotcl in the State, Hoard and Ludgln: prr wrk, i 00 to 00. A Carriage to and fromthellouseFree. 217 DELLING12U At CO., Waahlngton St., bet. Second and Third, PORTLAND OREGON yy n manufacture an A NO. I AltTICI.i: OF BREAD. " CRACKERS . -!- CAKES, And nil klndsorp.ittry usually found In aFInt uiuss ii.iKery. ir Goods delivered to nny partof theclt" JJI.'Tlnli NO TICK. M. 31. .HOUTHVVOKTII, H'lolhenM0VEI KU0M FK0NT TREET Corner of K ami Third SlreeU,' ot'"t he '12 roun,, keeP,ns ppiy FAMILY GROCERIES, TINE TOBACCO, CIGARS, PIPES. PATENT MEDICINES AND YANKEE NOTIONS, Where he will lie pleased lo meet his old cus tomers, and holds himself In readiness lo wait iilin many new ones, ami hopes by" punctual ity and dealing in Just Weights and Measures to receive a liberal share if patronage. -.'1,2; M. M. SOUTHWORTH. A. C. WALLINC, Book ami JTol Printer, priTOOK'S HCILDINO, UP-STAIRS, Corner Fiont and Slarkfreets, 1'orllaud, Oreson. . Woik dune al REASONABLE RATEM. I-3a 3IISCELL.VsE0US. "A complete Pictorial History of the Times." "The best, cheapest, and most successful Family Paper in the Onion." Harper's "Weekly. SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. notices or tur pcess. T he "Weekly" Is the ablest and most power ful illustrated periodical published In thU country. Its editorials are scholarly and con vincing, and carry much weight. Its Illustra tions ot current events arc full and fresh, and are prepared by our best designers. With a circulation of 1.7),uu, the paper Is read by at least half a million persons, and Its Influence ns an organ of opinion Is simply tremendous. The "Weekly" maintains a positive jioslllou, and expresses decided views on polR'eal and social problems. Louisville Courlcr-JournnL 8i;nscniiTio-s.-i873. Terras: IlAnrEC's'WKEKLV.onc ycar 51 CO. An Estra Copy of cither the "Magailne " "Weekly," or "liarar" will be supplied gratis forevcry Clubof Five Subscribers at $1 Do eaeh at one remittance; or. Sir Conies for J20 00, without extra copy. Subscriptions to "Harper's Magazine," " eckly" and "Ruzar," to one address for one year, 5 In 00; or, two ol Harper's Periodicals to one addrcus tor one year, i7 01 Back Nc-tnEus can be supplied nt any time. The Annual Volumes of "Harper's Weekly," In neat c'otn binding, will be sent by express, rrec of expense, for 57 () each. A Complete Set, comprising sixteen Volume, sent on re ceipt or cash at tho rate of $. 23 per vol., freight at expense of purchaser. The postage on "Harper's Weekly" Is twenty cents a year, which must be paid at the Sub scriber's post-olllce. Address HARPER .t IlROTHEItS, New York. ! MAItY V. SAWTILIE, JI. D., OEING PERMANENTLY LOCATED IN SA Jl lem, offers her professional services to the public and respectlully solicits her share of patronage. Particular Attention raid to Ulsrxc or Women. OFFICE At Residence, on Court street. Next door to the Court House. vJnSltf JAMES F. BROWN, Attorney, Counsellor at Law and N0TAKV PUBLIC. EUGENE CITY OREGON Consultations In the English, French, Ger man aud Holland languages. n-JL .MILS. II'HA.M HKXmlK, CLAIRVOYANT & MAGNETIC MEDIUM, Congress llnll. Hush SI reel, Between California ami Montgomery streets. Room -Is, ss-4ind floor. Clrehs Thursday aud Saturday evenings. sUsinces for business. V.'nll TEAS ! IF YOU WANT X1 i n s T o a k , r.o to George A. Shoppard's. IF YOU WANT Cheap TaK, CO TO George A. Shoppard's. HE MAKES A SPECIALTY OF THE TEA Hu.sinkss has one whole side of Ills store 0EY0TEO EXCLUSIVELY TO TEAS. You enn get anything there In IhelineoITesis that you can call lor. He has the only regular jea iieparimeni everoieneii in ine state. Corner ot 1'lrsl nuil Yaiulilll !., I'ortland, Oregon. ALL ORDERS CAREFULLY PILLED. Send fora price list of Teasto 2-atJ. GEORGE A.SHEPPARD. McIERAN'S MILLS, Front Street, Portland. IT1- ARE NOW MANUFACTURING, OF A t Sujierlor t'uallty, and oiler for sale. AVJIOLUSAI.K AND RETAIL, EXTRA FIjOUR: OAT JIEAL(Supcrior); OAT GROATS; SPLIT PEAS; CRACKED WHEAT; CORN MEAL, Yellow aud White. SUPERFINE " GRAHAM " RYE " IH'CKWHEAT " HOMINY, Uirge and small; BRAN, MIDDLINGS AND CHOP. We have In our cmnlov a man from Scotland who thoroughly understands lib) business, and have been to great expense In building a Kiln for thoroughly drying the grain, so that we can guarantee our Oat Meal to keep for years In n fresh state. a The Trade Supplied at the lowest living rates. Orders Solicited. S-IO-Sn McLERAN A STEEL FRANK H.tCUUXEr. E. J. VT. STKMME. HACHENEY & STEM ME, CORNER FIRST AND MAIN STREETS, Portland, Oregon, HAVE JUST RECEIVED AND OPENED out the Largest Stock of Choice Seeds .Kivf rim,o rts "I1 m IJc of Francisco; R.H,st,,;V:e"rnamem Tms' ". Call and etamlne our stock lKforc buying elsewhere. Catalogito sent on application. . IT u. 1 DR. E , f T1IK CE.VTllAI. MAHKCT. Has Enlarged his Coffee Stand ash Added Such Improvements Aswlll enable him to provldeEplcures with THE BEST IN THE MARKET. Parlies fumi-licd wllh hot Colfee on short notice. -mi DK. MAItV A. TIIOMI'SON, PHYSICIAN AND ACCOUCHEUR RESIDENCE AND OFFICE THIRD ST. between Salmon and Main, opposite the Public Square. Cans attended in any pan m inucuy. llaiierles for sale.and instructions given on the use of electricity as a Remedial Agent, ul. "iAi:rt-sjr.srACt.Dis;a. mortom jt.rAULriisa. SPAULDINC BROS.. Stalls N'os. 1 and. Central Jlarket, PKAI.KIW IS TllESH MEATS Of all kinds. Mess Beef and Fork, Hams, Bacon, Lard,, .Ml Etc., etc., etc. PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS. HURGREN & SHINDLER, DIRECT IMroRTFLS ND MaNUFAC turers or every varictj of PARLOR, BED-ROOM, DINING, LIBRARY AND COUNTING-HOUSE FTJIINITURE, IK Oak, Walnut, llosewood, I'hfslnut, ttr. MOULDINGS, MIRRORS, BLACK WALNUT LUMBER Fulii, Ilnlr. 3to, ExeeIlor Iue. Etc., Etc., Etc. THE i.Aitt;r.sx STOCK I THE Itr.ST tionns! THE LOWEST riUCEIi! Wake Room Vos. 1. SfiS. 1T0 ami 17i. Cor. Salmon and First Sts., I'ortlund, Oregon. nun LADD & TILTON. S l. 3ST DBL 3E3 3Et 13 , l'OItTI.AXIl OKKGON DSMtalliKlicl, 1850. DEPOSITS RECEIVED AND ACC0UNr8 kept subject to check on draft. INTEREST allowed on TIME DEPOSITS or TRUST FUNDS, in sums of ONE DOLLAR AND UPWARDS irnm date of deposit. MONEY LOANED on approved security. Bonds. Stocks and other valuables received on deposit for safe keeping. collections mane anu proceeus promptly re m it ted. Investments in Real Estate and other prop erty made tor lmrties. .Sight and Telegrahic Exchange on San Fran cisco and the Atlantic Slates for sale. Government Securities bought aud sold. Agent for the transaction or all kinds of Fi nancial aud Trust Business. nl SMALL-POX ! An Infallible Cure! SAMUEL CORWIN, HAVINO OBTAINED from Isaac Richardson, a wealthy gentle man, recently rnmi France, a Specific Cure or Preventive for that most loathsome of all dis eases, the small-Pox, resx-ctlully calls the at tention of the public to the fact that lle-i now preixirisl to till onlers tor the same. Kept con stantly at his otllee, S. W. Cor. .Main and l'irst sts. SAMUEL CORWIN, Proprietor. DR. BORZEAU'S SMALL-POX CURE AND PREVENTIVE, I per bottle; guaranteed to cure any case of the Small-Pox, when used ac cording to directions, if sullicient life remains to make a cure possible. No one should be without this Medicine, as "an ounce of preven tion Is worth a )ioiind of cure." An abundance of testimonials will be shown to any one who will take the trouble to call at the above-named otllee. 5-1 It f JUST RECEIVED AT O. JS. SILVER'S, No. l:lO l'irst Street PER LAST STEAMERS, A GENERAL As sortment of merchandise, comprising In I"art BLACK AND COLORED ALPACCA, KMPHKSS CLOTH, LADIES KID GIJVEs-Extra Qualitv, FURS A l.arge Assortment, .MAItSKII.I.KS Oim.TS, FRENCH FLANNELS All Colors, TWILLED RED FLANNEL, WHITE FLANNEL. FAMILY" BLANKETS, BED COMFORTS, ETC., ETC. Also, a Good Assortment or BOOTS AXI SIIOl.S, HATS AND CAPS. MEN AND BOY'S CLOTHING AND UNDERWEAR. All of which will ! sold cheap forcash. I'leaso coll aud examine betore purehasiugelsewhcre. DR. J. II. GLENN, DENTIST, 117 Firtt Street, PORTLAND OREGON nt SAX KIlA'CISCO. THE FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE , t. WILL SRW EVRRYTIIINO NKRDRD IN 11 a tamilv. from the lli-ttvl.-sl t,i tlx. I.lnht. est fabric. IT DIIKN MOKE MOltK, 3IOIIE KINDS OF MO It If. a .vii iiirrriitt -voitu Than biiV other Maehlne inhere Is a Florence Sewing Maehlno wlthlu" oue thousund miles nrSaii Franeifeo not work; ing well or glvlinr enllre Mttlifnettfln, If I ani Infnrmcsl of It, It will be attended to without expense of nny kind to the owner. SAMITKI. IIH.I., Aireiit, l'J New Montgomery St.,. Grand Hottd Building-, s - ' f San Frgnelteo . SKU Hill IIIUCUiaUNU Mmi.-OliMVuKtk ' - . . . -... a -T Active Agouti WantsJ JEvcryghcrs Jau.a,lS71-nli)ra