FRIDAY. JUIA' IS, la HOME HEWS. Harvesting lias commenced in Polk county. The Oakland Post Office has become a Money Order Office. The Jacksonville Time is expected to reappear to-morrow. Marion county lias a balance of j in the Treasury. Genuine fire clay tins been found willini six miles of this city. H. F. Underwood, the free thought lecturer, is now in Southern Oregon. Fifteen hundred dollars' worth of books have jut been added to the State J-aurary. Since the cIoms of the Modoc troubles the Link river country is being rapidly Beiueu uj. The Indians at SiMz liave in at least a thousand acres of grain most of which looks very well. Tho town clock of Salem has been mil in good shape, awl now tolls the passing nours witli Uue regularity. The rains of Sunday last iirost rated considerable ur.iin un the vallev. be sides dunitigiiijj the hay crop, much of winch had been mown. Next Sunday the Jewish young men 01 tins city will have a picnic at Al bany. They will go up in the morning auu return m the evening. The Pioneers of this city won the last of a senes-of iramea over the Clack- amxs UaseJail Club of Oregon City last batunlay by a score of 3S to 15. The Mountaineer learns from a pri vate source that a number of Eastern capitalists are about to take under con sideration thejuestion" of building locks at the cascades ol the Columbia. The Beaver Hosiery Company, of Jef ferson, works up two thousand pounds of wool per month. Two hundred aud seventy pairof socks, besides a quantity of ladies' hose, are turned out daily. The British ship llcrmiuc Iuft her moorings yesterday and went over to East Portland for a cariro of wheat. Sin- will sail for Liverpool the lirst of next wcet. c wish her a safe and pleasant voyage. The Farmer reports sixteen Granges 01 tiie i'atroiis of Husbandry in Oregon, and nine more clubs have made appli cation and. arc ready to organize at any time. By the lirst of August there will be thirty Granges in Oregon. X. W. Garretson, General Deputy of the Na tional Grange, who is now in California, is expected to be in this State soon, and will organize this State and impart the secret work of the Order. The Churches. Usitam.vx CliAi'Ki. Corner of Yamhill and Seventh MresMn. ltev. T. L. Kllot, Fantor. Reg ular services every Sbith at 11 a. m. and 7:15 p. Mt Sunday School at 1S:1S. TheeVeiling ser vice Is omitted on the llrt .Sunday of every month. Til" Conimnnlon Service is at 3SW p. it. on that day. Pastor residence, Salmon street, between Fifth ami Sixth. FnFKranvTEKiANCiiciirii Corner Wash ington and Third. Iter. !r. Liudsley, Pastor. Residence, corner Morrison and Ninth streets. Sabbath services at 11 a. m. and 7:.", l". M. Sal hath School and Hible Class at 14:3a. Prayer meeting at ti:i.'. r. m. Lecture Thursday even 1 UK at 7: IS. Gentlemen will be in attendants at the doors to conduct strangers and visitors io baiK. Methomst Episcopal Citrncn Comer ot Taylor and Third, ltev. li. V. Izer. I'astor. Freaehlngservices in the morning at 11 o'clock; in the even I nir, from April to July, at 7:15; An- Kum. iu .-on-iui-r ai .-si: lecemoer io .unrcu at 7. Communion service the first Sabbath morning in each month. Prayer meetings Sabbath evening, one hour before preaching; young k-oihVs prayer meeting, Wednesday evening; regular weekly prayer meeting on Thursday evenitie. anil irenernl eioerlence meeting ou first Thursday evening in each month; all at same hour as preaching service, .-soon meetings uauy. isuuuay fsenooi at p. . rltt.o.A i . ..i i ... -....i . i . School Missionary Concert ou first Sunday In each month at 2 p. m. strangers cordially In- viteu. j-ews tree. Hall St. M. K. Ciirnrn Comer Hall and Sixth, ltev. V. If. Meissc, IVtstor. Services at 11 A. M. and p. x. Sunday School at 9 a. m Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. East Pobtlanii M. E. Cnrncii Itcv. J. V. Miller. I'astor. Preaching at II a. x. and., r M. Sunday School at 2 p. M. Prayer meeting Tiiursuay evenings. Coi-onrn M. K. ClirHCll Koom over K. J, McCormlck's store. ltev. Daniel Jones. Pastor. Services at 11 A. r. and 7:15 v. M. Sabbath School at 2 1'. X. A.M. E-Ztos- Cill-RCH North Third street. netweeu i;aim c. ltev. j. r. Anuerson, rasmr. Services at 11 a. m. and 7S p. M. Sabbath School at 2 p. i. Trinity rumen Corner of Oak and Fifth. Rev. It, S. Xevitis, 1). I)., Hector. Sunday School at !:! A. M. Morning service at II. Evening service at 7. Ijeetures Friday even ing at 7. St. STr.riENs Chapel Corner Madison and Fourth. ltev. John Rosenborg, I'astor. Ser vices at 11 in the morning and Gin tho evening. Sunday School directly alter morning service. Bishop Soon Okamsiai: School- Geo. Bur ton, Chaplain. IMvlne services In the large schoolroom ofthe Orammarisrhool every Sun day morning at lt) o'clock. Sunday School at 2 p. M. ST. TimotiiVs Chapel Bishop Scott Gram mar School, corner Eighteenth and C streets. Ilev. Geo. Burton, Pastor. Services on .Sunday at 10 A. M. Sr. David's Ch apel East Portland. Ilev. C R. lionnell, mln.-ter in charge. Services at 11 in the morning aud 34in the afternoon. Sun day School atsswin the morning. First Coxorwsatioxal Cn duck Corner of Jefferson and Second. ltev. J. I). Eaton, Pas tor, services at li in me morning ana 730 in the evening. CosiiKEOATloNAL East Portland-Service at the school Isrnise in the McMillan District. tt II in the morning; Sabbath School at 12:15. Itcv, . 11. Jislvn, Jlinlsier. Ii.ymoitii Cnuncjl Corner E and Four teenth. Sabbath School at 3 In the afternoon. Baptist Chcbcii Corner Fourth and Alder streets. A. It. Medbury, I'astor. preaching on Sabbath at II in the morning and at 7:1 p. ys. Praver nieetiniron Ttiursday evening of each week at K. Sabluith School at 1254 o'clock Sun- ttay, niimedialely alter muniiug preacnin Scats free. Baitist Minsiox East Portland.-Services at cottage on the corner of (i and Seventh streets, even- Sunday at 11 and atS'i Sabbath School alter morning preaching. JCelghbor- iiouu prayer meeung mesuay evenings. Scandinavian I.CTH. Cllci'XH East Port landServices In English at 2 in theafternoon. A. E. Fridrichsen, I). D., Pator. C.VTHOLU-Cia-RCH-Conier Stark and Third streets. ltev. Father Flerens in eharge, asslst csl by Itcv. & Delahunter. Fir.t Mass, CiTU A. Jt. Second Mass, s o'clock; High Mass, 10M: esjers, 7S11 SvNAfMXjUB Beth Divine service each Saturday at 9SJ0. Preaching by ltev. M. May. Abscbditihs. To make your ser vants tell lies for you, and afterward be angry because they tell them for them selves. To tell your own secrets, and believe others will keep tiiem. To fancy a thing cheap because a low price is asked for it. To say a man is charitable because he subscribes to a hospital. To vole for a candidate at an election because lie shakes hands with your wife and admires the'baby. Woman's Rights in Texas. A bachelor corresiondeiit of the Chicago Balance writing fromTliorn Hill, Texas, gives tills suggestive item: Not many months ago. Miss Grayson (daughter of Dr. Grayson, of Truxton Co., Texas), a very talented and accom plished voune lady, came here and opened a school at $2 per month per scholar. One or ine citizen.", wuo was a friend of the young lady, wishing to es tablish a school permanently, assumed the responsibility or ottering her $500 for a ten months session, trusting to her future success to liquidate the amount to himself. The result was, that at the close of the session, lie found himself shortonehundretlormoreuoiiars. faothe school was given up. Iast April, a man gave notice that lie would open a school In the same place, at Slii per month. Now, as the parents in the first instance had complained mat, -miss u Had charged too much, and knowing there was considerable difference between $30 and $123 a month, I anticipated an en lire failure of the enterprise. But wiiat was the result? In a few weeks this representative of my sex had a flourish ing school of forty pupils. All because he was a man, I suppose, for I have heard the children declare most em phatically their preference for the lady. Miss G lias always been a staunch supporter of the temperance cause, and I should think, after this evidence of public reeling against women competing wiiii men, sue wouui come out, Doidlv for the rights of her sex. The cause needs a champion in this region. Miss Anthony is not without the sympathy of a large number ot people outside the ranks of the woman suflra gisL. A majority of the journals of the country are earnest against her and warmly indorse the action of Judge Hunt; but there are others that are em phatic in her behalf and against the laws which oonge ner to be less than a citizen. ThoBoiton Transcript has this sympathetic paragraph: The last worst crime in the New York calendar: a person is discovered to have voted who had no right to. This Is be lieved to be the first crime of the kind ever heard of in New York, ami its heinousucss is perhaps aggravated by the fact that the perpetrator is a woman. who, in the vigorous language of the court, "must have known when she did it that she was a woman." We await, in breathless suspense, the impending sentence. Hocteeter Democrat and Utroniclc. Susan B. Anthony paid $100 for the privilege of casting a vote. There are uuuureus ot men who nave not the 1 1 will i i n it 1 1 1 -i .C Iw.. i ..... . 4 .. ....... .ttm l ti ui UL't 111 tAL'l- cise the elective franchise, and who get paid for voting instead of paying for the finally Decided. It Is an old but true saying that a man Is known by the books lie reads and thecomiany he'keeps. Tills saying Is Illustrative of the great sewing machine war, in which nearly all of tho second-class machines have played prominent parts-, expending much ammuni tion and making forced marches attended with great loss. But our readers have not.seon the name of the world-renowned Grover i Baker Sewing Machine flourished before the people in the above connection, and thisdlgul fled reserve has established the popularity of the Grover X Baker SewIngMaelllne, now and forever. It stands on Its le instability an merit. These machines make the Elaatlc Stitch and Shuttle Stitch, and will be sold on installments of $ per month. W.T.Sliana- han,ageut,71 Flrt street. n To SriltrrUAI.ISTS ANIi (rriint I.lnr.i!Al. Thinkkus. A full supply of Spiritualist and jiemriii jmiokk kci constantly lorsale atsuow a I.ilM-ral and Ilefnrm Bookstore and fleneral Pacific Agency. Slf Kenrnv sttvet. nn sinln:. near Bush. Also Adams A Co.'s Golden Pens, Orton's Anti-Tobacco PrcparHtiou.nnd Silence's I'o-itlyc ami Negative Powders. All gixsls sold at Eastern prices. Ilemlttaucesin t'nitetl States paper currency receivt'.l at j.,r. Circulars and catalogue mailed free. Adiln-ss Herman snow, I. O. llox 117, San Francisco, Cal. V2nli For the very be-t photographs, go to Bradley t Ittilofson's Gallery without STAIRS C3-AKCEXD IX THE KI.EVATOlt, 129 Mont gomer' St., San Francisco. NKW TO-DAY. OREGON STEAM NAVIGATION CO.'S TAV l'ASSF.MJEIt .St'IIEDl'M Commencing July 16, 1K73. B OATS OF TIIE COMPANY WILL T.KAY R Portland as lollows : For The Dalle: Dally (Sundays excepted) at 5 o'clock a. m. Tor tVulluIa: Monday and Friday al 5 A. M. l'or Astoria. Knlniua and Ol lupin: Dully (Sundays excepted) at C A. f. l'or Monllcello: Tuesday, Thursday and .Saturday, at 3 A. M. For 4'ntlilnmet : Monday, Wednesday and Friday, C A. M. For Wevtport: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 0 a. M. For Victoria; Wednesday and .Saturday at 0 A. M. S. G. UEKD, Vice President. THE OREGON CENTRAL RAILROAD CO. 0N ND.?17EJl St-'NOA Y.JUNE X, 1S7S, and until further notice, will run Freight and PaKscnger Trains from PORTLAND TO ST. JOSEPH, Connecting at Cornelius with SUiges for Forest Grove; at SL Joseph for all points South and Vft-I.ifayette. McMlnville, Amity, Mon mouth, Independence, Buena VIta aud Cor vallls. tE.vvr Annivr: Portland 8a) A. X. I St. Joseph 1I1 . m. St. Joseph... llW A. X. Portland is P. M. OB-Iissengcra received at Fourth street sid ing on giving signal to the train. Freight received at the Portland Warehouse and Dock Co.'it Wharf.and will not be received tor shipment aHerST. X. IL THIEIXEN, J. GASTON. Gen'ISup't. Freight and 1'assengrrAgcnt. 2 ft) THE WAYS OF WOMEN In Ihrlr Poyslral, Moral and Utrllrttntl I'.rUilons one of the mast remarkable books ivueI from me American irrs. m J" . o- beautiful specimen ol scientific and practical word-painting on themes or vital importance to every woman. A splendid chance lor Ag'ts. Makeganclegant8vovol.of i00 pp., on tinted pa per. snrerbTy bound. Price Sent by mall nnVwint nr urice. For territory and agents' terms, apply to the publlsherst SO 8w J. P. J EYVETT &. CO.. 5 Dey St., N. Y. CH. LOUIS KUHN, I FURNITURE made to order ; also neatly rc J paired, varnished and polished, by a coui iwtent mechanic on reasonable terms. Teave orders at corner Third and A Slreetn. 2 fifor NEW TO-DAY. OREGON & CALIFORNIA RAILROAD CO. XO.20. I TIME SCHEnur.R. I NO.20. r TAKE EFFECT SUNDAY, JUNE Sth, X 1873,atiA. . ror the government and in formation of eiiiployenonly: the Company rr- " right to vary thererrom a clrciun tnneea may reijulre. - ' Dally Trains will run betwi-en PO 1ST LAND AND ItOSKBUP.O AS nOLLOws: T.r.vp. ap.kivf. Portland S:ir...M.l Itosebiirn .7:15 p. X. Hosebiirjr 5:1.'. .v. Ji.f Portland tO) P. X. er I'relht Trains (with Passenger Cars at tached) will run between PORTLAND AND. JUXCTION Dally (Except Sundays), as follows: l.KAVK. AnRIVE. Portland GAi a. m. I Jnnetlon r.rioi. u Juucllon OSX) AOL Portland 2:L',p.v. The Ogon and California Itallroad Ferrv uiakes connection with all ItegtilarTrains. " rioe (sinni-ctlnns are madent Itoseburg with thestiiges of the Oillfornla aud Oregon Stage Company. sS- Tickets for sale foall the principal points in California and IheEast.atCompany'sofiice, Cor. F and Front Sts.,at Frrry Landlns,lJorllBd. CO" NOTICE. - Passengers for Buttevllle, ChamNeg, Da ton and l.tfayette will take the boat for the above lxilnts at Canemah. Bir.Storago will be Cliargrtl on Freight re maining In Waiehouses over2l hours. ' Frelghtwill not be received forslilpmeut alter 5 o'clock P. M. J. C. IIILDItETir, E. P. ItOGEltS, Gen. Supt. Gen. Fielght and Ihissenger Agent. To San Francisco and the East, VIA RAILROAD AND 0. & C. STAGE LINE! Through to San Frnurisro In SO Hours! Only t-rn MiioN .stiirinR-: fIX)Uni.STS should liear In mind that this X Itouto jiasses through the Garden of the laclfle Coast. The wild picturesque scenery alone doubly pays the Tourist for lMslng over this Hue. time t.viim: GItEAT OVEItLAND MAIL KOt'TE: o r : O : 'J.' c: WetL. Thurs Fri. ... Sat Sun ... Mon.. Tues t -i Tue Frl Sat Sun Moil. sun.. Mon Tues. Wed ... Tliurs. Frl Sat Sun . -Mon Tues Frl Sat Mou Tue Wcd Thurs Fri Sat Sun.. Weil ... Thurs. Frl Sat.... Sun. JIon. Tues TICKETS FOR SALE AT Tin: OFFICE Ol' THE O. A- V. It. It. CO., :S0 Comer F and Front Streets. 30SS,000 IN C.VSII UIITS, To be distributed by the MERCANTILE PRIZE ASSOCIATION, OF NEW YOIIK. A l'ltl.i: I'oit EVERY TICKI7T! lCashfiilt, SKi.fl TT.CasliCJIftt.ea. SII0 rtCashOIIts,ea. .ViJUal a " " an i: StKtil ) " " " SjUUl am " an i'ii " " " it.) ... i75to'l i to iro 41.11,010 uaicues 275 Sewing Machlni".. 7.1 Klegaal 1'ianns. lto7IU !0 Melodeous ... . .71 to an Cash Glfts.Sllver Ware.etc. valued at.31r"i);il j ciiauce 10 uraw 11113- fii ine aooye prizes lor 25 cents. Tickets describing Prizes are Sealed in Envelopes uud well mixed, on receipt or 25 cents a Sealed Ticket Is drawn without choice, and sent by mall to any address. The prim named uon It will be sent to any one on re ceipt of one Dollar. are immedlately sent to any address by express or return malt. You will know what vour nrlzctls liefore von pay forlL Any prize exchanged Toraiiotherof iiiesainemue. .osnaiiKS. uur patrons ran de)eiidon fair dealing. opinions oi'tiik Pprss. Falrdcalhigcan 1 relied upon. IN. Y. Herald, Aug. 2L A cenu- ine distribution.-' World, Sept. S. Not one of ine iiumnugs 01 i ne uay. WeeKiy Tribune, July 7. They give general satisfaction. staats Zeitung, Aug. ". Bki-kkiincus. By kind permission we refer to the following: Franklin S. Lane, Louisville, drew S 1.1,000; Miss llatlle Banker.Charlestnwn, Sf,X; Mrs. Iulsa T. Blake, St. Paul, Piano, STUl; Sam. V. IUymond. Boston, S-V"; Eugene 1. Bracket!. llttsbunrAVatch. $:ai): Mi Annie Ui.good, New Orleans, $5j0; Emory L. Pratt, luminous, vfiiio, siui, One Cash t.lft In every package of 1.7) tickets guaranteed, for;l; 11 for S2; S5 for$; SOforSS; F.jforSli Agents wnnteit, to whom we ofTer III" nil In duceiuents and guarantee satisfaction. Addre.s FBITZ A. SMYTH A CO.. 2 Ti) 2ni let! Nassau street, N. Y. NOTICE. OREGON & CALIFORNIA R. R. K DAILY SPECIAL EXPRESS TRAIN will commence running on Sunday, June .s, isTT, Ix'tween S.tlcm and Portland, stopping at Mllwaukle, Oregon City, Aurora and Ger- vai. i line as miiows: LEAVE AnitlVE Salem.. -0:15 A. M. I Portland.-S:i5 A. X. l'or! laud 1:15 p. M. Salem 7:15 P. M, 2.V) J.CIIILDRITnr.Gen'lSiipt. J. II. 3TISIC, ASSAYEK AND METALLURGIST, 2!) Stark St., Iet. First and Second. Illslicst Price IMhl for Gold Dust i Bars. rpEKTS MADE WITH CARE, AND ASSAYS I of Gold aud Sliver, Copier, Ixad, Anil mony. Nickel, Chrome, Plumbago, Tin, Iron, v.iiiuei,ar, i.i me, anu otner Jieiais. Analysis oi .tunerai v aiers anu an oilier substances. 2 Iiitf t'HItl.S. NC'I.OTII, TNi,VIT.ES "IS OTJ) PATRONS AND TDK X Public generally to mil at his NEW BUTCHER SHOP, AViislilncloii sU, one door east oT Third vnw J. sc. noi.Plt. JOS. SIMON. li c. ui:oNAfair. c. a. polph, UULl'll, UKUAAllill, D0LPH X SIM0X, Attorneys-at-Law. ODD FELIiOWS' TEMPIJ:, PORTLAND. 2-Wtf THIRD STREET STORE. TTAVINO PURCHASED MESSRS.TAYIA1R XI A BHOWNELL'S entire stock of .Mi l CHANDISE. I will sell the same.ns well a my own, consisting of DRY GOODS, CI.OTIlI.Nli, isuui,silUK.s,iiAlx,etc.,atasmaiiauvance on cost for the next Sixty Days. To iartles wishing to engage In business I of- ler to sen my entire mock, ami will Kent more anu 1 ixiurvson reasonable Terms. JOHN WILSON, Third St., .South of Alder, Three Doors ',-40 front Masonic Temple. Sin NEW FLORENCE! ss .r-iev!!lc'Lrnse,"ore work-more k,nai ot work If '!rrIT"l'n'wl ol Portland not giving entire aatUfao- "..: V """""". , ' io it wiiuout expense of any Kind to Its ) e have the new st le of -I lorence" Machine, thatfeeds the work away iron raior, like the Howe or.Mnger, to meet the views orih.iM! preferring that slvle of Mac I have locat.'d iiermanciitly at : Portland, and shall beep constantly on hand a tai ment of the latest styles of the Moreiu-e Machine. Call and see them liefore purclii I have nlo the agency for theeelehrale,! Monntock Co. Sewing Silk and Twist; .Tolm Cl.irk, Jr., and Co.v snoot! otiou; llllfun- ". s. I. Machine Thread; Balley'iS.'wing Machine oil. ,o, . . . . . . i JAMES R. I.OOMIS. Ienerl AKeut. 131 Third street, lH-l ween Alder and Morrlsou, with Badget's Music Store. Sold on the Installment Plan: $10 Down, and $10 a Month till paid for. OREGON IRON WORKS, Coi'iicr ITi-ont aiitl Hall Stx-cotH, ' i smtvvkm Jutland, okeoon. OREGON MADE STOVES THE CELEBRATED DEXTER COOKING STOVES, AND A Largo Variety of Parlor and Parlor Cooks' Stoves. AT ouso Fronts OF RYERY VARIirTY, S.VAV jVTXT GltlST 3IIX.X. 3ICIIIISTEHY OK ALL KINDS, MINING MACHINERY, STEAMBOAT MACHINERY AND ENGINES, BOILERS Or ALL KINDS, Bi'hkk Jt ml Iron Oil K t i n ;m. UOBB'S PATKXT SIMILT.IXIAX SKT W0UKS OK IIK.ll) BLOCKS, for Saw Mills. itoiurs iATi:.vr (i.vxti i:ix:i:k and (i.txo i.atii .uii.i- R1 RPAIRINO done at Short Notice, and as nive us a can. J. A. HOUR, Killierliileiideut. Straight Noodle! Lode Stlteli ! LATEST! SIMPLEST! BEST SEWINC MACHINE! The Now "HOME."Cf? HOMR SIIUTTI.r. IMI'HOVKD iLATIvST KTYLK ITANDi SKWINO MACIIINK sent out one month on trial on recelit of s:ti. With Itt.ick Walnut TaMeaiidTre.-iillc.iiicelyllnishcd, 8(3. Money Refunded (less the evprcss charges, on the return ofthe Machine at the end ofthe month, ir Machine Docs Not Oie S:itisnictioii. AfiKNTS WANTKD for Ihe Xl'.W IIOMK 111 Oregon. Wiohliicton and Id.iho. Iinror t' ihiim-sloiis clven than hv anv other Acencv In I'ortlund. All Kinds Needles and Oil for sale. 2-.i Oray's Music Store, NEW ADVEItTISEMENTS. NEW WILSON SEWING MACHINE! THE BEST ! wii.i. nt v iti Iscs a Mralsl.t .NffJlc, .nd Is WarranlfJ hy Ilir Wou S. il. I'D. fur Five Tears. A. YAIL.Oeneral Asent, 12i First Street, I'ortland, Oregon. 3- Needles for All Machines. 2-ICtf THF. I1FJTT TIACF. FOR ICE CREAM AND CONFECTIONERY ALISKY & HECELE'S, Xo. 107 First Street, Bctwcecn Alder and Morrison Streets. Itt-lm OPPOSITION LINE! GRRAT RKDUCTION IN I'ltlCRI YOU neol not go and pay a high price lor your I' lam prepared todollrst-class work In my iiewrooms. l'liotographs 2 Ut per dnzen.asgoixlaMcan lcdoiielnthisclty. Hav ing Just returned from San Francisco with all the latest improvements In the art, I am pre pared to do nil kinds of work In the latest and het style. Call and examine samples. Ylcws of residences at reduced prices. Pictures taken rrom locket size up to life size. I'rompt atten tion to work. ItememlKT the place, No. 117 First St.,cor.of Taylor. OLIYF.R DKNNIK, 2-Wtf l'hotograplier. REMOVAL. FRANCIS A. EFFINCER, BOOK-SELLER AND STATIONEIi, t'oruer Mark nnd Front streets. ! 2-Wtt FERRY LANDING. j KRUMBIEN & GILBERT, ARCHITECTS st DRAUGHTSMEN, OFFICICREFS IIUILDINO, Stark Street, between Front and Hint Street! 2-10 I'ortland, Oreeou. ' TO - DAY. owner. away front the ope- .uacuine. irge axsort- urchaslng else- AND HOULOW WARE ! - SO. .... txxci Castings Iw a !iood Work and Material will warrant, j. jirl 11,1,1 , lTrsluenl. ; l.S EXCELS ALL OTHERS! l'ltlCK $10 LKSS! llc.ritrJ lllrc.t From TLr Hxm-fi.-lurcrs! S01O AT FACTORY PRICES I WARHANTKD FOR 5 YKAItS. MACHINE. Send Inr Circular and lrfce 1.1-t of'The Home." !JKO. V. TltAIKH. Meueritl Airent. Odd Fellows' Temple, Klrst street, I'ortland. MISCELLANEOUS. THE COMPRESSED AIR POWER CO. AWX TIIR KXCLUSIYR ItKillT UNDKR the original Intents or Dr. Vm. A. Royce, It..nM Ti . .- o ...1 l.nnl r.f tlin nv.nllnnu for he of Al'r (( w storCll nnJ transmitted for power, adapted forTiinnellitic, Mining and Rix-k Drilling purixMe. The Com Iany has every facility for supplyins the pat ented apiuralus, and can Issue rights to others to make and use the Inventions throughout the United States, ejj-.vil other Machines for Coinpresslnsand Storing Air for theTransmlf shin of power are Infringements.. OFFICE AT TIIE Dolamatcr Iron Works, lOHinnd Utli Ave. and I2tti nud 13th St., North River, nkw yoinc. HORACE H. IAY, 2-i iir STEAM, SULPHUR AND VAPOR BATHS, KOIE THE CUKE OF Colds, Kheumntlsm, Jlcrcnrlal Affections. 'Ill IK ATTF.NTION OF SUFFKRKR.S FROM X Ciiughsand folds is called to these llaths, as one ir two will renuve the severest cold. Also, IVarin. fold sml .ShoHer Bath. Slwm or Vapor Itaths,!! (a Warm Ilath,iVx I.UDWIO WILHKLM, 1'roprietor, Wlegaud's old stand, 2-3M Washington atrecl, lier Front. PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS. JACOB MAYER, ImporUrand Wholesale Dealer In DRY aOOD S, MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, Hats and Okxts FtmNisiiiNo Oood?, Ladles' nud MlsvV TRIMMHD ND UNTRIMMED HATS AND UONNITTs, Frames, Braids, Conls, Oniaments, Flowers Riblions, Trimmings, etc. Dress (ioods, While Goods, Yankee So- lions, Ktr.- Ladios' Cloaks, CloaK Trim mings, Etc. AOICT OF THF. F.LLF.NRALF. WOOt.F.N MILI-s; CO. A Full Stork of lllankct, Yarns, IJea- ivjv, Tweeds and Gixsirnerea Cons-tantl' on IFand. I.ATFXT STyi.KS BY F.VKHV NTIIAMKR ar PARTICULAR ATTENTION iahl to Orders. ul PORTLAND LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. KUOMS-t'oruer First ami Stark Ms., over Ladd 4 Tllton's Rink. Contain Ortr Tbree Thouunil Ihiilre HouVi Over 100 Pap;r and Magazine. MEMBERSHIP FREE TO ALL. Monthly Does gl 00 l'nj nble Unarterly Directors Wm. S. Iidil, I. C. Sehuvler, Jr., M. 1. Deadr, I- II. Wakelleld, W. II. Itrarkett, . iiki... . tr r .....i t.i...i - i uium, ... v, .ii. i, . i- v-i;uii''iiiiui , ... Falllus, L. Ilium. Officers i T II. WAKEFIELD- -President II. FAILING- -Vice President 1'. C. SCIIUYI.KR.JR ..Treasurer M. W. FKCIIIIKIMEIt Corresponding Sec HENRY A. UAK1C Ultirarlau anil liec.sec WATCH W0KK AT RKDUCED KATKS, -AT C. ST, LOUIS' No. 12t First St., liet. Yamhill and Morrison. Prlfrs for llfijslrlng Amerkan Wstrbes: foidi ki:ly. Cle.inliigAmericanWatch.Sl Ut il ."si New MHlnspriug 1 SO 2 7i0 !"ase Lifting Spring I r) 2 ro Whole Jewel 2lO fi Clip Jewel . I Ul 1 Ui Dial j 00 Hands, each 21 tn Sitpit " 2.1 m Watch Glasses 2'. fo Cleaning Marine Time Clocks. 1 00 A LL KINDS OF JEWELRY AND DIA- UX. mona winiif to omer. Al-o Enameling, Kugntvlng, Gilding and Silver Platlnc neatly done at C. ST. LOUI Manufacturlnir Jeweler. 2-17 RUSS HOUSE, FltONT -STREET, I'ORTLAND, OREGON, THOS. RYAN, I'rop. Most Commodious Hotel in the State. Bosrd soJ Lodging per nrrk, Ju 00 to ii 00. A Carriage to and from the limine Free. 217 -BY. DELLINGER A: CO., Washington St., bet. Second and Third, PORTLAND ...... OREGON yy E MANUFACTURE AN A NO. 1 ARTICLE OF II READ, CRACKERS, CAKES, And nil ktndsof Pastrrusuallvfound In aFlrst "Goods detlvered to any part of the clt Jil.lnia NOTICE. M. M. SOUTH WORTH, HAS REMOVED FROM FRONT'STREET to the Corner of E aud Third Streets, Where he may be found keeping a good supply of the best FAMILY GROCERIES, PINE TOBACCO, CIGARS, PIPES. PATENT MEDICINES AND YANKEE NOTIONS, Where he will be plcaed to meet his old cus tomers, ami noius nunscii in readiness io wall urion many new ones, ami hopes bypunctual ity nnd dealing In Just Weights and Measures to receive a liberal share of patronage. V2n2! M. M. SOUTHWORTTL A. C. WALLING, Book n ml JoT Printer, PITTOCK'S BUILDING, UP STAIRS, Corner Front and Stark streets, Portland, Oregon. Woik done at REASONABLE RATES. 233 MISCELLANEOUS: "A complete Pictorial History of .the -Times." "The best, cheapest, and most successful Family Paper in the Union." Harper's Weekly. Sl'I.RNDIDLY ILLUSTRATE D. NOTICES OF TIIE PRFS. 1 he "Weekly" Is the ablest and most power ful illustrated periodleal published in this country. Its editorials arc scholarly and con vincing, and carry much weight. Its Illustra tions of current events are mil and fresh, and are prepared hy our best designers. "With a circulation of iai)0O, the paper Is read by at least half a million persons, nnd Its Influence as an organ of opinion Is simply tremendous. The "Weekly" maintains a positive position, and expresses decided Mews on political and social problems. iAuisvllIe Courier-Journal, SCBSCUHTIOXS.-1S7S. Terms : Harper's WnEKi.r,one year St 00. ..A" Extra C'P7 of either the "Magazine," "Weekly," or "ilazar" will be supplied gratis for every Club of Five Subscribers at it 00 each at one remittance; or, Six Copies for 3M 00, without extra copy. Subscriptions to "Harper's Magailne," "Weekly" and "Iluzar," to one address Tor one year. Sill ifl; or, two ol Harper's Periodicals to one address tor one year, 87 00. Hack Nirannns can lie supplied at any time. The Annual Volumes of'Harper's Weekly," in nettl cloth binding, will be sent by expresw, free of expense, for 47 t each. A Complete; Se!,eomprt-ing Sixteen Volumes, sent on re ceipt of cash at the rate of J 2j per vol., freight at expense of purchaser. The imstiige on "IIarier,s Weekly"ls twenty cents a year, which must be paid at the Sub scriber's ivi-oIllce. Address n S HARPER A llROTHKRS, New York.' MARY P. S.lWTi:iJ,i; .11. 1.. BEINO PERMANENTLY I.OCATED IN SA lem, offers her professional services to the public and respectfully solicits her share of patronage. Psrllrular Attention Paid to Diseases of Women. OFFICE At Residence, on Court street. Next door to the Court House. VJn.-eitf JAMES F. BROWN, Attorney, Counsellor at Law and NOTARY PUBLIC. EUGENE CITY OREGON Consultations In the English. French, Oer- mau and Holland languages. nZI. MRS. VP1IA.M IIIIXDKK, CLAIRVOYANT & MAGNETIC MEDIUM, Congress Hull, llnsli Street, Iietween California and Montgomery streets. Room 4S, second tloor. Circles Thursday and Saturday evenings. Seances for business. IF YOU WANT T7 i n o Ton s, ' OO TO George A. Sheppard's. s IF YOU WANT no to Ceorge A. Sheppard's. - E MAKES A SPECIALTY OK THE TEA H HcsiNEs-i has one hole shle of hi.i store DEVOTED EXCLUSIVELY TO TEAS. You csn get anything there In the line ol Teas that yna can mil for. He has Ihe only regular Tea Department everopencd in the Stale. Corner of First and Yamhill sts... Portland, Oregon. ALL ORDERS CAREFULLY FILLED. Send fora price list ofTe.isto 2-SI GEORGE A.SHEPPARD. . MoIERAN'S MILIiS. Front Street, Portland. AY r E ARE NOW MANUFACTURING, OF A WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. EXTRA FIjOUR: OAT MEAL(Superior); OATGItOATS; SPLIT PEAS: CRACKED WHEAT: CORN MEAL, Yellow and 'White. SUPERFINE " GRAHAM RYE BUCKWHEAT " HOMINY, Large aud .-man; BRAN, MIDDLINGS AND CHOP. We have In our employ a man from Scotland who thoroughly understands his buiness, aud hare been to great expense In building n Kiln for thoroughly drying the grain, so that we can guarantee our Oat Meal to keep for years In a fresh state. n- The Trade Supplied at the lowest living rates. Orders Solicited. 2-t0-3m MeLERAN & STEEL. PRANK HACIIEMEV. E. J. W. STFTWMF. HACHENEY & STEMME, CORNER FIRST AND MAIN STREETS, - Tortland, Oregon, HAVE JUST RECEIVED AND OPENED out the Largest stock of Choice Seeds Ever Imported on this side of San Francisco; also Fmit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubbery, Roots, Bulbs, etc. . Call and examine our stock before buying elsewhere. Catalogue sent on application. 3-Wtf FABRE, AT THE CENTRAL MARKET, Has Enlarged his Coffee Stand AND - Added Such Improvements As will enable him to provldoEplcnnM with " THE BEST IN THE MARKET. Parties furnished with hoi Piir notice. M : f! DR. MART A. THOJIPSOX. PHYSICIAN AND ACCOUCHEUR T ViriVVf'P AVTk ......... is: Ti. urriw,-iilllUl si. Vt i li va 'Sa,mon an1 Main, opposite the i?!t 3 r w onr Part of the clly. ......f, n.ucfuim instructions given vu the use ot electricity ag a Remedial Agent, nl. Monro:.-m-spauldino.- SPAULDINC BROS., Stalls Xos. 1 and 2, Central aiarkctr PF.Ar.EKS IS FRESH MEATS Of all kinds, Mess Beef and Pork, Hams, Bacon, lard, 2-11 Etc., etc., etc.