FRIDAY. JULY A, 1S73 Tl,c Thought ofn Mourning Mother. JIT MKS. MUI-OCK-CJIAIK. My little baby is mirledtoay; Gone-down in the depths of the churchyard chiy. Up In the sky so dim and gray. Who will take care of my little baby ? -ntm mHH tics bpr ? her waxen feet. That have never walked, and her small hand sweet, Where I left a white lilly, as was meet Who, who will kiss my little baby T Who will teach her? her wings to fly. Her tiny limbs their new v.-ork to ply. Her soft, dumb Hps to sine gloriously Oh! who will teach my little baby ? I have a mother who long ago died We sneak other now with our tears all dried: She may know my pretty oneronme to her HUf, And be glad to sec my little baby. Christ, born of a woman, hear! oh, hear! Thine angels are far off she seems near, Give thou my child to my mother dear. And I'll weep no more laz my little baby. Surely,- In heaven thy saints so blest. Keep a mother's heart In a mother's breast; Give benny lamb, and I shall rest, If my mother takes care of my little baby. Independent. Hew England "Woman Suffrage As3ocia- tion. The Annual Meeting of this Associa- tion was held in Trement Temple on Monday and Tuesday of Anniversary Week, May 20th and 27tb. About one thousand persons were present at the opening meeting. At the first session on Monday even ing, Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, the Presi dent, was in the chair, and made an In troductory address, as follows: MRS. HOWE'S ADDRESS. Ladies and Gentlemen: This Fourth Anniversary of our New England AVoman Suffrage Association finds us still asking for rights withheld and long ignored. If you ask us what commod ity we Lriug you this time for your en tertainment, we must reply "only our little bill of rights which you will have in the end to settle." For of all that tlie community claims and possesses, the last tiling it can atlord to lose sight of is the fundamental idea, and convic tion of right, to which we appeal. To no Ctosar to be crowned and dethroned, to no doubtful tradition, to no ephemeral fashiou, but to the eternal right we ap peal. Take note of tills, and see you mock us not. Upon what foundation shall your liberties rest if you deny us ours ? Be sure that every unjust meas ure will be returned with interest to those who have devised it. Those who wrong us prepare for themselves and for society much trouble and sorrow. Let them "study the true ideals and ex amples of justice, and acknowledge in others the right and dignity which they desire to see recognized in themselves. So much for our parley, and the banner under which it is held. But now for ! our' actual condition. We still stand i without, stand and knock, as we have knocued in years past, at tne uoor ot I Court. Senate Collece and Church, we : still stand and say: Open to us in the ' name of tlie future civilization, whoe pledge is that it shall giv- liberally to all and upbraid not. One thing our knocking- lias done. It has awakened the people within these closed institu tions. We hear them shuffling in their slippers and hurrying to and fro. "It is those women," they say, "how are we to keep them out? They are wak ing the whole world with their clamor," and all the antiquated furniture of tra dition Is hurriedly piled up Inside. For the doors siiaKe, ana 1 lie door-posts tremble, and thedoor-kecpersknow that ' we have got possesion of a certain magical key, which will open their , locks in their own despite. A time is coming and is at hand when the barriers j will drop before us, and men In the new light ami joy of our. entrance, will hasten to forget the barbarism which kept us out. To leave similes. The very general study and investigation to which our claims to political equality have given occasion are doing their work with all candid minds. The justiceof ourclaims I tendency of human nature, male as well can no longer be denied by those who as female, Is towards greater freedom, know, or who care to know, what jus-! and more liberal construction of all re tice is. Tlie miserable shifts and de- 1 latlonships. Yet this tendency, clearly vices Jwhich are brought against us, discernible to-day, greatly concerns make this sufficiently evfdent. The ! women. It permits and invites their Rev. Mr. Fulton last winter converted to our side tlio?t' who came to hear him as the advocate of the other. And Pres. Eliot, In his argument against the collegiate education of women the other day, convinced at leastone candid mind of the truth of his facts, and the falsity of his inductions. Of one thing let us he glad, viz., that meeting here and elsewhere to express our true convictions, there is none to make us afraid. No rack nor gibbet awaits our protest against despotic power. No spy lurks to gather up our honest words to turn them into deadly witness against us.. For so much lib erty as we have let us thank the growth of divine doctrine, and a certain protect ing and humanizing presence symbol ized by the universal cross. There are still certain penalties which some amoinr us mi"ht fear. The cold distrust of those who cherish only one enthusiasm or none. The depreciation of fashion, the supercilious wonder of iiiuuicreuce. aii, we wuo meet to gether here ate beyond the fear of these things. Ve know that the world will love His own. and that (Jod will lustifv his own, and that though he has loved the world, he Iia not given Its worldli npas power over u. One of our great difficulties is still the reluctance of the privileged women to admit to any equality with themselves tlie women of tne poorer class. The ty municaUnstinctof human nature here allies itself with iguorauce and preju dice. Ignorance of what suffrage has done for men prejudice which neither admits nor desires the geueral elevation of the sex. Men have been forced par tially to auanuon tins vantage grounu, and to seek rather to do their own best than to outshine each other. But worn - en are still in the barbarism of eudeav- on Ug to echpe each other. They still desire that their merits should be heightened by the short-comings of i only relieving my tulud." At last, be others. and in so fur .is fliov iln fills.! Iiil' exhausted bv his 6wn furv. ho con- they stand as obstacles in the way of a nuc vnnsuan progression. Those ot us , uonstaniine, ne nau seen au .ruu worn who know the hapnv secret of God for an. backed up by the French authorities. an and good for all, have much to do to turn this flank of selflshuosia n,..t in .-ir-Klor tlcatlon, and seek to 1 1 gloriry i,nl and womanhood. Then I your sister s prai.,e will add to vonr liap. . . i .if ,lhniulWug It" I such a degree that ho had forgotten the mif win of,L. y question which I object of his journey, and only hurried ton had belt calTedui f,8,ked Bo ! home t0 wrea& h!s vengeance for the in i?a Now Y fcSi Alh of Amer- j suit ottered to the male sex on the body o'nV sio itlM wi?t-1 of his unhappy wife. . , j. . , . . . ..Mo KiV.'"..""?."..! 51 know of no place on "'t: , i,i.. .Vi "M"ci f. W"-1 LS"; Z H r " ".e ,n this very aiosron. nut my question carries. me nacuio anotner At hens than of Plato or Pericles, to the Athens of Shakspearer will, its , immortal poets, uerwin ueoates iu - me -uassacuusetts Legislature during thelast winter. forcld blFrerain'dell-We f riug' the Joiner?! Snout 'the Tinker, Quinn the Bellows- maker, and above ail o uotlotn tlie Weaver, with tlie cla&sio As9's head af fixed to his shoulders. And when I think of certain high and mighty ut terances heard in the State House, touching tlie political rlgh'ts of women, am constrained to borrow the very text of Bottom's remarks, and say. 'this is Ercles' vein, a tyrant's vein." Anu wiieu 1 ttiluK of the human wall in the "play, the man who stands he- daubed with mud and lime, and spreads out his fingers, for the lovers on either side to peep through, why tueu 1 am comforted' iu beholdiue the human ob stacles mat utana between us and our just rights, and who, holding out their scnooi-Dov nanus, invite us to looic at each other ana the world between their Augers. Then I see that We have had the Athenian farce enacted in the State House, this past winter, and I think mat i'uoiic upinion, nee tue men auui ence in the play, has had enough of the vulgar performance, and tiesires the rustics to go and learn belter manners before they present themselves acatn Bo not suppose, friends, that this is mere gooa-natureu satire, it is burning truth, and pains the indignant heart that utters it. There is much 01 tne op posite element, thank God, in this State, and in its representation. There is the ring of true metal, there is tho chiv alry of true philanthropy. And yet a certain moral sauint does seem to me to pervade the political countenances of our mate. Anu eacn one averts ms eyes from the other's evil doings, lest by iooKincat tuem ne snouiu provoKe at tentiou to his own. And so "how not to see it," is coming to take tlie place of "now not to uo it." Anu uiose wuo should give us satisfaction, concernius these things, look up into the ceiling, as sail weiier looKca tor ins fattier, anu can see and tell us nothing-. But we, dear sisters, have not got the fashionable squint. We have not prac tised looking round a corner till we can see nothing ahead of us. And if we can only supply something which is not quite a drug in tlie market I mean honest thought and honest work ' think that the present state of things shows quite an onenintr for us. Those of us who will speak last iu tho order of this convention will have some advantage over us who are appointed to speak first. They will have heard, wo hope, much that is sutrtrestivc and use ful, and will be wiser than we can be wuose words shall oneu the nroceedinirs. But even we who bet: in havo had sonio instruction this year which we havo not nau in other years. Tho debates at the State House have given us this. These have taught us how men of mean minds consider women. Touching their views I can only say that if womanhood were the slavish material fact to us which it seems to them, no literature could en lighten us, and no church could chris tianize us. We should besimply means and not end to God and man, the agency by which men come into being, and not one-Halt of Humanity. Iu much that is said by such persons the material and subordinate side of motherhood Is too much put forward, It is forgotten that the material fact of motherhood symbolizes a higher spir ltual fact and relation. The Christian church early embodied this iu her le- genaary worsitipot tlie mother oiunrist. With this, civilization in Its progress does not sympathize, but with the grand ideal of woman which it expresses, the world ot progress lias everytliing to do, Now this ideal, a true prophetic vision cannot be realized while women are dwarfted and distorted to suit the par tlal views of men. To attain it, women must choose and embrace their own op portunities of culture. The woman that nature gives is but a sketch for culture and conscience to till out. To appre ciate maternity we must nrst appreciat life, since if we do not know its value ii ourselves we cannot appreciate it in ou children. All the refinements of thought, all the sublimities of pliiloso phy are necessary to build the budding maiden iu the crowned matron. The seal of a. narrow mind, of ignorance and prejudice unreclaimed, takes effect from generation to generation. Wo must not, my friends, arrogate to ourselves the credit of the new state of things, and say the growth of all the modem humanities is owing to tlie in tervention of women in literature and n reform. The general direction and co-operation in every department of duty, public and private. Nay, it re quires this intervention. Men alone are insufficient to represent and carry out tne loving win or tne divine .tamer and Mother of the world. As littlechll dren receive from a bounteous parent, not one liana but botii hands full, we turn two hands of humanity. The male and the female shall both be filled with the divine gift, and shall make useful for the world what they have fully and equally received from God. So the new activities or woman He In the di rection of the new order, and at the same time, women by direct and Indi rect, participation nave uone mucn to humanize society and its various forms of representation. Upholding a Principle. When Hood wrote the famous lines, "Tis. oh. to be a slave along with tho barbarous Turk." the poet could hardl v realize tlie true condition of the fair sex among the followers of Mahomet. Lady Herbert throws some light on the subject in her worK on Algeria, in which tlie condition or the lemalo sex among the Arabs Is if Iustratcd by the following anecdote: A chief of the tribe of Haracta, between Ain-Beida and Tebessa, went ou some business to Constantino. A few days later he returned to his tribe, and, call ing his wife, desired her to fetch four posts and some cord. She obeyed, when to her horror the chief threw her down on the ground, lashed her to the four stakes, and taking a stick commenced beating her with all his might. Her cries brought all the inhabitants of the tents to their doors, who endeavored, though iu vain.' to sion "her husband's ! arm. "ilutwiiat lias sue done they ! exclaimed. 'She is tlie pearl of the , tribe, the best of mothers, the model of wives!" "What .has she done?" re torted the monster. "Nothing. I am descended to stop aud explain that, at drag her husband before the Court to 1 complain of bis ill usage, ana the ivadi I had actually given judgment in iter favor. So. monstrous an infraction of t 1. .. lHf...!.i..l 4t. 1. 1 . f 1 . . Chicago was unusuallv favored with ' "AabJ?Jtures recently, among whom J a euueu x'niiups. wno was in tue : Slty t the same time with Mr. Beeclier. ,He iutrrHlurtl,;iBf o;MrnnHin; and applauded thrfolTow nnlnttr).l II. .II r if , i T,rffZ . i'B '""wAnB be" v' evry m'ser every woman'i. wlio does not want-to vrt 7 Z hiVtKn made vote." to vo ""W MISCELLANEOUS. LONG. LOOKED FOR COME AT LAST! rpHE UNIVERSAL MICROSCOPE. The best X l-ow-roccu Microscope ever mane. Ex ceedingly useful for examining flowers, insects anu uiinuieotueci,aeieciingi.ouniencii .Mon ey, and Disclosing the Wonders of the Micro scopic World. II is adapted to the use of Phy sicians, Ktuuents anu uie ramny circle. Re quires no Focal Adjustment, and can therefore ue reauuy usca oy any person, umer -Microscopes of no greater power cost S3 each and up wan!, and are so difficult to understand that none lint scienuuc men can ,m mem, ine Unlverial always gives satis faction. One single Microscope will be sent crefully5pacfced, by mall, on receipt of $h Agent wanted every- wnere. Auure&sv- .u, rivriit-- a laj., (Him . -Alien, Michigan. J. , BE. FISK , SSAYER AND METALLURGIST, 29 Stark StbcL First and Second. Highest Price Fate (or Gold Bast & Ban. rVESTS MADE WITH CARE. AD ASSAYS JL of Gold and Silver, Copper, Lend, Antl mony. Nickel, Chrome, Plumbago, Tin, Iron, unneuar, unie, ana inner .ncium. Analysis ot Mineral v were ana nu oiner suusiances. LIST OF? POST-OFFICES. ORKGOX. iiAKrn co. cuBiir. Chetcoc, Fllensbunr, Port Ortonl. GRANT. rCanyon City, Camp Watson, Grant, r John Day City,' Dayville;.?. ITatrle City. JACKSON. Applegate; Ashland'MUls, Central Point, Eagle Point, Grant's Pass,; - Hot SprinKsT f-- Jacksonville, Liukvllle, I.-uiKeli Valley, Phcenlr, . Rock Point, Table Rock, Willow Spring's, fanax. JOSEl'IMNR. Klrby, Iceland, Slate Creek, Waldo. J S.i . LANIi Auburn, Augusta, Baker City, uiarKsviiie, . Kxpress Ranch, Eldorado, (Jem, Humboldt Rasln. Jordan Valley, ltye auey, t Ji M i BCSTOX. Alsea Valley, H-'orvallls, King's vauey. Liberty, Little Klk, Newport, Newton, Philomath, IS tarr's Point, Summit. Toledo, - : inquiiia. CLACKAMAS. Harlow, Reaver, liutte Creek, Canby, Clackamas, Clear Creek, Cuttlnzsvllle, Damascus,- - Kagle Creek, Glad Tiding, Highland, Molalla; MIlWHUkle, Needy, Norton, fpregon City, - -Oswego. Ilutte Disappointment .uouajR.urovef . ' ' Coast Kork, Camp Creek, Curtwrlcht's, (Eugene City, Franklin;' Junction, Lou; Tom, Mohawk, Pleasant Hill, 'Rattlesnake, Sulilaw, Springfield, Willamette Forks. LINN. Albany, Rrownsvllle. Crawfordsvlfle, Diamond Hill, Harrlsburfr. Halsey, Lebanon, Peoria,. Pine, , sclo, , Soda Spring," Shedd's. ' ' MAr.ION. Aurora, Aumsville, lhlttevllle, Ilrooks, Kalrneld, Fair Ground, Uervnls, Hubbant's, Jenerson, Marlon, Monitor, NewellsvllI-,, Sllverton, St. Istuis, Stay ton. Sublimity, Turner, Vernon, Waconda, Wooiibum. rvii.K. Rethet, Rrldgeport, Ruena VIstA, Dallas, Kola, Klk Horn, - -Grand Honde Independence, Lincoln, Lucklamute, Lewisvllle, Monmouth, 1'errydale, Rlcreall, Zeua. ,WASCO. Antelope, Ilriilee Creek, Decchuttcs. HfKxl lUver, ITIncevllle, ScottV, Spanish Hollow. The Dalles, Wasco, Wllloughby. WASIIINOTON. Reaverton, CentrevIIle, tornellus. Forest Grove, Glencoe. Greenville, Hlllsboro, MIddleton, Sboll's Ferry, Tualatin, Wapato. Astoria, Isthmus, Knappa, Nelialem, hklpanou. Summer House, West port. Conuille, KmplreCity, Enchanted Prairie, North Knd, , Randolph. COL.CMBII. Cohunbla'QIty, . Clatikanlne, Hauler, .SUllIelens, suavlb'! Island, 8oappooe. DOfOLAS. North Canyonvllle, Cuma Valley, Drain, Elktou, flalesvllle, (Jardner, Kelloicss Imklnclas. Myrtle Creek. Oakland, l"!iss Creek, Rosebun;, SVotlsbunr, Ten Mile, L'mpqua City, Wilbur, Yoncalla. MUI.TNOMAU. East Portland, Portland. nLMVOOK. Gnrllaldi, Nelarts, Tninnonk""' " " " Trafc. CMATILLA. Cecils, Cnyuse, Mitchell's Station, Marshall, Mendowvllle, Pilnf ltvlf Pendleton IP Umatilla, Weston. UNION. Cove, Ijadrnnde, ?nrth I'owder. Oro Dell, ummervine. union. YAMHILL Amity. Rellevue, Dnvton. Ifayetle. McMlnnvllle, jiouninin iioue. North Yamhill. Sheridan, west ciieiinum, Wheatland, Newlierc M-AJiltl.NGTO.V TF.KRITOKY. CLALLAM CO. New Dunglness, ivrt Anelos. t CLAUKIV Rattle Ground, Rrusli Pralrt'. Martin's Rlutl. Peking ifttf; Union lUver, Vancouver. ,' Cetlan-llle, Chehnlls point, Elma, Hmmiam, Montesano, Satsop, Sharon. COWLITZ. KLICKITAT. t ItloclcHouse, Columbus, tioldeudale. KINO. Black lUver, Knchu, ,,Meltlp, ,. , , Slaughter; ' Snoualiule, Siunk, , i .WhlteJtlvcr. Bolsfort, Cowlitz, Cluquato, tSIeudem, (rand Prairie, Newaukum, Pumphrey's Landing, Skookumchuck. MASON. Arcadn;t j Oakland, .SkokninlKh, Sherwood's Mills. .' l.lftd PIERCK. .Ellis. Franklin, Stellacoom, Tacomo. ' Bruceport, Chinook, Knnppton, . .Oytlerville, . 'Unity, Woodward's Landing. SKAMANIA. Cascades, White salmon. i - STKVENS. Fort Colvllle, Rock Creek. Spokane Bridge, . Union Flau -VAIIEIAKCM. Cathlaniet; Enjle Cliff. WA1.I.A WALIK. .Delta, - , ' - 'Patahar , Tukanon, " ' Touchet, Walla Walla, Wallula. WHAlcoy. Fidalgo", a La Conner.M a Norkachcck, i..Samtsh,,A Scbome, Castle IUck, Currollton, Freeport, - r Kalama'. Monllcello, Oak Point. Coupevillc, I'ovoland. Utsalaily. JEFKKU-VIN. PorUbfBooverj-, Port. Ludlow, PortTownsend. . KITSAP. Ulakelely, Port Mad (sou, Port William, Port Orchard, Sealieck, Tcckalet. SNOHOMISH. Twell, Muklllue, Skohomlsh. Tualallp. THCRSTON. Beaver, Coal Bank, Grand Mound, Mlama Prairie, Olvmpla, , . - Tumwater, ' Yelm. YAKIVA. Attanum, FortSlmcoe, IConnewock, Kittitas, MoctaSee, . . HelaliT Yakima. vtj 1 iltsp". ' ; Moncy'Ord'er Offlci;j,- NORTHWEST ESTABLISHMENT. 15 V1- NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE! UnparalleledJiitluGeiiients to Clubs THE NEWrdNORiHWEST, A JournM - DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF HUMANITY. Arrangements have lM'en made to secure the rscrvtccsoi a . - COMPETENT CORPS OF WRITERS npon'any and all subjects or Public Interest. "The New. Northwest Is not a'Wonian's Rliihts. but u Human Rights organ, devoted o whatever tllev mav be necessary to secure the greatest good to tbe greatest ifumbcr. It knows religion, no party, no color, no creed. Its foundation Is fastened upon me rocK oi r.icmai jioeri, unirm;i Emancfuiioii anu L nirammcieti l-rvgrrs.iiou, OUR PREMIUM LIST. As an Inducement lor our friends to make exertions to secure large clubs for the Nkw ?oirruw3T, we oner tne louowin; nsioi val uable premiums : 'vortwentv subscribers, at S3 fOcaeh.arrom panted by the cash, we will give- the HOME SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE, without ta tile, beautiful! v ornamented. Price. $.11 For thirty-five ubcribers,at SI UU comnanieu ovinecasn.we win eivo a iivuir. IsIUj'TTLK SEWCvG-MACUIXE, With Black Walnut labir, nronzm ana niceiy nuisneu, Price, Jti TLK SEWING MACHINE, finished In extra tile, with Black Walnut table aud cover. Price, $30. ; The above Sewing Machines, which are war ranted first-ehus in every particular, can be , street, Portland. .Til fc lilc lilt, iv Mrw. i, . riUUI ; For fifty subscribers, at S3 00 each, accom panied by the rush, we will give a MASON A HAMLIN PORTABLE OROAN, four octave, single reed, with black walnut case, automatic bellows swen, two mow pcuais, improved cen ter pressure reed val ves, etc lrlce, $E0. TV... -. ft n r . . I. .! I . M ... f.l n . 4 I J i M.-ICIIIJ it nuwmiui- u. jo W nl U, C eompanled by the cash, a double reed MA.SON" A- HAMLIN ORC1AN; resembles the first ex cept that It has also rt knee stop. lrlce, 37i For seventy-five subscribers, at $3 00 each, accompanied by the cash and twenty-five dollars additional, we will plvo a MASON A HAMLIN "ORflAN, of Five Octaves. One htop, Self-Adjustlng Reed Valves, Improvid Bel lows, TremuiBiH anu Knee swell. rrlce.SIOO. For one hundred subscribers, at 13 00 each. and twenty dollars additional, we will give a Hvc Stops, Two Sets of Rlbrators Throughout, Improved Graduated Scir-AdJuAlInc Reed Vnlves, Improved Bellows, Tremulant and Knee-Swells. VIOLA. DIAPASON. FLUTE. TREMULANT. I'ricc.SlIS. . , TIiosq who desire to work for these premiums can send the names and money as fast as re ceived. 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Table Knives, best ouallty, warranted: Or u handsome Bird Case. Any person In urrearsfor subscription to The New Northwest, who will send his or her subscription fee and three new subscribers, ac companied by the cash, mukln;, 812 uu, we will send : u ; J ', 1 0 A handsome Marsallles Quilt; Ora handsome Woolen ijallt, red and white, or blue and white; ' Or a pair of Table Cloths; Or two pairs of Nottingham Lace Curtains; Or three pairs Alexandre's Kid Gloves, Say color or size: Or a Japanese Inlaid Work Box; Or IS yards best yd. wide Sheeting. For seven subscribers at J3U0 each, amount Ins to ill 00, we will send : An extra Castor, triple plated, on wblte meta! valued at J9 CO: Ora lady's Wrltlnc Desk, of equal value; Or aCabinet, Japanese Inlaid : Or an Extra Japanese Inlaid Work Box. These articles are all valuable, and are war ranted to be Just as we represenltbem. lVr sons livlne In this cltv or who run vldltn.,n receive tbeseartlclesrromourqwn fyandsatan uour nuuen; or ii ouv convenient to visit us we win aeuu uic atucies Dy express 10 any ad- "-1-rf.i.i.n...... . unless the cash accompanies It. Send money In Postofflco orders at the ens - tonmy rate, of currency, or send draR If JIuc'.raJi"?a Ve sincerely hope that this unparalleled! offer, which Is a new feature ln.thei ewj Jatwi butlnessin Oregon, wlll-meet With heartr1 sponse from the many rriends or our panef yho np to this uma have Seemed to fall torKi: ' ,.JU!V 1HE-tw oirruwEST cannot be run ?uy? Now I, the tlmTtomakJuSl fliih. PrtiTiiw ..'.S' " W lh stnrl nr v i . - u r"r."" '""u .u .2. vJ??' 8e what rou can o forySar-' PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS. JACOB MAYER, i Importer and Wholesale Dealer In DRY 0-OOXS. MILLINERY AND FANCY fiOODS, Hatb and Gents Furnishing Goods, Ladles' and MIW TRIM3IED AND UNTUIilMED U.VT3 AND BONNETS, Frames, Braids, Cords, Ornaments, Flowers Ribbons, Trimmings, etc. Dress Goods, White Goods, Tankee No tions, Etc. Ladles' Cloaks, CIoaK Trim mings, Etc. AGENT OF TlfE ELLENDALE WOOLEN MILLS CO. A Full Slock of Blankets, Yarns, Bea vers, Tweeds and Cassimercs Constantly on Hand. LATEST STYLES BY EYF.HY STEAMER or PARTICULAR ATTENTION Paid to Orders. nl PORTLAND- LIBRARY ! ASSOCIATION. 'J 4 V Jf ROOMS-Coriier First aud Murk fits., over Iji'bl .t niton's Bank. Contains Ortr Tnrre Tknani tkslre Basks Over 100 Pafors and DCaasiasi. MEMBERSHIP FREE TO ALL. Monthly Hue 91 OO-Pajrable H"rtrly DlRrcroRS Wm. R. Ladd, P. C. Sehnyler, Jr. M. P. Deady. L. H. Wakefield. W. H. Brackett, A. a Qlbbs, a H. Lewis, 31. W. Fechhelmer.H, r ailing, u uiuui. Office nt L. H. WAKEFIELD H. FAILINO ..rrsldent Vlce iTesIdcnt P. a SCHUYLER. JR -Treat urer M.W. FECHnEIMER Corresponding See HENRY A. OXER Librarian and Rec See BADGER'S MUSIC STORE TUST RECEIVED, A FINE AND LARQK Assortment of CLASSICAL MUSIC, Published by the well known firm of Schuberth & Co. KALLET, DAVIS t CO. PIANOS EO. WOODS A- CP. OBOAAS. All Kinds or Musical Instrnraeiits. Call end Examine Badger's Music Store, SNOW 4 ROOS' ART OALLERY, v3 73 First Street. Porllaud. tiS "rem xlJtro, SaJix.3P!y-1 BELLINGER, He CO., Washington SL, bet. Second and Third, PORTLAND -OREGON -yyn manufacture an Si J!a txoTT'A RTICLE Ul'S ji'r t"J V BREAD. CRACKERS , CAKES, And all klndsof Pastry usually found In a First Class Bakery, i -,' 1 ;. . W Goods delivered to any part of the cltvj J21.71nli NOTICE S OBTIIWO KTH, , 2 . HAS REMOVED FROM FRONT STREET to the Corner of E aud Third Streets, of htle 'best1, rUni1 keePlnC a exl siPPly FAMILY GROCERIES, TINE TOBACCO, CIQASS, PIPES. PATENT MEDICINES ANO YANKEE NOTIONS, Where he will be pleased to meet his old cus tomers, and holds himself In readiness to wait 1 1",1!0" '"''"y, new ones, and hopes by nunctual- , J , ucalinK in just weisnu anu neurc ""v""'r,i"erai snare oi paironnRr. I VCu- M.M.SOUTHW FORTH. , " ' pre-JHEHDEE'S PHOTOSRAPHIC RQSMS, H. W. Ctor. Xorrlson ud Hnt His., PORTLAND, OREGON. TJICTUHES taken. In all ID latrnanu mot Improved styles, and not ioferior to any on ihe coast. ildVSrtw coast, worktwellldoneacu completed lu- war uiiwtiij-i. - ,trUABIES:AXD Cmi-nnirK "should be bro'ucht In between the hoursoflOandSlways dressed ' SU3CELTKEOUS. 'A complete Pictorial History of the Times." Tbe best, cheapest, and most sacccscfnl Family Paper ia the TTnion." Harper's "Weekly. SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. NOTICES OF THE PRESS. Ihe "Weekly" Is the ablest and moU power ful llliittrntvl nerlodlcal nublllhed in this country. Its editorials are scnoiany ana con vincing, ana carry mucn unsuu nn iiiua.rn- tions of current events are full and fresh, and are nrrnareii hv our best designers. With a circulation or 150,000, the paper Is read by at least half r million persons, and its influence as on organ or opinion is simpiy ireroenaous. i 1 . I - nn.l(l.a Wat, Inn and expresses decided views on political and social problems. Louisville Courier-Journal. SUBS CKIPTIOJfS. 1873. Terms: HARrxB'sWEZKLV.ono year SI CO. An Pmir nr either the "Magazine." "Weekly," or "Bazar" will be supplied grotls fnrnrtrv Plnl. rr Flvn Subscribers at St 00 each at one remittance; or, Six Copies for 420 00, wnnoui extra copy. Rnhc.rintinns m "Hjiwri Magazine." n'ut.ii.H .i ijn.... tr nA aHflnffcK fexr nnp year, $10 00; or, two of Harpers periouicais 10 one auuressior one year, vu. Race Numbers can be supplied at any time, The Annual Volumes of"Harner,K Weekly." In neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free or expense, for t" 00 each. A Complete Set, comprising Sixteen Volumes, sent on re Kdh.t .riBh , ih. Mi. nff. rwr vol.. frelpht at expense of purchaser. Tho no Hiiro on "Harner's Wecklr" Is twenty cents n year, which must be paid at the Sub- sen oers post-omce. Address HARPER fc BROTHERS, nOti New York. 3f ABT V. 8AWTELLE, M. D., TJEING PERMANENTLY LOCATED TNSA' lem, offers her professional services to the public and respectfully solicits her share of patronage. rsrtlcilir ittentloa rsU ta Dlitijcs of Women. OFriCE At Residence, on Court street, Next door to the Court House. v2n39tf JAMES F. BROWN, Attorney, Counsellor at Law and NOTARY PUBLIC. EUGENE CITY OREGON Consultations In the Ensllsb. French. Ger man unu iiouonu languages. nj. MRS. I'l'UAJt JILXDEE, CLAIRVOYANT &. MAGNETIC MEDIUM, Couffress JIall, Duik Street, Room 45, second floor. Circles Thuroday und eaturuay evenings, neances tor Dueinets. vjnll TEAS IF YOU WANT Fine Tciih, GO TO George A. Sheppard'Sj. IF YOU WANT Cheap Tenn, George A. Sheppard's. H E MAKES A SPECIALTY OF THE TEA Dcsi.ness ha one whole slue or nu store DEVOTED EXCLUSIVELY 70 TEAS. You can iret anvthlntr there in the line ot Teas that you can call for. He-has the only regular Tea Department everopeneil In tnestate. Corner of First and Yamhill sts., Portland, Oregon. ALL 0EDEH8 CAREFULLY FILLED. Send for a price list of Teas to 2-39 GEORGE A. 8HEPPARD. McLERAN'S MI1.I.S, Front Street, Portland. WE ARE NOW MANUFACTURING, OF A Superior Quality, and offer for sale, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, EXTRA FLOUR; SUPERFINE " GRAHAM " RYE " BUCKWHEAT " HOMINY, Large and OAT MEALJSuperlor); OAT GROATS; SPLIT PEAS; CRACKER WHEAT; CORN MEAL, Yellow and White. smaii; BRAN, MIDDLINGS AND CHOP. We have In onr employ a man from Scotland who thoroughly understands his business, and have been to great expense In buildlnc a Klin for thoroughly drying the craln, so that we can guarantee our Oat Meal to keep for years Jn a fresh state. BtB-The Trade Supplied at the lowest living rates. Orders Solicited. 2--3m McLERAN 4 STEEL. FRANK HACIIEiEY. E. J. W, STHUMK. HACHENEY & STEM ME, CORNER FIRST AND 3IAIX STREETS, Portland, Oregon, TTAVE JUST HECEIVED AJD OPENED J. s. mains unrest OlOCK or Cnoioe Seeds Ever imported on this sido of San Francisco ?J".F,2?lt..and Ornamental Treej.Hhrubbery KAAt, Tt II ) III. t'Hll and examine our stock before buying nK.11.hl.n. f. . ... 1 .. .. vtiiu(;u(.- seni on anpucation. HOtf ' s FABBE, AT THE CENTKAZ. MARKET, Has Enlarged his Coffee Stand AJfD Added Such Improvements As will enable him to provide Epicures with THE BEST IN THE MARKET. Parties furnished with hot Coffee on short notice. 5rlL DK. MART A- Tn.OMPSOJT, PH7SXCZAN ANO ACCOUCT3XBTR RESIDENCE AJD OFFIC&-;THniDw'; ST between Salmon and Main, opposite, -the. Public Square. Calls attended In any part of the city. Batteries for sale, and Instructions given on the us of electricity as & Remedial Agent.. uL UAKCT3ir.3PAUI.DIS0. 5MRTOX X.SPACLBC1C. PAULDINC BROS., Stalls Xos. 1 and 2, Central Market, DEALEK3 IM . ' "-JTdCiXL kinds; . . Xess Beef andyofHisii, Sacoa.-Lajdcj 2-41 Etc., etc., etc. PORTLAND IDTI'SEIEOTS. HURGREN & SHIHDLER, DIRECT IMPORTERS AND MANVFAC turers oi every variety of PARLOR, BED-ROOM, BININO, LIBRARY AND , QOUNTINQ-IIOUSE F TJ R N I X TJ B IK 0k, Ulnut, KosewooJ, Cbrstnut, Ktf. MOULDINGS, MIRRORS, BLACK WALNUT LUMBER PhIu, Hair. Jtovi. Excelsior Cllne, Etc., Etc., Etc. THE LARGEST STOCK! THE BEST GOODS I THE LOWEST PBICESI Ware Rooms Nos. 1B6. 3CS. 170 and 1" !, Cor. Salmon and First St., Portland, Oregon. ntitr LADD & TILTON. rOKTUXD. .OREGON EHtullilioU, 1850. DEPOSITS RECEIVED AND ACCOUJ.XB kept subject to check on draft. . TRUST FUNDS, in sums of ONE DOLLAR AND UPWARDS from date ofdeposlt. MONEY LOANED on approved security. Bonds. Stocks and other valuables received on depodt for safe keepln?. uouecuons maue anu proceeus prompnj ic milled. Investments In Real Estate and other prop erty made for parties. Bight and Telesrahlc Exchange on San Fran cisco and the Atlantic States for sale. Government Securities bought and sold. Azentfor the transaction of all kinds of Fi nancial and Trust Business, nl SMALL-POX I An Infallible Cure! SAMUEL CORWIN, HAVING OBTAINED from Isaac Richardson, a wealthy gentle man, recently from France, a Specific Cure or Preventive for thatmost loathsome of all dis eases, the Small-Pox, respectiully calls the at tention of the public to the fact that he is now prepared to nil orders lor tlie same. Kept con stantly at his office, S. W. Car. Main nnd First sts. SAMUEL CORWIN, Proprietor. DR. BOHZEAU'S SMALL-POX CURE AND PREVENTIVE, lt per lottle; guaranteed to cure any case of the Small-Pox, when used ac cording to directions, If sufficient life remains to make a cure possible. No one should be without this Medicine, as "an ounce of preven tion Is worth a pound of cure." An abundance of testimonials will be shown to any one who will take the trouble to call at the abovc-nnm ed office. 2-Htr DR. J. O. CJLENJT. D B 3ST T I S T 117 First Street. PORTLAND -OREGON nl MrKl'IIY A- KELLY, rE iu FAMILY GROCERIES, COUNTRY PRODUCE, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, Corner of Third and Washington streetslon- poslte Presbyterian Church i, Portland, Oregon. Goods delivered to all parts of the city FREE OF CHARGE. J nl EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. J. It. AVmiERELL, No. 80 Front Street, l'ortlniid. ILL FIND EMPLOYMEXT FOR ALL thoie npplvinir for situations In him- ch. pocity from Wood-chopper down to a Fat Of fice. Pay special attention to obtaining- Farm Help, House Servants. Railroad Hands, etc., irrespective of Nationality. Parties sending orders from a dUtnncemUHt be explicit In their orders, stating Just what mey wain, wimi iney win pay, eic, laecompa nied by our office fees. S2 00. which mav de ducted from employee's wages), statins wheth er they will or will not be responsible lor -traveling expenses ot hired help. tt J. K. WITHERELL. SAN FRAKCISCO. THE FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE ; "i WILL. SEW EVEUYTHINOi XEEDED JN , a family, from the Heaviest to the.Llght estrabrlc. k ' ,t.ruz 30S-J i liiw i! 111 IT DOES MORE, WORK, ,. -' -. - .- fti ! . if -I " WW'S. MORE KINDS Or WORK, i rt ii . n:l .-A .' WOBU AND nETTEK, Than any other Machine . : ..i'js!9 If there is a Florence Sewing Machine within 1 tH ons thousand miles ofSan Francisco network ing well or giving entire satisfaction, ir I am Informed of it, it will be attended to without expense of any kind to the owner. SAMUEL II I I.I,, AireiU. '- ., 19 New Montgomery St.,' ' ' GmndHotel.Bulldlng.y r ': 'Santranclsfg" j . ' tf ' . . . v.-J. 8E.HD'.rOR CIBCIURS AND SVMPtW 0Ffc,.t0B - .. -f 's SK ,n U A e.-tV. ' . . ;-' .v. .-wfe a law : 'SSS hAy oAge ata ; Waii UJ ,' aa r yw ho ra; Jn,Z6,18Tl-nS81Cm In Hgni cioinss