NEW TO-DAY. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NORTHWEST ESTABLISH5IEXT. PORTLAND ADVERTISE5LBNT3. MISCELLANEOUS. PORTIVND ADVERTISEilENTS. FRIDAY FEP.UUAR Y 2S, 1S7& HOMEHEWS. Go to-morrow night to Mavbell's linn efit at Oro Kino Theater. You'll hear of "Womon's Rights and SufJrage." Miss Clara Watt, a graduate of the Willamette University, has been en gaged as an assistant in the Corvallis College. The Grand Army of the Republic will give a grand eoueert and ball nexlTues- uay evening at the skating rink. Of course there will be a rush. The Y. M. C. A.'s concert at Masonic Hall on "Wednesday evening was a grand success. The attendance was large and the music of a very superior oruer. The thanks of this oftlce are due to C. II. Payne, Esq., for the present of a de licious ham, which has been a palatable accompaniment to eggs ami coffee dur ing the week. A city correspondent wishes to know whether or not the Portland Literary Society propose to give an entertain ment, as he wishes to confer with the manager on tiie subject. (Jo to F. Hays, no 00 Morrison St., foraUJiinds of work in Human Hair: to Fabre, at the Central Market, for the best lMit coffee; to P. O. Stewart, .St. C liarles Hotel Building, for clocks, watches and jewelry; to Spaulding Bros., Central Market, for fresh meats; to Jfacheney &, Stemme for garden secus; to Krumbicn & Gilbert for a plan lor your house, and and see our ads. Don't deal with anybody who won't patronize the Xi:w Northwest. According to the San Francisco Ckron iflr there isa minister in this State who does not practice what he preaches. That paper says: "Mrs. Parker, a ladv in destitute circumstances was recently turned out of the Western Hotel and her trunk seized for dobt, and, with her four children, is now living with a friend at o. 225 Minna street. Her husband is James V. Parker, a lawyer in Yreka, and it is said he refuses to aid her, as does her father-in-law, a minis ter of the gospel and advocate of the doctrine of charity, who is now at Rose burg, Oregon." TheStalcmoH says that Superintend ent Odoneal has just received orders from the Commissioner of ludlan Af fairs, to visit, without delay, the Xez Perces Indians, who have for many years lived in Wallowa Valley, Oregon, and who object to whites settling upon lands claimed by the Indians, and ar range, if possible, for their early re moval to the Reservation belonging to the tribe in Idaho. If they refuse to go, lie is authorized to ascertain their views and make arrangements for their re maining in said valley or locating them at some otlier place to be agreed upon. For the very best photographs, go to Bradley & BulofaonV Gallery wit limit STAIRS cor.VSCEND IK TIIE ELEVATOR, 13 Mont gomery St., Sn Francisco. OUR AGENTS. The following persons are duly authorized to uct as A rent for the New Northwest : Horace II. Day .New York CHr Mrs. S. SI. Miller Last Chanee Mrs. MBit lirbee Loser Clear Lake. Ctal Mrs J. II. Potter Albany shby Pearee Benton county Dr. Rayley Corvollfg V A. Mannlne Olvmma Miss Virginia Old. MeMtanvftlc Hi ram Smith Harris tmrK 1. 11. 1). Henderson Koeene city W. W. Beach... Uaan Vista E- . Wm. Jolly Hon. T. V. Davenport Mary J. Magerti. V W. Stouiard s. H. Claughton I'. A. Heed Mrs.o. T.Daniels. . Mrs. Nellie CurL I'. C. .Sullivan Mrs. M.K. Coot Mrs. M. C. Cllne Mrs. It. A. VawW-rs . Mrs. R R Bishop. .. .. Hoy. J. F. Damon. . .. Rev. D. Bagley. Mrs. Jane M. Wilson. Philip RIU I'. D. Moore Mrs. It. J. George Mrs. M.J. Ensign. .. t,. R Blood Mrs. M. JeflHes. . .. II. II. Welch -Hlltsbom Sllverion GervH IVrowiwvlllr . IAnon Salem f aleni JSnlem Dallas Irayette Kalama Waltsburc Pendleton ..-Seattle -..Seattle Walla Walla Walla Walla Port Townnl Traveling Agent Portland TraveltH Agent .Traveling AKent Walilnron Bounty Lafayette -Albany Dalles I ir. .1. Wait V. N. Arnold. . V. Lewisou- M. 1. Owen Mrs. ". A. (Vdiuni Mr.. j. DeVore Johnson Thus. Parsons. It. l'entland Miss SaUle Applegate . Mi-s R A. Owens . J T. Scott, Esq Mrs. A.E.Corwm 1,. o. Encle I. W. Jackson- I.. P. Fisher .. Mrs. Iuira Deforv- liordon... Miss Nellie Mossman. Fret Grove Ongtm Clt- Mllwaukle .Tlie Dalles Yooealla . Iloeburs Foreat Grove . .NeliBlem .Travelinc Agent Kusene ....-San Knuieleo California .Olyinraa -.Vancouver Union Ridge. W. T ....Ocitooo Valley . Washlncton Territory TimveHnK Agent Gervala. Oteeon I. T. Maulaby . W. llrock ... .. W. llarne J. N. Gale . Mrs. E. Oakhett. - Mrs. J. C. Haye .lames vanee- -Yreka, CalUornia I lanlel Waltman.... Mrs. Sarah Harry- -Sacramento, California .Stockton. Calicnnila Mnt Sarah Walll. ani. -.Maynehl, CaHfornln Mrs. Phanman Y'ates. -Sail Joc. California Woman's Journal" -Iloton. Maasacliusetts t Uarles W. Tapjian Salt Lake City, V. T other mullet; desirlnK to act at Asents will p) ase forward thelr'names. We want Agents at every pootofliee throushout Oregon and W.ishlmtton Territory. SPECTATj NOTICES. FABBE, at the cr.XTn.vr. JI.IRKET, Has Enlarged hi- Coffeo Stand AK1 Added Such Improvements .s will enable lilm to pro-ldeEplcure with THE BEST IN THE MARKET. Parties lurnUhed with hot Codec on slmrt notice. S-41 TO SrtRITCAI.ISTS AND OTHER LIBERAL XHiNKKW A tun hopply of Spiritualist and lteform Hooks kept constantly for sale atSnnw's Liberal and Reform Ilookstnrn and Rnnrnl Pacific Agency, J18 Kearuy atreet, up stair?, niar lhwh. Also Adams d: Co.'., Golden Pens, c lrton's Antl-Tobaceo Preparation, and Snence's Positive and Negative Powders. All foods sold at Lauern prices. RemltUnces In UnltedStates paper currency received at par. Circulars and rafaloeues mailed free. Address Herman snow, I'. O. Uox 117, San Frandsco,al. v2nll The CIollilHR Trade lias, wlthlu the last t hirty days, undergone a reirular revolution, by I- ishel & Roberts having opened a firM-cIass owiiHicHi, ntriicr 01 Klrst and Washington streets, where Men ami n b fitted to perfection in every kind of Clothes. Thev are lnanutacturtnr on a lam can make anything for Men and Boys' wear to order In the very best style, at extreme low prices. Thulralm is to pleate both in nttlnc and in quality. Aoan 10 luwrCTuiuiHnmcnt. corner rirstana asmugiuu mu convince all ui lue jum. apvb-ti SECOND ANNUAL DISTRIBXTTIOT! 75,730 Premiums, RANGING IN VALUE FROM ftlO TO 65,000, given rwrsr TO TIIE SUBSCRIBERS OF OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND. Kitry Snbsrrlbtr is mrr of one premium any way, sol also his an equal rhanrr ofrertlilns a CASH premium, or a PUXO.OKGIX.". liril.MHIT I.0 MirillVE, etc, rlr. FIRST GRAND CASH PREMIUM S3,000. OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND. Eight Page..' Large Sire. Illustrated, the Family Weekl.s.ia In Its Third oiume ana nax auauieu hip Mr eit Circulation or nny paper iMibllshed in the Vetl. Its Success Enables the proprietors to furnish the Rest, Most DesIrnWe and Most IW rul Original Heading Matter In Ureal Vartetr that money can buy. and to make It a Home Weekly suited to the rants of every family. Subscription price $ per year ofSa numbers. THE ELEGANT CIIROMO CUTE," Sire 10x21 Inches, 18 colors. Acknowledged by all to be the Handsomest and Mot Valuable premium picture In America. Every subscrib er Is presented with tills Cbromo at the time of siibscrihin:; (no waltlnci, andalso receives a NUMBERED CERTIFICATE ENTITLING TIIE HOLDER TO A SHARE in the distribu tion or !SX"0 In cash and otherpremltims. The Distribution Takes Place on thesECOND TUESDAY IN J UNE NEXT. The Cliromo and Certificate sent on receipt of price. Siieelmen Co)les, lremlum List, etc, Giving Full Partic ular, sent free to any address. AGENTS WANTED, Either local or canvassinp. In every town. Large rash pay and the best outfit. Send at once for terms. Address OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND, S-tt-Uw Chicago, Illinois. OUT OF THE FIRE! s. j. MccoRancic IS HAPPY TO INFORM HIS NUMEROUS Friends, Patrons, and the public in general, that he has HE-OPENED FRANKLIN BOOK STORE THE IO JPxx'Ht Stveet, (NEXT CENTRAL MARKET), wmi x court, ctr stocit or .School Books, Stationery, Blank Books, Cold Pens, 'cutlery, Etc., Etc., Wlileh ha will dlapOM or at THE VERY LOWEST PRICES. Subscriptions Received For all the popular NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES, Wlikh will be liellered to Any Tart or t lie Clly, vSn9 Human Hair! F. HAYS, CO MORRISON STREET, CORNER THIRD, Has the FInet Stock of WICS, SWITCHES, BRAIDS, CURLS, FRIZETTES, Ami All Kinds of Goods for LadlcV Httlr-dres In?, North of San FraucIeo, and at Ifentern l'rwea. A I-?0 MANUFACTURES THE CRLB orated Teyphe WIGS TOUPEES, And All Kinds of Hair Work, at Shortest No tice, and at lite LOWEST POSSIRLE PRICKS. 41 THIRD STREET STORE. HAVING PURCHASED MESSRS. TAYIvOR HROWNELIS entire stock of MER CHANDISE. I will sell the same, as well as my own, consisting of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, ihju i m 1 1 o ris, 1 uts, etc., at a Miial 1 ad -ance on cost for the nest sixty Days. a wisnmy 10 engage in busineas l or- 1 . ir" ",J r,1,,re siock, anu will Rent Store ami I Ixturei. on Reasonable Tenn JOHN WILSON, Third at.. South r Alder, Three Itoor r-to from Masonic Temple. tHl SIAItCUSSt.SPAl-LBISO. MOHTOS M.8PAULDIX0. SPAULDINC BROS.. Stalls Xos. 1 and 2, Central Market FRESH MEATS Of all kinds. Mess Beef and Pork, Hams, Bacon, Lard, SS-ll Etc., etc., etc. STEAM, SULPHUR AND VAPOR BATHS, ror. tuf. ccbc of Colds, Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections. rpHE ATTENTION OF SUFERERS FROM JL Coughs and Colds Is called to these Baths, as one or two will remove tlie severest cold. Also, Warm, Cold nml Shower Rath. SlearaorVaporBalhs.JI 00. WarmBathi.COc LUDWIG WILHELM. Proprietor. WiegandS old stand, 1-30 Washington street, near Front. GEO. W. VOLLUM, BOOK-BINDER, PAPER-RULER, AND BLANK BOOK MANUPACTTJBEB, tf FRONT ST OVER MILWAIN'a 40 IF YOU WANT ITIne X o a k , OO TO 1 Coorgo A. Shoppard'B. IF YOU WANT Cheap Teas, OO TO Ccorgc A. Shoppard's. HE MAKES A SPECIALTY OF THE TEA IStrstxitss has one whole side of his store DEVOTED EXCLUSIVELY TO TEAS. You can gelanylhlmr there In the line o( Tons that ymi can call for. He has the only regular Tat IH-partiueiit ever opened In tlie Stale. Corner ul l'irsl nml Vaiulilll Portland, Oregon. ALL ORDERS CAREFULLY FILLED. Send for a price list of Teas fo 2-W GEORGE A.SIIEPFARD. McLERAN'S MILLS, Front Street, Portland. rE ARE NOW MANUFACTURING, OF A 1 1 .Superior Quality, and ofler for sale, IVIIOI.KS.VI.r. AMI ItET.VII EXTRA FLOUR ; SUPERFINE ' GRAHAM " RYE BUCKWHEAT " HOMINY, Iirxe and OAT MEAL(Superior); OAT GROATS; SPLIT PEAS; CRACKED WHEAT; CORN MEAL, Yellow and Wlilte. smaii; BRAN, MIDDLINGS AND CHOP. We have In our employ a man from Scotland Who thoroughly understands his business, and have been to creal expense In building n Klin ror thoroughly dryliis the that we can guarantee our Oat Meal to keep for years In a fresh state. nr The Trade Supplied at the lowest livlnc raies. uruers .which eo. S-liMhn McLERAN .t STEBI- WE STILL LIVE I WE WILL SELL Boots and Shoes AT COOT FOR CASH -UNTIL NEW YEA R, At the ign of the big soon?, 1- C.VIIAl.IX A CO'N, Flrat Street, under Om Finn Theater, Portland. rRAXK IIACIIESKV. I- J. W. irCXME. HACHENEY & STEMME, CORNER FIRST AND MAIN STREETS. Portland, Orogon, HAVE JITST RECEIVED AND OPENED out the Largest Stock of Choice Seeds Ever imported on thls W of Kan Franelfeo; alwi Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubbery, iioou, iTOina, eic Call and e.ainln our toek beforo huvlnr eUewliere. Catalogue sent on application. s-wir Couimercial Hotel, (OlAm House Block) OREGON SALEM- 3IHS. A. J. ItlEI.Y, I'roprietor. f PHIS HOUSE WILL HE KEPT IN FIRST X Class order, witli attentive and obliging servant. I am prepared to furnish good ac commodations to the traveling publlc.nnd will use every endeavor to merit me patronage 01 the public free uoaen to ine nouse. Regular Hoarding at very low rates. 2-SP 3I.VKY 1. SAWTIXIE, ?I. I., BEING PERMANENTLY IX)aVTRD IN SA Iem, oifers her professional services to the public ami respectfully solicits tier share of patronage. rartlrttlar Allrnllon Paid to HNcairs of H'umfB. OFFICE At ResWenee.on Court street. Next door to the Court House. vinWtf KRUMBIEN & GILBERT, ARCHITECTS & DRAUGHTSMEN, ixvnxToits- EXcir.vxGiL (Cree's Rnildtng.) riMIB REST COUNSEL : The Rest Draughts- men: me iiesi Jtouci woramen.and tlie best Patent Agent at Washington: the only re liable place to get your invention put inrousn in snort nsiice. -wi A. C. WALLINC, Boole nml .Tol Pvmioi, PITTOCK'S BUILDING, UP-STAIRS, Corner, Front and Stark streets, 1'nrtlnmL Orcgou. Work dene at RE.VSONABLE RATES. DR. MART A. TIIOMl'SOX, PHYSICIAN AND ACCOUCHEUR "DESIDENCE AND OFFICE THIRD ST. IV. between Salmon and Mnln, opposite the Calls attend,! In nnv w .t .nl.. i i Tlatterlos rrvr .i,..:,f i:.'ViV."-'-,. ... nmneur as a Kemedlal Agent, nl JOS. SIMON", hOLl'Il. . v. nnoKACOti. u l.u.l A Vli II, IIOLPII Jt S10N, Attorney -at.Law, ODD FEI.IXJWS TEMPLE, IORTLAVD 2-ttf REMOVAL. FRANCIS A. EFFINCER, BOOK-SELLER AND STATIONER, Corner Stark nnit Front streets, 2-HMI FERRY lVNDING. ISAAC BERGMAN, Union Mai'ltet, Cor. Second nml Washington Sta. HAVING RECENTLY PURCHASED THI8 Market, I am now prepared to sell on reas onable term the ben Meats the country af lord!, nl Great Sensation! IMPORTANT TO THE LADIES! T WILL SELL FROM THIS DAY ALL MY J. Dry Goods at Greatly Reduced Prices, as fol lows: -Wool JPlaia, FORMERLY MofcSl W, AT S7!8!Ha, C0L0KK1) AlPACi, FORMERLY c. AT S ALL WOOL EMPRESS CLOTH, FORMRRLY C74oes7Kc, AT foiJfe. BLACK ALPACAS Will 1 sold from 23 cts. to $1 W per yaid. Also, a Large Assortment of While i ColM rialn i- Twilled Flannels, TICKINGS, Ottoman-Striped Shawls, Double Shawls, RnoctiE Shawl Ii.CE Goons, CHECKED, STRIPED AND FIGURED NAINSOOKS, Ladles' S tblldrrn's Fun i Fur SatU. I also liave a Fine Stock of LACE COLLARS. Velveteens In Every Slisde. Boys Suits in Waterproof & Casaimere. A full assortment of Gents' Furnishing: Goods alway kept. STAR SHIRTS (open back) SOLD For t2 00! I alto have a srent many other articles that will be sold according to the times. ca lie sure and call before purchasing else where. R. HAMRURQER, San Francisco Dry Goods Store, 1S1 First street, Portland. YHtXl BADGER'S music so? out: JUST RECEIVED, A FINE AND LARGE Assortment of CLASSICAL MUSIC, Published by the well known firm of Schuberth & Co. HALLET, OAVIS &. CO. PIANOS. KO. WOODS A CO. ORGANS. All Kinds of Musical Instruments. Coll and Examine Badgor's Music Store, SNOW A ROOS' ART GALLERY, 1 73 l'lrst Street, Portland. IlCS LADD & T8LTOW, l'OItTIlXU .OREGON DETOHITS RECEIVED AND ACCOUNTS kent suhlect to check on draft. INTEREST nllowed on TIME DEPOSITSor TRUST FUNDS, In sums of ONE DOLLAR ii ui'i Aiur iroiii uaie 01 ueiiosii. MONEY LOANED on unmoved security. llonds. Stocks and other valuables received on deposit for safe keeping. Collections maile and proceeds promptly re mitted. Investments In Ren! Estate and other prop erly maue ior names. Slcht anil Telesralile Exchange on San Fran' cKcoand the Atlantic States for sale. Government Securities bouht and sohL Azentfnr the transaction or alt kinds of Fi nancial and Trust Imslne". nl JUST RECEIVED ...AT.. S. SILVEH.'S, o. So. 130 l'lrst Street T)ER LAST STEAMERS, A GENERAL AS- I . . r ... 1 II.... ......... -l.t.. ,n ran BLACK AND COLORED ALPACCA, J..Ml'111-..-Vl ( I.U1M, INDIES KIDGUOVKS Extra Quality, FURS A Ijinre Avortment, MARSEILLES tn il.TS, FRENCH FLANNELS All Colors, TWILLED RED FLANNEL WHITE FLANNEI FAMILY BLANKETS. BED COMFORTS, ETC., ETC. Also, a Good Assortment of HOOTS AND SHOES, J I ATS .VXD CAPS. MEN AND BOY'S CLOTHING AND UNDERWEAR, All of which will be soldcheaiiforcash. Please call and examine before purchaslnjjclscwhere. V.I1-JMI OREGON STEAM NAVIGATION CO.'S NOTICE. TJOATS OF TIIE COMPANY WILL LEAVE Jj Portland us iniiows : l'or The Dalle: Dally (Sunday except od) at S o'clock a. m. Ior Astoria: Monday, AVcdnosday and Friday at S o'clock A. M. For Montlcrllo: Dally at 7)4 o'clock a. m. ni; J. C. A1NSWORTH, President, MRS. J. KINGSBURY, just ritojr uritwpc. TT AS OPENED A NEW AND ELEGANT JL"I assortment of Millinery Goods, In Wlesand's New Building, CORNER THIRD AND ALDER STREETS. Tlie I allies are respectfully invited to call. v2nltf WOKKINGMEWS HOME! YHOMTSON'S TWO-BIT HOUSE PLENTY TO EAT! Room Fore Am. ! Employer In want ol help .please, calL n.11 HUH. S. J. Ill'MSEY, PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE PAINTER; CAN BE FOUND IN HER STUDIO, on the third floor of Corbett's New Building, from iv . 7i. mi i r. at. oi eacn uay . nfLrAsoNs otvmt is L.vNnscArj: Paint ' nl CHRIS. SCLOTII. PSHJS" "I3OIJ PATRONS AND THE X Public generally to call at bis NEW BUTCHER SHOP, Washluirtou a!., one door east of Third 1 11 NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE! Unparalleled Inducements to Clubs HE NEW NORTHWEST, A Journal for the People, DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF HUMANITY. Arrancementt hare been made to secure the Services of a COMPETENT CORPS OF WRITERS upon any and all subject! of Public Interest. The New Northwest Is not a Woman's Rlehts. hut a Human Hlzhts onran. deroted to whatever policy may be necessary to secure the greatest cood to the greatest number. It Knows no scx,no poniic,no religion, no imrij, creed. Its foundation is fastened upon the rock of Eternal Liberty, Universal Emancipation ana uiiirammeun i-rogres'ion, OUR PREMIUM LIST. an Inducement fnr ntir friends to make exertions to secure large clubs for the New ioirriiwE.ST,weoneriue iohowiub usioi i uable premiums: m.iv.nip i invnnpra. m 9.1 ill ram. uixuui nnnlfNl liv lhi cosh, we will clve the IIOME SHUTTLE SEWINU MACHINE, without ta ble, beautifully ornamented. ITlce. s-jj. For thirty-five subcribers,at $J 6j each, ac companied bythecash.we will give a HOME SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE, with Black Walnut table, bronzed and nicety nnisncu. Price, Sli ror iony suosrnocrs, oi, 9a w i-ucu, ti.,ii panleil by the cash, we will clve a HOMESHUT- TLE SEWING MACHINE, finished in extra style, with Black Walnut table and cover. IT PP. The above Sewlnc Machine?, which are war ranted nrsi-ciass in every particular, can w seen at me omco 01 ueo. v. 1 raver, iii rroni street. I'ortlnnd. i-or nny suuscriocrs, at uu uacii, hccuiu- panted by 1110 casn.we win kivo a jiAi-ur v HAMLIN PORTABLE ORGAN, four octave single reed, with black walnut case, automatic bellows swell, iwo mow peuais, nnpniveu ceu ter nressure reed valvej. tc l"rlce. $50. For seventy-flve subscrlters, nt S3 00 each, ac companied by the cash, a double reed MASON A UA31I.i uiiw.:s ; rescmnips ine nrsi cx- cepi mat 11 nas aio a Knit stop, i-ricv, For seventy-five subscribers, at 5.1 CO each necompanled by the cash anil twenty-rive dollars additional, we will clve a 3IASON A HAMLIN ORGAN, of five octaves, one STOP, MELr-ADJCSTtNO KEF.n VALVES, IM PKOVEU IIEI.IAWS. TKKMUI.VNT ANU KNEE- SWELL I'rlce.SKll. For one nunureu .sunscriuers, ni pi w eacn, and twenty dollars addtlinnal, we will give a MAU .V IlA.lll.l.N UII.l., FIVE OCTAVES, FIVE STOPS, TWO MKTS OF RtllltATOIW TIinOCOH- OUT, IMPnoVKD CIKAPUATED SEI.K-AIUUSTIN11 REEDVAI.VES,IMPROVED IlEI.LOW.S.TI!EMCI.ANT ANU KNEE-SWELLS. VIOI.A, DIAPASON, FLUTE, TREMUL.S.NT. Price, S1S. Tliose who desire to work for these premiums can send the names and money as fust as re ceived. The subscribers will be placed to their rredlt, and If enough names are not received during the year to procure the premium de sired tney can cnoosea ieserprcmium,oriney will be entitled to receive twenty-tlve per cent, in rash of the amount remitted for their labor, OUR NEW PREMIUM LIST. As The New Northwest hnsalreadr proved a popular success, we are decided that ft shall also prove aTKiOMPK. TO cliauir our menus who mny ucciue 10 ciiu vass for our naner to benefit lioth themselves and us by increasing our Subscription Lists, wo pmposc to give 111c louowing auuitiouai i-re-mluins to canvassers : Any subscriber who Is In arrears for me new Northwest, who will send us his or her own subscription fee, and one new subscriber, ac companied by the cash ifi UO we will give : j pair l'ariau jiaruie ase; Or a Bohemian (Rasa Vase; Or n Bohemian Glass Card Receiver; Or J4 dozen Ivory Napkin Rings; Or M dozen Plated Tea Spoons; Or 1 pair Alexandre's Kid Gloves; Or a Iidy's Fan, spangled, leathered edge; Or n Bird Cage; Or an Album for holding 100 picture; Or an Album (extnt) for holding GO pictures; urn F:mcv letter Caset Or a box Toilet Articles. Including soap. dial K, penumery, eic ; ura itruannia 1&1 i-oi; Or a Kerosene Limp: Or li dozen Ghvss Goblets; Or li dozen GlassTuniblere , Ora large Glass Fruit Dish; Or n Work Basket: Ora Fine Embroidered Handkerchief; Or H dozen Linen Handkerchiefs; Or a Woolen Table Cover; Or 4 dozen Table Napkins ; Or4 dozenTowels; fir nn decant Portmonla. Anv nbscriber who is iu arrears tor a Tear's cniikcrintlon.and who will send his or her own subscription fee, and two new subscribers, ac companied by the cash making J9 00 we will 'a set of Rogers' Table Forks, triple plated, on white metal, warranted: Or a set of Rogers'TablcSpoons, triple plated nr. whit., mntnl. warranted: Or a set of Rogers' Tea Spoons, triple plated, on white metal, warranted; Or dozen liogers'.v ivuvmmi-s lauieiviuve!, best quamy, wamun, Any person In arrears for subscription to The New Northwest, who will send his or her subscription fee and three new subscribers, nc mnii bvtha cash, making S12 00. we will Lira nanusoiiiw ah send: , a h,nr uim. m Arsai I ICS WUl 1 1: bra handsome Woolen quilt, red and while, or blue and wiine; Orapairot Taniei.iuiii'i Or two pairs of Nottingham Lace Curtains; Or three pairs Alexandre's Kid Gloves, any color or size: Ora Japanese imam , ui Or 13 yards best yd. wide Sheeting. For teven subscribers nl 53 00 each, amount ing to $21 00. we will send r An extra Castor, triple plated, on white mcta! valued at S9 00: Ora Lady's Writing Desk, of equal value; OraCablnet.Japanese Inlaid: n-on VTtra Japanese Inlaid Work Box. Th nrtlrles arc all valuable, and are war ranted to be just as we represent them. Per sons living in tuis en 3 wmvvum iuu3can receive these articles from our own hands at an hour's notice; or if not convenient to iitus, we will send the articles by express to any ad- difoorder or this kind will receive attention unless the cash accompanies It. Send money in I"ostofflce orders nt th cus tomary rates of currency, orsenddrall If pre- AMorders promptly attended to. We sincerely hope that this unparalleled offer, which is a new feature In the newspaper business In Oregon, will meet with a hearty re sponse from the many friends of pur paper, who up to this time have seemed to fall to real ize thatTltr New NoirriiWESTtannot be run without money. Now Is the time to make up clubs. Begin before some other person gets the start of you. See what you can do for your ILths Pabllc anJ Thk Nw Northwest. JACOB MAYER, Importer and Wholesale Dealer In X H7L"5r GOODS, MILLINERY AND FANCY QODDS, Hat ANri Oents 1'i'RNisniNn Ooods, Ladle mid Misses TltLMMFD AND UNTRIMMED HATS AND BONNETS, 1'ramea, Brakl, Cord, Ornaments, Flowers Ribbons, Trlmmlii;i,etc. Ilrcss (foods, White Goods, Yankee No tions, Ktr. Ladies' Cloaks, CloaK Trim mings, Etc. AGENT OF THE ELLENDAI.E WOOLEN "MILLS CO. A Full Stock of Jllanl:el3, Yarn), Bea ver, Tweeds and Cassimere.1 ConMantly on Hand. LATr.ST STYLES BY EVERY NTILVJIKIt tar PARTICULAR ATTENTION iaW to OnIcn. nl RE-ESTABLISHED, I SEWING MACHINE j ' LATEST IMPROVED, j SIMPLEST, I1KST. Llgbt K111111I11?, Kaslly Learned' (0 z c 111 and Operated. S Takes tho Preference ! H H r in WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION, ONLY $451 GEORGE W. T RAVER, Gcncriil jV ST o 11 1 AT GRAY'S MUSIC STORE, Odd Fellonn" Temple, v2 Portland. nSS 101 First Street. BT... DELLIXGER kSc CO., Washington gt bet. Secand and Third, FORTL.VND OREGON rE MANUPAOTIIRE AN A NO. I ARTICLE OF BREAD, CRACKERS CAKES, And all kinds of Pastry nsuallvfound In aFIrst Class Baker'. BGoods delivered to any partoftheeltv jI.TInlS PORTLAND LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. HOOMS-Corner First and Mark Stt., overlrfidd iTIItonS Bank. Contains Oirr Tbrrr Tbousanil (holre UooVj Over 100 Paper aud Magazines. MEMBERSHIP FREE TO ALL. Monthly Hue 81 OO-l'nynble (unrlerly Dl rectors Wm. S. Ladd. P. C. Schuyler. Jr., 51. P. Deadr, I II. Waketleld, W. II. Brackett, A. C. Glbbs. C. II. Lewis, M. W. Kechbelmer, II. Falling, I. Blum. Officers: L. II. WAKEFIELD -President II. FAILING P. C. SCHUYLER. Jn -Vice iTesIdent ..Treasurer M.W. FKC1III ELMER Corresponding Sec IIENKY A. i.ttirartnn ami i:ee. Src NOTICE. M. 31. SOTJTIIWOItTII, TTAS RE1IOVED FROM FRONT STREET JUL to the Corner of T. and Third Streets, Where he may be found keeping a good supply 01 ine lfl FAMILY GROCERIES, FINE TOBACCO, CIGARS, TIPES, PATENT MEDICINES AND YANKEE NOTIONS, Where he will be pleased to meet his old cu tomers, and holds himself In readiness to wait upon many new ones, and hopes by punctual ity aud dealing In Just Weights and Measures to receive a liberal share of patronage. v2n2 M. M. S0UTIIW0RTIL HENDEE'S PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS, S. W. Cor. Morrison nnd Tlrst Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON. "PICTURES taken In nil the latest-tmd most a. iniprovea styles, and not inferior to any on me coast, woric well done and completed In side of twentv-four lmnrs. OBTlABlts and CmLDitE should be brought . ,. t . v .uc "oi luauuijBiways uressea in light clothes 'i-f OR. VAN DEN BERGH'S Sororotfrn Worm Sji'tip. rpHIS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDTCINTS J. Is warranted to expel all worms from the Bowels and Stomach, except Tape and Chain Worms. .... The proprietor has taken much pain to teat the comparative merits of the principal "Worin Medicines of the day, which, numerous a Entozon thomselves, have oversprel tlie lnn.1 ABAluilalmlnff In llflftlie lUISI Of eiflc:'and, while we frankly acknowledge that many orthem are olten snccessini.anu uo grew Foolwen we not assured that this comijinea advantages pos.essed by no other worm medi cine. Its introduction at this late day uould not nave been attempted. Tlie pleasant taste and exceedingly small quantity of this inedietne required to test the existence of worms, or to remove every one from the system Its operating in a few howrs, unaided by any other purge, together with Its certainty or enect.cnnstltnte it one o( the most brilliant discoveries of the age. Hail we space here, scores of certlOeMea might be adduced to show its progressive and rapidly increasing reputation for the last few years; hut to promulgate its fame and estab lish its character, we only ask for a trial. Its speedy operation in all sodden attacks, as convulsions, colic, tits or spasms, gives It an unrivaled superiority. Sent by express an re ceipt of price. SYMPTOMS Or WORMS. Alternate paling ami flushing or the ooon tennnce, dull expression of the eves, drows iness. Itching of the nose, a swelled upper lip, tongue whltely furred and thickly speckled wltli red polnts.feled breath, an enlarged belly, a iwtrtiul or general swelling or purnngneaa of tho skin, a starting in the sleep and grinding 01 tlie teeth, a sensation as ir something was lodged In the throat, a gradual wasting of the flesh, sickness of the stomach, vomiting, a short and dry cough, appetite Mime times vora cious at other times feeble, bowels sometimes costive, at otiier times loose, great fretnilnesa and Irritability nftemer, pains hi the stomach and bowels, colic, tits, convulsions and palsy. Its value in removing masses of crudities from the stomach ami bowels of children, even where no worms exit, cannot be too highly es timated. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retarl, by DR. VAN DEN BERG II aud Agents In all cit ies and towns. Dr. Van Den Reich can be consulted on all diseases that the human system Is heir to. IH long experience In diseases of women anil children cannot be surpassed by any physi cian In the United States or Europe. Dr. V. ad vises Indies troubled with any IrregnlarlUeaof the Uterus to try his new remedies and get cured. By consulting ami undergoing a simple ex amination the afflicted can learn If their dis ease bo worms or not. At all events. Dr. Van Den Bergli ean tell them from what disease they are suffering. consultations ana examinations ires m charge. Office IIoom.i TK and 30, over PoatoAee, Salem, Oregon. toners ueseriuing tne symptom win w promptly answered, and person living at a distance will lie saved the expense and trouble of calling 011 the Doctor. Address DR. J. W. VAN DEN BEHGII, 4.j p. 0. Bos 172, Salem , Oregon. 'A complete Pictorial History of tha Times." "The best, cheapest, and mo3t successful Family Paper in the Union.'' Harper's "Weekly. SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. NOTICES OF THE PRESS. Hie "Weekly" is the ablest and mostiwwer- ful Illustrated periodical published In this country. Its editorials are scholarly and con vincing, and carry much weight. Its llltat ra tions ol current events are fuR and fresh, ami are prepared by our best designers, wish a circulation or IStfft), the paper Is read BJ at least hair a million persons, and Us lnfl9iea as an organ of opinion Is simply tremennoni The "Weekly" maintains a positive position, and expresses deckled views on political ami social problems. Louisville Courler-Joarnal. Sri5SCnlPTIOSfS.-I3?8, Terms: Harper's Webei.t, one year U Ml An Extra Copy of either the "MagaztoeV Weekly," or "Bazar" will be supplied gratia, for every Club of Five Subscribers at SI Weeefe at one remittance; or. Six Copies for 339 66, without extra copy. Subscriptions to "Harper's Magazine, "Weekly" and "Bazar," to one address for one year, $10 CO; or, two of Harper's Perlodleate ss one address for one year, $7 uft. Back Numbers can be supplied at any time. Tlie Annual Volumes or"IIarper,s Weakly," In neat cloth binding, will be sent by exnress. free of expense, for sT 00 each. A Complete Set, comprising Sixteen Volumes, sent on re ceipt of cash at the rate of 55 25 per vol., freight at expense of purchaser. The nottaee on "Harper's TVeeklv" IS twenty cents a year, which must be paid at the Safe- serlter's post-oluce. Address HARPER A BROTHERS, nMG XewYorVr. READ THIS. TICASIO WATER-CCRE is situated In CaU S lornia the healthiest Stale in tn Union: ir.Un ....... . 1. huithiui 1 m ni. and In Nicaslo Vallev a place combining alt the advantages of climate and beauty of loca tion. It is reached In a few hoars from San Fran cisco, via either San Rafael or I'elaluma, and mtieHts can, by special arrangement, nave eay carriage, with bed, if desired, at very tow rates, by application at Bay View Stables, Sinn itanraei, or to ine livery stable nr rnrrinse. Washington Street. Petaluma. oDuslt Ilnaak- lyn Hotel. Stages leave .San Rafael, Mondays, Wednes days and Saturdays, at 2 p. x.. Stages leave I'etaiuma at tne same nonr, Tuesdays and Fridays. -sicnsio tinier-iure has facilities for successfully treating the sick unexcelled by any cure. East or West Tin: physicians are skillful, and they hays had lontr exnerience in the Ilvrlcnl n n..i.t of cliroiilu diseases. They employ tn atldlUoa to the common Water-cure or Ilygienle treat ment, KLECTHtriTY in liaths and, otherwise, and inhalations of oxygkn-, whleh prove very valuable In many easesof lung and thraai diseases. Tliey also pay partirnlar attention to all diseases I'Kcrji.t.vR to womkx. They are well known as editors, for the last three Tean. of tlie "Paeillc Journal of Health," a periodical wnicn nas iiigu rans as one 01 ine oeatioiHHar iieaun pajiers in me wmu. We therefore confldentlr assert that In nn place In the world can the sick receive, ar the time nnd money expended, more substantial benefit, than in the NlCASin WATga-CVKg. DR. W. J. YOUNG, ' Manssjar. For Sale. JIILS. IIAUUY (lODI.EV . 0 FFERS FOR SALK HER .SUPKRBOTOCK 01 .iiuinery anu reutcy Goosls AT A BARGAIN. -. t Tl,n l,ITl,tl,ftn I. mm f 1 1. , , . ... - r . L. . - -' ' ' , VJ lie MR V UU-H V. 1U - L- I ni I tn IhaClnf. .. , ill 1 J . T- ....... ... . uiit, nun w ii: ir mma miij sns cont of the Billing health of the protBrtatar. . i iKRnni mrareHB MRS. HARRT GODLKV, iiM Albany. OragOM. S. M. MILLER, LAST CHANCE, MULTNOMAH CO.. OGN. IjEAI.Xp. IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO, LIQUORS, VEGETABLES, W000, ETC. oa- Opposite the head of Sauvlr 1 1sland. vsnsstf - JAMES F. BROWN, Attorney, Counsellor at Liw ami N0TAH7 PUBLIC. EUGENE CITV ORBGOlf nonsnlfntlnnu In (h. T?nnll.l. tt. t. -- -- -- -uutmu, ikuvui wTO man and Holland languages. riES. 3IRS. 71JIA3I JIEXDEE, CLAIRVOYANT & MAGNETIC MEDIUM, Congress Hall, TJusIi Street, Between California and Montgomery streeta Room 15, second floor. Circles Thursday anu Saturday evenings. Seances for business. v2nll PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE. ALBERT A. M-O?'10 TM TrEEPSAFIET-CfwWe1:-XV for the accommcatlon 01 roup a abtei. fer a quiet home to tbe nwiB Terms moderate. OIymp w