The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, February 28, 1873, Image 2

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    pcrisbablo fame. Aitletl by Dr. 11:11!,!
...FEIJllUAltY US, 1S73.
As the public mind has had oppor
tunity to cool itself during the several
days that have passed since the adjourn
ment of tho annual meeting of the State
Temperance Alliance, we are now ready
to make a well-weighed and careful re
port ofits remarkable proceedings.
The list of delegates was quite large,
the weather was beautiful, and every
thing at the opening session betokened
a happv and prosperous season of tem-
erance legislation, except the lowering
glances of a few grim-visageil pigmies,
who took the Alliance bits between
their teeth and sought to rule or ruin it
A few broken-down political liacks,
consisting of Republican sore-hcads and
dead-duck Democrats, had resolved to
run the Alliance in the interests of a po
litical ring, whose avowed object should
le Temperance, nut whose real one
should be the control of the wkisky in
fluencc in the interests of a so-
called Temperance party. Overtures
from certain parties in this pseudo Tem
perance clique had been made to the
New Xortiiwbst with a viow to secure
this paper's influence as a party organ ;
ami we were urged to keep the Idea of
woman's mifranchisement out of the
Alliance, because it was so obnosious
to a few professed Temperance men that
there would be trouble about forming a
now lwrfr if we should attempt it. As
is usual in such cases, we kept our own
counsel and obeyed our own convictions
of duty; consequently the New North
west did not become a certain party's
organ, and the faction who could not
control sought to gag and ostracise us.
To succeed in this they felt that strat
egy was r.eeesary, so they caucused the
whole night preceding the appointed
gathering, and packed a committee on
credentials, stuffed the temporary
Chairman, pledged the permanent Pres
ident (whose election. was also a put-up
job), and got cveryting in readiness for
our expulsion from the AJliancc.
Meanwhile the Suffrage Society dele
gation, all unmindful of the coming
storm, chatted at ease in the hotel par
lor, till they were suddenly waited upon
by a man who wanted to know what
they sltould do if they should be denied
admission on their credentials. This
query placed the delegation on their
guard, and a stormy debate at once
arose between them and the worthy
who was trying to cover his perfidy in
packing a committee against them by
declaring himself a "Woman Suffra
gist, who only sought to make a way
for their admission." Ah, Colonel
Cann, when you shall essay to run for
Governor, the Methodist hobby horse
and Democratic niirhtmare, both of
which vou are trying to ride with Tom
peranee for a bridle and "Woman Suf
frage as a saddle, will "step from under"
and leave you, like Issacher of old,
"crouching between two burdens."
The 'Woman-Suirrage-Temperance ele
ment is after you full-tilt with facts.
The reports of the Orcgonian, States
man, ami Bulletin are so com
plete and reliable that we shall draw
largely from their columns In a forth
coming summary, thanking each for
their accuracy, piquancy and telling
thrusts at defeated and retreating disor
ganizers, limiting our own remarks to a
brief outline.
The Committee on Credentials, who
had been nominally chosen by the old
members, but really selected by T. II.
Cann with special reference to their
hostility to the credentials of the Wom
an Suffragist if Mr. Cann denies this
we are ready with the proof ruled that
the Woman Suffrage Association was a
political party, having in it all the el
ements of politics, just as the Repub
lican and Democratic parties are
each political. This was a new ruling
to the Association, yet not a very disa
greeable one, since it is pleasant to find
that you are in reality a power for an
many to fight, rather than a nonentity
not worth noticing. Rut this delega
tion denied going there as politicians
upon other than Temperance issues, and
as such they stood their ground, and af
ter one Dull Run defeat, the cry of "On
to Richmond" roused the latent princi
ple of Justice, and victory perched upon
the banners of Temperance, while the
disorganizing secessionists took to their
heels after the style of the rebels in a
greater Rebellion (but where no greater
principle was involved), carrying with
them, as did the first great Secessionist,
not a third, but a tweutietli part of the
Alliance hosts. Like their notorious
prototype of Pandemonium, they imme
diately set about forming an "Alliance"
of thoir own, and like their equally vil
lainous forerunners of the recent great
Rebellion, they have issued a "procla
mation" setting forth just as good rea
sons as did Lucifer or the supporters of
the Okl Public Functionary for their
withdrawal from a Union which they
could not gag, usurp or ruin.
As we prefer to let the daily press tell
the particulars in its own terse way, wc
now proceed to a few personalities not
given in the general newspaper reports.
After we had been, as the President
vainly hoped, eflectually tabled, upon a
cheating vote as to our admission as
Delegate at Large, a number of gentle
men, with whom we had had very
slight personal acquaintance, and who
had in no way allied themselves to the
Suffrage movement, but who saw clear
ly through the political trickery of the
disorguuiziug faction, rallied to our sup
port unasked, and then followed a four
hours' combat between skilled diplo
macy and vital principle on the one
hand, and ignorance, intolerance and
gag law upon the other. Conspicuous
.. f . . .
among tne cirampiuns oi justice wc
make proud mention of Major George
Williams, whose invaluable aid in sub
duing the greater Rebellion cost him a
leg at Gettysburg and won for him im-
wIioav intrepid zeal is worthy of all
praise, and by the .support and counsel
of Dr. Watts, Professor Prentice, Rev.
Mr. Parrish, Dr. Fiske, lions. Downing,
McF. Patton and many others, these
entleiueii hold anarchy at bay and
in such a manner that they all under
stood it, and the consequence was that
the President, who had set out from the
first under instructions from T. II. Cann
and his packed committee to hold the
bits between his teeth (as did the tem
porary Chairman until jocularly Im
peached), thought better of his position
and conducted the trying subject fairly
and justly.
Wo have no hesitation in avowing
that had J. II. D. Henderson in his of
fice as temporary Chairman remained
as an executive instead of assuming tiie
Of tie fWon State Temocranca Alliance,
Held at Salein on tie 20th and 21st days
of Eebnury, 1873
) The first session of the Temperance
' Alliance having packed its Committee
, nn rvmimiiini!. the afternoon orsecoud
brought the question as to whether or I scssion wa3 called to order, and the rc
not we should be admitted to our seat iu i t of tUc Committee was received. It
the Alliance squarely before the ieople j anied scats to a large number of dele
gates, representing temperance societies,
lodges, Sunday Schools, Bible classes,
Churches, literary societies, &c.
The report contained the following
recommendation: . , ,
"That Mrs. A. .T. Dun i way, ad un
accredited delegate from the State
Woman's Sulirage Association, be not
admitted; as iu tho opinion of the Com
mittee, the Association referred to Is a
political party."
Ti.o mlniitioii nf tho ronort was moved,
whereupon Mrs. Duniwoy rose and in
quired: Who, under the Constitution,
are competent delegates? The Chair
announced that the Secretary would
read the only section or tne consutu-
... - - . . i. 1 . ! ri'l.-
. n. n- cmii ' I nn Mint n irm io meinueraun'.
roie oi mciaior, uiu noma., "-'-e': , o ' 1 .lit. u. .l tlm follow-
CWCUIIJ t4UIillljV ' '
delegation would have been admitted
on our motion to amend the Commit
tee's report, and wo also declare that if
upon Mr. Ryan's installation had he
been content to take his scat as execu
tive instead of trying to follow the ad
vice of the disorganizes, poor old man
Thornton (who can never forgive us for
being his successful competitor in a
prize essay i, would not have had oppor
tunity to attack and insult us as ho was
permitted to do. Rut ail that is past
now. The .rrestueni nouiy returned to
his duty, the ex-President repented of
his injustice, and the sequel proved that
it was not the Woman Suflrago delega
tion but "Mrs. Duniway" whom the
packed Committee sought to ostracise.
Right has triumphed and everything
is serene again.
Tin Tin Tnr-TiTlTinnTwr mj ITITTTI T) T T Am
x axjXi JjArxiiiOoiun ui au xmuijux. i
Many and various are tho rumors
that come to us from the stronghold of.
Mormonism. There seems at last to be
a determination on the part of the Gov
"Jietolvcd, That the name of tho As
sociation shall be the Oregon State Tem
perance Alliance; that it shall bo com
posed of members of this Convention
and other men and women who by their
record shall be known as firm friends to
the Temperance cause, and shall co
operate with all Temperance organiza
tions of whatever name and nature."
Mrs. Duniway moved to amend the
report by striking out that portion ad
verse to the admission of the delegates
from the Woman Suffrage Association,
aud inserting the recommendation that
that they be admitted to seats in the
Alliance, and supported her motion iu a
few well-directed remarks.
John Doc rose to a point of order;
I that no persons excepting members have
I a right to speck.
I The Chair sustained the point.
Mrs. D. continued, and again objection
i was made.
i The Chair ruled that no person but
! such as are mentioned in the report of
tne committee are members.
Mrs. Duniway excepted. .She said
that the report itself could not deter
mine the status of delegates, since that
was tne subject oi discussion.
Tho Chair I hold to my ruling with
vMr. Thorntou The question is on the
The Chair 'lite previous question
lakes precedence of the amciiilment.
A vote on the previous question was
had, resulting in its being ordered.
The Chair The question is on the
Mrs. Duniway J. President and
Delegate: I have no words to express
my regrets for the prescriptive injustice
of tho Committee ou Credentials, whose
ruling to-day strikes at the very root of
American freedom. Tho Woman Suf
frage Association, whose credentials I
hold here, lias sent up its delegation,
among whom arc ministers, physicians
and editors persons of the highest
social and moral standing, all well
known public aud private advocates of
Temperance. The Committee urges
that wc are a political partv and on this
ground would exclude w'. I think it
would be fair and just for us to be heard
on that matter. We do not come here
as politicians, but as Temperance men
ami women, claiming an equal interest
with Churches, Sunday Schools, farm
ers' clubs, medical societies and all other
organized bodies. Tf f ho Committee be
lieve us to be a political party they err
ignorantly; if they are disposed to os
tracise us from sinstcr motives, they err
willfully. In cither case I appeal from
their decision to the Chair. The consti
tution of this Alliance expressly pro
vides for our admission. It says that It
shall be composed of members of this
Convention and other men and women
who, by their past record, shall be
known as friends of the Temperance
cause.and shall co-operate with all tem
perance organizations of whatever name
and order. Now, shall gag law be en
forced in tills body, or are we to stand
by our rights as free Temperance men
and women ?
Just here Mr. Ilopkinsou, traveling
agent of the S. F. Chronicle, loomed up
iu the rear of tho house and remarked
suavely that the question was on the
adoption of the report.
The ('hair The gentleman is mis
taken. Tho Chair has frequently stated
that it is a matter of grevious doubt in
his mind as to what the question really
is, lint the Chair is inclined to rule that
it is on the adoption of the report.
Mrs. Duniway The question, sir, is
on the amendment offered by myself.
Mr. Driver That's right, Mr. Hen
derson, that's right!
The Chair That is not the understand
ing of the Chair.
Mr.IInrton It's the understanding of
ernment to abolish polygamy, and wc Mrs. D. insisted that, as she was a the Alliance.
well kuow lint none will hiil this uros- member last year, she had now a voice ' The President ruled that none but last
.i :...!... it. r..' i in tins years organization. years members would bo allowed to
lTOk e""- JJ j. Ou nn Thornton remarked that the I vote.
women themselves. As usual, men, in Committee had considered the matter) Mr. Driver contended that such a rule
their determination to amend their po- carefully, and they had arrived at the i had no precedent. In our National
litical muddles ire miin them wow conclusion that the Suffrage Association Congress the retiring members do not
and worse.
forward tho triumph of the liberal cle
ment of the Alliance was assured.
A motion to indefinitely xiatponc the
whole subject-matter was treated to a
crushing defeat at the hands of S9 dele
gates who voted aye. The negatives
summoned 72 noes; a complete reversal
Ui J!lSt lllglll S IICCIKIOII.
During the pendency of this motion
the Chair decided that members who
had been sent on committee business
and had returned to tho hall while the
vote was being taken were not entitled
to a vote. Tho temper of tho house was
tested, anil tlte Presideut reversed.
The motion to adopt the original rerso
lution was amended bv T. H. Cann so
as to include "all the delegates from the
omau's feunrage Association."
The amendment was indefiuitelypost
Mr. Ford rose to a point of order: that
the effect of Indefinitely postponing the
Cann amendment was to carry the
whole matter along with it.
The Chair refused so to rule.
Mr. Wooden roared a fierce roar which
fell like lead upon the ears of the worthy
President, who peremptorily ordered the
recalcitrant Wooden to be silent. The
rebuke of the President afforded occasion
for loud applause.
Several other delegates whose mental
calibre refused to conform to the laws of
ratio and proportion met an easy death
at tne nanus oi tne wearieu uuatrnian.
The previous question on the resolu
tion of admission was carried after :
host of dilator' motions had been inter
Tho defeat of the opponents of the
resolution was accomplished by a clear
majority or 2., the vote standing h ayes
to ,z noes. Astne result. became Known
the irrespressible of the victorious party
vented itself in ions and loud cheers.
A motion to adjourn afforded the
beaten delegates an opportunity to
amend byaddingu'nr die. Thisamend
ment was lost by an overwhelming ma-
jr"y- i...
'i lie Alliance iiienaiyouriieii mi 1 i-.
puss uioii the election and qualification
of the new members.
The Chair That's so. Then wc can
not tell who has the right to vote until
the report of the Committee ou Creden-
was a oliticaI party, aud, under the
Constitution, not entitled to renresenta-
It is well known that women in Utah '. tion.
have the right of sulirage, but under the Mrs. Duniway I would like to ask
,.ii;.,. (,., r : ii.Sj ..:i. Judge Thornton to find such a provision
!" . - ?"-4 -.. in n.e arlicic relating to membership, i tials is adopted.
is enjoyed, as an otucr ngnis are on- t for ti,c readiuir of the section. 1 It was linallvdccided tocall lat year's
joyed in such instances, by the master ! The Secretary read the section, where- ' roll of members.
over the slave, and Mormon wives vote "l10" l Duniway remarked that that A disgusted delegato moved to ad
attho bidding of their Mormon lords. , ;u.Us,t.b lx?"T ViAr,;ic jl"V-Thc C1,:lir rw,ctl motion out
Here a scene of indescribable confu
sion ensued, after which
Rev. Mr. Bowers said that he had
read, while in the Fast, an account of
last year's proceedings. The perform
ance then was simply disgraceful, aud
certainly it was worse now. If we can't
do better than this let's go home.
The Chair having again ruled that
none but la.-! year's members should
vote on questions of-organization, Ma
jor Williams asked: "What body scut
Cries of "Question! Question!" this committee out?"
l.... l' i ci . r ...... l.l 'ri. ii, i- ri... ..,l.l nr I..
by the disenfranchisement of women, know wi,ether or not the committee on , now boforo me.
but it can be solved by their votes, if i credentials considered the Presbyterian' Major W. Was it legal ?
Government will but aid them in mak- Church of this city a woman's suffrage I Chair Yes,
I ltufnt out r' Tim ltillnt Iu tlm die,
The politicians now propose tosoamend . tinctive feature of American politics.
the election laws as "to give them free Then how can their organization be a
expression at the ballot and allow only political one?
st how "frce; I: " 1
male citizens to vote." Ju
expression" is to be given to the ballot
by disfranchising its possessors is a new
problem in olitical logarithms, and
shows plainly that our brethren need
the enlightened aid of women's nnuds , to pretend that it is not political
to leacn inem wnai lreedom ream is. me worus in no ouctisivc sense.
This Mormon problem cannot be solved ;
on Althoimn the woman
announces her position with all tne
gravity of a setting lien laughter, her
sentiments amount to nothing unless it
is to prove her sincerity. The associa
tion bhe represents seeks to secure the
ballot to woman, and it is all nonsense
I Use
ing the laws by which they shall be 1
The Mormon Church is the real prop
erty holder in polygamous I'tah, and
until that power, which is held above
the United States Government by its
adherents, shall become subservient to
the civil aud political law, it is idle to
ask the New NonrmvEST, as docs a
friendly contemporary, why, if woman's
vote will purify politics, tho experiment
has not been a success in Utah? It
will be a success, depend upon It, good
sir, if opportunity is but given by the
the Government to give it "free expression."
Mr. Newsom, who so stoutly denied
any intention of withdrawal from the
Temperance Alliance, noth withstand
ing the attempts of the recalcitrant
Wooden to inveigle him into the camp
of secession, writes us some rich revela
tions, gleaned from a visit to the ene
my's camp, lie says: "As fast a the
trutli can leak out, every bolter is found
to have seceded from the Alliance be
cause you were voted in as Delegate at
Large !"
Well, brother N., the National disor
ganizcrs acted on precisely the same im
pulse when they seceded after Mr. Lin
coln's election. It is the old fight of
might against right, error against truth,
oppression against freedom, and in such
conflicts the right will win.
"I toll you," continues our brother,
"that the movements of these bolters
have done you more real good, and
the noble cause for which you labor, as
well as the cause of the State Temper
ance Alliance, than could have
been done by the unchallenged ndmis-
association. Here are five ladies with ,
credentials which have not received the
slightest notice from this model com
mittee. Mr. Thornton apologized for the neg
lect ot tne committee.
The question bciugon the amendment
offered by Mrs. Duniway, General C. A.
Reeu addressed the house In support or
the amendment. lie was making a gal
lant defence, when
Mr. Tilmon Ford roo to a point of or
der that none but members were al
lowed to speak.
The Chair ruled the ioint not well
taken, holding that until the report
should be adopted, one person was a
member as much as another.
Mr. Ford appealed from tho decision
of the Chair, arguing that none but l;t
Major W.Tlicn I have a right to vote
all the time.
Tho Chair All right. Takeyourseat
and vote when your turn comes.
The roll for 1872 was then called. Mr.
Mudham and 29G others failed to re
spond. Mrs. Duniway's amendment admit
ting the sulirage delegates was defeated
by ayes 17, noes 22.
The election of officers being in order,
there were nominated, for President: 1-1
W. Ryan, Mrs. A. J. Duniway and Syl.
C. Simpson.
Mrs. Duniway respectfully declined
the nomination, saying that she had
proliteu by witnessing the signal fail
ure of the President jiro tern, and did
not desire to sec the enormity repeated.
.Mr. ityan waiKcu over me tracK and
Mr. Dimmick moved that Mrs. Duui
wav. who. at the last Alliance, had been
nnnniiited a committee of one to urge
upon the Legislature of '72 the justice
and propriety of allowing women to
vole at all oltctions, upon all questions
involving the i-sue of Temperance, be
reriiuMed to rcirort. The motion was
Mrs. Duniway being called made the
following address:
J'fCHidcnt. Gentlemen and Ladies:
You will remember that at the meeting
of the Allliance one year ago, a resoiu
tian oflered by myself, beseeching the
Legislature to pass a law enabling wom
en to vote on tiie linuor ouestlon in
their various precincts throughout the
State, was passed by an overwneiming
vote after some stormy opposition from
a few individuals, who were really more
frightened than injured; and you will
also lemeinher that I was appointed a
committee of one to urge the matter
upon the attention of the Legislature or
'72. I found the members generally
disused to treat the subject with defer
ence aud intention, -uany couicreuccs
with the iecial committees, to whom
Mr. Wooden hastened to assure the
Alliance that he did not contemplate a
permanent withdrawal. He was simply
going out of tiie building for a lew
Unluckily for the rcntleman's veracity
the Secretary here commenced reading
a long list of names of persons who
wished to withdraw, at the head of
which towered the name of J. W.
Wooden. This delegate rose to explain,
but the Alliance evidently had made up
us mind to
Welcome the coining, upoeit the partln;
That apology wanders, friendless, in the
Kingly bosom or Mr. w. to-uay.
The above is condensed from the re
port of the Otogonian and Statesman,
aud the following is from the Bulletin:
Mrs. Duniway, having been appointed
as a committee of one by the last Alli
ance, to present a bill to tne last legis
lative body, granting to women mi:
right to vote ou the temperance ques
tion, she was requested to make a
She took occasion at once to thank the
Alliance for the justice shown her in ad
mitting her as a delegate from the State
at large, and would endeavor by her
actions to show them that the honor
wa3 not unfittingly bestowed. Regard
ing her mission, she said that she had
Introduced the bill in the House, in
structing Judges of Election to count
me votes or women in any question
having for its object the suppression of
the liquor tratllc. There was the usual
amount of engineering for and against
its passage. It was referred to several
committees with whom she consulted,
and in every instance was listened to
with marked respect. The bill passed
its first and second readimr and came up
on its final passage. Pending the vote,
Mr. Andrews, or Union county, made a
few remarks stating that a worthy
member of the House had presented a
bill granting to women the full right
of sulirage on all questions. That bill
had been spirited away, and he thought
that as the body had seen fit to refuse
them the right to vote on honorable is
sues, it would be an insult to the sex to
grant them the mere privilegcsof voting
on the question of the liquor traffic. O til
ers coincided witli him, and thobill was
lost by a vote of 22 to 20. Next sessions
she would try it again, and she felt con
lident of success. On the question of
politics, about which sucli a hubbub was
raised, she said that every question that
had been brought before the Aliance
had a political aspect. They were their
equals in every respect and as great
thinkers as those who at present op
losed their right of sulirage. They
were, universally, strictly temperate in
imitation, re-
resignation worthy, of
sinned business.
It was generally understood that the
Alliance would adjourn sine die this
evening, and a general desire prevailed
throughout the city to be in at its death.
Therefore the Opera Hotiso was deusejj
thronged at an early hour. The oppos
ition meeting did not appear to lesson
the crowd iu attendance at the Alliance.
On the contrary, it seemed to inoreasc
the interest already manifested, and the'
consequence was that every available
iii tut' iuwei unit was iiiieu, wjiutf
the gallery was well represented.
Mr. Leland as the first speaker, ad
dressed the assembled multitude for
half an hour, and on retiring introduced
Mrs. Duniway as the "Oregon self
sharpener." Mrs. Duniway thanked the gentleman
who preceded her for the handsome
compliments he had paid her sex in ac
knowledging they did possess sufficient
common sense to know right from
wrong. Fven that was more than some
men would own up to. Site then pro
ceeded to apologize for certain remarks
made during the forenoon session while
in the heat of passion ; but tier apology
was expressed in such a manner as to
lead some to believe that it was sarcasm.
She had been attacked by those who
were her seniors in age, and who used
language inulting to herself and her
sex. She could not humiliate herself
enough to think she was the only one
at fault, although she acknowledged she
might have said some things that might
better have been left unsaid. In fact,
she as much as owned up that if she had
said aught to he sorry for she was glad
of it. She again thanked the members
of the Alliance who had so nobly de
fended her, and she took the present oc
casion to sneak a good word for Rev. J.
H. D. Henderson, whoiu the discharge of
Ills duties as temporary Chairman had
overruled her in several instances. She
dhl not doubt his sincerity to do what
lie considered right, and her motion to
impeach him was made in jest. His
heart was in the right place, and such
being the case, she could easily overlook
his, in her opinions, unjust ruling3.
Regarding the needs of a Temperance
paper, the friends of Temperance were
i not without one. the akw NoKTir-
! west, of which she was the editor, was
iii every iririieuinr a sinci leinperuuco
sheet. It never had by a single artiole,
or even an advertisement, encouraged
the sale of intoxicating liquors and sho
did not intend that it should in the
future. One of its chief aims was to in
still upon the minds of its readers tho
blessed principles of Tetnperauee and
sobriety. If the Temperance people
would but aid her she would endeavor
' -.! !, '...I 1.1 . 1 .
tneir principles uuu wuuiu enter neaiL , r,,,,,:,,!. n,, ...:n. .. ...i.i..
and hand in any measure that would J" "V" ""V.' fc, Y"1
advance the cause, and their vote would
do more than anything else to bring
about the result they so earnestly de- t
sired. The present Alliance had been i
indulging iu child's play long enough.
Gag law and insult should be laid one .
side and active work commenced. She j
was as willing and as anxious to assist
as were the balance of those favoring '
the woman suffrage movement. Why, I
whisky-sellers themselves acknowleged 1
that women were their strongest antag- i
having for one of the chief plaults in its
platform prohibition iu the fullest souse
of the word. She resumed her seat
amid the hearty applause of the audi
ence. We are sorry that our space precludes
other reports in this issue than upon the
all-exciting one of suflmgisis and anti-sufFragists.
Hit. lillt iv.iu ruf'.iri-iMt u-ttrft llfiltl li vnllr
committee, and when the first vote was 1 onisis. n was out tins morning mat, a .
taken, although there was much skir
misliiug similar to that wc have wit
nessed amongour bciigerent brethren in
the Alliance, yet, on the whole, the pro
ceedings were conducted with fairness
as far as T could judge. While the vote
was pending the ayes and noes having
been ordered the gentleman from Un
ionMr. Andrews, I believe since de
ceased, arose and said: "Mr. Speaker: I
hope ttiis bill will not pass. A gentle
man (Mr. CorwiiO.has introduced a bill
providing for the full enfranchisement
of the women of our State, and the In
tent of that lull lias been spirited away
eged the fact to her personally. Every
time that she failed iu her eflorts to ad- i
vance her cause the whisky-sellers re- I
joiced. They had rejoiced yesterday when !
she was rcuiseu admission to tne Alli
ance. She did not expect to do much at
this Alliance. She would not even try,
but next year herself and friends in
tended to turn out in full force, and they
would not dare to refuse them admis
During the entire session there had
Compressed Air Patent Rights.
Iintt ii i twttmf ih!r nncirA ntt Htn nnrf nf
KSo 1 a ccrta-u class of deIeatcs to exc,u,,e a ' ?
!VtJi!?i"ti!!?JMi ' . certain element, claiming, as they did, i!
IU lull- uik'II ill iiwtiuiauiUMiivoviuuo iitii ; ... 1 .1 l, i .it,. i if .1 us hv
II. Wtlllltl llll'IH lilM'lllll II ILI1I1I1LI t-ii- -
i . i . k . i. t e
1 u v T . J ii IrS ' H, l llenlay this portion of the Alliance
?".v,w-rl 'L,-,i?r.TLc9Tlt" ilrAdJ were in power, but to-day the tables'
r?r . . ".I,.. were turuel and they found they were
iiiikiii. ui mi,i.,i uirHi. hi.-m...), . t, ln:Iloritv. and even before the morn
ing session closed there were signs of a
I lYixloctioci, Moring nt TmnamiUinK pow
r, etc., by compressed air ; also lor desKD-'lBg
vollow irer on Ship, In Hospital, Ibr Venti
lation, etc., have hwn proved to h lb only
succesantl methods, where pumping machin
ery 1 ued.
Notice Is hereby irlven that the management
and contra! of lhee patent has been nhieed In
my hands with the sole power of Ijeens or
Sale, l'erson- nd Corporations deninms of us
ing Compressed Air as a Motive rower, or lor
Ventilitlion, !.. may obtain full Information
lie title and dentils oi the patent by apply
for copies at the Patent office. The retsuiea
numbered "ci'l and y&2, and for terms of
addressing me, I , u. Bos 1,07. or SS lib
erty street. New York. HOKACE U. DAY.
storm. During the noon recess a caucus
was held, and it was decided to with
draw from the present Alliance and or
ganize another on a different platform.
It was plain to be seen what their ob
jections were, as the delegates who led
year's members hail a right to sjieak ; was elected by a large majority.
and vote until alter the report was
adopted or rejected; then, others can be
admitted to membership.
Tho Chair The gentleman is correct.
The Chair reverses its ruling and want's
tilings done as ngrecably as jrossible.
Major Geo. II. Williams What is the
question before the House, and who has
a right to vote thereon ?
The Chair The question is on the
motion to adopt the amendment to the
reportaud no onn has a right to vote
Several Vice Presidents were elected.
I A motion to admit Miss Virginia Olds
j aroused Judge Thornton's ire, and he
j made somo allusions ollcnsi veto numer
ous ladies; whereupon Mrs. Duniway
rose to set the matter right.
I Mr. Thornton exclaimed: "I hope the
President will order the Sergeant at
Arms to take that crazy woman out of
I the house." Which remark was greeted
! witli loud hisses.
The hasty exclamation of Judge
Thornton aroused Mrs. Duniwav, who
Mr. Y ooden celebrated a point of or-; remonstrated with that gentleman upon
iter designed to prove that lie had the , his intolerant spirit.
right to vote
Tho Chair Gentlemen, the Chair
erred. You have the right to vote.
Mr. Ford I except to that ruling.
The Chair I mean under proper lim
itations. Voice "Kt-rect!"
Mr. T. H. Cann said he wanted the
aid of all good Temperance people in
Kuwral norsoiis in tiie rear of the hall
began a disturbance which, spreading
rapidly, rendered it impossible to hear
the lady's voice.
Amid great turbulence, a motion was
made to instruct the Sergeant at Arms
to take Mrs. Duniway from the hall.
The motion was rushed through. The
Sergeant at Arms advanced to his task
these councils, but was adverse to ail-! with evident pleasure written on his
mitt ing any political party. If the j countenance, amid loud Imprecations
Democratic party should send delegates j from one or two venerable gentlemen.
I should object just as much to admit- Mrs. Duniway held her position, the
ting them. jieacc ofllcer standing at a respectful
Gen. Ileed The gentleman need havo distance. When the lady concluded,
no ieors that the Democratic mity will she took her seat amid loud cheers.
ever send delegates to a Temperance
Convention. laughter.)
Mr. . I move the previous ques
The Chair Ts the previous question
use 7 A iwo-inirtis
interpretation of his pot house slang, tee.
and if wc had weshould act in this mat-1 . Cr
evening session.
Gen. Palmer was admitted as a dele
gate from Siietz Indian Reservation.
Itev. J. L. Parrish was admitted as a
delegato from the Oregon Penitentiary.
A letter from O. S. Phelps was read.
Maj. Geo. II. Williams offered a reso
lution dcclarimr Mrs. Duniway entitled
to a seat as a delegate from the State at
Mr. Wooden furnished a characteristic
unepph. Iln w.n nfrrilil Mrs. D. would
The Chair The miestion is on the , ''run tho Alliance as she had threatened
to lay the rcsoltr
siou of a score of ladies and gentlemen I tne L,unir is tho ;
. . r 1 seconded by the IIous
as uciegates irom tne oman .-.mirage ; vole be necessarj. to su,ta!n the de
Association." , maud.
, Mr. Cann ro?e to a point of order:
That it was not competent to amend a
To the many friends who are so anx- report. The Chair overruled the objec-
iously waiting to see what our course lI0"' . , ...
toward the rceaJdg long will be.we have I A. ' ASi" 1 "
. i . i i r ii. ' . w " . '- 'i"w"" "- u in
oiuy wauj i auopuon oi 111c report ox ineuommu- to do." lie uiovcm
. tinli oil Ilii
nes or "o; o!"anU groat count-' The President declare. Uie motion
cmn '
ter just as the lion did when his friends AmJlJ thc of noisc jferuai that j a division resulted in ayes 74, noes-OS.
advised him to whip the polecat. followed the decision of the Chair, Mr. Mr. D. W. Prentice called for a read-
. W.'s haggard face shot a beam of glory ing of the names on the division.
' , straight to the dais or Agamomnoii, The President declared the request out
A State Temperance Alliance was last , which so illuminated the mind of the of order. '
week in Session at Salem. Thc pro- President that he incontineiitiy doubled Mr. Prentice said further, that many
ceedings were uiscoruum, siuruy uinioimrai n.-i.-ic.-u nu wuo nan voted nay uau misimucrstood
disgraceful. Some foolish and superan- order was once more restored. Thc . the question, mid that some had uttered
. . ...iii. . fM.I ntninitiiAAil flint flu ttmviniia 1 at., il . At r.
uaieu men opposcu, wnu iuuuu ma-ivum. y. , tyc .uuisiiuciiy iiiai wio ccTeiarv
. At I T , . f . . .....!. n lllwlnH ilnllil trt " t .il. t
I should have said that thousands of
women would vote upon this question
who did not yet see the necessity of vot
ing upon other matters. But, as I was
not a member, and could not speak with
out unanimous consent of thc body, the
vote proceeded, resulting in ayes 20,
noes-. At tne ciosom tins uauoimg, -. . movcment were those who so bit
a number ot tne memoera came to me , tcrJv o.)p0ietl tile admission of tho
and said they were in faor of tiie bill, elec-ted legates from the Oregon AVo-
uui, uuei uiMiiiip - man's Sulirage Association. During
the aiternoou session
ere engaged in circu-
i"5"'1:..,1!!..1 FL ' soliciting natures? Everything was
me jA-giauiiuiu iw i-v: , nu pi v conducted, and but a chosen fnw
a - j "
but, arter Hearing tne rcmants oi mo ,an.s vuuf.,c0 i
gentleman from tnion, they feared that t f b r ,
their affirmative vote might be con- , ".c"i ' rties W
strued bv the women of Oregon as an jat a ' r amc
-if nileed, womeu are not eniranc niseu reali2tH, what waa , 12utat the
by Act of Congress before that time , COIlchlsiou of Mrs. Duniway's remarks
Now, gentlemen, you -" Jin-nt two a communication was handed to the
-'? in a stormy attempt to rule mi a out ! Secretary who at the llrst favorable op
?',ffi!LA to the audience. E
was as iouows :
resolutionsyou frame and pass are about '
voting as to whom you will and will ,
not vote for. I insist that if such reso-1
Iutions arc wrong in women they are;
wrong in men. i ct they are not wrong,
since yon cannot cllect a Temperance
reform except through legislation, and
you cannot nave legislation except
through pontics.
As Mrs. Duniway was concluding, a
mild-eyed youth with hyacinthiuc locks
and regular features, rose to a point of
order: That the lady had been requested
to make a report and not a desultory
The President ruled thc point well
Thereupon, Mrs. D. turned to the
presiding otllcer, and with great good
nature acknowledged the cereal, to the
evident discomfiture of the llaxen
haircd juvenile, who sank backward,
murmuring as he passed to the "pale
realm," that pathetic and well ordered
baby's epitaph:
'If so soon I mnt be dono for.
Wlint on enrth was I besun for."
Salem, Orerox, Feb. 22d, 1873,
To the President and Members of the
Oregon State Temperance Alliance:
We, the undersigned, respectfully re
quest that our names be strickcu from
the roll: Jesse Morelaud, Win. Cun
ningham, Itev. Stephen Bowers, Mrs.
M. A. Dowers, Mrs. A. A. McCully, Itev.
W. It. Stewart, Dr. D. Pay ton, Dr. Geo.
II. Chance, Geo. II. ltiddle, D. S.
Bates, J. C. Berry, Tilmon Ford, Mrs.
A. G. Gilbert, Mrs. A. Ogle, E. E.
McKinney, Frank G. McLain, Mr3.
John Ilolman, Miss Henrietta Miller, bimpson, j. jj. wooden, T. Cun
ningham, A. T. Yeaton, Geo. H. Smith,
Shannon Meyers, II. C Clement, Miss
Mary Hurley, Miss Jennie Johnson, S.
W. Lemon, W. II. Itowlaud, E. J.
Dawne, X. Knight, J. C. "Warner.
Mr. Wooden declared he xcoodent sub
mit to be run over any longer. He
wanted to be relieved from the gallirlg
yoke of Woman Suffrage and in the
name or the balance of his followers he
gave notice there would bo a Temner-
Dr. J. W. Watts moved that Miss lance meeting at the Good Templar's
Virginia Olds, Mrs. Oakshett and others Hall at seven o'clock this evening. It
be admitted as delegates at large. In a was proposed to inaugurate a new era
few well chosen remarks, the Doctor! in the life of the Temperance cause, and
- I . I ii. . .... . r i i . .. . .
commended the many virtues of the
ladies referred to, vouching for their
sincere devotion to Temperance princi
ples. Tiie motion was carried.
Mr. Wooden from the Committee of
Seventy on Alliance Ilcform, with in
imitable grace aud a profusion of ad
jective", begged the indulgence of the
a cordial invitation was given to out
suiers to Keep at a respcctrul distance.
Mr. Prentice considered tiie movement
as one made in thc spirit of retaliation,
and seeing that the admission of a
"nameless element" had not served to
disorganize the present Alliance. Mr.
ooden and his rollowers were now m-,
The object of my pnenmatie apparatita U to
elinrgre or ltd ieervolr or conduit with eora
pnned BMiforin liodies by means of some
known nx-elmnienl power. The foree-pumps
A A", refrlsi niiliin-iilpes t V t" fm fand
main leserxolr are stationary, an shown in the
drawing, nnd tin- rompreaed gn-seoua mediums
ore ti unMVrn-d from the forre-pump or pumps
or main pipe, or from this flxed main reser
voir, i.j- meao oi pipes, tabea, atup-eoekK, ami
the proper ale and valve-gearing ami appendage-..
B means of my Invention the eom
prewieil a.w.Mi IxxiieK ran be nsed for the ur
poet of trnii'.iiittHiig power, and to reproduce
Mime roiiNlileiahle portion of the power re
on i roil for I lie rmpn"M!nn, at the extremity of
tne eouiiuh fitiui ihe condenser or main reser
voir at any dr-m-d locality, within any reason
able distance, inrnusrh any of the convenient
forms ot Mi-am or pump or other meeh
anKni suimt.h' lor the purpose, and with or
without the addition of heat, an may be re
quired; or by detaching the reservoir iron tho
condengor the jiower contained In the com
pressed air may be used for the purpo-es at lo
comotion or na igation as well as for operating
The condenser may consist of one or moro
cylinders and pistons, of concentric cylinders
worked by any power and diseharKlnc Ihe con
densed fluid 'iito a rcrvoir or through pipes
for u. as nfbn'said.
What I claim u- my invention, and itewtre to
secure by letters patent of thel'nited States, is:
1. The method of i-oniprcsslng or lflklntc
caseous mediums in a reservoir for the )Kirposo
of lieinir used as a means of storing ami trans
mitlim; power heond the apparatus Itself by
means of a pnmp or condenser, combined with
the means of absorbing the heat evolved In the
process of compression, and with a reservoir
and conduit suitable for holding ami tranetnH
ting the power confined In the compressed m-
' dlums or Imparted by the condensing apparat-
I us, subsUiiittally as descrils?d.
I 2. The employment oi a main reservoir filled
with gaoas mediums compressed by means
of pumps or other condensing apparatus, and
fitted with suitable pipes, tubes, stnpOeks,
valves, vaive-genring, and appendages for the
purpose nf storine, retaining, distributing and
transmitting, for use outside of the comiefislng
apparatus or ineelianlsra the power eanHned
in the compressed mediums or Imparted by
the condensed apparatus, substantially as de
scrilied. 3. The use of metallic reservoirs, pipes, tubes,
and oilier accompauvlng mechanism, eoated
on the Inside with close-grained metals, vege
table gums, resins, oils or extracts, when fllied
with compressed mediums, to prevent the es
cape of the gaseous bodies through the pores of
.the investing metal as above described.
4. The use of the refrigerating or cnottar ap
paratus with the cylinder In which the gaou
mediums are condensed for the purposes of
nower. when combined with the cylinder eMh-
Alliancc for a few moments that helclincdto take the matter in their own
courteous vehemence, the admission of question was under debate (?)
Mrs. Duniway. who claimed to have Mr. Driver Mr. President, before j
been elected as a delegate from the o- , can pass upon this question
inau r-uiirugc -vsauciiiiiuu, mm hh-v
were successful in their opposition.
The time will come before long whoii
this order of things will be reversed, aud
women will be permitted to thc fullest
extent to co-operate in carrying out
great works of reform. If anv are inter
ested ill iliaueumtinir :m orri nf tninner-
auce, it is tins women of thc land, upon ' man can hear himself spcak
uom me demon or intempeninco visits the law!
his consequential punishment with the , Voice Dern tho law!
greatest vigor and severity. Vagal The Chair Has the previous qualion
Sound CoHrlrr. " i)Ccn seconded ?
could not have heard them
you ! tr 1 was stinmmrilv ilisivisel nf llm
President refusing to recognize the de
Cries of "OrJcr! Order
Mr. Driver Ucforc you can jiom
-rirt llrrhir It. tin!
Mr. Driver You must decide thc ; Dr. C. II. Hall moved to take from
law. ' l"e table the resolution i.dniittingMrs.
Voice Who's Chairman o' this crc , A. J. Duniway as a delegate at large.
Convention? . . i This was the signal for the commence-
Mr. Driver If you'll Keep quiet so a mem oi a turmoiUhatdefics Olographic
, j'lt explain 'Kiwurs oi mortal man. Dr. Hall under
went a severe cross-examination from
the Chair as to whether ho voted in the
afllrmative. That geutlemau survived
the trying ordeal, and from that time
might announce a nroiect now on foot
for the secession of a number of dele
gates, and the formation of a Wooden
Alliance with Wooden officers. In
tones sweet and mournful as notes from
harps wind-swept by the waters of
Babylon, Mr. AV. remarked that as he
was about to withdraw for a few mo
ments, ho wished to say that all friends
of Temperance were invited to meet at
the t.'ood Templars' Hall to-night at"
Mr. D. "W. Prentice rose, and in a few
touching remarks tendered the last sad
rites of the Alliance to departing worth.
He iutitnated that what was Mr.
AVooden's loss was the Alliance's gain,
and paid a feeling tribute to mo mag
hands and see what they could do to
wards creating discord.
A motion was made to grant the
prayer of the petitioners, which pre
vailed, and the dissatisfied delegates
were no longer members of the Alliance
and the seats declared vacant.
David Xewsom, whose name was orig
inally on the list, at once asked that
it might be stricken off, as he had signed
it without knowing the exact purport
of the article. He had never desired to
withdraw from thc Alliance, and it was
not his intention to do so at this late
hour. Tho gentleman's name was
therefore stricken ofl".
The excitement at tins point ruled
high. Among the "seceders" weresev-
...... ....... .. --.-""r i. cdiv ' pi-i nfiieers or the Alliance, wuo vaimy
uaninious "P""'"-:- " ,e nVom-' imagiue.1 that their withdrawal would
:y",ul,?; . ilFiMd wUh the ! haw the effect of breaking up the pres-
llliL fU5?IUtl. Av -- , , ,
belief that the gentleman would llud
more congenial companionship in a
society where the inllucuce of women
was never known. Tremendous applause.
eut organization. But their hopes were
without foundation and their loss was
not as keenly felt as was anticipated.
The remaining ofllcers fulfilled their
duties and the Alliance, with a spirit of
er externally or intcrnaliy.substantlally as de-
" i The use of the hollow piston with suitable
valves and connections, for the iwrpow ot
causing a current of cool Hold to re m
through the piston and connections, nor me
purpose and In the manner 2f
6. The combination of ili',0:
,raiaMi nwiM uicdinm by means or wees .or
va and other proper connection aad ap
rndases, through and by means of whteh the
!wer eoiilined in the compressed mediums
may lie drawn off for use and for theiwrposeor
transmitting iwer to machinery oulafcte of
t lie condensing apparatus.
In testimony whereof, etc., etc.
1. The serial compression, whether e fleeted
simultaneously, by two or more compressors.
In gans, by first chnorlng one or more reser
voirs, then transferring that condensed matter
thr-iugu the same compressors, ami adding
greater condensation before again entering a
reservoir or canduit, and the privilege or facil
ity to refrigerate anywhere at any stage of con
densation, either by Immersion of any or all
parts of the apparatus, or by the other inodo
Thc said apparatus and mechanism, and
the several parts thereof, as claimed In tho
other division ot my reissued patent, when
used to produce cooling, disinfecting, or thera
peutic and chemical effect by Infusing Into tho
atmosphere of the sick-room or Ihe whrIs of
inni'im,-, i it niiiii iiiriiBum himi iiiv nn:iici
or matresses on which sick persons or invalids
recline) compressed air or other gases and vap
ors, singly, or combined in due proportion, to
the special diseases or ca-s -s being treated, on -Insulated
bedsteads or bedding, lfdasfmblc, to
subtract eleerfeiLv or mihiric frnm tnapauem,'
through the abtorbing quat'ty f espandlng
airorvnpor. f' m'
In testimony whereof, etc. m Wlfljr