The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, February 28, 1873, Image 1

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    IMS. a. j. DU.MfflV, Editor ana Proprietor
OFMCE-Oor. Trout niiU .Stark Street.
A Journal for the People.
Derated to the Interacts of linmanlty.
Independent in Pontics ami IteHgttir; '
AJtve to all Live lMe, awl TlMftMgMy
Radical In Oppostngawl RtpoflHC lfa Wttwii 1
ot the Mnes.
ix months.
Three months
1 73
Correspondents wrUioe ovraeuiM0du-
tut? make known thefr names to the
ATVRIJTISEiIEXTSlBserteiloB Keasonafcte
Editor, or 110 attention will be gfM to ifeelr
I T ft Cncrnr Pivp T'm.j ii-....
Limit lixir.
I've had nnotlier offer, wire-a forty acres more
Of high and dry rtcli prairie land, as level as a
I th&nplit 1W wait nHdMe yeu first, as Lawyer
"VMMng MM,
To tell how thing will turn out be4, a woman
is ahead.
And when this lot u paid lor, and w- tare sot
the deed.
Ml my that I am xatUOed-lrs all the land we
And next we'll ee alout the yard, and fix the
lioose up imme.
And manage In the crane of time to have a
better home.
There 1m no ue of talking, Charles you buy
tliat forty more.
And we'll go heftmplne alt our lives, and al
ways be Land Poor.
I'or thirty year we've Iwiojeil and ajrred, deny
ing hair oor ueeda,
While all we've got to show for It la tax reeelpU
and deedo.
I'd Mil the land, if It were mine, and have a
better home.
Win broad, light rooms to front the street, aixl
take 111 s It eorna.
IfweeouH live as others llv,aitd have what
other do,
We'd live a great deal jrteasanterraad have a
plenty loo.
While Hltrii Imve amusement, and luxury, I
ami hooka, !
Justthlwk Uowatiugj- we have liTed.and Ihhv
this oM place lnfc!
That other Arm yon bought oi Well, that took
o many yean
Of cleartftg up and re twins In, lias eoH me
many tear.
Yes, Wmriea, Indeed, I've thoegat of It a hand-
red times or more.
And wandered If H really M to always be
ijmm l'our.
If we 1M& built a eoy Ikhkc ami made a happy
lie me.
Our ehltdrea once m dear to im liad never
learned to roam.
I grieve to think f wanted weeks, aod years.
ami month, ami daya.
While for It all we never yet hae had owe wml
of praKe.
Men eall us rteti, but we are poor would we
The land, with all H fixture, for a better way
to live?
Don't think I am blamin? you, dear Charles
W not a whit to blame;
I've pHted you theee many years, to see you
tired and lame!
It's just the way we .started out, our plans loo j
far ahead;
We've worn the cream of lift? away, to leave loo
much when dead.
Its putMnc " ettfaymont tone alter we enjoy.
And after all too mueii of wealth seems useless
as a toy;
Although we've learned, atac, too late! what all
Mt laam at test,
Oar brlgfaltst enrtMr happttug H buried In I
That life bt short and full of eare, the end nl
waytiaear. We seidota liaif begin to live before we're
doomed t die.
Were I to Mart my life again, I'd mark eaeh
separate day.
And never let a single one iw unenjoyed
If there were things to envy, I'd lmve them now
and then,
And have a home that was a home, and not a
eage or pen.
I'd sell some land If It were mine, and fit up
well the rest;
I've mwoys thought, ami think so yet-small
fs well worked are best.
Rural New Yorker.
AYhat an old subject! Yes, good
friend?, but while I am compelled to
grant my argument old, I have the au
thority of good Dr. Young for declaring
"that truth no years impair ;" and, al
though my subject may not possess the
charm of novelty nay, more than this,
may be exceedingly stnlo it does, I am
sure, possess more or less interest for all
present; and I have only to mention the
single word homes to prove my asser
tion true.
It is frequently asserted, and almost
universally conceded, that around our
homes cluster our dearest delights; that
within them are Implanted and nur
tured our highest and purest aspira
tions. Surely if this be the case, men
and women should bo untiring in their
eflorts to place high the standanl of ex
cellence in their homes, and having
thus placed, guard it with watchful vig
ilance. Sages have endeavored to teach
us by line and precept innumerable the
best and surest way of rendering our
daily abodes models of pleasantness and
peace. Toets have sung of the pleasures,
and music dwelt with lingering sweet
ness upon the delights of "Home, Sweet
Home," yet in actual life happy, home
like, pleasant homes are by no means
universal. "To know ourselves diseased
is half our cure." To find a reason for
this is a step tovards a remedy. I am
more than content to abandon to poets
and dreamers of vain dreams the imag
inative and romantic field, in which
they have so long and zealously labored,
and shall not attempt to make 1113 few
rambling thoughts and suggestions con
form to their fine-spun theories.
L.pou women, we are told, devolves
almost the sole responsibilitv of render.
Ing home attractive, cheerful and pleas-
nl" ",,u luey are irequently exhorted
with a persistency and norHnnr-Htr
which, if properly bestowed upon the
legitimate outness aiiairs of the would-
.o, iu.gui icau perhaps to
happy financial results, to "look well to
livim,?t 1 J eif.,1l0"sel,0,ds."a'lob-
iiuBuiij umuu irom Home by stern
necessity than tempted therefrom by
ambition. They are often
step in any calling In which they may
engage, by the ever-ready quotation
popularly supposed to be applicable to
all womankind, "that they be J;eepcrR
at home." 'With all reverence fo .rhc
oft-quoled opinion of the great Ajipsile,
I will say that his admonition will
scarcely apply to those women who, by
toil of braiu or sweat of brow, are alone
able to preserve even a semblance of
home, and from this they must dally
absent themselves or be, with their
loved ones, permanently driven forth
by gaunt famine, most dreaded child of
poverty. How many of us have heard
the remark and verily, from the wise
look and confident manner which ac
companies it, ouo is led to think that
the speaker believes himself again en
trenched behind St. Paul; how often, I
say, have we heard from some self-constituted
oracle, who, in his zealous
search for woman's sphere, has wan
dered far from his own, this remark
concerning some woman engaged in
public work, "Mie'had better be at
home taking care of her children."
Pray, good sir, who told you she had a
home, or that there were children
therein In need of her care? It does
not more necessarily follow that, be
cause she is a woman, she is tho fortu
nate possessor of these blessings than
that, because you are a man, you should
attempt to write out for her her lesson
of duty. This wholesale consignment
of women to home and nursery duties,
ncuicr or not in accordance wiut tneir
condition or inclinations, was rather lu
dicrously illustrated in my hearingdur-
ing Miss Anthony's late visit to our
State. Said a gentleman to a lady,
"Miss Anthony is quite a pleasant look
ing woman much more so than I had
expected to see but, after all, I could
not help thinking how much better she
would have looked with a baby in her
arms than with her lap filled with the
placards announcing her appearance be
fore tho public." Tho lady addressed
slightly elevated her eye-brows, and
presumed the gentleman meant a bor
rowed baby. Now, although all women
are not possessed of homes or, being
possessed of them, must struggle abroad
for their maintenance it is yet the lot
of a vast majority to find their greatest
pleasures and exorcise their chief tal
ents in home work. No man can ex
pect to have .1 home, in any degree
worthy of the name, without the loving
care of mother, wife, daughter or sister;
yet it Is by no means necessary, in order
to render this home attractive, that the
women constituting part of the house
hold should be secluded therein should,
in common parlance, be always at home
and constantly engaged in household
cares. A little careful observation will
convince one that those are by no means
the happiest and best-regulated homes
where this rule prevails. True, tho
sweeping may bo done with great nicety
and regularity; the meals served iu
good season and faultless style; the
weekly washing, ironing and mending
accomplished in proper tituo and man
ner, but does this atone, O husband, for
the slowly paling cheek, tho wean
stop, tho nervous movements, and, sad
dest of all, for the constantly narrowing
mind of the little wife, who is fast set
tling into a household drudge, and who
is each day less a companion for you
less able to enter into and appreciate
and enjoy with you those things in
which you find your greatest pleasures,
and this not from any natural inability
or defect, but because you, from the ex
tent and variety of your opportunities,
are constantly advancing, while she,
from the monotonous nature of her sur
roundings in the narrow circle that
comprises her world, can at best but re
main stationary? It seems to me that
"The mass ol mankind are uiieoiamonly slow
To acknowledge a fact it behooves them to
And to learn that a woman Is not like a mouse,
Needing nothing but cheese mid the ivalls of a
Nor are the mass of women blameless
in this respect, nor can they be so long
as they dwarf their minds by so many
needless cares, and by this to some ex
tent "willful starvation" allow to He
dormant those facultios, which, if prop
erly cultivated, may be the means of
bringing the refinement and happiness
to their homes, for which their children's
children will rise up and call them
To many persons the name of iomc
merely suggests the idea of a nlace to
which oue can retire when weary, ob-
reiresnments when hungry, fret
scold when irritated. lautrit mwl
make merry when there is eomnativ
in short, to repeat a common phrase, "a
place where a man can go when he
can't go anywhere else." Now, if it be
really and truly necessary for a human
animal to have a kennel, by all means
let him be provided with one, and let
him be the sole occupant thereof. Or,
if a woman is so unfortunate as to pre
side therein, do not require of her the
human impossibility of rendering the
place a pleasant oic To approximate
at all nearly to human perfection iu our
daily abodes is not the work of men
alone, nor of women alone, but in this
requisite means of happiness, as indeed
all things else, whether for private in
terest or public benefit, each should
work with or for the other, and by mu
tual and harmonious effort the twain
may accomplish that which to either
could only have resulted in
failure. I repeat again, should either
attempt to creato and maintain a per
fect home, without the co-operaliou of
the other, the result will mo9t likely be
as signal, and, in a small way, as disas
trous a failure, as men have already
made iti attempting to form a perfect
Government without the co-operation
of women. Many lives have been spent,
or rather mitvjicnt, in the unavailing
effort to alone bring about this great
disideratum; and the result has been
how could it be otherwise? bitter dis
appointment. And thousands are now
engaged in the same discouraging at
tempt, striving to convert their beauti
ful theories ami delightful dreams of
home life into living realities, but alas !
from want of oo-operation and sympa
thy, as surely failing in the accomplish
ment. Take, for example, one of per
haps many of your acquaintances, who
from a neat, lovelj- girl has in half a
score of years degenerated Into an un
tidy, unlovely woman. Sho was, you
say, a few years ago as ";ieat as a pin."
Pause a moment before you comment
further and consider tno pools of tolmceo
juice that she, with averted face and
loathing hands, has washed from her
Moor in the unavailing attempt to pre
serve her native sense of cleanliness.
Unavailing, did I say? Surely, for
scarcely has the floor become dry from
the recent washing ere it is again
deluged with the offensive stains. And
this is but a single one of the many de
generating influences which, being
brought to bear upon the citadel of neat
ness, have at length compelled uncondi
tional surrender. wonder, not because
she is no longer neat, pains-taking and
careful, but because she held out so long
in the breath of so foul an atmosphere.
True, it may be said, and very truth
fully, that there is another side to this
question. This T admit, and might pro
ceed to gi-e an instance in which some
man has striven bravely, and in the
face of great obstacles, to' make and pre
serve a pleasant home, but whose ellorts
have proved unsuccessful from lack of
interest and co-operation in his fashion
able, ease-loving wife; but as a fulV
share of the pathetic literature of the
day turns upon this point, it Is only
necessary to refer an anxious incident-
seeker to any bookstore or public li
brary, where he can be accommodated
to any extent with such instances, duly
labeled, "Hints to "Wives," "Advice to
Mothers," "Counsel to Young "Women,"
etc., etc. Therefore it would seem su
perfluous (o add another line to the
thousands already written. Uut let us
tako a home, so-called, the counterpart
of which may bo found in more than
ono locality, and tho original of which
exists not n thousand miles from here.
Established nearly a quarter of a cen
tury ago, it is surrounded by prolific or
chards, well-tilled fields and luxuriant
pastures. Everything requisite, in .1
financial point of view, for creating a
happy home is here. Look at that
dingy, insignificant structure tliat seems
trying in vain to hide behind those
friendly oaks. Yes, that is tho house.
Half a score of sons and daughters have
been born and brought up within its
walls. The little dark sitting room is
begrimed with the smoke and soot of
years. The walls are innocent of paint
or whitewish, ami not even enlivened
by a picture. Is it any wonder if the
sons here grow up morose and unman
ageable, with a restless desire to get
away from home, and that the daugh
ters prove shiftless and untidy amid tho
discouragements of trying to make such
a home look homelike? The mother is
a literal keeper at home, and tries, with
patience and cnorgy, fro do her duty by
j iter children. The father is also desir
. ousfurthcir welfare, butinstmngeshort
j sightliness will 3ear after year invest
his gains in land to add to his bread
acres, or in cattle and horses wherewith
to stock them, thinking thereby to lay
up a rich inheritance for his heirs, while
he Is depriving them of that best and
dearest heritage, a happy, pleasant and
beautiful home. Such homes as these.
to use a similitude of Pollock, "Cut the
fences down of virtue, sap her walls, and
1 open a smooth and easy way to death."
The evil resulting tiiereform can scarce
ly be computed. Wo sec it in the sor
did, grasping selfishness which we daily
encounter. It is written in lines not to
be mistaken upon the brow of that now
hardened criminal, who, being worked
like an animal iu his boyhood, early es
caped from his repulsive home to begin
a life of vice and crime. It is witnessed
in the utter disregard of parental admo
nition and open defiance of parental au
thority, which is deplored by thousand
of parents who having perhaps unwit
tingly sown the wind, are with bitter
tears reaping the whirlwind. "J strive
in vain to set these evils forth." It
seems that tho mere contemplation of
them, following as they do in the wake
of these homes that are no liomes, would"
cause even the most sordid persons to
earnestly endeavor to provide their chil
dren homes which will stand as a safe
guard between them and evil tempta-tions-beauteful
homes guarded by love,
about which they will love to linger, to
which they will ever gladly return, and
the memory or which will hover as
sweet incense forever around them.
Speaking of the climate of the Argen
tine Republic, Professor Gould says: "A
bowl of water left uncovered in the
morning is dry at night; ink vanishes
from the ink-stand as if by magic; the
1 bodies of dead animals dry up instead of
! decomrtosinrr. and lipitlwr exorcise or
exposure to the sun's rays produces per
spi ration.
About the commonest social vice, atid
the one which is most abhorred, Is
Opinions of Eminent Statesmen on "Woman
I cannot help thinking tliat, for some
reason or other, there are various im
portant particulars in which women ob
tain much less than Justice under social
derangements. If it should be found
possible to arrango a safe and well
adjusted alteration of the law as to
political power, tho man who shall at
tain that object, anil who shall see his
purpose carried onward to its conse
quences, in a more just arrangement of
tho provisions of other laws bearing
upon the condition and welfare of wom
en, will, in my opinion, be a real bene
factor to his country. Speech in the
Home of Commons, Stay 3, 1S71.
I say that in a country governed by a
woman where you allow women to
form part of the estate of the realm
peeresses In their own right forexample
where j-ou allow n woman not only to
hold land, but to be a lady of tho manor
ami iioiu legal courts where a woman
by law may be a churchwarden and
overseer of the poor, I do not see where
she has so much to do with the State
and Church, on what reasons, If you
come to right, she lias not a right to
MR. J. S. MII.I.
No one, I think, can possibly pretend
that women, many of whom are respon
sible heads of families, women who con
duct an estate or manage a business,
women who often pay rates ortaxes to
a large amount, women who in tho
capacity of schoolmistress teaclt a great
deal. more than the great proportion of
male electors ever learned, no one can
pretend that such women can be pro
nounced incapable of exercising the
franchise which is conferred upon every
male householder. If the sullrage were
conceded, an unworthy stigma would be
tuken oil" the whole sex; the law would
ceaso to declare that they were unfit for
serious things, and to pronounce that:
' their wishes and opinions wero not
worthy attending to on tilings which
concerned them equally with men, and
on many which concerned them much
more. Mliey could not bo classed with
children, idiots and lunatics, as persons
incapable of taking care of themselves
and others, and who ought to have
everything done for them without their
RU'KARII fonilEN".
There are many ladies, I am happy to
saj, present. Now, it is a very anoma
lous and singular fact that they cannot
voto themselves, and yet they have the
power of conferring votes upon other j
Minlft T tvlell flint lint! ttm frnnlilen
for they would make a better iiso of it
than their husbands. Speech in C'ovenl ,
Harden Theater, January 15, ISI-j,
If it be iust ami richt that a woman
should bo able to control the municipal
expenditure to which her property con
tributes, should she not have a right to
control the parliamentary expenditure
to which her property contributes?
The local expenditure of tho country
amounts to about 20,000,000 and the
imperial expenditure to about 70,000,
000; and, if justice requires that she
should have opportunity of controlling
111c expenditure or the smaller sum,
is it not unjust to deprive iter of the
menus of controlling the expenditure
of tho larger? But we want votes
for something else than merely to
control tho expenditure of our money.
Parliament can confiscate the prop
erty of women, and it does so to a
large extent. It can deal with liberty
and life, and pass laws aflecting the
happiness of people in the remotest cot
tages of the land matters of far greater
importance titan anything connected
with expenditure. Snccch in the Jfouse
of Commons, May I, 1S70.
1 belive the feeling against granting
the franchise to women is tho result of
old prejudice and not of reason, and
therefore. I shall, with great pleasure,
support the second reading of this BUI.
Xpcccli tlclivercd in the Jfuiisc of Com
mons, May 3, 1ST I.
Many say we object to women inter
fering iu politics because it is their nat
ural function to he wives and mothers,
and to attend to domestic rather than
civil concerns. That I understand to be
the argument of honorable gentlemen
opposite. Wives and mothers may be
thus fully occupied, but there are many
women who are neither; and when it is
remembered that therearefour hundred
and eighty-seven thousand widows in
this country! and oue million, ono hun
dred nnd ten thousand spinsters, itisab
Rurti to try to limit all women to the
domestic Dearth, anil to prevent them
extending their' sympathy beyond it
or women, and I need only mention
!!:rcC,.. V!.ff
concern themselves with domestic, and
not exhibit any interest iu public mat
ters. These names are Miss Florence
Nightingale, Miss Harriet Martineau
and Miss Burdett Coutts. Speech in the
JTovte of Commons, May -1, 1S70.
MR. PETER RYI.ANIW, M. 1 have been passed which pressed
unjustly upon women, and some of
these laws are in existence now. Wom
en have a right to have their voice
heard in the settlement of questions
which nflect their social position and
their individual rights. Speech at Man
cJitticr. ItlU VMJl..ViVU tihlk IUIIIVII mi 1 II 111 UIH
A Mother's Ixkia-exce o.v the
Chiu. Tho schoolmaster sees the
mother's face dnguereotyped in the
conduct and character of each little boy
and girl. Nay, a chalice visitor, with a
quick eve.sees very plainly which child ,l ra" tl,on roses
ii daily baptized in the tranquil waters i f'1 ai broVB Vor,ruraI homo
of a blessed home, and which is cradled ' J?,11 to failu 0,,,,ler and she
iu violence, and suckled at the bosom of 1 '"" to wn Vf rse,,f "'If .ua,1 ' 1 10 task
a storm. Did you ever look at a little M1,"11 returned home. But she had opened
pond in a sour, dark day in .March ? 1
How sullen the swampy water looked! i
The shore pouted at the pond, and the
ponu maue mounts at uie lauu; and how
the scraggy trees, cold and bare-armed,
scowled over the edge! But look at it on
a bright day in June, when great round-J
tug ciouus, an gouien witn sunlight,
checker the heavens, and seem like a
great llock of sheep which the good God
is tending in that upland pasture of the
sky, and then how different looks the
pond the shores all green, the heavens
all gay, and tho pond laughs right out
and blesses God! As the heavens over
tho water, so a mother broods over the
family, March or June, just as she will.
Theodore Parker. N
The WhiteWater-Lily.
At the bottom of a wild, dark, muddy
lake there lay a small root; the mud
covered it, the frogs hid under it, and
oneo a great turtle actually trod 011 it.
"Oh, dear!" said the little root, talk
ing to itself, "how dark and IniHeuse it
is down here. Hardly a ray of light
comes to me. They tell me it is light
and beautiful above me there is a
lovely skv there; but the heavy waters
lie on me and press me down. Nobody
ever thinks of me, or even knows that I
live. lama poor useless thing, I can
not communicato with any one. I
might as well not be!"
The snow covered the earth and filled
the forest, the ice covered the lake, and
there lay the little root, coiled up in
loneliness. But when the spring had
returned, and tho snows were gone and
the ice had melted and the birds had
come and the forest had put on its man
tle of green, tho little root felt that Uiq
water was warmer, nnd she peeped up
with ono eye, and then she nestled
and felt a strong desire to see the licht.
So she shot up a long, smooth, beautiful
stem till it reached the top of the lake.
But when she attempted to draw it back
again site found it would not come.
But Instead of that, a little bud grew on
the end of the stem. She called, but
the bud gave no answer; it only swelled
and grew larger and larger, and the
rains fell on it, the sun and the moon
seemed to smile on it and cheer it, till
at last it hurst open, full of joy, and
found itself the white, sweet, pure
water-lily. lis leaves were of the pur
est white, while iu its center was a
golden spot covered with down. It lay
upon the top of the water, and basked
in the sun a most beautiful object.
The root fed it, and felt that it was
really herself, though iu a new form.
The iiumming-bird passed over it, and
tnrust its bill to suclc its sweetness.
The air all around was made sweet bv
its fragrance; still it felt that it was no
use in tho world, and wished it could do
something to make others happy.
1 At length the splashing of oars was
heard, and the lily turned around to see
what it meant. Just then she heard
the voice of a little bov In the boat, spy
ing: "Oh, father, what a beautiful lily!
Do let me get it!"
Then the boat turned slowly toward
it, and the littlo boy put out his hand
and seized it. The long stem broke off
near tho root, and tho child held it in
Ids hand. It seemed the fairest, sweet
est tiling lie ever saw.
"Now what will you do with it?"
asked the father.
"I'll look at it and smell of it."
"Is there nobody else that would like
" see and smell or it?"
V!011'1, k"?w s'r- J'i i'
o. now T
think! Would not Jane Irving love to
have it?"
"I think she would."
That afternoon poor Jane Irving, who
lived in the cottugo just under the ma
ple trees, lay on her sick bed alone.
She was a itoor, motherless child. She
knew that she had theconsumption and
must die. She was thinking about the
dark, cold grave, and wondering how
she should ever come out of it. A tear
stood iu each eye Just as the little boy
came to her bedside with file white
"fcee here, Jane, I got lliat away out
in the lake, and brought it for you. I
thought you would like it."
"Thank you, thank you! It is indeed
very beautiful and very sweet. AVhat A
long stem! .Where did it grow?"
"It grew out of the mud iu the bottom
of the lake, and this loug stem, as long
as a man, shows how far down it grew.
It was all alone not another one to be
seen. I'm glad you like it, but I must
go." And away ran the little boy.
Jane held the ptue, white llower in
her hand, and the good spirit seemed to
whisper in her heart, "Jane, Jane, don't
you see what God can do? Don't you
HPO flint nilf (if ,1'ivtr Cull ttititl tin n.i 11
...... u... u . . ,w,t lift,. IIU 1
bring n thing more beautiful than the
garments of a queen, and as pure as an j
angers wing; anti can't 11c also, irom
the dark grave, raise you pure and beau
tiful and glorious? Can you doubt it?"
And tho heart of the poor child was
fillet! with faith, and the angel of Hope
wiped away her tears, and the lily
preached of peace and mercy; when she
withered she thanked God that nothing
would be regarded as useless.
This is the way the doors of Cornell
University swung open responsive to the
magical rap of tho coming woman.
Years before tho establishment of the
university there had been a laud grant
from Congress to the State of New York,
for educational purposes, of 099,000
acres. This was given to Cornell by the
State, and as a return, that university
offered each year to receive ono scholar
! hose cod d old Ulavs It was not thouel
not -1fi.. s ,,n,i,i . c,;,i !,
I ? matter Ja'nd no trU.e'SS
iree irom every indicia! district. In
1110 omission until about two years
ago, and then it camo iu the shape of a
very bright young lady, who had grad
uated from her home school and was
prepared to and proposed to graduate
from Cornell. She had been chosen by
her district in consequence of her fitness
for tho place, and the university author
ities could do nothing but admit her to
examination. She came off triumphant,
and so was received. But now a new
difficulty arose. There were no dom
itories for ladies, and she was told she
might stay, provided she would board
in Ithica. This would require her to
walk about a mile and climb a hill,
upon the top of which the university is
perched, so long and steep tliat the path
must have beeu selected Just to remind
the student of the trials and difficulties
which beset his path. But she accepted
the conditions and climbed the hill for
two or three weeks, and then the roses
f 1 'uruim"'""" iw year eight
',ad,es, ,ISveSH5"I7,et! aJmi!i- The
dormitory difficulty has been removed
itirougu me generosity 01 a .Mr. Sage
who has given $150,000 to be used in the
erection of one exclusively for ladies.
It will not be long Lefore it is com
pleted and Cornell hereafter will be im
partial. iiirer-Occan.
Josh Billings says: "Give the devil
his ilue reads well enough iu a proverb;
but what will become of ine and you if
this arrangement is carried out?"
"Small-pox here" and "Booms to
rent" are the announcements 011 one
door of a house In Detroit.
A Crurade Against Labor.
The farm laborers of Gloucestershire,
oue of the richest agricultural regions
f England, during the summer struck
for higher wages. The land owners
treated their demands with disdain, and
regarded the movement as if it were an
uprising against legitimate authority.
The wages the former had been receiv
ing until the strike had not varied in
several yearn, but in the- meantime the
necessaries or lire nail advanced, and
the scanty pittance they received for
their work left them on the verge of
starvation. Tho idea finally reached
the farm laborers to ask for additional
wages and to form Unions to obtain
united action.
The so-called inferiorclergy had called
public attention to the condition of the
English peasantry in the very richest
counties of England, and some of the
body had endeavored to promote the
emigration of the laborers from the
poorer to 4he- better paid districts.
Some of the high dignitaries, however,
sided with the landlords, and on n re
cent occasion the Bishop of Gloucester
bitterly denounced the laboring people.
He had been nine years in his diocese
and had never heard any complaint, al
though lie had associated freely with the
people. Tills man of God enjoys prince
ly revenues. He holds a seat in the
House of Lords as one of the Lords spir
itual of the LTnited Kingdom, and judg
ing by events which have occurred iu
Parliament on several occasions during
the nast decade, he mut suffer from a
defective memory. In 110 part of Eng
land have the rural laborers fared woie
than in Gloucestershire. But this dis
tinguished prelate became indignant at
his dock for askinir for ail in
crease of wages to keep soul ami body
. .1 -r .t !.. .-. . -
logeiuer. jic tuuiigiii iitai me persons
cncouracinK the strikers should bp
ducked in the horse pond, and he ex
tolled tno liberality ot the farmers in
meeting the demands of the laborers in
agreeing to give a shilling per week in
crease, when they asked only the small
sum of three or four shillings per week
more than the wages which were cur
rent nine years previously.
The nobility followed the leadership
of the prelate. No idea of concealing
their intention, which they considered
becoming their station iu life, prevented
men f.tjirrssiuii 01 uuMuiiy 10 uie la
borers. Several of these sent orders to
the farmers that they were willinir to
give them the disposal of the cottages
occupied by the former. This, of course,
would give the right to eject the cotters
with their families from the shelter of
their roofs.
This contct has broken some of the
bonds which united the cotters to their
masters with more than iron bands, by
local attachments. Many have sought
new abodes. Others have becomeaware
of the feudal power held over their per
sons by the ability of the land owners
to eject them from their houses; and
have seen in the attitude of the prelates
of the church a crusade against their
rights, in favor of the titled classes.
Some of the laborers, honest, simple
minded men, expressed their feelings
tliat the church should attempt to wield
its influence against their right to ob
tain muter wages.
1 lie agitation winch has taken place
among the agricultural laborers will lead
to demands for many itujwrtant reforms.
Legislation is nettled to prevent tho
ejection of tenants from their cottages
in the summary manner which the laws
ofEtiglatnl now permit land owners to
exercise. The Union now numbers 130,
000 men, and the ballot will be de
manded as the best means of securing
their rights by giving them Parliamen
tary representation. In this contest be
tween the laborers and tho land holders,
it is a regretful circumstance that the
Bishops of Bipon and Gloucester did
not merit the gratitude of the poor and
lowly by being tho defenders of their
just demand-', instead of employing the
weight 01 tneir position against them
for an increase of wages, earned "in the
sweat of their brow" for their wives and
children. .SVw Francisco Examiner.
The Power of Interest.
The gradually increasing rate of in
terest should make people wary of bor
rowing money for speculative purposes,
and especially hiring it for the purpose
of unproductive property, or in the ex
pectation of obtaining permanently liigli
rents. It is the high rate of Interest
which every few years causes a general
breaking up of business, when property
and products fall in prices. This nlso is
what causes wealth gradually but stead
ily to concentrate into the hands of
comparatively a few persons in the com
munity. Take any series of ten, twenty
or thirty years, or more, and the longer
the series the more positive and con
clusive becomes the evidence of the
fact, and it will be seen that the most
profitable business in the world is the
lending of money. The high rate of
money, high rent and high taxes, must,
in the course of a few years, tend to
such a concentration of wealth as can
not fail to be injurious to society, and
will ultimately so straiten the debtor
classes as to necessitate to a very great
extent the process of wiping out old ac
counts and beginning anew. A few ex
amples will illustrate the great power of
A man buys a house for which he pays
$10,000. He leases it and charges the
tenant seven per cent, upon its cost,
clear of-insurance, taxes and repairs.
The rent is payable quarterly. A rate
or interest of seven per cent, per annum,
paid quarterly, will accumulate a sum
equal to the principal loaned or invested
in property in ten years, in mu nrst
period of ten years, therefore, his rents
build him another as costly a house as
the first. In twenty years his rents
build three such houses; in thirty years, j
seven houses; in forty years, fifteen
houses; in lirty years, uuriy-onc nouses;
in sixty years, sixty-three houses, and
in seventy years, one hundred and
twenty-seven houses. In seventy years
all these are built from the accumulated
rents of one house. These houses are
wortli $1,170,000, which sum has been
paid for seventy years of oue house
wortli $10,000. If, instead of being in
vested in tho house and lot, the $10,000
were loaned on interest at seven per
cent., and the interest collected and rc
loaned quarterly, the money would ac
cumulate precisely the same amount as
the property.
Take another illustration of the power
of interest. Two mechanics just come of
age are good workmen and desirous of
oecoming rich. Each Is able to earn a
dollar a day over and above his expen-
ses. livery six months they Invest tke
money thus earned at seven per cent,
interest, the interest navalile half
yearly. These men earn anverage of
a dollar a day beside their oxpenses,
three hundred days in each year, (hiring
forty years and four months. The! rage
is tlius sixty years and four months.
Each earns bv labor S300 ir vear for
forty years, or for the whole period,
S-12,100 together, $21,200. But the. in
terest on their returns Inaiuvl half vaarlv
ior a penoti of forty years and four
months, doubling at seven per cent.,
paid and re-invested half yearly, in ten
years and four months ainounta to
$10l,5o0 70, which added to the amount
of $21,200 earned by their labor, makes
the aggregate $123,750 70. The interest
on the sum, $24,200, earned by their
labor is $181,550 70, more than four and
a quarter times greater than the amount
they have earned by their labor. Sup
pose the two men to live twenty, years
and two months longer, that fs to the
age of eighty -one yean and six months,
and continue to loan their money. Dur
ing this period it would double twice,
making the total accumulation in sixty
years and six months $51."i,002 80. The
two men do not labor during the last
twenty years and two months, and ex
pend of their income for living during
that period $15,002 60, leaving to thefr
heirs $500,000. In forty years and four
months they earn $21,200, and live
twenty years afid two months on their
money without labor. Subtract the
money earned by labor, $20,200, and the
remainder accumulated Jy interest fs
$t75,boo. Now, not one dollar of this
$475,800 is earned by the labor of these
men. Tt is the leiral interest noon $24.-
2(m. These men live laboriously, soil
work for a very moderate compensation.
They take only the legal rate of interest.
Neither do they enter into any specu
lations. The amount io which these nations,
municipalities, and corporations, as well
as individuals are indebted, is a subject
of general complaint. AVo see here the
cause. It is an accumulation of inter-
I est. It is an accumulation of interest
i from which no adequate equivalent is
obtained, or i-l-u it is lost by unjust
' management. .There is due to the es
! tate of these,itwotmen from the small
! savings of a dollar a day, a sum of $600,
! 000. It would take the labor of a single
! man for more than 1066 years to nay his
principal; and it would require, atone
dollar per day, the constant toil of more
than 11C men to pay tho yearly interest
of $35,000. From generation to genera
tion these men might continue to pay
, tno interest, ami sun tne tinmen be un
diminished, and yet in the space of
I sixty years and six months, two men,
I from the small savings of a dollar a day,
n I... 41... f :..!,. 1 '
rttittu nit; jmnct w inimical, ha vi? ac
cumulated this amount.
Take one more example on a national
I scale;
Interest of money at six per cent, per
annum, jwyablo half-yearly, will double
the principal in eleven years, eight
months and twenty days; bat for con
venience we will call it twelve yean.
One thousand dollars loaned at six per
cent, in twelve years will accumulate to
$2,000; in twenty-four years to $4,000; in
thirty-six years to $S,000; in forty-eight
years to $32,000;"in seventy-two years fo
;hh,iwu; in cignty-iour years to $128,000;
in ninety-six years to $256,000; in 108
years to S312,00i); in 120 years to $1,24,
000. Multiply this sum by 1024 and it
will give the accumulation for 120 years
more, or $l,O4S,570,00O. Multiply litis
product by 1024, and we shall liave the
accumulation during the next 120 years,
or a period of 3C0 years $1,073,741,324,
000 one trillion, seventy-three billions,
seven hundred and forty-one millions,
eight hundred and twenty-four thousand
This is rather an incomprehensible
amount for even a nation to manage,
but perhaps we can make use of one
year's interest on the sum, which
amounts to $64,421,604 40, or over
$20 a minute for every minute in the
age of the world, allowing it to be 6,000
years old. Or if this calculation is too
complicated to be readily comprehended,
we can take the interest of it for four
months and pay off our whole national
debt. So much for the power of legal
interest. Montreal Transcript.
The old German laws show the con
tempt in which women were formerly
held. Tho following is an instance:
A common punishment for Molding
women was the "shameful stone,"
which was hung round their Hecks.
This stone was usually in the shape of a
bottle. At Hamburg, libellers and
slanderers were compelled to stand on a
block, atid strike themselves three times
on the mouth as a sign of repent nice.
This custom still existed thirty or forty
years ago. In some towns the 'Shameful
stone" was in the shape of a loaf,
whence the German saying, "a heavy
hit of bread" (fin schtccrer btisen brod).
At Lubeck it was in the shape of an
oval dish; and in other places that of a
woman putting out her tougue. Such
stones were usually very heavy; accord
ing to the law of Dortmund and Halber
statlt (134S), they were to weigh a hun
dred weight. Those who were wealthy
could purchase exemption from the
punishment with a bag full of hops tied
with a red ribbon. Anotheroid custom
punished a hen-pecked husband by re
moving the roof of his honse 011 the
ground that "a man who allows his wife
to rule at home does not deserve protec
tion against wind and weather." If
two women fought in public, they were
each put in a closed sentry-box, which
left only their liead3 exposed, and then
posted oposite each other in the mar
ket, where they remained an hour, face
to face, but unable to use their hands or
, 4RI T0 Girls. The woman who
is indifferent to her looks is no true
woman. God meant woman to beat
tractive, to look well, to please, and it is
one of her duties to carry out this in
tention of her Maker. But that dress is
to do it all, and to suffice, is more tlian
we can be brought to bolieve. Just be
cause we do love to see girls look well,
as well as to live to some purpose, we
would all urge upon them such a course
cuiujj uiiu siuuy as will cumui oi
charms as no modiste can supply.
n icauiijg aim siuuy as win comer sow
well known author once wrote a very
pretty essay 011 the power of education
to beauty. That it absolutely ehiBelleii
tho features; that he had seen many a
clumsy nose and thick pair of hps so
modified by thought akenelYJr
tive sentiment as to be 'inreeogniswl.
And he put it on that ground t weso
often sco people, mayMd uvMl
tive in youth, bloom iu ,ulAdIYhln.
a softened Indian summer of good IH
and mellow tones.