4 FJITDAY.. ....JANUARY 17, 1673. Discords, It had some grata of truth at least, That feble or the Sybarite, r or whom, because-one leal was creased, The roue-strewn couch had no delight; 1 1 hlnk not even sanguine youth Expects it (told wltliout alloy; But this l still the sober truth; A little pain can mar much Joy. Tlx pity, that one thwarting thought, Une adverse chance, one sudden fear Or sharp regret, can turn to nought The fall content that seemed to near! But this strange life of ours abound Vltu notes so subtle, they afford A thousand discords and harsh sounds For one harmonious perfect chord. Marrying "Without Love. BT ELKANOIt KIRK. No greater mistake can, probably, be made no mistake in the whole catecorv of mistakes so mischievous so produc tive of misery as the endeavor to force the young people under our control, to cut and fit their lives by the pattern we have found by careful manipulation, by alterations innumerable, to suit us. Our children must "work out their own salvation," and if it be done with "fear and trembling," there is comfort in the knowledge that One who loves us has so ordained it. The realization of our in ability to save our dear ones from suf fering should not, however, deter us from the statement and elucidation of certain great principles, without which life can be but a complication of disas ter, resulting, as we have ample evi dence all about us, in total ruin and shipwreck. The sten fraucht with the most serious consequences the step of steps in tins lauuer or me is usuany me lirst one taKeu. it wjii oe reauuy ad mitted by all who stop for a moment to tliniK, mat mere is someming glar ingly inconsistent about this social practice. The youth of twenty-one, two, or three iiniulive, undeveloped, knowing absolutely nothing of the requirements of His own life to say nothing of a double one ignorant of the lirst principlesofseir-governmentor unseiusii consideration croons ins broadclothed elbow to Miss Arauiinta Sophia Fitzgerald, just escaped from boarding-school. The dainty little hand, erhaps up to a Sonata or two, rests like a snow-flake on the ann of the proud Augustus; and with the full con sent of the families concerned, this youthful pair walk into the meshes of matrimony. "Perhaps these two individuals love each other," you say. Perhaps they do; but my experience in sucli cases would lead me to a contrary opinion. If there is a foundation of character sufficiently large and stable for love to take pos session of, then Aramiuta and Augustus will only grow closer as the years ad vance. This is what I want to say, and what I would have parents and teachers constantly impress upon the miuds of the youug: that there is not only great risk and danger in a marriage without love, but mat sucu are absolutely aud unqualifiedly wicked. Liet me tell you a little story. Two years ago I received the following letter from a very dear young friend: 'Dear Eleanor:! am going to be married one week from to-day. "Won't you please come on to the wedding ? I want you to get acquainted with my in tended. Please excuse nastc, for I am having such an abominable time with my troeeeau that I can hardly find time to t at or sleep, lovingly, JJess, P. S. Be sure and come." This was a poser. My little friend only just turned seventeen, to be mar ried! What could it mean ? Were her parents mad or dreaming, I asked my self in horror and consternation, that they should indorse the suicide of their only daughter ? That -this step would result in moral aud spiritual, if uot physical death, I very much feared, Ieing perfectly acquainted with the character of the child. Sweet-tempered, morbidly sensitive, whimsically conscientious, entirely unacquainted with society, highly imaginative, with no domestic education, I felt her to be as utterly unlit lor tins new lire sue had determined upon as the five-year-old gin at my siue. too x repueu to ner let ter, cautiously going over the ground This was her answer: "Dear Eleanor: What an old goose you are, to be sure! Unon tnv word I had a terrible nightmare after reading your jeiier. wiiat a question to ask! 'Do you love the man you are going to marry ? Why, I suppose I do; of course I do; why shouldn't I? Everybody loves him. I shall probably bo better auie to ten you aoout mis alter we are married. I don't suppose T'nm nhi enough to know much of love yet, but on iuaw:wiiat nonsense. I won't write you anotner word! wiry do you i-iuao.su. .ever your own, iJESS. Thii letter was to mea hundred times worse than the first. She didn't love her intended husband hadn't even been magnetized into believing that she loved him. The wedding was duly re ported. It was nn nlTnir in Met, trn and Jenkins was there, of course. I did not go. Six months passed. Duringall this time I had not seen Bess. One dav "he called on me. A dainty little figure charmingly arrayed, a sweet vounir face so becomingly set in its framoof curls ana lace and bright ribbons, that for some time I failed to notice that the child's eyes were sad aud restless, that there was an unmistakable droop to the corners of the lovely mouth; but when I iiu, j. saiu, -Are you not well, Bessie?" "O, yes," she replied, "but worried to death. Selwyn (Mr. Selwyn was her husband) is busy all the time witli his writing. You see he wishes to have a new book published this fall, and I don't know half the time what to do with myself. lie is urging me to go to the mountains, this summer, but it looks horrible don't you think so for a wife to go away and enjoy herself, and leave her husband home at work. But then," she replied, with a sigh, "it won't make much difference, I hardly ever see him any way." "A wife go away and leave her hus- oanti:" i inwardly repeated. What business has that child with a husband? How my heart pleaded for her; but I uareu not say a word, and she went away without giving me her confidence. Another year rolled by, during which time we met more frequently. Mr. Sel S?J!?Lat UU' dark self-contained man, Kal SfWS the thirties, I was hff to ?J2t?!luoed 10 by Hess. I found abUU? L,,ler?,ry eeuticman of great little wirJ8mJn?eltly,..oons,er ls oual to ttot oPXffi &st about no congeniality on. i' n,crc was ness ofsentiminJ on oni n' ?0.8ftmc ual culture, exrieu of u?Jtcl thoroughly formed 1 charaetor- l0t d' a the other, just what mlffli on expected from her ase-mniS ;c ,bf,T ishness. Not long agol SffS J,lAd" following. It tells Itewnlto1 "VyI)mrElcanor:-IvAllllo(.u before anybody else has a chance tliVt Mr.-Selwyn aud I have mriT".'? I find now, too late, that your question m regard to love was in oitfer. He never could have loved me, and I am certain I only admired him. It is of no use to enterinto details. Howasproud, unjust, and self-centered. I was unrea sonable, exacting, babyish. He never could have been the first, had he loved me; aud I could never have been the last, had I cared for hi in. Of course I realize that mv lifin is lil-islm! nml T ni- cept it as such, aud I only wish that uou, in mture, will so direct It that I may be the means of salvation to those tempted to leap in the dark, as I did. Preach on, Eleanor; and I will help you on the love question. Bessie." mis is tiie gospel to be preached now, the word that thousands are starving for! This will settle many other vexed questions. Make the young understand that love must be the fountain and foundatiou of marriare: that the evil re sults of such a sin must be unending. Mns. Greeley. A newspaper cor respondent thus eulogizes the late Mrs. Greeley: Hie motuer was a rareley beautiful woman, with a splendor of eyes, and a marvel of delicacy in color, while her nair was a wonder to ner menus, even up to the day sue died, so dark aud lux uriant, and line and long was it. Her wit was keen, her perceptions In cisive and alert, always penetrating to the depths of a deception, to which she was merciless. Her love of truth, about which there was no drapery or aflecta tions of any sort whatever, and her In stant exposure of disguies, gave her a reputation for severity which was mis understood by strancers. Her friendships were sweet and deep and true, and her ambitions were more intense than her husband's, if such : condition of mind were possible. She said to the writer when in a con fidential talk: "If I possessed the health, the youth, and tne advantages or my daughters J would shako the world," and she would You could eee that she spoke the truth by the Hashing of her eyes and that subtle expression or power which can not be explained, but which was always fully understood bv those who looked in her face. Jt was her heroic will that saved her life through so many years of unless, tomwon women would iiavo died, tint she .recognized tho demands which the world aud self-supposed du ties made upon her husband, and de termined to remain long enough to see her daughters fullv crown, or mature cnougii to stand upon meir individual iorces, aim sue did. Inheriting such extraordinary capa bilities from both father and mother. Greeley's daughters cannot fail to bo an nonor to me memory or both. Ladies will be deeply interested in the louowinir noto rrom mo isrUish Mcditxii Journal: M. Leindenian continues his Investigation of tho parasitic bodies, urcaarinula; round on false tresses and chignons. There are to be found at the extremity of tho hairs, and from their little nodosities, visible, on careful ex amination, to the uaked eye. Each of these nocositics represents a eoledy of aoout imy psorosperms. j-.acu psoros- uerin is spherical; but, by tho recipro cal pressure of its neighbors, it is llat- tenedand becomes discoid. Under the influence of heat and moisture it swells; us grantiar contents are transformed into little spheres, aud then into dscudo- navicciiic little ltsuorm corpuscules. with a persistent external membraue. and enclosing one or two nuclei. These pscudo-uavicelhc become free, llnat in tho air, penetrate into the interior of tuo liuman organism, reach tho circu lating apparatus, and produce various maladies. He calculates that in a ball room containing fifty ladies, forty-five millions of naviccllaj arc set free; and concludes that false hair must be wholly abolished, rctnindincr. at the same time. all interested, of the fact that perhaps in most cases, it comes from unclean sources. Idiots in Church. A clenrvman was recently annoyed by people talking and giggling. He paused, looked at the disturbers auu said: "lam always afraid to reprove those who misbehave, for this reason. Some years since, as I was preacuing, a young man wlio sat before me was constantly laughing, talking and making uncouth grimaces. Eausea anu administered a severe re uke. After the close of the service a gentleman said to me, 'Sir, you have made a great mistake. That young man was an idiot.' Since that 1 have always been afraid to reprove those who misbehave themselves in chapel, lest I should repeat that mistake and reprove another idiot." During the rest of ser vice mere was good order. Tho slave-trade is not ouite dead vet. Our Australia advices have disclosed a system which is in limited application there, the difference between which and slavery is not verv distinguishable. The Peruvian Coolie-trade is nothing but slavery out and out. A word from England and tho United States would stop it; but the unlucky "Chinese" is not quite dark colored enough to com mand sympathy. Now we learn, via Honolulu, that a regular system of slave piracy has been established in certain groups of Pacific Islands, the natives of which are stolen and sold botli to the uuano merchants and to Australia. As these unfortunates arc tolerably black, . is uiougiu meir call may ultimately cugugu .mention. Helmbold, the great Buchu man, is iiu u uuuKmpt, and a wanderer in a foreign land. He hart, for several wars. an Income of over fifty thousand dollars . jrar, irom uie sale oi ins remedies, and iiad become rich. But personal vanity prompted him to unbounded ex travagance, and ho soon becamo a bankrupt, and then a fugitive from his j-ruuuorf, anu a wanderer in foreign IUUU. A new pavement is being made in Union Park, Now York, chielly of rock imported from Switzerland, which Is first ground to powder, then heated to juu ; anu wiiuc in mis state spread upon a bed of cement It is compressed by rollers, and becomes nerfectlv smooth. and is said to form a solid surface im pervious to neat or water. We should always rest satisfied with doing well and let others talk of us as they please, for they may think thev have found a flaw in our proceedings, auu arc uetennincu to rise on our down fail, or profit by our injury. AlllSlV 13 4k 111 il .UlllltUOUiU U111J eighteen years of age, who, by herself aud two boys, runs a larm oi over 'JM acres. She put S-oOU in a fat, Paul bank last year. Joaquin Miller lias given Grace Green wood a pair of car-rings made of a Rat tlesnake's rattles, ornamented with gold. Olive culture is likely to prove an im portant Ihduslrv in Southern California. An acre will yield oil to tho value of row. .3irs,BelvaLockwootli Iately admitted cHmi?,Jiair' hanSs out 1,er shingle as crimiual lawyer at Washington. iAiPcrioJ.Ica, edKed by a young ladv. WS ,terL P. North (Lolina un! " oi JJouy Varden. Strange if True. a .kw. telesrram. Dec. IRtli. s.iva; uom me daughters or Mr. Greeley ere in Court to-day to listen to le testlmonv relative to thnlr fath er's insanity. They seemed very jolly over it. Gabriello wa3 laughing nearly all tho time, and when any quotations from Mr. Greeley's speeches were made, ouiu laugu immoderately. "I'm so thirstv." said a boy who was at work in a corn-field. "Well, work away," said his industrious father, "you Know me prophet says, rioe every one that thirsteth.' Two thousand women or cirls are em ployed in Birmingham, England, in the brass-founding trade. A recently published British pam phlet asserts that Queen Victoria, has hoarded $33,000,000. Punch savs it is very natural for a man to feel girlish when ho makes his maiden speech. LIST OF POST-OFFICES. OREO OX. IIAKER CO. Auburn, Augusta, "Baker City, ClarksviUc, Kxprcss Ilnnch, Kldonulo, Com, Humboldt Rosin. cennv. Chetcoe, -Kllcnsburg, Port Ortord. GRANT. Canyon City, . Camp Watton, Grant, . John Day City, Dayvllle. Prairie City. JACKSON. Applesate, Ashland Mills, Central Point, Kanle Point, Grant' Vans, . Hot Springs, Jacksonville, IJnkvllle I.-tngell Valley, Phoenix, ltock Point, Table ltock, Willow SiiriiiR'ji, Yanax. Joir.rniNE. Klrby, Inland, Slate Creek, Waldo. LANK. Jordan Valley, live vaiiey, Wlnsvllle. riEXTOS. Alsea Valley, eCon-allls, . King's Valley, IJlert.r, Little KIk, Xewtort, Newton, I'hllomnlli, .stnrr'n lVilnt. Summit, Toledo, laquina. CI.ACKAMAS. RarlOH-, ' lleuver, 1 Suite Creek. Can by, ClftcknmnK, Clear Creek, Cutllussvllle, Damascus, ltaclo Creek. (ilaUTI dingo, TSutto Disappointment, juRiuanu, Molalln, Milwnukle. M)uate urove, (.'oast Fork. Camp Creek, Cart Wright', Kugcne City, Franklin, Junction, ioug Tom, Mohawk, Pleasant Hill, ltattlcsnake, Sulslaw, Sprlngllvld, Willamette Forks. LINN. Albany, IlrowiiHvillc. Crawford .srlllc. Diamond Hill, Harrlsburg, Halscy, Ix-banon, Peoria, line, .Solo, Soda Springs, Shedd's. M.vmoN. Aurora. Aumsvlllc, Uuttcvllle, llrooks, FalrOeld, Fair Ground, Gerval, Hubbard's, Jcflerson, Marion, Monitor, Ncwellsvllle, Salem, Kilrerton, St. Ixuls, Stayton, Sublimity, Turner, Vernon, Wuconda, "Woodburn. Needy, Norton, Oreson City, ' Oswego. ci-vrsor. Astoria, Isthmus, imnmKi, Nelittfein. sklimnon, Miiniuer House, W'eatport. Coqullle, iminro uuy, KnehunteU l'ralrlc, North Uend, -ItHiulolpli. OOMMinlA. Columbia City, Clatxkaulne, Hauler, St. llelenx, rMiavie-s iMnnu, t?eapiHXJ!e. IWJCLAS. North Canyonville, Camas Valley, Drain, Klklun, Calrxvllle, (lard ner, Helloss". IKjklllJjlU-Vi, Myrtle Creek, Oakland, lass Creek, Itoseburc, Scottburff, Ten Mile, Umpqua City, Wilbur, Yoncalia. MULTKOMAU. Kast Portland, Portland, TILLAMOOK. Garibaldi, Neuirtx, NestookionJ Tillamook, Traxk. UMATILUt. Cecils, Cayuke, Mitchell's Station, Marshall, Meodowvllle, Pilot llock, PendIlon, Umatilla, Weston. onion. Cove, La Grande, North Powder, Oro 1)011, Summerville, Union. YAMIIII.l. Amity, llellevue, Dayton, Ijrayetle, MeMfniivllle, Mountain House, North Yamhill, Sheridan, Weul Chehallm, Wheatland, Newlerg. nethel, llridgoport, lluena Vista, Dallas, Kola, Kit Horn, Grand Itoude, Independence, Lincoln, iJicklamute, Lewlsvllle, Monmouth, Perrydale, Ricreall, Zena. WASCO. Antelope, llrldec Creek, Deftchuttea, Hood lUver, PrlnecvHIe, Scott's, Spanish Hollow, The Dalles, Wasco, Willoughby. WASHINGTON. Keavcrton, Ccntrcvllle, Cornelius, Forest Grove, Glencoe, Greenville, Hillsboro, Mlddleton. Sholl'n Ferry. Tualatin, Wapato. tVANHIXUTOX Tr.ItRITO R V. CLALLAM CO. New Dunciness, Port Angclos. CLARKE. llattle Ground, Brush l-rairie. Martin's 111 nil, Pekln, Union IUver, Vancouver. CIIEIIALI4. Cedarvllle. Chehalis Point, Klma, Hoqulam, Mnntesano, Satnop, Sharon. ,. COWLtTZ. Castle Rock, Carrollton, Freeiort, Karamn, Montleello, Oak IVlnL ISL.VND. Coupevllle, Oovelnnd, Utalady. JErrr-RsoN. Port Discovery, lnrt Ludlow, l"ort Townsend. KITSAP. niakelely, Port Madison, Iort William, Port Orchard, Sea beck. Tecknlet. SNOIIOMISn. liowell, Muklltoc. KLICKITAT. Block Ifouse, Columbus, Goldendale. KING. Black River, ICociiu, Seattle, Slaughter, Snoqualmle, Snuak, White River. LEWIS. Rolstort, Cowlltx, Claquatn, Glendem, Grand I'ralrie, lltmnhreys landing, Skookumchuck. JfASON. Arcada, Oakland, Skokomlsh, .Sherwood'ii Mills. nr.ncE. Kills. Franklin, Mtellacoom, Tacoma. PACIFIC. Bruce port, Chinook, Knappton, Oystervllle, Unity, "Woodward's Landing. SR.UI.lXtA. Cascades, White Salmon. STEVKNS. Fort Colvllle, Rock Creek, Spokane Bridge, Union FiaL WAUKIAKUM. Cathlamet, KugleCIin: WALL.1 WALLA. Delta, Pataha, Tukauon, Tottchet, Walla Walla, Wallulo. WHATCOM. Fldalgo, La Conner, Hamlsh, -Skagit,-!r1Vhulcom. Skohomish. Tualullp. TUUC3T0N. Reaver. Coal Rank, Grand Mound, Miamn rr.unc. Olymnia, Tumwnter, Youn. YAKIMA. Attanum, FortSlmcoe, Konncwock, Kittitas, Mock Sec. Hclah, laKiina. Jloncy Order OOIccs. York4PORTLANDADVERTISEMENTS.'' FIRST P K E 31 1 IT 31 Oregon State Fair, 1S1. THIS SPACE IUSERTED FOP. HIMES & BACHELDER, Steam Book and Job Printers, who Intend Oil ing It with an advertisement as soon as they get time to writo one. In the mean tlrao call on them nt93 Front St. If you want any kind ol Printlngdone. nDOtf JACOB MAYER, Importer and Wholesale Dealer In 3D DEfST G-O ODS, MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, Hats and Gents Furnishino Goods, Lmlls' and Mlnxm? TRIMMMED and untrimmed hats and BONNETS, Frames, Braids, Cordu, Ornaments, Flowers Ribbons, Trimmings, etc Dress Goods, White Goods, Tankcc Xo tlons, Etc. Ladios' Cloaks, CloaK Trirrc - mings, Etc. AGENT OF TIIE ELLENDALE VOOLEN MIU.S CO. A Ihtll SlocI; of Blanket, Yarns, Jica vers, Ttcccds and Cassimerca Constantly on a Hand. LATEST STYLES BY EVERY STEAMER - PARTICULAR ATTENTION Paid to Orders. nl 11Y. UELLINGEK Jte CO., Washington St., bet. Second and Third, PORTIND ... OREGON y E MANUFACTURE AN A NO. 1 ARTICLE OF BREAD, CRACKERS CAKES, Aud all klndsof Pastry usually found In a First ui ass uaKery. B Goods delivered to any part of the citv JZl.TInW PORTLAND LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. ROO.YB-Corner Tlrnt and Stnrk Sla., over Ijidd A Tllton's Bank. t'OBtilm Orrr Tbrre Tkonsand (Loire Cooks Ovor 100 rapors and Mapazinei. MEMBERSHIP FREE TO ALL Monthly Duesi 81 OO-Pmyable Qnnrterly Dirkctoiw Wm. a Ladd, p. c. Schnylcr, Jr., t. i"-nu, f ifc i. uKuiinti, . 11. iiracKeii. A. C. Glbbs,C H. Lewis, M. W. Fechhelmer.H. Failing, I. Blum. Officers: I. H. WAKEFIEIJ) President H. FAILING Vice lresldent P. C SCHUYLER,Jn Treasurer 31. w. KKUllllElMEIl corresponding See HENRY A. OXER Librarian and Roc Sec NOTICE. M. 31. NOUTHWOllTH, H.VS REMOVED FROM FRONT STREET to the Corner of E and Third SlreeLt, Where he may be found keeping a good supply or the best FAMILY CROCERIES, FINE TOBACCO, CIOARS, PIPES. PATENT MEDICINES AND YANKEE NOTIONS," Whore ho will be pleased to meet his old cus tomers, and holds himself in readiness to wait upon many new ones, and hopes by punctual- llvnnil ilftnlln. In Tn.f U-..I.I.I. V to receive a liberal share of patronage. i of patronage. V2n 22 3L M. SOUTHWORTH. HENDEE'S PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS, 8. W. Cor. Morrison nml lirst 8U.f PORTLAND, OREGON. PICTURES taken In all tho latest and most Improved stvles. Bnil nn! lnrr1nf .... t'1.6 coast. Wort well done and completed In side of twenty-four hours. mpBabies and Ciuldbbk should bo brought !" ootween the hoursoflo and 3, always, dressed in light dathes, s-r MISCEIjIjANEOUS.' DR. VAN DEN BERGH'S Sovox'eispu. Worm Syrup. riinLS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE J. Is warranted to expel all worms from the Bowels anu.3iom.acii, except uyv duu wumu Theproprictor has taken much pains to test the comparative merits or the principal Worm Medicines of tho day, which, numerous as the Entozoa themselves, have overspread the land, each claiming forltsclfthonameof spe clnc: and, while we frankly acknowledge that many of them are otlen successful, and do great good, were we uot assured that this combines advantages possessed by no other worm medi cine, Its Introduction at this late day would not nave oeen aiiriupicu. The pleasant tasto and exceedingly small quantity or this medicine required to test the existence of worms, or to remove every one from the system Its operating In a few hours, unaided by any othor purge, together with Its certainty of effect, constitute It one of the most brilliant discoveries ofthe age. Had we space nere, scores oi ceruuesuea might be adduced to stiow Its progressive and rapidly Increasing reputation for the last few years; but to promulgate Its fame and estab lish Its character, we only ask for n trial. t,b cTwwxlvnnernilon In all sudden attacks, as convulsions, colic, fits or spasms, gives It an unrivaled superiority. Snt by express on ro ceiptofprlce. SY5f PTOMS OF WORMS. nslin? and flush In it of the coun tenance, dull expression or the eyes, drowsl Iness, Itching or tho nose, a swelled upper lip. tongue whltely rurred and thickly upeeklfd with red polnts.feted breath, an enlarged belly, a partial or general swelling or pufflngness ot the skin, a starting in the sleep and grinding ot the teeth', a sensation as if something was lodged in tno inroai, a grauuai wasiiiiK ui iin flesh. sickness of the stomach, vomiting, a short and dryeongh.appetllo sometimes vora cious, at other times feeble, bowels sometimes costive, at other times loose, great fretfulne.ss and Irritability of temper.palns In the stomach ami bowels, colic, fits, convulsions and palsy. lis vniue in removing iuhj-.sh ji ciumun from tho stomach and bowels of children, even where no worms exist, cannot bo too highly es timated. fc Prepared and so1d,Tholesalo and retail, by DR. VAN DEN BKRGU and Agents in all cit ies and towns. Dr. Van Den Bcrgh can bo consulted on all diseases that tho human system Is heir to. His long experience In diseases of women and children cannot be surpassed by nny physi cian In the United Slates or Europe. Dr. V. ad vises ladies troubled wmi any irregularities or the uterus to trv ins new rcmeuics and get cured. By consulting nnd undergoing a simple ex amination the afflicted can learn If their dis ease !e worms or nrft. At an cvenu. Dr. Van Den Bergh ran tell them from what disease thev an" Miirerimr. Consultations and examinations frco of charge. . OKXiCK Rooms !S aud 33, over Postofllce, Salem, Oregon. letters describing ino symptoms will oe nromntlv answered, and persons living at a distance will le saved the expense aud trouble of calling on the Doctor. AuureMi 1J1U j. w. -v. ur.. iir.iiuii, 15 P. O. Box 172, Salem, Oregon. READ THIS. XTICASIO WATER-CURE Is situated In Call 1 Mrnla the healthiest State In tlm Union; In Marin counts' the healthiest In the State: nnd in Nlcnslo Valley a place combining all the advantages oi climate anu Dcauiy oi loca lion. it Is reached In a few hours from San I-ran cl-co. via cither San Itafncl or Pctaluma, and IkiIIchLs can, by special arrangement, have ifisy carriages, with IkhI, If deslreil, at vcrj low rates, bv application at Bay View Stables, San Itnnfjicl. or to the llverv stable of Unkless. Wa-lilngtou Street, Pctaluma, opposite Brook lyn Hotel. Stages leave San Rafael, Mondays, "Wednes days and Saturdays, at 2 I. jt-jStagcs leave Pctaluma at the same hour, Tuesdays aud Fridays. Nlcnslo Water-Cure has lacllitles for successfully treating the sick unexcelled by any cure. East or West Tin: physicians arc skillful, and they have had lung experience In the Hygienic treatment of chronic diseases. They employ In addition to tho common Wnter-Cure or Hygienic treat ment, Ei.ixnilciTr In baths and, otherwise, and inhalation of oxvur.x, which prove very valuable In mauycoi.es of lung and throat diseases. Thev uImi pay particular attention to all dlsea-cs i-kculiai: to women. They are of tho "Pacific Journal of Health." n periodical which has high rank as one of the best popular itoniin papers in inu worm. AVo therefore confidently assert that In no place hi the world can the sick receive, for the time aim money cxpenucu, more suostanuai UCIICUL L 11.1 1. ,, iV .IlliAIll 1, Al AL-XUnW DR. W.J. YOUNG, Manager. WE STILL LIVE! WE WILL SELL Boots and Shoes AT COST FOR CASH UNTIL NEW YEAR, At the sign of the 23 I O BOOT, K. CAHAI.IX A- ''.S, First Slrcel, under Oro Flno Theater, Portland. For Salo. MRS. HARRY GODLEY 0 F5EJH.F0R HALE HER SUPERB STOCK oi .Miiunery ana rancy Goods AT A BARGAIN. The business Is nnf nffhfk IwkI ntvlnc nf llm kind III the State.and will be sold solely on nc- uii.ii, iiiit inning neaun oi me proprieior. lor Particulars address MRS. HARRY OODLEY, v2n2j Albany, Oregon. S. M. MILLER, LAST CHANCE, MULTNOMAH CO., OGN. ncAtrit in GUocKitir.s, ritovisioNS, Ton.icco, LIQUORS, VEGETABLES, WOOD, ETC. r Opposlto the head of Sauvi'i's Island. v2nZltr JAMES F. BROWN, Attorney, Counsellor at Law and NOTARY PUBLIC. EUGENE CITY OREGON Coiisullatlons In the English, French, Ger man and Holland language. n'JU. lSmplxc Hotel, MAIN STREET, DALLES CITY, OREGON. T50ARD BY THE DAY, Week or Slonth.on .iwb ,Vi,ilUl; ll.'llil!f. Superior accommodations for families, Cncord Coach to and Trom tho house free. A large safe for tho keeping ol valuables. House open all night. n!7 THOMAS SMITH, Proprletoi MILS. V1MIAM HEXDEE, CLAIRVOYANT & MAGNETIC MEDIUM, Congress Ilnll, Until Street, Between California nnd Jlontgomcry streets, Room 43, second lloor. Circles Thursday and 2nll PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE. ALBERT A. MANNING TEEPSA FIRST-LASS BOARDING HOUSE JLV for the accommodation of people who pre- ler a auiei noma to tuo contusion oi n uuiai. Terms moderate. Olympla.W.T. n2tf. ISAAC IJERGMAX, TJXX033L 2MCa,3rl3C.O-t Cor. Second nml Washington Hts. HAVING RECENTLY PURCHASED T11W Market, I am now prepared to sell on reas onable terms tho best Meats the country af fords. -tjnk,veed"remedy: THE UNK WEED REMEDY, -.OK Oregon Rheumatic Care. HISTORY: rpiIIS RE5IEDY IS COMPOSED OF THE jciive principle ui iua uu nrru.i.iit,. TliasplnmCordalumOrlglnls.LaU Indigenous io uregon. umws most amtnuaniiy anu per fectly in Washington county. PROPERTIES, ETC.: It contains nn Active and Volatile Principle. extracted by Ether, and c bitter Tonic Prin ciple. MEDICAL PROPERTIES AND USES: It Is the most sure and sneedv cure for Rheumatism. Rheumatic Gout and Rheumatic Pains of all kinds that was ever Introduced Into the Materia Medlca. The UNIC WEED REM EDY, as prepared by us. In consequence of tho existing bitter principle, pos.sesAe.4 the neces sary virtue of being a IPo-vvex-lul Tonic, Promoting the Appetite nnd Invigorating the wiiuie jiigcsuvc Appuraius, iiius uuuiung up and strenglhenlnir the system, while at the same time the volatile principle, being ab- Korocu in me uiooa, nets specincany on we iiucuiiiaiie mison, removing 11 irom me circu lation and system. if Tliere are few remedies known to the Medical Profession which will remove the Rheumatic Poison from the blood, but whose action Is so powerful In depressing the system of the al ready enfeebled Rheumatic patient, that their use has to bo abandoned before specific effects arc obtainable, and hence the want of success in treating this prevalent and consequently heretofore incurable disease. Unlike these medicines, already known, the UNK WEED REMEDY,although producing as actfVe and as powerful effects on the blood and system In re moving the Rheumatic Poison, also possesses a strong Tonic and Recuperating Elemcntwhlch admits of Its continued use even by the most delicate and debilitated. Thus we have the combination for tho lirst time r these two necessary eiemcnis in one rcmely, which ac countsforits snperinrnnd ncver-falllngcuratlve effects In Rheumatism, Rheumatic Gout and nueumaiic mi us or an minis. N. R. The UNK WEED RKMED.Y Is partic ularly APPLICABLE TO LADIES, In conse- 4ueiicv ui lia iuuic suuiiues. TESTIMONIALS : Wo are aware of the fact that It is eenerallr nn easy matter to procure certificates attesting tho efficacy of patent remedies from a certain class of those who use them. We have selected the following because Uic names attached to them are thoe of men of the most careful and-l scrupulous character, and because the large class of their acquaintances in Oregon will nut. iur inuiiieiii, accuse or suspect incm oi any exaggeration hi the statements they may inaKc. Certificate from tlio Deputy Jailor of Mnlt- nomau vouuiy unn; City Jall'Portland, Oregon,! June 7. 1S7I. f Dr. A. M. Loryea & Co.: I was attacked with a i-cvcre case of rheumatism. It was in my thighs, hips, fingers, shoulder bfade Indeed In all the Joints of my body I suffered great pain anu iuii;uiMi. i was iiiieiiucu oy a regular phy sician, but with noe licet. I was induced to trv vourUnk Weed Remedr. and It lmmrilntl v cured mo up. I consider it, from my expe rience, iiieooiremeuy lorrucumaiism Known, ALFRED J-. TURNER. Denutv Jailor. This Is to certify that the above statement Is correct, io my own Knowledge. JOHN P. WARD, Jailor. AltaCttlifornlaBookandJobPrintlngOfficc.l 521 California street, J San Francisco. June I. IS71. 1 Dr. A. M. Loryea it Co.: For several veam I have been subject to rheumatism In my right arm nnd shoulder, tendering nro unable to work. On n recurrence of the attack some llmo since, I was induced to try your "Unk Weed ltcmedv," and iho result was a perfect cure In a few days. I took only two-thirds of the contents of one bottle. My firm belief Is that tho "Unk" Is a certain cure fur rheuma tism in all Its forms, and I would heartily rec- ouimenu an aimru-u witn inai urcadfui Uls cae to try your "Remedy" and bo cured. JNO. It. McLANE. Certificate of A. R. Shipley, Esq., special con tributor to the "Willamette Farmer," and Sec retary or the Oregon Horticultural Society: Oswego, Oregon, March 3, 1S71. Dr. A. M. Loryea: Some lour weeks ago I was entirely prostrated with rheumatism; In fact I wnsnlmost helpless. I sent to you for one Id ounce bottle of the "Unk Weed Remedy," by the use or which I experienced almost Imme diate relief, ami by the time the bottle was gone the rheumatism was gone. From mv own experience, and rrom what I havo heard others say who havo used the Unk Weed, I bellevo it to bo a certain cureforrhcumatism. Yours respectfully, A. It. SHIPLEY. Certificate from Hon. Nat. II. Lane, Pilot Commissioner of Oregon, and a member of the City Council ol East Portland: East Portland, April 19, 1S71. Dr. A. M. Loryea t Co.: I have been afflicted for several years past with "weakness In the back," nnd wandering rheumatic pains, ac-' companlcd by severe constipation. By tho use or one liottle or your "Unk Weed Remedy, or Oregon Rheumatic Cure," I have been entirely relieved, and I cheerfully recommend it as a most valuable and effective remedy. j NAT. II. LANE. J Certificate from Hon. Gideon Tibbetts, a i member of the City council of East Portland: East Portland, April 7, 1871. Dr. A. M. Loryea A Co. Gents: This Is to In form you that I have used vour"Unk Weed" for neuralgia and rheumatic pains, and found relief from the use of onlv one bottle, and can recommend It to those In need of such a rem edy. Yours, GIDEON TIBBETTS. Certlflcato from Hon. E. L. Qfflmby, ex County Commissioner of Multnomah county, Oregon: East Portland, April 1, 1871. Dr. A. M . Loryen A Co.: Ihavensed the"Unk Weed Remedy," and am satisfied it is a valua ble meillclne. It regulates and invigorates the system. This Is my experience with the Rem edy. Trnly yours, E. L. QUIMBY. Certlflcato rrom Hon. A. J. Dufur, ex-PresI-dent of tho Oregon State Agricultural Society and author of "Statistics of Oregon:" East Portland, April 1, 1S71. Dr. A. M. 1aryta. A Co.: I was afHlcted with a severe attack of chronic rheumatism; was con fined to my bed most of the tl me from January to July, when I used the Unk Weed and It cured me up. A. J. DUFUR. Certificate from James Bybee, tho celebrated stock-grower and. "King of the Oregon Turf :" Sauvle's Island, January H, 1871. To Dr. A. M. LoryeaACo.: This Is to acknowl edge the ottlcacy of yonr"Unk Weed Remedy, or Oregon Rheumatic Cure." I was -afflicted for months with a very serious attack of In flammatory rheumatism, and tried ne irlv nil of the so-called rheumatic remedies without any relief perceivable. I then tried your Remedy, nnd Its uso resulted In the most happy JAMES BYBEE. . nit: AMiica, 4iuy j, io, i, Tf A Af T rytn C T r.r?ut"i. A eetl ItemcUy," and can cliecrfullr iwm- .... v .,.,,,1. ..iiiv,c7u mm iiiiMsiiuiiniory rheumatism. It cured mo nf that disease. My ""'wi inmi, iiiiKie iiiuccu, ail my joinis were swollen and very painful. i- st-t- t wry Certlflcato from the celebrated musician, l'rot. uito viouxlemps Orecrnn Musical Institute, 1'Ortianu, .siay i, is.i. TW A r Tnn-M rn T wi, nrinrked with i wit! severe Inflammatory rheumatism, suffering great pain, and was so prostrated that I was unable to tend to my business. I used one bot tle or your "Unit "Weed Remedy or Oregon Rheumatic Cure," and was entirely cureiy it alone. oTTO'VIEUXrtMPS. PUT UP IN TEN-OUNCE BOTTLES, One Hollar nn.I Fifty fents per Bo"I PREPARED AT THE OREGON MEDICAL lABORATOSY, E.VST PORTLAND, OREGON. e-FoitSAi.KBf Ait Dttooo'BTs. lnlSa 'PORTHAXD ADVERTISEMENTS. HURGREN & SHINDLER, DIRECT IMPORTERS AND MANUFC turcrs or every variety of PARLOR, BED-R0Ojr, DINING, LIBRARY AND COUNTING-HOUSE FURNITUKE, Oik, H'nlnnt, rosewood, llntnat, Etr. MOULDINGS, MIRRORS, BLACK VALNUT LUMBER Puln, Ilnlr, .floss. Excelsior Glue, Etc., Etc., Etc. TIIE IlItGUST STOCK! TIIE BEST GOODS! TIIE LOWEST PRICES! Ware Rooms Nos. 1SG, a?, 170 and ITIor. Salmon and First Sis.. lYirlland, Oregon, nlllf DR. J. G. GLENN, DENTIST 107 Front Street. rORTLATJD -OREGON nl DR. MARY A. THOMPSON, PHYSICIAN AND ACCOUCHEUR RESIDENCE AND OFFICE THIRD ST. between Salmon and Main, opposite the Public Siuare. uaus nitenueu in nny part or the city. Batteries for sale, and Instructions irlven on the uspi of electricity as a Remedial Agent, nl. KB" "VIIEKE-50 (SB-Did 3frs. I!. Get that fat CliicHeiiT"-Ca "7-HY, DON'T YOU KNOW? SHE GOT T I aai ASCHENHEIM 4. BULKELEY'S WASKINGTOH MARKET, where they keen all kinds or Fresh Poul try, Game nnd Fish, and receive by every steamer a splendid assortment of California vegeiauies." f N. B. Consignments from the country solic tled. nlltf. MURPHY fc KELLY, PE.M.ES is FAMILY GROCERIES, COUNTRY PRODUCE, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, Corner of Third and Washington streets (op posite lTobyterlan Church), Portland, Oregon. Goods delivered to all parts of the city FREE OF CHARGE. nl MISS MACNAMARA II AS OPENED A LARGE AND CHOICE AS- sortmeiilor Millinery Goods, At 71 First St. bet. 'Washington A: Stnrk, Next door to Ladd A THton's Bank, And hopes by attention to bus! ness and prompt ness in executing orders to meet a share of pat ronage. Two Ilrst-class milliners wanted immediate ly. To flrst-elass hands highest -wages paid. Also two small girls wanted as apprentices. Apply at the store, 71 First street, Immediately aponolStf EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. J. R. VITIIERELIi, No. SO front Street, Portland, TIT ILL FIND EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL II thoe applying for situations In any ca pacity frum ood-chopper down to a Fat Of fice. Pay special attention to obtaining Farm Help, Houe Servants, Railroad Hands, etc., Irrespective of Nationality. Parties sending orders from a distance must be explicit in their orders, stating Just what they want, what they will pay, etc., (accompa nied by our office fees, 2 W, which may de ducted from employee's wages), stating wheth er they will or will not be responsible for trav eling exixMivesol hired help. UU J. H. WITIIERELL. MRS. M. J. ENSIGN, Fashionable Dress and Cloak-Maker, Third Street, Xenr AVnshluston, HAS A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF PAT ternsfor Ladies' aud Children's Clothing forsale. Dressmakers can get full assortment of oat- terns, eonslslliiic or fifteen (full size), lor $S 00, which will lie sent toany" partof the State on receipt of price. Letter of fashion, how to trim and make, will bo sent with each package. Prices of single patterns: Ladles' suits, tl 00; polonaise, 73 cts. : oversklrt.Cki cts.; waist's, cts.; children's suits.75cts.; oven-klrLfficts.; waist, 2icts.; boys suits. 7o cts. Cutting and fitting done on short notice. Please state age In fending for children's patterns. The above palterns will lie made for home use, and will be found much superior to East ern made. All orders promptly attended to. Give me a call. 2nS MRS. M.J. ENSIGN. SAX FRAXCISCO. THE FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE TriIJ, SEW EVERYTHING NEEDED IN V- a fiunlly, from Iho Heaviest to the Light est fabric. it lions more avork. MORE KINDS or WORK, AND KirrTER WORK Tlian any other Machine If thereis a Florence Sewing Machine within ono thousand miles orSan FranoJsco network ing we'll or giving entire mtlsAiotion, If I am lnformeil of It, It will be attended to without expense .Tany kind to the owner. SAMUEL HILL, Agent, 10 New Montgomery St., Grand Hotel Building, v San Francisco BiqD FOB Uni'UAKS AMI SUU'LEV OK. HOBK' Active Affects Wantod Evory whore, p. tavs. fjrrttJ ""hr '